#Thank you for your interest!
misc-obeyme · 3 months
Can we have the brothers and the side charecters as doms, pls?
Well, anon, normally I would save your ask and answer with the writing itself, but since I was already considering doing this, I'm just gonna answer now to let you know that these headcanons will be coming soon!
I was on the fence about it 'cause I've been such a mood for them being subs lately lol. But I DO headcanon them as switches, which means I absolutely have thought about them as doms, too.
And I was like well I could do dom headcanons... but I dunno...
But you've convinced me!
So yes, you can have the brothers and side characters as doms, too. I haven't started it yet, but I will soon!
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puddleslimewrites · 9 months
False Promises (Part 3)
Part 1 // Part 2
All those promises of protection - of loyalty and safety - were rather useless when the main threat to Scientist was standing right in the doorway of their lab.
Supervillain took their time closing the distance while Scientist stood there, frozen. Their eyes trailed over the lab bench - an organized mess covered in beakers and haphazard observational notes. "New project?" they hummed, as if this was just another visit. As if they weren't the reason Scientist's previous lab had burned to the ground. As if they never tried to kill Scientist. The only reason Scientst was alive was because of Hero.
But where was Hero now? They had promised to protect them. Just like Supervillain had once promised the exact same thing. Protection from the heroes and their dogged recruitment efforts, in exchange for information and favors. Scientist never minded. It hardly felt like work to do what they enjoyed, and to do so without the annoyance of Superhero breathing down their neck.
But look at them now. Against their better judgment, Scientist did end up with the heroes, didn't they? They'd refused to choose a side no matter how persistent the approaches, but Supervillain forced their hand when they'd been left for dead.
And when the time came - when the villains did inevitably betray their trust - it was easy to convince Scientist to join the heroes' side. Had they known all along? Is that why Hero was there that day? Like a true hero, they'd arrived just in time to save them.
Scientist believed they were safe. That the heroes were trustworthy. That there was someone they could believe in that wasn't themself. It was all a ruse, an elaborate plan that hinged on their own ignorance, and now, as Supervillain drew nearner, Scientist would have to pay for their idiocy.
They believed all the lies, all the promises of protection, and look where that got them: on their deathbed, once again.
Tagging: @big-armed-mar, who requested another part c:
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ladyshivs · 8 months
Is there anything you might be willing to tell us about the ROs in your IF? 👀👀
There are three romantic options planned for Prosperity (working title).
In no particular order
-Andy Quinn Wilcox (either Andrew or Andrea).
Mid thirties, slender build, 5’8”.
Dark hair dyed blonde, in an undercut that is growing out. Heavily tattooed.
Outdoorsy and active, Andy’s main hobbies are hiking, camping and backpacking. They enjoy “roughing” it, and consider themself to be very self sufficient and pride themselves on their survival know how. Most likely to take MC on a “spontaneous road trip” as a date idea.
-Fern Aguirre Mendez (either Fernando or Fernanda)
Late twenties, curvy, 5’4”.
Black chin length hair, pulled into a low ponytail.
Thoughtful and insightful, Fern prefers a night in, dissecting their latest favorite crime thriller. They’re a fan of history and conspiracy theories, and consider themselves to be very knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. They’d enjoy a nice trivia night, sipping a beer and doing karaoke.
-Bill (Just Bill)
Late thirties, muscular, 6’2”.
Shaggy hair, usually hidden under a hat. Wears sunglasses at night.
A tourist who might be overstaying his welcome in town, if not for the fact that he tips so well. An animal lover and “Wild West” enthusiast, Bill’s just happy to be here. He’ll gladly take MC for a sunset horseback ride, just as soon as he figures out how to stay in the saddle.
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zakuramochi · 7 months
kinda random question but have you ever thought of running an ask blog?
Assuming it is what I think it is, (still very new to Tumblr culture, sorry;;) maybe not?
It does seem fun, but I don't think I'd be able to do it all that well, let alone consistently... 😭
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ichigomaniac · 8 days
hey, do you mind people doing voice dubs of your work?
Hello! That is totally fine, I've had a couple of people do it before!
