#The origin story
Conner: *looking longingly at a pair of diamond earrings*
Tim: What up? Did someone forget to oil your hinges?
Conner: Those earrings are really nice but I can't afford them
Tim: That's all? Have the cashier grab them and I'll get them for you
Conner: Are you sure? It's a lot of money and-
Tim: Kon I think we need to have a conversation. I'm rich.
Conner: Ok?
Tim: I don't think you get it. I'm supervillian rich. I'm richer than hell. My money makes money. My stacks have stacks on stacks. To quote Nikki Minaj "My money so tall that my Barbie gotta climb it". You could ask for a small European country and I'll have it for you by the end of the week. A pair of earrings is easy.
Conner: Is it weird that I'm a little turned on right now?
Tim: Considering one of your "parents" is just as rich as me? A little bit. We should sue him for child support.
Conner: Stop! You know my brain thinks your schemes are flirting!
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— ¡Mamá, hace mucho calor en este lugar!— exclamó al bajar la escalera, con los hombros bajos y como si acabara de perder un campeonato de soccer. Se dirigió a la cocina donde su madre terminaba de acomodar cosas en la alacena, usando su varita. Desde que tenía memoria, ella siempre ponía especial atención a que ese sitio de la casa se encontrara en perfecto orden. Así que era lógico que mientras todas las otras cajas de la mudanza aún esperaban ser abiertas, las que correspondían a la cocina ya estaban vacías y apiladas en un rincón.
Por alguna razón que nadie le había explicado, sus padres compraron una casa nueva, en un lugar al que los dos llamaban "campagne magnifique" que estaba tan lejos de Londres como para ser necesario tomar dos trasladores y un avión muggle.
— Quiero volver a casa... Por favor... Por favor... ¡Por favor!— dijo intentando que su voz combinara lo mejor posible con la expresión de su rostro, maniobra que en otras muchas ocasiones le funcionó para salirse con la suya. Pero en ésta ocasión, sería interrumpido por el timbre de la puerta principal.
Corrió detrás de su madre para encontrarse con una mujer que lucía tan sorprendida como emocionada. No era una escena completamente desconocida para él, pues siempre había personas que parecían estar teniendo el mejor día de su vida tan sólo por ver a su madre. Después de todo, no siempre te topas con alguien cuya cara está en cientos de libros sobre cocina.
Se desinteresó muy rápido de la animada charla que mantenían las dos mujeres, hasta que pudo ver a una niña casi de su tamaño detrás de la falda de la visitante.
— ¿Cómo que vives aquí al lado y aún no te has derretido? Yo no voy a llegar al final de este día... Me evaporaré seguramente. ¿Tienes piscina? Aquí hay una pero está vacía — dijo cruzando el umbral de la entrada, para mirarla mejor.
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whatsabriard · 1 year
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Hart to Hart 5x01 - Two Harts are Better Than One, Part 2
Jonathan and Jennifer reveal how they first met and fell in love in the midst of murder and international intrigue in the picturesque locale of London.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 5 months
what was your inspo to start writing fics??
I started writing fanfiction when I was a kiddo, longggg before the land of tumblr and when the interwebs was just starting to be a thing (ha I'm old)! Like around age 11/12 when me and my best friend got completely immersed in and obsessed with Harry Potter and later Lord of the Rings. We used to write fanfics in spiral notebooks and swap them at school. We had super developed characters for each universe and it was just. so. fun.
Later, during a tough time during my PhD, I got into Supernatural and started writing again (and posting it publicly online for the first time!) as a means of escapism and stress-relief. Since then, I've been writing pretty consistently when I can and life allows, for now Daryl is my current fixation! *heart eyes*
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thewordworrier · 1 year
It Started With An Alright Scene
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Word Count: about 23k. [In parts, obviously, I’m not a monster.] Rating: Teen and Up, probably? ~ I think the worst is swearing? ~ Female OC (but if this isn’t your first time here, you will already know that). ~ Nothing too explicit but they do talk about porn and drugs briefly (see notice a below.) Well, here it is! Something I’ve been mentioning for months, actually writing for that amount of time, but thinking about for longer. Otherwise known as The Origin Story. Shelly’s MCR-U (MCR Universe) beginnings. A few little notices: ~ a) this fic - and any other that I consider Shelly’s “canon” kinda re-writes a lot. You could call it romanticising, you could call it... Dumbing down isn’t the right term but I can’t think of the right one right now.
