#The Texas Wendigo
dianawinchester03 · 3 months
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead In Water
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Flashback to after the Wendigo hunt:
Y/N is driving Baby back to the motel to pick her bike up after the hunt and her mind runs on her dad. They could really use the help looking for John. Sighing y/n breaks the ice. "You know fellas.....the hunt for you Dad. It's getting colder. We could use some extra help" Y/N says, turning to the boys.
"You thinking what I think you're saying?" Dean says surprised. Y/N shrugs "Yeah, I could use the father-daughter bonding session" She says dryly. Sam is in the backseat processing. He brought it up to his brother earlier, there really was a fat chance of y/n saying it but never say never.
"Are you sure y/n? We know you guys haven't been on the best of terms" Sam says concerned. Y/N hasn't seen her dad in two years. Hearing is one thing but seeing him after all that time is another. Sam would know. He hasn't seen or heard from his since he left for college.
Y/N just waves it off. "Have we ever been since I gained thinking of my own?" She says laughing but there's no humor behind it. The boys exchange a look and decide to just go with with. "You fellas in?" She asks as she turns into the motel parking lot, unclipping her seatbelt. "Yeah. All in" Sam and Dean say in unison.
"Alright, I'll call him and let him know we're on our way" Y/N nods, jumping out of Baby and Sam goes to the drivers seat. F/N inherited a bunch of safehouses scattered all over the US from his family. Coming from a long line of hunters, it made sense they had a place to stay when hunting. They were quite well off surprisingly. Last they talked, he was in the Texas safehouse.
They already packed their stuff, they just needed to come back for Quinn. She fishes her phone out to call her dad but no answer.
"That's weird" She mutters to herself. She calls again five times but it goes "This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right now so you can call my daughter. Y/N at (your phone number). Have a good day". The personalized voice message says each time. The boys can see y/n panicking outside and Dean steps out.
"Everything okay, Princess?" He asks her concerned and she turns to him, worry etched over her face. "He's not answering. He never does that. Even if daddy is mad at me, he always answers" She hyperventilates holding up her phone. Dean wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug.
Sam sees this and now gets concerned,
stepping out. Y/N's back is to him. Dean puts his hand up in a "I've got this" motion while nodding.
"Hey shhhh, it's okay sweetheart. We'll go find him" He comforts her gently, shushing her. His tone is soft and gentle, patting her head as he holds her. "Do you know the last safehouse he was at?" Dean asks, his hands still on her face, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Yeah, Fredericksburg, Texas. It's a 12 hour drive" she says, nodding quickly. Dean doesn't hesitate. They hop onto their respective vehicles and make way to the safehouse.
Fredericksburg, Texas.
I pull into the safehouse's drive way in a rush, parking Quinn and running over to the porch. Dean pulls in same time in Baby, Sam holding on for dear life as his brother drives like a madman.
I knock on the door harshly screaming "Dad!?!". No answer. I pull my keys out of my pocket, hoping he didn't change the locks. I feel Sam and Dean coming up behind me. Unlocking the door and stepping in, the house is quiet. Too quiet.
We all make way to the kitchen that is empty, I rush up the stairs to my dads room. Bursting in there's no one. "Daddy!? Come on old man this ain't funny!" I scream hysterical. Praying nothing happened to him. "Y/N!" I hear Dean scream from the living room and I run the stairs. He has a note in his hand and I freeze.
"You should read this" He says softly. I take the note from him, sat on the couch and began reading.
Dear y/n/n,
I found John. I'm sorry but I can't tell you where he is, where we're headed or anything at this point in time. Do what you do best and kill as many evil bastards that go bump in the night. I am safe, John is safe so you don't need to worry, stick with Sam and Dean. You guys will protect each other.
To Dean I'm sure you're reading this too. Look out for Y/N. I can't tell you where me and your father are at the moment but soon we will meet again.
To Sammy. Please accept my deepest condolences, son. I understand the pain you must feel losing your girlfriend like that. Justice will be served, you can count on that.
Take care kids. Take care of each other.
Sincerely, F/N L/N
I finish reading the letter. Not knowing what I'm feeling. Fear? I think. Sad? Yes. Anger? Yep, that's the one. Crumpling the sorry excuse of a letter. I grab the vase that was next to me on the couch. "That SONUVABITCH!" I scream in a pure fury of rage. Throwing it at the wall causing it to smash into pieces. "Woah easy!" Sam and Dean try to hold me down from destroying to place.
Dean holds me into place, "We'll find them! I promise! We will!" He tries to calm me down but I just break down. Crying into Dean's shoulder. God I hate this. Sam looks at me, concerned and pity etched on his face. I finally get how they feel, not knowing where their dad is.
Sam walks over to us and wraps his arms around me and Dean. Now in a group hug. They comfort me the best they could but I can tell they're also pissed at the fact that my dads withholding information on where their dad is.
Third Person POV
Sam, Dean and Y/N are at The Lynwood Inn Hotel. In its restaurant, Dean and Y/N are sitting at table after eating breakfast, looking over the newspaper for possible hits on cases.
A sexy waitress dressed in a rather revealing top and shorts comes up to them, leaning over infront of Dean. "Can I get you anything else?" She asks sultry. Dean looks up and Y/N look. Dean has his pen in his mouth tugging on his bottom lip, smiling.
Y/N's eyes trail up the girls toned body, checking her out but more subtly, not really in the mood to gawk. Noticing the way Dean is looking at the waitress, she clears her throat saying, "Just the check please" smiling tightly. "Okay" The waitress' smile at Dean drops and she awkwardly walks away.
"You know Y/N, we are allowed to have fun a little every once in a while." Dean grumbles, turning to Y/N. Pointing to the waitress walking away he says, "That's fun" and Y/N rolls her eyes annoyed. "I know how to have fun" She says scoffing, in an offended tone. "Really?" He smirks, intrigued. "When was the last time you had a hookup?" He asks probingly. "Little on the nose don't ya think?" She says cocking her eyebrow.
He puts up his hands in surrender. "Hey we're all friends here" He says chuckling. "Alright" She shrugs, sitting up properly. "Last time I had a hook up was.....the night you called me to and told me your dad was missing. Funny enough, I forgot his name and right as I was about to leave for the road to meet you. He woke up. He told me it was nice to meet me and I said 'You too, Mark'.... His name was Max" She says honestly and Deans mouth is agape.
Dean did not expect her to be that honest. He was teasing mostly, he knows Y/N is a very sex-positive confident woman who's comfortable in her own skin with every damn right to be. But thinking of another person with Y/N intimately, for some reason it makes his skin crawl and his chest hurt.
Y/N snorts at his facial expression, putting up finger on his chin to push his jaw back up into place. "Pick your mouth up from the ground there before you catch flies, Winchester" She says and Dean snaps out of it. He covers it up with a smirk.
"Damn princess, I didn't know you got on like that" he teases, his voice husky and her breath hitches in her throat. "Wanna find out, charming?" She retorts back, winking at him and biting her lips. Dean feels a heat growing in his stomach, his eyebrows shooting up. His heart is going crazy. God the things I would do to this woman. He thinks to himself.
Even if Dean could respond to that, Sam approaches the table, coffee in his hand and sits down next to Y/N. Unintentionally interrupting their "conversation".
"You two okay?" He asks, feeling like he just walked-in on something. Dean and Y/N were inches from each others faces. They turn their heads simultaneously when they hear his voice. Pulling back, Y/N clears her throat nodding, "Yeah, just looking out for some cases." She says, picking up back the newspaper, scanning it with her eyes.
Sam chuckles, hiding his smirk at their discomfort of him interrupting their little moment, shaking the sugar packet, tearing it open and pouring it into his coffee. "Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean also clears his throat, trying to get rid of all his lustful thoughts, resting down the newspaper on the table.
Y/N's POV (excuse all the POV changes)
Holy fuck I should not be this turnt on right now. Why am I turnt on? Focus y/n focus! We need to find dad. I mean fuck, you're here turnt on by flirting with Dean and our fathers are missing. Real classy L/N.
"Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean says, clearing his throat. He rests down the newspaper on the table and I pick it up scanning it. "Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin?" I ask questionably. Never heard of it.
"Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18. Walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water. Nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Mantitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were founded. Had a funeral two days ago" Dean explained and Sam chirped in. "A funeral?" He asks confused. "Yeah it's weird. They buried empty coffin" Dean says also confused.
"Could be for closure" I say shrugging and they look at me. "Closure? What closure?" Sam asks, amused. "People don't just disappear guys. Other people just stop looking for them" Sam shoots back shadily.
"Is there something you wanna say to us?" I ask ruggedly, crossing my arms over my chest. His face softens a bit, seeming to just remember that my dad is missing also. "I'm sorry y/n/n. But the trail for our dads....it's getting colder everyday. And your dad telling us he can't say where they are. It's all just- odd" He says softly and I bite my tongue because he's not wrong.
"Exactly, so what are we supposed to do?" Dean says. "I don't know. Something. Anything." He says annoyed. "You know what. I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think we wanna find Dad and Mr. L/N as much as you?" Dean says irritated. "Yeah I know you do. I-" Sam goes to say but Dean cuts him off.
"I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years while you've been off to college, going to pep rallies. Y/N and her dad fell out but still talked more than you and dad did. We will find dad and Mr. L/N!" Dean snaps at Sam,  authority in his voice and Sam's face drops. Ouch, that was harsh. "But until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Just like Okay?" Dean finishes and Sam sighs sadly.
Okay...awkward. The waitress from earlier walks past again and Dean's eyes roam her. I stew a bit and try to cut the tension. "Alright fellas, Lake Manitoc" I cheerfully with a fake smile and they both chuckle at my attempt to break the ice.
"How far" Sam asks.
The Impala and Harley drive past a sign saying 'Welcome to Lake Manitoc WI.' Headed for what evil awaits us.
We pull up to Sophie Carlton's house, making our way to the porch of the rustic house. I knock on the door and a young man answers. "Will Carlton?" Dean asks. "Yeah, that's right" Will confirms.
"I'm Agent Fisher. This is Agent Ford and Hamill. We're with the U.S. Wildlife Service" I introduce ourselves, pointing to Dean then Sam and I flash him my fake badge.
Will leads us out to the pier. An older man was sitting on the edge, looking out into the water. I assume that's his dad. "She was about 100 yards out" Will begins to explain, looking out at the lake sadly. "That's where she got dragged down" He points to the lake.
"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Dean questions. "Yeah, she was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She's ask safe out there as in her own bathtub" Will says.
"So no splashing? No signs of distress?" Sam asks. "No, that's what I'm telling you." Will says rigidly.
"Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?" I interject. "No I- Again, she was really far out there" Will crosses his arms. "You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?" Dean asks. "No, never. Why? What do you think's out there?" Will asks, now curious.
"We'll let you know as soon as we do" I say nicely, smiling at him. Me and Dean go to head back to our vehicles till we hear Sam ask Will, "What about your father? Can we talk to him?" Causing us to holt in our tracks and turn to him. "Look, if you don't mind— I mean, he didn't see anything. And he's kind of been through a lot" Will said, looking back at his father on the pier sadly. "We understand" Sam says understandingly and we all head back.
Now at the station, the boys and I try to dig deeper into the case. So we request to talk to the sheriff who isn't very compliant. "Now, I'm sorry. But why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?" The sheriff asks us, skeptical.
"You sure it's accidental sir?" I ask him nicely. "Will Carlton saw something grab his sister" I insist. "Like what?" Jake, the sheriff, asks annoyed. "Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake" Jakes reassures us, offering the three of us a seat. I sit in between Sam and Dean.
"There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness monster" he says sarcastically and Dean chuckles. "Yeah. Right." Before looking at me and Sam with an exhaustive look. "Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks. Still we dragged that entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep, just to be sure. And there was nothing there" Jake insists.
