#The Antares Paradox
I just made myself a letterboxd in the year of the goddess 2024 🫨
Add me here please, I need film nerds/friends: https://boxd.it/8Ost9
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guywithbeer · 1 year
Check out soundtrack for the movie Antares Paradox.
Subscribe for daily music videos.
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oneofusnet · 2 years
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Infestation Fantastic Fest 2022: The Antares Paradox INFESTATION FANTASTIC FEST 2022: THE ANTARES PARADOX The Antares Paradox is a Spanish sci-fi drama and the debut of director Luis Tinoco who works with actress Andrea Trepat in the role of Alexandra. There’s a few other actors we see in here that she makes video or phone calls to but, it’s largely Trepat’s show… Read More »Infestation Fantastic Fest 2022: The Antares Paradox read more on One of Us
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phoebelovingcare · 2 years
this is an invitation to infodump about elfilis. want to hear More about them
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This is a full list of all of Fecto and Chaos Elfilis' attacks, complete with descriptions of what each move is and what it does.
Notably, they are all* named after theoretical astrophysics and other space phenomenon. These descriptions also have explanations of each reference.
Antares Meteor, Kuiper Belt Wave, Sol, Orbital Pulsar, Rosenbridge Edge, Maser X, Shoemaker Levis, Fermi Paradox Answer,
I am over the moon at how incredibly autism this all is.
Elfilis has spent most of their life surrounded by scientists studying their ability to space travel, and it shows, and it shows how childish they are as well, cleverly naming all their attacks these cool and absurdly, extremely nerdy things, and it shows emotion from them as well!!
Lis is not some heartless creature, fueled only by anger. Their spear is painstakingly, unnecessarily detailed, they show surprise and wonder when Morpho shows up, and they gave each and every move they had a cool name just for the hell of it.
I love elfilis more than words can express.
*There are three exceptions: Genome Repairs makes reference to their dna motif instead, and I don't think I need to explain the "And Here We Are" and "Planetarium Dream Tour" names.
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duniasoputra · 1 year
Paradox Perasaan
"Jika kau ingin diperlakukan baik sama orang, kau harus baik dulu ke semua orang. Jika kau ingin diperlakukan adil sama orang, kau juga harus berlaku adil ke semua orang. Jika kau ingin dimengerti orang, kau juga harus mengerti perasaan orang lain"
Tak asing dengan kalimat itu, bukan?
Awalnya aku merasa bahwa kalimat itu tak salah. Tapi, setelah dipikir-pikir sepertinya ada yang janggal.
Maksudku begini.
Berbuat baik tapi mengharapkan perlakuan sama dari orang lain? Agak sedikit lucu, ya?
Jika berbuat baik dengan harapan diperlakukan sama dengan orang lain tapi ternyata sikap orang lain tak sesuai yang diharapkan, bukankah yang akan didapat adalah rasa sakit dan kecewa?
Bagaimana jika begini. Jika ingin berbuat baik, ya sudah berbuat baik saja. Titik. Tanda seru! Jangan sekalipun mengharapkan feedback yang sama dari orang tersebut.
Yang harus selalu kau tahu, bahwa sikap orang lain ada diluar kendali, bukan tugasmu untuk mengendalikan mereka. Kau tak bisa membuat orang lain memperlakukan kau seperti kau ingin diperlakukan.
Tebarkan kebaikan sebanyak-banyaknya. Tutup mata. Cukup sampai sana. Biar Tuhan yang mengurusi kedepannya.
Akan lebih menenangkan jika begini,
Perlakukan orang lain seperti kau ingin diperlakukan.
Jika tak suka dibohongi, jangan membohongi. Jika tak suka dikhianati, jangan mengkhianati. Jika tak suka diabaikan, jangan mengabaikan pembicaraan orang. Jika tak suka dibentak, jangan membentak.
Tapi, ingat ini, jangan sekalipun berharap orang lain akan memperlakukanmu sebagaimana kau memperlakukan mereka. Akan menyakitkan saat sikapnya tak sesuai keinginan.
Terlihat sederhana dan mudah memang, tapi menjalankannya pasti berat dan susah. Namanya manusia pasti selalu ingin dapat enaknya. Kau manusia, aku juga manusia. Tentu selalu ingin mendapat kebaikan yang setara.
Jangankan hubungan antar manusia. Perihal ibadah pun bukankah kau mengharap Syurga?
Timbal Balik, 06 Mei 2023
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hedjira · 3 months
Tragedi terlihat sebagai darah dalam sebuah prosa/ walau bahagia juga / tapi tak seberapa berbisa/
Hubungan antar manusia adalah drama recehan/ tak berkesudahan/ di sepanjang rentang zaman/ epilog dan monolog secara bersamaan/
Tapi disana letak serunya/ akan jadi pasar yang membosankan / jika penjual dan pembelinya seragam/
Manusia lain melihat tangisan sebagai bahan tulisan/ dan tragedi sebagai acuan/ paradox berjalan/
Sedekah musiman/ untuk memberi makan/ jiwa-jiwa yang kesepian//
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grayrazor · 4 months
You know how there's lightspeed lag, where messages between planets are delayed by how long it takes a radio signal to go the distance?
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What if FTL communications had that, but in reverse? The farther away the person on the other end is from you, the more noticeable it is that they reply to the things you said before you said them.
