#sleep regression
caregivingchrysalises · 4 months
goodnight angel, whatever adventures you went on today~ big or small your buba knows you did wonderfully. you’re safe to be as small as you need now starlight, i’ve got you,, buba’s right here darling, anything at all and your darling prinx is more than happy to make zer sweet thing feel more comfy and cozy dove. you deserve all the love and care in the world, and i’m so grateful i get to be a part of it~ may tomorrow bring flutterings of fun and whimsy.
~rest well my little moon, ‘tala
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earianne · 5 months
Well, after some research, I found out that babies who are not weaned do not sleep “through the night” and that it is atypical behavior to do so.
And “sleep through the night” means 6 hours with the expectation that the baby will wake 1-3 times during that period.
Sooo… what I’m experiencing is normal and no need to try to solve this impossible, apparently non-problem.
On a super positive note: I can finally stop having nightmares about math tests as a way for my subconscious to sort this out :D
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stabbyapologist · 10 months
So. Here we are. ♡
Probably shouldn't have made that cup of coffee at 7:00 PM, but I didn't expect for her to go down so easily tonight.
Well. What do I do now?
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yellowballoonx · 8 months
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paleflower · 1 year
We are transitioning our little boy from two to one nap a day, because if he sleeps too much during the day he will just not fall asleep in the evening.
A few days ago my husband was looking after the little one and he took three(!) naps during the day. Way way waaaaay too much. He did not want to go to sleep that day. It was a fight. I was waiting until he showed signs of tiredness, which took forever and even then he just did not fall asleep. He was up so late and I was so pissed off, because I was tired and wanted to go to bed but I couldn't. The next day he took only one nap and went to bed early. Thankfully.
But today he also just took one nap and it was a fight getting him in bed again. And I hate it. I don't want that. Why does he never want to sleep? He is tired. I know that. He keeps rubbing his eyes, but he does not want to sleep. He wants to walk, play, explore. And I get it. Everything is new and exciting, but I just can't do it. I need a break. I need him to sleep. Please let this just be another sleep regression or I am going crazy.
The worst thing btw is that he will wake up the same time in the morning no matter what time he went to sleep. So it's not even like "oh he went to bed late, guess we're sleeping and hour longer in the morning!"... No that's sadly not what happens. In that case I would be fine with him going to bed late. But it does not matter if he is in bed by 9 pm or 11 pm. He will be up by 7 am latest. No matter what.
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getoutofthisplace · 2 years
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom and I are still having to take shifts sleeping on the Nugget beside Magnus's crib and we're exhausted from it, and frankly, kind of angry about it. The anger probably stems from a feeling of helplessness -- we're at a complete loss for what to do. As we were getting ready for bed, Mom said Yiayia suggested putting the crib in Gus's room. We both kind of snickered, and then it hit us that it just might work. So I partially disassembled the crib and put it back together in Gus's room.
Gus was a sport and let us do it, even though I think he was internally pessimistic about the whole thing. When Magnus woke up in the middle of the night, Gus was gone -- moved into the laundry room -- so I slept in Gus's bed the rest of the night. Magnus spent the whole night startling awake to ensure I was still there.
I've found the most soothing thing to him right now is singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," which is something Nene started. Tonight when Gus and I were trying to get him to sleep at the beginning of the night, I sang a few rounds of it. When I stopped, Magnus started singing it, except that he doesn't sing the words; just the tune. Which was precious.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.6.2023 - 7.56pm.
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riyajain455455 · 17 days
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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Segíteni akar…felkelni nem…. Nagynehezen melegít tápszert.
Gyerek üvölt!
Nem kell neki.
Türelmetlen,sietne aludni….
A gyerek csak cicizni
Férj türelmetlen,ideges,mi a faszért nem jó neki a tápszer ….
A gyereknek hiányzik mert eddig türelmes volt sétált és elaludt vele.
Már unalmas neki ,ingerült.
Idegesíti hogy sír.
Mit csináljak ?
Félek. Megunja,mást keres …
Fáradt vagyok.
Fáj a derekam.
Fél egy lesz…. Aludnék én is….de hát ugye nekem ez most a dolgom.
Mártír vagyok ? Nem akarok az lenni mégis ezt érzem.!
Ő már alszik….
Mi még küzdünk.
