#The three biggest dorks ever <3
wayfinderships · 7 months
hi again, robin :)! i'm here to ask a bit more about your ffxv s/i!
have you ever thought of any in-game interactions they'd have with the other party members?
do panchi, noctis and prompto use any pet names for each other? if so, which ones? do they get to go on any dates during the trip :O?
And I'm happy to answer!! :D
I have thought about interactions between my s/i and Ignis/Gladio! In terms of Dialogue, I don't have anything in particular, i'd need to replay the game ^^" One thing is certain though and that is that both have to be subjected to Panchi's bad puns-
But in terms of dynamics, Panchi really respects Ignis and always calls him by his name instead of "Iggy" because of it. Panchi often helps him out with cooking! ...and trying to persuade Noct to eat his veggies. I'm sure the two have bits of dialogue centered around Noct and his well-being. Noctis aside though, Panchi probably has a few lines of dialogue trying to mimic his accent-afjsnfnd Maybe finding a random ingredient and asking "Hey Ignis! Think you can come up with a new recipe with this?"
As for Gladio, Panchi was kinda intimidated by him at first ngl-agksjfndj He's much bigger and stronger than them so they were pretty nervous. But once Panchi gets to know him better, two also get along pretty well! Gladio absolutely has teased the three of them-afksnf All three have such an obvious crush on each other! How can he not? Also once Panchi realized they've caught Feelings™ for their best friends, Gladio is the first one that Panchi goes to for advice. They've probably learned a pick-up line or two from him and used it on Noct and Prompto-gjdnfjddj
As for petnames for Noct/Prompto/Panchi...Panchi just uses more classic stuff like "Love(s)" and "Dear(s)"! Sometimes they'll call Noct and Prompto "My moon and sun" which I think is pretty sweet! Panchi also likes calling them "My King(s)", they always enjoy seeing how flustered they both get from it (especially if it was before the three got married). For individual ones though, Panchi has always affectionately and playfully refered to Noct as "Prince" since y'know. He's a prince. For Prompto, they sometimes playfully call him a Chocobo-but hey! Chocobos are pretty cute if you ask Panchi! I have a hard time thinking about what Noct and Prompto call Panchi since I get pretty flustered but I do think it'd be cute if they both call Panchi their Star 👉👈
In terms of dates...I guess it depends on which canon we follow? If we follow canon exactly then no bc neither of them are dating (even if they all do have feelings for each other) but the three have wandered on their own a few times either bc Prompto wanted to take a photo or Panchi saw something they wanted to grab or look at for their scrapbook or Noctis saw a perfect finishing spot-okay. Maybe it was more than a few times...But yeah! There is this one time where the three look up at the stars together and get all close..just Guys being Dudes! Just some good ol Bromance! (It was not just a Bromance)
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lucozadehulahoop · 10 months
A Question of Time (Astarion x f!reader/tav) part 3/?
Chapter summary: Astarion makes his choice, but his actions don't go unnoticed. Call it divine intervention.
A.N: Big thank you for the massive love on this! I've only been posting this fic for three days and the response has been overwhelming! I appreciate every single comment and it really keeps me motivated. The tag list will be posted below the cut because it's getting a bit long ahh.
Tags and T.W.:pre-bg3!Astarion, slave!Astarion, mentions of torture and abuse, demi-goddess!tav, eventual NSFW (minors stay away kindly, thank you darlings)
warning for this chapter: seggsual sention (eh more just dorks being dorks)
part 1 part 2 part 4
"Astarion, favored soul, I send you my own flesh and blood to remove you from harm, yet you do not take your chance to flee..." An ethereal voice sang to Astarion as he tried to make sense of his own surroundings.
Slowly he began to recognize the cemetery, the tombstones, his own grave... how had he ended up back there?
The moon shined brightly down on him, and slowly the origin of that voice materialized itself right in front of him.
Astarion may have not been a believer, but he could recognize a goddess when he saw one. Much like in her many popular depictions, Sehanine wore what resembled a black silk gown, the very fabric that created the shadows she was a patron of. Her hair was black and white, her skin deep blue like the ocean, and her eyes the shape of twin moons. Many were the elves who worshiped 'the Moonweaver ' dutifully.
Sehanine was also the only diety criminals and tricksters seemed to cling to. A favor from the patron of illusions and misdirection could make the difference between the success or failure of a deed carried out under the cover of night.
But she was not only the goddess those who worked in secrecy and trickery often asked for a blessing from. Love was the biggest blessing tied to her name, and many cursed her for being the protector of lovers who steeled away for a tryst in the night.
"Do not be afraid, Pale One." She smiled at him eerily. "I appear to you now to give you guidance. I am sure by now you recognize me, even though on this plane I have come to be known to many as Selùne in these times, but you have been alive since the days of the old creed..."
"Y-yes--" Astarion stammered, never once having thought he'd be entertaining a conversation with a diety.
"I know you have not once believed in anything that was not material, and I am not here to test your faith, little vampire. I have been guiding your journey through this world ever since you began to display all of those qualities that are so dear to me... the Moon has been your close ally in all of your deeds..." The goddess proclaimed. "I look out for my own, but now... you go against my design to deliver you from your wretched master. Why is it so?"
It was quite a hefty amount of information to take in all at once. Not to mention preposterous. Guidance? Protection? If Astarion had been so favored by the gods, why in the seven hells had he been crushed underneath Cazador's heel for two hundred years?
The anger didn't take long to boil up inside of him. "No. No, forgive me, your holiness, but there has to be some kind of mistake here." Astarion sneered. "I think you've got the wrong Astarion, because this one has been attacked by the Gur, turned into a vampire, and subjected to two centuries of torture at the hands of a maniac!"
Sehanine smiled down at him once more, almost as if Astarion's lament was something to be amused by. "It is not up to me to explain the trials and tribulations of mortal life, dear one... If I directly interfered with the lives of every being I wished to influence in a constant manner, then other gods would want the same and war would surely break out amongst us. I would not come to you if I did not fear great peril on the horizon. Your Master, Cazador Szaar, has joined a league with dark, dangerous forces... forces that are enemies to myself and other entities that keep the balance between good and-"
Astarion scoffed. "I fail to see, how any of this is my concern."
The goddess's eyes became pitch black and her form started to warp into something far more sinister. "Count yourself lucky I consider your quick wit as a quality, but do not make the mistake of disrespecting me again, vampire spawn." She threatened in a booming voice. "You will be turned into a sacrificial lamb to your Master's ascension to near-godliness if you do not flee now, underneath my daughter's protection."
Astarion was silent for a very long while. In fact, he could not tell how much time had passed before she finally spoke again, her voice once again gentle.
"I will not have one of my own be involved in this abomination of a rite. In fact, I will make sure Tav stops this event from coming to pass so that she may meet her destiny."
Astarion couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind once again, even at the cost of being punished by the divine. "Meet her destiny? Surely... surely you must know how powerful Cazador is. I mean, I've seen what your darling daughter can do, but she doesn't seem to have a single mean bone in her body and you might risk losing her-"
"Tav must die for Cazador and the rest of the evil he's created to be eradicated for good." Was the goddess's simply put answer.
"But... she's your daughter." Astarion failed to understand until it finally clicked in his head. "You---you set her up like a lamb for slaughter. This is why she couldn't keep away from me? Because you made her come to my rescue every time? And now she's... Hells, she's getting rid of Cazador for you and dying in the process because you can't look bad in front of your god pals? What happened to looking out for your own?"
"I may have brought her into this world, but she is not one of my own." The Moonweaver clarified." Too sweet, too good-natured. The only thing I can truly recognize is her beauty. But no, I have not spoken to her, ever. I thought it best she did not know the pain of who she truly is, nor how she will meet her end. I simply know how and when it will come to pass. Yet, it was quite surprising to see how deeply attuned to your pain she is... and in the grand scheme of things it drew her like a moth to a flame, right into Cazador's grasp..."
Astarion began to feel violently ill, and he couldn't understand why. "Wait, what do you mean, what are you talking about---"
"Oh hush now, don't tell me you care for her? I would find that hard to believe..." She grinned, her very nature compelled to be intrigued by displays of affection, especially when they bloomed in the most unlikely of circumstances."However, I must go now, little vampling. But do not worry, Tav will be remembered, I will personally make sure to immortalize her in the stars for her valiant sacrifice."
"No!" Astarion cried out as he thrashed on the floor, suddenly regaining consciousness underneath Tav's tear-brimmed eyes.
She had been trying desperately to bring the pale elf back to consciousness after he'd dropped to the ground unexpectedly, his red eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body wracked by convulsions.
