#Thanks for sending one angel!
darqx · 1 year
Got an evil eye
In which there’s a small Demon!Rire Angel!Rire comparison.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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😇 The lore of Angel!Rire is essentially:
Possibly rogue angel that kills people under word of God.
Word of God being debatable because his criteria for killing people changes a lot - (eg: might kill a bad person cos they’re “bad”, similarly will kill a good person to get them to heaven faster, similarly will just “mercy” kill whoever because humans are a plague to themselves and others etc) - EITHER WAY no one seems to be stopping him.
Also debatable is whether he believes in his justifications for his actions or if he’s just doing it for fun and purposely smoke-screening that fact.
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I have described their main similarity before as deception since they both seem viable (as a normal human / normal angel) at first. Their main personality difference is that their modus operandi is flipped - Demon!Rire will often see how long he can con someone, but will eventually reveal his true nature and will match what he says with it. Angel!Rire is more blunt and will reveal his true nature almost immediately, but will continue saying things in complete antithesis to that reveal thus masking the reality of his intentions.
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I do know what OCTs are! But I probably would never join one due to lack of time. They seem to be very large commitments and i’d be better off trying to find that time to do BP :V
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There is no set location for BTD (considering that me, Gato and EP all come from diff countries LOL)...other than maybe “Earth” and “some city/town place that predominately speaks English”.
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This is, actually, one of the more popular questions I get asked over time about Rire XD; Which makes me think I need to update my FAQ to include it. Anyway in my FAQ i put it like this:
CAN RIRE FEEL LOVE? I don’t know if you could classify what he feels as “love” in the same definition we are used to…
And from other answers to similar qs:
IF he becomes fond of someone for whatever reason, he will probably become more possessive. His methodology might not change so much, but there would be more aftercare (cos if you want someone to last longer...)
I never go any more in depth when answering these kinda qs even though i’m sure people would like me to XD
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At first I was going to say “I don’t know Depeche Mode”, but when i looked them up on Youtube i saw “Just can’t get enough” and was like OH I KNOW THESE SONGS.
As for Rire it’s not super in line with his usual, but I don’t think he’d mind the music!
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He’s gotten used to moving between different climates quickly so it doesn’t really affect him as much.
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You would not be the first so go for it if you want lol.
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*grabs the Vanguard Vaggie idea and scuttles back under her goblin rug*
Imagine, like after they retreat back to heaven, the other exorcists...start talking. They start talking *behind Lute's back*.
At first it's pain and bitterness and betrayal at Vaggie fighting them. 'How could she do this? How could she hurt us?!'
Then, maybe during some hit and run nonsense that Lute has them doing, the conversation shifts. They start noticing that Vaggie doesnt go for the kill unless she has to. Doesn't maim. She always gives them the chance to run, to go home... And they start talking. They talk about those better times with the Vanguard. They wonder aloud why she fights for hell. And maybe, just maybe, they talk about how they miss her. They miss Vaggie. They miss having that feeling of her looking out for them.
I wonder how long it might take for one of them to linger. To lower their weapon. To take off their mask.
Even then, it takes a long time for the first exorcist to *stay* after they should have retreated. For them to ask for a place to stay. But as more and more start to come to Vaggie, to the *Vanguard*, and ask for a home...charlie cant help but be grinning as she holds Vaggie's hand.
what if there was that slooooow realization that when Vaggie was around, their vanguard, they all felt more like a team together. she liked things done Right and done Well- wasn't bothered with competing- took training and exterminations Seriously- kept them all sharp sure but also turned something that was just Adam's shits and giggles, just a GAME, into a purpose and a duty again. something to be proud of and do their BEST at (while still having fun)
so yeah when Adam and Lute come back with her halo saying she's sided with hell, betrayed them all, damned herself and gets to rot there with them- there's that anger. oh they HATE her for doing that-
because they miss her
and things were better, they all felt better, when she'd been around, and that's gone now and it's her fault
or adam and lute say so anyway
can you IMAGINE in this au, the shift when Lute 1v1s Vaggie... and doesn't come back to heaven with her head?? DOESN't beat her? and Adam's DEAD?