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caregivingchrysalises · 6 months
hi! I'm having some terrible sleeping, it's hard to fall asleep and when i do, i usually wake up after an hour or two so it's hard to get any rest. I was wondering if i could ask for some reassurance about it? it would help a lot to hear that it's going to be ok, specially when I'm tiny and your posts help me feel little. you don't have to rush or anything to reply so don't worry about it. thanks for the cool posts, they are very comforting ^^
hi baby, awe my little star it’s alright, shh shh it’s alright to be small lovebug of course it is. you’re so precious honey, i’ve got you. buba’s got you love, you’re safe here. buba promises i’ll do everything i can to help us fly smoothly into dreamland sweetheart. you’re doing such a good job precious, it’s all going to be alright i promise… here can i have your pinky baby, there we go, a royal pinky promise… now it’s official! the chrysalis and i will always take care of you and keep you safe sweet thing, everything is going to be alright my little star, you have your prinx’s word.
oh honey, hey it’s okay, we’re okay darling i’m here. buba’s right here… shh shh i know baby, i know, it was a dream dewdrop, i’m with you, i’ll always be with you honey. you’re so brave sweetheart, there’s no need to worry precious, i’ve got you~ do you think you can go back to sleep for me angel? i know it’s hard, but we’re going to get through this together sprout don’t you worry… if you’d like i can make you a bottle the way you like it? or sing you those songs you love… there’s plenty of stories laying about if you’d like me to go fetch one? of course we can stay here little one, there’s no need to make any decisions baby, i’d be more than happy to hold you as we fall back asleep, of course love, anything for you sweetheart
if you’d like a little mini blurb, consider laying on my chest as my wings cradle us, keeping us both safe from harm ʚ♡ɞ
thank you so much for the ask love bug, you deserve your rest and i’m so very proud of you~ i’m grateful i get to greet another day with you!
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enchantedechoes · 6 months
The Neverending Quest for Baby Sleep
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Hey fellow tired parents! Anyone else out there feel like they haven't slept since their tiny human decided to grace us with their presence?
Seriously though, those first few months can be rough. But just when you think you've finally cracked the code on bedtime routines and white noise machines, BAM! The dreaded 3-month sleep regression hits. Apparently, this magical time is when your little bundle of joy decides they actually don't like sleeping through the night anymore. Fun times, right?
Anyone else going through this right now? Feeling like a zombie who just wants a solid 8 hours (or even 4, let's be real) of uninterrupted sleep? Share your commiseration in the comments below!
In the meantime, I'm sending virtual hugs and caffeine to all of you. We'll get through this sleep-deprived phase together!
P.S. Any tips or tricks for surviving the 3-month sleep regression? Share them in the comments, because this mama needs all the help she can get!
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lil-kozy-kollector · 10 months
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yellowballoonx · 8 months
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paleflower · 1 year
Lots of playtime doesn't tire my child. Lots of time spent outside doesn't tire my child. Lots of running around, going swimming/bathing doesn't tire him out. But a documentary about South-Korean female monks? Sure.
My son just fell asleep an hour before his usual bedtime. The last few days I've struggled to get him to bed and he was awake hours after his bedtime. One day I fell asleep before him! And now this!
Maybe his sleep regression is over?
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getoutofthisplace · 2 years
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Magnus's demands to have one of us in his room -- sleeping on the floor beside his crib -- has gotten to me. I've told Mom I've had enough and we can't go on like this, so when I realized Gus would be staying with Nene tonight and Mom would be out having a ladies' night with her friends, I made a plan to let Magnus cry it out until he completely exhausts himself and falls asleep without me there with him.
After five minutes of crying, I went in and reassured him that he was okay, then left again. At ten minutes, I went back in. And then 15, 20, and 30 minutes. When he was still crying and pissed when Mom got home, I could feel my plan falling apart. He ended up sleeping for a couple of hours, total, but mostly cried all night long until 6:00am, standing to keep himself awake. At one point, I went in and he was standing up, asleep with his head on the crib rail, but still crying. It was awful. By the end of the night/next morning, I threw my hands up and told Mom, "I don't care. He wins. Let's give into all his demands because I can't go on without sleep anymore."
Anyway, before all that, he was just a sweet boy watching Nene's chicken pot pie bake in the oven. I enjoyed getting the chance to spend some one-on-one time with him.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.21.2022 - 6.23pm.
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riyajain455455 · 17 days
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