#The Holy Symbol was such a satisfying thing for me I love that item so much ;A;
hikarinokusari · 4 months
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We did an art exchange in the Misthoppers discord, and it was a highlight to see everyone's art. There are fantastic pieces everywhere, a true delight for the eyes. I had the pleasure to draw Kasia of St Andral for @lemonsdaily-artdump ♥
And because I couldn't choose I made both versions ↓
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
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Anonymous asked: (Is it possible that Duke hypnotized Vanessa? He IS a vampire and that's generally a vampire thing. Plus with Vanessa being related to Missi, he may have seen the poster and decided this was a good way to give a slap to Missi.)
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I would give that a big fat no.
For one, Daria’s vampires are not the same as normal vampires so their abilities are still up in the air unless we’ve seen them actually done or portrayed in some kind of art-form. For example: Holy items do not harm Vampires in Daria’s world. The symbol itself holds no special meaning in her universe and so they do not harm them. Though it is implied holy water can harm them but that is most likely because it is specifically blessed while any old person can make a cross, the item itself isn’t what gives it the power, it’s the faith behind it that can harm them.
Secondly, Duke doesn’t seem to be the type to use any kind of mind-control even if he had the ability to do so. Duke is a bit of a narcissist, self loving, but in a way he doesn’t want the affections to be fake. I know the rules of hypnotism or w/e is that the target must already be willing to do the acts, I believe he would get more satisfaction knowing his partner was fully in control of their thoughts and actions. His partner needs to want him for him to be satisfied.
Duke knows Vanessa is Missi’s sister, I like to headcanon (though ofc no Duke RPer has to) that When we see this shot
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We’re actually looking through Duke’s eyes which is why “Missi” standing out more than the NG at the end. It’s Duke’s mind focusing on that word/name so he can make the connection the vampire that kicked his ass is the human that killed him and that from some obvious similarities between the picture of Missi and Vanessa they are related. * Edit: Also I’d like to think they didn’t purposefully put Missi-ng for a fucking pun, like they use her nickname on a missing poster doesn’t seem right to me??? So like, that would seem to even further downplay her whole missing-persons if they decided to make a pun on her missing poster when it’s “supposed” to be serious.
He definitely slept with her sister just to get back at Missi, and probably because he thought she was attractive. I don’t think any kind of “mind control” could be put in this because if you want to make the argument “Because we saw weird hearts floating around Vanessa in chapter 5 when she was around Duke that must imply something!!” We see in the Season Finale she’s standing outside his house, waving, happily, with no kind of other influence over her
Also it could have simply been something for The Fifth One because of the art-style being more in a chibi-esque kind of way and showing just how infatuated she was with this vampire-man.
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So I don’t think there’s enough evidence to show she was under any kind of influence / mind control / hypnosis.
Also Daria had said Vanessa actually wouldn’t care if she found out what happened to Missi and she, in general, can be very self-centered and only really caring for herself.
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George A. Romero’s “The Amusement Park”
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George A. Romero might be the man who most directly served as my gateway to critical movie watching. Unlike a lot of the filmmakers who helped me mature my understanding of film as a medium of art rather than a disposable experience, my love for his work has only deepened as opposed to having a twinge of cringe at the pretense with which I embraced some movies and directors that I’ve grown cold on or outright pivoted into disliking. Where, for the latter, they served a valuable purpose but were perhaps able to do so as a result of being digestible or, in retrospect, lamentably simple, Romero’s movies have not a single thread of posturing to something “important” woven in. Romero was always handy in using the backdoor of theme and metaphor to deliver ideas, as opposed to a direct scolding or information session.
At their very best, his movies achieve a balance that few films can when it comes to being experienced as being equally enjoyable and intellectual - while never sacrificing one for the other. There’s almost an elegance to the inelegance that comes from working so far outside of the studio system. The low budgets of his independent fare give a scrappy, tactile quality to locations and do little to glamorize and gussy up things like frequent collaborator Tom Savini’s chunky, visceral makeup effects. His run in the 70s is especially potent as a result of the low-budget aesthetic. The Crazies, Martin, and Knightriders would lose a certain verisimilitude to their outsider art mission statements if they had a glossy studio packaging. 
I’ve been hesitant to write up my love for the late, great Romero since it feels like a daunting task to distill the endless rivers that flow from the massive glacial totem that is George A. Romero. The same thing can be said for a lot of people whose work I have deeply seeded respect and love for like Jonathan Demme or Robert Altman. I know that art and movies are reduced when treated like rites of passage or items on a checklist for credibility, but I have this overwhelming feeling that I want to come correct when it comes to folks like these. It feels like a responsibility to be comprehensive, eloquent, and effective in describing them, their work, or their massive impact on myself.
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Well, I finally got enough reason to put down some words when I found out that a bizarre, long-thought-lost missing puzzle piece of this titanic personal hero was going to be released. Not only that, but I could see it in a relatively safe way in a theater. What I was lucky enough to see projected on a bright wall in a dark room was something that filled me with equal parts pleasure and stomach-churning uneasiness. One of the greatest compliments I can give to the film is that felt like it would make a terrific pairing with Carnival of Souls.
The Amusement Park is a film that Romero was commissioned to make by The Lutheran Society about senior citizens being disregarded by society. After having seen what Romero concocted up with screenwriter Wally Cook, it’s no surprise that the film was shelved, and thought destroyed. Like all of Romero’s great films, The Amusement Park operates with a keen but unpretentious metaphor and allegory at its heart. What makes this project immediately different is that it’s bookended with a direct address to the camera from its star, a charming and hammy Lincoln Maazel, breaking down the mission statement and intent of the symbolism within it. What follows is an experiential concept piece that disorients the viewer in an attempt to have them empathize with their elders’ terror and loneliness at the hands of ageism, elder abuse, and death. It’s an effective plea for human decency and a disquieting, haunted trip to hell outside of heaven’s waiting room.
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The runtime is under an hour and plot takes a back seat to sensation, so I won’t go into too much detail for the sake of preserving the set pieces’ potency. What I will do is highlight a few moments and stylistic choices.
The Amusement Park is very angry and very sad. The camera is mostly handheld and takes on a documentary texture when it focuses on the faces of other elderly park goers. There’s a lament for the life that these poor folks are trapped within cut between a venomous glare at the ancillary characters who disregard or assault the senior park guests. Romero’s usual distaste for the wealthy resurfaces most notably in a scene where Maazel’s man sees a rich and “proper” man dine on lobster and smoke a comically large cigar before looking back at the old man in absolute disgust. He’s served a slop of beans and bread on a paper plate. Like a lot of the film’s ideas, the dichotomy of circumstances trades subtlety for effectiveness. What makes this scene unique is that when the old man offers to share his meager rations with the other hungry guests, they show no restraint – it’s a nasty collage of shots with bread being torn and people shoved.
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The real standout sequence comes as our unnamed protagonist follows a young couple into a fortune teller’s tent while they ask to see their future. The spritely lovebirds want to know if they’ll be still be together in their old age, but the fortune teller offers warning that in order to see their future, they’ll need to see it in its entirety. The couple’s youthful ignorance shows a general feeling of invincibility that many of the young characters have throughout the film, but once they see what the soothsayer has to offer, they are forced to reckon with the ominous vicissitudes that appear before them.
The editing of the sequence is jarring, cutting between the disparate time periods – flash cuts between the crystal ball and the eyes of the woman behind it are slammed into what looks like a documentary or news interview with a building manager who laments the raise in taxes and how it keeps him from fixing the dangerous, dilapidated, low-rent housing behind him. This is an institutional crisis. The film cuts to narrative footage of that same young couple, now old and desperate for emergency medical attention. Outside, a high school marching band blares and trots forward with a brash, spry pace. It’s as if the band is flippantly taunting the old women, life trampling on without her and her bedridden husband. The wife’s attempts to reach their doctor are moot. Chaos overwhelms a quiet passing. Upon seeing his own mortality, the young man targets the protagonist and attacks him in a flurry of confused anger.
The movie has an episodic structure, and some of these interludes work better than others. While I do think that the movie is quite good and a must-see for any curious fans of the director’s career (he even has a great cameo), I certainly wouldn’t hail it as a masterpiece. Working for hire within the specific constraints of an educational film and off of a script that he didn’t write (a rarity within his career), there’s some serious clumsiness to the some of the story beats and how underlined the symbolism is. I also greatly missed the seamless integration gallows humor that spices up even the bleakest of Romero’s other projects. What’s here in terms of levity occasionally undercuts the horror. That being said, its mission to imbue experiential empathy for old folks was undeniably successful in this viewer - the packaging may be a bit busted, but the product is fresh and satisfying. Like The Crazies or his Dead films, the ever-approaching specter of death is the driving force behind the melancholic terrors of the piece. Romero’s knack for satisfying but somber endings is present here as well. Images from this - like the holy men closing up shop - stack up alongside some of the other hauntingly effective moments from Romero’s movies that are emblazoned in my brain like the closing montage of Night of the Living Dead, the opening sequence of Martin, the roaches in Creepshow, and the wall of hands from Day of the Dead.
