#ceddie asks
witchiestwitch · 10 months
What art program/brushes do u use to get that tarot/medieval look?
I work in photoshop! For base colours/underpaintimg I use the acrylic glazer on a slightly lowered opacity and then for for any detail and stronger coverage I use creamy variation both from Kyle's brush packs!
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69liesleft · 6 months
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yuebings · 10 months
Book Asks: 10!
10. what was your favorite new release of the year?
OOH i think i'm gonna have to go with YELLOWFACE by r.f. kuang...such a fun, cutting story! i thought i was gonna savor it in multiple chunks over a few days but i sat down one evening, cracked it open, and couldn't put it down again until i finished the whole thing :')
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allpromarlo · 2 years
when sad return to denzel curry the cave episode
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ushsblog · 2 months
Why Calista Has Such a Good Relationship with Cedric: An Analysis and Headcanons on Calista's Family Dynamics.
I’ve been thinking about why Calista likes Cedric so much and I’ve come to some interesting conclusions. I’ll break it down into points to explain my ideas.
(Long post)
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1. How the world perceives Cedric.
For this, I think it’s very important to consider the interactions between Cordelia and Cedric before resolving the incident. It seems that despite their animosity, they have reached a truce for Calista’s sake.
Of course, they still have their conflicts, and Calista knows this because neither of them tries too hard to hide it. In reality, I think they do try, but both have short tempers that lead them to end up arguing.
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In this scene, I like to believe that Cedric is afraid to say "No" to Cordelia because he tries to maintain the little peace they have created. Cordelia, although condescendingly, treats Cedric somewhat better in this episode.
If you notice, their arguments become more accusatory when they are alone. Like the scene before Calista and Sofia arrive with the mirror in "Through the Looking Back Glass"
In front of Calista, Cordelia limits herself to dismissing Cedric with small comments. For example: "Don’t be embarrassed to admit you forgot the spell" or "Don’t bother, we have delicate things and we don’t want... anything to happen to them" (Well, she doesn’t say exactly that, but that’s the vibe).
Anyway, these comments certainly have an impact that Calista does not overlook. She is aware that her mother sees Cedric as incompetent, as a failure.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, visiting her grandparents, Calista also heard similar comments from Goodwyn. Because he doesn’t seem to mind dismissing his son in public either: "Cedric the so-so" (Goodwyn about Cedric in Mystic Meadows in front of Sofia).
That’s why I like to believe that Calista says: "Any friend of my uncle Ceddy is the bestest best friend of mine."
Because, in reality, there are few people she knows who have a good image of Cedric. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sofia (besides Winnifred ) was the first person Calista knows who gets along well with her uncle.
Now, where does this lead us? Well...
2. The pressure that Cordelia inadvertently puts on Calista.
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With this point, I’m not trying to say that Cordelia is a bad mother who pressures Calista to be perfect. No, at least not exactly.
In fact, I think Cordelia is a good mother. She cares about Calista and knows her perfectly. I like the next scene because it shows a bit of what I’m saying.
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Despite being in a hurry, Cordelia doesn’t scold or yell at Calista. She gets down to her level to talk and make her understand that she can’t take her agenda without permission, and she kindly asks her to return it.
Of course, like any person, Cordelia has flaws as a mother. One of them is that often, unintentionally, she generates pressure on Calista not to fail. Let me explain.
By saying it’s unintentional, I mean that Calista, seeing how her mother treats Cedric for being a poor sorcerer and making mistakes, might get the idea that if she make mistakes, she would be treated the same way by her mother. Even if it really wouldn’t be like that.
Certainly, Cordelia asks her to behave, but she doesn’t scold her directly as she does with Cedric, because her issue with him is completely different. But, at least before looking in the mirror, Callista didn't know that.
3. Calista’s internalization of the fear of disappointing others.
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That said, I believe that if Calista really thinks that if she fails like Cedric, she will be treated the same way by her family, it explains a bit of her anxiety to get along and prove herself in front of the witches in "Too Cute to Spook."
Now, although I said that what Cordelia does by generating this expectation for Calista is inadvertent, the next scene really catches my attention.
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I always wondered why, at that particular part of the song, Cordelia caresses Calista in such a way. To me, it seems a bit like a kind of warning for Calista.
It’s probably not intentional, as I said, but I find it curious.
Anyway, continuing with this point...
It’s not very well explained in the series how complicated the spells that Calista does are, but it seems to me that for a child, she can do an incredible amount of things. She can make herself float, create illusions, create objects out of nothing, and, more interestingly, she can undo spells from a more experienced sorcerer (Cedric).
I say this because of that scene in "Gone with the Wand" where Calista frees Cedric from the nets he created for Morgana and ended up trapping him. I doubt that Cedric, wanting to trap Morgana, would have cast an easy spell to break.
What I mean is: Calista is a prodigy. At least, she seems to be.
Surely Cordelia must feel very proud of her, as must her grandparents, knowing how much Goodwyn cares about the magical ability of his descendants. So, wouldn’t that feed the fear of disappointing them?
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This phrase, although it can be understood in the context of that episode, gives us a glimpse of how Calista perceives herself.
And, Who can understand that feeling better than anyone? Her dear Uncle Ceddy.
4. The relationship between Calista and Cedric: why Calista loves him so much.
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Cedric loves Calista, that’s not in doubt. He listens to her, comforts her, and makes her understand that certain things are wrong in a compassionate way and not through scolding or mistreatment. His first instinct when they are in danger is to protect her (and Sofia), which undoubtedly shows Calista how much he cares for her.
If Calista feels that fear of disappointing others, Cedric could be the only person Calista sees who won’t abandon her if she turns out to be a failure instead of a prodigy.
If, in some way, Calista feels pressured by her mother’s expectations or the people around her, she finds a safe place in Cedric because she knows he won’t judge her, he won’t demand perfection from her.
Calista can be totally herself with him, I'm not saying she isn't with Cordelia, but if she's taking care not to have any flaws...
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In the same way, that idea could fuel the empathy she feels for her uncle. She feels bad that Cordelia is hard on him because, even on a very different level, she understands what it feels like.
I should also add that Calista has a good image of Cedric; she has seen him perform spells perfectly. She believes Cedric is a great sorcerer, but if that great sorcerer is not enough in the eyes of his family, What fate awaits her?
Well, that’s basically all I have to say. Thank you for reading, and as always, I’d be happy to hear any comments!
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moonypears-blog · 2 months
A not-so-good Father's Day.
Summary: It's father's day, Sofia's heart hurts.
CW: Previous parent death.
“I’m so happy grandad liked my gift for him!” Calista grinned, repeating herself for about the fifth time, skipping in between Cedric and Cordelia, both holding her little hands in theirs. It was father’s Day and they were just getting back from Mystic Meadows to see Goodwyn, Calista had seen them choosing gifts for their father and wanted to join in, they welcomed her, seeing as she didn’t have a father to celebrate with. And he was her grandad, so not entirely out of the cards. She did get upset at the fact there wasn’t an uncle’s day, however.
“Me too, dear,” Cedric responded again, smiling at her. Secretly, he was very happy she came along because it took notice from the fact he had no idea what to get his father and threw together a less-than-thrilling gift. Her cuteness was a very good distraction.
“Mmhm!” Cordelia hummed, watching her daughter hop from foot to foot through the castle hall. “He was so happy!” Calista continued.
All three of them came to a pause when they reached the Royal dining room, where all the royals, except one, were surprisingly sat, all looking sad and worried. Cedric frowned, dropping Calista’s hand. Where was Princess Sofia? And why were they all so worried? Was she alright?
Cordelia exchanged a look with him, also concerned for the family. Calista too looked worriedly curious.
“Your majesties?” Cedric started, looking at them, and then Sofia’s all-too-empty chair. “What’s going on?” Cordelia asked. Amber sighed, looking down at the table. “Sofia hasn’t come out of her room all day, she won’t let anyone in or say anything but ask to be left alone,” she sighed again at the end of her sentence. “If she doesn’t come out soon, we’ll miss father’s day lunch,” James chimed in.
