#The Sky Mikeys
mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
On Mikey’s childhood and other details pertaining to it and the creation of Team Sky.
Lived with his mother and father for until he was around 16, in which he set off into the world, his fascination with flying creatures on the forefront of his mind. Though he actually began training pokemon at age 7.
I feel like his parents were decently religious towards Arceus, they weren’t super heavy handed with worship or anything, but they still believed and would pray every once in a while. Mikey didn’t care too much for it though. He wouldn’t go out of his way to not interact with anything to do with the religion, but it certainly wasn’t anywhere near his top priorities.
When he was 11, he decided to use one of his Pokémon— a ledyba named Mr. Buggy— to try and fly into the air. He ended up slipping and falling, but was caught by a Dragonite owned by none other than Johto Champion Lance, who had been vacationing in Hoenn and happened to be nearby.
A lot more under the cut.
Mikey’s parents, who had just barely caught the sight of their son almost falling to his likely doom, were so incredibly thankful that Lance had been there to save him, trying to offer anything they could to thank him for saving their son. Lance denied any offers, saying he was just happy he could help.
While his parents and Lance were talking he was just staring at Lance and his Dragonite with pupils the size of dinner plates, just in utter and completely awe.
It was Mikey’s first time seeing a Dragonite in person and he was over the moon. Not to mention over the moon over the fact that Lance The Dragon Tamer was there, right in front of his eyes. And he saved him, him!!
Lance ended up asking him a simple “And you, are you alright?”, and Mikey just exploded with energy, going on and on and on about how much he looked up to Lance and how he was his biggest fan, and how much he loved flying Pokémon, how much he loved his Dragonite, and how he wanted to be just like him someday.
Lance indulged Mikey in his rambles, listening carefully and mindfully to him, responding to any questions he had for him. He ended up staying there for around an hour by accident. He, of course, had to leave eventually though. Mikey was sad he had to leave, but completely understanding, saying he hoped they’d get to meet again soon. Lance took off on his Dragonite’s back, soaring into the sky, as Mikey watched from the ground in awe.
This somehow ignited his burning love for flying Pokémon even more.
Mikey made. A lot of mistakes during his Pokémon journey at first. As anyone does. Disturbing Pokémon that shouldn’t have been disturbed, overworking and overexerting his Pokémon. Being a little bit of a sore loser when it came to losing battles. He’d always retreat into the wilds with his Pokémon by his side to have time to himself with his thoughts. Most of the time he’d come out of the wilderness with a clearer mind and better understanding of what went wrong and how he could be better, but there were times where he didn’t let himself fully take the time he needed, and for months on end he felt like the entire world was against him. He actually had two Pokémon that ended up running away from him 6 months into his journey due to this. His Ledian and a vibrava. Mr. Buggy and Vibbie.
He had those two Pokémon for a good while. Mr. Buggy since he was 10, and Vibbie since he was 11.
He was absolutely devastated, which made him worse for about three months, before he got himself to snap out of it and try to get better. He was still devastated about his lost Pokémon of course, but he felt if he thought about it too much, it would make everything worse, so he just bottled it up instead.
Used to go by the nickname “Crash” for a good while. Present day, hates being called that name and will not talk to you for at least a few hours if you do. (Yes I am pulling references to a certain video that Michael made.)
Started Team Sky when he was 20, actually somewhat inspired by Aqua and Magma. He wanted to show people the wonders and glory the sky held, but didn’t really know how to convert that into a team goal. It didn’t become an actual “serious” team until he was 23. It took a good year for anyone to actually join, the first person being a curious girl, a similar age to Mikey, named May; who would later become one of his closest friends. Mikey is 38 in present day, meaning team Sky has been around for 18 years.
