#The FBI franchise
ricisidro · 10 months
The FBI franchise (also called #TheFBIs) is an American media franchise composed of 3 tv series that are currently broadcast on #CBS and streaming on #Prime Video.
It began with the premiere of FBI in 2018 and has since been expanded with spin-offs #FBIMostWanted and #FBIInternational.
All series in total amount to 216 episodes across 11 seasons of television.
#action #crime #drama
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noirtek · 8 months
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i forgot how to do line art
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fredbydawn · 9 months
I love that Saw fans all see Strahm and go “yeah the fail husband levels on this dude are way too high, he’s gotta be divorced,” but if I may take it one step further, I don’t think he was ever married, I think him and Perez had to go undercover as a married couple in the past and he kept wearing his fake ring after the assignment was over because he’s just that lonely
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walter-hotgirl-white · 8 months
dear saw 3d narrative,
if you wanted me to ship jill and mark in a hatefuck sorta way, why is mark so goddamn gay
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hoffmanstits-enjoyer · 11 months
Perez: and just when we think you've hit rock bottom....
Perez, shaking her head: ....you wanna fuck Mark Hoffman
Strahm: *bangs head on desk repeatedly*
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Dan: What did you get Peter for his birthday? Mark: I got him a kitten. Dan: Really? Me too! Lindsey: I also got him a cat. Cowan: Looks like we had the same idea. Dan: Rigg, please tell me you didn't get Peter a cat as well! Daniel: ...I got him a kitten. *later* Peter, in his apartment surrounded by cats and kittens: This is the best birthday ever!
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eastonapologist · 10 months
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erickson/halloran. for your consideration.
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hersweetrevenge · 8 months
corey commentary: the official making of h40 🎃🔪
honestly i feel like this book really helped me refocus my thoughts on corey and brought me back to basics for the first time in a while.
i've split this post into a few specific topics based on my own thoughts and the book details that i found most interesting. a lot of this i've talked about before but i'm bringing it back with evidence babyyy.
WARNING for suicide and suicidal ideation, murder, manipulation, mental health issues and crises, and passing mentions of child abuse.
corey's costume was developed in reverse (pg. 176), starting with his final look, the leather jacketed bad boy, and working backwards to the opening scene look, the good boy on his way to the sock hop.
i love that this was the process, i think that's so interesting from both a design and character perspective. taking him from what he became to what he was? it feels sort of like they were centring nostalgia in a way, starting with who corey became and then looking back to who he was (and who he will never be again). it kind of makes his downfall even more heart-breaking to me.
rohan mention's wearing coreys clothes in his real life and how no one even looked at him (pg. 184). in the commentary he also mentioned wearing corey's glasses a lot to get into the character mindset.
very interesting that we have tried and tested proof that corey can literally fade into the background and go unnoticed. it must be a combination of trying to be visually more plain but also a very quiet demeanour. but then you have the angle of corey being forced to reduce himself to as small and quiet and invisible impossible. i like the way corey both wants to be invisible (to avoid confrontation) but also desperately wants to be seen and heard and believed and understood by someone.
frame of mind/suicidal ideation
rohan mentions that there's an element of corey having not been able to kill himself before, because it was too hard to do, but looking into michael's eyes he realises he can just "call it quits" and let michael do it. then, after he is spared by michael, it gives him "permission" (pg. 198)
i think it makes a lot of sense though that michael letting him go is what tips corey over the edge, maybe reinforcing his own buried guilt (if michael let him go, he must be evil, right?) and making it feel a lot easier to make horrific choices (murder) while also making his emergency exit plan (suicide) feel easier too, if he wanted to.
corey being "tainted" by the shape because he's so close to being that anyway (pg. 172).
i don't personally believe in evil as an actual supernatural force in these movies, but corey is definitlel portrayed as more susceptible to michael's influence, even if michael does actuall demand anything of him.