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While it feels weird to offer praise to a man alongside a short review for a movie he was, by all accounts, not terribly impressed with, this is what I’ve chosen to do. *shrugs* I’ll never write the perfect tribute or quite distill the gratitude I have for certain people and the gifts they gave me (along with countless others). I can selfishly make that a burden and never actually put it out there for fear of imperfection, or I can be grateful and embrace the luck that I’ve been able to see another work from one of those people. Especially after watching this, I’ll choose the latter.
The Amusement Park is now available to stream on Shudder.
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gaymergoose · 4 years
Favourite food for everyone - or if that gets asked before me, favourite article of clothing!
you are the first to ask, so I will do both! warning: i went off a bit oops this is long
Malika - her dwarf mom’s famous (in Malika's eyes, at least) dumplings, which are literally just bits of dough boiled and then sauteed with some butter, onion, and a pinch of salt. thats it. they are bland as all heck but Malika loves them more than any fancy food she's had on her adventures. / her prized set of Adamantine full-plate armour, which has seen her through so many near death experiences (and a few actual deaths) and have become synonymous with her sense of self as the group's shield, literally and otherwise. now that it's been enchanted to always be comfortable to wear no matter what, she never takes it off if she can help it, even sleeping in it!
Thalia - sweets!! especially those lil sponge/jam cakes they have at parties that are just tiny cubes cut from big cakes. most of her life spent as a member of a noble family and being forced to attend boring parties was spent squirreling away these little treats to her own hiding nook where she would spend the whole party out of sight munching in a less-than-ladylike fashion / speaking of fashion, her favourite item of clothing is her favourite pair of boots! comfy enough to adventure in, but still nice enough to justify wearing them during her everyday affairs as baroness of Irinia. she hates being made to wear high heels, the most she'll tolerate for formalwear is a low stable 1-inch heel
Zeegs - m....mm.......m e a t s............ (as much as they're reluctant to admit to anyone, human flesh is by far the tastiest thing they've ever been able to snack on. probably dont wanna to ask for elaboration on that) / they don't say it, but it's easy to tell that they love their new cloak of resistance, this white cloak is by far the nicest article they own, it's soft and warm and more than once has been used as a blanket in a pinch and by morning Zeegs was cuddled up with it like a child with their blanket (don't tell them that though - they'll likely bite your arm off)
River - grilled or smoked fish, the good shit. they're not hard to please, clearly / if they could have it their way, they wouldnt even wear clothes at all, but public decency n all that jazz, so they stick to a minimal unobtrusive wetsuit-like shorts and throw their armour on over their bare chest, or over some mesh fishing net that they don when they get the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" talk
Soleil - beer-BBQ sauce-slathered pheasant wings, and other pub food most often found at her favourite temples of Cayden Cailean, and of course, her own signature brewed beer and spirits that are disgusting to anyone but herself, though she won't turn her nose up to any alcoholic drink (its the alcoholism babe) / a nice long, flowy skirt is comfortable and mobile, and whoever says pants are better is a damn fool
(keeping the rest shorter since I ranted far too much on those first ones)
Azure - food from her homeland of Qadira always brightens her day / anything that's light and breezy and twirls so she can dance in it!
Fern - used to be she only liked her own home-cooked druidic recipes passed down from her parents' extended druid clan, but she's developed a sweet tooth for her gf Seren's baking ;3 / she used to treasure the silver pendant bearing the holy symbol of Gozreh that her parents gifted her when she moved away to Absalom, but for the last year ever since her brother came to live with her, she hasn't been seen wearing it once.
Tallis - only the most expensive and luxurious seafood dishes can truly satisfy this discerning palette! (aka anything with shrimp) / only the finest finery and glamourous gaudiments are fit to be tailored on the finest of forms! (aka anything with excessive amounts of glitter)
Rienna - she likes spicy things, the hotter the better, especially if it hurts / black leather and lace. that's all you need to know.
Zara - prefers her food cold, and raw. you don't want to know any more than that / a sensible set of laboratory-safe apparel suitable for performing unethical experiments in the name of scientific discovery
Ritu - anything her lovely gf Marie makes!! also spinach pizza, and sprite with lots of ice / anything with lots of rainbows or bright colours, the world needs to know that this superhero is gay!
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pri-the-writer · 5 years
Fairies and Fowls
Here’s a peak at my piece for the Fowl Mood zine, which you can find at @artemis-fowl-zine​
“I’m sorry, you want us to do what exactly?” Holly asked, much to Foaly’s apparent dismay. On the hard light screen he was projected onto, the centaur rolled his eyes and sighed before he spoke again.
“For the last time, play Dungeons and Dragons with me! It’s not that hard to understand, Holly,” Foaly explained again. Holly smirked a tad, sitting back in her special chair- Artemis had customized it to her proportions and height, so that she matched their eye level when seated, or a “toddler’s chair mixed with a salon chair” as Artemis liked to call it- then said, “No, I know, it’s just a little funny to me, is all.”
“Yes, I didn’t take you of all people to be a fan of role-playing games.” Artemis chimed in, smirking as well. On his screen, Foaly rolled his eyes before saying, “I didn’t, at first. But then my nephew got into them and then he got me into them and- look, do you want to play or not?”
The two humans and fairy, all seated around a table in one of the Fowl Manor’s parlor rooms, exchanged a look at each other to consider it. Eventually, they shrugged in unison and Holly said, “Sure, I guess it can’t hurt.”
“Excellent! Now let me explain the rules,” Foaly said, before going off on a tangent about the rules and guidelines for the game that even puzzled Artemis somewhat, before asking, “Got it?”
They all nodded, two lying and another stretching the truth. Nevertheless, Foaly continued on, unfazed. For this impromptu game, Foaly had Holly bring in several items, including a hard light table, television screen, and tablets for the three of them that would hold the info for their characters. “Now, I have here several options for characters, but I’m going to start with the ones I think you’ll like best. Artemis, I was thinking you could be a rogue, for obvious reasons, but they require a certain amount of dexterity you lack. So then I thought, what about a bard?” Foaly suggested, prompting a smirk from Butler and a snicker from Holly.
“A bard? As in someone who sings and performs? Why exactly does that fit me?” Artemis asked, confused. Foaly huffed, then explained, “Bards sometimes sing, yes, but they also can read poetry or play instruments alone. They also have a spell called Vicious Mockery where you can do damage with words alone.”
“... That does appeal to me.” Artemis admitted.
“Now, Holly, I thought you might be a good fit for a ranger or druid. A ranger is a rogue who works on the edges of nature, protecting people from harm while using the forces of nature to their benefit. A druid is someone who communes with nature and casts spells with the will of the forest.” Foaly explained. Holly considered for a moment, then said, “I think the ranger one sounds interesting. Kinda similar to what I do with LEP and all.”
“Right! And Butler, you seemed a good fit for a paladin, a Holy warrior dedicated to a sacred oath.” Foaly explained. Butler raised an eyebrow and asked simply, “A Holy warrior?”
“Focus on the dedicated to an oath part. That seems like you, doesn’t it? Plus, there’s a sort of romantic air to paladins.” Foaly added quickly. Butler hummed quietly, then nodded. On his screen, Foaly clapped his hands together and exclaimed, “Excellent! Now, I’ve already made your character sheets for you, so that will be all set.”
He sent the character sheets to the trio’s tablets, revealing Artemis was a human bard, Holly was an elven ranger, and Butler was a goliath paladin. After typing some commands into his computer, the hard light table came to life, creating a miniature landscape for the adventurers to roam in. It seemed Foaly had already made little versions of their characters for the board as well, evident from the three individuals on the board who looked like them.
One was a human male, dressed in a fine shirt and pants, along with a black velvet vest adorned with silver buttons. He carried nothing else save a book, which was- according to Artemis’s character sheet- a book of poems. Another was a female elf, dressed in hunting clothes and a long cloak draped around her shoulders. She carried a bow and quiver of arrows with her, along with twin daggers. The final character was a gargantuan Goliath male, dressed in fine armor and wielding a sword and a shield bearing the symbol of the Fowl family.
“Foaly, I love you but you are such a nerd,” Holly said with a chuckle as she looked over everything. Foaly snorted and said, “If being passionate and prepared makes me a nerd, then d’arvit I’m a nerd.”
“Alright, alright. So how do we start?” Holly asked with a grin. 
Foaly nodded, satisfied, and said, “Easy. I give you a quest. You three are adventurers and for whatever reason you choose, are out searching for a noble quest. Soon enough in your journey you find a small village and seek out the local tavern to try and find some news of a possible job. As you enter the tavern, which is called Haven’s Rest, you notice that it is surprisingly empty. Normally taverns at least have one or two patrons milling about, so to see it completely empty like this is a bit odd.
