#The Atelier Floor Plan
hyggetrait · 2 years
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🧵Welcome to Old Town Atelier Square 🪡
Functioning Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10:00am - 8:00pm ET 
Located in Windenburg, Old Town Atelier has everything you might need for your special day. From custom fits to drinks and tea to celebrate with your special ones. In the square you will find two shops run by the sibling designer duo Archie and Leona Schwartz. The Kingsmen Atelier is the perfect spot for a custom, bespoke suit that speaks to your personal style. Fit for the regal, the shops ambiance sends you back to old days. For those that wish for a gown, head next door to the relaxing ambiance of La’ Belle Atelier & Bridal Shop, where your vision can become reality with the snap of a finger. 
We hope we can make your special event magical. 
Gallery ID: NicoleSimblr
Make sure to check the ‘include custom content’ checkbox otherwise my builds wont come up. 
Floor plan and additional Information, including CC list below.
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Important Information:
Important Information:
Important Information:
I have left the mannequins undressed so you can change them into their own outfits and so it will hopefully not crash the game when you download.
Enable bb.moveobjects when placing down
I use gshade preset Tofu by @ellcrze, so colors might look different for you
Always feel free to tag me if you download and use the lot, it makes me so happy! 
CC Information
note the * denote the cc that is not required or only use one item from a set and are simply decor elements you can pass up. Essentially, Harlix and RVSN CC is necessary, the rest is pretty optional. 
Anybody’s dress bridal shop
House of Harlix
Felixandre - Paris, Berlin, Kyoto, Gatsby, Fayun, Colonial, Gothic Revival, Gove, February 2018 collection (curtains)
Harrie - Harritge, Octovave, Brownstone, Shop the Look (2)*, Country* 
Harlix - Baysic, Livin Room, Spoons, Orjanic, Harluxe* 
Precious promises, Dumain de Clous (book)*, the office (decor/plant),* MCM set (decor),* the office (plant),* Auntie Vera’s Bathroom (robes in changing room)*
The lighthouse collection (books on bookcases)*, slouch (rug)*
Boho Living Stuff Pack (plants*)
Shkr(plant),* Emma Collection (Vase)*
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self-made now you're self-paid with your own plans
pairing: Charles Leclers x female!storeowner!reader                                
warnings: none really
request by @rebelwrites: Hey hun any chance I can request a fic for Charles Leclerc, so basically the reader is his girlfriend and just a normal girl who runs her own small business but is struggling to make ends meet and doesn’t tell anyone because she doesn’t want the world to know she’s struggling and doesn’t want to people to think she is using Charles. So, she ends up picking up a second job eg parcel delivering or something she can do as a self-employed person and she has little time to breathe let alone fly out to races ect and that’s when Charles realises something isn’t right with his girl so he does something to surprise her once the season is over because he hates seeing her so down and stressed
notes: feel free to leave comments and/or feedback. likes and reblogs are always appreciated! also, feel free to send in requests!
disclaimer: english is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes 😊
word count: 3.4k
Monaco is a beautiful, beautiful country. You were born and raised in the colorful and busy streets of one of the richest places in the world. Your family definitely wasn’t poor, but you also didn’t play in the league that many other people living in Monaco reigned in. You are not a movie star, a singer, an actress or a star athlete. No, you are just you – and you mean that in a way to put yourself down. You are just unapologetically you, and you are really proud of that.
While most of your friends at the elite school you visited decided to study business or law or finance at some prestige university in Monaco or even overseas, you decided to turn your passion into your profession. While taking some evening online classes on how to open a business, you opened your own little store in one of Monaco’s busy vendor streets. The store combined your many crafting abilities. You offered the materials, but also the finished products. You crotched and sewed unique pieces of clothes and bags, as well as pillowcases, stuffed animals, and other items. Self-made jewelry and hand painted mugs are gracing the shelves of your little store. In one corner, different kinds of flowers are presented from which costumers could decide which flowers they wanted for the little bouquets you loved to make. In short, the store offered everything if one was on the lookout for a special and unique present.
This was also what brought the famous Charles Leclerc into your store. Looking for a present for his mother for Mother’s Day, he had walked into your store. You greeted him with a little paint stain on your cheek and a messy bun, yet he somehow fell head over heels for you. He adored how down to earth and hardworking you were. That day, he left with a present that made him his mother’s favorite child for a while, and your number in his phone.
He insisted to organize the first date and took you out for a fancy dinner. It was nice, to be part of Monaco’s high society for a night, even if it was just for a few hours. But it didn’t matter, because Charles made you feel like royalty, like you were special at any given moment. You didn’t need to be part of high society if you were with him because he treated you like you were a queen.
Of course, you knew who he was, as he was part of Monaco´s finest. For a while, you were afraid that the two of you wouldn’t work out, as your lives were so different, and you were afraid that you simple weren’t enough. But that changed when on your third date the two of you sat on the floor of your atelier for hours, painting on canvases and mugs and Charles not once was afraid of getting his hands dirty. He never did, actually. When he wasn’t away, he even came and helped you out at the store sometimes, standing behind the cashier and advising costumers. One time you came out of your atelier to find Charles gushing to some costumes about your crafts, and it left you with a very warm feeling in your chest.
However, it wasn’t always easy. While most of the other drivers had girlfriends that could made space in their schedules to fly out and visit, you barely could do that. The weekends were essential to your income and being gone from your business for more than two days wasn’t working for you. You still tried as much as possible, sometimes flying out for a day only to see him race on Sundays and fly back home immediately. It made you and Charles equally unhappy, but he understood and supported you, nonetheless. He couldn’t be prouder of you and your achievements that you worked hard for, more often than not working long and tiring hours. He knows that you are not like other wags - that you don’t have as much time to come and visit him at races. Sometimes he selfishly wishes that you had more time, but he knows that he would rip you away from the thing you love the most – your little store and your arts and crafts.
At the moment, it is especially hard. Charles is gone almost every weekend, sometimes not even coming home in between because he doesn’t have the time. You understand that, you really do. And you are also insanely busy right now. Still, it isn’t nice to only see your boyfriend for few days every three weeks. You make it work though, your love and commitment for one another as strong as ever. You call whenever you can, even though there is a time difference in most places where he currently races. Most nights, he is afraid to wake you up, but usually you are still up working, even when he calls in the middle of the night. It worries him, sometimes. But he knows that arguing doesn’t help with your stubbornness, so he usually just asks you to make sure that you stay healthy and get enough sleep. You nod, knowing that you certainly do not get enough sleep at the moment.
Times are hard for your business right now. You feel like just your store isn’t enough anymore, you need an online presence. It is inevitable in current times. You don’t have the money to hire someone, so you decide that it couldn’t be that hard to set up a website by yourself. Turns out, you are naïve, and sleep is overrated. After a week of hard and dedicated work you have managed to set up a website that lives up to your perfectionist standards. You are, after all, an artist. An Instagram account follows soon after. You refrain from following Charles, because you don’t want to appear like you use him for the cloud.
You sadly had to let go of your assistant just recently, as the owner of your building had increased rent. You would’ve looked for another place, but the location of the store was just too good to be given up. Furthermore, the fact that your apartment was located just above the store made many things easier for you. So, you had no real other choice than to suck it up and pay the much higher rent. Letting go of your assistant however meant that your workload increased drastically. You had to take orders over the phone, take care of the deliveries yourself. You still produced most of the stuff in your store yourself, but you had to order materials as well as some products that you offered but didn’t craft yourself. In short, it was a lot of work, and you felt increasingly stressed about it.
The good thing about all of it is that Charles is just as busy as you, which means he doesn’t realize how stressed out you actually are. He usually isn’t there much more than two or three days in between the races, and you can afford to close the store one of these days. The others, you work a little less, only 6-8 hours, not the 16 hours you normally have on your clock on a long day.
Today is an especially shitty day at work. You take a moment to catch your breath. Why on Earth did the elevator have to be out of order in this particular building with 15 stories? And why did your client wanted something delivered to the highest floor? You utter a short but very heartfelt “fuck” when you catch a glimpse of your own reflection. Quickly, you brush the strands of hair that stick to your slightly sweaty forehead out of the way, trying to look somewhat representable after all. You walk to the door of the apartment on the address and wonder for a moment, why everything looks so familiar in this building. You ring the doorbell and when the door is opened, you know why you recognize the building. A soft “oh” escapes your mouth before you catch yourself again and smile at the man before you. “Hey Daniel!” “What are you doing here, y/n?”, Daniel asks you, confusion etched into his features. You hold up the packages in your hand. “Bringing your delivery?”
