#The fifth in a lancaster
fire-swift · 1 year
So... Lancer × The Locked Tomb... I like the idea of Griddle being a Balor pilot and Harry piloting a Lich. What about you?
Hey hello, thank you for the question. Also sorry for all the Lancer to my tlt mutuals, it will happen again. Harrow has to pilot a lich, even if just by vibes alone.
I don't know about Gideon in a balor, what was your reasoning? The heiress of the minor house of a remote karrakin barony planet has to appear for a contest with other house heirs, despite being her enemy she needs to bring the prodigy blackbeard pilot, famous for pushing recklessly ahead and engaging in brutal melee ignoring the exposed reactor. When the contest is announced Harrow disappears into dark corners and goes on searches in obscure omninet spaces and comes back in a forbidden mech of ancient lore.
But also, consider: Harrow, mercenary contracted operative stranded on a destroyed ship, modifying the mech of her girlfriend who just died to get harrow here safe, and coming out crying and punching the pirates who did it to oblivion
Or a brand of mechs with NHPs who call themselves necromancers bonded to their cavaliers, and fight as a tandem, the cavalier shooting and moving and the NHP hacking enemies and protecting their mech
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smolvenger · 4 months
The Little Princess (Henry V x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: As queen of the nation and wife to Henry the Fifth, all rejoice to discover you are pregnant with your first child with your beloved husband. Only to discover, the child is not the long awaited son, but a girl...
Word Count: 5K
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr @jijilaufeyson
@anukulee @herdetectivetheorist (from your request!)
A/N: hehehehe uploading this while listening to "The Man" by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Pregnancy and childbirth in the beginning, which I try to portray as realistically as I can. I changed up what would have happened in history per the request I was given for this. No way is it accurate. But also this is fanfic world and irl Henry V wouldn't have had the luscious curls and ass of Tom Hiddleston. Mentions of sex but no smut. Baby stuff. Some angst, but lots of fluff. Grammar and spelling mistakes that missed my radar.
“Her Majesty, the Queen of England, is with child, Your Highness,” the messenger announced.
Henry had slouched, relaxed on his wooden throne. He then shot up straight. The dominant grace he held cracked for a second. His blue eyes blinked, doing his best not to stagger in his posture.
“She…she is?” he asked, almost incredulously.
The messenger nodded his head.
“Yes. The physician just examined her. He asked me to inform you of these happy tidings. And we shall pray you shall soon be blessed with an heir apparent,” he reported with a smile.
Henry found a small half laugh escape him. He smiled so wide it showed his teeth. He lowered his head, feeling a little dizzy for a second. But he knew how to regain himself quickly after his time as the ruler of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
“Tell the physician we thank him for his swift and happy news,” he replied.
The messenger bowed his head and exited through the wooden doors.
Henry did his best to remain focused throughout the meetings today. But he found his head swam. You- his precious wife, beloved consort-was going to have a child- have his child. He was going to be a father, and you were going to be a mother. His entire world had changed in just a minute and he was supposed to act as normal.
Once they were declared finished, he shot up.
“I would like to visit her Majesty at once,” he declared.
“She is in her chambers, my lord,” one servant confirmed.
He hurried to where you were, the attendants right behind him. The hallways nearly spun as he walked with such a quick bounce. Not caring even if his crown was knocked out of his head.
Meanwhile, you were sitting down. Your stomach was already churning- for you had become more aware of it since this morning. You could only sit and embroider with your ladies in waiting- it was only a matter of time until-
“His majesty, the king,” a male attendant announced at the door.
 You shot up and curtsied as Henry the Fifth of Lancaster bounded in. The other ladies followed suit.
“My lord, and husband,” you replied dutifully, raising back up to face him.
Henry looked flushed, scattered even. He walked up to you and held both of your hands in his.
“My lady, do you confirm that what I heard was true? Are you…are you with child?” he asked softly. As if you were in private and not with a dozen eyes on you.
You nodded, smiling. You leaned in closer, your voice matching his quiet tone.
“Yes. Yes, I am. I know it in my heart, Harry. I’ve had no courses for months. The physician’s tests confirmed my suspicions….” you replied.
 You took his hand and moved it to your stomach. Even if it appeared normal, even if the baby was now small- it seemed even the king himself sensed the presence inside.
“Our first child is inside me now,” you said finally.
He picked you up and spun you around and kissed you. Bursting into laughter, you clutched him. He held your face and kissed you again. You, his wife, his queen, his beloved, now about to be mother to his child. Who cared if these people saw this intimacy from their lord? He was the maker of what was formal, not they. 
“We’ve prayed so long for this, my lord. You know how long we have asked God to bless us someday… and someday has arrived!!” you replied.
He held your face again, his eyes shining.
“I’ve never loved you more than this moment, Y/N,” he confessed. 
“I love you too, Harry,” you responded.
As the pregnancy passed, you dealt with each symptom with as much grace as you could. For you knew once you had a son, all would see you as more than just Henry’s pretty accessory and broodmare. You would be the mother to the next king. All would respect you and revere you far more. That brought you through the mornings of nausea and sudden, intense cravings for certain foods.
What was best was the nighttime before sleep. Henry defied court tradition and insisted he wanted to join you in your chambers. Even though there was the advice that he avoid his marital duties until after the baby arrived, to risk any lustful acts harming the child inside you. To have a misteress to pleasure him as you carried the child was out of the question for Harry of England. He would prefer to fall on his sword instead.
The truth was, you didn’t need to perform any act of lust with your husband to be with him. You both could sit in silence. Read books and play chess or little games. Discuss anything and everything. Even to lay in bed and to hold each other. And how your heart burst with love as you felt his hand on his stomach and heard him talk to the child.  Even placing little kisses on there. When the baby first kicked, you put his hand there to feel. You both grinned and kissed each other. That was as intimate as anything with your bodies entwining. Whispering names and hopes for the little child. Said little prayers for a safe delivery for you. For the baby in your stomach to survive past infancy. To survive to an adult. One that would always know how much their mother and father wanted and loved them.
When the time came for confinement, the time when you would stay only in your private chambers in the ninth month away from the court, including Henry, to help guarantee a safe delivery. Your heart beat fast. Your stomach was so large that you could only waddle rather than walk. Henry only kissed you, gently tracing your face. Promising that only if there was a crisis would he break down the doors and run to your side. 
For days you sat in your rooms. It became stuffy and dark as they closed the curtains, the priests carrying incense throughout and blessing what was going to be the birthing bed. You sat there, sweating, and feeling both the immense fear of your death and the fear of the pain.
 At last, one early morning, your water broke. Hyperventilating and crying, you awoke a lady in waiting to run to get the midwife. You were shaking, pain scorching as the baby was starting to get ready to emerge. You knew what would happen, and yet when it began, you felt thrown into the unknown. You were so frightened, you let out screams as the contractions began. They fetched the birthingThere was the delivery, you cried your way through the pain. 
“Harry- where is Harry? Where is my husband? I’m so frightened! Please! Where is he!?” you cried, your vision blurry with tears.
“This is not the place for your husband to be, your Majesty. The Lords thought it best he be kept away for now. But how proud he would be of you now- you’re doing well- the baby’s coming out fine!” the midwife encouraged you. “Keep pushing, my lady! I see the head!”
You were sweaty and disgusting and at your most primal, far from the elegant and regal woman they all saw in public. Blood and fluids, including some embarrassing ones, had come out during the labor which was all being cleaned up after it was spilled.
The hours dragged on in torture. The midwife yelling encouragements through your hot face full of tears. You felt sick, even faint, as you pushed the child out from between your legs. Sitting on the stool with the midwife over, every lady in waiting dabbed your burning forehead and squeezed your hand through each push.
Then, finally, a cry came out. But not from your voice. A baby’s cry. You let out a shaky breath of relief.
 Alive. The child was alive. As were you.
You caught your breath, panting hard. One lady in waiting grinned at you-
“Well done, Your Majesty!” she praised.
You let out a gasp as the afterbirth crawled out. But it was easy and painless compared to a child and slipped easily into the below pot placed for it. A maid grimaced but took it away. You heard the click of a knife as the cord on the child was cut. Another warm cloth went over the tiny, wrinkled newborn as it wailed and wailed. You felt dizzy, the red curtains of your chambers swimming around. Then you came to.
The heir. The heir apparent. Henry’s heir- Henry’s heir was here. The one purpose for which you were made wife to the king was now fulfilled-
“It’s a girl,” the midwife announced. 
The child was in the midwife’s arms. your eyes noticed the lower half of the baby’s body. She was correct. 
For a second, your heart stopped. The world stopped. 
There was a slight silence in the room. It wasn’t like the eruptious joy that would have followed had it been the opposite.
The baby still cried heartily. They swaddled her- not the long-awaited him, her. For that was what the baby that was your constant companion inside you for months was. Not the long-awaited male heir for the Lancaster line. No- a daughter. And what is a daughter, but a disappointment?
In those seconds, your mind reeled. Your belly was empty now for the first time in over a year. You had disappointed the nation- there would be no heir to the Lancaster throne. Not yet. You had let down the court. Mothering a son brought special respect and privilege.
And, most of all, worst of all, you let down Henry. The one person you loved most of all. And that hurt the worst. 
The baby wailed. A high, piercing, harsh cry. Ladies in waiting gathered around and fussed. The midwife cleared out the mucus and fluids covering the newborn. Still, the crying rang through the room like harsh bells.
You wondered briefly if it would have been better if you didn’t recover and died from this than face the humiliation.
Wrapping some swaddling over the crying newborn, they handed her over to you.
“Here, hold her, your majesty. She seems a healthy, beautiful little girl,” the midwife announced.
The tiny, wrinkled babe at first didn’t seem beautiful. 
Then the bundle was placed in your arms and the baby stopped crying at once.
You looked down at her.
Something inside you broke.
She was….small. So small for your great pain. Her tiny face, the tiniest little hands, and hte tiniest head. She was fragile. Could you remember when you were brought to court to marry the king? You were just as fragile, as naive, as alone without protection- who knows what would have happened if Henry had been so gentle and patient with you, if you hadn’t grown to fall in love with him and he with you.