I’m not denying the struggles that any of them went through. Nor do I want to downplay them. But I also don’t think I could portray those issues in a well thought out, well educated manner. I would handle it all with care and respect, of course, but I don’t think I’d be totally comfortable sticking that close to ‘canon.’
~ b) I don’t really stick to era/year accurate technology or anything. Not too much. I’m a little lazy for that.  Nor do I really know the exact details of signings and all of that fun stuff. ... It’s just fan fic, it doesn’t have to be too serious.
~ Title from Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance.
~ Writing this was mostly fuelled by Bon Jovi and Bullets (as in “I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love” kinda Bullets.)
Chapters/Parts under the cut!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five .
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blushroom20 · 10 months
Blu's Misadventures on Discord: It was right under my eyes i guess
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Figures I go through all this effort to write a help post after years of searching just to finally find it.
Fun Fact: this clip is the reason why I refer to Bowser Jr's Journey as "Bowser Jr what are you doing"
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strwbi-laces · 1 year
Yesterday in the tags of my hyperspecific poll you said that you ‘used to be kinda bilingual’ and I am an extremely curious person by nature so is it rude if I ask you to elaborate?
No not rude at all!! Yeah so i used to be able to speak conversationally in hindi but couldn’t read or write it so i said i was “kinda bilingual”. I’m losing it now tho cause i dont speak it much which is very sad
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puppyeared · 27 days
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filipina miku!! my mom helped me with her outfit ^_^
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roseworth · 3 months
i think theres this idea in the general public that the "best" fanfic gets turned into real books like 50 shades of grey. but the truth is that the best fanfic can never be published as an actual book because its intricately woven into the canon material so its inseparable even if you change the names
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aesethewitch · 5 months
When I was a kid, we moved into a house that had a huge lilac tree out front. It was mostly rotten, and it needed to be taken down before it fell. It took a while, but eventually, it was gone.
Mostly. A couple years later, little lilac babies popped out of the ground in its place. My mom was determined to get rid of them, because she'd planted a beautiful flower garden there, and the lilac trees would overshadow and kill the whole garden. I insisted on saving at least a few saplings. She said fine, but I had to dig them out and put them in pots myself.
So, I did. I spent days digging little lilac bushes out of the ground and putting them into pots. Some couldn't be saved, but some could. When all was said and done, I had five brand-new lilac saplings. Seven or eight years old, and it was my absolute pride and joy.
Three died due to sun scorching, severe drought that no amount of watering could save, and perhaps just being moved from their place in the ground. But two survived, and I was awfully proud of them! I'd go out and talk to them every single day. I watered them by hand and made sure they were fertilized properly. I learned all about their favored environments, and I was determined to make sure they lived.
One of my mom's friends saw what I was doing with the lilacs. She asked if she could have one to put in her backyard, and I agreed on the condition that she take very, very good care of it.
It's now fucking enormous. I'm talking ten feet tall and bursting with beautiful purple flowers every spring. My mom still gets updates each year as they start to bloom, which she forwards to me. And all I can think is, "That's my friend! Thriving some twenty years on, there it is."
The other tree nearly died, too. It lived in a pot for far, far too long. I wanted to plant it somewhere in my parents' yard, but my mom was reluctant. Eventually, we agreed to put it in the far back garden. It grew okay for many years, despite the shade, but in all these years, it's never bloomed.
Last year, the massive tree casting massive shadows over the lilac and the garden cracked in half and fell. It tumbled into the garden, crushing part of the nearby shed and destroying a few plants beneath it.
It missed my lilac by inches.
