#The Lillie Tribes
malwarechips · 2 years
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redesigned an old hk oc of mine now that i know mantises exist in game. i didnt when i first made her like a year ago. anyways look at her shes an orchid mantis <3 i love her (she/they pronouns for her please !!)
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mceproductions · 10 months
Best of 2023 Movies #9: Killers of the Flower Moon
Will adjust once I’ve Seen
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druidmilk · 10 months
In light of hbomberguys new video here’s some video essayists with way too little followers that you should go support:
Alexander Avila
Jessie Gender
Mia Mulder
The leftist cooks
Elle literacy
Lilly Simpson
Thinkpiece Tribe
Overthinking it
Rowan Ellis
Dr Fatima
Lu Vagara
Artie Carden
Brigitte Empire
Caelan Conrad
Kaz Rowe
I know a lot of these are mentioned at the end of the video but their some of my faves so :)
There are probably so many more that I forgot, please let me know any recommendations people have
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the-ninjago-historian · 6 months
Into The Deep Update! 🤩
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I DID IT! I just gave Lilly a WHOLE fricken backstory that's actually compliant to canon, highlights her relationships with her father and Lou, and will tell about how she became the Master Of Earth! I hope y'all are ready to read it in Into The Deep!
Extra bonus spoiler below the cut!
Also there's an ancient tribe in the Deep Lands that all Earth Masters descended from. (Including Lilly and her dad) And they are EPIC.
EDIT: Almost forgot to mention! The tribe's ancestor was the very first Earth Master!
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sepublic · 6 months
Master of the Mountain is like the thematic inverse to Rise of the Snakes, because you have these visibly non-human, color-coded species based on an Evil Race archetype, who dwell underground. They have their little eccentricities, one of them decides leadership by combat, and they don't get along with each other. This divide is encouraged and exploited by humans in order to prevent a unified uprising, so that these underground dwellers can remain trapped and out of sight, reduced to superstition on the surface.
But MotM recognizes that these underground species are victims, that they are being unjustly hurt and exploited and victimized; It is the human on the surface, obsessed with the appearance of conventional beauty and normalness, who is the true oppressor here. And our protagonists side with these underground tribes, helping them make amends, and granting them great agency in rebelling against those who trapped them.
And I find it interesting because Cole is very much carrying on the legacy of his mother Lilly, who was also a friend and defender of the Munce and Geckles. Her Blades of Deliverance having freaking skulls etched into their hilts. And her father fought alongside the Serpentine, defending them while humanity drove them underground. Cole himself was turned into a Ghost at one point, and was briefly hypnotized by a Serpentine.
Something something. The Brookstone lineage has always been open-minded, welcoming of things that are nonconventional and seem 'scary' on the surface because what is weird, someone who is different, or someone who is different from you? They see the Serpentine, the Munce and the Geckles, and they don't judge nor impose human standards of attractiveness and beauty onto them. They themselves have kinship with 'evil' races, to the point of Cole becoming one of them at a point, and thus reaching out to Yang because he was able to relate. Lou, the ‘outsider’ who marries in, is introduced with an arc about accepting his son for who he is.
Black is a color associated with darkness, death, and evil. But it is also associated with the Masters of Earth. The underground is vilified, hence the Underworld, the Serpentine, the Munce and Geckles; But the Masters of Earth are at home with it. Death is feared but one wields the symbol of the skulls and the other the scythe, and even becomes one of the dead at a point. He fears dragons only to be closer to them than anyone else. The shadows are feared yet ninja find refuge in them, and those who dwell in the earth find much comfort in the darkness already.
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gugug4g4 · 3 months
Indulge me, for Soo-Won can't let Lily go.
Kai Kingdom has retreated. The four dragons' sacrifice in the war led to Kouka's victory. With Princess Yona and the newly titled General Hak of Sky Tribe, out looking for the dragon heroes of Kouka; King Soo-Won is headed back to protect what is left of the heart of Kouka: the Hiryuu castle. The dragons' disappearance has mystifyingly coincided with the lifting of the crimson curse. The crimson disease that once wrapped around his majesty Soo Won like a shroud seemingly untightened its bounds. Letting him stand without every inch of his body fighting to fall beneath him. Who knows how long this peace shall last?
As the kefala of the king returned, they were greeted with the sight of the burnt castle. It lay bare with its bones howling in the wind surrounded by white disaster relief tents instead of the bustling tribe dwellings that stood in its place before the fire. Before the war. The smell of arson stretched out for miles in any direction as if the heartland itself was struck by the wrath of war. The only sense of relief came from the people hobbling across the white tents, providing heroic aid to all who needed it. As King Soo Won scanned the devastation, he noticed among them the midnight blue headed Lady Lilly, scurrying across his burnt home to distribute blankets to a fire-struck family. He had given her a fleeting thought when the news of the Hiryuu castle fire reached him at the battlefield. However, to him, his attachment to another had to be subsided to fulfill his duty as the king. The necessity to remain at the border of Kai and lead the whole of Kouka to victory outweighed his personal attachments. He had left his own bodyguard Hyu-Ri behind for a reason. Unadmittedly, her presence at the burning castle worried him so seeing her not only unharmed but leading relief efforts brought him a sense of solace he couldn't really explain. The ends of his lips curled into a slight smile as he watched her shout for her assistants to hurry along with the rest of the aid to the grief-stricken family. It is not unexpected, for the brash and naive lady Lilly to jump into any situation without a second thought if she believed she'd be helping another. Watching her scurry through the desolation, he couldn't help but acknowledge her kind of bravado as a useful tool to inspire hope among the people at home.
