#Gerard Way fan fic
thewordworrier · 2 months
Are You Thinking Of Me Like I’m Thinking Of You? - Part One
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Series Masterpost
Word Count: 7,481 words. Warnings: A decent amount of swearing, some slightly perverted flirting.
While Shelly can always escape the weather, she can never escape her band. At least not for very long. Ultimately she doesn't really mind, even if the conversation gets a little bit heated.
[Setting: We’re a few years into the Revenge Era, and the band are performing a few sets at some kinda Music Event during the warmer months. This is probably Warped 2005. Or thereabouts.]
It was hot. Far too hot. Way too hot, way too loud and way too busy. Shelly found herself struggling with it all, honestly. She couldn’t get used to the different types of heat in America, and she felt a bit dumb for it, really. She’d been working this side of the water for a good couple of years now, so surely she should at least be a little bit used to it.
Thankfully, she wasn’t totally needed at that moment - the bands were all mingling, hanging out and having a good time until their set times. Besides, if her band needed her, they’d call her. They knew that they could call her whenever they needed to, no matter what the time was or what they needed. But right then, Shelly needed to find somewhere quiet because everything was starting to feel overwhelming.
Once Shelly made her way through some of the backstage areas, it took her a few minutes to find somewhere that wasn’t occupied. Once she had though, she dropped her bag by the small couch and flopped onto her back, stretching out and letting out a sigh. It was quiet and a bit cooler. Maybe it was cooler because she wasn’t surrounded by people. Or maybe it was cooler for another reason; her brain wasn’t exactly running on a full tank of gas. She was just too hot - even though her “uniform” in the summer months ended up being t-shirts or tank tops, shorts and sneakers, she still found herself roasting.
She wasn’t very good with the heat; she reckoned if she wasn’t so hot, she’d be able to deal with everything else so much more. Of course, if she could get used to any one of the three things that were overwhelming her right then (the heat, the noise or the crowds), then the rest would fall into place. In theory anyway - it was, of course, entirely possible that everything felt like Too Much because it was All At Once. But she reckoned that the heat was the main offender. She had never been very good with the hotter summers back home either.
Shelly spent some blissful minutes in solitary silence, cooling down a little, even managing to cool down enough in order to sit up properly instead of being stretched out. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check it, to see if she was being looked for, but before she could properly check her notifications, the door opened and she heard her name.
The blonde in question looked up to see a heat flushed Lux.
“I found youuuu,” the other girl said, closing the door behind her. “I need time away from smelly boys. There’s so many of them! They’re awful in this weather. Can I hide with you?”
Shelly giggled and gestured for Lux to join her. “Sure, baby.”
Lux beamed and plopped down next to her for a moment. “Thanks! Do I smell? I’ve been outside all day.”
“Hmm,” Shelly leant closer to sniff her drummer. “No, I don’t think so. I think you’re alright.”
“Okay great!” Lux huffed a bit before she stood up to stretch, feeling restless. “So, what are you doing?”
“Um,” Shelly rubbed her arm a bit. “Just trying to catch a break from all the noise and all the people, and especially all of the heat because oh my god it’s so hot.”
Lux nodded, she knew that Shelly suffered in the heat, and sat on the other couch in the room. “I agree. It’s all too much.”
Before Shelly could say anything else, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
The door opened again and Mikey stuck his head around it. He looked worried until he saw Lux, and then his expression changed to relief. “Ah, there you are.”
Lux blinked rapidly. “What?”
“I thought some creep -” He paused before shaking his head. “You know what, it doesn’t matter.”
Shelly tilted her head and cleared her throat a little. “What can I do for you Mikey?”
“Nothing Shell, just looking for Lux.”
“Come and hang out in here,” Lux said with a grin. “It’s much cooler.”
“I am apparently very good at finding the coolest spots,” Shelly said softly, rolling her eyes.
Mikey chuckled and settled close to Lux, not too close because it was still hot after all, before turning to Shelly again. “I suppose you’re still not used to this weather are you? I mean, Britain is well known for being… Wet?”
Shelly giggled a bit at his tone before she tried to fan herself with her hand for a moment. “It can rain a lot, yes, but even when it’s warm, it’s not this warm.”
Mikey nodded as he listened. “Different climates and humidity and all of that.”
“Exactly,” Shelly nodded and squirmed in her seat for a second before plucking at her darker coloured t-shirt and standing up, grabbing her bag. “I might need to change this. I screwed up putting this on today. Does anyone have a problem with that?”
Mikey shook his head, and to make a point, he took off his glasses, hooked the arm in his t-shirt and covered his face with his hands. Shelly watched this, slightly amused, as Lux sat up a bit straighter, resting her chin in her hands.
If you asked Lux about this at a later date, she would probably willingly admit that she was ‘chin-handsing’ at Shelly getting half naked (not that this was new to Lux, the girls often shared a room and sometimes a bed), and maybe, just maybe she would admit that she was also heart-eyesing at Mikey being so darn respectful.
“I’m assuming you don’t have an issue, Miss Lux?” Shelly grinned slightly in the younger girl’s direction, giggling when Lux went a bit pink before she shook her head. “I didn’t think so.”
“You’re just so pretty Shell,” Lux said, as she watched the blonde pull a tank top out of her bag.
Shelly shook her head at Lux before looking at the tank top. She then pulled a face before turning her back to the other two. “Ugh, it’s white. I guess all the others are in the wash pile.”
“That bag is your emergency bag though,” Lux said, trying not to be too obvious about watching Shelly change. “You don’t really plan to use what’s in it. It’s a last resort.”
“Perhaps,” Shelly tugged her t-shirt off over her head, rolled it up and shoved it in her bag before pulling the tank top on. “Maybe I should swap the emergency shirt for a darker colour once we’ve done some laundry.”
Almost as if he was summoned by the flashing of female flesh, there was another knock at the door and Frank appeared. He looked around to see some of his bandmates. And Shelly, who seemed to be half dressed.
“Well, well well!” He said, closing the door behind him. “What’s going on in here?”
Shelly pulled the fabric down properly over her chest before turning to face the noise. “It’s like Waterloo Station in here.”
The other two frowned at her slightly, while Mikey kept his gaze averted.
“Um! It’s like… Uh, Grand Central Station? New York Airport?” She tried to correct herself. “It’s a really busy public transport hub - one of the main ones in the capital city.”
It was only as she looked around at them that she realised that Mikey still had his eyes covered. She giggled and made her way back over to the smaller couch to sit back down.
“Oh, Mikey, honey, you can look now.”
Frank plopped himself down between Mikey and Lux as the bassist quickly cleaned his glasses on the hem of his t-shirt before putting them back on.
“Nice bra, by the way,” Frank said to Shelly with a grin.
“Oh shut up,” Shelly rolled her eyes. “I didn’t think I’d have to wear white today.”
“Is that blue?” Frank leant forward a bit, trying to get a closer look at Shelly. “Or is it some kinda purple?”
“It’s purple!” Lux blurted out, earning a smile from the blonde.
Frank glanced at Lux, grinned even wider and then turned to Shelly again. “”Purple is very becoming on you. Then again -”
Mikey rolled his eyes and elbowed Frank. “Don’t be crude.”
The guitarist managed to avoid the elbow to the ribs and just cackled. Lux rolled her eyes at this behaviour.
“Who’s being crude?” Ray asked as Gerard closed the door.
“Who do you think?” Lux said.
“Frank,” Mikey clarified, as he rolled his eyes.
Ray sighed.
“We’re,” Frank gestured to himself and Lux. “We were just talking about Shelly’s bra.”
Gerard glanced over to Shelly - she had settled on her back again, stretched out on the smaller of the two couches. She had one arm over her eyes and the other was resting on her stomach. Although, it took him a little while to notice that because his eyes lingered on her chest. He couldn’t help it! Her bra was actually quite visible through her white tank top. Which he swore she wasn’t wearing earlier. He’d remember it being so see through.
“Shut up Frank,” Shelly muttered. “Is that Ray I hear?”
“Hey Shell,” Ray took a seat in the single chair that looked like it was once part of a dining set. “Are you alright? What’re you doing here?”
“I was searching for somewhere quiet and cool to relax. It’s too hot and busy for me.”
Frank had been focused on Gerard for a few minutes, so he had seen where the singer’s gaze had lingered.
“Gerard’s here too,” Frank said. “But he’s been too busy trying to figure out the colour of your bra too. Which I still think is blue.”
Gerard went bright red.
“It’s purple!” Lux repeated, going pink herself.
Shelly removed her arm from covering her eyes and glanced around. “Oh, the gang is actually all here.”
Frank laughed a little at Shelly’s observation as he watched her cover her eyes with her arm again. Gerard, meanwhile, glanced around; checking to see if there was somewhere for him to sit. He didn’t really want to ask Shelly to move - she’d been here first after all, and she’d clearly found the best spot in the room for her needs. The best spot to stretch out in an attempt to cool off. A bit like when cats found the sunniest spot to sleep in, actually but… He’d much rather see her stretched out like that, than all curled up like a cat. Sure, maybe that was because of the shorts and the white tank top. Those definitely didn’t hurt. And that had been his thought before he let himself acknowledge the fact that he could see her bra through her top. Jesus. So, maybe he’d rather see her stretched out because of her clothing… Or maybe he’d rather see her stretched out because it meant that she was happy, comfortable and (hopefully) relaxed. That second reason sounded a bit… Lame, actually. It was true! He did like seeing her comfortable and happy! But he was also only human. And she was very attractive.
Asking her to move wasn’t an option to him - as much as he wanted to sit next to her. He wouldn’t even mind if she wanted to stay stretched out - he’d quite happily have her legs in his lap. Then again, he’d be more than willing to have her head in his lap too, or even her whole body… Like… Her sitting in his lap -  but he didn’t want to give those thoughts too much screen time because he knew he wouldn’t keep it PG if he did. And he really needed to not think about her like that. At least not right then at that second. He might allow himself a few minutes of inappropriate thoughts later on when she wasn’t around.
“Gerard,” Shelly grumbled quietly, making him jolt out of his head. “Sit down, I can tell that you’re still standing.”
“I’ll make room!” Lux offered quickly, standing up to allow the vocalist to sit in the spot closest to their tiny tour manager.
Frank snorted slightly as Gerard took Lux’s spot after a quick “you sure?” exchange. “And where are you gonna sit?”
“She can have my seat,” Mikey moved to stand up, but stopped when he saw Frank roll his eyes.
“Jesus,” Frank muttered. “Someone needs to just sit in someone’s lap, or something! Enough musical chairs.”
“Although,” Ray glanced over to Shelly. “I really, really would advise against asking the tiny one to move.”
Shelly huffed - more at the heat than at anything else (she didn’t mind the ‘tiny one’ comment from Ray, as she really was small compared to him). She sat up and fiddled with the hem of her tank top to knot it up under her bust to get it off of her skin. Once she was sort of happy with that, she flopped back down again.
Gerard glanced at her as soon as she huffed, and then continued to watch her as she fiddled with her clothes. Frank, still sitting in the middle on that couch, heard Gerard sigh softly as soon as her lyric tattoo was exposed by her fiddling with her top. Frank grinned at the vocalist, not that Gerard was paying any attention to him at all.
“You’re really suffering in this heat, aren’t you?” Frank asked gently.
The older Way next to him nodded (despite the fact that Frank had aimed the question more towards Shelly) at the same time Shelly whined. That little noise from the blonde made Gerard sink back into the sofa, trying really hard not to file that noise away for later.
“I’m not built for this,” Shelly grumbled.
“I don’t know,” Frank grinned as Shelly turned her attention to him. “You’re certainly built for wearing very little clothing.”
Gerard sank even further back into the couch, if that was at all possible, and decided to keep his mouth very, very shut on that matter.
“Quit aggravating her!” Lux tutted at Frank with a roll of her eyes, shifting from one foot to the other - she was still standing up, not having been brave enough to just, as Frank suggested, sit on someone’s lap.
Mikey reached forward and tugged at Lux’s clothing. When he’d gotten her attention, he gestured for her to share his spot. He figured that they were both tall and fairly skinny, so two of them would fit in the space sized for one regular person. Lux smiled and, quite happily, squeezed in with Mikey. He made sure that Lux had as much of the space as possible, nudging up against Frank in the middle a little bit. He wasn’t concerned about the warmth he might start to feel from being too close to Frank - he was just happy that Lux was close. Both of them were totally oblivious to the looks that most of the rest of the band exchanged. Because god forbid that anyone admit their feelings.
Ray had been studying the situations in front of him while all of this had been happening. He spent a little longer studying the small blonde before letting out a soft “hmmm” and leaving the room.
The others (except Shelly, who had her arm across her eyes again) glanced at their tallest guitarist, first as he got up and their eyes widened as he left. They looked at each other, all sort of mentally shrugged and then turned back to their previous conversation.
“Well, it’s a shame that it’s summer really, Shell,” Frank mused after a few minutes.
Shelly sighed. “I agree, but… I’ll bite -”
Gerard nibbled his bottom lip. Yeah, she could bite him if she wanted.
“Go on,” Shelly grumbled. “Why?”
Frank grinned. “Because if you were cold, Shell, most of us have really warm hands.”
Lux groaned, which Shelly heard and giggled at, while Mikey rolled his eyes.
“Keep your hands to yourself Frank,” Lux grumbled.
“I think she’ll chop them off right now if I don’t,” Frank said. “But you just wait until winter.”
Gerard coughed very slightly, starting to shrink back into himself a little.
“She doesn’t need your hands, Frank!” Lux retorted, her tone slightly sharper. She had noticed Gerard’s reaction and felt a little bad for him; it was never nice seeing someone flirt with someone you were interested in.
Frank looked at Lux and raised an eyebrow at her. “You offering yours?”
Lux hesitated, realising what she’d said, and how that might’ve come across, and, again, aware of Gerard sitting right there.
“Hmn!” She said eventually, figuring that her flirting with Shelly a little would probably be a bit better than Frank. “Maybe I am!”
All three men glanced at their drummer, and even Shelly tilted her head in the direction of Lux’s voice.
“Well,” Frank grinned widely. “I’ll yield to that if you’re gonna put your warm hands all over her.”
“Ugh,” Lux muttered. “It’s Shelly’s body, and only she can decide whose hands she wants all over her!”
Shelly giggled from her sofa. “If it’s that cold, and people’s hands are that warm, I’m not gonna be overly fussy, to be honest.”
Gerard perked up a tiny bit - that didn’t sound like she’d be against him volunteering to help warm her up… Sure it wasn’t her seeking him out specifically, but she wasn’t exactly excluding him either. So… That was something.
Frank grinned, Mikey shook his head and Lux just sighed. The drummer was a little annoyed that Shelly wasn’t picking up on the hints that she (Lux) was trying to put out/down. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Frank touching her friend, and it wasn’t that she wanted to feel Shelly up (although Lux wouldn’t be totally against that…) - but Lux had noticed how much Gerard quietened down and shrunk back every time Frank flirted with the blonde. Despite his stage persona, Gerard was just not that forward, not that brave. Especially when it came to Shelly.
The shorter guitarist looked at Lux as she sighed, before he looked at their singer. Gerard was fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt, while glancing up at Shelly every so often. Frank shook his head a little bit. The vocalist really did have hearts floating around his head every time he looked at the girl.
“Although,” Shelly pulled herself up into a sitting position before stretching a little bit (Gerard tried really hard not to stare at her when she did that). “I don’t know what Jamia’s gonna say about you putting your hands all over another woman, Frankie. Maybe it’s better that you keep your hands to yourself.”