“That is your store? I never knew, my girlfriend loves your stuff, and some of the best presents I have ever gifted are from there!” You smile shyly. “Yeah, I ask Charles to not tell anyone, I don’t want it to come off as I am using him to push my business!” Daniel shakes his head. “Y/n, you have been with Charles for what now, four years?” You nod your head. “Well, not once have I heard you trying to use Charles for anything, so don’t you worry about that! Especially because you don’t need Charles for that, your store is a fucking lifesaver and just generally amazing!” “Thank you, Daniel!”, you smile at the man before you and then look at your watch, “I would love to chat more, but I need to get back to the store. How about we meet for dinner with Heidi and Charles soon?” “Sounds great, have a good day!” You bit the Australian goodbye and make your way down the stairs.
Later that day, when it is already dark outside, your phone rings. Charles is calling from overseas, tired after a tough day at qualifying. For half an hour you chat until your respective day, exchanging some loving words, just enjoying each other’s presence. “Daniel told me you delivered his order personally today. Is your assistant sick?”, Charles suddenly asks, and your heart drops down your knees. You had prayed that Daniel would not mention it, that he would just forget about it. For a moment you are angry at the Australian, but then you remember it is not his fault. He possibly didn’t have any foul intentions when he told Charles. You take a deep breath. “She´s okay, but I –“, another deep breath, “I had to let her go.” Charles perks up, you can see him straighten out in his chair. “My landlord raised the rent, and I simply couldn´t have afforded the store and my apartment anymore if I had kept her.” Charles brows furry in concern now and your heart drops a bit further down. “Why didn’t you tell me, mon amour?” You sigh, and your face falls.
He doesn’t sound mad; he sounds concerned and worried and a bit hurt. You sigh. “I am sorry, Charles. I just didn’t want to bother you with that, you have so much on your plate already!” “Please, my plate could be filled to the brim and there would always be space for your problems as well!” “Thank you, love”, you tell him. For a moment, Charles just looks at you. “You know that it is okay to ask for help, right?”, he tells you and you sigh. “I know Charles, but I want to manage this by myself.” He nods. “I admired that you want to do this by yourself, I am just saying that I am here for whatever you need me for.” The two of you continue to talk for another hour, before Charles is tired and needs to sleep. You look at the clock and groan when you see, what time it is. You will have to get up in just a few hours, even earlier than normally, to pick up fresh flowers from the market.
The next weeks fly by in a blur. You haven’t really seen Charles for a while now, which is hard. Now, you are excitedly looking forward to the next week though because you had decided to fly out to Charles last race of the season and go on some well-deserved time off right after. It would only be a week and a half, but it was the first time you had some sort of vacation for a long time. And you get to spend that time off with Charles, which makes it even better.
The weekend goes surprisingly good, Charles landing on the podium. You claim it is because he is a great driver, he claims it is because you are his lucky charm. He kisses you in front of all the media and you don’t mind. You keep your relationship private, but not secret. After the race, you join him and the other drivers for the celebrations. You know most of them, you are even friends with a few. You also talk to the other wags, even though you usually feel a bit out of place. It is not like they give you that feeling, it is more because their lives are so different. They are all amazing and talented and so, so good looking. You admire them and have only positive feelings towards them – just sometimes it is hard to find a topic to talk about.
The celebrations run long, and the next morning Charles and you sleep in until midday. He treats the two of you with breakfast in bed ordered to your room, and afterwards you get ready to head back to Monaco. The plane trip is long, and you spend most of it sleeping. The two of you have decided to spend your time off in Monaco, using the time to also catch up with friends and taking out the yacht a few times. Towards the end of your time off, you get a bit anxious, nervous about all the work surrounding your store. Charles picks that up and tries his best to ease you out of it. He gives you a lot of reassurance and takes you for some spa treatments.
You are significantly more relaxed by the end of your vacation, and dread going back to work a bit. However, when you step into the store on Monday morning, you are happy. You missed your store and once again realize that this is your passion. The next week is full like usually, but you have found the fun behind all of this again. Charles keeps you company, sometimes he just sits next to you when you crotched a new stuffed animal. Also, he runs errands for you when you need it and just tries to help where he can.
Which is also why you give in when he asks you to take another day off. He had asked your best friend if she could take over the store for you and obviously, she says yes. Charles and you spent an amazing day – well, an amazing first half of the day until your friend calls you in the late afternoon to tell you that one of the pipes is leaking all over your store.
You almost lose your mind – if the damage would be bad, it would mean your entire store, your entire living was gone. Charles immediately drives you over, parking the car as close as possible. You rush out, and in your panic, you don’t even realize the tables and chairs that surround your store. Maybe a new coffee shop opened next to you? You rush in. The store is dark, and when you turn the light on, it blinds you for a moment. You scan for damage, but instead you are met with an orderly store, so clean it is almost shining. New lights have been put in, perfectly illuminated the different shelves of your store. There are balloons and decorations you haven’t seen before. In one corner, a buffet is built up and you are beyond confused.
Before you can ask Charles a question, someone knocks on the door and enters. You are even more confused when you see Daniel standing there, smiling widely, Heidi right next to him. “Hey!”, the Aussie greets you, “I am sorry if I am a bit early, but Heidi was so excited to attend the event in honor of your Social Media launch!” You are honestly flabbergasted. “Uhm…”, you say, “Welcome guys!” Then you turn to Charles. “Could I have a minute?”
You pull him by the sleeve of his shirt into the atelier of the store and look at him puzzled. “What is going on here, Charles?”, you inquire. He nervously scratches the back of his hand with one hand. “You were so stressed out these past months about your store. When I realized that you made an Instagram account and didn’t tell me, I was worried and confused. Then you told me about the increase in rent and how you were afraid that you wouldn’t be able to pay it anymore. I know you would never accept my money and I admire that, so I came up with a plan: I organized a launch event for you – which by the way starts in 45 minutes – and invited all our friends.” For a moment you debate whether you should be angry at him, but the puppy eyes look he gives you makes you realize that he only tried to help you.
“I… Don’t know what to say…”, you tell him, and he gives you a tiny smile. “I am sorry for not telling you, but you would never have allowed me to do this if I had asked. I just wanted to tell you that it is okay to ask for help, especially the people we love. And I finally want to show everyone how proud I am off you and of what you have managed to achieve. You truly are an artist, and I want the world to see that I have the most talented girlfriend!” His words have brought tears to your tears, which you try to swallow down. Instead of saying anything, you take a step forward and throw yourself into Charles arms. “Thank you!”, you mumble into his chest. Charles pulls away and looks at you. “Anything, and I mean that, anything for you, my love!” He presses a gently kiss to your lips and then pulls you into another hug.
“By the way”, he says when you pull away, “You look absolutely gorgeous, but there is a dress hanging in your bathroom upstairs. Lando is coming to take pictures for your Instagram account, so in case you want to change.” You shake your head and laugh. “Charles Leclerc, you really are incredible!” You race upstairs to change in the gorgeous dress Charles bought you. It is in your favorite color and matches the colors present at your store. It fit you perfectly, and when you came back in the store, Charles eyes were immediately on you. He comes over to pull you in a hug and a sweet kiss and you almost get lost in the morning, until you hear the shutter of a camera click. “Lando!”, Charles scolds the man, and he lifts his hands in mock defense, “We were having a moment here!” You laugh and Charles smiles, so all of you know it is not serious. You move in to hug the man who is your friend as well and are just about to say something, when someone puts an arm around your shoulder.
“I am sorry to interrupt, but Heidi desperately needs your help and guidance with some of your pieces!”, Daniel says and already pulls you with him. You are more than happy to help and immediately engage in a conversation with his girlfriend. Soon after, the store is flooded with people who chatter happily, and are in awe with the store you call your own. You yourself are beaming with happiness, almost flying around on cloud seven. When you check your phone, your Instagram account has reached many more followers, and most of the drivers have tagged your store in their story. People keep on pouring in for hours, until way into the night. By the end, your store looks almost plundered.