The clean-up is long done. The rest of the tree has been cut down, and my lilac has full sunlight for the first time in fifteen years. It won't bloom this year, I know. But it's got new shoots up. It's taller than ever. I spent half an hour a few weeks ago praising it for surviving all this time, dreaming about its future and telling it how I believe it'll become the tall beauty it's always been meant to be.
I think next year, I'll see flowers.
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noodles-and-tea · 14 days
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PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4
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canonkiller · 6 months
god I fuckign love ocs. my characters. my friend's characters. the characters of mutuals ive never spoken to. the characters of artists ive followed and maybe spoken to a little more. the characters of complete strangers I see in passing and think "aw that's cool". if you have ten fans I am one if you have one fan it is me etc etc. I love you
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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It's you for evermore...
A gift for @andallthatmishigas, a companion to the brilliant Hart All A Flutter, the best thing to happen to the fandom since the telemovies. And the lyrics were her idea, too, from Guys and Dolls.
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thewordworrier · 1 year
It Started With An Alright Scene - Part One
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[Yup, I’m familiar with that middle image. Not even sorry.]
Series Masterpost
Word Count: Just under 4k.
I’m aware that at this point in time, we all know the outcome of this whole situation, but sometimes the journey there is fun too. Plus, I’ve been wanting to write this for a little while - wondering about it for a little longer. Just took my time getting there because I kept getting distracted by other ideas!
Naturally, I’ve taken a lot of artistic liberties with this, but, y’know. It’s fanfic, it doesn’t have to be too serious. The most important thing is that I had fun writing it. And I did.
Setting: London, August 2003 - just after the signing of My Chemical Romance, but before the official announcement of their signing to Reprise Records. This is also before the recording of Revenge, obviously. Shelly hid a yawn behind her hand as she entered the Reprise Records London Office. She greeted the receptionist warmly, like she always did, and started to head to the elevators. But the other woman called her back, so the blonde spun on her heel and headed her way back over to the reception desk. “What’s up?” Shelly asked the brunette behind the desk. “Andrea wanted me to tell you to head straight in to see her when you got in,” Debbie said with a gentle smile. “After my regular duties, right?” Shelly tilted her head slightly. Debbie shook her head. “Nope, just straight to her this morning.” “Ohh,” Shelly bit her lip before smiling at the receptionist. “Okay, I can do that, thanks Debbie.” “Not a problem honey, have a good day!” Shelly waved over her shoulder before making her way up to her floor. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she could feel the nerves start to … Bubble; that would be the closest word to describe the feeling in her stomach. It felt incredibly strange to bypass the kitchen. She did stop off at her own desk, just to shrug off her light jacket - it was August after all so she didn’t really need anything too heavy, but she also lived in Britain, so the weather could be very unpredictable. She slipped her phone into the pocket of her blazer and put her bag on her chair, tucking that right under her desk. After a short moment to compose herself and take a few breaths, she made her way to her boss’ office. She knocked in her own, signature way, and waited not even a minute before Andrea called her in. Shelly huffed out a soft breath, opened the door and stepped into the office. “You wanted to see me first thing, Andi?” Shelly said, almost timidly. The woman sitting at the desk looked up from something she was reading and smiled. She was a little older than Shelly, another brunette, but she had an approachable air, despite the fact that she also always looked very professional. “Ah, yes! Good morning Shelly.” “Good morning,” the blonde shut the door behind her and took two steps further into the room. “Please, take a seat for me, I just need to finish this.” Shelly nodded and did as she was told, sitting in the reasonably comfortable chair opposite her boss. The nerves bubbled up higher and Shelly fiddled with the cuffs of her long sleeved blouse as they poked out of the sleeves of her blazer. She lightly chewed her bottom lip as she waited, incredibly worried that she was in trouble, that she’d done something wrong. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what, but she just couldn’t put her finger on anything. “Okay,” Andrea slid the papers aside and leant her chin on her hand. “How’re you doing this morning?” Shelly hummed softly before nodding once. “Um, okay, I guess, you?” “I am very well, thank you Shelly,” Andrea paused for a few moments, watching the girl sitting opposite her as she fiddled with her sleeves. “How do you feel about travelling?” The blonde blinked rapidly, frowned a little and eyed her boss warily. When she spoke, she even sounded cautious. “It depends on the context.” Andrea picked up on the wariness in the younger girl’s voice and the fiddling with her clothes made sense. She chuckled very softly. “Don’t look so nervous, you’re not in any trouble.” This made Shelly relax a tiny bit - but not very much. Andrea noticed this too and she sighed very gently. “Of course you’re not in any trouble, for goodness sake Shelly my dear, I’m trying to promote you!” Shelly’s blue eyes widened and she blinked rapidly. “Um… I’m not sure that I understand?” Andrea leant back in her chair and looked across the desk at the younger girl. “Shelly, you do great work here. You do excellent work for me, don’t get me wrong. But an opportunity came up and I put your name forward for it.” Shelly, bless her heart, still looked confused and it made her boss smile a little. Andrea couldn’t blame the younger girl - she was probably feeling out of sorts because she hadn’t had the chance to follow her usual work routine today. “It’s a big Personal Assistant opportunity for an up and coming band,” Andrea continued, watching Shelly tilt her head as she listened. “Everyone here believes that the band are going to be Really Something, but in order to be that from the beginning of their signing with us, they’re going to need an advantage.” “And you think that I’m that advantage?” Shelly asked. The brunette nodded. “You are the best assistant I’ve had. You go above and beyond what you’re supposed to do. You’re gentle but you’re firm and, more importantly, ultimately you care about what you do.” Shelly went a faint shade of pink and she smiled shyly. “T- thank you Andi.” “Shelly honey, it’s all true.” The younger girl went even pinker and shook her head slowly before she noticed Andrea open one of the drawers of her desk. Andrea pulled something out of the drawer, put it on the desk and closed the drawer. Once she’d done that, she slid the item across the desk to her assistant on the other side. Shelly leant forward and picked it up - it was a (still sealed) cd. “That’s the band,” Andrea said. “I got you a copy as soon as I put your name forward.” “My Chemical Romance,” Shelly read. “‘I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love’?” “That’s right,” Andrea nodded, hesitating for a moment before she spoke again. “Full disclosure though?” Shelly glanced up at her. “Oh?” “I don’t think it’s technically your style of music, knowing what I know about you,” Andrea continued. “But, I think you should still give it a chance because I think, at the very least, you’ll find it interesting.” “It’s graphically interesting,” Shelly admitted with a small smile as she examined the front and back of the cd case. “I think you’ll find it lyrically interesting too,” Andrea nodded. “Take it home, give it a listen and see what you think.” Shelly just nodded and then returned to looking at the back of the cd case for a moment before she put it back on the desk and rested her hands on the smooth wood, folding them neatly. Andrea watched her for a moment before smiling. When she spoke, her tone was soft and full of fondness for the girl sitting in front of her. “I think you’ll get it kiddo,” she said, smiling at Shelly when the younger girl looked up at her. “I’ll be really sad to see you go - of course I will, but… This could be massive for you if everyone is right and this band is really going to Be Something.” Shelly blinked rapidly for a second before smiling shyly at her boss. She wasn’t to know that that first sentence was… Loaded. Andrea’s “I think you’ll get it kiddo” could’ve had about four meanings. It could’ve been in reference to: a) Shelly getting the job, b) Shelly understanding the music, c) Shelly understanding the potential or - the best option - d) all of the above. “You think so?” Shelly asked, only really thinking about the ‘getting the job’ option at that moment in time. Andrea nodded. “I think so. I know I’m planning on fighting for you. I think you deserve it.” Shelly hummed a little bit and swallowed. “What if I can’t do it though? What if it’s too much for me?” “Oh Shelly, honey,” Andrea shook her head. “I don’t think you’re going to have that problem. I’m not going to lie, it is going to be a bit more than you’re used to - there’s more of them than there is of me after all.” She swallowed again and chewed her bottom lip. “But,” Andrea leant across her desk to take Shelly’s hands. “But I know you can do it. You have your methods, and those will work with a group as well. Don’t be afraid to slow down and double check yourself if that’s what you need to do to make yourself comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Shelly nodded. “Slow, steady