She nestled to you, her crying ceasing. Clinging to you. She didn’t know so many things…but she knew you were her mother.
And she trusted you to protect her. 
A new feeling burst on you. You were not afraid of facing humiliation from the men of court…you were afraid of failing her. She reached a hand and began to coo. Making tiny little noises like that of a mouse. You held up your hand and she held onto your finger- settling close to you. 
“Hello, my dear…hello…” you murmured. The pain seemed even more distant. 
Tears came down you again and you felt yourself smile. You loved her. This tiny, beautiful, and unwanted girl.
One lady in waiting reached for you and you barked at them.
“Get away from her! Don’t touch her!” you yelled out, the tears running down your face, your breasts heavy with milk that was not going to be used, and the hotness in your body flushing to anger. You held the bundle closer to yourself.
You understood the instincts of bears, how they would rip men into pieces if they dared tread near the den of their cubs. If anyone- anyone- haughty courtiers that were so stuck in their ways that they had nothing better to do with their time other than harm an innocent child- incapable of fighting, of proper speech, of defending herself- you would have murdered them. And you would have enjoyed it.
She cried only a little, startled by your voice. You rocked her and shushed her, kissing her forehead. 
“Hello, hello- I’m your mother, don’t be frightened, my dear, I’ve waited a while to meet you, shhhh. Mother is here, you’ll be safe. I’m sorry I surprised you, shhh,” you whispered.
The midwife approached you cautiously.
“Your majesty…the baby must be cleaned further. Do not worry- she will be safe…” she assured you. And your good sense one- for the midwife had delivered hundreds of babes and you knew the girl was in good hands.
You looked down again at your baby, still somewhat patched and bloody. For that, you handed her over.
Henry was tending to his stallion in the stables. The white one was his personal favorite. He often enjoyed being the one to hand the horse hay and feel it nibble form his hand. His attendants just beside him to see to anything, wanting to do anything to distract their lord and sovereign as he anxiously awaited news of his beloved wife.
 A lady in waiting arrived inside and their heads turned like deer. She took a few steps forward and curtsied low. Henry gestured for her to rise.
“How is the queen? It was early morn when the birthing began. Tell me- Does she live?” he asked anxiously.
“Her majesty lives. She is delivered of a…a princess,” reported the lady.
There was a slight silence. A greyness washed over the faces of the lords. Frowns remained on their faces, but their eyes were kept on Henry.
Henry took a moment. He was still, his face unreadable. He then replied.
“The babe is fine?” 
“Yes, the babe is fine, born healthy,” she answered.
He broke into a relieved half laugh and smile.
“May- may I see my them?” he asked.
The lady nodded. “Yes, the midwife said you may.”
Henry gave the lady a nod.
“We most heartily accept these joyous tidings, sweet lady. I shall see her anon,” he said.
At once, he broke into a jaunty walk. He burst from the stables, and up the stone steps, through the hallways into his wife’s chambers. He was far faster than some of the stuffier, older lords could keep up with They had a hand on their heads for their hats and puffed as their legs attempted to keep up with their lord.
 Confinement seemed like his sweet angel was torn from him to another world and not another part of the castle. But he bounced up the steps. The sweet temptation to burst through those doors for weeks was finally relieved. 
He at once raised a knuckle and knocked on the doors. There were feminine gasps and murmurs on the other side. 
And another sound, something light, a little voice- that of a baby. And his heart picked up.
There were no servants or lords, so he announced.
“It is his majesty, the king of England.”
One lady opened and they all bowed low. Even the few ladies in the corner trying to get rid of sheets full of blood discreetly. But Henry was a man who had seen battles and once killed the famed Hotspur himself- what was more blood to him?
You laid in your bed, holding the little babe. Your heart racing hard, fighting not to break and cry and yet you found yourself smiling at him. His curls swept back from the wind of his rush and his blue eyes wide as he saw you. 
He came forward and knelt next to the bed in a few short strides. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
“How is my lady?” he asked.
“I’m…I’m fine,” you replied in a choking voice. Glad to see him again, glad you were alive to experience all this.
You looked down at the swaddled child.
“Here is…here is your daughter, my lord…” you presented.
You waited for the stormy look on his face, hoping your smile would relieve it.  But Henry the Fifth merely loosened his shoulders. His jaw dropped then broke into a smile as he saw her.
“May I hold her?” he asked.
You brought her into his arms. She seemed ot know her father, for she settled easily. He rocked her, and kissed her forehead. Happiness beaming everywhere on his face. 
“Mary…that is what we agreed, my lady, if it was a girl…would you still like that to be her name?” he said sofly.
You nodded.
He looked around the crowd. The lord and attendants finally arrived inside, staring with wide eyes.
“Today is a special day- for we celebrate the birth of the Princess Mary. Named in memory of my mother. And we are all going to celebrate. I would like there to be a joust and a feast as well when she is christened, all for the safe arrival of Her Highness, the Princess of Wales- And please note, I want a portrait of the joust commissioned-”
Henry looked back at you sitting up on the bed.
“I want my queen in the center, on a seat- beautiful as she is and shining bright, as a testament of my love for her…”
Folding your hands, you smiled back up at him. Exhaustion and love warming your insides. Joy seeping through to where you thought you would float.
“And I ask for a second portrait be of all of us- for we are now the royal family,” Henry finished.
The courtiers nodded solemnly with plenty of “yes, my lord” repeating from their lips. For none would dare cross the king.
They departed, leaving you both alone for the first time in weeks. Mary wiggled a little in her father’s arms. He sat on the bed and smiled at you. You laid a hand on his arm.
“Harry, all of this fuss! Should you save such grand celebrations for when we have a son?” you asked.
“No, sweetling. Our child is born alive and healthy- and with her in my arms, I’m too overjoyed, that her sex does not matter right now,” he responded.
“But…your heir!” you cried.
He smiled and his eyes lowered to his baby.
“ I have three brothers. There’s more than enough heirs. There’s no need to panic…”
He leaned close.
“And with my lovely wife naked in my bed again… once she is better…how can I resist a night where we can create another beautiful child? Wouldn’t our little Mary be happy having a brother to play with and tease and scold over?”
You playfully shook your head with laughter and swatted his arm lightly.
“My lord, you are unappeasable!” you teased.
“And I have missed you too, my lady,” he replied.
Both of you kissed as May began to cry again.
How incredible a nursery they had built for her. The rockers- two people set up to stay awake all night to rock the baby to sleep- curtsied low. It seemed that despite the disappointment, they were charmed with the sweet little baby. Her little noises that cackled about. Her adorable squeaks that made won people over. How you loved to call her “my little mouse!” when you visited to hold and rock her. For Mary would always nestle and wish to be held. She had no thoughts of being a great Princess of the Sacred Isle yet. She was an infant who only wanted to be cared for and loved.
The joust came and went. The artists got right to work for their commissions. The christening was a holiday throughout the nation. Bells rang as the Bishop blessed Mary in the church with all the nation watching. 
At the feast afterward, many gathered around to glimpse at their new princess, cloaks and hats and long skirts crowding around the official cradle made for state events. It was decorated with the arms of the Lancaster house. Plush red fabrics draped the inside- the colors considered traditional for her father. It measured seven and a half feet long and two and a half feet wide. The guests invited could look at the infant from a safe distance. You couldn’t help but awe at the creation-  all for one tiny baby inside! How small she looked compared to the great size of the thing! They must have thought her a giant child, not a human one!
There was no better, no more doting father than Henry the Fifth. It seemed that the only concern about a male heir came from his courtiers. And their protests and reminders fell deaf on his majesty’s ears. Even in public events where she was placed in the state cradle, Henry would stay to stand guard near it. He was not too much of a man that he was beneath wishing to hold her. He would bend up and use one arm to hold her crimson swaddling. 
“I am the Father of the Nation. Of my subjects, as much as she.” he would declare, one hand up to gently touch his little daughter.
How often you stayed in that nursery, amazed at her. The nursemaids tell you everything about what a baby did and why they did it. For even if she was not yours to raise, your curiosity would get to you- and how much every day she would grow and change! Just a month later and she was big enough you wondered how she got out of you!
One night later at dinner, Henry wished to have her cradle nearby so you could eat with her. Little Mary let out a hearty cry out of nowhere.
You jumped- for it was loud and sharp. She did not wail often in her father’s presence.  But Henry merely tilted his head.
“Now, what is the matter, lambkin?” he asked the baby.
She continued to cry. He picked her up. A hand over her head and her bum, placing her on his arm.
“What troubles you so, Fair little chuck-hm? Would you like a kiss from your father? Would it cheer you?”
He gave her a kiss on her warm cheek. She calmed down a little. Then she began to cry again. Your husband shot up his eyebrows in confusion. But you listened carefully to the quality of the sound of her wailing- this one was low-pitched, repeating its rhythms.
“My lord, the nurses tell me that kind of cry means she is hungry.”
With a smile on your face, you asked a servant to send for the wet nurse. Henry only widened his eyes in awe. 
“Well, my lady, tell me…what have you learned from them about the crying of babes?” he asked in curiosity. 
One day- after certain parliament sessions, you returned to the nursery. You heard her crying again- the sort she did when fussing. For you only wished to…to be with her, see her- for her childhood to be as good a one as you could afford for her.
Once inside, you saw one maid trying to ring her rattle. The other maid held her up to see it. But it was doing no good for little Mary who kept crying.
You walked inside and the little girl paused. She began to smile and kick her feet, her crying ceasing. She was even reaching two chubby arms towards you. 
How could you have hated that she wasn’t a son when she was born? What were you even thinking with such joy and such love this little girl had for you?
Reaching over, you brought her up.
“Hello, my lovely girl, how are you?” you asked. You brought her up to yourself.
 Smelling how well they bathed her. How she was indeed a sweet girl who only wished to be held and loved! You kissed her forehead.
The maids smiled.
“She does that when she misses you,” one reported.