“Yeah, Frank!” Lux relaxed a little. Maybe Shelly did pick up on the hints after all. Even if it was just a fraction, that would do.
Gerard smiled a tiny bit at this interaction.
“I’m sure she won’t mind,” Frank said with a pout.
“Dude,” Mikey sighed, nudging his glasses up to rub the bridge of his nose. “You already have a woman. You don’t get two. Don’t be greedy.”
“Yeah,” Lux nodded. “Some people don’t have one, so chill out.”
Frank pretended to huff, but before he could argue any more, Ray returned, looking a little… Rumpled. He handed out some bottles of water to everyone, ignoring the curious expressions.
“Miss Manager,” he said.
Shelly blinked rapidly at him and the offered bottle.
“Drink this please,” he said.
She smiled slightly, took the bottle from him with a raised eyebrow, but, ultimately, she did as she was told; twisting open the cap and taking a drink.
“Better?” Ray asked, his voice gentle.
“Mm hm, a bit, thank you.”
He nodded before going to sit in the chair he’d been in earlier. “Good.”
“Thanks dad!” Lux grinned at him, almost giggling at his splutter. It always startled him when she called him that. Still, as Frank had pointed out once, at least she didn’t call him ‘daddy’ - he’d nearly choked on his beer that day.
“Awww! Look at Band Dad looking after the kids! And looking after Band Mommy too,” Frank grinned, almost giggling at the looks shot his way.
“I’d threaten to punish you, but I think you’d enjoy it,” Shelly shot back at Frank, with a roll of her eyes.
Gerard bit the inside of his cheek as his brain decided to wander off with those words.
Frank puckered his lips at Shelly in a kissing motion. “What’re you gonna do Shell? Spank me?”
Ray sighed, got up and clipped Frank around the head. Lightly, but still enough for it to be felt.
“Ow!” Frank whined. “Dad!”
“Behave,” Ray sat back down. “Don’t be so crude. Give the woman a break.”
“Bless you for calling me a woman and not a girl, Ray,” Shelly smiled sweetly at him before blowing him a kiss.
Privately, Gerard thought that yes, Shelly was very, very much a woman. Clearly not a little girl. Clearly a full woman. And just… God damn.
“Why do you look like you’ve been in a scuffle?” Mikey asked, after peering at Ray for a moment.
The question caught Shelly’s attention. And Gerard’s actually. He even stopped half watching Shelly to look at Ray properly.
Ray looked a little sheepish when all of his band turned to scrutinise him. “Um. Well…I did get into a little bit of an altercation.”
“What?” Lux perked up. “Do we have to go and fight someone? Who’re we fighting?”
“Down BabyCat. You are very vicious,” Shelly said, turning her attention back to Ray. “Excuse you? Who do I have to have Words with?”
The band shared looks. Shelly’s version of “having words with someone” could be just as vicious as Lux’s actions.
“No, no! I’m fine!” Ray said quickly. “I was talking to a friend, asking a favour, and someone overheard and said something stupid, so they got a little…”
“Ruffled?” Frank suggested after a moment of Ray searching for the right word.
“Yeah!” He nodded. “They just got a little bit of a talking to.”
“A stern Dad Talk?” Mikey asked.
Shelly narrowed her eyes at Ray. “Okay. What are you not saying?”
“Who was it?” Lux asked again.
Ray hesitated, because they had clearly seen through him attempting to brush the finer details under the rug. As he’d expected, Shelly had been the first to properly call him out.
“How about you just tell us exactly what happened?” Gerard said, his voice quiet, calm and rather matter of fact. Not accusingly or anything.
“Like I said,” Ray started, sheepishly. “I was talking to a friend - I managed to get a fan for the bus for you, Shell. Hopefully that’ll help you deal with this heat a bit better.”
Shelly’s expression softened. “Thanks Ray.”
“And,” he continued. “I was asking him if I could do something in return, like a trade system thing -”
Shelly tilted her head as she listened.
“Makes sense,” Mikey nodded.
“And some idiot nearby must’ve heard most of the conversation,” Ray hesitated, clearly not really wanting to continue, but after a sigh, and a look from the blonde, he did. “And he said something like…”
“About something I could do in return, right?”
“Fucking pig!” Lux spat out.
Mikey pulled a face, agreeing with Lux. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but this was the main reason why he kept a closer eye on Lux. Not that she couldn’t take care of herself! Because she was very capable of that. But she was the youngest of their group, and another woman in a male dominated space. And, clearly, so many of these guys could be complete assholes.
Gerard huffed angrily from beside Frank, almost trembling in rage.
“Fucking what?” Frank hissed. He, like the others, hated this attitude anyway, but he was also super protective of Shelly because of how she took care of them all - especially him.
Shelly watched Ray nod, slowly and regretfully, in answer to her question, and she sighed.
“I might’ve gone for him,” Ray admitted quietly. “But I didn’t get far, as my friend grabbed me first.”
The blonde shook her head and pushed herself to her feet, untying her tank top and smoothing it out so it sat properly again.
“Well,” she said softly. “It’s not the first time someone’s said something like that, and I doubt it’ll be the last.”
“It shouldn’t fucking happen at all!” Gerard exploded. He’d raised his voice a bit, but he wasn’t yelling. “And it shouldn’t be a case of ‘oh well he wouldn’t say shit like that if you were our sister’ or something like that. How about you don’t make fucking disgusting comments like that about women in the first place?!”
The rest of the band stared at Gerard.
“She doesn’t have to go by that ‘oh she’s someone’s daughter’ thing to deserve some damn respect,” Gerard continued. “Why does everyone think she got her job on her knees anyway? Why is that the only answer to most of them?! Is it really that hard to believe that women can work just as hard if not harder than men in this industry?” He huffed for a moment. “And, more to the point, they often do work harder because of attitudes like that!”
Shelly had turned to look at him at the same time as the rest of the band. She blinked rapidly at him and tilted her head as she listened. When he looked up and noticed that she was looking at him, he went quite pink, and even pinker when she smiled a little.
Lux looked at Mikey, her eyes wide. She was still pretty much in his lap at this point, having been gently anchored to the couch by the bass player when she’d been getting excited about the prospect of a fight. While Mikey knew that everything Gerard had said was true, he looked just as surprised at his brother’s outburst. Normally the vocalist was a bit more subdued (but no less accurate) in voicing his opinion on the matter than he was during that outburst.
Ray and Frank glanced at each other before nodding in agreement. This wasn’t the first time Gerard had gotten like this, but it didn’t mean that they agreed any less. That was a sentiment that the whole band would share too, if you asked any of them.
“Why don’t you walk Shelly back to the bus?” Ray suggested. “It’ll allow her to cool down more without having people gawk at her, and you can make sure that she gets there without being harassed.”
Frank opened his mouth to make some kind of… Frank comment, but Lux shot him such a look he gulped down the words again.
Not that Shelly or Gerard noticed that. Or the looks the rest of the band kept sharing. She kept glancing from the others to him, back to whoever made a noise, or whoever said something, but she always ended up looking at Gerard again. Gerard, on the other hand, kept glancing up at her, and then back at his lap again.
“Um,” Gerard pushed himself off of the sofa and to his feet. “Um, yeah, sure, I can do that.”
Shelly smiled a little before going to grab her small bag. She had no complaints about this proposed plan. Of course not, why would she? Once she’d grabbed her bag, she shouldered it and waited for Gerard.
“Hold on,” he said, untying his hoodie from around his waist before he offered it to her.
She side eyed him a little, her eyes darting from the offered hoodie to his face.
“Just until we get there,” Gerard said.
“Okay, I guess, but why?” She took it, but still looked very confused.
“Um,” Gerard swallowed and avoided her eyes. “Well…”
“Your shirt is very see through Shell,” Frank finished for Gerard.
“I wouldn’t put it past someone to throw something on you to get it to be both clingier and more see through,” Ray added.
Gerard exhaled deeply through his nose, cross at the thought of someone doing that to her. But on the other hand… He tried really hard not to think about the results of those actions. 
“It’s days like this that I’m glad I’m not sexy,” Lux shook her head.
Mikey’s eyes widened at Lux’s words.
“Psh! Nonsense!” Shelly put Gerard’s hoodie on and zipped it up. “Yes, you are.”
Gerard watched her while she did that. He hoped he had a neutral, quiet expression on his face. Because his mind was very, very loud - seeing Shelly wearing his clothes like that.
“Nah,” Lux shook her head again. “I’m not. But! Let’s not worry about that right now. Go ahead, get out of here.”
Mikey squinted at Lux, his brain naturally and automatically disagreeing and arguing with her. Not that his mouth would go along with that right then; his mouth would stay quiet. He still couldn’t really decide if that was a good thing or not.
“Go on ahead Shell,” Ray nodded to the blonde. “We’ll catch up later on.”
“Hmn,” Shelly eyed him suspiciously for a moment, shouldering her bag again. After a minute, she shrugged. “You’ve got the other set of bus keys, right?”
Ray nodded. “Yes ma’am.”
“He is the responsible Band Dad after all,” Gerard said with a grin, moving to stand next to Shelly.
“Well, one of you has to be the other responsible one,” Shelly edged closer to Gerard, kinda surprised to see him wearing a regular t-shirt. If he had been wearing a long sleeved top, she would’ve been able to gently grab ahold of the sleeve. She was touchy feely like that sometimes.
She giggled at the exclamation from multiple voices, and gently took Gerard’s hand. “C’mon, before they lynch me.”
“They wouldn’t dream of it,” he let her take the lead, definitely not complaining about her holding his hand. “See you later guys.”
The others waited until the door closed behind the other two and then for just a moment more. Frank then let out a groan before moving to sit on the couch Shelly had vacated.
“Jesus Christ, they are oblivious!”
“Well, I don’t know if she’s actually said anything to anyone about… Anything,” Ray tried to be diplomatic. “Like, how she feels. But we all know how he feels.”
“Oh, she likes -” Lux started, immediately stopping when her brain caught up with what she almost admitted. She could feel her cheeks starting to get warm because of her slip up.
The other guys looked at her.
“Miss Lux,” Ray tilted his head. “Do you know something?”
Frank tilted his head. “Or, are you just going off of her behaviour?”
“I don’t know if you can do that though,” Mikey said quietly. He was still sitting with Lux practically on his lap, despite the amount of freed up space - Frank had moved over when Gerard had gotten up. “Go off of her behaviour I mean. “She’s pretty affectionate with everyone. All of us anyway.”
Lux glanced around to see the three guys looking at her, clearly expecting some kind of answer. She hesitated for a moment before sighing. Truthfully, Lux did actually know how Shelly felt - the girls had had conversations about it before. Shelly had still been a little bit cagey about her feelings, not wanting to come out and say anything explicitly, just in case she was overheard but she still opened up just enough for Lux to get the picture. The thing was though, Lux didn’t want to outright say for definite how Shelly felt, just in case, so she decided that the best thing to do was to make it seem like she wasn’t positive.
“Listen,” she said quietly. “This doesn’t leave our circle. Okay?”
The three men nodded.
“I think that Shelly does actually like Gerard. Not just in the ‘he’s the favourite’ friendly kinda way.”
“Like, a romantic way?” Mikey clarified.
Lux nodded. “I… I think so.”
Frank looked at Lux, curiously. “Has she said something to you?”
“Frank,” Lux frowned at him, annoyed. “Do you honestly think I’d tell you if she had? You’d go and tattle!”
“I would not!” Frank pouted.
“It would be good for them to sort themselves out though,” Ray mused quietly.
“Gerard did nearly punch a guy for her after all,” Frank said.
“I think we’ve all nearly done that though,” Mikey said before nodding over to Ray. “You nearly did today!”
Ray just smiled.
“I would if I had the chance,” Lux added, smiling when the others nodded. Because she would - she’d fight for that girl.
“And,” Ray added. “We all remember having to hold Shelly back from, more than likely, badly hurting Bert.”
“That was hot though,” Frank said. “Little Miss Spitfire!”
“I’ll admit that I didn’t think that she had that in her,” Mikey said with a shake of his head.
Lux pouted. “I’m kinda gutted that I missed that.”
“But, it was probably better that you weren’t actually there; I don’t think we would’ve been able to hold both of you back,” Ray rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh definitely, there’s no way I would’ve just stood there and let him say that shit about Shell.”
“We know,” Frank nodded with a smile. “We’re the same.”
“Especially Gerard,” Ray said with a grin.
Lux giggled. “Well, yeah, but we all know that.”
“He’s proven that by his reactions every so often,” Frank said with a nod.
“Not just by reacting to people saying things about her in front of us, but by the speeches he keeps giving,” Mikey added.
“Oh, like the one to us earlier?” Lux asked, getting nods. “It clearly really annoys him. But is that because it’s aimed at Shell, or does it annoy him in general?”
“It annoys him in general,” Ray said. “He’d feel that way even if Shell wasn’t around.”
Mikey nodded. “Yeah, we kinda had that attitude installed in us by our grandma. Respect and all of that.”
“So he’s double annoyed because not only is it an attitude he doesn’t like, it’s an attitude towards the girl he’s crushing on?” Lux said with a nod.
“Exactly,” Ray nodded. “It’s a feeling we all share so the mood surrounding it is amplified.”
“Speaking of crushing,” Frank shook his head. “Why can’t they see what we can? Or at least, why can’t she see it? We know he’d never believe it.”
“She’s being professional,” Lux said. “She loves her job, remember?”
“That covers her behaviour,” Frank replied. “Like, why she hasn’t made a move, why she’s not reading into things -”
“He’s said that he doesn’t want to risk losing her,” Mikey said from his spot with Lux. “He’d rather have her around as she is, with him pining a little bit, than not have her in his life at all.”
“He doesn’t want her to go and work for someone else either,” Ray added. “I think that’s the main reason he falls back on. He keeps saying that he doesn’t want the band to lose her.”
“I mean,” Mikey tilted his head. “She works so hard for us, having her go and put all that effort into another band? That would really suck.”
“She wouldn’t leave us though, would she?” Lux asked before her voice dropped in volume a bit, exposing a bit of her vulnerable, squishy centre. “I mean, I don’t think… I don’t think she’d leave me…”
“She wouldn’t want to,” Frank said quietly and genuinely. He recognised that Lux was opening up a little bit, and while she was pretty comfortable with them now, she didn’t do that very often. “She’d try and cope if it was a bit awkward, and see how long she could cope for. She’d hold on for as long as she could.”
“Yeah,” Ray nodded. “She really adores us as a band, she really believes in us and what we stand for.”
“She really loves you though,” Frank said to Lux.
“Are you just saying that?”
He shook his head and Lux snorted.
“I don’t know if I believe you.”
“You forget that she and I spend a lot of time together when she’s looking after me when I’m sick. We talk a lot during those times, about a lot of things. And, almost every time you come up in conversation, Shelly says something like…” Frank paused to try and quote Shelly directly. “She says something like; ‘I love that girl and I will fight anyone about it’ - which scares me a little, as I’ve seen her start a fight.”
Lux studied him for a moment.
“I agree with Frank,” Ray said quietly. “She really does love you. She’s so very protective of you.”
“You’re just as protective of her too,” Mikey added.
“Sometimes it feels like you’re more protective of her than we are,” Frank said.
“I suppose I can hit more people than you guys,” Lux said after some thought. “I can hit girls who start and I can hit guys. You guys can’t really go for the girls.”
“That’s fair,” Ray nodded. “You’re not picky about who you’ll go after if they hurt someone you care about.”
