#That piece also lives rent free in my head I love how it came out too!!! 😭😭
arceespinkgun · 13 hours
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I'm sorry for this since I do hate how overrated he is in general, but I really wanted to make a post getting out my love for Prowl in the TF UK comics. He is just so clearly the best, most definitive version of the character in my opinion! Somehow, so many of the funniest moments from this continuity are Prowl-related and many of his quotes live rent-free in my head?! From jumping on a missile, to yelling at Jetfire in one of the Christmas specials ("You almost break the world record... FOR STANDING STILL!"), to thinking Jazz saying something will be "a piece of cake" is literal, that one time he yelled "SHUT UP!!!" at the Autobots and Decepticons and then added a tiny "please" afterward...!
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And in my opinion the funniest panel in all of the comics is a Prowl panel where he thinks Grimlock is dumb as a brick and imagines a literal brick!
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IIRC Prowl's introduction to the comics showed him trying to suggest other options than suicide when the Ark gets attacked only for Optimus to immediately ignore him, which really sets the tone for that dynamic. I was pretty surprised to see that Optimus (and later Grimlock, who is generally hilariously awful) are incredibly unstable leaders and that in almost every case I took Prowl's side in his arguments with them...?
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When I say "unstable," I really mean it
He isn't perfect, but he seemed to just want to the War to end and then stay ended from what I could tell. I kind of get the sense that a fandom in-joke about Prowl being a prick may have gotten overstated and led to Prowl actually being extremely obnoxious and immoral in things like IDW, since to me here he really came across more like a character who's justified in being irritated by how other people, normally his superiors, are acting because they're endangering others. Near the end of the comics, I really didn't like that Prowl was very much treated as being wrong for trying to get it through Grimlock's thick metal skull that Decepticons are people too? This isn't going to make sense for people who haven't read these issues, but to me it felt like Grimlock was shirking his duties as a leader and then setting Prowl up to fail to teach him a lesson the hard way, and it felt pretty cruel are overly edgy to me and not in-line with how Autobot and Decepticon dynamics were portrayed earlier. I know I'm biased, but I personally thought it was brave that Prowl stood up to Grimlock, the way Blaster had much earlier on.
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Going into these comics, I was really expecting to see a precursor to IDW Prowl or something, and I feel like I was misled! This version of the character feels almost like what IDW Prowl thought he was like. In the final annual story of this continuity, when Optimus actually apologizes for brushing Prowl off and explains that he's just been struggling emotionally (there's even a moment where it says, "Prowl gaped. Not only was he getting an apology, he was also getting an explanation," which really shows what kind of character Prowl is) and Optimus then says it's an honor to work with Prowl, I think I said "awww" out loud!!! And I thought it was hilarious that Prowl was so moved that he imagined a lump in his throat LMAO
"There's a ship fuelled and ready to life off, the assault team and medical crew are aboard. Prowl, I would be… honoured if you would join us," said Prime." And with that he extended a hand for Prowl to shake. There was a frozen moment or two before Prowl grabbed the proffered hand, pumping it. So charged with emotion was the moment, Prowl actually imagined a lump in a throat that he didn't possess!
I also thought Prowl was just as badass as he was hilarious: I loved it when Galvatron targeted Autobots including Prowl for having "mental flaws" by trying to use those to brainwash them into serving him and then Prowl's response was to just attack him and be like, "You forgot that we Autobots REPRESS our feelings!!!" Prowl was one of only three Autobots who ended up alive in the AU story "Rhythms of Darkness!" And he also once went back in time and had to relive his own destruction in order to stop Megatron, who he knocked out with a punch to the face:
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(It's Megatron possessing Snap Trap's body). This "Prime?!" "Nope—Prowl!" *punches him in the face* is such an iconic moment to me
Prowl also has a great backstory and was even a veteran before Optimus Prime was ever leader! You can read about that in my Jazz analysis post since they share a backstory. Prowl led a team who went around freeing Decepticon-controlled territories early in the War, and was one of the most dreaded Autobots! Not this is what I like—Prowl being a "terrorist" only in the eyes of the oppressors, not a civil terrorist in peacetime like in IDW! I think it's pretty likely that Prowl's type-A personality and intense sense of responsibility was probably informed a lot by his trauma on one of those early missions going so horribly wrong, since he seems to have behaved differently back then:
Prowl leaned over to Jazz. "Did we do okay?" he asked uncertainly, hoping Jazz wouldn't interpret this as weakness. As team leader, Prowl worried constantly that he would foul up, make some decision that would end up costing lives: theirs as well as others.
I think I'm not the only one who thinks sometimes having a favorite transformer who's really popular but it's only a couple of iterations that you're not interested in (nothing against TFA Prowl at all, I like him, I'm just very neutral on TFA the show), while almost nobody seems to know about the iteration you like and what you like about the character, can sometimes feel like a bit of a curse lol That's why I felt like sharing all of this!
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paperbagsandwich · 1 year
I'd love to know more about the food critic au.. 👀 Also that one door-stuck doodle lives rent-free in my head o///o
I haven't really been thinking much about it in a while, but a few thoughts came to mind.
So Critic Darnell is actually cursed, he knew that he was in a way but thought that this curse was ridiculous and very odd. It didn't really make sense to him at the time.
The curse being him knowing who's cooking was actually made from love, so his taste in food was solely rated just by that.
He searched and wondered what'll happen if he went out searching for actual good food and how would feel, causing him to travel and become a critic.
Many restaurants fail to satisfy him and hardly passing a 2 out of 5.
Truly a curse as nothing to him ever really tasted right. Not even from the most prestigious and popular of restaurants.
Roslyn isn't a restaurant owner, she's actually a tailor. She just so happens to love cooking very big meals.
A huge storm came as Darnell visited and Ros gave him shelter.
She had already made a huge meal for friends and family, but none came due to the heavy storm.
Roslyn invited him to take a seat and let him eat as much as he wanted since no one was coming at all, so he just makes himself a small plate.
The very first bite took him by surprise. The roast she made was perfectly seasoned and it wasn't too chewy or too rough, but perfectly smooth and easy to bite into. There was even flavor within just the skin of the roast. The large rolls, goodness, who were these made for? It wasn't flaky or buttery, it melted in his mouth.
He started piling his plate with more food, curious to know how they all tasted.
This man was eating like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He hardly even noticed how tight his clothing was getting... but Roslyn... she was flustered at how big he was getting, visibly seeing him expand. She had never seen such a thing before, but she wasn't going to stop a very hungry guest.
The meal Ros originally made for her other guests wasn't a small table at all. This could've feed at least 3 or 4 whole families... and he's gone through almost the whole table.
He only snapped out of it when he had difficulty reaching his plate.
He was shocked and confused as to how a once slender man now is being constricted by the armchair.
"I guess, heh, this is what love looks... and taste like..." He sheepishly smiled.
Roslyn was beet red trying to process what just happened.
• Oop, I ended up fucking writing JDOSNSKSNAKSBS, my bad.
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risuola · 1 year
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You give your boyfriend a nice, relaxing face massage when Sukuna, being bored out of his mind, takes over Yuji’s body.
cw: fluff, Itadori is 18 and is a vessel for Sukuna — 1,3k words
a/n: alrighty, this one I wrote randomly thinking of how the lines actually are quite a good guide for a face massage (also, if you never had face or a scalp massage, you're missing out!). i usually write Sukuna as his separate person, but here he's in a vessel. it's nothing but purely fluffed up piece of late-night babbling, enjoy 🩷
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It was already late, the clock showed almost 11pm, but you were not asleep. Yuji had just gotten home, taken a shower, and breathed out loudly, whining to heavens about how he had worked his butt off during the training session with Gojo. Your boyfriend came back all tired, and the hot shower didn't do much to soothe his strained muscles.
