#The point is that Floofty was wrong
shwoo · 1 year
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Not sure if this is funny if you don't know the specific Bugsnax line I'm referencing, but it's been in my head since I learned Tears of the Kingdom had a journalism questline.
Also, I wanted to put a press hat on Link. The game doesn't give you one no matter how intrepidly you investigate.
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funkbun · 17 days
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made some adjustments to my "How many people could’ve died based on the in-game actions they've taken" list, now including some explanations from least to most possible kills. All based on my memory and sometimes looking in the dialogue files.
Starting with the "0 people could've died" tier we have Beffica, Cromdo, Triffany, Shelda, and Wiggle. Their in-game actions realistically wouldn't have lead to the death of anybody
With "1 person could've died" we have Filbo, Floofty, and Clumby. Filbo because he made The Journalist eat a strabby, something they're allergic to and they easily could've died from that. Floofty because they tried cutting their own head off. Clumby because she allowed The Journalist go to Snaktooth, fully expecting them to die there.
"2 people could've died" has Chandlo. You shouldn't try lifting an entire cabin with someone in it above your head.
"3 people could've died" with Wambus. 1. Filbo could've died of a concussion because he made that Bunger ram him into a tree across the map. 2. Threw Cromdo 31 feet as of last Tuesday. 3. Probably would've straight up killed Gramble after Liz n Egg went missing.
"5 people could've died" has Snorpy. While putting a hidden flash bang on someone's body that could be activated by a code word the person doesn't know isn't automatically lethal, as that person was on a raft with 4 other people and could've easily said that code word at any point during that ride on accident, that could disorient everyone and make everyone fall out of that raft and drown n die.
"9 people could've died" with Gramble. Hoarding the singular food source on a island from everyone because you don't want them to them is bad I Think.
"11 people could've died" has Eggabell and The Journalist. Eggabell cause she was the only doctor on the island and when she went missing everyone in town could've caught the worst disease on earth and died, and also the avalanche with Liz (which she didn't cause, but she was the reason why Liz went to try n save her n fell). The Journalist because the Bad Ending exists and they fell head first into a boulder.
And last, but not at all least, we have Elizabert Megafig with 14 to 15 possible deaths! As the Queen of Bugsnax, she could've lost her grip on the island for a moment and cause Everything Bad To Happen At Once. This one is ranged because it depends on whether or not Alegander's on the island at the time (he was shown to go back onto the island in that post credit dialogue scene)
if i got anything wrong here ramble about it in the notes cause again, memory. also this isn't about how "bad" a grump is either btw im just thinking about possibilities lmao
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treefory · 1 month
Came up with some lore for my bugsnax X slime rancher au
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Half baked lore under the cut
So basically the expedition (13 strong) follows elizabert the space explorer to a planet far far away and settles there in order to explore the far far range. While there, her and her team farm slimes for profit.
Filbo the deputy mayor wanders around the ranch talking with its residents and making sure things are going smoothly but it’s not like he can really do anything if thing don’t. He doesn’t have any slimes because they all turn into tar at some point. He’s responsible for multiple tar outbreaks
Wambus the farmer attempts to farm the different fruits and vegetables on the ranch. Has an ongoing rivalry with Gramble because he doesn’t want to give up his chicken for food. He is often lonely from his wife triffany alway being away. Has a tangle smile
Beffica the socialite came to escape her crimes. Idk why she’s here lol. She has a couple of tabby slimes
Gramble came here to start a slime ranch But he instead has multiple chicken coops and each chicken has a name. Has an ongoing rivalry with wambus because he can’t give up any of hIs chicken to feed grumpuses with. Gramble takes care of wiggles crystal slime
Triffany travels the far far range in search of ancient history. When away from the ranch she can often be found in the ancient ruins. She has some rock slimes that her husband wambus takes care of while she’s away.
Wiggle came here not for money but for music! She travels the far far range for some inspiration for her next big hit. But back on the ranch she has a shiny crystal smile waiting for her that Gramble watches over.
Cromdo came here for the big bucks and is often near the plot collector thing. He keeps track of the stock market but constantly makes bad investments. He goes out and collects any plorts that he might find to sell. He doesn’t have a slime of his own but wishes he had a gold slime or a lucky slime
Chandlo came here to test his strength. He lives with his boyfriend snorpy on a mini ranch. He has an assortment of the more dangerous slimes that he takes care of, most of which are dangerous largo combinations but he’s strong enough to manage them all. He makes all the ranch stuff around the ranch
Snorpy is here because his friend (with benefits) Chandlo is here. He spends most of his time inside cooped up in his conspiracies and inventions. He is responsible for all your vac upgrades as well. He has no pet slime because he thinks they are works of the Grumpinati but has an “enslaved product of the grumpinati” instead that’s just a fire slime that lives in his forge. He mans the mechanical stuff on the ranch
Floofty the scientist is here to study plorts and how they could be used in society. Not sure if they cut their leg off in this AU cuz they don’t really have a reason to. They collect slimes that they perform experiments on. They’d have a pet tar if they could but instead they have a ranch of quantum slimes
Shelda the idk the spiritual one came to do fuck all. She hangs out at the ranch just straight vibing and giving guidance when needed. She says that she’s not here for money and to not give into greed but can be caught putting plorts in the plort thingy, girly gots medical bills to pay idk what to tell you. She has her own personal puddle slime
Eggabell is the ranch's residential doctor. She cares for everyone, especially her wife Liz. Tends to work with Floofty on their science projects that involve medicine to make herself feel useful. she gets a cute lil pink slime
Elizabert (Liz for short) is the ranch leader. She brought everyone here after she discovered the far far range. She often spends her days traveling around the island bringing back what she finds for the ranch and making maps. She has her own hunter slimes back on the ranch but keeps one that goes on all her adventures
At some point the journalist will show up and land at the wrong place. As they spend the night in their ship, slimes get in somehow and turn into tars wich end up kinda destroying the ship. But Filbo finds you then takes you to the ranch but it’s empty ofc. He says that Liz and egg went on an adventure together but never came back, then the fight happens and everyone leaves. Now you have to do his job and bring everyone back to the ranch.