"Astarion!" She shook him a little more for good measure. "Astarion stay with me!" Tav let out a little sob, never having come across a physical ailment she hadn't been able to cure.
"Hells below..." Astarion cursed, slowly managing to sit up as he caught up with what had just happened.
Tav was quite a sight for a creature who hardly ever seemed to be affected by anything. Tear-stained cheeks, her hands twisting in the fabric of her dress. Astarion couldn't recall the last time someone had ever displayed worry over him. And now that he knew the truth about so many things, he didn't deem himself worthy of it. "Cheer up, sweet, I'm alright." He couldn't help but say, pinching her nose softly between his curled fingers.
"Alright?!" Tav barked at him, huffing and shooing his hand away. "You dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and then you started convulsing!" She accused as if Astarion had done so on purpose. "You were completely unresponsive for almost half of an hour! How often does this happen for you to think it's alright?"
Astarion could think of a million things to say. A close encounter with Tav's dear old mom being the explanation at the forefront of his mind. But the implications of that conversation having undeniably taken place (considering it hadn't been just some weird dream as he'd liked to have hoped) were too painful to consider. He should have been thinking about the fact that Cazador planned to sacrifice him. He should have been burning with rage at the mere thought of his death aiding his captor on the path to becoming god-like.
Instead, all he could do was laugh, enjoying the way it riled up Tav even more. "Like a what? Darling, I must say my likeliness has been compared to many things in my lifetime, but a sack of potatoes has certainly never made the list..."
"Oh well, then may I suggest that 'obtuse ass' also be included?" She retorted, getting in his face as she was completely unamused by the way he was belittling her concern.
"Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the shape of my backside?" Astarion tilted his head closer too, meaning to snap back at Tav, but instantly realizing his words had come out quite a bit softer than intended.
"I-I don't see how that's relevant..." Tav whispered, mimicking his tone as her pupils turned into the size of saucers.
"You're the one who brought it up..." Astarion shrugged, as he had a very private laugh within himself at Tav's expense. She was so gullible, he could have eaten her up.
"No! You have misunderstood me. Please, I apologize if I have made you feel--" Tav was in the middle of expressing a sincere apology when she realized Astarion could no longer contain the amusement he was having at her expense. "You are despicable!" She huffed, doing a poor attempt at shoving at his chest before getting herself back up on her feet.
Astarion chose to admire her a few seconds more from where he was sitting on the ground. "Now that, my darling... is something I've definitely been called before."
Tav crossed her arms over her chest as she adamantly checked on his capability to stand back up on his feet again. "How will you know it won't happen again?" She asked him seriously, referring to the episode that had just transpired.
"No, I'm pretty sure I'll get called 'despicable' again for days to come." Astarion attempted to avoid the question.
"I meant you fainting!" Tav insisted.
"I've... got a pretty good idea of what I need to do to stop it from happening again." Running away from this hellhole, and leaving you here none the wiser, so I don't get any more friendly reminders from your mother, Astarion thought to himself as he swallowed down a knot in his throat. He looked out the window and recognized the familiar hues of light. The day was coming and he wasn't going to be able to leave until it was over.
Astarion needed to get his affairs in order and rest. Staying simply wasn't an option.
Not to mention, he was practically starving.
His gaze began to linger extensively on Tav as she stared into the fireplace.
"You've been up all night, darling---" Astarion snapped out of his reverie and began to fret as he started closing all the window panes, making sure not a single ray of light would be able to break through. "Surely, surely it would be good for you to get some rest, no? In your room that is --- far, far away from me, I mean- I have tasks to do now. Servants are terribly, terribly busy people, you see---" He continued to ramble as he not so subtly nudged Tav out of his room, guiding her to the door. "I must get to my work-"
"But you are clearly unwell! You're the one who must rest, Astarion. You're even paler than usual-" Tav protested, turning into his arms to look up at him in defiance once more.
"May the gods help me -- no, actually let's leave them out of this -- must you stick your pretty little nose in everything I do? I can take care of myself and I'm not the helpless little critter you seem to think you've stumbled upon-" Astarion had intended on pushing Tav out of the room, but all he was doing in actuality was bringing her closer to his body.
"Well, you've certainly given me plenty of proof on that front haven't you?" Tav spat and twisted her hands in his worn-out shirt.
Just like that, they were back to arguing again, except this time it wasn't amusing for either of them.
"Proof? Is that what you want?" Astarion asked her, losing his last nerve to hunger and exhaustion.
The curtain fell, and Tav looked back into the face of a vampire.
A.N: hehe, oh how I like to tease you so. Okay real talk, this is now an ongoing fic. Truly, you guys have given me so much love, and I'm overwhelmed. I'm really enjoying writing this story and I thank you all for joining the ride. stay tuned for part 4!
This story is also on Ao3 btw, for the people who prefer reading it there.
tag list (if you want to be added to the tag list, just let me know!): @d0nutkaky0in @i-just-want-to-sleep-97 @omggiannarosa @dead-giirl-walking @warbwarts @mrsfullbuster500 @uwomina @iyaesakura @cheeslyy @dragon-kazansky @bambamwolf87 @chibi-chi @orsomethingelseentirely @davenswitcher @adequate-superstar @ophelias-flowerss @tragedybunny @yaimlight @the-golden-ouroboros @candyladycry @babygirlbrainrot @mariposakitten @blobs-away @biganddrunkunicorn @astarionmisc @the-garbage-central @raviolixxx
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Oilver Swift Headcanons Because Im Horridly Forgetful<3
—Okay, too start off he is the most supportive dork you will ever meet
—loves you more than anything-
—He actually has like four brain cells are three of them are specifically for remembering your anniversary
—He takes you to the damn cinema so excitedly like he doesn’t work there-
— gets you a discount on drinks whenever you go
— he also flirts..well, attempts too-
— god hes chaotic as fuck too-
—if y’all even consider marriage Gingi has to be best man-
Overall a 900/10 relationship<3 :DD
—y’all are getting up to absolute NONSENSE together-
—hes so fun, he just bounces around commits arson and gets high all in one day with you trailing behind him either encouraging his chimp-like behavior or desperately trying to calm him down-
—PLEASE PRAISE HIM FOR DOING BASIC TASKS- he has a very bruise-able ego!!
—So you know how dogman told us how exactly phones kiss? Like, gentle face mashing? He practiced with you-. 10000% yes he did-
—start a book club with him he’ll be your biggest fan and you two can read Dostoyevsky together or sum-
9/10 friendship in general! (One point docked if you don’t match fez’s with him, then he’ll ghost you and cry in Randy’s dumpster for half an hour)
—…here me out, man’s got pec’s to feed a village. (I’m a good person I promise.)
—Hes a veeeeeery physical touch oriented guy, literally has his arm around someone 24/7
—addicted to Mountain Dew, it’s chronic at this point
—hes a very talented painter, probably only paints the lewdest things imaginable but still, it’s something!
— he makes his bed a very specific way and actually beams whenever someone compliments it
—he has a collection of classic literature and poetry that he will rant about upon asking
—Jerry’s adhd son- Oliver has Jerry on speed dial incase he tries doing something strenuous and or stupid- (yes I realize how odd that speed dial part sounds upon reading it over)
— Owns over eight flannels for different ocassions-
—…….hes very experienced in the lewd activities some of you’d like to partake him don’t ask me how I know-
Overall, If you can’t tell I loveeee this silly little moron- (apologies once again for this taking so long once again, I appreciate all of your support so very much- please, send me a request if you’d like more-) (it also wouldn’t let me add the photo at the top AAA tumblr how darent you-)
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cornychip · 1 year
Something More- Chapter 2
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Word Count: 5.6k
Chapter Summary: The twins birthday, Josh’s guest bedroom, getting caught…what could be better?
Pairings: Sammy x Reader
Danny x Reader
Tropes: friends to enemies?
enemies to lovers
friends to lovers
Warnings: SMUT. 18+ content only. DNI if you are under 18. Alcohol use. Strong/hurtful language.
Part 1
Part 3
“I’m glad you came with me,” his voice sounded from behind you.
You flipped over onto your side to look at him, his hand falling off your back and onto the sheets.
“So am I.”
He smiled tiredly as he dropped his head against a pillow, shuffling under the sheets to get more comfortable. A hand found your hip, nudging for you to come closer to him.
“I liked you a lot in high school, you know?”
He spoke with his eyes closed, his voice slow and quiet.
“I didn’t know that.”
He chuckled softly.
“I guess I wasn’t obvious enough.”