and methodically, right?” “That’s right.” Andrea grinned. “So, I’ve put your name forward for this, I’m going to fight tooth and nail for you to get it, and I’ll keep you updated with it all, okay?” “Okay,” the blonde nodded again and smiled a little. “Is that everything? Do you want me to go back to my morning routine now?” Andrea laughed and leant back in her chair. “If I may suggest the first action?” “Sure thing.” “Coffee for me, tea for you,” Andrea grinned. “And we’ll go over everything else while we have that.” “This is why you’re the boss,” Shelly giggled as she stood up, noticing the grin Andrea wore. “Because you have the best ideas. I’ll put the cd in my bag first and then I’ll get on that.” “Good idea.” Shelly smiled and took the cd with her to place it in her bag, which was still on her chair tucked under her desk where she had left it. Once that was secure she made her way to the little kitchen in order to make those drinks. She checked her phone while she waited - that diversion hadn’t actually taken up too much time, and that honestly surprised her. Once the drinks were made, she checked that her phone was back in her pocket before she took the drinks back to Andrea’s office. After making their usual morning drinks, Shelly’s routine kicked in as normal. She wasn’t ‘running late’ due to the talk they’d had that morning, because her routine didn’t really work to a time schedule like that, most of the time. Aside from the talk, the rest of the day went smoothly, which was unexpected. It was a quiet day, filled mostly with paperwork and phone calls. A few emails here and there. A pretty productive day, actually. When Shelly was told that she was welcome to leave early, if she wanted, for once she took Andrea up on that offer. She made her way home, the cd nestled carefully in her bag so it wouldn’t get damaged. Her commute wasn’t actually that bad, no matter what time of day it was, but she was grateful to be able to get home a little bit earlier. If it had been any other day, she wouldn’t’ve really had a reason for being grateful to get home sooner, other than “just because.” But today, she was grateful to get home earlier because she was massively curious about that cd still buried in the depths of her bag. Shelly let herself into her house and called out to see who was home. She smiled when she heard voices from the front room and, after hanging up her jacket and putting away her shoes, she made her way towards the people - two thirds of her family. Because yes, she did still live at home with her family at twenty something, and that was okay. She didn’t feel the pressure to move out quite so quickly as most young adults did. Her family weren’t pushing her to move out, but they wouldn’t hold her back if she wanted to either. Staying at home also meant that she could save a lot of money so she could eventually move into somewhere she really wanted instead of settling for something else. Ruby, her mother, looked up from something she was sewing and looked at the clock before addressing her daughter. “Hey darling, you’re home a bit early.” “Andrea let you leave?” Rosie, her grandmother, asked. “Of course, I’m not just going to skip out on work,” Shelly adjusted her bag on her shoulder. “I’m just going to go and change, okay?” “Sure, sweetheart.” The youngest of the three women made her way up to her room to put her bag down and change out of her smart work attire. She threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before grabbing her water bottle and food containers from her bag. Those went into the kitchen before she went to settle on the couch with her family. “Where’s grandpapa?” She asked as she peered over her mother’s arm to see what the middle Sketcher was working on. “Oh, probably out sourcing something or other,” Rosie clicked her knitting needles together with a roll of her eyes. “You know what he’s like. Can’t ever take a break.” “He sounds like someone else I know,” Ruby caught her mother’s eye before looking at her daughter. It took a moment for Shelly to realise that Ruby was talking about her. “Hey!” She huffed and leant back into the couch cushions. “Oh, Shelly, honey, we mean it in the best way,” Rosie put her knitting down in her lap before taking her granddaughter’s hands. “How was work today?” Shelly thought about it but decided not to tell them about the possible promotion yet. It was better to not get anyone’s hopes up after all. Including her own. “Yeah, not too bad. It was quiet, but productive.” “Those are sometimes the best kind of days,” Ruby nodded. “The quietness allows you to concentrate and be productive and it’s a good feeling.” “Absolutely,” Shelly looked from one woman to another. “Can I get anyone anything? Prepare anything for dinner?” The other two women tried to protest but Shelly ended up padding to the kitchen to make them all a cup of tea anyway. Her mother and grandmother thanked her and they sat together for a little longer before Shelly eventually managed to get them to tell her what she