#That's also why the idea of Luffy dying young while Zoro lives a long life without him feels wrong to me.
symbologic · 1 month
Soul-Bound in Wano: The Spooky Simpatico of Luffy and Zoro
Just finished Wano, and wow. I'm surprised there isn't more talk about the crazy parallels between Luffy and Zoro throughout the arc, but especially the raid. It's like Oda was trolling us with how perfectly they mirror each other in places.
Of course, there's the whole shared "wandering samurai" theme in Acts I and II, and then there's the heartwarming scene with them both freaking out over spilled soup. (Side note: I wouldn't be shocked if Zoro's anime-only sake scene was stuff Oda had to cut from the manga – it totally fits Oda's style with Zoro.)
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got a ton of other stuff too:
Zoro uses Conqueror's Haki to injure Kaido because they're all desperate? Boom, Luffy digs deep and starts doing it too.
Zoro gets bandaged up like a mummy? Well, guess who can't move because he fell in the ocean?
Both of them get their own team of doctors? How lucky!
Zoro gets revived with an injection? Here comes Luffy, fueled by some meat!
Zoro declares he'll become a GOD if that's what it takes? 🤔 Makes you wonder what that means for Luffy...
Death himself shows up for Zoro? Not good! Now Luffy's literally in cardiac arrest! Speaking of, Zoro's looking rough. Those sunken eyes, man...
Thank god they're both too stubborn to die. And guess what? They get put right next to each other, while people pray for them to wake up
And wouldn't you know it, they wake up at the EXACT SAME TIME
This can't just be a coincidence, right? It feels like they're on some spooky, soul-bound level where Zoro's fate weirdly determines Luffy's. Which actually slots so, so neatly into Wano and its recurring themes of fate! Hell, Oda himself even said in an SBS (the one about Zoro's family tree) that Zoro's story is that of a strange, twisted fate he's completely clueless about.
Honestly, I love that for them.
Zoro might not get a whole arc dedicated to his backstory like Nami, Robin, or Sanji. But the choices he makes carry a surprising amount of weight in the grand scheme of things.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Hello love~! I'm here to request wedding headcanons for Zoro, Sabo and Ace~
These were so cute and fun to write!! Hope you enjoy, my dear friend ~
Wedding HCs for Zoro, Sabo, and Ace
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- nervous as HELL
- he doesn’t show it, remaining as stoic as ever, but he is sweating buckets in that suit!
- it’s not that he has cold feet, he just hadn’t imagined he’d ever commit to someone forever like this
- but, he fell for you in such a way, immediately knowing that you two were meant to be together until the end of time
- he would’ve been fine without any ceremony, but he knows a wedding means a lot to you, so of course he said yes to the idea
- the crew really wanted to throw you an extravagant wedding, but both you and Zoro agreed on a small ceremony on the Sunny
- he begged Nami and Robin for help to plan and design the entire thing, since he has no fucking clue what he’s doing, and Nami complied (with only a small fee)
- Nami and Sanji (lol) are your bridesmaids, with Robin being the maid of honor!
- Usopp and Franky are the groomsmen, with Luffy being the best man!
- Zoro is the one who asked (dared? demanded?) Sanji to be your other bridesmaid and he only agreed if he could also escort you down the aisle
- Zoro complied though he was definitely hesitant; the idea of the ero-cook being arm and arm with his future bride before he could even lay eyes on her makes his blood boil
- Brook is of course playing sweet music on his violin
- Chopper is the ring bearer and flower child (let it be known he is absolutely adorable in his little suit!!)
- Jinbe is the officiant!
- it’s a wonderful ceremony because the entire crew is actually dressed to the nines! Franky still isn’t wearing pants, but he does look fancy from the waist up!
- Zoro is as handsome as ever, in a full grey suit; his cherished swords aren’t decorated around his waist for once, but they are laid aside in his line of sight of course
- once Brook starts playing the traditional wedding song, Zoro perks up, craning his neck to look for you
- his breathing and heart rate increase rapidly; it’s time and he is about to e x p l o d e
- it takes a lot for Zoro to get nervous, why is he on the verge of hyperventilation??
- what if you see him and change your mind? what if he can’t really make you happy for the rest of his life? what if you realize there’s someone way better out there? what if you realize you don’t actually love him…?
- Luffy notices Zoro’s apprehension and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder, offering him an ear to ear smile to let him know everything will be okay!