This only made Cedric more concerned, that wasn’t at all like his Sofia. Not like her at all.
“Oh, dear,” Cordelia said, looking again at Cedric, who was wracking his brain trying to think why Sofia would be exhibiting this behaviour so suddenly. She seemed perfectly fine the last few times he saw her. But, things aren’t always as they seem.
Calista looked very confused, she sensed the weird atmosphere in the room. “What’s wrong with Sofia, uncle Ceddy?” she asked, holding onto Cedric’s robe loosely. “I don’t know, Calista,” he answered honestly, patting her on the head. “Shall I go see if she’s okay?” he asked the royal family. There were a few times he was the only one she’d open up to.
“You can try,” Amber responded-genuine despite the usual backhandedness of those words. He looked at the parents, who both nodded. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with her,” Miranda sighed, looking up at the direction of her daughter’s room. “I’ll see what I can do,” Cedric answered sincerely, starting the reasonably long walk to her room.
After ten or so minutes, Cedric was in front of Sofia’s door, he could just barely hear crying from behind it. Oh. He started to wonder what she could be crying about, had her heart been broken already? She only turned thirteen three months back.
Cedric knocked on the door with one knuckle, listening for a response. “Princess?” he called gently. He heard a sniffle. “Mr Cedric?” Sofia rasped back. She wasn’t telling him to go away yet, that was a good sign. “Can I come in, my dear?” he asked, trying to sound as genuine as he could. It was quiet for a minute or so, but he didn’t press for a response.
“Okay,” he heard her finally say, then the sparkling sound of magic as the door handle twitched. Their magic lessons must be doing some good, he couldn’t help but be a bit proud.
Cedric opened the door and peeked inside. “Love?” He saw Sofia on her bed, clearly upset. The curtains were shut, he guessed in an attempt to shut the world out, a bit of afternoon light shining from the gap between them.
Sofia sniffled again. Her knees slightly curled as she laid in the middle of her bed. “Princess…” he said, slowly stepping inside. He made sure to close the door behind him.
As he got closer, Cedric saw there was a brown sailors hat on her nightstand, other things pushed off to make room for it, like it was on its own pedestal.
“Mr Cedric…” Sofia murmured, laying in her own tears. Taking that as welcoming him, Cedric sat down on the edge of her bed. He'd never seen her so blue before.
“What’s the matter, my dear? Your sister told me you won't leave your room, it's father's day, you know?” he said his last words in an attempt to cheer her up, but she only looked more upset.
“I know.”
“Sofia, you know that you can talk to me. Just tell me what's wrong, dear. Perhaps we can fix it,” Cedric tried again. He could guess this was due to father's day, but he couldn't guess why. Sofia had always been so happy on father's day.
Slowly, Sofia finally sat up, wiping her eyes with her arm. “I’m sorry, Mr Cedric,” she said, actually looking at him now. “Don’t apologize, my dear. Just please tell me why you're so upset.”
Sofia started to fidget with her fingers. “It’s because of father's day….” she started. He nodded. “It’s always been…so different since I moved to the castle. Before, me and mom used to visit Papa's grave…we'd talk to him and leave him things,” Sofia began to shake, “sometimes it feels like I'm not supposed to think about him or get upset, but I can't help it, everything feels tangled up, I wanna be really happy but I can't. Papa isn't even brought up anymore, and-and I don't wanna make dad upset but I just…” Tears fell down Sofia's cheeks at an alarming rate, her hands getting sweaty.
“Is that why you haven't left your bedroom? To avoid everything?” Cedric asked. He could relate to doing that. And father's day had always been rough for him as a child.
“I know it isn't okay…” she sniffled.
“It’s understandable, Sofia. It must be difficult, having one deceased father and one living one, wanting to mourn but not feeling allowed to, and not being able to feel happy, everything feeling so messy and not knowing what to do. I'm truly sorry, Sofia,” he told her.
“I feel trapped sometimes, on days like this, I don't know who I'm meant to think about. I don't want to be upset on dad's day…but I want to think about Papa too,” Sofia continued, looking at him as if to say “I know you can't fix it, but please.”
“My dear, your feelings shouldn't revolve around other people's. Please don't bottle them up for the sake of other people's happiness. You're allowed to feel pain on this day, Sofia, just because you have another father doesn't mean the other one doesn't exist. Anyone who prevents you from grieving doesn't deserve your light,” Cedric took Sofia's hand, squeezing it gently. “Don’t let anyone tell you it's time to move on and focus on Roland. He was, he is your father, Sofia, you have every reason to think about him on this day.”
Unexpectedly, Sofia grabbed his arm, beginning to nuzzle into him. “Love,” he murmured wrapping his arms around her. He pulled himself further onto her bed, pulling her closer. It was moments like this that he was so happy he faced his aversion to physical touch.
Sofia began to cry into the area between his neck and chest, her face pushed into his robe. “Shhh,” his hand went to her hair, starting to pull his fingers through it, he'd never been good at comforting, but it came easily with Sofia.
“It's so hard sometimes,” she told him, “I just want it to be simple again…” Sofia held him tightly, curling up her legs. “Oh,” he rubbed her arm in an attempt to comfort her a bit more. “Perhaps it can be, Sofia,” he said, she looked up at him. “How?”
“I’m sure something could be sorted out. Maybe spend the day with Roland, then end it by visiting your father at his resting place? With your family or just you and your mother. Even just yourself.” He also wanted to tell her that if, for any reason, this was disagreed, he would take her there himself. He couldn't see why such a suggestion would be denied, how cruel do you need to be to deny a little girl the right to visit her father's grave on father's day?
“You get to be with Roland, but there's also acknowledgement of your father and you get your time to grieve and think of him, tell stories, anything you wish.”
Sofia began to nod. “I’d love that, I'd love that so much,” she squeezed him even tighter, crying what now looked like happy tears.
“If I may, my dear, I feel that your emotions about your father might become so strong when your with Roland because you feel the need to push them down. If you can spend the day knowing you have a chance to feel them and show your grief, to think about your father, do you think that will make you happier?” he asked, he also wanted Sofia to feel happy, not just tugging along waiting to show her emotions.
“It really would, Mr Cedric,” Sofia smiled through her slowing tears, the sad ones drying up, he could only guess how relieved she was to finally have an anecdote to this burden. “Perfect,” he petted her head, ”we can talk that over with your parents. I'm sure they'll agree.”
“Thank you, Mr Cedric…you've always been like a dad to me too…” Sofia's head rested on his shoulder as she spoke. Cedric couldn't help but pause. He was like a father to her?
“Thank you, my dear,” it was a short but honest sentence, no more words could appropriately explain his feelings, he could only let out a breath and stroke her hair.
Sofia slowly got up from him, wiping off her old tears with her arm. “I’m glad to have you,” she told him.
“I’m just as glad to have you, my dear. I can’t bear to think about life without you,” Cedric was just as sincere as when he plead for forgiveness from the royal family. He knew what life would be like without Sofia. Just like a life without the sun. She was more than his sun, she was his moon, his stars, his planets, his sky, she was his universe.
Sofia smiled at him.
Cedric cleared his throat, emotions were never his strong suit. “Would you like to see your family now, my dear? Tell them about our wanted arrangement?” he asked. It was Sofia that mattered right now. Sofia agreed.
“Mr Cedric?” Sofia said after he shut her bedroom door, ready to walk with her to meet her family. “Yes, my dear?”
“Thank you for always being here.”
The aforementioned father's day one shot is here just...very late. On top of just forgetting about it and also going through some life things, I was also working on "Papa..." which was taking most of my writing time.
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swiftieblyth · 6 months
The Nightshade Sisters Philosopher’s Stone: Chapter One- Heading to Hogwarts
Warnings- dead mom, abusive dad, raised by aunt uncles and godparents, death eaters, Voldemort, violence and murder, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, all other Harry Potter stuff
Let me know if there’s anything else!