But you never forgot the day you heard her laugh for the first time. It was the fourth month after the birth. Returning inside after strolling the gardens with the ladies, his majesty not being present. You assumed he was discussing something with the Prussian ambassador or shooting his arrows. You passed by the hallway with the nursery. You heard a small sound. Like the tinkling of bells-
It was Mary- her first laugh- you felt a gasp. And another followed- a masculine one right after- a certain laugh you knew like your hand.
Could it be… was it…?
Curiosity overcame you and you opened the door, Henry was sitting on the floor, holding her up above him and she was laughing, clapping her chubby hands. He laughed too.
You burst with love and put a hand over your mouth. The servants watching were flabbergasted. Seeing the sovereign himself playing with her, lifting her in the air and moving her about as she wriggled. You walked in and Henry still held her and leaned up.
“I believe you are enjoying yourself, my lord?” you asked.
“Mary loves it when her father makes her fly like a bird, I discovered,” he said. “You should have seen her with the ambassador's son. So used is she to men with beards, that when the shaven youth stepped forward, she stared at him like a wonder of the world!” he recalled. “Oh, and the little dear is rolling over. She can roll over to one side, but cannot roll back. And when she does, she can only cry in frustration!” he reported excitedly.
You grinned and kissed his cheek. Both of you admiring the new gown on the princess. When there was money left over in the budget, Henry would find ways to spoil her with toys and dresses. 
Months passed. You and Henry waited until the time was right, when you were ready for his bed, for acts that would put his seed inside you... But…you were having trouble conceiving again.
You took advice from the physician, recalling every embarrassing martial act out loud to the old man. You devoured certain herbs prescribed to you like a rabbit. Even mixing them into drinks when you could.
Yet…your courses returned as normal.
But you began to wonder…perhaps Mary was the only child you would have. And part of you mourned. Wishing for the large, happy family you both whispered to each other at night early on in your marriage. Secretly envious of women who boasted of their broods so easily conceived. 
One evening, you sat by the fire with your husband and child after dinner. Mary was asleep in the cradle in your private room. You rocked it gently, hoping she would stay asleep when the servants would come to fetch her to her nursery. Already she was big and big, more fussy from the teeth she grew.
Henry walked by you and placed an arm around you.
“What ails you, darling?” he asked.
You looked up at him.
“I am just worried, Harry… if…what if…what if she is the only one I will have…” you mourned.
 Henry looked into it and said. “I think it would be wise if Mary was made my heir.”
You blinked, your jaw dropped.
“What- but husband-I have not a problem with it, but others will! But the parliament, the lords…they will refuse. They will hate her…even hurt her!” you replied.
He remained still, resolute. But his voice was soft. 
“I am their king. My word is law and final. The lords, no matter what they think, must follow as I say…and if she is the one of my line, she is the one of my line…Mary will be queen. A good queen. A queen who will lead England to prosperity.”
The fire cracked more. Both of you looked at the peaceful, sleeping baby. So lovingly tucked into her soft nightdress and snuggled into blankets.
“She can barely talk yet.”
He smiled.
“She has your blood. And if that is the case, then there is no one I trust more than her…”
There was a grand announcement. Shock ran like a storm through the country. Though yes, the lords all complained and bemoaned a female heir, Henry made sure the ceremony was grand. It didn’t matter if they liked it or not, England had its heir. 
There was a grand ceremony. The stony throne room decorated with grand emblems. A crowd gathered as you and Henry dressed in red velvets. Though she was getting a little heavier, you still held her high. Your face raised as every icon of another Mary with Her Child, and just as dignified, perhaps as important.
“I now announce her grace, The Princess Mary of Wales, is the heir to the throne. She shall succeed me- and all of you must honor my wife, Her Majesty, as the mother to your next ruler and honor her highness as the queen to follow,” Henry announced, his beard neatly trimmed and his golden crown beaming on his head.
“Her majesty-Princess Mary. And one day, Queen Mary of England. Long live the queen!” he declared.
“Long live the queen.” the crowd repeated.
It was the day the artist said he would show the works he painted. The small, dark-haired, bearded man went up to the first one, covered in a cloth. He pulled it off with a flourish as all took it in.
The first in the joust showed you sitting on your throne as Henry rode his white stallion to defeat his opponent. You seemed to be glowing. In bright colors that shone when light caught it. Placed in the center where all would see, decorated and beautiful.
The artist went to a second painting covered in a cloth. He removed it.
There stood the three of you standing in the church in bright,  The child in your arms and Henry by your side. The three of you appeared just as grand, even Immortal. 
You had not failed your husband. You had not failed the nation. You had provided an heir after all. And all would be well.
You looked over little Mary, leaning close to press a kiss to her temple and whisper to her.
“Long may you reign, my little dove.”
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edmundtudor · 1 year
Below the cut I have made a list of each English and British monarch, the age of their mothers at their births, and which number pregnancy they were the result of. Particularly before the early modern era, the perception of Queens and childbearing is quite skewed, which prompted me to make this list. I started with William I as the Anglo-Saxon kings didn’t have enough information for this list.
House of Normandy
William I (b. c.1028)
Son of Herleva (b. c.1003)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 25 at birth.
William II (b. c.1057/60)
Son of Matilda of Flanders (b. c.1031)
Third pregnancy at minimum, although exact birth order is unclear.
Approx age 26/29 at birth.
Henry I (b. c.1068)
Son of Matilda of Flanders (b. c.1031)
Fourth pregnancy at minimum, more likely eighth or ninth, although exact birth order is unclear.
Approx age 37 at birth.
Matilda (b. 7 Feb 1102)
Daughter of Matilda of Scotland (b. c.1080)
First pregnancy, possibly second.
Approx age 22 at birth.
Stephen (b. c.1092/6)
Son of Adela of Normandy (b. c.1067)
Fifth pregnancy, although exact birth order is uncertain.
Approx age 25/29 at birth.
Henry II (b. 5 Mar 1133)
Son of Empress Matilda (b. 7 Feb 1102)
First pregnancy.
Age 31 at birth.
Richard I (b. 8 Sep 1157)
Son of Eleanor of Aquitaine (b. c.1122)
Sixth pregnancy.
Approx age 35 at birth.
John (b. 24 Dec 1166)
Son of Eleanor of Aquitaine (b. c.1122)
Tenth pregnancy.
Approx age 44 at birth.
House of Plantagenet
Henry III (b. 1 Oct 1207)
Son of Isabella of Angoulême (b. c.1186/88)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 19/21 at birth.
Edward I (b. 17 Jun 1239)
Son of Eleanor of Provence (b. c.1223)
First pregnancy.
Age approx 16 at birth.
Edward II (b. 25 Apr 1284)
Son of Eleanor of Castile (b. c.1241)
Sixteenth pregnancy.
Approx age 43 at birth.
Edward III (b. 13 Nov 1312)
Son of Isabella of France (b. c.1295)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 17 at birth.
Richard II (b. 6 Jan 1367)
Son of Joan of Kent (b. 29 Sep 1326/7)
Seventh pregnancy.
Approx age 39/40 at birth.
House of Lancaster
Henry IV (b. c.Apr 1367)
Son of Blanche of Lancaster (b. 25 Mar 1342)
Sixth pregnancy.
Approx age 25 at birth.
Henry V (b. 16 Sep 1386)
Son of Mary de Bohun (b. c.1369/70)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 16/17 at birth.
Henry VI (b. 6 Dec 1421)
Son of Catherine of Valois (b. 27 Oct 1401)
First pregnancy.
Age 20 at birth.
House of York
Edward IV (b. 28 Apr 1442)
Son of Cecily Neville (b. 3 May 1415)
Third pregnancy.
Age 26 at birth.
Edward V (b. 2 Nov 1470)
Son of Elizabeth Woodville (b. c.1437)
Sixth pregnancy.
Approx age 33 at birth.
Richard III (b. 2 Oct 1452)
Son of Cecily Neville (b. 3 May 1415)
Eleventh pregnancy.
Age 37 at birth.
House of Tudor
Henry VII (b. 28 Jan 1457)
Son of Margaret Beaufort (b. 31 May 1443)
First pregnancy.
Age 13 at birth.
Henry VIII (b. 28 Jun 1491)
Son of Elizabeth of York (b. 11 Feb 1466)
Third pregnancy.
Age 25 at birth.
Edward VI (b. 12 Oct 1537)
Son of Jane Seymour (b. c.1509)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 28 at birth.
Jane (b. c.1537)
Daughter of Frances Brandon (b. 16 Jul 1517)
Third pregnancy.
Approx age 20 at birth.
Mary I (b. 18 Feb 1516)
Daughter of Catherine of Aragon (b. 16 Dec 1485)
Fifth pregnancy.
Age 30 at birth.
Elizabeth I (b. 7 Sep 1533)
Daughter of Anne Boleyn (b. c.1501/7)
First pregnancy.
Approx age 26/32 at birth.
House of Stuart
James I (b. 19 Jun 1566)
Son of Mary I of Scotland (b. 8 Dec 1542)
First pregnancy.
Age 23 at birth.
Charles I (b. 19 Nov 1600)
Son of Anne of Denmark (b. 12 Dec 1574)
Fifth pregnancy.
Age 25 at birth.
Charles II (b. 29 May 1630)
Son of Henrietta Maria of France (b. 25 Nov 1609)
Second pregnancy.
Age 20 at birth.
James II (14 Oct 1633)
Son of Henrietta Maria of France (b. 25 Nov 1609)
Fourth pregnancy.
Age 23 at birth.
William III (b. 4 Nov 1650)
Son of Mary, Princess Royal (b. 4 Nov 1631)
Second pregnancy.
Age 19 at birth.
Mary II (b. 30 Apr 1662)
Daughter of Anne Hyde (b. 12 Mar 1637)
Second pregnancy.
Age 25 at birth.
Anne (b. 6 Feb 1665)
Daughter of Anne Hyde (b. 12 Mar 1637)
Fourth pregnancy.
Age 27 at birth.
House of Hanover
George I (b. 28 May 1660)
Son of Sophia of the Palatinate (b. 14 Oct 1630)
First pregnancy.
Age 30 at birth.
