#No dying in Breath of the Wild-era Hyrule
shwoo · 1 year
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Not sure if this is funny if you don't know the specific Bugsnax line I'm referencing, but it's been in my head since I learned Tears of the Kingdom had a journalism questline.
Also, I wanted to put a press hat on Link. The game doesn't give you one no matter how intrepidly you investigate.
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Here’s a bit of an intro to the Links in this au!!
Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions or wanna know more about any of them :)
Warriors (Hero of Warriors)
- He/Him, Asexual Biromantic
- 27 years old
- Games: Hyrule Warriors
- Good friends with his Zelda
- Not a real blond, dyes his hair regularly to keep up the appearance that he is. He has no one fooled
- Absolutely fantastic at doing eyeliner, everyone’s jealous
- Knows Mask and Tune from the War of Eras
- Natural born leader, acts a bit over the top to cover up insecurities
- Bad food anxiety from being poisoned a lot but he’s doing his best
Tears (Hero of the Wild)
- He/They, Bisexual
- 24 years old (124 years old)
- Games: Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom
- Married to their Zelda (recently)
- Rebuilding Hyrule slowly after everything that’s happened
- Missing an arm, wears a prosthetic. Has startled several of the others by just removing it at random because they forget it’s a prosthetic sometimes
- Very friendly, selectively mute so they use sign to talk sometimes
Wolf/Twilight (Hero of Twilight)
- Currently stuck in wolf form so Tears just calls him Wolf because no one knows he’s a hylian, they just think he’s a really odd wolf. Will eventually be called Twilight once he can turn back into a hylian
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 24 years old
- Games: Twilight Princess
- Assisted Tears on their first journey when Tears was 17-18 and Wolf/Twilight was 23. He has been stuck as a wolf ever since
- Lives with Rusl and Uli, but has been missing for a whole year
- Quiet and anxious, incredibly loyal
Sky (Hero of the Skies)
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 22 years old
- Games: Skyward Sword
- Chronic pain, lightning scars (look up lichtenberg figure), tattoo of wings that wrap around his wrist in honor of his loftwing
- Plays his harp as a way to relax
- Very friendly and talkative. Good person to go to if you need a chat
Tune (Hero of the Winds)
- He/Him, Pansexual
- 19 years old
- Games: Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass
- Didn’t loose his eye, he just wears and eyepatch “for the aesthetic” (that’s his answer when people ask him why he wears it) but also so one of his eyes is always adjusted to being able to see in the dark so if he has to go below deck quickly for an emergency one of his eyes is well adjusted and he isn’t disoriented. His right eye is also extremely sensitive to light and the patch protects it
- Wears dark eyeliner under his eyes
- Curly, shoulder length hair that he ties up and has several small braids weaved into
- Knows Warriors and Mask from the War of Eras
- Very talkative, misses his boat
Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule)
- He/Him, Aro/Ace
- 18 years old
- Games: The Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link
- Pretends to be a lot more shy and quiet than he really is
- Loves people but is very cautious around them
- Looks a bit frail because his clothes are a bit big for him, but is actually quite strong. He is not someone who should be underestimated
Past (Hero of Legend?)
- He/They, Pansexual
- 18 years old
- Games: A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds, Link’s Awakening, Edit: And the Oracles games
- Dyed Pink hair, has the longest hair of the whole group
- Happily lives with Ravio
- Loves apples
- Has a rabbit form he can shift into to squeeze into tight spaces
- Friendly but cautious, isn’t the most trusting
Calamity (Hero of the Calamity)
- He/Him/They/Them (usually prefers He/Him), Bisexual
- 18 years old
- Game: Age of Calamity
- Mute, doesn’t speak at all, only uses sign
- Doesn’t trust Tears at all, in fact at first Tears makes him extremely uncomfortable. Calamity makes Tears sad because they’re reminded of all the trauma the both of them went through, but Tears recognizes they’re two different people
- Looks up to Warriors a lot
- Very facially expressive
Mask (Hero of Time Masks)
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 17 years old (physically)
- Games: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask
- Refuses to tell anyone his mental age, that’s between him and Hylia
- No one knows he is the Hero of Time, he’s scared to admit it because the others hold the Hero of Time up on a pedestal and he’s scared they’ll be disappointed to realize it’s him
- Has the Fierce Deity markings on one side of his face and one of his eyes is completely white but he can see out of both of them.
- Shy, quiet, reserved and mistrustful. Extreme abandonment issues have left him to expect everyone will leave. He only trusts Warriors and Tune, it takes him quite a long time to warm up to the others
Spirit (Spirit Tracks Link)
- He/Him, bisexual
- 16 years old
- Games: Spirit Tracks
- Friend of the birds
- Sees spirits and talks with them occasionally
- Absolute gremlin
Minish (Hero of the Four Sword)
- He/Him, straight
- 15 years old
- Games: Four Swords, Minish Cap
- Selectively mute, uses sign sometimes to communicate
- Very sweet, a little shy at first but quickly warms up to the others
- Misses his grandpa very much
- He and his Zelda are childhood friends
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batrogers · 8 days
My AO3 Contents Masterpost
So I've been having some frustrations finding old fiction on my AO3, so after cleaning up my That Broken Promise masterpost I thought... I could do one for all my Zelda stuff, right?
This is really long (like, ~100 things) I'm so sorry.
Fics below are organized into: Long fics General Zelda Short fics PWP Art Other Zelda AUs
See the above That Broken Promise masterpost for my own AU fics.
Some notes on my writing:
I am a multi-shipper, and I write for multiple AUs, multiple games, and sometimes write mutually exclusive pieces to explores different ways the same scenario can go.
Unless things specifically say they're related to each other (and sometimes even when they do) there may be obvious or not-so-obvious contradictions in things like age, gender, body types, race, and relationships. While the broad strokes of world-building are usually the same or similar, and if not specified you can pick your favourite, I do not hold continuity to be the most important feature in what is, at the end of the day, a long-running series of one-shots.
While I will aim to make broad statements on content warnings and rating per fic below, please know that my works will run the gamut from G-rated fluff to E-rated graphic sex, death, and violence. Sometimes all in the same story.
While there is a PWP category, stories that have more plot than sex will be filed elsewhere.
MY LONG FICS:BLUE GEM EARRINGS, (unfinished) novelization of Ocarina of Time adult era, after answering how does seven years lost make one ready to wield a sword? What if it was seven years lived in another time? Rated M, 38K. Complete up to the end of Water Temple.
THE PRINCE OF HYRULE, a “first Calamity” fic, mostly written pre-TOTK coming out with some minor trailer/game details. MCD/Graphic violence tragedy. Zelda does not know she's Zelda (trans), and Link does not know he's Link (human Zonai.) M-rated, 38K words.
IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH, a standalone Link’s Meet horror fic set in Breath of the Wild. (Temporary) Major Character Death and Graphic violence, and did I mention this was horror? E-rated, 55K words.
A CANDLE IN THE DARKNESS, Ravio’s POV of Link Between Worlds, why he left and how he took care of Link. Graphic violence, and brief references to past dubcon Ravio/Yuga. Rated M, 18K words.
JUST BREATHE, a (very old) novelization of Breath of the Wild, based off my second playthrough of the game. CW for graphic violence, temporary character death and implied/referenced past sexual abuse. Rated M, 148K words.
Related to Just Breathe, are two works:
FIVE THINGS NEVER REMEMBERED, rated M for mature themes, implied non-con, and death aftercare.
TO THE BRINK OF DESTRUCTION, rated M for graphic violence and implied MCD: the story of the last four pictures of the memories.
GENERAL ZELDA: (in roughly timeline order)
[Note: some of these are listed elsewhere as That Broken Promise backstory fics, but the ones included here do not require familiarity with the AU to understand.]
MY DAUGHTER WILL NEED A SWORD, pre-Skyward Sword era. Fierce Deity/Hylia, human!Fierce Deity fic. Rated M for sex, graphic violence, and MCD.
WHERE DEMONS HAVE GONE BEFORE, post-Skyward Sword ZeLink, rated M for graphic injury and fade-to-black sex.
RAGE AGAINST THAT DYING LIGHT, post-Ocarina of Time. Implied past GanLink, renewed Civil War. Rated E for war crimes, graphic violence and MCD.
SECOND CHANCES, crackship Wind Waker Ganondorf/Fierce Deity. Rated M for near-drowning, discussion of past trauma, and consensual sex.
THOUGH THERE BE FURY ON THE WAVES, post-Phantom Hourglass/post-Wind Waker fic with CD-i Easter Eggs. Rated E for graphic violence towards a minor, among other things.
IN THE HAND OF FATE, Twilight Princess puppet Zelda fight. Rated E for graphic violence (including mouth trauma) and temporary character death.
FIVE TIMES LINK HURT HIMSELF (AND WHEN HE STOPPED) Four Swords Adventures. Rated M for interpersonal violence and mature themes.
REFLECTIONS OF AN UNFAMILIAR FACE, Hyrule Warriors, Link finds Ravio. Rated T for mature themes, and implied dubcon/noncon.
CIGAR, Hyrule Warriors, Spirit Tracks-as-Toon Link, Link shipping. First kiss fic, rated M for making out and smoking.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS, Hyrule Warriors, abusive Lana and Spirit-Tracks-as-Toon Link, Linkshipping. Rated M for abusive relationship dynamics, discussion of dubious consent, and attempted murder.
MINE. Hyrule Warriors Link was given a “gift” by Lana early in the war, to make him more of the Hero everyone expected him to be but now that it’s over he wants things back the way they were. Rated M for discussion of past abuse, flashbacks, and body/gender dysphoria.
TWO PATHS DIVERGE, Post-Link to the Past, pre-Oracles, Link finished his adventure and never wanted to hold a sword again. He married, and had children, and then the Gods laid down another blow. Rated T for dark, mature themes.
A NEW AGE, post-Zelda I/pre-Zelda II. Link discovers the blood curse, and finally reaches out to Zelda for help. Rated M for graphic violence and mature themes.
THE LOST LITTLE BIRD, Age of Calamity sword pull, rewritten to answer why Link didn't have the sword already. Rated T for mature themes and moderate violence.
DESERVED, post-BOTW Link confronts Zelda about things she won’t tell him about his past. Who decides what he deserves to know or not?
WANTS AND NEEDS, post-TOTK. Link loses his arm to complications after rescuing Zelda and has to cope. Rated M for graphic injury and PTSD. Technically incomplete but works for now as standalone.
TAXATION IN HYRULE, Exactly what it says on the tin kind of meta analysis. Rated G.
SHORT FICTION: (in roughly timeline order)
SHE OFFERED A CHOICE (about Farore & the Fierce Deity)
WHO HURT YOU (HW Toon Link & Link)
FLINCH (BOTW Zelda & Link)
GORE SNIPS (Collected M & E rated short violence)
FLUFF DUMP (Collected G-M rated short fiction)
PWP & NON-CON: (in roughly timeline order)
THE DEMON KING, Skyward Sword era Fierce Deity. Demise/Fierce Deity, sensual graphic violence.
A DRINK OF THE FORBIDDEN CUP, Twilight Princess ZeLink, graphic consensual BDSM violence and sex.
ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, Hyrule Warriors. Cia/Link & Lana/Link non-con, restraint and coercion.
SILENT GUARDIANS, Hyrule Warriors. Volga/Link bad idea sex, with a hurt/comfort ending.
DULCE ET DECORUM EST, Hyrule Warriors. Zelda/Link consensual sex
MOUTHFUL OF FLESH, Hyrule Warriors era Yuga gets his hands on Spirit Tracks-as-Toon Link and has some fun. Non-con, gags, paralysis, and blood play.
DEFY AND DEFINE THE DARKNESS, Yuga/Ravio, dubcon turned noncon, torture.
LOCK PICKS, mid-Link Between Worlds. Ravio & Link, and implied dubcon Ravio/Yuga, non-con body modification and chastity play.
TO MAKE MUCH OF TIME, Bozai/Link non-con/graphic violence, implied temporary character death.
WAIT FOR ME TO COME AROUND AGAIN, Calamity/Zelda MCD non-con. BOTW bad ending.
SAW THE GOLD RETURN TO RUST, Zelda/Link & Calamity horrors, non-con/graphic violence and temporary character death. Post-BOTW, pre-TOTK.
MURDER WITH BENEFITS, bad ending post-TOTK, Demon King Ganondorf/Fierce Deity, graphic violence and dubcon sex.
SON OF THE DESERT WINDS, TOTK Ganondorf/Rauru, political dubcon turned noncon with eye scream body horror.
PRIVATE COMFORTS, Serial Numbers Filed Off Link/Link porn. Consensual sex.
WAGES OF WAR, rated E for violence, post-Ocarina of Time torture
BUT NOT LIKE THIS, rated E, comic of “Rage Against That Dying Light”
LAST NIGHT, rated E for non-con, Yuga/Ravio
OBEDIENCE, rated M for BDSM, Hilda/Ravio
JUST A GAME, rated E for violence, artwork for “Having Fun Yet?” by @triforce-of-mischief
WELCOME HOME, rated E for sex, BOTW GanLink
LINKED UNIVERSE FICS: @linkeduniverse
SHINING EYES, in which Time is possessed and the Chain must get him freed and hope the cure for what ails them isn’t worse than the illness. Rated T for moderate violence.
BREAKING THE FAITH: Time handles being back among the Gerudo, even in someone else’s world, poorly. Rated M for attempted murder and mature themes.
RAVIOLI INTERRUPTED, in which Ravio sends the Chain on to the city so he can have some alone time with his lover. Rated M for sensuality.
THE DOLLMAKER: What kind of person makes the dolls that so often saved Hyrule’s life? What would she be like? Rated M for graphic violence and temporary character death. Leads into a series all its own, ALL THE LITTLE DOLLS.
YOU'RE NOT ALONE, Wind wakes up bleeding and has to ask Hyrule what’s wrong. Rated G, talk of menstruation.
SKIN & GOLD, in which Time must save Legend from Gerudo slavers and try not to lose his composure in the face of Twinrova being... kind? Rated T for mature themes.
BROWSING AMONG THE LILIES, Time returns home and Malon does her best to comfort him. Rated E for consensual sex.
MAKE IT STOP, Ravio comes to see his lover after Warriors writes to tell him he is very unwell. Rated G.
DON'T TOUCH MY BROTHER, In Wild’s era, Hyrule catches someone talking to his brother in an unpleasant way. Rated T for brief violence and sexual harassment.
KNOWING ONLY MAKES IT HARDER, Warriors pushed himself to exhaustion until Sky drugged him to spare him further injury, but he does not take being tricked well at all. Time talks him down. Rated G
THROUGH THE VALLEY, in which the Chain winds up somewhere nearly pitch black where Wild’s Slate says they’re in the Gerudo Desert but they very much are NOT. Rated E for graphic violence and temporary character death.
IN THE DARK, POV swap of Through the Valley into Warriors POV. Rated M for graphic violence and temporary character death.
