#Tfp fanfic
Starscream is given a bath, Part 1:
First 832 words out of a total 1773 and counting! I never expected this would turn out so long, but I’m not complaining. Aircraft sizes and possibly physics have been ignored to make this fic possible. Thank you for reading. This is my first time writing Transformers fanfics, so I’m kind of nervous. Laying out my heart to you guys here.
Note: “partner” in this context means they are working together as a pair, not a romantic partnership. I’m writing as if Starscream has entered an uneasy alliance with the Autobots in S2 but refuses to join them officially.
Part 2: here
“Okay, you can get in the water now.”
It was incredibly early in the morning, and the human had gotten up to drink some water only to see a somewhat dirtied up Starscream looking up at her through the window. The two were technically partners now, but they were still getting to know each other. It was a learning curve with Starscream, but he always seemed to respond well to positive feedback.
“Careful what you wish for, human.” Starscream had a suspiciously devious grin on his faceplate, and it only took a moment for his transformation sequence to finish and then the human was left with a full-size F-16 in her bathtub.
The vehicle mode somehow actually fit, with the landing gear deployed to hold it up just barely above the waterline. This meant she was going to have to do all the work herself, without any help from him.
Even without his face visible, she could practically feel that smartass smug look burning into her.
“Something wrong?”
“You know, if you’re gonna behave like a plane, I could always get the pressure washer.” She joked, the words accompanied by a smirk.
The rudder and ailerons moved suddenly in a slight panic, and the human could’ve sworn she even saw his wings themselves twitch, despite being in his altmode.
“THAT infernal device?? Do you take me for some kind of mindless, unfeeling Earth-plane you can just manhandle as you please?!”
His voice was filled with surprise, which over the course of his words gradually grew into offense.
She was trying to take him seriously. Really, she was. But there was an airplane. There was an airplane in the bathtub. And it was yelling at her. With a cracking voice. And it was five in the morning. The quiet must’ve felt uncomfortable to Starscream, because he chuckled nervously and spoke up again, this time sounding more concerned. He was using his kicked puppy voice, which he favored whenever he wanted to get out of something.
“You wouldn’t be so cruel… would you?”
“No…” she sighed. “No, of course not, I was only kidding.” The human smiled and rolled up her pant sleeves before doing anything else. She gave him a slight pat on the undercarriage, which elicited a “Hmph.” from the seeker.
“Alright, now how are we supposed to…” She tried, and failed, to bite back a yawn.
“I guess I could begin with the lower half of the fuselage… gear… engine intake…”
“I don’t care how you begin, just be quick about it! I can’t be sitting around here all day.”
She ignored the somewhat patronizing instruction, putting one leg over the side of the bathtub, and then the other. The human then reached behind him and grabbed a sponge, wetting it in the lukewarm water of the bath before pouring some soap on it. She moved a little closer, placing a hand on his nosewheel.
“Gonna clean the landing gear now. I’ll have to get all up in your wheel well.”
The reply came back uncharacteristically quiet.
She stood up on the nosewheel, shower head in one hand while the other held onto the gear assembly. The human took her time, pouring warm water over the joints, the shock absorber, the steering system. The wheel wells, an area of the aircraft that were a mix between internal and external, made the differences between Starscream and a regular F-16 easy to spot. He was far more streamlined than his Earth-made counterpart, having little to no exposed cabling and appearing somewhat sleeker overall. He had several joints on the gear to allow better maneuverability on the ground, and it looked like he could even lower his fuselage closer to the ground if he wanted to. She repeated the process with his main wheels. The nosewheel’s well was relatively shallow, whereas she found the main wheels had enough room to almost be considered a crawl space. The human thought about these traits, trailing a hand over a thin line of blue light illuminating the area where the wheels would be stowed.
She didn’t know he had that until now, but it made seeing her way under the fuselage easier. Starscream occasionally shifted above her. He didn’t speak much, only commenting now and then on how long she was lingering, or that she was touching too much. She took notice that his tone of voice was not genuine. It did not convey the irritation Starscream usually made very clear that he was feeling. It was as if he was complaining out of obligation, as if he didn’t know how to feel about what he was experiencing. The feeling of being cleaned like this was…awkward, slightly uncomfortable, but not bad. Even after receiving a human partner of his own, he had never quite gotten used to something eerily squishy rooting around in his exposed parts.
The struts compressed without much resistance when the human pressed down on them, dipping the jet into the water.
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icekingofhope · 3 months
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so I wanna do make content for the transformers prime fanfic stop me by @megadoomingir
but I couldn’t do art for it unfortunately cause I suck at drawing the transformers characters (WHY ARE THEY SO DIFFICULT TO DRAW?!)
so I decided to do the next best thing…that is memes spoilers for TFP stop me btw
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NOW keep in mind they are not much and it’s been awhile since I’m reading the fanfic cause I was busy and such but I had fun making them
anyways I highly suggest reading TFP stop me it will be worth your while
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harventheblorbo · 2 years
Can you do a Tfp headcanon of the cons' reaction to their s/o is about to fall off from a great height trying to get something?
Head cannons for the TFP deceptions reaction to their human S/O almost falling from a high place trying to get something!
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Containing; Megatron, StarScream, Soundwave, Knock-out, Breakdown, and Shockwave
___ is human and Gender neutral
Warning; None
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When he sees you climb up something, he double takes and just gives you a dumb stare. His optics follow the path on where your trying to go and see your trying to grab something up high on one of the nemesis's shelf in the throne room.
He walks over to where you are just in time for you to lose your grip and almost fall. He quickly catches you with two servos. He gives you a lecture on how dangerous it is as he grabs the item you wanted.
When you fell it almost gave him a heart attack even if he won't admit it. He cares about you even if he doesn't show it but he would go insane if you were injured whilst he was in the room.
When starscream sees you on something high, he freaks out and runs over to where you are and trys to calmy pick you up. He's pretty nervous with you being a human and how small and vulnerable you are.
When you look up at him with confusion, he questions why in the all spark you would climb up the tall shelf that was more than 10 times your size with no supervision.
When you answer that you wanted to grab something that you wanted to get, he sets you aside and grabs the item you wanted to get and give you it.
Sound wave;
Normally, you ask him to grab you something but unfortunately, he was busy and you didn't wanna ask him since you felt too embarrassed to.
When he glances over you climbing up a shelf, he panics a little in the inside. He walks over and stares at you until you look back. He uses voice clips from other bots to ask what you are doing.
When you respond, he asks if you need help. Right as you are about to answer, he quickly grabs you. When you respond, he grabs the item and bring you and the item over to his monitor.
When he hears some grumbles and you struggleing to get up, he naturally gets curious. So, he looks at your direction and gets immediately scared. He panics and runs over to where you are.
When you slip and fall a little abit, you end up stretching your knee before he can get to you. When he finally catches you, he pauses for a moment.
He unfreezes and stands up straight thinking for a moment. He glances down at you and exames you quickly. He puts you down and treats you quickly as he asks what the hell you were doing. He quickly grabs the item and puts it next to you.
Just after he sees you on the shelf, he rushes over as you trip while climbing up. He quickly picks you up. At this point, his level of anxiety is through the roof and just trying to process what happened while also trying to figure out what to say.
He brings you over to the med bay as he doesn't know how to patch you up all that well as knockout does. He lectures you on how you should have asked him to grab whatever you wanted to grab.
Shockwave is usually the first person that you talk to whenever you need something that is beyond your reach. Unfortunately, today you were having a bad day and didn't feel like being a burden and asking him.
Yet, when you crawled up the shelf to grab it, you unfortunately slipped and landed right on your behind which caused a sharp pain. Shockwave heard you wheeze in pain as it rather took the air from your lungs.
He speed walked to where you were and quickly grabbed you with his servos. He asked what was wrong and what happened. He nods as he listens as his antennas twitch. He listens and sets you aside and grabs it and gives it to you.
He gives a small lecture on how it was illogical for you to not ask you as he carries you to knockouts med bay.
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spreadwardiard · 6 months
The Rot (part 2)
Dazed and confused, Orion pax comes online surrounded by rubble. Luckily, he isn't alone. However, that does not mean he's safe.
Part 2 of my 'inspired by MLP infection' AU! I hope y'all enjoy it! Again, big thanks to @lets-try-some-writing for all the help and encouragement!
