#The platonic Prinxietea
A Slice Of My Love. Chapter 6. Wait, You Don't Think I'm Insane?
Sup children!! (No clementine my brother did not hack onto my Tumblr and write me a whole fucken chapter.) We be existing on the bean bag again. 
The farthest you will most likely see me venture is to my bed. Or a hotel. It depends how long this book goes for. I mean, we’re almost at 10 chapters. I said like 20-30 most likely. Holy shit. I’m almost ½ to ⅓ done with this book. Moving on before I go on more of a tangent than I already have!!
Pairings: Mentions of the glasses gays (it's toned down for this chapter and in chapter 7 it will be turned up to 11), Prinxiety but it’s best friend mode™ that has been preset to 11
Tw: Cursing, Fourth wall breaks (they be back, but not as bad this time), Virgil being insane, Virgil and Roman being both shippers and BFFs, the lack of sleep finally catching up to Virge, Vee thinking he has just proved a major point.
Virgil’s POV
Assuming that you’ve read this whole book, you already know that Pat has been overtaken by the powers of the boop™ and has gone upstairs with Logan. Logan never came back downstairs.
Roman was thinking about something. Well, I knew what that something was. You only have to be best friends with Princy for a year and a half to know what he wants to ask you.
“You wanna ask me about Alonso, don’t you?” Roman looked up at me. Then he went back to thinking.
“You know that as long as you don’t accuse me of being insane, you can ask me whatever the fuck you want.”
He looked at me again and then sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal. “Taking advantage of the fact that dad’s upstairs huh?”
The fuck? Dude, we’ve been best fucking friends for over a year now!! If you’re trying to ask me something just ask me!!
“No shit Sherlock.”
He gasped in fake surprise. “How DARE you!! I hate to inform you, but I am the prince, hence I am royalty. You do not speak to royalty in such a crude manner!!”
So the Roman stans are taking mild offense right now. I’m gonna tell you this once and once only. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BEST FRIEND MODE™ HAS BEEN TURNED UP TO ITS PRESET NUMBER OF 11!!
Anyways, Roman stans aside, I laughed hysterically at Roman’s mocked offense. He does a really good impression of what I’d like to imagine offended Roman stans to sound like.
Ok, we’re gonna chuck the Roman stans out a window so I can actually move on from them. I decided that I was going to help Princey away from the conversation that He was trying to move away from. (I was really tempted to say spared.) The extra bitch hasn’t left yet, has it Em? (We are NOT doing this now.) Fine.
“Seeing as you’re trying to change the subject, Pat and Lo earlier.”
His face lit up at the mention of the glasses gays, as we’ve dubbed them.
“Looks like someone needs to get more sleep.” Ro did a crappy impersonation of Lo. I laughed some more.
“And don’t forget the boop™”
Roman started snickering “How did I forget the boop™? Uhh… Well, I only have 2 weaknesses: self-deprecation and affection.”
Roman was crappily imitating Pat now. I knew where Roman was going. I jumped up from my chair and ran over. Then I slowly walked by him and booped his nose.
Roman snickers turned into a bit of giggling, then he continued with our inside joke. “Never mind. I have 3 weaknesses: self-deprecation, affection and whatever Logan just did.”
I laughed even more at Roman’s shitty impression job. “Ok, you’re purposely sucking. I have accepted this challenge of sucking at doing impersonations for this joke.” I cleared my throat for the shittiest Logan Sanders impression in the history of the universe. I heard Roman mumble “Oh god” underneath his breath.
Good. You better be bracing yourself for this shitshow Princey.
“Patton, I believe that Roman and Virgil would call that a” I searched through imaginary vocab cards “boop™.”
We looked at each other and then laughed hysterically. I somehow ended up falling over in our laughter. We stopped for a moment and looked at each other again. Then laughed again, only harder this time.
Through my laughter, I managed “Stop laughing and help me you, stupid bitch!!”
He looked at me in disbelief. “You’re sitting there, on the floor, laughing, but I can’t laugh with you?” He lectured me while still giggling.
“I’m laughing at my own stupidity. Only I can laugh at myself.”
“Whatever. I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one!”
The laughter had died down quite quickly after that. Roman helped me up off the floor. We walked to the couch and sat down.
Well… more he sat down, I lay down, and he was my footrest. It’s an us thing.
“Do you always have to put your feet on me, Virge?”
I scoffed and looked at him in disbelief. “Do I have anywhere else to put my feet? No. Do I want you to sit on my feet? No. Do I want to sit up? No. Do I want to move to the other couch? No. Are you my prisoner now? Yes.”
He laughed a little more. I could tell that he was thinking that I stole his job of being the dramatic one.
We sat there in comfortable silence. The only thing keeping it from being awkward was the light and playful atmosphere. I have no clue about you guys, but with a best friend that you’re almost always loud with, silence is just weird and awkward. (This is a thing with me and my best friend. Normally we just randomly quote Charlie the Unicorn at that point.) 
I decided that I needed to bring up the inevitable.
“You gonna ask me about Alonso any time today? I already told you. You can ask me. I trust you.”
He thought for a moment. “Umm…. Well…. What does he look like?”
I snickered a little bit. “Wow. You’re THAT scared that you’re going to offend me?”
He didn’t share my laughter.
“Oh, umm…. Kinda like Remy, but without the stupid sign that says sleep. But like Remy mixed with someone else. I can’t put my finger on who though.” Roman hummed in response. Then he got a mischievous grin on his face.
He dared though.
“So is he hot?”