“Nevertheless, you head in and see there is a notice board pinned to the right wall of the tavern. At the counter, there is the sole person inside besides you three, a pretty blonde half-elf wiping down the bar. What do you do?” Foaly asked the three of them, looking up from his tablet expectantly. Artemis thought it over for a moment, then said, “I suppose I’ll check the notice board.”
“I’ll join him.” Butler added. Holly shrugged a bit and said, “I guess while they’re looking at that I’ll get us some drinks? Or at least ask the barmaid what’s going on in town.”
“Alright, Artemis, Butler, you two head over to the notice board. You see some normal things like an advertisement to help thatch a roof, a sheepherding job out in the meadows, and a job offer to work at the general store, but the sign that catches your eyes first reads Help! Mayor kidnapped by a dragon! 10,000 gold to anyone who can rescue him. Holly, you walk up to the bar and startle the woman standing behind it, who quickly composes herself and says-” Foaly cleared his voice, then said in a bad impression of a feminine voice, “Oh, hello! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Wasn’t really expecting customers today- what can I get you?”
After struggling not to die laughing at Foaly’s voice for the woman, Holly replied, “I- I was hoping to get a few mugs of whatever’s good for my friends and I.”
“The woman smiles sadly at you before saying, I’m so sorry, we don’t really have anything except this awful old ale. That terrible dragon smashed the rest of our supplies last week.” Foaly narrated to Holly.
“A dragon? Like the one that stole your mayor?” Holly asked, earning a glare from Foaly.
“Holly, you don’t know about that yet. Only Artemis and Butler have read the poster.” Foaly corrected her. Artemis smirked a bit, and then said, “Oh barmaid, this dragon you speak of- is it  the same one that kidnapped your mayor?”
Foaly huffed and rolled his eyes, then said in his female impression, “Yes, it is. The fearsome beast flew into town last week, wreaked havoc and ate the cattle. Our brave mayor tried to make her leave, but she just snatched him up and flew off to his cave. We haven’t anyone strong or brave enough to go after them, so we put up notices and sent word to the capital. Oh, I fear the dear man is already dead!”
“Where is the dragon’s cave?” Butler inquired simply.
“Why, it’s at the peak of the mountains just north of here. You folk wouldn’t happen to want to go there, would you? I’d advise you to take an army if you do. The beast is quite terrible and monstrous.”
“I tell her we can handle it, then leave.” Butler told Foaly, who laughed at the human and replied, “Alright then. Do you two follow him?”
“I think I would like to get some information on the dragon. How large is she? Does she breathe fire? Do they know of any weaknesses she may have?” Artemis listed off. Holly shrugged and said, “I think I’ll head out with Butler.” 
“Alright then, Holly and Butler head outside of the bar and Artemis, you join them after getting some information from the barkeep. What do you all do now?” Foaly asked with a grin, obviously pleased with this turn of events.
“I suppose the best thing to do would be to purchase any supplies we might need for the trip. Is there a store in town?” Butler asked Foaly, ever focused on the mission at hand. Foaly nodded in response and answered, “Yes, there is. Across from the tavern is the general store, inside you find all manners of goods and supplies to aid you. Two elves run the store, a younger one who seems a tad nervous and an older one who seems very serious. He looks up at you from his place behind the counter and says, Welcome to Kelp’s General Store, how may I help you?” Foaly said this in an impression of Trouble- no matter how bad it was, Holly could recognize it- and Holly bust out laughing at the silly voice. Oh, Trouble would kill Foaly if he heard this. Butler merely rolled his eyes with a smirk before he said, “We need supplies for a trip up the mountain.” “We’re going to kill the dragon and save the mayor.” Holly added after her laughter died down. Foaly replied with his Trouble impression, “Really? Well then, you can have a discount. We need that damn thing dead.” Foaly pinched his nose, switching to a nasal voice, “Yeah! It ate Mommy’s cow!” Then he barked in Trouble’s voice, “Oh shut it, Grub.” “Holy Frond, this is hilarious.” Holly chuckled, grinning at the centaur.
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my-violet-road · 5 years
Analysis | “Snow And Dirty Rain” by Richard Siken
Can I just say that I fucking love Richard Siken so much? His poems just fill me with this sort of frenzied wonder, and he makes me feel like my soul is on fire. I just. I really love Richard Siken. Anyway, I have so many feelings about some lines from “Snow And Dirty Rain” that I needed to get it all out before it consumed me. I hope you enjoy my ramblings. 
So, first, Siken writes:
“and this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty which is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying Hold me tight, it's getting cold. We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven, which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it. The land drowned, the sky on fire, the gold light falling backward through the glass of every room. I'll give you my heart to make a place for it to happen, evidence of a love that transcends hunger.” 
Siken starts off by telling the reader that the map of his heart after cruelty “is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying Hold me tight, it's getting cold.” He doesn’t outright state what the cruelty mentioned is, but the effects of it are “the land drowned, the sky on fire, the gold light falling backward through the glass of every room.” It’s quite the post-apocalyptic, image, isn’t it? The land sinking away, a red, flaming sky, and an explosion of gold light that falls to its own rules. It just drives home the absolute despair and hopelessness Siken is feeling at the end of the world. 
But, Siken ends with “I'll give you my heart to make a place for it to happen, evidence of a love that transcends hunger” which is a significant full-circle because !!! He’s saying that he’ll give his heart to his lover, not for a sweet fairytale romance, but for something much darker. He wants his lover to absolutely ruin him. The reason he wants his lover’s darker side is for evidence “of a love that transcends hunger.” Hunger, to me, is an ache that never goes away until it’s fully satisfied. Siken wants a love that transcends that, i.e. a love that absolutely devours him from the inside out. 
And yet, though Siken paints a vivid image about how love ruins him, he also makes sure to mention how his heart is after this massacre. His heart is “a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying Hold me tight, it's getting cold.” A garden, which requires the utmost care to cultivate plants, tenderness, a room, perhaps a bedroom where one can relax at the end of the day, and a lover needing protection from the cold, needing love in the simplest ways. This is all so tender, which is exactly what Siken wants to convey. Even though violence has wormed its way into his soul, his heart is still so soft. He’s making a conscious choice to be tender and to love, so damn the consequences. To me, the poem is really about the “gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.” 
That’s not all! I noticed that Siken brings up some things multiple times, e.g., the stars, words, books, moonlight, sugar cubes, and the colour gold. For example:
“Is that too much to expect? That I would name the stars for you? That I would take you there? The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar cube? We've read the back of the book, we know what's going to happen.”
I do believe Siken is talking to himself in this passage, that he shouldn’t be too grand in his gestures, but fuck it, he’s going to be grand anyway. It certainly fits in with the rest of his poetry, big, bold love that doesn’t have a place to go. He’s not only saying that he would name the stars for his lover and take him there, but the splash of his tongue, the touch of his tongue, can make his lover melt. It’s a very beautiful line, a tinge lighter than the rest of this poem. Now, in the next line, Siken seems to drift in and out of reality, preferring to stay in the fantasy world. The book he references could be the “book of life”, and Siken and his lover “spoil the ending” for themselves, so they know how their life is going to end. 
“Moonlight spilling on the bathroom floor. A page of the book where we transcend the story of our lives, past the taco stands and record stores. Moonlight making crosses on your body, and me putting my mouth on every one. We have been very brave, we have wanted to know the worst, wanted the curtain to be lifted from our eyes.”
Siken writes about moonlight that spills on the bathroom floor, but he jumps right back to the book. If we continue to believe that “the book” is the “book of life”, then Siken says that a page in the book life means more than just the simple story of his and his lover’s life. It goes beyond them, past the little pleasantries of their everyday life. And we go back to the moonlight! Moonlight that makes crosses on his lover’s body, which is a poetic (and strange) image, that moonlight can just twist and contort its rays into a different shape. Crosses, though, are an important symbol of Catholicism, and its appearance here could intensify the mood of otherworldly things, and, in some cases, the struggle to be religious and gay. Siken kisses each cross; another example of how love can also be tender. He switches to a whole new topic in the next sentence: bravery. Why is he and his lover brave? Because they wanted the curtain to be lifted or! Because they wanted to know the worst of life, and they’ve “read the back of the book, we know what's going to happen.” 
“I had to make up all the words myself. The way they taste, the way they sound in the air.”
Now a mention of words, which is pretty similar to books, so I could not, in good conscience, ignore it. Siken had to make up all the words, but what words did he have to make up? Is he referring to the literal words he wrote? Or could it be that he’s making up words to reassure his lover, making things up that could keep them in their fantasy world?
“I made this place for you. A place for to love me. If this isn't a kingdom then I don't know what is. So how would you catalog it? Dawn in the fields? Snow and dirty rain? Light brought in in buckets? I was trying to describe the kingdom, but the letters kept smudging as I wrote them: the hunter's heart, the hunter's mouth, the trees and the trees and the space between the trees, swimming in gold. The words frozen.”