Only your close friends are still there, helping you clean up the mess. You look at the empty shelves when Charles finds you, wrapping his arms around your hips from behind. “Thank you, mon amour”, you whisper, gratitude embedded in every fiber of your being. “There is only one problem now: I will have to work on a lot of new stuff the next week!”, you laugh and so does Charles and for now it seems like your life is pretty damn close to being perfect.
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maxknightley · 1 year
what I really need from life - what I think would well and truly Fix Me - is to just fucking, run a little potion shop, you know. be on some atelier type shit. got my big cauldron in the back, got my shelves full of product out front. they look cluttered but I have them organized well enough that I can instantly find whatever you ask me for. it’s boring work sometimes, I’ll freely admit that, but whenever I run low on ingredients I have an excuse to get out to the countryside or go foraging in the woods or maybe just nose around a public park and see if anything pops out at me. I’m the store owner and the only employee so nobody can fire me but I don’t have to be constantly anxious about the labor relations that make my existence possible. means I have to clean up myself but I’ll be honest it got a lot easier once I installed a grate in the floor. that way if anything spills or if people track in rainwater it’ll just go off to my little jungle juice reservoir in the back and I can filter it back down into potion base. anyway the important thing is that if you enter I will be reading a book or listening to music or playing video games until you figure out what the fuck you want. there’s a bell on the counter for a reason, ring it when you need me. btw we’re doing a 3 for the price of 2 sale on Restoratives this week so if you were planning to get in a street fight now’s the time
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Pulcinelle - Fragmentation
“Victory is still within my grasp, Nathalie! I have no need for the minor miraculous! Victory is mine, victory is mine!” Gabriel shouted through his phone, tearing his atelier apart while he paced like a caged tiger. 
The man had not rested for the slightest moment since the Chinese Miracle Box had been stolen from him, and his face wore the exhaustion like a coat of warpaint. Silvery gray hair fell over his brows in the haphazard manner of a battle-torn settlement, white banners of surrender tainted with ash as his eyes burned with a conqueror’s fury. And yet, he had conquered nothing. Monarch had crowned himself king with a power he no longer possessed. 
Raising up a crumpled diagram to the air, Gabriel continued to roar and howl. “I know the frequencies of each Kwami’s power! With the traces of their energy recorded within me, I shall be able to replicate them!” The ruined king burst into a manic laughter, shaking the paper like an empty chalice as its brothers swirled across tables and laid in dead heaps on the floor. “With the immense power of Embodied Transmission, all of the minor miraculous will be recreated and under my control! Do you understand, Nathalie? I’ve won! I have won!” 
Monarch Renatus - Alliance Rings
Alliance Rings shall be constructed of an alloy (hereby designated Alliance Alloy) of 50% Silver, 39.9999% Lutetium, 10% Scandium, and 0.0001% Miraculum. Miraculum powder shall be harvested independently and combined with Lutetium before the Alliance Alloy is synthesized. Miraculum powder will display properties similar to mica, giving Alliance Rings a faint purple sparkle that may be used as a marketable feature. 
Miraculum charged Alliance Rings -> Instantaneous Akumatization -> Potent Transmission? 
“All I need is to convince Tomoe of this plan, and I’ll be—“ 
“Gabriel!” Nathalie was pinching her nose so hard she was half worried she would snap it off. “You had the Rabbit Miraculous with you, the first thing you should’ve done is gone back to save Emilie. We can’t keep helping you if you can’t help yourself!” 
“This isn’t just about Emilie anymore!” 
Gabriel began to choke at the sound of his own words, letting the phone drop to the floor. All at once, the room began to spin, the papers and charts around him like a sea of parchment with an ever-shifting gravity, no up nor down. He had to grasp the edge of the table to prevent himself from collapsing and remember, remember that it was all about Emilie and it would only ever be about Emilie. He had to remember the ghost she had become, picture his love slipping away and resolve beyond all means and measure to bring her back. It was about Emilie, and ergo everything was justified, nothing was his fault! Gabriel could swear he had never been at fault!
“Yeah,” Nathalie barked back. “I can tell.” 
And so she ended the call. 
—— Hours later, in another office… ——
“Where are they?” 
Gabriel was not at all comfortable with the idea of admitting failure to Tsurugi Tomoe. “Where is what?” He stammered out, loosening his collar with a finger. 
“The collection of minor miraculous,” she repeated herself. “You said you had them.” 
“When did I ever say that? You must, uh… You must be mistaken, Tomoe.” 
“At 21:08 last night exactly, I was greeted with an email in my personal inbox. Its contents were:” 
Madam Tsurugi,
 I am pleased to inform you that I have acquired the possession of fifteen minor miraculous this evening. I feel as though this may be beneficial to our plans for the Perfect Alliance Initiative, and would like to discuss alterations to our plans in the morning. As you know, these artifacts are highly powerful (albeit not what I am currently searching for), and I believe you will know the best course of action moving forward. 
An earlier meeting later on this evening would also suit me, although I do plan on following this sudden turn of events up with a grand speech to Paris as a whole to highlight Ladybug’s catastrophic blunder. Please refrain from contacting me until after I have concluded this. 
Signed, Gabriel Agreste 
“…That must have been an automated message.” 
“Do you take me for an idiot, Agreste?” 
Gabriel swallowed hard, bringing his face into a taut closed smile that pushed his glasses further up his face. The cocktail of drugs he’d taken to restore himself was only making Tomoe’s face swim before him, her features blending into a blurry blobfish mush that he couldn’t stay still long enough to focus on. The sweat rolled down his face with the tempo of his twitching cheek. 
“I can say with utmost certainty that—“ 
“That you take me for an idiot?” 
“No!” Gabriel blurted out. “…That what transpired last night was due to circumstances beyond my control. I believe the culprit we should turn our attentions towards is my nephew, Felix.“ 
“The fourteen year old boy?” 
Gabriel swallowed again, following the action up with a quiet, nervous laughter. Of course it had to be the most ridiculous thing, for a boy less than a third Gabriel’s age to defeat him, but there was simply no other leads! Gabriel could picture that twerp now, cackling to himself as he sifted through the jewels rightfully stolen for Gabriel, crying to his mother about how innocent he was and how his uncle deserved to be robbed like this! But Gabriel Agreste would not take this slight standing down, not for a moment. Just as Tomoe had put it, Felix was but a small defenseless child. 
“I see no reason in working with you any longer if teenagers can surpass you in competence,” Tomoe stated coldly, rising from her chair. 
Gabriel slammed his hand down on the desk, the sweat from his palm graying the slick white sheen on the white wood. 
“One last gamble, Tomoe. I have one last gamble.” 
Gabriel fished out his brooch from underneath his jacket lapel, holding it up to the light. To the untrained eye, the center of the brooch was a cabochon of charoite, dark streaks clouding the surface of the gem. From its back shot out four spokes, the top two longer than the bottom: Pearlescent, shimmering nacre reflecting tones of lilac and blush pink. Silver veins ran up each wing tenderly, so thin they were hard to even notice. Perfect, invisible segments, tapering off at the ends of each wing into immaculate points. 
“Feel its power, Tomoe,” Gabriel panted, leaning onto the desk. “This is all we have ever needed! Imagine even an ember of this power flowing through the alloy in every ring! Even the smallest pinch of this brooch as a component, and I will have every customer of yours as my minions.” 
Tomoe slowly sat herself back down, keeping a hand on the table to steady herself. 
“And how do you plan on accomplishing this?” 
Gabriel’s laugh was hoarse and already sickly, his grasp on the brooch so tight the lower wings began to poke into the flesh of his hand. 
“If there’s anything I know intimately, Tomoe, it is that a miraculous can break,” he replied. “And if I can even shatter a single wing of this brooch, I can redistribute its power as I see fit.” 
taglist: @notchocostrwberry @beezonia @silliersiluriforme @lemons-taste @pyrusinc @wuhuislandconspiracy
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atsadi-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeding Alligators Index
Don't mind me, just re-organizing my stuff.
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If you want to read Feeding Alligators on AO3, here's the link to chapter one: right here!
If you want to read it via tumblr:
Chapter 1 - Naked and Afraid
Chapter 2 - Friendship is Magic
Chapter 3 - PANTS!