At the Sky tribe border, The few remaining guards announced his majesty's arrival. The ordinary people that gathered were all masked with darkened faces, looking up for any sense of hope from their king. Despite the sight, King Soo Won's face showed fortitude "My people, you are strong." he began. "For I return to you with the news, that we have won against the treacherous Kingdom of Kai. They have tried in the battlefield but the warriors of Kouka stuck down their attack! They then tried to furtively burn the heart of Kouka and yet again, our people stood their place and have driven them out." as he paused, hope began to rise in the people's hearts, their faces softening to murmur out cheers. " War though has a price and I have no doubt we lost a lot to it. Every man who died gave their life for a better Kouka. Every living being in front of me is a hero. Among you, the people who took it upon themselves to provide aid to one another are shining emblems of what it is to be the hero of Kouka. Every board, brick, and nail will be put back where it once stood and be commemorated with a ceremony. We will build Kouka back from the spoils of war!" His majesty ended. No sooner, the dispersed crowd broke out in cheers. His words were just the beginning, his majesty will indeed build back peace and security like a king should.
Upon his entrance into the remanent of the castle, Lily is the first to greet them running towards their fire-damaged living quarters. " Won you returned! You're alive!" She exclaimed. "Sorry... I mean Your Majesty" she stammered correcting herself. Soo-Won turns to face her, his mouth breaking out into a short laugh "I am sure some are glad to see you alive as well. I see the recovery efforts are ongoing". "yes ..., we have set up shelters for people affected by the fire. We have no time to waste, help is still going around ". His Majesty looks at Kye Sook and says "What are we waiting for, let us go see"
After touring the devastation with Lilly and helping the people" they come around to Ogis shop home "My king, devasted by the fire, There's no vacancy at inns" Lily torts, as they exhume exhaustion. lily suggests they can rest for the night.
As they rest for the night on the floor, letting the injured be on the bed. Jeda takes the first shift to guard. Soowon prepares to lay on the floor mat next to Kye Sook and catches in the corner of his eye as Lilly is slumped on one side overcome by exhaustion beside kye sook. Ignoring his tired body, he lays her on the floor mat. Looking for a while, he slowly shifts her to the side, making space and laying himself in between his advisor and herself. "she will be better protected this way" he thinks to himself. "The water tribe leader is coming out of war after fighting by his side, keeping his daughter safe would be important. "
As the morning sun crawls up the horizon Lily wakes up. She is greeted by Soowon "Lady Lily it's good to see you this morning" "Good morning Your Majesty." she grumbles. As Lily got ready for the day, she casually remarked "I'm glad to see you are well Won. Your skin has color now". He replies"I didn't know you took such particular interest in my health, much less my skin. But not to worry lady Lilly, there are always new things to take my color away." She snorts "You just won a war, what would possible drain your color any further?" Soowon turns to look at her "For one the will of the people has to be unified after the war and it would be in the benefit of the nation for the king to marry"
"oh a queen for you? who is on that sorry list?" lily jokes
After a moment's pause, Soo Won studies Lili's face and asks "Would you marry me and be the queen of Kouka?"
"huh? Me?!" lily answers, shocked to her core by that question coming out of his majesty's mouth
"Lady Lily i believe it is a good choice. you are strong-willed though brash. The castle will always know what your intentions are and you hold the capability to keep the heart of Kouka together. Though i fear for your impulsive behavior in the castle but that can be managed."
"Could you possibly make this proposal any more blunt and unromantic?" she wanted to ask but refrained. Instead, she answers "You are joking, right? I thought you never wanted to get married?"
"There was no benefit in marriage until now. It's simply what must be done for the good of our nation" Soowon Replies. It's not like him to lay out his intentions clear as day in any conversation. But with Lily, it is just so much easier to do so rather than face her barrage of questions until she is satisfied with answers. She is so headstrong it's quite... fascinating. As good as he is at remaining stoic, Lily has a way of surprising him.
He gets snapped back to reality as Lily bursts into laughter consequently slapping the table. She is so boisterous and loud as well. The people like her though. No, they love her. Something in him liked her bravado as well. He has not cared much about his own friendships for the betterment of the country. His dad wanted a king and the king could not care about his own interest. After all, Lily would be good for the kingdom of Kouka. She looked after the castle in his absence and the people took a liking to the lady. Right at the clasp of taking over another state, the people's home has to have a strong unison and marriage allows that. There are other candidates though. Maybe the princess of Xing Princess Kouka would allow the advantage of bringing the states together. Hak and Yona have solidified the wind tribe. The fire tribe women of age could be an adequate candidate. Earth tribe has yet to have noble women of age. Yet he wanted the unruly one causing a spectacle right before him. He shook away his desire asking himself "Why is it that my judgment is so clouded by her thought?! "Surely I will marry whoever carries the ideals most benefitting Kouka's Queen. It doesn't have to be Lady Lilly" He convinces himself.
"There are other candidates on the list so no need to worry if you rather not take on the role, Lady Lily" He torts finally
"That's a relief, did my dad put you up to this? Won you don't have to listen to him, and beside I would continue doing all sort of shenanigans to achieve goals I set my eyes on, be it to your liking or not. Wouldn't you rather have a queen who would abide by your customs?"
"The kingdom needs a queen that can be a symbol of strength, not a docile one. When your dad suggested you as queen, the other tribes generally thought of it as a good idea. As you mentioned there are risks involved with you a queen but it was discussed to have outweighed by the benefits"
"wow you are so romantic Soo-Won," Lily remarks sarcastically unable to hold herself back any longer.