DO YOU TRUST ME, in which Legend gets pollen in his mouth from a strange plant in a strange, dark realm in Wild’s world and has a bad trip. Rated G. This fic got art from @kikker-oma during Fan Joy July!
CARMELIZE. Twilight never really wondered why Warriors watched him cook before. He honestly barely noticed he did it at all, until suddenly he moved to leave. Rated G.
SEARED AND TURNED, Warriors has a nightmare, but he doesn’t want to bother anyone with the details. Rated T, for graphic nightmare imagery.
UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, Malon writes Time with a question about how her beloved husband, who most definitely cannot get her pregnant, did so anyways. She has her suspicions. Rated M for sensual descriptions in epistolary fic.
TOO MANY QUESTIONS, Wind is curious and Hyrule’s happy to answer his questions, but some things are too specific to brush off as unimportant how he came to that conclusion. Rated M for frank discussion of sex acts.
LINK HEART-EATER. Hyrule got a nickname long before he was in the Chain, and before he ever killed Ganon in fact. It’s the kind that can come back to bite you. Rated E for graphic violence.
THINGS BEST LEFT UNSAID, in which Time, Warriors & Twilight get drunk and complain about politics and home and things some of the others never thought they’d hear. Rated T for mature themes.
LANGUAGE BARRIERS, AND OTHER THINGS. Warriors finally notices something odd about how Twilight’s Zelda speaks of him. Rated G.
MERMAID LAKE, Ravio comes to visit the Chain, and Warriors tells him Legend went off to the lake to blow off steam. Ravio knows exactly what that means. Rated M for sex.
FIRST, YOU MUST FORGIVE YOURSELF, Sky is having a hard time after being kidnapped and tortured, and Time tries to talk him down. Rated M for discussion of sexual violence.
LARKS STILL BRAVELY SINGING, aka LU Time meets TBP Kokiri and things explode. Rated T for attempted murder.
GOLDEN BROTHERS, aka TBP Kokiri has to gree LU Legend from Gerudo slavers, then reaches out to LU Time for even a chance at revence. Rated T for mature themes.
NEAR MISS, aka Cia tries to fuck with the Chain & the TBP Gang at the same time, and TBP Prince is having none of her shit. Rated T for moderate violence; sequel to "I Know What Will Happen" and prequel to "At What Cost?" by @triforce-of-mischief
WIND GETS "THE TALK," where TBP Far and LU Hyrule discover the boy has questions and they are both very sure he needs to know these answers. Rated M for frank discussion of sexual topics.
RECALLED AU FICS: @recalled11
SEE SKY RUN, Creatures in the sky knock him off his loftwing and keep him down, on unsafe ground that has no mercy for old injuries or new. Rated M for near-death, graphic violence.
IF IT CAN DIE, I CAN KILL IT, Legend hates lightning, and if there’s a monster setting it off he’s going to make it pay for that. Rated T for moderate violence.
MANGLED WILD, Down in the Depths, Wild, Captain, and Sky come across a Frox and Wild forgot just how fast they can move. Rated E for graphic violence and near-death. @l3ominor did a comic of this as well!
SNAKE BITE, Legend comes up from a cave with a dead snake, and nobody’s sure if its poisonous or not. Rated T for near-death.
NOT MY PROBLEM. Legend wanders the Great Plateau, to be anywhere but near the damn gloom hands the others are handling, and finds a cave. He’s not the first of their group in there. Rated G.
AGELESS SOUL AU: @ageless-soul-au
INTO THE DEEP, The Chain is in their distant past, before First was ever even alive to find answers. Unfortunately, someone else is already there too. Rated M for graphic injury and temporary character death.
TWO OF SIX, Hyrule, Warriors, and Legend meet the Dollmaker. She’s very happy to see them, even though she’s already got company – but Hyrule is always her favourite guest. Rated M for off-screen temporary character death and coercion.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1: Adverse effects
Here we go lads, ‘tis whumptober once again >:D I’m going to try and get something out for all 31 prompts, but we’ll see how well that goes XD
Anyway here’s day one!
Read it on ao3
“Last one!”
Hyrule breathed a sigh of relief at Four’s shout, and he turned his focus to the last monster left in the group.
It was an ugly thing, creepy grin and creepier giggling as it hopped around and shot electricity at them. Twilight claimed it was a wizzrobe from Wild’s era, and Hyrule wasn’t surprised based on some things the champion had told him. There had been three of them to start with, but the others had been smaller and hadn’t shot as much magic at them as this one had, and were fairly easily dispatched by himself, Four, Twilight and Time.
This one was being more difficult.
Hyrule began to approach the wizzrobe, but Time was closer and had already engaged, dodging the blasts of magic it shot at him. Some blood from an arrow Four had managed to hit it with trailed black down its face, and it giggled madly as Time continued to just barely dodge its attacks.
But while Time had the creature’s attention, Twilight suddenly leapt from the shadows behind it, stabbing cleanly through the wizzrobe’s middle.
It let out a dying shriek, and exploded into purplish smoke, nothing left but a spatter of black blood and its magic rod that fell to the ground. Hyrule smiled, and took out a cloth to start wiping the blackened blood off his sword as he heard someone sigh in relief. Time and Four exchanged satisfied looks, and Twilight began to walk over to the discarded thunderstorm rod.
“What are you doing with that rancher?” Hyrule asked as Twilight reached the dropped weapon.
“Champion collects these, he always needs more weapons,” he said with a fond head shake, reaching down to grab it. “And besides, even if he doesn’t want it I’d bet our veteran—“
Twilight‘s hand closed around the rod and he cut off mid-sentence.
Hyrule paused from where he was wiping blood off his sword, and looked over at him, noting how he was staring blankly out at the forest.
“...Rancher? What’s wrong, is there something out there?” Hyrule asked, his grip tightening on his sword. “More wizzrobes?”
Twilight still didn’t move, and Hyrule frowned, walking carefully over towards his friend.
“What’s wrong traveler?” Four called from where he was slinging his shield back over his shoulder. “Is he hurt?”
Hyrule shook his head in reply, but his frown grew when he saw Twilight’s hand begin to tremble from where it was clenched around the thunderstorm rod.
“Twilight?” he heard Time ask behind him, as well as a few slow footsteps. His voice had turned sharp. “Hyrule, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” the traveler replied, feeling downright anxious now. He took another slow step towards the rancher, and the shaking in Twilight’s hand increased.
He heard Time and Four stop moving behind him, and Hyrule stopped as well, dread pooling in his gut as Twilight still refused to turn around.
“Rancher?” he tried one more time.
The air suddenly turned sharp with electricity, and the hair on his neck stood straight up. Twilight let out a deep, thundering growl, sparks twitching at his fingertips, and Hyrule felt pure horror fill his chest.
The rod.
“Traveler get back!” Time shouted right as Twilight whipped around, shooting three huge balls of pure electricity at them.
Hyrule leapt out of the way and successfully avoided the shots, but Twilight was already charging towards him, eyes crackling an unnatural yellow-green. He yanked out his sword to hold in one hand while the thunderstorm rod crackled in the other, and bore down on him with both, mouth twisted in a snarl.
“Rancher stop!” Hyrule yelped, throwing his hands up and stopping him from pumping him full of electricity with a quick shield spell.
Twilight shuddered with the magic from the rod, the marks on his face beginning to glow, and he struck at Hyrule’s shield with a force so intense the traveler nearly got knocked over. He grit his teeth and steadied himself against the onslaught, but his magic had been running low already and he didn’t have enough to keep this up much longer.
A shout suddenly hit his ear and Four flew past, hitting Twilight with a solid kick to the back of his knees.
Twilight stumbled, but near immediately regained his footing, eyes narrowed in Four’s direction. He let out a pained snarl and kicked the poor smithy in the gut, sending him flying backwards straight into a tree.
Four slid to the ground and didn’t get up, and Hyrule shouted in outrage as Time ran for Twilight.
The rancher continued to shoot bolts of magic at Hyrule in rapid succession, leaving him unable to do much other than watch as Time dodged Twilight’s powerful swings. The older man leapt out of the way of his electrified blade, and taking a page out of the downed smithy’s book, managed to score a kick to the back of his knees that sent Twilight off-balanced onto the ground.
Hyrule grabbed his sword as the onslaught of magic finally stopped, though he knew that the metal wasn’t likely going to do him any favors, and stood opposite Time, watching as Twilight struggled to his feet.
He glared at them, one hand clenching the thunderstorm rod while the other still held his sword, entire form now shivering with electricity. His eyes were practically glowing with it, markings and the tips of his hair as well, and his teeth were bared as his gaze flicked between Hyrule and Time.
“Rancher, put the rod down,” Time panted slowly, his voice thick with worry.
Twilight turned his head around towards Time, crackles of electricity sparking along his arms. He was breathing heavily, but it seemed like it was due more to pain then being out of breath.
“Link, fight it,” Time repeated, and Twilight shuddered at his words, hands shaking.
His eyes flickered to a terrified blue for a mere instant.
Then they snapped back to the unnatural electric yellow, and lightning raced up his arms.
Twilight let out a snarl, the sound thick with an agony that sent a wrench though Hyrule’s stomach, then suddenly charged at his mentor. Time couldn’t do anything but raise his sword to block the attack, and the moment their blades connected he let out an agonized cry, falling backwards as his back arched with electricity.
His gauntlets and armor made for a perfect conductor, and energy raced through him as he collapsed, twitching violently with electricity. Twilight sneered and stalked towards him, his weapons leveled.
“No!” Hyrule cried and scrambled madly in his pouch for something he could use— anything he could use to get the rod out of Twilight’s grasp. He was out of magic, Four was down, Time was down, there must be something—
His hands hit his bow, and he swallowed.
Hyrule was nowhere near the level of marksman that Wild was, or most of the other heroes even, but there wasn’t time for anything else. Not with the magic in the air getting thicker by the second and no backup in sight.
So, praying it would be enough, he whipped out the item and nocked an arrow, aiming it at Twilight who was still crackling with electricity.
Sorry Twi.
The rancher raised his blade up to strike Time’s weakly twitching form, and Hyrule loosed the arrow.
It flew through the air, the bowstring snapping against Hyrule’s arm, and right as Twilight started to swing his blade downwards, the arrow pierced his wrist.
The rod fell out of his grasp and Twilight let out a sharp cry, falling to the ground as he clutched at his hand. The sharp electrical magic in the air dissipated, and Hyrule noticed Four beginning to stir out of the corner of his eye, but he focused simply on getting to Twilight as fast as possible.
He stumbled to his knees next to the rancher, and looked down at him in horror.
Angry feathered lines traced themselves all over Twilight’s skin, a few curling up his neck and face. His forehead markings had been bleached a sickly yellow, and he twitched occasionally, breathing weak and raspy. He looked utterly drained, and weak, which was so unlike his friend that Hyrule felt his stomach lurch. Not to mention the arrow stuck clean through his wrist.
“Twilight?” Hyrule asked softly, putting a careful hand on the rancher.
Twilight let out a breathy moan, but didn’t open his eyes, another twitch running through him.
A different groan hit his ears and Hyrule glanced behind him, seeing a dizzied Four helping Time sit up. The old man looked pale, but his focus was entirely on Twilight, face creased and worried.
Four was peeling off Time’s gauntlets, the skin underneath covered in painful-looking burns. Hyrule saw more of the same peeking from under his collar, and he seemed a little twitchy as well, but as soon as he was able Time leaned over Twilight.
He gently took hold of his uninjured hand as Hyrule began to work on taking the arrow out of Twilight’s wrist, not seeming to care about his own injuries.
“Rancher?” he rasped quietly.
Twilight’s eyes slipped open.
All three of them sighed in relief, and Twilight flicked his once-again-blue gaze around, grunting as Hyrule pulled out the arrow. He looked around at them all, then came to a stop on Time, paling at the burns covering his hands and trailing up his arms.
“...Time?” he whispered. “Did I..?”
The older man nodded.
“It’s alright. The rod must have been powered up in a similar manner as the wizzrobe,” he said gently. “You couldn’t control yourself.”
If Twilight hadn’t been pale before, he definitely was now, and his eyes suddenly widened with horror.
“I nearly killed you,” he choked out, and Time drew him into a shaky hug, a small wince on his face. Twilight shuddered in his arms, and Hyrule focused on the rancher’s wrist, trying to stop his hands from shaking.
“I-I couldn’t do— I couldn’t stop myself, I—“ Twilight gasped, and Time ran a hand through his hair, ignoring Four’s chiding glance.
“I’m so sorry,” Twilight whispered, and Time shook his head.
“It was not your fault. I won’t allow you to take blame for something you had no control over,” Time murmured, and Twilight shuddered again.
Four silently handed him some bandages, and Hyrule wrapped them around the rancher’s wrist, ignoring the shaking breaths Twilight was making into Time’s arms.
Nobody said anything when Four got up, and wordlessly smashed the thunderstorm rod with a rock.
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hyah-lian · 2 years
flash thought here (also yes i am not capitalizing hyrule when referencing the land, but am for Hyrule the Link to make it a little clearer)
i see the headcanon a lot that Hyrule can’t read, or has very low literacy because of the state of his era and his circumstance of always on the run etc
I think Wild probably would too- either not read or be low literacy. Because of the 100 years passing (written word can change a lot so maybe it just changed so much from what he learned?), the whole pretty much dying thing and all the injuries and trauma from that, the memory erasure, etc
but also- like. most of the stuff in Wild’s hyrule, outside the castle and a few instances like books actually IN schools or like Purah’s n Robbie’s places or roadsigns (but thats also like for the player tbh but also its a flash idea headcanon so shush /lh), most of the written materials around are also VERY heavily illustrated. 
I think during the calamity and through the time passing, a lot of writing was lost, obviously, and people were spread out and cut off and its likely not everyone had a really good grasp on writing/reading/teaching because like, honestly, not everyone does period. Add on a heap of the world ending and chaos and seclusion and I think it makes it hard to have a standardized level of education.