“That’s right!” Lux beamed before turning to Mikey. “Look, I know he’s your brother, and the band’s lead man, but if he hurts her -”
“He’ll have a line of people after him,” Mikey said with a small nod. “Don’t worry. He doesn’t get special treatment. I’m not gonna stick up for him just because he’s my brother - especially if he’s actually in the wrong.”
“If anything,” Frank said. “He’s under double scrutiny; he has even less of a pass.”
“And considering he doesn’t have a pass anyway,” Ray added.
“None of you get a pass,” Lux looked around at the three men. “If any of you hurt her, I will come for you.”
They all nodded solemnly.
“We don’t plan on doing that Lux,” Ray said. “We promise.”
“Good. I wouldn’t want to have to break anything for any of you,” Lux smiled as innocently as she could manage.
The group fell quiet for a little bit, enjoying the coolness of the room, because of course Shelly had been right; of course she’d picked somewhere that would’ve fitted her needs at the time.
“Do you think if we give them enough time alone, one of them might say something?” Mikey asked the room.
“We give them a lot of time alone and no-one’s done anything yet,” Ray shook his head.
“Yeah, but he might accidentally say something while she’s…” Frank paused. “While she’s scantily dressed. He might be so distracted by her bra and her legs and all of that skin that he forgets his filter.”
Lux rolled her eyes and shook her head at Frank’s words, although she wouldn’t deny that he had a point. Shelly could be quite distracting sometimes; Lux definitely agreed with that. She was a little guilty of having a wandering eye when Shelly was involved. Especially if the blonde was wearing a little less than normal or a lower cut top. The drummer was not immune to Shelly’s particular… Charms.
Not that Lux would ever admit to Frank being right. Nor would she really admit to (sometimes) being no better than a man when it came to their tiny tour manager. Not that Shelly minded - she’d said so once or twice when the girls had been sharing a room. Despite the fact that Lux essentially had permission to gaze at Shelly like that, she still felt a little… Nervous about it. She didn’t think she was going to stop, but she also wasn’t going to be obvious about it. 
Especially not in front of Frank. And maybe Gerard. Poor boy had enough to deal with, with Frank flirting with his crush all the time, he didn’t need the reminder that Shelly played for both teams. Not just because that might be a distracting thought, but also because that might make him feel even more like he didn’t have a chance with her. Which was such a lie, because he totally did.
“How likely do you think that might happen?” Frank asked Mikey, breaking the silence they’d fallen into for a few minutes.
“Um,” Mikey shifted in his seat. “It’s not impossible. I know we’ve given him the idea that she might have similar feelings.”
“He’s listened to us, has he?” Frank raised an eyebrow.
“Well,” Mikey scratched his neck. “Yeah, of course he’s listened. He doesn’t believe a word of it, but I know he’ll take things on board. They'll stick in the back of his mind and linger.”
“I know I’ve tried to coax Shelly into opening up to him,” Lux said before remembering that she was supposed to be pretending that she wasn’t sure how Shelly felt. “If she has any kinda feelings for him, I mean.”
Frank side-eyed the drummer. He didn’t believe that she was unsure about how Shelly felt, he thought that she knew for definite. But, he wasn’t gonna call her out - he understood that Shelly would’ve told Lux in confidence. Even if she never planned on doing anything, Shelly might’ve felt better just telling someone. They all knew that Shelly valued loyalty and trust, but he didn’t think that she would be mad that Lux had let slip about the blonde’s feelings for the vocalist. Especially not if they could all encourage the pair to get their acts together and just… Confess how they felt about each other, to each other. The rest of the band could see it, the rest of the band didn’t have a problem with it; hell, they all wanted the two to get together. They just needed to get on and do it.
“They would be so cute together,” Lux shook her head slightly, having noticed Frank’s side eye. “They’re so perfect for each other!”
“As much as I hate to admit it,” Frank said before letting out a soft sigh. “You’re right there. They are perfect for one another.”
“She brings out a lot of good in him,” Mikey added. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look at someone the way he looks at her.”
“That’s kinda gross, to be honest,” Frank pulled a face jokingly before shaking his head.
“I think I’ve seen her look at him the same way though,” Lux continued to at least try to pretend that she didn’t know anything for certain. “She’s normally so smart. I wish she would just continue to use that big brain of hers.”
“Not just a big brain she has,” Frank grinned.
Lux looked around for something to throw at him, and, when she didn’t find anything, started to get up to go and hit the guitarist. Mikey grabbed at her to stop her.
“Leave it Lux,” Mikey said quietly. “I don’t think Shell would be impressed if we went back to the bus after having been fighting each other.”
She huffed but did as she was told before turning back to Frank. “Don’t be so crude!”
Frank giggled, mostly at Mikey holding Lux back and at Lux doing as she was told. Normally she only really listened to Shelly, so to see her listen to someone else was amusing to him. Actually, seeing her listen to anyone at all was funny.
“I mean it!” Lux continued, frowning at Frank’s giggle. “She doesn’t need or deserve to be objectified all the time!”
“She likes it though.”
“Not all of the time,” Lux shook her head. “Just like… Give the girl a break?”
“She’s not even here!”
“That’s not the point!”
“Well!” Ray said, a little louder than normal in an attempt to get the other two to stop, bickering a bit. “Enough of all that! Let’s get back to the matter at hand, shall we?”
“Which was trying to get Gee and Shelly to get their acts together,” Mikey said with a nod as Lux and Frank huffed a bit between them. “Via more encouragement and time alone together.”
“Yeah,” Ray nodded. “All we can do is try, right? Try and give them as much time as we can and just hope it works.”
The others nodded. There really wasn’t a lot else they could do, except maybe lock them both in a room until they were forced to talk, but they knew that Shelly wouldn’t like that. She’d feel betrayed, trapped and uncomfortable. And that was the last thing they wanted.
“Yeah,” Frank shook his head. “Let’s just hope they get their acts together before we have to properly intervene!”
“Because nobody wants that!”
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xxc4rt3rxx · 2 years
I will never get sick of danger days . Literally the wealth of fan content is so vast. Danger days girlies keep winning . Anyways what were your killjoys ocs named.
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anystalker707 · 2 years
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Word count: ~ 5 100 Genre: Fluff / Comfort Summary: Mikey's quiet brother catches (y/n)'s attention, and they're up to doing anything to have him fall for them with the help of their friends, Mikey, Ray, and Frank. A/n: another venting fic, tbh, lmao. not proofread.
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I was Mikey’s friend. Of course, I had gone to his place a few times, even spent the weekend, but even so, I hardly saw Gerard come out of his room in the basement. He would rarely make an appearance, only showing up when Donna or Elena asked him to do something for her, mainly to bring things from the store down the street.
I could remember clearly the first time I had seen him. After seeing Mikey through the window of the school's restaurant, my interest immediately sparkled at the sight of one of the other alt kids who roamed the school's campus, so I was quick to ask Pete who he was. Mikey happened to be walking by with his brother when Pete and I hung out by the parking lot.
"The Ways?" Pete raised an eyebrow, scratching the back of his head with his gaze on the two males in the distance, talking beside a gray car. "You wanna know who they are? Mikey and his brother?"
A brother. My eyes went past Mikey to observe the pale figure with dark hair. He looked at Mikey mostly expressionless while the younger one moved around frantically, sometimes motioning inside the car, past the open passenger door. He seemed as if he had come out of a romance by Lord Byron, Poe, Shelley, or Stoker, but bathed in the last century's pop culture. Untouchable, in a way because, after all, how was one supposed to approach him? His eyes judged his brother coldly, already, but something made me want to be close to him, someone who would walk into his room uninvited and have him over just because I don't want to be home alone.
"I mean..." I shrugged—what did he mean by that? "Are they nice people?"
Pete hummed. "Very nice! They are from New Jersey, actually. Gerard moved here so he could study in art school and decided to bring Mikey along with him so he can get used to it since Mikey is also looking for a college around the area."
With a quiet hum, I nodded. "I see."
Mikey seemed hard to be friends with, in the beginning, but things ran by quite smoothly. It started with a simple exchange of assignments that slowly turned into sending each other songs then daily talking before Mikey invited me over to his place because he was having a small Halloween gathering. That's when Ray and Frank came around.
That day, Gerard had only left his basement once. Still, even with small appearances like this, it was enough for the small infatuation in my chest to grow each time.
“What does your brother do, Mikey?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Gerard had walked into the house and shortly went to the kitchen, where Mikey and I did our homework, before going down the stairs to the basement with a seemingly heavy box in his hands. The silence had echoed in the room before I questioned him.
Mikey didn’t even look away from his notebook. “Art school.” And he didn’t say anything further.
Gerard had a quiet nature that was quite noticeable, but it also seemed hard to break. The most I had interacted with him was resumed down to asking him for Donna’s phone number so I could message her something regarding Mikey, as she had asked. It earned me a few murmured words before he held his phone out with the contact's profile.
Ray probably noticed my thoughtful form—things barely went unnoticed by him, after all; Ray had quite a talent for knowing everyone in the group to a base level, which had already shown just after a few weeks of friendship. “So, (n/n),” he said as he moved closer, arm wrapping around my shoulders, “what’s in that little mind of yours?”
My cheeks immediately heated up and my eyes averted away because, after all, thinking about this felt so wrong. It didn’t seem like Gerard wanted to be perceived. I gulped, staring at my shoes, my feet hanging from the short wall contouring the square’s flower bed that I sat on top of. Mikey and Frank preferred the bench beside it. It was a quiet afternoon we had decided to hang out, with the rare occurrence of Mikey and I having our afternoon schedules free after the teachers sent us dismissal emails, so Ray decided to take the afternoon off while Frank... just skipped classes.
“I... It’s nothing.” I shook my head, reaching for Frank’s can of Monster so I could take a sip of it, quickly giving it back to him. “I swear, there’s nothing.”
Ray raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the concrete, next to me. “Are you sure? Doesn’t it have anything to do with the sudden curiosity towards Gerard lately?”
Fuck. My face felt even hotter and I struggled to move away with the way he leaned in until he finally pulled away with a chuckle.
“If you’re afraid I’m going to find anything,” Mikey grumbles, “I’m, at minimum, gonna be happy because Gerard isn’t going to be such a sulking fuck all the time. Maybe he and his bedroom would smell less like mold. I mean, not to discourage you, but Gerard—”
“Mikey!” Ray clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes. “Y’know, (y/n), it’s more about... knowing how to deal with someone who got depression and some traumas on his back. I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just that you might feel intimidated at first, but Gerard is actually a lovely person. You gotta break that first barrier he puts between himself and everything new, but it might be easy since you’re always around and stuff.” He finished with a wide smile. “I believe in you.”
Ray’s words somehow made me feel more flustered but in a good sense. He had such a way to change perspectives of situations—he would often help us sort things out whenever we had any problem. He was sort of an ideal being; he didn’t seem to have any problems, despite the hard times he occasionally went through just like everyone else. There were uncountable times in which he had spontaneously introduced himself to our issues so he could solve them because, according to him, it was his obligation as a friend. Of course, it can be concerning sometimes since he will blame himself for things he has nothing to do with, so we also do our best to help Ray out, and at least try to return a little bit of what he does for us.
His words didn’t discourage me. They had some use when I first grew the courage to walk up to Gerard and talk with him.
“That shirt you have,” I mumbled to Gerard. We were in the kitchen late at night, with the (maybe) fortunate occurrence of having met each other when getting out of bed motivated by thirst. “Is it themed after a movie or a show? Y’know, the one with a helmet. Reminds me of Star Wars.”
I was almost certain Gerard wouldn’t answer, that he would just put his glass in the sink and leave, leaving me in the thick night silence because I was too pathetic.
“The Mandalorian,” Gerard’s soft voice echoed through the room. “It’s a Star Wars spin-off. Do you like Star Wars?”
Something in my chest immediately warmed up as I looked at him for a second, still wondering if I was imagining stuff. “Um, yeah! Mikey and I watch a lot of movies when I’m over... Never got to watch The Mandalorian, though, since we end up mostly rewatching stuff.”
Part of me hoped Gerard would invite me to watch it with him, but of course, it was a step that was too wide yet. Instead, his eyes just fell to the ground before he nodded shortly. “It’s worth it.” His lips pressed into a soft smile at the moment his gaze met mine and the bottom of his glass met the sink in a quiet clicking. “Well, good night.” He walked out of the kitchen in swift steps.
Not surprisingly, Ray was quick to catch onto what was going on.
“What was going on?” He had asked, approaching me after I went silent for a little too long while he and Frank chatted while we hung out at his place. Frank was sitting weirdly on the armchair of the small dorm room while Ray sat next to me on the couch, where I comfortably had my legs tucked close to support my phone. I didn’t hear the question at first, humming confused as my eyes averted to watch Ray leaning closer to glance at my phone’s screen. “Oh, The Mandalorian?” The corner of his lips tugged up, his gaze already making me want to shrink and disappear. “Well, do you know who really likes The Mandalorian? Gerard even has a Din Djarin shirt!”
“Oh, really?” I tried, even if I could already feel my face burning hot. I really didn’t have a single second of peace.
Frank giggled. “Imagine humiliating yourself for a submissive!”
“I’m not humiliating myself!” I paused the episode so I could put my phone down and glared at Frank. “I’m just—” My thoughts just didn’t come up with anything coherent. It must have been so much fun for them.
“You’re troubling yourself with watching that boring stuff just because the submissive you like is a fan! Dunno...” Frank shrugged. “Sounds a little like humiliation, to me. Do you need a dick that bad, (y/n)?” His question was met with silence, of course. Because, like, what was I supposed to say? What could I possibly use as an argument that wouldn’t have Frank dropping sarcastic remarks? He muffled his laughter with his hand, head falling back against the armchair’s cushion.
Hell. It made me feel breathless, in a sort of bad sense. I wanted to escape that, but at the same time, I felt just like a goddamn puddle, unable even to look at anything other than the weird stain at the corner of the screen of Ray’s TV. It had been a while since I had been with someone or at least genuinely attracted to someone, so Gerard was sort of a game-changer. Something important, in two senses. If I did something wrong, it could affect Ray, Mikey, and Frank. On the other hand, it would also break me a little. Liking him so much while knowing so little about him felt so wrong. I sought anything that would get me closer to him.
“Why don’t you text him?” Ray raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t have his phone number,” I mumbled. I wanted to hide, but also for it to go further, for any hint or help that would get me closer to Gerard. “Nor any reason to do so.”
Ray leaned back against the couch with a thoughtful hum, scratching the back of his head ever so carefully so he wouldn’t ruin his curls. “You do. I’ll send you his number and you’ll send him a text, you see. You could ask him to send you the college’s application rules and calendar, telling him I told you to ask him for them since I don’t have the files. Then,” Ray said as he moved closer, his arm over the couch’s backrest, “you can tell him how much you’ve been liking The Mandalorian. Maybe share theories and stuff. He likes that. Thing is, Gerard is really introverted. You gotta talk to him first and all if you want anything."
As much as Ray was a good problem solver and peacemaker, his advice tended to suck, so we would always think twice before doing anything. I couldn’t even think once at the moment; thankfully, Ray wasn’t wrong this time.
Dealing with Gerard was... difficult at first, though it didn’t take me long to catch on how he had the same texting habits as Mikey, extraordinarily. They didn’t answer all of the texts you’d send them nor did they have the read receipts turned on, so it was a little hard to determine whether they did or not read your messages, at first. It was just like talking to a wall, even if he tended to be more extroverted over texts. That's why I didn't know whether Gerard was okay with the idea of hanging out with me while Mikey was out for a couple of hours.