"Think about it" is all he replies as he stands up to head out of the room.
lily had been friends with Soowon for a little while now. They have come to spend more time together as her dad suggested the Hiru castle books to be helpful for her volunteer work at the tribe's school center. King Soo-Won was kind to allow access to the library before it burned. However, He is still a peculiar man, often warm and often distant. A slave to his duties. There is this nagging thought of his selflessness. He has betrayed his own for the betterment of this country. She understood the complexity of his role. Not too kind-hearted either. Also, where is this man's beard? He's too young, she preferred a greater age difference. particularly men with stubble. like Gang Tae.. why must the good man be married? Wait a minute, Gung Tae being a general knows of this plan as well? How embarrassing. It doesn't matter though, as long as she gets to exercise her freedom and help her people along the way, she can take on whatever is thrown at her. She has come to like being in the political field and making a difference in the water tribes' areas. Lily never thought she would get married and be couped up in the castle.
"King Soo-Won, your majesty. I am honored but I cannot accept. Thank you for thinking about me "
Soo-Won smirked, politeness doesn't suit her he thought. "You're welcome. Please come to victory festivals in the coming week. The queen candidates will be there. Your presence would be appreciated just at least as a formality.
Days later, as he delved into his book of social development his thoughts ran. He had expected as much from Lily but it was worth asking. It wasn't like him to get stuck on a personal thought. He categorized his thoughts perfectly well into different boxes. He would have never thought of having a queen but a lot has changed recently. To move this country forward he needs a queen. He doesn't particularly want anybody else to be all up in his business. However, that young lady of the water tribe has been one of the few he does not mind sticking around. Born of a noble yet fiercely a force for the people. She does not care to curate her perception. Far Too blunt. That is precisely what caught his attention. He thought of her as naive but during his time away at war he has come to miss that brutally honest tongue of hers. Perhaps the agitating voice telling him that all boxes of thought can not be hyper-compartmentalized and stored away is not wrong. He has been proven wrong a few times lately. He didn't give much thought to Yona the night he killed King II. He wanted revenge for his father and Kouka had to be brought out of its misery. Separate matters he convinced himself. His father taught him to never believe in making mistakes but perhaps he should have. He has made a mistake with how he handled his friends that night and he has been atoning for it. He would not like to make a mistake with Lily. Perhaps she is better off without him by her side.
"It doesn't matter, he has other candidates, he was just going through the list." Soowon thought to himself. lily insisted in vain as Tetra and Ayura prepared Lily's appearance for the festival. As the evening roared with life with the fiery dances and chaos of the townspeople, the delegation began to arrive. Kye Sook presented each one and as he greeted each one, it came the water tribe's turn with lily. "She changed her hair ribbons to a one with spider lilly pattern, It sticks out," he thought to himself. Soo-won smiled as big as the sun, welcoming his allies and their potential ties. Chatters of joy at the victory and mention of the social programs to save the Sky tribe's city have made the people happy. They were eager for their King to choose their Queen.
As the ceremony started, there came a time when the king had to ask his candidate questions. He already knew everything there was to know about these candidates. Humoring the custom was the duty of the king thus he asks the first " Would you consider yourself awfully loud and need months before people take a liking to your personality? ". The question for the next ones went as follows " Do you put yourself at risk and refuse to listen when you have a goal in mind? Do you never take no for an answer? Have you ever sneaked out to catch criminals? Do you habitually ask your friend audacious questions without fear of its consequences? " The Candidates to say the least were unamused. Only one candidate would answer yes to all the questions as silly as they are. It dawns on him he was describing Lilly.
"Perhaps a quick threat to the water tribes about its loyalty to the throne would work to persuade Lady Lily's mind to take my hand." Soo Won calculates. Just as soon, as his other thought box breaks open to negate "She is quite sensitive, She would be hurt by my actions despite the bravado she puts on". How annoying it is to consider individual sentiments when making decisions for the kingdom. Soo-Won stares at her black hair wrapped in spider lily and quips out loud " Getting a queen and lily are separate matters". General Joo Dah nearby teases " Your majesty, is that so? Your stare says otherwise". King politely laughs with a blush spreading over his face.
" Has one of these beautiful ladies caught your fancy?" Kay Sook asked eager to join any conversation pertaining to the thone's lineage. Truth be told, Soo-Won didn't notice anybody else. He researched every candidate beforehand and they would all be suitable with different advantages. However, the one that keeps coming back to his mind is the curious ball of watery spirit decorated with spider lily tonight. Socially adept as he may be he couldn't grasp why Lady Lily stirred such curiosity within him. Why was he so enamored with the idea of Lady Lilly as his Queen? A part of himself, a part he did not wish to show, was scared he might have formed a weakness for the lady's convictions. She has slowly become his only friend ever since he took over the throne, confronting and accepting cold parts of himself even his own mother couldn't bear to speak about. With the debleating crimson disease, he wouldn't dream of entangling anyone in his life much less someone he wished to protect. Now, after the war, circumstances have changed. The time he thought was so limited, unfurled itself to reveal a possibility of a future. Impartial as he was, Soo Won was only human. "Indulge me, for I do not wish to let her go." Soo Won mutters.
" I did not take our king to be so passionate about a lady. Who are we speaking about ?" Kye Sook asks in astonishment. "Lady Lily. She would be best received by our people. That unity is needed to move forward after the war." Soo-Won confirms to Kay Suek.
"So as long as we have heirs," Kay Suek remarks unapologetically.
ORIGINAL WORK. DO NOT COPYRIGHT. Give proper credit to @gugug4g4
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Fairness." One Piece x Saitama reader, eleven.