But the real question is where is Liz and egg??? Man I don’t know but I still want hard boiled egg and Liz’s hunter slime to team up
And that’s it for now. I’d love to hear anything you might want to add!!
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clothes in grumpus society would be pretty hard to get for two main reasons:
grumpuses have wildly different proportions from eachother which makes it basically impossible to mass produce clothes, that means the only way to get well-fitting clothes is to go to a tailor or seamstress
clothes are completely optional and usually unnecessary when you have fur, which adds to the first point that mass producing clothes would not be profitable
this means that when a character wears clothes thats a big deal and it could say alot about them
now that I've explained my thought process, here are my headcanons about every character that wears clothes (not counting hats or other accessories):
Wambus: the vest helps block direct sunlight when working outside for long periods of time, he got it custom made before the expedition.
Gramble: he wears a sweater because he has patchy fur from stress, and his pets getting eaten probably didn't help, he knit the sweater himself.
Wiggle: in the credits artwork she is wearing what looks like a fur coat, she probably has more clothes like this because she's a celebrity, idk I don't have much to say here.
Triffany: same as Wambus, the jacket protects from the sun and has lots of pockets to hold tools or shiny things, she got it custom made.
Chandlo: the tank top is the only item of clothing he has and the only reason he wears it is because he thought it wold be unprofessional to be undressed, he got it when he used to play for a baskesball team.
Snorpy: in the credits artwork he is wearing a tank top and shorts, this is important because he is the only character that wears a full set of clothes in the whole game. he naturally has thin fur (in the dlc he talks about putting on sunscreen) and he has been losing fur from stress about the Grumpinati, he got the clothes custom made after returning from snaktooth. as for the apron, it is one of the things that can be mass produced because the only thing that needs adjusting is the straps.
Shelda: in the credits artwork she is wearing a long sleeve sweater, she is old, skinny and is probably loosing fur so it's not a surprise that she gets cold easily, she got the sweater as a gift from a family relative, she also had it with her at snaktooth but never wore it because she spent most of her time in the desert.
Floofty: in the credits artwork they are wearing a lab coat, the only thing confusing about that is why they didn't wear lab coat at snaktooth, it is important protection when doing experiments and it totally makes sense to get one custom made. my reasoning is that floofty isn't really the "safety first" kind of person and they never got any serious injuries from an experiment gone wrong so they just didn't bother, but when they became a teacher/professor they started wearing a lab coat to set an example for students who are more likely to mess up and get hurt.
eggabell and lizbert are wearing matching shirts in one of the photos in their hut, they got them for their anniversary. the shirts don't have a purpose egg and liz are just cheesy like that
alegander wears a sweater in the image we see of him. we dont know much about him so I don't have many thoughts
maybe the triplicate space is cold, maybe he wanted to look professional, maybe that's an old photo and he doesn't wear that sweater anymore.
same thing for how he got it, maybe he has someone close to him who made it for him, maybe he stole it from gramble, maybe he just cares alot about how he looks so he had lots of clothes unrelated to the snakolytes
Filbo, beffica, cromdo and clumby don't wear clothes
an extra headcanon is that when grumpuses get wet they feel naked because their fur sticks to their body. this explains why snorpy got clothes for working out, but this could also be used an excuse for why swimming clothes would exist for grumpuses
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oakley-silva · 7 months
Mainly so i can post more art and also cuz im proud of what i have for them, this post will be based around Crunky and Violynn(🛑i talk a lot during this🛑)
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Crunky Swingledoom is a small 8-ish year old grump who somehow snuck themselves on the island. They are a mute and only occasionally make small sounds to convey what they want along with pointing and signing.
The reason for them travelling to Snaktooth is because theyre lonely, and they are always up for exploration. Crunk is relatively shy, cautious, and bitey at first, but they care a lot about their friends.
They favor Triffany and Wambus because Triffy teaches them about various archeology based things, and since theyre big on dinos, they love listening to her talk. They also admire Floofty for their hard work and stay under their table, listening to their conversation with the Journalist and Triffany, seeing what they can pick up.
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Oh my god Crunkys was a LOT longer than I thought, but anyways,
Violynn "Violet" Mowerza is a grump in her early 20's trying to start raising bugs and gardening. Shes very compassionate but very gullible in return.
She is friends with Gramble and Wambus and she tries to get them to stop fighting along with Filbo who is also a good friend of hers. She has good relationships with everyone with Befficas being the worst. She thinks that what Beffica does (spying on grumps and getting drama) is wrong an that she should quit. She stays friends with her anyways.
She helps Wambus with his garden and Gramble with his snax, but Gramble more so. During the late hours, after Gramble has gone to bed, she sneaks into the barn to give Gramble's snax some hats either made out of flowers or that she knitted (as taught by Gramble)
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If anyone read this, thank you??
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bugsnax: which grumpuses interacted and which didn't
i didn't do one for filbo, lizbert or eggabell because they have all either spoken to, mentioned or been mentioned by everyone at some point
please let me know if i got one wrong and i'll correct it
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snorpdawg · 11 months
8 — Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I feel like everyone plays up that Floofty is this über-confident smooth-talking deadpan snarker. And true, their ego the size of the Himalayas doesn’t help, but at their core, Floofty is kind of just a loser.
