#The Best Android Games 2021
mindlessjunkets · 6 months
The Hidden Dangers of Carrying an Android Device Everywhere
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In today's digital age, it's nearly impossible to go a day without using a smartphone. And for many people, that device is an android - the popular alternative to the apple iPhone. But while we may love the convenience and endless features of our androids, there is a dark side to carrying this device with us everywhere we go. In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that androids are essentially massive tracking devices, constantly collecting and sharing our personal information. And the more we rely on these devices, the more vulnerable we become to the hidden dangers they pose.
Understanding the Tracking Features of an Android Device
In today's digital world, our android devices have become an extension of ourselves. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, and accessing information at our fingertips. But what many people may not realize is that our androids are constantly collecting and sharing our personal information, turning them into massive tracking devices.
Android devices have a multitude of tracking features that allow them to monitor our every move. From GPS location tracking to monitoring app usage and even tracking our search history, our androids have the capability to gather an extensive amount of data about us. This information is then often shared with various third-party apps, advertisers, and even the device manufacturers themselves.
By understanding the tracking features of our android devices, we can become more aware of the extent to which our personal information is being collected and shared. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions about our privacy and take necessary steps to protect our information.
It's important to note that while some tracking features can be disabled through privacy settings, not all of them can be completely turned off. Android devices are designed to gather data to enhance user experiences and provide personalized services, but it's crucial to weigh the benefits against the risks involved. In the next sections, we will explore the potential risks of location data sharing and the ways our personal information can be exploited. Stay tuned to learn how you can safeguard your information and make informed decisions about the tracking features of your android device.
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The Risks Involved with Location Data Sharing
Our android devices are constantly collecting and sharing our location data, and this can pose several risks to our privacy and security. One major risk is that this data can be accessed by third-party apps and advertisers who may use it for targeted advertising or even sell it to other companies. This means that our every move is being tracked and analyzed, allowing companies to create detailed profiles of our habits, preferences, and behaviors.
But it doesn't stop there. Location data can also be used to track our movements in real-time, which can be a serious safety concern. If this information falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to stalk or harm individuals. Additionally, if a hacker gains access to our location data, they could potentially know when we are away from home, making our homes vulnerable to burglary.
Another risk of location data sharing is the potential for government surveillance. It's no secret that governments have the ability to track individuals using their smartphones. While this may be for national security purposes, it also raises concerns about the erosion of privacy rights and the potential for abuse of power.
To mitigate these risks, it's important to be aware of the permissions we grant to apps and regularly review our privacy settings. We can also consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt our internet connection and protect our location data. Being mindful of the risks involved with location data sharing is the first step towards safeguarding our privacy and security in the digital age.
Ways Your Personal Information Can Be Exploited
In today's digital age, personal information has become a valuable currency. Unfortunately, our android devices are prime targets for exploitation. The data collected by our smartphones can be used in a variety of ways to manipulate and harm us.
One way our personal information can be exploited is through identity theft. With access to our android device, hackers can obtain sensitive data such as our social security number, credit card information, and passwords. This information can then be used to impersonate us and commit fraud, leading to financial loss and damaged credit.
Additionally, our personal information can be sold to advertisers and marketers who use it to bombard us with targeted advertisements. Have you ever searched for a product online and suddenly started seeing ads for it everywhere? That's not a coincidence. Advertisers use our data to create personalized ads that are difficult to resist, leading us to make purchases we may not have otherwise made.
Another way our personal information can be exploited is through blackmail and extortion. If a hacker gains access to compromising photos or messages stored on our android device, they may threaten to expose them unless we comply with their demands. This can be a devastating experience, leading to emotional distress and reputational damage.
It's also important to be aware that our personal information can be used to manipulate our opinions and behaviors. Advertisers and political campaigns can analyze our data to tailor their messages and influence our decisions. This manipulation of information can erode our autonomy and shape our beliefs without our knowledge or consent.
To protect ourselves from the exploitation of our personal information, it's crucial to take steps to enhance our digital security. This includes using strong, unique passwords, regularly updating our software, and being cautious about the permissions we grant to apps. We should also educate ourselves about common phishing and scam techniques to avoid falling victim to these tactics.
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Privacy Settings and How to Safeguard Your Information
As we've learned, our android devices are constantly collecting and sharing our personal information. But there are steps we can take to safeguard our information and protect our privacy. One of the most important steps is to review and adjust our privacy settings.
Start by exploring the privacy settings on your android device. These settings allow you to control which apps have access to certain information, such as your location, contacts, and camera. Take the time to review each app's permissions and disable any that you feel are unnecessary or invasive. This will help minimize the amount of data being collected and shared without your knowledge.
In addition to adjusting privacy settings, it's important to be mindful of the apps you download and the permissions they request. Be cautious about granting access to sensitive information and only download apps from trusted sources. Take the time to read reviews and research the app's privacy practices before installing it on your device.
Another way to safeguard your information is to regularly update your android device's software. Software updates often include security patches and bug fixes that can help protect against vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit. Set your device to automatically install updates or regularly check for updates manually.
Lastly, consider using additional security measures, such as enabling two-factor authentication for your accounts and using a trusted antivirus app. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a fingerprint or a unique code, when logging into your accounts. An antivirus app can help detect and remove malware from your device, further protecting your information.
By taking these steps, you can better safeguard your information and protect your privacy while using your android device. It's important to stay vigilant and proactive in managing your privacy settings to ensure your personal information remains secure in today's digital age.
Pros and Cons of Turning Off Location Tracking
When it comes to location tracking on your Android device, there are both pros and cons to consider before deciding whether or not to turn it off. Let's dive into the benefits and drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.