Words aren’t the only thing Siken made up. He also made up a place for his lover to love him. He compares that place to a kingdom, and here is his characteristic bigger-than-life love. He tries to describe the kingdom, but the kingdom isn’t a kingdom—it’s dawn in the fields, snow and dirty rain, light brought in in buckets. Suddenly, those items are smudging into something else—the hunter’s heart, the hunter’s mouth, and then the trees and the trees and the space between the trees, swimming in gold. Who is the hunter? I honestly believe that we (the reader) are not supposed to know; not knowing who the hunter is contributes to the panic that seeps into Siken’s writing. 
“Explaining will get us nowhere.”
This line is definitely a departure from Siken making up words. He sounds bitter, that no amount of words will get him and his lover anywhere because the only way forward is to walk there. 
“I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want. You said Tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and I said This is the Moon. This is the Sun. Let me name the stars for you. Let me take you there. The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar cube...We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so I said What do you want, sweetheart? and you said Kiss me.
Everything falls into place in this excerpt! Everything !!! Siken sets the scene by saying he and his lover are in the gold room where everyone gets what they want. What, exactly, is this room? It doesn’t matter. It only is another detail to the world Siken is creating. His lover wants to hear about his books, his visions made of flesh and light, and that’s the one thing he wants the most. Just the details of Siken’s interests. It’s very tender, when you think about it, that at the chance to get anything he wants, Siken’s lover wants to simply know about the books, the words, he invented. In response, Siken tells his lover about the moon (“moonlight making crosses on your body”), the sun (“how would you catalog it? Dawn in the fields? Snow and dirty rain? Light brought in in buckets?”), the stars (“Is that too much to expect? That I would name the stars for you? That I would take you there?”), and that damn sugar cube (“The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar cube”). 
And there’s another scene change! They’re in the gold room again, and they say the same thing but in different words. Siken’s lover only wants a kiss, out of everything in the world. But Siken is a bit different here. He asks what his lover wants, and can you believe that? He doesn’t say something—he asks. What do you want? Forget my needs, what do you want? 
“Here I am leaving you clues. I am singing now while Rome burns. We are all just trying to be holy. My applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. We are all going forward. None of us are going back.”
These sentences are so powerful because they perfectly conclude this poem. Siken is leaving his lover clues—clues about his love? Clues on where to go next, what to do next? And in the midst of destruction, Rome on fire, he still sings. Why? Perhaps he’s not glad, but he’s trying to be hopeful even in the face of death. He’s just trying to be holy; he’s just trying to have faith. Siken even says it himself: we are all going forward. None of us are going back. He and his lover can’t return to that gold room; they can’t stay in their fantasy world anymore, because this is reality, and maybe that’s why Siken is so panicked, why he’s so obsessed with making sure his lover is happy and trusts his love. Rome is burning, his lover is nowhere to be found, but still. There’s nowhere to go but forward. 
Isn’t it crazy how there’s this common thread in this long poem? It’s like Siken is stringing us along, making us dash to the next part so we don’t get lost. I just love how powerful his imagery is, and how his poetry is like a story. If any of you have differing opinions or thoughts, please, feel free to send me an ask!
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wizardsnwookies · 6 years
POTA 101818 - Magic and Mystery
The symbols confused Dion. Strange sigils of various shapes and lines that held no meaning to him, but clearly had some sort of importance. The way they circled around the central eye hinted at some kind of connection to whatever madness had occurred here. It was all so very strange. The tapestries that hung on the walls of this makeshift temple didn’t do much to encourage him. Images of earthquakes, storms, and blazing infernos delicately woven in colorful threads. Indeed there was much more to this than a man gone mad, but he had no clear indications as to what that might be.
“So...this is magic?” Miv stood staring at the orb as it floated amidst the tangle of arms carved from rock. A macabre pedestal for this strange holy artifact.
“Are you...unfamiliar with magic?” Dion inquired.
“Not much use for it in the Monastery. We were told that the only power we needed can be found from within. Strength, will, dedication, and Chi.”
“Think of it like Chi.” Dion stood, reaching a hand out to the orb. “Magic also can come from within, a mystical force that envelopes all the world and those beyond. It can be harnessed, channeled, and focused by the user for either good, or in this case, for ill.”
Carefully, he dipped his fingers through the veil of illusion that covered the orb. Not a ripple broke the surface. Inside he felt the cool, smooth, touch of metal against his fingers. He wrapped his hands around either side and cradled it delicately like an egg before slowly withdrawing. Once the large metal orb had broken the surface, the shimmering image of symbols disappeared, and the eye blinked out of existence.
“Magic can either reveal the truth, or conceal it. What was once an unholy idol, is nought but a simple Drift-Globe.”
“Drift-Globe?” The priest might as well be speaking Gnomish. Miv furrowed his brow, trying to take all this new information in. The comparison to Chi helped well enough, but he had a hard time imaging anything that could be channeled outwardly to the world around you.
“Yes, a simple magical item relatively speaking. It floats around the user providing light in the darkness. Think of it as a torch you do not have to carry, and can extinguish and ignite upon command.”
“Perhaps you would like to hang on to this for us?”
“Me?” Miv shrunk away from the offered globe as if it were a pit viper. “I...wouldn’t know how to use it.”
“I would be happy teach you.” Dion smiled.
Instructing the young Dragonborn took some time at first, but he was bright and eager to learn. The awkwardness he had shown at the tavern had melted away and he was starting to open up. His energy starting to flow outward. He was quick to learn, a product of his mindfulness training as a Monk. Dion smiled, watching as Miv amused himself by making the globe dance and flicker in the air. The levity was welcome in this dark place. Unfortunately, he had to pull himself away from this scene and find the one named Flea. Something he had said, did not sit well with the cleric.
He was found standing in observance of one of the tapestries. It was a particularly chilling scene depicting floods sweeping across a plain, washing away towns and villages, drowning all who inhabited it. Flea was nodding, whispering to some unseen figure or figures. A loose pebble on the floor gave Dion away on his approach, and the conversation stopped, his attention drawn.
“Have you indulged your curiosity yet? Can we go now?”
“So eager to leave?”
“I don’t like this place.” Flea pulled his eyes away from the Tapestry, a lingering glare in his eyes.
“No, neither do I. We can get moving once we’ve finished all the final rites. Although, if I may, can I ask you a question?”
“Knock yourself out.” Flea shrugged.
“You said that magic you used early was your family? I’m wondering if you could enlighten me on this further?” Dion danced around the subject delicately. He had very real concerns, concerns that had to be addressed, but Flea had shown himself to be rather rough around the edges. Best not to offend him outright, it would be easier getting the info he wanted.
“What’s there to say? I get my power from my ancestors. They follow me into battle and lend me their strength and wisdom.”
“I see. Are they...who you talk to when you are by yourself?”
“Yes.” Flea narrowed his eyes. Ancestral magic was a sticky topic of discussion in his experience. Most of the time people just assumed you were crazy. He had a hard enough time with social prejudice being a half-orc, being called a madman was not something he took kindly to.
“Why don’t you just come out and say what you want to say?”
“I’m sorry. I’m just a bit...concerned. The spirits of your ancestors don’t belong here. They deserve their rest, they deserve peace.”
Flea let out a boisterous laugh that startled the cleric. The guffaws echoed off the walls, sounding like an entire crowd of half-orcs doubled over in a mirthful amusement.
“Oh, priest.” Flea clapped a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I can’t get rid of them!”
“I’m sorry but I don’t see the humor in-”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about. They’re here on their own accord. In my family, we take care of our own, dead or alive.”
Dion forced a half-smile he didn’t entirely feel. Although his concerns were lessened, he still had many questions he would prefer answered. It all seemed wrong to him. To deny oneself the eternal rest, to forever roam a plane you cannot and should not exist in. Why would you ever choose that? Especially, if you’re dead to begin with.
“Let’s leave it there for now. You amuse me priest, but don’t press your luck.” Flea gave him a playful shove, perhaps a bit too hard, sending the waif of a cleric nearly toppling over.
“Come. Let’s go head back to town and I’ll buy you a drink.”
Banshae stood tall at the mouth of the hall leading to the Necromancer’s chambers. Though all threats had been dealt with, no danger to be had, still she stood watch. In reality, it was the only thing could think to do. This is why she hated downtime. The time where normal people keep themselves busy with their own interests or friends. As far as Banshae knew, she had neither. For her, downtime was merely a depressing stare down with the open void within her.
“Not too shabby at all.” Elora cinched the coin purse shit, tossing the last coin inside. She liked the sound it made when it met with the others, the gentle yet satisfying clink of metal on metal. The ‘Lord of Lance Rock’ was not rich by any means, but it was a decent enough payday combined with their fee to make the trip worth while.
“I might just be able to afford that lovely dress I saw in town.” AFTER her usual donation of funds back home, she added to herself.
“Oh, and no offense of course, but we need to get you some new clothes while we’re at it.”
“I beg pardon?” Banshae blinked.
“Well I couldn’t help but notice in the past few days together you seem to only have the one set. Unless you’re hiding some kind of grand wardrobe in a bag of holding.”