I think this is best displayed in the DLC, where they’re humbled by making admittedly, pretty stupid mistakes, namely the whole “willingly having acid being tossed on them” shebang. I think that line near the end of the heart-to-heart then and Shelda have where they’re like “WELL I HAVE TO GO NOW” after Shelda points that out is also a good example.
Reject smooth-talking Floofty. Embrace pathetic nerd Floofty.
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 3
Warnings: Horror, major character death, non-explicit death, animal (bugsnax) deaths
AO3 Version
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the disappearances on Snaktooth Island. The investigators are slowly becoming more and more able to break into locked buildings around the island in attempts to find evidence, and after several empty homes, a notebook was located inside of the local barn. It was buried in hay as though somebody was trying to hide it. The journal itself was also locked, but its cover was cut off by a professional to preserve the contents inside.
According to the first page of the journal, it belonged to Gramble Gigglefunny, the youngest member of the Snaktooth Island expedition. The writing also matches up with records of Mr. Gigglefunny’s handwriting, though at some points it becomes unintelligible. Analyzers have assumed the unintelligible handwriting to be caused by anxiety tremors and/or exhaustion, as Mr. Gigglefunny’s medical history records him as having insomnia as well as disabling post traumatic stress disorder.
Passages deemed important to the case have been analyzed and passed to me for documentation. I will copy them now.”
I think I gotta be losing my mind, I saw something terrible right outside of town. Beffica woke me
up while I was sleepwalking and while I appreciate being woken up, I don’t appreciate her. She kept on bugging me on my way home but then I saw a monster. I thought I was losing it, but she saw it too, and she got the attention of the whole town.
The monster was made of bugsnax, a whole lot of them, and when it disappeared, it turned into them. I didn’t think bugsnax could go together like that, but that thing… It wasn’t a bugsnak. It was a monster made of them.
I can’t get a wink more sleep, I keep thinking I’ll see it when I look at the corners of the barn, I’m scared.
“This entry seems to parallel one of Ms. Winklesnoot’s. It has been included for consistency, and we are also starting the documentation in this journal at the same date as the previous one.”
Floofty came back to Snaxburg today. I don’t like them being back, they freak me out a lot, and they used to show up in my nightmares. I really hope they don’t start showing up again.
Winter’s gonna start again soon, and I’ve been trying to get the snax prepared for it better than last year, but something’s wrong about the way they’ve been acting. The nighttime snax have still been out when I wake up, and the daytime snax are going away early. I think the change in temperature is confusing them, or maybe the way the barn casts a shadow is making them think it's still nighttime? But that wouldn’t make much sense for the daytime snax. Either way, they seem to be getting awfully confused.
Charwee’s been doing better in his training though. I think I can start pointer training with him tomorrow.
Scarla got Eggabell to come back. I ain’t upset about it, but I didn’t think she’d be willing to come back without Lizbert. I’d even gotten a little excited, thinking that, maybe, they were both back again. But that’s alright.
The nighttime snax didn’t go away until noon this morning. I was tending to them and I didn’t even realize it had gotten so late until Wambus HAD to make a remark about it. But he was right. It was awfully late for them to still be out. Eventually they did, but why would they stay out until noon? The sun was blazing on the pen before then, and I haven’t noticed anything weird about the light myself.
Charwee took pointer training super well. He’s become an awful lot more attentive, and I’m super proud of him! My little one really is getting better.
Apparently the nighttime snax were doing something right.
The sun didn’t rise until noon today, it was dark when I woke up, and almost everyone didn’t wake up until the sun rose. Taking care of the snax in the dark was real spooky, but at least the charmallows gave me some light.
Filbo told me I should try to train one of them to be like a rooster, and I guess that could work, if they’d be receptive to it. Snorpy and Chandlo went around town setting up lampposts to keep the paths bright, and everyone thinks the dark is just because of winter coming. But it’s NOT winter yet. And the change is just too big.
I’ve taken Charwee, Ashwee, and Joewee inside the barn instead of letting them sleep outside. The way I felt this morning when it was dark, it… Wasn’t right.
Sun set at six. I only got six hours with the daytime snax, and that ain’t nearly enough time for training.
Again, a six hour day. I brought some more of the daytime snax inside so that I’d have more time to train them, but it hardly worked. They’re so sleepy, all the time, I don’t know what’s gotten into them. But the nighttime snax are so full of energy, they’re getting rowdy even, I can hear the ones I left outside running around. What do they need? Half of my snax are always sleeping, the other half is always going rowdy, what’s happening?
Filbo, Snorpy, and Chandlo filled up all of the lampposts, so there’s more light now, but I don’t really wanna go out at all. Wiggle came to check on me today, and I appreciate her, but she scared me a lot when she arrived. I’m scared that something is gonna jump out of the darkness at me.
“The following pages were covered in small amounts of scribbles and doodles. The handwriting is the same, shaky quality as all previous pages, however there were several instances of incorrect spelling or grammar that have been patched.”
The sun didn’t come up today. The Sun didn’t come up today. The sun didn’t come up today.
I woke up, and I tended to the snax inside like usual, and I waited, I waited, I waited so long for it to come up and it didn’t. Everything is wrong, it should’ve come up at noon, it didn’t come up at all. The daytime snax are gone completely.