i think @/slutforstabbings was the one who mentioned this to me. but when corey meets michael he is mentally and physically more susceptible to reacting irrationally in a very real-world sense. he has a history of abuse, experienced a major trauma (the accident), been under intense stress (the party), and had a recent head injury (the fall from the bridge and smacking his head in the sewer). these factors all contribute to a mental health crisis and drastic change in personality.
i feel like this confirms that corey was likely headed for (possibly another) breakdown in the future, but the events of the party/meeting michael just triggers it sooner.
emotional control
rohan mentions corey purposely doesn't feel anything since the accident (pg. 188).
this might have been my favourite detail that gets mentioned. i've always thought that corey's way of surviving post-accident was to just shutdown completely and switch off all his emotions. it's interesting to know that rohan was playing him that way.
and also a lot of the time when corey does feel strong emotions, they are turned in on himself to try and keep them private, like his anger at terry results in him hurting himself (accidently) with the milk bottle, or him regularly climbing over the bannister at the allen house but not being able to let go while during the day he thinks about some outward expression of rage through the blowtorch at the garage.
the mirror scene symbolises the first time corey feels in control (pg. 198).
i've written about this a lot before, but i very much agree that the mirror scene is a moment of processing both "what the fuck just happened?" but also "this is what control feels like". corey's whole breakdown, starting from killing nelson, is about regaining control over his own life, even if it means un-restraining himself and doing horrific things.
ryan turek (exec.) and paul logan (writer) specifically state how ends is essentially a revenge movie, with corey's kills start as revenge killings, but if he survived the kills would get more random (pg. 167).
i feel like this highlights the way that corey's connection with the shape is cut short, unlike michael who had it for decades. the shape (or the idea of it) lets corey get his revenge, but after that he could keep going, he'd pick up momentum and he wouldn't be slowing down.
this seems like this is pointing towards killing being corey's method of control rather than some more direct desire to kill.
he becomes "addicted" to violence and he knows it (pg. 191).
"addicted" is a super interesting word choice and i feel like it fits perfectly. corey starts with revenge, he has his reasons, but as time goes on he could find a reason for anyone if he wanted to.
if corey survived ends and got away, he'd be living his own life for the first time ever. i think there are a lot of things he'd over indulge in, and killing being an addiction plays heavily into that -- there would be nothing to tell him to stop.
high priest!corey
rohan specifically describes corey leading doug to the sewer as him bring michael a "sacrifice" (pg. 206).
vindication !! @/slutforstabbings once said to me, while we were talking about the ritualistic nature of corey and michael's relationship and killings, that corey replaces nelson as michael's high priest, as the person who brings the sacrifices and channels michael to the outside world.
rohan says that corey "plays" at being the shaking little boy again when he jump scares laurie while waiting outside for allyson (pg. 204).
i love this, because i fully believe corey thrives on manipulation. i think corey is fundamentally a good person anyway, but in dealing with joan he knows how to make himself inoffensive and agreeable, and i think he knows that that "character" is a safe bet to keep people happy.
and the novelisation confirms that this almost works !! laurie thinks he's just awkward and still upset from the night before. the thing that makes laurie doubt how genuine he is, is that she can see how he changes -- she can see the way he switches from one demeanour to another. proof right that he can play at being who he needs to be in the moment.
but then, by the time laurie shoots him, corey really is just a scared little boy who is in way over his head and unequipped for the situation he finds himself in (pg. 226).
corey is unprepared and unpractised -- he doesn't have the experience that michael has in bouncing back. he isn't michael. he's fucked up big time, his plan has fallen through, and he's backed himself into a corner. all the terrible things he's done, everything he's been through, the taste of control -- it's all for nothing is laurie can get the upper hand on him like this.
he's scared and out of his depth but he's dangerous, but corey ends the film the same way he starts it, in a situation he has no control over and with only himself to blame. only this time he's having the last word, he's going to do what he could before and he's going to take laurie down with him.
rohan said ronald is "the loveliest thing" in corey's life, and that the gesture of giving the motorbike is "beautiful [but] manly and detached" (pg. 182), which is a way more sympathetic view than i have.