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“Hurry, we’re going to be late!” A girl with long, wavy, light brown hair yelled, running to Platform 9 3/4 holding her little sister’s hand.
“We’re not going to be late, just calm down.” A boy the same age as the girl replied, pushing a cart with all his stuff in it. “Let Rosie enjoy the experience. It’s her first time.”
“Oh really?” The older girl remarked. “I didn’t know that, thanks Ceddie.”
“Okay, okay,” a lady in her late 30s early 40s cut in. Her dark brown hair flowing down a little past her shoulders.” “You lot calm down. We’re almost there.”
The group walked up to the platform and stopped. “All right, you ready, Little Rose?” The boy asked, smiling down at the timid little girl with matching dark brown hair as the older lady.
“Is it scary?” The girl asked. “Walking through the platform.”
“No Rosie,” the older girl said. “It’s going to be amazing! It’s brilliant!”
“Would it make you feel better if I grabbed your other hand?” The boy asked, The little girl, Rosie, nodded her head and held his hand in her other hand.
The group walked through and made it to the other end of the platform. “Blimey,” Rosie breathed.
“It was cool, wasn’t it?” The older girl asked.
“It was.” Rosie smiled.
“Loo, it’s the Weasley’s,” the older girl remarked. “Rosie, you remember the Weasley’s right?”
“Kinda, the red haired family right?”
“Yeah, that’s them.” The boy explained. “The twins are in the same year as me and Lacy.”
“Oi!” The older girl, Lacy, called. “Fred! George!”
Two red haired twins turned around and saw Lacy as she came running up to them.
“Lacy!” The smiled in unison, as they all three hugged.
“Lacy dear,” a plump lady with red hair smiled, as the three pulled away. “How are you? How was your summer?”
“It was okay, Mrs. Weasley. How was yours?”
“It was well, thank you dearie.” The plump lady said, pulling Lacy into a big hug.
After a few seconds Mrs. Weasley let go and Lacy looked at the youngest red haired boy. “Ron, it’s your first year too, right?”
“Yes,” the boy replied.
“Brilliant! This is my little sister, Rosie,” Lacy explained, gesturing to her little sister, who was holding the boys hand. She had a shy smile on her face as she tried to hide behind him. “Rosie, this is Ron, the twins little brother. He’s in the same year as you.”
“Hi,” the youngest boy smiled.
“Okay, you lot better get going on the train,” the lady with dark brown hair smiled.
“Right. Bye, Aunt Joyce.” Lacy let out, hugging the lady.
“Now you two,” Mrs. Weasley ordered, looking at the twins. “This year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me that you’ve — you’ve blown up a toilet or —“
“Blown up a toilet?” George asked. “We’ve never blown up a toilet.”
“Great idea though,” Fred remarked. “Thanks Mum.”
“It’s not funny!” Mrs. Weasley stated, as Lacy walked up to the twins. “Lacy dear, keep an eye on them this year.”
“I always do, Mrs. Weasley.” Lacy smiled. “I’ll do my best to keep them out of trouble this year.”
“You’re a dear, Lacy. Now boys, Lacy has her own little sister to look after this year, so I expect to not get her in trouble. And do look after Ron.”
“Don’t worry Mum,” Fred smiled. “We won’t get Lace into too much trouble.”
“Yeah,” George agreed. “And ickle Ronniekins is save with us.”
“Shut up.” Ron said.
“Okay, my kids,” Joyce called out. “I need to get going.”
“No, don’t go!” Rosie cried, hugging her tight.
“Hey, don’t worry, Rosie,” Joyce whispered softly, crouching down to be eye level with the little girl. “Hogwarts is going to be amazing. You’re going to have so much fun, and you’ll have Lacy and Cedric to look out for you, no matter what house you’re in, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll write to you every day!”
“I know you will. Uncle Remus and I will love to hear from you. Try to make some friends okay? I love you.”
“I love you too,” Rosie let out, pulling away from her aunt as she stood up.
“Don’t worry Little Rose.” Cedric called, picking her up in his arms. “We’ll look out for you, and help you make friends. These are going to be the best years of your life!”
“Bye, Aunt Joyce,” Lacy smiled, hugging her aunt.
“Bye Lace. Look out for your sister, and take care of her, okay.”
“I will. You take care of yourself too, okay? It’s been a hard year for all of us, but I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you. I’m always here if you need to talk.”
“I know, Lace. You’re so sweet. Now, I know you have Cedric and the twins, but if Rosie ever needs to talk about it, please be there for her.”
“I always will be there for her.”
“I love you. You should have never have had to gone through all of this.”
“Neither should you. I love you, Aunt Joyce.”
“I love you too, Lace.”
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“We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes time,” a voice echoed through the train. “Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.”
Rosie’s heart started racing, and her hands started shaking as she held her breath. She was sitting next to Cedric and Lacy and instantly grabbed their hands in hers.
“Hey, Rosie, it’s going to be okay,” Lacy reassured, looking down at her terrified little sister. “Just think, Uncle Remus did this, and Aunt Joyce did this once, and so did Uncle Tim. If they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have met.”
“And so did my parents,” Cedric smiled. “And if it was t for Hogwarts, my dad and your aunt wouldn’t have met and become best friends, and you and Lacy, along with Hannah and Emma wouldn’t be my Godsisters.”
“I’m scared,” Rosie breathed. “What if I’m not in Hufflepuff? Then I won’t know anyone.”
“You’ll make friends,” Lacy assured her. “Did you bring your book?”
“Then just read that whenever you need to. And Cedie and I will always be there.”
The train came to a stop and Rosie squeezed there hands. “It’s going to be okay, Little Rose.”
“Would it help if she was with Ron?” Fred through out.
“That would be amazing, Freddie,” Lacy smiled, looking across the compartment at him. “Do you know where he is?”
“He should just be in the compartment next to us, with Harry Potter,” George explained.
Lacy looked at Cedric with a sad look, and he gave her a knowing look back, as Rosie started shaking more, tears coming to her face.
“Could you to go get Ron?” Lacy asked as Cedric hugged Rosie. “We’ll meet you right outside.”
“Of course,” George agreed, leaving the compartment. Fred got up, but looked at Lacy with a concerned look. “Come on Freddie, let’s leave them be.”
Fred nodded and walked out with George. Lacy watched watched them close the door then joined the hug. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked.
“I’m scared,” Rosie sobbed.
“I know, I know. But it’s going to be amazing.”
“I don’t want to leave you two.”
“Oh, Little Rose, you’re not leaving us,” Cedric explained. “You just have to go see what house you’re in.”
“I’m scared. What if I’m not in Hufflepuff…”
“It’ll be okay. You’ll make friends, Rosie.”
“But I don’t want people to pity me,” Rosie cried into Cedric’s chest. Lacy let out a breath as she looked at Cedric, tears forming in her eyes.
Cedric gave Lacy a weak smile as he tightened his grip on Rosie. “Hey, they won’t, Little Rose. And if they do, just come tell me, and I’ll take care of them.”
“Really?” Rosie asked, looking up at him.
“And so will me and the twins.” Lacy added. “We love you, Rosie, and so many others are going to as well.”
“I love you guys,” Rosie let out, hugging them again.
“We love you too, Little Rose.”
The three pulled apart from the hug and stood up. “You ready?” Lacy asked.
“Yeah.” Rosie nodded.
The three walked out and met up with the twins, Ron, and Harry. “Firs’ years!” A big man yelled. “Firs’ years over here!”
Ron and Harry started walking off, but Rosie grabbed Lacy’s hand. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” Lacy let out, crouching down to be level with her. “Cedie and I are going to be here for you no matter what house you’re in.”
“I love you,” Rosie breathed, hugging Lacy.
“I love you too,” Lacy breathed, kissing her head. “Now, I’ll see you in just a little bit. You’re going to do great!”
Rosie smiled, and walked off with Harry and Ron.
Lacy watched as Rosie walked away, sipping a tear from her face.
“Hey, it’ll be okay, Lace,” Fred let out, grabbing her hand.