I like to think at some point, Mikey does find Mr. Buggy and Vibbie (Now a Flygon) out in the wild again in a thick forest by pure chance. Mikey doesn’t recognize them at first, but the Pokémon certainly do recognize him. They’re adverse to him at first, which Mikey doesn’t understand until he finally recognizes them. Bottle cracking open. He’s hit with a sudden wave of sadness, relief, and remorse for them. Remorse as he remembers just how awful he was towards them. He looks at them for awhile, before sitting down on a nearby large, mossy tree-stump, keeping a comfortable distance for their sake as he tries to talk with them. It’s mostly one sided. He gets the idea to send out one of his Pokémon he has on hand, a Pidgeot. The Pidgeot is confused for a second before Mikey explains the situation to it. The Pidgeot looks towards the other two Pokémon, greeting them, which is met back with some harsh words. The Pidgeot is a little bit confused, but continues the conversation. From an outside perspective, the conversation seems to be going not-so-great at first, but it slowly looks like it’s getting better as the two runaways begin to soften their defensive stances, and as their chirps and trills begin to quiet down. The conversation— from Mikey’s perspective— stops suddenly as the Ledian and now Flygon begin to make their way towards him. Stopping at each of his sides, the Ledian rubs its head against Mikeys bicep, trilling softly. The Flygon lays its head across his lap, looking up at him with almost sad eyes. The bottle has now been shattered open. Mikey, now overwhelmed with emotions, can feel tears begin to prick at his eyes ads he begins to hic and sob, feeling the tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn’t know he’d feel this emotional about this, it felt like too much for him to handle. He brought one hand shakily to the Flygon’s head, petting it across its antenna a few times before settling on its neck; another hand reaching for Mr. Buggy’s head as well, cupping it gently, rubbing his thumb back and forth against the Pokémon softly for a few seconds before stopping. He could feel the emotions getting more and more intense, his body curling in before he just completely collapses in on himself, completely covering the Flygon’s neck and antenna as he does, hand still on the Ledian’s head. The Pidgeot fondly watching from a distance.
I don’t think he ends up keeping them again, I think he’d be too afraid to mess something up again. Instead he lets them stay wild, visiting often to bring them berries and other treats from across the world, still remembering their preferred and favorite flavors from all those years ago.
By the way Im completely retconning the first video because I don’t like it and it didn’t happen 👍
Would love to say more but if I did then it wouldn’t let me post it.
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iscreamkitty · 7 months
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Sunrise duo bribery from twit :] the feeling of getting unexpected physical affection lol
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h8ani · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
Crack Edition: Moody GF On Her Period
A/N - I hope 4 headcanons was enough! Feel free to request again! PSA this is my first headcanon so bare with me
Credits! The dividers were made by @benkeibear if you’re ever in need of any borders or dividers :)
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𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤
This man will do everything in his power to NOT piss you off
For someone as dangerous and terrifying as he is
Hearing the slam of the front door has his knees buckling
The house being a mess was a constant argument with you two and the last thing he needs is the demon coming out of you
The house is spotless
Laundry folded and put away
Breakfast, lunch & dinner made to perfection just for you
You have this man feeling pressure from the moment he wakes up when he hears you groan in pain from your cramps
He’s scrubbing the counter tops one morning focused on cleaning when he turns around and flinches so hard he slips once he sees you
“Why’d you fall?”
“Floors looked dirty, needed to clean ‘em…”
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𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞
Mans has your period symptoms and remedies down to a T
Your cravings are no joke
Hangry AF
No breaks in between at all
All of Toman fears your time of the month and they only know it’s time when they see Mitsuya carrying a bag of snacks with him
While he’s in his meetings you have the bag to yourself
But when everyone is conversing and you catch Smiley joking around with you and you don’t find it funny at all
That boy swore he saw his last day
That is until Mitsuya comes by and hands you a bag of your favorite chips
Anger diminished
Crisis averted
Smiley can live to see another day
You turn to look for another snack when you see a pack of cookies waiting for you on the steps of the shrine
Then a few more steps and you see a drink
And then more snacks
And more
What you’ll think of as a treasure hunt to find all of your snacks is actually Mitsuya leaving a bunch of snacks for you to distract you
All of Toman is in his debt for this
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𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙪𝙟𝙞
He actually likes your cranky side
Mainly because he actually doesn’t bother you and it’s everyone else that has to watch out for you
You’re fairly okay when it comes to your period
You can do things and move around, so that didn’t stop you from asking Hanma to go to the farmers market with you
You make it through the entire trip without flipping out on anyone
That is until Hanma is paying for the groceries and items you two found when he hears a loud thump and a groan come from behind him
He turns to see you beating a grown man with a single pineapple
Where you found another he doesn’t know because the one you picked out was in his bag
He just watches you destroy the pineapple against the defenseless man because man, it was a sight to see
He only picks you up once he hears the man make a sexist comment
Hanma saw your eyes dart to the broom display a few feet away and he could only imagine what you were planning to do with those
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𝙍𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞
Ran is probably the worst one to be around on your period
He thinks everything is just so funny
You’re overly emotional? He laughs
Because “Why are you crying at the chef boyardee commercial?”