and so are so many of them actually- dead exorcists that vaggie helped kill, that vaggie helped fight off
three years her being in hell and she'd never fought any of them or hurt any of her sisters when they came flying down- (and she COULD have) (used to be one of the BEST after all) it's only when they're sent after her HOME that she fights, almost as if-
as if killing isn't what she wants to do anymore, if she can help it
thats. not the same as turning against them. not the same as her siding with hell- even so lute and adam still wanted her dead, and even then, she'd let lute LIVE...
is that weakness and betrayal?
but she's not weak, if lute couldn't kill her. and she never killed any of them until they came after her. is that still betrayal?
or is it something else
is there anything kind of betrayal here. are they on the wrong side of it...
im not sure, if any of them would take off a mask willingly- risk hell-
i KNOW that even ONE moment of hesitation would get lute turning on them, just like she did with vaggie- worse maybe, now very aware of the danger of letting fallen angels live- HER mistake, not killing vaggie when she had the chance all those years ago
and if a wounded and abandoned exorcist staggered to the gate's of the hazbin hotel? if some of her other sisters went looking for her- KNOWING this time what the supposed 'betrayal' and 'sin' had been?
(a moment of hesitation)
(before one of them drops her weapon to knock on the hotel door)
yeah. they'd find charlie running to help them inside. probably already pulling out bandages- a demon with first aid gear in her pockets, always carried just in case, nothing like they were expecting-
they'd find their Vangaurd waiting there too, having gone ahead and made things safe for them to follow, just like always
that'd be pretty sweet
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bi-bats · 3 months
rapidly shaking your hands up and down, meesh
Jaytim are the epitome of "stay together, because neither of you should be inflicted on other people" and "I don't want what you have. But it seems to work for you so go off I guess"
*worth noting that this is also true of damitim in my heart of hearts
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persephoneflouwers · 3 months
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caregivingchrysalises · 2 months
hi! I'm having some terrible sleeping, it's hard to fall asleep and when i do, i usually wake up after an hour or two so it's hard to get any rest. I was wondering if i could ask for some reassurance about it? it would help a lot to hear that it's going to be ok, specially when I'm tiny and your posts help me feel little. you don't have to rush or anything to reply so don't worry about it. thanks for the cool posts, they are very comforting ^^
hi baby, awe my little star it’s alright, shh shh it’s alright to be small lovebug of course it is. you’re so precious honey, i’ve got you. buba’s got you love, you’re safe here. buba promises i’ll do everything i can to help us fly smoothly into dreamland sweetheart. you’re doing such a good job precious, it’s all going to be alright i promise… here can i have your pinky baby, there we go, a royal pinky promise… now it’s official! the chrysalis and i will always take care of you and keep you safe sweet thing, everything is going to be alright my little star, you have your prinx’s word.
oh honey, hey it’s okay, we’re okay darling i’m here. buba’s right here… shh shh i know baby, i know, it was a dream dewdrop, i’m with you, i’ll always be with you honey. you’re so brave sweetheart, there’s no need to worry precious, i’ve got you~ do you think you can go back to sleep for me angel? i know it’s hard, but we’re going to get through this together sprout don’t you worry… if you’d like i can make you a bottle the way you like it? or sing you those songs you love… there’s plenty of stories laying about if you’d like me to go fetch one? of course we can stay here little one, there’s no need to make any decisions baby, i’d be more than happy to hold you as we fall back asleep, of course love, anything for you sweetheart
if you’d like a little mini blurb, consider laying on my chest as my wings cradle us, keeping us both safe from harm ʚ♡ɞ
thank you so much for the ask love bug, you deserve your rest and i’m so very proud of you~ i’m grateful i get to greet another day with you!