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If you're using a tachyon laser or quantum entanglement or subspace ansible or whatever, if you're on Earth talking to someone in Alpha Centauri it seems like real time live call. If you're calling someone out at Antares or Rigel or Betelgeuse you start to notice something is a little off. If you try and call someone at the other end of the Orion Arm, you risk a time paradox by being surprised and not saying the thing the person on the other end was replying to.
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spacenutspod · 5 months
Astronomy 2024 features the final total solar eclipse for the CONUS until 2044, and much more. It’s finally time. On April 8th, 2024, the umbral shadow of the Moon crosses the United States for the second time in less than seven years. It’s a big deal, for sure. But there’s lots more in store for astronomy 2024. Here’s our annual Universe Today rundown for top skywatching events to watch for in astronomy 2024, coming to a sky near you. Astronomy 2024: The Year in Brief The turn of the calendar sees us just over three months out from the April 8th total solar eclipse across North America. Many late eclipse chasers are now presented with a choice: do I head towards the better prospects for clear skies in Mexico or Texas, or take my chances with the dicey springtime skies of the U.S. northeast or the Canadian Maritimes? Top 12 Events: Astronomy 2024 Astronomy is always a paradox of knowns and unknowns. Eclipses and occultations are surefire bets in a clockwork Universe, while clear skies and whether the next touted ‘great comet’ or meteor outburst will perform are less certain. Here’s our quick rundown of the ‘best of the best’ skywatching events for 2024: -The April 8th total solar eclipse across North America -The Eta Aquariid meteor shower on May 6th, with a ZHR=50 -Mercury passes 7’ from Jupiter on June 4th -The September 18th partial lunar eclipse for the Americas, Europe and Africa -The October 2nd annular solar eclipse for the southern tip of South America -The 2024 apparition of Comet 12P (which reaches perihelion on April 21st) -The Moon occults Saturn 10 times in 2024 -The Moon occults Spica eight times and Antares fourteen times in 2024 -Solar activity ramps up ahead of the peak of Solar Cycle 25 -The Moon heads towards a Major Lunar Standstill in January 2025 -Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS may be bright towards the end of 2024 -A Leonid meteor outburst in November 2024? Catching the total solar eclipse in 2017. Credit: Dave Dickinson The Sun, Seasons and Solar Cycle in 2024 Expect the Sun to be busy in 2024 in terms of space weather and sunspots, as we head towards the peak of the solar cycle 25 in 2025. 2024 had an average sunspot number of around 120 and no spotless days, the first year since 2015 where this was the case. In fact, solar activity in 2023-2024 is climaxing well ahead of expectations, leading to a stronger than expected solar maximum in 2024. This means more sunspots, more wild space weather, and more aurorae for folks watching from mid- to high- northern latitudes. The astronomical seasons for the northern hemisphere in 2024 kick off on: Spring (northward) equinox: March 20th Summer (northward) solstice: June 20th Fall (southward) equinox: September 22nd Winter (southward) solstice: December 21st Of course, things are reversed south of the equator. Aurorae tend to pick up around the equinox due to a phenomenon known as the Russell-McPherron Effect and so does GEOSat flare season, as satellites way out in geosynchronous/geostationary orbit brighten into naked eye visibility, then wink out when they hit the Earth’s shadow. The solstice tends to see spans where the International Space Station enters reaches full illumination, favoring the northern hemisphere in June and the southern hemisphere in December. In 2024, the Earth reaches perihelion on January 2nd, and aphelion July 5th. Transits through the field of view for the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO’s) LASCO C3 and C2 imagers for 2024. Credit: Worachate Bloonplod. The Moon in 2024 The path of the Moon continues its trek towards the Major Lunar Standstill in early 2025, riding extra high versus the ecliptic and the horizon in the winter season, and low in the summer. The Moon also reaches its closest perigee for 2024 on March 10th at 356,893 kilometers distant, and is at its farthest apogee on October 2nd at 406,516 kilometers distant. We also have a ‘Black Moon’ on December 30th, with the second New Moon in a month with two. February 24th is the ‘Minimoon’ or smallest apparent Moon for the year, and October 17th is the Supermoon or largest Full Moon of 2024. The Moon also occults (passes in front of) several bright stars and planets in its passage through the sky. The Moon occults Antares 14 times in 2024, and Spica 8 times: Antares Events (note: ‘+/- denotes waxing/waning phase for the Moon, along with the percent illuminated). -January 8th for western North America (-11% Moon) -February 5th for southeast Asia (-24% Moon) -March 3rd for Central America (-51% Moon) -March 30th for the central Pacific (-77% Moon) -April 26th for the Middle East and east Africa (-93% Moon) -May 24th for northern South America (-99% Moon) -June 20th for the central Pacific (+70% Moon) -July 17th for South Africa (+84% Moon) -August 14th for the South Pacific (+70% Moon) -September 10th for western Australia (+45% Moon) -October 7th for the South Atlantic (+21% Moon) -November 4th for the southeast Pacific (+10% Moon) -December 1st for South Africa (+1% Moon) -December 28th for the central Pacific (-6% Moon) The Moon occults Spica on July 14th. Credit: Occult 4.1.2. Spica Events: -June 16th for Russia (+73% Moon) -July 14th for North America (+58% Moon) -August 10th for southeast Asia (+32% Moon) -September 6th for East Africa (+12% Moon) -October 3rd for Hawaii (in the daytime, +1% Moon) -November 27th for North America (-12% Moon) -December 24th for southeast Asia (-26% Moon) The Moon occults Saturn on September 17th. Credit: Occult 4.1.2. Planetary occultations: next, there are 15 lunar versus planetary occultations in 2024, involving 4 planets: -Mercury (March 11th) by the +3% Moon, for the South Pacific -Venus (April 7th) (daytime) by the -2% Moon, for eastern North America -Venus (September 5th) by the +6% Moon for Antarctica -Mars (May 5th) by the -8% Moon for Madagascar -Mars (December 18th) by the ~87% Moon for the Arctic Saturn Occultation Events: -April 6th by the -7% Moon for Antarctica -May 3rd by the -26% Moon for the southern Indian Ocean -May 31st by the -39% Moon for southern South America -June 27th by the -64% Moon for northern New Zealand -July 24th by the -86% Moon for southeast Asia -August 21st by the -95% Moon for northern South America and northwest Africa -September 17th by the +99% Moon for western North America -October 14th by the +89% Moon for India and eastern Africa -November 11th by the +77% Moon for Central America -December 8th by the +51% Moon for the western Pacific The path of the April 8th total solar eclipse across North America. Credit: Michael Zeiler Eclipses in 2024 Of course, the Great North American Eclipse on April 8th, 2024 dominates the year. But 2024 also features other eclipses as well spanning two eclipse seasons, including: -March 25th: an 87% penumbral lunar eclipse, favoring the Americas. -April 8th: A total solar eclipse, (maximum totality: 4 minutes and 28 seconds) spanning North America. This eclipse ‘could’ feature a rare treat, with (naked eye?) comet 12P/Pons-Brooks nearby, just 25 degrees east of the Sun. -September 18th: A 9% partial lunar eclipse favoring the Americas, Europe and Africa. -October 2nd: An annular eclipse with a maximum annularity of 7 minutes, 25 seconds favoring the southern tip of South America. 4 eclipses (2 lunar and 2 solar) is the minimum number that a calendar year can contain. The path of the October 2nd, 2024 annular solar eclipse. NASA/GSFC/A.T. Sinclair The Inner Planets in 2024 The two inner planets Mercury and Venus never stray far from the Sun. In early 2024 Venus lingers in the dawn, but does not reach greatest elongation in 2024. Instead, Venus reaches inferior conjunction on the solar farside opposite to the Earth on June 4th, transitioning from the dawn to the dusk sky. Mercury reaches greatest elongation 7 times in 2024, an extra one versus its normal six: -24 degrees west at dawn (January 12th) -19 degrees east at dusk (March 24th) -26 degrees west at dawn (May 9th) -27 degrees east at dusk (July 22nd) -18 degrees west at dawn (September 5th) -23 degrees east at dusk (November 16th) -22 degrees west at dawn (December 25th) -Venus also occults the +6.4 magnitude star HIP 86060 for India on January 18th, and the +4.7 magnitude star HIP 92111 on (February 1st) for Brazil. Mercury and Venus also both transit the open star cluster Messier 44 in 2024: -Mercury meets M44 on July 6th (with asteroid 4 Vesta nearby!), 24 degrees from the Sun. Venus meets M44 on July 18th, 11 degrees from the Sun. The Outer Planets in 2024 Saturn’s ring angle in 2024 is 2 to 5 degrees wide, as they head towards edge on in March 23rd, 2024. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s outermost moon Callisto continues to ‘miss’ Jupiter, though that’ll change as the orbital plane of the Galilean moons head towards edge-on once again in 2026. Saturn rings: from wide open, to approaching edge-on in 2024. Credit: Shahrin Ahmad. Oppositions and the best season to observe the outer planets in 2024 include: -Pluto (June 23rd) -Saturn (September 8th) -Neptune (September 21st) -Uranus (November 17th) -Jupiter (December 7th) The top planet versus planet conjunction for 2024 is Mercury versus Jupiter on June 4th 7’ apart and 12 degrees west of the Sun at dawn. Mercury meets Jupiter at dawn on June 4th. Credit: Stellarium. The top bright star versus asteroid occultation for 2024 occurs on June 29th, when asteroid 2819 Ensor occults the +3.2 magnitude star Phi Sagittarii for north Asia. The top star versus planet conjunction for 2024 is Mercury versus Regulus on September 9th 30’ apart, 17 degrees west of the Sun at dawn. Astronomy 2024: Meteor Showers There are 112 meteor showers known and recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), about a dozen of which are major annual favorites. Of course, showers are always best when the pesky light-polluting Moon is near New and out of the way. In 2024, the best showers versus the Moon are: -Eta Aquariids (May 6th) -1% Moon, ZHR~50 -Daytime Arietids (June 7th) +4% Moon ZHR~30 -Delta Aquariids (July 30th) -18% Moon ZHR~30 -Taurids (October 10th) +45% Moon ZHR~10 -Andromedids (December 10th) +5% Moon ZHR~20 Is a Leonid outburst due for November 14th 2024? The Earth may encounter the 1633 trail for source comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle… the same stream that caused the 2001 outburst. Comet 12P versus the bright star Vega. Credit: Dan Bartlett. Comets to Watch For in 2024 We’re certainly due for the next great comet of the century. Though there’s nothing amazing to see in the sky in terms of comets (yet), that could all swiftly change with the discovery of a bright new comet inbound. As of writing this in late December 2023, these are the following comets expected to break binocular visibility: -12P/Pons-Brooks reaches magnitude +3.9 at perihelion on April 21st in the constellation Taurus, 21 degrees east on the Sun. -13P/Olbers reaches magnitude +7.5 at perihelion on July 1st in the constellation Lynx, 21 degrees east of the Sun. -144P/Kushida reaches perihelion on January 26th at magnitude +7.9 in the constellation Taurus, 126 degrees east of the Sun. -C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS reaches perihelion on February 15th at magnitude +7.4 in the constellation Pegasus, 23 degrees east of the Sun. -Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS reaches perihelion on September 28th at magnitude +2.5 in the constellation Hercules, 83 degrees east of the Sun. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS at dawn in late September. Credit: Starry Night. Weirdness and More: Looking farther out afield, a few double stars on our ‘orbits with spans with short enough to live through’ reach maximum separation in 2023-2025: -70 Ophiuchus reaches a maximum separation of 6.7”; -Delta Equulei reaches a maximum separation of 0.3”; and -The ‘Pup’ of the Dog Star Sirius B reaches its maximum apparent separation of 11.5 arc seconds on its 50-year orbit. True story: I ‘finally’ got to cross the Pup off my visual observing life list in 2023, courtesy of Richard Drumm and his access to the 26-inch refractor at the Charlottesville Virginia McCormick Observatory. Also, 2050.00 celestial coordinates come into vogue in 2025 versus 2000.00, as we’ll officially be closer to 2050 than 2000… it’s strange to think, we’ve been using 2000.00 (and occasionally, 1950.00) for most of our lives. Awaiting totality in 2017. Credit: Dave Dickinson. Astronomy 2024…and a Teaser for 2025 …and as always, there’s more to come. 2025 sees the peak of Solar Cycle 25, the Moon at Major Lunar Standstill, Saturn’s rings edge on, Mars at opposition, two total lunar and two partial solar eclipses and more. Don’t miss all of these events and more in Astronomy 2024! The post Top Astronomy Events for 2024 appeared first on Universe Today.
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spacecadetspe · 6 months
A snippet from last year…
Dec. 19, 2022
Solomon stayed at the Forge to purge. He called me somewhere in the middle of the process, as he was being escorted to Surtr's mount at the point of several spears. The problem, as Surtr saw it, was that Solomon had been possessed on occasion by the demons he led, as well as possessed several artifacts that didn't belong to him.
Among those artifacts was the Laevateinn, a weapon guarded by Sinmara, Surtr's former lover. He was so angry at Solomon that he nearly brought the entire castle down in flames... And broke my chakras again. I begged him to stop, and provided my own solution for the issue. Solomon was to bathe each resident of the ring in the fountain in the Muspelheim gardens, and then listen to each of their respective complaints. Then he, Surtr, and Solomon's star, Antares, would collectively decide what degree of freedom each individual should have.
It was after that that Solomon called me again, asking me to summon Sinmara from the Laevateinn with an iridescent whetstone. I was successful, after a fashion, and summoned her in a vision.
She explained that Loki, the original creator of the weapon, had bound her to it with Dwarven magic, which is known for its impossible ingredients. In this case, it was a paradox. Loki, antithesis of all that is true, told her the truth. And that bound her to the ring. It has the added bonus of not allowing anyone to use the weapon unless they are able to solve Sinmara's paradox.
Solomon was only in possession of the Laevateinn by-proxy. One of his demons, Agares, had been the one who actually solved the riddle, and so far is the only one capable of wielding the weapon. When given the crocodile paradox, Solomon failed to answer it correctly.
Sinmara told me that in order to truly break a paradox, one must first break oneself. Solomon has certainly been doing a bit of that at Muspelheim. But her reasoning is sound. Logic has very little to do with a paradox. You have two statements (and there's no guarantee of accurate information) and somehow you must arrive at a logical conclusion.
In the case of the crocodile paradox, a crocodile steals a child. It claims that it will return the child if the parents can accurately guess what the crocodile will do next. It doesn't matter whether the parents choose that the crocodile will keep or return the child; neither answer will return the child, because there's no guarantee that the crocodile will hold his end of the bargain.
The only way to solve the paradox is to break it. Move the goalposts, so to speak.
Kill the crocodile. Only in the event that the crocodile dies will there be any certainty of the child returning home.
Surtr is not ready. He can't break the paradox, because he is not willing to shift his own understanding of what is true. And I was tasked with delivering that news. I felt like the whole world was on my shoulders. I remembered a time when Surtr lashed out at me after purging Thor; accusing me of using him and the Forge for my own ends. There's another paradox: Surtr is my star. My astral guide. Was I not supposed to come back to him for advice or purification? Or was I to leave and not return, in spite of being broken?
In the end, I called Surtr out for putting me in that position, but that doesn't mean I wanted to do it again. I was as gentle as I could be with Surtr, explained to him the predicament we were in. I suppose he's gone to talk to Solomon now. I can't imagine that was pleasant at all.