There was a huge fire in the middle of town, so I took Charwee and ran for it. I’m so scared, I refuse to let go of him, but he isn’t fighting to be away, so I guess he doesn’t mind. Nobody knows what's happening, not even Triffany or Floofty, they’re supposed to be the smart ones how can they NOT know how do they not know?? It isn’t because of winter this can’t just be winter it has to be something else there has to be more
It’s too cold
The barn feels too big for me now. It’s like a monster compared to everyone else’s homes. There are dark shadows in the far corners, and usually it wouldn’t scare me, but… Now when I look at one, it does. Like there’s something hiding in them, waiting for me to get closer. Apparently Eggabell feels it too, but that only makes it worse. If I’m not just feeling things, and someone rational is feeling it too, then something must be terribly wrong.
I got a lot of lanterns, candles, and fuel today. Everyone is agreeing that the dark can’t hurt us, but what if there’s something hiding in it?
Charwee isn’t acting irregular though. That makes it a little better, animals tend to have good instincts for these things. But he’s inside, the outside snax… They’re restless. They keep pounding on the door. I can hear them all night long.
“The following page was found inside of a wicker basket, presumably used as a trash can. It has several irregularities, including burn marks, water stains, and incredibly oddly, rips and tears in strange locations, such as the middle of the page.”
there are animals in the darkness, there is something in there
it needs my help it wants me to help it
but i’m too scared to help it, i cant help it, not when its there
it says it cant come into the light
that it will die if it isnt dark
it needs me to put the lights out
but i will die if i do.
There was a talk today about what the others would do about food like this. It seems really dangerous to send Scarla out, and they didn’t mention stealing mine once. I hate to say it, but… I. I kinda want them to. They’re so loud, all night, they’re scratching the door and banging on it, I can barely sleep. But they’re my little ones, I can’t just give them up. I’m glad Charwee is still here with me. And Wiggle is always at the fire if I need her too, and these days, I’ll take all the warmth I can get.
Scarla left today, before we all woke up. Or at least they weren’t at the fire.
I don’t know why the others can’t just settle for sauce. Shelda and I have been doing it all this time, and so have the bugsnax, but they’re all so stubborn.
I’m worried about Charwee. He didn’t move much today. Usually, he’s a little snuggly when I carry him around, but not today. Today, he just stared blankly. It worries me, it isn’t like him.
I hope Sprout is safe with Scarla, wherever they are.
“The following page was covered almost completely in water stains.”
The snax are gone. They’re all gone. Charwee’s bed was full of mush, the pen was full of mush, it reeks of fruit and chocolate. I have no way to make the smell go away.
Scarla is out there for nothing now. If my snax are gone, so is every other one. But they didn’t come back today. I don’t know what they’re doing out there. I don’t care.
My little ones are gone. The darkness in the corners got bigger without the charmallows flames. Wiggle can try all she wants to comfort me, and I love her, but I’m alone now. I’m all alone.
I slept so well last night. Too well.
I slept all day today. When I’d wake up, the fire was on, but I didn’t wanna go to it.
I just need to sleep. I just need to be alone. The fire will be on another day, and I can still see the lights in their windows, so I know they’re all out there.
“The following page was found crumpled up and wedged into the very corner of the building. The script is in a completely different handwriting to Mr. Gigglefunny’s, and after comparing it to records, it does not match anyone on the expedition team.”
we’re alone now. let me out. i can show you something happier than the light.
The fire wasn’t on today. I didn’t see anyone out in town at all. The lanterns that light the paths are barely making a difference.
For a moment, I thought Filbo just forgot to light it today. The lights are on in almost everyones huts that I can see, and I can see almost everyone, except Floofty and the mill.
But. He didn’t just forget.
There’s no light in Filbo’s window. He was here yesterday, by the fire. He was just fine the last time I saw him. Did he put his own lights out? Why would he do that?
Please be okay. Please put the fire on again
Please please please please please please please please
“The page between the previous passage and the following was inside the journal when we found it, but we could not determine what was on it. The middle of the page was ripped apart by what appears to be claw marks. We do not know who did it, as Mr. Gigglefunny is a mouse grumpus, a race lacking claws. We could only determine the final line, which reads,”
-a breeze is not hard
Filbo’s light is still out. He’s the only one who’s gone. I can see Shelda in her gazebo, Eggabell in her window, Wiggle so far away. I want to run for it, to go to them, to not be alone. But I can’t.
The shadows are over the stairs now. I can’t stop my paws from shaking. I can’t risk dropping my candle.
Please let this be over soon.
No no no no no no no no
Shelda’s light is out her light is out how did this happen
How could this happen they’re both gone how can they both be gone
She had to have gone to someone else To Wambus and Triffany to anyone
It’s so cold
Why did i leave all the lanterns downstairs
Why did i only take a candle
Wiggle stood in her doorway for a while today. I want to go to her. If she has a lantern, I want her to come to me. I think she’s talking to Beffica.
I can see into Triffany’s study. She spent all day at a desk, with a bunch of books. Is she trying to find a solution to this? Is there a solution to this? At least somebody is doing something
I feel so trapped up here. It’s just me, a candle, and mush.
Spoiled, rotting mush.
“Another torn out page from the wicker basket seems to fit in here.”
someone is watching me. someone is watching me. someone is watching me. someone is watching me. someone is watching me. someone is watching me. someone is watching me.