“No...” She was starting to get uncomfortable. Elora had announced herself as the most outgoing of their group early on. Talkative, friendly, but ultimately harmless. So why was she so nervous?
“I thought not.” Elora stepped back and took a good long appraisal of the Dragonborn’s form. Banshae visibly squirmed under her scrutiny, the silver in her cheeks flushing with a red hue, but she was too focused to notice. Just like her home, here was something she could help fix. When she fixed things, her mind focused to a fine point, blocking everything else out in the world.
“A bit short for your kind...nice curves...broad shouldered...good cheekbones. You’ve got plenty of options, that’s for sure. We can start simple, something casual so you don’t have to wear that horrid armor all the time.”
“I am a soldier of Mirobar.” Banshae gritted her teeth. She felt suddenly cornered in the large open room with no clear options of escape. She could deal with her own modesty, the unease of being appraised in such a way. What frightened her were all the questions that would have to be asked, that she had no answer for. What colors did she like? What style? How did she identify? All lost to the void.
“You’re more than that I’m sure, besides even soldiers have time off.” Elora offered a restrained smile. She was starting to notice it now. The Dragonborn was shifting in her place, avoiding eye contact, and she was quite sure any physical contact would be quite unwelcome.
“I’m sorry. I get ahead of myself sometimes. I just wanted to offer my help, if you should want it.” She walked things back a bit, trying to find a more comfortable space for Banshae to retreat to.
“...thank you.” That was all she could manage for a moment, letting the unease settle. She tried standing taller, let herself crawl back into the shell of the soldier, the only thing that was somewhat familiar to her. There she found some kind of strength, if not confidence.
“I must also apologize. There are things about myself that...” No. Try again. “Currently, I feel this is something I have to do by myself. I realize I seem withdrawn, and know that your efforts to welcome me are acknowledge and appreciated.
“Unfortunately, there are things that must kept to myself for the moment.” A small smile grew on her lips, barely noticeable on the outside but Banshae noticed if only because it wasn’t forced.
“When the time comes, however. We will go shopping.”
Buy Me a Coffee
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nerdolopedia-blog · 6 years
Jake Reviews Anime: The Ancient Magus Bride
Over the last month I was dealing with some pretty significant changes in my mood. It's an issue that I am still struggling with, but these changes led to a change in my writing schedule, which is to say that it killed it. For nearly a solid month, I had zero motivation to write or do anything productive so I did the one thing I do when I’m feeling that way. I binge watched a bunch of tv shows and anime.
Now, whether or not spending a significant part of my free time consuming media was worth my time is debatable. What I did come across is probably one of my new top five favorite anime of all time: The Ancient Magus Bride. I am taking some time away from my normal writings on RPG’s to instead talk about some of the media that influences my writing and GMing. So, this is a new format and will probably see some refining along the way.
First, I’m going to split this up into two major parts. The first is going to be completely spoiler free and an overall opinion that I have of the show and highlight a few non-spoilery parts that I thought made the show stand out. Second is going to be the spoiler zone. This is where I want to sit down and break apart specific details and moments in the show that I think are worth talking about from a critical point of view. So, if you don’t want spoilers feel free to enjoy the show and return to read the spoilers section. So let’s kick this off.
Elevator Pitch
The Ancient Magus Bride is the story of Chise Hatori and her relationship with an ancient magic user known as Elias Ainsworth. Chise sells herself into slavery and is bought by Ainsworth who reveals to her the truths about the world and aims to teach her the ways of magic while also hoping to make her his bride.
When I first heard this kind of description of this show I was actually a little put off. Ainsworth immediately came off to me as a horrible monster who was just buying a wife. What got me into the show was hearing that the magic system that the world uses is based on real world folklore. This show is one of the best examples of a show that I have seen that establishes its world and brings the audience into it.
Spoiler Free Review
To start off, at time of writing this show has one season at a length of 24 episodes. It is also one of the rare cases in anime where the anime is caught up with the Manga. Sadly, this means that a season 2 is quite a ways out since the creators are sticking to the original source material instead of going the way of Fullmetal Alchemist. Knowing it’s not over, but may be a longer time, will give hope that some of the stories loose ends may actually get resolved (see more in the spoiler section).
From the very first episode of the show its visual style and lighting techniques are some of the best I have seen. All of the grim parts of the show are highlighted with a darker coloring and lighting which makes the bright happy reveals that much more significant when it feels like the screen is exploding in colors. The color palette of the main characters are beautifully symbolic of who they are and mesh very well with the setting.
I mainly watch dubbed versions of all the shows I consume, since reading while watching is taxing to me. With that in mind, my opinion of voice acting is purely from the English dubs. Overall, I love all of the voices that had been done in the show, I was even able to recognize a few voice actors from some of my other favorite shows. I didn’t notice specific areas in which the voice overs pulled me directly out of immersion and all the actors do a wonderful job of adjusting their tones based on the situation within each scene.
If there is one complaint I have, it is that I have issues with the plot. It is fairly loose and it starts out with not much more than a checklist of things Ainsworth is obligated to do. In time there becomes a more persistent threat, but the payoff for it feels almost handwaved. Most of it seems to be an excuse to see various parts of the world, which I’m not against since I am completely in love with the setting. Although, I can’t completely blame this on the show, since it is largely about the relationship of Chise and Ainsworth. The plot does get incredibly dark in places which is absolutely amazing by my standards since the root of the lore IS dark. I can’t complain too much about the story when I have found just as much enjoyment out of watching Pacific Rim. I came for the world and the magic, not so much the plot and I got more than I asked for. I will address quickly in this part my concerns about the potential message that comes from this show, but it could be my overanalysis of it.
I saved the best for last, the world building. Holy crap! I love everything about what they set up with a few minor nit picks (see spoilers). Much of what exists in the world is heavily based on real world lore, which fits nicely as one of the very many “hidden magic world” stories. As mentioned earlier, I love the magic system. While Doctor Strange is my favorite example of somatic components for D&D, the Ancient Magus Bride is my favorite example of using material components in spells. Each item they use in the spells and rituals has some symbolic meaning behind what they are attempting to accomplish. While the story progresses we are learning various aspects of the magical world along with the character. Even by the end of the season, magic is still mysterious without feeling like we’ve been cheated entirely out of an explanation. I was left with very few questions and they were more about the origin of certain things. My hope is that with future seasons we get more lore about the world and the origins of some characters.
From a 3000 foot view I adore this show. Its pacing is fast and manages to grab you by the face and not let go. I binged the entire show in two sittings and lost sleep over thinking about it and how to use it in my stories. I got invested in the well being of many of the characters, even the seasons main villain. With its few flaws I consider this show to be one of my favorites.
I have several other shows that I would like to do this kind of review for, but if there are any shows you think I should watch or review (maybe I’ve already seen it) make sure to leave a comment or tweet at me @your1_nightmare. I would love to hear about your experiences of this show and what you thought about it!
There are several elements of the plot that simply were not answered. Knowing there is a season 2 at some point in the future gives me some hope compared to when I believed this was all we got. This section I will also be airing some of my grievances of the show. These are all relatively minor and don’t have too much bearing on the plot, they are things that as a storyteller I desperately want to know.
Ainsworth’s Past
The explanation we get in the show is pretty bare bones. Which to a degree is understandable as Ainsworth doesn’t fully understand it either. We get that he once ate humans, was running from them to avoid it, and only remembers the color red. This is all before he met Lindel and started his training to become a Mage. Speaking of who was Lindel’s teacher? How on earth was Rahab wearing a lab coat if it was somewhere in the hundreds of years ago? What is going on with the Rahab character? It seems to have been quickly covered and discarded. Current theories state that Ainsworth is a Wendigo, which is an interesting theory to follow, but having a direct say from the creators would be a really nice thing to cover.
In more a more recent past, Ainsworth nearly performs a human sacrifice for Chise. This point seems pretty well forgotten about near the end of the series despite very little time passing. Having an explanation of how this is easily forgotten would have made the ending a bit more satisfying.
I love this villain. They are crazy but methodical in their own way. The part about these two that drives me crazy is who on earth Cartaphilus is and why he has a curse of immortality. There is a brief theory that he is one of the individuals who threw stones at Jesus near his execution and for that was cursed. However that is stated by Joseph and not Cartaphilus himself, so the real reason is unknown.
Ashen Eyes
I am all for malevolent beings that cause all sorts of problems in the world. He listens to exact wording and plays games with people to watch them suffer. As a villain he creates some interesting conflict on a per episode basis. My issues with him come down to the inconsistent nature of when he shows up. He seems to randomly appear and have relationships with characters without any context. His existence feels flat in the world for when the writers want some crazy old magic to show up and cause problems. What he is, is also a mystery. Its assumed he is a faerie but we already know that sorcerers exist as well. He isn’t a mage because he shows clear disdain for them. This character is a wild card and I want more information about him.
