#The Offensive Tranny
vlesbian540 · 9 months
LGBT Youtubers/Content creators that I love and follow that are anti-woke:
Arielle Scarcella
Blaire White
Buck Angel
Marcus Dib (The Offensive Tranny)
Brad Polumbo
Amir Odom
Clarkson Lawson
Jesse & Nina (The Panic Button)
Daniel Moon (Cancelled Conversations)
It makes me happy that all these people (and others that I still don't know yet) keep pushing back against this current woke ideology that comes mostly from the Queer side of the LGBT community.
I stand with them.
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alixismix · 1 year
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I made a transexual flag for this year's pride since there really isn't any. It was inspired off of Blaire White's quote "transexual, not transgender" since the gendered movement wants to be political and drag kids into their movement.
Obviously everything represents the same EXCEPT the white represents unity together as trans and none trans people. We need to not let the trenders take over. Enough is enough.
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thericonnzeta · 1 year
"You Hate Yourself For Being Trans!" Reacting To Woke TikToks feat. Buck Angel
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veylia · 1 year
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Watch ""Here Are The Signs You Might Be Trans" Trans Guy Reacts To Harmful TikTok Activists" on YouTube
Kid spits facts. It's a shame so many young people are embracing this new age sexism the left is pushing.
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nonegenderleftpain · 1 year
So I see so many people coddling cis people's feelings about their partners transitioning, and I'm normally very polite about it because attraction is complicated. But honestly, cis people?
Do better.
My partner is the straightest fucking cis man I have ever met in my life. When I came out, it was very hard for him. But I did not know that at first, because he did not make it my problem. He dealt with the initial shock on his own, rather than push it on me when I was most vulnerable, and then later, we worked through it as a team. Because he loves me and our relationship is important to him. He's not attracted to men. At all. Repulsed, actually. But he is still with me, and is attracted to *me.* I have a full fucking beard and ass hair, and we have made it work.
Normally I would add a "I know it can't work for everyone and that's okay" disclaimer, but I'm not doing that today. Do better. Do better for your partners, who you say you love so much. Put your money where your mouth is. If my autistic, laser straight partner can do it after he'd been with me as a woman for five years, so can you.
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fun anecdote about work: the people in the lab are superstitious about saying the names of unwanted samples. these samples are Tissue, Fluid (body fluid, such as synovial, peritoneal, pleural fluids etc.), and CSF, which are high priority and take a bit more time to set up and deal with. as a result, the girls in the lab will say (with disdain) "T word" and "F word" instead of tissue and fluid to avoid invoking their presence. and its just really funny to hear a blissfully unaware tech say she doesnt wanna deal with another T word in the lab today.
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anderswasrightt · 2 years
don't use "ftm" it's outdated and offensive. it implies that the trans person was their agab, which we never were. i was always a boy, never a girl who became a boy.
i'm 35 years old. i've been IDing as trans or something similar to trans for nearly 20 years. i was probably calling myself FTM while you were playing tag during recess, anon.
i WAS a girl. i IDed as a girl early in my life. i recognized myself as a girl, called myself a girl, lived as a girl, and was a girl. who then IDed as a man. hence, F t M.
spend more time worrying about yourself instead of strangers on the internet, anon.
sorry not sorry if this comes off as needlessly hostile, but i've been getting a lot of shit from a lot of teenage trans kids about the language i use to describe my own goddamn experience, and i'm growing real fuckin weary of it.
i have elder trans friends who call themselves transsexuals and transvestites and trannies. are you going to seriously go to a 60-year-old trans person who survived the reagan years and tell her she's not allowed to use certain language to describe herself because it might offend the delicate sensibilities of some teenager on the internet?
do yourself a favor and log off, find some real-life trans people who are over the age of 20 or 25, and spend time talking to them instead of getting all holier-than-thou at random strangers on tumblr.
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xandagee · 1 year
i hate transphobic trans people :(
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I don’t know why so many people in the tags of me reblogging the ‘is it okay to suggest to a man who seems kind of eggy that he might be a trans woman’ poll are so quick to jump to “it’s never okay to tell someone they are a trans woman!” No sorry that’s a lie. I know exactly why they keep doing this.
The poll asked if it’s okay to suggest to a man that he might be transgender. It didn’t say “tell” it didn’t say “force” it didn’t say “coerce” or “harass,” it said SUGGEST.
You were perfectly capable of understanding the difference between suggesting and telling for all the other polls, so why did your mind change for this one?
What we’ve all been pointing out is that they did a poll of this exact question but with every other major queer identity and for every single one of them the “I’m not a [gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans man, nonbinary] but I think [yes/no]” options, the “yes” option was way higher than the no. Whereas for trans women the poll was sitting at “no” as the majority for a while and now “yes” is only a slight bit higher.