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"Just a Normal girl looking for an everyday life. At least, if you call sailing across the seas with idiots with useless dreams a simple task, then you might wanna see a doctor. Seriously."
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of Luekimia, and heaps amount of blood and strength. It might be a little cursing, but not bad, and maybe some flirting in there, but it's mostly clean.
Other things:
-You didn't get bald due to your powers; you got bald to an extreme illness.
-You part of the straw hat crew, but others are interested in you and your power.
-Everyone that is a male is taller than you.
-Monsters from the OPM world will appear in One Piece, and I'll make some new monsters you will fight.
Enjoy the eleventh chapter everyone :)
"BIG SIS!!!!"
Well, we made it to Hancocks ship, as two beautiful women, and more women, hopped off her ship, onto the heart pirates ship, as they happily greeted her thankful she returned safely.
While that was happening, Ivankov and her crew were about to leave, as she trusted Jimbei, Ace, and Luffy to stick with me, as well as Crocodile. "Now! I trust you four with her, you all don't mind if I leave things to you?!" Her question made Jimbei nod. "No...it is fine. I can't swim yet anyway. The least I can do is stay here until she gets well." Crocodile nodded in agreement, leaning against the rail. "I owe her a favor..." Ace smiled. "Same here! She saved my life, I need to thank her in person." Luffy chuckled. "She needs to Join my crew!" The three looked to her, as crocodile scoffed. "What makes you think she'd join you, brat...?" Luffy whipped to him. "BECAUSE SHE'S MY FRIEND THAT'S WHY!" Crocodile cringed. "That's not how you belive she'd join you, just because she's your friend." "SHUT UP LEATHER PURSE! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" "What did you call me?!" "You heard me!! She will join my crew!!!" Ivankov chuckled at the sight of the two arguing, as Ace crossed his arms. "That's my brother for you, though, I won't go against him though, Y/n-san is pretty powerful, she seems fit for Luffy's crew." Jimbei nodded. "Indeed, it's going to be interesting how things play out. Ivankov...Ace....since we all were locked in the most brutal prison in the world...without her, all of us wouldn't have met each other....or to Save you.." Ace chuckled, as Ivankov smiled. "Your quite right, Jimbie, both of us tried our best to keep up with Luffy and Y/n-girl at Marineford, didn't we? It's hard to say goodbye to you both..but I have sweet candies waiting for me to come back to the kingdom....." She started to tear up. "Please take good care of Y/n-girl!!" Jimbei nodded, as well as Ace, accepting her plea, as the Marine ship sale went down, as Ivankov crew setted sail, as both parties said their goodbyes, the others headed to the Miaden Island, Amazon lilly which was home to Boa, the female only empire where men are prohibited.
Theirs also tribes of femal fighters that lives there as well, known as Kuja, as the ship aproached two large doors, which opened.
Behind it, many females living on the island greeted the snake princes back home.
Others were hesitant as they saw men on the ship, but stopped when they met Luffy, as Boa told them they were not the enemy. "A female who battled with Luffy is on that ship! She suffered greatly, mentally, and physically during the battle at Marineford, and she's hanging between life and death now." The females eyes widened with her statement as she turned to them. "Ladies, Carry Y/n to the Kuja Castle as soon as possible!" "Hold on Hancock!!!" She paused when looking to an older lady. "It's fine if it's just the lady. But we can't allow those men on that strange ship to step foot onto the Maiden Island. It's against our country's policy!" Her words made Boa's brows furrow. "Then at least let the doctor on to help her-" "No!" The granny interupted. "We can't allow any men to come onto the island, even if he is a doctor! We have so many good doctors on this island!" She spoke, as Law leaned against his ship wall, holding a blank face. "Well, I don't care either way, but..do you have the same medical equipmen and technology as my ship?" He asked, glaring to the old lady, who was iritated with his statement, which was true as he continued. "If her wounds open up, she is going to die.." He stated, Hancocks eyes widened as a smirk formed onto his lips. "Take her, if you don't care about it." He finsihed, as Jimbei stepped forwards. "It's obvious that we can't save Y/n-san without this man. If he can't come in, we have no choice. We must go somewhere else." He spoke, as Boa clenched her fists. "Impossible! We'd be attacked by the Sea Kings! Even if we get awa from them, the Navy could find us at anytime!" The granny sighed. "Oh well...we only do it as an exception but...you can stay in the area of th bay. The Sea Kings won't attack you there." Everyone was greatful for her kindeness, as the submarine took action to that area, the ladies of the island wishing my health will go well.
Though, with all the waiting and time, two weeks have passed, as I was still not awake, as Law had been treating me, while Ace, Crocodile, and Luffy never left, as everyone stayed at the bay side.
"How much longer do we have to stay in such a small space..." Someone spoke. "Yeah, the only thing to look forward to is...-"
"Guys! Sorry to keep you waiting! It's meal time!" The polar bear, and the three men who were playing cards smiled, as the women working with Boa brought baskets of food, veggies, and stuff to eat.
Luffy's eyes had stars, drool escaping his mouth, as Ace chuckled, a smile onto his face. "Guess we don't have to worry about starving anymore." Crocodile took a cigar out of his mouth. "We wouldn't starve anyway if we hadn't stayed here.."
Everyone started to get food, as Law and crocodile weren't hungry, a sboth of them were leaning against the tree, as a blonde women walked up to them. "Excuse me.." Law looked up at her. "Is she awake..yet?" His head shook. "I see." she spoke. "It's up to Y/n-ya's spirit." Law spoke, looking up at her. "Whether she's willing to live or not." He finished, leaving thoughts in her head, as one of her allies called her, as she left to go help.
