#The Sea Beast AU
Day twenty one, Oar fish
This bitch is still very much pretending its still mermay
Anyway, I redesigned Moon from my The sea beast au! He actually strays a bit further away from his og design than sun does, Sun was originally like both a lionfish and a dolphin? But is now just a lionfish, meanwhile Moon has gone from anglerfish to oarfish!
Pretty much the only thing that hasnt changed is the scar on their face, the X scar on their chest (which is there after getting shot in the chest with a bullet when much smaller and younger once, and sun had to cut their chest open a bit to get the bullet out), and the glowy yellow orbs that follow them around!
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In the au, similarly to Sun, he is called The Lunar Menace.
He is the third most dangerous sea beast and he is actually much more level headed than Sun, unlike what humans think. Due to all of his scars, its assumed that he gets into fights with other sea beasts often, but most of those are actually mating bite marks, and he only has about three or four scars from other sea beasts.
When they were younger, Sun was actually more naive and child like, and Moon would often have to protect him, though Sun started to mature after he almost lost Moon to the bullet wound in their chest.
Moon is most well known by the humans by the glowing orbs that surround them and follow them everywhere, and often inexperienced monster hunters have assumed that it would be easy to find them because of the yellow orbs, but that isnt so.
Their blue fins glow most of the time, being light blue, but when he wants them to they dont glow, and when they dont glow they are close to the same color as the scales on his back, making it easy to blend in with the dark sea waters before attacking ships.
The sharp fin he holds is attached to a string of pearls that he wraps around his wrist and attaches things to, the sharp fin being a shedded fin from Sun that he gave him.
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weirdozjunkary · 7 months
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Been a while since I’ve drawn this big fucking water hog. Anybody remember those sketches of that SeaBeast AU I did?
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dreamlandcreations · 8 months
Red tide
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monster!Shanks x Mihawk's daughter!Reader (monster hunter!Mihawk)
Summary: All you ever wanted to do was follow your father's path and become a great hunter...
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Chapter 1 • The Grand Line
Chapter 2 • The Hunter's Code
Chapter 3 • Die a Great Death
Chapter 4 • Red
Chapter 5 • Vengeance and Vows
Chapter 6 • Empire
Chapter 7 • Wherever the Wind Takes Us (Live a Great Life)
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peachburger · 1 year
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Fishy Fishy
This is an au based off of the sea beast and I made two sea beast for Macaque and Sun Wukong!!! YIPPEEE
Their names are Sol(sun) and Fumo(Smoke)
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smileponeh · 20 days
You know ive been rewatching "The Sea Beast" lately. which inspired me to do The Sea Beast Sonic AU. Cause why not?
I would show off more but if only i had more to show anyway ;D I hope i will come back to drawing more of him.
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His Design may still go trough some changes!
Oh and to just mention. It wont be straight up The Sea Beast movie inspired story. I have my own idea for this one ;)
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butterfly87676 · 3 months
The sea beast AU (oh god there’s going be thousands of people coming after me when they done reading this 😭😭)
captain crow and his crew mates came back to castle white rock with the red bluster and when they made it. The king and queen were both in the balcony and looked down at them. crow then made a speech as he walked on top of red and his lance and ready to kill her but then Jacob stop him
“Jacob, get back on the ship”
Jacob telling crow to stop killing red before he dose and crow telling him that all hunters die hero’s and Jacob agrees but they can be a hero and still be wrong.
*time skip*
“but you turned back on your own kind” crow about to slice him but then Jacob got a other knife and stop him and punched him but crow sliced his arm and left a cut there and Jacob looked up but then knocked him out with his sword and Jacob falls into the water.
everyone in the ship screaming and feared in horror when they see…blood spreading everywhere in the water and fen and old nick immediately going after Jacob where he fall in.
*time skip again*
Jacob grabbed the lance and stand beside Maisie and looked at her with bandages on his eye and still lost a little blood and he rise the lance up and shouted no more monster hunting and break it and looked at red with his one eye now since crow use his sword in his one eye.
*time skip again (srry)*
Jacob was at the cottage with Maisie. And have a eyepatch now and still getting use to it but one day when Jacob was doing something outside he heard a familiar voice and then see crow and he looked at him and crow looked at Jacob with guilt and fear as he saw his eyes and know that he hurt his son.
“can we talk?” Said crow
(yes this is the AU where crow actually slices his eye with his sword because I thought he actually going to lose a eye because he was aiming him with his sword 😭💀)
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
Chapter 1/? (Which is really just the prologue)
The Sea Beast AU. When Edward Teacher, experienced Hunter and renowned Captain Blackbeard of the Inevitable teams up with newbie Hunter Stede Bonnet to take down the Red Bluster, their journey will lead them further than anyone has ever gone, out past the edges of the Dregmorr Sea itself, and they'll uncover a truth that might shake the foundations of their entire kingdom.
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vaporeon-is-cool · 2 years
I need to get this idea out of my head because it’s been floating around my thoughts non-stop
I thought up a The Sea Beast AU where Sea Beasts have human forms and Crow finds a sea beast baby (Red’s daughter) in their human form inside of a cave like nine years prior to finding Jacob and raises the two as siblings.