One of the major advantages of turning off location tracking is increased privacy. By disabling this feature, you have more control over your personal information and who has access to it. This can help protect against targeted advertising, data breaches, and potential stalking or harm.
Additionally, turning off location tracking can help conserve battery life. GPS tracking can be a power-hungry feature, constantly draining your battery. By disabling it, you can extend the life of your device and have more time between charges.
On the flip side, there are some drawbacks to consider. Disabling location tracking can limit the functionality of certain apps and services. For example, navigation apps and weather updates may not be as accurate without access to your location data. Additionally, some apps may require location information for important features to work properly.
Another drawback is that by turning off location tracking, you may miss out on personalized recommendations and services. For example, some apps use your location to provide tailored recommendations for nearby restaurants or events. By disabling this feature, you may receive less relevant information.
Ultimately, the decision to turn off location tracking depends on your priorities and concerns. If privacy and battery life are top priorities for you, then disabling this feature may be the right choice. However, if you rely heavily on location-based apps and personalized services, you may want to carefully consider the potential drawbacks before making a decision.
Remember, you can always adjust your privacy settings and permissions to strike a balance between privacy and functionality. Stay informed, be aware of the risks and benefits, and make the choice that best suits your needs and preferences.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Battlegrounds Mobile India के पहले टूर्नामेंट के लिए ऐसे करें रजिस्ट्रेशन, मिलेगा 1 करोड़ का पूल प्राइज़!
Battlegrounds Mobile India के पहले टूर्नामेंट के लिए ऐसे करें रजिस्ट्रेशन, मिलेगा 1 करोड़ का पूल प्राइज़!
Battlegrounds Mobile India को Krafton ने हाल ही में भारतीय यूज़र्स के लिए लॉन्च किया है. ये गेम फिलहाल एंड्रायड यूज़र्स के लिए ही उपलब्ध है, जिसे कंपनी जल्द ही iOS यूज़र्स के लिए भी लॉन्च करेगी. कंपनी ने Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021 के पहले टूर्नामेंट की घोषणा कर दी है, जिसे कंपनी अगले महीने से शुरू करेगी. इस टूर्नामेंट में प्राइज पूल 1 करोड़ रुपये का रखा गया है. इस टूर्नामेंट में जीतने वाली टीम…
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gameeveryday · 2 years
Farm Day Village Farming GamePlay | Unique design | #Level76 #MAX_Level
Farm Day Village Farming GamePlay | Unique design | #Level76 #MAX_Level
After inheriting a farm from your parents, you must complete farming tasks to restore the legacy to become the most famous farmer in this free farming game. Being social will help you manage your farm and grow it. A fresh new world to care of your lush green farm and animals with farm games. Build your dream farm in this best middle ages offline farming game. Manage your farm, harvest crops, sell…
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rushnaf · 2 years
Farm Day Village Farming "MAX" Level76 | Best Design 2022
Farm Day Village Farming “MAX” Level76 | Best Design 2022
After inheriting a farm from your parents, you must complete farming tasks to restore the legacy to become the most famous farmer in this free farming game. Being social will help you manage your farm and grow it. A fresh new world to care of your lush green farm and animals with farm games. Build your dream farm in this best middle ages offline farming game. Manage your farm, harvest crops, sell…
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rpgsandbox · 3 months
The 10 Most Anticipated TTRPGs For 2024!
EN World's annual vote on the most anticipated titles of the coming year, and yes, some games have appeared on this list in previous years.
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10 Tales of the Valiant (Kobold Press)
1st appearance Kobold Press joins the 'alternate 5E' club with this rewritten, non-OGL version of the game! A million dollar Kickstarter last year, and a new one for the GM's book going on right now, Kobold Press announced this as 'Project Black Flag' during the OGL crisis of 2023, but being unable to trademark that name opted for Tales of the Valiant instead. The system, however, is still called the Black Flag Roleplaying System.
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9. Mothership 1E (Tuesday Night Games)
3rd appearance On this list three years running, the boxed Mothership 1E game should be coming out this year! This is sci-fi horror at its best -- you can play scientists, teamsters, androids, and marines using the d100 'Panic Engine'. Yep, it's Alien(s), pretty much.
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8. Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Program (Exalted Funeral)
2nd Appearance Exalted Funeral made quite a splash when they announced this game last year, which went on to make neary $2M on Kickstarter. And how could they not? It's Monty Python fergoodnessake! A rules-lite gaming system, spam, a minigame with catapults, spam, coconut dice rollers, spam, and an irrepressible Python-eque sense of humour. Did I mention the spam? It was at #10 on this list last year, but it's claimed to #8 this year.
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7. Daggerheart (Darrington Press)
1st appearance From the Critical Role folks, Daggerheart is a new fantasy TTRPG with its own original system coming out this year with "A fresh take on fantasy RPGs, designed for long-term campaign play and rich character progression."
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6. Cohors Cthulhu (Modiphius)
1st appearance It's Ancient Rome. It's Cthulhu. It uses Modiphius' in-house 2d20 System. You can be a gladiator, a centurion, or a Germanic hero. Did I mention Cthulhu?
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5. Dolmenwood (Necrotic Gnome)
1st appearance The British Isles, a ton of folklore, and a giant Kickstarter--Dolmenwood is a dark, whimsical fantasy TTRPG drawing from fairy tales and lets you "journey through tangled woods and mossy bowers, forage for magical mushrooms and herbs, discover rune-carved standing stones and hidden fairy roads, venture into fungal grottoes and forsaken ruins, battle oozing monstrosities, haggle with goblin merchants, and drink tea with fairies."