In the first place, Gerard knew Mikey would leave shortly for a job interview, and later got aware that I'd be at his place since the morning. Those couple of hours of Mikey’s absence wouldn't exactly be awkward—I'd been at his place enough times not to feel awkward in his absence, even more considering how Donna was so sweet—, but it would be nice to hang out with Gerard. Plus, away from Mikey. Not that Mikey would do anything inconvenient; it was more about my sanity.
"You look good," I reassured Mikey from my place on the couch as he stood in the middle of the living room, adjusting his button-up shirt. Donna seemed as if she would die of pride, with a wide smile behind her hands that rested intertwined under her nose. "You're gonna do well, also."
"Of course!" Donna nodded. "Just remember everything we told you, alright? Ask about the workplace and the relationship between the other employees, don't subject yourself to a job that isn’t worth it!"
Mikey hummed with a nod. "Of course."
"Good luck, honey!" She hugged him tightly for a moment. "Go! You can't be late!"
"Right, thank you." He kissed her cheek and proceeded to hug me as well.
"You'll do fine!" I smiled, compelling him to do the same.
Mikey patted his pockets until he recognized the shapes of his phone and keys through the fabric, then left with another quick exchange of words. Donna and I were left staring at the door for a second before she disappeared inside the kitchen again.
The silence was almost deafening while the anxiety threatened to consume me from the inside out. What face would I put on if Gerard came out of his room and saw me sitting there pathetically, with false hope because he didn't even bother to answer me? It was the first time in a while that I felt out of place in the Way household.
"What episode of The Mandalorian did you stop in, again?" The sudden voice almost had me jumping in my place, turning around to see Gerard standing there behind the couch before he made his way around it, taking a seat about a foot away from me. When did he get there, in the first place? It always amused me how quiet he can be, just appearing and disappearing randomly. Mikey can be just like that when he decided not to be chaotic.
A sigh escaped my lips before I nodded, clearing my throat. "Sixth, first season."
Gerard raised his eyebrows with a hum. "We can finish the season."
It's awkward at first. I sat there not knowing what to do, or where to put my hands at. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to let out the breath I had been holding as slowly as possible while resting against the couch before my back started hurting.
Gerard, on the other hand, didn't seem nervous at all, to the point it almost put me to shame. His eyes watched the TV from behind his messy dark bangs with the same amusement as if watching it for the first time. He was still in his Star Wars-themed pajamas, with a loose black shirt that rode up a little with how he had his legs up on the couch.
His index finger rested over his lips, elbow over one of his knees. Sometimes his eyebrows would furrow and his lips would purse according to what happened, and—
His eyes met mine. Fuck.
Thankfully, all he did was look back at the TV the moment I looked away. Maybe I was just overthinking.
"Damn, that’s when he—" Gerard paused, looking at me. "Fuck, sorry. Are you okay with spoilers?"
At first, I pondered saying no because I wanted to be surprised and intrigued as things happened, but was it worth not hearing his excited little comments about something he liked so much?
"No, not really," I chuckle softly, "you can comment all you want."
Gerard’s lips curl up into a cute smile. "Okay."
I don't know at what point it happened, exactly, but Gerard was sitting right next to me. It was nice how happy he looked, moving his hand around while explaining stuff, sometimes pointing at the screen or just moving around to follow what he said.
"And— Din, you know who portrays him, right?" He raised an eyebrow at me. He was so close. Cute, though.
"Impossible not to know, with all the current repercussions on The Last of Us, y'know."
"Right," Gerard hummed with a nod, and whatever he said sounded like gibberish because, as he shifted, I could feel his arm right behind my back. "What do you think?"
"Huh? Sorry, I—"
"Sorry, am I bothering you?" He twists his lips a little. "Do you want me to let you watch it in peace or..."
It almost hurt a little that I had made him think that. "No! I like your comments! They're nice, I like the way you see it all and stuff."
Gerard pressed his lips together in a shy smile as his gaze fell to the ground at the same moment a red tone tinted his cheeks. "Well, thank you," he mumbled, scratching the side of his face.
Soon, the episode finished and the preview of the show was displayed on the screen instead, but it wasn't like we would watch anything else.
"—the character designs, you know? I think that's what really gets me! They're well built not just regarding their story, but also their visual, y'know? It's something that inspires me a lot!"
"Oh, Mikey did tell me you go to art school!" I grinned, watching his eyes lighten up. "I guess I have seen one of your works. Was it you who drew Ray, Mikey, and yourself in a cartoon sort of style? With blood and all?"
"Yes!" He nodded frantically. "I decided to make a little something for us because it completed around 10 years that we've been friends! What did you think of it!"
"Loved it! It looked very nice! 'Would love to see more of your works, even." My cheeks heated up a little with how I was advancing, but I still had confidence in myself. After all, Ray said he would like me and Ray knew both of us well.
Gerard’s lips twisted into something between his shy smile and a proud grin as his eyes wandered around the room for a moment. "Well," he mumbled, pulling the strands of hair away from his face, "I can show them to you, anytime."
"That’d be lovely—"
I interrupted myself at the sound of the door being opened, and Gerard and I turned to see Mikey walking in with a sigh. He closes the door behind himself and stands there in silence for a moment as if grounding himself. Only when he opens his eyes again that I dare to speak.
"Hey, Mikes! How did it go?"
Mikey raised his eyebrows a little as he saw Gerard and me on the couch. "Um, went well, I believe! They said they're going to call me in one week in case I'm hired."
"Congrats!" Gerard extended a hand, which Mikey high-fived with a wide grin. "Barnes 'n Nobles?"
"Yeah!" Mikey nodded. "It seems nice, will give me some extra money and the shifts are flexible." He paused and leaned back, glancing past the kitchen's doorway. "Where's mom?"
"She— Isn't she in the kitchen?" Gerard furrowed his eyebrows. "We didn't see her leave. I mean, I didn't. Did you?" He asked me, but I shook my head.
Mikey raised his eyebrows a little and glanced back at the TV before slowly nodding. "Right. (Y/n), I—"
Gerard interrupted his brother by clearing his throat as he slowly put himself up to his feet. The cold air embraced me, making me already miss his closeness. "Well, I got some stuff to work on. See you guys later." He nodded at Mikey and me, his gaze lingering over mine before he disappeared once again.
It was like a trigger. Just the sound of the door to the basement closing already had my cheeks flaring up, which quickly attracted Mikey’s attention.
"Spill it up, you whore," he joked. "C'mon, I'm hungry. I'll grab something then we can go to my room." He remained silent while we got some snacks from the kitchen then rushed upstairs into his room, closing the door behind us. "Tell."
My cheeks start burning again, and I can't meet Mikey's gaze. "There's nothing to tell." I put what I had brought on the desk, and pulled the chair to take a seat.
"Suuure..." He rolled his eyes. "Gerard was looking at you as if you were a brand new Star Wars action figure."
"What kind of comparison is that?" I scoffed, trying to think what it would look like.
"Don't you dare say I didn't warn you when he starts spending more time taking care of his collections than with you." Mikey hummed with a glare while opening a can of Coke, and I can't help but chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah! But Mikey— He's so cute," I groan, burying my face into my hands. I would give anything to spend more time with him like that again.
It was a couple of days later that Ray decided to call for a group hang out again, this time breakfast at a neat café downtown. Mikey didn’t lose time before spilling everything on the gc, so he was curious, being nosy as he was.
The café he chose was something near the dorms, which Ray liked to visit once in a while between lectures because both the price and quality were good. Soft colors took the place while some nice pictures hung from the wall, all of them contributing to a nice atmosphere that was completed by the ambient song.
"Tell me," Ray whined with a pout. "What did you two talk about?"
"I told you!" I widened my eyes a little, playing with the paper around the coffee cup. "We, um, finished watching the first season of The Mandalorian while talking about it then started talking about character design, drawings, and stuff. He even said he could show me more of his drawings if I was interested."
Ray's pout turned into a grin as he clapped lightly. "Wow, that's some good advancement! I can't wait for you two to get together! We can go out Christa and me along with you two!"
"Yeah, right?" I couldn't help but grin as well. "That would be cool."
"Have you two talked ever since?" Frank asked before taking a sip from the straw.
"No, no." I shook my head and pulled my phone from my pocket, getting to Gerard's chat. The last message was me asking to hang out while Mikey was on his job interview. It wouldn't hurt to text him now. It was a wild idea, maybe, but I ended up just typing it. 'Good morning, beautiful,' the message displayed on the screen without being sent yet. "Frank, what if I..." I showed him the screen. "What if I, hm?"
Frank furrowed his eyebrows as he read the message before giggling. "Yeah, yeah, do it!"
"Careful," Mikey hummed. "You don’t wanna die and have Frank advice as the cause on your gravestone!" Words that went ignored by Frank, who just giggled more.
Ray was pouting yet again. "What? What is it?" I showed him the screen as well, watching his eyes widen a little. "Oh, bold!" He chuckled, but it stopped the moment I sent the message. "Wait— You sent it?"
"What?" I almost feel my heart drop inside my chest. Shit, am I rushing things? "C'mon, you all were so positive about it!"
"Not me!" Frank shook his head.
"Nooo..." I groaned, burying my face in my hands.
"Well, at least you can know it's 50/50," Ray tried, "either he replies in the same level or... maybe a block."
"Don't exaggerate!" Mikey clicked his tongue. "Not a block, but maybe ignore you, I don't know."
My heart seemed to beat faster at the same proportion it sunk deeper into my chest. "You're not helping—"
Ding. A notification. Everyone fell silent, eyes focused on the phone. A message from Gerard.
Good morniiing!!!☀️
"My God," I cried out softly with a hand over my mouth. "He's so cute!" I ended up just letting Ray take my phone from my hand as I continued to freak out both in relief and also at how cute he genuinely was.
"Genuinely pathetically humiliating yourself for a submissive," Frank said in a reprehensible tone, clicking his tongue. "You're freaking out over a good morning with three i's!"
"But Frank!" I groaned, taking my phone back. "I like him so much it hurts..."
Ray hummed, touching my shoulder. "Maybe you should let him know. Like, there's nothing to lose. He is a chill guy, wouldn't be awkward or anything if you like him and all. Unless it affects you a lot, of course."
These three have some sort of power, sometimes, but nothing good. The way they encouraged me always had me acting by fucking impulse. It had its advantages, of course, though sometimes I would be left wondering how easily I could let these three get into my brain.
"Okay." I hummed with a nod. "It's worth a shot, right? And—"
"Me!" Frank raised a hand. "Let me be the one to tell him, please! I'll be like, 'Gee, hear me out, (y/n) wants your ass!' What do you think?"
I stared at him for a moment. "And I really trust you, Ray! I'm counting on you!"
That night, I didn't rethink my choices when I went home. Maybe it was me trying to avoid problems—or what I considered to be problems—, but my mind was troubled with other things when it hit the pillow before sleep took over.
In the morning, Ray had only sent me one message. Done. And there was no coming back.
Gerard hadn't messaged me after the previous day's conversation, and part of me also hope he wouldn't, even if I kept checking my phone every two minutes during classes. Part of it was increased due to how Mikey didn’t go to class that day, just sending me a 'crash by after class' during the lunch break.
I stepped into the Way household like a scared cat, even if the chances of seeing Gerard were small. Donna welcomed me warmly as always, so I just went up to Mikey’s room after she told me where he was.
"Why didn't you go today?"
"Wasn't feeling like it." He twisted his mouth. Mikey was sprawled across the bed.
"Right." I sighed and pulled my notebook from my bag, leaving it over the desk. "In case you need it."
He nodded as a quiet thank you. "Wanna watch The Last Of Us?"
"Can't watch it alone?" I smirked, chuckling at his grimace.
"Fuck you!" Mikey clicked his tongue and reached under his bed to get his laptop. "Be useful and go get us something from the fridge, c'mon!"
I rolled my eyes, sighing as I left my bag hanging from the desk's chair. "I didn't even sit down yet and I'm already being treated as a slave! Fuck you," I said as I exited the room, leaving him snickering behind.
Donna had already disappeared again when I reached downstairs, so I just walked into the kitchen, looking for something Mikey wanted before I grabbed myself something to eat and to drink as well.
"Hey." The quiet voice almost gave me a heart attack. Gerard stood there in the middle of the kitchen, just like a goddamn ghost.
"Hiii..." I said a little breathless, letting the cans of soda and juice on the counter before I closed the fridge.
"So..." Gerard played with his hands a little, eyes wandering around the room. "I, um, I don't want to beat around the bush because it would be harder for me, but... Uh, Ray told me, um, something, and I was wondering if it was true. Maybe not just regarding him, but also regarding you, because..." He ran out of air and cleared his throat, wetting his lips. "I'm sorry for rambling, but..."
The silence felt so thick. As if I was underwater, given how difficult to breathe and to move it felt.
"I..." My mouth felt so dry. "It's true, Gerard. I already had my eye on you a while ago, and I sort of just..." I shrugged a little.
"For real?" He blinked, but his eyes never met mine. "Isn't it some sort of dare or something? I mean, you must be nice if Ray considers you to be one of his best friends, but I wouldn't be able to handle it if it were a dare. I'm so sorry."
"No, no! It not a dare!" I shook my head. I didn’t know what to to with my hands, so I held them together in front of my chest. "I genuinely think you're nice, and cute, and pretty! I wouldn’t lie! Mikey is like, my best friend, I wouldn't dare to hurt you! Well, not just because of him, but also because of you!"
Gerard’s cheeks quickly gained the red tone that adorned them so many times. His hands weren't fidgeting so much. "For real?"
"For real." I smiled softly, and extended my arms in an inviting manner. "Um, a hug?"
Gerard was hesitant at first. He took a small step towards me, though then soon throwing himself in my arms and hiding his face in my shoulder. "Sorry, it's just... no one ever had interest in me or anything, I am always much like a shadow, so..."
"Don't worry about it!" I patted his back softly. "I think you glow, actually. You're so pretty, I— Sorry, I don't want to scare you away."
"It's fine," he almost chuckled. A smile adorned his lips when he pulled away a little, remaining close. "I... Um, I'm wondering if I can..." His eyes drew to my lips a couple of times. Fuck. He's adorable.
"Yeah, go on!" I grinned for a second before I let my lips rest proper, soon meeting his in a sweet kiss that made something stir in my chest in the best way possible. "Was that good!"
"Can I do it again?"