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biggoldbelt · 2 years
La Paradoja de Antares aka "The Antares Paradox" Review | Andrea Trepat | Fantastic Fest 2022
La Paradoja de Antares aka “The Antares Paradox” Review | Andrea Trepat | Fantastic Fest 2022
La Paradoja de Antares aka “The Antares Paradox” Review by Big Gold Belt Media –Synopsis:In a race against the clock, Alexandra will be forced to choose how to spend the next hours: facing a critic family drama or trying to bring an answer to one of humanity’s most important questions. Tags#TheAntaresParadox #FantasticFest #ff2022 Thank you for watching our videos here at BGB Media! If you liked…
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years
The Antares Paradox – Review | Sci-fi Drama
The Antares Paradox – Review | Sci-fi Drama
The Antares Paradox – Review | Sci-fi Drama #Antares #Paradox #Review #Scifi #Drama Welcome to Americanah Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: You Can Click Here To View Restricted Videos/Images in this Article THE ANTARES PARADOX is a new Spanish sci-fi drama (org. title La Paradoja de Antares) that just premiered at Fantastic Fest 2022. It’s an amazingly intense story about a…
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scarletnews · 2 years
The Antares Paradox Is Contact Meets 24 In a Single Room, and It's Incredible
The Antares Paradox Is Contact Meets 24 In a Single Room, and It’s Incredible
In Robert Zemeckis’ adaptation of Carl Sagan’s Contact, a single woman discovers a radio signal she believes is evidence of extraterrestrial life. Then for the next two plus hours, she combats every single imaginable force to prove herself and the existence of the signal itself. Now, take that scenario and put it into… Read more…
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weird-aunt-writing · 6 years
Hello! If you are still taking requests, could you do "I didn't mean what I said" for Antares? Thank you!
Prompt List Here
Book: Starship Promise
Pairing: Antares x MC
Word Count: 505
“Antares, wait! I didn’t mean what I said!” I call after him, my shorter legs struggling to keep up with Antares’ brisk strides as he stalks away from me.
He doesn’t even turn his head to look at me when he responds in a low growl, “you said my brother was hot.”
“You’re twins!” I exclaimed, feeling just a little exasperated by his reaction. “That’s basically the same thing as saying you’re hot,” I pause, forcing my voice to turn a note deeper, hoping it came out as seductive as I wanted, “and you know just how hot I think you are.”
At that Antares shoulders twitched before he stopped walking altogether. The smirk he wore when he turned to face me should have told me I succeeded, but it only made me all the more anxious. At the same time I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth so when he stayed where he was, seemingly waiting for me, I approached him with one hesitant step after another. Once I was close enough to reach I place a hand on his chest and when he doesn’t immediately remove my hand a cautious smile snaked its way onto my face. Part of me knew that had worked a little too well, but that part was drowned out by the rest that was already completely mesmerized by the curve of his lips and his gorgeous eyes that I could actually see clearly this close up.
One of his arms comes up around the curve of my back while the other lifts to cup my cheek with his hand. “Am I really so dashing?” he asks, that same smirk and the way his tone sounds almost sarcastic should have me running for the hills. Instead I stay locked in his arms, unable to break from his intense gaze.
“Y-yes…?” I stutter out, and it sounds like a question even though I hadn’t meant it to.
Antares’ eyes hold mine for a moment longer and then he steps forward to tip me back and his strong arm holds me steady while his lips take mine. The move is surprisingly romantic for us being so public where any crewmate could walk through. I’m left reeling and breathless when he pulls back from the kiss, but he doesn’t bring me back up to stand straight. I can feel myself grinning stupidly up at him, but that grin drops instantly along with my stomach as I take in the severe frown Antares wears.
“That’s basically the same thing as saying he is dashing,” Antares whispers harshly, hissing out the word ‘he’ like it was venom. Then his arm drops from around my waist and I scramble to catch my balance, barely managing to not fall on my butt.
Once I have my footing back I stare after him in shock, watching as he marches off again. Then I’m off after him, a new anger bubbling up inside me, and this time we wouldn’t catch me off-guard so easily.
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violettduchess · 3 years
The Arcana: Muriel 🌿
I finally finished the prologue and immediately stared Muriel's route first because grouchy men are sort of my favorite (see Atlas, Roland, Antares, Nikolai, Cal from LS)
It's a great read and very well written.
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A shrike is a species of bird known for impaling it's prey on thorns or sharp branches before eating them as it holds the prey in place and allows the bird to tear into it. They are often used as references in literature or pop culture to denote something dangerous and aggressive.
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This made me laugh. You're just watching poor Muriel go through this gauntlet of emotions after you suggest kissing him again and it's with an almost scientific amusement.
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Punctuation can carry meaning when you don't have tone or facial expressions. Here everything written together and the font being smaller conveys that he is speaking quickly and quietly. Cause the poor thing is shy. Painfully so.
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And this is where my heart went....awww......
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The paradox of his hands being bloody weapons compared with the gentle way they hold you is a great detail.
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They've both found the center in the chaos, each other.
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buggie-hagen · 4 years
The space asks - do them all!
oh my goodness. okay, will do:
constellations: personality
ursa major: what are the character traits that define you the most? Both quiet and loud, sad and joyful, hardworking and lazy. paradox defines me.
ursa minor: do you have hobbies or interests that no one knows about? an interest that no one knows about is anime and manga.
draco: what is the thing you like least about yourself? my weight.
lacerta: what is the thing you like most about yourself? my smile.
cepheus: do you vibe more with the term idiot, asshole or dumbass? asshole.
hercules: how are you with people? who is your favourite person? it’s interesting because part of me is social shy, but generally i am warm and friendly with people. my favorite person is two rock people who live in a mountain.
lepus: what is your biggest flaw? my self-hatred.
corvus: what are 5 things you appreciate about yourself? 1. my reading 2. my theology 3. my seelsorger stuff 4. my mild interest in Japanese culture 5. that i don’t think politically like others
orion: what element would you like to be able to bend? fire.
hydra: are you the villain? i’m my own worst villain.
cassiopeia: take a random personality quiz on the internet and give us your result. the more obnoxious the better. no.
centaurus: if you could fist fight one historical figure, which one would it be and how hard would you punch them? no.
gemini: which character (fictional or not) is your spirit animal? Jughead played by Cole Sprouse.
lupus: which one do you identify more with: thoughtful idiot or thoughtless brains? thoughtful idiot. i guess.
scutum: you acquire a death note. what are you going to do with it? my understanding of death note comes from the anime of that name. so, if i found such a notebook, i would burn it so it would not be used to harm people.