this is a wayyy more sympathetic view of their relationship than i have. i do like this angle though, the idea that corey and ronald did have some sort of relationship but that neither of them can express it very well, that they're taking the stereotypically masculine route of small gestures and not a lot of words. which seems at odds with what corey really needed from the only male role model in his life, but it's kinda sweet that corey must like ronald enough for him to be a good part of his life, rather than just neutral.
maybe the takes about ronald being a good stepdad aren't wrong 👀
corey falls for allyson most deeply when he sees how she is on the edge just as much as he is (pg. 215).
this made me wonder if allyson and corey could have ever been together without the events of the movies? if they still met by chance, would they get along? would the attraction still be there?
their relationship is based on parasocial affection and shared similar traumas, there's a certain emotional intensity there that translates to them making rash decisions and commitments that i don't think they would otherwise.
joan's last words (in an even more extended death scene) are begging "michael" not to hurt corey (pg. 222).
joanne baron has talked about joan's motivations and perspective in some interviews, so this scenes lines up very well with what she's said previously. joan has never treated corey like a person, he's an object for her to control, but her two moments of concern for him (when he comes home the morning after the party and her death scene) come from a seemingly natural and genuine place.
also, the biggest factor that made me loose my mind over this: she doesn't know it's corey killing her. she begs this masked murderer not to kill her son, not know that it is her son beneath the mask 💀
she's begging someone not to hurt corey after years of being the one who has hurt corey. it's too late to turn back, it was always going to end like this, but can you imagine what went through corey's mind in that moment? that his momma wanted him to be safe but never made him feel safe when she had the chance.
me whenever there is a direct quote from rohan in this book:
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starryluminary · 3 months
Oh my FUCKING God Saw VI was so good. Oh my GOD that might of been the best Saw so far oooohhhhh my God
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thinkingoflawrence · 9 months
Part 2 ~ Angel Wings
Peter Strahm x Fem!Reader
TW: Mention of Dead bodies, Rats, Disgusting smells
WORDS: 900
"'Open the door, you will find me." Does that sound familiar to you?" I asked Detective Hoffman, and he seemed confused about the question. Peter then threw the key at him. "What is this?" Hoffman answered, still confused about what this was about.
"The key was in our last message from Detective Kerry." As Peter said this, Hoffman's eyes switched between Peter's and mine. "I ask you once again, Detective Hoffman, does 'open the door, you will find me' sound familiar to you?" My eyes were inspecting his face. He only answered with a simple "no" and gave me the key back.
Peter let out an audible sigh, "Where's the body?" Detective Hoffman led us into the room, revealing Detective Kerry's lifeless form suspended from the ceiling. Crime scene photographers were already taking pictures.
I inspected the body as Peter sent the crime scene photographer out of the room. The sight was horrible, not to mention the nauseating smell.
Kerry's rib cage was opened, and rats were already crawling on and inside Kerry's decaying body. She was hanging from some harness with some metal device with two mechanical arms attached to her back, which made it look like Angel wings.
"Do you see this?" I looked over to Peter, and he motioned over to something on the floor. It was a lock. "The lock was opened." I looked closely at it, and indeed, the lock was opened.
"You mean... She couldn't get out?" I was taken aback by that information for a moment, and I just looked at Peter. "It was constructed for her execution" before Detective Hoffman came back with a calm facade.
Peter's Facade, on the other hand, was one with a hint of disgust, as he curled his lips slightly.
"So it's not a jigsaw trap?" I questioned, and my eyes widened as I looked back at the Lifeless body.
"We suspect that it was Amanda Young, the accomplice." I watched Hoffman before he was cut off by Peter. "This couldn't have been done by Amanda Young." "Excuse me?"
Peter slowly walked around Kerry's body, inspecting it.
"Detective Kerry weighed around 130 pounds, while Young's report stated that she weighs 107 pounds." I listened to the conversation as I looked around more.
Finding something on the wall saying "Cherish your life" made me wonder if it may be actually a Jigsaw trap, or, like we suspected, an apprentice, or worse, a copycat.