Your stomach dropped a bit, that familiar burning rising again to your chest. You bit your lip; perhaps your body’s way of trying to tell you not to ask the question you were about to ask.
“What do you feel now?”
His eyes fluttered back open to look at you.
Your heart sank. You should have just stayed quiet.
“I’m not sure,” he chimed out, his voice clearer and more attentive now, “it’s been a long time.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Yeah, it has.”
“But I do know how jealous I get whenever I see you with Danny.”
He chuckled out and you couldn’t help but quirk the corner of your lip up.
“Some things never change, I guess,” he spoke again.
You propped yourself up on your arm in a sudden fit of amusement.
“You were jealous of Danny in high school? No way.”
Sam raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.
“When it came to you, yeah. Although in every other aspect he was the biggest dork I’d ever met.”
You chuckled together.
“I’ll be sure to tell him that,” you answered, lowering your head onto his chest and closing your eyes.
“You will not,” Sam breathed out quietly, a grin tugging at your lips as you both drifted to sleep
That was how it had been for the last couple of months mostly.
Giddy smiles down at your phone when you read his stupid dirty texts, showing up to his house with a bottle of wine, waking up with his arm wrapped over your side.
It felt good.
It was fun as Sam put it, just having fun.
You told yourself you were okay with fun, that being able to reap the benefits of a relationship without the responsibility of one was something to relish in. How you truly felt was not something you offered much thought to.
You checked the time, 7:40 pm, how on time did you need to be to their birthday party anyways?
You stood in front of your mirror, finishing up the last few buttons on the casual black mini dress you bought at a consignment shop mainly for the cargo short-esque pockets that adorned it. You slipped on a pair of frilly white socks and old black loafers, a pairing that Sam and Danny ruthlessly teased you for in high school, though now it seemed you were just ahead of trend.
Sam had offered to drive, but seeing that neither one of you had disclosed your recent relations to anyone, not even Danny, you had thought it best to go separately so as not to turn any heads. As Sammy always did he let it roll right off his back, not catching on that you had hoped he’d be at least slightly disappointed.
You optimistically got in your car to drive, telling yourself you would only have two or three drinks, though three out of four times you did so you ended up sleeping in one of Josh’s guest bedrooms until the next morning. This time, though, you told yourself it’d be different, you’d be responsible.
It wasn’t a big gathering or ordeal like birthdays past for the two twins, no raging house parties or cop raids while the Kizska’s parents were away visiting relatives or out to dinner and drinks with some friends, but it was still a Kiszka party. The backyard was strung with lights, and music was humming pleasantly in the background from scattered speakers. The boys had even splurged for some heaters in the brisker nights of spring. Few people you knew were there, mostly a collection of vibrant personalities the boys had met in the music scene and while living in Nashville, people you didn't know exactly how to approach or lead a conversation with the way the Kiszka boys could. You grabbed yourself a glass of champagne and found a spot farther from the main crowd and closer to a heater. It wasn’t like the rinky dink parties in high school that you found yourself missing some nights, but it was nice
“Don’t worry, the real party will start in a couple of hours.”
Sam bent and whispered into your ear before shooting back up to his full height.
You jumped slightly before realizing it was just him and offered a polite smile in response.
“I’m only staying for a few drinks, drove myself here and I’m planning on driving myself back…you know, like a responsible adult,” you straightened, trying to look as poised as possible.
“I’ve heard that one before,” he chuckled knowingly, “usually ends with Danny and Josh carrying you to bed.”
You gave him a playful glare, breaking into a coy smile quickly.
“Yeah well, we’ll see where the night takes us.”
You stood in silence for a bit, just watching as everyone else chatted and drank, a few people dancing around the yard to whatever music Josh had chosen that night. As always, Josh was the primary planner while Jake was mostly just along for the ride.
You shivered a bit as you felt Sam’s long slender fingers pinch at the hem of your dress, rubbing the fabric between his fingers before dropping his hand back to his side.
You looked up at him with an inquisitive face at his bizarre action.
“That’s a nice dress, it’s a little short don’t you think?”
Your eyes widened and your hands immediately patted down the bottom of the entire dress, trying to feel where it laid on your legs and if you’d been walking around with your ass out every time you’d worn it in the last 4 months.
Sam only stifled his laughter as he watched you, earning a shove against his arm.
“Don’t scare me like that Sam, that’s one of my biggest fears-“
“I know, I know because in ninth grade your skirt got stuck in your underwear and no one told you till 3rd period!”
Sam laughed to himself, hunching over and gasping for breaths as you continued your shoving.
“Yes,” you exclaimed, giving him one shove that almost sent him toppling over, “so why would you do something like that, how stupid are you!?” you gave him one final push as he straightened up, chuckling with him a little.
“You’re fun to tease, that’s why,” he said before sighing into a small and final chuckle.
Your cheeks turned warm, the way they did almost every time Sam flirted with you. You always wondered if he did the same, you thought most likely not.
“It looks good-the dress-I like it,” he offered before taking a swig of his drink.
You went shy at the compliment despite having been sleeping with him for the past 3 months.
“Thanks,” you replied softly, looking down at the dress to inspect it one last time.
“You look even better in it,” his hand snaked under the back of the dress slightly, squeezing at your ass.
You let out a little gasp as your eyes widened, immediately slapping his hand away and looking around to see if anyone had seen.
You reprimanded in a hushed tone.
He replied in his signature laxed voice, not a worry in the world.
“No one’s watching, and even if they were, no one cares.”
“Well I care!”
You offered somewhat spitefully. He only looked down at you with a smirk and those eyes, eyes that meant trouble.
“How about,” he began, leaning into your ear and finding his way back under your dress, “we take a trip inside, I left my jacket in his guest room and it’s getting a little cold out.”
You just looked back at him, matching his mischievous grin with a glare of your own.
“At your brother’s birthday, really Sam?”
You countered, slapping his hand off of you once again.
“I’m just really, really cold y/n, I’m just asking you to come get my jacket with me.”
“Get it yourself.”
You retorted, crossing your arms against your chest.
This time he just moved his hand to the back of your neck, trailing his fingers into your hair, gripping at your roots and tugging down gently.
“I’ll get lost,” he frowned disappointedly, looking down at you.
His hand tightened around the fistful of hair he had in his hand.
You let a small gasp fall from your lips, cursing yourself for giving him any reaction. As much as you felt guilty about even the prospect of sneaking off to hook up with Sam in Josh’s house, you just couldn’t help yourself around him.
“I-I guess I could help you out.”
You managed out the words.
The corner of Sam’s mouth quirked up into a satisfied grin as he softened his grip and returned his hand to his side.
You ventured inside, Sam’s hand ghosting your lower back whilst leading you through the yard and inside. A few people were in the house, getting caught up in conversation while waiting for the bathroom or grabbing food and drinks, but for the most part it was quiet. You stopped in front of the bedroom door, a door you had become far too acquainted with in the last year.
“After you.”
Sam motioned to the door and you twisted the knob, entering the guest room that was mostly a place for Josh to house all of his extra plants. Every window was bombarded with long dangling vines and the corners were scattered with terracotta pots resting on the floor. The room was dimly illuminated from the warm lights lining the backyard shining through the windows. You looked down to the bed, no coat to be seen.
“Looks like I must’ve left it somewhere else.”
Sam’s voice rang out quiet and smooth as he closed the door behind him, a small click sounding out as he turned the lock.
“Well, you are so forgetful.”
You teased, moving your way towards him and resting your palms on his chest as you stared up at him. His features were being lit up with the dull warmth of outside, the sharp curves of his nose and the impressive contour of his jaw. He parted his lips and smiled, that smile made you weak.
“It seems that way.”
He brought his hand up to your face, cradling your jaw firmly in his palm.
You told yourself not to enjoy moments like this, not to make yourself believe in the fantasy that was you and Sam. It was hard, at times like these, when he touched you so softly, looked at you so sweetly, spoke to you with such phantom flattery. When it was just you and him, alone, it seemed like so much more, it seemed real.
He swept his tongue over his lips and your eyes darted down, focused intensely on the way it made his lips glisten. You let your hands wander lower until your fingers hooked over the waistband of his pants. You had learned what Sam had liked in the last few months, what he didn’t like, and what drove him absolutely wild.
He brought his face down to yours, painfully slowly, stopping as his lips sat only a centimeter away from yours, breaths warm on each other's faces. The ends of his hair fell in front of his face and tickled your nose. It was shorter now, not even reaching his shoulders.
“Should I fuck you now?”
He questioned, his voice deep and soft as his chest rose and fell.
You only matched his stare, eyes wide as you caught your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Should I fuck you hard right here while everyone else is outside?”