Part 1 here
The hot, yet soothing tingle of his self-repair system’s nanites tending to the aching wounds of his frame was what finally brought Orion’s processor back online. His awareness floated slowly in and out, only able to sense the slowly ebbing pain signals from his damaged frame. His helm throbbed aggressively if he so much as even attempted a thought. It was reassuring, however, that each time Orion’s awareness floated back to him, he ached a little less and that his thoughts were able to come more freely. 
Where was he? Even without his full processing power, he knew that he was not in the safety of his berth. Accessing his memories did little to answer that question. He recalled Megatronus contacting him about a train, and he could remember that he had indeed left his hab, but beyond that, his memories were still too damaged to retrieve. The only option available was to allow himself to float away once more and allow the nanites time to continue their repair.
When he next came to awareness, it lacked the gentle ebb and flow of before. Rapid flashes of his most recent memories assaulted him in waves: coming online to an unexpected call, Megatronus’ unexpected declaration of affection, his walk to the station, boarding the train… 
His processor throbbed as if it would burst while the emotions tied to his memories crashed into effect: confusion, worry and then fear. Orion’s optics shuttered online just as the panic hit him. He sat rapidly, causing his helm to spin and his optical input to become distorted. 
“Shield your field!” The command was hissed at him with quiet urgency, and Orion clamped down on instinct. He brought his servo to his helm and groaned softly as he rubbed at his closed optics with his palm in a desperate attempt to placate the pain in his processor. 
“What happened?” Orion croaked out softly. Behind him came the soft shuffling of small pedes, and before Orion could even process what that meant, his companion was at his side.
“There’s no time to explain, Can you walk? It isn’t safe here.” Orion reset his optics, and slowly opened them once more, relieved that his inputs were no longer spinning. He was surrounded by broken glass and crumpled sheets of metal, dangerously sharp. Strips of soft mesh cabling dangled from above him, some slowly dripping fluids that he couldn’t identify. 
Orion’s optics finally found his companion. He ex-vented in relief as he was struck with recognition. Ravage observed him with a raised optical ridge, and the look on his face gave Orion the impression that the cassette hadn’t expected him to come online as suddenly as he had. 
“I think so?” Orion whispered through his grimace as he felt the stiffness in his hydraulics as he shifted his weight, to maneuver onto his knees. A flurry of diagnostic pings assaulted his HUD, alerting him to several injuries that were, luckily, non-critical. 
“Good. We need to leave. Now.” It was a command, and one Orion thought almost sounded laced with fear. Ravage darted forward, his cyber-feline frame having no issue ducking beneath what appeared to be the mangled remains of a bench that had been partially ripped from the walls in the crash. 
It wasn’t especially difficult to maneuver his frame through the small space, but it did ache like the Pits to crawl his way through what was left of the compartment. He was dangerously low on fuel, that much was obvious by how exhausting it was to hold his frame and move at such an angle. 
That also explains why my nanites did not complete my self repair. Orion thought as he dragged himself forward through the jagged remains. By the time his helm popped through a crushed window, he was venting heavily, and his arms shook with the strain of holding up his weight.
“Hurry. We don’t have much time.” Ravage paced nervously outside the wreckage, his optics constantly scanning around them. Orion begrudgingly hauled himself free from the shattered window and grimaced as he stood, taking only a klik to allow his optics to adjust to the increased light before following the cyber-feline between two hunks of deformed metal. 
Orion almost couldn’t believe the utter devastation around him. Smashed bits of transport compartments lie crumpled as far as he could see. Mutilated remains of Cybertronians were scattered haphazardly about, some obviously crushed by impact alone, while others looked…. Gnawed at, as if something had consumed them. 
He’d never seen anything like it before, not even on his long deep-dives into the darkest reaches of the data-net. Orion’s tanks churned, hot and sickly sweet, at the thought of what could have done damage like that. Some of those bodies were completely eviscerated… 
Orion focused his optics on Ravage, not wanting to see any more of the surrounding carnage than he had to. This was beyond wrong.  His internal chronometer told him that he had been offline for several cycles, which should have been plenty of time for rescue crews to have saved not only him, but everyone else strewn around. Surely, the Transport Commission would have sent a crew to clean the debris off the tracks. 
It seemed that he and Ravage were the only two living mechs around. But if that were the case, what had Ravage so anxious? It was painfully obvious as Ravage led him through the debris field, zigzagging to stay in the shadows of the rubble, that he was trying to avoid them being seen, but from whom, Orion couldn’t begin to guess. 
It seemed like the rubble stretched forever. The closer they came to the front of the train, the worse everything seemed to be.  Train compartments were smashed against and piled atop each other in such a disordered way that it almost could have been beautiful. If only the place wasn’t littered with corpses and plastered with splattered energon.
“Hey!” A panicked voice called out to the pair, causing Ravage to startle and Orion’s helm to whip towards the source of the sound. A young mech, pinned at the waist beneath a large scrap of steel, waved frantically at them. “Oh! Thank Primus, you’re not one’a them…” He could see the fear that emanated from his optics and the stains of dried optical lubricants painted down his face. 
Orion thought nothing of it. His internal processes immediately flooded him with coding to provide aid. He rushed towards the trapped youngster, ignoring the pings flooding his circuits from his injuries. He wasn’t that far from them. 
“Pax! Stop!” Ravage called out to him in a harsh whisper, his frustration evident in the slight growl lacing his command, but Orion could not heed that request. Not when his coding so persistently urged him to help someone so desperately in need.
“You gotta get me outta here! They’re coming!” A wall of hunger assaulted the archivist’s EM receiver, unlike anything he’d ever felt before: thick, desperate, and driving. Something was coming, that was for sure, and Orion had a feeling that whatever it was, was the same thing that had caused all the carnage he’d been trying to avoid looking at. He had to get him out fast, or he’d be torn apart, just like the corpses littering the whole area. 
A weight slammed into him from behind, sending Orion careening face-first into the ground. Ravage hunched atop his back and hissed furiously into his audials. “There isn’t time, Pax! They’re here! We have to leave him!” 
Orion lifted his helm, anger coursing through his circuits like an inferno. He opened his intake to retort, but was frozen solid in fear when a shambling mech, painted in red and gold, tumbled down from atop the hunk of metal pinning the youngling down, landing with a ground shaking thud. Chunks of his armor were missing from his frame, and Orion immediately recognized the same thick, green goop oozing from his intake and down his front as he saw the drunken mech purge before the crash. 
The youngling screamed as the mech shambled towards him. Ravage jumped, and suddenly was in Orion’s line of sight, their faces nearly touching,
“We have to go now! More will come!” Ravage pushed his entire face against Orion’s aggressively, an obviously desperate attempt to push him up onto his pedes. The youngling’s field erupted suddenly in a hot, sickening burst of panic. “There’s no saving him now, Pax!”
Orion couldn’t remember getting to his pedes. Everything happened so fast. The shambling mech grabbed the youngling by the arm and mercilessly tore at the plating. Another mech, covered in the same putrid ooze, shambled forward from the shadows, and Orion’s processor flooded him with a new command: Run! 
Ravage was two steps ahead of him on that front, and Orion instinctually followed the cassette as he swiftly led them away, even passing more of the shambling, rotting mechs that were hobbling towards the source of the screams. 
The youngling’s field projected his agony and fear of death far beyond the wreckage field, and by the time the screaming stopped, Orion was venting far too heavily to even notice its absence. He ran until the pressure building in his hydraulics overpowered his internal command to flee. 
His HUD flashed red. He was overheating, and his hydraulics couldn’t continue at the brutal pace that his survival coding had forced on him. He had to stop. His frame shook from the overexertion. He couldn’t stop the anguished screams of that mech from playing on loop in his processor. If he’d had any fuel in his tanks, he would have purged it all right then. 
“Snap out of it, Pax. We can’t stop now. We’re almost there.” Ravage’s annoyed whisper broke through his inner turmoil. Ravage was right. He couldn’t afford to stop. Not when those things were out there, likely to follow them once they were finished with-
No! Orion forced the thought out of his processor and forced his legs forward, despite the stinging pressure and pinging diagnostics. He wasn’t ready to return to the Well just yet. He was grateful that Ravage accepted this slower pace that his frame now demanded. 
They were following the tracks. Orion hadn’t noticed when they were running. All he was able to focus on was Ravage and trying to keep up with the far nimbler cyber-feline. He wasn’t even entirely certain how far they ran before he stopped, and he absolutely was not about to turn around and find out. 
When they finally stopped, it was at what appeared to be an empty Emergency Depot. They were scattered relatively regularly along the various strings of transport lines around the planet. Ravage led him inside, and as soon as the door snapped shut behind them, he let out a furious hiss. 