I looked at him with my most serious “Bitch what the fuck?” face and asked him a simple question: “Roman, you’re my best friend and I love you (platonically), but why are you like this?”
He looked back at me with a “Bitch what the fuck?” face as well. “Because I’m the literal embodiment of Thomas’ romance. And as your best friend, I want you to find love.”
“That wasn’t cheesy at all Ramen.” I snickered a little bit at the Ramen part. Roman absolutely HATES the nickname Ramen. But he’s still Ramen.
“Don’t think Ramen’s going to get a reaction out of me. It’s not. I’m totally fine with that nickname now.”
Roman picked up on the reference and finished the song. “And I want my pink shirt.”
I joined him for the extra part that we add every time we sing/listen to that song.
Once our laughter had died down again, Roman got serious again. Ish.
“Are you gonna tell me if Alonso is cute or not?”
I couldn’t escape this conversation now. “I don’t know. I guess? You know that this isn’t really my department. It’s like 110% yours.”
He snickered a little bit. “So like, when did you notice him?”
I told him the story. “So Pat was lecturing me about how I should be sleeping and all that bs. I wasn’t really listening because of the hypocrite card. I was staring at the counter and he was just sort of chilling there. Existing.”
I looked at Ro to see his “Vee you’re insane” face but it never came, so I continued.
“Then after Pat went upstairs to get Logan. Alonso, at this point in time I didn’t know his name so I was just referring to him as ‘the counter guy’ in my head, started talking to me by quoting Heathers. I was quoting the scene that he started when Pat and Lo came downstairs. They told me that I was being crazy and that there was only a piece of bread. That’s why I thought that you’d think I’m crazy too.”
Roman looked at me. No discernible emotion could be seen on his face. It was kinda scary. He just told me “I don’t think you’re crazy.”
It took me a moment to comprehend that. “You don’t?”
“At least I think that.”
I didn’t fully think out what I was about to do before I did it. That’s very unusual for me. Might I remind you that I was running on two cups short of a full pot of coffee (Pat and Lo drank them) and like 2 hours of sleep?
I lept off the couch, grabbed Roman’s hand and dragged him up the stairs. Once I got to Pat’s room I kicked the door down. We were greeted with the sight of the glasses gays cuddling on Patton’s bed watching a movie.
After I kicked the door down they looked up at me in shock. Still cuddling though, so that’s a bonus.
Pat spoke first. “Virgil, please tell me why you just kicked down my door.”
I could hardly contain my excitement. I moved to the side a little bit and pulled Roman forward. “RoMaN sAyS i’M nOt CrAzY!!!”
Logan looked at Roman “Roman, please explain.”
Roman looked down at his feet. “Well, do I have a story for you guys.”
This chapter is the longest by far. The actual chapter part went over 3 pages. That’s a first.
Anywho. I really liked this chapter. It was quite fun to write. However, the next one will be even more fun to write. The glasses gays turned up to 11. God am I gonna have a ball with the next one.
Chapter 7 will most likely be next week. We’re going to Chicago and it’s a 3-hour drive there and back. I write on my laptop which will be left at home, and I don’t have a phone to write on soooo….. I get to listen to Heathers and Mean Girls mass amounts of times though.
                                            The existing internet writing human,
Taglist (if you’d like to be added/removed please inform me): @winterswishing-reblogs @thetomorrowshow @just-some-gt-trash @iixclementine
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Virgil: I'm going to start doing 1 thing a day.
Virgil, looking to Remus: And don't even start, I meant that I'm taking care of myself, and no Patton, I'm not dying, and Roman don't you dare say I am dying, for love, because that's not true.
Virgil: I'm watering my plant now. Goodbye.
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I'll Be Your Shield
@heathers-dorkness-0923 I wrote a snowflake! This isn't the one I was talking about, but here! It's a Wings AU.
Word Count: 300
Warnings: Running from home, torn wing, main character is injured (wing is torn) but not described. Slightly sad but ends happily! [Let me know if I missed anything!]
Pairings: Prinxietea (Prinxiety) that can be seen as romantic or platonic
"It's a rainy day out."
Roman, a soaking mess at this point, sat under the bus shelter with his bag of things, hoping to keep his delicate, already damaged, butterfly wings away from the sharp rain, when he heard an all too familiar voice.
"Yes, and?"
Virgil had been walking back to his apartment after going on a shopping trip, two bags of groceries in his hands, when he saw one of his best friends since middle school sitting at a bus stop.
"Don't you usually stay home with your folks in this weather?"
Roman thought about it, not sure if he wanted to reveal the truth or not. He didn't want to say it, but it slipped.
"I ran away.."
Virgil was admittedly a bit surprised. He probably wouldn't have expected Roman to run from home, considering that his parents had always seemed nice. But despite curiousity, he didn't press further.
"If you want, you can come and stay with me."
Roman practically jumped at the offer, not quite fond of the idea of wondering the streets with a heavy bag and damaged wings. He quickly accepted, but a question arose.
"What if the rain tears my wings? That would cause more trouble.."
Virgil already had a solution. He stretched out his left wing, the one close to the bus stop, the thick feathers acting as an effective shelter from the rain.
"I can be your shield, dear prince."
Roman stared up at Virgil's feathered wing for a moment, before quickly getting up and standing underneath, ready to start walking. He smiled at Virgil.
"Thank you, my dear knight."
Virgil smiled back, walking with Roman and making sure he wasn't getting touched by a single drop of rain. Neither of them wanted or needed that right now.
"Don't mention it."
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Roman: I have failed as an entertainer! *collapses onto the couch*
Virgil: What's wrong bud?