SO, I think, especially after Link’s adventure in BOTW, that lots of drawings and illustrations are used to start open communication between pockets of people again and to rebuild the language and connect all the different dialects and other ways it evolved over the years in each little area, and to make things more accessible for everyone (i also hc it that botw hyrule is VERY focused on accessibility because damn baby; 100 years of tragedy, and good people with good hearts, and because i want to)
i think ‘Rulie and Wild would really enjoy being in Wild’s hyrule because it makes them feel more included in things that maybe sometimes goes over their heads because of differences in language across time, and the level they know from their experiences. And also I think they like to learn together and make their own copies of what the other Links read off for them that includes a lot more of the illustrations and setup from Wild’s hyrule.
this brought to you by something i did in stardew valley reminded me of the posters in breath of the wild that you can learn recipes off of, and how visual the game is. This is also a general BOTW headcanon thing too.
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thiefxking · 6 months
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Just some random Link (multiple Links) hcs and Timeline hcs.
Please note, before reading any of this, that this is just an idea of mine and I am not going to cling to it for anything. This is mostly just me trying to make sense of things and sharing what I thought of. I blame my doing this on having drifted her from the Tolkien fandom... this stuff happened there all the time in rp and not.
The Links
Sky is not the First Link but he is the one who started the Curse and that nonsense. First, the actual First Link, is Sky's ancestor (possibly his grandfather but definitely not his father). Sky is also the ancestor of the rest, and is where some of them get Dreams from.
Minish (possibly the Hero of the Four Sword but possibly not) is not related to most of the Links but is Wind and Spirit's Ancestor.
Time is the ancestor to Legend (see the Fic I have yet to write), Wind (see a different fic or hc that I have yet to write) and Twilight. He is aware of this but only when in a different time period because the Goddess of Time (who shall be named eventually... i hope) doesn't want time to be messed up more than it already is. He is actually alive but came close enough to dying that the part of his being that was the Hero's Spirit moved on. (He was in the twilight realm for a while and is now a spirit wolf wandering)
Legend is the Hero of Hyrule's ancestor. Legend is actually two different Links in a red robe with an extra side of trauma for flavor. He eventually found Marin again (thanks to Warriors) and she was his wife (I have more ideas but that's all for now for him).
Twilight is Four's ancestor (FSA) and Warriors' ancestor (HW) before eventually becoming the ancestor and travel buddy of the Hero of the Wilds, he copies Time with that and either somehow travels there as a Spirit and is a wolf, or he 'dies' somehow and is there (See yet another fic or hc that I have yet to write).
Wind is Spirit's ancestor.
The Timeline
First's time through Minish (who probably forged the Four Sword but idk yet since I haven't finished that game much less played FS) is one solid time period.
Time's time period is where things get weird and the Timeline breaks and breaks and the Goddess of Time whines about certain others not paying attention. The first break is where Time dies (obviously) and we all know that runs down to the Hero of Hyrule (loz and taol). The second break is obvious as that's how we get Wind and Spirit.
The third possible break is less obvious since it may have been just a dream, that's in MM where no obvious heroes follow him since he completely left that timeline. I have become fond of seeing this as another break because it, in my mind, explains why Hyrule sort of backslid technologically. In TP and WW we know they had cannons and so likely firearms of some sort but in ALttP and the past era in TotK we don't see any of that technology. Further in OoT the soldiers all had metal armor, something that also seems to be the case in FS and to a lesser extent SS where the academy students all seemed to wear some sort of chain mail. Ultimately I want to say that the past of TotK was in this timeline set before the timelines converged (something I like attributing to HW) but not long before since Zelda was there after and all the locations in BotW had names from people or places in all three timelines.
The last timeline is obviously the one with Twilight and the most direct path, in my mind, to the Era of Breath of the Wild.
... I am not an expert on any of this but it's the best I can some up with to explain some of the stuff we see in all of that.
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Zeldas Design part 1- Timelines merge
love them all but drawing them in one speific way all of them would kill but you can still tell there designs so it doesn't really matter
anyways below the cut are all the designs of Zelda for my own links meet au in no speific order
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Links adventure
Heros fall timeline
19 years old
the second Princess in her era
i don't actually know much about the first two zelda games but i decided shes a bad ass cas i said so
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The Legends of Zelda
the hero falls timeline
16 years old
the first Zelda of her era
very formal
very intrested in baking
but cant do it alot due to the lack of ingredients in her Hyrule
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Wind waker
The Phantom Hourglass
adult timeline
15 years old
badass pirate
is imune to motion sickness
Spirit Tracks
Adult timeline
a litteral ghost but presents 14-16 years old
Direct descent to Tetra
very much pretty princess who will also rock your shit
alot of the zeldas are like that
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Fabel(And Worlds to!)
A Link to the past
A link between Worlds
Triforce Heros
Hero falls timeline
Worlds sister
also talller then worlds
wnd dyed her hair
Loves to dress up
also can rock yourshit
theater kid
idk much about her cannonicly
indulges ravio
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Breath of the Wild
Tears of a kingdom
Contiued timeline(look here! for explanation)
21 years old
but also like thouseds of years old it sure is something
a little crazy but arent we all
tends to give herself breakdowns but jts okay
Age of Calamity
Discontiued Timeline(Look Here! for explanation)
18 years old
works with Delilah to study the timeline shtuff
also a little crazy but its okay
wants to become a scientist
there is the first round of them! there will be more soon
Master post!(Coming soon) Links design! Zelda designs part 2!(coming soon)
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luimagines · 2 years
You Fluster Him Part 3
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Part 1, Part 2
Part three will include Wild, Four and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
You were in Wild’s era and in his desert and near his Gerudo City.
It was hot. How on earth did the people live here? You were dying. You had sweat through all your clothes with no sign of stopping any time soon and there was little shade in the Bazaar.
Wild said he could get into the city without any trouble and with Twilight going with him for company’s sake, it left the rest of you wondering not only how he managed to get in with little trouble but also how is Twilight getting through?
That aside, you were sitting by the little water hole the Gerudo had. It wasn’t much but you could dip your feet in and find some relief from the heat. The heat apparently got worse the further into the desert you went and you weren’t ready to deal with that sort of commitment today. 
It was quiet. The boys had all made themselves busy by trying to beat the heat that their usual chaos was non existent.
“Alright.” You heard Wild come back. “I’m back and I have heat resistant potions.”
You looked up at him and paused. “Wild... What are you wearing?”
He freezes and pauses as well. Whatever he was getting from the sheikah slate (the potions you assumed) were forced to wait longer. He cleared his throat and you can see him try to think of a lie.
But the damage was done.
The light and brightly colored clothes mimicked that of the Gerudo perfectly. You assumed he had bought them from them which was smart- they would wear weather appropriate clothing. It made you a bit jealous.
Wild had a bright eyes looks to him, his face and featured appeared more delicate than some of his other outfits. You couldn’t help it. You blurted out the first thing you thought.
“You look adorable!” You grin and moved to stand in front of him.
Wild’s face turns a deep red from under the face covering. “I’m not... Look, it’s comfortable-”
“And incredibly stylish!” You start running your fingers over some of the loose cloth, testing the texture and weight of it. “Did you buy it? I need to know where you got this. How do I get my own set?”
Wild short circuits. You can see it in the way he doesn’t know how to react to your questions and your prodding.
You take his shoulders between your hand and spin him around to get a full view of the outfit.
You grin and nod to yourself. “You have a good eye. These colors really look good on you and this teal makes your eyes pop.”
“...I didn’t choose the colors.” He admits shyly.
“Oh?” You gasp and get excited. “Wait! Who did? Can you introduce me? I want this. It’s happening. Wild tell me!”
“Well... I...”
“Tell me your secrets man!” You jump on your feet and shake him mildly frantically. “I’m dying out here! I’d kill for something cute, stylish and practical.”
Wild coughs in his hands and covers his face with his hands. He takes a breath and looks back at you. His face is a darker shade of red than before and it only makes the clothes (and his eyes) more vibrant and eye catching.
“I can show you.” He says quietly. “But you have to keep it a secret.”
“...Ok.” His voice cracks. “It’s this way.”
“Foouurrr!!” You called out to him. The poor idiot had gone missing. Everyone was looking for him. With the added weight of the recent challenges on the group they couldn’t afford to be down another member.
Granted, most of them were used to working on their own but no wanted to lose someone on their watch. You blamed their hero complex.
And yet, here you are, looking for him too. You couldn’t help but be a bit concerned for him too. It wasn’t like him to just go missing. He usually told someone. If he didn’t, he typically wasn’t gone for very long.
“Smiiiithyyyy!” You call out again. “You better answer me! I don’t want to go back empty handed without you, Short Stack!”
Nothing answers you.
You sigh and keep walking, trying to figure out where to turn to look next. He’s sneaky and small. You knew he could be literally anywhere if he was stubborn enough. And he was.
“Liiiink!” You try one more time. You didn’t want to use the shared name. You might get the others to respond but man you were running out of options.
“What?” You hear someone cough and leave a small cave you would have completely skipped over. “I hear you. I’m alive. What’s up?”
You blink and take in his appearance. He looks haggard and rough. His clothes were torn in some places. He’s coughing and trying to stay on his feet.
You run to him and slide toward him on your knees. “What happened to you?”
“I fell.” He croaks.
You bring him close and hug him. His face lands flat in your chest. You don’t think much of it and pull him away just as quickly. 
“Well it looks like you did more than just fall.” You move his hair away from his face. “Was it straight into a bear pit or something? Were there monsters? A bristle bush? You look like you were in a fight... And lost.”
“Thanks.” Four deadpans and coughs once more, avoiding eye contact. He goes a little red and you press the back of your hand to his forehead, removing his headband.  
You can’t keep the concern out of your voice. “Four, this could be serious. You’re turning red. What did you fall on?”
“A lot of thorns.” He tries to take your hand and pull them away. “But it just some bushes and thistles. Nothing to write home about.” 
“Are you sure?” You sighs and take his cheek in your hands. “How do you now you’re not poisoned or running a fever? This isn’t normal.”
You stand up and take his hand. Four squeaks and hides his face with his other hand. “...Oh my god...”
“We’re going to get you checked out, so help me, Link.” You spit. “If it turns out to be serious and you get sick, I’m going to riot. Do you hear me?”
“Am I clear?”
You drag him forward and he has no choice but to follow you. He’s never going to live it down if, no, when the others finds out. He was going to have to explain everything. To his red face, to the reason he was out and how it was made ten times worse when it was actually you who found him
He was trying to do something cool and he thought his pride would be spared but he was mistaken.
He doesn’t meet anyone in the eye when he gets back to camp.
But at least he’s spared the lecture. They know. 
“I need your help.” Hyrule walked up to you.
You were middle of taking a bite of your lunch so you had comically had your jaw wide open to take a bite before your eyes shifted over to him. Your stomach growled in impatience but you put the food down.
“What can I help you with, Traveler?” You turned to him fully.
Hyrule doesn’t hesitate to sit next to you and he sighs. “There’s a person I like but I don’t know how to go about telling them... without actually telling them. I just want to be more open with them.”
He huff and rests his elbow on his knee and shoves his cheek into his fist. “It’s frustrating.”
You nod in sympathy. “Having you tried just talking to them?”
“Well yes but I’m trying to get them to come to me too, but they don’t.” Hyrule bites the inside of his cheek, looking into the distance. “I’m always the one to initiate contact or conversation or anything that would get them to hang out with me. It’s not really the hardest thing in the world to do but I would like some feedback or at least them to return the favor.”
You frown and take a bite of your food anyway. This is was quite the issue. It’s not something you should think about on an empty stomach. You hum and chew thoughtfully.
“I’m not entirely sure how to help you there.” You admit. “The best thing you can do is just tell them that to their face. If they also appreciate your company then they’ll start to put effort in as well. Maybe it’s because you’re always going to them that they don’t think about going to you.”
Hyrule pauses in whatever mental tirade he was going down. “...Oh... I didn’t think about it that way.”
“Yeah.” You take another bite. “I doubt they’re doing it intentionally or maliciously. And you’re a good guy and fun to be around. I bet they like your company. I know I do.”
A bird swoops down suddenly, attacking your food and exploding it to make sure that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy it still. It goes everywhere. In your hair, over your clothes, your lap, over Hyrule- oh god, it’s over Hyrule.