“That phrase is repeated over the entire page.”
a scream
i heard a scream
a horrible, terrible scream
it was too deep to be one of the girls or floofty and it wasn’t wambus, i can still see him
was that.
was that scream chandlo?
i can’t do this
i can't take this
I just
I just need to close my eyes and sleep
“The bottom half of this page is covered in water stains.”
the light in Beffica’s hut is out but the light in Wiggle’s is stronger
Tell me theyre together
Please god tell me they’re together and they’re okay
i watched wiggle leave her hut she
she was coming for me
she was coming to get me i was so happy i thought
i wouldn’t be alone
but she was gone as soon as she left i
i watched it happen she
the darkness it
it swept her off her feet
her lantern broke and went out in an instant
how could this happen please tell me that didn’t just happen
tell me this is a nightmare
beffica is still in the hut alone
tell me she turned around and went back
The light in Wiggle’s hut went out.
The light in Cromdo’s hut went out.
the light. went out
the lanterns around town. went out.
im stuck here.
it’s so cold.
there’s no point. the darkness gets closer to my bed every day.
itll get me soon. the light will go out again soon.
i can’t keep watching them die
it’ll go out anyway. i can cry my last tears and it’ll all be over.
please let it all be over.
“This was the final passage in the journal. The events correlate with the timeline from Ms. Winklesnoot’s diary and seem to align with Mrs. Woolbag’s letters, though we cannot be sure.
Much like the previous two documents, these will not be considered for the case. We believe that the town went through mass delusional hysteria, or a very large case of folie à deux. Regardless, we will continue to document any further findings. This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
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tinyangrynerd · 2 years
I’ve been reading about your Bugsnax monsters and I’m curious about the story as a whole. Like who are the main characters, the timeline, etc. So do you think you could give a rundown?
(I really love it)
Thank you!~ ^-^
And yeah, i can give a quick rundown of the plot that i have in mind.
Of course, spoiler warning ahead for the ending and DLC for Bugsnax:
So, nothing from the AU really kicks off until the end of the game. Up to that point, no one is aware of the true side effects of the bugsnax or about Snakmonsters (aside from one small encounter with a strange mural left by the ancient grumps which i have an old drabble for somewhere..). Thus, Buddy and Filbo are thrown into quite the nasty surprise when they return from seeing Liz'. Where half their friends have turned into giant feral beasts and are wrecking the town.
Wambus, Wiggle, Triffany, Cromdo, Chandlo, Floofty, & Elizabert all end up as Snakmonsters.
Buddy, Filbo, Beffica, Gramble, Snorpy, Shelda, & Eggabell are left unaffected (despite any previous snakification), and task themselves with trying to save their friends. (Egg doesn’t join ‘Liz as a snakmonster, since Liz’ knows there’s something very wrong, and is scared of hurting Eggabell).
Now, i don't want to go into too much detail on the whole story i have, cause ideally i'd like to write it one day despite my writing motivation being near nonexistent and i hate my writing. But i can try to give the basic framework without spoiling too much, hopefully:
Those not affected retreat from the island on Buddy’s airship to get out of the danger. Returning to the island sometime after, once all their snakmonster friends have left to claim to the different territories on Snaktooth.
Afterwards, most of the plot is just Buddy and Filbo running around trying their best to catch each snakmonster, to bring them back and help return them to normal again. Beffica and Gramble help them out on the field a few times, but mostly stay back to be extra hands to help Snorpy, Shelda, and Eggabell. The latter three staying in the remains of the destroyed town. Snorpy, despite his struggles being the one most effected by the turn of events, constructs the new beefed up traps for catching the Snakmonsters. Shelda puts her botanical knowledge to the test to mix a more potent and stable version of the spice we see on Brokentooth. And of course, Egg is on standby for medical support, and is generally the one watching over those captured and recovering.
And there’s a few nice little character moments, like Gramble helping subdue Wiggle, when she proves to be far too much for the duo to handle.
Still-undecided-on-but-definitely-at-least-an-alternate-chapter is Snorpy turning into a snakmonster half way through the story. The sheer amount of grief he’s experiencing finally boils over and he just loses his mind and runs out into the woods. Where after he’s helped save his sibling and boyfriend, it’s their turn to work together to save him now.
And.. that’s pretty much it?? Might throw in Alegander at some point, maybe as like a lore dump or something, but not sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I fell asleep for a bit and had a dream I was Floofty on an expedition on another island with strange wildlife that was completely sapient and could speak, but were otherwise normal wild animals (mostly African species such as hyenas and lions). We were stuck in a time loop involving the island’s invasion by aliens that were going to harvest all life on earth but the cycle reset when certain characters died. At one point there were a group of extremely venomous snakelike creatures that could perfectly camouflage as their surroundings. They were headed for the shared campsite so I physically tried to stop them to protect Snorpy and the others, and I died promptly after being bitten. But something in the loop went wrong from that point on and all memories the others had about my existence as well as things I had physically created vanished from the loop completely. The rest of the dream involved myself trying to gain their trust back to help us get out of the loop. It was an especially sad turn because just prior I had completely reconnected with Snorpy and we began to actually get along again.