I took some notes while I thought about who could've caused this, and before I knew it, Peter was done talking with Hoffman and went outside. I walked towards Hoffman to ask him more questions. It took some time until we got back to the office. The air in the car was heavy with the weight of the disturbing discoveries we had just witnessed.
Detective Hoffman led us through the station to a room where a man was sitting with his back to us, watching an interrogation video of Hoffman with a woman.
We stood by the door while Hoffman convinced him to go home to his girlfriend or wife, whom we can just assume.
Hoffman quickly introduced him as "Lieutenant Rigg" commander of their SWAT team. We continued to talk with Hoffman for a while before we separated ways and went to collect some information to figure out who Jigsaw's apprentice was.
After a while, we examined two pieces of evidence: a newspaper article about John Kramer and the tape that Rigg had watched earlier. The atmosphere was calm and silent. Throughout, the only sound that could be heard was the audio from the tape and the persistent click of Peter's pen, which underscored his intense focus on the footage.
While researching, we found a vital piece in Kerry's last message that we have overseen. She said that two officers might be in danger.
"Should we tell Hoffman about the Additional message Kerry left us?" Peter sighed. "She said they only might be in danger, and we don't even know who she meant by that" he flipped through some files as he said that. "I mean, what if Hoffman is one of them? Shouldn't he be informed just in case?" Peter just looked at me with a blank expression, "Out of your authority," Peter declared sternly, his gaze fixed on the files. "We need to handle this discreetly within our area"
Some time passed, and we decided to take a lunch break. We sat down together in the cafeteria of the Office. Peter's sigh revealed his eagerness to move past the unsettling case, a sentiment I shared. Unfortunately, we had no clear direction post-lunch. I gently held his hand, reassuring him, "We can handle this, but for now, let's focus on lunch and give our brains a little break, okay?"
"Alright, maybe you're right," he conceded. I gave his hand one final reassuring squeeze, releasing it with a smile. In return, he offered a soft, appreciative smile.
After we finished our lunch, we headed back to work hand in hand. We grabbed some files as we arrived, separating our hands once again. not finding anything else that could be useful for the case at the moment, as suddenly Detective Fisk came rushing in with prints of Officer Rigg. A different officer also came into the room, telling Fisk that there were shots fired in some apartment, which turned out to be Rigg's apartment...
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Hello people. I'm looking for someone to talk to about the FBI franchise on cbs. The fandom seems to be really small and I can't seem to find anyone
My favourites are International and Most Wanted, FBI kind of bores me lately...
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zivaninja · 1 year
So I could potentially (clown shoes on) get eo tonight, scola dying tuesday and brettsey endgame thursday
Am I winning? Am I losing? Fuck knows but wolf ent gonna hear from me either way
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fredbydawn · 8 months
smh at people trying to decide whether it’s Hoffman or Strahm wearing the mask on the Saw V cover based on hairline, jawline, and ear shape, when clearly we should be analyzing the tits
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lizardsfromspace · 8 months
The writers of DS9: Yeah, we can do our "stranded in the troubled 21st century, our heroes must undo damage to the timeline lest the Federation be erased forever" plot in two episodes.
The writers of SNW: Yeah, we can do our "stranded in the troubled 21st century, our heroes must undo damage to the timeline lest the Federation be erased forever" plot in one episode.
The writers of Picard season 2: We absolutely need ten episodes to tell our "stranded in the troubled 21st century, our heroes must undo damage to the timeline lest the Federation be erased forever" plot. You need one episode to set up the time travel, first of all, then a episode setting up the dark future. How else will the audience understand it if you don't tediously show every detail? Will our longer take be deeper? No, just the same thing with a dozen random subplots. What if everyone had a identical twin in the 21st century? What if Picard's mom had a gothic novel backstory in the socialist future utopia? What if we did a whole episode about how a random FBI agent met a Vulcan once? What if we had one of the main characters be a corpse all season and let another straight up vanish from the franchise after one episode?
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penwieldingdreamer · 5 months
A Shot in the Dark ~ Prologue
Well, welcome to my latest obsession - FBI and OA Zidan. This is a crossover between FBI, FBI: Most Wanted & Blue Bloods. Let me know what you think and if you'd like to be tagged in any future chapters.