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4. Pendragon 6E (Chaosium)
4th appearance Last year's winner was on this list waaaaay back in 425 AD, and it's still here! Well, maybe not that far back, but it's shown up in 2021 at #4, 2022 at #3, 2023 at #1, and now 2024 at #4! What can we say? People are clearly anticipating it... still.
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3. 13th Age 2nd Edition (Pelgrane Press)
2nd appearance 13th Age is over a decade old now, and was our most anticipated game way back in 2013. Now the new edition is coming! It's compatible with the original, but revised and with a ton more... stuff! 13th Age 2E was #3 in last year's list!
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2. The Electric State Roleplaying Game (Free League)
1st appearance Free League is always on these lists, and for good reason. This gorgeous looking game is described as "A road trip on the verge of reality in visual artist and author Simon Stålenhag's vision of an apocalyptic alternate 1990s".
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1. Shadow of the Weird Wizard (Schwalb Entertainment)
3rd appearance First announced by Rob Schwalb a couple of years ago, this is a more family-friendly version of his acclaimed RPG, Shadow of the Demon Lord. SHADOW OF THE WEIRD WIZARD is a fantasy roleplaying game in which you and your friends assume the roles of characters who explore the borderlands and make them safe for the refugees escaping the doom that has befallen the old country. Unsafe are these lands: the Weird Wizard released monsters to roam the countryside, cruel faeries haunt the shadows, undead drag themselves free from their tombs, and old, ancient evils stir once more. If the displaced people would rebuild their lives, they need heroes to protect them. Finally at the top of the list after being #7 in 2022, and #6 in 2023!
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mathlann · 5 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 a negotiable number of tags
Tagged by @poetikat! Thank you!
1. Selina Kyle/Catwoman- DC. One of my oldest faves, even if I don't talk about her much on here. Something is happening in Gotham City? Is Catwoman going to be there? If not, then I don't care! It's rare that a Batman writer can be normal about her but I'd rather suffer through badly written Selina than no Selina (and God have I suffered).
2. Matilda- The Monk: A Romance. One of the best villains I've read this year, I adored every page she was on! The scheming! The seduction! The audacity! She worked hard for her place in Hell and I hope Satan gave her a promotion!
3. Yennefer of Vengerberg- The Witcher 3. Ever since Geralt showed up Skellige and she gave him those party outfits knowing damn well she wasn't going to like either one of them... I loved her. I immediately got back on the boat to find the right merchant to buy the correct outfit so we could coordinate. Never made the same mistake again.
4. Arthur Morgan- Red Dead Redemption 2. My sweet cowboy! He was awful at crime and riding horses but I kept him clean, fed, and dressed in the finest Cowboy Gucci 1899 money could buy. He rode his white mare off to the Big Train Job in the Sky years ago and I still can't finish the epilogue because I miss him too much.
5. Daeran Arendae- Wrath of the Righteous. Every blessing in his life has turned out to be a curse and he deals with that by being just ....the pettiest asshole. He actively makes my KC a worse person by association but he is never allowed to leave my party. To avoid a dissertation level essay....I just think he's neat!
6. Aloth Corfiser- Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. My favorite Team Nerd. This elf has never met a crack in the ground too small to dramatically hurt himself on, but also is regularly one of the last ones standing during boss fights. He hates me in Deadfire as of now but his general wizardly wimpiness is so endearing I can't be mad about it.
7. Alicent Hightower- House of the Dragon. Owner of the biggest, saddest eyes in Westeros. She should have been allowed to kill that old man. I wanted her to kill that old man so badly.
8. Maeve Millay- Westworld. Her and Hector altered my brain chemistry for a straight month back in 2021 (their intro! The tent scene!). That show did not do her right because Maeve should've been the special main character android rather than Dolores. The whole narrative ~bullshit~ just makes more sense if it was Maeve. I said it then, I say it now, and I'll be saying it again on my deathbed.
9. Johnny Gat- Saint's Row II. Johnny, my best friend Johnny! He never stops criticizing my Boss's driving but I take him everywhere all the same. Accidentally launched him out the front of a car so bad he didn't come back for what felt like a week. I thought I'd killed him for real and was devastated! Saints Row III is so boring without him.
10. Morrigan- Dragon Age Origins. Still one of my favorite video game character arcs. Platonically. Romantically. To me, she can do no wrong.
If y'all are up to it! Tagging @babeoffrontiers @neocores @feluka @bhaelspawn @gojuo or anyone who wants to!
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Pabitra Banerjee is a Full-Stack AI Engineer with some knowledge of Blockchain Technology and a tech enthusiast. He is the Founder & CEO of MB WEBBER'S, a Software Development company based on Manbazar, Purulia, West Bengal. He is the Founder & CEO of some more companies based on Manbazar, like - Code Explorer, Dev Line Community, etc. He is working actively to spread Science & Technology to the common people. He is very fond of Astrophysics & Mathematics. He writes actively about Astrophysics and latest space missions by all of the space agencies on Universal Space Missions.
Pabitra Banerjee, born on January 22, 2004, is an individual with a notable presence in the technology sector. Hailing from Manbazar, West Bengal, he has demonstrated a keen interest and enthusiasm for various domains within the field. With a focus on spreading awareness and understanding of science and technology among the general public, Pabitra is involved in initiatives that aim to bridge the gap between technology and everyday life. His passion for astrophysics and mathematics is evident in his active engagement with topics related to space missions and scientific advancements. Pabitra Banerjee's endeavors reflect a commitment to the exploration and application of technology for the betterment of society.