Roman: My ideas are barely a tenth of the rushing stream they once were, it's as if there's a dam blocking the creative flow!
Virgil, trying to empathise: Oh gosh, how tragic.
Roman: Exactly! I simply cannot go on!
Virgil: Sure you can, just..
Roman: Just..?
Virgil: Take a break, take some time for yourself, and spend time with nature.
Roman: That's.. Good advice.
Roman: *stands up* Yes, I will do that! Farewell, I'm off to spend time with our dear Mother Nature!
Virgil, watching Roman whisk himself away: Alright, see ya.
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Virgil: Less expresso, more depresso.
Roman: Uh, Virgil, don't you mean "less depresso, more expresso"?
Virgil: I know what I said.
Roman: Then I am concerned..
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Prinxiety? W/ ANGST
TiMe FoR mUrDeR >:D
Tw: death, car accidents, suicide
Word count: bitches be dying but it's short
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: platonic Prinxiety
Child AU
One thing no child should have to go through is extreme loss. Weather it be loss if a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, any other extent of the family, or a friend.
Yet just because a child shouldn't have to go through any of that, doesn't mean they do end up having to go through it.
There is a reason adults tell you to not play by the road. Or not to go into the street.
A young boy named Virgil, and his friend Roman bad learned that lesson the hard way on that one fateful day...
It was a nice warm summer's day. The kind where children are literally everywhere. In yards, in pools, in parks, praxtly anywhere a child could possible be, there is a child there.
Including the street.
Virgil and Roman were playing in Roman's rather large front yard. The two had invented some variation of tag. To tag the person you had to hit them with a ball. (Head shots didn't count.) After one person was tagged the other had 10 seconds to get a heads start.
Virgil had missed Roman with the ball. It ricocheted off a nearby tree and into the road.
"We should have your parents come get it Ro."
Roman shrugged. "Noncence my dear princess. I'll go get it."
Virgil's eyes widened in fear. "Roman don't they tell us in school to not go into the street?"
"Virge there is literally no one ever going down this road. I'll be fine," Roman assured with as much confidence as an 8 year old can.
He was about half way to where the ball had landed when a car sped by. Quite obviously going way above the speed limit. Before Virgil could even warn the other boy about the car it smashed into him.
The driver didn't even stop.
Virgil later learnedfhat this was called a hit and run. However in the moment his shrieks were so high pitched and loud that practally the whole neighborhood showed up. A woman that was the events out of the corner of her eye from her window called 911 imidatly.
Roman died in the hospital later that night.
Virgil on the other hand never quite seemed to move past his greif and guilt. Feeling as if he tried harder to stop Roman, or if he never threw the ball, his best friend would still be alive.
Virgil was 18 now. This was 11 years ago. Roman would be 19. They would be graduating high school and getting ready for college.
Nither of them would be experiencing either of these things.
Virgil stared at the cup of drain cleaner in front of him. He knew if Roman would have taken his own life he would have done it this way.
At the time of his death Roman was already a huge Broadway fan. Virgil knew he would've made a great JD if he had lived long enough to learn about Heathers.
No more stalling
He grabbed the cup and downed the toxic fluid. It hurt quite a bit as he struggled for air. But it was only for a moment or two before his world fadded to black and his heart took it's last beats.
There is a reason adults tell you to not play by the road. Or not to go into the street.
It can have severely disastrous, or leathal, consequences.
Blame MatPat for this. I was binging the FNaF Game Theories today and I got through like half if them.
I'm sorry for running your fluff writing Sarah.
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Virgil: *sitting on the stairs*
Roman, with something behind his back: *looks at him*
Roman: Why are you sitting so strangely?
Virgil, with his back against the wall, his left foot against the railing, lower right leg propped up on the step above the one he's sitting on: What do you mean?
Roman: ....
Virgil: ....
Roman: *puts a cat ear headband over Virgil's hood*
Virgil: That's fair.
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Sanders Sides Incorrect Quote Dump Part 5.
Roman: How dare you make me fall in love with you?
Virgil: Wait what?
Roman: *Realization* Uhh... how dare you make me fall in love with you?
Virgil: *In shock* I did dare apparently.
Aw, look at me, I’m moving on up in the world. I finally have a rival!
-Remus @ Roman, just after the split
(In Virgil’s room once more for some reason)
Roman: Has anyone else noticed that we’ve color-coordinated with each other or is it just me?
Virgil: Thomas you need to get them out of here. Well, more specifically that one. *Gestures to Roman*
(It be the @sanderssides-incorrectquotes family AU again because I want to)
Dad!Logan: *Comes home to Toddler!Roman and Toddler!Remus covered in paint, Teen!Virgil and Kid!Deceit arguing and cleaning up the twins at the same time.)
Dad!Logan: I’d ask what happened, but I think you don’t even know either.
Teen!Virgil: Are we in trouble?
Dad!Logan: Only if you don’t clean this mess up before your father gets home.
Virgil: Roman, can you like leave me alone?
Roman: How am I meant to repay my debt when you keep insisting that I go away?
Virgil: What debt?
Roman: For how badly I use to treat you!!
Virgil: You’ve already been forgiven for that, you dork.
Roman: What?
Virgil: Ugh! Just shut up and kiss me, you stupid dork.
Virgil: Logan, you like Pat.
Roman: You’re gonna burst if you don’t ask him out soon.
Logan: Ok you two. Just an fyi. I am not going to let anyone tell me how to feel or what to do. Got it?
