#The Huntress of the Hollow
greenmoons · 5 months
Andromeda's age
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So because of what Runaan said here I thought Andromeda is the youngest besides Rayla. She and Ram looks pretty young and they were at least teens when Rayla was a child. But look at her horns cuffs, she is already married. So she got married when she was sixteen or seventeen? She is not fully trained yet because she can't access the moonshadow form yet, so she is young. It might not be weird in their race to marry at a young age.
By the way and it's not related but my headcanon is that she was married with Eljaal from Tales of Xadia. He is also assassin and he left because he was afraid their partner won't agree with their action, because they didn't kill their target so it's make sense their partner is assassin as well. They are married because of their horn cuffs so it's nice to think they are married to each other.
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I wanted to draw some Adventure Time, but I was so distracted with Hollow Knight and it ended up looking like this
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jupiterjelliez · 9 months
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so i havent been posting here because for some reason on mobile, it wont let me post and i dont have the regular habit of downloading my drawings on my computer but! im super proud of this one and ive been recently getting into hollow knight a ton
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renna, the huntress and aurea, her tamed wishing beast
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vampireteeth016 · 1 year
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I can’t wait for Silksong!! The Huntress and Hornet
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Opinion on the Huntress from the silksong teasers? I know we only got one line from her but she intrigues me
Anon the moment I saw her I loved her so much that I was the first person to write a fic about her. Granted, it was not very long and was only a fleeting interaction based upon the scant details we were given, but i feel like that gives you enough of an answer to my opinion on her shfhshsh
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ghostlypepper59 · 2 years
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The Huntress from Silksong! This was created on July 2020
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loz-3 · 6 days
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Luminous: Chapter Two - Bad Timing, Worst Luck
Pairing: Loki x female reader (eventually) Word Count: 3,797 Tags/Warnings: Language, mention of death, forcible confinement
Notes: Alternate universe! This happens post Avengers 2012 / in place of the TVA. The opening for Loki S01E01 is how we get here.
Previous: Chapter One - Welcome to Trifid
taglist: @vbecker10 @lulubelle814 @huntress-artemiss @meowmeow-motherfucker @gruftiela
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You crept up the street, moving quietly between the shadows. While it was a wide street, the buildings that lined it had plenty of nooks and crevices that threw decent shadow coverage. Three blocks from the plaza, you ducked out to the right, locating a little hovel with a loose storm drain cover. Popping the cover open, you placed your pack into the hollow. It would be safe there and wouldn't be in the way for what you planned to do.
Sliding back out to the street, you closed the distance to the plaza quickly. All the lights in the building were on, brightly luminating the the figures within. The plaza was also filled with curious citizens, all facing towards the lit doorway. 'Alright, gotta go around the back' you thought as you pulled up your hood, further casting your face in darkness, and headed around the back of the council building.
You continued until you reached a tower of scaffolding attached to the outer walls. 'Excellent, still doing work on the facade I see'. Hoisting yourself up to the first level, you slunk along the narrow planks, slowly working your way to the high window at the top of the wall. Due to the arid weather on Dyeus 9 and that this was the public council building, there was no glass in the upper openings so you were able to squeeze inside.
The catwalk you emerged on was dark and dusty. It had been a long while since someone had been up here. You crept along, moving as not to disturb any dust particles, and found a good spot listen to the below conversation from your vantage point.
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Loki followed Codec, Phase, and Dominion up the street, finally stopping in front of a large and ornate building. 'This must be the council building.' He thought, looking around. A small crowd of city inhabitants had gathered behind them, all similarly fashioned to his escorts. Luckily, they did not have to wait long as the great doors opened and a group of four people in brightly colours robes walked out into the darkening night air.
"Welcome! It has been many years since an Asgardian has graced our city with their presence!" they bowed low, face downturned, "Tell us, how fares King Bor? Does his house still rule in Asgard?" An elder dressed in a bright orange robe spoke, their various buckles and gaudy gems tinkled together, gesturing for Loki to step forward. The crowd shuffled when Asgard was mentioned, murmuring amongst themselves.
Loki did as he was prompted, moving up a couple steps to be closer to the elders. "No, King Bor is no longer ruling in Asgard. He was my grandfather and… hang on. Just how long has it been since Asgard sent an ambassador?". The last thing he needed right now was a visit from his brother, or worse… his 'father'. The bifrost had been destroyed the last time he was in Asgard, so hopefully its status hadn't changed.
"It has been at least 4,000 years since, but…oh..!" The elder bowed again, the others following suit. "My apologies, my lord Loki, but that would mean you are of royal descent!"