I do not own any of the characters of the FBI Franchise and Blue Bloods, they belong to their respective owners
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Summary It's said, you'll always meet twice in life. But you never thought it be in a hostage situation with a gun pressed against your head.
Warnings: hostage situation, canon typical violence, coarse language, smut in later chapters
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The human mind is really the scariest thing of all.
Life in general is scary, and yet you step out of your home each day and face it. You imagine how a situation might turn out if you just changed one thing in your day to day life. Sometimes it’s the sandwich they didn’t have at the bakery and sometimes it’s the choice you make on the job.
“Andrew, drop the gun and let my sister go!” Detective Danny Reagan called, his own weapon trained on the former NYPD officer, voice shaking as he looked at you, seeing his own fear mirrored in your eyes. “She’s got nothing to do with this. You want me. Let the kids and her go.”
Shaking his head, former police officer Andrew O'Sullivan pushed the muzzle of his gun harder against your temple. "They are all the leverage I need to get you to do what I want."
"O'Sullivan! This is Agent Scott and Agent Bell with the FBI. Surrender your weapons and let the hostages go. We will make sure that your demands are met, but you need to let the kids and Miss Reagan go."
You could feel the tears running down your cheeks, but you knew you had to be strong for the children. Their parents put you in charge and you, as their teacher, needed to make sure they'd get out safe. “Please Mister O’Sullivan, you got me, let the children go home. They don’t have anything to do with this.”
Your heart was hammering in your throat watching your brother desperately trying to get Andrew to drop the weapon, the ground feeling like it was going to be pulled from underneath you. And here you thought it was going to be a good day today.
Five hours earlier, 9:15 Bluestone Lane Tribeca Café
"So, heard anything from tall, dark and handsome? You looked cute together."  
“Mom! You’re embarrassing her.”
The lawyer grinned into her coffee mug as the three of you sat together for breakfast. "What!? I saw pictures from way back when. It's been more than four years now, just thought maybe you'd have a run in with him again."
"Nope, haven't seen him since before he started training at Quantico and you would know that. I'm practically living with dad and pop again after those idiots living above me wouldn't have smoked weed and forgot to shut off the water."
Nicky only rolled her eyes at her mother trying to play matchmaker – as always. “You should leave Y/N alone. Danny would have a field day if she came home with him.”
“Thank you, Nicky, I knew why you were my favorite niece.” You took a bite from your chocolate croissant. Usually you’d be getting the breakfast sandwich the café was famous for but today they were all out.
“I’m your only niece, so that’s not a hard feat to do.”
“Yet.” You pointed a finger at the younger woman. “And I don’t even know where he is. I’ll not be running after him and use dads resources to find him.”
“All I’m saying is that you should get laid, you can’t just stay a single workaholic forever." 
Sending your sister a disapproving look, you could see the disgust on your nieces face. She was old enough to be part of that conversation and already had one boyfriend, yet you knew she was absolutely embarrassed by her mother's choice of breakfast conversation.
"Mom! God! I'll be heading off to work or you'll start talking about dad and yourself." Nicky, so much like Erin grabbed her purse and to-go cup, leaned over to kiss her mother's cheek before she moved next to you. With her arm draped over your shoulder, she leaned in as if to whisper into your ear but still spoke at normal volume. "Don't let her bully you into looking him up. You do you, Auntie, but she's right, you need to get laid."
Slack jawed at her gall, you turned accusatory eyes on the lawyer. "That's definitely on you, Erin. You taught her to be like that."
"Well, she's definitely got that from me and she'd make a great lawyer like that."
Letting out a sigh, you leaned back in your chair.
Damn, they were right.
Quickly apologizing to God under your breath, you try to anchor yourself to your mug. It had been years since you had seen Omar. You had met him outside a bar in the Financial District, after a date had dumped her right before dessert, telling her she wasn’t worth his time.
“He’s a dick, he wasn’t going to know what to do with you anyway.”