Patton: *Walks by and waves*
Logan: *Logan.exe has stopped working*
Roman and Virgil: *Sighs*
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Roman: Fuck-
(Patton can be heard saying "Language, Roman" from the kitchen)
Virgil: Don't worry, dad, I'll help him.
Roman: You? Help me? You swear all the time though.
Virgil: No, why did you swear?
Roman: Oh. I accidentally reblogged to one of my side blogs rather than main, no worries.
Virgil: Awe, hate it when that happens. Just reblog to main and delete the reblog on your sideblog.
Roman: Way ahead of you.
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AUP;Prologue: Of Everyone Here
The first time I posted this it went poof, apparently, so here it is again!
Word Count: 698
Warnings: [Let me know if I missed anything!]
First period was almost concluded in its entirety, and students loudly chattered, filling the air with a lively feeling. The room was full of life and energy, just as drama class usually was. Some people loved it, being in such a social environment. 
One of these people was Roman Pennypacker, the resident theatre nerd who was known for his love of Disney, participation in school events and clubs, and constantly dressing up in the most absurd attire and costumes on the daily. He also adored the stage and spotlight, and the backstage production of plays. In grade school he always helped with sets for the Winter and Spring concerts, usually going up in front of the audience as an actor as well. 
When a play production was in the works, he constantly posted to show the progress of props and backgrounds he was helping with. There never seemed to be anything wrong in his life, and no one ever seemed to take a second glance.
Roman stood near the front of the class, rather loudly talking with his twin brother, who's name was Remus, and a girl about the project they were assigned.
But as middle school goes, there are some people who prefer the quieter moments. Near the wall beside the door, Virgil Wills stood about a foot or two from his seat, hoping someone would approach him and ask to be in a group for this assignment. 
Virgil was always a quiet student, hardly talking to anyone, or at all. But despite his silent nature, he paid attention in class and completed most projects. One of the downsides though, was being known by the world as a female named Violet, and while that wasn’t all that nice, he would bare with it for now. 
“Let’s ask her.” He saw someone pointing at him. He looked up, but he didn’t take off his hood or remove his hands from his ears. He can slightly lip read, but the person was finished talking before he could and he could just barely hear murmurs from the class as they worked. Or maybe they were talking about him, spreading rumours. 'They wouldn't do that, would they?' Virgil wondered.
Before he could ponder much longer, someone spoke, sounding much closer than he would’ve expected. He startled slightly, removing his hands from their position over his ears and listening as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Pardon, but could you repeat?” He internally scoffed at his natural voice, since it was higher pitched than the usual "extremely squeaky girl" voice he had possessed all his life, as he dubbed it. 
“I said, ‘Do you want to be in our group?’” He looked up to find Remus, who was a bit taller than him, standing next to one of the desks that was in the cluster of seats Virgil decided to sit at today.
The hooded teen almost immediately snatched his bag from where it was on the floor next to one of the chairs, slinging it around his shoulder due to being overprotective of his stuff since there was a chance for theft. He took off his hood and tied his somewhat short hair into a bun (leaving his bangs which he brushed aside) so it was out of his face and he could focus better.
"Sure?" He wasn't sure in the slightest. In fact, the way he said it sounded more like a question than anything.
Nonetheless, Remus didn't seem to question his tone whatsoever, not even his expression flipping to the briefest moment of confusion. Instead, the loud and dark humoured twin lead Virgil to the front, Virgil dropping his bag into his seat, and started a conversation once more. 
Virgil noted the names of who he was working with, and was certain there had been someone named Roman in his second grade class or something when he was younger, looking to the most dramatic one in, really, his whole school. They had yet to interact beyond simple greetings and waves, sure, but Virgil needed confirmation and he was going to have to ask. He guessed that being in this group would give him a good chance to try.
Chapter 1
Taglist: @heathers-dorkness-0923
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Virgil: I feel like "exposing" a few blogs that follow me because it's a case of why on Earth are you here? How on Earth are you here?
Roman: Why don't you do that then?
Virgil: ...I'm too nervous.
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Sanders Sides Incorrect Quote Dump 8.
“One of these days, you’ll regret pushing my buttons.”
-Deceit before storming off to cuddle with Remus.
Logan: Roman could you please be humble for once?
Roman: Ugh fine!!! I didn’t ask to become a hero. I never even would have considered myself one, but all these people keep insisting that I am. So now I consider myself a hero.
Logan: Ya know what? I’m done. *Walks away*
Patton and Roman: *Have been plotting how Ro is going to propose to Virge*
Roman: So remember that park we used to go to? That’s where I plan on proposing.
Patton: Aww! Roman that’s so romantic!!!
Patton: *Grabs Roman’s collar and gets (extra with his ships (Sorry not sorry ‘bout what I said. I'm just tryna have some fun.)) in Roman’s face and then starts to use the Batman voice* Now. If you ever fucking hurt him I will end you and everyone in your family. He’s been through enough. He doesn’t need heartbreak to be one of them.
Roman: *Nodds his head vigorously* Yes sir!
Logan: Patton?
Patton: Yeah Lo?
Logan: Why do we suddenly own 25 cats?
Patton: Well...
Logan: Pat. We share this apartment. This is a shared space. I have a right to know why the hell we now have 25 cats.
Patton: I didn’t know which one to adopt, so I adopted all of them.
Logan: *Blinks several times* Patton NO!!!