You blanche and start cleaning him up the best you can, sacrificing your own clothes and sleeve to make sure it doesn’t stain his. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. The stupid bird- If I hadn’t jumped or tried to fight it- Oh for crying out loud- it’s even in your ear!”
You try to clean him off the best you can. 
To his credit- he goes completely still, allowing you to do whatever you pleased. In your efforts to clean the poor boy off, you didn’t realize that he had also gone completely red in the face.
You scrub the sauce the best you can sigh. “Link, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I might have just ruined your tunic.”
“Aha...” Hyrule coughs and cover his mouth. He slowly takes your hand and gently pulls them off of him. He borderline puts them in his lap. “Don’t- don’t worry about it. It’s old anyway.”
You pout and cross your arms, looking at your tossed food on the ground, longingly. “I only got to eat one bite of that...”
Hyrule looks around and bites his lip. He can’t reach your eyes but he does look right at the ground, at your food. So you’d never know. “We can get you something else.”
You stomach growls. 
Hyrule blushes more and stands, holding his hand out. “I bet I can find you something. I’m great at foraging. Let’s go.”
Anything to get that pitiful look off of your face, if he would look at it.
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minty-mumbles · 3 years
@transzeldas made a post about the Chain’s favorite colors. I also have thoughts about this but I didn’t want to hijack his post so:
Time: Deep forest green.
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His time living in Kokiri forest is like a distant haze after all these years, but he still remembers the colors of sun streaming through leaves and the scent of the woods around him.
Warriors: Orange.
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A bright orange, the same color as the stitching on his scarf. The scarf is standard issue, but Warriors did the embroidery himself. He likes the color because it reminds him of the sunset and sunrise. It’s something constant that he grew to look forward to during the war, a little bit of color in the bleakness of the greys and reds of battle. (He didn’t often wear the color is large amounts because he thinks the bright color is a bit tacky, but he adores it.)
Twilight: Brown.
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It reminds him of home. Animals grazing in the fields, the color of homespun cloth, the buildings of Ordon and the woods surrounding it.
Sky: Crimson.
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Like his loftwing. Crimson has been there for him through everything, and is the one person (bird, whatever) who is guaranteed to never leave him. He rememebrs snuggling into those soft red feathers when he was bullied as a child, and when he was stressed on his journey. Crimson is a source of comfort that he misses while he’s away from his era. The color is a nice reminder of her.
Legend: Purple.
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He doesn’t really think about his favorite color much, so if asked he would instinctively say purple. He would deny to his last dying day that it’s because of Ravio through.
Wild: Autumn Red.
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When he first saw the Akkala region, his breath was stolen away from him. The colors were fantastic, and he sat and watched them for hours, that first time.
Hyrule: Black.
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Black has always meant safety to him. The safety of a dark cave or the cover of night, places to hide. Fairy pink is a runner up because his little fairy sisters were the first family he ever knew.
Four: Never ask him what his favorite color is.
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You’ll never get a straight answer. Sometimes you’ll get an answer, but if you ask again later it’ll have changed. Sometimes he’ll clam up, unable to figure out what he wants to say. Each of the colors makes it a point of pride to say their color is the best, which causes some confusion. Eventually they settle on just saying their favorite color is the Rainbow, which gets them some chuckles.
Wind: Shallow Water Blue.
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Wind’s first love was the sea, and he’ll never forget that. The shallows around Outset are beautiful, and a place where he spent hours and hours playing as a child.
Bonus! Least Favorite Colors
Wild: Shrine Blue. The color was seemingly all he could see when he first dragged himself out of the Shrine, alone and confused. It’s not a good memory for him.
Hyrule: Triforce Yellow. It only represents the secret he has to hide. Any glimpse of the color, and he feels dread wash over him and instinctually goes to check his glove, to make sure it hasn’t slipped.
Twilight: Twili Green. It brings up bittersweet memories of Minda, but also memories of Zant and Puppet Zelda.
Legend: White. Due to its association with Hylia as a holy color, and it’s general symbolism as being “pure.” He doesn’t like Hylia and he feels as if he’s not Pure anymore, not after having the blood of so many on his hands.
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avionvadion · 3 years
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Am I still playing around with plot things? Yes. Are the designs pretty much finalized? Also yes. Gods forbid I write a fic that isn’t isekai genre with a frick ton of angst and an equally convoluted story.
What I have so far: Iliandra (brunette, brown eyes) is a descendant of the Hero of Time. She has two younger twin brothers, Sarian (blond, green eyes) and Medkah (dirty blond, blue eyes). Their family has guarded the Ocarina of Time for generations, but discovered at a young age that Iliandra could actually play the Ocarina and make use of its powers.
This leads to them moving from Hateno Village (The father being a merchant, and Iliandra traveling with occasionally- which is how she met the Great Fairy Contera near Kakariko and how she had gotten a fairy of her own, Retah) and moving to Lurelin Village. (Que Great Fairy no longer getting offerings) They use her ability to save the village from the tropical storms that would often beset them, among other things, and become twisted by greed and power.
When Iliandra refuses to play, as the Ocarina is a sacred object and shouldn’t be used so selfishly, her parents lash out. Eventually, they nearly kill her. Iliandra runs away then, but barely makes it into Bubinga Forest with the ocarina when she is killed- and Retah sacrifices it’s life to revive her. (You use fairies in-game to revive, so…)
Hylia intervenes then. (In my headcanon, after Skyward Sword’s Zelda dies from old age, Hylia returns to goddess-hood) She brings forth the dying soul of Iliana, and merges it with the reviving body of Iliandra. Two parallel beings that had been separate, yet will now finally be whole. Iliana awakens confused, memories muddled with Iliandra’s own, and is nearly killed almost immediately after reviving.
She’s saved by a Sheikah weapons merchant, Maiju- a young woman who grew up in Gerudo. Iliana is then taken to Hateno Village, where she’s welcomed by a warm elderly couple and is taught how to use the bow. A few months later, and a week after a certain someone awakens from his slumber, she goes hunting and gets lost… and meets the Wild Hero, Link.
She eventually learns to play songs through strangers and from goddess statues, as Iliandra’s memories slowly enter her mind.
Eventually, Iliana and Link wind up in Lurelin and Iliana discovers that after Iliandra left, the parents took their anger out on her younger twin brothers. Link and Iliana then take Sarian and Medkah to Zora’s Domain where they’ll be safest, and Prince Sidon is more than happy to help. :3
Iliana is paired with Sidon, by the way. She has a chaotic sibling dynamic with Link. Lowkey the necklace Sidon gave her is a betrothal necklace, with sapphires that will protect her from the cold but also help her breathe underwater as she can’t swim, but she a dumb dumb and doesn’t realize he proposed to her and she accepted.
Link is still asleep and will remain so for a few more months, the Champions are all dead, and Hylia’s only remaining descendant is trapped within the castle keeping Ganon at bay after everyone failed a century ago. For all intents and purposes, Hyrule is screwed. So Hylia is taking a leap of faith.
Demise cursed Link and Zelda’s soul/descendants, and now the current incarnations are stuck after a failed attempt. It’s time to add another player to the game- one who knows certain things and has a connection. Iliana and Iliandra. Together, they can help guide Link and hopefully bring Hyrule back into a peaceful era.
Why? Because Hylia is an omnipotent goddess and I’m trash for a fish prince, so 🤣
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Febuwhump Dump 3
Finally! Again, a couple days late but i hope its worth it! 
This one turned out to be really Dark (pun not intended but welcome). TW for extensive graphic descriptions of violence and body horror and blood. 
Guess i had to get it out of my system :/
As always, you can read it on ao3! Please leave a comment and/or kudos if you liked this! The more feedback I get, the more i am motivated to write, so if you wanna see more just let me know!
If Time wasn’t as experienced and seasoned when it came to adventures and quests, he’d be panicking.
Instead of wrestling needlessly against the shackles that were clamped tight around his wrists, Time folded his hands patiently in his lap. Likewise, he didn’t waste his energy thrashing at the bars of the cage he had woken up in. Instead he leaned back and closed his eye and ran through the events that landed him here in this dimly lit cave guarded by heavily armored Iron Knuckles.
Can’t Go Home/ Hidden Scars/ “Does that hurt?”/ Self-inflicted Wound/ Forced to Watch/ Delirium/ Caged/ “Help them” 
Below the cut!
Can’t Go Home/ Hidden Scars/ “Does that hurt?”/ Self-inflicted Wound/ Forced to Watch/ Delirium/ Caged/ “Help them”
If Time wasn’t as experienced and seasoned when it came to adventures and quests, he’d be panicking.
Instead of wrestling needlessly against the shackles that were clamped tight around his wrists, Time folded his hands patiently in his lap. Likewise, he didn’t waste his energy thrashing at the bars of the cage he had woken up in. Instead he leaned back and closed his eye and ran through the events that landed him here in this dimly lit cave guarded by heavily armored Iron Knuckles.
The portal had dropped the chain in a thick forest, but they didn’t know which Hyrule they’d landed in until they ran into one of Time’s mobilns. The anticipation that started as a faint flutter in his chest grew each day. He was going to see Malon soon. It had been months since he had introduced her to the other heroes, so his heart and mind had been weighing heavily on how much he missed his wife and his home and the peaceful sunrises. Every day that he woke up to another mob of infected monsters just made the ache for peace that much greater.
He loved his companions like they were family and he was immensely grateful to have this time with all of them but to put it simply, Time was homesick.
Once he got his bearings, Time led them in the direction of Lon Lon Ranch. It would be a few days but he didn’t mind. Until, of course, they had come across a dying traveler on the road who told them through rasping breaths about his village being attacked by strong monsters. As heroes, they naturally set out to clear the town of the threat. A detour. That was fine, Time thought. Not a problem.
But what should have only added a day to the trip turned into a few more days, then a couple more weeks as they came across more people in need and more enemy camps. Time’s Hyrule had become overrun with beasts, some of which were not even from his Hyrule. They spent a day hunting down one of Wild’s Lynels that was lurking near Kakariko. Another day they had found Death Mountain and Goron City overrun with various Skulltulas from different eras. Aeralfos form Twilight’s era set up perches along the spindly land-bridges leading to Zora’s Domain.
It was just one thing after another and Time got the crushing feeling that he won’t ever go home. And perhaps, he had thought, this was a sign from the Goddesses that he shouldn’t go home. What if staying at the Ranch led Dark Link (or ‘Dark’ as the chain started calling him) right to them. Malon and her father and the animals would be the perfect target for their shadowy doppelganger. On the other hand, if the kingdom was so infested with monsters, Time needed to check on the Ranch to make sure his family was safe. Malon could certainly do some damage and make a significant dent to whatever may threaten her and the Ranch, but with how strong the monsters were becoming Time knew she wouldn’t hold out for long.
Then one morning as he was washing up by a nearby stream, the chain was caught off-guard. Half of the heroes were still asleep and none of them had donned their armor (except Warriors since he was the last on watch duty).
Time had felt a stinging pain bolt through an old scar on his shoulder. The scar was a very old injury, but it had been a nasty one inflicted by none other than Dark Link himself. It was during Time’s first quest and he was in the Water Temple fighting the haunting shadow that eerily mirrored his likeness and his attacks. Back then, Dark’s power was not as potent and the deep wound gouged into Time’s left shoulder took longer to heal than any others, but it wasn’t entirely unmanageable. Now, after the incident with almost losing Twilight, it appeared that Dark had grown in strength and any damage he made with the cursed twin of the Master Sword seemed to be almost impossible to treat. If it hadn’t been for Hyrule’s unwavering strength, Twilight wouldn’t be here.
The throbbing twinges of pain puzzled Time, but he had a sneaking suspicion the cause for the pain now was the same as what had done the damage all those years ago. Dark was near and his body could feel it.
Distressed shouts from the camp had Time sprinting back just in time to see Wind take a nasty blow to the head by a moblin club. The monster had started dragging the young hero away, so Time snatched up his sword and went after it. The others were completely preoccupied with other monsters so they weren’t able to help.
The next moments were a blur. He had managed to make the moblin drop Wind, only to be bombarded by three other moblins. Time had no armor and blow after blow landed on his unprotected body.
He was overwhelmed until large beastly hands retrained him and he got pulled into a dark portal.
Now here he was, caged like an animal in some unknown cavern with no way out. One entrance at the far side of the space was guarded and patrolled but Time couldn’t see very far down the tunnel it led to. The cage he was in wasn’t too small, just large enough to lie flat if he wanted, but he chose to sit with his legs crossed and back straight and focused on controlling his steady breathing. Panic would not help him, he needed to remain calm and in control. He’d been through worse.
The pain from his shoulder had grown significantly and Time could only guess Dark was very close by. Good, he thought to himself. He would finally get some answers to this whole inter-dimensional adventure he and his friends had been flung into.
