#Thai show
seikiro · 3 months
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Blank the Series 2x5
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dangermousie · 3 months
The trailer!!!
All those peppy college students BL do nothing for me (that set up does nothing for me when straight either) but angsty period dudes with long hair betraying and stabbing each other? Now we are talking!!!!
I hope this is a mad hit and they adapt more costume danmei in Thailand or Taiwan pls pls pls!!
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lily-s-world · 10 days
4 minutes - Color analysis
Since Episode 1, where Great's outfits and car were fully white and Tyme was presented in darker tones, I knew there had to be some color coding underneath, and I was right.
(Take note that the analysis is done by what I learned in design classes focused on colors and a lot of reading)
Great's Timeline
Great owned the color white in basically every scene of his timeline. Now that we had seen the full story, we know that in his 4 minutes, his main goal was the undo past mistakes. He wanted to take the righteous path. Righteousness is represented by the color white. Great fully dressed himself in that color because he wanted to be a better person.
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In this same timeline, Great's sees Tyme on black and darker tones. There are a lot of bad associations with these colors - evil, darkness... but there are also positive associations with the color black, which are power, control, and protection. Great saw Tyme as this savior that could offer him protection and had the power to bring down his family business.
Great was walking into righteousness with Tyme as his protector.
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Tyme's Timeline
On his own timeline, we see Tyme do something that he never did on the real timeline or Great's, and that is, wear his doctor white coat. Historically, the white coat not only symbolizes professionalism but also caring and trust. Tyme dreamed himself as a caring doctor and as a gentle person.
Not only that, but he also didn't dream Great out of his white outfits when they first met. Tyme knew what Great's family had done, but he also knew that Great didn't take an active part in it. Tyme believed that there was goodness in Great.
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Jump to the montage of Great and Tyme being a loving couple, and both of them are out of their typical colors. They are now presented with earthly tones and a brighter light. The earth tones are often used to evoke warmth and comfort. Tyme was looking to find comfort in the life he could build alongside Great and his grandma without the resentment he had carried for so many years.
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Real Timeline
At the end of the real timeline and the series, they are now a mix of their signature colors - white and black. Meaning they are both trying to walk the righteous and good path while also having each other's back.
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Color coding is a powerful form of storytelling. Whether it is by clothes or lighting, there is always a lot you can read from it. And I don't think I am reading too much into it because the more I watched the show, the more sense the colors made. So, hope you like this!
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 month
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Eres mi verdadero amor. Estoy dispuesto a renunciar a todo por ti.
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Part one and two:
The airport is three hours away from the university, the flight is one hour away from the airport and Peem is about to bring earthquakes with how much his knees are bouncing up and down under the table.
“Hia, are you okay?” 
“What?” Peem, having grown too accustomed to only being called Professor Peem these days, startles on catching sight of Toey in the staffroom.
“I asked if you're okay.”
Before he could answer, a group of his students accumulated at the door, seeking permission to enter.
“Come in, you guys. Are you here for submissions?” 
They don't answer, feet dug into the floor and eyes trained onto Toey. 
“Guys, I get that you're all fine arts students and must observe the world and what not. But the staring is getting out of hand these days with you lot.”
Again, no answer. This time, however their feet move backwards and take them on the same path they had arrived from. 
“What was that all about?” Toey's eyebrows move towards each other and Peem almost laughs at the proof that he is not the only one who sees his students acting weird. 
“Hell if I know. They've been this way for four weeks now and I still can not fathom why.”
“And what's going on with you? Jae Fai and Hia Fang told me you haven't been taking care of yourself.”
“I'm fine, Toey. He's coming back today. And I'm fine.”
“Alright. Then I'll go prepare for my lecture.”
Peem had been grateful to not have any lectures today. Peem had been grateful to be in the staffroom and do personal consultings for an hour and then proceed to do the gradings Q unloaded on him, after complaining about how not a single one of them was in sequence. Till an hour back, that was.
Peem was now contemplating his life choices of putting the gallery on autopilot to become a professor. A professor, who is either being pitied or hated by the first years, because if Q hadn't asked him to rearrange the assignments, he wouldn't have had anything to do. Hell, even Toey has more work to do than him and he gives two guest lectures a year which are both just additional guides.
He can't be hated, right? He did pretty well the first two years. This is actually just Phum's business trips taking a toll on him. Yes, that's it. He will be back to his normal, not nauseated and not puffy eyed self in just a couple more hours.
Couple more hours, that's doable.
“Professor Peem?” He realizes his eyes have been shut closed for the past ten minutes. 
“Yeah?” He looks up to find the teacher's aid peeking through the door.
“Professor Q is asking for you. Could you please go to lecture hall C.”
The hallways he walks through fall into a gradient of heavier and heavier silence as he nears lecture hall C. 