Loki hated being reminded of his lineage, especially that of his father's, but he did quite like being recognized for the royalty that he was. "Yes, I am the rightful heir of Asgard and Jotenheim." The elders extended their bows, faces nearly pressed against the polished cobble of the buildings' landing. "Rise, my new friends, and tell me about your city."
The elders straightened and quickly glanced between each other. "Of course! Please, join us inside where we can discuss privately." The orange elder threw a glare and firm nod towards Dominion, who began to disburse the throng of on-lookers. They all transitioned inside, Loki trailing, and came to stop under the decorative chandelier.
'Perfect', you thought. This shielded any ground floor views of where you crouched up in the rafters. It also gave you an ideal perspective to check out this tourist. He was tall, far taller than he looked lying in the sand. Dark boots melded seamlessly to leather trousers, all tucked under a long tunic laced with green and gold accents. A thick luxurious cape flowed from his shoulders to the floor. There were a few scratches and cuts that marred his face, but those seemed to be partially healed.
Aside from the fine dusting of sand, his hair was long, loosely curled and deep black. Even from this distance, you wondered if it was as soft as it appeared to be. You couldn't decide on the colour of his eyes. From this angle, they looked very blue but when he had spotted you in the street earlier, they were almost green-tinged. It was if he was sculpted by a god for the single purpose of being the most beautiful thing in creation. 'It must be a trick of the lighting, nobody is THAT perfect.' you concluded with a shake of your head.
Once the doors had closed behind them, a second elder stepped forward. This one was wearing brilliant blue robes, with little bells and chimes sewn into the fabric. "This is the great city of Lugalirra- The Above…"
"What does that mean, 'The Above'?" Loki interjected. As city names go, this one was odd.
The blue elder looked confused… then flustered so the third elder, in pale purple robes, spoke up with a shrug, "It is what we call it, I suppose." Loki looked dubious, there had to be a reason for the strange moniker. The elder continued, smoothing out their robes with anxiety "We offer apologies for our unpreparedness, my lord, we only receive transports every couple of years so we do not see many visitors."
'Ah, excellent!' Loki was very pleased with that knowledge. Once every few years meant as long as the bifrost remained out of commission, there would be very limited contact with other worlds. "And how do your politics work here?"
The last, wearing deep scarlet, spoke “We rule as a unit, a solid front against any and all issues.” The others agreed, nodding to each other, “and with a pedigree such as yours, my lord, we ask you to join us. To help and lead us to the greatness that is Asgard.”
Loki smiled, his face contorting with menace. You jerked back, clinging to the catwalk as a sprinkle of dust descended from beneath your hand. ‘And that’s my cue to go’ you thought, creeping back to the window. If he was going to help them, you wanted to be as far from this place as possible. You scampered back through the slit in the wall, and fled down the scaffolding as fast as you dared. Once your feet hit the cobbles, you darted for the street.
Coming around to the open plaza, you checked both directions for people before sprinting straight across and towards the alley in which you left your pack. You turned the corner, keeping an eye on the square behind you and came to a sudden dead stop. “Ooof! Watch it…” you stopped talking, noticing the chest that stopped you, particularly the emblem stitched to it. Dominion. Not good. Dominion’s hands clasped tightly around your upper arms. With very little effort on their part, you were lifted off the ground, brought to eye level with your capturer.
“Hey bud!” You smirked, “to what do I owe the pleasure of this lovely meeting?”. Your words dripped with sarcasm. Dominion’s eyes narrowed, breathing sharply out through their nose. “Ah, yes! You’ve always been a lovely conversationalist… but I really should be off, loads to do, you know?” You rocked your feet, waiting to be put down.
“Not a chance.” A new voice mocked you from behind, one you definitely recognized. Double not good.
“Reaper. You’ve got nothing on me. Like always.”
“You’d think that…” The one called Reaper circled until they were within your sight line. “I was originally planning on another interrogation session, as you somehow escaped me last time. But…” they extended one finger and scrapped off a bit of your face paint, allowing the colour to peek through, “it would seem I’ve found the one we’ve been hunting all these years.”
Fuck. After all the years on the run, all the effort on keeping your marks a secret, it only took one ill-fated visitor to Dyeus 9 to bring everything crashing down “Shall we?” Reaper turned and motioned for Dominion to follow. You, dangling in their grip, had no choice in the matter.
Crossing back across the plaza, you noticed that Loki was just exiting the council building. ‘Great. Now there’s THIS guy…’ you thought vehemently.