“Thanks, Freddie,” Lacy smiled. “I’m just worried about her. She’s always been a shy girl, but it got worse after our uncle died.”
“She’ll be okay, Lace,” Cedric cut in. “She’s strong, a lot like your aunt.”
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dear protoo:
i've been hearing a lot of things, i think ! there's something ive been meaning to ask u becausee calamus didn't know anything about it and ceddy was very vague :<
whats the old world?
( @alulablog )
[Esteemed Alula:
May I ask, where have you been hearing about that? I believe it's important to know that first.
To at least answer your question... Think of it like the past. It's called Old because it is set further back in the timeline. We are in the present, so we cannot go back to the past, and we cannot go back to the Old World.
I do not like this answer, but... I don't think you could comprehend it fully if I tried.
-Prototype. ]
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Hello, I’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not, but if so can we please get reader meeting Cedric’s parents for the first time? If you’re not taking requests i apologize.
Thank u for the request anon, this is quite the juicy prompt. Ironically I have an angst fic that's part of my slow burn Cedric fanfic series in my drafts that's exactly this LOL.
But for everyone's sake this will be wholesome. (This time lmao)
Also, my requests are always open so if you ever need more Cedric + reader content I'm your fish! 🐟
Enjoy <3
The early morning sun creeped through the crack between the curtains, the rich golden rays covering the wall of Cedric's workshop in a honey glow.
It made your tired eyes sting even further.
You let out a low groan of frustration, covering yourself in the blankets to shield you. You turn over, back to Cedric; your partner, who was still snoring gently next to you.
Even though your eyes felt itchy and dry from the prior sleepless night, your gaze can't help but soften at how adorable he looked.
His normally neatly combed hair was sticking out in all directions, which is no surprise as you found out quickly that he's a restless sleeper.
You delicately tuck a few unruly tufts of hair back into its rightful place, your eyes scanning Cedric's resting form.
His dark green undershirt contrasts greatly with his fair skin, which peeks out from the unbuttoned collar of his shirt.
Biting back a laugh, you plant a gentle kiss on Cedric's exposed collarbone.
Cedric's eyes flutter for a second, slowly opening as he mumbles something incoherent in his sleep driven state.
"Good morning to you too...?" You croaked, your voice more hoarse than you expected. You try to ignore it, but you knew Cedric wouldn't miss any detail when it came to you.
His body snaps from sluggish to alert in seconds. His props himself up with his elbow, his eyes immediately locking with yours.
"...Are you alright, darling?" Cedric asks, his amber eyes full of concern. You can see the cogs already turning in his head, but you quickly brush it off.
"It's too early for you to worry about things right now," you start, your hand finding his. Cedric says nothing, his gaze still searching you for answers.
With a small sigh, you relent and answer honestly.
"I'm fine, I promise. I just... Didn't get much sleep. It's a big day today, after all." You flash Cedric a nervous smile, and you watch the realization dawn on him.
"You're meeting my parents today..." Cedric trails off, his hand squeezing yours in comfort.
You nod in agreement, your eyes resting on Cedric's fingers that intertwine with yours. His thumb rubs against your knuckles in an attempt to soothe you, and you let out a sigh in contentment.
"I understand why you'd be nervous-" Cedric began, and you quickly cut him off.
"Yes- they're your parents, Ceddy. And their track record is not much better than mine." You eye him with a knowing smirk, and he scoffs in laughter.
"That's true; however, I feel like I must point out that your parents are much worse than mine." Cedric replies, eyeing you back.
Now it was your turn to laugh, raising your hand in surrender.
"True... but at least you'll never have to meet them." You shrugged, turning on your back as you stare at the ceiling in contemplation.
You can still feel Cedric's eyes on you, and you glance over at him. You couldn't quite tell the expression he wore, and it bugged you. You try not to squirm under his bright amber pools, but you knew it was futile to hide your discomfort.
Cedric suddenly shifts his body, inching more towards you. You react instantly, shuffling towards him lazily as you both entangle your bodies together. You both wrap your arms around each other, and Cedric's hands rub your back in soothing motions.
"I know today is going to be alot- so I understand why you're scared." Cedric reiterated, his voice low in your ear.
"I'm terrified, honestly." You confess, rubbing your face into his shoulder.
"I promise, they'll love you (y/n). If anything, meeting you is their dream come true!" Cedric's voice betrayed a smile, and you knew that if Cedric was able to speak confidently then you could trust his words.
Even so, the pit in your stomach still refused to calm itself. You let out another dread filled sigh, and you push your face away from Cedric's skin. Lifting your eyes to cautiously meet his own, you ask him the question that's been burning on your tongue.
"It's not that I don't believe you, but... What if I don't... Meet their expectations?" You say in a small voice, immediately breaking eye contact to fiddle with Cedric's loose collar.
Cedric snickers in response, but you knew it was in jest.
"Darling, that's what I'm saying- they had no expectations for me ever finding love..." Cedric trailed off, a slightly jaded undertone in his words.
"...And honestly, neither did I." Cedric adds softly, and you feel familiar lips graze your forehead.
You immediately feel the heat rush to your cheeks at his gesture, and you give him a gentle kiss on the cheek in return.
Cedric flashes you a dopey grin, silver locks falling in his golden eyes, and you feel your heart warm at the sight.
Without realizing it, you find a grin of your own stretching across your face.
"If you're worried about them holding you to the standards they set for me, I'm happy to tell you that's not possible. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that you are everything they could ever ask for." Cedric proclaimed boldly, his hand cupping your chin so your eyes couldn't escape his own.
As you locked eyes, you realize that there was no hesitation or doubt laced in them. With no words left to dispute him, you're left speechless and caught in his gaze. Your eyes begin to shift around to Cedric's facial features you've already memorized, unabashedly drinking him in.
While Cedric was doing the same thing, he quickly tutted in disapproval.
"Ah, ah! Behave, you scoundrel. You should be resting those lovely (e/c) eyes of yours." Cedric scolded you, half jokingly.
"With you around, I'm not so sure about that." You smile cheekily, and you see the red blossom across Cedric's cheeks. He begins to choke on his words, earning a chuckle from you at his plight.
"W-Well, that's. I'm lo-looking out for your health!" Cedric squeaks out, and you bite your tongue to keep from laughing any more.
"You should really try to catch up on some sleep, (y/n)." Cedric repeats, his voice holding more conviction this time.
You knew that Cedric was right, and with your anxiety quelled for now, your body was now protesting for sleep to come.
"Alright... But you'll need to wake me up." You relented, already settling back into the plush mattress.
"Of course." Cedric nods dutifully, pulling the blanket up to your shoulders.
You close your eyes soon after, the weight of sleep pulling you into unconsciousness.
Later That Day...
Standing straight as a pin, you wait with bated breath besides Cedric as he knocks on the door to his parents home.
You didn't know much about Mystic Meadows, except the last minute details Cedric filled you in on. Apparently, it was a retirement community for retired sorcerers and sorceresses alike, all of them well renowned. Cedric mentioned his parents being particularly popular, which came to no surprise to you; Goodwyn, Cedric's father, being the right hand of the late King is sure to make you popular.
If anything, it just adds to the pressure weighing on you.
Looking around, you see a couple of lone elderly sorcerer's hobbling down the cobbled path to the main building. Your mouth quirks up into a small smile, seeing the banter between the two.
You're broken out of your trance by hearing footsteps shuffle behind the door in front of you.
Your eyes dart to meet Cedric's, expecting him to be as nervous as you feel. However, his gaze holds you steady- his amber eyes warm and lingering.
With your eyes locked in his stare, your anxiety quickly deflates. The relief doesn't last, however; you suddenly feel self conscious about how nervous you were previously acting. Your cheeks begin to light up like hot coals, and without a word you break eye contact.
You feel Cedric's eyes still on you, but you keep your eyes glued to the wooden door inches in front of you. The noise from inside grew louder- Cedric's parents would open the door any minute.