Check out the masterlist
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19emma75 · 1 year
my fav frerard fics
Ok so here’s my grank fic rec list!! I’ve put links to each fic on ao3 for easy access + most if not all have nsfw/explicit elements so be warned!! I’ve written afew tags next to each one so u get an idea but no spoilers ok here we gooo
⭐️ = fav of all time/must read
- The Best Part of My Day by pixie_revolver - office co-workers au
- ⭐️pinkish by antspaul - kid fic, fake relationship to lovers
- Black Market Blood by autoschediastic - short vamp!gee/human!frank
- ⭐️The Mess We've Made by ViciousVenin - pencey era frank, strangers to lovers, angst with happy ending
- Life as a Process by ViciousVenin - fav vamp!gee fic, college roommates au
- Happy Together by MorningGloryxxx - focus on mental health/lgbt themes/addiction, eventual happy ending
- A Splitting Of The Mind by Shoved2agree - yall already know, cw for heavy mental health focus
- Unwanted Thoughts by ViciousVenin - touring, pining, friends to lovers
- Skin of the Canvas by sinsense - art school/nude model au
- ⭐️Unholyverse trilogy by Bexless - holy grail of fics, priest!gee, demons, stigmata (you've probably already read this ik)
- ⭐️The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith - supernatural, high school au
- ''that was easy'' by metaleaterz - 'the staples fic', they just work at staples and its cute ok
- another superstition by metaleaterz - friends to lovers houseflipping au
- ⭐️Crossed Out by Haze - time travel and blood magic!! so incredible it should be made into a tv show umbrella academy style
- ⭐️In a Column of Lights by xobarriers - entomologist!gee/director!frank, SO wholesome and sweet and lovely
- Did You Miss Me? Cause I Missed You by LiberXI - wholesome/funny/smutty friends to lovers college au
- ⭐️Nothing Above Nothing Below by LiberXI - pencey era strangers to lovers with a supernatural twist, LOVE the writing style sm
- You Will Leave a Mark by brooklinegirl - short but intense pencey era strangers to lovers
- rough ‘round the edges by starryfrens - sick fic with gee as frank’s caregiver, heavy and heartwarming
- Living on a prayer by beforethesungoesdown, Kitoko_kun - priest x priest with expected amounts of catholic guilt and pining
- Before The Second Show by CharredLips - sweet + fluffy bullets era mutual pining
- ⭐️Wishing You Were a Ghost by pixie_revolver - “right person wrong time”, angst with happy ending, heartbreaking but amazing
- ⭐️Kinktober 2023 by insusurro - all parts set in the same universe, surprisingly heartwarming for the subject matter, great characterisation
- ⭐️Moth to Flame (or Whatever) by onceuponamoon - insanely perfect florist au
- Companion by onceuponamoon - workplace au (carer/office worker)
- Buy Handmade + Bread and Butter by jjtaylor - adorable artist/baker au
- ⭐️Paris!Verse trilogy by vesna - artist gerard/record label owner frank, INSANELY good characterisation, so beautiful and emotional
- Time Travel ‘verse by ladyfoxxx - funpoison/frankghoul/rrr time travel shenanigans, amazing and kind of heartbreaking
- Christmas Miracle by insusurro - wholesome and festive teacher au
- Choosing My Confessions series by pixie_revolver - kinky/wholesome priest au
- a constant record of disillusion by drapnel - non au realistic pre-bullets to post-summer sonic ‘04, heavy so read tags
- All Through The Night by LiberXI - bullets era meet cute
- ⭐️The Horror That I’m In by pixie_revolver - paramour estate, paranormal activity, frank goes through the horrors, angst with happy ending
updating periodically so keep an eye out <3
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Bits from a fic that's been sitting in my drafts for years, it's about Frank suddenly turning into a hobbit. It's based on that one interview where Gerard is talking about d&d and lotr and Frank's all "I'm too cool for that nerd shit". Some unknown person got offended and cursed Frank by turning him into a literal hobbit as revenge.
It's got a lot of cringy writing but I think these moments aren't too bad:
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Some day I might rewrite and finally post the whole fic. Frank has a crush on Gerard as usual but the fic isn't really about frerard. It's pretty much just about the hobbit shenanigans.
Honestly I just think that 3ft tall grumpy hobbit Frank would be cute and also really funny.
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stumped-on-bennington · 4 months
The Kind of Human Wreckage That You Love
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Summary: Frank got jumped by a couple of weirdos and as been acting strange ever since. Gerard and the rest of the guys try to take care of him, but to no avail. That is until they get a visit from Pete and Patrick.
Word count:1500
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It all started when Frank got into a fight with some weird guys from across town. He was jumped by these dudes who thought they were from the 1920s or something. Since then he has been acting really weird. Sleeping all day, getting weird cravings, and overall looking really sickly and almost dead. Gerard, Mikey, and Ray were doing everything they could to help him, but Frank was refusing to see a doctor. They were at their wits end until Gerard was approached by Pete and Patrick.
“He isn’t sick, but there isn’t a cure.” Pete told Gerard.
“What are you talking about? Frank just has a really intense stomach flu or something, we have it under control.” Gerard said, defensive over his friend. 
“What stomach flu makes a man look dead? Makes him sleep all day and gives him uncontrollable urges at night? I can already tell you that about this time he has cold sweats, is shaking and vomiting up anything you're trying to give him.” Pete growls, ready to pounce on Gerard. 
Patrick put an arm in front of Pete, holding him back from Gerard before speaking. “We know what's wrong with him, but it’s not as simple as just treating it like a cold.” 
Just then Patrick gets a text on his phone. “Shit, there’s rumors of another swarm that’s been picking people off by Make-Out Point. We have to go re-group with the guys.” Patrick tell’s Pete, putting his phone back in his pocket and pulling out an old beaten up journal. “Here, you're going to need this. This will tell you everything you need to know to help out your friend and to protect yourselves.” 
Gerard takes the journal skeptically, but willing to try anything at this point. He flips the journal open, seeing pages upon pages of recipes, rituals, and other entries. Gerard looks up to question the two, but the strange duo is gone without a trace. 
Gerard takes the journal back to the rest of the guys, showing them the entries and telling them what Pete and Patrick had told him. 
“This thing says to mix holy water, garlic, and human blood and to give it to him, man. I don't know about this.” Ray says, flipping through the pages.
“I read one of them that said we have to have a weekly visit from a priest to come and bless him. Even has a number of a priest that quote ‘understands the situation’ end quote” Mikey says, mocking the entry that he was referring to.
Just then Frank stumbles into the room, covered in sweat and clutching his stomach. “Let's do it.” He says, nearly falling.
 Gerard bolts up, rushing to stabilize his friend and guide him to a chair. “No dude, this is just a bunch of psycho rambling. Whatever you have, we can fix it with some cold medicine and rest.” 
Frank growls, “We’ve been trying cold medicine for weeks now. I sleep all day, there isn’t any more rest I can be getting! ...I’ve been having nightmares when I sleep, they’re all the same. Flashes of me covered in blood, and you guys laying lifeless at my feet.” Frank’s expression softens, “I’m tired of this and I’m willing to try anything at this point.”
Gerard looks at Frank with a sorrowful expression. “Ok.”, he says.
“Wait, seriously? You’re going to go through with this crazy stuff?” Ray says, a little shocked at Gerard’s willingness to comply with the odd manual.
“We have to at least try. If it doesn’t work then we stop.” Gerard says, giving Ray a serious look. 
Ray sighs, “Fine, But i'm not going to be the one bleeding for this, ok?”
“I’ll do it.” Mikey says, everyone turning towards him. “I’ll supply the blood. Luckily it doesn’t seem like we’ll be needing that much.” Gerard gives his brother a thankful smile.
“Ok.” Gerard says, “Let's get to work then.”
With that Ray, Mikey, and Gerard get to work following the instructions in the journal. Gerard calls the number in the book and informs the priest of the situation, Mikey starts the concoction that they are to feed to Frank, and Ray starts collecting all the crucifixes he can find. By 11 PM the priest finishes blessing Frank and the other preparations have been finished. 
“Here, we go, Frank. Now this probably isn't going to be pleasant.” Gerard says, bring the cup to Frank's mouth, letting him sip the mixture. As soon as the liquid touches Frank's lips, he starts coughing violently. Gerard pulls the cup away and rubs Frank’s back, trying to sooth his friend. 
“I told you this was a bunch of horse shit!” Ray says, “This entire journal was just some weird, sick prank from those guys! Just some freaks that-” Ray stops at the sound of Frank chugging the liquid. The three turn back to Frank, who is now standing, the bottom of the cup in the air as he swiftly gulps down the mix. With a loud sigh, Frank finishes the ghastly drink, crushing the plastic up in his hand. 
The three men stare in disbelief. Frank, who was nearly a corpse mere seconds ago, is now standing strong before them, looking as youthful as ever. Frank uses his sleeve to wipe the residue from this mouth, leaving a bloody streak across his face. “That’s better.” He says, dropping the cup to the ground.
“You were saying?” Mikey says, turning back to Ray. 
The four men read through more of the journal, following all the instructions to a T. Preparing more mixtures and rituals to help keep Frank stable. They even found a number to a blood bank that had shady practices so that Mikey wouldn’t have to keep bleeding for the holy water mixture. The group stayed up until 5 in the morning making everything so Frank could be comfortable. About an hour before sunrise, they got a knock on the door.
Gerard answered the door, a wooden stake and crucifix ready. He slowly creaked the door open, revealing Pete and Patrick. The two immediately notice the items that Gerard is holding, Pete hissing at the sight of the crucifix. 
“So, you actually followed my instructions.” Patrick says, a slight smirk on his face. 
Gerard put away the crucifix. “So, you knew what was wrong with him because he’s also one of them.” He says, motioning towards Pete. “And you're trying to hunt all the other ones to reverse it all, right? That’s why you had all those instructions for weapons in there too.” 
“That’s right.” Pete says.
“So now what, you’re here to take out Frank too?” Gerard says, clutching the stake in his hand.
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Patrick says, raising his hands. “Your friend is safe. So long as you keep his urges under control, then we have no reason to come after him.” 
Gerard lowers his weapon, feeling a sense of relief. 
“But, we could really use you guys, if you're willing to help. We’re always looking for more people on our side. The more of us there are, the quicker we can go through the bad ones and get our friends back to normal.” Patrick says, hopeful.
Gerard thinks for a second. “I’m sorry, but we can’t. Frank never has been one to have very good control. If we go out and try to do what you guys do, I'm afraid that he’ll get carried away and cause more trouble than help.” He says, with an apologetic expression. 
“No worries, we understand.” Patrick says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a slip of paper. “But if you ever change your mind, or if you just need some help, give me a call.” 
Gerard takes the paper and stuffs it in his pocket. Pete and Patrick turn away and begin to walk off, but before leaving, Patrick stops.
“Oh, and if you hear anything about any attacks or turf fights, don’t hesitate to call!” Patrick says, calling over his shoulder. With those final words Patrick begins walking off into the night. Pete lunges into the air and jumps rooftop to rooftop, disappearing just before the sun rises. 
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~A couple weeks after Gerard’s last encounter with Pete and Patrick.~ 
“Any word from the hunters?” Mikey asks his brother. 
“Nothing. I’ve tried calling and texting, no answer.” Gerard says. There has been a spike in activity around their side of town, more and more lurkers at night, making it hard to get supplies for Frank.
The four men jump as there is a knock at the door. The group ready themselves with weapons, crucifixes, and holy water as Gerard opens the door. Standing before them are the hunters, only this time they’ve changed, moonlight reflecting off their fangs. 
“We’ve hit a bit of a snag in the extermination process.” Patrick says, his own pair of fangs hanging in his mouth.
“Let’s get training then.” Gerard says, allowing the group to enter their dwelling.
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zombyvamp · 2 years
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anatomy of a fall yeahhh this fic was good to me
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If you need an excuse to write for G-Way I can ALWAYS use some kind of snuggly G-Way fic.
Like ...maybe Christmas shopping? Something fun and seasonal...baking cookies??? Snow...something? (I dunno...it's 50° F right now so like ...snow is pretty far off from the south in my neck of the USA)
Anywho...do whatcha want friend, and feel better! :)
A Hazy Shade of Winter (Gerard Way x reader) 
Summary: (y/n)’s never really been the type of person to do Christmassy things before - they don’t hate it, their family was just never that bothered! But Gerard loves all things Christmas, and he decides to show them just how much fun this time of year can be. 
Words: 2696 
Warnings: none it’s just adorable 
AN: it was snowing while I was writing this!!! I haven’t seen proper snow in years!!! 
“I can still feel you staring at me. Aren’t you bored yet?” 
“I just can’t believe you’ve never made a gingerbread house before!” 
(y/n) rolled their eyes with a laugh, glancing back over their shoulder. Gerard was still sitting at the little dining table, so distracted by that monumental bombshell that he’d stopped swinging back and forth on the chair. Had anyone else seen him, they would probably have assumed that he’d just been told the world was going to end. He looked genuinely devastated, baffled at the idea that something he’d loved so much as a kid hadn’t been a part of his partner’s life too. 
Drying the last mug, they tossed the tea towel aside and moved to sit opposite him. “Look, it’s not that big of a deal. My family just wasn’t ever that bothered about Christmas, that’s all.” 
“But it’s so much fun!” He couldn’t help but frown - so many of his fondest memories had come from enjoying the Christmas season with his family. Sure, there were some parts he hadn’t enjoyed; church services were always far too long and dull for his liking. But there were so many things that would never fail to make him smile. Begging to be the one to carry the Christmas tree home, even though there was no way in hell he was capable of carrying it all that way and hated asking for help. Hiding all his vegetables in very elaborate ways so he’d have tons of room for all the wonderful sweet things on offer. Saving tiny scraps of funky wrapping paper to fill in the gaps of the collage of random crap that covered the walls of his basement room. 
The one memory that stood out among all of those was the gingerbread house. Every year, his family had turned the kitchen into an absolute bombsite, trying to outdo themselves and what they’d designed in years past. They actually had a photo album somewhere, thick with pictures of every possible angle of each year’s creation. Every detail had to be perfect: the boiled sweet windows, the piped design for the roof, the little people posed to go about their daily activities. It had started out as a replica of their family, but had soon descended into utter madness. One year, there had been gingerbread aliens and a questionable rendition of Batman and Robin, soon joined by some even worse looking gingerbread zombies. Usually these little additions were Gerard or Mikey’s idea - and their mom was rarely impressed by the way they spoiled her nice tidy handiwork - but it really did make the whole thing something special. Entirely unique to their family. 
“And every time you’ve spoken about it, it’s sounded like a great time! And the photos your mom has are incredible.” They smiled, seeing his face brighten up a little. “It’s just... never how my family did things, that’s all. Usually at least one of my parents was working on the day so we never did much through the rest of December. Christmas always felt... I don’t know, a bit anticlimactic? I don’t think the seasonal depression helped either.” 
They’d only been together for four months, and there was still so much they had to learn about each other. Clearly, they’d had very different experiences growing up - neither had been bad, just different. And the wonderful thing about that was that it meant they could teach each other all the little things that they had done as kids! There were so many traditions that they could share and combine now, creating new ones that were entirely their own. 
Gerard got to his feet, taking (y/n) by the hand and pulling them to stand by the counter. “Let’s make a gingerbread house together.” 
“But I don’t know how.” 
“That doesn’t matter. I can teach you, and if things go wrong then we’ll just make it up as we go along anyway. That’s half the fun.” 
He looked so hopeful, eyes sparkling with childish glee, and there was simply no way they could say no to him. “Okay. But you can’t blame me if we end up setting your kitchen on fire.” 
“Hey, joint effort, joint blame. Now, I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything we need in here somewhere...” 
It took just about fifteen minutes for him to search through the cupboards, but in the end he’d managed to find everything the two of them would need to make the gingerbread. While he’d been looking, (y/n) had dug through his cupboards for a mixing bowl and baking sheets, excited by the thought of baking together again. They’d tried to make cupcakes a couple of weeks prior, but they had come out slightly burnt because they’d been distracted scraping the remaining batter out of the bowl. It had been tons of fun, and they just knew that this would be the same. 
Gerard took the lead, directing his partner to weigh out the right amount of each ingredient while he melted the butter, sugar and syrup together. They were following instructions from a slightly stained handwritten recipe, a sheet written up by his mother that was a little sticky in places - clearly, it was one that got brought out and used on a regular basis. 
When it came to kneading the dough, they ended up having to split the mixture in half so they could both get involved; then it became a competition, both trying to create the most phallic shapes they could. That’s what happens when you let two people with the emotional maturity of twelve year olds into a kitchen - food fights and inappropriate jokes. 