“What's happening here?” Loki asked absently as your procession passed by. His eyes were immediately drawn to the patch of glow cleared of paint. ‘That colour, the alley… it’s from a person?’ As confused as he felt, he kept his face stoic.
Reaper stopped mid-stride “Oh! Master Loki! I would pay her no concern, she is merely a detainee with valuable information. We didn’t mean to disrupt your evening.” You rolled your eyes with a sigh. Loki locked eyes with you, before angling his face towards your captors. The brief glimpse you got confirmed his icy blue irises, and caused you to break the eye contact first.
He squinted down at Reaper, “I’d like to accompany you." He proffered, “I’m very curious about your interrogation tactics.” Reaper glazed over, thinking hard about the offer. Time ticked by, minute by minute. Loki had started to look annoyed.
You, stupidly, opted to open your mouth. “Sorry for the delay, Reaper’s about as sharp as a marble.” Two pairs of eyes shot in your direction, Loki and the aforementioned Reaper. Dominion’s eyes had not left your face since they scooped you in the street. You returned all their gazes with a brilliant smile, your pointed canines glinting in the dim twilight.
Reaper closed the distance to you in two steps and brought their hand sharply across your cheek, flaking off more paint. “Miscreants like you need not speak!” Loki snorted, he was beginning to like this planet. Reaper extended his arm, sweeping it towards Loki as a gesture to join the crew. Loki stepped in line beside Reaper and your group carried on.
Your cheek tingled, you were sure it would bruise by this time tomorrow. ‘Damn it! Why did we have to run into this jerk?’ You thought. He was going to make your escape that much more difficult. This was not the first time Reaper had you in their clutches, not by a long shot. But it was the first time they had discovered who you really were.
Your mother had always said to keep to the shadows, to not go out in The Above after moonrise. “Your birthmarks are very rare, and they are what makes you special.” She had told you once when you were much younger. “You have to promise to keep hidden.” The little-you had agreed… but as time went on, you got more adventurous and reckless. Even more so after she passed on. All you knew about the marks was that they were inherited along the maternal bloodline; that there were no other families you knew of that got them; and that they were what had gotten your mother killed. Your father had been with her on a trip to The Above. He had tried to protect her, but they both ended up losing their lives. From that point on, you had only trusted a select few, and never revealed your marks outside of home.
Until today. If he hadn’t landed on Dyeus 9, you would have been safe at home upon moonrise and would not be in this situation now.
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The building you were brought to was several streets down from the main plaza, near to the pump house and its loud generators. This was an ideal spot for interrogations as any noises associated with gathering intel wasn’t heard from the residential or council units.
Inside, they took everything you had. Belt, boots, bits of lint from your pockets. You were put into a strong metal cage, with a new looking locking mechanism. “As you can probably tell,” said Reaper, “we’ve upgraded our system. You should be nice and secure now.” You stuck your tongue out and crossed your arms.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Loki piped up, “what if it gets stuck that way?” You turned your attention to him, withdrawing your tongue but extending both middle fingers. He sneered back.
Reaper paced back and front across the small room. “I’ll need to notify the council…”. They paused and looked at Loki, “We will have to wait until then before we can start on her.” jamming their thumb in your direction.
“Does everything here have to go through the council? It would seem you could have the capacity with me here to get whatever information now, and THEN take it to the rest of elders.” Pushing the boundaries of his newly appointed status, Loki watched as Reaper’s eyes popped in shock.
Reaper shook their head, “Absolutely not! The whole council must be informed. Apologies, my lord.” Loki’s jaw tightened, but he nodded in agreeance. He must play by their rules…for now. Reaper spoke again, “Come, Dominion. We shall go inform the elders.” Together, the two of them moved towards the door.
“I shall retire to my chambers.” Loki joined them at the door, “Make sure I am informed the moment the elders are meeting.” Reaper’s face split into a smile, happy that their refusal didn’t anger the newcomer. Dominion threw open the door and the three stepped out.
From your cage, you waited for the door to close behind them. Just like always, no guard would be left. Typical. The two locals sped away, wanting to inform as soon as possible that the last 'person of interest' was caught. Loki lingered just long enough for them to move out of sight, and stepped back in to room in which you were captive.
“Well, well, well…” he spoke in haughty tones, “How does your little light trick work?” Loki stalked over to your prison, circling around, taking a good look at you. “Why are you so special?”
You barked a short laugh, keeping your eyes on him as he rounded the cage, “And why in the world would I tell some pompous space ass anything about myself?”
“Because I’m curious.” He stopped walking, waiting for an answer. You merely smirked up at him.
You gestured to the pile of your things on the floor. “Pass me a boot and we can talk.”