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How about Femme Fatale, Joyride and Red Academia with Beff and Floofty since I've been replaying Bugsnax recently uwu 💝💝
hi ruby!! ahhh have fun‏‏‎ ‎bugnax‏‏‎ ‎is one of my all time favorite games <3 and i missed my favorite two purple bitches
🖤Femme Fatale🖤 ~ What, in your opinion, is your F/O’s greatest achievement? tbh for both of them it probably has to do with their growth and utilizing their skills for positive gain :) beff is still cunning and likes to know everything about everybody but she gets more aware of when she's taking it too far.‏‏‎ ‎floofty‏‏‎ ‎is still incredibly smart and wants to push the boundaries of science but they learn to be more willing to share that knowledge with other people. i still think it's really sweet they became a professor at the end of the game
🚎Joyride🚎 ~ How would a road trip with your F/O, friends/associates, and you go? well the whole cast would be an enormous roadtrip but if we did go it'd probably be like the three of us and snorpy‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎chandlo.‏‏‎ ‎i feel like it'd be very chaotic because everyone would insist that they were the one who knew the right way and everyone else was doing it wrong (mostly‏‏‎ ‎floofty‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎beffica‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎snorpy)‏‏‎ ‎and everyone would want to see different things along the way. quiver would probably be relegated to planning out the itinerary but they actually have fun doing that so it's okay :)‏‏‎ ‎chandlo‏‏‎ ‎is the one pointing out the window and going COWS whenever they pass cows
🍷Red Academia🍷 ~ What’s your favorite fun-fact about your F/O? beff‏‏‎ ‎has very possibly broken international laws <3 they hate to see a girlboss winning (something she would probably say about herself).‏‏‎ ‎floofty‏‏‎ likes puns which is deeply deeply important to me. ‎mad scientists who think they are so funny i am kissing you all. you ARE so funny
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shwoo · 9 months
I did another story for @flooftober! For the fourth day. My random number generator came up with Snorpy for this one, and one of the prompts is... Leg. Sounds fun!
I don't really like the prose here, but I guess that's the point of daily prompt things. Just get things done without needing them to be perfect.
Prompt list
Title: Unregulated digestion of cell components Summary: Snorpy would like to know why Floofty has a severed leg in their hut.
Floofty said "You need not work yourself into a frenzy about any morally dubious road you believe me to be taking. It is my own leg. I removed it safely and cleanly." And more painlessly than they'd been expecting.
Snorpington sputtered for several full seconds. He walked closer to Floofty's hut, and said "Are you mad? You might have bled out, your wound could have become infected, the shock might--"
"All of which I accounted for!" Floofty interrupted. Clearly Snorpy was going to work himself into a frenzy regardless of what they said. "Honestly, you act like I don't know my soft tissue from my ossified."
"The second Eggabell isn't around, you jump to self-mutilation!" Snorpington continued, undeterred.
"If you must know, brother, I have wanted to attempt this experiment for some time!" There was something going wrong between their brain and their mouth. Their perfectly composed, collected retorts were coming out angry and defensive. "Eggabell dissuaded me on several occasions, but observe:" They indicated their regrown leg, which today had taken the form of a grape. "Unambiguous proof that Bugsnax are capable of medical miracles far beyond the capabilities of modern science! What is an appendage in the face of that?"
Snorpy threw up his paws. "They have you well ensnared, don't they, Floofty? There are more important things than the advancement of science at the expense of all else."
He kept saying that, when he knew full well that there was no more efficient way to benefit the grumpus race than through science. "Such as?"
Snorpington struggled to speak for a second or two, then sighed and said "I'm not having this argument with you again, Floofty. If you wish to destroy yourself, that is your business."
"Correct," Floofty responded.
They'd been able to almost allow themself to hope that if Snorpington knew what kind of discoveries they'd made, he'd come to his senses. But it seemed he was still choosing to ignore reality.
And that was fine. He could make up his own mind. They didn't care. They didn't care.
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poliel · 2 years
Head Games Chapter 4/4: Truth
The party was a flop. No one wanted to dance or even mingle in a group, instead pairing off with their usual people or hanging out alone. If Buddy tried, they could perhaps convince at least some of the group to join Filbo in his attempt to ‘cheer everyone up’ as he’d put it. But… they didn’t feel up to trying to pretend everything was mostly okay any longer.
Beffica was right, they were a coward. Keeping Floofty’s death a secret was wrong and their reasoning for doing so was selfish. Everyone, especially Snorpy, had a right to know. But… but… after all the lies how could Buddy possibly bring it up and tell the truth now? … Well, Beffica’s note hadn’t placed a time frame on when they needed to tell, just said before they left Snaktooth, right? So, they could wait until right before they…
“Hey Bestie.” Beffica put ever so slightly more strain on the word, subtle enough that anyone else listening to it might not pick up on the fact that something was wrong. She sat down on the log bench next to them as they averted their gaze back to staring at the ground. “This party’s a real flop, huh? Not as bad as the first one but still.”
“Everyone is gathered though, even Snorpy showed up. So it might be a good time to like make an announcement and tell everyone something they should know. Or like, I don’t know, tell one person privately and then everyone else or whatever. However, you might theoretically want to do it. Assuming, you know, you had anything like that that you needed to say.”
“You’re not be very subtle.” And if someone over heard and asked what they were talking about Buddy might have no choice but to come clean lest Beffica do so for them which would be worse.
“You know, I overheard Snorpy whispering to Chandlo earlier about a kidnapping and possible rescue mission. They’re thinking about grabbing you and sneaking off during this party to investigate or something. They might decide to go off on their own though if they can’t get you to come with them. What do you think they might find?”
Buddy couldn’t pretend that that wasn’t a problem, could they? Nor could they pretend that continuing to let Snorpy have false hope, especially to the point of letting him waste his time like that, wouldn’t be wrong. They never should’ve lied. … Well really, they never should’ve pressed that button or let Floofty set up the machine or lie down on it. It was their fault and… they needed to come clean. But…
“I can’t yet. There’s, uh… a door up on Frosted Peak. I’m trying to figure out how to open it because I think Lizbert might be on the other side. I might need help doing that so… I can’t have everyone mad at me yet… you know?” Another excuse, any three grumps could open the door once Eggabell figured it out, they just wanted to be part of it. But the damage of lying and delaying had already been done, a little bit longer wouldn’t add any extra hurt or wrongness to it, right?