"That's weird though. I mean, that's the third missing body this year" Dean says, leaning forward in his seat. "I know. These are people from my town. These are people I care about" Jake says, sorrowly. "I know" Dean says understanding, nodding. Jake sighs, "Anyway...all this, it won't be a problem much longer" leaning back in his chair, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" Dean asks. "Well, the dam, of course" Jake says, as if we should've known. Right...wildlife service. The boys and I nod in fake realization. "Of course. The dam" Dean says, looking over to Sam and I. "It has...yeah...sprung a leak" Dean says. "It's falling apart. And the feds won't give us the grant to repair it. So they've opened the spillway" Jake explains, leaning forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the table.
"In another six months, there won't be much of a lake. Won't be much of a town either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that" Jake says, narrowing his eyes at us and I say "Yes sir, of course we did" smiling sweetly. We hear a knock at his office door causing all of us to turn our heads and in walks a beautiful woman in a white dress and brunette hair. "Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later" She says smiling.
We all get up and instantly I notice Dean checking her out. Ohhh boy, here we go. "Agents, this is my daughter" Jake introduces the woman as his daughter. Of course, Dean is the first to introduce himself. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Dean" He says, giving her his classic shit-eating grin and his hand to shake. "Andrea Barr, Hi" She says kindly, taking his hand. "Hi" He says charmingly and I internally roll my eyes.
"They're from the Wildlife Service, about the lake" Jake says. "Oh" she says and I see a little boy come out from behind her. "Oh, well, hey there sweetie. What's your name" I ask the little boy smiling. He doesn't answer or even look me in the eye and just turns, walking away. "His name is Lucas" Jake says and the boys and I look at each other in confusion.
"Is he okay?" Sam asks. "My grandson has been through a lot. We all have" Jake says somberly. "Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know." He says, patting Dean on his back as we walk out. "Now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?" Dean asks Andrea. Me and Sam look at each other like, "this dude ugh".
"Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner, it's two blocks up." She says, me and Sam turn to leave but Dean being Dean, acts clueless. "Two..? Would you mind showing us?? He says and Andrea chuckles while me and Sam roll our eyes simultaneously. "You want me to walk you two blocks?" She asks. "Not if it's any trouble" Dean smiles. "I'm headed that way anyways" She says and we all nod. "I'll be back to pick up Lucas at 3. We'll go to the park, okay, sweetie?" She tells her dad and then turns to Lucas kissing his head. We thank Jake again and we leave.
Now walking down the street, Dean perks up conversation. "So, cute kid" He says. "Thanks" She smiles as we cross the road to the motel. "Kids are the best huh" He says and I cringe at this, holding back my snicker. I look over at Sam who's doing the same as me. Andrea doesn't answer and just says. "There it is" Gesturing to the motel. "Like I said. Two blocks" She says sarcastically. "Thanks" Sam says.
"Must be hard, with you sense of direction. Never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line" She adds and I burst out laughing while Dean glares at me. Andrea smiles at my reaction while Sam puts his hand over his mouth. Holding his laughter back. She crosses the road yelling out "Enjoy your stay!".
"Dude, she just owned you" I say to Dean, laughing. " 'Kids are the best' " Sam mimics Deans statement from earlier, giving him his classic bitch face. "You don't even like kids" Sam says, matter of factly. "I love kids" Dean tries to convinces us. I snort, "Name three kids that you even know" I retort, pushing my hands in my pocket.
Dean puts his fingers up, trying to think but fails. I roll my eyes, Sam waves it off annoyed and we walk into the motel. He scratches his head, stumped. "I'm thinking" He lamely says, me and Sam just ignore him and go to book a room.
Now in the motel room. Sam's researching on his laptop, Dean's sorting out his clothes and I'm by the window smoking a cigarette trying to call my dad again. 'This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right n-'
I cut the phone off, huffing in annoyance. I toss my phone on the bed almost hitting Dean. He looks at me with a concerned expression as I out my cigarette and put it in the ashtray the motel had on the nightstand. "We'll fi-" He goes to say and I cut him off. "Yeahyeah I know, we'll find them" I sigh, slouching on my bed.
He just frowns at me and I feel bad for snapping at him. "Dean I'm sorry I'm just- I just don't know why they would do this" I put my head in my hands, running them through my hair. I feel the bed next to me sink, I look up to see Dean next to me. I just look at him frowning then he rests his arms around my shoulder from the side and starts singing.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better."
I start laughing, groaning in mock annoyance.
I smile thinking about the memories of Dean singing that song to me and Sam when we were little. Whenever John and dad were on long hunts, me and Sam used to get grouchy, asking all sorts of questions and Dean would calm us down by singing it. Honestly I think singing it for calmed him down also.
"Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better."
"You're such a dork!" I exclaim, pushing his hand off my shoulder laughing. "I got you to smile, didn't I?" he winks at me, a wide grin on his face and my heart melts for some reason. "Thanks for that, charming" I say gratefully, looking into his eyes. "Anytime, princess" He says sweetly, chuckling. Staring back at me, I could've sworn his eyes glanced down to my lips.
"So, there's the three drowning victims this year" Sam interrupts us. "And before that?" I ask, clearing my throat and snapping out of the trance I was in. "Uh...yeah...six more spread out over the past 35 years. Those bodies were never recovered either" He tells us. "If there is something out there...it's picking up its pace" I say, crossing my legs as I lean back on the bed, bracing on my arms behind me.
Dean eyes me up and down subtly before clearing his throat. "So what? We got a lake monster on a binge?" He says. "This whole lake monster theory, it just bugs me. I say as I get up from the bed and walk over to the desk Sam's sitting at, taking a spare chair to sit on. I turn it around and straddle it next to Sam.
"Why?" Dean questions as he leans between me and Sam's chairs, looking at the laptop. "I agree" Sam says before he continues. "Loch Ness. Lake Champlain. There are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts. But here...almost nothing. Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it" Sam explains but Dean notices something in the article and points to it.
"Wait. Barr. Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" He says. "Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam says, clicking on the article. "Oh. Christopher Barr was Andreas husband. Lucas' father" Sam says, turning to Dean and I continue reading the article. "Apparently he took Lucas out swimming . Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned...two hours before the kid got rescued" I read.
I click on the picture of Lucas wrapped in a towel being held by a deputy. "Goddamn, poor kid. No wonder he won't talk" I say, my tone filled with sorrow, my heart starting to hurt for the kid. "Maybe we do have an eyewitness after all" Sam says, scratching his head sadly. "No wonder he was freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over" Dean says in a benevolent tone, a flash of pain in his eyes. I rest my hand on his that's still on my chair comfortingly, sighing.
Later we're at the park taking a stroll, kids playing, swinging on monkey bars, sliding down the swirly side. The works. We needed a little breather after reading that heavy article.
I see Andrea sitting on a bench looking out at Lucas, coloring and drawing with his crayons on a brick bench.
I nudge Sam and Dean to show them she's here, Sam nods at me and we approach her. "Can we join you?" He asks and she smiles at us. Hesitantly saying, "I'm here with my son". Dean looks over, smiling he says, "Oh. Mind if I say hi?" And he walks over to Lucas while me and Sam stay behind.
"Tell your friend this whole Jerry McGuire thing is not gonna work on me" Andrea says to me and Sam as we take a seat next to her. "I don't think that's what this is about hun" I tell her. I look over intently at Dean trying to talk to Lucas.
He picks up one of the action figures next to him that looks awfully like what he played with when we were young and starts playing with it. After about 5 minutes he comes back after talking with Lucas.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me" Andrea starts explaining to me and Sam as Dean walks back to us. "Not since his dad's accident" she says sadly. "Yeah, we heard. Sorry" Dean says, empathy in his voice. "What do the doctors say?" I ask softly and she sighs.
"That it's a kind of post traumatic stress" She says and I feel bad for her. Losing her husband and her son disappearing emotionally infront of her could never be easy. "That can't be easy for either of you" Sam says. "We moved in with my dad. He helps out alot. It's just....when I think about what Lucas went through....what he says..." She says trailing off.
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with" Dean reassures her. "You know, he used to have such life" Andrea says, smiling nostalgically. "He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there....drawing those pictures, playing with those Army men. I just wish—Hey sweetie" She opens up but stops when Lucas comes over with a picture in his hand.
He doesn't look at any of us and just hands it to Dean. "Thanks. Thanks Lucas" Dean says smiling and I peer over to see what it is. It's a picture of a house with a red roof and a grassy yard. Lucas walks back to his bench.
Later, me and Dean are in the motel room on our beds when Sam bursts in. "So, we can safely rule out Nessie" Sam says. "What do you mean?" I ask him, confused. He sits on the bed next to us and starts explaining "I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead" He says, agitation in his tone.
"He drowned?" Dean asks. "Yep, in the sink" Sam says. "What the hell?!" I say in confusion, Dean shakes his head at this. "You two were right, this isn't a creature, we're dealing with something else" Dean says. "Yeah, but what?" I ask.
"I don't know" Dean says. "Water Wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean something that controls water." He says and something clicks in my head. "Water that comes from the same sources...." I say. "The lake" Sam finishes. "Yeah" Dean agrees
"Which would explain why it's upping its body count. The lake is draining, it'll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time" Sam says. "And I'd it can get through the pipes...it can get to anyone, almost anywhere. This is gonna happen again, soon." Dean says, getting up from the bed.
"And we know one other thing for sure. We know that this has got something to do with Bill Carlton" I say. "Yeah it took both his kids" Dean says. "And I been asking around, Lucas' dad, Chris? Bill Carlton's godson" Sam rests the new information on us and Dean says. "Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit".
We walk down the short pier and see Mr. Carlton on the edge, sitting on a stool. "Mr. Carlton?" I ask as me and the boys approach him, speaking softly. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind" I say. "We're from the Department—" Dean starts but Bill cuts him off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today" Bill says, his voice absolutely broken. "Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?" Sam asks. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Wills death, we think there might be a connection to you or your family" Sam tries to explain but Bill isn't having it.
"My children are gone" Bill says, his voice breaking. I can't imagine how this poor man is probably feeling. "It's.....it's worse than dying" He croaks, looking up at us, tears in his eyes. My heart grieves for him. "Go away. Please" he pleads and we comply.
"What do you think?" Sam asks us as we walk back to Baby. I left Quinn back at the motel. "I think the poor guys been through hell" I say. "But it also seems like he's not telling us something" Dean adds and I nod. "So now what?" Sam asks us and Dean has this look on his face. "What is it?" I ask Dean. "Huh" He says looking over at a house that oddly looks like the one in the picture Lucas drew. "Well I'll be damned" I say, chuckling, shoving my hands in my jacket pocket.
Dean takes the picture out of his jacket, "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something" He says, opening the picture, looking over at me and Sam.
We go to Andrea's house in hopes of Dean getting a word of two out of Lucas. "I'm sorry but i don't think it's a good idea" Andrea says. "I just need to talk to him, just for a few minutes" Dean insists. "He won't say anything. What good is it gonna do?" She asks.
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt" Sam tries to reason with her and her face changes, worried. "We think somethings happening out there" I add. "My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all" She tries to convince herself.
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go" Dean says. "But if there's even a possibility something else could be going on here...please let me talk to your son" He pleads and she obliges.
We all walk up to Lucas' room, the door wide open. He's sitting on the ground, cross legged. Playing with his Army men, drawings sprawled out over the ground. Dean walks up to him and stoops at eye level. "Hey Lucas, remember me?" He asks softly, and I smile at his interaction with him. He wasn't lying when he said he loves kids.
Dean moves one of the drawing of a red bicycle and sits on the ground with him. "You know, I, uh...I wanted to thank you for that last drawing" Dean says gratefully before adding. "But the thing is, I need your help again" He says but Lucas continues drawing. Dean pulls out the drawing he gave him earlier, placing it down in-front of him and asks him. "How did you know to draw this?"