“Don’t you ever do something that slagging stupid again! You almost got the both of us killed!” Orion jumped away from his smaller companion and opened his intake to respond, but Ravage gave him no time to do so. 
“I will not die for you, Orion Pax.  Do you understand me? If you pull something like that again, I will leave you behind! I don’t care if you’re Megatronus’ favorite upper cast plaything. You ain’t worth dying for!” 
It was like the very air was sucked from his vents. Orion deflated, his gaze falling to the floor and his finials lowering. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know” 
Ravage sighed dismissively and flicked his tail. He said nothing for a few kliks, but Orion didn’t want to think about why. He had too many other concerns vying for his attention. His tanks ached with their emptiness, and his frame felt heavier than he’d ever remembered it being. He ached deeply, down to the protoform, and he still had no clue what was going on. Overshadowing all of that was the fear that clawed at his spark and made him wish he’d just slipped into stasis instead of coming online to this nightmare. 
“Frag… you’re a real piece of work, aren’t you, Pax?” Ravage said, but his tone was gentler than before. It made Orion think of when he was a sparkling, annoying his caretakers for attention, which, unfortunately, didn’t make him feel any better in the moment. 
“Megatronus just told me to get on the train. Ravage… is he alright?” The cyber-feline rolled his optics and turned to slink deeper into the building. Orion had no choice but to follow, making sure to close and lock every door they came through, just in case. 
“I don’t know. Comms are down all over. I can’t even contact Soundwave.” Ravage huffed softly at that. “I found this place about 2 cycles ago. There’s some energon rations stashed in the back, and some mediberths if you need to recharge. They, uh… they haven’t come back. They tend to hang around the crash.” 
“The rations taste like scrap, but the packaging says it's nutritionally complete,’ whatever that means.” Ravage shrugged, and hopped up onto a sofa in the dimly lit space that Orion could now see was a lounge of sorts, probably for the mechs who normally were stationed here. 
Orion couldn't care less how the rations tasted. His tanks demanded refueling, and his coding told him that he would feel better all over if only he could get something into his him. He tore into them, devouring one after the other. He hadn’t even realized how hungry he was, or how much his systems had been starving for the power to simply function. It took four entire ration cubes to satiate him. 
The effect struck almost immediately once he lowered his last cube to the floor. His self-repair routines rebooted, and he suddenly felt the overwhelming urge for recharge. He didn’t even try to make it to the mediberths. The lounge sofa was much closer, and right now, it looked like the most comfortable thing on the entire planet. 
Ravage only huffed softly as he hopped down from the sofa, and up onto the adjacent chair, where he curled up in the way that cyber-felines did; curled in a ball with his helm tucked under his tail.
“We can’t stay here.” Orion said, his voice just above a whisper. His processor was fighting against the wave of recharge that was crashing over him, forcing him to think about how close those things really were to them, and mixing those thoughts with how much he wished Megatronus was here… 
“Not for long, no.” Ravage glanced up at him, with a raised optical ridge, his tone dry and tired. Orion tried to keep his optics focused on him. 
“I promised him I would get there.” Orion’s vocalizer started to slur his glyphs, and Ravage tilted his helm and scrunched his optics in confusion. 
“Promised who?” Ravage’s tone said that he really didn’t care. 
“Mega…” Orion’s optics shuttered closed, and he in-vented deeply to quell the anxiety that still bubbled behind the coding trying to force him into recharge. 
The cyber-feline snorted at that and laid his helm back down. 
Orion frowned and forced his optics back open. There was still too much data he needed to understand what was happening around him. 
“What happened to everyone?” 
Ravage sighed at that question, and lifted his helm to meet Orion’s optics once more. 
“Shut up, Pax, and recharge. I’ll tell you all I know when we come online.” 
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errolluck · 5 months
Summary: Megatron had finally recovered from his coma and everything seemed to return back to normal in the Nemesis. But while he was glad to have his leader back, that was not enough for one Decepticon…
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: None! Just lay back and enjoy the fluff :)
Word count: 3.7k
English isn't my first language. Sorry in advance for any grammatical error.
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Megatron walked across the Nemesis halls, his footsteps reasonating across the ship. From time to time, he encountered a pair of Decepticons, they would greet him and continue their ways.
Since he had woken up from his coma, the other Decepticons treated him with more respect and fear than before, and that was saying something when talking about fearing Megatron. Maybe having witnessed Megatron’s strength and resilience by surviving the impossible had brought back an old admiration that many in the Decepticons had lost time ago, especially after him disappearing for three years in space.
As he walked through the empty hallways, Megatron spotted the coming slender figure of Soundwave, his most loyal and fearsome warrior.
He hadn’t said it out loud, but he had missed Soundwave a lot. As they got closer, Megatron could feel his spark beating faster. Soundwave’s sighting was enough to make him feel like that.
When they finally encountered each other in the middle of the hallway, both stopped in their tracks. Megatron’s crimson optics stared at Soundwave’s visor, his spark accelerating with each second that passed.
“Soundwave” Megatron greeted the communications officer softly. The Decepticon returned the salute with a head nod.
They both looked at each other for some moments, in complete silence. Megatron opened his mouth, trying to formulate something, but nothing came out. He started to walk away but, suddenly, he felt something pulling his hand.
Megatron looked down and saw Soundwave’s fingers holding his hand tightly. The red optics then changed their focus to the Decepticon that refused to let go; Soundwave was giving his back to Megatron but his posture gave the Decepticon leader an idea of what was happening.
“Soundwave?” Megatron asked, their hands still joined in a tight grab. “Do you want to tell me something?”
Soundwave turned around to look at his leader. There was a second of silence before Soundwave let go of Megatron’s hand and, before the leader could say anything, laid his visor in Megatron’s chest with his arms dropped.
Surprised at first, he let Soundwave lay on his chest for a few minutes; it had been a long time since Megatron had such a close interaction with Soundwave and he could feel a warming but comforting sensation rising up inside his chest. Megatron put his hand under Soundwave’s visor to lift his head up and looked at him.
“Now, Soundwave, what is it that you want from me?” Megatron asked. “It’s not usual of you to be this needy.”
Soundwave made a click and played an audio of someone else’s voice.
“Together” Soundwave played the recording as he moved his head to the side, indicating that he wanted to go somewhere else.
Megatron stared at him for a few minutes, thinking about the proposition that had been made to him.
“I see… You want to spend time with me, am I right?” A quick nod from Soundwave confirmed Megatron’s assumption. He smiled. “And I can correctly assume you have already planned out all of the activities you wish to do with me today?”
Another nod was Soundwave’s response, Megatron made a noise of satisfaction.
“Oh, my dear Soundwave��” He let go of Soundwave’s visor slowly. The communications officer leaned his head forwards just to feel Megatron's touch for a little longer on his chin. A silver claw caressed the black visor before letting go. “Let's get out of here.”
. . .
Soundwave and Megatron, both in their alternate modes, flew together across the clouds and the infinite blue sky. It was sunny outside, but some gray clouds in the distance threatened to cover the light with rain and lightning.
They were side by side, with Megatron following each change of direction Soundwave made. A growing curiosity invaded Megatron, who’s mind started to wander around the possibilities of what his communications officer had planned for them that day.
What could possibly this planet made of dirt have that picked Soundwave’s interest, to the point he wanted to share it with him?
The silent Decepticon started to descend and Megatron followed him. They were heading to a canon full of steam, making the visibility a little harder as they landed slowly. As the ground came closer, Megatron managed to spot several pools; he assumed those were the reason for the exaggerated amount of steam there was around them.
With a quick move, both Decepticons transformed back into their normal forms. They had landed in the ground of rock above the giant cloud, just some meters away from a fall that, if someone slipped into it, could lead to serious damage.
Soundwave looked back at Megatron, almost as if he was expecting permission from his leader to continue on his plan, or, maybe, he just wanted to check up on him.
Whatever it was, Megatron nodded and followed Soundwave as they started to crawl deeper and deeper into the canon. Megatron raised an eyebrow, now more curious than ever to see what Soundwave was planning and why he had brought him there.
It took a while, but finally they were able to walk into a natural path of rocks that the time had formed. Soundwave turned around to look at his leader and pointed to something. Megatron’s optics followed his hand and saw the reason why Soundwave wanted to come here with him.
Just a little below them there was a giant hot spring, big enough to fit at least ten robots inside of it. Warm steam came out, surrounding Megatron and Soundwave, leaving a nice sensation in their systems.