Do you side more with the idea of Deontological Ethics or Utilitarianism? I don’t know these very well. I would guess I would have issues with both of them.
stars: interests
aldebaran: what is your most obnoxious interest? David Archuleta.
algol: favourite planet? favourite space object? I like earth because it has water. I like the moon.
61 cygni: favourite time period? probably medieval Europe.
castor: favourite band/artist? Currently, Winter Aid.
pollux: draw the art cover of your favourite album/song. Not right now.
riegel: put your music on shuffle and give us the first five songs.
“Have I Told You” by Matthew Mole
“A Song About Love” by Jake Bugg
“Waiting” by Jake Bugg
“How Soon the Dawn” by Jake Bugg
“Take Yours, I’ll Take Mine” by Matthew Mole
betelgeuse: which video games gives you nostalgia for a place you have never been to? n/a
agena: what is your favourite moment from a game? n/a
deneb: you can turn one book into a movie,tv show or video game. which one are you picking? The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
atair: why is your favourite book, well, your favourite? do you have a favourite quote from it? Right now I don’t think I have a favorite book.
prokyon: grab the nearest book, to to page 145 and give us the first sentence. i am not around my books at this moment.
acrux: where and when do you like to read the most? I like to read at coffee shops, and ideally the morning, but usually the afternoon.
spica: when do you consider a movie “good”? When it can make me cry.
antares: think of a movie which means a lot to you, now describe the first scene that comes into your mind! That scene from Love, Simon where Simon’s mom says, “You get to exhale now, Simon.” https://youtu.be/1QUzRn7yH6I
proxima centauri: if you would have the chance to travel the world, which places or countries would you like to see? Scotland, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Japan, China, Germany, Israel. Kazakhstan. Mongolia.
algol: you have to assassinate someone. which weapon do you choose? i don’t want to answer this questin.
mimosa: what do you associate with your favourite colour? the ocean.
sirius a/b: what’s your favourite sound and smell? favorite sound is trombone. favorite smell is fresh baked bread.
space objects: experiences
quasar: do you feel alone? absolutely alone.
pulsar: when do you feel truly alive? when i’m laughing.
wormhole: what is the shadiest/most illegal thing you have ever done? date a guy who grew mushrooms in his basement. (back in my college days).
black hole: what has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? my stepfather’s alcoholism. 
white dwarf: post a picture or video from your favourite trip! no.
nebula: what is an experience you would rather forget about? growing up. 
star cluster: what is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? in the past year i have gained some more confidence, i have lost any high anthropology that lingered within me, and i have let go of the idea that someone i love would fall in love with me.
planet: have you ever lost something important, such as your passport, keys or a phone? all. the. time.
moon: “A man is made of memories. It is all we are.“ (Lawrence) what do you think this means? Do you agree? I think it means that who we are is shaped by our past experiences. I agree, with the exception of how faith can shape you and that comes from outside oneself and not from the memories. 
comet: you have the chance to undo one thing or decision in your life, would you take it? If you are comfortable sharing: what did you change? I wish I had did my undergrad in geography. 
asteroid: have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? yes and yes/no
meteor: have you ever eaten dirt? if yes: on a scale from 0 to 10 would you do it again? no.
rocketry: academia
saturn v: what are you currently studying/what do you wish to study? currently am studying theology. i always am. i wish i could study geology.
delta iv heavy: what is your favourite thing about your degree course? well my last degree I completed as Mastery of Divinity in May 2019. I frickin’ love theology.
heavy falcon: what is a subject you are highly interested in but you would never study yourself? astronomy, just don’t have the time.
sea dragon: if money, admissions and other factors would not be a problem, where and what would you like to study? In the past, I would have liked to study abroad. either in Scotland or Germany.
atlas v: favourite theorem or concept? communicatio idiomatum
soyuz: language(s) you would like to learn? Spanish, Irish, Norwegian, Japanese. 
MECO: how do you take notes? Whatever my brain tells me to write down. I’m so good at it now I don’t know how I got here. I think I’m just good at distinguishing between what’s important and what’s not important.
SECO: what are your essentials for studying and note taking? coffee. excitement for the topic.
RCS: how do you stay focused and productive? coffee. when i can lower my anxiety levels i can focus better and be productive. basically, when i am successfully focused and productive i am methodical and categorical.
RP-1: favourite classes or subjects you took or are taking? music, Lutheran confessions, church history, geography, earth science. 
gas-generator cycle: what are the topics you like learning about the most? Lutheran theology. Biblical languages (though very painful). 
partial-flow staged combustion cycle: what are the topics that interest you the least? Math. Social justice ghouls.
full-flow staged combustion cycle: your biggest student-sin? as in something you feel guilty about? Back when I was in college I took a music class called Aural Skills and NEVER practiced my aural skills. I would do it now. 
RS-25: what do you carry in your backpack? books, weekly planner, laptop, pens, headphones, omeprazole.