Heart thumping, you feel your skin flush even more. You almost don't notice Cedric's hand slinking into your own, but the familiar feeling of worn leather gloves against your finger pads brings you relief.
You exhale sharply, just as the door opens. You're welcomed by a stout woman with dark curly hair, cat-like eyes, and a strong nose. She was wearing an expensive looking blue gown adorned with glittering jewels, accented with a long necklace of pearls. The resemblance between her and Cedric were uncanny, and it amazed you at how much of the physical features you love about Cedric came from his mother.
This was Cedric's mother, "Winnifred the Wise" as her title goes. You strain to keep eye contact with the woman as you stand awkwardly.
"Hello, Mrs. Winnifred. It's nice to finally meet you." You flash her a strained smile, bowing your head slightly in respect.
"Oh goodness, I think we're already past formalities! Winnifred will do just fine." The older woman laughs warmly, and your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Ah- of course. Sorry." You glance away sheepishly, tucking your hands behind you.
Winnifred chuckles, then turns towards Cedric with shining eyes.
"My darling Ceddykins, Mummy misses you so much...!" She cooed lovingly, quickly wrapping her arms around Cedric's lean frame. Cedric returns the gesture, bending down to meet his mother's embrace.
You stand to the side, a toothy grin stretching across your face at Cedric's pet name. His eyes flick to yours, and your smile only grows. Cedric raises a brow as if to challenge you to comment, and you wave him off with a chuckle.
"Yes mummy, it's good to see you too," Cedric mumbles into his mother's shoulder, gently letting go of her. His back straightens, amber eyes landing on the entrance to his parents home.
"Where's father, mum?" Cedric questions, his gaze fixed inside the house.
"Oh! He's in the back, finishing up (y/n)'s gift!" Winnifred turns towards you with bright eyes, her hands reaching to clasp yours. "Goodwyn told me to keep you two busy until he was done," Winnifred said with a wink, her lips twisting into a mysterious smirk.
"Oh, thank you so much...!" The words clumsily tumble from your lips, betraying the shock you felt at the kind gesture. You stare at Winnifred with widened eyes, unsure of what to say next.
Winnifred smiles at you kindly, then laughs.
"Don't thank us just yet, (y/n). This is only the beginning, darling." She states with a firm squeeze of your hands, her eyes boring into yours. You felt your heart warm from her hospitality, and without a word you squeezed her hands in return.
Winnifred then broke away, gesturing for the both of you to come inside her home. She chatters away to Cedric about recent events, the two of them catching up since they last spoke. You all sat down on the plush furniture of the living room, with Cedric's mother claiming a well worn chair, across from you and Cedric on the loveseat.
You were quite fine with the arrangement, as the idea of talking to Cedric's parents still intimidated you. Sitting down and observing was well within your comfort zone, and the banter between the two was entertaining on its own.
"Mummy, as much as I appreciate the thought, I am a grown man-" Cedric enunciated, exhaling sharply as his fingers pressed into his temple. You chuckled lowly, curiosity edging you to tune into their conversation again.
"No mother will ever see their child as grown, Ceddy." Winnifred gives Cedric a pointed look, leaning her weight on her hip. Cedric huffs in response, laughing dryly. Winnifred's face softens a little, and she walks up to pinch Cedric's cheek affectionately.
"You'll know what I mean once you have some children of your own." Cedric's mother says with a knowing smirk, her eyes shifting over to you. You almost flinch from the eye contact, and you scramble to form any response to her implications.
"Oh- we haven't... Planned on that, yet." You mumble, running your hand through your hair nervously. In fact, you and Cedric had both agreed that children weren't *in the plan* whatsoever. Even so, stating that towards eager in-laws on your first meeting made your head spin and your palms slick with sweat. Your eyes tear away from Winnifred's gaze, darting to Cedric's in a silent plea for help.
Cedric was already alert, his hand instinctively resting on the small of your back for support. The heat from his fingers seeped into your flesh, keeping you grounded as your heart stills. You turn your head to give him a thankful look, and Cedric glanced over you with a ghost of a smile.
Turning towards his mother, he tutted as if she were a child being scolded.
"Sorry mother, you know the rules. Every time you ask, we'll add another 5 years!" Cedric threatened his mother in a cheery voice, yet his eyes were cold and serious.
Winnifred scoffed in protest, crossing her arms over her chest. The two exchanged hard looks, a silent argument being fought with their eyes alone. You glanced over to catch Cedric's eye, but you found them to be unwavering against his mother. You felt an immense wave of gratitude wash over you at Cedric's resolve, and your hand quietly slipped into his own with a reassuring squeeze.
Just as the tension was boiling over, a loud ding! made everyone nearly jump out of their skins. Winnifred's eyes glazed over in confusion, then widened in recognition.
"The cake- I completely forgot!" She rushes over to the kitchen, her wand already up in the air. You slowly let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, feeling your body deflate a little bit.
You wearily look over to Cedric again, wearing an equally tired expression. Without thinking, you nudge him gently. His body immediately snaps over to give you his full attention, his eyes lighting up upon resting on you.
"...Thank you, luv." You murmur, eyes softening as you stare into his amber pools. You wish you could say more, but you can only hope Cedric understands the full extent of your thanks with what you left unspoken.
"Of course, darling." Cedric gives you a knowing wink, leaning over so his cheek was pressed up against yours. You nuzzled your face closer to his, your lips barely brushing against Cedric's warm skin. You felt him flush, and a smile carved its way on your face.
Before you could readjust to properly kiss him, however, Winnifred both called you over.
"Alright (y/n), I need your help darling! And you too, Ceddykins!" Winnifred exclaimed, standing expectantly beside the kitchen counter.
You both glanced at each other incredulously, but slowly got up and shuffled towards the overpowering sweet smell of the cake. The dessert had just come out of the oven, steam wafting from the golden baked good.
Your eyes expertly scanned the cake, noting that it was well made and smelled as good as it looked.
"How can we help?" You asked, doubtful that you or Cedric would be able to help when it was clear his mother knew what she was doing. Her eyes meet yours, addressing you with an excited voice.
"I need you to fetch Goodwyn, while Cedric and I put the magical finishing touches on your cake. We can't ruin the surprise, after all!" Winnifred flashes you a wink, then turns to Cedric and ushers him closer to her side.
You stare at Winnifred in bewilderment for a moment, anxiety making your skin flush. You were dreading speaking to Cedric's father most of all, and now you'll have to face him alone with no Cedric to come and save you.
You exhale a shaky breath, feeling a little light headed. You didn't even know where to go to find Goodwyn, and yet somehow you were deemed fit for the task at hand.
You stand awkwardly, watching Winnifred and Cedric roll up their sleeves in preparation. They both had their wands out now, with Cedric bearing his family wand high in the air.
"Ah- where is Goodwyn, again?" Your voice cuts through their concentration like handling a blunt knife, awkward and hesitant.
"Oh good heavens, forgive me!" Winnifred exclaims, her brows shooting up in apology.
"He's in the back dear, just a straight shot down the hall and out the back door." Winnifred gives you an encouraging smile for a moment, then dismissing you as she turns back to the task at hand.
"Right..." You mutter, trudging through the house. You slowly glance at the pictures adorning the hallway, chuckling at the awkward smiles of a young Cedric with his family.
It wasn't long until you reached the back door per Winnifred's instructions. The door had a window cut into its sturdy wooden frame, and through it you see an older man outside. He stood in a well landscaped patio, exotic plants framed all around him. Well crafted benches, tables, and chairs are neatly positioned off to the side, with Goodwyn standing in a mini workshop of sorts to the opposite end.
Seeing the man in person makes your body freeze up, with the previous worries about him rearing its ugly head again. You let out a low groan of dread, your hands covering your face as you rub your eyes. After taking in a few deep breaths, you peel your hands away and set your eyes on Cedric's father once more.
In your frozen state, you unintentionally watch Goodwyn work. It seems that Cedric inherited his feverish work style from his father, as the older man bumbles around his work space for ingredients and haphazardly sets them in any nook of free space available.