“Reminds me of the oil baths back at Cybertron” Megatron turned to look at Soundwave with a grin. “Now I understand why you wanted to bring me here.”
He moved his head, inviting the other Decepticon to go in with him. Megatron slowly but surely jumped into the warm waters, feeling a complete relaxation of his structure; he closed his perceptors. Soundwave followed shortly.
“Oh, this feels good…” said Megatron as he lowered his head, letting only the superior half of his face above the water. “Won’t you agree, Soundwave?”
Megatron opened his eyes again, and found a cube of energon in front of him; he raised his body again and grabbed it with curiosity. Megatron looked at Soundwave for an explanation, but saw that the other Decepticon had also a cube of energon to drink himself. The leader grinned.
“Ha! You really planned this out, didn’t you?” Megatron said before sipping the beverage.
. . .
They spent hours in the springs. Megatron and Soundwave, reunited once again, spend the time talking (this more on Megatron’s part), watching old recordings and enjoying each other’s company.
The warm ambient along with the calming sounds around them made both Decepticons forget all of their worries and stress. It was almost as if the war and constant battles against the Autobots were nonexistent, that Megatron never disappeared for three years and that his coma never happened. It was just them and that’s all they could care for.
Soundwave was laying on Megatron's chest, snuggling and holding onto his leader with his long arms as Megatron caressed his black visor with one of his claws. He was purring softly, creating small vibrations that reached Soundwave’s spark, making him feel complete and in calm once more. The Decepticon buried his head into the warlord’s chest as much as he could; how much he had missed him…
“Soundwave…” purred Megatron, picking up Soundwave’s attention. He lifted his head to watch his leader, but kept holding Megatron, refusing the idea of letting go of him even a second.
Megatron leaned his head and landed a soft, delicate kiss on Soundwave’s forehead, making the other Decepticon’s spark beat faster in joy.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes. It wasn’t until the sun had started to set in the horizon when both robots crawled out of the spring. Water dropped from their bodies, leaving a trail behind them as they walked away from the canon.
“That was good,” said Megatron, looking at his partner beside him. “What's next?”
Before Soundwave could show to Megatron what he had in mind, a shot from a blaster flew just barely above their heads.
Megatron turned quickly to look where the fire had come, unconsciously putting himself in front of Soundwave in a protective stand, charging his cannon while his perceptors analyzed the surroundings, looking for threats. Soundwave also changed his position, ready to attack anything that dared to hurt Megatron.
There was a second of dead silence before multiple shots were fired against the Decepticons. Megatron reciprocated the fire, blasting his cannon against the bushes where the attackers were shooting.
“We are too exposed here!” Megatron yelled at Soundwave, seeing a blue shadow run to the other side as a yellow blur went the opposite direction. They had been expecting them. “Soundwave, retreat!”
Soundwave wanted to disobey for a second, to put himself before Megatron and gain time for his leader to escape.
But as always, he did as Megatron said. Soundwave ran off and, with a swift jump, he transformed into his alternate mode before flying away.
For a moment, he heard nothing but the fire of the ongoing battle behind. For a moment, he was alone once more. For a moment, he didn’t feel Megatron.
Then, suddenly, after crossing the sky full of doubt, Soundwave finally heard another jet behind him. The familiar roar of Megatron's motors made his spark gain calm again.
Both Decepticons flew back to the Nemesis in silence, side by side.
. . .
“Those damn Autobots... It almost seems that they have nothing else to do, other than bothering me.”
Megatron had been injured in the battle against the Autobots. As he tried to avoid Bumblebee’s quick fire that aimed for his head, a shot from Arcee had landed on his arm, leaving a nasty black burn on it.
Knockout had checked him up immediately (to Soundwave’s insistence) and said it would eventually fade out, since it wasn’t as serious as it seemed at first. Still, the surprise attack, plus Starscream's comments on the situation, had ruined Megatron’s good mood. Now he was in his personal quarters, sitting on his berth with Soundwave, as the communications officer took a look at his newly adquired injury.
Megatron growled before looking at Soundwave. His third-in-command had been just staring at his arm, carefully pressing his thin fingers on the black mark, trying to comfort his leader. Megatron’s gaze softened at the view; with his other arm, he put his hand on Soundwave’s chin, lifting up his head so he could talk to him.
“I hope you aren’t very upset about what happened, Soundwave” said Megatron. Soundwave didn’t nod or shake his head, but Megatron could read that his partner wasn't pleased about how things had turned out with his plan, probably feeling guilty about his burn mark. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Soundwave just laid his head on Megatron’s shoulder as an answer. The leader corresponded by pulling him closer with his arm, feeling the warmth of Soundwave’s chest. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, without saying anything.
A loud thunder striked in the sky, the sound echoing inside the room. Megatron and Soundwave raised their heads, hearing the rain from the outside pouring against the walls of the ship, creating a constant tapping on the walls.
The leader looked down, where Soundwave continued to look away, listening to the rain. His posture was more relaxed than moments before the thunder and his focus seemed to be finally on something else that wasn’t the warlord’s injury.
Megatron then had an idea:
"Let’s go, Soundwave," he said to his partner. The communications officer lifted his visor, staring at Megatron curious. Megatron got up from the berth and inclined his head, inviting Soundwave to follow him. "I have an idea you might enjoy."
Soundwave just nodded before leaving the berth and walked out from the dark room along with Megatron.
. . .
The door of the Nemesis’ roof opened and both cybertronians walked out. The rain poured intensely with lightning painting the sky with white for a second before a loud thunder clashed.
“This noise makes you believe that you were back in the middle of Kaon’s arena, won’t you agree, Soundwave?” Megatron extended his arms, letting the rain fall against his body. The noise sounded exactly as a roaring audience, full of cybertronians that demanded a bloody spectacle.
Soundwave looked at his leader. The combined noise of the pouring water and thunder transported the communications officer back to the first time he and Megatron met, when they were the best gladiators of all Kaon, feared and adored by other bots who looked up at them with shine in their optics.
Who would have thought that his most brutal combat that ended in a draw had been the best thing that could have happened to him? If he hadn’t fought Megatron that day, he would have never met the cybertronian he would give his life for.
Megatron turned around, with a smile painted all over his face. He leaned over his body, adquiring a fighting stance.
“If I know something to cheer you up,” yelled Megatron above the rain, moving his hands towards him, inviting Soundwave to engage in combat, “is a good training session!”
Soundwave stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then, his posture went from his usual calmness to a more predatory and alert position. He extended his feet with force, stomping the ground: Soundwave had accepted Megatron’s challenge.
“Come on, Soundwave!” Megatron was filled with joy and excitement. “Give me your best move!”
Soundwave stayed still for a few seconds, analyzing the situation. Then, as fast as lightning illuminated the sky around them, he charged towards Megatron at full speed. The warlord had seconds to block Soundwave’s attack, covering with his arms as the communication’s officer lashed out with quick and spontaneous hits.
The Decepticon leader smiled with surprise. He knew that Soundwave was fast; back at their days in the Pits of Kaon, Megatron always found himself impressed by how Soundwave used his speed to take advantage over his opponents.
But now, he was surprised how faster Soundwave had gotten. His new slender frame let the Decepticon to move at an impossible speed, allowing him to launch multiple punches and dodge every attack that Megatron tried to land on him.
“You haven’t lost the touch, Soundwave!” Megatron grined. With a quickmove, he stopped a punch from the other Decepticon mid air. His red optics shinned in excitement. “But I’m still full of surprises.”
Grabbing him with both of his hands, Megatron raised his third-in-command above his head and slammed both of their bodies against the Nemesis’ roof.
Soundwave recovered quickly, regaining freedom of his arm. Taking advantage of Megatron’s lower position, Soundwave grabbed his leader’s hand and twisted his arm behind the gladiator's back.
“Argh!” Megatron growled in pain. He moved his leg, kicking Soundwave down, freeing his arm from the communications officer's grab. As Soundwave tried to get up, Megatron launched himself against the Decepticon.
Their bodies clashed against each other and rolled around the metal roof, trapped in a ball of punches and kicks. Both tried to bring the other down, but their strength and combat skills were immaculate, making a cycle of back and forth between Soundwave and Megatron, both trying to win the battle.
Suddenly, Sundwave managed to get Megatron off him, throwing him to the ground. But before he could move away, the leader grabbed him by the leg and dragged him down, the Decepticon landing at his side.
Both cybertronians stared at each other, their bodies dropping the water from the rain that continued to fall on them.