- the blinding pure white of your dress instantly catches Zoro eye
- your beauty and grace somehow makes every single one of his fears disappear
- he even completely dismisses the fact that you’re linked arms with that shitty cook
- you look up at him with the most loving eyes and he questions how he could have ever doubted the love you have between each other; a kind of love that is meant to withstand anything and everything
- Zoro hardly even listens to anything that comes out of Jinbe’s mouth, he’s just too focused on you and your genuine, happy smile
- once you are officially proclaimed as Mr. and Mrs. Roronoa Zoro, he grabs you instantly lifts you up into a passionate kiss
- the entire crew erupts into applause - both Franky and Sanji are weeping - and the real party begins!
- you end the ceremony with a lavish and lively party full of booze, food, music, and friends
- the honeymoon is postponed, since as usual with your crew’s luck, the marines have arrived; they caught word of the wedding and are now surrounding you, planning on a capture
- you finish off your wedding day with fighting and escaping the marines together as newlyweds!
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- marrying a man from a generally pretty secretive group, it’s no surprise that this ceremony is low-key and a secret to the world
- the only people in attendance are you, Sabo, and the Revolutionaries
- Ivankov insists you get married in the forest of Kamabakka Kingdom, since the pink flowers and leaves of the trees serve as an elegant backdrop/atmosphere
- you agree, as long as the Kamabakka people do not cause any disruptions
- spoiler: they’re hiding in the bushes and trees during the entire ceremony!
- the set up is basic: a few white chairs are set up in order, facing a simple arch decorated with the most beautiful flowers from the island
- the only lavish things about the wedding are the outfits
- Sabo is dressed head to toe in a handsome coal-black suit (with a matching top hat of course!); his sunny blonde hair and bright blue eyes really pop against the darkness of his suit!
- your dress is long, flowing, and pearly white
- Inazuma and a few other Kamabakka citizens helped to get you ready
- Koala wanted to murder Sabo as he was just impossible; he wouldn’t stand still for her, he was just too jittery and eager to see you!
- the ceremony begins and Sabo is as ready as ever; he won’t lie, he is a little nervous, but he knows seeing your loving face will make him feel better
- Koala is your maid of honor; she proudly holds your lengthy train as you walk down the aisle with Dragon, who is escorting you
- Hack stands next to Sabo as his best man
- Ivankov is elated to be the officiant, though you and Sabo had to make him promise he wouldn’t go over the top during the ceremony
- luckily, everything goes perfectly during the wedding
- Sabo’s face is threatening to freeze into his toothy smile, but he is just so happy to finally see you
- the exchange of your vows really makes the audience tear up
- Sabo isn’t even looking at his vow papers anymore; the words he’s wanting you to hear spill effortlessly from his heart
- he’s just staring into your eyes, telling you precisely how in love with you he is and how he promises to love you for the rest of his days and beyond
- happy tears begin to prick your eyes, causing few to fill his eyes as well
- he takes your hands in his once more as the final words he’s been dying to hear all day are said: ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.’
- Sabo doesn’t even hesitate as he takes hold of your blushing cheeks into his gloved hands to grab your lips in a romantic kiss
- you can taste the saltiness of your tears (or are they his?) flowing down your cheeks; Sabo smiles joyfully against your lips
- this causes the people of Kamabakka to erupt into applause and rush forward from their hiding places
- amidst the chaos, a party ensues, but Sabo finds you and discreetly leads you two away
- he takes you to a solitary beach to enjoy some peace and quiet as husband and wife
- it seems he had planned this moment, as a checkered blanket and a single lit candle are waiting for you
- no words are said between you two; you sit down on the blanket together while he pulls your back into his chest, wrapping his arms around you
- you watch the blazing sun go down into the vast sea while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear
- he makes loves to you on that beach, calling you his dear wife over and over again, never once getting tired of hearing you call him your husband
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- The Whitebeard Pirates do not accept small ceremonies
- your wedding is gonna be so extravagant, everyone will hear about it!; it’ll be in all the newspapers!
- you and Ace accept this with great gratitude, and you two are never asked to do anything
- Marco surprisingly takes complete control in the wedding planning and honestly, you’d think he was the bride-zilla
- Izo is of course in charge of your hair and make up, and he makes you look absolutely stunning
- Jozu and Vista have to hold Ace down while Izo makes some “touches” to his face and hair
- Marco and Izo both want to strangle Ace for thinking he could wear his hat during the ceremony 
- the entire ship is lively with crew members and even some elite guests (the Straw Hats and the Red Hair Pirates to name a few)
- Luffy is beyond excited to have and call you his sister!