George II (b. 9 Nov 1683)
Son of Sophia Dorothea of Celle (b. 15 Sep 1666)
First pregnancy.
Age 17 at birth.
George III (b. 4 Jun 1738)
Son of Augusta of Saxe-Gotha (b. 30 Nov 1719)
Second pregnancy.
Age 18 at birth.
George IV (b. 12 Aug 1762)
Son of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (b. 19 May 1744)
First pregnancy.
Age 18 at birth.
William IV (b. 21 Aug 1765)
Son of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (b. 19 May 1744)
Third pregnancy.
Age 21 at birth.
Victoria (b. 24 May 1819)
Daughter of Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafield (b. 17 Aug 1786)
Third pregnancy.
Age 32 at birth.
Edward VII (b. 9 Nov 1841)
Daughter of Victoria of the United Kingdom (b. 24 May 1819)
Second pregnancy.
Age 22 at birth.
House of Windsor
George V (b. 3 Jun 1865)
Son of Alexandra of Denmark (b. 1 Dec 1844)
Second pregnancy.
Age 20 at birth.
Edward VIII (b. 23 Jun 1894)
Son of Mary of Teck (b. 26 May 1867)
First pregnancy.
Age 27 at birth.
George VI (b. 14 Dec 1895)
Son of Mary of Teck (b. 26 May 1867)
Second pregnancy.
Age 28 at birth.
Elizabeth II (b. 21 Apr 1926)
Daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (b. 4 Aug 1900)
First pregnancy.
Age 25 at birth.
Charles III (b. 14 Nov 1948)
Son of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (b. 21 Apr 1926)
First pregnancy.
Age 22 at birth.
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palecleverdoll · 1 year
Ages of English Queens at First Marriage
I have only included women whose birth dates and dates of marriage are known within at least 1-2 years, therefore, this is not a comprehensive list. For this reason, women such as Philippa of Hainault and Anne Boleyn have been omitted.
This list is composed of Queens of England when it was a sovereign state, prior to the Acts of Union in 1707. Using the youngest possible age for each woman, the average age at first marriage was 17.
Eadgifu (Edgiva/Ediva) of Kent, third and final wife of Edward the Elder: age 17 when she married in 919 CE
Ælfthryth (Alfrida/Elfrida), second wife of Edgar the Peaceful: age 19/20 when she married in 964/965 CE
Emma of Normandy, second wife of Æthelred the Unready: age 18 when she married in 1002 CE
Ælfgifu of Northampton, first wife of Cnut the Great: age 23/24 when she married in 1013/1014 CE
Edith of Wessex, wife of Edward the Confessor: age 20 when she married in 1045 CE
Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror: age 20/21 when she married in 1031/1032 CE
Matilda of Scotland, first wife of Henry I: age 20 when she married in 1100 CE
Adeliza of Louvain, second wife of Henry I: age 18 when she married in 1121 CE
Matilda of Boulogne, wife of Stephen: age 20 when she married in 1125 CE
Empress Matilda, wife of Henry V, HRE, and later Geoffrey V of Anjou: age 12 when she married Henry in 1114 CE
Eleanor of Aquitaine, first wife of Louis VII of France and later Henry II of England: age 15 when she married Louis in 1137 CE
Isabella of Gloucester, first wife of John Lackland: age 15/16 when she married John in 1189 CE
Isabella of Angoulême, second wife of John Lackland: between the ages of 12-14 when she married John in 1200 CE
Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III: age 13 when she married Henry in 1236 CE
Eleanor of Castile, first wife of Edward I: age 13 when she married Edward in 1254 CE
Margaret of France, second wife of Edward I: age 20 when she married Edward in 1299 CE
Isabella of France, wife of Edward II: age 13 when she married Edward in 1308 CE
Anne of Bohemia, first wife of Richard II: age 16 when she married Richard in 1382 CE
Isabella of Valois, second wife of Richard II: age 6 when she married Richard in 1396 CE
Joanna of Navarre, wife of John IV of Brittany, second wife of Henry IV: age 18 when she married John in 1386 CE
Catherine of Valois, wife of Henry V: age 19 when she married Henry in 1420 CE
Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI: age 15 when she married Henry in 1445 CE
Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Sir John Grey and later Edward IV: age 15 when she married John in 1452 CE
Anne Neville, wife of Edward of Lancaster and later Richard III: age 14 when she married Edward in 1470 CE
Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII: age 20 when she married Henry in 1486 CE
Catherine of Aragon, wife of Arthur Tudor and later Henry VIII: age 15 when she married Arthur in 1501 CE
Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII: age 24 when she married Henry in 1536 CE
Anne of Cleves, fourth wife of Henry VIII: age 25 when she married Henry in 1540 CE
Catherine Howard, fifth wife of Henry VIII: age 17 when she married Henry in 1540 CE
Jane Grey, wife of Guildford Dudley: age 16/17 when she married Guildford in 1553 CE
Mary I, wife of Philip II of Spain: age 38 when she married Philip in 1554 CE
Anne of Denmark, wife of James VI & I: age 15 when she married James in 1589 CE
Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I: age 16 when she married Charles in 1625 CE
Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II: age 24 when she married Charles in 1662 CE
Anne Hyde, first wife of James II & VII: age 23 when she married James in 1660 CE
Mary of Modena, second wife of James II & VII: age 15 when she married James in 1673 CE
Mary II of England, wife of William III: age 15 when she married William in 1677 CE
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jgroffdaily · 4 months
Mendez’s wedding, however, was not Groff’s first time officiating but his fifth. “Moments like this at award shows where you get to speak and congregate and honor something, they feel very loaded and very important, and to be officiating, Lindsay’s wedding as she’s embarking on this journey with her husband and Dan [Radcliffe] there as the ring bearer within this moment of ‘Merrily’ [We Roll Along] really was so special,” Groff says.
Jonathan Groff says he cried in the car on the way on his way to the ceremony while practicing his speech to accept the Distinguished Achievement in Musical Theater honor at the 90th Annual Drama League Awards. Groff’s first time at the award show was 17 years ago when he was recognized for his role as Melchior Gabor in “Spring Awakening.” All these years later, he’s being celebrated for his career-long work in theater and his current role as Franklin Shepard in “Merrily We Roll Along.”
“Musical theater was like oxygen for me as a teenager, growing up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a conservative community,” Groff says. “Positive, musical theater was my outlet and my passion, and so 20 years after moving to New York, to be here in this community celebrating together and to be on a show like ‘Merrily We Roll Along’ that’s all about dreams and reflecting is incredibly meaningful.”
Groff also says he “hopes” to reunite with his “Spring Awakening” co-star and best friend, Lea Michele on Broadway. “We don’t have anything right now, but I’m always looking.”
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educationalporpoises · 9 months
Before the Fall of Rome
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Merry Christmas @blood-mocha-latte from your Secret Santa! (me) Hope you enjoy this fic, and your moodboards totally gave me the bug so I made one to go with this fic too :)) Rie, I had a blast writing this fic for you <33 Also here on AO3 Before the Fall of Rome, Luztoye, 2.2k, M June, 1949. There's a reunion on the fifth anniversary of D-Day. George and Joe meet again for the first time since Bastogne.
June, 1949
George was outside smoking, leaning up against a plaster column in the shade. He was on his second cigarette when a busted cream-colored Willys pulled up in front of the hotel and Babe Heffron got out of the front seat, opening the door for a lady in the passenger seat. The lady in turn pulled open the back door and held out an inconspicuous arm for Bill Guarnere to pull himself up to standing. On the other side, Babe did the same with Joe Toye. George recognized him, but the set of his shoulders, the way he carried himself, had changed from the man George had jumped with. 
Joe had a suitcase in one hand, a cane in the other, and walked purposefully towards the entrance to the hotel. George flicked the butt of his cigarette into the gravel drive and stepped into line with him, passing by the doorman holding the big door to the hotel.
“Hey Joe.” 
Joe grunted.
“Ballroom’s down to the right. We’re all staying on the second floor mostly, and there’s an elevator back here,” George said, trotting alongside Joe. At the elevator Joe set down his suitcase and waited for Babe and the Guarneres to catch up after checking into the hotel, shifting his weight to one side and smoothing out a crease in his pant leg where it caught above the knee. 
George remembered suddenly that this was the first time he’d seen Joe since Belgium, since the snow and the blood and as his throat tightened he smiled, wide, and said “I’d probably get you lost trying to find the room.” 
He left Joe standing in the hallway with his shoulders slumped and his mouth a thin line and went to help set up the ballroom. It was still mostly empty, only the guys that organized the reunion had arrived. George was only there because he’d caught a ride with Winters, who was chronically early and terminally helpful.
Winters was different in civilian clothing, his hair just beyond regulation length, his shoulders and his smile looser. George had stopped by his house in Nixon, New Jersey, a hulking, empty brownstone with a shiny Cadillac parked in the garage. Nixon (the man) had driven in from the city and cooked them dinner both nights, pouring George and himself liberal glasses of vintage wines and retelling the same stories of his childhood they’d all heard through Toccoa and the war. He’d fallen asleep in the back of the Cadillac as Winters drove them to Pennsylvania and told George about the different farms they passed by. 
“We’ve heard enough about cows, Dick,” Nix said blearily from the backseat, “Luz, what are you doing next?” 
“I liked hearing about the cows, sir,” George deflected. He’d told them about the last four years, taking care of his little siblings and the seasonal jobs around town he’d been picking up. But Nix had his number and knew George had no idea for his future. “I was thinking once Molly is in school I’d look into one of those job programs they have for soldiers. Learn a trade.” 
“Trade work is good, Luz. You know, I put myself through college wiring telephone poles. I must have wired half of Lancaster County by the end of it,” Winters said. He glanced in the rearview mirror at Nixon, and George watched his face twist briefly before he looked back at the road. 
In the ballroom Winters was directing Popeye and Tab in putting up a banner that read “506th PIR E Company” in a big red script, with “Currahee” underneath. Nixon was standing by a big table of food, some of it catered by the hotel, some of it brought by the wives and fiances of the men that had arrived. Nixon had made lemon icebox cookies the day before they left. 