Then, Megatron started laughing, covering his face as he giggled uncontrollably. Soundwave remained silent but his visor projected the image of a smiley face, showing that he shared the same emotion as his partner.
“Another tie!” Megatron crackled. “I should have expected that!”
The Decepticon continued laughing for a couple of seconds before getting up off the ground. Megatron offered his hand to Soundwave and helped the communications officer get up, pulling him easily.
“That was intense” Megatron’s legs felt weak after all of that combat and his arms were heavy. “How are you?”
Soundwave just nodded, as he analized his leader, his visor going up and down. Realizing Megatron's tiredness, the Decepticon offered support to his leader by putting his partner's arm on his shoulders, giving a better stability to Megatron.
If any other bot had made the same action, this would have enraged the warlord beyond words; showing weakness was something he despised with all his spark and reciprocated with violence to anyone that dared to think he was vulnerable.
But Soundwave was different. He always respected Megatron’s boundaries, not abusing his trust and supporting him as much as he could.
He felt safe around Soundwave.
“That’s enough water for one day,” said Megatron, closing his optics as the rain continued to pour down on them. He laid his head on Soundwave’s shoulder, letting his partner guide him back to his quarters. He purred, satisfied. “We should rest a little now…”
Soundwave was as quiet as always, but now walked with a more peaceful step, letting Megatron support his weight on him as they both got inside. He made a soft click and started playing an old cybertronian song that both him and Megatron used to listen under the pits of Kaon, waiting for the next combat to begin.
As they walked together across the Nemesis, exhausted from the training session, a reassuring, warm feeling filled their sparks. No words were needed to know how much they valued each other’s company.
. . .
Knockout wandered around the Nemesis, on his way to Megatron’s personal chambers. As a doctor, he had the responsibility of checking on his patients from time to time after an injury, even if they didn’t consider it necessary. He knew that Megatron probably wouldn’t be pleased to see him at such late hours, but he preferred to be denied and just walk back to his laboratory than to be seen by Megatron as an unprofessional bot.
He finally spotted the door to Megatron’s quarters. Knockout walked without rush to them, just wanting to finish quickly and go back to his own stuff.
“Lord Megatron, I have come to check on your injury” explained the doctor as he knocked on the metal door, making an echo that resonated a little bit more than usual in the empty corridors.
There was no response from the other side. Knockout was expecting that.
“I will leave if you don’t want a check-up,” said Knockout, “but as a doctor, I highly recommend doing–”
Taking him by surprise, the metal door opened as he was finishing talking. Knockout was confused at first, having not expected Megatron to agree, but quickly recovered his laid-back composture and walked in.
“Sorry to interrupt your rest, Lord Megatron, but it is my duty to check on–”
Knockout stopped right on his tracks.
In front of him, was the fearsome warlord laying on his berth with his perceptors closed. Megatron slept in such deep slumber that not even an explosion could have woke him up at that moment. His chest went up and down, creating a soft growl as it slowly moved.
Seeing his master, usually a brutal and merciless figure, in such a vulnerable position was a rare, and even strange, sight to Knockout. One thing was seeing Megatron in a coma, with his expression still but constantly frowned, making Megatron intimidating even while being unconscious.
But this. This was different.
Knockout’s initial surprise made the doctor only focus on Megatron at first, but now he realized that he wasn’t alone in the room:
Caressing the Decepticon leader’s head that laid in his lap, Soundwave was staring at Knockout. Even in the darkness of the room, the doctor could perfectly distinguish Soundwave’s visor, reflecting his image slightly.
“Soundwave…!” Knockout almost yelled the name because of his surprise, but quickly remembered Megatron’s sleeping presence and quieted down to a whisper. “Sorry, I... I didn’t know you were here.”
He received no response from Soundwave. The communications officer just kept staring at the doctor, making him feel a little nervous.
Knockout cleared his throat, remembering the reason why he was there in the first place.
“I just wanted to check up on Lord Megatron’s arm, it is my job after all.”
Soundwave looked in his usual silence at Knockout until, after a couple of seconds, he just pointed his view down, where Megatron was laying his injured arm, his hand looked as if he was trying to reach something in his sleep.
Knockout took that as a signal to approach. He walked up to them and kneeled to inspect the injury, his optics moving along the burn, analyzing how it had developed since the initial diagnosis.
“Everything seems fine,” said Knockout, pulling himself up. Soundwave followed his movements, “it was just external damage, nothing too bad, especially for our leader.”
Soundwave made a simple nod, followed by more silence between the two robots; the only noise in the room was Megatron’s breathing. Knockout took Soundwave’s silent stare as a sign he had to go now; he had done his job and there was no other reason why he had to stay more. It almost felt as if he had interrupted something sacred and had to leave to restore it.
Knockout cleared his throat again and started walking away.
“I’ll should go now… Goodnight, Soundwave” Knockout waved at the communications officer. As he was at the doorstep, he looked back at the pair.
Megatron had pulled himself closer to Soundwave, now grabbing one of his hands with his own bigger claws while his body curled more against the slender body of his partner. Soundwave had started to caress Megatron again, but kept an eye on Knockout.
The doctor just looked away and left the room in complete silence. The door closed behind him as soon as he stepped out of the chambers and both Decepticons were only at each other’s company again.
Soundwave slowly pulled himself down with Megatron on the berth. As he curled to recharge, feeling Megatron’s arm slowly pulling him closer into the cuddle, Soundwave felt complete.
He no longer feared losing Megatron to a coma, to the Autobots or to the infinite space outside the Nemesis. He was with Megatron again, and, as his consciousness faded, entering the recharging state, Soundwave felt happy, safe in Megatron’s arms.
He tilted his visor, closing the gap between his face and Megatron’s chest and fell into a deep slumber.
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arson-jellyfish69 · 5 months
Drawing from the 3rd chapter of my fic, since before I even wrote the scene I had the image of Dreadwing holding Miko really close to his face and squinting really really really hard while trying to take a picture of her phone with his stupid little flip phone in my mind
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botboots · 1 year
Hey! I'm probably SOOO late to transformers fanfics and one shots but I've come with this prompt,( I hope you like it enough to write it!) could you write Ratchet x injured reader, g/n or female. Injured shoulder, and maybe trying to hide it from him? Also in Tfp? If all this isnt too much to ask? Thank you for considering! Have a good day/ night
a/n: heehee this one was fun. the dialogue is kinda splotchy because theres a lot going on in my brain rn but!! hope you like it <3 also reader is cybertronian bc there are NOT enough cybertronian!reader fics out there and theyre very fun to write tbh. hope thats okay!!
ALSO! guidelines have been updated so before anyone submits a new req please read it! and please please request mirage/rotb fics oh my god im obsessed with it ROTB WAS SO GOOD </33
warnings: very minor injuries, pining <3 word count: 1059 (GN, cybertronian!reader) continued under the cut
The purple and green swirl of the ground-bridge closed behind you as you followed your team back into base, the lingering energy buzzing under your plating.
Glancing at Bumblebee, a small twinge of pity struck you as he made his way over to the medical bay. The scout had taken a few nasty punches from Breakdown and clearly wasn’t feeling too hot; dents littering his armor.
“We showed ‘em, huh?” your focus was snatched when Bulkhead caught you off guard with his usual celebratory elbow-bump, sending you stumbling a little from the force. A sharp pain ran up your arm to your shoulder and you winced.
“Yea- totally.” sending the wrecker a strained smile, you gave him a half-hearted push back. He tilted his head, about to open his mouth to ask you something when Miko booked it over to the two of you, questions spilling out of her mouth at a mile a minute. All of them were something gore or violence related, asking Bulkhead if he got any pictures of some “hardcore massacre-ing”. The girl's interests were a little concerning, but endearing. Nonetheless, you took the opportunity to slink away and avoid any more attention. Angling your helm, your face scrunched up at the sight - and feeling - of the wound on your shoulder.
Too focused on the fight in front of you, a stray Vehicon had been able to sneak up behind you and catch you by surprise. Fortunately for you, Vehicons were mass trained for quantity over quality and didn’t have the best shots. The blast grazed your shoulder, tearing between some of your paneling to the barely exposed wires. It hurt like a bitch at first, but adrenaline buried it enough that it wouldn’t distract you - plus it was small enough that none of your team noticed. Now that you were back at base, though, the piercing sting prodded at your processor incessantly. You did want to go and see Ratchet about it - always finding some kind of excuse to be around the mech - but he was dealing with Bumblebee right now, and you didn’t want to add to his plate. Not like it was anything life-threatening, anyway. You could just try and patch it up yourself - you’ve spent enough time with Ratchet to pick up a few things yourself.