could do to help with dinner. They protested again, of course - she’d been at work all day, but Shelly didn’t mind. She liked helping her family out. The trio prepped dinner, set the table and hung out quietly for an hour or so until Shelly’s grandfather - Alexander, came home. As soon as she heard the door open, Shelly was on her feet and scrambling to the door to go and greet him. This wasn’t a requirement or anything - it never had been, not even when she was small. She just liked to do it. Ruby and Rosie shared a look and a smile as they heard the Sketcher patriarch's voice from the hallway. “Hey Sea-Shell! Hello sweetheart,” he grunted almost and the other two women knew that he was hugging his granddaughter. “You’re not normally home before me, is everything okay?” “Oh, yes, Andrea let me leave early today; we had a very productive day.” Alexander appeared in the doorway to the main family room, his arm around Shelly’s waist as she leant against her grandfather, cuddling him. He didn’t mind this in the slightest; it didn’t matter how old she got, Shelly would always be his little girl. Quite literally for the most part - Alexander was a tall man, and all three of the women in his life were not. They all fit under his arm nicely. “Would you like a drink grandpapa?” Shelly asked, reluctantly letting him go. “I’d love one sweetheart.” Shelly smiled and almost bounced off to the kitchen to make him a coffee. While she did that, Alexander went to greet his daughter and his wife - hugs for his daughter, a little kiss and a hug for his wife, before settling in his chair near the couch, starting to catch up with them about their day. The youngest returned not too long after she left and put his coffee on his side table. He thanked her and she moved to sit on the loveseat, curling up on ‘her’ side so she could listen to her grandfather as he told them about his day and about the items he’d been searching for. Once he’d finished talking, before Shelly could even think about it, Ruby put aside her sewing and went to get dinner going. The family ate, cleaned up and Alexander went to put his new materials in his ‘work room’ while the ladies settled in the family room again. Shelly stayed for a little while longer before she decided to go and hang out in her room - after kissing her mother and grandmother and then checking in with her grandfather. Again, not something she needed to do, but she liked to check in before she disappeared to her room for the rest of the evening. Shelly had an en suite bedroom at the top of the English townhouse - it hadn’t always been an en suite, it had been modified before she was a teenager; before they moved in actually. They hadn't always lived here - they used to live in a smaller house, a little further away. She didn’t think about that too much, to be honest. They’d been in this house since just before she was a teenager, so it was enough to remember that far back. She showered and changed into her pyjamas - washing the day away, so to speak. She did that every day; she liked being clean and sometimes work could be very stressful. If hanging out with her family after work didn’t help destress her, then her evening shower certainly did. Once her hair was re-tamed to her liking, she settled herself on her bed, cross legged with her cd walkman and the still sealed cd, which she turned over in her hands, examining it. After a few minutes of this, she shifted to grab a small pad of paper and a wooden pen from one of the side tables. The pen made her smile a little as she carefully pulled the plastic off of the cd and put her headphones on. Upon second thoughts, she grabbed some fresh batteries for the walkman, throwing those in it, just in case. Once the batteries were in, she gently took the cd out of its case, while ignoring the case itself for now. Music first, rest of the details later. She untwisted the wire of her headphones and picked up the wooden pen again as something for her hands to fiddle with. This pen was special to her - it was a gift from her grandparents for her 16th birthday, alongside a violin. They were both made from the same wood - the pen was made from remnants of the violin, actually. And they were both made by her grandfather. He was a man of many talents. Shelly adjusted her position on her bed slightly, fiddled with her in-ear headphones to make sure they were securely in her ears and then pressed play. The first time she listened to the album all the way through, she stayed still for the most part; maybe just adjusting her position every now and again, her fingertips running over the curves of the smooth wood. She didn’t even sit and doodle like she normally would if she was trying to take something in - she used to do that all the time in college and university to help her concentrate. But she didn’t feel the need to while listening to this album - more to the point, she didn’t want to give her attention to anything else. She most certainly didn’t touch the cd case, or the booklet inside the cd case. Music