RD-270: Do you need silence to study? or do you like to listen to music? if so, what is your go-to study-playlist? both. one of my favorites to listen to is the YouTube station “Homework Radio”
Merlin: what does your study-space look like? usually a coffee shop these days. also my office where i have access to my desk and my library. back in seminary, I LOVED studying in the Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago. So many cool places there to study.
Raptor: do you study at home or do you prefer to study at the library/in cafés? library/cafes. i never study and hardly ever read at home.
F-1: this is a free one. ask any question you’d like. what question do you have, dear one?
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julythou · 4 years
Can we end racism in our daily life ?
Rasisme adalah bentuk tindakan atas kepercayaan antara kelompok kita dengan kelompok lain yang memiliki sifat-sifat perilaku berbeda sesuai dengan penampilan fisik yang dapat dibagi berdasarkan superioritas dari satu ras ke ras lainnya. Bentuk rasisme ini mengarah ke hal yang negatif yang bisa berupa prasangka, diskriminasi, stereotype. Mereka menilai biasanya dari golongan ras, etnis, dan agama yang berbeda.
Rasisme sebenar-nya issue yang sudah lama terjadi dari jaman nenek moyang eropa ketika  men-jarah tanah Hindia (Indonesia) dan Negara Afrika yang mereka representasi-kan bentuk RASISME tersebut kedalam mural di sebuah kereta kuda (Gouden Koets) sebagai bentuk penghormatan/ hadiah kepada Ratu koloni Belanda sebagai symbol kejayaan mereka pada saat itu.
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Source :  http://twitter.com/redfishstream/status 
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Menurut sumber dari pemilik akun @ /redfishstream , sender (Pengirim) mencoba menjelaskan lewat tweetnya bahwa ;
“Rasisme, simbol kolonial jatuh di seluruh Eropa dan AS, di sini ada satu lagi yang menarik: The Golden Coach. Ini adalah kendaraan kerajaan raja & ratu Belanda dengan di atasnya sebuah pemuliaan penaklukan budak Afrika & subyek kolonial Indonesia oleh penguasa kulit putih”
Sampai akhirnya, perilaku ini pun berubah menjadi the new imagine sosial bahwa dunia ini hanya ada hitam dan putih. Lalu tanpa sadar, sifat atas perilaku rasisme ini pun berubah menjadi budaya atas setiap tindakan yang terjadi di lingkungan kita sehari-hari seperti sekarang.
Sedikit menambahkan pemahaman Aku (penulis) dari sebuah artikel
Souce; https://www.ayosemarang.com/read/2020/06/01/57934/daftar-kerusuhan-rasial-di-amerika-serikat-dari-masa-ke-masa dan menyambungkan informasi dari twitter https://twitter.com/redfishstream/status . 
Bahwa masalah yang kita hadapi seperti kasus rasisme di tanah Papua dan masalah orang Amerika sangatlah berbeda. Paradox yang terjadi di Amerika itu terjadi sejak jaman nenek moyang mereka yang juga melahirkan banyak propaganda didalamnya.
Warisan budaya rasisme ini pun kembali muncul pada tanggal 11-17 Agustus tahun 1965 di Los Angeles. Pemeriksaan identitas oleh polisi terhadap dua pria kulit hitam didalam mobil yang memicu kerusuhan dan menewaskan 34 orang.
Lalu terjadi lagi kerusuhan di Newark tahun 1967. Dua petugas polisi berkulit putih menangkap dan memukuli seorang pengemudi supir taksi kulit hitam. Sampai akhirnya kerusuhan dengan orang kulit hitam pun masih berlanjut sampai tahun 2014 yaitu saat pada aksi demonstrasi di tanggal 9-19 Agustus 2014. Hal tersebut semakin membesar, setelah terbunuhnya seorang remaja berkulit hitam yang tidak ber-senjata, Michael brown, oleh seorang perwira kulit putih. Pada akhir November. Polisi tersebut didakwa bersalah sehingga menyebabkan ledakan kemarahan baru, dan kejadian lainnya di tahun 2015 dan 2016.
Stereotype orang Amerika bahwa orang kulit hitam adalah budak masih berjalan sampai sekarang. Sedangkan masalah rasisme di tanah Papua karena adanya ketimpangan sosial,ekonomi, budaya, dan politik. Perlu diingat secara garis besar kita tidak pernah melakukan perbudakan terhadap daerah Papua. ini yang membedakan kita dengan masalah yang ada di negara Amerika sekarang. Dan yang  sangat disayangkan, pemerintah Indonesia pun masih memberikan prioritas kelas dua untuk daerah Papua, yang akhirnya membuat orang orang Papua pun merasa ter-asingkan di Negara sendiri. contoh kasus KOMINFO memblokir jaringan Internet di daerah Papua saat terjadi pembrontakan.
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Dalam hal sistem politik yang mendukung ekspresi prasangka atau rasa enggan dalam praktik atau hukum yang diskriminatif, ideologi rasisme dapat mencakup aspek sosial terkait seperti nativisme, xenophobia, segregasi, hierarkis, dan suprematisme. Sementara konsep ras dan etnis dianggap terpisah dalam ilmu sosial yang lebih spesifik, kedua istilah tersebut memiliki sejarah panjang kesetaraan dalam penggunaan populer dan literatur ilmu sosial yang lebih tua. "etnis" sering digunakan dalam hubungan dekat dengan satu atribut tradisional untuk "ras" pembagian kelompok-kelompok manusia berdasarkan kualitas atau bawaan kelompok.