You let out a small laugh, your heart tickled by the glimpses of Cedric shining through from his parents. Before you could relish in the merry thought, Goodwyn immediately turns around to the source of your laughter, his keen eyes locking with yours.
You gasp, eyes widening with horror. You open your mouth to speak, but the words instantly die on your tongue. With no defense left, you're resigned to standing there slack jawed and looking like an idiot in front of your future father-in-law.
"My wife scared you off that quickly, eh?" Goodwyn calls to you with a wry smile, his booming laugh carrying through the breeze.
You bark a forced chuckle, but refuse to give an answer. If only he knew that he was the only one you've been trying to avoid all day. With shaky hands, you push the door open and step outside to properly greet him.
As if on cue, a strong breeze pushes against your back, as if prodding you to continue stepping forward. Wind chimes hung up on the roof tinny as you march on, their comforting sound granting you courage.
The man watches patiently as you stride towards him, his eyes watching you with a gleam of curiosity. Darting your eyes away from his gaze, you finally stop and muster up your voice to speak.
"Quite the opposite, in fact. She told me to fetch you for the cake she baked for me." You say slowly, trying your best to conceal your nervousness.
"Hmph- and I told her to keep you busy until *I* was done with your gift." Goodwyn states simply, adding a pinch of dried herbs to the concoction he was brewing. You laugh awkwardly, rubbing your neck as a long silence stretches out between you both.
You watch as he stirs the potion in front of him, scanning the materials littered around the couldron to make sense of what he was making. Even though you picked up quite a bit about magic from Cedric, you were unsure of what exactly this potion was. Many ingredients were unfamiliar or unlabeled, which left your brows furrowed in contemplation.
Goodwyn seemed to pick up on your confused gaze, his lips twitching into a ghost of a smile.
"Any ideas so far, (y/n)?" Goodwyn questions you, his hand gesturing to the bubbling brew.
Your eyes flick up to his once more, and you feel self conscious. Your mind races to form a coherent thought, but the thought of being tested against the greatest living sorcerer in Enchancia made your mind go completely blank.
"I... I'm not sure." You uttered shamefully, hugging your middle in an attempt to calm yourself.
You feel Goodwyn staring at you, and you had to fight your body from fidgeting any further under his gaze. He finally hums noncommittally in response, back to stirring the potion as he adds another ingredient into it.
"Well then, I'll allow myself to give you a hint- this potion has no counter spell, because it doesn't need one." Goodwyn smiles in satisfaction of his riddle, humming a tune while he works.
"No counter spell?" You choke out in surprise, eyeing the mysterious liquid with trepidation. A million questions blitzed through your head, the main one being why Goodwyn would give you a potion that couldn't be undone if things go awry.
What kind of gift would an in-law give that they wouldn't want to be undone? A few unsavory answers immediately popped into your brain on instinct, but you shake them away. The man was named Goodwyn, for Merlin's sake.
You felt a sense of shame at the suspicion that arose from your mind, but nonetheless tried to think logically.
Just as you saw Goodwyn's mouth open to speak, the solution popped to the front of your mind, clear as an Enchancia summer day.
"A blessing...?" Your voice wavers with uncertainty, but in your core you knew your guess was true. Goodwyn's stern face breaks out into a genuine smile, lighting up every crevice of his wrinkled cheeks.
"Very good, (y/n). I knew my boy would wed someone sharp." Goodwyn nods to himself, his smile now turning into something more smug. You thank him sheepishly, and he nods in affirmation.
Looking at the simmering potion, you ask him the question that's lingering at the forefront of your mind.
"What kind of blessing is it?" You ask in a slightly more confident voice, staring deeply into the murky liquid.
"Ah- getting a bit ahead of ourselves, are we?" Goodwyn tutted, wagging a finger at you. You scoff, confused and slightly annoyed at his vagueness, but maintain a neutral look on your face.
"What do you mean?" You reply, your eyes shifting around his cluttered workspace as a distraction.
"...Do you know why Winnifred and I chose the name we did for Cedric?" Goodwyn spoke tentatively, an uncommon hesitancy in his voice.
You pause, your brain still processing Goodwyn's unexpected question. You weren't sure where the conversation was heading, which made you hesitate answering him further.
Even so, your curiosity always gets the better of you.
You look up from the table you were studying to meet Goodwyn's eyes. They were somber, with a hint of wistfulness that made you feel strangely melancholy.
"Why did you?" You cautiously squeezed out, tucking your hands behind your back.
"The name Cedric means "loved," where we come from." The old sorcerer pauses, grabbing an empty glass beaker and breaking its seal with a satisfying pop.
You feel your heart melt just a touch from the revelation, yet you remain silent.
Taking that as permission, Goodwyn continues speaking.
"I knew from the moment Cedric was born, he would bear a heavy responsibility as my heir; holding a candle to my accomplishments is no easy feat, after all." He laughs, but you don't reciprocate his humor.
"Yes, I know; Cedric struggled to come to terms with that." You agreed cautiously, unsure if Goodwyn was getting to a point or if this was some attempt to chastise Cedric while he's not around. Your body tenses, and your eyes narrow as you await his following words.
"Indeed- he did for a long time..." Goodwyn trailed off with a sigh, eyeing you with a complicated look. You can clearly see the pain in his eyes, and suddenly Goodwyn seems more... tired, and frail, than the paintings adorned in the castle back home portrays. It was if this was a glimpse into the real man behind the legend, and you dared not blink in case you were imagining it.
You continue to lock eyes with the old sorcerer, searching for any other discernable emotions. Surprisingly, he breaks eye contact first.
"You know, people say names are the first blessing you receive in life; that they have the power to shape your destiny." Goodwyn continues, staring at his reflection that rippled in the cauldron.
"Regardless, Cedric's destiny was already written for him- being born into the Goodwyn line, and all..." Goodwyn's eyes darken, and you feel a prick at your heart.
Shaking his head, he prattles on.
"With that said- the only thing Winny and I could do was give him a constant reminder that he is loved; no matter what life had in store for him." Goodwyn finished with a bittersweet smile, his eyes lowering to grab an eyedropper on his work bench.
Sucking up the dark liquid, he carefully drips it into the beaker with practiced hands. You watch the process wordlessly, feeling like Goodwyn still had more to say.
"Now, after all these years, it seems like our humble blessing has finally come to fruition. I can rest easy knowing after we're gone, Cedric will be loved for years to come." Goodwyn's eyes flick towards you for a moment, and all you can offer is a sappy smile.
Glancing back down at the beaker, he hums in satisfaction with his handiwork.
Sealing the opening with a cork, the sorcerer offers you his gift.
"Now, I'm just returning the favor," Goodwyn whispered, his eyes crinkling as he flashed you a smile.
"...Thank you, Goodwyn." You accepted the potion gently, cradling it in your hands. Looking down at the potion in front of you, you felt a soft hum emanating from your body in reaction to it. Your skin felt like it was buzzing, and there was a growing ringing in your ears the more you looked at it.
Shaking your head to break you from your trance, your eyes met Goodwyn's again.
"You still haven't told me what this blessing is, exactly." You remind him with a gentle smile, and he shakes his head as he chuckles.
"Ah, you let an old man rant and rave for too long; my apologies." Goodwyn bows his head towards you, and you assure him it's fine.
Goodwyn raises his head again, a playful glint now in his eyes.
"A blessing can be used for whatever your heart desires. It will listen only to your intentions, so use it with a clear mind and a full heart. Everything else will fall into place, my dear." Goodwyn clapped you on the shoulder heartily, and a slow smile creeps along your cheeks in response.
It seems that you misjudged horrendously, and now you feel torn between thanking him and apologizing for your misconceptions. As you scramble to articulate your thoughts, you almost miss Goodwyn turning back and heading towards the house.
Sensing you weren't following, Goodwyn glances back to you.
"May I remind you, you have a cake waiting?" He calls out, a brow raised expectantly.
"Yes, of course!" You call back eagerly, pushing off from your idle position to rush to Goodwyn's side.