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Get Out Of My Way, Loser
Ok. Take 2 of Em copying shit from his Wattpad. More angst. (Not sorry)
Be More Chill AU (ish) It kinda is, but it kinda isn't. Vee has consumed the angry wintergreen tic tac. You'll see the rest. (I have a Sanders Sides BMC AU being plotted. Not done yet tho.)
ship: Platonic Prinxitea
Word count: 1660
Tw: Roman being depression and feeling abandoned, cursing, nsfw mentions, drunk people mention, teenage parties, alcohol mentions, drug mentions, suicidal thoughts
All Roman had wanted to do was warn his best friend about the SQUIP and how dangerous it was.
How could it have gone so wrong?
*Insert flashback noises heere*
"Roman? I didn't know you were invited to this party."
Roman scoffed. "I wasn't. That's why I'm wearing this clever disguise." His voice was laced with sarcasm. He got out of the bathtub filled with empty beer cans.
"You're speechless," Roman continued. "SQUIP got your tongue?"
"N-no." Virgil stammered. "It's off."
"Yeah. Well, that explains why you're talking to me." Roman thought for a moment before he continued. "You know, I was thinking about this moment. What I was gonna say to you."
Roman snickered a bit at himself. "I had this whole pissed off monologue. An epic journey through 12 years of friendship." Roman could tell Virgil was a little distracted. "What?" He asked. Cocking his head to the side.
"You know, it- it's just really good to see you, man!" Virgil lit up.
Roman's small smile quickly disappeared "Well, it won't be, when you hear what I found out."
"Found out?" Virgil asked. "About-" Roman pointed to his head. "H-how, there's nothing on the internet about-"
"Which is weird right?" Roman interrupted Virgil. "I mean, what's not on the internet?" Virgil had to admit Roman had a point.
"So I started asking around, and then finally this guy I played Warcraft with, told me his brother went from a straight D student to a freshman at Harvard." Roman paused while Virgil stood in shock. "You wanna know where he is now?" Roman asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"Really happy and successful?" Virgil wondered where te shorter boy was going with this.
"He's in a mental hospital," Roman said rather calmly. "Totally lost it."
"Ok, well I don't see what that has to do with me and me SQUI-"
Roman cut him off again "THINK man! We're talking an incredibly powerful supercomputer!" Roman scoffed. "You think it's primary function is to get you laid??"
Roman began to list a set of rhetorical questions out for Virgil. "Who made them?  How'd they end up in a high school... iN nEw JeRsEy!!!!!  he paused for a moment to regain his composure "Of all the possible applications for such a mind-blowingly advanced technology, you ever wonder what it's doing inside you?"
"And I thought Chloe was jealous" Virgil started for the bathroom door.
Roman moved in front of him "I'm honestly asking."
Virgil crossed his arms over his chest and jutted one hip out. "Oh really."
"It's- I think, you're just pissed that I have one and you don't." Virgil's words came out harsh.
"Oh come on!"
"Hey" Virgil put his hands up in mock defense. He wasn't scared of Roman. "
Maybe I just got lucky." Roman rolled his eyes. "I-I mean, w-with my history. I-I'd say the universe kinda owed me one! And look, I don't know about your friend's brother's whatever but if his SQUIP made him crazy-"
"His SQUIP didn't make him crazy-"
"Well, there you go!"
Roman was pissed for real now. "HE WENT CRAZY TRYING TO GET IT OUT!!!!!"
The tension in the bathroom as so think you could cut it with a knife.
"Well, then I've got nothing to worry about." Virgil started for the door again. "Why would I want-"
Roman grabbed the taller boy's shoulder to stop him. He then moved to stand in front of his pretty much ex-best friend.
"Come on man, move it!"
Roman scoffed. "Or you'll what?"
Virgil got up in Roman's face and dropped his voice to a very ominous whisper. "Get out of my way... loser." Virgil's words were coated in venom.
Roman was hurt by his ex-best friend's words. Still he moved out of the way of the door, and Virgil left.
After Virgil left Roman's eyes had begun to water. At that moment there was a knock at the door.
"HELLO!!! Some of us have to pee!"
Jenna Roland. Roman really hated her. Such a gossipy drama queen.
In a spur of the moment decision Roman made up his response "I'm having my period!!!" He hoped Jenna was drunk enough to believe his voice belonged to someone of the female gender. (Why did I word that so weird?)
Jenna's voice softened. "Take your time honey."
Roman could hear her walk away.
*End of flashback noises*
While rethinking those events Roman had begun to cry. He didn't even notice it. Now that he did, he didn't care. He was going to hide out in this bathroom for the rest of this party anyways.
*Start song here*
I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall. Roman thought to himself.
I could stay right here or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all. He knew he shouldn't be letting his thoughts get like this, but who'd care to stop him? It's not like he had friends anymore.
I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone, but I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly, or pretend to check a text on my phone. Is that valid reasoning to hide in the bathroom? Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair. Roman smiled at the memories of him and Virgil playing video games or whatever they had decided to do for the day. Now through no fault of mine, there's no other half there. He let a few more tears fall. Now I'm just Roman in the bathroom, Roman in the bathroom, at a party. Forget how long it's been. He checked his watch. 11:23 pm.
I'm just Roman in the bathroom, Roman in the bathroom at a party!
No, you can't come in! He couldn't help but glare at the door. It was the theater kid in him.
I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave and picking at grout as I softly grieve! I'm just Roman who you don't know, Roman flyin' solo, Roman in the bathroom by himself!
All by himself.
I am hiding, but he's out there, just ignoring all our history. Memories get erased, and I'll get replaced, with a newer, cooler version of me. His heart broke at that thought but he knew it was coming. Hell! With each day of Virgil having a SQUIP it was coming faster and faster.
And I hear a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door, "I wanna dance with somebody!" Roman struck a dramatic pose and pretended to sing the song.