“Luz!” Someone behind him called out as George tried to filch a cookie from under Nixon’s nose. He turned around, wiping powdered sugar on his pants, and saw Lipton, smiling around his scar.
“And, well, we’re not telling people yet but Angie is expecting,” Lip said in an undertone, after he’d filled George in on the weeks since their last letter. 
“Well tell her Uncle George is always available for babysitting. Lord knows your rugrats will be easier than the little Luzes.” 
“Everyone’s easier to manage than Luz kids. That’s why they keep you around at home,” Lip joked, “You keep them out of trouble and they keep you busy enough you can’t get into trouble either.” 
Lip made him promise to visit the boarding house before Angie gave birth, “Or we won’t have time to see you until the baby is in school,” and they made tenuous plans for the fall, before Lip went to talk to the other officers. 
George chatted with Popeye and Moore when he arrived, and pulled Johnny Martin into a hug when he arrived. The light grew into sunset, and eventually Nixon officially opened the bar, everyone yelling over each other which drinks they wanted. 
George had an Old Fashioned, in honor of the man himself, and another for confidence. By the time he was teetering between tipsy and drunk the sun had turned mellow and the room was hazy and dim. Men were dancing with their wives while others sat around talking. Winters made a brief statement standing on a chair, a glass of punch (miraculously no one spiked it) in his hand. 
“I was proud to lead you into battle five years ago and I am proud of all that you have accomplished in civilian life, and the futures you have earned. Currahee!” he said, and they all cheered, and afterwards all the men had toasted each other until George was pushed up on the chair and wished them all luck in their lives after the war in Sobel’s marching cadence bellow. He’d done Sink and Dike and a big German caricature, and then mimicked a couple of movie stars, yelling orders or repeating old jokes from the war, before he was let down from the chair and handed another drink. 
He watched Babe Heffron talking to Martin and his wife, a shadow hulking behind him. George went up to the shadow and tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Luz, can’t you see I’m in the middle of a conversation,” Joe grumbled, following George to an empty table.
“You hadn’t said anything in five minutes.” “You were paying attention?” Joe asked, his eyebrow quirked. 
“I just couldn’t see Martin with you in the way, wanted to get another look at his behind,” he said, and Joe smiled, a little. He tilted his head down when he did, as though it was a secret. 
He wasn’t sure how to approach the years of silence between them, but Joe cut through the awkwardness and asked, “So how many little siblings did you come home to?” and George got to tell him about Molly, who was three now, and his nieces and nephew, and being there to see baby Robbie walk for the first time. 
“You could’ve seen me walk for the first time too,” Joe said, the first time either of them made reference to the war, “Babe was there. He was trying not to laugh the whole time. Don’t know how he and Bill are friends, they never stop fighting.” 
“Philly’s still the same, then?” 
“Guess so. When I left the hospital I tried to go back to the mines, but I couldn’t stand long enough. They tried to give me a paperwork job but I don’t have a head for numbers,” Joe said, his shoulders up by his ears again. It was unspoken in the company that not all the boys could read as well as each other– Bull Randleman was the smartest man in the company, but he would dictate letters home to Martin. Joe had left school at twelve. George’s ma had made all of them finish high school, and he was glad for that now. 
“I’m um, I’m back in the city now. Taking some classes at the college. Bill’s wife helped me set it up, it’s free for GIs.” 
“That’s good, Joe, real good,” George tried to hide his surprise, “What are you learning about?” 
Joe spoke further into his beer, “History. When I got back I realized… We were part of something big. They’ll teach about us in school one day. I want it to be right.” 
George imagined Joe sitting in a lecture hall, arguing with the professor. 
“History is long. What’s the best part of it so far?” 
“We read a book about Roman generals. They led these campaigns across the continent– they wouldn’t’ve needed paratroopers. The soldiers just marched,” Joe looked up, “This one fella, well, I guess he was an opposing general, he marched his elephants over the Alps.” 
Joe’s laughter was low but bright, and George indulged another sip of his Old Fashioned, lest he think something untoward about his old friend. 
“Sergeant Toye, you will brush that elephant until he shines. Do you expect to go to war with dusty tusks?” George affected in Sobel’s voice, attracting the other men towards their table. 
Before Bill Guarnere and his wife (Frances, George reminded himself) went to bed he came over to shake hands with Joe and say goodnight. Joe took a minute for quiet words between them, while Frances politely invited George to visit them in Philly next time he was in the area. He got a sense that if she learned he’d been in Pennsylvania without gracing the Guarnere household he’d have a riot on his hands, and promised to call on them when he could. 
“G’night Toye, Luz,” Bill said, and took his wife’s arm as they went back towards the rooms. George looked away, and caught Nixon and Winters in the corner of his eye, standing close together. Nixon had his arm wrapped around Winters’ shoulders, and for a moment his hand cupped the back of his neck, thumb brushing the divot between his skull and spine. So it was like that, George thought, and wondered why an invite into their house had been so readily given. Nixon was not a cautious man, but he guarded the things he regarded as his– dogs, peaches, wine cellars. 
Joe caught him watching the officers, and he turned back to their conversation. 
“I hadn’t planned to come,” Joe said, “I haven’t talked to any of them since Bill and I were in the hospital together. But Babe showed up with Bill and Fran and they would’ve left me alone, but… My brothers weren’t in the war.” George nodded, Joe had told them about the various illness or necessary labor jobs that had protected the other Toyes. 
“I was lonely, I think. So when Babe showed up I went with him,” He said, and sat back, done with his piece. 
George said, before his brain could catch up with him, “Would you come with me now, if I asked?” 
Joe nodded, and pushed himself up from the chair. 
The prosthetic was easier to get off than he expected. Two buckles across his thigh, a snap connecting the harness to the wood, and Joe Toye was naked as the day he was born spread out across the floral pattern of George’s hotel bed. 
George liked to tease, liked to talk and bite and argue, and he hoped they would have time for that, in the bright, impenetrable future they now had, in this time after the war. But Joe was a simple man to please, and the noises he made when George put his mouth on his cock were almost as good as his growl when George teased him to a point of rage. And George liked it pretty fucking well when he let himself draw the blowjob out a little long, until Joe pushed down on the back of his head and said, “Suck.” 
Without speaking Joe curled himself behind George to sleep, his arm resting across George’s stomach. 
“Goodnight, Joe,” George said. Joe grunted. 
The next morning, after breakfast, George got back in Winter’s Cadillac, and went back East for the summer, waiting until Molly went to school and cleaning fish guts off his denim coveralls. He would receive letters in Joe’s stout, blocky handwriting, words scribbled out until everything was spelled correctly. In the fall he left again, and Joe Toye would pick him up at the train station. He would apologize for not having a car, and with his balance on the prosthetic he couldn’t take a bag from George either, but they walked together to the narrow apartment they would share until Joe got his teacher’s license. 
George would work for one of Joe’s cousins (he would come to learn there were always more cousins) in the back of an autobody shop, mopping floors and sweeping up the screws and bolts scattered around. Joe taught history, and at night he would read to George from the books he consumed rapidly, and George would tell him they were Achilles and Patroclus, even with Joe’s Achilles Heel and all. 
After the war, they continued.
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pagingharu · 2 months
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Name: Edmund Lancaster
Age: 23
Height: 6’0”
Main Theme Song: 360 by Charli XCX
Occupation: Banished Prince of Lancaster Kingdom and Dragon Rider
Bio: As the tenth son in line for the crown, he rarely ever gains attention and affection from his parents. It doesn’t help that his relationship with his siblings are mostly out of competitiveness for the crown. Though Edmund was close with his youngest sibling, often doting on him and protecting him from the others.
It wasn’t until the fifth sibling placed the youngest’s life in danger that Edmund reacted with the same energy, resulting in the said older sister’s death. As punishment, his parents banished him to a faraway smaller and abandoned palace, close enough to the vikings. Leaving his most trusted knight with his youngest sibling, Edmund left without looking back.
Personality: unforgiving like it’s hard to earn his forgiveness or favor even, unyielding as he won’t be easily swayed by others and knows how to stand his ground, insensitive to the point of being cold, energetic, confident but borderline arrogant, charismatic, stubborn, goal-oriented, impatient
A.K.A. Edmund very much likes being “it’s my way or the highway” as a spoiled brat
Dragons: He’s very fascinated with dragons as opposed to his family who only wanted to hunt them down. While his siblings would call him a crazy dragon fanatic for the notes flooding his room, he wasn’t swayed by them and continued to pursue his interest. Though it never crossed his mind to be a dragon rider until he got one himself.
Deadly Nadder (Aurelia): Edmund found the Deadly Nadder injured nearby his palace. Never having a chance to be so close to a dragon that’s alive, he risked his life to introduce himself to her. The Nadder tried to scare him off, but Edmund was too in awe of her. Next thing he knew, he was ordering his servants to find a doctor and the perfect food for the dragon, scared she’d die.
Edmund started jotting down his observations and studies of the Nadder in his journals, enjoying the whole process. Being scared never once crossed his mind when this was what he’s always wanted to do back when he was stuck with his family. While the dragon kept her distance from him, it became curious when Edmund asked for her name— to which they ended up with Aurelia after going through a list. 
Aurelia eventually grew to trust Edmund with his constant care and delivery of food. Even loving the pampering she gets from the servants. Wanting to repay him, the Nadder urged him to hop on her back for a ride. While Edmund has met the vikings and their dragon riders, he never thought he could be one too. After getting used to it, Edmund rides on Aurelia to visit Gitta on the island rather than taking a whole ship with him.
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deullinique · 1 year
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Paramount Pictures 1987
From left to right - front row - Martha Raye, Dana Andrews, Elizabeth Taylor, Frances Dee, Joel McCrea, Harry Dean Stanton, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Beals, Marlee Matlin, Danny de Vito.
Second row - Olivia de Havilland, Kevin Costner, Cornel Wilde, Don Ameche, Deforest Kelley, Tom Cruise, Charlton Heston, Penny Marshall, Bob Hope, Victor Mature, Elizabeth McGovern, Robert de Niro.