“I don’t think a boot will help you get out of your predicament, little one.”
“Ugh, ‘little one’. Soo condescending…” you waved your hand at him dismissively, “you know what, just go. I’ll figure it out on my own.”
You turn your focus to the boot sitting a good ten feet from your pen. It took a ton of energy when you’ve done this in the past, but seeing as you had no other option and ‘Mr. Green’ was useless, you’d have to do something. Licking your thumbs, you rub the remaining paint off your face to fully reveal the birthmark running over your nose horizontally from temple to temple.
Loki stared intently, pausing mid-step. The radiant fuchsia across your skin luminated your large, expressive eyes. ‘Beautiful…’ he cut off his thought, ‘No, shut up, she’s a strange creature on another world, she’s not for you.’
Rolling up your sleeves, you expose more birthmarks, all of which are glowing. You close your eyes and visualize only the boot. The glow suddenly intensified and your eyes flash open, now the same shade of pink. The boot twitched and fell over.
Loki’s jaw dropped, but he doesn’t say a word. You reach further into your telekinesis. The boot slowly rose from the floor and absentmindedly drifted towards you. Once it reached your outstretched fingers, you grab it but so does Loki. "Give it!" You strain against his strength.
“Give me the boot!”
“Look, just let go and I’ll tell you how I did that.”
“Oh, but I like this.” He bent at the waist and brought his face closer to yours.
“Please…” Loki noticed the change in your tone, no longer as fearless but more pleading, desperate. He released his grip and you slammed into the far side of the cage. You scowl, picking yourself up off the floor. “Thanks.”
Digging into the heel with your fingertips, you peel off a section of the sole and expose a hidden lock pick. You threw the boot aside and jabbed the pick into the lock, only needing to tweak it around a few times before the deadbolt popped and the door swung open. “I’d say it was a joy to meet you…” you start, finally able to stand up straight, outside of the cage.
“But that would be a lie.” Loki finished. Given the look on your face, he elaborated, “I have a certain way with distinguishing lies and truths.”
You looked leery, but he hadn't been wrong, so you shrugged and stooped to retrieve your cast-aside footwear. You pulled on each boot, followed by your jacket and other gear, and moved towards the exit. "Well, thanks for nothing, Loki." You turned and stepped one foot outside the door. His reply was so soft and quiet that you almost missed it. You spun around, frowning in his direction, "What was that?"
"I said," Loki spoke a little louder, "'I didn't get your name.'". He shifted awkwardly, pressing a hand to his brow.
You paused, trying to decide if you should give that information up. It's not like Reaper and their goons didn't know your name already, so what could be the harm? "It's Y/N." There, he could have that much. You raised your hand in parting, and disappeared into the darkness.
As soon as your feet hit the ground outside, you bolted to the nearest road grate. You threw it open, sliding down into the small gap you had made, and swiftly slid it closed above you. That was far too close, and now Reaper and the others would know that you were their target, the last of your bloodline. You sat in the pit, catching your breath and allowing some time to pass before you re-emerged. That particular grate didn't connect to where you needed to be, so you hastily mixed some loose dirt with spit to at least dull the marks across your nose.
Suddenly, you heard the quick footsteps of multiple people approaching from the plaza. Reaper must have found the other council members. Tucking down, you lowered your head and pushed your hair forward to camouflage your glow even further. No-one slowed, so you figured you had done a good enough job. When the posse had gone, you re-opened the grate and ran back to your stash, collecting your hidden pack before returning to the garden and down towards home.
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Loki stood alone in the empty room, wondering to himself as to why he asked your name. You were a criminal, a vile monster that needed to be captured and most likely disposed of… but there was something oddly intriguing about you and your mysterious abilities. 'I should not have allowed her to escape.' he thought to himself, just as Reaper and the elders burst in.
"You see? The last of…" Reaper's mouth gaped open when he saw the empty cage, "What the hell happened here?" He rounded on Loki, grabbing the front of his leathers. Reaper tried to get as close to Loki's face as possible, but they were quite a bit shorter and could not manage to be threatening at such a small stature.
Loki looked down at the hands on his lapel, and back up to meet Reaper's eyes. "Unhand me." It was an order, not a request. Reaper at least had enough foresight to do as they were told. "I am an honoured guest in your city, why would I bother with something so trivial as babysitting a captive?".
"I…you…" The words were lost to Reaper. They were livid and their face was turning an unsightly shade of purple.