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 3 months
every time i send an angry email to my old university (which happens way too often because they SUCKKKKK) the same girl replies and i feel sooooooo guilty because we’re kind of friends and went to school together and she’s really sweet and it’s not her fault that the school sucks :((( but then i remember thats she’s straight up addicted to one direction rpf (like she’s constantly liking larry conspiracy theories on instagram.. like the entire world can’t see it 😐) and she probably has a larry fic open in the other tab while she’s replying to me and then i’m like okay never mind she’s doing fine she can handle my annoying emails
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erinevrly · 2 years
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@rcsechild​  said:  *watching madonna’s movie in 1990 and the naked scene comes up when erin’s walking through the door* 
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juggling  a  bunch  of  shopping  bags  and  a  box  of  donuts  in  her  arms,  erin  attempts  to  slip  her  key  into  the  lock  on  the  door  of  her  condominium  without  dropping  anything.  it  proves  to  be  a  difficult  task,  taking  her  way  longer  than  it  probably  should.  she  blames  her  sudden  clumsiness  on  both  the  hot,  muggy  weather  outside  and  the  fact  that  she  is  growing  a  little  human,  and  it  does  drain  her  energy,  making  her  more  sluggish.  however,  when  she  finally  does  manage  to  twist  open  the  door  and  step  into  the  brightly  lit  foyer,  a  warm  smile  blooms  on  her  lips  almost  immediately.  happiness  filling  her  sky-blue  eyes  as  she  forgets  about  all  her  worries  and  discomfort,  and  calls  out,   ❝   honey,  i’m  home!   ❞   she  doubts  she’ll  ever  get  tired  of  saying  these  words.  her  stomach  fills  with  butterflies  and  her  heart  skips  a  beat  every  time  she  comes  home  to  her  husband.  her  husband.  it  sounds  so  beautiful.   ❝   i  got  you  something.  did  you  feed  the  dogs?   ❞   she  uses  her  shoulder  to  shut  the  door  behind  her  and  powers  forward  with  all  the  bags  still  somehow  intact,  making  it  up  the  short  hall  to  the  small  kitchen  on  the  right.  she  doesn’t  like  asking  for  help  and  tries  to  enjoy  her  independence  while  she  still  can.  she  carefully  sets  the  groceries  down  on  the  counter  and  is  about  to  start  putting  them  away  when  a  strange  sound  coming  from  the  living  room  captures  her  attention.  was  that  a  moan  she  just  heard?!
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❝   axl?   ❞  she  mutters,  utterly  confused  as  she  looks  up  and  just  stares  at  the  redhead  over  the  breakfast  bar  for  a  moment,  trying  to  figure  out  what’s  going  on.   ❝   what  is  that?  what  are  you  watching? ❞ “   just  listening  to  the  moans  and  disgusting  language  coming  from  the  couple  on  the  tv  has  her  feeling  nauseous,  but  as  her  innocent  eyes  continue  to  involuntarily  linger  on  the  screen  and  she  figures  why  the  blonde  looks  so  familiar,  who  she  reminds  her  of,  that’s  when  erin  begins  to  think  she’s  died  and  went  straight  to  hell.   ❝   did  they  put  madonna’s  face  on  her?!   ❞  she  squeaks,  beyond  mortified,  her  voice  even  more  high-pitched  than  usual.  she  doesn’t  understand  why  anyone  would  watch  a  movie  like  this  or  why  there’s  people  out  there  willing  to  do  such  things  on  camera.   ❝   jesus  christ,  i  think  i’m  gonna  throw  up.  what’s  wrong  with  you,  axl?  i  was  gone  for  less  than  an  hour  and  you  just  had  to  put  this  —  this  —  this  shit  on?  and  what  is  madonna’s  lookalike  doing  there?  you  disgusting  pig.  you  get  jealous  when  i  listen  to  bon  jovi,  but  this  is  okay?!  how?!  in  what  world  is  this  okay?!   ❞   there’s  just  no  way  this  is  the  real  madonna.  it  can’t  be.  not  thinking  much,  she  grabs  one  of  the  chocolate  donuts  and  slings  it  at  the  redhead,  aiming  for  his  head.   ❝   you  know  what?   ❞   forgetting  about  the  groceries,  she  circles  around  the  corner  and  walks  up  to  the  other.  her  blood  boiling.  every  time  she  begins  to  think  this  marriage  can  work,  they  can  be  happy  together,  he  just  has  to  ruin  it.   ❝   you  should  have  married  a  pornstar,  one  that  wouldn’t  get  off  your  dick  ‘cause  clearly,  no  matter  what  i  do,  i’m  never  enough  for  you.  and  a  madonna  lookalike?  you’re  so  sick  in  the  head,  i  can’t  even  look  at  you.   ❞   and  with  that,  she  turns  on  her  heel  and  unceremoniously  marches  to  their  bedroom,  wishing  she  could  be  covering  her  ears  from  the  horrible  sounds  and  packing  her  things  up  at  the  same  time.  she  has  no  idea  where  she’ll  go,  but  she’ll  figure  something  out.  as  long  as  she  doesn’t  have  to  stay  under  the  same  roof  with  this  disgusting  man,  she’ll  be  okay.