first, details later. During this first listen through, her ears picked up on the lyric about Immortality. Maybe because it was a beautiful lyric, maybe because she got it - music didn’t die after all. She knew that - she played music on her violin written by long dead composers. And that can be applied to most media. Music by composers, plays by Shakespeare, art by various famous painters - hell even the monks that hand wrote the Bible were long dead. People may not be immortal but their creations can be. Shelly found herself feeling a little… Like she shouldn’t be listening to Early Sunsets Over Monroeville because, hello, parts of this track are raw and almost too personal perhaps? Something akin to that feeling. To be honest, the whole album felt raw, but Early Sunsets felt… Closer to the bone raw; freshly wounded and maybe salted raw. Her feelings about Demolition Lovers were in a similar vein - maybe even more so. She was pretty certain that the last track on the album might’ve made her cheeks pinken, but she couldn’t pinpoint a reason why. She sat for a moment after Demolition Lovers ended, lost in thought as she ran her fingers over her pen. Something startled her and she dropped her pen, tugged one of the earbuds out of her ear and looked around her room, tilting her head to listen, to see if someone had knocked on her bedroom door. When there wasn’t a follow up knock, she shook her head at herself before replacing her earbud, pulled the pad of paper closer and pressed play again. During this second listen through, she allowed herself to scribble and doodle, just a little bit. It helped her as she tried to listen to the instruments better. Not that she understood why it was helping her tune the vocals out, but it was helping. The album itself was… It wasn’t badly produced actually - sure it might’ve been fuzzy around the edges, but it was a first album so of course it wasn’t as polished as some established artists. But even the instrumentalists  had that Something - they sounded so good for guys who were still reasonably ‘green’ so to speak. Professionally speaking. After her second listen through, Shelly studied the pad of paper to find that she’d scrawled some fragments of the lyrics. She wasn’t sure if they were right though. It wasn’t until her third listen through that she carefully pulled the booklet out of the cd case as the music played in her ears. She hadn’t lied to her boss - it was visually, graphically interesting. She’d like to question whoever was behind the graphics, actually because it was cool, and she wondered if there were reasons behind the design choices. When she finally managed to tear herself away from examining the front and back covers, she flicked through the actual lyrics sections; a little surprised to see that she had heard the words right. On the other hand, the music wasn’t as heavy as she was expecting it to be, but that was a good thing! It was pleasing. Once she’d read through the lyrics a few times, she checked the band’s thank yous, although she did find it a little annoying that those were printed behind the disc plate - it made them a tiny bit harder to read, but she persevered because you could tell a lot about people if you read these things carefully. The types of people being thanked could tell you a lot about the person doing the thanking. She was of the opinion that it could show you what people valued in life, who they valued in life, and sometimes it could reveal a little about their personalities. It wasn’t until she was flicking through the booklet one more time that she realised that there were photos of the band there too. She’d almost glossed over those in her eagerness to read the lyrics. Admittedly, they weren’t very good photos of the band - the term “potato cam quality” sprung to mind and it made her smile. It wasn’t a big deal though - after all, you don’t buy cds to listen to faces, do you?
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and-corn · 1 year
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nothing like a good stretch for the first time in centuries
(Part 2 of this comic!)
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elexuscal · 9 months
Danny Phantom, The Show:
geeky kid gets super powers from his parents' weird inventions! now he has to fight a rogue gallery of ghosts... but uh-oh! he still has to keep his grades up, deal with his embarrassing parents, and navigate girl troubles! rap theme song!
Danny Phantom, the Fandom, After 19 Years of Fermentation:
a child dies. but not quite. the inherent tension between life and death. the obsession of the dead for faded remnants of the living. warped green shadows on the walls of a dark laboratory. having to hide your true nature from those who should be your greatest allies. the fear of the monster you could become if you let yourself. being a ghost as a metaphor for the trans experience. a cold breath on the back of your neck in the dead of the night. rap theme song!
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