You sat together at the bar and talked about random stuff – friends, hobbies, only things that wouldn’t compromise him as you later found out he was undercover for the DEA.
“You’re quiet, what are you thinking about?”
Blinking, you watched your sister with a small, wistful smile, something she had seen so often when you had gone out to have breakfast with Nicky and her every Saturday morning. “Nothing.” You shrugged your shoulders, but the secret smile that barely turned up the corners of your mouth was still there and the lawyer knew that one, she had seen it often enough.
Erin took a sip from her coffee, narrowing her eyes at you. “Don’t give me that shit, Y/N. It’s Tall, Dark and Handsome isn’t it?”
“Maybe.” You admitted quietly, looking down at your fingers, busy playing with the white napkin under your croissant.
“You should get Eddie to look for him, maybe he’s in town.”
Shaking your head vigorously. “No, I’ll not be looking for him. We would have seen each other, probably...maybe.”
“New York is huge, you think you’d just walk down Broadway and bam! There he is? Y/N, I can assure you, that’s not how it works.” She laughs, knowing all about it with her ex-husband Jack. “You want him, you need to look for him, he’s not just going to turn up if you snap your fingers.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want to look for him, maybe it wasn’t meant to be if I haven’t run into him by now. Or maybe he’s somewhere in D.C., happily married with 1.93 kids, living in the suburbs and chasing the bad guys.”
Chuckling, the lawyer shook her head at you. “You got it all figured out now, huh? Maybe he’s still single, thinking about that maybe with you. He was really nice when he came around for lunch that day.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me, Eddie wouldn’t shut up about him for a week straight.” Just then your phone chimed, letting you know that you needed to get ready to get to your Junior High class for their field trip to the museum. You would meet them together with their parents right in front of the museum. “Shit, I’m late! Sorry Erin, I got to head off.”
“We’re not done talking about him!” She called after you as you raced out of the cafe to the next Metro station.
An hour and a half later you remind your seventh grade students to be nice and listen closely to the lady showing you around the National History Museum. “There’s going to be a test on Monday next week, so you guys should take notes on all of this.”
A groan ripped through the hall and I knew they hated me for this. “But Miss Reagan, you said we could have fun today.” Jimmy calls from the back, a frown on his cute face. 
Giggling, you shook your head. They were still thinking it was just going to stay easier from there on out. “I did, but it doesn’t mean you guys can slack off on your school work. This is going to help you with your Science project.”
Groans, followed by sighs from your students were the end of that conversation. You and the group of thirteen-year-olds followed Mrs. Langdon as she talked about the museum, which exhibitions had already been part of the building and what was waiting for the boys and girls of Lower Manhattan Middle School. They were in the Early Adolescence stage and it was absolutely normal for them to act like that. With Nicky, Jack and Sean you had been exposed to that stage early on and you loved them for it.
You entered the Saurichian Hall of the museum, awed by the skeletons, the hairs on your arms starting to raise from the goosebumps at the imagination of having lived back in time, 66 millennia’s ago. But somehow, it wasn’t the only thing that gave you the shivers. At the entrance of the museum you had seen a guy, dressed like everyone else. But you had been around police your whole life and listened to your bothers to know that something was definitely wrong with him. His head was down but you saw his eyes darting about like he was searching for something – or someone.
Getting to the next section, you slightly turned your head away from your students excitingly listening to the tales of each dinosaur exhibited at the museum.
There he was again, the backpack slung low on his shoulders and it looked like he was sweating. Was he sick and needed help? If so, wouldn’t he have asked the people at the front desk or even stayed at home.
Danny had always told you to be vigilant about suspicious people roaming about and this guy fit the description. Should you text Danny or Jamie? They were probably busy with their cases and if he was just a creep you’d make a fool out of yourself and maybe your dad in extension.
Police Commissioner’s daughter accuses visitor at the National History Museum to be a creep and makes a laughing stock out of the Reagan family.
Now that would be the headline of the week.
Turning back to listen to Mrs. Langdon and your students with a sigh you missed him pulling out a gun from under his jacket, pointing it at your back before slightly lifting it up and pulling the trigger.
