#Thanks for sticking around
3447 · 16 days
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(out of context) using your ex as a vessel to bring yourself back to life is the most divorced thing one can do
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strawberrycartt · 9 months
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Thank you for the support 🐏
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
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soma021794 · 2 months
not to vent but ive realized recently i dont have to cater to a specific audience anymore cause im not worried about making my art marketable for commissions so im doing what i want now ... like i can draw for fun yay
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sequoiainthebox · 2 years
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I played video games in a drunken haze/ I was seventeen years young
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escyn · 1 month
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Hari Bulkan Evenings (Late Summer): Touch or Touch-starved | Free Day
Zukka Week Day 7 (id in alt)
Made in response to @sulkybender’s lovely softka/transko fic a truer mirror -> full image can be found embedded in the second chapter of the fic!
other things from ZW2024: Day 3 | Day 5 | Day 6
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cloysterbell · 2 years
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“Every showrunner knows you get one show where you get this. This is it.” - John Rogers, The Long Goodbye Job DVD Commentary
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nedeii · 9 months
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wip X2
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lady-phasma · 2 months
I'm still around. I promise! I'm having a tough time with my job and trying to sort out some things. Everything will work out how it's supposed to, but it's taking all of my mental bandwidth at the moment.
I miss writing, I miss gifs, and I miss y'all. 😭 But I'm lurking and will make more time for Tumblr soon.
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badlydrawnmp100 · 11 months
happy one year anniversary
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i forgot to draw somethjng so heres this
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
Family: what has you laughing?
Me: No reason...
What my mind fondly remembers for the past 3-4 years
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I think it's been 3 years?? Anyways, this thing is stuck in my mind indefinitely and I love it 🥰
oh youre an OG OG follower
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stillmonsterz · 4 months
I just finished the Brave It Together parts, and omg, wtf is Ni-Ki up to?? I knew it was too good to be true with him, the way he was so lax and chill. I don't think he's a bad guy, I'm just wary of him now.
I think Jay and reader are a good pair because they're the same in lots of ways. They get something from the other that they need, which completes them and make them whole. Is she that way because it was a way to protect herself when younger, so it's just automatic? Their dynamic can be frustrating at times, but it works. She reminds me of Daria in a way. I like her friendship with Isa.
Despite all the shit that happened regarding Jake, I really don't think he raped Mina. We've heard things from multiple povs about it, and I just don't feel that he did that. That club may be spoiled, rich, entitled assholes, but I think they draw the line at something like that. Remember how upset Ni-Ki was when he told her what happened when he drove her home that time?
Jay Jay Jay...I'm not sure what to even say. I'm curious about why he's the way he is. It's like he's so angry about everything, and he's behaving in a way because he has nothing to lose? Idk. I should reread it so I can understand him better. I just hate that he treats reader and Isa horribly. Like why is one good enough to fuck but not show off? I can't wait for the next chapter/part.
I've been saving this one. I hate letting long asks like this leave my inbox lmao.
Y/N's past is probably going to stay ambiguous. I try to leave hints here and there, but I want a lot of my fic to be left to open interpretation. It's funny you mentioned Daria. Never watched it, but from what I've seen they are very similar (flat affect, societal disconnect, style of dressing). Jay and her are similar, and I'll go into that more in the final part trust.
I've spoken to my friends and they said that they thought Jake did it, so it's interesting to hear the opposite perspective. I'll never reveal what really happened, so it's up to you.
Isa is the biggest victim in all of this imo. Y/N went through a lot, but Jay coerced Isa into public sex and her new friend has been sleeping with her man for weeks. It's rough for her.
Thank you so much for leaving your message, and I really hope you enjoy this fic.
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guysonroblox · 11 months
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we broke 6k btw thanks guys
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - Photos
here we are again. the final day @youngroyals-events technically it is still july for me
Photographs of Simon over the years, and those by his side.
read below or on ao3 (G, 900)
Label reads, in scratchy, all caps: SIMON’S 1ST BIRTHDAY! JULY 2005
A young baby, chubby enough to know he’s not a newborn, but still so tiny, so innocent. A huge head of brown curls, spraying out in every direction. They match that of the young woman holding him in her lap. She’s beautiful, and she’s saying something in his ear, pointing at the cake on the table in front of them — a typical chocolate frosted cake with big dollops of icing and swirling white letters. To the side, standing behind the chair the mother and son are sat in, is a tall man with a big smile. In his arms, he holds a young girl. She’s a bit older than the boy, but not by much. Her curls are more tamed, tied up in two pigtails, and her father laughs as she tries to escape his arms, reaching for the pretty candle on the cake, alight with flame: a big, colorful number one. A dozen blue balloons hover in the air behind them, only partially blocking the view to a living room with while walls, tan curtains, and a leather couch.