His other hand came up to cradle the other side of your face, his eyes were transfixed on your lips now, never glancing anywhere else.
“Hmm? Should I?”
He asked again, waiting for anything, a nod, a hum of recognition, a shift in your stance.
“Yeah, I think you should.”
You answered, tightening your grip around his jeans. His lips jumped into a satisfied grin, pulling your face towards him and kissing you. Your lips moved together quickly as they connected, you both knew each other, your lips, your bodies, the way one another moved. He tasted of whiskey and cigarettes, a pairing you would normally cringe at, but when it came to Sam, it was so perfect. You were addicted to it, how he tasted, how he felt, his skin against yours, his voice whispering your name and his teeth nipping at your neck, you couldn't get enough.
He pulled away, pushing you back and onto the bed, his chest heaving with excitement and his lips flushed pink. You fell onto your back, propping yourself up on your forearms to look at him, a satisfied smirk growing on your lips as he pulled his shirt over his head, discarding it onto the floor. He moved towards you, stopping once he stood in front of you, your hands hurriedly moving to his belt, undoing it sloppily. He grabbed at your hair again, tugging lightly to make you look up to him as your hands continued working until his pants hung open on his hips..
He liked that, when you watched him.
“Just a quick one,” he smirked, “can’t miss cake.”
He released you, shoving his pants and underwear down and releasing his hard cock as he ran his hand over himself a few times.
“Is that all for me?”
You questioned as he began to crawl on top of you.
He chuckled under his breath, “Yeah, it is. You gonna be good for me and take it all?”
His fingers worked at unbuttoning the top of your dress, snaking a hand under and squeezing at the supple flesh of your ass once your breasts were exposed in the parting of your top.
You bit your lip to stifle a whimper as his hand slipped under your underwear, fingers moistening themselves in your arousal before bringing them up and teasing your clit.
“Mhmm,” you managed out, one hand grasping at the bedsheets beside you as the other entangled itself in Sam’s hair.
“God,” he hummed out, slipping a finger inside of you, “always so wet for me, aren’t you?”
He chuckled, a cocky grin finding home on his lips. He moved his gaze from where his hand was working underneath your dress, now scrunched up and settled on your waist, to your eyes, waiting for a response.
“Y-yeah, Sammy, I am.”
You whimpered out, the nickname he once hated now sounding so sweet coming from your lips.
“That’s my good girl,” he added another finger, pumping in and out of you slowly while his thumb ghosted your clit, his hard cock pressing needily on the inside of your thigh.
Your mouth hung open in ecstasy, he was so good with his fingers. His lips trailed down your neck and to your chest, leaving a scattering of slowly fading red marks down your sternum.
“You’re so slutty, angel, so hot.”
He mumbled against your skin, taking his fingers out of you and pushing your pantied aside, quickly lining himself up with your entrance.
You shuddered as he pushed into you, he was big, and no matter how many times or how hard he fucked you, it always felt so delicious the first time he pushed into you.
He whimpered above you, small moans falling from his lips as he slowly rolled his hips into you, a hand bracing himself on the headboard above you.
His hips met yours again, burying himself completely inside of you. A hand slipped under the opening in your top, grasping at your breast as he pounded into you, faster and harder each time, slamming the bed against the wall.
“F-fuck, Sam,” you struggled out.
“Pretty girls don’t use words like that.”
He strained out, taking himself out of you completely before slamming himself back into you.
You groaned out and nodded, Sam always got what he wanted, and this was no different.
He continued a grueling pace, his fingers moving between your legs and circling your clitwith his thumb and his palm rested on your lower stomach. You gasped, trying your best to quiet the moans trapped in your throat.
“God, S-Sam..”
Your words trailed out as he moaned in response. That familiar feeling began tumbling down into the pits of your stomach and coursing down through your legs.
“D-don’t stop Sam.”
You managed out, whimpers falling deliciously from your lips. Upon those words, Sam sped his fingers up, playing with your clit as his cock managed to find that spot deep inside of you, hitting it over and over again.
You began to become undone around him, your legs shaking as your eyes tightened shut.
“Look at me while you do it, watch me as I fuck you so good you cum all over me you slut.”
He groaned out as you peeled your eyes open, staring at him. His eyebrows were drawn down and his lips were parted. His eyes were unwavering as they bore down into your own.
“It feels good, doesn’t it? I make you feel so good, don’t I?”
His voice rang out, an evil smirk crawling onto his lips.
You whimpered out, matching his stare as your eyebrows knitted together and you hurtled towards your finish.
“You look so pathetic, am I really that good?”
He chuckled out.
All you could manage was a whine as he continued unraveling you.
“Am I?”
He pushed.
“Y-yes, you are Sam, you’re so good.”
He grinned as he sped his fingers up.
“Just good?”
He asked again.
“No Sam, you’re great, you’re amazing, you feel amazing!”
You exclaimed, legs shaking and squeezing together as you came around him. His hand pressed against your mouth, muffling your moans as he shuddered inside of you, panting out expletives.
An all too familiar voice sounded out as footsteps approached the door.
You and Sam just stared at one another as you shoved him off of you, springing up from the bed and pulling your dress down and buttoning up the top.
You mumbled out, a knock sounded out on the door as you hurriedly slipped your shoes back on.
You ran your fingers through your hair and wiped whatever makeup had smeared off from under your eyes, hoping to look presentable enough. Sam pulled his legs through his pants quickly, abandoning the belt and his shoes and just buttoning the jeans before throwing his wrinkled top over his head.
He opened the door and there stood Danny.
“They’re making a toast…someone said they saw you come in here-”
His voice faded out as he spotted you over Sam’s shoulder, straightening your dress.
“Sam forgot his coat.”
You blurted out.
He only nodded slowly as Sam slipped past him, offering an awkward pat on his shoulder.
You weren’t sure why you didn’t want Danny to know, after all he was the one who was constantly trying to get you together and make you feel better when Sam was off with another girl. There was this weird feeling in your chest though, an odd heaviness when he stared at you with suspicion dampening his features.
You averted your gaze, shrinking in on yourself and walking up to him.
“Did you get it?”
He asked.
“The coat, did you guys get Sam’s coat?”
You looked up at him, your face going hot.
“Oh, um, no…no it wasn’t in here,” you trailed off, walking past him to rejoin the party outside, your underwear pooling with the uncomfortable wetness of Sam’s release- it made you want to cry for some reason.
You walked outside, Sam was with his brothers, arms hung around their shoulders, cheering as everyone raised their glasses and candles were blown out. That heaviness in your chest weighed down on you further watching them.
You took a deep breath turning away and getting into your car. You drove home, not even bothering to put any music on. You knew if you did, you wouldn’t have even heard it, you felt weird. A gross feeling crawled under your skin and set heavy atop your chest. You pulled into your parking lot, putting your car into park with a long sigh, resting your forehead against the steering wheel as the dim glow of street lights seeped into your car.
You checked your phone, it was only 9:30 and with a 20 minute drive from Josh’s, you had stayed at the party for a whopping one hour. As your senses came back to you, the heaviness began to disappear and was instead replaced with a nagging panic. You took your phone into your hand, typing quickly as you mumbled various curses at yourself.
To Jake, Josh:
9:31 pm
So sorry I didn’t get to wish you guys happy birthday tonight, started feeling really unwell and had to drive home. Hope you guys have a great night, have a drink for me!
You sighed as you buried your face in your hands, throwing your phone aside. You stilled for a moment, contemplating how dumb you were and why on earth you cared so much that Danny might have now known about you and Sam.
You rubbed your face with the heels of your palms, scratching at your scalp and hair with your fingers, exhaling a lone line of grunts and moans until you recoiled your hands, a mess of hair falling in front of your eyes as you did so.
Your phone dinged and you shoved it into your purse, assuming it was just Josh or Jake texting you back as you grabbed your things and walked up to your apartment.
You collapsed onto your couch, not minding to turn on any lights as you buried your face into a discarded blanket crumpled lamely in the corner of the sofa.
*knock* *knock*
You parted your eyes lazily as they adjusted to the dark interior of your living room. As your vision cleared and the momentary fog washed from your mind, you pushed yourself up and grabbed your phone to check what time it was.
1:24 am
You wiped the line of drool peeking out of the corner of your mouth as you ran a hand through your hair and stood up, groaning as your body slumped with tiredness.
Another knock sounded out, a bit more forceful than the one that had woken you up.
Who the hell was at your door this late?
You peered out your peep hole, eyebrows jumping as you looked again to make sure you weren’t mistaken.