If you post it anywhere pls tag me so I can see it!
(unless it is twitter it is dead here in brazil still...)
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nametakensff · 17 days
would you do a commission of buck & eddie from 911?
Hey anon! If I do set up commissions I would be happy to! I had to google them but it would be no problem 😊
Main thing for now is figuring out prices and also just what kind of layouts I'm offering. I likely won't do anything more than a simple 2 or 3 panel comic because I'm actually *the* slowest artist in the world. No joke, there's a reason I don't colour the fetish stuff I put up here, asides from the aesthetic of the pink noses 😅
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exlimix1a · 1 month
I'm looking for art of your character Felice because I really like them. Where can I find art of them??
Howdy!! I haven't done much with them yet, but I do have a Toyhouse page for them!
Otherwise, they've gotten plenty of attacks on Artfight :3
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kmodoposts · 10 months
So… where can you volunteer? Do you do posts in all your platforms or in YouTube or smth like that?
Oh! I usually post to my Twitter/X, @kmodochords, but I can start to ask over here as well if there's interest!
My next song doesn't utilize any artwork (giving Weevmo a break!), but in the future I'll definitely make a post and put it on multiple platforms so no one who maybe wants to get involved misses out.
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keithsandwich · 11 months
I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this before, but what are Maeve’s thoughts on Yves and Licht? Knowing them as Keith’s friends?
Hi, Anon! You're the first to ask this question and it's a very interesting one!
Since Maeve will be introduced to Yves and Licht already as Keith's s/o, they would be more receptive to her than they usually are to strangers, and I think they would try to make visiting Rhodolite a good experience for her, including her to their tea parties, recommending places to visit and keeping Clavis at bay.
So she would enjoy spending time with them very much. They're gentle, friendly princes, and the ones she ends up being closer to out of all the Rhodolitian princes. I can see her being obsessed with Yves' baking goods and always looking forward to their tea parties whenever they are about to visit again. I can also see her becoming curious about them because she sometimes senses a hint of the melancholy she noticed in Keith in both Yves and Licht. However, I don't think she would ever have the chance to get into it.
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rivalszine · 4 months
Hi! I know you guys said to check in at June about a re release :)! I’m someone definitely interested and would love some news if there’s any to be shared!
yes yes yes!! check back in at 12:00 am est for the official update post :))
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thenickelportrust · 2 years
what are the novels you're querying???
I got two!! Both are LGBT+ fantasy!
The first you might have seen me mention once or twice here since it's been a long-running project of mine, haha. A Cure For Magic was my novel that I wrote a first draft of that was 300k words (which is nearly as long as everything written so-far in Model Citizens, for reference). Which might work for interactive fiction, but felt a bit long for a more traditional novel.
So! I re-wrote it to a much, much, much more reasonable ~100k second draft. I focused a lot more on a simpler core story that I'm much happier with. :D
It's a fantasy/romance about Quinn Brennigan, your local traveler who happens to be cursed to see and be seen by the spirits of the dead. They've been looking for a way to remove this 'curse' and think they've found the man, called the Merchant Magician, to do just that...! Only to be told no, he actually, uh, can't do that. But, perhaps, instead, he could help them come to terms with their "curse" and help them no longer be afraid.
The other is Cross-Sections of Stars, which I also like to call my love-letter to classic YA Fantasy. It is definitely-totally-absolutely just about your classic chosen one prophesied to end an apocalypse. Absolutely-totally-definitely does not include the idea that maybe, just maybe, higher political powers would use religious justifications like prophecy or mythology to give weight to their own rule and hierarchical systems. That would be truly ridiculous.