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97keanu · 22 days
i saw ur post about a new neo fic and was wondering if digital angel will make a comeback? it’s okay if you’ve laid it to rest but omfgggggg it was so good
I think the hardest part of continuing Digital Angel is because I never really had an end goal in mind when I made it, but! I think we will be seeing our goth!reader make a return to that world this summer as well as having a wip chapter that I want to revisit for DA soon! The new neo fic is going to be a one shot that is completely encapsulated, with similar topics as DA, so hopefully it can tide us all over until then! 💙
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rosieofcorona · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
ahhhhh this is so cute, thank you so much for sending!! hmmm five things that make me happy, in no particular order or category: 1. oil paints
2. the little my mug i got from the moomin store ages ago (this one isn't quite the same but it's very similar)
3. giant sweaters
4. fairytale illustrations (think like, arthur rackham)
5. listening to a new favorite album for the first time
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seerfawn · 2 months
Babe wake up!! I have a question for you about elain!! What 3 things do you think elain would never forgive from anyone, let it be friend, loved ones or lover? 👀
euge, i love you for most things but especially this.
i'm on a big sister kick right now so, the first thing e.lain would never forgive someone for is hurting her sisters. whether it be physical or mental, once you cross that line and e.lain learns of it, it's game over. even if f.eyre or n.esta got over it, e.lain would accept their feelings on the matter, be diplomatic if need be, but she wouldn't let it go. even if the other person grovels with her for whatever reason, i just don't see her caring. (which is why the tam.lin/el.ain mate theory blows my actual mind because in what world would that ever work?)
the second is anyone who makes her feel stupid or less than!!!!! after being raised to be looked at essentially as a doll, who was no more than a pretty face, e.lain definitely has to overcome the fact that someone might not think she's intelligent or that she doesn't care very much because she's introverted. i think a lot of who e.lain is actually comes down to the fact that no one saw her but now she sees all. to me, she's intuitive and highly emotionally intelligent on top of her gifts. if someone speaks to her or treats her like she's off in 'another realm,' she will very much say: yes i am, and what of it? let e.lain be an ominous, all-knowing little freak. she deserves it. i don't know if she'd never forgive someone for those things, but she definitely won't want to interact or have a relationship with said person.
the last is definitely anyone who won't allow her to make her own choices. period. if someone tries to dictate what she'll do, eventually, it will be a major problem. i think as she embraces who she is and what her powers are more, e.lain will have no patience for people who want to order her around. even if that means causing problems. we all hear about how the middle child is often the overlooked one, and while e.lain always had attention, she wasn't seen in the way she necessarily wanted to be. or maybe as a young girl she was okay with her treatment enough to stomach it because she had to but now, especially in being a seer, she wants people to understand who she is and what she wants. i don't know how the mating bond will go in canon and quite frankly, i don't care. because to me, (and most e.lain writers i think), she won't just give in to a romantic relationship for the sake of politics. if someone tries to push her into doing something she doesn't agree with, she won't stand for it and will try to stay as far away from those people as possible. she wouldn't forgive someone for looking her in the face, for hearing her feelings, and telling her too bad, you're wrong.
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☯ + the scene where Angel gets accepted into Scamp’s home!
Send me '☯ + a scene from my characters canon' and I will drabble it from my character's POV.
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And... there it was. Watching Scamp reunite with his family... his sisters running to greet him, his mother nuzzling him so lovingly, his humans hugging him and fawning over him... though Angel lingered at the gateway, knowing better than to intrude where she wasn't wanted, it warmed her heart to see. The love rolling from all of them was such a very tangible thing, and for a few moments she simply basked in it, her own tail swaying gently.
This was her dream, forever unreachable to her... but she didn't begrudge Scamp a moment of it. Her boy, her friend... just seeing how very loved he was, was enough for her.