"Did you know something bad was gonna happen?...maybe you could nod yes or no for me" Dean tries to get an answer somehow, but Lucas doesn't answer, he starts breathing faster and harder. I think he's scared. Dean notices this. "You're scared....It's okay. I understand" He says gently.
"See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom" Dean starts to explain and my heart sinks. He never talks about Mary unless it's 'finding the thing that killed mom'.
"And I was scared too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see my mom...I know she wanted me to be brave and I think about that everyday" He pauses, taking a breath. "And I do my best to be brave. And maybe your dad...wants you to be brave too" He finishes and Lucas looks up at him.
This shocks all of us, including Andrea. Lucas picks up a drawing and gives it to Dean. He says "Thanks Lucas"
Sam, Dean and I are in the Impala after leaving. Sam is looking at the drawing that Lucas drew and gave to Dean. It was a house with a church in the background, a yellow bricked two story to be exact. In-front of the house is a gate with a little boy in a blue ball cap standing next to a red bicycle. "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died" Dean says.
"There are cases where after going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies" I explain, I remember my dad telling me that he and my mom dealt with a case like that yearsss back.
"Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?" Dean questions and Sam shakes his head disagreeing. "It's only a matter of time before someone else drowns. So if you got a better lead please" Dean argues but I agree with him. "We still got another house to find. And I think you've got a point" I say. "Only problem is there's about a thought yellow two stories in this county alone"
"See this church?" Sam says, pointing to the church in the drawing and I lean over, looking at the photo. "I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here" Sam says. "Ohhh, college boy. Thinks he's so smart" I tease Sam and he chuckles before mumbling "Shut it" and I smile.
He turns to Dean, a heavy look on his face. "You know, um...what you said about mom...you never told me that before" Sam says genuinely but Dean brushes it off. "It's no big deal" He says but me and Sam look at him, genuinely worried. He catches us staring and cringes.
"Oh, god. We're not gonna have to group hug or anything, are we?" And we chuckle. "Oh shut it, Winchester. I give the best hugs" I tease Dean, leaning over from the backseat. I hug Sam from behind his neck.
"Don't I, Sammy?" Sam laughs and returns the hug, holding onto my forearms with his hands. "She sure does, Dean" Sam says in a suggestive voice, going along with it, smiling. Dean just looks at us, rolling his eyes.
Next thing I knew, we were at the church that Lucas drew for Dean. Across from the house is a yellow bricked house, just like the picture. We all make way to the house.
"We're sorry to bother you ma'am. But does a little boy live here, by chance." I ask kindly ask the sweet old lady by the name of Mrs. Sweeney who answered the door for us. "He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle" Dean adds. "No, I'm sorry. Not for a very long time." She says sadly, looking at an old picture of a young boy and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
"Peter's been gone 35 years now" Mrs. Sweeney sighs and continues to explain. "The police never....I never had any idea what happened....He just disappeared. Losing him....You know, it.... it's worse than dying" she concludes and the bells in my head ring. Me and the boys exchange a look and turn back to the woman.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean swallows, gently asking her. "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school...and he never showed up" She's on the verge of tears at this point. I noticed something on the mirror across the room, a picture of two young boys. Peter and one looking very familiar.
I pull it from the mirror, examining. And I turn it around. Written on the back of it was...holy shit. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, 1970" I read it out loud. Me and the boys basically haul ass out of there and back to the Carlton's house. "Thank you for time Mr. Sweeney" I smile softly at her before the three of us leave.
"Okay, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow" Sam starts. "Yeah, Bill sure seems to be hiding something huh?" Dean says and I nod in agreement. "And Bill, the people he loves are getting punished" I says.
"So what if Bill did something to Peter?" Dean says. "What if Bill killed him" Sam instigates. "Yeah, Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge. It's possible" I say as we pull into Mr. Carlton's house. We all jump out of Baby and call out for him. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam calls out for him but no answer.
"Hey, check it out" Dean draws our attention to the lake. In the lake is Bill going out on his boat. Oh no. We all run towards the pier in a hurry. "Mr. Carlton! Come back!" We all begin yelling when we reach the edge of the pier but he keeps going further. "Please! Don't do this!" I scream, waving my hands in the air but he doesn't listen.
"Turn the boat around!" Dean yells. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam yells. Bill looks back at us and keeps going fast. In a split seconds, his boat is thrown into the air. Toppling over, causing the three of us the flinch. The boat falls top first and sinks into the lake. Son of a bitch.
We call in the "accident" and all head back to the station. Jake just behind us. Entering the station, Andrea sees us. "Sam, Dean, Y/N. I didn't expect to see you here" She says surprised. Jake looks shocked at her friendly demeanor.
"So now you're on a first name basis? What're you doing here?" He says, slightly annoyed. "I brought you dinner" Andrea says and Jake sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't really have the time" He says, taking his jacket off and her face drops. She looks over at us and notices the look on our faces.
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Right now, we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home" Jake says to his daughter and we look over at Lucas. And uneasy look on his face. Lucas runs and grabs onto me and Dean's arm. Pulling him frantically, panicking.
"Lucas! Wait, what it is?" He asks him, concerned at his erratic behavior. "Lucas!" Andrea says, pulling Lucas off of Dean. I kneel down and say, "Lucas it's okay. Hey sweetie. It's okay." I rest my hand on his head comfortingly, calming him down. Andrea ushers him out of the station and he looks back at me and Dean. A worried look on his face.
Jake dashes his coat in anger on the chair and goes into his office as Dean and I look back at Lucas. We all file in after and Jake begins chewing us out "Okay, just so I'm clear...you see something....attack Bills boat....Sending Bill, who is a very good swimmer.....by the way. Into the drink and you never see him again?" Jake asks suspiciously.
"Yeah. That about sums it up" Dean says as we all nod. "And I'm supposed to believe this? Even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake. And what you're describing is impossible??" He says, getting agitated. "And you're not really Wildlife Service" he adds and our faces drop. Oh shit. "That's right, I checked. The Departments never heard of you three" He says, his tone accusatory.
"See, now we can explain that—" I try to explain, lying my way out but he cuts me off. "Enough. Please." Jake says fed up. He's not even yelling. "The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bills neighbors say him steering your that boat just before you did" He says. "So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance or we can chalk this all up to a bad day. You get into your car, you put this town in your rear-view mirror and you don't ever darken my doorstep again" He points his finger at us angrily, giving us an ultimatum.
"Door number two sounds good" Sam says, cheekily. "That's the one I'd pick" Jake growls and we all leave. Something doesn't feel right however. This is going to happen again and Jakes failure to compliance will cause many deaths.
We all left for the motel to pick up my bike and are now at the turn off into Milwaukee waiting for the light to change. I'm next to The Impala on Quinn, the windows rolled down.
The light changes and I see Dean doesn't move. Flipping the visor of my helmet up, I hear Sam sarcastically. "Green" to his brother. "What?" He asks, clearly deep in thought. "Lights green" I say and they turn their heads to me, outside on my bike.
Dean looks at me and waves his finger in the air in a circular motion, indicating for us to turn back around and go back to Lake Manitoc. I couldnt just left just like that either. I sigh, nodding and flipping my visor down. Following behind him.
We're now back at Andrea's house. Me, Sam and Dean are at her front door when Sam begins to get skeptical. "You sure about this? It's pretty late, guys" Sam says impatiently. Neither of us answer and I ring the door bell. Almost immediately after I do this, the door flies open. A panicked and scared Lucas opening it.
He's gasping for air and this alerts us all. "Lucas? Lucas?!" Dean grabs a hold of him but he runs off into the house, we all follow behind quickly. He runs up the stairs and as we follow behind it, we notice it's flooded with mucky water coming out of what seems to be the bathroom.
Lucas tries knocking the door down but I pull him aside and kick it down. Inside is Andrea, drowning, being pulled down in the tub. Me and Sam run in, trying to pull her out but she's being held down tightly. Dean stays outside with Lucas, shielding him from the sight.
Me and Sam groan and scream from the pressure that's pulling her down but eventually get her up, falling over onto the ground with her onto of us with her gasping for air.
The next morning, Andrea is all dried up. Me and Sam are in her living room trying to comfort her. Dean went to look for some kind of clues on what's going on. "Can you tell us hun?" I ask her calmly, resting my hand on her comfortingly. "No....It doesn't make saying sense. I'm going crazy" She sobs, looking up and putting her face in her hands.
"No, you're not" Sam reassures her. "Tell us what happened. Everything" He says. She takes a deep breath, recollecting her self and thoughts of the events prior. "I heard....I thought I heard...There was this voice" She breathes out, trailing off. "What did it say" I ask gently. "It said... 'Come play with me' " She says, fearfully, starting to sob again at the thought. "What's happening?" She asks, panicked.
Not too long after, Dean rushes downstairs with a photo album labeled 'Jake, 12 years old'. Resting it opened on the table, on the page is a picture of a group of Boy Scouts. He turns to Andrea and queries her, "You recognize the kids in these pictures", pointing at the group picture as he leans on the table. "What" Andrea asks confused.
"Oh, hmmm...No. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must've been about 12 in these pictures" She says, pointing at the young boy, standing next to Peter Sweeney, our vengeful spirit. "Chris Bart's drowning, the connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It was the sheriff" Dean says, turning to us. "Bill and Sheriff. They were both involved with Peter" I clarify, referring to the picture of Peter and Bill.
"What about Chris? My dad? What are you talking about?" Andrea asks us, panicked and confused. "Lucas?" Dean says worriedly, looking at Lucas who's staring out the window."Lucas, sweetie, what is it?" I ask gently but he stares ahead, opening the door and we all follow out into the yard.
"Lucas? Honey?" Andrea's voice is shaky, trying to break through to her son. Lucas stops at a random spot in the yard, looking down it and back up to Dean. I get an eery feeling from it. "Why don't you and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" I say softly to Andrea, she looks at me then at Dean who nods his head and then she grabs her son. Dragging him back to the house.
The boys and I get some shovels that were in Baby and begin digging. After a couple minutes we hit something solid, now using our hands to dig it it out. I grabbed onto what felt like a handle and with the help of the boys we pulled it out. Buried is a red bicycle like what Lucas drew. Holy shit. "Peters bike" Sam says.
We then hear a familiar voice and the cocking of a gun behind us. "Who are you?" Jake, the sheriff, has his gun pointed at me and the boys. "Put the gun down Jake" I said firmly. Jakes trembling with anger. "How did you know that was there" He asks, terrified. "What happened? You and Bill killed Peter? Drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike?" Dean says accusatory.
"You can't bury the truth Jake. Nothing stays buried" I say harshly. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Jake denies it and I shake my head. "You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell we're talking about" Dean says, not letting him up.
"Dad!" Andrea yells, seeing her father pointing a gun at us. "And now you've got one seriously pissed of spirit." I interject. "It's gonna take Andrew, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them and it's gonna drag their bodies to God knows where. So you can feel the Sam pain Peters mom felt" Sam says lowly while Jake glares at us and Andrea looks terrified.
"And then, after that, it's gonna take you. And it's not gonna stop until it does" Sam finishes. "Yeah? And how do you know that?" Jake presses. "Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton" Sam says. Jake shakes his head in denial. "Listen to yourself. Both of you, you're insane" Jake says. "I don't really give a rats ass what you think of us, but if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them and burn them into dust" Dean explains to him harshly and Jake has this look on his face of guilt.
"Tell me you buried Peter somewhere and tell me you didn't just let him go into the lake" I say suspiciously and he doesn't look me in the eye which only confirms my suspicions. "God dammit Jake" I growl. "Dad, is any of this true" Andrea pipes up. "No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous" Jake still denies the fact, still pointing the gun at us.
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad look at me!" She demands. "Tell me you didn't kill anyone" But just like before, he couldn't look his daughter in the eye. Her face drops, "Oh my god" she gasps.