The heavy clanking of an Iron Knuckle grew closer as it made its rounds through the cavern. Time opened his eye and watched the armored guard approach. “Excuse me,” Time asked, infuriatingly polite. He hoped it got on the guard’s nerves. The Knuckle stopped in front of his cage. “Do you think I could have something to drink? This cavern is quite warm, don’t you think?”
The Knuckle didn’t respond-it only stared blankly though its helmet.
“Maybe something to eat instead, then?” Time pressed. He suppressed a smug grin when the Knuckle’s hands tightened around its axe and its shoulders tensed in frustration. He was most definitely getting on its nerves, but it remained silent. “Is there perhaps a restroom?”
The knuckle stared, fuming. Time had asked for a restroom a dozen times since he woke up in the cavern simply to irritate the guard.
“Ah, I think I understand your frustration,” Time tapped his chin with his finger. “All of your other friends were assigned the important tasks of pillaging and murder while you were left to guard the prisoners and clean up their droppings. Like a poor farm hand wallowing in pig shit. Am I right?”
The Knuckle growled and slammed his axe against the bars of the cage, but Time didn’t bat an eye. Instead he flashed a charming smile.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Another guttural growl was met with a smug grin. “You really must work on that temper of yours. What’s your name, so I can properly complain to upper management?”
Silent as the grave.
“No? Hmm, you look like a Jeremy. May I call you Jeremy?” If he was going to be stuck down here, Time figured he may as well have some fun.
“Enough, prisoner,” Jeremy spat.
Time raised his shackled hands in feigned surprise. “He can speak! Farore above, I thought the day would never come. How exciting our friendship has bloomed so quickly.”
Jeremy violently swung the axe against the bars once more, huffed furiously and resumed his rounds.
Time settled more comfortably in his cell with his bound hands behind his head to cushion from the cold bars. He would definitely have fun with this guy. The easier a guard was annoyed, the easier they were to manipulate. Besides, as Jeremy had swung his axe, Time had caught sight of a set of keys tucked in its armor.
As Time was beginning to plot how he would get a hold of the keys, a Darknut from Twilight’s Hyrule came into view from the shadows of the tunnel. It appeared to be dragging something. Time squinted to get a better look.
His heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t dragging something, but someone. “Wind,” Time breathed. The sailor was completely limp as he came into full view. Blood was streaming from his forehead and another large patch of red stained his tunic as blood pooled from his side into the fabric.
The Darknut ordered Jeremy to open Time’s cell and tossed Wind through the door as soon as it opened. Bars shut and locked tightly with a bang and immediately Time scrambled to his friend’s side. Wind was breathing- Time silently thanked the Goddesses- and began to stir.
“Take it easy, sailor,” Time said softly. He expected a snippy remark from Wind like always, but the boy groaned wordlessly. Gently, he smoothed the mussed hair on Wind’s head.
“Granny…” Wind whimpered. At first, Time frowned thinking Wind was making another of his famous jabs at Time’s age but the boy kept whimpering and calling for ‘Granny’. “I’ll find her,” Wind breathed.
Realization dawned on Time’s face. The kid had lost a significant amount of blood on top of getting a nasty blow to the head and was in the delirious state between the waking world and unconsciousness. From what he could remember of Wind’s tales about his adventures, his dreams were probably dragging him back through some unpleasant memories. Carefully, Time lifted Wind’s head and rested it on his leg.
He had deep attachments to all of his companions and Wind was no different. The boy wasn’t just any reckless kid, but a courageous and deceptively strong young hero that quickly stole Time’s heart. Often times he’d see Wind as a little brother, but as they got to know each other more and he opened up, Time couldn’t help feeling a paternal sort of affection. The boy reminded him so much of himself when he was young- defiant and stubborn in the face of evil. Any time he saw a development in Wind’s skills, he would swell with pride.
It hurt him now to see Wind so battered. He inspected the wounds carefully and none of them seemed dire. The wound on his head wasn’t pretty but the bleeding was slowing down and there was a moderately sized cut on his side that was beginning to clot as well. With no resources at his disposal, the only thing to do was to let Wind rest.
The next few hours passed slowly, marked by occasional fits of restlessness and mumbling from Wind. Most of it was unintelligible and Time would calm the boy with soothing words and gently running his fingers through Wind’s knotted hair. All the while, Time was thinking of ways to escape but couldn’t come up with much. It didn’t matter though- this cage couldn’t hold two heroes for long. His experience told him that an opportunity would always present itself.
So he waited.
After a while, Wind stirred once more. “Time…?” He croaked.
“I’m here,” Time responded with a soft smile.
Wind’s eyes cracked open and looked up at him in confusion. “You’re going way too fast.”
Time’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“You’re going like-” Wind finished his sentence by pointing a feeble finger and making quick circles with his hand in the air. Time’s frown melted to an amused smile.
“Oh. Sorry, I’ll try to slow down,” he chuckled.
“You better,” Wind grumbled. A beat of silence passed before Wind groaned and covered his face with his hand.
“How bad is the headache?” Time ventured.
“Bad,” Wind grunted. “I’m gonna throw up.”
Time pursed his lips. “Please try to not do that.” The place was smelly enough, but Time understood if Wind had to. He was only half joking anyway in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“All over your pants,” Wind elaborated.
“Don’t you dare.”
“I’m gonna.”
“If you do, then poor Jeremy is going to have to clean it up,” Time complained with an exasperated sigh.
Wind managed to lift his head and the confused frown of his returned. “Who the fuck is Jeremy…?”
Time pointed to the Iron Knuckle standing at the tunnel entrance. “My new friend.”
Wind followed Time’s gaze and squinted across the cavern. “It has a name?”
“Nope,” Time shrugged. “So I gave him one. I don’t think he likes it though.”
Wind’s head fell heavily back onto Time’s leg with an amused grunt. “You think your new friend could get us some water? I’m dying.”
“He’s refused to get me water all day, but maybe if we bother him enough he’ll do it.”
“Cool.” Wind cupped his mouth with lazy hands. “Jeremy!”
“Hey, Jeremy!” Their voices bounced over the stone walls of the cavern and the Iron Knuckle in question stiffened. Time knew it was seething with rage and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought. “Jeremy, we need some water over here!”
“I’ll trade you something for some water,” Wind bargained.
“You’re in your pajamas, Wind. You don’t have anything to trade,” Time noted in a hushed voice.
“I have some candy in my pocket,” Wind whispered back with a sly grin.
Of course he did, Time thought as he rolled his eyes. Wild had been experimenting with different candies recently, which Wind eagerly tested each time a batch was done. It was no surprise he’d squirreled away some pieces for a late night snack.
Time resumed pestering their irritated guard. “Jeremy, he’s got candy!”
“I’ll give you one piece for some water, Jeremy,” Wind offered generously. The clanking of armor filled the cavern and Wind’s head snapped up in surprise. “Holy shit, did that work?”
“No,” Time sighed in defeat. The clanking was getting quieter. It seemed Jeremy was done with their antics.
“Two pieces!” Wind yelled down the tunnel. “I’ll give you two!”
Jeremy disappeared into the depths of the tunnel. “Tough luck, kid,” Time snickered. “Just rest up. We’ll need your strength when we get out of here.”
“If we get out,” Wind whined.
“Hey. Positive attitude, sailor,” Time chided. “We’ve been through much worse.”
Little did they know the worst was yet to come and they remained oblivious as they passed the time telling jokes and chatting about escape plans. Wind’s headache slowly subsided and he eventually sat up and leaned comfortably against Time.
Wind was rolling a candy around in his mouth when the noisy clanks of armor returned down the tunnel. His ears perked in anticipation.
“Hey, you think it’s got water?” Wind hoped innocently.
“Doubt it,” Time grunted. “Hey, grumpy greaves!” He called as soon as Jeremy came into the dim torch light of the cavern. Wind laughed beside him. “Have you reconsidered our offer?”
The silent Knuckle marched toward the cage with purpose and took out a set of keys. It unlocked the door and the iron hinges creaked sharply in the small space which made the two heroes wince at the sound. Wind saw this as an opportunity and before Time could stop him, the boy attempted to bolt past Jeremy. But the Knuckle was quick and slammed Wind back with a harsh fist. Time opened his mouth to protest, but Jeremy grabbed the elder by the arm and dragged him out of the cage. The door shut behind him, leaving Wind spewing curses between the bars.
Jeremy forced Time to kneel in the middle of the cavern facing the tunnel and they waited in suffocating silence when Wind realized his insults landed on deaf ears.
Time heard the laugh before he saw the red eyes glowing in the shadows and he frowned. The persistent throbbing in his shoulder that he had felt all day suddenly spiked to a sharp burn and his body tensed at the pain.
Dark Link emerged from the tunnel, the only thing distinguishing his form from the inky black behind him was the light from the torch illuminating his outline. Time clenched his jaw when he saw the cursed Master Sword slung across Dark’s back. That damn blade…
All prior lightheartedness seemed to dissipate from the cavern when Dark stopped a couple steps from where Time knelt, replaced by heavy foreboding. Here stood the one who had dared cause Twilight’s life to hang by a thread, who sent hordes of infected monsters to terrorize innocent lives. Time wanted answers.
Dark’s smile was far from kind as his blood-red eyes swept over Time. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been face to face,” Dark observed through a crooked grin. After all these years, Time still was shocked by how the shade’s voice echoed his own. It made his skin crawl.
“Not long enough,” Time retorted. But he didn’t want to engage in small talk, he wanted justice.
Dark crossed his arms in amusement. “My, you’ve gotten so serious in your old age. How boring.”
“Un-cuff me and I’ll be happy to kick your ass like the good old days,” Time’s expression remained hostile as he met Dark’s gaze with an unwavering glare.
Dark laughed. “Even if I obliged, you’ll see I have grown significantly in power.”
“And you’d be a fool to assume I haven’t as well.”
“Ah yes, I’m aware of your previous battles.” Dark crouched so he was eye level with Time. “Majora’s demise.” The venomous words hissed through a toothy grin as it widened across his face. “But now I have you without your blessed sword or those toys you find in dusty temples. I’m interested to see how you’d win this one.”
Time hid a smug grin beneath a stone mask. “The words of a fool, indeed.”
It was true, Time had no weapons or items- nothing but the clothes on his back and his lean muscle. He should have been defenseless if it weren’t for the marks on his face that alluded to a greater power. The Fierce Deity mask was not something to use lightly and Time had always known that from the first time he wore it, but he sorely underestimated the cost even back then. Having a literal god imbue his body with divine power was beneficial when it worked with him, but an impossible force to fight against. Any time he had tried to remove the mask, the control he had of his own body and even his mind stood on a slippery slope. The Fierce Deity did not relinquish power willingly and each time he used it, it became harder to pull the mask off.
The last time he had torn the mask from his face, he’d found marks on his skin mirroring the ones on the mask. To this day he can’t decide if it was a blessing or a curse because now he could summon a fraction of the Deity’s power without having to dawn the mask, but the fight for control remained without a physical vessel to contain the god. If the Deity took complete control, there was no way to take it back. Malon had made him swear never to use the power and he agreed, but he knew it was always there if the occasion called for it. Luckily, it hadn’t thus far.
Time wasn’t sure if Dark knew this, but he was willing to bet he was ignorant of the power. This was confirmed when Dark continued to sneer proudly. “Typical false pride from one of the Chosen Heroes. The lot of you are so predictable, which makes my goals much easier to achieve.”
“Oh? And what are your goals? To kill us all?” Time raised an eyebrow.
Another laugh echoed through the cavern. “Please, if I wanted you all dead, I would have killed you already. Sure, that’s the end goal I suppose,” he shrugged and rolled his eyes. “But not before I obtain the Triforce from each world.”
Confusion twisted Time’s features before he could hide it. How did he plan on doing that? “No one has that kind of power, not even Ganon,” He noted, thinking he had called Dark’s bluff.
The crooked grin before Time did not falter. “Oh but I do.”
“What do you know of power,” Time scoffed. This mere shadow couldn’t be capable of endeavors as grand as seeking the Triforce. He was delusional.
“Everything.” Dark raised his hand to reveal a faintly glowing Triforce on the back of it, the Triforce of Power illuminated more than the other two.
This changed everything. A bead of sweat rolled down Time’s back and his heart rate spiked. Dark was no miniscule nuisance any longer. The form that crouched before him now had unyielding power at his disposal and could raze entire kingdoms to the ground on a whim.
“Now,” Dark continued, “I’d like to show you how I’ll rip the Triforce from your very soul. See, it’s not so simple- I can’t just take it. The Spirit of the Hero is strong. Not only must I break your body, but I must break your Spirit.”
Time narrowed his eyes at the challenge. If there was one thing he knew he could rely on, it was his unwavering spirit of Courage. He raised his chin in defiance. “Feel free to try, but you will be sorely disappointed."
“Really?” Dark reached for Time’s left shoulder. All he had to do was touch it with one finger before searing pain exploded from the old battle scar and Time barely choked back a cry in his throat. “I’ll take my chances, Hero,” he gloated. But immediately Dark’s arrogant grin fell slowly when Time began to laugh deeply through grit teeth.
Blue eyes met red with a new fire. “After everything the Goddesses put me through, you think pain will break me?” Time spat. “I’ve survived far worse than pain.”
A furious ebony hand shot out and in one swift motion with a surprising amount of strength behind it, Time was pinned to the ground by his neck and Dark loomed above him. Time blinked until his vision refocused. When had Dark drawn his sword?