You undid the numerous locks lining your door that Jake had come over and installed one day after reading an article about the dangers single women face whilst living alone, and slowly opened your door.
His head shot up to you as you opened the door, his hands clenching and flexing at his side.
You let the word tumble out of your mouth, more of a question than a greeting. He only nodded his head, letting himself in and pushing past you, immediately pacing your living room, bringing his thumb up to his mouth and anxiously biting at the tip of it, a habit he’s had since you’d met him.
You closed the door after him and flipped on the living room lights, that heaviness in your chest returning, but also a sense of worry and confusion.
Why was he here so late and why did he look like he was about to disclose the location of a body he had buried years past?
“Danny what’re you doing here-”
“I texted you,” he blurted out, immediately returning to chewing on the tip of his thumb, finally stilling his pacing as you walked to your purse, taking out your phone and scrolling through your notifications.
Danny: Where are you?
9:34 pm
Danny: I’m coming over once this is done.
10:17 pm
Danny: Are you asleep?
12:05 am
Danny: I’m almost here.
1:13 am
You sighed out going through the messages as he watched you, eyes like a hawk.
“Sorry, fell asleep..”
You trailed off hugging your arms around yourself awkwardly as you stood in front of Danny on opposite ends of the living room.
He forced his hand down and instead crossed his arms, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
“Danny, you’re scaring me, what’s going on!?”
You finally gave in, becoming anxious just watching him.
His mouth parted and his eyebrows drew downwards as his eyes widened. He let out a scoff, staring at you as if you were the dumbest person on the planet.
“What’s going on!?”
He repeated, a wild grin erupting onto his face as his eyebrows jumped up and he threw his arms in the air.
“What’s going on is you’ve been fucking my best friend for 3 months!”
He exclaimed, stomping up towards you and stopping in front of you, his features hardening, his chest rising and falling dramatically as he reveled in his anger. You just looked back at him, cheeks red with guilt, your stomach knotting uncomfortably with shame as you averted your gaze from him.
“H-he told you?”
Danny calmed for a moment, nodding his head as his lips pressed into a firm line.
“Yeah, he did, but God forbid anyone tells Danny anything!”
Your lips morphed into an uncomfortable frown and your eyes drifted to staring at the dripping kitchen faucet across the room that you’d been meaning to fix for the past few days, too nervous to look at him.
“I-I’m sorry Danny, I just-”
“You just what!?” Danny fixed his hands on his hip, done with the dramatics as his features fell in disappointed expectance and he stepped towards you, leaving only about two feet of distance between you two, “you just thought you’d fuck my best friend behind my back. God, y/n, are you that stupid?!”
You snapped your gaze back to him, the heaviness in your chest morphing into something closer to rage.
“No Danny, I’m not stupid,” you started, not minding whether or not your neighbors could hear the two of you, “is it so insane to think that maybe I’m a grown woman who can decide who she wants to and doesn’t want to have sex with?”
Your body heated up with that familiar feeling as your mind began to fog and your hands began to shake. Danny knew it well, how mad you could get, when your adrenaline kicked in and all your body told you was fight.
But Danny wasn’t going to back down tonight, not how he usually did when it came to you.
“Yes, it is insane because you aren’t grown, you are a kid, a stupid fucking kid that’s fucking a guy who isn’t even interested in you!”
His hands flew up past your ears as his eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. His face was red with rage as you drew your eyebrows down and your mouth hung open at his words.
“If he wasn’t interested in me than why has he been fucking me for 3 months Danny?!”
“Because you’re easy!”
Danny yelled and the room immediately went still, his face dropped a bit, anger still laced through his features, but his eyes softened, like he knew he screwed up.
Your shoulders slumped and you felt the heat drain from your body, a single scoff leaving your lips.
“I’m easy Danny? Really?”
He chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes searching the room instead of looking at you.
“I-that came out wrong,” you only offered a cold laugh in response, “for him, it’s easy for him. He already knows you, feels comfortable with you…I just don’t want him to hurt you because I know how you feel about-”
You cut him off, the warmth coursing under your skin again.
“No! You have no idea how I feel, Danny, you don’t.”
You said harshly, trying to convince him and maybe even yourself, but at that moment, you had no time to offer him any acknowledgment that he may have been right.
“And so what if it’s easy, that’s what friends with benefits are.”
“You can’t be serious?”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes in frustration.
“Why not? Why is it so mind blowing that I would want to have casual sex?! Tell me Danny, what is so awful about that idea that you cannot even comprehend it?!”
You yelled in one breath, your face getting red as you gasped for a breath, your hands and arms motioning wildly as you spoke.
“I just thought you’d have a little more respect for yourself, that’s all.”
He rubbed his forehead, sighing the last part of his sentence out as you just stared at him dumbfounded.
“And you had to come all the way here at one in the morning to tell me that, to tell me that I’m a slut for screwing your best friend, Danny?”
“That’s not what I said Y/n-”
“Yeah, well, you might as well have.”
Danny took a long breath, closing his eyes and exhaling shakily.
“All I’m saying,” he paused for a moment, opening his eyes to look at you, “is I think it’s a bad idea.”
Your face contorted in acute bewilderment.
“Then why on earth did you try and help me make him jealous? Why were you constantly pushing for us to get together? Just so you could show up to my house and berate me about it.”
“I guess I just thought you’d know better, that it was just some stupid infatuation.”
His words came out sharp as his jaw clenched and his arms crossed over his chest again and he stared at you, seething.
“I guess you thought wrong, Danny,” you relented, shaking your head, “now get the fuck out.”
You walked towards the door, opening it and holding it open for him to leave.
He looked at you, his features still hard, his mouth still pressed into that firm line, the wrinkles between his eyebrows heavy.
“Whatever,” he mumbled, walking past you and out the door, stilling for a moment in the hallway, his mouth parting as if he wanted to say something.
Instead, you beat him to it.
“And just so you know, the sex is amazing.”
Pressing your lips into a condescending smile, you slammed the door, slumping over as you came down. Now that he was gone, now that the heat had dissipated and your mind cleared, that heaviness came back, weighing you down further than before. You didn’t believe the things he said, you didn’t want to at least, but his words floated in the air around you, wandering in your thoughts every time you breathed in. You peeled your feet off the floor, they felt heavy, and walked yourself to your bedroom, throwing your body onto the unmade bed covered in potential outfits from earlier in the night. Shuffling your way out of your dress, you crawled under the blankets, letting the cool air of the window you had forgotten to close earlier chill your bare shoulders. You felt a warmth spread under your cheek on your pillow and you opted to believe it was nothing, that you definitely were not crying.
In your entire time of knowing him, you had never seen Danny that angry. The only fights you had ever been in were over pointless artificial things, mostly withering down to a joke or finding amicable ends. None of them had ever been like this, you couldn’t think of a time Danny ever spoke to you like that, ever raised his voice like that. Even the way he looked, with wild eyes, tensed jaw and furrowed eyebrows, you had never seen before. You felt your body shake as the patch of warmth grew under your cheek. You wondered if Sam had ever talked about you to Danny, if that was why he was so mad, if you really were stupid. You buried your face in your hands, crying silently into them as you tried to will the tears back, you wouldn’t give either of them the further satisfaction of your tears, they didn’t deserve them.
Your phone buzzed and your heart leapt. You wondered if it was Sam, asking if you had gotten home safe and if everything was okay, or if it was Danny, apologizing and asking for your forgiveness, he would never want to lose a friend like you.
You picked up the phone, warm anticipation pooling in your chest.
Jake: Hope you’re feeling better!
2:01 am
Josh: *Image Attachment* For you!
2:02 am
You pressed your finger against the cold glass of your screen, watching as the video began, as all four of them swayed together, slightly toppling over each other, and sang a discombobulated melody.
“A drink for Y/n!”
Sammy slurred out as they all raised their glasses, chucking back what looked to be a shot of whiskey. Danny bombarded the camera man, his face uncomfortably close to the lens.
“Come back and save me from these lunatics!”
His voice rang out, you wondered when Sam told him, how he told him. Maybe it happened right after that video was taken.
You turned off your phone, tossing it to the other side of your bed, not bothering to set an alarm for the next morning, and drifted off to sleep, your chest heavy.
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A Freak and a Basket Case: Eddie Munson x Hispanic!Fem!Reader
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Chapter 3: No One Like You
I’m back bitches. This chapter was a bastard to get out. I’ve been fucking around writing for every other scenario except the one where you two actually fucking get together. Fucking shit.
I hope you all enjoy my autistic rambling about Dune as well.