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one, we always bullied him. But this time it got rough.." Jake begins to confess. "We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to....but we held him under too long, and he drowned" Jake confesses sorrowfully and Andrea looks horrified.
Now turning to us, "We let the body go..and it sank" Jake says, turning back to his daughter. "Oh, Andrea. We were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris...Because of some ghost? It's not rational." He tries to justify their actions and to be honest, it sickened me.
"Alright, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake. As far as we can, right now." Dean starts to instruct them but Andrea looks over and gasps. We all look in the direction she is and notice Lucas is out by the water. "Lucas!" Jake yells and we all burst into the direction he's in.
"Lucas!" Me and Dean yell as Lucas is sticking his hand in the water. "Baby, stay where you are!" Andrea calls out to her son but he can't heard us. Just before we reach the edge of the pier, Lucas is pulled into the water, I see the head of a little boy, pale, poking out of the water, looking at Jake. Jake notices this too and gasps. It has to be the ghost of Peter Sweeney.
Sam, Dean and I waste no time and dive headfirst into the lake. Searching for Lucas. I see Andrea taking off her jacket to jump it in but I stop her cuz the ghost could drag her down too. "Andrea! Stay there!" I call out to her. "No! Lucas!" She screams for her son. "We'll get him, just stay on the dock!" Sam instructs her as we look for Lucas.
"Sam? Y/N?" Dean calls out to us but we shake our heads. No sign of him. "Lucas, where are you?" Andrea sobs and we dive back down into the water to look for him. I hear Jakes voice on the surface, calling out to Peter pleadingly. "Peter, if you can hear me, please. I'm sorry" I resurface and see Jake getting into the water. "Jake get back! He'll take you too!" I warn him as Andrea pleads, "Daddy. Daddy, no!"
"Im so sorry. Let me- Lucas, he's just a little boy" Jake pleads, getting further into the water . "Please, it's not his fault, it's mine. Please take me!"
"Jake! No!" Dean yells out to him and Jake starts to struggle, being dragged down. "Just let it be over!" he screams. "Daddy! Daddy!!" Andrea screams for her father. Me and the boys dive back down. Me and Sam resurface back after not finding anything, looking over to Andrea shaking our heads.
Soon after, Dean resurfaces also, Lucas in his hands. I breathe out the breath I was holding back. If that little boy died, I didn't know if I could handle that.
The next day. Sam, Dean and I are getting ready to leave the motel. Though we did save Lucas. I can't help but feel bad that Jake died doing it. We toss our bags in baby and I go to hop on my bike. But I notice Dean is awfully quiet, I turn to him.
"Look, we're not gonna save everyone Dean" I say calmly and Sam nods in agreement. "I know" He sighs. "Sam, Dean, Y/N" we hear a familiar voice call out to us, it's Andrea with Lucas. "Hey" Dean says smiling as Lucas runs up to us with a plate filled with what looks like sandwiches.
"We're glad we caught you. We just, um...We made you lunch for the road. Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself" She says smiling and Lucas looks up at his mom. "Can I give it to them now?" He says and a smile breaks across my face, it's so good to hear him talk, my heart bursts with joy.
"Of course" Andrea says, kissing Lucas on his head. "Come on Lucas. Let's load this in the car" Dean says smiling, talking Lucas to carry the sandwiches to the car. We watch smiling as they walk off and me and Sam look at her. He crosses his arms and I ask her softly "How're you holding up hun?"
She sighs before answering, "It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" She says and we nod understandably. Sam sighs and says "Andrea, I'm sorry". She smiles at us regardless and says, gratefully "You guys saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to....hold onto that".
I understand where she's coming from. I'd hate to admit it, but regardless anything, my dad raised me the best he could. For a man who had no idea what he was doing, he taught me how to make it out there as a hunter. I love him through everything and the fact that he's missing with John who's also like a father to me. I'm worried to my core that somethings wrong.
We walk back to the car and see Dean high-fiving Lucas after he thought him the phrase, "Zeppelin Rules!" And I smile at this gesture. The smile leaves my face when I see Andrea lean over and kiss Dean. I feel an aching in my chest when she does it for some reason, like my stomach and chest is on fire.
Turning my head away so I don't have to look, Sam look at me with a twinge of pity. "Thank you" She says gratefully. Dean give a a small back, scratching his head, he looks at me and I don't meet his eyes. Clearing his throat he says, "Sam, Y/N move your asses. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road" He walks over to the driver seat.
I head on over to my bike, starting her and revving my engine. And we're off.
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loveandmurders · 1 year
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Masterlist
His favourite feast (NSFW female reader x Thomas Hewitt)
No one hurt my husband (gender neutral reader x Thomas Hewitt)
Too cute to be killed headcanons // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 (gender neutral reader x Thomas Hewitt)
Standing up for Thomas headcanons (gender neutral reader x Thomas Hewitt)
Big, big boy (NSFW gender neutral reader x Thomas Hewitt)
Wendigo (teen gender neutral reader x Sawyer family)
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Whispers in the Dark: Uncovering the World’s Most Terrifying Urban Legends
“Urban legends are a reminder that truth is often stranger than fiction.”
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Remember when we used to hear myths and urban legends as children? We used to be both terrified and fascinated by it. As kids, we used to wonder: Do they exist? Are the myths true?
However, urban legends exist all over the world, and we’ve scoured the globe to find the eeriest and most pervasive ones, from the haunting, spine-chilling stories of La Llorona in Mexico to a half-deer humanoid wendigo living in the depths of Native American cold forests.
1. The Black-Eyed Children
In the late 1990s there was an urban legend of the Black Eyed Children . It revolves around children or teenagers who approach people’s homes or vehicles seeking help or permission to enter, but their most notable feature is their solid black eyes without any pupils or sclera.
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Most reports of encounters with black eyed children involve feelings of intense fear and dread. Those who have interacted with them describe a sense of overwhelming danger and a feeling that they are not human. Some claim that the black eyed children emit a strange, low-frequency hum or emit a foul odor. 
One of the most well-known encounters occurred in 1998, when a journalist named Brian Bethel claimed to have encountered two black eyed children in Abilene, Texas. Bethel reported that the children appeared at his car window, asking for a ride home, but he was overcome with a sense of fear and fled the scene.
“ Both boys stared at me with coal-black eyes. The sort of eyes one sees these days on aliens or bargain-basement vampires on late night television. Soulless orbs like two great swathes of starless night. My fear must have been evident. The boy in the back wore a look of confusion. The spokesman banged sharply on the window as I rolled it up. His words, full of anger, echo in my mind even today: ‘We can’t come in unless you tell us it’s OK. Let us in! ’ ” —Brian Brethel on Abilene Reporter News
2. The Wailing Woman
The weeping woman often described as a woman in the mid 20s dressed in white haunts the rivers and streets of Mexico, searching for her children and crying out in anguish .The locals have described it as ‘The La Llorona ’ . It was used to scare the children so that they dont wander in the streets at night .
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The story goes by a beautiful mexican lady fell in love with a man of high status . they married had kids an was living a happy life when one day the man left her for another woman . In a fit of jealousy and rage, Maria drowned her children in a nearby river. When she realized what she had done, she was filled with remorse and grief, and she began to wander the streets and riverbanks crying out for her lost children. She was said to have been heard wailing, “Ay, mis hijos!” (“Oh, my children!”) . It is said that she was cursed and was denied to enter the gates of heaven and now she wanders as a spirit looking for her children .
3. The Wendigo
The wendigo is often described as a tall, thin creature with matted hair and glowing eyes. It is said to have long arms and legs, and its skin is stretched tightly over its bones. Some legends also describe the wendigo as having antlers or horn .
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It has been the subject of countless stories, songs, and works of art over the years. The wendigo is often portrayed as a malevolent and dangerous creature that preys on humans. In 2019, a man in Quebec claimed that he had been attacked by a wendigo while out hunting. He stated that the creature had glowing eyes and a thin, skeletal body. According to the man, the wendigo knocked him to the ground and attempted to bite him before he was able to fight it off.
“We were sitting around the fire when we heard this really strange noise. It sounded like something was breathing heavily, almost like it was right behind us. When we turned around, we saw this tall, thin creature with glowing eyes. It was watching us, and then it just disappeared.” — locals in Minnesota .
4. The New Jersey Devil
The legend of the New Jersey Devil dates back to the 18th century, when it was said to be the offspring of a woman named Mother Leeds. According to the legend, Leeds cursed her 13th child to be a devil, and the creature was born with wings and supernatural powers.
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The New Jersey Devil is often described as a winged creature with a horse-like head, hooves for feet, and a forked tail. It is said to be about the size of a large dog or small deer. There have been numerous reported sightings of the New Jersey Devil over the years, particularly in the Pine Barrens region. In 1909, there was a wave of sightings that made national news. People reported seeing a creature with glowing eyes and wings that flew over their homes and farms.
“We were driving through the woods at night when we saw something in the road. It was a creature with wings and a horse-like head. We were too scared to get out of the car.” — Reported sighting from a group of teenagers, 1995
In conclusion, urban legends have been a part of human culture for centuries, and they continue to fascinate and terrify people around the world. From the Wendigo and Slenderman to the New Jersey Devil, these legends tap into our deepest fears and anxieties, often providing a cautionary tale or moral lesson. While some legends may have a basis in reality, most are purely fictional and serve as a form of entertainment or a way to explain the unexplainable. Despite their often gruesome and terrifying nature, urban legends are an enduring part of our cultural heritage and will likely continue to be passed down from generation to generation.
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scarletlizzard · 2 months
I legit laughed at the Wendigo answer. Like I said, I love the episode in Charmed. Which was one of my 2 favorite childhood shows. I've met 2 cast members, one of them being Piper. And I'm meeting 2 more next weekend.
That show is so nostalgic to me! My grandpa watched it allll the time. That, the game show network, and Walker Texas Ranger 💀
That's so so cool you've got to meet some people from the cast!