Pabitra Banerjee pursued his primary education at Manbazar Board Primary School and later continued his secondary education at Manbazar Radha Madhab Institution, both situated in his hometown. After completing his 10th standard under the West Bengal Board Of Secondary Education(W.B.B.S.E.) in 2019 and his Higher-Secondary Examination under the West Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary Education(W.B.C.H.S.E.) in 2021, he embarked on a journey in higher education. Initially enrolling in a B.Sc. Mathematics program at Bikramjeet Goswami Memorial College, under Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia, he later transitioned to pursue B.Sc. Computer Science at Manbhum Mahavidyalaya under the same university in 2023. This academic path reflects Pabitra's interest in both mathematical and computer science domains.
Pabitra Banerjee is the only son of his parents.
Father : (1975 - present) Mr. Pulak Banerjee.
Mother : (1983 - present) Mrs. Babita Banerjee.
Development Projects
Pabitra has shared a lots of development projects done by him on his GitHub Account. From there we can know that he has knowledge about Full-Stack Web Development, Android App Development, Game Development, AI and Machine Learning, Blockchain Technology, DSA and many more domains of Computer Science. Here are some of his development projects -
Dev-Portfolio : This is one of his best portfolio website. The website has been built using HTML, CSS, SAAS and JavaScript. The website has a very clean UI and the design and responsiveness shows his ability to develop top class Front-End. Take a look at Dev-Portfolio.
Mac-Terminal-Portfolio : Pabitra has created a terminal interface of MacBook using HTML, CSS & JavaScript. There he has created a simple portfolio website. Take a look at Mac-Terminal-Portfolio.
Book-Finder App : A simple website to find your next book to read and book recommendations. An internship project of iNeuron. This website is developed using the React library of JavaScript. Try Book-Finder App.
Clash-Of-Space : Clash of Space is a cloned version game of the original Radius Raid of js13kGames (A JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 Game Developers) which is a popular game for kids. A space craft shooting game built with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript. It's a desktop version game, so can be played only in desktop/laptop. Play Clash-Of-Space.
MB Health Bot : MB Health Bot is a conversational agent designed to mimic a psychotherapist in order to provide emotional support to people with anxiety & depression. At its core, MB Health Bot is a chatbot trained on a text dataset using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques. MB Health Bot can provide general advice regarding anxiety and depression, answer questions related to mental health and make daily conversations. Try MB Health Bot.
If you want to explore some more projects done by Pabitra, please go to his GitHub Project Website and Pabitra Banerjee.
Core Programming Projects
Pabitra is a Full-Stack Web Developer, but he has the ability to contribute on Core Programming. He has developed a lots of JavaScript & Python Libraries to help developers to save their time and enhance efficiency. Some of his libraries are -
JS-DSA : JS-DSA is a comprehensive collection of data structures and algorithms implemented in JavaScript. This project is designed to be a helpful resource for developers, students, and anyone interested in learning about data structures and algorithms through practical JavaScript examples. Install JS-DSA.
Google-Image-Fetcher : Pabitra has developed three different libraries for three different programming languages - Python, C++ and JavaScript to download required images directly from your terminal.
Advanced Math : Advanced Math (adv-math) is a comprehensive JavaScript library that simplifies advanced mathematical calculations, covering a wide range of mathematical topics such as basic arithmetic, complex numbers, linear algebra, statistics, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, financial calculations, units and conversions, equation solvers, and math expression parsing. This library is designed to provide developers with powerful mathematical tools for various applications. Install Advanced Math (adv-math).
Please go to Pabitra's NPM Profile and PyPi Profile to find more libraries.
Visual Studio Marketplace
Pabitra has developed a lots of VS Code extensions, which are currently available on Visual Studio Marketplace.
IDX-Dark-Theme : IDX Dark Theme is a stunning dark theme for Visual Studio Code that brings the elegance of Google's IDX design to your coding environment. With its vibrant colors and thoughtful design, coding becomes a delightful experience. Take a look at IDX-Dark-Theme.
To explore more go to Pabitra Banerjee Publisher Account on Visual Studio Marketplace.
PyConda Programming Language
Pabitra is working actively working on PyConda Programming Language. PyConda is a simple, Python-based programming language designed for ease of use and extensibility. With PyConda, you can write and execute code in a straightforward and intuitive manner. He has already released the 1.0.0 version of PyConda and want to publish version 1.0.1 at January, 2024. Explore PyConda.
Published Books
Pabitra is a writer who loves to write Bengali stories, poem, song and etc. But now he has started to write in English Language and published his 1st eBook.
Beyond Bits and Bytes: A History of Technological Marvels :: Embark on a captivating journey through the evolution of technology, from the dawn of primitive tools to the dazzling horizons of quantum computing and nanotechnology. In this thought-provoking eBook, Pabitra Banerjee, a Full Stack AI Engineer and Blockchain Developer, explores the remarkable history of innovation, invention, and progress that has shaped our world. Discover the visionary pioneers who blazed trails in computing, the birth of the internet that connected continents, and the transformative impact of artificial intelligence. This compelling narrative not only delves into the past but also contemplates the ethical and societal considerations that accompany the technological marvels of today and tomorrow. Join us in this exploration of the past, present, and future of technology, and be inspired by the relentless human spirit of innovation. View this book on Amazon.
From Novice To Ninja: Mastering DSA in C++ :: Embark on a transformative journey through the realm of Data Structures and Algorithms with "From Novice to Mastering DSA in C++," authored by Pabitra Banerjee, a seasoned full-stack AI engineer and CEO at MB WEBBER'S, a prominent software development company in Manbazar, West Bengal.