- it is known around the world as the wedding of the century! Pops wants nothing but the best for his son and now daughter!
- he is beyond excited to accept you into the family and is already pushing for grandkids
- Ace is a little nervous, but he’s mostly beaming in that handsome white suit of his!
- you two had talked beforehand about this commitment, since you two are pretty young, and you both have insecurities
- but you two are so crazy for each other and know you are 100% ready and eager for this next step in your lives! (also Marco put way too much effort and stress into this wedding so it is definitely happening)
- seeing you walk down the aisle in that gorgeous white dress of yours, Ace has to really fight the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks
- this is really happening; he’s marrying the woman of his dreams!
- he’s so overwhelmed with emotions, knowing you are just as in love with him as he is you; he never thought he would find a love as true and unbreakable as yours!
- he really has to suppress himself for kissing you right there before the officiant can even start the ceremony
- but once he gets to kiss you, he almost tackles you!
- you two stumble backwards, causing his arm to catch your waist and he is dipping you into a deep and heated kiss!
- the biggest party erupts immediately after the announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Portgas Ace!
- though you tried to turn down the offer, Pops practically forces you to take a honeymoon trip
- he provides a small boat and your bags are already packed!
- Ace takes you to an island known for their fancy restaurants and beautiful beaches
- you two spend a week doing nothing but making sweet love, adventuring the island, and relishing in the fact that you are now officially husband and wife!
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creative-type · 7 years
Worth A Thousand Words III: Oda and Stealth Character Development
So...what’s the point of the Skypiea arc? It’s a question One Piece fans and detractors alike ask. I don’t know the answer, but it was probably because Oda thought it would be cool. By its very nature One Piece is not a tightly woven story. Rather, it’s  a sprawling adventure epic, and it does sprawl epically.
Skypiea is, however, an excellent arc when it comes to Straw Hat development, and today I want to focus on one scene in particular with regards to my favorite Nico Robin. 
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No, not that one. 
While there is a certain significance to the fact that a survivalist like Robin would choose to side with the Straw Hats over the hugely powerful Enel, the moment Zoro catches Robin is more important to Zoro than Robin. He was the most openly against her, the one who trusted her the least for the longest amount of time. Here Oda is showing us in big flashing lights that, yeah, Zoro has accepted Robin as part of the crew. 
But I don’t want to talk about big, flashy character moments. I want to talk about this
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Robin actually gets a pretty decent chunk of screen time during the Sky Island Saga as a whole. It was easier back then because Oda was juggling six main characters instead of nine, but it’s pretty easy to tell he was giving Robin special focus. 
This makes sense. Firstly, Robin was a former enemy, so there’s a need to separate Nico Robin from her Miss All Sunday persona. Secondly, as important as Robin’s dreams are to the narrative as a whole, her position on the ship is the only one that isn’t strictly necessary. Any pirate crew requires fighters, cooks, navigators and the like, but very few would deem  “archaeologist” as a position needing to be filled. So immediately after adding her to the crew Oda makes up a situation where Robin’s skills are helpful and necessary
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In this scene Robin also establishes she’s the only one in the crew who’s even heard of the sky islands, while giving some much-needed wisdom to Nami. This, along with what we’ve seen in chapter 218 and the end of 217 gives us what we need to know about Robin’s personality and position in the Straw Hat’s crew. Then shortly after stealing Jaya’s eternal pose from Masira (showing off yet another skill usually relegated to Nami) Robin almost disappears from the narrative entirely and is largely absent from the Jaya sub-arc.
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To be fair, up until this point she had been wearing Nami’s clothes, and Robin is, like, almost a foot taller than she is. Some shopping is justifiable here, but it brings me to one of the most important things to keep in mind when analyzing Robin as a character:
Isolation and Distance
One of the best ways to visually convey that a character is emotionally distant is to physically separate them from other people. When Robin first showed up as Miss All Sunday she was sailing the ocean alone. During her confrontation with the Straw Hats about their route she sat far above them where she couldn’t be touched. She left that argument with only her rad turtle ship for company, and spent a surprisingly large amount of the Baroque Works Saga apart from Crocodile despite ostensibly being his partner in crime.
Robin continues to be less than engaged after joining the crew. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp  fool off with one another constantly. Sanji and Zoro fight. Even Nami is known to smack the rest upside the head when they’re being stupid. Robin alone sits above all their antics, not showing her first face fault in a series lousy with them until well after the timeskip.