And my feelings sink, 'cause it makes me think: now there's no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore! He cried a bit more. Damn, not having any friends is rough. (KiNkY) Now it's just Roman in the bathroom, Roman in the bathroom at a party. I half regret the beers. He knew he couldn't drive back home so he was stuck here without a ride.
Roman in the bathroom, Roman in the bathroom at a party, as I choke back the tears.
I'll wait as long as I need, 'til my face is dry, or I'll just blame it on weed, or something in my eye! He was that one person who had a lot of weed. Wouldn't be that hard.
I'm just Roman who you don't know, Roman flyin' solo!
Roman in the bathroom by himself! Knock, knock, knock, knock! They're gonna start to shout soon! Roman could feel his breathing pick up.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! "Oh hell yeah, I'll be out soon!" He called out to the person at the door.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! It sucks he left me here alone... Knock, knock, knock, knock! Here in this teenage battle zone... Clang, clang, clang, clang! I feel the pressure blowing up...  Roman knew he was on the verge of a panic attack. Bang, bang, bang, bang! My big mistake was showing up... Ain't that the truth. He still could've had some sort of friendship with Virgil if he hadn't come. Splash, splash, splash, splash! I throw some water in my face, and I am in a better place. He looked like he hadn't been crying so it was all good.
I go to open up the door, but I can't hear knocking anymore.
And I can't help but yearn for a different time. Was that selfish? He had always wanted Virgil to be happy, but now he kinda just wanted his friend back.
Roman looked up at his reflection. And then I look in the mirror and the present is clearer and there's no denying, I'm just... He started to sniffle again.
At a party
Is there a sadder sight than... He hummed to himself a bit. Roman in the bathroom at a party.
This is a heinous night.
I wish I stayed at home in bed watching cable porn or wish I offed myself instead, wish I was never born!
I'm just Roman who's a loner, so he must be a stoner. He was, but there was so much more to him than that though.
Rides a PT Cruiser, God, he's such a loser! Roman remembered how Virgil didn't care. He was just glad they didn't have to walk anymore.
Roman flyin' solo, who you think that you know! No one knew or would care to know the him inside of him except Virgil.
Roman in the bathroom by himself!
All by himself
All by himself
And all you know about me is my name.
Awesome party, I'm so glad I came.
He broke down in sobs wishing he could be anywhere else in the world.
Look at that glorious angst! This isn't what I actually wanted a BMC AU to look like, but this scene just fit so heere we are.
Your very evil mother,
Taglist: @stop-it-anxiety @winterswrandomness @just-some-gt-trash @thetomorrowshow @iixclementine @elatedgiff (Is that fewer people than last time? Fuck. I’m losing it.) 
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Pay attention to where the typing indicator is. 
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Also, @i-can-get-extra-with-my-ships here is a sneak peak as to what I’m working on in the Docu*EM*t document I have for you. And yes, that’s the name solely for the pun.
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A Slice Of My Love. Chapter 7. Upstairs.
We’re on the bean bag again. I told you what’s happening in this chapter. (If you’re from Tumblr) You know about the roadblock that came up when I tried to start writing. My shipper is now growing impatient. Also, look at that! This chapter’s a new pov!! I’m evolving!! (Don’t tell anyone how much I wanted to do his perspective.) Let’s just get to it.
Pairings: the glasses gays, best friend mode prinxietea (but it’s toned down A LOT)
Tw: Cursing, minor death mention, spoilers for the movie Big Hero 6 if you still haven't watched it, fluff, Pat and Lo still being shippers, crappy writing, dumb jokes, you know, the usual.
Logan’s POV 
“Logan, just tell me. I don’t care if it’s all that important. I just need to know what went down whilst I was sleeping.”
Roman had been inquiring about what happened last night. Patton had missed out on a small portion of the events. I had already dubbed it unimportant, but Roman, on the other hand, wanted to know.
I hesitated for only a second or two. “If you so insist, Roman. Now, if I’m not mistaken, Virgil said that the supposed ‘guy’ that was sitting there’s name was Alonso.”
He stood there. He appeared to be trying to fully comprehend what I had just told him.
He turned around and asked Virgil a question.
“Virge, you ok buddy?”
Virgil looked at Roman like he was insane and then responded. “Like I told Patton last night, I’m never okay.”
I looked over at Patton who had been sitting next to me during this whole spectacle. He looked like he was about to go on a tangent.
“I WILL PHYSICALLY FIGHT YOU IF YOU KEEP SAYING THINGS LIKE THAT!!!” Patton was talking as if Virgil was from a different planet. Slowly, annunciating each syllable.
I put an arm around Patton’s shoulders and with my other hand I lifted his chin up.
“Someone still needs more sleep.”
Now, normally, I don’t endorse “sleeping in” as I’ve been informed by the others it’s called, but Patton had a really long night. We both knew that Virgil never went to bed. I know that if Virgil never went to bed, neither did Patton. However, Patton did not share my point of view on the matter of sleeping.
“No, I don’t!! I need to worry about my kiddo.” Patton yawned.
Patton, you’ve already worried enough!
“Patton, if Freakonomic is condoning sleeping in then, you need to sleep.” 
Roman, you must be joking. You’re going to insult me like this, NOW of all times?
Virgil didn’t look up from staring at the counter, he just joined our conversation.
“Yeah, I’m with Princey and Lo on this one.” He didn’t look at anyone of us. He just kept staring at the counter.
The words that came out of Roman’s mouth after that should not have.
“Hypocrites say what?” As always, Virgil fell for it.