[Masterlist] - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three (You are Here) - [Latest]
“You ever read Clan of the Cave Bear?” You asked.
It was such a non sequitur. You heard an obnoxious snort from next to you threaten to turn into laughter.
“No, what… what the hell is that?” Eddie was red faced. Giggling.
“Prehistoric science fiction, bro” you said. “Caveman shit.”
Eddie guffawed. Covering his face with his hands as his giggles threatened again.
“It’s not funny!” You whined, unable to control your laughter.
“I’m so… ha! I… I’m sorry…” Eddie insisted, taking a deep breath and exhaling through pursed lips. “I’m sorry. But you said… you said it’s about cavemen?”
“Yeah like, a girl from the Cro-Magnon people gets adopted by a group of Neanderthals and she becomes this hunter who’s all bad, right? Then she gets kicked out of her cave and the second book opens up with her in this valley where she tames a horse and a lion cub. Real girl power shit. But it’s crap.”
“Why crap?”
“Because the girl turns into this air headed romance novel heroine when she meets her perfect jock caveman boyfriend.” You said. “And the book got all torcido in the second novel. You wanna know what her boyfriend Jondalar’s biggest flaw is?”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by your critique of the story.
"Lay it on me. What's the great character flaw of Jondalar, Mr. Perfect Caveman Boyfriend?"
“He’s sad because no girl on earth can handle his huge fucking wiener.”
Eddie screamed. Honest to god screamed. Screamed like a banshee and then dissolved into the worst fit of laughter you’d ever seen, laughing so hard you could have sworn you saw him trying to clench his butt cheeks so he wouldn’t laugh so hard he’d accidentally fart. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, but the idea of a sad dimwitted caveman crying over his trouser snake was too much.
"I swea… I…” he paused, wheezing before he finally inhaled and managed to speak, “God dammit. How the hell did that even make it into a real book?!"
“Evidently Jean M. Auel had a lot of money and a lot of free time to be traveling to sites where they dug up remains.”
You sat up straight on the leather seats of Eddie’s Gaucho, hands seeking out the tactile wonderland of the spots on the leather seats where the top grain had begun to disintegrate.
“Like… imagine though?” you said, voice lowering to a conspiratory whisper as if Jean M. Auel herself was lurking outside the windows listening in, “You spend all kinds of money to actually learn how to make stone tools, build a lean to, and then you go and fuck it all up writing about sad peepee man over here.”
Eddie laughed even harder, his shoulders shaking and his face now burning red as a tomato.
"Peepee man, oh my God... You're killing me here! And… Ha ha, yeah… all that free time and money to learn about the Stone Age, just to turn it into a cringe-fest with Jondalar and his... oh shit!"
There was a frantic scrambling to prevent disaster after Eddie’s muddy Reeboks knocked over a full ashtray, sending a few roaches flying with the blunt in a sea of ashes onto the already filthy floor of the Gaucho. He looked at you, looked at the mess, then began howling again with laughter. You burst into laughter too, a delayed reaction. The distinctly pungent, acrid odor of the aftermath had already gone stale in the enclosed space, and it made you cough a little when you inhaled.
When you both finally looked up at one another after a moment of calm, you noticed Eddie was staring directly at you, smiling widely.
“Damn… you're a bundle of laughs when you're stoned, aren't you? I’ve never met a dork like you who was so captivated by prehistoric wiener.”
“Stop it…” you threatened, shoulders shaking with barely contained laughter, “Don’t make me laugh… I… I’m gonna pee…!”
He was about five seconds away from laughter himself. Biting his lower lip to stop the sound.
“Oh? You want me to stop? Because believe it or not, I’ve got a whole arsenal of stupid jokes I can whip out to see how bad you really need to pee…”
A loud yelp erupted from his throat, followed by laughter when you began swatting him with your Carhartt jacket. The fabric made a snapping sound as it connected with his skin, and the both of you looked like jocks having a towel fight in a locker room when he began hitting you with his denim vest.
Before the van, before the two of you shared the reefer, Eddie had still been holding you by the waist back at school, the two of you hellbent on basking in the presence of one another. Then the bell rang to dismiss the first period, and you had honest to god pouted.
“Don’t make that face.” Eddie had grinned. “Who says we’re going to second period?”
“You really think I’m going to let you go to class? Away from me? Nah, we’ve got better things to do. You’re sticking with me today, princess.”
His voice dropped down into a conspirator’s whisper, hot breath ghosting along your ear as he spoke again.
“Unless…” he teased, “You wanna… you know, be a good girl and to second period…?”
“Hell no.”
“Didn’t think so.” He grinned. “After all, we only just started getting properly acquainted. What say you to us having a little alone time in my rather… unorthodox school hang out spots?”
He gave a light squeeze. A promise of an exciting adventure.
You scowled.
“… Bro I don’t even wanna be here at school.” You murmured. “I hate it here.”
His expression had softened. Maybe it was the hint of vulnerability in your voice, or the fact that you looked wilted and drained, either way he nodded eagerly. Desperately trying to please you from the looks of things.
“Yeah, okay… no, no I feel you. This dump was never designed for us. Let’s face it, we’re too badass to be here.”
For a moment you looked around. Confused as to who Eddie was talking to. Who the hell around here was cool besides him? Certainly not you.
“New game plan: let’s ditch class and go on an adventure. Just you and me.” He said.
“Okay but like… What’s there to do here?”
“Hawkins is our oyster. There’s a lot we could do. We could go cruising to the park, the lake, maybe find an old abandoned scary house and get chased by ghosts accompanied by a psychedelic synth number. The sky’s the limit. Anywhere’s more exciting than this hell hole.”
“… there’s a lake?”
You knew lakes. Liked them even. Abiquiu was a particular favorite. With the outcropping of mountains in caramel and umber surrounding the blue water…
“Yeah. Lover’s Lake. It’s quiet there on a school day. Especially now in the morning. Perfect for an adventure. You in?” Eddie asked.
“I wanna go!”
You sound like a damn kid. So eager. It’s just… no one’s ever invited you anywhere before like this. Plenty of your classmates back home ditched. One girl in your math class took off during a pizza party for the simple fact that she didn’t bring anything, and she’d just walked out of the room like nothing while you sat there at your desk gaping after her.
“Atta girl! We’d better be sneaky about it though. I don’t feel like catching hell from dirty old Higgs for commandeering you for a joyride.” He didn’t wait for you to put out your hand. He took yours in his, tugging at you to follow.
You laced your fingers with his, holding onto his arm as the both of you weaved through throngs of students, looking back every now and again to see if anyone noticed you were fleeing Hawkins High. For the most part students and faculty alike avoided Eddie like the plague if they saw him coming, and a stage five clinger like you wasn’t even a blip on their radar. Once you were both outside, the humid summer air punched you both in the face. By the time Eddie led you over to his van, parked all the way in the far corner of the lot, you were sweating and dying to get in it. The van itself was a bit beat up, but it ran, and that's all that mattered in the moment really.
"Here's our chariot. Hop on in, we're gonna have the best field trip of your life." Eddie said, attempting to move to pull the door open for you.
You did not hesitate for a single minute. Immediately once you approached his vehicle you tried the door handle. Just gave it a yank without even making sure the door was unlocked (it was) and hopped into the passenger’s side. He didn’t hesitate either, he just laughed loudly at you, making the engine sputter to life and peeling out of the lot the second he found the opportunity.
"Most girls I know would never just hop into a stranger's van like that. You're either fearless, oblivious, or just crazy," he laughed, rolling down the driver’s side window. “Did McGruff teach you nothing?”
“At this point I wouldn’t even care if you were Baron Harkonnen himself.” You said, buckling in. “I’d still go with you.”
"Well, princess, I promise you I'm nothing as sinister as Baron Harkonnen. Just a humble D&D dork with a bit of a wild side. Although, I do sometimes dabble in the melange trade." He winked at you as he turned the van out onto the road.
“Hold the phone… you… you actually know who the Baron is??” You must have looked incredulous.
No one had ever been familiar with your references to Dune, and here was Eddie just casually dropping lines about the Siridar-Baron and spice melange…
"Of course. Who doesn't know who Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is?" he replied casually, one hand steady on the steering wheel while the other fumbled for a cigarette in the pocket of his denim battle vest.
He must have done it a thousand times, you’d thought. Watching wide eyed as he lit his cigarette with one hand using a dented Zippo lighter.
"Dune's pretty much one of the major foundations for every science fiction world out there. It’s got everything. Space, politics, giant sandworms... What's not to love about it?"
“Yeah but…” You protested, unsure how to voice what you were thinking.