He'd made the right choice. He was home.
And she couldn't have been prouder of him.
And yet... now, it slowly started to dawn on Angel that... this was probably it for them. Her job, her mission - self-imposed though it had been - was done.
She was happy, so happy for Scamp... but she ached for herself.
(Under the cut for EXTREME length!)
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Having burned her bridges with the junkyard gang, she had nothing to go back to. She had no regrets, of course; she was free of Buster, free to be herself, and felt more at ease with that self than she had in a long time. But still...
She couldn't keep the corners of her mouth from curling down as she contemplated the empty future ahead for her. But there was no escaping it; the longer she lingered here, the harder it would be to leave it all. Swallowing a lump in her throat, the little Pom-mix turned her back on the best friend she'd ever had and slunk off, unnoticed by anyone else.
Or, so she thought, for at least half a moment.
A cacophony of familiar barking followed her down the steps, letting her know that her departure hadn't gone entirely unseen. Dear Tenderfoot... but though the thought that she hadn't been forgotten touched her heart, there was really nothing else Scamp could do for her now. To linger over the goodbyes would just make a hard parting even harder...
And yet, over the yipping barks, Angel could have sworn she quite clearly heard a human voice.
"Jim, dear, I think Scamp brought a friend home."
And now, finally, she turned. Scamp stood partway down the pathway, he'd clearly run after her a little way, and he tossed his head back, silently inviting her to...
No. It- he couldn't- he didn't mean--
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All eyes, Angel became suddenly aware, were on her. A moment ago, she'd thought that only Scamp and Tramp of the whole group had known of her existence at all (his uncles had been too busy bickering amongst themselves to pay her much mind, after all); but now everyone, human and canine alike, were watching her. And many of them were smiling...
Her heart dared to leap.
And then the human, the one apparently called Jim Dear, was beckoning her. He crouched to one knee, clicking his tongue, calling her over...
It wasn't... it couldn't...
She was dreaming, there was no way it was real...
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And yet, against all odds, and certainly against her better judgement, she felt her legs start to move, propelling her forward. Her ears pinned back nervously, her posture on instinct becoming small and submissive... he was a stranger to her, after all, and she had no idea what to expect from him. Surely, though she may hope against hope itself, surely he couldn't actually--
She daren't even form the thought.
As she reached Scamp's side, she was aware of him slowly falling into step beside her. She didn't look at him, couldn't take her eyes off the beckoning hands that promised everything she'd ever dared to hope for... but she didn't need to look at him. It may have only been two days together, but she knew his presence by now almost as well as her own, and she appreciated it immensely.
"Come on, girl. It's okay. Don't be afraid."
All eyes were still on her. Peripherally, she was aware of the expression of curiosity on Lady's face; of the encouraging smile worn by The Tramp; of the knowing looks passed between uncles Jock and Trusty. Of the trio of girls tripping over each other to crane their necks for a better look at her, but all smiling even so.
She didn't know what to expect, still... but it couldn't be bad, could it? Not surrounded by so many kind faces. She was dimly aware that Scamp had stopped keeping pace with her, pausing beside his father, but her own legs kept on moving without her consciously telling them to, and the big human was coming closer and closer...
"Did you help our Scamp out on those lonely streets?"
It was his tone, more than anything, that set Angel at ease. Jim Dear had a kindly voice, full of affection and gentleness... and with a tone, moreover, that told her he was very used to talking to dogs.
Her head finally raised, her ears pricking back to their normal upright (on one side at least) posture as she reached him. Angel would freely acknowledge that, despite the reputation dogs had, she was no great judge of human character - if she was, she wouldn't have been left heartbroken so many times - but something about this Jim Dear exuded warmth, compassion...
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She dared to smile, even to bark a response that she knew he wouldn't be able to understand. She knew, of course she knew, that if there was any moment to be on her absolute best behaviour then this was it. And she was still a scruffy, stinky stray that had no business being welcomed by humans of 'Snob Hill', of all places...
And then-- then he was petting her, strong fingers gently scratching behind her flopped ear, and Angel practically melted in bliss. It had been how long, so long, since she'd last been petted, and the tender sensation brought so much long-buried love and affection rushing back to the surface. It even just that moment, she felt loved, almost even wanted...