One of the elder council members stepped in, "Reaper, relax. Loki is correct, you should have sent Dominion to us or kept a better eye on your captive." The elder moved swiftly to Loki's side, "She has been slipping through our grasp since long before we knew of her lineage. Perhaps with your help, my lord, we can learn how she's been able to outwit us?". The elder and the five others looked at Loki expectantly.
Loki smoothed the front of his leathers, which were slightly askew after Reaper's assault. There was a part of him, a tiny part, that screamed for him to NOT tell them what had occurred. He pushed the little inner voice down deep, willing it to be silent. He needed to tell them what he saw, if he ever planned on taking over leadership. "She’s telekinetic.” He said simply “the strength of it is enhanced by her light.”
"So how do we combat that?" asked another elder, "There must be a weakness to it…"
Loki opened his mouth, then closed it. Something felt off about this. He pressed himself along, "It seems to take a great bit of energy on her part. If you were to immobilizer her…" 'Stop.' "…or use very bright lights to disorientate…" 'Stop it, this is wrong.' "…you could keep control.". 'What is happening to me?' Loki had never fought so hard with his internal self, 'This needs to cease. Now.'
While Loki struggled internally, Reaper had been nodding and getting ever more excited about the ideas. The elders also seemed to be enthused. They were all talking over each other, trying to organize a plan. One elder mentioned using the large lights from the council chamber, another discussed the use of restraints. Yet another said they should host a great feast to see if they could draw out the threat.
"Enough!" Loki's piercing voice ripped through the chatter and everyone fell quiet. "Get what we need and she will come to us. As for myself, this day has made me weary so I shall retire to my accommodations." The elders all moved forward to shake his hand and bid him a good night. Loki graciously returned the sentiment, but made sure to make a quick exit.
Once outside and away from the noise, he looked up into the dark night sky and took a deep breath. He wondered if he had made the right choice in sharing your secret.
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highendsheep · 6 months
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huntress of the hollow
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howlingday · 9 months
Hello Hollowing, my prompt is this: After team RWBY finds themselves in the Ever After, they are met by a small child happily waving and guiding them towards the Tree instead of a certain Cheshire cat. Soon they were guided to the tree, with a mansion carved within. With children that looked like recoloured versions of their guide happily waving toward RWBY. They meet Neo, and Jaune, the small older woman clealry pregnant, along with Mint, and Trivia, and a woman similar to neo called CC... basically I want Jaune to explain why he has a harem of Neos with constant flashbacks of each neo having babymaking sex with him. With CC requires everyone else to overcome her instability. Blame Fatally Obsessed. I do not know why I make statements instead of questions.
Ah, okay.
This is way less terrible than I thought it would be.
This world is weird. Like, super weird. No, but like, SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER weird! Like, think of the weirdest thing you could think of, and it wouldn't be half as weird as what this was.
Okay, maybe not THAT weird, but it was weirder than Remnant, at least. Game pieces moved around, walking and talking like all the faunus and humans did back home. Not only that, but there were also talking animals, too! So yeah, this fairy tale world was weird.
But not as weird as what happened next.
"Hey! Over here!"
Team RWBY looked behind them and found a little girl waving at them. She had short, blonde hair, pale skin, and, as they got closer, blue eyes. Her dress was pink with a black sash wrapped around her belly.
"Um, hi?" Ruby awkwardly waved.
"Are you a Huntress?"
The question shocked the group. This was the first person they met in the Ever After, and she KNEW what a huntress is! Who was she?
"Um, ye-"
"Nilly!" A girl with long, brown hair ran up to the other girl and grabbed her wrist. Her dress was white with a pink sash wrapped around her belly, similar to the other girl. "We're not supposed to talk to strangers!"
"It's okay, Gats!" Nilly replied. "They don't look bad!"
"Don't you remember what Dad said?" Gats wagged her finger. "Looks can be decieving!"
"Um," Ruby stuttered, "we're not bad. Uh, y'know, if you wanted our opinion."
"She's right." Weiss added. "We're just trying to get to the tree."
"Oh! That's easy!" Nilly yanked her hand away. "Daddy can take you!"
"Daddy?" Yang asked.
"Mhm!" Nilly nodded. "Daddy is, like the best person to take you to the tree! He was up there before, y'know?"
"Nilly!" Gats chided. "They're bad guys!"
As the girls bickered, Team RWBY gave each other glances. This was very uncomfortable.
"Were we..." Ruby looked to her sister. "This bad?"
"Eh...." Yang shrugged. "Kinda?"
"Well, none of my siblings were like this." Weiss said with an unamused look.
"Pretty sure you're not as close with your siblings as Ruby and Yang were." Blake added. "It kind of makes me wonder what it's like."
"It's not great."