11:40, Joint Operations Center
“Alright guys, we've got a hostage situation at the National History Museum. Twenty-two students from LoMa Middle School and their teacher. This is high profile. Detective Reagan with the NYPD called it in about fifteen minutes ago.” ASAC Jubal Valentine’s voice rang out through the JOC. He motioned to Elise, one of the Analysts to put every information on the screens. “This is Y/N Reagan, she’s a teacher at the school and also the daughter of New York City Police Commissioner Frank Reagan.”
Your picture popped up on the screens, a happy smile on your face as you sat together with your father and your brother Jamie at a city function.
“You know, now that I’m done with my trainee-ship as teacher, we could make it official. Dad wants me to tag along at this function or other and I’d like to take you as my plus one.” You smiled at him, your arms slung around his neck as you lounged together on his bed.
Omar ran his fingers from your shoulder to your elbow and up again. He loved the feeling of your soft skin under his hands, slightly roughed from the army. “It would be nice, I’d love to finally show you off to my family as well. Erin has been nagging me like a hen to know who the guy is making me smile all day.” He smiled, nuzzling her neck and listening to her giggles as his nose and beard rubbed up and down against that point where her neck met her shoulder.
"I'd like that. I bet your sister isn't the only one nagging." He chuckled, burrowing closer and pushing his lower half against yours earning a soft groan from you.
Your fingers raked over his head, feeling the short cropped hair tickle the palm of your hands. “Pop and dad are already giving me those penetrative looks, you know the ones where they are acting like cops and trying to read a suspects thoughts.”
Closing his eyes, the former army ranger breathed in your scent. It was the one thing that grounded him on days his mind sent him back to Iraq. “From what you told me I’m more afraid of your brother, not your father and grandpa.”
Omar moved next to Maggie, a soft Shit leaving his lips as his eyes swept over the screens. It had been a few years since he’d last seen you, only a few days short of leaving for his training at Quantico. Seeing your face, tear track staining your cheeks with the suspect pressing his gun to your head.
The brunette watched her partner, the fingers of his left hand anxiously playing with his ring. A sign that he was nervous. A sign Maggie had learned in the beginning when they first were partnered up.
“You know her?”
He sighed, “We, ugh, we dated for a while before, before I went into training. I...broke it off, because I thought she’d be better off without me.”
“Gosh, OA.” Maggie murmured, scratching a fingernail along her eyebrow thoughtfully. She knew her partner had been in relationships before – he was Muslim, not a virginal saint, but she had never seen him this distraught or anxious. 
It was clear as day that you were still important to him and it took everything in him to not run out the door and drive off toward the museum.
"What do we have on the suspect?" Isobel questioned, coming to stand next to her 2nd in charge. 
"Suspect is 40 year old Andrew O'Sullivan, former police officer with the NYPD, 54th Precinct and bomb specialist with the Marines. Detective Daniel Reagan, Y/N’s older brother was part of the investigation against him.” Kelly Moran, an analyst at the JOC spoke up, tapping hastily on his keyboard and sending the pictures of their suspect to the bigger screens. “He took drugs from evidence and tried to sell it on the street. O’Sullivan needed it for his daughter, she has leukemia and he was going to take the money to pay for her treatments.”
The analyst pressed a key to show the picture of a little girl, maybe ten years old, grinning at the camera. “Lena O’Sullivan, she”
“His daughter died two days ago, that’s why he’s doing it. He wanted to save her from it and we took the money that would pay for her treatment. Andrew has been angry with me for a while and called me after Lena died.” A new voice sounded from behind them, strong and authoritative, yet they could all hear the pain laced into his words. “He has my sister and if you guys don’t get a move on, Andrew is going to kill them all.” Detective Daniel Reagan had made his way to the JOC, knowing he couldn’t make a move against O’Sullivan without the people of the FBI. You were his little sister and he’d be damned just sitting around at the precinct when he needed to get you to safety. More so when Erin would have his head for being the reason the former officer had you and your kids as hostages.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
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