They let the dough rest for a little while, killing time by leaving floury handprints on each other’s butts and working their way through a bag of chocolate chips that had been hiding in the back of one of the cupboards. When it came to rolling the dough out, they were a little more well behaved - at first. After creating enough rectangular sheets for the walls and roof, along with two little people to represent themselves and some extra details to add, like window frames and doors, all of the leftover dough was used for normal gingerbread cookies. Well, if you can call gingerbread dicks and disproportionate hands flipping the middle finger ‘normal’. After a moment of thinking they added Gerard’s bandmates to the mix too, throwing in some cookies shaped like Frank’s dogs for good measure. 
While the dough was in the fridge, they cleaned up all the mess they’d made so far - before creating even more when (y/n) knocked over the bag of sugar. Well, it wasn’t entirely their fault. The only reason their elbow had ended up hitting it in the first place was because Gerard had taken them by surprise, pinning them against the counter and kissing them so hard it felt like they would never breathe properly again. 
The beep of the timer stopped their little make out session from going any further and they worked to fit all the trays of gingerbread in the oven at once, both a little red and flustered. As they brought the last tray over, (y/n) stopped dead, staring out the window in wonder. 
“When did it snow?”
There was probably a foot of snow on the ground; it seemed like it had appeared out of nowhere! Like it had just flopped out of the sky in one big sheet and landed with a soft thump in a pillowy layer or pure white. Neither of them had noticed it start to fall (probably because they’d been so busy with their tongues down each other’s throats) and the dim afternoon seemed so much brighter now that it had something to reflect off. 
The gingerbread only needed ten minutes in the oven, and when it was finished Gerard cleared some space on the counter and set the trays out to cool. Both of them grinned as the smell of sweet gingerbread filled the kitchen, before hissing in pain - at exactly the same time, they had reached for one of the spare cookies and burnt their fingertips. That made the pair of them crack up laughing at their own idiocy, lamenting the fact that they would have to wait for everything to cool down before they could try their creation. So they finished the last of the cleaning instead, bouncing ideas for decorations back and forth. 
“What about a little woolly sweater on the dog?” 
“We should put ‘elf’ on Frank’s jumper because he’s so tiny.” 
“Hey, let’s ice a string of lights around all the windows!”
“I’ll call my mom and ask her how to make the snow out of marshmallow, she always does that and it’s insanely cool.” 
By now the real snow outside was falling thick and fast again, blanketing the ground outside with at least two feet of soft white flakes. Gerard couldn’t help but smile at the look of sheer awe on his partner’s face as they stared out of the window, fingers resting lightly against the glass. 
“It’s pretty, huh? Not quite as pretty as you, though.” 
They didn’t really register the second thing he said, lost in the glorious swirling eddies outside. “I... I’ve never seen snow like this before.” 
“Yeah. Where I’m from, all we ever got was a crappy layer of slush, or black ice deadly enough to break your neck. I don’t think we ever had more than an inch of actual snow at any one time.” 
Resting a hand on the small of their back, he nuzzled against the side of their head. “Wanna go out and play for a little while?” 
“I thought we were gonna start decorating?” 
“Oh, we can’t do that for a good few hours, at least. The gingerbread needs a while to cool. And, if we’re using my mom’s tricks - which we definitely are, by the way, she is the undisputed queen of gingerbread - then we should leave it overnight. She always says its better when it’s had time to rest properly.” 
“Ah.” (y/n) was quiet for a moment, and he started to think that maybe something he’d done had touched a nerve. Maybe he’d upset them somehow. Maybe something he’d said at some point had made their thoughts wander somewhere a little unpleasant. But then they turned to look at him, a quiet sort of hope flickering in their eyes. “Can we... can we make snow angels?” 
“Hey, of course we can! They might not be there by the morning though, with the way that snow’s falling it wouldn’t surprise me if we woke up to a couple more feet.” 
“That’s fine. I’ve just never done it before.” 
“Oh, so we are absolutely doing it today then. Come on.” 
Within five minutes, the pair of them had their shoes on and were zipping up each other’s coats, sifting through the drawers of random crap in the hall cupboard to find enough hats, scarves and gloves to keep them both nice and cosy. The second they were all bundled up, Gerard took (y/n) by the hand and practically dragged them into his backyard. The snow came up to their knees, soaking through their jeans - the cold was uncomfortable, but it soon became easy to ignore. The very first thing the two of them did was lay backwards, (y/n) squeaking as snow slipped into the hood of their coat. Once they were laid flat, Gerard explained just how snow angels worked, giggling a little as his coat swished against the snowy ground with every movement. They got the hang of it soon enough, feeling a bit uncoordinated at first but very much enjoying it anyway. 
When he was satisfied with the mark he’d left, Gerard struggled back to his feet and hauled his lover upwards, kissing them deeply. “Hey, look what we did!” 
They glanced down, smiling at the sight before them. The two snow angels were slightly wonky - like the people who’d created them - and close enough to be almost holding hands. They were ever so slightly marred by footprints, but beautiful nonetheless. 
(y/n) beamed, cheeks feeling red raw from the cold wind. “Aw, they’re so cute! They look just like the ones you see in cartoons.” 
“I know, right? Now, you feeling up to a little snow friend as well? Or are you getting too cold?” 
“Snow friend, definitely.” 
By the time they had managed to roll two decent sized balls - one for a body and one for a head - their noses were bright red and neither of them could really feel their fingers any more. But they just weren’t ready to go back inside yet; they were having far too much fun! Who cares about a little frostbite when you’re having the time of your life with the person you love? 
Finding things to decorate their snow friend with was a little more challenging - by now, the snow was thick enough that they weren’t going to find anything on the ground to use. So they had to get creative. The standard carrot for the nose was pretty easy to find in the kitchen - and along with it came two frozen brussels sprouts for the eyes. Deciding that it was doing very little against the cold anyway, (y/n) donated their scarf to their new little buddy. Gerard liked that idea and gave up his hat, a dusting of snow settling across his hair as he tried to fit it onto the head. The two of them were a bit stuck for ideas on what to use for the arms, eventually deciding on a pair of spare drumsticks that they found in his office - why Gerard had drumsticks, neither of them really knew. They'd just sort of appeared there.
Standing in front of their slightly lopsided creation, Gerard wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and grinned. "Well they're a little crooked, but very sweet. Any ideas on a name?"
They thought for a moment, shivering now they had stopped moving around so much. "They kinda look like a Norman to me."
"Norman, huh? Yeah, I think that fits." The twilight above them was quickly darkening, and both of them were definitely feeling the cold. "Wanna head in now?"
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I haven't been able to feel my toes for the last twenty minutes."
When they got back inside, the smell of gingerbread seemed even stronger than it had done earlier, and the two of them felt instantly warmer - even though their fingertips were a slightly questionable shade of purple. They left their damp gloves and coats hanging up to dry by the door, giggling all the way up the stairs as they peeled off their icy wet clothes and searched through Gerard's drawers to find something for (y/n) to wear. It was getting to the point in their relationship now where they were staying over at his house with some regularity, and he was considering asking if they'd like to have a drawer to keep some stuff in. They already had a toothbrush in his bathroom. That was just the next natural step.
Once they were both in warmer, drier clothes, they went back down to the kitchen, still cold to the bone but slowly warming up. Gerard made hot chocolate for each of them, piling each mug with such a large amount of whipped cream and marshmallows that it was practically impossible to drink without making a complete mess of things.
As they snuggled up on the couch, huddling under the blankets and letting the mugs warm their hands, Gerard pressed a kiss to the side of (y/n)'s head. "So, did I successfully get you to enjoy some Christmassy things today?"
"Yeah, you did." They smiled softly, nuzzling against him. "I can enjoy anything when I'm with you."
"You might not say that tomorrow when I start icing those gingerbread men to look like storm troopers instead of us."
"I bet I can ice better looking ones than you can."
"Oh, you've just started a gingerbread war."
"Yeah, and I'll win."
"I'd like to see you try."
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deadsetromance · 2 years
𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 🚬
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❝ 𝖔𝖍 𝖎’𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞 ❞
☠︎ request rules! ☠︎ request here! ☠︎ latest work! ☠︎
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🚬 gerard way
- phoenix plead (party poison)
- gravehead (party poison)
- run while you still can (party poison)
- in the wee small hours of the morning
🚬 frank iero
- a rose by any other name (fun ghoul)
44 notes · View notes
thewordworrier · 5 months
Gazing At Me Starry-Eyed
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A soft, slice of life in the Sketcher/Way household, (as opposed to the Smith/Way ;) household) in which Gerard is very, very much in love with his family.
Word Count: 5,818 words. Notes: ~ Title from "The Smallest Man In The World" by Taylor Swift. ~ new Taylor music means a new piece inspired by it somehow - you know the drill by now.
This one took me a little longer than I would've liked, but the brain has been bouncing around a bit recently. Not sure why we went down this path with this lyric but I'm not gonna complain.
~ ohshit she's posting! I have been writing, but not completing things and believe me, that annoys me. I wanna post things, but I don't like doing it unless the whole thing is finished.
~ This is tooth rotting. Actually disgusting (affectionate).
[Setting: After the Hesitant Alien tour.]
Gerard leant against the doorframe, watching his wife. She was sitting on the couch, leaning her chin on her hand as she watched their daughter play at her feet. Melody wasn’t paying too much attention to her mother - too absorbed in whatever story she was making up with whatever toys she was playing with. Unlike Gerard, who was focusing more on his wife. She looked… Peaceful, actually, watching their daughter. But also pretty tired. Both tired, and pretty. He’d be considered incredibly biased though, because he always thought that Shelly was pretty. Even now they’d been together… However long it had been. He still thought that she was the prettiest - no. The most gorgeous woman in the entire world. She wouldn’t agree, especially now they were a little bit older and she’d been pregnant twice.
Almost as if on cue, Shelly glanced over to the baby monitor on the side table as the expected baby noises came out of the speaker.
“Sounds like your brother’s awake Mels,” she said, leaning down to run her hand over their daughter’s blonde hair.
“Do you want me to get him?” Gerard asked, pushing himself off of the doorframe and making his way over to his girls.
At the sounds of her father’s voice, Melody looked up and beamed. “Daddy!”
“Mm, no, I’ll go in case he’s hungry,” Shelly pushed herself to her feet, wincing a bit.
“I’ll stay with pumpkin then,” Gerard put his hands on Shelly’s waist and kissed her forehead. “Call for me if you need me.”
“I always need you,” Shelly closed her eyes as her husband kissed her forehead and then her cheek. She smiled at him, “but I know what you mean.”
Gerard hummed before sitting near his daughter, who immediately moved to lean against his legs. Shelly watched this for a moment before going to tend to their baby.
Melody watched her go, her eyes slightly wide. “Mama?” 
“Mama’ll be back in a bit, pumpkin,” Gerard soothed her. “She’s just gone to see if Zack’s okay.”
Melody nodded before turning herself to face her father fully. She lifted her arms. “Daddy, up?”
Gerard chuckled and picked up his daughter, settling her on his lap. “There we go.”
“Thank!” She beamed up at him before cuddling against him.
“Welcome sweetheart,” Gerard kissed the top of her head. “Mm, you’re getting big, pumpkin.”
“Big?” The little girl looked up at her dad. “Like mama?”
Gerard hesitated, picking his words. “I mean, you’re not tiny like your brother anymore. You’re not a baby. You’re growing up.”
“To be mama.”
“Like your mama, yeah,” he kissed the top of Melody’s head. ”You’re gonna be like your mama.”
Melody giggled. “Love mama.”
“Yeah we do,” Gerard grinned down at her. “Melody, do you wanna tell daddy what you were playing?”
Melody launched into retelling the story about her Lola doll and the dinosaurs to her father, and Gerard listened to her, nodding every so often at her excited babbling and making little “uh huh, oh really?” noises, which just delighted her even more. When she stopped, running out of steam, Gerard checked the time.
“Hmn, your mama’s been gone for a little while, shall we go and check on her?”
An eager nod from his daughter answered his question and he moved her off of his lap so he could stand. He hesitated for a second before picking Melody up again, earning himself a happy giggle as she clung onto his shirt.
“We gotta be quiet though, okay baby? Just in case Zack’s asleep. Don’t wanna wake him.”
“Okay daddy,” Melody nodded and clung onto her father for security.
Gerard adjusted her and started to leave the room before Melody squeaked.
“You wanna bring Lola?” He turned and went to retrieve the pink mascot. “We can bring them.”
Gerard chuckled and they went to go and see what Shelly was up to. He carried his daughter up the stairs but put her down as they approached the nursery, taking her little hand. The door was pushed up, just a little bit so it wasn’t wide open - Gerard knew that Shelly always did that, even if it was just him and Melody home with her; it was just a habit she’d developed back when she had Melody and it apparently had kicked back in with Zack.
He glanced down at his daughter, squeezing her hand to get her attention and putting his finger to his lips when she looked up at him. She nodded, let go of his hand and did the same to her Lola plush doll.
This made Gerard chuckle and he gently stroked her hair. Melody giggled softly and almost clung onto the leg of his pants. Gerard was used to that though, Melody was very much a daddy’s girl. She loved her mama, of course she did, but… It wasn’t a secret that he was wrapped around her tiny, little finger and had been since the day she was born. Hell, since the day he found out that Shelly was pregnant.
With his daughter holding onto him, Gerard gently nudged the nursery room door open so he could see inside a bit better. Shelly was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner - the same one she’d sat in with their daughter. She was rocking slowly, humming to the baby boy in her arms. Her son. Their son!
That woman - she was his incredible wife! Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it. That wonderful, gorgeous woman - she had given him two beautiful children. She’d given him one of each in their first two goes. Not that he would’ve had any issues with giving her as many children as she wanted, as many as she felt like she could handle. He never would’ve minded if she wanted to keep trying to get whatever combination she wanted. And, on the other hand, he never would’ve complained if she had only ever wanted one.
“Ooh, now,” Shelly cooed to their son. “You feeling snuggly, sweetie? Yeah, your dad’s like that too. He gets snuggly after meals.”
Gerard tried not to laugh - she wasn’t wrong. Both in regards to actual meals cooked in the kitchen, and in regards to… Well. His wife was more than just a snack; she was a whole meal herself. And, he did like to snuggle with her afterwards - whether that was on the couch or wrapped up in their sheets.
“You’re such a handsome little man,” Shelly said softly. “You’re going to be just like your daddy.”
Still clinging onto his clothes, practically cuddling his leg, Melody yawned.
“Wanna see mama,” she said sleepily.
Almost as if she’d heard this - despite the fact that Melody has said it so quietly, Shelly glanced up and towards the door. She smiled brightly when she saw her husband and then even more so, if possible, when she saw her daughter.
“Hi love,” Gerard said. “We wanted to check to see if you were okay; you were gone for some time.”
“Zack couldn’t decide if he was hungry or not,” Shelly said, moving to stand up, the baby still cradled against her chest.
“Mama? Cuddles?”
“Alright baby, let mama put Zack to bed.”
Gerard managed to pick his daughter up and took her over to watch Shelly tucking the baby in. Melody clung to him with one hand, her other gripping Lola tightly.
“Nigh’ nigh’,” she said, waving to her brother with the hand that was holding Lola.
Shelly giggled, made sure the baby monitor was still on, and followed the rest of her family out of the room. Gerard took them to Melody’s room, putting the girl on her bed. They’d decided, as parents, that she would be okay with a proper bed, but had made sure that it wasn’t too high up, just in case she did fall out or something.