But, as things were starting to calm down, my eyes shot open, rememebring the events of whitebead getting shot down by black beard, as well as Akainu trying to hurt ace and Luffy, Mihawk fighitng me, as well as the dead bodies of pirates caused by mariens.
All of those memories flooded in my head, sweat dripping from my forhead.
I looked down, seeing wires hooked up to me, just like when I was little as it brought tragic memories, as my breaths started to quicken.
The wires...the postion...the saem feeling long ago...I didn't like it...I didn't like it at all...I needed to get out of her...
I let out a painful scream, ripping the wires off of me as it alerted people outside, as the gorund then rumbled, an explosion happening inside the ship.
Smoke arose in the medical area, some of Laws crew, trying to get me to lay back down as I slowly walked passed them. "Lady! Lay back down! Unless you want to drestroy the ship!!" My breaths were heavy, my head simply turning as my blank, emotionless eyes looked to them, which sended shivers down their spines. "P-Pops..." I mumbled...remembering whitebeards death clearly, as outside, Ace, Law, and Jimbei ran forwards to the ship, before the roof of the submarine broke open, as I came out of it, landing behind them harshly, the ground shaking.
This shocked everyone, even crocodile, who looked at me with wide eyes, mixed with worry, as I tried to sit back up, but I still was in utter pain, my hands gripping the grass below me, my nails digging into the dirt.
"P-Pops..." I brokenly spoke...my eyes white, as I repeated it multiple times. Ace, underatnding how I felt as he took a step forwards, his face lined with remorse and sadness for me, until he saw me sat up, looking to the sky. "WHERE IS WHITEBEARD?!" I screamed, worry, sadness, and anger hitting my voice.
Tears were streaming down my face, as I started to bolt, looking for the man to see if he was alright, as I was unable to save him back at marineford.
But, to my knowledge, he was dead, as Luffy and lawd crew were trying to stop me, as Law, Ace, Jimbei, and Crocodile were sitting in a circle, just watching. "What happens if we leave her like this..?" Jimbei asked, as Lawy sighed. "It's simple. Like I said when we got here, if her wounds open up, she will die." Crocodile scoffed. "Easy for you to say when she has the energy of the rubber brat...." The four looked to me, tripping on a rock, as the crew and Luffy saw the chance to hold me down, as I struggled with their grip. "Let me go!! I need to get to the old man! He needs medical attention!" I screamed, Luffy still trying to hold me down. "Y/n-san! Please calm down!" "NO! Let me go Luffy!" I yelled, as the crew still were trying to hold me down. "Shut up! I'm looking for pops!" I yelled, as one of Laws crew members spoke. "I told you that White beard is-" "I SAID.." All of them scattered, even Luffy as I threw them off of me. "LET ME GO!" I bolted from them, as I headed more deep in the forest, as I wanted to look for whtiebeard, as Crocodile got up from his spot, before Ace stopped him. "Let me talk to her..." Crocodile glared down at him. "Why should I let you to that...?" Ace looked to the warlord. "Because her and I lost the same person we care about..." Crocodile understood, as he couldn't argue with his comment, as he simply sat back down, as Ace walked in the direction I was heading, as his ears could hear the trees getting destroyed by my anger.
My fists were bleeding, my breaths broken and raspy, my eyes shaking as I looked straight at the ground, but I realised, that I wasn't at marineford when I noticed the grass, as I looked up to brids flying over my head, and the blue sky. "W-Where am I?" I asked, wondering if it was all a dream...as I kept looking at the sky, as my memoires were still coming back to me, as whitebeard did die of black beards hands, as well as many other pirates dying by the head of marines, even a giant Orc that Ace cared about.
All the information made me clutch the sides of my face, my knees giving out as I started to whale, and cry, now knowing that whitebeard is truly dead.
Ace saw this, as he rushed, his eyes widened, as he caught me in his arms, his knees hitting the grass as all he could do was wrapp his arms around me as I cried.
"Y/n...." He spoke...as with all my pent up emoitions inside of me...I just cried into him, not wanting to even speak at all.
"The war is over.." He whispered. "Pops is..." "DON'T SAY THAT!" I snapped, my face looking up to him, as my eyes were red and puffy, which made his heart hurt. "Don't say anything!" I pleaded. "I already pinched myself hard enough to rip my skin! If it were a dream, I should've woken by now!" I continued, Ace's eyebrows furrowing more, as he listened to me, as closed my eyes, looking down. "I-It's not a dream, isn't it...? I-I wasn't able to....." Ace's grip on me tightened, his teeth gritting with sadnes as slight tears escaped his eyes as well. "Y-Yes...Cutie....p-pops...is dead.." His truthful words struck my heart harshly more, as tears continued to poor, as I clutched onto him more and more.
I stayed like that for a couple of minutes, Ace crying with me as well, as he knew whitebeard basically his whole life, as he understood how I was feeling. "I...I coudln't save him...I-I-I was suppose to be a hero...a hero w-who brings fairness to everyone...b-but I couldn't save h-him...I-I-I'm so weak...!" I sobbed, my confession making Ace's eyes widened with shock, as his grip around me tightened more, as he brought me even closert to him. "Cutie..." "A-Ace...p-please leave me be...! Go to the others..!" He sighed with my request. "I can't..I can't just watch you hurt yourself anymore..." My face grew frustraited as I looked up at him. "It's my body! Why does it matter to you-" "Then you can't blame Whitebeard for doing what he did! It wasn't your fault that he was Killed, he was killed by teaches hands! His death was nothing of your buisness!" My teeth gritted, as I gripped his shoulders.