You stole a glance at said medic, who you only just noticed was looking right at you. Immediately you realized from the questioning look on his face, raised brow and all, he had probably caught both your reaction to Bulkhead bumping into you and the grimace you had made at your shoulder. Optimistic, you shook your head at him, giving the mech a meager thumbs-up and a “I'm-actually-totally-fine” smile. He gave you a hard stare, and your spark sank when he motioned you over with a flick of his digits. You begrudgingly made your way over to the medical bay. As you neared, Ratchet had already cleared Bumblebee and was shooing him out. The scout passed you, and your attention was focused on Ratchet waiting with a cocked helm and his ever-present RBF. Standing awkwardly under his gaze, almost scrutinizing, you huffed. Without a word, the red and white medic picked up his scanner, turning it on with a loud click and running the green laser over your frame.
“Really, doc - I’m fine. It’s nothing.” you tried, and failed, as he kept the device lingering at your shoulder. With a deadpan look covering his faceplate, he put the scanner down and placed his servos over your shoulder plating. You grit your denta to keep a pained hiss from leaving you, wincing when he felt around the frayed wiring.
“Nothing, huh?” you pouted at his scoff, his metal brows knitted together as he examined the shot that had barely missed doing any serious damage. “Sit.” he ordered, gesturing to the medical berth while he moved to grab some tools from a nearby counter. Embarrassment was settling in your chassis, but you did as you were told.
It technically didn’t take long to patch you up, but the old mech made it seem like eons to you with the way he was muttering about “some of the team having egos too big for their own good.” It only made the burn of embarrassment grow, and you ducked your head when he gave you a pointed look. Ratchet was nothing if not thorough in ensuring you knew when he disapproved of something.
Soon enough he finished up, giving the patched wound a once-over.
“Anything else you’re not telling me?” he questioned, the familiar lilt of sarcasm back in his tone. That at least steadied your nerves a little.
“No, sir.” you mocked, raising one of your servos in a half-assed salute.
He scowled, crossing his arms, “I’ll have Optimus enforce mandatory health checks every time you come back to base.”
Frantically shaking your helm, you raised both servos defensively, “Okay, okay!” you sputtered, “Won’t happen again.” His optics narrowed, giving you a hard stare, and you released a heavy sigh. “Promise.”
Ratchet debated it for a moment, still having half a mind to just assign the checks anyway, but as you kept your optics trained on his, the mech’s will buckled and he huffed a quick, “Good.”
You both were staring at each other for just a moment too long before Ratchet gave a quick cough. “Come back if the pain flares up again.” he waved you off as he made his way back to his usual spot at the terminal. You blinked, watching him walk off with a slightly heated face. Awkward. Hopping off the medical berth, you were careful not to irritate your shoulder and mess it up more than it already was. As you walked past Bumblebee he whirred to grab your attention. You paused, turning your head to him with a raised metal brow.
The scout chirped at you teasingly from where he sat, nodding his head way too obviously towards you and then Ratchet, who was already burying himself back in his work. Your optics widened, immediately narrowing into an offended glare as you jabbed a digit towards him.
“Don't. Even.” you grumbled, folding your arms and walking briskly away from Bumblebee’s poorly stifled, chittering laugh that echoed behind you. Your previous pity for the mech quickly dissipated as your faceplate burned. Primus.
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robuttsinyourthighs · 3 months
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Nah that can't be right. Lemme just...
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That's better. :3
New chapter is up.
Every Step chapter 14 - Routine
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reptisoil · 1 year
Coding Trouble || TFP! Soundwave x GN! Reader ||
Summary: After needing help with some coding assignment for your college class, you can't think of any other bot to go first.
Warnings: Soundwave says a single word if that counts
Word count: 406, sorry
Note: First TFP fanfic with my special little bot, nobody can have him but me <3 /nsrs
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Walking towards the same alley you do every day, the familiar greenish-blue swirling portal opens just as you reach it. Walking out, you sigh and sit, grabbing your laptop and opening it as you find yourself on a familiar servo. "Hey, Soundwave."
As he walked toward whatever task he had from Megatron, he noticed that you were stressed. Since he didn't talk much, he couldn't ask what was wrong or causing you stress so he decided to wait until you brought the issue up.
After a few minutes of you not typing, you look up at the third in command and it seems like you're working up the courage to ask a question. Soundwave looks at you, popping a question mark up on his visor. You sigh, "I got this new assignment for my coding class and I can't think of how to start it or what to do, really. I know what I need to do -the requirements, I mean - but I just can't do it.."
He set you down on a random computer that was in the room, closing yours and putting another question mark up. You put your laptop away and look at him. You explain the assignment to him, feeling extremely stupid as he quickly typed up the entire coding needed. "I know you can code it, you've had millions of years to practice, I've had maybe a few hours."
Soundwave brought up a backward arrow, letting you know you should back up and step back for a second. You nod and take a deep breath. "Do you mind walking me through it, line by line?" He shook his head, erasing the code he'd previously written and started writing it out again slowly, making sure you'd followed and kept up, slowing down and going over it again and again until you could recite it by heart.
"Thank you, so much, Soundwave." You turn in your completed assignment, close your laptop, check the time, and yawn. "9:53.. I should sleep..."
Soundwave scooped you up and Lazerbeak detached from his master, bringing you to Soundwave's private room so you could sleep. You jump off Lazerbeak, whispering thanks to both the minicon and the 'con (who was listening and watching through the whole interaction). Once Lazerbeak was sure you were asleep, he flew back to Soundwave and attached back to him. Soundwave quickly muttered "Goodnight." and got back to his work for his master.
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midday-headcanons · 3 months
Your Tfp fanfiction is about what? And, can you send me the link of it pls?
Sure. My TFP fanfiction is called "when you're ready, come find me" and is a canon compliant - and later divergent - oc x canon soulmate AU fic. (Mild warning: It may sound a bit weird in certain parts. I've been rewriting the earlier chapters and they don't seamlessly match with the new ones yet.)
In this AU, humans and Transformers both get marks that lead them to their soulmates. However, a human woman called Ava was somehow born with a mark instead of receiving it after puberty, and that mark causes her physical pain as well as changes shape every few years.
Turns out, her mark is connected to a Transformer instead of a human. The specific Transformer is Megatron, which she finds out the hard way during the events of the episode Rock Bottom. Both she and Megatron are trying to figure out what the hell caused this, and how they can either get out of this debacle or live with it.
TL;DR: Human lady is Megatron's soulmate. People find out. Chaos ensues.
Hope you like it.
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am-i-soup · 3 months
writing transformers: prime fanfiction? who, me? aheh... i just might be
Lena, local anarchist and shit-disturber, gets kidnapped by Knock Out and bamboozles him and Breakdown into caring about her whilst trying to convince Megabitch a human can be useful to the Decepticon cause (or else get flushed down the metaphorical toilet).
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lena takes candy from strangers and forgets about it till she finds it melted to her pocket a week later
later that chapter:
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*points at lena and miko* QUEER and NEURODIVERGENT
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(yeahh, the kids lineup i uploaded ages ago was a set with lena but i hadn't posted about her yet soooo... but HERE SHE IS NOW)
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Starscream is given a bath, Part 2:
759 words on this part! I’m trying to make these cuts as natural as possible, but for the record it is meant to be read as all one big thing.
Part 1: here
Part 3: here
“So…” she stood back to take a rest after she was done cleaning, resting her hands on the singular engine inlet mounted right below the cockpit.
“I’m gonna have to get in your intake next, promise you won’t shred me?”
The aircraft chuckled, sending a low vibration through his entire frame.
“I have no intention of doing that today.” He answered casually. “Unless you ask me nicely.” He gave the fan a slight turn, which earned him an instinctive flinch from the human, though she quickly collected herself. Starscream laughed once more at the reaction.
“Oh, relax, I’m not looking forward to picking out your guts from my compressor.”
A moment of silence.
“Just…be careful in there?” He asked, his voice more pleading this time.
“I will.” She replied, and the aircraft lowered himself enough that it would be easy to reach into the air intake.