"I'm soooo tired," he whined again, and you couldn't help but smile at the adorable pout his lips had formed as he walked into the room you shared with him.
"'My poor thing," you cooed, kissing his forehead as he sat down next to you. "How about I give you a little face massage?"
"Yes, please," Itadori nodded vigorously and you giggled as you instructed him how to position himself and when you had his head comfortably over your lap, you warmed up a nice portion of face cream in your palms.
"Relax for me, baby," you told him, and he closed his eyes the moment your fingers made contact with his skin.
Yuji loved the magic your hands performed upon his aching muscles, and he found head and face massages particularly relaxing, so it wasn't surprising when he began to doze off in a matter of moments. With him half-asleep, you could take your time to admire the boy who had shamelessly stolen your heart with just one of his wide and extremely kind smiles, and as you glided your fingers smoothly across his forehead, down his temples, cheekbones, and jaw, you fell in love all over again. At first you were extremely gentle, stroking along his features, warming the skin as you went, before applying more pressure to the knots under his skin.
You rubbed small circles across his forehead, paying a little more attention to the space between his eyebrows and near his temples before lowering your hands to work the lotion into the large muscles over his cheeks. Using your thumbs, you forced the tension away with enough pressure to make Yuji purr softly. Then something unexpected happened. Black, tattoo-like lines appeared under your fingers and you slowed your movements, startled by the sight.
You knew that there is a curse living rent-free in your boyfriend, and you've seen Sukuna before, but he had never come out like that, for no reason, without a fight, without a single trigger, so you had no idea what to expect.
"Continue," he ordered, and you swallowed, pressing your fingertips back to his cheeks. Ironically, the lines that adorned his face made for a perfect guide for the massage, and you unconsciously followed them.
"Is there a reason for your appearance now?" you asked cautiously, keeping your fingernails away from the extra pair of eyes as you brushed over the bones beneath them.
"Nothing in particular," he replied lightly, looking up at you as his expression turned more serious. "Although I don't like you looking at me from above."
"You're literally on my lap."
"That's why I'll allow it, once. As for why," he relaxed his face again as you slid down his cheeks to work the muscle around his mouth and along his jawline. "Can you imagine how bored I am inside this brat?"
"I'm afraid not."
"You can't, that's right." A sigh left Sukuna's mouth. "What a pity, I'm bored out of my mind."
"I see, but please don't tire Yuji any more, he's already exhausted."
"You should worry about yourself rather than him being tired."
"I probably should, but if you were to decide to kill me now, you wouldn't get to experience the wonders of my scalp massage, so if you're okay with such a loss..."
You were really pushing his buttons here, being way too brave for your own good, but he seemed comfortable with the situation, which gave you hope that you wouldn't be decapitated anytime soon.
"Proceed then, and I'll make my decision afterward."
You finished his facial massage with a few light strokes along his features and wiped your hands with a tissue to remove any excess cream that hadn't absorbed yet, before you sink your hands into his hair. "Could you flip over to your stomach?" Once that was done, and Sukuna turned almost too obediently as you guided his head back to your lap, you used your fingers to brush through his blush-toned hair, pushing it back and purposefully scratching the skin between the strands as you dragged your hands to the nape of his neck. Once again, you used circular motions and quite a bit of pressure to stimulate the circulation and relax the tense muscles. You knew it was pleasurable, you knew how Yuji's body reacted to your touch and the fact that it was the King of Curses at this moment couldn't change that. The only thing different was the silence, which would normally be filled with constant mewling and whimpering from your boyfriend, but you couldn't expect those from Sukuna. Frankly, you'd be startled if he suddenly started purring.
As you worked your magic, the man remained calm, his cheek pressed against your thigh and his arms behind your back and around your legs, and it didn't really bother you too much. His touch was almost non-existent, he just kept his hands there because they had to go somewhere.
"Do you find this acceptable?" you asked quietly, lowering your fingers to graze the back of his neck. Your thumbs slid down the line of muscles that connected them to his shoulders, and he moved his arms down, giving you more access to that area.
"Acceptable is a good term," he muttered, exhaling deeply as you firmly squeezed the shoulder muscles, working out the tight knots there. Normally, this would turn Itadori into a whining mess, needy of affection and ready for endless cuddles, but for Sukuna, you put more effort into what you were doing. It felt strange. Technically, it was still your boyfriend's body that you had touched many times before, but somehow it felt like you were massaging a foreign man. Even though your fingertips knew the dips and curves of his silhouette, your mind found it hard to process.
Lost in thoughts, you let your hands go lower, onto the shoulder blades and near the spine, following the line down, working your palms into his toned back, only snapping back to reality when one of your hands brushed over the stitches. Oh yes, Yuji had injured himself the day before and because of Shoko's absence, he had to have the wound stitched up. He shouldn't be training with that at all, but he's so stubborn...
"Sukuna?", you addressed him quietly, trying to sound as respectful and polite as possible.
"What do you want?" he replied, his voice indifferent, but he knew from your tone that you needed something from him.
"There is a wound on Yuji's back. Could you heal it so that I can massage that area as well?"
“I don’t mind the pain. I don’t feel it,” he informed bluntly.
“But I can’t massage over stitches. I know it’s nothing for you, so pleaseee?”
"You're pushing your luck, you know that, right?" Sukuna laughed. Oh, how sneaky you were, he loved it, and it's only because he really enjoyed the massage that he granted your request. The sewn-up wound healed before your eyes and black stitches fell away. Your whole face lit up as you ran your hand over the spot.
"Thank youu," you smiled, and as if on autopilot, your body bent forward. You planted a soft kiss on the top of his head before you could think twice and only realized what you'd done when it was too late. Oh. "I'm sorry," you muttered quickly.
"You're so fucking clingy," he scoffed. "Humans..."
"Don't be mad, I'm just grateful," you cooed, returning your nails to his scalp to hopefully distract him from wanting to cut you to ribbons, and it seemed to do the trick as he melted over your thigh, relaxing his body once again.
In few minutes the black markings disappeared, your boyfriend was back and you were left confused but relieved.
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darlingpoppet · 9 months
Fave Fics of 2023!
A list of some of my favorite fics I read in 2023, though note not all of them are from this year. I feel like I didn’t get to do as much reading as I would’ve liked but I guess at least I was still able to put together a decent list! This isn’t a ranking, I listed everything in alphabetical order.
a bit of earth by @elemmacil (patrochilles)
Character study of Hadesgame Achilles & his time in the house of hades, pre-canon. Also, Zagreus takes care of a plant & it’s so wholesome. Lovely, atmospheric, and fueled by vibes, I adore the secret garden inspiration which slots into the hadesgame-verse sooo perfectly. This is great for the sad girlies like me who recently re-watched the movie from the 90s and thought “what if the whole movie was just us watching lord craven being a sad, pining dilf the whole time?” *clicks tongue* noice.
A Reasonable Explanation by stygius (pza)
I already read On The Ropes by red_smear last year so it doesn’t get to be on this list but I did go into 2023 continuing to seek out some of the “old classics” for this ship (yanno how reading fics that were published before joining the fandom sometimes feels like consuming media that existed before you were born? lol) this one is fun for the subversion on the “relaying messages” trope and taking god worshipping to literal (sexyy) extremes… I think if you wanted a good pza introductory fic this would be a good place to start!