"Shut up! It was fully my buisness! I was fighting in that War as well, and I promised him that he and I will both save you together, with no death's at all!" He cupped my face. "That's a stupid promise Y/n!" He gently spoke. "War isn't kittens and rainbows, you can't expect evberyone to live! That's not how life works! Someone had to make a sacrafice, somepeople had to die...! I know ho wyour feeling, I know what your goign through because Pops was an actually father to me!" His confession made my teeth grit, as I closed my eyes. "So don't you dare say it's your fault he died, because me and I both know it wasn't, it was supposed to be me who was supposed to die, not him!" My eyes shot open with his statement, as I looked to him with furrowed eyebrows. "A-Ace-" "It's true! I was meant to be executed! But, now do you see!? Things are more clear for you now, you belvied that you can bring fairness to everyone, that you could overcome anything just like Luffy. Althoguht you never doubted your strength, you still had a kind heart for people, no matter if marines or pirates! But all those formidable enemies you faced, all of those words from Blackbeard, your confidence was slipped away, all because your motion was to become the greatest hero, which was your guid to life!" His words made my fist clench, as he whipped some continuing falling tears from my eyes, as his forhead leaned gently against my own. "I know you have lost a lot...and the toughest enemies in the world blocked your way time after time...but you'll never find your true self like this...if your lost in full regret and guilt.....I know that it's painful now, Cutie, but you have to bottle up those feelings! Don't just think about the ones you've lost, when you can make new memoroeis with new people you have met!" My eyes widened from his words, as my body stopped, realisation hit me as I rememebred Luffy's words back on that Marine ship.
"Well if you decided to stay, wanna join my crew?" I gasped, before standing up. "L-Luffy!" More tears pooled out of my eyes, as I still had my answer to tell him.
I finally understand what I want to do in my life, as all of the past that happened to me, the war, my cancer, Saitama and pops death...everything that could bring me back down...didn't matter, as new doors were opened for me, as I had an oppourtunity to grow.
Looking up at Ace, I clutched to him again. "W-Were's Luffy?! I-I need to see him, I need to give him an answer, I-I-" Ace smiled, knowing what I'm talking about as his hand reached out to me. Without hesitation, I grabbed it as he helped me to my feet. Hugging him, my eyes closed “Thank you…” I whispered, as he hugged me back. “Of course… let’s get back to everyone else..” nodding we headed back as quickly as possible as my eyes looked to the sky, slightly smiling as I finally knew the truth.
Even through the hard times, with white-beards death, Saitama…my cancer…and life in general…I gave to push forwards, forget about the past and grow stronger and better mentally.
Because even though I was trapped and corrupted, now I found people who freed me, and will never leave my side…and I must do the same, even if I don’t leave this world.
As everyone near the ship was talking, Luffy saw me and Ace instantly, as he hopped up, smiling and running to me. “Y/n!” I smiled to, leaving Ace and running to him as well. “Luffy!” We both hugged each other, his arms going around my waist as he spin me around. Hugging me more, his hands grasped the side of my face as his forehead leaned against mine. “Your ok..your really ok..I was so worried you’d hurt yourself...or something worse..” He told me, as his voice was slightly cracked. I gently smiled, and adjusted his hat. “How could I let myself go down when I need to join your crew?” He was confused with your words at first, not believing them as his eyes widened. “C-Come again?” I giggled from his words” The whole time we were at marine ford..when you asked me that question on that marine ship, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I realized when I was kicking the shit out of those trees, I might not be able to go back to my world and to be honest, I don’t ever want to go back….this world here, I’ve never experienced so much excitement in my life. I can fight things without killing it with one punch, I-I can fit in as this world doesn’t care about what others look like, I have already made so many friends…” I look to everyone, as they all looked to me, as I looked back at Luffy, smiling more. “Even you…you’ve been by my side since stout saved me from that Jail, you never judge of what I do, say or how I fight, you know how to get a problem done and fix it, and you care for others. In my eyes, that is a wonderful captain who’s crew I’d love to join…” he smiled from my words, his heart racing as he let out a shaky sigh, as he didn’t know what to say at all. “I-I- Y/n-San you don’t know how much that means to me…you’d be a great fit for my crew, and I don’t care if your weak, tall, tiny, fat, skinny, with hair, or bald, I just know that I want to give you the same fairness as you did to me…and also give you the adventures, excitement, and fun you wanted your whole life because no person deserves to go through what you’ve been through. So yes, you are now apart of my crew, and I promise Y/n, I will not fail you as a friend, and as a captain…”
Smiling, I gently grasped his hands, as I looked straight into Luffy’s eyes. “I know Luffy….”
Leaning my forehead against his, my eyes closed as the wind blew on us both, creating a calm atmosphere.
“I have pure faith in you…”
Author: YAY! Back to back upload!
Author: things are heating up! I wonder what life for Y/n will be in the future! Only one way to find out!
Author: I hope you enjoyed todays chapter! And This is the final chapter of the Marine ford arch, and the book is only just getting started!
Author: please don’t forget about the fan art contest! The pictures you send me will be judged by the end of October! The winner will get to decide a special chapter of their request for me to write!! Anyways, I have work to do still so I will see you all later!!
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dreemchara · 1 month
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I've been thinking of this au for a while--
(Mostly while watching ATLA)
The au mostly follow TWDG story but with the twist of it being the ATLA world and all-
From which nation I think each character would be :
Lee - Earth Kingdom (has ancestor from both Earth Kingdom and Water tribe) - Bender
Clementine - Air Nomad (who are now back alive) - Avatar
Kenny - Fire Nation - Bender
Katja - Water tribe - Bender
Duck - Mix Fire Nation and Water Tribe - Non bender
Lilly - Fire Nation - Bender
Larry - Fire Nation - Non bender
Carley - ?