It was far roomier than it would appear from afar, so much so that she was able to climb her way inside and sit with her legs crossed. Inside was a little warmer than the rest of the room, but it was obvious the engine had been dormant since he arrived at her house. The human carefully scrubbed the inner walls until they turned a lighter color, making sure not to use too much soap when she got closer to the fan, as she didn’t want his engine ingesting water while being rinsed. There were more of those pleasant lights, similar to the lights inside the wheel well, leading from the entryway to the engine itself. She could see a subtle glow emanating from deeper inside the compressor. Was he doing that intentionally, making it bright inside so she could see her way around? The human chuckled at the thought, and brushed off a curious “Hm?” from Starscream.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry.”
Despite her previous reservations about being shredded, she couldn’t help but inch closer to the fan, scrubbing the edges and even… very carefully, touching the fan blades. She wouldn’t deny she found it interesting, if not beautiful.
“I thought you wanted nothing to do with my engine.” His voice echoed as he felt the touch, seemingly coming from every direction. Of course it would, she was almost inside his fuselage. He sounded a mix of smug and curious.
“Well…” she yawned again, using the shower head to blast some water up at her own face in defeat. As comfy a spot as this had turned out to be, she couldn’t fall asleep just yet.
“I don’t ’not want anything to do with your engine.’ It’s… it’s like cleaning a loaded gun, you know? Even when I know the guy holding it has no intention of firing it into my face, it’s still a loaded gun. Your engine is very powerful.”
He thought for a second.
“I see.”
Another pause. The human continued with the finishing touches.
“I suppose I should be… thanking you for this.” A hint of embarrassment was barely noticeable in his tone.
“Don’t worry about it.” The human replied nonchalantly, slowly climbing her way out of the intake after she was satisfied with the cleanliness.
“We’re a team now. It’s only natural I’m gonna want to help you, just…”
The moment she was a safe distance away, before she could finish her sentence, the aircraft transformed back into his regular form, squeezed awkwardly into the bathtub. He had his knees pulled up to his body, arms draped awkwardly around them as he hunched forward ever so slightly. The odd positioning of his frame had given his wings ample space to move, at the very least. Starscream had an awkward, almost guilty expression on his faceplate.
“…don’t make it any more difficult for you than it has to be?” He guessed, wings pricking up as he spoke.
He had found it amusing to watch her tend to him, just going along with anything he decided to do without complaining. But now, remembering the human had no true obligation to help him in the first place, he… it’s not like he felt bad, per se. It wasn’t like he was forcing her to do any of this. It was her own fault, obliging him. But he was afraid that if he went too far, he would suddenly find himself not receiving any help from the human at all. And he had to admit this had been growing on him. It wasn’t so bad, it was comforting, even. And comfort wasn’t something Starscream could risk losing chasing an ego boost.
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icekingofhope · 10 months
me trying to pick my favorite starscream adaptation
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if you don’t know the stop me fanfic (first of all what are you even doing with your life???) second it is created by @megadoomingir they are very talented and did a great job on this fanfic to sum up starscream after being killed by the predacons somehow goes back in time to when he first had dark energon
I won’t spoil too much about it but trust me on this it is pretty good
it is a REALLY good fanfic probably my most fanfics ever and gives Justice to starscreams character
here is the fanfic if you want to read it (if not then that is alright)
Anyways later
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theroachsanklesart · 11 months
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Transformers Prime Megatron
I did this challenge because @jangelorum did one with their childhood hyper fixation and I HAD to as well! Here's Megatron from tfp! My fic might be updating soon so 👀🤌✨
Some lore for my fic version!
Megatron in my fic is a few steps away from becoming just as nasty as he is in cannon. He's not a good guy by any means but he's alot more willing to listen than he is in cannon, though it takes a while for things to stick. He's stubborn.
He has alot more scaring and has his old serial number purposely scratched off his neck, though the reminance are still visible.
He has alot of issues with his vents causing him to smoke when he's over worked himself. He's not as spry a fighter as he used to be and is trying DESPRATELY to hide that out of fear of being over thrown and seen as weak.
Anywho! Rant over! He's crusty and I enjoyed this challenge!
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spreadwardiard · 10 months
I wrote a little thing. A little megaorion fluff thing. I can't get this ship out of my head omg.
Title: Home is Where You Are
Summary: After a long time away in Iacon, Orion returns to Kaon and snuggles up in berth with his conjunx.
Rating: Teen and Up
It was well into the recharge cycle when Orion finally stepped off transport in the city of Kaon, and even later when he finally arrived at the run-down building that served as his second home; the Gladiatorial Apartments. He ignored the warnings flashing on his HUD as he trudged down the hall towards the elevator, alerting him to what he already knew; that he was exhausted and in desperate need of recharge.
As always, the elevator groaned in a worrisome reminder of the lack of maintenance that was afforded to this place. It would fail, one cycle, if they didn’t tend to it, Orion thought as it inched its way towards the upper floors. Orion hoped that by that time he will have successfully convinced Megatronus that it would be beneficial to allow Orion to purchase something… safer and more suitable to their needs. As much as he loved his conjunx, the tiny apartment provided to Megatronus, even as the Champion, was too small to comfortably house the both of them full time.
He felt that familiar tug at his spark tighten as the elevator ground to a halt. Orion wasted no time, stepping out of that steel death trap as soon as its doors allowed him the space to do so. He let that tug at his spark pull him forward down the hall. He knew even before he punched the lock code into the door that Megatronus was recharging, and that brought a smile to his face as he stepped into the dimly lit apartment. Orion made him promise not to wait up for him.
Home… The apartment consisted of only three rooms; the living area, the berth room and the washrack. The main living space was half a fuel preparation station, and the rest was only large enough to fit his conjunx’s desk and two chairs. Orion couldn’t stop himself from quietly tidying up the space. He yawned softly as he straightened up the pile of datapads piled on the corner of the desk, saving them from inevitable collapse due to their haphazard stacking.
A quick glance around the room ripped a heavy sigh straight from his intake. The place was a mess, though that was not the fault of Megatronus. The unit his benefactors used to house him was simply too small for the larger warframe to comfortably maneuver himself to tidy up small nooks and crannies- another reason Orion wanted to purchase something else for the two of them.
He made his way into the fuel preparation station, picking up any trash that was easily accessible. After tossing it into the waste receptacle, he made his way to the automatic energon purifier on the counter. It was not turned on. Still ignoring the warnings in his HUD to seek immediate recharge, he switched on the machine, and carefully added the raw energon into the unit. Now, they would have fuel prepared for them when they came out of recharge.
An exhausted yawn ripped free from his intake as he turned and glanced at the closed door to the berthroom. His conjunx lay beyond that door, along with the silent promise of comfort and rest. It was so slagging difficult to recharge now, when he was alone in Iacon.
Orion paused only for a klik once the door to the berthroom slid open, to admire his Champion's form upon the berth. His spark blazed in a momentary inferno upon the sight. He wasn't entirely sure when or how he had fallen so deeply in love with this mech. It was not an intentional decision on his part, but Megatronus had nonetheless burrowed into his spark and had become everything to him.
Even shrouded in darkness his frame was magnificent. Without his low light filters switched on, Orion could see the elegant angles of Megatronus’ armored pauldrons and the almost delicate curve where his waist slopped into his hips silhouetted against the dim light trickling in through the window. The beauty of his frame was enough to suck the air directly from his vents.
Orion still could not entirely understand why Megatronus had chosen him as his conjunx. He could have any mech he wanted, and yet Megatronus had given his spark to a simple archivist. Orion was no fighter. He was not especially strong. He did not have a station that gave him great political power or a voice amongst the people. Despite how deeply he loved Megatronus, he still often felt undeserving of the love Megatronus returned to him.
He felt another yawn begin to build up in his frame, and his HUD flashed that obnoxious warning once more. Finally, he stepped towards the berth, taking care to move slowly and quietly to not disturb the gladiator before him. Megatronus must have been just as exhausted as Orion was, for him to be recharging so soundly.
He sat slowly on the edge of the berth, careful to slowly distribute his weight so as to not disturb his lover's recharge. Orion could already feel the comforting warmth of Megatronus’ frame radiating towards him as he scooted himself close until he was finally able to press himself gently against his lover’s back.
“I missed you so much.” Orion whispered as he peppered gentle kisses along the Champion's spinal strut, before slipping his arm around his lover's waist. He knew that once the morning came, he would likely find himself pinned below this very same frame while they reunited carnally, but for now he was simply content to snuggle his face into the larger mech's back and hold him as close as possible while finally allowing himself to succumb to the demands of exhaustion.
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errolluck · 5 months
Summary: It had happened. What Soundwave feared the most had become a reality. What would he do now that he was alone? Now that the only cybertronian he would die for... was gone?
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: Major character death, slight mechanical gore (not graphic), blood.