Debased by youcouldbeagod (patrochilles)
Found this on a whim one day while clicking through the tags, as it is pretty much the only dedicated Troilus & Cressida Patrochilles fic on AO3 and it is BRILLIANT! The story is simply that Thersites stumbles upon Achilles & Patroclus having sex in their tent and he provides his usual witty and scathing commentary throughout. It truly reads like Shakespeare in prose form, I could easily imagine it being staged, it’s like a deleted scene from the play! The ending is also pitch perfect and still lives in my head rent-free. If you’re familiar with Shakespeare’s version of the characters definitely give it a read.
isn’t it romantic by infinitesle (dillydallybutterfly) (pza)
I was going to recommend a patrochilles fic by infinitesle that I love which is you are the currents that are pulling me onward but I’m pretty sure I read it in 2022 so it doesn’t count, sadge. So instead I’ll recommend another lovely morsel, a pza fic set in the jazz age au that a bunch of us in the pza channel of the hades lounge discord collectively came up with. Idk this might be a “you had to be there” kind of story but I think it still paints a pretty picture and if it inspires anyone else to contribute to the AU I wouldn’t complain. I’ll make my own proper contribution eventually, mark my words!
not the desperate type by @baejax-the-great (patrochilles, side hector/patroclus)
Baejax is well-known for their long fics which are all bangers ofc but personally my favorite piece of theirs this year was actually this oneshot in which Patroclus is engaged to Hector and then cheats on him with his ex, Achilles. They get caught in the act and the results are… predictable, lol. I love that it hews close to the tone of the Iliad where it’s no good/bad guys, just flawed humans making flawed choices and the AITA version of this story would totally be given an Everyone Sucks Here verdict, I’m sure. I’m STILL thinking about the ending even months & months later. Oh and of course, the sex is chef’s kiss!
One Night Of Chaos by Luddleston (pza)
This was technically a Dec 2022 read but I’m making an exception for it because I feel like it’s the flavor of pza I had been craving all along when I was reading through some of the older classics for this ship and it was key in helping fuel the inspiration for my own pza fics this year. There’s just something about Zag being invited into Patrochilles’ little world to watch their charming rapport with one another & being disgustingly in love that’s PEAK CONTENT for me and I loved this spin where he gets to meet them while they’re still alive, pre-heartbreak. Basically everything about it is my personal ur-pza text so if you’ve liked any of my own pza I’m sure you would like this one too. The sequel is also fun and was properly a 2023 read for me so I’ll mention it too haha.
Presentation by @sonderlivra (eruri)
Judging by the time stamp of my comment, I started my 2023 off right by reading this fic by one of my all-time favorite eruri authors! This is an omegaverse fic with a twist, it is well-written, hilarious, and had me guessing up until the very end. I would literally recommend anything this author writes (including the asscreed fics she & other beloved friend @zorthania have been writing this year… I don’t go here but these are my blorbo in-laws and I care them uwu)
sacramentum by fresco_k (eruri)
I didn’t take the time to read many other eruri fics this year unfortunately but I did get to beta some fics for this year’s eruri matchmaking event and this was one of them: a gladiator AU set in Ancient Rome and it was so serendipitous that I got to help with something so close to my current hyperfixation! The premise is very intriguing and it’s off to a lovely start… not to mention the author is a sweetie who knows & has a lot of passion for the time period… so check it out!
the slow mending by meikuree (pikuhan)
I finally got to dip my toes into some pikuhan fics this year and luckily my first one was a real banger! This was such a lovely little canon-compliant Hanji character study along with an exploration of their relationship with Pieck representing the two sides coming together and it was so beautifully written. It feels like the perfect introductory fic for the ship just in general because it really highlights everything that’s attractive about it! Love it!
tight fit by naxtique (zagchilles)
naxtique’s fics pretty much all scratch that itch for hadesgame dead dove of the dub/non-con variety, oftentimes laced with angst. Their particular flavor of Zagchilles with slave-to-his-passion, guilt-stricken Achilles is so compelling it always makes me stare at the wall thinking about it. And this is my favorite one, in which Achilles gets sex-pollen’d and ends up in a compromising position with Zagreus. Another one where the ending haunts my dreams (in a good way). Not for everyone obviously but if this sort of thing is up your alley, it’s great.
you’re a walking disaster, and yet— by @johaerys-writes (patrochilles)
Another patrochilles GOAT well-known for their serial longfics, and this year I’ve been enjoying their modern AU Patrochilles where the two of them grow up together in rural Greece. This one has probably my favorite ever synthesis of takes on Achilles’ character I’ve read so far—brilliant, autistic, and gender fluid. It’s definitely an extreme slow burn and gets pretty angsty & messy at times but it’s also devastatingly realistic & relatable and speaks to me a whole lot :> currently ongoing, definitely worth diving into!
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tae-rambles · 2 months
Apologies if this was answered, but what are your thoughts/analysis about the natural way Oda portrays characters internalizing/repeating beliefs from others? Such as when Law word for word told Tashigi what Doflamingo had told him regarding "the weak not choosing how they die". It was rather baffling, because though Law and Doflamingo may share the "same eyes", to reiterate anything, even if true/you agree with, that someone you truly hate had said feels foreign to me (particularly because it doesn't necessarily feel like a scene where a victim hurts others the same way they were hurt?). Secondly, the amount of scenes Luffy has talking about his dislike for "weak people" or "crying" (Shirahoshi). I know Luffy had similar sentiments when meeting Shanks but to me, everytime he repeats it, I just see Ace talking. It almost feels like a subconscious way of holding onto a part of Ace. Interested to know any other instances you noticed!
Heyo, thank you for the ask and sorry for the very late reply. I was busy and then just kept getting distracted.
To talk about the scene with Law and Tashigi we first need to keep in mind that at that point, Doflamingo was basically living rent free in Law's head as he was so focused on taking revenge on him which must have triggerd a barrage of intense emotion of hatred, pain and fear on his psyche making him slip back into his sadistic habits that he gained after the Flevance genocide. So it isn't so far fetched that he subconsciously quoted the man he saw as an inspiration for three years when his mind was most vulnerable for manipulation. However, Law puts his own twist to the meaning of this quote. when Doflamingo says "the weak do not have the right to choose how they die", he uses it to justify murder. But when Law says it, he uses it to refuse Tashigi's request to kill her. "Murder isn't my style. I'm a doctor" (- Law in ch 918) - a principle he inherited from his parents and regained after Rosinante saved him and both his literal and metaphorical heart. In conclusion, Law saying that to Tashigi was a reflection of both the people who had the most influence on his minds and actions during the whole Dressrosa saga. The words may be the same as Doflamingo's but the heart of the message carry Rosinante's love - just like Law who acts aloof and grumpy on the outside but actually has a soft heart.
When it comes to Luffy hating "crybabies", i do believe he got those words to express his feelings from Ace. I'd also like to point out that all the characters Luffy told that too were younger than him (Koby, Shirahoshi, Momonosuke) so you could say he channeled Ace's big brother energy in those instances. But it is also important to point out that unlike Ace, who would scowl at Luffy when reprimanding him for being a "crybaby" or a "weakling" (note: this is not a dis on Ace, he was going through a lot and his bad attitude is understandable), Luffy has a big grin on his face (with Koby and Shirahoshi at least, i don't remember how exactly he was with Momo, i'd have to re-read, sorry) which indicates there's no real heat behind his words since we also know what it looks like when he actually hates someone (Luffy's expressions can be scary sometimes but it's also often times very deserved reaction).