Beffica groaned. Before she could say anything, degrading them or in threat of coming clean for them, Buddy continued. “I will go do something about Snorpy’s plans though.” Still avoiding looking at her, they stood up. Before they could take more than a single hurried step away though, the ground rumbled and shook mightily, knocking them off their feet. Seems the world didn’t want them to tell the truth right now anyway. Luck was on their side for once, they had an actual valid excuse to put it off a bit longer.
*Later, during the escape sequence*
In the surprisingly competent paws of Filbo, the airship steadied as it rose higher in the air away from Snaktooth. Despite seemingly everything being stacked against them they’d all gotten safely on the ship and were basically home free. Everyone had made it aboard too. Now all they had to do was...
“Wait, wait,” Snorpy shouted from his spot at the railing, breaking the stunned silence following their rescue at Lizbert and Eggabell’s paws. “Pull her back down, Filbo. Floofty’s still down there somewhere… perhaps… hopefully.”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know how likely it is that they’re still…” Despite the doubt in his voice as he trialed off, Filbo changed course back towards the island.
“We gotta look though,” Chandlo said from his usual spot next to Snorpy. “Egg and what looked an awful lot like Liz turned out to be all right so Floofty might be too, right? So we gotta at least…”
Buddy couldn’t allow this to continue, not with how dangerous bugsnax had just proven themselves to be. “They’re dead! Don’t go back. It’d be just… putting ourselves into danger for no reason.”
“We can’t know that for sure,” Triffany said. “I feel we owe it to them to at least try to…”
“No! I… I…” They were getting closer to Snaktooth. How close before the Mothra Supreme came back to harass them again? Possibly knock them out of the sky, dooming them all. Was Filbo a good enough pilot to avoid that fate? “I was there when they died. I killed them.”
The airship lurched as Filbo jerked the wheel, not a big lurch but enough to surprise Buddy into losing their balance and fall as their spot in the middle of the ship didn’t provide them with anything to grasp onto. As they righted themself it was under the shocked looks everyone had turned towards them with. They all looked at them with various expression of shock and surprise. Except for Beffica of course who gave them a nod, it’s meaning hard to guess.
Snorpy broke the silence again, stepping towards them. “What do you mean you killed them?”
Buddy flinched but resisted the urge to take a step back. “It was an accident! Or uh… an experiment. They were testing to see if bugsnax could grow their head back if they had a machine cut it off. They asked me to help and I… I pressed the button. … Their head didn’t grow back. And then I hid all the evidence and lied about it because I’m a coward.” They wanted to say more, explain just how sure Floofty had seemed about it working. How they’d trusted Floofty to be right in their hypothesis. How if it had worked, that’d be a great scientific discovery, opening the door to many things that could help a lot of people. None of that really mattered though, did it? Especially since part of the reason they’d gone along with it was the selfish desire for a good story. And so instead they stood in silence, watching Snorpy’s expression change as he processed the news.
“They’re… they’re… really dead?” he eventually asked in a horrified whisper.
Buddy nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“And you didn’t grumping tell us?!” Chandlo was almost yelling. “All this time that’s Floofty’s been missing and we were worrying about them and looking for them but they’ve been dead this whole time. And not only did you know you helped cause it and then you didn’t tell anyone. What the grump is wrong with you? I thought you were cool, dawg.”
Buddy could explain how they were worried that the news would cause strife that would make it harder to find Lizbert or possibly result in the town breaking up again but it didn’t matter. So they just stood there in silence instead, staring at their feet. If they weren’t on an airship flying high above the ocean, they’d have run away. Technically they still could but… even if they probably deserved it, they couldn’t bring themselves to do that kind of running away.
“You’ve been one of them this whole time, haven’t you?” Snorpy was mad now too. It was probably an easier emotion to handle than grief and was well warranted. “I should’ve trusted my instinct about you when you first showed up at our cabin. This never would’ve happened if I had. How dare you…”
“Snorpy,” Chandlo interrupted, his voice softer, “let’s go. They’re not worth our time.”
Snorpy made a wordless sound of distress and anger, intense to enough to pull Buddy’s gaze off the deck and to his face. He was visually struggling not to cry and failing. Chandlo took his arm. He looked for a second like he was going to resist but instead, let Chandlo lead him away to the ship’s cabin. Presumably for privacy but definitely to get away from Buddy. A good idea; being around Buddy even to yell at them some more wasn’t likely to do him any real good even if they deserved it.
With the two of them gone, closing the cabin door behind themselves, a heavy silence settled over the deck once more. Everyone was still staring at Buddy. Seemingly no one else knew what to say next, neither did Buddy. What more even could be said other than how stupid they were for going with Floofty’s plan and how cowardly and awful they were for hiding the truth for so long?
Cromdo finally let out a low whistle. “Wow, this is gonna be an awkward flight back to the mainland, huh?”
Yep so hopefully it would be fast. Then Buddy could flee from all this and never think of it again. Not that they could ever escape the guilt of being a killer or how they’d lied about it for so long to people who they considered to be friends. At least they’d finally come clean and maybe, just maybe, they felt a bit better for it. No longer weighed down by the knowledge that they should tell, that everyone had a right to know the truth. It wasn’t much but they’d take what little comfort they could get.
And at least everyone else was safe. Buddy had helped get everyone else on board the ship. Not that their heroism made up for their crimes but it was something at least, right? They hadn’t caused the death of anyone else. But yeah, this was gonna be a long, uncomfortable ride back to the mainland no matter the length of time it actually lasted. Nothing else to do but settle in and do their best to give the people their actions had hurt the most as much space as possible.
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
I’m hitting so many walls with this Egg gets hurt fic that it’s getting too frustrating for me to write now.