Suddenly, in the center of Team RWBY, stood a small girl with pink hair done in a ponytail, wearing a black dress with a white sash. She was so quiet, none of them heard her! As she walked to the other girls, they noticed she had a pink tail sway from under her dress.
"Nilla. Gats." She addressed the girls. "Mother's waiting for us." At this, the two girls stopped bickering. The leader looked at Team RWBY. "You come, too."
The little girl in the pink dress then walked forward, followed closely by the other two. Following the trio was Team RWBY. From a distance, a pair of eyes watched the seven girls curiously.
Neo sipped her tea, enjoying the quiet of the house. Her girls were out playing while her husband had left to run errands. They would all return before supper, as they always did. She looked down, admiring the one change to her otherwise routine life she'd made in the Ever After.
Every morning, she woke up, had breakfast, woke up her daughters, and then spent the rest of the day planning dinner. Tonight's dinner would be stewed vegetables.
"Ugh... Couldn't we have something with more meat?"
Neo cast a glare at the whining voice. The voice belonged to another Neo, though the voice was not quite her own. Instead, an annoying creature had taken residence in her body, wearing it like a coat, doing with it as they pleased.
"Oh, don't give me that look." The being replied with a roll of their neon-blue eyes. "Even Trivia is sick and tired of it!"
The woman in question, hanging clothes to dry outside, flinched. She shivered as Neo quirked a brow at her former self. She hid herself behind a wet sheet.
"Ow!" Mint, a disguise of herself used to infiltrate Beacon during the Vytal Festival with Cinder, flicked the being in Neo's ear. "Oh, I was not being mean to her!"
Neo hefted herself to her feet, hands to her back for support. Soon, it would be her turn to bring life into this world. She couldn't help but wonder what her child would look like. What mother didn't?
"Oh, and before you set the table," the being said, "we're going to have guests tonight. Four of them."
Neo eyed the being, unsure of what they meant. For all their schemes and plots, the creature wasn't a liar and often made use of their ability to see and hear things outside their home. If there were guests coming to visit, then there would be guests coming to visit. Neo would need more vegetables, and hands to pick said vegetables.
"Speak of the Grimm, as you say."
Neo looked to the door, and a tiny knock came from the other side. She opened the door, finding eight familiar faces.
"Mother." Greeted Berry with stoicism.
"Mommy!" Squealed Vanilla joyfully.
"Mom?" Called Gateau in concern.
Neo glared past her daughters to the four huntresses behind them. They swiftly reached for their weapons.
"Neopolitan?!" Litte Red exclaimed in her surprise.
"Of course she'd be here!" The Ice Queen growled.
"Is she pregnant?" The Kitty Cat asked.
"Guess she found someone dumb enough to knock her up." The Blonde Bimbo rudely remarked.
"Now that's just rude." All eyes focused on the timbre voice in the distance. A figure in rusted armor dismounted a large jackalope, named Juniper, and removed his helmet. Beneath was a ruggedly handsome bearded face with tired, blue eyes. He gave a chuckle. "Rude girls don't get dessert."
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greenmoons · 10 months
We've got several glimpses about Rayla's training as assassin and we didn't see Eljaal. Rayla watched Runaan train the assassins in the Bloodmoon Huntress but Eljaal is not part of them, the assassins were the ones who went to the assassination mission against Harrow and Ezran. In Chasing Shadows Rayla mentioning her training with Andromeda and Skor, but they were in the mission.
Silvergrove doesn't feel like a huge place so probably all the assassins are train together, so that means Eljaal is from Hollow Wood? Because if they were from Silvergrove they should have train with Runaan as well right?
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More Hollow Knight X Adventure Time doodles
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cloudyswritings · 3 months
Silksong Speculation
just some things I think might happen in silksong.
I think we’ll almost certainly be getting multiple endings, and I hope that we’ll get at least one that’s somewhat similar to embrace the void that has Hornet ascending
Sherma is gonna die, I’ve just got this deep gut feeling about it.
We’ll see the being behind the curse on Pharloom(obviously) but I actually have the feeling that it’ll be one of two things. Either it’ll be a tarantula higher being(with the silk haunting the kingdom being it’s shed hairs) or it’ll be something else entirely that’s using the silk from the captive weavers to make some sort of giant spell. That last idea is mostly based on the uses we see for silk in hollow knight
We’ll be getting the fishing mini game. I do genuinely think this is a possibility because team Cherry must know about that meme by now and it’s be exactly like them to do that.