"But what? You seem surprised I know of Dune's existence," he said.
“I kind of am.” Alex admitted. “I never met no one who could keep up with my weirding ways…”
You had been buried deep in the desert sands of Arrakis ever since second grade, when your father had been tasked with reading you a bedtime story. That time you were so sick with pneumonia, the doctor told your parents that you had to miss more than seven days of school. You were inconsolable. You loved your second grade teacher Mrs. Viola so much, and you wanted to play with your best friend Jessica. Instead your parents kept you home and force fed you this disgusting bubblegum pink antibiotic that made you gag. Dad was home from a job luckily, it would be another month before he started hauling again. So instead of dealing with just your mom and brother, Dad was home and he’d decided to read to you from one of his old paperbacks he’d picked up at Waldenbooks while hauling in Dallas a few years prior.
The way Dad described the setting was magical. You loved the gentle intonations of his voice as he spoke aloud the dialogue of the Kwisatz Haderac: Paul Usul Muad’Dib Atreides, and the fearless women of the Bene Gesserit space witches had captivated you body and soul. Arrakis was your second home. Your escape from the world that did not understand you. You longed to learn to ride through burning sand dunes atop Shai-Hulud, to hold the Gom Jabbar with Alia Atreides as she killed the evil Baron Harkonnen, to drink the water of life with Lady Jessica and become the next Reverend Mother, the harbinger of an abomination. You even wanted to join Stilgar and Chani, feeling like a Fremen child yourself as you had been born and raised in the desert just as they were…
Four novels and eleven years later, on all levels except physical, you were still very much buried under the spice tinged sands of Dune, a blue tint evident in your eyes…
"I've read the first book and seen the David Lynch movie, I went with one of my friends." He smiled, glancing over at you briefly before returning to the road, taking a long pull on his cigarette before exhaling. “You’re not the only person in Hawkins who's been tainted by the Weirding Way. So I’ll be privy to any little Bene Gesserit mind tricks you try on me, princess.”
"You know, you're really different from anyone I've ever met before. I mean that in a good way."
It took you a second to remember that you were in Hawkins, Indiana, not on a desert planet or even a desert state. Instead you were laying back on a leather bench seat in the back of a green 1979 GMC Gaucho, smoking pot with a guy that looked exactly like Jason Newsted.
“I’m different?”
You seemed a little shocked at this. Almost offended. What? Was it not normal to get philosophical about prehistoric caveman fiction?
“That’s… that’s kinda cliche, don’t you think…?” You mumbled.
Eddie shrugged, his smirk turning into a lighthearted grin.
"Maybe it is cliche, but I meant it. You're not afraid to speak your mind, princess, even if it's about some fictional dude's wiener."
You couldn’t help the giggle that came out, covering your face.
“… I guess so…” You admitted bashfully. “I guess I just didn’t realize how many girls don’t talk about book characters like it’s some hot school gossip. I… I don’t really talk to a lot of girls, or really guys either… I… I don’t really have friends.”
"Hey… hey, princess."
His warm hand brushed against your bare shoulder, raising the goose flesh against your skin.
"You shouldn't say that. I'm sure there's plenty people who want to be your friend. You just... you need to find your people.”
“I guess but… I don’t know… I don’t… I don’t think there’s really anyone on earth, let alone here in Hawkins, who wants to be my friend.” You said this as if you couldn’t even imagine Eddie, for all his laughter at your antics and his cuddly nature, even wanted to be your friend.
The idea was laughable. There was no way he liked you like that. Maybe you were a fun time? Something silly to do on a Monday morning instead of school.
Eddie paused for a moment, his gaze unwavering.
"I'd be your friend." He said after a moment.
You tensed up. Gulping. Not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“Really?” You whispered.
"Yeah. You're smart, you're funny, and you've got a love for fantasy. Those are all… that’s badass, dude."
“Are you serious to me right now?”
Your voice was so small, so helpless. As if you couldn’t believe it.
Eddie's grip on your shoulder tightened gently. Red rimmed, watery brown eyes boring holes into yours.
"Yeah, really. I'm serious. I'd be honored to have a friend like you."
He gave you a soft, genuine smile with his laugh lines cutting deep, dimples creating divots in his cheeks. Even his eyes were smiling, crinkling at the corners.
You breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well that’s real cool because I really like you and-…” You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth, a squeak erupting from the throat when you realized you had just admitted the quiet part out loud.
Eddie's smirk faded into a look of surprise as he heard the words come vomiting out of your mouth.
He said your name softly, his eyes searching your face and taking in the flushed expression.
"You... you really like me?"
You didn’t look at him, just kept your mouth covered as you looked down shamefully. Slowly, you nodded your head yes.
“You know, princess… I like you too.”
“You do…?”
“Yeah, I do. I like you a lot.”
“… even if I’m the weird kid you just met…?”
“Especially because you’re the weird kid I just met.” He scooted closer to you, cocking his head to the side and getting in your space.
"You think you’re the only one in this van that does weird out there shit? We’re both weird. We’re both freaks. I don't care if you are a weird girl that talks about sand worms and prehistoric cock. I like it. I like you."
He cupped your face as he said this. Your hands hesitantly reached up, palms over his as you stroked his fingers. Every little sensation from the callouses to the jewelry he wore begged to be touched, your fingers ran along the grooves and ridges of his many rings, finding comfort in the shapes and the feel of the metal.
“… really warm…”
Eddie's breath hitched as he felt your hands on his, the sensation of fingers tracing the edges of his rings sending a pleasant shiver down his spine. He let out a low, soft laugh at your comment.
"Warm, huh? My rings?"
“Yeah…” you nodded. “People… people say that rings are cold but… yours… the metal is warm…”
You looked up at Eddie, and noticed something magical with his eyes: when the morning sun hit them just right, his iris glowed a warm amber, like cognac. And you could see all the beautiful little lines on his face, the eye bags, the early signs of crows feet in the corners of his eyes when he smiled.
You couldn’t help yourself. Your eyes darted down to his rosy lips, chapped and a little dry, but plump. Kissable lips.
Did he taste like cigarettes? Weed? Maybe minty, like toothpaste?
Slowly, your hands left Eddie’s and cupped his cheeks, and you found herself pressing your lips against his. Eager to find out. At first he stiffened, totally caught off guard by your movements. It took a second or two, but at last he began to reciprocate, immediately wrapping his arms around you and pressing you further into his chest.
This didn’t feel real. You couldn’t believe you were doing this… A moment ago you two were having the time of your lives. Nearly pissing yourselves with laughter, enjoying the bantering back and forth and being real friends.
His lips were chapped. Bitten in what might have been a bout of nervous habit, but… oh so warm…
His fingers tangled in your hair, a wet lathing at your bottom lip as his tongue gently stroked across your lower lip. Eddie was pulling desperately at you too, as if trying to get you to hop onto his lap, and you eagerly scrambled onto him. You frowned when you realized he was licking at your bottom lip sloppily, rapidly, as if he was an eager Saint Bernard looking for peanut butter.
“What are you doing…?” you asked.
Eddie blinked, pulled out of his momentary stupor by your question. He quickly tried to explain himself, a hint of guilt in his voice.
"Fuck... I didn't mean to! I just... I thought... I got caught up in the moment! Oh shit… Princess, I'm sorry-..."
“No like… what are you doing with your tongue?” You asked, genuinely confused.
"It's... I’m kissing you? Y’know, like, Frenching? You stick your tongue out and... and kind of…”
What the fuck was he talking about?
It took you a hot minute. A really hot minute to figure it out, and just before Eddie made like he was going to push you off him, you stopped him.
“Like wait no, hold on… is that… is that what they’re doing on tv…?” You asked softly.
Eddie nodded awkwardly. Unsure of what to say.
"Yeah... yeah, it is. When you kiss and... then you kinda slip the tongue. It's called... making out…"
“I mean I know what making out is but like… I didn’t know that’s what was happening… inside.” You said, feeling a little stupid as you too turned red.
"Are you telling me you've never kissed someone with tongue before?"
“… I’ve never kissed anyone in my life… let alone done that tongue thing.”
“Jesus H. Christ, you’re a fucking virgin!” Eddie laughed loudly and obnoxiously, as though reveling in the revelation of your awkward secret.
Now it was your turn to huff indignantly, only staying because Eddie had put his arms around you and held you in place.
“I’m sorr… sorry!” He wheezed. “I’m sorry! No… no that’s not funny.”
“Pinche mamon!” You hissed.
He shook his head, wiping a tear from his eye as he smiled at you gently. His hands began rubbing at your bare shoulders, enjoying the sight of you in your sleeveless linen summer dress.