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2023 Artist Preview
Here are the story summaries for the artist preview! I've done my best, but if you see a typo or mistake in the coding, please email [email protected]. Please be patient. On May 13 (at around 10 a.m. CST-ish), I will open the preview post for claiming. You can make ONLY ONE CLAIM. Also, please note that you must make your own claims. No one else can claim for you. Once claiming opens, artists may comment with their top two choices. Sound good? Any questions? Lemme know! Sam/Dean-1 Title: The Witch and the Wolfen Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is a post 15x20 AU (Not a heaven fic). Where Sam, unwilling to accept the death of his brother, embraces his magical abilities and travels through the multiverse to find another Dean. Weary and disappointed he lands on a post -apocalyptic world with no means of finding Dean. The world is a little like the old west, they ride horses, wear Stetsons, have no electricity, cars are rusted hulks littering the landscape and life revolves around each town's bar. He works as a witch, healing people. One day, a Wolfen in need of protection comes to him, it’s Dean. But a Dean that never knew or needed a Sam. But a Dean that is trying to stay out of the grasp of Lucifer who wants him as his new meatsuit. Images include: a Wraith storm, ghostly disembodied souls who are trapped on earth and haunt the living in vicious packs. They suck the life out of unfortunates caught outside during their passing. Dean as a Wolfen, a magnificent 300 lb timber wolf/shifter with white/grey fur and green eyes and grey freckles on his chest. The scene of Sam and Dean battling 8 foot ice monsters – like Wendigo who try and cage and drag Dean away. Sam, casting a storm spell to save Lawrence from burning down. Haymanville, a Mexican themed nearby town where every day is The Day of the Dead. Sam and Dean in a home made hot tub by a cabin and Sam’s eyes glowing white and his tattoos traveling to Dean’s body to embrace him as they make love. Sam battles a fire at a distance with magic. Epic end battle with Lucifer and bonus Gabriel. Various flashbacks and dreams of Sam’s as he remembers his Dean and his travels to other worlds both fair and foul. Warnings: M/M sex, AU Wincest ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-1 Title: Dreamhouse Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jared and his cousin Chad inherited an old Manor. The house is a mess, but they need more space since the two have to raise two little kids. Jensen and Justin Ackles have a TV show in Garden and Home TV (GHTV) where they renovate houses. Thank God they are planning a special. But what about the rumors that the house is haunted and what is it with all the accidents that keep happening? Warnings: None ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-2 Title: TRAPPED IN AMBER Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: After his parents' unfortunate divorce, Jared moves with his mother and younger sister from Texas to Boston. It's a new beginning, a chance to start afresh, but the old family home in Beacon Hills hides deadly secrets that endanger their future and even their lives. Boston aesthetics; Beacon Hills aesthetics; haunted house; gothic horror; a sick and twisted tree in a cobblestone patio; an Ouija session in the basement; claws reaching out from a well; a ghostly girl staring through a garret’s window. Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse and past rape of OCs characters (nothing graphic). ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen/Jeff-1 Title: One Too Many Pairing: Jared/Jensen/Jeff Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jeff and Jensen have been a couple for several years. It’s not unheard of for an alpha to add a third to a mating. Jeff always thought it would be a beta until he meets Jared and he just knows that Jared is the one who will complete their family. He and Jared get along well despite both being alphas. They don’t fight, they like the same things, work well together, and enjoy each other’s company. The night they make it official, Jeff gives Jared a claiming bite and Jared does the same to Jeff. The only issue is that Jeff has never given Jensen a claiming bite, only a collar. And that night, neither Jared nor Jeff gives Jensen a claiming bite. Jensen sees this for what it is, that Jeff was just keeping him around as arm candy until he found his mate. Jensen is aware of how Jeff’s parents see him - as an empty-headed gold-digger who conned Jeff into a relationship and that they have always hated him, never thinking he was good enough for Jeff, especially since he’s infertile. They love Jared and make a show of pointing it out to Jensen - how perfect Jared is for Jeff. Jensen even compares himself to Jared who is educated, polished, and always does and says the right thing whereas Jensen is none of those things. Seeing as how neither claimed him but claimed the other, Jensen packs his things and leaves with only a goodbye note leaving Jeff and Jared to worry over his whereabouts, how to find him and if they can salvage their mating if and when they do find him. Warnings: Threesome, A/B/O, A/A, A/O, A/O/A, Knotting, Collars, Claiming Bites, Jealous Jared, Oblivious Jeff, Non-Con, Dinner, Dating, Alcohol, Mating, Mating Ceremony, Celebrations, Medical Examination, Separation, Infidelity, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Protective Jared, Protective Jeff, Scared Jensen, Upset Jensen, Angry Jeff, Angry Jared, Hurt Jensen, Dogs, Traveling, Hotels, Honeymoon, School, Online Classes, Volunteering, Cooking, Dancing, Infertility, Adoption, Alpha Jeff, Alpha Jared, Omega Jensen, Top Jared, Top Jeff, Bottom Jensen, Mental Illness, Medication ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-3 Title: Dare to Dream Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jensen is a successful omega, he owns and manages his own bookstore, Turn the Page. The past year of dating has been one disappointment after another, and he is losing hope that he will ever find his mate. With each successive heat, his heat sickness worsens, prompting his doctor to suggest an Alpha for Hire service. Jensen refuses to even entertain the idea of hiring an alpha, still dreaming of meeting his true mate. Jared is new to town and looking for a job. He’d broken up with his girlfriend to move for school and is striking out on his own for the first time. He dreamed of following in his alpha mother’s footsteps of being a teacher. Exploring his new home city while job hunting, he discovers more than a local bookshop that’s hiring. Jensen decides to hire Jared despite being wary of the alpha and takes another chance at securing the future he always wanted. Jared is determined to show Jensen that he is a kind and caring alpha. As they navigate the ups and downs of working together while learning more about one another, the tentative bond is severed when Jared’s ex makes an unexpected appearance, triggering Jensen’s rejection sickness. Finding Jensen near death, Jared takes him home and nurses him back to health. In the process, Jensen’s trust grows, and their relationship deepens. They begin to date, and after a couple of months, mate, starting a new chapter in their lives. Their first extended separation isn’t quite as hard as either imagined, but after a trip to study abroad, Jensen welcomes Jared home with a happy surprise. Warnings: A/B/O, true mates, heat/rejection sickness, miscommunication, past/present hurt Jensen, hurt/comfort, shared cycles, anal knotting, claiming bites, claiming bond, mpreg ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-4 Title: The Tending sen Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jared the youngest High-Born heir of the Padalecki House. They specialize in making warm fabrics and cloth for breeches and tunics. A waterwheel and woolybeasts are essential for this. Jensen is Jared's valet/slave. His Tending sen. In this society the word sen is used for an enslaved one and their names reflect that status. Drone sen wear pendants around their neck with a number because their Masse (master) wouldn't know their names anyway. Warnings: slave fic (but no non-con or dub-con), hurt/comfort ---------------------------------- Gen-1 Title: Anyone Can Love a Pretty Little Mansion Rating: PG-13 Summary: The house had stood alone and unloved for many years. It stood just outside of Palo Alto, silent, slowly aging behind a copse of valley oak. As a house it was large, quaint, with the kind of rambling structure that was popular in the twenties. It had a circular tower at one side, topped with a cupola, and high, pointed gables. There had been shutters on the windows, and some still hung loose on their rusty hinges, waiting for a vagrant wind to break them free and send them spinning into the overgrown vegetation that surrounded it. Sam and Dean tackle the House from Hell! Warnings: Corpses and gross stuff galore. ---------------------------------- Sam/Dean-2 Title: The Ties That Bind Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Summary: The story of Sam and Dean Winchester doesn’t end that day in the barn. Sam keeps his promise to keep fighting, but with a Winchester twist – he uses the resources left to him by Rowena and his own determination and smarts to become a powerful witch. Powerful enough to live forever, but that’s not what he wants – what he wants is his brother. To Dean’s shock, he finds himself back on Earth thanks to Sam’s spell, but only for brief visits. He finds a Sam who’s changed with the great loss he’s endured and the dark power he’s using, and both Winchesters discover an attraction that they never acted on while Dean was alive. To complicate matters, Dean isn’t the only one who’s noticed Sam’s dark power, and the other witches are out to take him down - permanently. They’re unfortunately not the only ones – the Winchesters are breaking all the cosmic rules to be together, and forces even more powerful than Jack are out to stop them, putting Sam and his young son in grave danger (in the midst of a violent storm that almost rips them off the road). Witch Sam with wild hair and clothing, a wee bit obsessed and surrounded by spell books and potions; Dean and the Impala on the road in Heaven; soulmates reunion on the bridge; Dad Sam with Dean Jr. canon scenes; first Wincest kiss in the Impala at night; NSFW first time in a typical Winchesters-on-the-road motel. Warnings: Canon compliant for Dean’s death but he’s very much ‘alive’ in Heaven (and sometimes back on Earth) ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-5 Title: Fighting Gravity Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Valdora Prime—proclaimed as a scientist’s playground—is quickly becoming the foremost research facility in the galaxy. Funded by a guild more than a millennium old, Valdora Prime recruits the best minds in medicine, engineering, geology, botany, and quantum studies, regardless of species. For Jared, working there means being more than a concierge doctor to the wealthiest colonies. Here, he can make a difference. Here, he can hide. Three years in, Jared’s safe, comfortable life pretending to be human is turned upside down, starting with the arrival of the new head of security, a Kesalonian named Jensen Ackles whose incredible physical strength is matched only by his charm. As Jared and Jensen grow closer, secrets begin to unravel, his research attracts dangerous attention, and outside forces threaten to destroy everything Jared has built. Featuring alien species, traits, and features, unique space-gardens and moonscapes, a futuristic and beautiful research station with all the perks, heroic rescues, injury/comfort, and more! Warnings: Alien species (and sex between them), descriptions of injuries/violence and minor medical treatment, prior (only mentioned) het relationship, mentions of a virus/pandemic (non graphic), mentions of sex work (positive). ---------------------------------- Sam/Dean-3 Title: He Told You He'd Wake You Up, When it Was Over Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is a non-linear story that jumps around through the Winchesters' early years up to Season 6. It has a lot of Greek mythological influence and includes a katabasis. There will be imagery of the underworld, Stanford scenes, and eventually I will do the greatest sin against Dean I ever have, make him fly in a plane. Dean is the narrator and he spends most of the story chasing Sam. There are a lot of re-visits of early cases but re-imagined with Dean chasing Sam instead of John. Warnings: This has a lot of dark, angsty moments. It contains sibling incest and some sexual scenes. ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-6 Title: Origin Story Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Once upon a time, Jensen Ackles used to be the supervillain known as The Flame. Then he was overpowered and defeated by his former best friend, Jared, known as The Closer. Jensen might not be in prison anymore, but he’s still under house arrest—not to mention stripped of his powers. In the meantime, Jensen has had years to figure out how to deal with what he did and why he did it. He can't change the past, but he can accept it, and maybe live something like a life of his own. Then Jared knocks on his door, asking for help that Jensen can't refuse. And it turns out that while Jensen thought he'd come to terms with his past, he'd really just buried it. Helping Jared is bringing out things he's never fully dealt with, things he'd given up on a long time ago…like Jared himself. Warnings: none ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-7 Title: Maybe You Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Danneel and Chad are the ones in love. Jensen and Jared are just the best friends there to pick up the pieces when things fall apart. They don't like each other... until they do, but they're only friends. Jensen's a fashionable bitch with zero interest in dating or relationships, and Jared is a hot mess barista chasing after his happily ever after. A heartfelt attempt (or spin) on a rom-com with images like kissing after being caught out in the rain and sitting on a park bench at sunset. Warnings: Explicit sex, alcohol use ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-8 Title: Have You Ever Thrown Snowflakes In The Air? Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: After a stroke of fate, Jensen Ackles leaves his old life as a successful music composer behind and spends his time alone in a lonely cabin. Every few weeks he drives down to the town with its oddball inhabitants to stock up on food. On his last trip before the announced blizzard, someone hides under the tarp of his truck. Jared thinks Jensen can get him out of town, but instead he ends up with him in his cabin. What secret led Jared to crawl into Jensen's truck? Spoiler: Scenes that might be appealing to an artist. Jensen in front of his cabin in the snow. Jared hiding under the tarp of the truck. Jensen finds Jared hiding in the chicken coop.Jared and Jensen walking in the snow. Jensen running after a fox and breaking into the ice. While Jensen has a fever, he dreams of seeing his daughter again and flying a kite with her. Warnings: Minor Character Death, Mention of abuse, Mention of drug use ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-9 Title: Coward Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Summary: Loosely based on the movie The Last Samurai (with Tom Cruise). Contains steampunk elements and an unusual understanding of Omega dynamics. Jensen is an army captain at the bottom of a bottle and a prisoner of war. Jared is an omega who has lost everything fleeing his fate; however, he could also be a prince. Warnings: forced sterilization, discussion of castration, death of a child (mentioned), omega-phobia ---------------------------------- Sam/Dean-4 Title: Did All the Thunder Bend Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: R Summary: Dean wakes thirteen-year-old Sam in the night to flee after “something bad” happens to John. They end up settling in a small, snowy town in Maine, where they start building some semblance of a normal life together (or as normal a life as you can live when you’re playing house with your brother). When John’s vengeful spirit begins haunting Sam’s dreams and the Impala, the truth about the circumstances surrounding his death must come out. Will that truth ruin everything when Sam realizes their happy partnership is predicated on a lie... and John’s death at Dean’s hands in defense of Sam? Warnings: Implied/Referenced Character Death (Not Sam or Dean), Underage (no sex) ---------------------------------- Sam/Dean-5 Title: The Price of Love Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dean Winchester runs a brothel called Iniquity. Sam Winchester is an Assistant D.A. under D.A. Crowley. The D.A. 's office is going after Dean, who's suspected of money laundering and perhaps using exotic drugs, aka vamp venom and djinn juice. (NGL: not 100% sure about the fluids thing quite yet.) ANYWAY while it looks like Dean is Bad and Sam is Good, twists and turns (and deaths) reveal that the legal system Sam works for is corrupt to the point of murder. Dean turns out to be the one who takes care of his people, does not exploit anyone, and is actually the moral superior. Interspersed flashbacks recall the boys' childhood/upbringing/eventual relationship, infusing the present with memories and unresolved feelings. Other characters: Jess (Sam's girlfriend for a while), Lisa (Dean's playmate for a bit), John Winchester as dad/con artist constantly on the move while the boys are growing up, Benny as Dean's second, Crowley as the D.A., Dick Roman as a judge, Bela as his wife, Bobby Singer as the police chief, Rowena as a local witch, the Banes twins as undercover agents, and Victor Henriksen as an F.B.I. agent. Settings: Sam's condo with Jess; the courthouse and various legal offices; and Iniquity, Dean's exclusive, high class brothel. Flashbacks include skeevy motels, the Impala. Warnings: murder, criminal behavior and acts ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-10 Title: You Belong to me Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jensen is a well-known mystery writer who meets Jared, the owner of a local cute and quirky bookstore. They quickly develop a fun, loving relationship. But Jared's controlling ex-boyfriend Jeffrey isn’t ready to let Jared go. Jensen feels Jeffrey is dangerous and stalking Jared but Jared keeps giving him chance after chance, refusing to see Jeffrey's dark side. After Jared and Jensen have a fight about Jeffrey, Jared disappears and Jensen finds himself under suspicion of kidnapping him. The situation climaxes when Jensen finally finds a badly injured Jared in the remote cabin where Jeffrey has stashed him. Jeffrey shows up and threatens them both, shooting Jensen. Both Jensen and Jared survive, but in turmoil, Jared pushes Jensen away. In the end, they reunite and decide to do whatever it takes in order to save the relationship. It ends with them living together, still trying to find their way but determined to do so together. Settings: Jared's charming, quirky bookstore and the cute coffee shop attached to it. Jared and Jensen vacationing in Las Vegas. Jared and Jensen in domestic situations. The remote, spooky cabin in the woods where Jeffrey kidnaps Jared to. Warnings: Jared is violently attacked, but it happens off-screen and is never described in any detail. Jared has trauma due to being attacked by Jeffrey that is discussed. ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-11 Title: Rest & Restore Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jared is a burned out romance writer. It’s tough to write about falling in love when he’s just fallen out of it—he’s one year post-divorce and still figuring out who he is after it. His publisher expects a new manuscript, but Jared needs a rest and a change of scenery. His ex’s grandmother suggests that he go stay at an old family estate in Peru, New York—a hamlet of seven thousand people—and see if he'd like to have a hand in restoring it. Jared thinks this is the perfect project to distract himself with while he decides which big city to move to next. Enter Jensen, a contractor in town, confident and capable of restoring the Whitney house to its former glory. Sparks fly between Jared and Jensen, but can either of them commit to the plot or will they move onto other books entirely? Set from spring to fall, this fic is filled with architectural details, ice cream, a dog named Maple, small town life, and Tina Turner tracks. Small town AU, Contractor Jensen, Writer Jared, slow burn, home improvement, post-divorce, small towns, exploration of sexuality, love confessions, light angst, slice of life, switch Jensen, switch Jared, explicit sexual content, oral sex, anal sex. Warnings: None ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-12 Title: (We are all of us in the gutter, But) Some of us are looking at the stars Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Summary: Jared is a professor of archeology on Earth, Jensen is the space captain he hires to take him to a distant planet, where he plans to retrieve an ancient artifact. From the beginning, the two men bicker and clash, but can’t deny the attraction they feel for each other. On the way to their destination, Jensen stops to take on some cargo, which results in a run-in with space sentries and a hide-out in an asteroid field, a visit to a desert planet where Jared meets some of Jensen’s old friends, and a rescue in space during which they take on new crew members. More (mis)adventures ensue, including a run-in with a bounty hunter who wants to sell Jensen back to a former customer at the brothel where Jensen worked as a young man. Following a daring rescue, the boys finally arrive at their original destination, only to face more challenges in their attempts to retrieve the stone Jared was assigned to bring back to Earth. This story is inspired by Indiana Jones, Star Wars (the first three movies), and Romancing the Stone. Warnings: prostitution, Jensen is a former sex worker who gets captured and enslaved by a former customer. Abuse is heavily implied, but not explicit. ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-13 Title: Hear the Songbird Sing Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Summary: A siren's call can be a powerful thing and even such a powerful dragon like Jensen can fall under his spell. Jensen owns the city and when he comes across the siren Jared working at one of his club's he knows that he is meant to be his. Jared never thought that he would catch the attention of such a powerful being like Jensen. The two cannot deny the call between the two of them and fall into a relationship that some think they can use to gain what they want not realizing that a Siren is as possessive and protective over their mate as a Dragon is. Warnings: Mpreg, bottom Jared, top Jensen ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-14 Title: If You Give A Dragon Shelter Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Summary: Alien Jared is awake from his coma and Jensen tries to understand him and teach him to communicate as he figures out how to get Jared home. Jared takes care of a dog (bernese mountain like) and a pony while Jensen goes to a swanky party to show off a large metal dragon sculpture. Dragons battling a truck with help from another and a motorcycle. Warnings: Some noncon body manipulation, mentions of noncon sex, alien sex, stalker behavior, depression and suicidal tendencies, mentions of past torture, kidnapping, heavy entitlement to another based on species-ism (very much like sex and class-ism) ---------------------------------- Jensen/Misha/Felicia-1 Title: The Crimson Tower Pairing: Jensen/Misha/Felicia Rating: NC-17 Summary: Four great houses stood ruling over a magical land, but an enemy from their distant past emerged hellbent on destroying them all, and they succeeded in killing one house, corrupting another, turning the third into isolationists, and leaving only the fourth to help the masses of refugees fleeing oppression. But now an ancient prophecy is on the threshold of being fulfilled. Will King Jensen, King Misha, and Queen Felicia together with their General, Jared, be able to turn the tide of war and restore freedom, or will the newly exposed enemy achieve a final victory over all magic in the land? This story provides artists opportunities to illustrate fantasy landscapes, depict magical combat, and all other aspects of a medieval fantasy milieu. Warnings: Graphic violence, swearing, sex, nudity, fantastic racism (in the sense of racism against fictional races--here magic users and magical creatures/species), reference to past genocide, body horror, vampire sex, blood drinking, harm to minors, major character death, slavery attempted genocide against magicals, think Game of Thrones, but with less incest ---------------------------------- Jared/Jensen-15 Title: The Kite And The Line Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Summary: When you fall in love, you get a tattoo. When you fall out of love, it turns black. Jared's got a couple to his name, almost all of them gone dark. Jensen's only ever had one and its colors have never faded. Warnings: Infidelity, Jared Padalecki/Stephen Amell as a side pairing, lots of angst and fluff, no trigger warnings ---------------------------------- from Supernatural and J-Squared Big Bang Challenge! https://ift.tt/mYfRAUO
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custarcake · 2 years
ok so did a silly thing and assigned different creatures onto some of the states,, imagining they all live in a nice town together and just chill :)
California – ghost 
Michigan – golem 
New Jersey – faun (a faun is a half-human, half-goat mythical creature appearing in Greek and Roman mythology.) 
Gov – a boogeyman (albit a tired, completely done with life one) 
Tennessee – werewolf 
Minnesota – Puck (folklore)
Delaware – Orc 
Ohio – Imp 
Florida – goblin
Nevada – poltergeist
West Virginia – skeleton 
Alaska – yeti 
Kentucky – frankenstein’s monster 
Illinois, Virginia and Alabama – they all give me zombie vibes  
Georgia – Elf 
Hawai’i – dryad 
Arkansas – wendigo 
Oregon – mothman 
Rhode Island – Faery 
Massachusetts, Colorado, and Louisiana – Warlocks 
Maryland – Siren 
Mississippi, Vermont, and Idaho – vampires
South & North Dakota – gargoyles 
Texas – Centaur 
Oklahoma – ghoul 
Utah – skinwalker
Arizona – salamander 
Wisconsin – werebear
New York – Lamia (in ancient Greek mythology, this is a child-eating demon) 
Indiana – Feldgeister (german folklore) 
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ronanception · 1 year
may i ask for more of ur thoughts and feelings on werewolves and ronance 🥺👉👈😳
ok ok ok so like…
In the old west/cowboy/werewolf story that’s been stirring around in my brain and cookin for a bit and revealing itself to me, werewolves - while absolutely being giant wolf/human creatures, are also allegorically related to the concept of capitalist greed and anger and abuse and generational trauma. The original werewolf of the story starts off a completely normal man who might have even been a good and kind man at some point until his fortune twists him into a creature that devours and devours and devours even when devouring could mean the end of him, and through his final acts of destruction leaves a curse on his family.
In this story, the act of becoming a werewolf is more related to the myth of the Wendigo, humans transformed into horrible creatures because of their own “betrayal of nature” or betrayal of their own humanity.
As a victim/survivor of different assaults and abuses myself, I learned about the fleas you get from your abusers. Reactions and patterns of behavior that your abuser inadvertently passes on to you. Mannerisms that you might emulate, things you have to unlearn while also accepting that this while this isn’t your nature and you are not the same as your abuser, your fleas are actively working against you in order to harm you future relationships.
These ‘fleas’ plague Nancy’s life as she tries to right the wrongs and work through the troubles and politics that her family has disturbed in the northern Texas community she lives in. The people that her family bullied into selling land rights to don’t trust her, and her behavior is better than her fathers but there’s something about her, things she does that just ain’t right.
Enter a group of cattle drovers who need to drive their beeves across her thousands of acres as they head north toward the train yards where they’ll be sold. They have to pause shortly into their drive as their group of drovers breaks down due to intense internal conflict and they have to find new hands to replace the ones that were expelled from the group. There’s a shepherd that’s riding with the cattlemen, a younger ‘boy’ of few words named Robin who asks if ‘he’ can graze ‘his’ sheep closer to the ranch as the grass is softer and lambing season is going in full force.
Robin is also the dogman of the drovers, working a few herders and making sure their crew of herd protection dogs are well looked after. Nancy is curious about the training and the work 'he' does and they strike an easy companionship, but for some reason the herd guardians hold ground when Nancy shows up, even after Robin tries to force them to give her leeway. Cue Robin finding absolutely massive paw-prints interspersed with the hoof-prints of the cattle and horses, a few mauled beeves and disappearing lambs. 
Additionally, Nancy starts catching the scent of what might be a different wolf around the edges of the property. While she’s devastated thinking that she’s the cause of the carnage, it appears that she might not be the only creature plaguing the area.
Anyways yeah, fuck, there’s a bunch of wordvomit for you. Entirely self-indulgent trauma healing with cows and sheeps and dogs and werewolves and wlw. Basically wanting to explore both the trauma that can cause those deep wounds as well as the work going in to confronting and healing it.
Werewolves are so good for so many things.
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Whats your favorite mythical creature? Also, do you like cryptids at all?
I think my favorite mythical creature is either dragons or Cerberus. I love cryptids lol, I think my favorite is either moth man, the wendigo, or the goat man on Old Alton Bridge in Texas! I've been there before, it was pretty cool :]
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theherosreturn · 1 year
Bradley: I think us finding some others was actually a coincidence, given how even Rubicante wouldn’t know of who our missing allies are. Whatever the case, we’d best rest and see what happens next. I have a feeling these demons are going to get more daring in time.