As Jim Dear straightened back up, Angel became aware for the first time of the other human presence besides him and his wife, the one much closer to her own level. The baby-- no, not quite a baby, but certainly younger still than little Emmie, the child who had meant so much to her in her third home. But whatever his age, he was watching her quizzically, but smiling. And while, deep inside, Angel knew that there was no way a dirty thing like her would be allowed anywhere near a human child, memories of Emmie were bubbling to the surface now to, of their friendship, of the way the girl had loved her so dearly... common sense be damned, she took a careful step towards the child. Then another.
No-one yelled at her. No-one shooed her away from him. And then he was opening his arms to her, and though she knew, she KNEW that she shouldn't, in a sudden flash all Angel could see was Emmie doing the exact same thing, and instinct took over. Gently, ever so gently, she hopped into the outstretched arms, small head butting up against his shoulder; and he was hugging her just as Emmie had used to do, and her tail was wagging, wagging more vigorously than it had in many, many, many days...
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She was sure any moment now she was about to get shooed away. No sensible human parents would allow this, at the VERY least not until she'd had a bath and they were sure she wasn't carrying some kind of disease. But in that moment, the affection, the love pouring into her heart was worth a million scoldings. And even then, the next words she heard weren't that at all, but rather:
"Awww. She's a little angel."
She wasn't surprised when, a moment later, the young boy was lifted away from her... there were limits, it seemed, to how long even the most tolerant human parents would let their kid cuddle a grubby little puppy. But there was no disgust, no scolding. Just... well...
She couldn't help but grin ruefully to herself. Angel... it seemed there was no getting away from the word, was there? What had started out as an unwelcome nickname from Buster, and had become a very deliberate irony, a name that she'd never choose but had become stuck with because everyone in the gang heard Buster calling her it and assumed it was her real name, and she'd had so many real names that she simply couldn't be bothered to correct them...
And yet now...
To be gifted the term so sincerely was something else entirely. Not as Buster's little messenger angel, announcing before the so-called 'king' when he claimed his territory; not a sarcastic way of referring to how much of a troublemaker she could be; but genuinely because the family here were seeing her as so genuinely sweet and innocent...
Nothing could be further from the truth. But at the same time...
For the first time ever, that hated nickname felt good.
Even more so as the child echoed it happily.
Maybe... maybe it could be...
She had no illusions about being taken in permanently, of course. No family with six dogs and a child already would want another permanent addition; but there were rumours of the way The Tramp had used to live, regularly dropping into certain homes as a welcomed guest. Buster, of course, had sneered at such a way of living; but who cared what he thought anymore?
Just one day a week in a home would be as much heaven as she could possibly dare hope for.
And then, the suggestion she'd not dared to imagine...
"Jim, dear, you don't suppose...?"
"Oh no, darling. We've got enough dogs as it is."
The refusal surprised her not in the slightest; and yet, even so, it still hurt a little to hear it voiced aloud. But she wouldn't whine or beg, she would just look at Jim Dear, a silent request for she didn't know what, even just being accepted for a single day would be more than she could ask for...
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But she didn't need to whine or beg; from every side around her, she could hear such little whimpers. She had been willing to take whatever came, but everyone around her... she chanced a look. Every other dog, from Scamp and his parents, to Jock and Trusty, to even his sisters who she hadn't met and knew nothing about... every canine face was turned to Jim Dear, each bearing the famous puppy eyes, little pleading whimpers in the back of several throats and Scamp's most prominently of all...
All... for her.
They all... wanted her.
HER. The dirty, scruffy little stray, who had long ago made peace with the fact that no-one would ever want her, at least not for long. The bad dog who was more trouble than she was worth, good for nothing except cheap tricks and kissing Buster's ass because she was too afraid of being kicked out of the only place that would have her to do otherwise...
They wanted her.
Even as Jim Dear's resolve started to waver, she looked away, overwhelmed by what was happening - but just as quickly looked back, now wanting to miss a moment. If this was a dream, it was a more amazing one than she could have imagined...
Jim Dear finally gave up entirely.
"Oh, what's the use?"
And then, to her: "Welcome to the family, Angel."
The family.
Her dream come true.