Standing shoulder to shoulder, your eyes meet again.
"Ready?" Goodwyn asks, offering you his arm.
"As I'll ever be." You reply with a cheeky smile, linking your arm with his own.
Both of you make a straight shot for the quaint cottage, your heart soaring with excitement and love for the new family you found yourself being a part of.
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charlottehpfics · 10 months
a new change (an hp boys imagine)
an hp boys react to FtM reader (she just transitioned)
reminder: if you are transphobic, you ARE NOT welcome here!
Harry would be supportive no matter what- he was perfectly fine with your transition and tried to help you as much as possible! If you were getting bullied or teased, he would be in ultra-Gryffindor mode and stand up for you :) Honestly I don’t think he would want you to feel bad about your identity AT ALL :)
Ron was eating a chicken leg (duh) when you told him about your coming out, and he was really happy for you. Before your coming out you were always unsure of your identity and would constantly be bullied for it. Your transition didn’t stop the bullying, but with some help from Fred and George, Ron was able to get them to stop pestering you. Ron is totally fine with you being FtM and even shows you off to his friends as “his amazing lover”!
This guy is the definition of sunshine and cinnamon rolls. He instantly knew about your transition even when you didn’t tell him, and he was so glad you were happy and knew who you were. One day in the Great Hall, some Slytherins went up to you and bullied you for being trans. Instantly, Cedric was at your side and managed to scare them off with the help of his Hufflepuff mates. Never get on Ceddy’s bad side!
Rephrase. Never get on Draco’s bad side. When you were being bullied for being unsure of your identity, he was always ready to beat someone up! He would comfort you tons if you were upset. He was totally okay with you being FtM and would spend time with you discussing your feelings like your personal cute therapist! Nobody would mess with you after he beat the bullies up.
Neville has always been very confused with himself and the things h around him. That’s partially why he doesn’t have the most friends, and is a common bullying target for Slytherins. That’s why he was very much understanding whenever you came to him for advice, and he was actually the one who helped you realize your identity. After you transitioned, he was always by your side and tried to build up some confidence to stand up for you if you were being bullied :)
Fred is totally understanding and is overall a mischievous but nice guy. He would never make fun of your identity, not even in jokes, because he gets that it’s sensitive for you since you are actually being bullied about it sometimes. He would for sure team up with George and prank those students really badly- Molly wouldn’t even reprimand them for doing so, she understands that they’re giving you a lot of confidence.
I have a feeling that George would be particularly attracted to confident people, but if his lover wasn’t confident, he would help them out of their shell and change them for the better. That’s what he did when you came to him, frustrated and in tears, because of how confused you were. He helped you through everything since he is known to be the more responsible and sensible twin out of him and his brother’s little duo.
Blaise is always chill and composed. He was very much mindful of your emotions and was also one of the types of boys that would help you realize your identity. He’d make sure everyone in Hogwarts knew your pronouns and etcetera, never letting them be mean to you or even tease you. His friends might make some comments here and there, but with Blaise’s help, you can always brush those off, knowing his friends don't exactly mean it.
Tom would be a bit surprised if you were to talk to him about this. Not because he wanted to leave you, but because he never understood why you’d ever agree to give him affection, or come to him for comfort and support. He always thought of himself as a cold, dark soul that could not love. But somehow, the laws of magic could not confine your relationship and your closeness. He’d straight up AVADA KEDAVRA anyone who bullied you, no questions asked! Hey, don’t judge me, I’m a simp for Tom.
BY THE WAY, if you are requesting something, try choosing individual characters instead of everyone since those take ages to make. Yes I will respond if you request everybody but just now it will take some time, maybe weeks or months if I’m feeling particularly unproductive.
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witchiestwitch · 11 months
Please please please put the ascension and Orin art on your inprint?
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You Betcha! Here you go seems there is a sale on too...
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just-a-draco-girly · 9 years
The Secret - Prologue
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"Vicky, hurry up! You slowpoke" Cedric laughs, watching as I struggle to drag my overly packed trunk down the crowded platform towards the Hogwarts Express. I let out a disgruntled sigh as I brush my long, brown hair out of my eyes, continuing to heave the faded brown trunk along the stone surface of the platform and dropping it when I reach my older brother's side.
"But it's too heavy, Ceddy" I whine, letting go of the handle of my trunk in protest before proceeding to sit on the edge of my trunk. "It's easy for you. Your bigger and stronger than me" I huff, crossing my arms dramatically. Cedric chuckles lightly, ruffling my hair and steadily crouching down to my level so that he can look me in the eyes.
"Well, your best friend doesn't seem to be struggling" He speaks, glancing over my shoulder with a small smile. Instantly, I swivel around on the spot, smiling when my eyes land on the familiar silvery blonde hair of my best friend, Draco Malfoy, whom is proudly pulling his own trunk along the platform. His grey eyes widen when he casts his gaze upwards and spots me sat lazily on my trunk.
"Toria!" Draco shouts, grinning widely whilst he quickly approaches my current location.
"Draco!" I beam happily in response, jumping off of my trunk to be quickly taken into a friendly embrace. "How was your holiday in France?" I ask, after being released from his arms.
"Same old, boring relatives and that. How was your holidays?" He questions, glancing up at Cedric whom is absolutely beside himself with laughter.
"She set fire to the flowers in the garden and blew up our uncle Trevor" Cedric chortles loudly. I swiftly elbow him in the side, probably causing little damage due to my lack of strength.
"It was an accident!" I shout, correcting him and causing a slight giggle to escape Draco's mouth. "Next time I'll set fire to your oh so perfect hair" I grin mischievously, earning a smirk from Draco.
"Oh look, my little sister, a Slytherin if ever I saw one" Cedric jokes, gently shoving me by the arm and ruffling my hair once more, before suddenly freezing. "Hello, Mr and Mrs. Malfoy. It's great to see you" Cedric nods and I glance up to find Auntie Narcissa and Lucius stood behind Draco, looming tall over me in black clothing and pale blonde hair.
"Narcissa, it's good to see you" I hear my mother exclaim happily from behind me, looking over my shoulder I find that both of my parents are now stood with us, smiling pleasantly at the Malfoys.
"It's good to see you too. Well, we better get this one on the train. First year and all" She replies as the conductor blows his whistle, signalling that the train will be departing soon. My parents nod warmly in a bid of farewell as the Malfoys almost dissolve into the growing crowds of parents and students.
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(prev) “I’ll tell Ceddy to email you,” Teddy let out a small snicker of his own before slightly correcting Bert. “But he’s the backup backup plan. I’ll show you the backup plan later.” He smiled at Sherri Jr. and had started to lean over to pet the precious little baby when he was reminded of why he couldn’t. (Or more like: shouldn’t.) Then he sighed as he rested against his chair’s backrest. With any luck she’ll jump on his lap again later. When Bert asked about his partner Teddy nodded and said, “Do you remember the priest who Sherri Jr. caught spying on us? Well… it turned out that our interests aligned.” After a short pause he added. “Would you like to meet him? I’d like to say that he’s nicer than he seems…” Teddy chuckled. “…but he’s a dick.” Or at least… mostly. His relatively recent moments of kindness were confusing.
Sherri Jr seemed to perk at the word “priest.”
Bert cringed. “The priest? The ugly one with the ugly glass?”
Oh come on. Bert had never formally met him before but he didn’t need to to know he didn’t trust for one second.
“Yeah,” Bert said as he ominously cracked his knuckles, “I would like to meet him.”
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(Previous) Bert blinked at Teddy a few times and then let out a small, wry chortle. “Yeah, that is a stupid plan, Ceddy. But at least it's... something. For a backup.” Gosh, being reminded that Teddy was out for a whole month again made him feel slightly bad for not checking in. Bert gave another piece of de-kerneled popcorn to his rat before his mind got caught on a word and sat back up. “...Did you say ‘we?’ Is there another person involved in all this?”