(Glitchy Mario would continue to get into weird shenanigans…and eventually do something involving a pair of teleporters, a sub sandwich, Solider, and shed feather from Emir. The result would end up taking out a few invaders in another city somehow)
Jackrow, with the image of The Texas Wendigo still engraved within his mind: Yeah...It's probably for the best that we at least try to rest...
Helen: It's still heartbreaking to see such an kind soul like Tex get turned into an entity that goes against everything he once stood for...
Diana, wanting to cheer them up at least a little bit: That just gives us more of a reason to fight back...For once this is all finally over, they'll all be free from this corrupt tyrant at last!
Jackrow:...Thanks Diana...That really means a lot...
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plopezjr · 2 years
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The Hunt for the Wendigo ==================== Here our #mythandfantasytoypic collaboration using #mythiclegions figure line created by @four_horsemen_studios ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out and Follow the legions : 01. @iqbal_1275 02. @pl_toybox_photography 03. @eddyandhistoys 04. @hiranourai 05. @toysandphotography 06. @anuel_phototoy 07. @outer_rim_pirate 08. @susetyoherlambang 09. @karlsonation 10. @realm_of_toys89 11. @toranerd Thank You 🙏🙏🙏 #fourhorsemenstudios #legionslounge #fantasyart #toycrewbuddies #epictoyart #total_toyspics #o3pfeatures #toysportal #total_toyspics #mythiclegionscabal #toymoz #itsoktobeaposer #legionslounge (at League City, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXHixUuC1u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insomnibewwy · 5 years
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Some dudes who like to eat people
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vomit-kutabe · 4 years
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Something the slasher fandom probably didn't ask for but I wanted to provide in it: Slashers as Monsters. I had this idea for a while now and now got it on paper. Thinking of making this into a AU but I'm not sure, I have more in the works that I'll post (including a Jason Voorhees one, the most nearly completed one after these four).
Slashers as Monsters in order:
Michael Myers - Wendigo
Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer) - Manticore
Chucky - Homunculus
Freddy Krueger - Nue (Japanese Chimera)
Part 2 coming soon
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emeatocannoliii · 4 years
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Something the slasher fandom probably didn't ask for but I wanted to provide in it: Slashers as Monsters. I had this idea for a while now and now got it on paper. Thinking of making this into a AU but I'm not sure, I have more in the works that I'll post (including a Jason Voorhees one, the most nearly completed one after these four).
Quick list of the Slashers and Monsters:
Michael Myers - Wendigo
Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer) - Manticore
Chucky - Homunculus
Freddy Krueger - Nue (Japanese Chimera)
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hello! I saw matchups are open... could I get a yandere and a regular mtmte matchup? (Just yandere is fine if you can't do both).
I am a very anxious introvert (20/she-her/INFP) and find myself worrying about everything. I am a bisexual and I would describe my style as 'soft goth'. I love video games and movies and tend to love/fixate more on the villains in both (I also aspire to be a film maker one day or at least work in the industry as an editor). I also love cryptids, especially the wendigo. I find myself collecting plushies, particularly of the pokemon variety, though I wouldn't pass up any cryptid plushies either! I can talk about things I love for hours so long as the other person is showing interest (i.e. I don't want to feel like i'm boring them). I think I am a mediator at heart as I hate conflict and will practically bend over backwards to avoid it. Most social situations drain me of energy, so I need some time to myself to just listen to music or do something I enjoy in order to gain my energy back.
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I match you with Nautica!
This curious and happy femme was immediately drawn to you by your 'soft goth' style. It was a whole new thing for her so she was excited to learn more about that and if all humans dressed like you.
She might have startled you at first with her enthusiasm, causing you to retreat to your habsuite, but she will come to apologize to you for her pushiness and asks if she could make it up for you.
Mediators are people who are quiet and keep to themselves but they try to see goodness in everyone and you can no doubt tell that Nautica only means good, so you let her into your social circle.
You never regretted that decision.
While Nautica might be a little more outgoing than you are, she also enjoys the privacy of your habsuite where the two of you can cuddle and watch movies.
She loves your comments about movies and their villains and their possibly sad or tragic backstories that would make their villainous ways acceptable.
"What's a Wendigo?" She asked you once and you stared at her in shock before going on full ramble mode. Once you're done explaining and making her watch the gameplay of "Until Dawn" she is in awe and smiles, "Oh, like a Sparkeater, but for humans!"
"That's..." You blink, "Pretty accurate."
Nautica adores Pokémon! She is a little sad when she learns Pokémon aren't real. They are such cute little creatures and she once again admires humans' abilities to create such things. You guys have a huge imagination.
You worry because you care and she understands and cherishes you for it. When you need your own time, she gives it to you.
Nautica might be a little more outgoing than you, so you both have agreed that she can go and have fun at the bar's music night while you stay in your habsuite and recharge.
When your anniversary comes around, she goes past her abilities and gets you two of your own Nintendo consoles and games so the two of you can be Pokémon Trainers and rivals together. May the best Trainer win!
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Rung is Yandere for you!
You're kind, just like Rung is so you both get along well. You're such a sweet little creature. Shy, yes, but Rung understands the feelings behind your shyness.
You're delicate and fragile, just like fine glass and that's how he intends to treat you as. Rung is patient, letting you come to him because he is the Lost Light's only psychiatrist and so far he knows what's best for you. In the end, everyone ends up in Rung's patient's seat.
While you talk about your interests, he makes sure to take notes so he can use them to win you over. He might get his hands on each and every copy of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and while he isn't fond of them, he is willing to watch them for you.
He understands that you need your own time, but that doesn't mean he stops from manipulating you to seek his help and no one else’s.
You're feeling lonely? Talk to Rung. You're feeling overwhelmed? Rung is there for you. Feeling sad? Rung is all ears for no one else will listen and care like he does.
He will get you everything you need while pressuring how others won't pay you the attention you need and deserve. He is there for you and while he should help you to function without him, he isn't ready to let you go.
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 4 Annual Canadian-American Sleepover
Allen and James had never had the pleasure of experiencing the annual Canadian-American sleepover/prank way before, so the kids all decide to 'initiate them.' Pure chaos ensues.
They all have the sleepover at Alfred's place since it's the biggest.
Full-on prank war starts right out of the gate. Allen and James are immediately initiated by everyone with the oldest trick in the book: getting slathered in maple syrup and chicken feathers. Louisiana teams up with Ontario to terrorize Quebec voodoo-based pranks. Of course, Allen runs damage control makes sure to keep track of what they're doing, and cancel any horrible aftereffects. Nevada runs bets on who falls for what prank. The highest is California falling for the kale snack that's actually grass prank. With Tony's help, Alfred pranks Mathew by beaming down beavers on his head and teleporting him into a giant pile of maple leaves filled with syrup. Mathew immediately retaliates by jump scaring him with a creepy eagle mask every time he enters a room then chases him into the barn where he's covered in ketchup and mustard.
Pennsylvania and New Brunswick team up to switch PEI's hair care products and New Jersey's hair gel. They also replace New Jersey's bottle of soap with Tan in a Can mixed with Cheeto puff powder. Saskatchewan and Nunavut scare New York and make him think Wendigos are after him. New Mexico and Arizona fill every bit of Minnesota's winter gear with desert sand. North Dakota and North Carolina team up against South Dakota and South Carolina in a giant nerf war. Delaware, being Delaware, puts sticky notes on everything. There's can only be one. The Southern States team up to terrorize Florida in revenge for Florida man. They convince Florida she needs to around dressed as all their state football mascots to ward off Florida man who's coming to fight her Alligators.
Arkansas borrows Lousiana's pet pelican and trains it to dive-bomb Alabama and Mississippi with stink bombs. Texas mixes his five-alarm chili seasoning in with food and gets people to eat it. Alfred easily falls for this when it's put in ice cream. Mathew as well when it's put in poutine. Wisconsin makes various cheese replicas of everyday items and replaces them. He'll go around just eating things like a lamp in front of people to subtly frick with them and make them question reality. Oregon tye dyes everything Washington has. Tennesee has trained various chickens to crow at Kentucky at various hours of the day whenever she walks by. Hawaii and Alaska are currently leading on the scoreboard because, despite their unassuming looks, they're little devils, especially when hyped on sugar.
Their most successful one to date would be tying one end of Texas' lasso to Ameriwhale and telling him they found it, giving him the other end, and making him go for a swim. British Columbia and Alberta accompany Maryland who loves subtly messing with Mr. Perfectionist Delaware by moving everything he has in his room an inch over to the right and making everything crooked. Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa rig a popcorn matching to shoot popcorn at random intervals. James ducktapes Allen's shades to his head and his bat to the top of the tallest tree in the yard. He also trains Kuma to roar in his face every time he turns a corner and turns on Jersey Shore every time he comes close to a TV to get him stuck using that accent for a whole day. Allen retaliates by hiding his hockey stick in a nearby beaver dam, dies all his flannel pink and puts polka dots on them, puts honey in his scruff and hair which makes Kuma chase him down to lick it off. He also rigs his motorbike to be remote controlled (a trick learned from Massachusettes) and attaches the back of his paints to it, making them fly off.
Eventually, things start settling down and everyone starts up the movies and eats pizza. The award for the best prank goes to, surprisingly, Wyoming and Newfoundland who actually are aresponsible for over 20+ pranks with Hawaii and Alaska in a close second and Wisconsin in third for sheer creativity. Wyoming enlists Newfoundland to help her set this up, swearing him to secrecy. Many of their pranks include creating an impossible-to-navigate maze and trick people to go in, being continually chased by prairies dogs, gophers, and various farm animals, rigging various wire traps around the house and whenever someone activates one they immediately get pied in the face, and somehow rigging every toilet in the house to flush and sing Another One Bites the Dust on command. No one knows where they got them or how they managed to do this in such a short time. They were also never caught until the scores are tallied and they revealed themselves after no one could figure out who did most of the pranks. It's always the shy ones.
About five minutes into the movie, New Jersey hits New York with a pillow starting another all-out brawl. Texas immediately goes big with a bean bag chair because it's on like Donkey Kong and his motto is 'go big or go home!' Even Delaware, usually a tightwad, gets crazy and helps West Virginia target, Virginia. All of the New England states hunker down in a pillow fort under heavy fire with the Southern states who also vote unanimously to sacrifice Florida. Oklahoma and the rest of Tornado Alley team up and become a giant collective twister of unstoppable force. The battle of the 48th parallel states and provinces i.e. BC, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario vs. Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Washington rages on with South Dakota betraying them for the chance to hit North Dakota and Ontario also going rouge after being booted out. Eventually, though, they reveal their double agent status which decimates both sides. Mathew and James immediately go into hockey mode while Allen goes into baseball mode and Alfred into football mode.
The party shows no signs of slowing as the chaos continues late into the night. Everyone wakes up the next morning to find feathers everywhere, Texas' entire cowboy hat collection on the roof, PEI, Ontario, New Jersey, California, and Quebec are all duct tapped to the ceiling, Kansas is wearing a Dorothy costume while Maryland wakes up surrounded by hermit crabs. Georgia is covered in peaches and Florida is seemingly missing until they find her safe and sound in the pool snoozing on a giant Alligator float still in the Bulldog costume with every other state mascot suit next to her. Manitoba, Utah, Kentucky, and Nebraska all wake up in the barn with the chickens crowing. Texas is sleeping on top of his bull ride with his state flag dropped over him. Alfred wakes up in the bathtub in a Captain America costume and Mathew Wakes up in the shower with a Captain Canada costume on. Allen and James come out of things relatively unscathed with Allen crashed on the couch with his motorbike covered in glitter courtesy of Hawaii and Alaska in the living room and James with Kuma in the garage with Wisconsin's cow and goats. Basically, everything is pure chaos and no one knows what has been replaced by cheese and what hasn't. Needless to say, Allen and James' first annual family prank war/sleepver was a success. See y'all next year!