“Prof Q?” he asks, leaning into the deadly silent class. 
“Professor Peem. Yes, please come in.” While Peem can't ever digest his best friend of twenty years talking to him with this much respect, in their professional environment he has learned not to trip over his feet because of it.
“You mentioned that our students have been behaving somewhat weird these past weeks, right?”
“Yeah… what's going on?”
“Let's hear what one of them has just said. Right, Wai?”
Peem turns to find Wai amongst the students, everyone does the same and eyes converge on the boy sitting with a look that could compete with ghosts and win.
“Professor, I'm- we are so sorry. We didn't know- we didn't understand, or actually even try to understand anything. We're so sorry.”
“Okay I'm fed up of asking what's going on, it's the only question I've been asking for four weeks now. So will someone please tell me what on earth is going on?” The irritation in Peem's voice cracks through his throat and for the first time in four weeks, he is not getting a single eye contact from his audience.
“Remember the theme sequence they all messed up and I asked you to help with correcting it? I mentioned it in class today and it turns out it wasn't a mistake or a misread instruction.” Q's voice feels as if it was dipped in melted metal.
“They've been convinced that you and I were dating, that I cheated on you with Toey and left you to go with him to Europe.”
If Peem was nauseated before, he does not know how to describe the current pit in his stomach. “Is this what- is this what the looks, all those pity filled looks, were about? You all thought, not that it was any of your business, that Q cheated on me.”
“Who cheated on who now?” A voice pierces through the suspended tension of the room and Peem truly does not believe in the ground anymore. There standing in the doorway is his boyfriend, who did not cheat on him in the very least, with a bouquet of roses. His boyfriend, for who's presence his entire being had been aching for two whole months now. His boyfriend, who looks much more confused than Peem is himself.
 “How was this any of their business in the first place? We were never once interested  in Prof Po's love life.” Q has been fuming for the course of the past forty five minutes in which they have managed to cancel class for the rest of the day, and leave.
“And to be honest, we didn't even care about it. It's a professional relationship.”  
Q and Toey's apartment is just a seven minute drive from the Uni, making it extremely convenient for Peem to crash on a comfortable sofa right after a long day Although right now, its a comfortable sofa in addition to his boyfriend's side, and arm and hands and scent and existence.
He knows and agrees with Q with his whole heart, and he knows so do Toey and Phum. However there is only so much agreement one can do in his state. He nods off to sleep, the first deep sleep after weeks.
The next thing he recalls is waking up the door closing on the opposite side of the car, watching Phum make his way to his side and open the door for him.
“I told you, I can open the door for myself.”
“I know you can. I, as a gentleman, just don't feel like letting you.”
“And you do, as a gentleman, feel like letting me walk all the way to the front door and then through the hall and to the bedroom-” assuming his mumbles aren't coherent enough to make it to Phum's ears, he tries to climb out of the car. 
His feet don't touch the ground, Phum is carrying him up to the front door and through the hallways and to the bedroom and not once did Peem's feet come near touching the ground.
“You didn't have to do that. I was only joking.”
“I don't mind an excuse to carry my boyfriend around- just as I don't need an excuse to sit on his lap.”
Maybe there is more agreement Peem can do in his state.
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thethera-rossa · 8 months
When your American DNA kicks in...
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pictures are NOT mine, cr. to the OP
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Sky: How did everyone find out? I only told you Pai! Prapai: I only told Payu because he's my best friend! Payu: And I only told Rain! Rain: And I told many many people....
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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I love them so much, okay? And I'm honestly frustrated at Maitoh being boyfriend-zoned by Green and having to feel guilty about it. I cannot believe I am rooting for the pining boy to not get the boy but here we are! Also, romance in tea fields needs to happen more often.
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k-fangirledits · 4 months
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dangermousie · 2 months
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The sex scene that follows was quite lovely but what struck me is that Huaien was not as much overcome with lust but with the fact that someone genuinely cared for him - and then desire followed. Fucked up badasses melting is my fave thing.
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But the sex scene was lovely too, of course.
PS And he even took care of our MC when he got sick later. I love how human he becomes around him - caring and amused and flustered - ie human.
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BUT nanon is here looking hot and evil and evil and hot exactly how i expected him to be so good news i suppose
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 month
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Y entonces... ¿Que somos los dos?
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rares-posts · 2 years
my toxic trait is shipping Sun(Mond) with Doy(Louis) and Mote(Off) after this week's episodes... I mean look at them
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(click pictures for better quality)
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So i have been putting this series off for almost an year now because i wanted to save it for a time i didn't have anything good to watch.
Now i am gonna watch it at a time where i actually have too many good things to watch, and just rather watch this because i miss offgun.
With this i begin watching Not Me, and i will make it everyone's problem so bear with me.
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