"I'll tell Ceddy to email you," Teddy let out a small snicker of his own before slightly correcting Bert. "But he's the backup backup plan. I'll show you the backup plan later."
He smiled at Sherri Jr. and had started to lean over to pet the precious little baby when he was reminded of why he couldn't. (Or more like: shouldn't.) Then he sighed as he rested against his chair's backrest. With any luck she'll jump on his lap again later.
When Bert asked about his partner Teddy nodded and said, "Do you remember the priest Sherri Jr. caught spying on us? Well... it turned out that our interests aligned."
After a short pause he added. "Would you like to meet him? I'd like to say that he's nicer than he seems..." Teddy chuckled. "...but he's a dick."
Or at least... mostly. His relatively recent moments of kindness were confusing.
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Ask the Mysterious Phantasmo for his invisibility trick
It is one of those special skills of magicians and actors and whatnot to put up their stage and take it down again in a jiffy. You admire it greatly, you do, and you watch with keen interest as the caped and hatted fellow folds this and unlatches that and the whole thing comes down in neat squares. He doesn't look very happy, though. Perhaps it is because his assistant is nowhere to be seen, having slipped away somewhere, and so no-one else is there to do the folding and the unlatching. You settle down, leaning against a wall with a snifter in hand to watch and admire some more. Some of those boxes look quite heavy. Well done for a wiry little fellow like that, really. Topping! 
After he is done, he sits down on one of the boxes, a gentle sheen on his wide, intelligent brow, though the work is really ruining his makeup and his eyebrows are becoming increasingly less dramatic. This seems just the time. You saunter over, rolling the remains of your whisky tonic in its glass. "I say! A swell show, what!"
"Thank you," he says, taking out a square handkerchief and wiping his brow. It comes off slightly orange, and there is now a pale spot on his forehead. 
"Listen, my good fellow, I am in a bit of a quandary, and I believe you are just the man to help… Would you step outside with me for a moment?"
He nods amicably enough and follows you out the French windows into the dewy night. You bum a cigarette off him, but light his in turn, and then launch into your pitch.
You explain your situation in broad strokes that leave out anything too scandalous. There was a bet, harmless youthful fun; a tragic, unexpected defeat; a matter of honour, and so forth; and the long and short of it, you would rather like to know how one becomes invisible. 
As you speak, the man's expression changes, and not into the visage of helpful enthusiasm you had wished for. When you finish, the Mysterious Phantasmo pulls himself, trembling, to his full but not considerable height.
"I have never been so insulted in my life!" he cries. "You ask me for my secrets. Very well, many do. But for this? A dishonourable, foolish, dissolute prank?"
You take a step back and raise your hands placatingly, but it doesn't stop the magician from pouring out his passionate heart. You appear to have offended not only his moral but his artistic sensibilities. 
He has studied with the greats! Spent years mastering his craft! Endured endless humiliation in the hands of unappreciative audiences, but this? This??
"Get out of my sight!" he hisses at last, and you stop stammering, turn, and run--no, ah, walk at a swift determined pace--back into the house, take a stumble at the French windows, and land on the floor with a crash, your glass splintering on the floor.
Your ears are ringing. No, it's not that--it is--the unmistakable peal of Enid O'Malley's laughter, accompanied by Frances Dobson's husky huffaws. "Steady on, Ceddy! How much have you had to drink, and wherever did you find it all?"
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https-maxine-stuff · 2 years
“The star-crossed lovers”
A/N: A bit of a song-fic vibe to this one, plus suggestive themes
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I don't know what to do without you
I don't know where to put my hands
Cedric is constantly writing Astrid letters throughout the days, to ensure she knows that he truly loves her even when they aren't in the same classes, it brings her incredible amounts of joy.
I've been trying to lay my head down
But I'm writing this at three AM
Her eyes softer as she cupped his bruised cheek "how hard did you get hit in that practice?"
"..pretty hard." Her lips turned downwards as she looked at him. "I'm sorry,,"
"Don't apologize for getting hurt, wasn't your fault."
"I should've been paying attention,,"
"I was in the crowd,, you weren't going to pay much attention anyways." A smile tugged at his lips as he scoffed.
"I hate you,"
"Mm, I love you too." She kissed his lips.
I don't need the world to see
That I've been the best I can be, but
Astrid turned on her heel noticing older her close by and dragged Cedric the other way. "Oh here we go!" She pulled him into a different hallway, he was pressed against the wall and her chest against his.
"A bit,, farfetched aye?" He winked. She rolled her eyes but smiled.
"Not too farfetched,"
I don't think I could stand to be
Cedric is hers, and no one was gonna stop that even threats from an older bitter her,, or something like that.
Where you don't see me
"Why him!? Why him huh??" Astrid's voice was hurt and in pain.
The older woman looked down "because the wizarding world depends on it."
"Fuck the wizarding world! I want Cedric! It can go to hell for all I care!"
"So the muggle-borns and half-bloods can die because of OUR selfishness? No wait just bloody yours!" She hissed.
The younger girl looked down with tears in her eyes "I,,"
"Exactly be quiet." She looked away from her.
On sunny days I go out walking
I end up on a tree-lined street
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Cedric's voice was soft, the first task was coming up soon.
"Like what?"
"Like you are going to rip my clothes off."
"Because I am, duh." She rolled her eyes getting closer to him as a dumb smile grew on his lips.
I look up at the gaps of sunlight
I miss you more than anything
"Cedric," Astrid's voice held a certain urgency to it, "I need to talk to you."
"What is it?" Cedric asked, looking at her intently.
"It's about the tournament," Astrid took a deep breath. "I know you're going to do your best, but I just wanted to tell you that no matter what happens, I'm proud of you."
"Thanks, Astrid," Cedric looked at her, a big smile on his face. "That means a lot to me."
"I just wish I could be there with you," Astrid eyes filling with tears. "It's not fair that you have to go through this alone."
"Hey," Cedric frowned, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "I'm not alone. I've got you, and I know you'll be rooting for me."
"Of course I will," Astrid began wiping away her tears. "You're going to do great, Cedric. I just know it." His hands cupped her face.
"I won't die on you." Oh if only he knew.
"Why'd they choose dragons?" She whispered.
"No idea,, but you can thank Harry for that tip,"
"Yeah, I'll give him a little smooch as a reward."
"I'd kill him."
"Ooo jealous, Ceddie,, my favorite." She bit her lip.
I don't need the world to see
That I've been the best I can be, but
Cedric's eyes narrowed on her as she was applying burn cream to his arm, she was so beautiful and radiant to him, he made her feel alive.. so alive.
"You're staring again."
"Always, can't I stare at my beautiful girl?"
"Not when you are toasty."
"Like toast, you are crispy."
"Now I want crips."
"Those can wait." He frowned.
I don't think I could stand to be
Where you don't see me
He stared at the egg. Debating to dunk it in the water, would it be worth it,, like at all? He just wanted to have a nice soak, in the bath but couldn't leave the egg alone so.. he thought about it. "Ah what the hell could go wrong."
He would rather die than deal with that yodeling from the egg. Holding the egg in hand he slipped underneath the water where he opened it, preparing his ears for the screams of it,, but no.. it was singing a wonderful tune.
He listened and went above the water gasping. "Holy shit!"
And autumn comes when you're not yet done
With the summer passing by, but
"Come on! Come on!" She was being dragged down the corridor, sounds of laughter filled the hall.
"What are we even running for!?"
"I've got to talk to Harry about the next task!"
"Task?" They came to a slow halt, he turned to her with furrowed brows.
"You know..the second task? The- the golden egg?"
"...what golden egg?" Her memory seemed fuzzy and cold.
"Astrid- are you alright?" She blinked a few times, the feeling of deja vú hitting her like a rock.
"Holy shit it's the bloody vision!"
"The vision? SO IT WAS RIGHT??"
I don't think I could stand to be
Where you don't see me
She watched as he spoke to Harry, the younger boys face so confused as Cedric was just giving him a riddle, he came back to Astrid and kissed her hand. "M'lady."
"Cedric." He smiled.
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