Think about why that is for a second.
You, person who feels the need to write an essay in the tags about how it’s only okay with specific circumstances or how it’s not okay unless some theoretical condition is fulfilled, think for a second, and don’t lie to yourself, if you would’ve wrote tags about that on any of the other polls.
If you are one of the many people whose immediate reaction to the poll was to think of all the ways that trans woman would be in the wrong for a suggestion, seriously think about why that is.
The mere suggestion that a man might be a trans woman is so offensive to you, but none of the other ones were. I know you people don’t bother listening anything we say about transmisogyny but could you, just for a moment, consider that maybe, just maybe, we might not just be hysterical trannies making things up for some sort of oppression Olympics
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renthony · 2 months
I've written a few angry posts about intersexism over the past couple years, and it's hard not to notice that, even though I frequently self-identify with slurs for both trans and intersex people, and frequently use them in the same post, it's only ever the "trans-specific" slurs that get tagged as slurs.
While I don't have any real patience for slur discourse in general, and I auto-block people who tag any of my posts as "q slur," it does get hard not to notice that slurs against intersex people don't actually get recognized for what they are. Even people who go out of their way to tag for slurs don't recognize them. People who claim to support intersex people will still use offensive and medicalizing terminology without a single goddamn clue.
It's hard not to notice that in posts where I tell perisex trans people that I get called a he-she hermaphrodite tranny, the only slur the posts ever get tagged with with is "t slur."
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saintjosie · 4 months
when you go on tumblr you have to accept that the way people interact with blogs is by showing it to all of their followers. i don’t think any q slur person considers your queerness offensive, but they might personally stray away from that word and want to give their blog a heads up about what’s to come. it’s often with the same neutrality as tagging for butterflies or hazbin hotel
if you have to tag “q slur” for your audience then don’t reblog my post. it’s not a requirement for anyone to interact with me and if you’re going to do so, you’re going to do so on my terms.
queer queer queer faggot faggot faggot dyke dyke dyke tranny tranny tranny and if you don’t like it fuck off
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 2 months
No offense but some of u twiggy white trannies GOTTA start looking more interesting
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zonatcannibalism · 10 months
Using non offensive terminology means nothing if the actual things you say are offensive. It doesn't fucking matter if you call me a tranny or a kike beacuse as long as you act to make me safer and for me to have rights as a kike tranny, ur not transphobic and antisemetic. It doesn't matter if you call me a Jewish non binary afab person and avoid saying the word blood in any context involving me so it won't be a blood libel, as long as you're spreading stuff about how the "zionists" control Hollywood and add me to girl group chats you don't get the ally badge you want so badly to relieve yourself of white guilt.
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cipheramnesia · 4 months
My thoughts on being trans and talkin about suckin n fuckin and kinky power exchange and all the stigmatized parts of our bodies is that it's good actually and encourages us to feel safe in our own skin and more free to be intimate even in less explicit ways, like holding hands or cuddling or comforting one another when we hurt or casual contact. It's good and a welcome part of any and all levels of respect both at the most raw sexual levels and the most demure realms of propriety.
Because like the conservatives and the queer hate xians and that whole lot are all about demonizing and damning us to be reduced to our genitals and who we fuck, only deigning to consider as distantly acceptable the sexless, neutered tranny that lives alone in purity. And they don't get to make that call, so that's kinda how come it still is a pretty revolutionary act to talk about how dining on girlcock or boypussy or whatever else is the finest of meals enjoyed only by the most refined palettes, or any of that stuff. We're making the most depraved kinks and sex casual and normal and so passe that the idea of objecting to something as ordinary as trans people holding hands or being married or kissing can't even begin to sound offensive, that our bodies are so thoroughly explored in such detail that trying to call anything we do sinful is ludicrous. No one gets to decide what point we get weird cept us, ya know?
Sure some people are gonna see me as a fetish object, but they won't do as near a good a job of it as my girlfriend or partner. That's a shortcoming that sucks for them and doesn't touch me. My only regret is they're jerkin it for free to a substandard fantasy, but whatever. Point is I get to be a good girl who gives tornado blow jobs in private and talk about it on Tumblr so me or someone else doesn't give a shit if I'm holding my wife and partners hands in public. Anyway that's the thoughts. Respect for our slutty troops and all that, don't let the purity police do you for thought crime.
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dee-the-red-witch · 6 months
it’s a tad offensive that you call yourself a slur against female people. “bitch” derides AFABs based on their perceived reproductive abilities, so you shouldn’t try to reclaim it or use it at all.
Sweetie, i don't know how to tell you this, but I gleefully reclaim bitch, cunt, tranny, and even faggot at times in different situations. You *really* think I'm going to listen to a greyface in cheap shades trying to tell me what to say?
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