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hyaciiintho · 11 months
hmmm sineater au for thanced :D
Send me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU | ✿
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He was fine. Even as he grew ill, it was fine.
That was what he had told them in life-- insisted, really. The guilt was eating at him from the inside out, but he was fine. There were bigger things to be worried about, after all.
No, he wasn't practically burning himself alive, the boiling presence of something more churning his guts each and every time he uttered the words: It's fine; I understand. There was more at stake than facing his own mortality, let alone all the ugliness that remained within.
As the days went by, it grew increasingly harder to turn the other cheek to the inner turmoils of the body and mind. There was the same repeating phrase that weighed at his shoulders more, and more, each time it crossed: I wish I had done more; I wish I could have done things differently. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Wishes didn't come true; Guilt ate at his heart, mind, and soul.
The transformation was sudden, but at the very least, his companions knew the signs of it when it was about to start.
Eyes were a flood of light, dripping like molten gold down his face in streams of tears to be forever branded on a marble-like visage. Three wings sprouted from his back as if bursting from a fleshy cocoon: Two on his left, and one on his right. A third eye grew from his forehead, impassive gaze blinding with light shining through it, whilst the two he already had glazed over in stone, forever doomed to shed those molten tears. Weapons were ripped from his very ribs, a mournful scream leaving his lips for one last time as bone shaped itself into a pair of deadly blades hovering at either side of him, his Gunblade morphing within his hold to be a third.
And as fast as it had happened... it had stopped. Gone was the broken man clinging to a past he couldn't go back and change, and there instead stood a mock statue of his memory, reflecting the ache and mourning once held inside.
Thancred: the Forgiven Guilt.
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thisisapaige · 2 years
hello!🌹 (it took me a whole minute to find the emoji btw)
“C’mon, Cas,” Dean said, “if you aren’t gonna talk to me you could at least play some music.”
“I don’t have any music,” Castiel said. 
Dean spluttered. He started a sentence. He ended a word. Finally he made sense. “You have got to be kidding.”
“I’m not.” There wasn’t much to see on the road, not even another car, but Castiel gave it the same attention he would rush hour traffic. “I usually tune the radio to whatever’s popular.”
“Pop music?” Dean asked in the same tone most people would reserve for someone who confessed to murder. “You listen to pop music.”
“It’s catchy.”
“It’s catchy, he says.” Dean heaved a dramatic sigh, sinking into his seat. “We gotta get you some Zep, dude.”
“Never heard of her.”
Castiel managed to keep his blank face for five full seconds. However, when he caught a glimpse of Dean’s bug eyed disbelief, Castiel cracked. He smiled. 
Dean laughed for the next mile.
Drop a🌹 in my inbox and I’ll share some of my WIP  
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
hey hey angie 💞 please bless us with your fanfic top 5?
Hello! 🌸
I'm sorry if I reply so late, but I wasn't home and didn't have access to my computer. Thank you for asking this question. I've been wanting to write a post about my favourite fics for ages now. There are too many. That's why I can't pic 5 favourites, but I will make a run out of my bookmarks for now, if that's okay 👉👈🥹. This was fun and I have so many more fics that I love. Like all the ABOs and really so many others, but I don’t want to add them all in a post because they will get lost and they deserve ALL the attention. So let’s tag this as a LARRY FIC RECS - PART 1. Please, if you read any of these, let me know and let’s discuss them! <3
I'm very excited! Alright, let's go in no specific order:
Mirror Touch by pinky_heaven19 (59K): synesthesia AU that made me all soft and melting. Easily, one of the first fics I'd recommend.
The Changer and the Changed by homosociallyyours (60K): Hands down the best Girl direction AU for me. Lots of lesbian and feminism talk. Very very good. I saved it on my phone and re-read it every now and then. 
No pressure, no diamonds by karamelised (71K): Another fic I would read in loop. It’s just fun and hot but also angstyyy. Louis is a menace and Harry CAN’T (can he?) have any of it. They got me all in the first scene. The description of Harry got me like “alright yeah, that’s it. that’s the one”. Venice x Larry is always a good idea.