Pabitra has already been recognized by Google, thus he has a Knowledge Panel He is also an open source contributor. GitHub spotlighted him for his outstanding contribution in the last HackToBerfest.
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
Archetype Arcadia for PC coming west on October 24
Gematsu Source
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PQube will release the PC (Steam) version of visual novel Archetype Arcadia in English alongside its previously announced PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch versions on October 24 in the west, the publisher announced.
Archetype Arcadia first launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch on October 21, 2021 in Japan, followed by PC via Steam on January 24, 2022, and iOS and Android on July 1, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via PQube:
A deadly disease has wiped out most of humanity causing nightmares, manic episodes, and eventually death. Take on the role of Rust, an older brother and one of the few remaining humans that must step into a virtual reality-world where the answers to the missing populace and the disease that caused it, seem to lie.
A Dark Science-Fiction Story – Take on the role of a brother desperate to save his sister afflicted with a deadly disease, across eight nail-biting chapters.
​​Vibrant Artwork – Step into a post-apocalyptic world brought to life with striking artwork that makes the experience truly immersive.
Experience the Story Through Different Lenses – See the story’s events unfold through different peoples perspectives. Piece together different parts of the bigger picture. Is our main character a reliable narrator, or can he too be mistaken?
Powerful Memories – Memories become powerful weapons in this Virtual World. Experience tragic and moving moments of the past in order to battle onwards.
Gruesome Boss Battles – Bosses hold special memory cards which pave a path to Rust’s answers, but their overwhelming power may prove challenging to defeat!
Key Choices – There are many options to choose from, each leading to different outcomes, but beware of the Bad Endings!
Archetype Arcadia is a dynamic visual novel set in a post-apocalyptic world where a mysterious disease called “Original Sindrome” plagues its victims. The story revolves around the protagonist, Rust, and his sister Kristin, as they enter the game “Archetype Arcadia” in search of a cure for the disease. Those affected by “Original Sindrome” suffer from insanity, sensory illusions, and uncontrollable urges.​
Gaming Saves Lives
Survival is the ultimate goal for everyone, and the game “Archetype Arcadia” offers a unique solution. By wearing the game device, players can utilize powerful memories and corresponding avatars to fight within “Archetype Arcadia” against the blight. While this virtual existence prolongs life, it also carries severe consequences. Dark and unexpected events can occur within the game world that affects the world outside of it. Do your best to avoid adding to the worlds despair but making the right choices.
Only a Fool’s Hope
Shrouded in mystery and false hope, Archetype Arcadia blends elements of joy, pain, and betrayal in a dark and compelling narrative that will have you glued to your screen. See scenarios through different perspectives to understand what others are going through, and jump into flashbacks and see the past as it was before the “Original Sindrome” took hold. Use these happier memories to fight against the darkness and try to save Kristin.
Vibrant and Striking Artwork
Experience exciting scenes with bold art that captures the vital moments in the story. Through bold and moving imagery, experience the emotions of the characters, and truly step into the world to battle alongside them. Fight terrifying monsters upfront, and witness moving friendships unfold before your eyes.
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leeapk · 11 months
Leeapk.com is a website providing smartphone software downloads founded in 2021 by the LeeAPK Team and has grown into one of the leading websites in the smartphone software industry.
click here to visit our website: https://leeapk.com
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void-botanist · 1 year
About me
For easy reference, here's my tag navigation.
It's about time for a new writeblr intro to go with my new WIP intro!
name // NavarenWizard (you can call me NW)
pronouns // he/they
age // mid 20s
occupation // grad student, gay husband
background // neurodivergent american genderqueer trans guy
interests // writing, drawing (traditional and digital), anime, webcomics, video games, web design
main blog // @an-elegant-void -- I follow from this blog!
writeblr // @navarenwizard
format of my intro // shamelessly borrowed from @pens-swords-stuff (whose writeblr you should also go check out)
About my writeblr
name // NavarenWizard (@navarenwizard)
age // ~1 year
focus // diversity and worldbuilding -- I reblog from various blogs that discuss representation in media and how writers/artists can do better. You'll also find some writing memes and art/art tutorials here too.
audience // this blog is open to anyone, but be aware that some of what I reblog is going to be about queerphobia, racism, ableism, fatphobia, etc., with the goal of helping myself and other creators do better.
asks // I can personally talk about:
NaNoWriMo events
queer representation (although of course I can't speak for every queer person)
design of writeblrs/writers' websites
Please also reach out to me if you have any accessibility issues with my blog!
About my writing
genres // queer, fantasy, sci-fi, slice-of-life, romance, erotic romance (my writing is generally solarpunk-adjacent)
themes // sustainable living, recovering from emotional trauma, happy queer lives and families, healthy relationships and communication
formats // original novels, occasionally poetry or short stories
experience // seventeenish years of writing, a couple years of being serious about writing well (i.e. with structure, planning, representation, and awareness of harmful tropes)
goals // self publishing my novels eventually, when they're complete and edited
Active WIPs
The Fourth Android
genre // queer, fantasy, sci-fi, slice-of-life
tag // #tfa
super quick synopsis // A human-built android integrates into an island community to gain his citizenship and visit the world's other three androids, unexpectedly becoming an astronaut along the way.
status // about to write a third (and greatly improved) version for NaNoWriMo 2022
Inactive/Simmering WIPs
Tales of Tobar Si
genre // queer, fantasy, romance
tag // #ts (there's nothing there though; apparently I never posted an intro)
super quick synopsis // An aos si man escapes from his abusive family on Earth and returns to his Faeryland home, where he begins to heal and tries to find a way to confess his love to his best friend.
status // partially drafted for NaNoWriMo 2020, simmering
genre // queer, fantasy, erotic romance
tag // #triad
super quick synopsis // An ex-princess and her husband accidentally fall in love with a trans guy farmer and have to figure out their own happily ever after.
status // partially drafted for Camp NaNo July 2021 and NaNoWriMo 2021, simmering
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monstermuch · 2 years
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zenotis · 1 year
What are the best IT skills to learn in 2023 to get an IT job in California [ Updated ]
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It turned out that among the most frequently mentioned talents in job descriptions for IT jobs in California were IT abilities such as digital literacy, data analytics, and data visualization.