Patton and I gave Roman the look™. Roman looked like he was debating with himself in his head. He came to a sudden realization and changed the subject that he was well aware was coming.
“Umm, Logan! Doesn’t Patton need more sleep?”
It appears that I had gotten sidetracked.
“Ahh yes. He does. Come on Pattoncake. We need to get you,” I booped Patton’s nose “to bed.”
I only performed the action known as a boop, because it was Patton’s weakness apparently. 
“Fine!” he mumbled in a failed attempt to be mad at the fact that I was forcing him to go to bed.
I walked Patton up the stairs. Once we got to Patton’s door he opened it and walked inside. I waved and was about to turn around and go back downstairs when Patton beckoned me into his room. I hesitated but before I could make a decision, he grabbed my arm and dragged me into his room. That was a typical Patton outburst. I personally found them adorable. Patton always felt a little bad after them. 
Here is where feelings get messy and confusing because I feel terrible since Patton feels bad. It is one of the most metaphorically heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen. On the other hand, however, it’s also a good thing that Patton feels remorse. There could be a day where one of these outbursts affects someone who would much rather not be affected by it.
I still don’t understand why Patton seems to feel that bad after one of these said outbursts affects me.
“Oh my god!! I’m so sorry Logan!! I didn’t mean to do that!!” Patton buried his face in his hands.
Do you happen to recall when I said that Patton doing things similar to what he just did metaphorically breaks my heart?
I reached over and pulled him into a hug. I began to rub his back and I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
“Patton there is no reason to apologize. To me at least.”
He hugged back tightly. I smiled and whispered, “I personally find it adorable when you do that.” I couldn’t see his face, as he had it tightly press against my chest, but I could feel his blush. I kept the same tone of whisper and asked him, “Patton, can you please tell me why you didn’t sleep earlier?”
There was no verbal response, he only hugged me tighter. I hugged back in a defensive manner. This always happens when Patton feels sad or upset. I get defensive. I have no clue why. There is no danger. (Logan sweetie, they’re called feelings.)
I kept whispering to him since in the past, using this tone of voice, or one similar helps to relax Patton and defuse the situation. “I promise you that I will not get mad. I only wish to help you, Patton.”
He mumbled something. I couldn’t hear what he said. I still whispered “What was that Patton? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
He looked up at me and started to list all the reasons as to why. Most of them were Virgil and his current mental state. I had a bit of an urge to silence him like I did the last time he was rambling, but I ignored it by deeming it inappropriate for this scenario.
I decided to hold up a finger to Patton’s lips. That silenced him. “Patton, I hate to inform you, but your health is more important than Virgil’s. You are more important than Virgil. You need to worry about yourself before you worry about other people.”
He looked like he was going to argue with me but he just rested his head on my chest once more. He started to mumble again, but I could hear him this time “Your always right Logy.” He hugged me extra tightly. I pet his hair. 
We stood there for 1 minute and 37.52, no 38.07 seconds. Just holding each other. It was nice. (That seems like it’s not a lot of emotion but normally he would’ve just thought that it was “rather enjoyable”) I would have preferred to have stayed there longer, but I was beginning to experience discomfort in my legs.
“Patton, if you don’t mind, could we please sit down?” Patton blushed again and said “Oh! Sure!!” He grabbed my arm, as if I didn’t know where I was going, and sat me down on his bed. (Get the filth out of here. If I can’t read smut how the hell would I be able to write the smut? Also, this is a PG-13 place.) 
He then turned on the television that he had, followed by setting up a movie. After he finished setting up he sat down and snuggled up close to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist. 
I knew why Patton chose the movie he did. We both knew. It wasn’t because it was my favorite Disney movie. It was because we’d both seen it several times. Why was that important?
Because we needed to talk about what to do with Virgil.
I already knew what we needed to do. We needed to send him to therapy. Now. Because of how delicate this subject is I couldn’t just flat out say “Patton we need to send Virgil to therapy.” without having Patton metaphorically “lose it”. So this is what I said alternatively “Patton?”
He hummed in response and looked up at me. I continued. “Can we talk?” He looked confused and he hesitated before he replied. “Uhh sure!! What about?”
It was my turn to hesitate. I needed to metaphorically “play my cards right”. “What we should exactly do about Virgil and his, there is no gentler term for this, sanity.”
His smile faded and was then replaced with a smirk. “You already know what we should do. Don’t you?”
I stared at him spellbound. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
“We need to send him to therapy.”
We looked at each other before laughing a little bit. Then the mood got darker again. 
Patton’s first question was, of course, “Do we have to send him to therapy?” I thought for a minute. I hadn’t thought about that. “I suppose that we could wait until further evaluation.”
He nodded. “And by that, you mean ‘until he loses it’?”
“How are we gonna tell Roman? He’s not gonna take it well. Neither will Virgil.”
“Going to. I d-” At that moment I was cut off by Roman and Virgil screech no, what they claim to be singing from downstairs. May I remind you that the door was shut too? “NO, IT’S FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! REALLY FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! GO BE FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!! AND I WANT MY PINK SHIRT!!!” I braced myself for what I knew was going to come next. “HE BROUGHT UP THE PINK SHIRT!! YOU KNOW SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN ONCE YOU BRING UP THE PINK SHIRT!!!” Then came the laughter. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
I looked over at Patton. He looked like he was about to scream “language”. He did not scream though. He only sharply exhaled and said “You know what? I don’t care. I ship them too much too care.” I smiled and snorted. “Patton I think that we “ship” those two more than the fandom does.” He laughed. “It’s so true.” Then we broke into laughter of our own.