Word count: +1700
English isn't my first lenguage. Sorry in advance for any gramatical error.
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It couldn't be true. This wasn't real.
Soundwave stood in the middle of the battlefield. Energon leaked from his shoulder and injured leg, leaving drops of blue on the ground below the Decepticon.
This battle wasn't supposed to end like this. Clashing metal and gunshots could be heard all around him from the ongoing conflict. Soundwave knew they were losing; beside him a soldier fell dead to the ground with his chest destroyed.
But he didn't react to that or to the screams of his comadres that were succumbing to the Autobots or to the fire that had almost hit him in the head. No, he didn't care about that at all.
Because infront of him, there was the scene he never thought it would ever happen:
Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots and last remaining Prime, holding a sword that was impaling Megatron through the abdomen.
Megatron's arms dropped as he coughed energon from his mouth in a dying breath. Optimus pulled out the sword with quick movement, making Megatron hunch back in pain as the sword sliced again his insides. He wandered around for a few seconds before falling on his knees, looking at Prime with shock and anger in his optics.
Soundwave dropped his own weapon, creating an echo when the metal of his sword hit the ground of stone. It was a dangerous move to make in the middle of a battle, but his mind wasn't focussing on logic at the time.
He rushed in a silent worry to his fallen leader, now laying in the ground as a pool of energon formed below his body. Optimus saw Soundwave approaching, but before he could do or say anything, a group of Vehicons attacked him from behind, forcing Optimus to change his focus to the opponents.
Megatron, ignoring the new overwhelming fire near him, breathed heavily as he turned around to look at the coming robot and his beating rushed when he recognized the slender figure of Soundwave, running to his side. The old gladitor of Kaon opened his mouth, trying to form a cohesive sentence to his most loyal soldier, but the only thing that came out of his throat was energon.
Soundwave kneeled beside him. His head moved quickly form side to side, analyzing the injuries to see what he could do to help his fallen leader, to make Megatron survive this battle.
But there was nothing. His visor flooded with negative answers as he saw Megatron bleeding to dead infront of him; Optimus' sword had destroyed more than met the eye.
He looked at his leader; his visor was black and emotionless as always, but Megatron could read Soundwave's feelings perfectly at that moment.
He always did.
Megatron just looked back at Soundwave and, with his fading force, he managed to grab one of Soundwave's hands that was laying on his silver chestplate.
There were no words between. But a silent plead existed in Megatron's eyes that Soundwave understood perfectly.
Don't leave me.
Soundwave grasped Megatron's hand tightly. He could only watch as the gladiator's spark vanished second by second and the red optics closed slowly. Soundwave never moved until Megatron's chest went cold and with it, his existence in the universe.
Megatron had died.
With a quick change of his arm to the shotgun, Optimus finished the last of the Vehicons that ambushed him with a single but precise shot to the chest; a quick death. He breathed heavily under the mask, tired of the exhausting combat, but turned around, remembering Soundwave running towards his position just seconds before being attacked.
The communications officer was kneeling besides Megatron's body, with his visor laying on the gladiators chest while one of his hands grabbed Megatron's unmoving claws. Soundwave wasn't crying, he wasn't screaming, but his silence carried more pain than a thoundsand words could ever do.
Optimus aproached slowly, transforming his hand back into normal.
"Soundwave" he called. The Decepticon didn't looked back, he didn't even flinch at the voice of Optimus Prime like other Decepticons would have.
But he was listening, and mind started racing, bringing back old memories:
He was working overnight, focussed completly in his job. All the other Decepticons knew that it was better to let him do his job alone; Soundwave always appeared so cryptid to others, that even without saying a word, he made other shiver and fear him.
Except one.
Heavy footsteps approached behind him. But Soundwave didn't turn around; he knew just by the noise who the footsteps belonged to.
"Working late again?" Megatron's deep, dark voice echoed through the empty room. His metalic feet created a powerful and imposing noise even when he wasn't trying to intimidate.
Soundwave nodded, continuing to work on the Iacron codes. The Decepticon leader walked up to his side and stood there; Megatron stared at the screen and then at Soundwave's quick fingers, alternating between them for a couple of minutes before walking again behind Soundwave.
"You are my most loyal and effective warrior, Soundwave" he whispered as he layed his head closer to Soundwave's hearing perceptors. "The last thing I need from you is collapsing out of exhaustion"
Soundwave's hands stopped moving across the keyboard and looked back Megatron. Their size and built was incredibly different, but at the same time, when they were together, it fit like a puzzle.
Megatron stared at Soundwave's visor. He layed his head and both decepticons shared an affectionate headbut. Soundwave felt Megatron's chest purring, deep and slow, like a old but powerful engine from a tank, as the leader moved his head with Soundwave's.
"Don't overwork yourself" Megatron purred before stepping back. "That's an order, Soundwave"
Soundwave saw as he walked away, leaving a warm sensation in his spark behind even after Megatron had left the room.
"I know you were extremely loyal to him, Soundwave"
Optimus voice brought back Soundwave to the present. He still didn't move to look at the Auotobot leader.
"But it's time to change, you know that" spoke Optimus with calmness. His expression changed to something between pity and frustration as he looked at the dead body. "Megatron chose to continue in this dark path that led to his demise... I don't want you to do the same and end like him, Soundwave"
Soundwave's grasp on Megatron's cold hand strengthened. Another memory flooded his mind as the battle around continued:
He was laying beside Megatron. He could feel as Megatron's chest went up and down, slowly, as his leader reacharged.
The Deception army had tons of rumors and myths about Megatron. One of them, is that he didn't need recharging and was fulled only by anger and his constant need of conquer.
But as unstopable and dangerous as Megatron was, he was still just another cybertronian, with the same needs as anyone else. That included recharging from time to time.
Megatron slept in private. He didn't like the idea of being vulnerable in an exposed environment, especially with Starscream nearby. Sometimes, he would just lock himself in his private quarters and recharge for a couple of hours before returning.
But other times, he and Soundwave had a moment of peace where they would lay with each other and recharge as long as they could. Soundwave adored every second that he could spend with Megatron, even if it was just seeing him recharge and feel his spark's beating.
Soundwave snuggled even more close to Megatron, laying his visor on the leader's chest and letting himself enjoy the peace and quiet of the moment.
Back in the present, he was laying his head in the same place, but now the only thing he felt from Megatron was cold and an eternal silence from his spark.
"Soundwave, please..." begged Optimus. "I understand your pain; Megatron was a friend to me once, even a brother... But we must let go now and look into the future of both Decepticons and Autobots"
Soundwave listened to the Prime's words as a brewing anger started to grow beneath his chest:
There he was again, with Megatron. Both were in their alternate forms, flying through the black, empty space around them outside the Nemesis.
They flew with a synchrony that even the most graceful cybertronians back then could have just dreamed of archiving. There was no previous practice or warning needed for them to move in harmony as they danced across the stars.
In one moment, both of them transformed back into their normal forms, with Soundwave floating a little above from Megatron. They looked at each other with something stronger than the Allspark itself.
Megatron extended his arms as Soundwave descended slowly to him. Once he had catched his partner, Megatron laid his head on Soundwave's visor, smiling with his perceptors closed.
"I love you" purred Megatron as he and Soundwave shared the same warm and calmness from their sparks.
They both drifted in space, caring about nothing else but each other's company. That was all what mattered to them at that moment.
Optimus looked at the Decepticon. He hadn't responded or even moved since he had finished talking. The air was charged with smoke and cries of the battle, surrounding both cybertronians. There was now a big puddle of energon below Megatron's dead body.
Then, out of nowhere, Soundwave looked at him. And Optimus, for the first time since he had gotten close to Soundwave, felt daggers of fear as time seemed to froze between them.
Soundwave's silence was charged with something more powerful and dangerous than anger or sadness: Hate.
The Decepticon played a recording of Megatron's voice, a full sentence without other clips that wasn't directed towards Optimus, but made the message clear to Prime.
"You mean more to me than you could ever imagine, Soundwave..."
That was more than enough than any other word that Soundwave himself could have said at that moment. Optimus looked at him, his eyes showing pity.
"Very well, Soundwave" Optimus changed his arm to a sword. His voice carried pain. "I'm sorry"
Soundwave grabbed tightly another weapon that was laying on the ground and both robots charged against each other.
As energon flew around them and the swords clashed in an echo, Soundwave could just think about one thing, having processed everything inside his head:
He would be loyal to Megatron, even if that meant dying with and for him.
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