“He found his way back home! He was left behind!”
He finds you most amusing when your anger spikes
Because why is his sweet little girlfriend turning into a demon of the night
You were snapping at him, snapping at his brother, you even snapped at the poor couch pillows going as far as chucking it across the room causing a glass to break
After that Ran’s eyes locked on his brother who was behind you with a cross necklace hanging from his hand and a squirt bottle
Rindou began chanting “Begone Satan!” while spritzing you with the squirt bottle
Let’s just say the necklace was now broken and Rindou was soaked, bottle now empty
Ran just sat back and watched while his brother now believed that the devil was in fact inside of you
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v-albion · 3 months
hello! i saw you where part of the @tmntbestsibscompetiton, so i bring my gremlins to interact with yours if you so wish! ( no pressure to respond)
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I’m sorry the boys are a bit competitive @frogandbird @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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dadoa · 2 months
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char4925 · 4 months
Help Skykie
(Btw the three teams have a truce).
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(Btw let me know if you want to know my headcannons for these 3)
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greenxlady · 6 months
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The video of Team Sky in Paldea gave me a sudden rush of inspiration, especially the mention of a "mildly annoying resistance", so I started sketching this the moment I came off watching the video for the third time in a row. And finally, I managed to finish it (feat. the original Nightsky)!
The Rise of the Resistance!
I do have some more ideas involving the adventures of Michael and Grunty Boi, founders and leaders of the Resistance, following the rise of the tyrannical Leader of Team Nightsky, and I hope that I'll manage to have the energy to find and create a good way to tell those tales. (Please click on/download the image for better quality)
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cnwolf-brainrot · 20 days
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T-May-NT Day 10: Favorite Turtle Curse Word
I was originally planning to draw this with the 03 cast but then I realized that would have me drawing 03 for four or five days in a row so I decided that was a great excuse to use my own iteration instead!! Really I’ll take any excuse to draw these guys lol, I’ve been really loving fleshing out this story.
I love “what the shell” so much, I used to say it occasionally when I was a kid after picking it up from the 03 show. There’s something about it that just makes me grin, such a silly little curse and I love it!
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tinyperson00 · 28 days
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Complete :D
... ok the sky is a bit fucked up- I cannot see warm colors very well lol so uh ;-; also I know there are supposed to be clouds but I kept having to repaint the sky cause I couldn't get the clouds to look good so yea no clouds for you sorry lol
well other than that it looks pretty good I think!
may repaint the sky if I feel like it one day but for now this is how it turned out :3
Original Manga panel:
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Honestly I dont love this painting but its decent so Ill keep it and maybe do a repaint on day when I figure out how to do that sky 🫡
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deadbeatbug · 7 months
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Im just gonna shove my risetobers i've done this month here don't mind me. :P
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wolfasketch · 1 year
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I love @baskeigh-ball's ROTTMNT Mutant Manhunt AU so much! Go check them out if you haven't!!
Also, context, me and my Lil' Sis were discussing MM!Raph's fear of cats and I remembered my Mutant Sona is a cat.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
Nightsky Mikey Playlist!!!!!! :D Yes I know Fuse’s playlist is also called his Vinyl Records BUT IT FITS BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!
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Forgor to post this last night
Edd Eddsworld (Current Comfort Character)
Team Sky Mikey (Comfort Character two or three years ago)
Ink Sans (First comfort character)
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rainbow-squirrels-7 · 2 years
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Changed timelines don’t always end up sad, it turns out
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frogandbird · 3 months
hello sibs competitor, miuky stares
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oreo returns the stare @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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frogonamelon · 5 months
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A flicker of rose Flung orange soaring above Into the clear blue
Leo wasn't alone that day.... he is now
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