It’s pretty easy to pick up in the dialogue that Robin never calls any of the Straw Hats by their actual names, preferring to refer to them by their occupation (or their nose, in Usopp’s case). But the use of impersonal nicknames can’t be the reader’s only clue to Robin’s personality. Both Vivi and Robin have a habit of calling Zoro “Mr. Bushido”, but while the desert princess is kind, personable, and if anything cares a little too much, Robin is distant, standoffish, and at times even cold towards others around her. 
You can even glean some insight from her fighting style. Robin doesn’t have to be in the same room with someone to kill them. She attacks from a distance, relying on stealth and surprise to snap necks and dislocate limbs. It’s brutally efficient and deeply impersonal, perfect for an assassin - or, perhaps, a young girl who was forced to learn on the fly how to fight against much larger opponents who showed no restraint or mercy.  
This is something that was emphasized more in the anime where they had the benefit of knowing Robin’s backstory ahead of time and working little clues into the post-Alabasta filler. They’re a little on the nose at times, but episode 131 is a good example of what I’m talking about here, especially when emphasizing the fact that during the early chapters after joining the crew Robin often doesn’t speak unless directly addressed. To quote Oda in the Volume 71 SBS:
Reader: Robin always talks about creepy things in front of the crew. But her own thoughts, she often thinks of fun stuff like “cats” or “Dress Rosa”. Why doesn’t Robin talk about these things with the crew to make them laugh?
Oda: Even though Robin likes cute things, she’s a bit dark/creepy herself, so if she tries to put these cut thoughts into words there is a chance it may come out as scary/ominous. That’s the kind of woman Robin is.
Robin censers herself to avoid sounding weird. There’s enough evidence of her macabre sense of humor (spoke aloud) to assume that she has embraced her morbid self...most of the time. But Robin has been an outcast her entire life. Even before the Buster Call the citizens of Ohara were calling her demon/monster/creep/insert appropriate insult here.
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(For those who don’t remember, the bruise on her cheek is from the other kids who were throwing rocks at her )
Robin spends large stretches of the Skypiea arc by herself, which further emphasizes the importance of what group interaction we do see. Robin has been hiding behind a well-crafted facade for nigh on twenty years because she needed to be a demon in order to survive the cutthroat world in which she lived. 
Which takes us to point number two
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Robin is all about living to see another day. Or she was until Crocodile shanked her (more on this below) Because of her past, she views the world through the lens of a survivor. It shapes how she thinks and how she acts, and Robin at this point doesn’t know any other way to live. 
Robin has been miserably lonely for a long, long time, but believes if she allows herself to get close to others they’ll betray her. She learned the hard way not to trust anyone and that to let your guard down is to die. We see in Alabasta that Robin isn’t afraid to use deadly force against those who get in her way. 
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She’s got a bit of a mean streak, too. Though Robin didn’t kill Tagashi, she almost crippled her. That leg injury could have ended Tashigi’s career as a swordsman, which is almost crueler than killing her outright.
When Robin’s backstory is revealed in full the audience is always shown as Robin being the one betrayed, and never the betrayer. I think this helps garner sympathy, but her interaction with Crocodile shows that she’s not above a little backstabbing herself. Aokiji says that every organization she’s ever been a part of no longer exists, and I think that’s only possible if her reputation is at least somewhat deserved. When it comes to finding out the truth of the Void Century, Robin has literally the worst tunnel vision ever.
Which brings me to my last point
Openness to Change
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Throughout the Sky Island Saga Robin is a woman who has lost her reason to live. Her only lead to the Rio Poneglyph was a dead end, and she doesn’t find Roger’s message until the end of the arc. That leaves a big chunk of time where she’s staying with the Straw Hats just because she can.
I think if she were as truly as fiercely pragmatic as she (and others) claim then she has no business on the Going Merry. Half of what the Straw Hats do is idiotic and should get them killed, and it’s amazing that they’ve survived this long as it is. Since Robin had resigned herself to death during the tail end of the Alabasta arc, we can assume that the idea of dying doesn’t bother her. Yes, Luffy made her go on, but she’s still stuck in this directionless limbo.   
This is important because it gives Robin something other to focus on than the Void Century. Her desire to find the True History consumed her to the point where she was willing to work with Crocodile for four years and bring a “good” country to the brink of ruin. Without this obsession driving every decision Robin makes, she can take a step back and see the Straw Hat Pirates for what they really are.
The Stealth Character Development
Robin is not the focus of chapter 253. It’s a transition chapter situated between the first and second halves of the Skypea arc. The Straw Hats have reunited had their obligatory split the party moment that happen with frighteningly regularity. The crew are setting up camp as night approaches, comparing notes of what they’ve discovered so far.