In today's fast-paced business landscape, digital transformation takes center stage. It encompasses a wide array of endeavors, including embracing the boundless potential of cloud technology, enhancing and modernizing IT infrastructure, and crafting sophisticated data and analytics strategies to steer informed decision-making.
Companies are actively seeking experienced professionals well-versed in the precise skills required to drive technological and business objectives forward.
The caliber of skills has improved over time, which is a consistent trend. It takes more than being proficient in a given field to compete in the talent market. On a CV, prospects might stand out from the competition if they have practical IT abilities. Find out which abilities are likely to be in demand through 2023 and beyond.
Basic programming
Even for non-tech jobs, the fundamentals of programming are frequently in demand. Even with a basic understanding of programming, you'll be able to read other people's code, create your simple programs and algorithms, and gain a deeper comprehension of the lifespan of an IT project.
Being able to program is similar to being able to bead, so you can learn new technologies using the languages you've already mastered. The ability to think abstractly and conceptually, which is necessary for many vocations, is another skill that may be developed through programming.
An index states that the top five programming languages in September 2021 will be as follows:
C- It is widely used in the creation of desktop applications for the Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems.
Python- Managers, analysts, and marketers often use this phrase in non-tech business settings. They use Python to work with data in databases, tables, and even Excel macros.
Java- A language used by everyone to create websites and mobile apps. Java is used to create the majority of Android applications.
C++- A widely used technique for games and graphically intensive software like photo and video editors.
C#- One of the best languages for creating desktop apps and video games.
The index is determined by how many results for programming language queries there are on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, MSN, Wikipedia, etc. Thus, programming languages are rated higher as a result of the increased usage of the language and solution searching by programmers.
Low-code platforms
By 2024, it is expected that low code would account for 65% of all software development activities.
Modern software development tools are complex, therefore low-code application platforms (LCAP) like Mendix, Quixey, and Microsoft PowerApps are an alternative. Low-code platforms allow developers to create straightforward business applications with no coding expertise and a tech mindset.
Since creating software takes careful design and upkeep, low-code platforms can be a lifesaver for managers, marketers, and any other users that lack programming abilities and want to construct and update a codebase without running the risk of destroying something. Low-code development thereby enables cost savings from IT outsourcing and frees up IT departments.
UI/UX design
To design effective and user-friendly digital products, an in-depth research is required, as is a grasp of the target audience. Leave those responsibilities to the experts, but learn the fundamentals of UI/UX design at the very least to maintain the dialogue with them.
Consider this: most marketing campaigns are built on digital assets like landing pages, websites, mobile apps, and social media. It's crucial for those who aren't UI/UX designers to stay up to date on the most recent developments in this sector and be able to articulate their ideas to those who are.
Data Engineer
Data engineering, in its simplest form, combines the skills of various IT specialists, including software engineers, Big Data developers, data analysts, and cloud computing engineers. The fundamental activities of data engineering in a corporation that produces enormous amounts of data from various sources are as follows:
Gathering and arranging the data
Combining and evaluating various data formats that were gathered from various sources.
Enhancing the storage of data.
Lowering data storage expenses to maximize the budget for the company.
Python, SQL, Java, Scala, cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), and big data processing tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka are essential skills for a data analyst. The fundamentals of distributed systems, as well as knowledge of algorithms and data structures, are also requirements.
Data visualization
Numerous studies have proven that the human brain processes visual information more effectively and increases people's confidence in the material being presented.
The effectiveness of data visualization in a business setting cannot be disputed. For instance, research demonstrates that employees are 28% more likely to find timely information in firms that use visual data recovery solutions than in those that just use controlled reporting and dashboards.
Because of this, the demand for data visualization abilities is rising in the modern workforce. Data visualization is a crucial component of data analytics that enables companies to assess information critically and present it in a comprehensible fashion.
Some of the most popular data visualization tools for marketers, managers, business analysts, and other professions that require working with a significant amount of data are Tableau, Google Data Studio, PowerBI, Datawrapper, and Infogram.
Video editing 
The time when TV and media production had exclusive rights to create videos has long since passed. To promote their goods and services in 2021, 86% of firms turned to video marketing. Videos are used today throughout all sectors of society for a variety of objectives, including marketing, staff development, client onboarding, and presentations.
The widespread use of videos in virtually every part of the business has increased the demand for individuals with expertise in producing scripts and scenarios for films, as well as SEO optimization for higher rankings.
An effective sales process is built on the use of customer management software (CRM). Businesses require a 360-degree picture of their target audience, touchpoints, purchase behavior, and customer experience since customers are growing more demanding.
Because of this, managerial and marketing job descriptions increasingly emphasize the importance of having a basic understanding of CRM software. According to the CRM Software Research by G2, 73% of sales managers use CRM software. CRM tools are used by marketing teams 46% of the time, and customer care teams 45% of the time.
Product management
Product managers are typically the front-line representatives of newly produced goods and services. From the concept stage, till the product is released on schedule, they guarantee product success. To do that, they need a variety of capabilities, including strong project management abilities, a deep understanding of the software development process and a business domain, as well as communication, business analysis, and marketing fundamentals.