Melody happily complied in letting her parents get her ready for a nap; she was more than happy to do that. They both tucked her in, Gerard kissed her and stepped back so Shelly could snuggle with her.
“Mama, stay?”
Shelly glanced over to Gerard who nodded. 
“Can’t hurt, she asked after you earlier. That’s why we came to find you.”
“Okay baby,” Shelly settled on the bed beside her daughter. “Mama can stay until you fall asleep.”
“Thank you mama.”
Shelly settled a bit more comfortably and Melody snuggled up close to her. Shelly hummed and kissed the top of her head, starting to stroke her hair.
“Babe,” Gerard said softly.
“Mm?” Shelly glanced up.
“I’m just gonna go and tidy up the other toys, and then I’ll be back.”
“Okay,” Shelly smiled at him before glancing down at their now snoozing daughter. “I’ll be right here.”
Gerard laughed softly and went to go and tidy away the toys that Melody had been playing with earlier. While he was at it, he gave the living room a quick, general tidy so Shelly didn’t have to do it. He would’ve done a bit more, just to help out his wife, but he wasn’t totally sure what Shelly had already done and what needed doing.
He made his way back up to his daughter’s bedroom, standing in the doorway to observe for a few moments. Melody was snuggled right up against Shelly, clutching her Lola doll. He wasn’t sure, but he had a feeling that it was one of his merch ones, which were based on something Shelly had made when she was pregnant with Zack - she had just felt extra… Nesty, and that had manifested in her making little felt toys. She’d started with simple shapes, like Peeps, and had moved on from there. Nothing too complicated - he had a feeling that the Lola she’d made was the most complicated thing, but she’d kinda stopped after she made one of those that she was happy with. Then Gerard had taken a shine to it, and had used it as almost a prototype for his merch. And then, Melody had taken a shine to the one Shelly had made, so she made their daughter another one and they’d given her one of the merch ones too.
His daughter was snuggled up happily to his wife, clutching her Lola doll, and it was adorable. Melody already looked so much like her mother - she was blonde, she had blue eyes - Gerard swore that Melody also had a similar face shape to Shelly too. He had the feeling that she would only grow up to be even more like her mom. He sighed a little bit and pinched the bridge of his nose. Gerard wasn’t sure if he was going to be capable of warding the boys off of his daughter. On the other hand, she had several uncles, a feisty aunt and a very protective mama, so she’d be okay.
“Darling?” Shelly called softly from the other side of the room.
Gerard looked up at her and smiled. “Yeah?”
Shelly carefully removed herself from her daughter’s delicate grip, and got to her feet before moving one of Melody’s bigger plush toys to be in the spot she’d been sitting in. She covered Melody up with her favourite blanket before creeping out of the room to be with her husband, pulling the bedroom door up behind her.
“Hi,” she said softly. “You okay?”
Gerard reached for her and pulled her close, nodding. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You were just pinching your nose, that’s all,” Shelly leant up on her tiptoes to rub her nose against his. “You only do that when you’re a bit stressed.”
“I was just thinking about how much Mels already looks like you,” he returned the eskimo kiss before kissing her forehead. “And how I’m not sure I’m ever going to be ready to chase the boys -”
“Or girls,” Shelly added, already knowing where this was going. 
“True, we don’t judge here.”
She giggled.
“But I was thinking about…” He paused to consider his words. “I really don't think I’m ever going to be ready to chase the dates away from my daughter.”
“Oh, love,” Shelly laughed. “She’s a toddler - she’s nowhere near the double digits yet!”
Gerard hummed but blinked rapidly as Shelly stood on her tiptoes again, but this time she cupped his face.
“You don’t need to worry Gee,” she said softly. “You especially don’t need to worry yet.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, and held her close. “I know, I know. I can’t help it.”
“You’ll worry yourself into an early grave, love,” she kissed his cheek before standing back onto her feet. “You start worrying about that now, and you won’t be around when she hits that point.”
“I know. I know,” Gerard tightened his grip on her and buried his face in her neck for a moment, inhaling her scent. “I’ll try to stop thinking about the future and concentrate on the here and now.”
“Mm hm. That’s a good idea,” Shelly stroked his hair. “Enjoy her while she’s little, ‘cause she won’t be little for long.”
“Oh, god, yeah, I know, I can’t believe she’s not a baby anymore.”
“Well, she’ll always be our baby.”
Gerard hummed and kissed Shelly’s forehead. “Mm, true. But, she really is growing up so fast.”
“Zack will too,” Shelly said with a nod before she covered her mouth as she yawned. “Mm, I think we should go and sit down…”
“Oh. Yeah, of course,” he kept an arm around her waist. “Did you want a nap while the kids do?”
Shelly hummed. “I think that might be a good idea.”
“You’re still breastfeeding after all, and you need to be rested and healthy to produce that,” Gerard steered her to their bedroom so she could lay down and nap.
“He doesn’t seem interested in regular baby food yet,” Shelly said, allowing her husband to usher her to their bed, where she settled on top of the duvet. “I keep trying.”
“I know,” Gerard covered her with a blanket. “And he’ll take it when he’s interested. It’s okay if he only wants mama right now.”
“Mm, I hope so. Melody was much more curious,” Shelly snuggled down more. “But then again, she had daddy asking her to try new foods, and we know she’s a daddy’s girl.”
“And Zack,” Gerard tucked her in properly. “Is very much currently a mama’s boy.”
“That’s just because I feed him,” Shelly sounded mildly amused. “He’s a mama’s boy because mama has the soft, snuggly boobs with the tasty milk.”
Gerard tried not to laugh, grinning at his wife instead. “Well, to be fair…”
Shelly raised an eyebrow at him.
“I normally only want mama, so I can’t say I blame him.”
She giggled and he leant down to kiss her. He soon felt her grab ahold of his shirt to keep him close. He got the message quite quickly, actually, which was good, even though he really enjoyed her next action - which was to let go of his shirt to grab the back of his neck. Sometimes she’d tangle her fingers in his hair and hold him to her that way, and he really enjoyed that. (That was one of the elements that got them their daughter after all. Alongside other things, of course. It had never really been a secret that he was weak to having his hair played with, pulled a little even. At least, it had never been a secret to Shelly. She’d picked up on that fact embarrassingly quickly - and before they’d gotten together too.)
“Stay with me?” She asked, softly and shyly.
Gerard blinked rapidly at her. “Love, why do you look so nervous?”
Shelly sunk under the blanket a little more, pulling it up over her nose. Naturally, when she spoke, her voice was quieter and a little muffled. “In case you say no.”
“N- no?!” Gerard spluttered. “Darling, when have I ever told you no? Especially in regards to something as innocent as that.”
She hummed and nodded a little. Gerard watched this before gently moving the blanket so he could see her face better - she had a light blush on her cheeks.
“Oh love,” Gerard moved to settle on the bed behind her, getting right up close under the blanket to spoon her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. “I could never say no to snuggling and cuddling with you. Why would I ever deny you that?”
Shelly wriggled back against him, into his hug, settling happily. She hummed - it was almost like a purr actually - when he squeezed her gently.
“I don’t know,” her voice was just above a whisper. “I guess I’m feeling a little… Unsure, at the moment.”
“Hmm,” he kissed the back of her neck - although it was closer to the side because it was nearer to where her neck met her shoulder. “I think that you and I need to have a conversation when the kids have gone to bed properly later, but for now, darling, you need to nap.”
“Gee…” Her voice was almost a whimper.
“A good conversation, love,” he kissed her neck again, holding her tightly. “It’ll be okay, I’m not gonna leave you over anything. I love you.”
He felt her relax in his arms at those words - even if it was only a little, and that was something, at least.
“I love you too,” she whispered.
“Go to sleep, pretty mama,” he murmured. “I’ll stay right here with you.”
Shelly giggled sleepily and relaxed back against him and into the blanket. Gerard hummed, buried his nose in her hair and snuggled with her. She fell asleep first, which he expected because, even though he was now home to help her with the house and to support her with the kids, she was still the more active one with it all - she still had the routines down and still took charge with it all. The kids still wanted her first, even though Melody really was a daddy’s girl, she still wanted her mom first. And because the kids wanted mom first, she was often the one to get up at night to tend to Melody. And she had to be up to tend to Zack in case he was hungry, and even if he wasn’t hungry, the scent of his mom and being snuggly with her normally helped. But that was a baby thing - Melody had been the same. (And honestly? Sometimes all Gerard wanted was to snuggle against his wife and smell that lovely combination of her natural scent and her perfume. He got it.)
He completely understood the rest though - he had travelled a lot and hadn’t been around for… Well, not for ages, it really was only for a little bit, right at the beginning of the children’s lives. Maybe because it had been for such a short time, they could exclude it later on down the line. He honestly didn’t see himself travelling again for a little while, but weird things happened so neither of them were ruling it out - he just hoped it wouldn’t be for Quite Some Time now. He wanted to be around for his wife and his kids, and for the milestones.
It made so much sense to him that she was so tired. He was doing his best to try and take over doing the things he could - like the house stuff. It was sort of working, Shelly was getting better at stepping back and letting him take over. Again, at least with the stuff around the house. He was happy to let her take control with the kids - he’d just follow her lead there. He could take over things like, giving Melody a bath while Shelly dealt with the baby, for example. He did his best, and he knew she appreciated it.
Shelly fell asleep first, and therefore, she woke up first. She was honestly a little surprised to feel her husband still beside her - still spooning her, still with his arm around her. She enjoyed it, actually. He was probably feeling a little protective, and determined to make sure that she felt loved.
Not that she’d ever felt unloved, not for a moment in their entire relationship. She’d doubted herself during ProRev, of course she had. Gerard had been on top of the world, in some of the best shape of his life (at that point), at the height of his career (at that point) and she… Was just herself. Just someone who worked for the band, who (according to some) kept her job because of… Less than professional reasons. Even though she knew that they would’ve kept her even if she and Gerard weren’t together. She had been a bit vulnerable during ProRev, admittedly, and that had apparently been a little obvious. Much like when she practically admitted to being self conscious before they fell asleep. She didn’t doubt that he’d remember that, and she most certainly didn’t doubt the fact he’d remember and they really would end up having that discussion later on.
Shelly managed to remove herself from her husband’s hold before a few little noises came from the speaker of the baby monitor on her bedside table. She hummed, tidied her hair a little and made her way to the nursery.
Gerard woke up a little while later - not too long had passed, but enough for him to move in his sleep to pull her closer, only to find an empty spot where his wife had been. He sat up and rubbed his eyes for a moment before checking the time. They hadn’t napped for too long, so that was good - certainly not long enough for Melody to wake up first and come and find them. His first instinct was to go and see if his wife had gone to check on their daughter, but then the baby monitor crackled a little bit. He tilted his head and waited to see what would come out of the speaker next, partially poised in case he needed to head in there.
Out of the sounds he expected to hear from the baby monitor, his wife singing quietly to their son wasn’t one of them.
It had been a while since he’d heard that - she used to sing to their daughter when Melody was a baby, and he guessed that she still did quite frequently, just like she sung to their son; he just didn’t catch her doing it very often, if at all. She was quite shy about it apparently and would clam up quickly if she had even an inkling that someone else might be listening.
“I don’t know darling,” her gentle voice came from the speaker. “Daddy’s the singer, Daddy’s the talented one. Not me, no, not mama.”
Gerard sat in silence, staring at the little device, unable to quite believe the words that he’d just heard. After a few minutes, Shelly started humming again. It didn’t take him long to recognise the song as one of the ones they’d danced to at their wedding. It wasn’t their first dance song, but he definitely remembered slow dancing with her to it, while she was wearing white. 
He listened to her for a little longer before pushing himself off of their bed and heading to the nursery, approaching the door carefully. She’d left it mostly open for once, so he guessed that Zack hadn’t needed another feed or anything - just a little attention, and honestly, that was fair. He stopped and glanced towards Melody’s bedroom before creeping over to press his ear against the door, listening for a moment - it didn’t sound like she was awake from her nap yet. Or if she had, she was playing quietly until they came to get her. He’d do that in a minute.
Shelly continued humming softly to her son, cradling him against her chest as she slowly made her way around the room.
“I might not be talented, like your father,” she said softly to the baby. “But I do make well behaved children, so I’ve got that going for me.”
Zack peered up at the sound of his mother’s voice, otherwise snuggled happily against her and Shelly smiled down at him.
“Yeah. You’re going to grow up to be a lot like your dad I think,” she said quietly with a smile. “Oh, if you grow up to be a carbon copy of your father, I’m going to have to chase the girls away, aren’t I?”
Zack patted at his mother, mostly getting her chest.
“Oh… Excuse me, chase the dates away from you,” Shelly leant down to nuzzle and kiss the top of his head. “Boys, girls, both, neither. As long as you’re happy, healthy and safe, darling. We’re not gonna judge you, honey. Mama definitely can’t do that.”
The baby gurgled happily and Shelly beamed.
“Yeah, okay. I get what Gerard was saying about Melody earlier. But we’ll be good, I promise. Dates have to get through your uncles and your Auntie Lux first, and I do not envy them for that. Then they get to meet the parents, and I think your dad might be a bit more… Intense than I am. Especially when it comes to your sister.”
She fell quiet for a few moments, gently swaying with her son.
“I just hope I don’t turn into one of those crazy ‘boy moms.’ I don’t want to be a future nightmare of a mother in law. Or just ‘Zack’s weird mother’ as you grow up,” Shelly stopped for a moment to move her son so he was looking over her shoulder, starting to rub his back gently.
A few minutes of this passed as Shelly slowly walked around the room again; her movements were almost like she was dancing with her baby. It wasn’t until she was facing the window with Zack still looking over her shoulder behind her, that she stopped because her son squealed softly with delight.
“Hmn?” She adjusted him so she could look at his face. “What’s that for?”
Zack gurgled at her again, settling back into her arms. Shelly smiled warmly down at him before turning around, fully intent on going to sit in the rocking chair with him; maybe see if he was hungry. 
Instead, she caught sight of her husband leaning one shoulder against the nursery door frame, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Just casually watching her with that little smile on his face and sparkling stars in his eyes.
He looked so good and it just wasn’t fair. He was still just as handsome as the day Shelly had met him. Hell, maybe she was biased, but she thought that he was even more handsome now with some years on him. Even though he certainly didn’t look his age, and that was even more unfair. Especially because Shelly was starting to feel hers. Maybe it was because she’d had two children - her son wasn’t even a year old yet, maybe it was just a woman thing due to the pressure of society or whatever or maybe she was just feeling sensitive and tired. But she definitely didn’t feel like she looked as good for her age as he did.
“There she is,” he said, moving himself off of the door frame, pushing up the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he made his way over to her.
Shelly swallowed. God damn it, why was that so hot? Why was that still so hot? Jesus Christ. She’d pretty much only just had Zack, she did not need another one.
“H- hi,” she managed, glancing up at him as he stopped in front of her. Just for a second before she looked back at the baby in her arms.
Gerard hummed at her, but stayed watching her for a moment, until she smiled at their son. He moved a little closer and rested one hand on her waist, his hand soon slipping to her hip, where it stayed. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t take her eyes off of their baby. So, Gerard gently squeezed her hip before using his other hand to gently lift her chin.
“Hi gorgeous,” he said softly. “My beautiful, stunning, wonderful wife.”
She went from blinking rapidly at the chin lifting to shaking her head slightly at his words. “Mm, no.”