“You won’t survive this,” Dark spat back before driving the cursed blade into Time’s shoulder and twisted it.
Being stabbed was not a new sensation for Time. Sure, it was dreadful but it was never unbearable. But this? Not only was an old wound being reinjured, but the blinding pain rocketing through his body was beyond excruciating. He writhed under Dark’s iron grip as cries escaped his throat and rang through the cavern. Wrists involuntarily strained at the shackles still binding him. Somewhere, Wind was shouting his name.
A twisted smile crawled on Dark’s face one again as he watched his hero counterpart jolt with every turn of his blade as it gouged his flesh.
Time thought it would never end, but he was proven wrong when Dark pulled the blade out of his shoulder. “Did that hurt, Hero?” He sneered.
Through heavy breaths, Time’s eye returned to Dark’s villainous gaze. “Is that it?”
Dark opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a certain pirate fighting against the bars of his cage. “Bastard! Get your fucking hands off of him!” Wind barked.
Dark turned his head slightly to the side to look at the feisty young hero and Time swore he could see thoughts whipping through the shade’s mind. If Dark Link was anything like him, he’d come to the same line of thinking. Time held his breath and prayed silently to the Goddesses above he wouldn’t, but when realization dawned on Dark’s features and hungry eyes slowly found his again, he had his answer.
“You might be right, Hero of Time. Pain certainly won’t break you. But it will break him.” Slowly, Dark stood from his place above Time and motioned to the Iron Knuckle still keeping guard to seize him. Cold armored hands dragged Time back to the cage while he kicked and panicked in the relentless grip.
“Your fight is with me,” Time urged. The panic in his voice was thinly veiled, though he tried. He didn’t want Dark to think that he’d won, but the thought of Wind going through what he had just experienced made his heart drop to the floor.
“My fight is with the Goddesses, mortal,” Dark growled. Time was thrown back into the cage and Wind was extracted before he could do anything to fight back. The door slammed in Time’s face and he shook uselessly at the bars. His shoulder screamed in protest but he didn’t care.
“Leave him alone!”
Dark tossed Wind to the ground and just as the young hero mustered the strength to charge at the shade, he froze in place when Dark lifted a hand. Wind trembled like he was fighting an invisible force and Dark laughed once more.
“Do your worst,” Wind managed through grit teeth.
“Wind, no!” Time pleaded.
With curling fingers and a twist of Dark’s hand, it wasn’t long before Wind’s cries erupted in the cavern. Time could only guess what sort of dark magic was plaguing the boy’s every molecule. He pleaded frantically for Dark to stop and he fought against the bars of his cage and the chains around his wrists. He had to do something…
Then the screaming stopped all at once as Dark’s focus turned to the tunnel behind him. It took Time a moment to be able to hear past the blood rushing in his ears, but soon he heard it too- the distant sound of a fight echoing through the cave.
“It seems your companions have found us already,” Dark mused, sounding only mildly inconvenienced. “Perhaps I’ll speed things up.” He grabbed the young hero by the shirt and held him aloft, tiny boots dangling a foot off the ground. “I will extract his power,” Dark flashed a menacing smirk at Time. “And you’re going to watch.”
Before Time could even draw a breath to protest, Dark plunged the cursed blade up to the hilt through Wind’s abdomen just below his rib cage, the obsidian emerging horrifically from his back. Wind’s eyes went wide and his body tried to curl at the shock. He gasped and choked, feebly clutching at the pommel.
As quickly as the blade was thrust, it was drawn back and the boy was dropped to the hard ground in a motionless heap. Time roared, his heart breaking at the sight of blood spilling from Wind’s back and pooling in the dirt. He fought frantically against the shackles and the iron cut into his wrists at the strain. Tears trailed down his face like streams from a hot spring. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t real. It can’t be real.
Blood dripped from Time’s wrists as he continued to pull against the chains. If he could just get free- If he could get to Wind in time…
Dark raised his hand once more and this time a golden light began to bloom from Wind’s chest. The Triforce… It was almost blinding but Time couldn’t look away. He wouldn’t let this happen. If he could just…
Chain links creaked and gave little by little and the marks on Time’s face stung against his skin. A familiar power grew in his chest and radiated to his limbs. Please, just save him. Save him…
“Wind!” Time cried as both his good eye and his blind one opened with one final burst of energy.
Wisps of light streamed faintly around the Fierce Deity and chains broke apart with as much ease that would break a twig. Both eyes now glowed white, but it wasn’t the full power of the Deity- Time was still very much in control as he drew strength from the godly power granted to him. He didn’t have his celestial armor or his Helix Blade, but he didn’t need those to dispose of this annoyance.
He kicked the door to his cage clean off the hinges and it flew several feet away. Dark abandoned his prize in favor of brandishing his sword at Time.
The god laughed.
As soon as Time was near, he wrapped a hand around Dark’s neck and lifted him from the ground like Dark had done to Wind moments ago. He effortlessly ripped the cursed blade from trembling hands and didn’t hesitate as he ran it straight through Dark’s chest and twisted it with a taunting smirk.
“Does that hurt?” The god hissed. He pulled the blade and discarded the pest. Dark did not move any longer.
It’s over, Time announced to the Fierce Deity, but the power still coursed through him. Gleaming eyes bore into the unmoving form before him. Let me go, Time demanded. The god wore a wicked grin and began to laugh.
The Fierce Deity turned its attention to the group of heroes that now stood at the mouth of the cavern. The god felt…connection when he met their worried eyes. My family, Time felt indescribable relief wash over him at the sight.
Twilight stepped forward and dared to wrap his hand around that of a god. He was blind to the others rushing to the aid of the young hero behind him because the Fierce Deity felt something new.
Family. Love. An unbreakable bond.
A weakness in the Deity’s grip which Time exploited immediately and took hold once more.
Time’s eyes dimmed and closed. The world spun as the cosmic power left him and he collapsed into Twilight’s arms, cursed sword clattering to the ground.
“Save him…” Time muttered. He couldn’t let Wind die…
“We got him, don’t worry,” Twilight said in a low and soothing voice.
Knowing Wind was safe now, Time allowed his waning consciousness to slip from his mind. Wind was safe. He was safe. They were all together.
He could finally go home.
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Faron Ruins
[This is a oneshot I did during a write-off on February 10th, 2021. While I didn’t win, I had fun writing this. This is unedited and probably won’t be posted anywhere else. I hope you enjoy ^u^]
Prompt: “I- I swear, I didn’t mean for this to happen. You have to believe me—!”
Warning(s): injuries and blood, a moblin loses an arm, and electrocution 
The Faron region was pretty infamous for the rain and thunderstorms that frequently drifted through. It was rather enjoyable to traverse through, or at least, some of the heroes thought so. It was Wild’s home Era, so of course, he would enjoy it immensely, the same could be said for the ever-adventurous Hyrule. It had been a rather long stretch of time since the group had left the last stable, and the sun was beginning to cast streaks of red across the sky as it set. Of course, this didn’t deter either of the adventurous heroes, only making Wild even more excited for whatever they could find in the dark jungle. 
“Hyrule and I are going to go get firewood!” Wild called out as the group settled down in the dry cave they had discovered amongst the ruins. Not waiting for a response, he grabbed Hyrule’s hand and started heading out into the drizzling rain.
“Oh no, you don’t!”
The duo turned just in time to see Warriors catching up to them, the soggy ground squelching under his boots. 
“Hey, Captain! Nice of you to join us on our quest for firewood,” Wild’s grin was gleeful and smug as Warriors rolled his eyes.
“I know what you’re planning, you can’t fool me,” Warriors huffed, crossing his arms, “You’re going to go out there and get yourselves lost or worse.”
“You’re no fun,” Hyrule said, tugging Wild forward and away from the camp.
Warriors, of course, followed them as they wandered around. He volunteered himself to keep an eye on them, and he wasn’t keen on getting one of Time’s famous glares if he lost track of the two. Soon enough, the rain turned from a drizzle to a downpour, but Wild and Hyrule kept going, much to the disappointment of Warriors.
“Hey, there are these really cool ruins up ahead that you need to see. C’mon.”
Wild ran ahead, Hyrule following close behind with Warriors struggling to keep pace in the rain. A river was beside them, flowing… somewhere. The Captain accepted his fate and kept a lookout for monsters as they continued on. A moss-covered pathway stuck out of the ground, showing the way forward and to a decrepit ruin, an open-mouthed statue of a dragon near the very back with stairs leading inside.
“Whoa, what is this place?”
Hyrule looked around with wide, curious eyes, Wild standing beside him with his Sheikah Slate open and in his hands.
“Well, we’re at the Spring of Courage, but if you mean the actual name of the area I have no idea. Purah thought that it used to be some sort of ancient civilization, maybe even from before the hero from 10,000 years ago.”
“But I take it it’s all an assumption?” Warriors asked, looking around as well, yet not with the same wonder Hyrule had.
“Yeah, no one knows for sure, but I think there’s a really good chance that they’re right.”
Hyrule started walking ahead, peering at the dragon statue with curiosity. Warriors hadn’t seen anything particularly dangerous, or any enemies at all really, but that only served to put him more on-edge than anything. Wild motioned for him to follow along, heading for the mouth of the statue and towards the Spring.
“There isn’t really a whole lot here, at least uh not anymore. I already searched for all the chests and grabbed everything inside.”
“I don’t really care, I just think this is fascinating.” Hyrule shrugged.
While the two headed further in, Warriors stayed by the entrance, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He was tense, just waiting for something to happen, and the longer the silence persisted, the more nervous he became. There was nothing there, but that’s what made it worse.
“Hey, Captain?” Wild’s voice startled him, causing him to draw his sword and twist around to face his companion, “Uh, are you okay?”
“Something doesn’t feel right,” Warriors spoke, turning to face the outside of the ruins, “It’s too quiet, and we haven’t run into a single enemy since we’ve been out here.”
“Maybe Wild took care of all of them?”
“Thanks for the confidence in me, ‘Rule, but I haven’t been here in months. Warriors is right… something is up.”
The three began the trek back to the cave, the rain turning the river into a practical torrent of rushing water. The slick ground threatened to make them slip and get lost to the rapids. Soon, they came to a somewhat familiar path, but of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
A group of Moblins blocked the way, carrying large stone bats that looked to be from some other Era, out of place for Wild’s monsters. They were spotted almost immediately, the first one rushing towards them, swinging the bat wildly. Warriors pushed the two heroes out of the way just in time to feel the rush of air that accompanied the swing. 
“Of course this happens, I shouldn’t be surprised,” Warriors grumbled, pulling out his sword and the shield from his back. 
He nodded as Hyrule unsheathed his sword and took up his shield, Wild stepping a ways back with his bow drawn, a frost blue arrow knocked. Hyrule sprinted forwards, aiming for one of the remaining three Moblins while Warriors advanced on the one that had tried to strike them all. He managed to cut it’s arm off easily enough, the bat dropping into the river behind the monster. With a hit from his shield the Moblin fell backwards into the water. He spared a moment to breathe, then ran right for Hyrule and Wild, blocking shots where he could and striking after each parry. That was about when things went wrong.
An arrow flew past Warriors, aiming for the Moblin he was fighting, only for the ground to erupt into a wave of intense electricity. He screamed, dropping his blade and shield to the ground as his body spasmed. He could just barely hear the dying cries of the monster as he fell to the ground, aftershocks causing him to flinch every so often. He passed out to the sounds of running feet and yelled apologies.
“I- I swear, I didn’t mean for this to happen. You have to believe me—!”
Warriors barely registered the sounds of a fire burning away and quiet conversation
“I want to believe you, Cub, I really do,”  that was Time’s voice, he could hear the disappointed sigh, “But you see what happened, right?”
“He apologized, Time. What more do you want?”
Hyrule was next to him, he sounded exhausted. He had a feeling that the traveler used too much magic again.
“He may have apologized to me, but he should be apologizing to the one he hurt.”
“‘S fine, brat.”
He mumbled, though by the silence he must’ve spoken loud enough for the group to hear him. A hand was on his forehead for a moment, then a finger opened up his eyelid and a blurry-looking Hyrule appeared.
“He’s okay, thankfully. Just rest, for now, Wild can apologize after you’ve rested.”
Warriors could barely feel himself nod as darkness enveloped him once again.
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drabbledragon · 4 years
Linktober: Fall
Still a few days behind but I’m catching up! I’ll be up to date in no time!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26749021/chapters/65731681
Summary: One of the Links is always changing, just like the leaves in fall.
Warnings: Swearing
Day 6: Fall
This forest was unlike anything the group had ever encountered before. Tall Aspen trees towered over them and created a mosaic of red, orange, and yellow up in the treetops, and a small stream trickled peacefully by small river rocks. The dirt ground beneath them was laden with hoof tracks and piles of leaves, with no indication that humans nor Hylians have ever stepped foot in this very forest. The place was wild, breathtaking, and absolutely beautiful in all its untamed might.
“It appears that we’re stuck in between eras.” The Hero of Time had concluded. The group discussion they had had a little while ago turned out to be inconclusive, with their best guess being a time between Twilight’s and Wild’s eras - but even that claim was a bit shaky.
Sky stepped forward and curiously looked at the trees around him. “ We haven’t seen any monsters here yet,” He turned back and regarded the other heroes with pinched brows, “ So do you guys think we’re in a time where Ganon doesn’t exist?”