The majority of product managers agree that a product manager is a jack of all trades. According to respondents in a recent poll, the two biggest issues they face as product managers are a shortage of time (50,8%) and a lack of clarity around their roles (35,0%).
But there is no denying the importance of a product manager. Given that 81% of businesses track the performance of their products, it is obvious that either hiring professionals with product management skill sets or dedicating a full-time position to a product manager is very necessary.
You won't find any ordinary competencies on this list of in-demand IT skills for 2023 and beyond. Businesses need professionals with a strong understanding of digital technologies as they adopt a more data-driven strategy for employee development, marketing, and other crucial operations. So that you can stay ahead of the competition tomorrow, embrace these changes today.
Zenotis technologies is the fastest-growing talent acquisition company in the US and India. It provides various IT jobs in California and various parts of the US. For more detailed information about IT positions and other positions check out their website.
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Ich habe 5.422 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 795 more posts als 2021!
1.386 Einträge erstellt (26%)
4.036 Einträge gerebloggt (74%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 1.412 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#random lyrics – 432 Einträge
#music – 387 Einträge
#sabaton – 127 Einträge
#cover version – 107 Einträge
#writing – 89 Einträge
#ask – 88 Einträge
#asks – 74 Einträge
#thank you – 67 Einträge
#ask game – 47 Einträge
#doctor who – 45 Einträge
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#a weird paranoid elf who doesn't understand human emotions but ends up as the emperor's security advisor
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Five things:
All time favourite band
Best concert
Best city you lived in
Worst city you’ve lived in
Favourite sabaton band member who is not joakim
HARD, oh my. Let's see...
1) My all time favorite band is probably still Helloween. I mean, I know them since the 80s. They're part of my history, my childhood, my past. I'm sentimental around them.
2) As for best concert, I haven't been to many. Strangely enough, one of the best things I've seen was The Harlem Gospel Singers live. That was a great show.
3) Well, I've only lived in two cities so far. And of those two, yes, Stuttgart is the best.
4) Which would, naturally, leave my hometown to be the worst but yet, it's not.
5) Excuse me...
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37 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Januar 2022
Late to the party, again, but I’m catching up... Sorry I forgot the subtitles.
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51 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. Mai 2022
This has to be one of the best conversations on YouTube. 
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62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. Februar 2022
ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Please don’t tag Witcher fics with ALL possible fandom tags when the description makes it very clear you wrote Witcher (TV). I have a reason I’m looking for Witcher (Video Game) fics. ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
79 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. Januar 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) (Official Mus...
This classic has to be done now, in honor of Meat Loaf who died yesterday. RIP.
601 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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mnictasbcl · 1 year
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I posted 2,792 times in 2022
That's 2,006 more posts than 2021!
375 posts created (13%)
2,417 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,603 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags (only 43%,,? tumblr that's almost half my posts)
#dbh - 49 posts
#tf2 - 47 posts
#rk1k - 47 posts
#uquiz - 44 posts
#amazing art! - 38 posts
#dbh connor - 24 posts
#yes - 23 posts
#connor - 21 posts
#heartstopper - 19 posts
#detroit become human - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#once i invited the bot to a voice call. just mario and me. and laughed at him for a while. then i put all star on for 48 hours and left him
(and I would do it again ^)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Connor dbh storyline, everything is the same except every time he dies they send a slightly lower budget body so that when you get the "I'll be back" achievement, he's just a toaster on wheels with a pair of googly eyes stuck on it
20 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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Kara sketch :)
21 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
RK800, Egg hunter eggstraordinaire
Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor
Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor
Tags: Fluff, domestic fluff, father-son relationship, Swearing, Crack, Easter, Egg hunt, mention of religion but the characters are not religious, Found family
Summary: Hank teaches Connor the meaning of Easter: eggs. Connor finds that he enjoys the ‘hunt’ part of an ‘egg hunt’.
 Read it on AO3! Or, read below!
Connor was surprised, to say the least, when he was woken up on a Sunday morning by Sumo charging into his room with… fluffy rabbit ears on his head?
What was even more of a surprise was Hank following after him, given that it was before nine in the morning.
“…good morning, Hank.”
“Mornin’.” Hank smiled, fastening an identical pair of rabbit ears on his head. “Uh, I thought you’d be up earlier, to be honest.”
Connor stared at him, slowly sitting up in bed. “I don’t follow. Did we have plans to go somewhere today? I wasn’t aware.”
“Nope. We’re staying at home today.”
“Okay…” He cleared his throat, LED spinning yellow as he tried to determine what the hell was going on. In the end, he decided that it was best to ask. “What’s going on?”
“Me and Sumo are waking you up.” Hank replied, helpfully.
“That’s usually my job, to wake you up… Are you feeling okay, Lieutenant?”
“Aw, shut the fuck up.” Hank rolled his eyes, smirking. “Are you really telling me that, that I’m the one who’s more excited about a holiday? After the fuss you made over Christmas?”
“Tinsel…” Connor mumbled, a longing look in his eye, before shaking his head to snap out of his trance. “I, uh… a holiday. Today?”
“Correct. Go on, look it up on your supercomputer brain. I’ll wait.”
Connor did just that, and was shocked to see that Hank was talking about Easter Sunday.
“Are you religious, Hank? I’m sorry, I didn’t realise.”
“Hell no. Nothin’ wrong with religion, but it’s not for me.” He shook his head. “Nah. Why’re you asking that?”