(In human form the only signs telling that someone is a sea beast is from the color of their eyes and a colored horn protruding from their forehead.)
At first, Crow thinks the baby has been abandoned by their human parents so, of course he takes pity on the child, thinking that the least he can do is leave them with a children’s home.
But upon noticing the horn, he thinks maybe they’re the offspring of a siren or a mermaid (cuz come on if sea beasts exist there’s bound to be those too if not rumors/myths of them at least), he refuses to kill the child for fear it might bring bad luck and tries to return the child to where he found it but can’t bring himself to ignore the shrill cries the baby lets out as he attempts to leave, so, he’s resigned himself to dad duty until the child grows up into a proper mythical creature lol.
Except that doesn’t happen as planned: the child doesn’t grow scales/gills or sharp teeth or sing songs that draws one into a trance or become half fish when placed in water, they’re basically just a human girl with irises an impossible shade of color and a black horn slowly growing out of their forehead.
So—back to his original thought—Crow begins to think that the girl (whom he named Armeria) is neither siren nor mermaid but is a human who’s been cursed for their parent’s dealings with Gwen Batterbie (like maybe they were expecting parents and Hunters who were desperate enough to visit Batterbie requesting for her to make a potion that would allow them to defeat any sea beast and boom “your baby is a sea beast now, this is what you wanted >:)” but the parents didn’t understand that it was the result of Batterbie’s potion so they were horrified/disgusted of their newborn child and abandoned them in the cave.
Only it wasn’t that, either.
It was actually Red who placed her sleeping newborn in the cave—in a spot snug where she knew they wouldn’t be able to roll into the sea by accident—in the area where she was hunting for food.
Red didn’t leave her baby back on Monster Island because there was no one to watch them (still debating on whether this is bcuz the dad/her mate was killed by Hunters 😢 or if he was just busy patrolling another part of the Dregmorr 🤔).
Red doesn’t notice until it is too late because she was hunting veeeeeeery deep down under the ocean but she does determine that it was humans who’d done the deed (smelt their scent) this plays a big part in why Red hates humans and will attack hunting ships on sight.
But back to Crow and his “cursed” daughter, he treats her with his own brand of love just the same as Jacob, raising them to be fine Hunters, the entire crew of the Inevitable knows of Armeria’s “curse” and is ride-or-die for her so she’s never felt wrong or excluded.
It isn’t until the Brickleback fight at the beginning of the movie when Jacob and his sister are smacked by that one tendril/tentacle into the ocean that Armeria transforms into her sea beast form for the first time (which is basically a black recolor of Red with a slightly different shaped horn and eyes a softer shade of yellow, she takes after her father).
Armeria is dazed at first from the sudden change so she doesn’t gather her bearings until around the time Crow kills the Brickleback and is the one to help Crow, and Jacob, get back to the surface.
The crew recognize the horn immediately as Armeria’s, believing this is just another part of the curse placed on her but since there’s nothing they can do Crow orders her to lie low until the Inevitable returns from repairs.
The story goes on like normal until the first fight with Red, which still ends with her swallowing the lifeboat, so Armeria swims after Red to get Jacob and Maisie back but to her surprise finds herself learning of her true heritage and family after reaching Monster Island. :)
That’s all I’ve got for now. 😁
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sboochi · 2 years
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Since people have been comparing these two, I present... The Sea Beast AU
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river--art · 2 months
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my big big big wife.... dark cacao..... but sea beast au... doodled this to get out of art block and somehow it took two hours..... ermrmmm chat what the sigma
anyway i love my big fat wifey sea beast cacaooooo
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Day twenty, lionfish
Anyway, this is is an au that I've actually had for a couple years now, based on the movie The sea beast!
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I am staring with big eyes at this man, i love him
Im the au hes called The solar menace, and he is the second most dangerous sea beast ever and he perhaps is a bit of a cannibal towards other sea beasts, especially other lion fish-like sea beasts...he also likes taking the spines/fins of other lion fish-like sea beasts and make them into fans...
Like the one hes holding in the drawing :D
I dont think im ok
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
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I recently rewatched ‘The Sea Beast’ and my sonic ridden brain decided….
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south-sea · 1 year
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please be sure to give your shadow several hours of enrichment a day to lessen the risk of destructive zoomies
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thedenofravenpuff · 1 month
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Merry MerMay! Have @kriimhild's DL Moon in beast form cuz I frigging love the design and fishboi deserves a nice snack break!
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themissakat · 1 year
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more sea beast inspired au! merfolk are super buddy buddy with the sea beasts, anne’s grown up beside the plantars!
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butterfly87676 · 9 months
I need a sea beast AU!!
hear me out this is like Jacob let’s captain crow killed red at castle white rock and Maisie became a villain but a good villain and she is now a sea tamer/rider and killed hunters who’s kills sea beast and she waited years to kill the inevitable crew members and also killed (well not kill him she would probably leave a scar mark on him) Jacob for betrayal her and red and of course blue will help her and on her side.
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