There are plenty more instances of characters internalizing and repeating beliefs of others since inherited will is one of One Piece's main themes. Some examples off the top of my head:
Luffy's idea of what a pirate is came from Shanks
Nami's soft spot for children and love of tangerines inherited from Bell-Mère
Franky's "existence is not a crime" from Tom's speech about building ships/weapons
Iceburg revitalizing Water 7's economy by founding Galley-La like Tom did by building the sea train
Robin's love of history and her determination to preserve it from the scholars of Ohara
Shirahoshi refusing to hate humans to preserve Otohime's wish for the future
Chopper wanting to become the greatest doctor inspired by Hiriluk
Sanji refusing to kick women and fight with his hands to honor Zeff
Bonney believing in Nika like Kuma
Rebecca refusing to fight offensively to fulfill Scarlett's wishes of not staining her hands with blood
Yamato being inspired by Oden to seek his own freedom
Roger inspiring many to strive to become the Pirate King
and many more... i'd be here forever if i were to name all of them
Hope that satisfies your question and i'm again really sorry it took so long for me to answer
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Fluffy bakugou brainrot:
So I’m in a classic soft sad semi crybaby kinda mood rn- did anything happen? Nope. Am I just like this? Yup.
Anyways, I like to think number one blorbo bakugo lowkey lives for this shit. NOT BECAUSE YOURE SAD. But because it means he just kinda ??? Gets a koala for a little bit??? All pliable and shit.
And you know he just goes along with whatever too. You wanna just hide your face in his neck on the couch? Bakugo’s got a blanket pulled up around you with a hand rubbing up and down your back while the other gives occasional head pats.
You wanna chill and play switch games? Bakugo’s there, sitting prolly behind you against the headboard so you’re in between his legs askin questions and paying ATTENTION goddamnit. WITH bonus !! Forehead smooches frequently. (I’m on a Zelda totk kick rn and I like to think bro gets all smarmy and cocky when bosses show up because “sweetheart I could totally beat it for you don’t worry” and then he dies not a minute in)
In general: soft bakugo who adores having koala hours with his baby when he can just plop around with them and call them the sweetest, cavity inducing nicknames on the planet to get them to laugh a lil
Bonus!!! Bakugo finding out you haven’t eaten the Proper Amount of Food™️ so he puts your ass on the kitchen counter and makes your ultimate favorite. Gets you water too in a lil cup with a straw
PLS this will live in my head rent free for the next two weeks ‼️‼️
but nooo I get it!!!! like it’s not necessarily about you being sad as it is about how clingy and mellow you get that he absolutely adores!!!! loves being able to just decompress after a long day, hide his face in your neck and breathe in your scent while you read on your phone.
and omg the switch part he gets sooo cocky about being able to beat everything and dies after the first punch skdjdkd I can imagine him bragging about beating the boss even if you’re playing something easy like cooking mama or animal crossing LOL what a dork
he calls you the most sickening nicknames that he would absolutely kill his friends over if they ever heard it!!!!! all sweethearts, and my love, and honey bunny that you can’t help but laugh at bc it sounds a little funny coming from him !! but you love every name anyway, because it came from him and he’s so comfortable around you that he doesn’t mind being a little corny if he gets to see you smile at the name he gives you 🥺
also definitely is ready to throw hands if you don’t eat or drink enough >_> scolds you the whole time he’s fixing you food, keeps shoving individual ingredients in your mouth and hands in between seasoning the food and stirring/chopping. “why do you always do this—how the hell do you even forget to eat?” as he slices up a cucumber or piece of fruit and taps it on your bottom lip for you to open wide so he can feed you !!
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hi Ali! im looking for a new narrative podcast to get into, what's your current rec list? :)
Oh god it’s so long 😂
Human Error - this one is mine so of course I’m recommending it 😂 it’s about a found family of survivors going on a road trip during a zombie apocalypse 12 years after the world ended!
We’re Alive - also zombie horror and was the show that got me into audio dramas! It’s very long and looks overwhelming but I promise it’s good!
Darkest Night - anthology horror where you find out how people died but each case is actually related and there is a bigger mystery and this show lives in my head rent free lol
The Waystation - found footage style show about a group of people on a space station that all died (the story is trying to piece together what happened). It’s along the same lines as The White Vault
DERELICT - a research group are studying a door at the bottom of the ocean, and then shit goes sideways. I binged this series super fact and I need season 2 immediately lol
The Eleventh Hour episode called The City of Statues - I made this! It’s about a group of survivors trying to make it out of a city filled with statues trying to hunt them down 👀
Someone Dies in this Elevator - mix of horror and thriller I think. It’s an anthology series where every episode someone dies in an elevator 👀 I composed for a few episodes and it’s v fun 🤩
The Liberty Podcast - made by the same folks behind The White Vault and VAST Horizon. It’s an anthology series of stories taking place within and surrounding a tower where a civilization lives. Some episodes might lean more towards horror but I personally consider it more thriller
The Walk - made by the same folks behind zombies run! In this show you the listener are the main character, an individual making their way across Scotland with a package they were mistakenly delivered. I love this show so much omg
Primordial Deep - scientists are finding extinct dinosaurs alive and well under the ocean and they’re trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. I fucking love this show omg
Spines - woman wakes up in the middle of a cult ritual with no memories and is trying to figure out who she is and where she came from. Also there are powers!
Mirrors - same person behind Spines! Three women from three different centuries (who are all related to each other) discover they can communicate with each other through ghost like figures. It has a bigger mystery and the ending made me cry it was so good
InCo - a woman finds a prince from a world that shouldn’t exist floating in space. This show is a delight and is a micro series and I love the humor within it so much omg
Where the Stars Fell - the Antichrist is roommates with their guardian angel and they’re trying to stop the rapture
DUST - anthology series about science fiction and technology! Season 3 is definitely my favorite as it is one story but the entire show as a whole is very good
Feel Good/Light Hearted Shows
Unseen - this show lives in my head rent free and I ache for it to be real. It’s about magic existing in the real world and is an anthology! It’s made by the same folks behind Wolf 359
Joy to the World - holiday series I helped produce! It’s about an astronaut named Joy talking with different people on Earth about the holidays! It’s an anthology and v warm and I highly recommend it as a holiday series
Sidequesting - a person who is totally not the hero is avoiding the main plot and going on a bunch of side quests! It’s charming and lovely and made by the wonderful Tal
Back Again, Back Again - a woman is retelling her stories of his magical world she was transported into and about the prophecy she became involved in
If none of these are your jam lmk and I can suggest some more! If you tell me what you like to listen to/what kinds of stories you enjoy I can make a more personalized list
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
(sorry if I'm spamming or anything, I just love these stupid demons boys too much)
But IMAGINE a virgin/little experienced Levi. You dressed up in a cosplay for him to take some pictures with, and he's totally not trying to hide a boner the whole time. Then after you change out you go to take a shower and give him all the clothes back, and whoops your underwear was also in the pile.
Poor boy goes RED when he finds it. He's stammering between should he give it back, or it's just like some anime he saw and he needs to smell it, just once, for science right?
Before he knows it he's jerking off to/with it. He's degrading himself for being so perverted and a gross otaku. His cocks are leaking all over the fabric when he comes in it.
Maybe you'll walk in to ask about the pictures and catch him like that. He's muttering apologies, but his hands are still moving. You just have to give the poor baby some help~
No don’t worry I absolutely love hearing others thoughts on the boys! As long as you don’t mind me adding on to them ksksk Virgin!Levi lives in my head rent free omggggg
Reader is mentioned in a skirt but no pronouns used or genitals described
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Leviathan thought all his dreams came true the day you agreed to dress up and actually go to a convention with him, just a local one held here in the Devildom but he didn’t care because he had you going with him. You dressed as one of your favorite characters, in an outfit that hugged all of your curves and a skirt that barely covered your ass and swayed with each movement of your hips. Levi felt his pants growing tight before you guys even left his room.