Until this point, Robin has been with Zoro and Nami. These two make up 2/3 of the Straw Hats who showed initial distrust to Robin, and at this point Zoro stil hasn’t accepted her as one of their own. Yet they treat her with respect, and Nami especially seems to look up to her as an older sister figure.
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Then Nami finds the other half of Cricket’s house, and without hesitation Zoro follows the comparatively weaker crew mate through the incredibly dangerous forest, which displays a trust for one another that would be very appealing to someone like Robin.
When the Straw Hats finally reunite, everyone is on good terms with one another. Remember, at this they’ve have stumbled into the middle of a civil war, made enemies with an unknown entity with a god complex, branded themselves as criminals, and almost gotten their ship destroyed. Some of their misfortune is just that - misfortune. But bad decision making plays at least a part of their current circumstance. It would be easy to turn on one another, and I think most pirates would. Just see how Usopp reacts when he sees what’s happened to the Merry
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Anyone who has read the Water 7 arc knows how much Usopp loves this ship, but his first concern is Chopper. Compare to how any one of the Baroque Works agents reacted when someone failed a mission. Instead of falling apart during a time of crisis, the Straw Hats come closer together. 
Chapter 253 begins with the crew setting up camp. Once again Robin goes off and does her own thing, this time finding a hunk of rock salt to use for cooking. Sanji predictably praises her, but he also reveals that he’s got a brain in his head by saying how important salt is to survival. Tick another box in the Straw Hat’s favor.
Every one of the Straw Hats helps set up camp, even the captain (useless as he may be). More than that, they each reveal a little of their talents. It’s sort of a reverse of what happens earlier in the arc when Robin showed off for the rest of the Straw Hat’s benefit. Through this Robin sees that the Straw Hats aren’t just good fighters, but smart and skilled as well. 
After establishing the location of the gold and making plans for the next day, Robin makes a practical suggestion
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This sequence marks the beginning of Robin’s stealth character development. She’s speaking here as a pragmatist and a survivor. Her point is valid, and any sensible person would have agreed with her. 
The Straw Hat Pirates are many things, but sensible isn’t one of them. Luffy turns to Usopp in complete disbelief, while Usopp basically says “Go easy on her, Cap, there’s no way she could have known.”
Until this point, Robin has not been questioned by the Straw Hats. She’s not seen this sort of reaction directed at her, especially by Luffy. Her face says it all
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Robin’s expression is pretty neutral here, but you can’t hide that sweat drop XD. She’s genuinely concerned that she’s made some sort of mistake. Remember, in Robin’s dog-eat-dog world a making a mistake is tantamount to death. She’s spent twenty years allying with people who at the very least distrust her, and more often than not try to kill her. And now, stuck up in in such a precarious position 10.000 meters above ground she has to be especially careful.
It’s okay, Robin, you’ve not done anything wrong. Luffy is just a dork
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Note that Nami - the other survivalist in the crew - immediately jumps to her defense. They’re outnumbered by Zoro and Sanji, who have already made a giant bonfire. 
Before we know it, the Straw Hats are partying with a bunch of wild wolves (Oda, plz...). They’re stuck deep in enemy territory on the night before a planned raid on the city of gold...and the Straw Hat Pirates are having a blast. Usopp’s playing the drums, Nami’s getting plastered, the rest are dancing their little hearts away, and Robin...Robin is smiling. This has got to be one of the most surreal, bizarre situations she’s ever seen.
 Which brings us back to the image I started with
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This says a lot about where Robin is at this point in the story. We can’t see her face clearly, but it’s established on the other half of the spread that she’s enjoying herself. Yet she remains distant, both physically and emotionally. The only thing that’s keeping Robin from joining in is Robin herself.
The Skypiea arc is important to Robin’s development because it rekindles her dream, but more than that it gives us moments like this where Robin is exposed to something she’s desired for twenty years, something we see later she’s always wanted but never believed that she would have.
The Straw Hat Pirates accept Robin unconditionally and show her a side of life that she’s never seen before. Even without knowing her entire backstory, by the time the Water 7 arc rolls around the audience genuinely believes that Robin would sacrifice her life, and the lives of every one else in the world, just to save the Straw Hat Pirates, and that wouldn’t be possible if Oda hadn’t given us this scene and others like it. 
To put it another way, I fully believe that Robin would still make the same decisions during Water 7/Enies Lobby regardless of whether she found Roger’s message or not. The Skypiean Poneglyph furthers Robin’s part of the plot, but chapter 253 furthers her character arc.