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the-coda-project · 3 years
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The Coda Project | 1.02 - Inherit the Flames
After reuniting Tommy Collins with his family, Dean and Sam stop for the night in a town called Rifle.
They’re about two hours out of Blackwater Ridge, at a dumpy motel on the edge of a town called Rifle, and Dean’s been staring at the tree-print wallpaper for so long that he’s started detecting patterns in the branches.
A cheap plug-in air freshener in the bathroom has the whole place reeking of artificial pine. Between that and the walls, Dean’s starting to feel as though the wilderness they just barely managed to escape from has followed them here. Hell, maybe they didn’t escape. Maybe he’s still strung up in the mine; maybe the wendigo is still tossing him around like a ragdoll, scrambling his brains just enough that he’s dreaming of a motel that doesn’t exist.
Outside, an eighteen-wheeler passes on the I-70, close enough to make the windows rattle. Dean shifts in his bed as if a different position is going to be enough to distract him from how badly his ribs ache. His scratched-up neck feels raw as road rash.
No matter how hard he tries, sleep still feels so far out of the realm of possibility that he starts wondering how long he should lie here before he can cut his losses and call it.
But then Sam pipes up—“Hey, can I ask you something?”—from across the room, not bothering to check first if Dean’s awake, and immediately he wants to just keep feigning sleep until morning. He might have sought out his brother’s company only a couple of weeks ago, but right now, with the memory of Sam’s dismissive attitude toward helping the Collins family fresh in his mind, he doesn’t feel much like talking to him.
He presses his eyes shut, ignoring the part of himself that’s berating him for being childish. Whether he can get to sleep or not, he’s too goddamn exhausted to talk about anything that isn’t life or death.
If he thought there was even a chance that his brother was angling to talk about Jessica, he’d be sitting up and listening in a heartbeat. But his tone is inquisitive, not hesitant, and Sam’s been so closed-lipped about his grief that Dean only knows how much her death is affecting him because of how loud and frequent his nightmares have been.
“Dean,” Sam says again, slightly louder. “I know you’re awake.”
With a huff, Dean tilts his head to squint at him across the gap between their lumpy mattresses. He grimaces as the motion pulls at the claw marks on his neck. He’ll be lucky if they don’t scar, but maybe it’d be better if they do. Maybe it’d help if he could see something visibly fucked up when he looks in the mirror. Maybe that would make it easier to explain away the revulsion he feels when he meets his own eyes.
“Dude, can it wait until after I get a solid four hours?”
Bullheaded as ever, Sam ignores the question, sitting up and tucking his shaggy hair back behind his ears. He looks twelve years old. Dean figures he always will, in some ways.
“Did something happen with Dad? Before he took off, I mean.”
“Like what?”
He’s not sure why he bothers asking Sam to clarify.
Maybe it’s just to buy himself some time; to give himself a second to come up with some version of the truth that doesn’t amount to Dad’s an overbearing, pigheaded prick, just like you’ve always said, and if I didn’t think he was in trouble right now I’d be glad to be rid of him for at least another month.
Even thinking it makes him guilty. Like he’s a bad son for being so angry with the guy. But he’s gotta believe that his actions are the important part here; proof that no matter how much he hates his dad sometimes, he still loves him enough to want to keep this family as connected as he can.
Still, a part of him is wondering if it’s really worth it anymore to keep up the act. If his clinging to John and clinging to Sam is just making things worse for all of them. Making John think he’ll put up with whatever he throws at him. Making Sam think he doesn’t care enough to take his side against John when he’s being unreasonable.
A part of him wonders—but it’s not a big enough part to win. The thought that something might have happened to him keeps him from letting the bile spill.
Because if they can’t find him—or worse, if they do find him but they’re too late—Dean doesn’t want Sam to have more reasons to be angry with a dead man than he’s already got.
It’s not as though Dean’s not used to keeping this shit locked down, anyway. There’ve been other disagreements, other fights, other circumstances over the years that he knows weren’t even close to being fair on him, but that’s just his life. It sucks, but it’s how it’s always been. No use complaining about it if it’s never gonna change, and after living this way for twenty-two of his twenty-six years, he sees no reason to consider change a possibility.
In the grand scheme of things, this particular incident doesn’t even make the top five list of awful things John’s put him through. The honors there go to that time with the shtriga, abandoning him at Sonny’s and then uprooting him as soon as he let himself get comfortable, the hunt he sent him on as a seventeenth birthday “present”, the night he told Sam not to bother coming back if he left for school, and the simple act of raising his kids into this shit in the first place.
This one might make it into the top ten, though. He hasn’t decided yet.
“Well,” Sam says, pulling him out of his thoughts. “You said you hadn’t heard from him in… what, three weeks before you got that message? Seems weird that it was so long, is all. You were on a hunt, he was on a hunt… it’s just weird that you weren’t checking in more often.”
Dean rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling. There’s a water stain on the popcorn tile overhead that almost looks like a cactus if he looks at it the right way.
Christ, he could use some tequila right now. Maybe he can find them a case further south while they wait for some sign of John to turn up. Someplace warmer than the mountains in Colorado. Someplace where he can roll into town, waste a ghost, and then knock back a few drinks on a motel patio without having to talk to anyone at all.
“I mean, you usually check in more than that, right?” Sam goes on, and Dean sighs. He lifts one hand to rub at his brow.
“Yeah, usually.”
“So… what happened?”
“Nothing you gotta worry about,” he says, and immediately knows it was a mistake. Sam zeroes in on what Dean didn’t say just as intently as anyone else would focus on what he did.
Maybe he should go to law school after all—he’s already got the artful-conversational-trap shit down.
“You had a fight.”
“No, c’mon Dean. You asked me to help you find him. If you had a fight before he left, that seems like it might be relevant.”
“It’s not.”
“So why won’t you just tell me?”
“It was nothing,” he insists. “Dad isn’t exactly Mr Congeniality, Sam. We fight all the time.”
“No, me and Dad fight all the time. The two of you are usually on the same page.”
Dean suppresses a snort and rolls onto his side, his back to Sam now as he looks at the narrow strip of moonlight edging past the thin motel curtains.
“You know I’ll just ask Dad when we find him if you don’t—“
“Jesus, Sam. It was nothing. Just a stupid disagreement about the hunt we were on. You know how he can get.”
“What was the hunt?”
“A witch in Louisiana. We had different ideas about what was going on, but it’s done, the witch is dead, and it doesn’t matter anymore. Okay?”
“That’s all?”
It’s not all.
Thanks to a botched salt-and-burn in Kentucky the previous month, things had already been tense well before they checked into a motel in Souffran, Louisiana. It only got worse when they ran into a woman Dean knew on their second day in town.
She’d been a civilian, last he’d seen her. Said she was a hunter now.
John had been ready to leave as soon as he found out she was already looking into it, but Dean wasn’t so eager.
It wasn’t that he thought Marisa was helpless—far from it, in fact. She’d been teaching capoeira when Dean met her in Texas a few months back. Had the thing terrorizing her students been corporeal, he has no doubt that she never would have needed any help in kicking its ass. But she was inexperienced as a hunter. Green as they come.
Dean didn’t love the idea of her taking on whatever was killing kids in Souffran alone.
When he told John as much, his dad just gave him a sly look, as if he thought the only reason Dean cared was because he was looking to get into Marisa’s pants. Dean wasn’t, for the record. As he saw it, it was his fault that she’d decided to try hunting on for size in the first place. He figured he owed it to her to back her up while she was still so new.
At first, all they’d had to go on was two kids who’d gone missing and turned up dead a week later without any visible injuries beyond a circular burn in the center of their chests; a girl named Lucy Parker who’d disappeared without a trace from her grandmother’s backyard yesterday but was yet to be found; and half a dozen wildly inconsistent reports of strange lights being seen in the swamp running along the north edge of town.
John had been convinced that they were dealing with a fi follet—a kind of malevolent will-‘o-the-wisp known to enact vengeance and drain the blood of children. When Dean disagreed with him, explaining to Marisa that the whole thing felt witchy to him, and pointing out that neither of the kids who’d died had shown any signs of blood loss, John got pigheaded and petty.
He called Dean arrogant. Accused him of acting like John was an idiot ever since they left Kentucky. Spat, “You spend one day showing a civvie the ropes and now you’re an expert, huh? Well go ahead, kid. Handle it on your own.”
And then he bailed.
Left Dean and Marisa to track down a missing eight year old on their own, and made Dean feel about three inches tall when he did it.
It took them almost a full two days to track the thing responsible. A witch, like Dean had thought, who’d been draining the kids of their life force in a desperate, last-ditch effort to stave off some sickness that was eating away at him. But the spell he’d been using was unstable and ineffective, and he’d been haggard and jittery when they found him in a rusty little shack out in the middle of nowhere.
Lucy Parker was right there with him in the room, suspended in mid-air by some unknown force as pale, flickering light leached from the center of her chest and down into a copper bowl on the floor beneath her. Her eyes were wide and rolled back to the whites. Her mouth was open as if she were screaming.
Marisa shot the witch point blank, right between the eyes, and Dean had darted forward to catch Lucy before she could hit the ground. He’d spent the entire time terrified that they were going to get to her too late; that she’d turn up dead before they could figure out where she’d been taken or how to deal with the thing that had taken her.
When she landed in his arms, he’d almost been sick when he felt how cold she was. How limp.
But after a second, she gasped, and coughed, and then she was clinging to him. Shaking.
He couldn’t put her down. She wouldn’t let Marisa take her.
He’d been forced leave the shack while Marisa dealt with the witch’s body and destroyed all the evidence before some local could stumble upon it, and when she’d emerged gray-faced and bloody half an hour later, with the crackle of fire just audible over the steady croak of frogs in the nearby water, he’d known that Marisa wasn’t going on any more hunts.
Lucy still refused to let go of him once they got back to the car, so he’d let Marisa drive them back to town, sitting in the back seat with the kid clinging to his side and sobbing snot into his jacket. He hadn’t even minded. If he didn’t think it would scare her more, he might have let himself cry out of sheer relief at finding her.
Late that night--once Lucy was back with her grandmother, and Marisa was on her way back to San Antonio, and Souffran was far enough in the rearview that it was safe to stop for the night--Dean had called John. He didn’t pick up.
Just sent Dean’s call straight to voicemail, then texted him coordinates for a poltergeist case near Mobile, Alabama an hour later. A few days after that, more coordinates directed him to the voodoo hunt in New Orleans.
So yeah, a witch in Louisiana is not all. Not by a long shot. He doesn’t tell Sam that, though. What would be the point?
“Yeah, that’s all,” he lies, still staring at the gap in the curtains. Another truck rumbles past, air brakes hissing as it slows to take the town exit. It’s so loud that he’s not sure that he’d manage to sleep here even if he wasn’t a headcase. “C’mon, I gotta crash, man.”
For a minute, it seems like Sam’s gonna keep at it. Like he’ll needle at Dean until he spills everything out onto the pilled carpet between them. How scared he is. How angry. How resentful. All the ugliest feelings that seem to be pressing up his throat and onto the back of his tongue like bile.
But he doesn’t. Just sighs, sounding as tired as Dean feels, and says, “Yeah, okay. Night, Dean.”
Dean grunts in reply, and Sam starts snoring after a half hour. Another half hour after that, his nightmares begin. Low, helpless murmurs of Jessica’s name and high-pitched whines of terror that stick in Dean’s chest like buckshot.
With dry eyes and an ever-present lump in his throat, Dean pushes out of bed and heads for the bathroom, taking the laptop as he goes.
If he’s lucky, he’ll find them a hunt before Sam wakes up. He can get them back on the road as soon as the sun rises. Keep them focused on something that isn’t the complete lack of leads on John.
If he’s not, maybe staying up will wear him out enough to sleep tomorrow. He’ll take what he can get.
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