Chapter 4 - Man vs. Wild
Chapter 5 - First Blood
Chapter 6 - Skeletons!
Chapter 7 - Potion of Tongues
Chapter 8 - Mind Your Language
Chapter 9 - You're (not) a Wizard
Chapter 10 - Atelier
Chapter 11 - Murder Buddies
Chapter 12 - Hustle
Chapter 13 - Psycho
Chapter 14 - U.S. Foreign Policy
Chapter 15 - It's a Goddamn Cult
Chapter 16 - When Animals Attack
Chapter 17 - Panties!
Chapter 18 - Untitled Training Montage
Chapter 19 - Bite Night
Chapter 20 - The American Red Cross Association
Chapter 21 - I Got Better
Chapter 22 - Swamp People
Chapter 23 - Paranoia Agent
Chapter 24 - From Druids, With Love
Chapter 25 - Splitting Atoms
Chapter 26 - Gray's Anatomy
Chapter 27 - True Blood
Chapter 28 - The Art of War
Chapter 29 - Knives Out
Chapter 30 - Auntie Knows Best
Chapter 31 - The Bachelorette
Chapter 32 - Munchies
Chapter 33 - Dream Date
Chapter 34 - Fireside Chats
Chapter 35 - The Devil Wears Douchebag
Chapter 36 - Glee
Chapter 37 - Gaslight
Chapter 38 - Gatekeep
Chapter 39 - Girlboss
Chapter 40 - Mirror, Mirror
Chapter 41 - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Chapter 42 - Slaughterhouse Four
Chapter 43 - The Proposition
Chapter 44 - Dance With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight (rating went up, new warnings apply).
Chapter 45 - Walk of Shame
Chapter 46 - Not Quiet on the Western Front
Chapter 47 - Soul Jar
Chapter 48 - Astarion and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Chapter 49 - Idihwisvsga
Chapter 50 - The Smallest Ember
Chapter 51 - I Lived Bitch
Chapter 52 - Only I Will Remain
Chapter 53 - Goblintown
Chapter 54 - Get Outta My Swamp
Chapter 55 - Love Shack
Chapter 56 - This Bitch
Chapter 57 - Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
Chapter 58 - Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 59 - Plans Within Plans
Chapter 60 - 1812
Chapter 61 - It Compels You Though
Chapter 62 - It's My Party
Chapter 63 - I'll Cry if I Want To
Chapter 64 - Gandalf's Dilemma
Chapter 65 - Into Thin Air
Chapter 66 - Ra-Ra-Rasputin
Chapter 67 - Oh Eleanor
Chapter 68 - SMDH
Chapter 69 - Eat Your Heart Out, Van Helsing
Chapter 70 - Bad Blood
Chapter 71 - Resolutions
Chapter 72 - All Coming Together
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redgoldsparks · 1 year
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July Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
How Far The Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler
This collection of 10 essays weaves together memories and experiences of the author's real life with the rich and varied lives of sea creatures, from octopi, Chinese sturgeon, whales, sand strikers and immortal jellyfish to yeti crabs and more. My favorite part was learning about some deep sea creatures I had never heard of before, the kinds of beings that live in oases around thermal vents on the ocean floor and survive by chemo-synthesis. I loved a story about encountering a bloom of clear, gelatinous creatures known as salps flooding the water of Riis Beach, a historically queer hangout spot in New York. This book wrestles with heavy content- one essay deals with eating disorders and parental pressure to diet, another with sexual assault and blackout drinking. It's hard for me to judge the quality of these essays when my life has not been touched by these topics, but I appreciated the author's honesty and the thoughtful maritime metaphors.
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M Valente read by Karis Campbell
I listened to this 2 hour novella all in one afternoon. It's another spooky little fairy tale from a master of the genre, but if I tell you which one it's a remix of that would spoil the surprise. This wasn't deep or as original as some of Valente's work, but her writing is so vivid with flavors, sensations, smells, colors, I was thoroughly engaged the whole time.
Cry Wolf by Charlie Adhara read by Erik Bloomquist 
Human Cooper Dayton and his werewolf boyfriend Oliver Park are engaged and beginning to plan their wedding, which is stressing Cooper out- not least because his family, who he didn't talk to much for a couple years, are being very supportive and it's weirding him out. Also, the chaotic scientist who threatened to expose the werewolf community and then turned herself in to werewolf government asking for a deal is making vague threats about enemies Cooper doesn't even know about. Then a body is discovered at the DC zoo, a werewolf killed and frozen in a half transformed state- nothing that the werewolves have ever seen before. I am still very entertained by this series as a whole and glad I listened to all of them, but I did want a little more than this book delivered on mysterious enemy front. There was a conspiracy, but it wasn't as far reaching as I was lead to believe by the cliffhanger ending of book 4. However, if you are reading these books more for the spicy scenes and romantic plot line, you won't be disappointed.
Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman 
What an ambitious and satisfying follow up to Seraphina! This book is much longer than the first one, and adds a ton of new elements and so many twists and turns. It opens with Seraphina, court musician of Goredd, setting out on a journey to find and recruit her fellow half-dragons to the war effort. The dragon society is being torn part by civil war, and some of the dragons will be coming to south to attack human settlements soon. Seraphina finds many new friends, but also encounters her oldest enemy- a half dragon who invaded her mind and attempted to control her as a girl. I really loved the way this book expanded the world and the various societies who live in it. It did a wonderful job of maintaining the pace and rising stakes over more than 600 pages; it also has a hinted at queer/poly relationship in the ending that really delighted me. I will definitely be reading more!
Eniale & Dewiela vol 1 by Kamome Shirahama
This series was pitched to me as "Good Omens with lesbians" but sadly I wouldn't say it lives up to that claim. It's by the same author as "Witch Hat Atelier" and it is just a beautifully drawn, but it's missing an emotional core to really hold the plot together. Each chapter is essentially a standalone story about a demon and angel who have been in petty conflict for millennia; the theft of a tube of lipstick or pair of earring will set of a battle that destroys half a city. One fun element is that the leads can both magically change their outfits, as well as grow and shrink their wings, at will; the looks are all so fun.
Eniale & Dewiela vol 2 by Kamome Shirahama
This comic is more visually beautiful than it is actually interesting to read. Eniale and Dewiela fight with each other over the soul of a child with a sick mother, then over a priest who feel in love with a criminal. One chapter is set in Japan and shows a conflict in which Japanese gods and spirits prove more powerful than Christian ones. I don't really have any emotional investment in any character or any story line but I'll probably read the last book in the series anyway.
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa read by Vico Ortiz 
Mar is transmasc nonbinary, a pirate, and a magic user who can control fire and ice. On their 16th birthday, disaster strikes the ship they live and work on with their father and a crew as close as family-a storm takes the crew, and El Diablo comes for Mar's father's soul. Somehow, Mar is spared and wakes up on a different ship, also crewed by pirates who steal from the Spanish and give food, weapons, and other supplies to those in the Caribbean islands fighting Spanish control. Mar strikes up a somewhat reluctant friendship with a boy their age on the ship, and refuses to the negotiate with a demonio who says they can help Mar free their father's soul. This story has a lot of fun elements, and the audiobook is expertly read by Vico Ortiz. But I didn't love this book as much as I wanted to. I found the first half quite slow, and overall felt like not quite enough happened to justify the length. I loved the nonbinary rep and the Spanish phrases in the dialogue, but wanted faster pacing and quicker reveals, especially of the demonio's motivations.
The Joy Luck Club (abridged) written and read by Amy Tan
I listened to the abridged version of the audiobook, which is read by the author, and only runs for 2.5 hours (the full book is 9 hours). This turns the full length novel into a much more concise novella of interlocking short stories, each one quite poetic and moving. I love reading books set in and around San Francisco, as are the scenes from this book which aren't set in China. The stories focus on four women, friends and mahjong partners, who met after immigrating to the Bay Area, and their daughters. The daughters are mostly in their mid-30s, at various stages of their careers and marriages, and at varying levels of close with their families and Chinese heritage. The mothers recount stories from their childhoods and their flight from war in the 1940s. I know I watched part of the movie adaption once, and maybe also read part of the full length novel in high school, because a few scenes felt so familiar while others sounded unfamiliar and new. I would like to pick up the full novel at some point, but I also really enjoyed hearing the dialogue in the author's own voice.