What makes this all the more impressive is that Oda trusts his readers enough to figure it out for themselves. Unlike the anime, he never calls attention to Robin’s isolation and her gradual warming to the crew. Gan Fall wakes up on the very next page, and the focus shifts to more exposition, ending with the big reveal of what vearth is and why in the it’s so important. The development is stealthy. 
Oda never makes a big deal of when Robin starts calling the crew by their real names during Thriller Bark. He doesn’t shove it in our face when she feels comfortable enough to tell Franky off for being stupid in Chopper’s body during Punk Hazard. He’s constantly using small moments all throughout the series to show how the crew has changed and grown, which is partially why people don’t think the characters have much depth.
It’s there, but without reading carefully it can be lost with everything else that’s going on. Just compare the Skypiean party to the end of Enies Lobby and tell me that Robin hasn’t changed. I dare you.
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plume8now · 7 years
I don’t need your opinion
Fandom: One Piece
Ship: ZoSan
Prompt: “I called the wrong number and started talking about my life and you only interrupted me after a few a few minutes of me revealing some pretty personal stuff and now youre invested in my life troubles” AU. OR When Sanji thinks he’s calling Usopp (… but we all know it’s not Usopp.)
Warning: AU, Humor, Romance, Relationship Troubles, Rivalry, Stupidity, Dealing with different pictures of love, Bored!Zoro, Sanji being Sanji, Ero-cook, Mention of Sanji/Conis, Bet, Foolish behaviors, They are children seriously.
Chapter 2/3 - chapter 1
A/N: You can also find it on AO3 or ff! Thank you @blueflamebird​ for correcting me :D This chapter is from Zoro’s pov.
Zoro smirked. That man was going to eat his pride so bad, he had no idea what he just had gotten himself into. At least, someone was having a good time out of it. He wasn't usually interested in  the business of others, especially when it was about love stories, but this time, it was different.
First, he was bored. He hadn't found anyone to fight with in a long time, and his training classes were off for the holidays. Nothing was entertaining. Nothing new, or interesting.
But this phone call- it changed things a bit. Now he could bother someone, and he was already starting to like it way too much to stop.
“You look happy, Zoro,” his roommate said, slightly leaning his head on the side. “What's going on?”
“Nothing,” he replied. “Just got a phone call.”
“A phone call?”
“Yeah. Anyways, what's up with you and these... clothes?”
The young man was indeed wearing some sort of... what, a giant hamburger? Was that really something you would be willing to wear those days?
“Yeah! I'm going to a costume party on Saturday! There'll be meat! Remember I talked about it-”
“For months, yeah.”
“Come oooon... you should really come!”
“Don't wanna,” Zoro sighed.
The other crossed his arms.
“Why not?”
“Not feeling like going, that's all.”
Did he always have to justify why?
“But you're always complaining about being bored!”
“Yeah and so?”
“So do something to kill it!”
“So you'll come?”
He stared at his roommate. He was so stubborn.
“What? Why!”
He just did not feel like it?
“That is not an answer!”
“Huh, that is.”
“You're not funny, Zoro.”
The swordsman shrugged. They stared at each other for twenty-five seconds before a new argument came:
“I'll do the chores for three days.”
… Oh. This was becoming interesting.
“One week.”
“One week!”
Zoro smiled. That was worth it.
Luffy let out a scream of victory.
There were times when nothing was happening in your life. Like, literally, nothing. Zoro felt like he was at one of those moments. And he was dying for something exciting to happen.
A new fight, new trainings, a new opponent. Or even an old one. Not obviously something new. Just- something. To kill his boredom.
“God”, he whispered under his breath. “Holidays are so boring.”
He could understand how Luffy felt, all those times when he kept bothering him, whining about how boring he was, and how much he needed entertainment. How did he manage to kill it? How did he succeed in making it go away?
Everything was boring. And Zoro was tired of that feeling.
That's why, when his roommate came back with a penguin – don’t ask why – he didn't mind. After all, why not? Penguins could be good company, and no one ever said it was strictly forbidden to have a penguin as a pet at home. Unless... said penguin was from a Zoo – Zoo which was supposed to not let go of the animals it was keeping and taking care of.
Maybe, the idea wasn't that good. Maybe, yeah, maybe, they should put it back where it belonged before anyone noticed it had disappeared – and before they get into trouble. Besides, it had been a while since they got trouble. Who complained? Not him. Though being bored didn't mean he was okay with having problems to be kept busy...