The two of you spent the entire day running around together, taking pictures every chance you got, poor Levi constantly trying to readjust and hide his growing erection while you were blissfully unaware of his predicament. He dreaded seeing these photos later because he knew his face was bright red in most of them and he was almost positive there was one picture where his bulge was painfully obvious.
The two of you headed home, you undressed and went to return the outfit to Levi who was unusually quiet. You assumed he was just exhausted from being social all day and didn’t mention it. In reality Levi was trying to focus on your words and not how gorgeous you looked in your sleepwear, your after shower glow making his head spin even more.
Leviathan takes the clothes and goes to put them away to be washed later, turning back towards his computer he notices a piece he had dropped, he picks it up and freezes, nearly dropping it again. This wasn’t part of your cosplay. That’s your underwear. His heart races and he’s immediately panicking about what to do. Part of him knows he needs to return them but how?? He can’t just walk down the hall holding them and then give them back to you like no big deal. Maybe Asmo could or even Mammon in his own tsundere way, but him?? He could never.
The rest of his body has already decided how to handle the situation. His face is burning, palms are sweaty, his cocks are even harder than they were before. Is he really going to do this? Is he really that low and perverted? His cocks twitch as your scent hits his nose. Fuck.
Before he knows it Leviathan is in his bed, pants discarded, legs spread apart, the bottom of his shirt being held in his mouth so he can get a better view of what he’s doing, your underwear wrapped deliciously around his two cocks. He can barely think straight but flinches when his moans echo back to him.
What a fucking loser.
He lets out a whimper. His conscience is right, he is a loser. Laying here playing with himself and using your underwear to do so. He can’t help it though, when he finally unclenched his fist and took a good look at your underwear he had noticed the wet spot on the crotch. His brain had shut off as your scent filled his mind, he couldn’t stop himself. He had moaned and rubbed his face against the fabric, licking the wet spot and tasting the faint sweetness left behind. That’s how he ended up here in his bed.
His mind kept trying to torment him but Leviathan learned a long time ago that he loves to be degraded. You’re such a loser. What if they find out? What if they walk in on you?
Fuck what if you did find him like this?? What if you found him laying here pumping his cocks, your underwear rubbing up and down his shafts and him moaning your name. Would you call him a disgusting freak? Would you shame him for being so gross? The thought only turned him on more. Levi pumped faster while chasing his high, your faint scent mixing in the air with his, he tries to imagine what you would look like underneath him, he tries to imagine what you would sound like calling his name.
Shit. That sounded too real…
His eyes fly open and find you standing over his bed. Leviathan is mortified, not only did you find him here masturbating with your underwear but now you know he really is a monster. He’d never shared with you that he had two dicks, he was too afraid of how you’d respond, but here he was. As terrified as he was Leviathan was still aroused by the situation, his cocks throbbing and leaking out a heavy amount of precum, only adding to his embarrassment. He waited for you to scream at him but instead watched you smirk.
“Who would’ve thought the shyest brother would have the most cock in the family.”
Fuck. Don’t do that. Don’t compliment him, he can’t take it. He knows you’ve seen his brothers, he knows you’ve had his brothers. Asmo can’t keep his mouth shut (or his legs for that matter), he’s smelt Mammon on you several times at breakfast, he’s heard the growls, grunts and moans coming from Beelzebub’s room while your own was empty. So if you sit here and praise him for his cocks he’s bound to cum and that’s not what he wants you to see. But you’re not making it easier to prevent.
You crawl on top of him, your hips hovering just above his own, and you caress his face. He lets out a strangled moan at your touch, his hand hasn’t stopped pumping the entire time but it stutters slightly. He’s completely helpless, looking up at you and hoping you give him more.
“Levi,” you say in an all too sultry voice. “You’re a virgin right?”
Yes, fuck yes. Shame him for it, please! Make fun of him for being the only virgin left in the house. He wants you to degrade him so badly, he wants to hear you call him a gross, perverted, virgin demon. He nods quickly, his mouth open just slightly and letting a high pitched whine escape. Your smirk turns into something more sinister and you lock your lips with his. He moans into your mouth while squeezing his eyes shut, bucking his hips into his hand and causing his leaking tips to brush against your ass. You pull back, face flushed but a confident look in your eyes.
“Why don’t we change that?”
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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fairy once more 🌹 my c!hannah design is complete, full design process is under the cut :)
wrow it has been like 1.5 yr since my first c!hannie drawing 😭 ourgh i love her sosososo much. i really went back n forth on whether or not to actually complete this design, due to my... complicated and strenuous relationship with the dsmp... but after talking it out and going through these pieces i wanted to do it justice one last time :)
without further ado here is a (near-complete) history of my c!hannahxxrose design. i have included text descriptions since my handwriting is notoriously doctoral (bad):
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In the beginning the design was very simple, and leaned heavily into the popular fanon. [pointing at image of c!hannah with leafy, thick foliage leaves from fall 2021: this was drawn before the event where c!hannah got her wings, aka i'm psychic teehee]
(i didn't really know much about her character, so these aren't tied to the canon and got scrapped!)
[pointing to a design of c!hannah with fairy wings from early 2022: this simple dress was a staple in my early design...]
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her wings! i think when she lost them, it really drew me into pinning down a design for her. i toyed with the imagery of torn, tattered wings, but then turned to a more melted look. i love the multicolour spread of her wings, through over time her wing shape changes from a butterfly wing to a more dragonfly/fairy-style.
i toyed with the idea of her wings being torn off completely, but at the end it was more true to the imagery to have these massive, multicoloured wings, useless and tattered.
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from march 2022: first time drawing c!tinarose B) very uninspired outfits. also, why does c!tina have little wings??? The line "he ripped your rings, my little fairy :(" lives in my head rent-free. I wasn't happy with how this came out.]
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from july 2022: genuinely one of the best pieces i've ever done. c!tinarose nation 4 lyfe ✌️ Really nailed the melty, shredded wing design here!
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Design Exploration:
While working on those [above] pieces in 2022, i started exploring different ideas for my c!hannah design.
[text pointing to a sketch from september 2022, where c!hannah has a large, tree-like arm: in this, c!hannah is a flower nymph whose body is apart of nature--the tree arm is borne! i LOVE asymmetrical designs. In my notes, i wrote: 'she draws her energy from nature to heal after losing her wings- in return, nature returns to claim her body... as time goes on, the bark grows.]
Concept: pre-DSMP design:
[text pointing to a sketch of c!hannah kneeling, hair wild with flowers and covered in climbing vines: a rosebush who becomes a girl-in her early days, she is more plant-like than human girl! i loved this hair. so fun.]
Introduction of Armour:
[text beneath multiple drawings of c!hannah from summer 2022, where she is wearing armour: in these sketches, i was feeling the urge to draw some armoured ladies-and so c!hannah became my victim!
i'm always craving sleek, feminine silhouettes in my armoured designs, without turning into battle corsets and bikinis.
at the same time as this, i was in the brainstorming/conceptual stages for other dsmp characters, and i wanted c!hannah to be unique from the generic, full-netherite design.]
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Final Design:
A year and a half after my first art of her, and i collected the varying design elements from past pieces into one final concept!