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diminuel · 2 years
Little update from me since I’m on here so rarely at the moment and I haven’t uploaded art in I don’t know how long. I don’t think I’ve drawn in the last three weeks. I haven’t written either.
I have to be out of my apartment on Friday. We had to fix up two rooms before we could start moving. This is done now, at least as much as necessary. There are cosmetic issues still but that can be fixed later.
We’ve already done some moving of boxes and taken apart furniture (it’s about 90% Ikea *lol* Some things are looking rough after three moves. Most of my things I’ve had since at least 2005.)
I think I have about 10 boxes ready to be moved today. I will probably start packing up the kitchen once I have the boxes for it. I don’t know when we have a mini bus to move bigger stuff and when we have some help to carry the really heavy things that my dad and I won’t manage on our own. It’s a bit difficult to plan a strategy if you aren’t the one organizing things like that. (My dad doesn’t want money to be “wasted” on a proper moving company, so he tries to source everything from vehicles to man power from work >w< I understand the thought process but it’s stressing me out a bit. I would have paid for a moving company just to reduce stress. Maybe next time. *lies on floor*.)
I’m also a bit blocked clearing out my sister’s bedroom and atelier, because she has to sort through things. So I’m mostly just shuffling things around uselessly.
Anyway, sorry for being so absent, but this is eating up all my time. But I want to draw and write! I have a new one shot fic idea too...! One day. At the moment I’m pretty much burnt out around 8 and do nothing but watch videos on sheep farming (I don’t know why Youtube recommended it to me...)
Ah, parents are here, time to go back to work! Wish me luck >w<
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teecupangel · 1 year
Once upon a time, in a charming little village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a mischievous and curious ferret. Unlike other ferrets who were content with their daily adventures, he possessed an insatiable desire for exploration and communication.
He had a unique hobby: writing letters. With his tiny paws and nimble fingers, he would carefully craft heartfelt messages on delicate parchment, expressing his thoughts, dreams, and musings. However, there was a dilemma - the village's post office was simply too close for his taste. He yearned for his letters to embark on grand adventures, just like he did.
One sunny morning, as the ferret strolled along the outskirts of the village, he spotted a magnificent pegasus gracefully gliding through the sky. The sight filled him with inspiration. With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he hatched a plan.
Approaching the pegasus, the ferret introduced himself and shared his ambitious idea. He explained that he longed to send his letters to a faraway post office, to places he had never seen. He asked her if she would be willing to take on the role of a postal courier and deliver his letters to distant lands.
Intrigued by his enthusiasm and enchanted by his whimsical idea, the pegasus agreed without hesitation. She recognized the beauty of spreading messages of love, friendship, and dreams across the world. With a gentle nod and a flutter of her wings, she accepted her new role as the ferret's loyal messenger.
And so the ferret immediately wrote a letter to the Alchemist and gave it to the pegasus who took it with grace.
Curious, she asked what is written and he replied: "a follow up from the Ace Attorney ask where maybe they had the Professor Layton crossover.
(I really enjoy writing these intros tbh)"
The pegasus landed in front of the alchemist’s atelier, being careful not to land on the small flower garden that was organized into small patches, each with a small wooden sign posts that seemed to be about each flower’s name and the meaning of their names. On the other side of the little atelier was a well that seemed to be close to overflowing right now that the pegasus was afraid just walking near it would shake the ground so slightly but it would be enough for the water to pour out of the well.
The pegasus walked towards the door of the atelier and neighed. When the door did not open, she cautiously walked around to check the window. The atelier’s lights were on and there seemed to be two cauldrons currently on the fire. Some kind of glowing and flaming ball that looked like a small sun was on the table, kept still by some sort of apparatus that the pegasus have never seen before. A few notes seemed to be lying on the floor in a hurry and there was a box filled with both mundane and strange items on the floor right next to one of the cauldrons.
The pegasus walked around the atelier to check for any clues to where the Alchemist was but she was willing to wait if the alchemist was currently out. She did promise to deliver the message and she intended to give it to the Alchemist personally.
Once she returned to the front of the atelier, she turned around to try and look for a place to rest while waiting for the Alchemist, only to find that a disheveled and dirty-looking Alchemist walking back to the atelier from the direction of the forest that the pegasus had seen to be the stomping grounds of many monsters.
“Are you alright?” The pegasus asked worriedly and looked at the Alchemist’s clothes. They must have been clean at one point but, right now, they were caked with…
“It’s not mud.” The Alchemist corrected the pegasus’ thoughts. They sighed and tried but failed to take out whatever was stuck on their hair as they explained, “it’s clay.”
“Yeah…” The Alchemist sighed once more and opened their gathering bag where a lone small axe that seemed to have seen better days and more of the substance dirtying them was stored, “There was a slight incident with the cauldron I was using and this clay got away. Had to chase it around the forest.”
The pegasus looked at the Alchemist with a worrying expression and the Alchemist said calmly, “The cauldron malfunctioned. I’m planning to rebuild it, maybe change some of its traits or something.”
The Alchemist waved their hand as they said, “Anyway, enough about my monthly required physical exercise. Can I help you with anything?”
“Oh yes.” The pegasus showed the small bag they had and explained, “I have a request from a dear friend of mine.”
“Oh. Well, the small cauldrons should still be working…” The alchemist placed their basket down and walked towards the flank of the pegasus where the bag was. They slowly opened the bag and took out the only content in it.
The alchemist took a step back from the pegasus and opened the letter, reading it quickly and nodding to themselves.
“Oh… well…” The alchemist smiled as they mumbled to themselves, “This will be chaotic.”
(I'm enjoying these intros too)
Here’s the Ace Attorney AU idea with a long-suffering Shaun and a harem for Desmond
So… we have two options:
(1) We go for the crossover route where the Ace Attorney AU idea is crossed over with another series or franchise.
(2) We keep this contained into AC characters.
Regardless, the main idea remains the same:
Shaun and Desmond (Desmond’s harem being part of this chaos is optional) are transported into a medieval-looking town where there’s a witchhunt going on and Shaun defends the supposed ‘witch’.
The second party also meets up with Shaun and Desmond and they are more on the side of trying to look for what the hell is really happening and then checks up with Shaun and Desmond every now and then to give them more background about the town or to tell them about what they found out in general.
Whichever scenario we decide to run, our ‘Storyteller’ would be a mysterious glowing figure only known as the Reader.
And the defendant?
No matter what route we choose, it will always be a young woman named ‘Layla Hassan’.
For the Professor Layton side:
(1) Pure Crossover Chaos
Of course, we can go for the usual two main crossovers for a Desmond-centric (even if the POV of this idea will and forever be Shaun for Shaun’s maximum suffering) ideas: Infamous and/or Prototype. In this scenario, either we go for Alex and Delsin (who ends up becoming part of Desmond’s harem, ofc, sorry-not-sorry Shaun) or we keep it contain to one of the two series which will give us: Alex + Dana (or Ragland who would give us a doctor-focused investigative information and a “I am too human for this shit” setup) or Delsin + (Eugene for maximum shenanigans, Fetch to both tease and keep Delsin focused or Reggie so we can add some angst of this being a postgame!Delsin and a pregame!Reggie)
We go for a complete Ubisoft only crossover event which means: watch_dog (Aiden + T-Bone if you wanna keep it contained to the first game although Jacks could be the Luke to Aiden’s Layton instead), Prince of Persia (Sands of Time!Prince + Farah/Kaileena or Nolan North’s Prince + Elika or even the movie Prince (Dastan) + Tamina) or… Splinter Cell with Sam and maybe Sarah?
Go beyond and pick any other franchise you wanna add to this crossover. Hell, it could be the original Phoenix Wright or even Professor Layton. Make a reference to me having an AC/COD crossover by making this another CODMW crossover with Soap and Ghost. Give it a multiverse spin and go for Miles/Gwen or Hobbie/Pavitr (Miguel crashing in later on to spoil the fun and get back the missing Spideys optional). The sky’s the limit at this point.
Of course, the inhabitants of this town could be completely different versions of the characters of both AC and whichever other series/franchise you want to use as crossover (for example, if we’re going for Alex + Delsin combo, they’ll see a version of Dana and Reggie in town who don’t know who they are and are living different lives but still acting like the person Alex or Delsin knew).