But instead, he said:
“What's its name?”
Zoro frowned and turned to the young man.
“Yeah! Bird!”
“Bird like... flying bird?”
Luffy made a face, looking at him as if he was staring at an idiot. He wasn't the idiot!
“Dude that's a penguin.”
“I know very well the fact he's a penguin! But he told me he decided to fly like birds. So he wants to be called Bird.”
That's insane.
“Why’d you take him here?”
That's what he should have asked first.
“Bird wants to learn how to fly.”
He laughed. Yeah, he got that part.
“And so you're gonna teach him?”
“Well yeah! Why not?”
Zoro sighed. He knew, he knew he shouldn't have made a joke on this. He knew how serious Luffy could be – and stubborn – about stuff like these. Especially if it included “someone's” dream.
“Just bring him back.”
“No,” he said in a very serious tone. “Unless he tells me to.”
The swordsman took a look at the penguin. It looked dumb, and like it had no idea where it was. It also looked like it wanted to swim in the living room. Which he was not approving at all.
“You wouldn't want me to cut it in half by misfortune while I train, would you?”
“Are you threatening Mr. Bird?”
So it was Mr. Bird now??
He quickly thought how to handle this without pissing Luffy off. Just because his roommate had the mind and the imagination of a child, didn't mean he was completely a child.
“I think it wants to get back to its family. I believe it thought you were taking it on a walk but look how confused it is now.”
“I'm pretty sure-”
“Luffy, what about you bring it back and if it does go back to its place, you'll leave it there?”
He shrugged. That was surely supposed to mean “yes”, then.
“How is it going on with your girlfriend, ero-cook?”
Zoro stared at his screen. His thumb pressed “send”.
It's been three days now, and no news from the shitty cook. He wondered if the man would keep his promises – one being his new decisions concerning that 'Conis-chan' girl, and the other their bet. Was he the kind of person too proud to face complications? Was he going to pretend the phone call never happened?
He didn't care, but  he would be a bit disappointed – though he would never admit it. Zoro didn't get any answer until late in the evening, which was only composed of two words:
“Good, obviously.”
No need to meet the guy to be 99% sure he was lying.
He smirked. That was all?
“That's it?”
“What do you want, to laugh once again at me?”
“Shut up.”
“So I'll just believe you and admit I lost.”
“No. Of course not. What do you think I am?”
“A bored asshole fucking around, arrogant and so very full of himself.”
Now this was fun.
“And yet you're still talking to that asshole.”
“I'm not enjoying this.”
“Oh yeah? How come are you still talking to me?”
“I made a bet. I don't break promises. Why are you talking to me? Nothing better to do?”
“I made a bet, too.”
“That's an answer way too easy.”
“You replied that too.”
“No, I replied that first!”
“Oh that's alright then.”
“Oh my god, just stop talking.”
“We're texting.”
“Right. See ya.”
Zoro paused, looking at the last message, and scrolled through the conversation. The guy was clearly not willing to talk about it, confirming his thoughts. Though at first that bet seemed to be a nice entertainment, now he felt bothered by it. There was a real relationship at stake, and he didn't like to be included in relationship issues or people's problems. Especially if  it was a perfectly random guy's. That’s so not like him.
He lied down and closed his eyes.
Who cared? He wasn't doing anything, no one owed anything to anyone. They were both free men.
“We talked.”
It's been two days since their last conversation, and Zoro replied two hours later, busytrying to free Luffy from the Zoo in which he'd stolen the penguin. The Zoo's security was for sure to be changed, but they eventually got to Luffy. That had been a long, long day.
“That's a big first step in a relationship. Did she reply to your 'hello'?”
“Ahah. Very funny.”
“You almost begged for it.”
“I didn't.”
“You did.”
“No I didn't.”
“You sure did.”
“I. Didn't.”
This man was such a kid.
“Okay shut up and tell me what happened now.”
“So you wanna know?”
Oh, come on man.
“So you wanna tell me?”
“This conversation is nonsense.”
'You are the nonsense', he thought. But instead, he texted:
“We discussed, like you said when we talked on the phone.”
“Oh so you admit being a superficial guy?”
“Don't push it.”
“Alright, ero-cook, what happened”
“We had a “cigarette” debate.”
What now?
“She smokes?”
“No. I do.”
“Oh. Aren't you supposed to be a cook?”
“Those are two very different things.”
“Are they?”
“If you say so.”
“Anyway, we talked about ourselves. I opened up. Somehow we ended up on the smoking question.”