Label reads, in scratchy, all caps: JULY 2008 SIMON’S BIRTHDAY
Two young children. A boy and a girl, with matching curls and matching bright eyes. Each have messy hands, gripping half-eaten chocolate cupcakes, and messy faces, smeared with chocolate icing. A man squats between them, smiling at the young boy with amusement. The little girl holds out a napkin with her free, clean hand towards the young boy, but he’s too busy grinning like mad at whoever is holding the camera. The boy’s cupcake has a half-toppled number four candle. There’s confetti on the table and a pile of gifts in the background. White walls, tan curtains, and a leather couch.
Label reads, in careful, but shaky writing: My best freind Simon at his 8 birthday party! :-) And me (Ayub)
Three children sitting poolside, their feet in the water, turning over their shoulders towards the camera. The young, curly haired boy in the center wears purple patterned swim trunks, and his face is partially blurred because he’s laughing. The boy in his left, the same age, is looking at him, mouth open and smiling, like he’s saying something funny. The girl on his right, with big brown eyes and a shy smile, wears a pink and red one-piece, the only one actually focused on the camera. Blurry, in the foreground, there’s the vague outline of a balloon, shaped in the number 8. Dozens of other kids and families flit around in the background, a smear of summertime glee.
Label reads, in elegant script: Simon’s 13th – with Ayub and Rosh. July 2017.
Three young teens sitting around a table. The boy in the middle, with brown curls and sunny eyes, has his mouth open in a laughing shout. The two other sitting on either side of him, a boy with straight hair and a girl with a tight ponytail, push his head towards the cake sat before him, iced in purple and a dozen rainbow candles, a big number thirteen in the center. Behind them and to the right, a cutout window into a kitchen, where a young girl stands, rolling her eyes. She resembles the boy in the middle. Reflected in the window on the left behind the three kids, a woman holding the phone taking the photo, smiling at the scene before her, ballons scattered behind her.
Label reads, in elegant script: Simon’s 17th – with Ayub, Rosh, and Wille. July 2021
A lake in the background and a picnic table in the foreground, with four teenagers sitting around it. On one side of the table, a boy with auburn hair and a brilliant grin staring at the boy he has his arm around, this one with curly hair and wide eyes, expressive hands out in the middle of telling a story. On the other side, a boy with his hair tied back in a bun and a girl with a loose ponytail leaned forward on the table, engaged in the story the curly-headed one is telling. There’s not much on the table, save for a few half-eaten oranges and small sandwiches. Sun filters through the trees above them, scattering patterns across the ground. Way in the back, only half-visible in the bright glare, two shapes, two girls, swim in the water of the lake.
Label reads, in lopsided, goofy script, accompanied by a doodle of a fish: happy birthday my Simon. I can’t wait to spend a million more birthdays with you. I love you so much. Yours, Wille.
A polaroid picture. A young man with a floppy auburn hair holding the camera out with a long arm, a crooked grin on his face. Beside him, a young man with a mess of brown curls and half-squinted eyes. He looks a bit disgruntled, but as if he’s holding back a smile. He wears no shirt, the covers of the bed he sits in pooled around his lap. On his head, a tiny birthday hat with the number twenty inscribed in big, colorful, bubble letters. The man taking the photo holds a muffin in his other hand, halfway out of the frame. There are big pieces of purple confetti scattered across the bed. In the background, the small alarm clock on the nightstand reads 7:28 am. Beside it: a pair of reading glasses, a book, its title illegible, and a framed picture of the two men, arms around each other, grinning like the sun.
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dad-sun-and-moon · 10 months
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liesmultixxx · 3 months
maybe this year is gonna be my year.
maybe 19 is my lucky number.
maybe this year, someone will care about me.
maybe i’m gonna be loved.
maybe i’ll learn to love myself.
maybe i won’t feel like a burden.
maybe my life hasn’t fully started yet.
happy birthday to me.
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