Oooorrr we can make this a three-way (four way if we’re going for the Alex + Delsin combo) crossover and make the entire town another completely different series/franchise like say… BBC Merlin or Witcher… Hell, we can even go for broke and make our Labyrinthia fucking Yharnam from Bloodborne, really hammer in the nightmare fuel for poor, poor Shaun. Also, we don’t have to keep it as purely medieval (although the witchhunt would thematical work best with that kind of setup) and go for Cyberpunk’s Night City or London in watch_dog Legions if we’re making this an Ubisoft Only crossover.
If you really, really want to give Shaun a headache… Rabbids. The entire town and all of its inhabitants are aaaalllll Rabbids. They’re dressed up as any crossover you want BUT they’re all fucking Rabbids.
(2) Keep It Contained to the AC ‘Verse
Okay, so this one I think would be interesting.
There’s no Desmond Miles or Shaun Hastings BUT every other person in the medieval looking town/castle/labyrinth?
They’re all AC characters and… it’s heavily implied that this entire thing may or may not be an Animus simulation.
To be more specific, Layla Hassan, the defendant, has no idea where she is because the last thing she remembers is that her body died to save the world and she should be in the Gray with the Reader looking for ways to save the world from the catastrophes that just keep on coming.
She recognized everyone but they’re definitely not who she thinks they are.
And, we’re going to twist this a bit to make the Layton part be a trio instead of only a duo: Bayek, Kassandra and Eivor and:
Bayek’s last memories is the ending of the Hidden One DLC
Kassandra’s last memories is dying after giving Layla the staff
Eivor’s last memories is living in Vinland after leaving Ravensthorpe
So, Layla is sure that this might be some sort of screwed up Animus simulation.
Shaun is offended.
Desmond is distracted because…
The prosecutors for Layla’s witchhunts?
Of course they’re Altaïr, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton.
Dun dun dun.
Side bar:
There will come a time when Shaun would just go:
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, Desmond, but we need some time. Distract the prosecutors.”
Layla frowns at him as she asked, “How is he supposed to distract them?”
Shaun ignores Layla as he said, “Flirt with them. Have sex with them, I don’t care. Just distract them.”
“Not sure about the sex part but, yeah, okay, I’ll flirt with them.”
Smashcut to Desmond now being in trial for witchcraft and his main ‘sin’ is that he had bewitched the three main prosecutors with love potions or plain old witchcraft.
“Oh my god, Desmond! Will there never be a year when you don’t become a suspect?!”
“Hey, at least it’s not murder this time. This is progress, Shaun.”
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eclecteamblog · 1 year
Staircase of Witiza Apartment
Staircase of Witiza Apartment, feeling like being in a Wes Anderson movie with the color palette of architectural elements.
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It's an social housing unit from 40s in Madrid, Spain.
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The apartment is renovated from its original social housing floor plan, maintaining the original footprint and facade while providing a welcoming living space on the ground floor.
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Architect: Beatriz Alés Atelier, Espaciopapel Photo: José Hevia Alés
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Maybe you’ve answered this one before, but who lived at the Duplay’s and when were they there? Because I’ve spent time looking at those plans and there isn’t that much room.
I’ve spent some time looking things over, and all people claimed to have lived with the Duplays that I’ve found so far are the following: the Robespierre siblings, Couthon, Dom Gerle, Branche, François Nicolas Anthoine and Compte de Broc. You’re absolutely right in that there isn’t enough room in the map over the house for them to have lived there all at once. Élisabeth Lebas too only mentions two guest rooms when describing the house in her memoirs (the first is the one on the second floor titled ”Robespierre’s room,” the other is on the first floor and, confusingly enough, titled ”atelier.” In order to find out who lived where when, let’s go over things cronologically.
First proven to have been in contact with the Duplays out of the people listed above are Dom Gerle and Branche, whom the minutes for 1789-1790 of the Jacobin Club list as living on Rue Saint-Honoré 366 during said years. Branche I couldn’t find anything about at all, other than the fact that he was a lawyer. As for Dom Gerle, according to the one biography I found over him, he stayed in Paris during the rest of the revolution, but it would appear most likely that he moved out before 1791 when Robespierre moved in, seeing as he would claim that the two lost sight of one another for a year and a half after the closing of the National Assembly.
For Robespierre, the story, as told by his sister and Fréron, goes that he took refuge at the Duplays on the day of the Massacres on Champ-de-Mars (July 17 1791) after which he decided to move in there permanentely. However, on August 9 the same year Robespierre still gave his adress as being on 30 rue de Saintonge, so, at least formally, he can’t have moved in with the Duplays until after that date.
Couthon came to Paris a month later, on order to take a seat in the Legislative Assembly. Not long after his arrival, Robespierre left the capital for a trip to Arras. On October 16 he wrote to Maurice Duplay, asking him to ”remind me of Lacoste and Couthon.” A logical explanation to why both Robespierre and his host had become close with Couthon so quickly would be that the latter had moved in under the same roof as them, but that idea is broken by the fact that Couthon, in the first letter he writes after arriving in Paris (September 29 1791) says he’s found lodging on rue Saint-Honoré, not with Duplay but with one M. Girot. The almanach royal for 1792 also gives Couthon’s address as 343, not 366, rue St. Honoré. 
Someone else who doesn’t seem like a probable lodger for the year 1791 is François Nicolas Anthoine, mayor of Metz. I only know he lodged with the Duplays because the historian J.M Thompson so claims in his biography over Robespierre (1935). The minutes for the Jacobins 1789-1790 says Anthoine lived on rue du Mail during those years, and on rue des Frondeurs in 1791. In March 1793 he was sent out on a mission, and  five months later he died from illness in Metz. If he lived at Rue Saint-Honoré 366 it must have therefore been somewhere between January 1792-March 1793.
As for the compte de Broc, Robespierre’s doctor Joseph Souberbielle attested that he too moved into the house in 1792:
”I may add that I have heard a Norman gentleman, M. de Broc, tell how in 1792, being forced to go into hiding with his wife and two children, he took lodgings in the house of one Duplay, under a fictitious name. He very rarely ventured out, and then only at night. Robespierre lodged in the same house. He was fond of children and took kindly notice of M. de Broc’s little ones whenever he met them. This brought about an acquintance with the parents. The Compte de Broc found him most agreeable.”In spite of the injury he inflicted on several members of my family,” he went on to say, ”and in spite of his opinions which I execrate, I can never forget what he was to me at that time.” 
I’ve not find any more information regarding him, however, given the fact that we know the house got new guests in the fall of 1792, it seems most likely for de Broc’s family to have moved into the ”atelier” earlier that year, and then moved out before Robespierre’s siblings arrived.
Back to Couthon, we have the following anecdote from the deputy Jacques-Antoine Dulaure:
”During the first three months of the session of the National Convention, the members of the Puy-de-Dome deputation fraternized and dined together once a week. Couthon then never ceased to pour out invectives against Robespierre. Once I told him that I thought Robespierre an intriguer. ”What do you call intriguing,” he answered me with vivacity, ”I regard him as a great scroundel.” I heard him, in the presence of several of my colleagues, one day when the deputation was summoned to his house, say: ”I no longer want to live in the same house as Robespierre, I am not safe there; every day we see a dozen cutthroats coming up to his house to whom he gives dinner. I do not know how he managed to meet these expenses before being elected to the Convention, while my allowances are barely enough for me to live with my family.”
Thus, if Dulaure’s anecdote is to be believed (it’s from right after thermidor, so it should be treated with caution) Couthon lodged with the Duplays since at least the beginning of the Convention. On 9 August 1792, Robespierre wrote a letter to Couthon in which we learn the latter was sick and away from Paris, so maybe he settled with the Duplays after his return (as a sidenote, in said letter Robespierre displays much affection for Couthon — ”My friend, I anxiously await news of your health. […] We miss you. May you soon return to your patrie and we await with equal impatience your return and your recovery.” — so it’s pretty hilarious if what Dulaure says is true and Couthon detested Robespierre in response.)
Thompson has the following footnote in his Robespierre (1935):
”Couthon seems to have lodged with the Duplays for a time in the summer of 1792 (v.1/292 n.)”