“Mm yes,” he ran his hand over her hair, gently tucking some loose strands behind her ear. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and you get prettier every single day, more gorgeous every single year, more wonderful for every single milestone we hit.”
“Not that you’re biased or anything,” Shelly mumbled.
“Of course not,” Gerard gently took Zack from her, hoisting him up to lean him against his shoulder. “C’mere my boy, time to give mama a break.”
“But -” Shelly pouted a little bit. “But mama doesn’t mind having cuddles with her babies.”
Gerard hummed at her while making sure he could support his son with one arm. Once he was sure that the baby was secure, he leant his cheek against his son’s head and reached for his wife with his free hand, managing to grab her hip and pull her to him that way, sliding his arm around her waist once he felt her lean against his chest a little.
“I know mama doesn’t mind,” he said softly, kissing the top of her head, smiling when that made her nestle against his chest. “But mama is tired, and Zack’s clearly not hungry right now, so maybe you should go and rest quietly for a bit.”
She sighed and stepped back from him, trying to reach for her son. “But, Gerard -”
“Shelly,” he let her move away, but lifted her chin again, his hand slipping to cup her cheek. This action made her eyes widen at first but she otherwise almost melted against him. “Listen to me.”
“Mm hm…” She nodded and his hand returned to her waist.
“You; the love of my life, the sun to my moon, the paint to my miniatures, the coffee to my mug -”
She giggled, going slightly pink.
“The mother of my two beautiful children,” he continued, squeezing her gently. “My gorgeous, wonderful, insanely attractive - no don’t you shake your head at me.”
Shelly squeaked and buried her face in his chest. Gerard hummed and kissed the top of her head again.
“You don’t need to feed the tiny one currently,” he repeated gently. “And, like I said earlier, you need to be well rested, and well to properly produce, so, while the tiny lion doesn’t need sustenance, go and rest, mama.”
“But Melody -” 
“Will be fine hanging out with just daddy for a little bit,” he lifted her chin again. “I can solo parent my own children for a little bit, love.”
“You didn’t call it babysitting,” she smiled.
“Of course not,” Gerard shook his head with a small snort before turning his head to kiss his son. “These are my children, Shell, I helped make them.”
“Yeah,” Shelly giggled. “You did.”
He grinned at her before kissing her forehead. “Nothing worse than those fathers who consider parenting and babysitting on the same level that way.”
“Mm,” she hummed happily as he kissed her forehead and then leant up on her tiptoes to nuzzle her son. “I mean, it takes two to make a baby after all.”
“Yeah, and we men get the fun part,” he wrapped his arm around her to hold her close. “You mamas get the hard, painful, incredibly difficult part. And I’m so surprised that you wanted to go through that twice, for and with me.”
Shelly opened her mouth to talk but couldn’t find the words so shook her head and reached for her baby again. This time, Gerard gave in and passed Zack over, watching Shelly soothe the wriggly child until he was cradled against her shoulder. He paused for a moment before holding her tighter, making sure not to squash the baby as well, of course.
“I think you’re amazing,” he murmured into her hair, smiling as Zack giggled. “For choosing me, for loving me long enough to want to marry me -”
“Oh love, I could say the same thing.”
“For wanting to put up with me for the rest of our lives,” Gerard continued. “For going through the whole pregnancy thing, not only once, but twice, Shell. You’re incredible for that alone.”
“Oh, stop,” Shelly shook her head a little. 
“Even if my body was capable, I don’t think I could do it - I don’t think I could cope. But you made it look so easy, both times!”
“Well, the first time, I had a very, very good village,” Shelly smiled slightly. “I had some very protective bodyguards.”
Gerard laughed.
“But that’s what you do for those you love,” she said quietly. “You give them the world.”
“Shelly,” Gerard took her hand, kissing the back of it. “You are my world, you always have been. My sun, my whole damn galaxy. I would’ve been happy with just you, honestly, but,” he rubbed his thumb over her wedding ring, keeping a hold of her hand and using his free one to gently tickle under Zack’s chin. “But no, you decided that we should expand our universe and add a couple more stars to our skies.”
Zack laughed at his father - more at the tickling than anything else. He couldn't quite understand all the words yet, but he was safe, snuggled against his mama, and happy with attention from his dad.
“And my god, I’m so glad. So, glad that I’m the one accompanying you on this particular journey, because it’s wonderful to see you add another feather to your well decorated cap,” Gerard pulled her close again and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m amazed by you and I’m convinced that there’s nothing you can’t do.”
“Not that you’re biased at all, Gerard,” Shelly hummed. “Not everyone would agree with that.”
“Of course they wouldn’t,” he said before he grinned at her. “But it sucks to be them, as I have the best wife in the cosmos, and I’m never letting her go. I don’t like to share.”
Shelly giggled, a blush on her face as she leant up to kiss his cheek. “Alright Romeo. You’ve already won me, you don’t need to try so hard. Let’s go and wake Melody up -”
“But you’re supposed to be resting!”
“And I’ll relax more surrounded by my babies and my husband, not alone in our room,” she tilted her head at him. “Okay? I’ll let you wait on me hand and foot and take the lead, but I don’t want to be alone.”
Gerard’s expression softened. “Okay. That’s fair. I’ll take that.” “Good. Compromising is fun, see?” She grinned at him.
“Alright,” he kissed her forehead again. “Okay, let’s go and wake up the other baby.”
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ghoulbatao3 · 1 year
I Tore The Sun In Three (To Light Up Your Eyes
Gerard had never once thought he’d be in the cemetery, attempting to resurrect his dead boyfriend, yet here he was standing at the gate.
click here to read
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mcrficrecs · 1 year
Author: jatty Pairing: Frank/Gerard Rating: R Words: 351k
"She's not crazy, she's just sick." That's always been Frank's argument whenever his mother's behavior is brought into question. Whether she's yelling or hitting, or ignoring him altogether, Frank knows it's not his fault--she's just sick. She's not crazy.
Gerard doesn't see it that way. Working as the loss prevention manager for the local Spend N Save dollar store, Gerard has seen his share of crazies and hoodlums. So when he catches Frank stealing a pair of headphones, he doesn't hesitate to confront him. But what was meant to be a routine procedure turned quickly into a dangerous game when Mrs. Iero enters the mix.
Faced with losing his job if he allows Frank to steal, but knowing Frank will suffer severely if Mrs. Iero sees him being confronted by the staff for his thefts, Gerard becomes caught between doing what's legal and what's right--and things only get harder when Frank gets closer and closer, begging Gerard not to tell the cops about his mother because she's not crazy, she's just sick.
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anystalker707 · 2 years
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ghoulbat666 · 1 year
I Tore The Sun In Three (To Light Up Your Eyes)
chapter six
Gerard had never once thought he'd be in the cemetery, attempting to resurrect his dead boyfriend, yet here he was standing at the gate.
click here to read
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awsugar · 3 months
May be a dumb question but did Gerard and Bert have a REAL thing or is everyone just joking I honestly can’t tell
ok as someone who doesn't necessarily SHIP gerbert, doesmt read fics about them etc, i would say that i dont ship i t, i just beleive it to be true. a act of life. ppl are NOT joking.
let me link you to one of the most iconic interviews (they talk about their first kiss)
and also when bert said sound effects and dramatics is about "how sweet and tasty gerards assshole is"
spin mag interview where they talk about how they would party together
this magazine interview where gerard talks about "playing tonsil hockey" with bert
"we're denying that one now"
bert talking about "one time they kissed for so long it wasn't funny anymore" and thats what prison is about
and after that they had a public falling out. bert would come on stage and tell my chem fans to leave.
it's "rumored" but fairly certain that at LEAST pretty handsome awkward is about gerard. sorry no source rn in my quick googling but this lj entry talks about the most obvious hint at it being about gerard, i know this in a mag somewhere but rn i cant find it. or dont have the energy.
and anyway what i THINK happened? i think they did have like a thing. but i think it was fueled by substances and gerard got sober and bert didnt so they parted ways but bert, still as an addict (and i can attest to this as an addict) took it personally as opposed to just realizing gerard was bettering himseld. thats my take on it, obv not fully backed by. concrete evidence but to me its wat makes most sense!
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otherone12 · 2 months
If You Don't Like My Chemical Romance, Wait Outside For Your Girlfriend
Gerard Way x Reader
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! So… No one asked me to do this, but I remembered an edit that I saw a while ago, and the intro was Gerard saying “if you don’t like My Chemical Romance, wait outside for your girlfriend”. I Had this idea and the urge to write it (because I’m kinda obsessed with Gerard, sue me). Btw, I'm writing a Mikey x Reader Imagine (what was inspired by The Killers "Mr. Brightside" song), so i'll probably post it this week or next... well, hope you enjoy this fic (:
Summary: You have a shitty boyfriend who bother you when you're in a MCR concert. You're in the front row of the show and Gerard notices all that situation. (I imagine this with the 2007 Gerard era, but it doesn't really matter, except for the show's setlist, because it will be songs from Bullets and Revenge).
-Warnings: Abusive relationship. A lot of curse words.
- Word Count: 1.526
- Ps: Idk if it's fluff, confort, angst... i just dont't know lol
- Ps2: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV
My 25th birthday was last week, and my mom gave me two tickets to my favorite band’s concert, one for me and another for my boyfriend. He is not a fan of My Chemical Romance, he’s into electronic music and some country stuff (i’ve never understood his taste in music), anyways, he is coming with me. I spent the whole week talking with my friends about how amazing the concert is going to be and how excited I was. 
When the day finally came, I wanted to be one of the first in the row, because even with the premium pass I needed to be sure that I’ll be right in front of the stage. 
I heard my name when I was in my room, dressing up as Helena for the concert. I turned around just to see my boyfriend with a mad look on his face.
- You’re really going to dress like this? - The disgust on his face made me feel a bit insecure about the cosplay.
- What’s wrong about it? - I tried to stay calm, even if I was about to scream at him.
- Nothing. But you never wear dresses, neither on my birthday, and I asked you to! - He walked to my bed and sat, sighed sadly and kept talking - I just don’t understand why this is so special. 
- We’ve been together for five years, and you don’t understand why going to see the band who saved my life is special?  - I spoke calmly, took a deep breath and held my tears. I didn't want to cry on what was supposed to be a happy day.  
- I know that means alot for you, babe, but this shit means more than me? - He increased the volume of his voice.
- I… I’ve never said that! - I let his anger infect me, and now I was screaming like him.
- DID YOU FUCKING HESITED?! - He got up and I really thought that he was going to hit me or something.
- WHY DON’T YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE?! I'M TRYING TO GET DRESSED! - At this point, I let my tears pumped out my eyes, accepting the fact that I'll need to redo my makeup.
- FINE! - He slammed the door, leaving me alone in the silent room.
I knew the night wasn’t going to be as good as I planned. 
*** time skip*** 
Arriving at the concert venue, my boyfriend parked the car next to the front door and we got out of the car. I saw just three people. We did it! We were ones of the first to be there.
- Oh my God! I loved your outfit! - The girl in front of us turned to me and said - I was going to dress up like this, but I didn't find the right dress.
- Thank you! I actually made the dress with an old one from my mom’s closet.  
- This is just Impeccable. 
I smiled at her and turned to my boyfriend, who was rolling his eyes. I was so excited that I didn't even care, he wouldn't ruin my day. 
- Are you sure that you want to be here waiting for the show to begin for five hours? - He sounded tired and annoyed, but we were there for just about half an hour. 
- Yeah, I'm sure. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. - I think that if he stays away for a while, he will be nicer or something, but maybe I was a bit rude and he’ll be even more mad - As long as you come for the show when it begins. 
I smiled, trying to make him see that I'm not angry, I was, but he didn't need to know.
- Sure… I'm going to find something to eat. Stay fine, babe.
He gave me a brief kiss and drove away.
*** time skip***
I was finally inside of the building, but my boyfriend didn’t get back for five hours. I was worried because I tried to call him like ten times in the last three hours, but he didn’ answer. I was about to leave, when I saw him coming.
I hugged him in desperation, but he seemed like he just went to the bathroom and got back in two minutes.
- Like I said, I was buying some food.- He gave me a smashed hamburger and I grabbed it with an angry look on my face.
- I was worried! Why didn’t you answer the ten fucking calls?
- My phone was on silent. - The way he seemed to not care made my blood boil. - But I'm here now, right?
- Whatever.
He opened his mouth to say something, but at the same moment, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Gerard stepped on the stage and I couldn't help but scream with the crowd. Without saying anything, “Our Lady of Sorrows” started. I was so close that I could see the color of Gerard's eyes. Was this heaven?
Everything was going really well, but it was a small show, so they kept stopping the show to talk to us. Before playing “Helena” Gerard said:
- Well, the next song is really important for us, and it’s amazing to see that so many people like it too. - He looked down at me and smiled. I forgot how to breathe for a moment. - Your dress is perfect, darling.
I was about to faint.
- T-thanks! - I said, smiling back at him.
My boyfriend gave him a death look, but Gerard just chuckled and started to sing. 
- What the fuck?! - He grabbed my arm and began to talk, loud enough to not be muffled by the music - That was why you dressed like this? to impress him? 
- I dressed like this as a tribute to this song! - I tried to make him let me go, but it didn't work, so he kept holding my arm. - It's not my fault that he noticed!
He huffed and dropped my arm.
- I need a drink.
He walked away to the bar and I stayed watching the show. I was not sure, but I think Gerard saw all that shit happening. By the way, seeing Frank and Ray playing guitar with my own eyes was the most amazing thing ever until now, and Mikey slayed so much with that bass. 
The next song that they played was “The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You”, and I was very enthusiastic about this song. But I haven't any idea of how this was going to end.
I was singing along, and weirdly Gerard walked close to where I was and kneew in front of me. He put his hand on my cheeks, which turned red immediately,  and kept singing “Pull the plug. But I'd like to learn your name. When holding on. Oh, I hope you do the same '' He looked deep into my eyes and continued “Aww, sugar”.
The crowd started to scream again, and my boyfriend turned to see what was happening. The scene made him get out of his mind. I know that a good girlfriend would never let this happen, and I should've backed off, but he has been such a dick since the day started, so I didn't feel blame, shame or anything else. 
- You came here five hours early to be in the front because you knew this was gonna happend! You’re a fucking slut, don’t you? - He never talked to me like that. I got so sad that I couldn't even pay attention to the song.
This sadness became anger so fast, and I pushed him away before he could say any other thing. He tried to grip me in his arms, but I dodged him, bumping into someone next to me, and spilling a drink on my dress. I was about to scream something, but I saw Gerard making a sign to the security guard, who ran to my boyfriend and told him to go away.
- It’s fucking over! - I said to him and went back to see the rest of the show.
At the end, I waited for the people at the back of the crowd to leave, so I could have easy access to leave too.
- Hey! 
I heard and didn’t believe it when I felt a touch on my shoulder. 
- I’m sorry about what happened… I shouldn't have done that - It was Gerard. He was in front of me, just us. - Apropos, I'd really like to learn your name.
We laughed with the reference.
- That’s fine, he was being such an idiot since morning. - I said, giving him a shy smile. I said my name to him and kept talking - By the way, the show was amazing! 
I was chatting with one of my favorite people in the world. I needed to make this not about my, now ex, boyfriend.
- Thanks! Good to know that even with all that shit you could enjoy the show. - He’s so cute, and the way he cares about his fans makes him even more wonderful. - It’s kinda weird but, can I get your number? It’s fine if you don’t want to give, but I find you really pretty and the way you dealt with this whole thing..  
- Sure! 
~ Well, that's it, lemme know if you like it, and send me your request (;
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