Knightly yet feminine, strong but still wearing (literally) the scars of pain. I wasn't confident in ever finishing this, but then i heard that she gets her wings back after the 2023 """finale""" of the smp... it was time to bring closure to this character design that i have poured a whole part of myself into. This was the final sketch.
[text near a sketch of c!hannah's final design: flower spirit, mix armoured with flowers (utena core).]
for the final piece itself, i wanted to reference the colours of hannah's minecraft skin, while still adding that fantasy-knight element. the wings are trimmed, but still retained that beautiful, multicolour melty look. her tree arm is finally blossoming and blooming with pops of colour, to signify regrowth after the trauma of losing a piece of herself. her insignia is not for any nation, but for herself.
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The works of these illustrators greatly guided this design. Additionally, my peers and other artists who have drawn/interpreted c!hannah before <3 feminine, strong designs are so beautiful!
[not pictured are the works of JC Leyendecker, Jasmin Darnell, CLAMP, Thores Shibamoto, and my dear friend zma. their works orbit my head like a ceiling fan whenever i put the pen to paper <3)
a few things didn't end up making the cut (the cape from the final sketch, her other forms and ideas for pre-SMP, etc) but at this point, i am really excited to just stop looking at this piece LOL. it has been staring at me for forever. im very pleased with it and touched something special at seeing my own abilities, ambition, and concept designs grow within my own work. even if no one reads all 213445345 words of this, it's a wonderful capsule of the work i put into this design and im quite pleased.
aneeeways if any1 read this far i hope u like it 🙇 ok im going eepy now gnight ^^
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eroticdarling · 1 year
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Imagine you and Shuji have been dating for months, and you want to try something new like recording yourself riding him~♡
S. Hanma
Content Warning || Boyfriend!Shuji ♡ Black!Reader ♡ Viginal Sex ♡ Pet Names (Ma × Mamas × Baby × Doll × Doll Face) ♡ Sir Kink ♡ Tongue Kissing ♡ Rough Sex ♡ Hair Pulling ♡ Dick Riding ♡ A Bit Of Praise ♡ Loud Moans ♡ Marking ♡ Sex Recording ♡ Creampie ♡
♡ A/n — ☆ This is a long drabble, I know, but this man has been living in my head rent-free ever since I saw the newest season of TR 😩✨️ Might just make longer drabbles from now on... Keyword = Might
{H/c = Hair color | H/t = Hair type}
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You and Shuji had been dating for months recently, and since y'all were already starting to have sex together, it didn't hurt you to bring up or suggest doing something new like riding him while he filmed it.
He didn't say anything to your suggestion. Instead, he went out while you were busy cleaning and bought a camera since his old one was broken.
"C'mere mamas." He called out, making you walk over to the couch and see him turn on the camera and place it on the table in front of him for the perfect angle.
"What're you doing, Shuji?" You asked.
"What you suggested, doll face, now come get on top." He said, signaling you to come with his hand.
"Yes, sir," you said, taking off all your clothes, not leaving one piece of fabric on, going towards him with excitement.
Shuji took off his clothes as well, pressed record, and grabbed onto the plush of your waist to make you hover over his lap.
The way your melanin skin felt smooth and your naturally plumped two-toned glossed lips glistened under the light made him mesmerized by your beauty.
He scanned your body, from the way your pretty tits laid down to your thick plush thighs. Just the sight of you being on top of him made his dick rock hard, and your eyes lit up in amusement at how he could get bricked just by looking at you every time.
"You wanna do the honors, ma?" He asked making you shake your head in agreement then grabbed his long thick cock and aligned it with your already soaked pussy.
You slowly sink onto his dick earning a groan from the man, but before you can fully go down, he grabs your hips and slams you down, making you moan loudly.
You arched your back and held onto his bare chest for leverage instantly, starting to ride him. You would bounce on his cock and then stop to grind on it, which made Shuji let out small sounds.
"Fuck, doll face you're doing so good." He said as he grabbed your waist and the back of your (h/c) (h/t) hair, starting to take control after letting you have your few minutes of fame.
He thrusts his hips deep into you as you wrap your arms around his neck, putting your head in the crook and sucking on his pale skin, leaving noticeable marks behind while also moaning at the feeling of his cock filling you up.
You were on cloud nine, but Shuji was higher. The pretty moans and whimpers that came out of your mouth sent the man into a spiral.
You stopped marking his neck and connected your lips with his, allowing him to swallow your moans. Mid kiss, he had slipped his tongue in making you feel a shock wave down your spine since you’ve never kissed like this before.
As his tongue intertwined with yours, he started playing with your soft tits that he favored with his big hands fondling them as the kiss went on, then broke the kiss to pop a tit in his mouth while the empty hand laid on your ass.
His tongue swirled around your nipple and then sucked on it, making you feel so much ecstasy flow throughout your body. He couldn't get enough of your tits and he loved it when you wore black or red laced bras or small bras that made your tits almost spill out.
After a few minutes, he was finished playing with your breasts and detached his mouth from the one he was sucking on, making a pop sound then continued fucking you at a fast pace like before.
The sounds of his balls hitting your ass and sweet moans filled the room, Shuji was hitting your g spot nicely, and you were already feeling the knot in your stomach more and more with every thrust of his hips.
"I wanna cum sir." You managed to moan out feeling Shuji's dick twitch at the moment, realizing he needed to too.
"Be a good girl and cum with me then." He said smacking your ass then reaching back up to your hair gripping it tighter than before and thrusting deeper into you making you bounce on his cock.
Your moans could now be heard throughout the living room and maybe outside if someone was listening hard enough or walking up to the door but that didn't matter cause the only thing Shuji could think about was making you cum all over his dick while he filled your pussy up with his.
The feeling in your stomach tightened up more, and Shuji's thrusts were now getting sloppy.
"S-shit mamas you're gonna milk me dry," He studdered as your hips were now in sync with his.
It wasn't even a minute later when you both came together feeling a wave of euphoria washing over.
Shuji put a huge load inside you like you wanted and the mixture of yours and his cum was leaking out of your abused hole and onto his dick.
It was messy, but Shuji loved the mess, and it was his favorite part of having sex.
You both started catching your breaths as sweat was on y'all bodies, and strands of hair were on both foreheads.
You were finished and couldn't go through another round because you were already tired from cleaning and he had made you even more tired but Shuji on the other hand wasn't and started moving his cock slowly into you.
His grip on your hair loosened, and it was now around the back of your neck as he did slow strokes, making you moan softly.
"Does this feel good, baby?" He asked, earning a hum in agreement.
He then stopped and picked you up off of him sitting you on the couch beside him then looking at his messy cock.
"Damn, doll, this is a bigger mess than usual. You wanted this video to be special, huh?" He said, picking up the camera to show the mess he made of you.
"Smile baby," He said, making you smile and then pushing the camera off you.
He stopped recording and picked you up so you both could take a shower in the downstairs bathroom and then go back to the couch to cuddle.
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ktlsyrtis · 1 year
I've finally slept off enough of the jet lag to piece together some semi-coherent thoughts about last weekend.
First and foremost, it was so wonderful to get to see and talk to so many internet pals in person. Sharing this whirlwind experience with @seahorsepencils, @batnbreakfast, @starfleetwitch, @akaanonymouth, @iordio, @elphiessolsikke, and @ariverandasong is something I'm going to treasure always
(the rest is under the cut because this got long 😅)
I have never been in a theater as small as the Hampstead. It is literally no bigger than my living room, with only two rows of seats around three sides. So when I tell you that Jemma was RIGHT THERE you can get a sense of what I mean lol.