I really hope we get an NPC based on mossbag, like he’d be this kingdoms version of mister mushroom
I know it’s by far the most unlikely thing on this list but I really hope we learn a bit more about wyrms
The final battle is gonna have a killer ass background which overlooks the entirety of the map from height.
I think Hornet is gonna get the chance to spare Lace after their last fight.
Actually kinda on that topic but I feel like silksong is going to feel a lot more like darksouls than even hollow knight did because of Hornet actually being able to speak to other beings and having her own dialogue options.
I wonder if the huntress knows the hunter?
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momolady · 9 months
November Patreon Rewards: Hearthway Hollow
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Hearthway Hollow has everything that the autumn needs. They celebrate Halloween starting in July. They have the world's best coffee shops, cozy blankets,bonfires, and of course, werewolf lovers to snuggle on chilly nights.
This November, feel like you've just visited with this wonderful trinkets straight from the Hearthway Hollow welcome center!
A Hearthway Hollow gradient logo (designed by me). A classic logo by @smogteeth. And a 'Hot Werewolf Girlfriend' coaster with art by @chopshoppar
$20 and up will get everything, while the rest of the mail out patrons will receive two items at random! (Exciting? Probably not.)
Not only that, starting in November, I will be doing a special ebook each month before anyone else. This month, as you can guess by the survey I put out, I'll be doing a collection of the best Hearthway Hollow characters. So make sure to vote on this survey so your favorite characters make it into the ebook.
Not only will you receive all of this in November, but you'll also join the Momolady discord server. There you'll get to chat with other monster lovers and creatives to find new friends and new monsters to love. You'll also be able to talk with me but that feels less exciting.
Sign up to my Patreon now and you'll also be able to get all October rewards!
Stories that are and will be available on Patreon that have yet to be published will also be yours to read! Including:
A collection of stories not published anywhere else.
A Hearthway Hollow story about two teachers that I never published because I didn't think it was good.
A vampire novel that I wrote ten years ago.
Rhys, a lizardman, reunites with his former lover who left her life of sexwork to escape the dangerous city she was in.
Preview to what would have been a seqeul to my story Huntress int he castle.
A spin-off of Aymeric's story about his little brother Laeretes.
Romarod is an orc, traveling through Elderbay, a port within Obresh that used to be a really seedy neighborhood. And all he wants are some baked goods.
Art is an orc who inherited his family's art supply store. It needs renovations and bad, so he hires you to take care of it.
Alcide is a high ranking vampire who controls a giant spacecraft as it makes a pilgrimage to the vampire sanctuary. You are a special human who Alcide takes care of.
Jian thr Rakshasa retuns in a new tale as he take the narration reigns to explain how the relationship between him and Rika has grown.
A woman realizes she's been put under a spell, and her fae lover Kerwyn is in desperate need of her help.
Onyx the Tabaxi returns with new sexy adventures in the confinges of her close knit village.
An older woman is being haunted by a Leshy, a forest spirit who is trying to repay the kindness of her long gone husband.
Jasper is a bugbear who keeps a very neat shop. He and his lover have been seperated for a long while, now he's been kidnapped and she must rescue him.
Zaejin and Perik return! And Zaejin wants his promised bread.
Jacqueline is a Dullahan and a chocletier. An while she's no Willy Wonka, her Halloween tradition brings her into a sweet relationship with a female patron.
Five paralangua vie for the attentions of one Chosen when the other four fail to return home for the Festival of Ash.
Plus so much more!