Chise’s Father and Brother
A problem I seem to be having with recent media is the lack of parental information. For instance, the current Star Wars trilogy (Force Awakens and The Last Jedi) seem to create some plot point about who the parents are and have a villain basically blow off the entire idea. In this case my issue is the question of why Chise’s father decided to abandon her mother and her. While Joseph (much like Kylo) says he abandoned her and her mother because he couldn’t stand to protect them any longer, I don’t believe it for a second. There is a crucial moment in the series that shows Chise’s father looking out to the balcony to see one of the creatures that up to this point have been after Chise. He had shown no signs of wanting to abandon them up until that point and even looked as if he wanted to take Chise with him. Something is going on here and we desperately need some closure on this.
Featured Image owned by Funimation
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pinkipie100 · 7 years
Lance and the 25 Days Chapter IV: Shopping
It’s Ficcember Day 4! I had every intention of going into this chapter to make it shorter, as I have a lot of other work to do, but here I am at 3288. I’d say I’ll make an effort to be concise tomorrow, but knowing me, it’ll probably end up at a totally unnecessary 4000 words. To be fair, thought, there were three separate stories happening in these past two chapters, so that could have increased the length significantly. Hope you enjoy anyway!
Team Voltron has split up to shop for one another’s holiday presents, and each one witnesses or contributes to a different kind of holiday generosity.
Words: 3327
Category: Gen
Contains: Varkon: Mall Cop Part II, brOTP Pallura, brOTP Lance/Coran, brOTP Shunk [Shiro/Hunk], [slight] Gunderangst, dreidel mention, Jewish Pidge, Hanukkah history, Shiro and Hunk being blesséd and pure, Allura being the best Space Mom/big sister ever, Coran being Lance’s awesome Space Uncle
Takes place immediately following Chapter III’s events in the Space Mall.
Pidge had just bought the perfect gift for Shiro. She looked around apprehensively, then stuffed the item into her shopping bag. Now, all she had to do was buy something for Keith. It was not wonder he was the last person Pidge was buying presents for- the boy hardly wanted anything. Pidge thought back to the one and only time she’d entered Keith’s room, secretly, of course, and she found absolutely nothing in it. It was the polar opposite of Pidge’s room, all cluttered with Space Caterpillars and trash paladins. How on Earth was she going to buy a gift for someone who didn’t want anything?
The young paladin scoffed at her hypocrisy. Here she was, complaining about Keith being too unmaterialistic, while all she really wanted for Chanukkah was something she knew none of the paladins could get her.
A chipper ‘Pidge!’ was peeped from behind her, and the named paladin jumped. She swung around to see Allura, who was waving at the shorter individual whilst holding a bag behind her back.
Pidge unclenched her body, saying to the princess, “Allura, I hope you’re not planning to shop with me. I don’t want my present spoiled!”
The Altean woman nodded her head that she was, in fact, going to accompany the green paladin, ensuring that Pidge’s gift had already been brought and safely and securely tucked away. Allura proclaimed that she’d only Keith left to find something for, and she had come to Pidge for advice.
Pidge chuckled, then explained that she, too, was at a loss for what to purchase for Keith. They were running out of time, however, so they determined that they would shop together.
When the two paladins walked along the tiled mall floor, Allura couldn’t stand the awkward silence suffocating the two of them. Eventually, the taller paladin spoke, “So, how was the rest of your shopping?” Pidge answered that it had all gone fine, but forewarned Allura that she was not going to spoil the latter’s gift. Allura looked away and mumbled through clenched teeth that she had no intentions of coaxing Pidge into such an act. “Did you get Lance something?” Pidge grinned smugly, searching her bag momentarily before discreetly showing Allura her gift for the lanky red paladin. Allura took a peek at it and nodded approvingly, then hunting for her own gift for Lance, letting Pidge give it a once-over.
“Oh, he’ll love that,” Pidge sniggered.
“Yes, I thought so,” Allura preened. “He’s lucky to have me; I know all the good products in that area. So, Pidge… I must ask. How is Jewish Christmas different from normal Christmas?”
Pidge laughed out loud for a split second before slapping a hand over her mouth. “Hahahaha- Chanukkah is not Jewish Christmas, Allura,” the little teen delineated. When Allura expressed confusion, Pidge put in, “Chanukkah is a completely separate holiday from Christmas; they just both happen to fall in the same Earth month. I don’t know if you know this, but humans have this weird thing called ‘religion,’ and Christmas is celebrated by people of the Christian religion, generally speaking.”
“So… Jewish is the religion that celebrates Chanukkah?” Allura corrected herself.
“Well, the religion is Judaism, and the people who practice it are Jewish, or Jews,” Pidge elaborated. “Chanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, commemorating the time when the Jews of Israel drove the Greeks from their land and kept the Holy Temple of Jerusalem’s menorah lit with only one pot of oil for a miraculous eight days.” Allura communicated her wonderment at the thought, though she understood few of the words Pidge was saying. While pushing her glasses up her nose with a glint, Pidge stated, “Scientifically impossible, but yes, quite astounding. So, Jews today celebrate this event by lighting a candle on-” Allura finished ‘The menorah!’ for the shorter storyteller, but Pidge continued, “Well, the menorah is actually a seven-prong candelabrum, and it’s a symbol for the Jewish homeland of Israel. The chanukkiah, which is what’s used during Chanukkah, has nine prongs for holding the candles, but yeah, most people I know still call it a menorah.”
Allura nodded in understanding with each description, absorbing the information like an eager elementary schooler. Pidge almost felt warmed up inside at Allura’s willingness to learn, and for a moment, she’d forgotten about what would be missing from her Chanukkah this year. She did remember, though, and her head dropped nearly unnoticeably. Allura drew her attention again, though, pointing to a store hosting a multitude of knives and related items, and the two shrugs and dashed toward it.
Lance was getting irritated again. Not only was the absolute perfect present for Shiro just out of his budget ranged, but Coran would not stop following him. He couldn’t buy Coran’s gift if he already saw what it was! Try as the red paladin might, but the gorgeous man himself could not be shaken. After the Altean man swooped behind another counter, raising his eyes slowly above it, then sneaking behind a display case and peeping out at Lance through the glass, the paladin could tolerate no more.
As Coran cautiously flipped over the case, Lance called out, “I know you’re spying on me, Coran.” The older Altean man toppled over and smashed his face onto the display case glass, quickly standing back up with false composure.
“Ah, Lance, fancy seeing you here,” Coran coughed nonchalantly. When Lance inquired shortly why he was watching him, the answer was, “Well, you see, I thought I might learn by observation. You may have given one bang-up job in a preliminary gift-giving tutorial, but I think there’s still more nuance to be learned just from… seeing an expert in action.” Coran dramatically made binoculars with his fingers and fixed his eyes on Lance. Lance gave Coran a skeptical look, but simply went back to staring down Shiro’s potential gift, sighing wistfully. “See something you like?” Coran inquired, directing his binoculars to where the paladin was gazing.
The teenager told his companion that it was supposed to be Shiro’s gift, but he just didn’t have the budget for it. Evidently, these particular items were insanely expensive toys for the children of the highest class Galra generals. Lance knew it as something vastly different than the Galra, however.
Coran, sporting a peculiar look on his face, asked, “Do you really think Shiro would want one of those?” to which Lance confirmed that he knew that Shiro wanted, or leastways needed, for cleaning up the kitchen after the paladins had a snack party in it. Coran pondered for a moment, then beckoned the alien running the Terra shop to come over so that they could purchase the item. Lance protested that Coran didn’t need to buy it for him, but the Altean silenced him with, “Early Christmas present- I’m doing you a favor. I’ve already gotten my holiday presents for everyone else, anyhow. Now you just sit back and let me compensate for your lack of GAC,” and the gorgeous man winked.
Lance and Coran left the shop in a cheery mood, and Lance was satisfied now that he only had one present left to get. The only issue was, the gift’s recipient was uncomfortably close. Lance had to get rid of Coran somehow, but he didn’t know what to do. He already knew what to get Coran, having seen it at a previous shop window. There had to be some way to get the mustachioed man off his tail for at least a couple of dobashes…
All of a sudden, Lance noticed a shop behind Coran that appeared to be a fabric store, and a puffy, white-furred alien was exiting out of it. “Coran! I need another favor of you,” Lance announced hurriedly. Coran appeared ready to comply, and Lance beckoned him over so that he could whisper in his ear, muttering something along the lines of purchasing some red cloth and stopping the fuzzy alien for a brief ‘chat.’ “I’m counting on you- Remember, it’s Christmas tradition, okay?” the boy finished, and Coran nodded with determination, assuring Lance that he wouldn’t let him down.
Coran then took off after the puff ball shopper, and Lance snuck his way back to the quirky store he had found. He also patted himself on the back for killing two birds with one stone, like the clever sharpshooter he was.
Hunk and Shiro were on their way back to the meeting spot, finishing their gift shopping relatively early. They had run into each other when they had bought some tinkering parts for Pidge’s presents in the same store. They had some time to kill, so they were strolling through a food court, decidedly not the one with Vrepit Sal’s in it. While they walked, Shiro regaled his tale of woe concerning his false peppermint bark, knowing full well Hunk would sympathize with the tragedy. Hunk also pitched his Olkarion feast idea to Shiro, whom enthusiastically offered to help cook for said event. Hunk gently turned him down, aware of his lackluster cooking skills.