Truly the wildest part was the moment of this person who you've seen on screen so many times suddenly being a real human person in front of you. Like I think my brain broke for the first few minutes of the show 😅. From that point forward it was just sitting back and taking in how engaging, funny and gorgeous she is in person. There were a few lines and moments in that show which will live rent free in my head forever. Especially what a huge dork of a dancer she is 😂
Afterwards the group of us waited in the cafe to say hello. When she came upstairs she excused herself for a bit because her brother and his family were there to see the show that night, which was very sweet, and then she came over to talk to us on her way out.
I know it sounds trite, but she really is just the sweetest, loveliest person. She took the time to talk to everyone and was so kind and engaged. I was able to give her the scarf I made for her. When she found out I knit it she was like "Really? Why would you do that for me??" 😂
The highlight of the evening came courteous of @seahorsepencils, who had seen the show the night before and told Jemma that a group of Berena fans was coming the next day.
Some actors might've been like 'oh god' and run for the back door. Others might make a big show about dressing up for their public. Not Jemma, oh no.
Meeting her was so overwhelming that I didn't notice at first. But while she was talking to someone else it suddenly clicked that she was wearing Bernie's pink coat! (I think I almost ripped @starfleetwitch's arm off when I realized lol) Slowly, the rest of what she was wearing sunk in:
Pink coat? Check. Black skinny jeans? Check. Sweater over a button down? Check. Chelsea boots? Check.
That's right friends. Jemma Redgrave, glorious dork that she is, FUCKING COSPLAYED BERNIE WOLFE FOR US!!!!!!
Honestly my biggest regret of the whole trip was that in the whirlwind of everything we didn't take a picture with her. Fortunately some other fan was there that night and got some photographic proof:
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(yes, she is holding the scarf I made; no, I will not be able to be normal about it lol) (also when we told her we were going to Catherine's show the next day she said to "give her my love" 😍)
Great Expectations:
Another day, another incredible UK theater. The Royal Exchange is a gorgeous venue; much larger than Hampstead, but still very intimate. We were able to get seats in the front row banquettes for the matinee, which was an amazing experience.
Catherine on stage is...the only thing I can think of is a force of nature. Her sheer presence made it seem like she was a foot taller than the rest of the cast and she owned the stage every time she was on it. On top of that, she somehow she managed to make racist, decrepit Miss Havisham really hot??? Which is a contradiction my brain still hasn't been able to fully reconcile lol
Because of all the work that goes into her makeup she understandably didn't stage door after the matinee. Fortunately some of us also had plans to go to the evening show.
This time around my seat turned out to be on the aisle where she made all of her entrances and exits, which meant she was literally inches away from me every. single. time. (shoutout again to @starfleetwitch who was sitting directly across the aisle and therefore on the receiving end of many a gay-panicked stare on my part 😅)
It was a rainy day in Manchester and the official stage door is outside with no overhang, so we took a chance and hung around in the cafe/bar area after the show. We figured that Catherine going to the bar was as likely as the sun rising in the east lol
Fortunately the chance paid off - she came out to the cafe to have drinks with a couple of her costars and was kind enough to come talk to us (after asking if we could talk in the bar so she could get a glass of wine of course 😂)
I have to tell you friends, I have very little recollection of what I said from this point forward lol. Truly talking to her was like having some kind of out of body experience. There were a couple of specific moments that are burned in my memory
I gave her the shawl I made for her, and she immediately flung it around her neck and wore it for the rest of the night *cue internal screaming and flailing*
When we told her we'd seen both shows that day, her response was "Oh god why?? It's bad enough having to be in it twice"
I don't know if she like bathes in the blood of children or something, but her skin is FLAWLESS. Literally she looks 10 years younger in person with no makeup on, its insane. Also her eyes are just as sparkly as you think they are, and when she makes eye contact it is A LOT
She asked if we all wanted to take a picture and proceeded to put her arm around me ☠️☠️☠️
She spent a good amount of time talking to us and was just as lovely, funny, and ridiculous as I could've hoped lol. In particular she mentioned how happy it makes her that Berena has taken on such a life beyond Holby and that we've all made such wonderful friends because of it.
After we let her go to talk to her cast mates, I somehow poured myself into a seat in the bar and someone got me a much needed gin as we all tried to unpack what had just happened. At some point she came back into the bar and went out of her way to come over and talk to us again (she basically appeared right next to me, and when I tell you the sheer relief that it was in the 30 seconds I wasn't spouting my usual girl crush bullshit about her 😅)
The rest of the trip was sub-optimal, bordering on karmic retribution lol. The tire on our rental car blew out on the M1 on our way back to London, and what should have been a 4 hour drive came out closer to 9, when all was said and done. At that point there was only time to eat, sleep, and catch the plane home
I may not have had as much time to see everyone and to spend in London as I had hoped, but I have zero regrets about the trip. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience and I'm so, so glad I went
And the most important life lesson:
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justplainwhump · 9 months
So I came up with the idea to talk about some BBU stories of the year 2023 for @bbu-on-the-side , and then was too sick to follow up on.
It's 2024 now, but anyway.
Here's my 2023 top favourites:
Single pieces (that work at standalones):
Safety (Bliss) by @caramelis (warning for nsfwhump though); perfectly executed built up, amazing pov choice, and f/f smut that left me speechless, my favourite piece of the entire year.
Routine (Xiu) by @pigeonwhumps ; hauntingly well written day in the life of a BBU pet, I'm not over it and never will be
"They don't care about you" (Matti) by @wildfaewhump ; grief and carelessly horrible people
A Girl named Spider by @just-horrible-things got even more fun this year by her owner buying her former handler as a pet for her, and reading Cosmo Rayce getting whumped was just a pleasure in every second.
Old friends by @gottawhump added even another layer of complex, relatable characters to their rich world, and it hurt my heart but also felt very cathartic.
Of course there's also more amazing BBU writers that just keep on giving, whose writing I will always enjoy but am just too ill right now to find my 2023 fave by : @ashintheairlikesnow (I think there was a story of Kauri stuck in an elevator that haunted me for weeks but I didn't find it... *edit Ash did and it's here), @winedark-whump who sadly finished writing BBU stories last year, but many of them still live rent free in my head, @angst-after-dark who doesn't only write amazing BBU stuff but is also such an amazing enabler of everyone else, and @flowersarefreetherapy whose Cameron I fell in love with this year; and also the writers mentioned above have a lot more amazing series and stand alones and snippets, so yeah, check them all out, please!
My own BBU stuff
I started Pet Safety, and I am proud to think that Blanca is a beautiful piece that also works as a standalone.
I also got Tyler's story to the point all its readers had been waiting for (noncon, yes, that's what it is).
My favourite piece of myself in a very personal way, however, is No of Angel's recovery arc, because it has Angel and it has Tyler and I just love how far she has come.
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As per usual, I have my thoughts:
I hated Alya's overall hair design at first, but I've grown into it.
Chat literally just ROASTING LB about her costume lives in my head rent-free. (Also I know I've said this in a previous post, but I love the lip syncing in English; you can easily read their lips in this part)
This library scene is already giving me so much life!
Adrien calls Marinette strange, but not in a condescending way, so that was cute.
The angle as Marinette is reaching under the furniture to grab the earrings was perfect.
What the heck is Luka doing there? Will Kagami make an appearance, too?
Chat holding on to Ladybug as she swings 😍
Sabrina and Chloe on the ferris wheel?
So that one piece of concept art with LB and CN finally came to fruition? (You know the one)
Can't wait for the piano scene!