“Easter is a primarily religious holiday…”
Hank shook his head. “Not necessarily. Rest of us folk can celebrate it if we want to, in our own ways. Personally, I celebrate it by eating too much chocolate and feeling sick from it.”
“That doesn’t sound very pleasant…”
“Can it, tinsel-man.”
“Alright. So, it’s a holiday about eating chocolate, but since I’m an android… I can’t see what I could do to celebrate it.”
“Well, I mean, I guess it doesn’t have to be just about the food. It’s also about the theme. The aesthetic, if you will.” Hank tapped the bunny ears on his head. “It’s about spring, new life, all that shit. It’s about eggs.”
“Eggs?” Connor looked up. “That’s oddly specific.”
“Well, you know, chickens and all that shit. Eggs pretty much sum up Easter. I did arrange a little thing I used to do with… with Cole, in the house, if you want to try it.”
Connor smiled. “I’d love to. What is it, though?”
See the full post
23 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Jericho Game Night
Relationships: Connor/Markus, Hank Anderson & Connor
Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor, Markus, North, Josh, Simon
Tags: Fluff, Crack, Video games, Found family, Some flirting, Can be platonic love though, The romance is pretty lowkey, Friendship, Swearing, Banter, Simon is done
Summary: Markus, North, Josh, and Simon hang out with Connor at Hank’s house, and play video games together.
It goes about as well as you can except from the chaotic Jericrew.
 Read it on AO3! Or, read below!
Sumo whined, flopping onto his side, sticking a paw over his ear. He’d had to listen to his owners squabbling over who knows what for the past five minutes, and now they had come to a standstill.
“No, Connor.”
“No. Not after last time.”
“Last time was a—a onetime thing!”
“Great. Then it won’t happen again. They can’t come here.”
“No, that’s not what I meant—I promise, we’ll be good.”
“That’s what you said last time. Then I come home to my kitchen up in flames.”
“We were only trying to bake muffins—”
“You’re androids!”
“The muffins were for you.”
“Yeah, right. Answer’s no.”
The predicament? Something quite simple and innocent, really. Connor wanted his friends from Jericho over. Hank didn’t.
“But why?”
“Because last time you set my house on fire!”
Hanging out peacefully wasn’t really typical of the Jericho five. When they hung out between important meetings and events for android rights, chaos followed them. Particularly when Connor and North got their heads together.
“We promise we won’t. Besides, no lasting damage was done—aside from the burn on the ceiling.”
See the full post
33 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Imagine Connor not dying when he is killed and coming back, but instead splitting into two each time. Mytosis.
125 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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o-ca-mp-o · 1 year
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NIER:series game review
-Nier is an action role-playing video game developed by Cavia and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in April 2010.
-Nier automata is a 2017 action role-playing game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix. It is a sequel to Nier, itself a spin-off and sequel of the Drakengard series.
-Nier Reincarnation is a 2021 role-playing video game developed by Applibot and published by Square Enix for Android and iOS. 
This game has a long history composed of an abundant amount of titles. All of the Nier series is the continuation to the events from the Drakengard series .
Known for its phenomenal works of lore and Original soundtracks, One of the Nier games specifically Nier: Automata won Game of the year for Best Score/Music at #TheGameAwards 2017. This game is not an ordinary action based game that mainly focuses on hack and slash mechanics. It may have different impacts to each player depending on how they take in its content.
To put it simply Nier resides in the idea of Eternity and somewhat represents a psychologically difficult topic. It has heavy themes such as a perpetual cycle of life and death, the meaningless life of any person who lives within our world and many more that challenges ones peace of mind.
Though composed of such themes, Personally I the review would to share thoughts about the Nier series.
Nier is one of those games that may help you grow mentally through showing you one of the most depressing stories in the world, it doesn't go lightly on its players and it puts you through a perspective of its characters' life in which they are struggling in the events of each game, the game also shows you how eventually things might not go your way, even so the game also shows that the point in life is that we live in this world because we live for the people that we love and cherish.
There are several endings to two of the game in this series and each true endings are referred to as "Ending E"
This wraps up the significant parts of the Nier series, Thank you!
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liangxinn · 2 years
android!mg notes
gentle beings started: july 8th, 2021 finished: TBD ao3 link
Background + worldbuilding/setting notes below ^^
In 2018, I was incredibly hyped about the release of Detroit: Become Human. I was firmly in my androids phase at the time (Nier Automata, my one true love ♡), and I was super excited to see how the story would play out.
...And DBH just fell flat. Though there were some standout moments, I couldn't help but feel sorely disappointed by various plot and characterisation issues. I'll keep my opinions to a minimum, but I think it's quite telling about the writing quality that the best parts of the game came when the voice and motion-capture actors insisted on straying off-script and improvising a little. But y'know, whatever, what do I know... ¯\_(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)_/¯
I know it sounds like I hated the game, but I did enjoy it for what it was, I swear!! The world itself was developed with an impressive level of detail, and it covered some interesting points about what a future with androids might look like. Here is where my android!MG fic comes into play (finally)!
For the purpose of the fic, I borrowed from some of the basic principles of how androids work in DBH:
Androids are usually identifiable by their uniform or a ring-shaped LED worn on the right temple (this functions as a status indicator - blue for normal functioning, yellow for processing, red for errors or distress)
Their inner functions resemble the human body, featuring synthetic organs known as biocomponents
Part of their functioning involves a circulatory fluid called thirium, nicknamed 'blue blood'
That's essentially it! I've tried to provide enough exposition within the fic to establish my own set of rules for this universe, but I wanted to be transparent about my inspirations and clarify some terms. You can look forward to Minwon being domestic, existential crises, and how a human and an android learn how to live together :>
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