Ben - Water Tribe - ?
The other characters I am still not sure.
I kind off wish to turn it into a fic, but the thing is, I work better while brainstorming with someone else ^^ so if someone else who is in both of these fandoms and love both fandoms wish to co-write it with me, I would love it !!
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
The Hero's Shade is Will (Zelda x Illusion of Gaia x Final Fantasy)
Or is it Freedan? It's certainly not freeman... After replaying IoG, I've made some concerning observations. The first of which is that this game is the original appearance of the "Moon Children" on Nintendo hardware.
If you're not aware; IoG is incredibly similar to Zelda, the hero is some dirty blonde hair kid that has a flute, is harassed by a princess; has weird tree friends... And most importantly; Stops the moon from destroying the world.
I'll get to the FF references in a moment.
This is possible because of a rumor I heard about the Gaming Industry (especially that in Japan, especially early on) Where companies would just employee swap all the time. Likely due to shuffling finances.
I'm not aware of the full story; forgive my ignorance.
Now, Illusion of Gaia is actually one in a long line of Enix games (before the SquareEnix merger) that may or may not be tangentially or directly linked together.
It was probably left open ended on purpose.
Act Raiser, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma are all *mostly* directly linked.
They tend to feature a Hero (whether Human or Divine) guided by a diety, and ultimately facing off against monsters that are about to destroy the world, have destroyed the world, or are on their way to destroy the world via Meteor or from the Moon.
And when you hear "Meteor" you already know where this is headed when it comes to Final Fantasy. And that's not the only Link, IoG features a deity named Gaia (a large talking head statue) and a Dark Gaia Statue (on the moon) who opposed the light.
These Statues are the first, that I know of, in video game history that resemble the Fal'cie from FFXIII. They are incredibly similar in appearance.
And that there are at least two that are diametrically opposed, just like ones in FFXIII; probably isn't a coincidence.
That's not all; Will gets help from two other entities turned to stone. Freedan and Shadow. Former Hero's turned into stone by Gaia, just like what happens to the L'Cie. If they do not (or even if they do) complete the bidding of the Fal'Cie.
Will also gets the help of a village of "Flower Fairy People" who take the form of humans, but live in an illusory village. Saria feeling like a direct callback Lilly. Considering they're both known for the songs that are passed through their Tribe. Lily once saying "The only way your Grandmother could have learned that song is from us." Grandma Lola having originally taught young will the Melody.
And subsequently, Will learns the Melody of the Wind from that same village. The wind motifs being heavily implied whenever we're near a forest temple.
However, in IoG, the Forest is all but cut down. But a temple still stands, and so does the guardian Diety of the woods.
That's not all. Will sports the same Blonde hair seen in Link from Wind Waker, and they're the only two in gaming history where their Grandmother's are directly involved in the plot of the game.
Ok, that one is a little bit of Stretch.
But the biggest thing to note is the end of Will in IoG. Like in Lightning Returns, the world *isn't* saved. Instead, Will is reincarnated hundreds of years in the future after having lost his life to defeat the final boss. (Like his father)
Both Will and Freedan never got to be the hero, despite saving the world.
Just like the Hero's Shade.
But... That's just a Theory....
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
Roachel didnt attend the SAG awards by u/Stunning-Field2011
Roachel didn’t attend the SAG awards So Roachel didn’t attend the SAG awards yesterday. This was despite her lurking around LA like a bad smell and setting up a pap shot with a designer to possibly imply they were finalising a custom dress. I’m shocked that Lilly Gladstone of Native American descent didn’t call upon Roachel and JH to come and speak of the behalf of the tribes just like they did in Canada during her best actress acceptance speech /s So what’s her excuse this time? post link: https://ift.tt/ZPXtUWG author: Stunning-Field2011 submitted: February 25, 2024 at 01:53PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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rosymaplethemoth · 1 year
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If I love two things dearly, I must mash them together. List of each character's tribe is under the cut:
Yellow Guy: SilkWing Red Guy: SkyWing Duck: LeafWing Sketchbook: Rain/Ice Tony: Sea/Night Shrignold: SilkWing (most obvious choice possible) Colin: SandWing Meat Guy: MudWing Spinach Can: LeafWing Lamp: NightWing Briefcase Bros: MudWings Coffin: Mud/Night Lilly and Todney: SandWings Warren: SilkWing HIVEWING! Choo Choo: RainWing Electracey: Rain/Sea
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brostateexam · 2 years
Two crosses burned in Robeson County, North Carolina, on January 13, 1958. One was outside the home of a Native American woman who was dating a white man, the other outside the home of a Native family who had moved into one of Lumberton’s all-white neighborhoods. The blazing signs were clearly the work of Klansmen — not that the Ku Klux Klan’s presence in the county had ever been subtle. Caravans of Klansmen had been driving around the segregated county (where the local population included blacks, whites and Native Americans) every Saturday night, terrorizing the Lumbee Indians.
“They wanted you to see them. They wanted you to be afraid of them,” Lillie McKoy, who grew up watching the KKK drive by and later became the mayor of Maxton, a small town in Robeson County, told The Fayetteville Observer in 2008.
The county had been split in three since the 1880s, after the Lumbees resisted North Carolina’s post–Civil War efforts to segregate its citizens into two racial categories. The county had three sets of buses, three separate water fountains and three school systems.