Marinette explode. Anyway~
I like how the creators are messing with the actual "superhero cliche" of seeing your parents while heroing, and having to get home before they do. I think they tried this before in earlier seasons, but never kept it.
So the carnival scene has more than just LB and CN, now?
THE BALL SCENE. I CAN'T. That will, no doubt, be my favorite scene. (Maybe along with that scene that is practically destined to be cringe, with Adrienette on the barge)
Personally--and I know I can't be the only one-- I'm not a fan of Hawkmoth's outfit. I know that it's just a copy of the original, but I don't think it works that well in this animation. That being said...
The animation is GORGEOUS and the special effects (such as lightning, explosions, and electricity) are well done! I can't wait for July 5th! Tell me your thoughts in the comments and tags~
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androgynousblackbox · 10 months
I literally just hate watched his Killing Stalking video and it was so bad. Like that man does not understand there is a difference in culture between the east and west. And that you can't view something entirely in 1 very narrow way.
From seeunexttuesday
That video was the entire reason why me and so many other were turned off about Jamesy to never look back. I just couldn't fucking understand how a man that had written so much about how queer love horror and monster wouldn't understand that some queer would like to mix horror with romance! It's like the person who wrote those scripts and the one who made that KS were completely different! Fastforward to today and hey, turns out that they were different people who said those words after all. DOZEN UPON DOZEN OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE ACTUALLY. Jamesy has always been a sleazy lazy piece of shit, but those videos specifically or any mention from him about asian properties were always especially gross because, well, obviously he had no idea what he was tlaking about, but also it was pretty obvious that he wasn't even interested in learning at all. I still can't fucking believe that he made an entire video on chinese BL and not once in the fucking video uses the actual word for chinese BL. He literally couldn't even be bothered to know how to spell shonen in his fucking plagiarized script, why was he going to bother to use damnei? That is an aspect of his work I wish got talked about more, about how lazy and dismissive he was whenever it came to asian properties particularly. That tweet where he said that The Untamed would have been a better show if it was made in the west because then they could kiss more and fuck lives rent free on my head. He is transphobic, biphobic, lesbophobic, yes, yes, but we don't talk enough about how fucking racist he was and how people just... fucking ignored that for years too.
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
HOLD ON umm not to come in unannounced but do you have any boba fic recommendations asking for a friend 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙏🙏
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NEVER apologize for coming in my inbox asking for Boba content because I always vibrating with need to talk about the daddy in chief!!!
Under the cut are some off the top of my head (you can check out my #fanfic tag too) and I will reblog with additional recs if I think of them.
All are 18+ and Boba x F!Reader unless noted, and in no particular order.
Homecoming by @thefact0rygirl
I would pay real money for the chance to read all of Vee's fics for the first time again. Her masterlist is my go to when I crave that good Boba 🌶️.
Afflictions by @rexxdjarin
This Empire-era fic lives rent free in my head. Julie gives me my regular Boba fix with her trove of thots and drabbles in her masterlist.
Verman'alor by @galacticgraffiti
Deliciously spicy read with lots of cool Mando'a used. Gala has some other great Boba pieces listed in their masterlist as well.
Hurts So Good by @saradika
Honestly I can't pick my favorite of her Boba fics, this is just the first one I had saved. The Little Mess duo is also amazing fucking hot.
The Duality of Us by @acatalystrising
You can really tell how much Eliza loves Boba in her writing! She's got a few other series and oneshots in her masterlist.
Tea Shop series by @pickleprickle
You want the sweetest Boba fluff you can imagine? Look no further than this series!! Brings a smile to my face every time I see a new part. Check out Lee's masterlist too.
A Simple Thing by iridan [Boba Fett x Din Djarin]
This fic... whew. I binged it in two weeks and I still have yet to fully recover. Excellent world building and FEELINGS. i am also into bobadin now
A Pillar of Salt by acomplicatedprofession
One of the most achingly beautiful things I've ever read. 10/10 in the feelings department.
I Know What You Like by millennialfalcon
Let's just say I found out that I'm definitely into that.
Rescue of the Wretched by @mando-cyare
One of the earliest Boba fics I read when I rediscovered my undying love for obsession with Boba when the Mandalorian came out, and this is still one of my all-time favs.
Bred by the King by Much_Ado_Abt_Novels
Another early fic. Guess I'm into that now too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And last but not least I want to give a shout out to all the creators out their sharing their content with us!! Thank you for giving me the serotonin I need to survive 💖
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antiquitea · 5 months
tagged by @swifty-fox who shared some of little beasts and kingdom for a kiss, which both currently live in my head rent free 😍
just sharing my masters of the air wips because if i shared any more than that my tumblr might implode on itself.
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𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐲
The door to the diner opened and Gale looked up from his pile of discarded single serve creamers, stacked inelegantly on top of one another, some nested in others like a haphazard and poorly made nesting doll. It was a younger couple, Gale tracked them as perhaps being on their first date. They both look nervous, but for different reasons. The boy, hoping that he was making a good first impression, the girl, fussing with her hair which Gale could only assume was done in a style that she wasn’t accustomed to. 
So intent was he on paying attention to the teenage couple on their first date, navigating all the unwritten rules and social mores of courting, that he didn’t notice John slip into the booth across from him. 
Gale didn’t give him the satisfaction of being startled.
John moved toward the bathroom, and stood in the doorway for a moment, letting out an appreciative sigh. In the large, claw-foot bathtub was Gale, submerged in the water and naked with the exception of his tags resting against his chest, book in one hand and a bottle of Coca Cola in the other. His blonde hair was damp, loose, not carefully styled as it normally was, pieces of it stuck to his damp forehead. His skin was almost red from how hot the water was, steam rising in tendrils from the bathtub, the steady rise and fall of his chest betraying the thundering of his heart behind his rib cage that John knew was there.
Though he had clearly taken the time to paint the image of a man nonchalant and spontaneous, John had no doubt in his mind that this was carefully crafted, specifically for him to walk in on.
𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 (soulmate au)
John learned of soulmates from his mama when he was young. He straddled that line between boyhood and manhood, thinking that love was gross, but also desperately infatuated with Dottie Clements at school. He sat at the dinner table, helping her peel potatoes, asking questions about her and his dad growing up as a thinly veiled way to learn more about love. Mama Egan was no fool, she knew her boy had a schoolyard crush.
“There’s something bigger than all of us out there, Johnny,” she murmured, peeling her sixth potato while John was still only his second. “One great love for every person on earth.”
“So Daddy is your great love, Mama?”
Mama Egan was silent.
John learned of soulmates from his mama when he was a boy. He learned from living life that not everyone was lucky enough to meet theirs.
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 (1980s summer au)
John Egan had ignored the shouts from his mother to come inside for the last time evidently. Her voice turned into something shrill that he could hear even down by the lake, where he could normally escape all manner of ruckus that came from the cottage. It wasn’t that noisy, he supposed. But it was difficult to get a moment of peace and quiet when his whole family - his ma and dad, his sister, and himself - were all crammed into the small two bedroom space.
When they were kids, John and his sister, Billie, would bunk together in one room, at first sharing the one bed, John then eventually sleeping on the floor when he “got too long,” as his dad put it. But when one is suddenly seventeen, and the other is fourteen, bunking together isn’t on the table anymore, no matter what Ma said. John would just as soon take the couch, which he was too long to fit on comfortably anymore, in the living room, or grab a tent and camp out under the stars if the weather was nice enough.
“Johnny Egan!”
The last name was included now, it was getting serious.
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no pressure tags: @hederasgarden, @imjess-themess, @wildbornsiren, @magneticghouls, and anyone else who would like to share!
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