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bestfurrywife · 5 months
Character must be 18+ (if they don't have a specified age, they must be reasonably assumed to be an adult)
No explicit nsfw images in submissions, suggestive content ok
If you're submitting an indie artist's character (eg, someone's oc from tumblr or other social media) you MUST credit them
follow @bestfurryhusband lol
Submission Form
Submissions for tournament 2 are OPEN
Next contestants (feel free to submit again if you have propaganda to add):
Aela The Huntress (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Allison Goleta (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Bonnie (dapper-lil-catgirl on Tumblr)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Catty (Undertale)
Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper)
Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University)
Demona (Gargoyles)
Deoxys (Pokemon)
Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys)
Fenneko (Aggretsuko)
Goodra (Pokemon)
Isabelle: The Revenge (Animal Crossing)
Lop (Star Wars Visions)
Merveille Million (Solatorobo)
Ms Tarantula/Webs (The Bad Guys)
Nala (Lion King)
Olympia (Rivals of Aether)
Pinkie pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Pyanfar Chanur (The Chanur novels by C.J. Cherryh)
Rainbow dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko)
Sasha Phyronix (Ratchet and Clank)
Sarabi (Lion King)
Summer (Spiritfarer)
Sybil (Pseudoregalia)
The Empress (A Hat in Time)
Trixie (Capitol Critters)
Tuca Toucan (Tuca & Bertie)
Tyranitar (Pokemon)
Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Waai Fu (Arknights)
Washimi (Aggretsuko)
Wuk Lamat (Final Fantasy XIV)
Previous contestants:
Alphys (Undertale)
Arlinn Kord (Magic the Gathering)
Astrid (Spiritfarer)
Birdo (Mario)
Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Cordelia Hendricks (The Smoke Room)
Dahlia Byrnes (The Smoke Room)
Duchess (Aristocats)
Erma Felna (Erma Felna: EDF)
Fenna van Houwelinck (Glory Hounds)
Fidget (Dust: An Elysian Tale)
Fillyjonk (The Moomins)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy 9)
Furryosa (Atomic Crops)
Golem (Pokemon)
Greasefang (Magic the Gathering)
Hecate (Tokyo Afterschool Summoners)
Holo (Spice and Wolf)
Hoodwink (Dota 2)
Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Ilia Shrikewood (Temptation's Ballad)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Jenna Begay (Echo)
Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Juno (Beastars)
Krystal (Star Fox Adventure)
Laika (Laika Aged Through Blood)
Laika (Laika's Comet)
Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Lopunny (Pokemon)
Loveander (Palworld)
Madam Dora (The Smoke Room)
Madame Vastra (Doctor Who)
Maid Marian (Disney's Robin Hood)
Marie Itami (BNA)
Maria (Extracurricular Activities)
Meicrackmon (Digimon)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Molly Yarnchopper (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
Moomin Mamma (The Moomins)
Mother Glory (Friends at the Table)
Muffet (Undertale)
Nidoqueen (Pokemon)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Queen Bee-elzebub (Helluva Boss)
Renamon (Digimon)
Rivet (Ratchet and Clank)
Rose (Remember the Flowers)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Roxanne Wolf (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Salazzle (Pokemon)
Sally Acorn (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Soraka (League of Legends)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Toriel (Undertale)
Torque (X-Com: Chimera Squad)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Vipress (Kung Fu Panda)
Xenomorph (Alien)
Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Yona (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
The Haven exchange plot line is so underrated and it's a crime it was never bought up again.
Because the potential is sooo good.
The battle of Beacon gets so much more fucked if they acknowledge that.
Like Cinder genuinely caring for RWBY and JNPR and knowing she's going to destroy them.
Having to make that choice.
Which you know, Beacon is all about choices.
And just, in another life this was Cinder's dream.
To be a huntress.
It's a fairytale that she never got to live out.
And than the maiden power shifts from a stranger to a friend.
Than it becomes I have to kill my friend for power.
And under that, because if I don't Salem will kill me and I will no longer serve a purpose to her.
Everything I've done will mean nothing.
Pyyrah getting seperated from Jaune and going to Cinder.
Not to fight her.
But because Pyrrah trusts her.
It's Rhodes all over again.
And she can't even cry because it's her own fault.
Mercury seeing what he could be, and knowing for the plan to work yes going to have to ruin Yang's reputation.
Pretending it doesn't hurt to see the hurt in her eyes.
Emerald who wanted a family knowing this is just an illusion and no matter how much it hurts she has to destroy it.
This was never supposed to last.
Oz holding a hand out to Cinder like I know she's behind this.
We can fix this.
I can save you.
You don't have to do this.
And Cinder shaking her head because she knows he's lying.
You can't even save yourself from her, how can you save me?
Just this bittersweet understanding of the situation they are in.
Oz saying he's proud that she was his student. That it's okay, he can take the fall.
They both knew he will return but he won't be the same
Cinder saying goodbye and setting the place ablaze.
She makes herself watch and puts his cane somewhere safe for Qrow to find.
Salem praises her but Cinder just feels hollow.
Jaune calling her a murderer, that Pyrrah trusted her and she has to pretend she doesn't remember him for her own comfort.
That she knows she doesn't deserve.
She's a monster.
She will always be on the run.
Stabs Weiss and feels like she stabbed herself.
It takes everything in her not to scream.
Emerald joining up with the rest of them and it hurts knowing just how easily she slots into their group.
Like she'd always been apart of it.
And somehow that hurts even more.
Also just fitting with the theme of the schools falling because of a friends betrayal.
Cinder, Emerald and Mercury betrayal caused the fall of Beacon.
Leo's betrayal caused the fall of Haven.
Ironwood's betrayal caused the fall of Atlas.
But those 3 still living unlike the other two and they live to regret it.
If they didn't already.
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