We turned our focus to the movie again. The good news is that we were past the part were Tadashi dies. That part always makes Patton cry. I’d rather just not focus on Patton crying. If his apologizing for his outbursts isn’t metaphorically heartbreaking then Patton crying is. 
We sat there watching the movie and cuddling. Patton had rested his head on my chest. My arm was still wrapped around his waist. These kinds of moments with Patton were the best. Just enjoying each other's company.
However, that bliss did not last as long as I would have hoped.
We heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Patton looked at me confused. I did the same. Then Virgil kicked the door down we looked up at him in shock. 
I sat there flabbergasted.
Patton spoke first. “Virgil, please tell me why you just kicked down my door.”
He looked like he was overly excited. He moved to the side a little bit and pulled Roman forward. “RoMaN sAyS i’M nOt CrAzY!!!”
I looked at Roman with the dad look that I’ve seemed to get from Patton. 
“Roman, please explain.”
Roman looked down at his feet. “Well, do I have a story for you guys.”
Patton looked up at me and then he looked back at Roman. “And we have something important that you need to know Roman. Virgil? Could you go downstairs please?” 
Virgil looked confused. Still, he let go of Roman’s hand and walked back downstairs.
Holy McFricken. I did it!! I finished this chapter. I’m so sorry it’s late. I had a 3-day long writer's block. (Tuesday-Thursday) 
Also. We’ve hit 400 Tumblr children!!! OMG, I’m so happy!!! Watch my life go bad on Monday or something. 
But umm… This is the longest chapter. (Like 3 ½ pages) Also. I ALMOST WROTE AN ENTIRE CHAPTER WITHOUT CURSE WORDS!!! ARE YOU PROUD OF ME??? I know I’m proud of me.
Also, I love and hate writing Logan’s POV. I get to use some of my vast vocabulary, but I can’t use metaphors without having to be like “metaphorically” or “figuratively”. I know THAT would get annoying FAST.
                   Anywho, hope you enjoyed.
Taglist (Please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed): @winterswishing-reblogs @just-some-gt-trash @thetomorrowshow @iixclementine
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Prologue: Of Everyone Here
The prologue of An Unexpected Production, the thing I've been on about since our cryptid count reached 700! Now, at 823 and growing, I present to you, The Prologue of AUP. (But first warnings, word count, and pairings)
Warnings: Misgendering (due to Virgil not being out yet) [Let me know if I missed any!]
Word Count: 698
Pairings: Platonic Prinxietea and the Creativitwins!
First period was almost concluded in its entirety, and students loudly chattered, filling the air with a lively feeling. The room was full of life and energy, just as drama class usually was. Some people loved it, being in such a social environment. 
   One of these people was Roman Pennypacker, the resident theater nerd who was known for his love of Disney, participation in school events and clubs, and constantly dressing up in the most absurd attire and costumes on the daily. He also adored the stage and spotlight, and the backstage production of plays. In grade school he always helped with sets for the Winter and Spring concerts, usually going up in front of the audience as an actor as well. 
   When a play production was in the works, he constantly posted to show the progress of props and backgrounds he was helping with. There never seemed to be anything wrong in his life, and no one ever seemed to take a second glance.
   Roman stood near the front of the class, rather loudly talking with his twin brother, who's name was Remus, and a girl about the project they were assigned.
   But as middle school goes, there are some people who prefer the quieter moments. Near the wall beside the door, Virgil Wills stood about a foot or two from his seat, hoping someone would approach him and ask to be in a group for this assignment. 
   Virgil was always a quiet student, hardly talking to anyone, or at all. But despite his silent nature, he paid attention in class and completed most projects. One of the downsides though, was being known by the world as a female named Violet, and while that wasn’t all that nice, he would bare with it for now. 
   “Let’s ask her.” He saw someone pointing at him. He looked up, but he didn’t take off his hood or remove his hands from his ears. He can slightly lip read, but the person was finished talking before he could and he could just barely hear murmurs from the class as they worked. Or maybe they were talking about him, spreading rumours. They wouldn’t do that, would they? Virgil wondered.
   Before he could ponder much longer, someone spoke, sounding much closer than he would’ve expected. He startled slightly, removing his hands from their position over his ears and listening as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Pardon, but could you repeat?” He internally scoffed at his natural voice, since it was higher pitched than the usual "extremely squeaky girl" voice he had possessed all his life, as he dubbed it. 
   “I said, ‘Do you want to be in our group?’” He looked up to find Remus, who was a bit taller than him, standing next to one of the desks that was in the cluster of seats Virgil decided to sit at today.
   The hooded teen almost immediately snatched his bag from where it was on the floor next to one of the chairs, slinging it around his shoulder due to being overprotective over his stuff since there was a chance for theft. He took off his hood and tied his somewhat short hair into a bun (leaving his bangs which he brushed aside) so it was out of his face and he could focus better.
   "Sure?" He wasn't sure in the slightest. In fact, the way he said it sounded more like a question than anything.
   Nonetheless, Remus didn't seem to question his tone whatsoever, not even his expression flipping to the briefest moment of confusion. Instead, the loud and dark humoured twin lead Virgil to the front, Virgil dropping his bag into his seat, and started a conversation once more. 
   Virgil noted the names of who he was working with, and was certain there had been someone named Roman in his second grade class or something when he was younger, looking to the most dramatic one in, really, his whole school. They had yet to interact beyond simple greetings and waves, sure, but Virgil needed confirmation and he was going to have to ask. He guessed that being in this group would give him a good chance to try.
Taglist: [No one]
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