However, I can’t seem to understand what the source he’s linking to is. If anyone has any idea, feel free to share it.
Thompson also writes that on October 4, Couthon wrote a letter to Roland from the Duplays’ address, saying he was under notice to leave his present quarters within a week, and asking for rooms in the Tuileries, where he would be able to more conveniently attend the Manège. Roland refused (October 8), on the ground that the Tuileries was being prepared for the Assembly, and Couthon found lodgings in the Cour du Manège (where it then would appear he stayed from then on) instead. I found the letters mentioned here in neither Roland nor Couthon’s correspondence, however, October 4 does seem like a logical date for Couthon to leave, seeing as Charlotte and Augustin just would have arrived.
As for those two, we have the following document, and it seems likely for it to have been written the same day they came to Paris (seeing as Augustin was elected to the Convention on September 16 and is first listed as a speaker at the Jacobins on October 5):
”Duplay has rented to Robespierre the older and the younger for the term and from the first of October 1793, old style, the small apartment at the back where we are, fully furnished, as well as an unfurnished apartment in the main building on the Rüe, all for the sum of one thousand pounds per year and without a lease, all for the sum of thousand pounds per year and this without a lease.”
We know that Charlotte eventually convinced Maximilien to move into an apartment on Rue Saint-Florentin instead, but that he soon enough fell ill and returned to the Duplays. Unfortunately, Charlotte gives no date for when these two things happened in her memoirs, so it’s impossible to know exactly. Being interrogated after thermidor, Simon Duplay revealed that the siblings had the Saint-Florentin apartment since at least December 1793, as Augustin went to live there after his return from the army of Italy. According to Mauricé-André Gaillard’s memoirs, Charlotte told him that all three siblings were living together at this point, which to me implies she got Maximilien to move somewhere in late fall 1793, after her return from the mission in Nice, and that the period of illness during which he went back to Rue Saint-Honoré was the one stretching from February to March 1794. Gaillard, speaking to Charlotte two months after that, claims she told him that she too had returned to the Duplays at this point, which suggests they didn’t give the ”atelier” away to a new guest after she moved out. Augustin however, appears to have returned to the apartment on Rue Saint-Florentin when returning to Paris in the summer again, as a letter to him from Charlotte dated July 6 1794 reveals.
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Le Atelier Architects @bureau_leatelier designed this suburban villa as a total installation which is also a perfect home Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Sergey Krasyuk @skrasyuk. The client bought a shell construction and left all the interior planning to Le Atelier’s team. The ground floor is an open space embracing the living room, fireplace area, kitchen dining room, and study. There are no dividing walls: instead, there is a smooth transition from one functional area to another. The top floor hosts three bedrooms, a terrace, and an accessible roof with its own elevator. In the basement, there is enough space for utility rooms as well as the home cinema and massage room… #villa #russia #moscow #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJ4OpasTJ9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A Plan: Action Guidelines When I Decided to Live in the Mountains(Essay)
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Hot milk(Goat)
October 30, 1986
Rei Morishita
Basically, I will be the manager of "F's House" and the guide of "K's Forest". Of course, as a sei-katsu-sha, I live for myself.
@ Renovate the attic on the second floor to make it a living space, atelier, studio, (library). Even if it's a little messy here, it's fine. (That will give you more motivation to create.) The first floor can be used as before, whether I'm there or not.
@ Open a cram school. "Iraku cram school" ... "Nyaku" from "Konnyaku" was changed to Niraku → Iraku. It's just that I don't just teach you to study, but I'm also taught. I want to value communication with the local community. So, not only do we become lecturers, but people from Tokyo and locals become lecturers and listeners. (basically for elementary, middle and high school students)
@ Cultivation of forest land. ~especially perennial crops, e.g. Basically, K town is a slash-and-burn culture area, so from the beginning it is not particular about rice, and aims to be self-sufficient in buckwheat, barnyard millet, foxtail millet, and millet.
@ Cultivation of medicinal herbs - currently under study. (Again, it has high commercial value.)
@ I want to keep goats, rabbits, bantams, gamefowl, etc. (I love goats!)
@I make paper…. I make my own paper. Fortunately, nearby Ogawamachi in Saitama Prefecture is a famous production area. Research paper materials.
@ "House of F" considering water and soil - I want to make use of water as a specialty in my daily life. Need to explore. For example, composting toilets, gray water, garbage. Fundamentally, I want to get rid of a life that "relies on devices."
@ Making tableware using wood.
@Make a map for playing in the mountains.
@I personally have doubts about "cars" as a means of transportation. People who say "Of course" are in trouble. (Even so, I think it's my responsibility to respond.)
@Suggestion about food ~ It's interesting to bring your own portion, spread out everyone's portion, and think about cooking.
that's all.
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poupeesdecirque · 2 years
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What’s ... this?
A very different wip. Some of you might know I am sharing a house with my parents ever since my Grandmother died in 2018 and one room was used as guestroom when my brother visits... or even just storage for my work books.
but I always wanted to have it. Now I finally got the okay to take over it (whoop whole apartment up here is mine now) and this is the rough ugly current state of it!
This will become my atelier/art studio/craftroom and it’s... huge. But sadly not really useable for cabinets because *roofs*. But some things will move in here and I will get space in the hobby room. But this is where I will put a lot of energy into as there is so much to do. A lot of things have to go, I want to paint the walls, a new floor etc. it will eat my funds. Literally. Doll plans are on ice so far as it seems... at least in regards of buying bodies OTL
I will post updates for this from time to time as well as this might keep me occupied for quite a while.
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oh-my-vanilla · 1 year
👑Welcome to my boutique!👑
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❥.✶゚° 🌕 Oh My Vanilla is the kingdom of fashion where anything is possible. Starpop Planet and the entirety of Starcore were in desperate need of glamour, so the Queen of the Runway came and conquered, as expected of her 🌕
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❥.✶゚° 🧶 The princess loves to draw the Earthlings' collections from the archives of fashion and creates her own as well. They may also often feature special models, the Superstars of Planet Pop — the princess's closest friends 🧶
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❥.✶゚° 🌕 Much is in the works for the Empress of fashion and her empire: OMV magazine, fashion shows, special collaborations, photobooks, you name it 🌕
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❥.✶゚° 🧶 Come visit us! 🧶
>>Ground Level
>From Mon-Fri.......10AM-7PM
✭彡彡Runway Venue彡彡✭
>>First floor
>Only open for fashion shows. No shows are currently being planned!
>>Second floor
>Custom tailoring and tailoring assistance are available from 10AM to 5PM every day.
>Wedding atelier
From Mon-Fri........11AM-5PM
✭彡彡Customer service彡彡✭
>>Ground level
>Every day...9AM-2PM/3PM-6PM
>Offices are open for any questions regarding your orders, purchases and all other troubles or doubts you have with us. You may also reach us to receive or terminate extra services, such as COPY-KATs (personal shopper) and CLOSETTEs (wardrobe manager).
>Available virtually at e-mail omv.customercare✭starpop.core and phone line 22✭22✭777.