Third row - Andrew McCarthy, Henry Winkler, Anthony Perkins, Robert Stack, Mark Harmon, Faye Dunaway, Buddy Rogers, Gregory Peck, Debra Winger, Timothy Hutton.
Fourth row - Jane Russell, Mike Connors, John Travolta, Janet Leigh, Charles Bronson, Ted Danson, Lou Gossett Jnr, Ryan O’Neal, Rhonda Fleming, Leonard Nimoy.
Fifth row - William Shatner, Peter Graves, Molly Ringwald, Dorothy Lamour, Olivia Newton-John, Cindy Williams, Matthew Broderick, Gene Hackman, Walter Matthau, Robin Williams.
Back row - Ali MacGraw, Burt Lancaster, Scott Baio, Rhea Perlman, Bruce Dern, James Caan, Glenn Ford, Fred MacMurray, Shelley Long, James Stewart.
Photo by Terry O'Neill.
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dead-orbit-llc · 2 months
[Looking through the data packets that are offered to you, you find on on the 'geography' of the local star system.]
Liaos System
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a simple graphic of the system
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The Star of the Liaos System, Brilliance.
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First planet of the Liaos System, Lunidae.
Atmosphereless, barren, dusty. The planet is the smallest of the system and is practically worthless if it wasn't for the material that can be harvested from it and the occasional subterranian station the planet is pockmarked with.
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Second planet of the Liaos System, Regent's Stand.
An inhabited world primarily covered in deep oceans. It has become the site of most of the internal conflicts within the system, being the only world that can be lived in without much difficulty. The planet used to be the military forward base of Remnant, but with the fall of Remnant, it quite frankly has suffered. It was not designed to be self-sufficient.
Recently, would-be warlords and system despots have been vying for what little land can be found on Regent's Stand. Though mechs are rare for these conflicts, they are not unheard of, and they have begun scouring the system's carcass for more mechs, parts, or means of constructing them. Some of the influential warlords have power armor, not quite mechs, but close enough if you've never seen one before. The rest have barely bullet-resistant hard case armor. Officially, the company takes the side of none of these warlords.
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An Urdain footsoldier, one of the more influential of the warlords.
The Aunic presence in the system is concentrated on this planet, an orbitally fabbed fortress church that was then dropped into the ocean of the world, the 'Leadlight Panacea' it has been called.
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Supposedly, the Aunic symbol.
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The asteroid field known as Remnant used to be the third planet of Liaos, it now has the Dead Orbit space station within.
The planet used to be the center of power for the sector, but after a series of cascading NHPs across the entire planet which turned into a series of unshackling NHPs, it has been reduced to this, leaving behind a station that was about to fall into the atmosphere and break apart, and a small rift in space-time.
The asteroid field itself possesses more mass than the planet possessed by over a factor of two hundred, has a shockingly large number of preserved ruins hidden within the dusty ring on some decently sized asteroids, and even occasionally has a breathable atmosphere within a pocket or two.
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Sebastian Brine, Renowned Duster.
There are two people who live within the belt, the first group we call 'Dusters'. They are scavengers who simply are trying to eke out a living. Please try to talk with them before firing on them, they are generally a reasonable sort.
The second group call themselves 'the Voladores'. They are tall (like really tall) and enigmatic. We only deal with one of them, though they do have a large ship that seems to live within the cloudy ring of Remnant. The ship is apparently called 'Bóveda de Cristal', whatever that means.
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Miguel, the Exotic Goods Trader. He has two biological arms crossed under his shoulder poncho thing that he never uses.
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Third planet of the Liaos System, Liaos-4.
Liaos-4 is now the third planet of the Liaos system since Remnant is no longer a planet. The planet is the largest of the system and possesses a highly acidic atmosphere. There are a number of orbital stations around the planet and on its moons, some were for research, some were for habitation, and others for storage or work. They have long since been abandoned, now only for the purposes of scavenging.
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Fourth planet of the Liaos System, Lancaster.
To the knowledge of the company, there isn't anything to note on this planet, or orbiting it, besides the Union Expansion Reps. Though many believe that there is something of value here.
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The symbol the Union Reps have on everything of theirs.
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Fifth planet of the Liaos System, Void's Edge, the third gas giant and final planet of the system.
There is supposedly a rather well-stocked interstellar colonization station in the atmosphere of this world, though since the creation of Remnant, few if any have been able to confirm or deny that myth, and fewer still are willing to risk the interference and potential of getting lost within the mists.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas was founded in 1792 in Philadelphia as the first African American Episcopal Church in the US. Its congregation developed from the Free African Society, a non-denominational group formed by African Americans who had left St. George’s Methodist Church because of discrimination and segregation by class. They were led by Absalom Jones, a free African American and lay Methodist preacher. As his congregation became established, he was ordained in 1802 by Presiding Bishop William White as the first African American priest in the Episcopal Church. Bishop White ordained William Levington as a deacon at this church.
While the congregation has worshipped in several different buildings, it has remained active since its founding. The site of the original building, dedicated on July 17, 1794, at Fifth and Adelphi streets, is now covered by the passageway/plaza known as St. James Place. It worshipped for a time on Twelfth Street south of Walnut Street, before following changing demographics and moving out of the downtown area to West Philadelphia, where the congregation worshipped at 57th and Pearl Streets, and 52nd and Parrish Streets. It moved to Philadelphia’s Overbrook Farms neighborhood, where it worships at a church at the intersection of Overbrook and Lancaster avenues. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Over the course of their relationship, Neville and Alice have seven children. The first, Isabeau, dies from sickness as a toddler. Of their triplets, Dorothy, Elisaria and Lancaster, Dorothy dies at birth and Lancaster dies of the plague as a child. Their fifth child, Tiffany, dies as a toddler from sickness. Their sixth and seventh children are twins, Bartholomew and Clement; Bartholomew dies from sickness as a toddler and Clement dies of the plague as a toddler.  Alice dies in the same plague that killed Lancaster and Clement.
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Altogether, Neville had ten children, but only two survived past childhood: his daughter Eydis, from his marriage with Dodie, and his daughter Elisaria, from his marriage to Alice. He had successfully built his parent’s business in a thriving, lucrative trade and had become a respected and wealthy merchant. For him, there was only one step left - fulfilling Alice’s wish that her child become a Lady of the Realm.
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deadlockorignalfilms · 7 months
This seems really important
List of reported  and confirmed Warner Home Video DVDs that have rotted:
Box Sets and Series:
4 film favorites: Hugh Grant
4 Film Favorites: King of Horror- The Dreamcatcher side of Disc 1 doesn't load in any player. That side of the disc has become discolored.
4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon
4 Film Favorites: Urban Action (Black Belt Jones, Hot Potato, Black Samson, Three the Hard Way) - Hot Potato freezes at layer chagne
Adventures of Superman: The Complete Fifth & Sixth Seasons - Disc 2 (2U / L907)
Alfred Hitchcock - The Signature Collection-All these discs fail at the layer change:- Foreign Correspondent- Strangers on a Train: Two-Disc Special Edition (both discs)- Stage Fright- Suspicion- The Wrong Man
Animaniacs Seasons
Astaire and Rogers Collection Vol 1 and 2 and complete set
Barbara Stanwyck Signature Collection
Batman - The Complete Animated Series- Volume 2, Disc 3 starts skipping at episode 5.- Volume 3, Disc 2 doesn't play the last episode.
Bette Davis Collection Vol 1
Bette Davis Collection Vol 2
Bette Davis Collection Vol 3
Blade Runner 4 Disc Collector’s Edition-Disc 1,2 and 4
Burt Lancaster Signature Collection
Busby Berkeley Collection Vol 1
Busby Berkeley Collection Vol 2
Buster Keaton TCM Archives collection
Cary Grant Signature Collection
Clark Gable Signature Collection
Classic Comedies Collection
Classic Comedy Teams Collection
Classic Musicals From the Dream Factory Vol 2
Classic Musicals From the Dream Factory Vol 3
Cult Camp Classics Volumes
Dallas-multiple seasons
Doris Day Collection Vol 2
Dukes of Hazzard - Multiple Seasons
Elizabeth Taylor-Richard Burton collection
Elvis Presley [Deluxe 2-Volume] (10-Disc Set)
Errol Flynn Signature Collection Vol 2
Errol Flynn TCM Spotlight WWII Adventures
Esther Williams Collection Vol 1
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 3
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 4
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 5
Forbidden Hollywood Vol 1
Forbidden Hollywood Vol 2
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Friends: Season 3, Disc 1,Season 6, Discs 1, 3, and 4
F-Troop Season 2
Gary Cooper Signature Collection
Greta Garbo Signature Collection
Henrik Ibsen Collection- The Master Builder and The Lady From The Sea will not play.
Humphrey Bogart Signature Collection Vol 2
James Cagney Signature collection
James Stewart Signature Collection
Joan Crawford Collection Vol 1 and 2
John Ford and John Wayne Collection
John Ford Collection
Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniversary Collection
Katharine Hepburn Collection
Legends of Horror Collection-all discs rot.
Literary Classics Collection 
Lois & Clark - The Complete Fourth Season: Disc 4 freezes at episode 3 on one player and read as invalid on another.
Looney Tunes Gold Coll 5 - Disc 2,Disc 4
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 2: Disc 3
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 4 - all four discs have rotted
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 5 - all four discs have rotted
Lucille Ball Film Collection
Man From Uncle Complete Series: Season 2 Disc 6
Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland Collection- TCM reissue pack is okay
Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection
Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection TCM Spotlight
Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection
One Tree Hill
Paul Newman Collection
Pinky and the Brain seasons
Popeye Volumes
Powerpuff Girls Complete Series
Rooney & Garland Collection
Sam Peckinpah Collection
Shakespeare Collection
SilverHawks Volume One - Disc 4 (2U / L906)
Smallville - The Complete Sixth Season: Disc 2 skips and freezes. Discs 3 and 4 only play the first two episodes on one player and read as invalid on another.
Spawn: The Animated Collection - 10th Anniversary Signature Edition (Steelbook)- Disc 1 freezes and skips over the opening eight minutes of the first episode.