“We very well could be.” Warriors chimed in.
The heroes had broken out into another murmured discussion about the matter, each one of them trying to figure out why exactly the Goddess would send them to a timeline with no destruction and no one to save. Among those several heroes was Four, eyes distant as his four personalities argued in his head.
C’mon, Blue, it’ll be fun!
Red, I’m not going to act like a five year - old and jump into a pile of leaves.
Awww, please? They’re so colorful and pretty and they make a cool crunch sound when you step on them! And this might be our only chance to relax and have some fun! Plus you heard Sky: there are no monsters here so we don’t have to worry about getting attacked or anything!
One, that’s not what Sky said; Sky said that we haven’t seen any monsters yet, meaning that there could very well be monsters, but just hidden. Two, how do you think the others would react? They’ll most likely treat us like little kids after, and I don’t want to be teased all the time like Wind.
But Vioooo, it’s just a little pile of leaves. Maybe everyone else will join when they see us jump in first! The corner of Four’s lips twitched.
Guys, Warriors is talking to us.
The Hero of the Four Sword was startled back into reality, and nearly shrunk under the captain’s expectant gaze. Struggling to find his voice, he stuttered out a quick, “ H - huh?”
“I asked you what you thought about the situation.” The Hero of Warriors frowned. Then with a placement of hands on hips and a raised brow, the man questioned, “ Were you even listening to a thing I’ve been saying?”
“Oh, um ...” The silence between them was palpable, and no matter how much of four’s personalities tried to rack their brains for the captain’s recent words, all they could think about was Red’s excitable personality bubbling to the surface. Green could feel himself quickly becoming suppressed under his red counterpart’s desire to let loose and have some fun, and he could feel his gaze flickering more and more to the piles of leaves rather than Warriors’s face. Three - quarters of him begged Red not to give in to his impulsivity, but they were fighting a losing battle, and Red was clearly the victor.
Four was pushing past Warriors before he even knew it.
Seven curious faces and an offended Warriors watched as their smallest hero leapt into the pile of foliage, giggling and smiling as colorful leaves fluttered around him like winter’s snow. His face was alight with newfound joy as he mindlessly tossed red, orange, and yellow leaves into the air, and for once, he felt like just another child enjoying a crisp autumn day. He idly wondered how long it had been since he was last able to be his exuberant self - to just abandon his duty as a knight and enjoy the small joys in life. He abruptly froze.
Red! What did you do? Everyone’s staring!
Oh my Goddesses, they’re never gonna let us live this down.
If we have to explain ourselves, you’re the one who’ll have to do it.
Red looked to the remaining heroes with tears in his eyes. Oh man, what’s he going to say?
He startled when a rush of blue and blonde jumped into the pile of leaves next to him.
“Woohoo!” Wind shouted when he popped his head out the pile, leaves and twigs tangled into his hair. He looked to the Hero of the Four Sword and beamed, “ That was really fun! Let’s do that again, Four!”
And the Hero of the Four Sword glowed, his red eyes bright with elation.
Not long after, Wild, Hyrule, and a newly - transformed Wolfie had joined in, each one of them caught in a fit of giggles and whoops as they hopped from leaf pile to leaf pile. It appeared that the heroes' concern about being dropped into an unfamiliar Hyrule had slowly dribbled away, giving way to amusement as they watched the five heroes let loose and enjoy themselves. With a warm smile, Time decided,
“I guess we’ll be staying here for the night.”
Dusk had quickly approached soon after, causing fading rays of sunlight to shine weakly through the trees. The Hero of Twilight and the Hero of the Four Sword walked purposefully through the forest, the former remaining in his Twili form as the two scoured the area for food.
The smaller of the two heroes took out his makeshift - shopping list Wild had given him, and scanned it over for the umpteenth time.
Well we have the mushrooms and apples the cook asked for, so we’re really just missing the honey.
We know, Vio. Can you just stop looking over that thing every five seconds? It’s starting to piss me off.
Wolfie questioningly looked back as he heard the paper crumple in the other’s hands, but Four simply ignored him.
Blue, it’s okay! I’m sure Vio’s doing his best! Plus it’s hard for us to remember things, right? So it’s okay for him to check back every once in a while.
Sure, but every five fucking seconds? None of us have memory issues that bad; Vio’s either messing with us or actually has amnesia like Wild. 
Hey, look!
Red, Blue, and Vio all looked to where Green mentally motioned. There it was: their last ingredient was hanging on a high branch just above them, the bee’s nest swinging idly in the cool breeze.
“It’s really high up,” Twilight pursed his lips, his form now that of a Hylian’s. “ Maybe I can grab it with my Clawshot.” He was just about to search for his aforementioned tool when a sudden snort caught his attention.
“Really, Wolfboy? You need something like that to get a little bee’s nest? I can get that with my bow and arrow in one shot, no doubt.”
The Hero of Twilight looked over the other with obvious skepticism. “ Blue eyes, huh? So I guess Blue’s the one doing the talking.” Then with a taunting smirk, he asked, “ Hmph, up for a little challenge?”
Blue, just please say no.
“You bet your furry ass I am!”
Green mentally facepalmed.
“Then it’s settled,” Twilight said, taking out an orange Rupee and waving it around. “ First one to get the beehive gets 100 Rupees.”
100 Rupees? Blue gawked, that was going to be an easy win! With Vio’s precision and Green’s coordination, the four of them were guaranteed to win! Blue reached down to his bag to find his Bow, but paused when he felt that something was off. With a slow glance down, he was slightly horrified to find that his tunic was completely blue.
He quickly swivelled on his heels and frowned to see his three counterparts smiling right back at him. “Hey, seriously?! You guys are quitting on me just like that?!”
“Well you’re the one that wanted to challenge Twilight, not us.” Vio shrugged. “ So if you want to win, then do it fairly.”
“Yeah,” Red chimed in. “ I wanna see you win!”
Blue gritted his teeth. Really? His three other counterparts were bailing on him just because of something so stupid as playing fair? They were all part of the same person, for Hylia’s sake; using each one of their abilities was totally fair! He shrunk when he felt Twilight’s shadow looming over him.
“Well, Blue?” His eyes darted over to the Ordonian’s smirk. “ Is our competition still on? Or do you just wanna hand me my 100 Rupees now?”
There was a moment of hesitance from Four’s blue counterpart until he finally shouted back, “ You’re on, Furball!”
The two heroes each positioned themselves on either side of the tree, bows readily aimed at their  unsuspecting prize. Blue did his best not to tremble under the pressure, but after taking a glance at the cool, calm, and collected Ordonian standing right across from him, he couldn’t help but feel his confidence wane like a dying fire. 
“Ready ...” Green drawled from a distance, hand raised readily in the air.
Blue took a steadying breath. He could do this; just one little hit at the bee’s nest’s stem and those 100 Rupees were as good as his.
The call caused two arrows to fly simultaneously through the air like a quick gust of wind, both projectiles aimed at the same target. They both sliced through the air at an amazing speed but just as Blue had feared, Twilight’s arrow had reached the nest first, easily nicking the stem and sending the hive falling towards the ground.
But Blue wasn’t done yet. He may have lost the battle, but he’ll win the war.
Four’s blue counterpart broke into a sprint almost immediately after, arms strewn out in an attempt to catch the nest. He had successfully caught it when it was just a hair’s breadth away from hitting the ground, and he couldn’t help but cheer out in victory; but he had poorly miscalculated his win, because the next thing he knew, his degree of momentum had sent him tumbling towards the ground with a roll, and the steep decline of the hill only seemed to spur him on. He eventually ended up in a nearby stream not long after, with arms raised above his head in order to avoid the beehive from getting wet while the rest of him was currently drowning underwater. When he was finally able to gain his bearings, he sat up and looked to his three counterparts and the Ordonian looking back at him from the top of the hill, Vio and Twilight doing their best to hold in their laughter while Red and Green didn’t even bother.
Wild was cooking later that night, the smell of Glazed Mushrooms and Honeyed Apples wafting through the air in a tantalizing manner. Four sat blissfully next to the small campfire, and watched quietly as the group’s resident cook stirred the pot once again.
The Hero of Wilds pursed his lips as he said, “I honestly thought there would be more honey in that hive, but since we’re in a weird sorta Hyrule - limbo, I guess it would make sense if everything was a little bit off.”
Yes, Blue, it is weird that there wasn’t much honey in there.
Blue’s sudden flare of anger caused Four’s jaw to stiffen.
Y’know what, Vio? How about you go get the honey next time? I can sit there and supervise you while you do it and after you’re done drowning in a river, I can go over and laugh at you. 
It’s your fault for challenging Twilight like that; you knew he would win.
Hey, doesn’t that smell like dad’s cooking?
The four of them sharpened their focus to the warm smell that was coming from the pot, and each one of them hummed in agreement.
Yeah, you’re kinda right, Red.
I wonder what he’s up to, him being the head knight and all.
Oooo, you think he’s drinking hot chocolate right now? I bet that vendor in Castletown is already selling some!
Idiot, he’s probably working his ass off protecting the castle! He doesn’t have time for stupid stuff like that!
“I miss him.”
Every personality within Four inwardly gasped at Green’s sudden words, and none of them missed the confused side - glance Wild gave them.
The cook’s brows pinched together as he said, “ You missing someone?”
“I, uh -” Green, who was now forcibly shoved to the front to deal with their situation, racked his brain for a way to explain himself; but when none came, he eventually settled on a wistful sigh and said, “ Yeah, I just miss my dad.”
“Oh yeah? What’s he up to now?”
“Well, he’s the head knight in my Hyrule, so he’s probably off protecting Zelda and stuff like that.” A nostalgic smile crossed his lips. “ When I was a little kid, my dad always used to make me fresh - cooked eggs and honeyed fruit for breakfast, and just before he headed out, he would always tell me how much he loved me even when I was a little brat, and I would always give him the biggest hug back. It’s been awhile since I’ve last seen him, but I know he misses me a lot, and he’s eagerly waiting for the day I come back home.” He nonchalantly shrugged. “ I guess you’re cooking just reminded me of him.”
Green sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. What was he thinking telling Wild of all people about his family?! He knew the Hero of Wilds’s was very sensitive about the matter, and for Green to just go on and practically brag about how his family was still alive and well? What an idiot!
But to Four’s pleasant surprise, the cook simply answered back with a longing smile. “ I got a few people I’ve been missing, too: my Zelda, Impa, Sidon - I know they’re all their wits end trying to figure out where the hell I went, so hopefully we’ll be able to stop by my Hyrule soon and I could explain to them what’s going on.” He propped a cheek on one of his hands and wondered aloud, “ I wonder if we could visit Sidon first. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen him and I did promise him that we’d go swimming at Palmorae Beach soon.” 
Green smiled. At least they all had someone to go home to.
The full moon casted a beautiful light across their camp tonight, and the peaceful and quiet atmosphere seemed to compel the heroes into talking about their adventures again.
“Okay, but did you really fight the moon?”
“Perhaps, but that’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
“Jeeze, Old Man, you’re such a tease.”
The camp seemed alight with cheer and good banter, but one of the Links was quiet, plate in hand and eyes glued onto his shadow.
Warriors. Sleep. Snore.
Vio’s eyes lit up with mundane amusement. He had figured out what his shadow was trying to say: Warriors was caught snoring one night, and to be honest, it was pretty hilarious to watch in Shadow’s opinion.
Out of the four personalities that resided in Four’s body, Vio had become the best at deciphering what Shadow was trying to say, and that was pretty impressive considering the latter had to use some modified form of sign language so the four of them could actually see the signs he was trying to make. Having your shadow hold a hand in front of its own body did make it impossible to pull any kind of meaning from it, after all.
“Your shadow: it’s facing the wrong direction.”
Red, Blue, and Green all startled at the Hero of Time’s sudden observation, but Vio was good at keeping up appearances in tense situations. With a flash of disinterested violet eyes, he glanced to Time and explained in a hush voice, “ It’s a side effect of the Four Sword; the magic held by it seemed to change everything about us.”
The leader of the group regarded him for a few more tense seconds before tiredly sighing, “ Ah, the things you poor boys went through. If I could’ve prevented any of your adventures from ever happening, I would.” And with that being said, Time turned back to the rest of the Links, an amused smile on his lips as he watched their antics. 
Hylia, Vio, you just saved all of our asses.
Yeah, did you see that scary look Time was giving us?! I almost couldn’t breathe for a second!
Do you think he’ll just let us live this down? Like do you think he’ll ever bring this up again?
Thank you. Vio.
Vio smiled at Shadow’s gratitude. He had saved all of his counterparts from a terrible interrogation and from a chance of being casted away from the group just because he was technically some derivative of a Dark Link. 
A sigh blew through his nose.
Sure, Shadow may have been an enemy hellbent on killing every single one of Four’s personalities before but he had changed, coming to the realisation that Vaati’s wish to plunge all of Hyrule into darkness was beyond cruel, and he had taken to sacrificing himself all for the sake of making sure that Red, Blue, Green, and Vio were able to save the kingdom in time. Shadow was on their side - every one of Four’s counterparts were sure of it - but the rest of the Links wouldn’t understand.
But things change, just like the leaves in fall, and just like Four’s personalities.
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altruisticenigma · 7 years
My Fuckton of Tags
Heeere we go (will be edited occasionally): 