I’m sorry, but I think I’m gonna have to scrap it completely. So much for that idea... x.x
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ghostsfandoms · 2 years
Floofty isn't evil, y'all are just mean.
I'm not sure why so many people demonise Floofty. Yes, they tend to be unethical and take extreme risks. Yes, they make dark jokes* and can be rather rude or blunt. I don't understand; this doesn't make them an EVIL or BAD person.
*(The cannibal thing is a joke. They only tried to eat part of their own leg, they still have their missing leg in their hut, and it wasn't much that they ate. Meaning; that not only would it be auto cannibalism, that it would also not be as significant as they made it seem throughout their interview.)
Their whole arc throughout the game was coming to the realisation that: YES, they need to take ethics more seriously and that not everything has a scientific purpose. They're still learning. To be more understanding and accepting of other people (Shelda specifically, as their arcs reflect one another.). Everyone had to learn something; I don't see anyone treating anyone else nearly as bad.
They also don't hate their brother? I know they are judgemental of him. However, they also ADMIT IN-GAME that they respect him and think highly of his opinion. I believe they act so high and mighty due to having to convince others of their reasoning so often. As they've said:
"I shouldn't need to put so much effort into explaining myself. But… It DOES take effort ... I cannot make myself understood… so I lose patience… and I give up on understanding. And perhaps... That is cowardice on my part." 
All they want to do is further science and help others. They cannot understand why people ignore the benefits, despite the reasoning being clear to us as an audience.
As an autistic person, their behaviour screams autistic to me, it's just a headcanon but I have my reasoning. They don't understand social constructs, they struggle with making and maintaining relationships, they are very literal, they struggle to empathise with others and ignore things or to see the importance of anything that isn't their special interest (Science). They are well-meaning but don't understand how it's wrong. It explains their behaviour. They are still learning and growing.
Not to mention, they likely thought it was okay because of the government's encouragement? Playing through the isle of Bigsnax DLC/update you find out what started Snorpy's delusions with the Grumpinati from Floofty. It also explains why Floofty doesn't understand why it's not okay. They believe that anything should exist if it's beneficial, regardless of the consequences. They don't see how it would affect them, as pointed out by Shelda and Chandlo, which is why they shouldn't get to make that choice. They don't seem to understand that.
You're allowed to dislike them. Just stop treating them like a villain and misgendering them. The game makes their pronouns clear; even if you're confused, I'm sure most people have been told by now. I've seen people misgender them because they don't like them, which is just blatant transphobia.
I haven't seen it so much here on Tumblr; I've seen it elsewhere for the most part. It's incredibly frustrating to me. I can relate to Floofty, I'm sure other autistics can too. They're a really well-written character, in my opinion. I wish people weren't so horrible towards trans characters.
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craftpunktabby · 2 years
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Here's my Journalist OC Bivy when she first arrives to the island. Along with losing weight, her fur, her colors (she's going to get really pale), and her jacket, she's going to spend most of the game under the snaxjuice influence. She's still allergic to bugsnaxs, but the snaxjuice tainted ground water doesn't trigger her allergies in a noticeable way and as the game progresses it builds up inside her and starts affecting her perception and actions. :readmore:
The snaxjuice is exploiting Bivy's desperation to get that interview with Lizbert to save her job and prove she's not incompetent. The reason she accepts every quest and goes along with everything because it'll all lead to finding Lizbert somehow. Later on when she has a good build up of the snax juice in her body it numbs her hunger pains when she feeds others to condition her to want to feed them. Also it's dampening or outright turning off her pain receptors so she can keep going. Filbo will probably have to take her to the hospital when her body finally gets rid of all the snaxjuice and she feels the raw pain of months worth of unattended injuries hit her all at once. Filbo will also probably need to help them when they start breaking down as she looks back at everything she did on the island with a clear mind. The whole giving everyone parasites, how she almost got so many people killed because she's an idiot (in her mind), how much time she wasted catching bugsnaxs and maybe if she got to Liz faster things could have been different, the fact that she helped and would have stood there and watched Floofty cut off their own head, etc.
I want there to be a moment where during his stay Filbo realizes that he doesn't actually know who his Buddy is as a person. It's hitting him hard as well that there were clear signs that something was wrong with Buddy besides the weight loss, fur loss, and getting really pale from not eating anything besides sauce for months if he knew who they were. On a brighter note, they have plenty of time to get reacquainted and it can be Filbo's turn to support his friend through a rough period.
As far as symptoms for the Snaxjuice building up and taking control it's mostly shown through how watery her eyes are. Unfortunately Bivy already had sensitive eyes that would water up quickly around pollen, dust, etc. So it didn't seem off when her eyes kept tearing up when she spends a lot of time in the middle of the firest surrounded by creatures she's allergic to. As the story progresses it gets worse and she's frequently walking around with a stream of tears, but no one really questions it because at this point she had run out her allergy medication for a while, so the progression makes sense. Some are concerned about how this isn't good, but they don't think anything life threatening is happening or it's something that escalated to the point of intervention. I also want her to grow some little horns that don't go away like the other's snaxification. I could say something about how Snaxtooth left it's mark and how it could tie into the allergy, but I just think it would look cute. Also think it would be a fun way for Bivy and Floofty to stay in touch because Floofty is now their doctor. Until the horns go away or they figure out a way to explain this to a regular doctor they only have Floofty as a go to. Also also they wouldn't do this, but as a joke I love the idea of Bivy and Filbo trying to gaslight Clumby into believing that Bivy had always had horns and she just never noticed because Bivy always wore a hat.
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