Love After the End of the World by mercurial-madhouse (writing_practice) (162K): This one is the dystopian-soulmate AU you need to read. Louis is such a pain in the ass in this one, I swear. You can't not love it lmao
Sodalite & Aventurine by forreveries (81K): Give me all the pirates fics, because I will drink them up like water in the desert. 
Fading by tothemoonmydear (202K): please read the tags of this one. It's a tough one, I read it long ago, so I don't remember much of the writing style, but I think the ED is depicted in a very thoughtful way.
Time Passed by coffinofachimera (66K): this broke my heart. I rarely cry with fics, but I sobbed at the end. Like the tags say... heavy heavy angst.
Our Lives, Non-Fiction by indiaalphawhiskey (@indiaalphawhiskey) (114K): I will defend this fic til my last breath. It's mature, it's complex, it's metaliterature at some point. Definitely NOT canonical, loved it!
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) by green_feelings (116K): the amnesia AU that got under my skin because it made me sooooo mad!
And down the long and silent street by whimsicule (86K): This fic just came back in my mind yesterday in chat with @lt2hoe! Victorian London, wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder. More of these please!
Chasing Empty Spaces by Lis (domesticharry) (79K): even though I remember complaining with my sister about the fact that it contains few historical innaccurancies, I loved the story! Very emotional til the very very very end.
Dance to the Distortion by Lis (domesticharry) (97K): speaking of annoying Louis... this author never disappoints, trust me!
Let's Fall in Love in a Place You Want to Stay by embro (134K): this was cute and got me pouting all along cause I didn’t know if I was sad or just emotional. Oh, this is the Tarzan AU!
Take My Breath Away by RealityBetterThanFiction (154K): Top gun AU. One direction as pilots was what I needed. Narry is magical here!
With The Strength To Carry On by lovelarry10, therogueskimo (113K): I read it for my professional bias. Doctor AU. They cute cute cute. 
The school of extraordinary lovers by stylinsoncity (168K): I think I consider this one a classic. It’s simply a beautiful read. 
Maybe down in lonesome town by resurrectdead (45K): I don't quite remember this one, but it's in my bookmarks so I'll trust past me and rec this too. Farm AU are my guilty pleasure.
Let me separate my favourite authors from the rest because I’m on my knees for these two angels: 
The agony and the rapture by @thedevilinmybrain (venomedveins) (79K): you have no idea how much I love this fic. I would dare say I love it as much as I love pistacchios. And I love pistacchios A LOT. 
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is by devilinmybrain (venomedveins) (35K): As Dj Khaled would say... ANOTHER ONE. This is my love letter for @thedevilinmybrain I’m not sorry. 
Babydoll blues by devilinmybrain (venomedveins) (111K): my comfort fic. I read it when I wanna feel something. Hottest one on AO3. So hot it’s dangerous. They have this great ability to create this fantastic dynamic between Harry and Louis. I can’t get enough. 
And the other fave must be @larrydoinglaundry <3 
Love is a word, you gave it a name by CuckooTrooke (158K): this fic is everything. Smut, fluff, serious talk, gender talk, adventure, mental health. Waiting for the sequel like a kid waits for Christmas morning. 
This chemistry like candy to me by CuckooTrooke (35K): If you have ever asked me for an omega Harry fic rec, this one is the first one I mentioned. 100% recommended by me to literally anyone lmao. it’s the fluffiest, most endearing, I like the way the author explores and navigates some events.
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palettepainter · 2 years
To the people on my blog who don’t guilt trip me, whine at me, bitch at me for not drawing Zoophobia anymore 
Ya’ll want anything from the gas station? 
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152glasslippers · 2 years
happy birthday bestie! i had a dream i sent you a birthday ask so i'll try and make this one as magical as the dream one. i hope this day and this past week you got to celebrate another year around the sun and dancing under the moon. i hope she tells you happy birthday. i'm standing outside and blowing a kiss to her for you. may the year to come be full of blessings and love and so much more <3 ily 🌟💫🌙🌕
i love that you dreamed about sending me a birthday ask i love that we dream about each other 🥺🥺
it rained on my birthday so i didn’t get to see the moon but i knew she was out there and you were out there, too 🌕💖 thanks for blowing her a kiss for me
ilysm bestie🌙💫💖 my life is already so full of love and blessings because i know YOU
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