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❉° ✛゚. • 👛 Happy shopping! 👛 • . ゚✛ °❉
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i have a very nice liliava scene on my college au. on their second year, students have to choose between three mediums to study for the next 3 years. beatrice, ava, n lilith all chose painting (which is the one i chose irl btw!! this au is based on my experiences in my uni). this is fine for bea n ava who have a slow but growing friendship. lilith n ava however cant seem to get along too well, since lilith is very standoffish n cant stand ava’s carefree attitude towards her uni work.
lilith is serious. she comes from a successful family of painters, very rich and very strict. lilith actually does like painting, always has even before knowing her family business, but it turns from a hobby to a duty the moment she can speak. she needs to be a painter, she needs to master in arts, if not painting then maybe sculpture, none of that modern contemporary nonsense, the classier the better. lilith goes to the same art college her parents went to, which is in porto, potugal. the teaching is sufficient and the curriculum is acceptable, n so both parents aim for lilith to go to this uni n then master in painting in another country, possible in paris or italy, depending on how well lilith does with this one. 
lilith is cold, objective, and solely focused on her work. shes intense but manages to hide it well from the teachers as to not scare them off. she doesnt care for the students tho, they can think whatever they want. she knows who she is and who she is going to be. none of them can compare to her and this is just fact.
ava, however, only went to portugal since its her hometown n she thought it’d be sweet to study art there. shes carefree, and she goes with the flow. doesnt have grand plans, just wants to learn all abt art and meet new people and go out, live her life. lilith doesnt get that, cant get that, n so they clash n fight a lot. they have drawing class together and it is painful for everyone involved.
they do share on moment of peace during their first year drawing class, but it is brief. the moment i want to talk abt is in their second year, painting class.
their painting classroom, an atelier, is open at all times, even at saturday. ava was catching up on one painting while some classmates were hanging out n making a LOT of noise. she was kinda fed up, but just focused on finishing the painting. she takes a lil break, gets up, walks around n checks out the other’s paintings. she sits pretty close to the door, so when her classmates runs off out the door, they clash with her easel, and the painting crashes on the floor. all ava’s prayers of it being unscathed are not answered. while it fell, it scrapped along a lil table where she keeps her supplies, one everyone has, and now her painting has a long wide stroke of paint all over it. hours of work, gone. paint wasted, hours wasted. 
ava tries to remain calm n positive. she does not want to have a fainting spell or worse cry in a place any of her classmates can walk into. she puts the painting back in place and thats when she cries. she has the sudden urge to just rip it out, destroy it, n that just makes both her arms tingle n go numb, so now she’s upset abt that. she also can’t breathe properly n she’s sobbing quite loudly, sat on her stool, head on her knees, arms pathetically dead on either side of her, unmoving. thats when lilith walks in.
now. lilith isn’t actually heartless. she just doesnt have time for friendships built on actual love n care n shit, that shit doesnt help. but... as she gingerly walks in and circles around to look at ava, shes confused n a lil bit concerned. then she looks up n sees the painting and audibly gasps. ava looks up, sees lilith, they make eye contact, n lilith watches ava’s already red, blotchy, swollen, tear riddled face crumple n sob even harder. ava is so embarrassed she wants to disappear. apparently that means she has to faint so she tries to warn lilith but lilith just ends up with an armful of semi conscious ava. lilith is fucking panicking, ava is disgusting n limp n a mess and its only 11 am on a wednesday she didnt ask for this. 
still, smth in her snaps n she puts on her best soothing voice (aka beatrice voice) n tries to calm ava down (aka acting like beatrice). it doesnt work, it only makes ava more confused so she just curses n says “for fucks sake dont faint please, i’ll help you fix it. cant do it with u out like a light now can i”. that manages to calm ava down. after some breathing exercises, and some weird awkward head petting, ava is fine. mostly. 
they both look at the mess of a painting n ava just half screams half sighs n goes “welp!” with fake cheerfulness. that bugs lilith for reasons yet unknown, but she does help them both up n does damage control. “we’ll tell the teacher, hes reasonable n for all ur faults u are a very fast painter so. it’ll be fine. we just wipe off what we can n then... well maybe you should not touch it for a bit. yknow. distance yourself from it. or whatever” 
its the first time ava sees lilith so painfully awkward but earnest, making zero eye contact, but nodding seriously to the painting as if it was her own problem n not ava’s. lilith cares. for ava. and even tho her face is still very wet, she’s smiling so wide right now. it will be okay. it’s fine. she’s got this (we got this).
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driftward · 2 years
Title: Sorceress' Apprentice - Chapter 16 Characters: Matoya, Louisoix Leveilleur, Y'thol Rhul Rating: Teen Summary: What holds us back Notes: None
Y'thol waved to Matoya and Louisoix as she ran by them, a trail of nixies trailing behind her, seven in all.
"I'm off to the waterways," she yelled out cheerfully as she went.
"Make sure you tend to the cauldron as well, girl! You've still got work to do, and I expect to see it done, what with all that vim you've got after you," said Matoya back, waving in Y'thols direction with her staff.
"Of course, Master Matoya," called back Y'thol cheerfully, stepping up to one of the portals and vanishing in a puff of purplish aetheric vapor.
Louisoix chuckled. "I am not generally in the habit of telling you I told you so, but..." he said.
"Oh, out with you, you insufferable miasma drifting through my halls," grumbled Matoya, and Louisoix laughed in response.
"I understand she is about ready to begin her thesis work to present to the studium," said Louisoix. "She tells me she wishes to go into aetheric studies, much like her master. She has come a rather long way rather quickly, it would seem."
"Yes, well, she's the first apprentice that was sent to me that was worth a damn," said Matoya.
"Or the first who could thrive under your demanding schedules, due to the fire of her spirit. You know, any of the other apprentices you have been assigned over the years may have thrived also, if you had only shown any willingness to meet them at their level instead of insisting on trying to drown them under an obstinate workload."
"Hmph. The girl had the same work as the others, they just weren't willing to work for it as hard as she has," said Matoya. "I was fair to each and every one of them, I'll have you know. The same opportunities to succeed! It's hardly my fault she was the only one up to the challenge."
Louisoix looked over at Matoya meaningfully. She stared back at him, challengingly.
"As you say, Archon Matoya," he said evenly.
She threw her hands up in the air. "Bah, fine! I may have driven them a touch too hard. But look at what I've managed to accomplish with her. She's learned fast, you've noted that yourself."
"And had you tried to reach out to her earlier, rather than trying to drown her out much as you have your other charges, how much faster would she have learned? The standard classrooms are standard for a reason, they allow everyone to reach some level of potential, but as such they're designed to also leave nobody behind. As you've now learned, there is no speed limit to learning - if both master and apprentice are willing and capable. There is a reason we try to pair our most gifted with our most accomplished, and she may have gone to Studium even earlier if you had not insisted upon your notably onerous schedule."
Matoya tapped the butt of her staff on the floor, and frowned at the ground.
"Maybe so," she conceded. "But I'll not change my ways, and I'll not be asking for another apprentice. I've discharged my duty, Archon Leveilleur, and I'll thank you to leave me at that. If it'll get you to leave me alone, I'll share what I've done with you, and maybe you can find some apprentices in the future that you can perhaps mollycoddle into your idea of excellence. Otherwise you can leave me and my methods alone. I am more than satisfied with the outcomes my work has achieved."
Louisoix sighed. "I should know better than to try to dissuade you from your ways, Archon Matoya. Very well, I'll speak on the past no further, but rather of your charge's future. When were you planning on enrolling her in the Studium, anyway?"
"When she is ready, and not a moment sooner."
"Ah. What is the hold up? I... hope it is not the project the Forum has tasked you with."
"It is not, and we shall speak of that no further here," said Matoya. She gestured a hand out to the caverns of the atelier. "She's been studying by herself here and does not need me to keep a continuous eye on her. I've done the work asked of me, but it's held her up not one iota."
Louisoix nodded thoughtfully. "I overstep, then, and you have my apologies. But as to your apprentice, might I ask, whatever is holding her back? I have seen lights half as bright as hers begin their work."
"She's not ready yet," said Matoya with a frown.
Louisoix was quiet for a long moment.
"Is it because of the decision she has made regarding her true self? Alchemies are available, to say nothing of chirurgeons. She's hardly the first-"
"She has chosen her path in that matter," said Matoya. "She has settled on handling it herself, through aetheric transformation techniques."
Louisoix blinked, looking shocked. "That is... not without its risks."
"I am aware," said Matoya.
Louisoix looked thoughtful, frowning as he bowed his head, holding his chin in his hand.
"But with what I've observed... I think she could manage," he said slowly. "She is one of our best, now. All she needs is opportunity."
Matoya did not respond.
Louisoix looked up at Matoya, and his eyebrows rose in that way that meant he thought he'd stumbled across something.
"Is it perhaps that it is not that she is not ready... but that you are not?" he asked, gently.
Matoya did not argue back. She tightened her grip on her staff instead, and stared outward.
"...I shall push no further, and apologise again, Archon Matoya," he said, quietly.
"No," said Matoya. And she lifted her staff up, and slammed its butt onto the ground.
"You are correct," she said. "It is time. Thank you for your counsel, Archon Leveilleur. I ask your leave. It would appear that my apprentice and I have preparations to make."
Louisoix nodded, and gave her his customary deep bow before he left. Matoya sighed as he went. He didn't even have the good grace to be a poor sport, she thought, as she went to go find Y'thol.
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