“Oh so you did listen to me...”
“Shut up.”
“You know that answer has a limited amount of use.”
“Shut up.”
“Apparently you don't.”
“She asked me why  I was smoking, I replied, like a lot of people, that it was helping me handle the tension and stress. But she said it wasn't the solution, and I should quit. I know she's right, but I can't promise that.”
“Why not?”
“Did you ever try smoking?”
“Anything else?”
“I enjoy good drinks.”
“Great, an alcoholic.”
“Hey what?!”
“Imagine being forced to stop drinking.”
“Yeah, nah.”
“I know she's right. I hate to go against her.”
“What happened?”
“She said she didn't dare say it before, but she couldn't handle the smell.”
“That's basically a “me or the cigarette” situation.”
“You chose the cigarette?”
“I didn't choose anything yet.”
“No, you already did.”
“You chose you.”
“Smoking sucks, I'm not saying I approve, but you obviously can't stop right now.”
“... I chose something else over a woman?”
“That's progress.”
“Not really??”
“Well, your sentence clearly says “over a woman” dude. She's Conis. Not “a woman”. Objectifying her again?”
“Stop doing that.”
“You stop doing that.”
“Shut up.”
“Here it is again.”
“I will kick you!”
“Try me.”
Oh why, he was enjoying teasing him so much right now.
“You have a weird face.”
Zoro looked up.
“Come again?”
Luffy slightly tilted his head on his left.
“You have a weird face.”
The swordsman frowned.
“That's my normal face.”
His roommate frowned back, staring at him for some ten seconds, before he shrugged:
“I guess it is!”
His phone vibrated in the middle of the night, and Zoro groaned in his pillow as his hand looked for said phone. Who was the dumbass texting him while he was sleeping? (Something that was actually often happening).
“I don't know a thing about you.”
Damn ero-cook.
He didn't need to know anything about him, because there was nothing to know. It was not like they were friends or anything, now... Was it? He put down his phone, thinking that maybe, just maybe he'll consider replying this text positively or not on the next day.
Five minutes later, he texted back.
“You look awful,” Luffy said when he saw Zoro leaving his room, half awaken, dragging himself to the kitchen with half of his bed with him. He'd rarely seen his roommate in such a state, he'd usually stay in bed all day, or leave it completely, but never in-between.
“Is there someone out there paying you to compliment me every day?” Zoro mumbled.
“Yesterday, weird face, today, awful,” he yawned.
“Shishishi, no, but I wish! I'd buy tons of meats with it.”
“Of course you would.”
He sat in front of him, and looked around before asking:
“What's for breakfast?”
Luffy's eyes widely opened.
“You think I'm making breakfast?”
No one was making breakfast here. They've been roommates for years, and not even once did they prepare breakfast. They'd just take anything around, and eat it.
“What's wrong with you?” Luffy curiously asked.
“Texted all night, I guess.”
The older man took a look at his friend. He could understand the questions behind his eyes. That was unlike him to miss a good night of sleep, if there wasn't alcohol or a fight included.
“With that ero-cook.”
“Oh,” Luffy grinned. “So you like him, huh?”
“N-no, I don't,” he frowned, “it has nothing to do with it.”
“Then why do you keep talking?”
“We have a bet.”
“How will it end?”
“Are you guys going to meet?”
“I... I don't know.”
“Did you talk about it?”
“Yeah, on the phone, the first time?”
“There was another time??”
“No,” Zoro whispered not knowing why.
“So when do you meet?”
“I just told you I wasn't even sure!”
Luffy pouted, super-disappointed. Seriously, why was he even roommate with such a kid, already? Oh, right. He had a very mature side surprisingly popping up, sometimes.
“Don't do that face to me, won't work.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Yeah, right.”
Someone knocked on the door after those words, and before Zoro even thought about moving to open, Luffy had left his seat and already on it.
“Who's that?” he asked.
The door opened on two men he never saw before. Luffy greeted them before turning to Zoro.
“You forgot? We have our party tonight!”
Damn, yes. He forgot.
He stood up and came to meet the guys. One of them was slightly higher than Luffy, curly black hair, without doubt with African origin. The other, about Zoro's height, had a weird eyebrow, blond hair eating half of his face, dressed in a nice suit.
“Remember those guys I told you about? Well, here's Sanji, and Usopp, whom I met yesterday!”
I hope you liked it, as usual, please leave a comment (or like and share!) because I do need an opinion *wink wink* - or you can also send me a message if you want!
Reminder: they never told each other their names :D
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