Stanley Kubrick - Warner Home Video Director's Series
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show - Disc 2 (60, L387)
Superman Ultimate Collector’s Edition Tin-multiple films and extras no longer play. Some discs completely rotted.
Superman: The Theatrical Serials Collection: Disc 4
Supernatural (Season 2), some episodes on discs 4 & 5 won't play
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete Fifth Season: Disc 1, Disc 2 froze before the end of the last episode on one player and read as invalid on another.
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete First Season: Disc 1 doesn't play.
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete Sixth Season: Disc 1 & 2 won't play some of the episodes. At least three are inaccessible.
Tarzan Collection Vol 2
TCM Archives Laurel and Hardy Collection - both discs rotted
TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection - Horror
Tennessee Williams collection
Tex Avery's Droopy: The Complete Theatrical Collection - both discs rotted
The All-New Super Friends Hour Volume One - Disc 1 (2U / L908), Disc 2 (2U / L907)
The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection
The Cult Camp collection
The Exorcist - The Complete Anthology- Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist fails at the layer change.
The Flash: The Complete Original Series - Disc 2 (2U / L907), Disc 6 (2U / L907)
The John Wayne Collection
The Sopranos
The Twisted Terror collection
The West Wing-Multiple Seasons
Tom & Jerry Spotlight Collection Volume 2: Discs 1 and 2
Tom & Jerry Spotlight Collection Volume 3: Disc 1
Tough Guys Collection-reissued as Gangsters Volume 2
Twisted Terror Collection
Vacation/European Vacation- Comedy Double Feature release
Val Lewton Collection-I Walked With A Zombie / The Body Snatcher, The Leopard Man / The Ghost Ship
Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars - The Complete Second Season
Veronica Mars - The Complete Third Season
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 1
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 2
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 3
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 4
Individual Titles (Boxsets listed if originally released as part of a set): 
2001: A Space Odyssey-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
30 Seconds to Tokyo
A Clockwork Orange-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
A Free Soul/Divorcee-A free Soul rotted-Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 2
A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Shakespeare collection and standalone
A Nightmare on Elm Street - Infinifilm Edition
A Slight Case of Murder-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Across the Pacific-Humphrey Bogart: The Signature Collection - Volume 2
Act of Violence /Mystery Street (Only Plays Mystery Street) Film Noir v4
Action in the North Atlantic-Bogart Signature Collection v2
Adventures of Don Juan-Errol Flynn SC V2
Air Force
All This and Heaven Too
Angels in the Outfield (1951)
Arsenic and Old Lace-snapper case
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Infinifilm Series)
Babes In Arms- Rooney & Garland Coll
Babes on Broadway- Rooney & Garland Coll
Bathing Beauty-Esther Williams Vol. 1
Best Foot Forward
Billy Budd-Literary Classics Coll 
Black Legion-Gangsters V3
Blade Runner- 4 disc collector’s edition
Bombers B-52
Boom Town
Born to Dance
Bringing Up Baby-Classic Comedies Collection
Broadway 1936
Brother Orchid-Gangsters v4
Bullets or Ballots-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
By the Light of the Silvery Moon-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Captain Blood-Errol Flynn SC V1
Captain Horatio Hornblower-Literary Classics Coll
Captain of the Clouds-James Cagney Signature Collection
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof-Tennessee Williams collection
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory SE
City for Conquest-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Command Decision
Crime Wave/Decoy-Film Noir V4
Critic’s Choice
Damn Yankees
Dance Girl Dance
Dangerous When Wet-Esther Williams, Vol. 1
Dark Passage
David Copperfield-Motion Picture Masterpieces 
Decoy-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Deep in My Heart-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Desperate Journey-Errol Flynn TCM WWII Adventures
Destination Tokyo-The Cary Grant Signature Collection
Dinner at Eight-Standalone copy
Dive Bomber-Errol Flynn SC V2
Dog Day Afternoon SE
Dr. X/Mask of Fu Manchu-Legends of Horror
Dragon Seed-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Du Barry Was a Lady 
Each Dawn I Die-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
East of Eden SE
East Side West Side 
Eight Legged Freaks
Evelyn Prentice-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Executive Suite-Barbara Stanwyck Signature Collection
Eyes Wide Shut-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
Female/Three on a Match-Forbidden Hollywood v2
Firecreek-James Stewart Signature collection
Flamingo Road-Joan Crawford V2
Flying Down to Rio (Astaire/Rogers Collection)
Fort Apache
Friendly Persuasion
G Men-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Garbo Silents Collection-Garbo Signature Collection
Gentleman Jim-Errol Flynn Signature Collection V2
Girl Crazy-Rooney & Garland Coll
Gold Raiders/Meet the Baron double feature
Hairspray SE
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix SE
High Sierra
His Kind of Woman-Noir V3
His Majesty O'Keefe-Burt Lancaster Signature Collection
Hit the Deck-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
I Love You Again (Loy/Powell collection)
I'll See You in My Dreams-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Illegal / The Big Steal (only plays Illegal)-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
In This Our Life-Bette Davis collection v2
Invisible Stripes-Gangsters V4
Jeopardy-Barbara Stanwyck: The Signature Collection
Jailhouse Rock Remastered (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) - Elvis Presley 10 Film Set
John Carpenter’s Someone is Watching Me
Julius Caesar
Kismet-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Lady Be Good- Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Lady Killer-Gangsters V3
Land of the Pharaohs-Cult Camp Classics v1
Looney Tunes Golden Collection vol 1 disc 1 & vol 5 disc 4
Love Crazy-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Lucky Me-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Madame Bovary-Literary Classics Coll 
Manhattan Melodrama-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Meet the Baron/Gold Raiders-Gold Raiders won’t play
Mogambo-Clark Gable SC
Mr. Skeffington-Bette Davis collection v1
My Dream Is Yours-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Mystery Street-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Neptune's Daughter-Esther Williams, Vol. 1
Night and Day-The Cary Grant Signature Collection
Night of the Iguana
Ninotchka-Garbo Signature Collection
Nothing But Trouble-Classic Comedy Teams Collection
Lucky Man
On An Island With You-Esther Williams V1
On Moonlight Bay-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Operation Crossbow
Othello-Shakespeare Coll
Passage to Marseille-Bogart Signature Coll V2 
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid SE-Peckinpah Collection
The Wild Bunch 2 disc SE-Peckinpah collection
Personal Best
Popeye vol 1 discs 1 & 4
Presenting Lily Mars
Pride and Prejudice-Motion Pic Masterpieces
Prince of The City
Rebel Without a Cause
Red-Headed Woman-TCM Archives: Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 1
Reflections in a Golden Eye
Reunion in France
Rio Bravo
Roberta-Astaire Rogers coll
Romance on the High Seas-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Romeo and Juliet-Shakespeare coll
Royal Wedding-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
Sadie McKee-Joan Crawford V2
Shawshank Redemption SE
Shoot the Moon-Rooney and Garland coll
Side Street-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Splendor in the Grass-snapper
Story of Vernon and Irene Castle-Astaire and Rogers
Straight Time
Streetcar Named Desire
Strike Up the Band-Rooney and Garland Collection
Superman the Movie [Four Disc Edition]
Superman II [2 Disc Deluxe Edition]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Superman III (Deluxe Edition)
Superman IV-deluxe reissue
Superman Returns
Tarzan’s Desert Mystery-Tarzan collection v2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (Unrated)
That Midnight Kiss-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
That’s Entertainment 3
That's Dancing-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
The Big Cube
The Big Steal-Film Noir v4
The Charge of the Light Brigade-Errol Flynn SC V2
The Clock (1945)
The Comedians-Taylor-Burton collection
The Corn is Green-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
The Dawn Patrol-Errol Flynn SC V2
The Devil Doll/Return of Dr. X-Legends of Horror Collection
The Divorce-Forbidden Hollywood V2
The Fighting 69th-James Cagney Signature collection
The Flintstones
The Fountainhead-individual and Gary Cooper Signature Collection
The Golden Compass SE
The Great Lie
The Great Ziegfeld
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Hill-WWII collection
The Informer-John Ford collection
The Jazz Singer-2007 release
The Little Giant-Gangsters v4
The Live By Night/Side Street-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
The Maltese Falcon 3-disc SE and Humphrey Bogart: The Signature Collection - Volume 2
The Man Who Came to Dinner-Bette Davis collection
The Naked Spur-James Stewart Signature Collection
The Old Maid-Bette Davis V3
The Pirate-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
The Prince and the Pauper-snapper case
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex-Errol Flynn SC v1
The Prodigal
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle 
The Stratton Story-James Stewart SC
The Three Musketeers-Literary Classics Coll
The Toast of New Orleans-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
The West Point Story-James Cagney Signature Collection
The Wreck of the Mary Deare-Gary Cooper SC
The Yakuza-Robert Mitchum SC
There Was A Crooked Man
They Died With Their Boots On-Errol Flynn SC v1
They Live By Night-Side Street-Film Noir v4
Three Little Words
To Please a Lady/Jeopardy-Jeopardy does not play. Barbara Stanwyck SC
Torch Song-Joan Crawford V2
Treasure Island
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Undercurrent-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Vacation/European Vacation Comedy Double Feature release
Wally Gator
Watch on the Rhine-Bette Davis collection V3
Waterloo Bridge-TCM Archives: Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 1
West Point Story-James Cagney Signature collection
Where Danger Lives/Tension-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? SE-Taylor Burton Collection
Without Love-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Wizard of Oz- 2 disc SE
Wonder Woman
Words and Music-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
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newsofthetimesnott · 6 months
Murder and Mysteries - Four Hour True Crime and Mystery Stories
 News of the Times Episode 283 | 1550's - 1911 
Welcome to an extended special history compilation and true cime documentary  - a review of cases where the crimes remained unsolved for years or where doubt remains as to who the murderer was.   
Our first case is the famous Sawney Sean cannibalistic family that existed in Scotland for over 25 years!  The isolated family waylaid hapless travellers, killed them, robbed them and then ate them.  The crimes were finally resolved by King James VI! 