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cloverpatches · 1 year
I'm curious! What story (if any at all) is your sinner Todd based on? :o
She's based on Sweeney Todd! Since Der Frei is based on an Opera and Samjo's based on a play, I thought a musical was free range. :D
Details on her story below:
With Todd here, she was condemned as an old G Corp scientist, cast out when the wing crumbled as a feather. She was framed for a large amount of the crimes that G Corp committed in the war's labs despite just being a general researcher, mostly to steal her comfortable place over in the District 23 Nest and to get her locked away for a while for questioning. ( Along with allowing those like Hermann to go free in the process. )
By the time she got out - L Corp had collapsed. Most of her nest was beyond recognition, and her wife had presumably ended her own life by the notes she left alongside their old workshop Except. The building's been largely empty for a while. Until a human comes up from the basement
Ms. Lovett is an escaped abnormality that's taken over one of the remaining people that Todd could have come to, being the old Ms. Lovett, and is using her to help feed herself with the store as a front Which is why she has the meat tag on her ear - if she slipped up, she'd be the next on the chopping block.
Her weapon/codename being Coffin is bc old English meatpies were called coffins but they're also a reference to a real one :D Bc she unknowingly fed her own wife (who she thought was dead) to Ms. Lovett
As far as Todd goes to avoid being eaten, she's far from completely innocent She hunted down other members of the scientific side of the old G Corp personally, along with whatever L Corp scientists or ex-managers she can find.
She blamed all of them for being placed as a scapegoat, even those she used to be friends with. And if she could, she kept their ID cards It was only once her wife was dead by her hands did she decide her life wasn't one worth living, and she formed her EGO as she burnt the store down in one last gesture of vengeance and grief- she was found by Limbus outside shortly after
Now N Corp scientists scavenge in the old burnt down building for some of her old research and records of those she killed-
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willgrahambf · 1 year
What is the fic you’re working on next, after you just published your new one? What’s projected to come next 👀
oh man i have a ton of wips so it’s kind of hard to predict which one will get finished first as i kind of just go with my feelings of inspiration when i want to write rather than making myself a strict timeline. that being said, i have so many things that have A LOT written on them and i would love to finish. namely:
to whom i pray (the massive sub hannibal fic)
the second installment of the shoe fetish fic
every piece of me (a post fall, will and hannibal on a boat fic in which will is an amputee due to injuries from the fall)
a genderswap au that i just picked up again last night! it’s basically an au of the garrett jacob hobbes storyline but with will as a dyke and hannibal as a trans woman. wills Becoming is going to be killing men ❤️
a childhood au where hannibal and will meet when will is 10 and hannibal is 12. will is the awkward boy at school and hannibal is the mysterious new student who just moved from europe with his aunt under suspicious circumstances.
i also have a couple of what i hope to be shorter smut fics including a hardcore bdsm fic where will locks hannibal in their basement and also a much sweeter fic where they are old, facing the struggles of the aging body and it’s impact on their sex life.
and i think that’s about everything!!! and i genuinely cannot say which one i think will be done next lmfao i’m simply too unpredictable 😭
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witchiestwitch · 7 months
sorry I have two questions
Do you have an instagram for ur art?
would you ever post a speedpaint cause ur art is so scrumptious I would love to see the process :))
thank you :))
Hey hey!
I do not im afraid! Im on tumblr, twitter and bluesky but not insta :(
Maybe at some point! For the most part though i dont work continuously on a piece i do it in snatches of time over the course of several days/weeks which doesnt much lend itself to recording ... But if i get the time for sure!
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corbcro · 10 months
“  you  can  call  me  whatever  you  want  and  i  promise  you  won’t  be  the  first.  different  people  constantly draw  different  words  for  me. ”  lately,  he  found  himself  spending  so  much  time  fabricating  stories  that  he  no  longer  grasped  the  exact  meaning  behind  the  word  'i’.  even  then,  one  had  never  met  a  man  as  confident  and  self-assured  as  kenny  'angel  face'  white.  that  boy  possessed  a  silver  tongue,  a  pretty  face,  and  a  beautiful  singing  voice.  he  could've  gotten  away  with  anything  —  and  he'll  never  admit  it  to  you,  but  he  has,  and  not  all  of  it  is  something  he  regrets.  /  a  starter  for  @wehavefoundthestars  !  accepting.
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erexart · 8 months
Do you take commissions? :0
Unfortunately I can’t 🥲 I’ve been having issue with my p*ypal and I haven’t figured out how to get it fixed (the last person who wanted to hire me as a thumbnail artist had to back out because of that) but maybe once I get it fixed and also have time would love to <3
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