Bentuk rasisme tidak harus dari sebuah ucapan mulut atas penilaian secara eksklusif kepada orang lain “kulit kamu putih pasti kamu keturunan orang bule” atau “orang yang pinter matematika fisika kimia adalah orang yang cerdas selain itu tidak” “lihat deh perempuan gendut itu” “jangan main keluar nanti kulit mu hitam” “mau nikah kapan? Nanti jadi perempuan tua loh. Kalau perempuan tua tuh udah gak ada yang mau!”. Tapi atas dasar ucapan diatas pun rasisme bisa terjadi, dengan bagaimana sikap kita saat bertemu dengan orang lain yang berbeda dengan kita.
Contoh sederhananya ada disekitar kita, namun kita tidak menyadari kalau itu bentuk dari rasisme.Misal; 
Kita berada di sebuah tempat yang ramai, Contoh di sebuah bandara. Di dalam bandara ini, kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang menggunakan pakaian yang berbeda, tidak seperti orang orang umum yang berada di dalam bandara, lalu tanpa sadar mata kita melihat/memperhatikan cara berpakaian orang itu dari ujung kepala sampai ujung sepatu, seperti itu berulang kali, karena didalam otak, kita sudah ber-asumsi kalau mereka aneh atau gaya mereka terlalu kuno atau nyentrik atau terlalu Agamis (terorisme). Bagi Aku itu sudah masuk kedalam bentuk rasisme walaupun kita baru ber-asumsi kedalam bentuk pikiran atau hati saja.
Dan segala bentuk streotype masyarakat kepada ras atau daerah tertentu itu sudah termasuk bentuk rasisme seperti perkataan “orang padang pelit” “orang batak bengis dan tak tau etika” “orang sunda matre” yang pada dasarnya TIDAK semua manusia seperti itu.
Dan masalah rasisme ini masih sangat kental di dunia pendidikan yaitu Sekolah, dan tempat Kuliah. Sangat disayangkan toxic ini berada dekat dengan lingkungan pertemanan yang akhirnya membentuk sebuah kelompok/ genk dan sejenisnya. Efek dari perpecahan kelompok ini membuat mereka ber-asumsi untuk orang di luar anggota mereka bahwa dia bukan level mereka, dan itu yang menyebabkan kasus bullying makin hari ada dimana-mana.
Dan dari tulisan ini, Aku jadi sadar bahwa rasisme itu pada dasarnya ada didalam hati kita yang bersifat negatif. Gambarannya mungkin seperti bongkahan gunung es yang hanya dilihat dari permukaan air namun didalam laut ukurannya lebih besar lagi, sampai akhirnya kita menganggap remeh soal Rasisme yang padahal kalau kita ingin meng-edukasi diri kita pribadi dengan masalah sosial ini, ada banyak masalah yang akhirnya Rasisme itu bisa terbentuk. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan didalamnya ada  prasangka, diskriminasi, nativisme, xenophobia, segregasi, hierarkis dan steotype. Kata rasisme hanya bisa kita lihat baru di permukaan. Sangat disayangkan, topik ini masih sangat jarang untuk dibahas di media platform lainnya, sebagai bentuk edukasi kepada anak anak,remaja, dan diri kita sendiri.
Dan kembali ke-tema apakah bisa rantai rasisme ini berhenti. Menurut Aku bisa. Rasisme bisa berhenti asal kita mau introspeksi dan meng-edukasi diri kita sendiri untuk menjadi lebih baik dan tidak ber-pikiran negatif dan berusaha untuk berfikir positif dan menerima kenyataan kalau manusia itu berbeda beda. 
Kita bisa merubah pola pikir kita untuk menyikapi sesuatu hal menjadi lebih dewasa, ber-pikiran terbuka (open minded) yang intinya semua ini dilakukan untuk tetap menjaga keselarasan antar sesama manusia tanpa mencampuri urusan pribadi namun tetap menjunjung tinggi norma sosial yang ada . Intinya semua ada pada diri kita sendiri dan kebiasan kita untuk menciptakan perubahan itu sendiri bisa kita awali dari lingkungan rumah lebih dahulu ketika nanti kita mempunyai anak berusia batita memperlakukan mereka seperti layaknya manusia yang harus dihargai. “memanusiakan manusia lainnya” 
karena bagi Aku,  terkadang orang tua sendiri yang melakukan Rasisme kepada anak- anak mereka (tanpa sadar) niat mereka untuk membangun tapi ternyata kata kata itu di terima oleh anak mereka sebagai bentuk meremehkan dan membandingkan dia dengan anak tetangga atau dengan saudara kandung-nya. 
Satu masalah dari rumah ini yang akhirnya membawa/ membentuk pemikiran mereka (anak anak) bahwa (orang cerdas= nilai mtk 100 kimia 95) hanya itu. mereka tidak bisa melihat kalau jika mereka tidak bisa mtk, mereka bisa melakukan skill lain dalam hal bermusik  atau mengambar atau mendalami ilmu Bahasa negara lain. dan ini yang akhirnya menjadi culture sosial tanpa mereka sadar, mereka (anak anak) akan memperlakukan orang lain hanya dari 2 sisi, 
Jadi Kesimpulannya kita harus menyadari kalau manusia itu berbeda beda dan mau menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan orang lain namun tetap menjunjung tinggi norma sosial yang ada. Seperti kata pepatah bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh.
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