Our second story looks at the famous east London child vanishings over several years.  Many taking place on the same street!  
Our third story looks at the still unsolved Thames torso murders that took place around the same time as the ripper killings and were located only a few miles away.  As mutilated headless bodies began washing up from the Thames, panic ensued! 
Our fourth story looks at the infamous James Maybrick case.  His death occurred in 1889.  There were some who believed he was Jack the Ripper.  As for his very painful death – did she, or didn’t she?  A famous case to this day.  
Our fifth case involves a housemaid and the primary suspect, a highly respectable church elder.  Rose was also found to be pregnant.  Her horrifically mutilated body, with attempts to burn the body after death, was incredibly shocking in its day.  
Our sixth case takes place in Lancaster Castle in 1911.  The family who act as caretakers of the castle are all dying one by one.  Who is killing them? 
Our last episode recounts three families cursed with implications to this day. 03:56:40:09 Four hours of crimes, mysteries and stories is today’s history compilation special of Murders and Mysteries.
 Hosted by Robin Coles. 
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socialshakespeare · 1 year
Reading 5: Saturday, August 26
The fifth and final read-through of Henry IV, Part 1!
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition.
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 4:00 PM CDT (US): 3:00 PM MDT (US): 2:00 PM PDT (US): 1:00 PM BST (UK): 9:00 PM AEST (AU): 6:00 AM (Sunday, August 27)
Leader: @actorinfluence
Falstaff: @bestnoncannonship Prince Hal: @kneelbeforeclefairy Hotspur, Sheriff, Ostler: @actualshonenprotagonist Henry IV, Francis, Servant: @bottom-of-the-riverbed Worcester, Chamberlain, Peto: @laropasucia Poins, Westmoreland, Sir Michael, Northumberland: @klatukattdreams Bardolph, Glendower, Archbishop, Lancaster: @trashprinceofdenmark Hostess, Douglas, Gadshill, 2nd Messenger: @actorinfluence Lady Percy, Vernon, 2nd Carrier, Vintner: @amysterywrappedinanenigma Blunt, Mortimer, (1st) Carrier, (1st) Traveler, Messenger: @cobbled-vibrance
Please submit your confirmation here. - liking/reblogging this post does not count!
Read the Guidelines. To avoid the differences between editions that make for confusion and missed cues, please use the Folger edition of Henry IV, Part 1 during the read-through.
Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know which lines to read. Good luck!
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ozzie-mosis · 1 year
ramble about your ocs please i want to know about them
You BET bestie!!!
i’ll just start out with my main six protagonists for now and go from there
the first and very main character is Echo Berezin, an elf scientist! They’re non-binary and bisexual, and use they/them! They have a few different abilities, a couple coming naturally from being an elf and others from the cult in which they led a faction for one god among many in a pantheon! They could build or fix pretty much anything, but they prefer the science side of things; it’s cooler to be a scientist than a mechanic.
the second main character is Octavius Wilkes, though everyone calls him Specs. they’re a great horned owl, and are polysexual and use he/they! he’s a powerful sorcerer and is quite proficient in magic, but since he couldn’t afford the more common prosthetic used to enable non-elves to use magic, he just drinks Bile, an artificial magical enhancement based around elf blood to enable it for a short period of time.
the third is Iatu Lancaster, though everyone knows him as Gash, since he’s missing his left eye and his face is very badly scarred. hes trans, and uses he/him! he’s mixed Hawaiian and African American, and is quite proficient in pyrokinesis despite his lack of prosthetic or supply of Bile… Specs did think it was odd he could do that.
the fourth is Nathanael…
What was his last name again?
I suppose it isn’t important if you can’t remember it. he uses he/they, and he’s aroace. he’s a goat! known as “the Chosen One” by the Children of the Dark, he’s fated to bring the benevolent darkness to the world one day! Or… so he thought.
That elf does have a knack for throwing wrenches into plans.
the fifth is Magnus Berezin, Echo’s brother! He’s pan and uses he/him. He’s also an elf like Echo, but for more of the Igni elf traits than they did. He’s skilled in terrakinesis, and punching… everything.
the sixth and last but certainly not least is Riot Wells.
she had another name before this…
what could it be? it’s like it wiped itself from her brain…
she’s a lesbian, and uses she/her! She’s a black and white cat and quite the guitarist. she does develop electrokinesis so she doesn’t have to carry all the equipment to power her guitar everywhere, though i’m sure that isn’t the only reason.
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Over the moonlit Sorpe dam in Germany the Lancaster bomber known as T-Tommy made nine aborted runs. Three dams, the Möhne and Sorpe in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Eder in Hesse, were under attack from allied planes on the night of 16-17 May 1943.
Nine Royal Air Force Lancaster bombers were detailed to attack the Möhne and the Eder, five were held in reserve. Five of the nine were targeted on the Sorpe, but just one got through. T-Tommy was piloted by the sole American of 617 Squadron, Flt Lt Joe McCarthy. His bomb-aimer, Sgt George “Johnny” Johnson, who has died aged 101, was the last survivor of the raid. McCarthy was the only officer among the seven-strong crew.
“On the tenth run in,” wrote Johnson “both Joe and I were satisfied we were right on track. I pushed the button and called ‘bomb gone’. And from the rear turret was heard, ‘thank Christ for that’.”
The Dambusters’ bouncing bomb technique, invented by the engineer Barnes Wallis, could not be used on the Sorpe. It had to be dropped by T-Tommy halfway along the length of the dam. In The Last British Dambuster (2014), Johnson wrote that he was convinced he heard Wallis say: “It would take six bombs to crack the Sorpe.”
The dam was hit above the waterline, but not seriously so. However, flying back, at near-ground altitude, Johnson could see that the Möhne, like the Eder, had been severely breached. Just before 3.30am T-Tommy’s crew were back on the ground at RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire.
Some 133 fliers took part in the raid; 53 of them never returned, and three became prisoners of war. Around 1,300 people died in the resulting floods, the majority of them slave labourers from the Soviet Union. The Nazi minister of armaments, Albert Speer, observed later that to make the Möhne-Katastrophe truly successful the RAF should have conducted further raids.
Born in the Lincolnshire village of Hameringham, George was the fifth son and last child of Charles Johnson, a farm worker, and Mary Ellen (nee Henfrey), who died just before George’s third birthday.
He remembered a brutal early childhood, thanks to his father. He was raised by his sister, Lena – his salvation, he wrote later. By 1926 all his brothers had left home and, soon after a move to Langford in Nottinghamshire, Lena went into service, and Johnson Sr married a “vicious and hellish woman”, as Johnson Jr recalled her, who left in summer 1928. George was initially educated at a primary school in nearby Winthorpe, and with the full-time return of his sister, life began to improve.
At the age of 11 he won a boarding place to Lord Wandsworth college in Long Sutton, Hampshire. In December 1939 he left it with his school certificate. Having volunteered for the RAF in 1940, by early 1941 he was in Torquay, Devon, and met his wife-to-be, Gwyneth Morgan. She and her family were to be a great influence on his life.
The RAF supplied his “Johnny” nickname. Having failed a pilot’s course in Florida, once back in Britain Johnson moved to air gunnery, and in July 1942 was posted to 97 Squadron in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire. There he stayed until spring 1943, initially as a “spare gunner”. During those months, raids took him across Germany and down into Italy.
It was in 1942 that planners separated the roles of navigator and bomb-aimer, for the RAF’s three new four-engined bombers, the Stirling, the Halifax and the Lancaster. The normal crew of a Lancaster was seven: pilot, flight engineer, navigator, wireless operator, mid-upper gunner (missing on 617’s Lancasters), “tail-end charlie” gunner, and, from that year, bomb aimer-cum-front turret gunner. “The difference in pay was from 7 shillings and 6 pence to 12 shillings and 6 pence,” Johnson wrote. “I thought I would have a go.” He took the bomb–aimer’s course. Then he was back on 97 Squadron, “this time as a spare bomb-aimer”.
Soon after, McCarthy, then a pilot officer, was looking for a new bomb-aimer. An initial suspicion from Johnson, wary of his experiences with Americans, gave way to respect. He would come to believe that the Long Islander was the best pilot in 617 Squadron.
Meanwhile he joined his 97 Squadron crew, and on the night of 22-23 December 1942 flew on his first sortie, to Nuremberg. Nineteen raids followed, mostly to Germany, but also taking in Turin, Italy, and the Nazi U-boat pens of Saint-Nazaire, western France.
Then, in mid-March 1943, Wg Cmdr Guy Gibson, commander of 106 Squadron, and known to many of his 106 crews as the “Arch Bastard”, was called to the HQ of 5 Group, in Grantham, Lincolnshire.
There Gibson was asked, according to his own account in Enemy Coast Ahead (1946), by the 5 Group commander, Ralph Cochrane, how he would “like the idea of doing one more trip”? Gibson got the job of heading “Squadron X”, based at Scampton, just north of Lincoln. The squadron would spend two months practising flying Lancasters at very low levels, down to 100ft, and then 60ft.
Among the pilots selected by Gibson was McCarthy. The American asked his crew whether they wished to join X. And that is how Johnson, the Lincolnshire lad, joined what became the most famous squadron in the RAF. For Johnson the next problem was his wedding, scheduled for 3 May 1943, but all leave had been cancelled. McCarthy appealed to Gibson, and Johnson got his wedding.
After the dams raid he was commissioned as an officer and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. With McCarthy he took part in a further 19 raids, before becoming an instructor. After the war, as a navigator, he remained in the RAF, flying Lincoln bombers and Shackleton naval patrol planes.
Sqn Ldr Johnson quit the RAF in 1962. He then became a teacher, first of primary children, then in adult education, working with people with mental health problems.
In retirement he lived in Torquay, and then Bristol. He was active in local Conservative politics, and in 2017 was appointed MBE. That year too he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Lincoln, and the following year had a train named after him.
Gwyneth died in 2005. Johnson is survived by three children, eight grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
🔔 George Leonard “Johnny” Johnson, airman, born 25 November 1921; died 7 December 2022
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