But in the 1950s, things were starting to change in Robeson County, and the Klan wasn’t happy about it. Brown v. Board of Education had recently outlawed school segregation throughout the United States. More locally, the Lumbee Tribe had been formally recognized by the state of North Carolina, and Solicitor Malcolm B. Seawell, a local law officer who would later become North Carolina’s attorney general, had given a speech addressing 15 arrested Klansmen, warning them that Robeson County “would not tolerate” the Klan.
“Your society is neither invisible nor invincible,” Seawell said in his speech to the Klansmen. “You may discover that the easy way or the hard way. Take your choice.”
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echonvoid · 1 year
Ninja go art dump of shit I didn’t post back in 2022
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Most of these are just character sketches from when I was first trying clip studio out.
Pics in order from top left over:
1) glowy lava arms cole with newly found baby wu. Because I adore children and dad cole and lava cole are both great. So of course I did both
2) slightly pissed lightning Jay, that or he’s happy, I don’t really remember. And fun fact, in this headcanon/au/rewrite, Jay is bigender and/or genderqueer. They’re still figuring this shit out.
3) full body emo genderless lloyd. Has both oni and dragon traits, but they’re apart of their natural physical form. So all the traits you see here are non-optional. Pronouns: they/them
4) lloyd heads! Sweet baby boi! They desperately need therapy. And they unlocked their oni form back in March of the Oni. The purple eye is just something they were born with too. Purple eyes are relatively common among the oni
5) the Lilly Griefstriker family tree. God I love how they handled coles mom and her sickness and badassery. Lilly was goddamn fantastic. Anyway here she was a mixed race kid from between the Geckles and Munce from a small tribe from further down the mines near where the Upply lived. The tribe was killed by a cave in so she fled towards the surface and was met with hostility. So she ran off and was eventually adopted by the dude who’s canonically her dad. She trains and becomes the earth master and goes and frees her people from the dragon. She also helped the only woman there who was kind to her in the beginning while she was giving birth to Gleck (his vibe gave off much younger sibling or cousin vibes). After she killed the dragon she left again because she couldn’t take the hatred between the clans. She would come visit ever couple of months and eventually gave Gleck that locket. And then she has a kid and dies of a horrible chronic sickness that she suffered from for about 10yrs. Oh yeah cole and CJ are there too! Cole definitely takes after his dad but still has a lot of Lilly in him. And CJ is baby Wu. Except he is a full reincarnation/rebirth and so he ages like a normal kid. And totally is, he’s lil Cole Jr. Cole and Jay are his main parents, but everyone else is still around to help out and help guard and protect him. He’s like 7-9ish here.
6) fun sketch dump of all the gender
7) and last but not least, Cole Golems. Cole sustained severe injuries after the fall, to the point the earth completely cocooned him to help the healing process along (which was definitely Lilly’s doing). During which, his consciousness transferred to these handsome rock bois. He had to mime to wear his body was at which nobody got till after MOTO was finished and done. And during clean up someone found his slowly healing/slowly fading body. Fun fact: he has to use mobility aides for the rest of his life! He got real good beating the shit out of people with his crutches. CJ loves wheelchair rides
Well, that was more of an infodump than I thought it was gonna be, but holy fuck my poor thumbs. Carpal tunnel be damned I must share the hyperfixation
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the-ninjago-historian · 6 months
I don't think anyone is ready for how epic the Earth Warrior Tribe, Lilly, and Cole's Grandpa is going to be in Into The Deep. Like, the Earth Warriors could destroy you and your whole army with just one man.
But you would also want to join their ranks, just because of the sheer awesomeness they radiate. Lol.
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spiritgenie · 1 year
oc ask prompt
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decided to do the oc ask prompt for rose
Name: rose terra
Species: fox
Type: speed
Alignment: good
Home: gem clan, not named yet, in forrest
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
cant fully remember, i think it was this whole name generator but also looking for a meaning, one to do with nature perhaps
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
she is 18 year sold
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
she has 2 girlfriends, spirit the cat and dawn the bat
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
she has a liking for berries
💼  - What do they do for a living?
she is one of the guardians for her clan, she guards the chaos and magic gems
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
once she gets out more, she gets interested in artifact recovery and such.....she has stolen from multiple museums
🎯  -What do they do best?
she is a really good guardian and protecting, and also is a good runner
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
they hate giving up, and love protecting others
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
meeting spirit and dawn, and becomign worhty of being a gem guardian
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
the death of their best friend
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
yep....technicallyfor rose, i landed onm this design and loved it
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
story time
so i used to roleplay with sonic ocs a lot, and one of them as lilly, rose is lilly after io completely revamped and redesigned her with no limits
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
i guess adventure?
💚  -What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
girl, and ace lesbian
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
she views all of her tribe as her siblings so quite a few I guess
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
goodish, while they are a bit strict, they are very understanding
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
her design
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
not that often but i do plan on drawing her more
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
not that i can think of right now, maybe a fear of failing
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
technically, it was spirit at first, she might have another one
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
around a year now i think
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fruitdragon · 7 months
So I paint patches sometimes
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And now my brain keeps making things up to paint on patches
Just a beetle
Butterfly that matches my tattoo
Water lilly that matches my tattoo
Mushrooms that match my tattoo
"I refuse to die young"
"We can't rewrite history if we want a better future"
"Why aren't you mad?"
Raccoon's (the trash pandas)
"Poilievre est un peigne-cul"
"Puberty Blockers are healthcare"
As well as patches for some of my favorite bands
Tribe 8✓
Mannequin Pussy
He/She/They (got a pin)
Cell Death (got a pin and shirt)
Radio Roulette (got a pin and shirt)
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