The two companions found that their path was blocked by a particularly long line. Hunk and Shiro tracked the beginning of the line with their vision, and it appeared to be a queue for an unilu crépe a la mode stand. Young aliens were crying in the queue, and there was a father at the front of the line trying to negotiate with the stand owner.
“I’m sorry, sir, but our ice cream maker is severely malfunctioning; we can barely even keep it from leaking, not to mention the power has been cut to our griddles,” the owner apologized.
“But we’re here for my daughter’s birthday! We come here every year to support a good cause on her special day, but we can’t celebrate without the crépes!” the father worried, holding his daughter to his chest whilst his older son clung to his leg.
“What’s going on here?” Hunk questioned when he was within the stand owner’s earshot.
She turned to him and explained that the stand was meant to be offering their yearly Crépes for All Donors today, with all the day’s profits being contributed to the Hybrid Relief Foundation, but all their equipment was malfunctioning. The father added that lots of families brought their children to the event to purchase discounted crépes. The owner suspected that the Galra were probably trying to sabotage their fundraiser, since it supported relief given to displaced and impoverished alien hybrid families.
“You think the Galra are trying to uproot your fundraiser?” Shiro asked, and the father confirmed that this happened every year to at least a few shops, but never suspected that they would hit the most popular.
Shiro and Hunk looked at one another, then nodded. “Shiro, you go find the perpetrator. I’ll handle the kitchens. People, listen up! You and your kids will get crépes a la mode galore! No one’s stomach leaves this food court empty!” The aliens in line all stood at attention before Hunk’s proud words. “You know, where I’m from, this time of year it the best time of year to give back to the community, and I’m gonna do just that. I won’t leave here today until every piece of equipment in these kitchens is fixed and in top-of-the-line condition! I’ll help man the kitchens to make the foods from scratch, and my good friend Shiro here, not the best cook,” Shiro appeared surprised to hear that, “will stop the jerk who keeps wrecking the kitchen gear!”
There was an excited uproar from the crowd, and Hunk jumped the concession counter to work his magic on the ice cream maker. While he was doing that, he gave instructions to the stand’s assistant cook to go find a bag, salt, and gather the ingredients for the vanilla ice cream.
Meanwhile, Shiro patrolled the backsides off the many restaurant fronts for the one who was sabotaging all of the kitchens. He found no evidence at first, but soon he had come across a hover segway that matched a description he’d heard before. He took a turn and lifted up a gate to a shop that was closed, discovering a box full of tools for taking machinery apart, as well as one filled with spare parts. A certain Galra was stuffing himself under a vending machine within the shop. This Galra unstuck himself from the machine, giving a satisfied sound when he pulled a spring out of it, then switching to an upset one when he noticed a disappointed Shiro.
“Uh… I’m a maintenance worker!” the stubby Galra peeped.
“Right… and I’m security,” Shiro responded sarcastically.
Shiro left the saboteur stuffed into a custodial closet with his beloved segway whilst the Galra shouted phrases like, “Varkon will be back! You’ll be sorry; I’m Emperor Zarkon’s trusted Number Two!” The black paladin just ignored this and returned to Hunk at the crépe stand.
Hunk wasted no time in employing Shiro, ordering him the instant he saw him to use his hand to bake the crépes. Shiro was a little hesitant in doing this, but Hunk ordered him to do it quickly, and the pilot submitted to the mechanic in fear. Hunk ordered the assistant to shake the ice cream bag harder, HARDER, there are lots of orders coming in! Add more sugar to that, but just a sprinkle of vanilla. Shiro, your hand has been on that one too long, take it off! Whew, that was close… There we go, the ice cream maker’s fixed, now get on it!
Hunk worked his way through the long lines, directing the others working the stand like a finely tuned orchestra and fixing the griddle at the same time. Once it was fixed and the lines had died down long enough, Hunk moved on to helping the next food stand in crisis, followed by an attentive Shiro. He’d even inspired the father at the front of the line to join in on the volunteer cooking, and more were soon to follow. In a shockingly short but hectic, at least in Shiro’s view, period of time, the whole food court was back on track and getting their orders out and donations in. The yellow and black paladins stood back to take the thriving food court all in.
Shiro sighed off the stress, telling his friend, “Good job helping those people out, Hunk. It’s especially good knowing that these people can now send all of their proceeds to a Space Charity of crossbreeds. I didn’t even know there were charities under the Galra Empire.”
“Hey, I should be thanking you,” Hunk assured him. “For a… novice cook, you handled the pressure of the kitchen pretty well. I’m guessing that these Space Charities can’t get a lot done since stuff like this sabotage is probably pretty commonplace under the Galra Empire. We did some good here today, Shiro.” The teen gripped Shiro’s shoulder reassuringly. The crépe stand owner and the father who had volunteered had come over to meet with Hunk, offering up one of the ice cream makers he’d fixed as a reward. The two paladins met eyes, then Hunk kindly suggested that she keep it, as he was glad to aid in the troubles of a struggling kitchen.
The stand owner was about to insist further, until they were interrupted by a familiarly troublesome hover segway. “I told you I’d be back- and if it isn’t one of the infamous Space Pirates! Of course you’d hire this shady mercenary! COME HERE, YOU!”
“Run, it’s Varkon!” Hunk ordered Shiro, grabbing him to run away. “You can’t stop culinary righteousness, mall cop!”
The unilu stand owner watched in confusion as the trio tumbled off. She turned around when she heard panting coming up behind her, noting that it was Sal from the other food court. “I’ll never forget that kid. He’s a true artist of cuisine.”
Sal gasped for air for a moment more, then straightened up and commented, “He jilted you, too, huh?”
“Thanks,” Pidge said while paying for Keith’s gift and putting it in her shopping bag. She then exited the knife store to meet Allura, whom was already outside. When she found her, the princess ran over to Pidge so that she could drag her over to the small booth she was looking at.
“Pidge, look at this sand!” she encouraged. “It’s soft and moldable when dry, but when you add water, it becomes harder and solid. Then, if you dip it in hydrogen peroxide, it falls apart so that you can remold it!” Pidge was immediately fascinated by the odd substance, picking it up and playing around with it. It felt similar to kinetic sand back on Earth, which Matt played with a lot. She molded it into a mini bayard, then tested it in the water. “See?” Allura prompted as Pidge took it out of the water. To her intrigue, the little ornament acted like wet clay when it came out of the water, only to quickly dry and harden in less than fifteen seconds. The green paladin lifted her glasses and squinted at the material, then put her glasses back down while she dropped it in the hydrogen peroxide. The object slowly decayed, reverting back to sand within a minute.
“That’s amazing!” Pidge interjected. “I’ve gotta know the chemistry behind this… What element is it made of?” Pidge turned to ask the princess further questions, but she saw that Allura had already purchased two boxes. When the small paladin expressed shock at her friend’s actions, Allura posited that she believed that they could make Pidge a dreidel out of the sand.
Young Pidge froze stock still. Her pupils were dilated, and her lips were slightly parted. Allura hesitantly shrunk back, looking hurt, as if she had done something wrong. Pidge felt her eyes beginning to well up. When Allura hurriedly declared that she could return the sandboxes if she wanted, Pidge quickly yelled, “NO! No!” Allura seemed even more fearful that she’d done wrong now. “Sorry, Allura…” Pidge said softly, rubbing her eyes on her sleeve. “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to make a dreidel out of this stuff. Not to mention study it! I’m sorry I froze up, it’s just…” Allura leaned down to listen closer to the young teenager, “…I just barely mention how much I love playing dreidel in passing, and you’re already thinking of ways to make me one.�� Allura smiled fondly at her young friend. “Thank you.”
The princess nodded, then took her young friend’s hand, and they wandered back toward the direction of the rendezvous point.
Pidge and Princess Allura waited patiently by the bench Lance had originally stood on when the team arrived, arms hooked. Pidge checked her bag, then looked up when she noticed Lance and Coran nearing them, with the former muttering something to the Altean about ‘not telling anyone.’
“Coran! Did you… have fun with Lance?” Allura questioned her advisor.
“Yes! Very much!” he answered, causing Allura to roll her eyes. “I see you met up with Pidge? How was your shopping? Did you get everything you needed?”
Pidge affirmed that they had, and even came back with sand to make a dreidel from, at which Lance scowled slightly. When Pidge confrontationally asked him if there was a problem, Lance vigorously shook his head, stating that he’d only wished it was him who’d found something for said purpose first.
“Well, anyway, now we just have to wait for Hunk and Shiro…” Allura was interrupted be a crescendoing call down the plaza, and when Team Voltron turn to see, a very distressed Shiro and a very proud Hunk boasting his ‘Robin Hood’ like qualities to a villainous mall cop. The older paladin warned the rest of the team to run, and they did so, all whilst Varkon and Hunk exchanged melodramatic banter fit for an anime rivalry, and Lance shouted a ‘Not again, Hunk!’