🔸The Legend of Zelda (Tags: LoZ, OoT, MM, SS, TP, HW, Hyrule Warriors, BOTW, Breath of the Wild, Link, Linkle)

🔸Sailor Moon (Tags: Sailor Moon) 
🔸My Chemical Romance (Tags: MCR, Gerard Way, Revenge Era, Frank Iero) 
🔸Pokémon (Tags: pkmn, Pokémon Go, 
ORAS, sun/moon, sometimes specific names of Pokémon)

🔸Free! (Tags: Free!) 

🔸Kill la Kill (Tags: Kill la Kill, Ryuko Matoi) 

🔸Neon Genesis Evangelion (Tags: NGE, Rebuild of Evangelion, kawoshin, Kaworu Nagisa, Shinji Ikari)

🔸Osomatsu-San (Tags: Osomatsu-San) 

🔸Yuri!!! On Ice (Tags: Yuri on Ice, vikturri)

🔸Miraculous Ladybug (Tags: MLB, ladrien)

🔸Steven Universe (Tags: Steven Universe, SU, Peridot)

🔸The Office (Tags: The Office) 
🔸Team Fortress 2 (Tags: TF2, TF2 Medic, Medic (can you guess who I love), TF2 Sniper) 

🔸Shingeki no Kyojin (Tags: SNK, Shingeki no Kyojin, Attack on Titan, Armin, Armin Arlert)
 🔸Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Tags: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena, Adolescence, Anthy Himemiya)
🔸Make-Up beauty, inspiration, tips etc (Tags: make up, makeup)

🔸Holidays (Tags: spoopy, Christmas)

🔸Dogs (Tags: doggies, shiba inu)

🔸Cats (Tags: kitties)

🔸Body Positivity (Tags: Body posi)

🔸For Anxiety Help (Tags: calming) 

🔸LGTBQ+ (I tag this rarely; nevertheless, tags: LGTBQ, asexual, demisexual, pride)

🔸Shitposting (this is an interesting one, this is anything I found extremely funny or interesting; tags: LMAO, nice, truth, IM DYING) 

🔸Anything Originally Posted by Me (Tags: anyway here’s wonderwall (everything), anyway here’s a text post (rants, vents, etc), anyway here’s a photo (life n shit))

🔸Anything I Relate To (Tags: about me, me af, me as fuck)

🔸Friends (Tags: Friends, Helena, Erika)

🔸Da Bae (Tags: Abraham, Amber, Ante, moof, bae) 
🔸Aesthetically Pleasing Things (Tags: aesthetic)

🔸Trauma, abuse (Tags: highly articulated trauma, emotional trauma, trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, trauma tw /, abuse tw /)
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eva-420 · 8 years
i want to know where breath of the wild will be timeline wise... i assume its the end of the “central” splinter timeline, where the hero of time succeeded but returned to his childhood
even though link returned to being a child, ganondorf still existed in OoT era hyrule, the official timeline explicitly states he was executed rather than defeated, and even though vaati is poised as a god earlier in the timeline (which doesnt make sense, as minish cap clearly shows vaati is just a sorcerer, albeit strong), vaati seemed to have some reverence for ganon in four swords/ adventures
so my theory is that ganondorf dying without the parallel journey of the hero, link earning the right to have killed him, did something Fucky with the reincarnation cycle. in twilight princess and the four swords games ganon is much less just A Guy and takes on a more mythic aspect, more akin to a god himself- a force of nature, as it were- and the four swords games take place in whats called the shadow era, what would pretty clearly be hyrules downfall if there wasnt another timeline named “the decline of hyrule and the last hero”
so i guess its also possible it follows the timeline where the hero of time failed, eventually leading to zelda 1 and 2, but zelda 2 is the end of that timeline and says that he prevented ganons resurrection at all, hence making him the last hero, so there isnt really any reason to expect hyrule would continue to decline beyond that
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luimagines · 3 years
This is based on an OC of mine for BotW (for a story I haven’t written yet), but I was curious about what others might think, and the Chain would feel about them.
So consider a reader from Wild’s Hyrule who is essentially a foil to Flora. Raised into what remains of the old nobility, they eventually ran away to travel the lands when all the talks about old greatness and past glory left a sour taste in their mouth. A reader who is a roaming philosopher, who is highly critical of anything related to the old Hyrulian monarchy, who loves debate and would probably insult any of Hyrule’s old kings or the princesses to their faces if given the chance. They have opinions that they will discuss out loud and at length, don’t test them. Hyrule is doing just fine without the Goddess and the monarchy, thank you very much, and they don’t need them back.
Personally, I think Legend would get along with such a reader, but I’m wondering if you or anyone else have ideas on what the Chain in general would think.
Ok, Sky is going to have words if they diss the goddess in front of him.
I had to write that first before I'd forget in trying to think about the rest of this.
He wouldn't care much about monarchies... until he remembers that those are technically his descendants and then he'd have quite the difficulty trying to see their side of things- even if they may be right.
They're Legend's new best friend- right after Hyrule.
Hyrule couldn't care. The goddess? Where are they for his people? A monarchy? It's more of a social title- they don't really do anything either. (They may or may not have hurt in the past so he's inclined to avoid them anyway.) So it's not a big deal.
Wind doesn't necessarily agree but he also can't fault them for thinking so. the Goddess flooded his world forever ago and the monarchy? Well, he'll fight for their honor as he does with Wild but if more than one persona agrees with Wild in the same way.. Well he may start to think they have a point.
Time would agree with them- but silently. And tell to hold their tongue so they don't get in trouble. He doesn't want to make a bigger mess than what they're already dealing with and he doesn't want to make any enemies.
But he agrees.
Twilight does not agree.
But he's not going to fight them on it. He doesn't want to make any enemies either and frankly- everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it's different than his. As long as it's not the only thing they'll talk about they'll get along just fine.
Warrior would be just behind Sky in not liking their attitude and wanting to square up if they say something against the royal family and the goddesses. But less because of Sky's personal reasons and more so because he has his training to be loyal to the family- to the cause- the journey the goddess' send them on- he doesn't appreciate being told that it's all for nothing.
Or worse, a waste of time or a waste of respect.
Wild agrees with the monarchy bit. He won't add to it out loud like Legend would but he agrees with them in public unlike Time.
But the goddesses?
He doesn't want to touch that. He's more of the more religious of the groups considering how much he's prayed to get stronger and get to where he is today. He doesn't want to seem ungrateful or to earn their ire. It's a slippery slope and frankly- none of his business.
Four would be the most indifferent.
He doesn't agree completely but he doesn't disagree either.
He'd be a little annoyed about it if it's a constant thing- like if they point something out at every turn. (I doubt it) Zelda is his best friend and he'll defend her to his dying breath.
He can't speak for the rest of the eras or any other Zelda out there.
But leave his out of it.
He's not going to stay silent on the goddess' behalf either.
He may not have all the facts or know everything there is to know but neither can they. He doesn't want to start a fight but some things are best left alone whether you understand them or not.
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