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Features From All Sunsigns Through Linda Goodman.
Thanks for visiting My Red Peninsula. So you believe that you've found out which the individual is actually, Todayfitbody.info do you strongly believe the White House has thought it out?" Whitfield inquired. In this vast Kshetra, besides the principal holy place of Sri Mallikarjuna swamy temple as well as Sri Bramaramba temple, every step come down on listed below provides sacredness feeling to the followers. As appears to become the situation every damn time now, I have not been actually whipped for a number of months, so I'm feeling out from ailment and also paniced that the play will definitely be way too much for me. And also of course, after that there is actually the other component of me that's afraid people I wish to play with, will not wish to play with me. But I have actually gone through the proper motions. Dr Uwa I HOPE TO GOD TO NEVER Allow Me To AND MY LOVED ONES FORGET YOU IN OUR LIFESTYLE. That is actually strongly believed that within the days of Adi Sankara, the visibility from the Ugra Swaroopini was experienced outside the temple precincts, which Sankaracharya had sought her not to leave behind the holy place complex. I discussed that this was possibly the darkest hr from my priesthood as well as several of the most demanding times in the life of the Church in my lifetime. Baseding on the American Institute from Pediatrics, children under 3 are actually especially at risk from strangling because of because they possess a tiny respiratory tract and a more difficult opportunity chewing and swallowing food items. Throughout his life he has actually put in a lot time and energy into his relationships and less opportunity aiming to cultivate a feeling from "family members." I wish to be his child and his pal yet he seems to be to possess little bit of to no passion in this. The evil one is damaging the houses of supposed enthusiasts and ruining their little ones's impression from Christianity because they are actually being gone against and contaminated under the treatment of unknown people and also not being supported through their personal mommies. Highpoint Memphis as well as Andy Savage - if you'll recall - coincides church that was in the forefront from the headlines in Memphis in Nov 2016 for their task in the whitewash from sexual assault by past congregation young people forerunner Chris Carwile Our team consequently discovered that Highpoint allowed a pronounced guilty sex criminal in a position from management at the congregation. U obviously survived 2 times of him trumping you for a reason and also objective in life. A wig can make the person think additional well-balanced and regular, which could greatly help all of them fight the illness that took their hair. In general words, the company individual of All Company is actually that of a helper, an earnest person who intends to assist you and creates you care free once again. About the Kami-gods, another notable aspect is that straightforward Shinto temples consist of no graphics but simply symbolic representations like a mirror, emblematic from the radiating of the sun-goddess.
One was a shaggy yellow ulster of "reach-me- down" decrease, the various other a older as well as rusty cloak along with a cape-something like what the French called a "Macfarlane." This garment, which seemed produced a person from enormous measurements, had evidently seen difficult as well as lengthy wear and tear, and its own greenish-black folds distributed a moist sawdusty smell ribald of continuous treatments versus bar-room walls. Well, this instance is a wreck, and also that needn't be. But currently, there's this furtive state of mind that has actually settled in around the case - individuals think the police were included, individuals think the A-frame residence possesses one thing to carry out using it, folks presume an arbitrary sleazebag selected her up. Some, including her very own family members, think Maura's sibling Kathleen or her hubby possessed someone to carry out using it. Having satisfied Tim, I don't presume either some of them had anything to perform using it.
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verenadixson57-blog · 6 years
Engagement Rings, Necklaces, Watches & Earrings!
A wedding ceremony band and engagement ring are both supposed to symbolize a couple’s love for one another. Practically 70 years later, the 4-word sentiment has become some of the recognizable brand slogans of all time. Based on a 2013 New York Times article, the tagline has appeared in every De Beers engagement advert since 1948, and is still being used by the model to this present day. You can be confronted with a dizzying array of selections in relation to engagement rings. Other than coming first as a commitment to pursuing holy matrimony, the styling of engagement rings differs from marriage ceremony bands in a number of the way. If you don't see your good engagement ring from our growing range, you'll be able to design your personal ring in our Dublin workshop. Our CAD system means that you can see how your ring will look and our skilled designer has greater than 30 years of experience in designing diamond rings. When you suggest with an emerald engagement ring, your partner will see a stone in contrast to another.
Their elegant lower emerald diamond engagement rings are one-of-a-type items certain to seize that moment perfectly. Their Emerald Diamond Engagement rings stand out from the remaining in high quality, design, and the care put into every piece. The employees has entry to hundreds of designs and unfastened diamonds to construct your piece. We satisfaction ourselves on sourcing the very best quality certified diamonds from our suppliers in London, Antwerp, Canada and New York. There’s a lot you possibly can learn about diamonds before you even set foot in a jewellery store. Our rings come with an unbiased valuation report and we will even exchange your ring if you’re not satisfied with it for whatever motive. In fact, it’s even potential to merge the band and engagement ring into one piece of jewellery. It must be one of the vital memorable moments in your life. You pull an engagement ring out of your pocket and ask the love of your life to be your spouse. Our aim is to search out you the highest quality engagement rings on your price range and elegance.
We are extremely skilled in the jewellery business and we attempt to offer not only the best worth on your diamond engagement ring but in addition the highest quality. Our focus is on high quality in every little thing we do. We specialise in diamond, wedding ceremony and eternity rings along with gemstone and sapphire rings. Typically, they may characteristic some gemstone, typically a diamond, prominently displayed. Now we are going to share about picture of Pink Sapphire Black Gold Engagement Ring for you. Find Newest pink sapphire black gold engagement ring footage. Download this wallpaper of pink sapphire black gold engagement ring free of charge in HD decision. Guys , please take into consideration that we've analyzed and tried to consider all doable tastes, so if you can not discover this answer a pink sapphire black gold engagement ring on this web page. When you prefer a rose gold engagement ring with a white gold diamond Couture Riviera, or a yellow gold Venetian wedding band accented with white gold lacework, Verragio can create any custom ring combination you can consider. When you have ever wondered exactly makes an engagement ring distinct from a marriage ceremony band or vice versa, this blog is the one for you.
However, there's no one set solution to put on these pieces of jewellery. Both items of jewellery are, historically, worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Every ring is hand crafted for the one that will likely be carrying it for the perfect fit. If you end up ready to search out that excellent ring for you perfect someone, call us and collectively we are able to find the precise match. With access to greater than 250,000 certified diamonds, we’ll find you the proper diamond and create a ravishing engagement ring for you. Perhaps they need to design their very own engagement ring or they don’t desire a ring in any respect! You don’t have to feel certain by the "traditions" crucial thing is that you get something that's particular to you both! However in case your building and engagement ring or have a special jewellery design, you then want to are available in. When you need an emerald cut engagement ring to mark that particular moment, Shah Luxury has a particular assortment to match your wants. Discovering the best engagement ring to express yourself is a carefree expertise at Shah Luxurious. At the moment, customers make unconventional engagement ring decisions, selecting birthstones or other coloured gemstones fairly than diamond. Choosing a diamond engagement ring is a momentous occasion and it may be a substantial buy for many individuals.
I wanted to write today about unusual engagement rings. A lot of people come to me for unusual engagement rings because they need to find something a bit different from a traditional solitaire engagement ring. In the event, you have not selected an engagement ring, be at liberty to visit an authorized retailer so a consultant can assist you to make the only option. On our site you possibly can buy advantageous sterling silver pieces and some marked down merchandise together with viewing some bridal jewellery types. And when you've got hassle deciding on a ring alternative the retailers can make it easier to slender down your choices until you might be happy that your engagement ring is "the one" identical to your supposed. Going in with fairly particular parameters will assist your jeweler discover the precise engagement ring to fit your funds. Experience the fun of buying a diamond and allow us to present you how we find worth. Amethyst is suitable for everyday wear, but its Mohs hardness of 7 means it will present wear through the years and will require repolishing. You may go along with the standard ring finger placement or check out something new, like rotating the rings out over time. Our engagement rings begin from €1,000 and upwards. Now we have a range of more than 500 diamond rings in inventory for you to view in our Dublin city centre premises.
Have a worth range in mind before you begin to shop. You’ll study what is most essential to you and where www.adamasco.net you would possibly wish to compromise to fit your worth range. You desperately need her to say yes and fall in love with her ring too, right? Keep an open thoughts and you are sure to find a carrying option that fits your lifestyle and your love. To find a store near you, enter you zip code in our Store Locator. The Diamondaire webpage supplies a small style into the magic that occurs inside the store. Marriage ceremony bands meanwhile are typically less complicated as in comparison with the engagement ring. We also have a fast turnaround time of 2-4 weeks, relying on the complexity of the piece of jewellery or ring being designed. When you've got some ideas and you’d prefer to get in touch please just ship me a message! The potentialities are limitless relating to customization with Verragio. They're both product of valuable metals however that’s about where it ends. Our bench jeweler is a dinosaur and all our staff are skilled though the Gemological Institute of America.
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