"Would you like to try it again...?” He asked softly, “The tongue thing?"
You curled your soft legs around his thin waist, your Chuck Taylors pressing into the armrest of the leather bench seats of the van. His body responded automatically, intimates standing to attention in a single fluid contraction of throbbing hot flesh through denim… when you felt him get hard, how could you stay mad at him?
“Yeah… teach me, how do you do the tongue thing…?” you asked.
He gently pressed his forehead to yours, faces mere inches apart.
"Well, princess, it's pretty simple."
He paused for a moment, leaning in slightly closer to your face as he spoke in a soft, low voice.
"Gimme the Gene Simmons, like this..."
He slowly stuck his tongue out, the tip brushing against your lips. You giggled, mimicking him and laughing when his long tongue flicked against yours.
"That's right, princess. Just like that..."
“Then what?” You asked. Words were a bit garbled because your tongue was still lolled out.
"Well, princess, once our tongues are out, we... we kind of…”
He paused, his eyes locked on your lips before leaning in a little closer.
"Let them... explore each other..."
Eddie smiled at your quiet, accepting response.
"Don't worry, we'll go slow. We don’t have anywhere to be." He said, eyes never quite leaving your lips.
"I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?"
"Close your eyes, princess."
You obediently closed them, lips parted slightly as you felt Eddie’s warm breath caress your face. He evidently decided he would skip the gentle pecks and go for the tongue thing, so you kept your mouth a little open this time.
"Good girl.” He whispered, leaning in towards you, “You keep your mouth just like that…”
It was then you realized that not only did he taste like the Camels he smoked, but like cheap beer, chocolate, and some kind of cereal you couldn’t quite place. All a myriad and fucked up mishmash of different flavors.
And you loved every minute of it.
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hanilessa · 2 years
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imagine modern au, where childe is a twenty three year old businessman, who owns one of the biggest companies in snezhnaya. tartaglia doesn't take all his responsibility seriously, arranges parties right in his office, invites his rich friends and orders girls from a strip club, simply because he can afford it. he arrives at work in the afternoon in his black mercedes benz, and, getting out of the car, takes off his sunglasses, playfully winking at the giggling girls standing nearby.
and you struggle to understand, why they were so attracted to this moron, who at twenty three years old arranges drinking and doesn't strive for anything. at twenty one years old you got a good job as a marketing manager and you never expected to work for someone like him. you and he are from different worlds, and you, sometimes furtively take a look at him, think that you and he aren't destined to cross paths.
one day, by chance, your and his paths converge, when a ginger man accidentally hits you with an car door, because of which you get a slight injury. after he took you to the pharmacy, your and his meeting ends with you accusing tartaglia of being a dork and rude, and childe is surprised to realize, that no one has ever spoken to him in this way. this amuses him, and he realizes, that he has become interested in you. this is how your and his frequent meetings begin.
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` a/n: it was on this draft that i wrote my previous fic. i was very inspired by this idea. so let me know if you want i to write a full fic with this idea. i will appreciate your comments <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks @buffythevampirelover for the tag! This game looks fun!
Rules: answer as few or as many as you'd like!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
TSP: Lexi was! TSP started out as a school project, and we had to create a character sheet for our first person narrator! That was "Alexia" who is now just "Lexi" (but her full name is still Alexia).
SOTL: The concept! "School for fairy tale characters" was basically it. I got discouraged a bit when I found out this concept already existed, but that didn't mean I couldn't do my own take!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
My favorite types of intros for TV shows are original theme songs or very catchy instrumental music. 30-60 seconds is a good length. I'd hope that for TSP and SOTL. Hope this isn't a cop-out.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
TSP: My favorite characters to write for are Lexi, Gwen, Akash, Robbie, and Carmen. Lexi because the arc I gave her is an exaggerated version of something that speaks a lot to me. Gwen because I wasn't expecting her to be as interesting as she ended up being planned to be. Robbie and Akash because of how funny and sweet their dynamic is. Yes, I love them separately, but they're a package set. Carmen because she's just so damn interesting I love studying her under a microscope.
SOTL: I am barely into writing it, but it's Jack at the moment. Shocker, he has three chapters while Tierney and Úrsula have one each! But the reason is that he is average at everything, but he doesn't let that get him down! He's funny and relatable and a dork.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
TSP: Hm, good question. The only thing coming to mind right now is Young Justice (the cartoon). Starts out with this fun group of kids, becomes extremely dark. Ensemble cast. Sneaking around. Superpowers. Fight scenes. Drama.
SOTL: Insert fairy tale retelling here.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
TSP: Juggling everything. The world building, I guess. Making all the characters distinct was something I struggled at for a while, but I'm getting much better at it. Trying to figure out how the world works is challenging, but I am having fun. But juggling all the moving parts to make it cohesive is a challenge.
SOTL: What is plot?!! Also battling my ambition to do every fairy tale ever. I'm gonna have to make a lot of background characters that will get their own side stories separate from the main series to get all that I want. I probably will do that.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
TSP: Yep! Alium has a lot of fantasy creatures, animal hybrids, and fun things I just made up. Custos the dragon is the only truly prominent one right now. He's a blue fire dragon and is adorable. I also have kitsunes. Animal hybrids include unibison, ferretsnakes, cowyotes, beaverducks. Things I made up include the elemental foxes and blue hedgehogs.
SOTL: Hofiwi is an anthropomorphic bear! She was cursed to be anthropomorphic, this is not a normal thing in this world. I love her and she's just planned at the moment. Can't wait to do more.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
TSP: Hovercrafts, dragons, teleporting, trains, and some other power-based travel
SOTL: I'm still figuring this out no one has gone anywhere yet. Dragons or carriages would be cool. Maybe I can mix them with something modern to fit the setting.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
TSP: World building! Specifically the power database since that will be the backbone for everything.
SOTL: Reading fairy tales... I need to do that more
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
TSP: Powers, diverse cast, queer/disability rep
SOTL: same as TSP but fairy tales!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
If I see one (1) fanart between either my life will be complete.
This was fun!
Softly tagging @mk-writes-stuff @jezifster @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @sleepywriter00 @mysticstarlightduck @sarahlizziewrites @writernopal @gottestod-writes + anyone who wants to join!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - giving a slightly harder nudge than usual cause I really want to see what y'all have to say! Still optional obviously
Blanks below the cut!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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hum-suffer · 1 year
Hey! I don't know if you take requests or not but can you write a short anecdote on Nakul and Karenumati?
Anywhoo, you're an AMAZING writer!
Hello!!! Thank you so much, you're so very sweet, love! And of course, I'd love to write for these two dorks.
Three clues of falling
1. Nakul never expected to fall in love with his second wife. Karenumati and he had several differences, their respective ages being the most glaringly obvious. With years and bruises of the forest dwelling ages, he had mellowed, and he had been afraid that a young wife would not understand him.
But he didn't know how wrong he had been.
The first difference he learnt by himself, is that Karenumati dog ears all the books she reads. Nakul has never, in his life, ever read for pleasure. The medical books he reads, he keeps them meticulous and as clean as a recently written book would look. She reads for pleasure and the tales often dance from romance to courage to pain to horror.
The first time he found her in their bed chambers, face down and sniffles loud, he had almost panicked himself to death. The book lying beside her was of no concern to him as he touched her for the first time in three months and held her hand, kneeling on the ground to ask her what was wrong.
She'd leant into the touch and sighed,"I wish love didn't have to be so filthily mocked." Even more questions had darted in his mind and fear gripped his body faster than an arrow— had he seen wrong? Was she unhappy with their union? Did she love someone else?
Panic that coloured him spilt on her too. She read his face and protested,"No, my lord! This story, this story I was reading, it did not have an... amenable ending and I was upset about that fact, is all!"
The sigh of relief he had let out should have clued him about something.
2. The other difference between them was more subtle and took too long to catch up but Nakul is nothing if not persistent.
She abhorred the colour red.
Her wedding outfit was the only one that was ever red in her closet and Nakul wouldn't have noticed the fact, if not for her enthusiasm when she told him of every outfit she bought. A plethora of pinks and yellows, more mellowed blues and greens, starker whites and even glittering blacks. No reds.
"I brought this for you, Renu," he'd said to her, gifting her a golden hued scarf that had her name shakily handwoven. He'd tried his best but medical needles are way better suited in his hands than sewing needles. The scarf had been stark gold enough that a bright red of her name stood out— he blamed this on Panchali, she'd mentioned that the colour scheme would look good and he, as always, followed her advice blindly.
Karenumati took the scarf from his hands gingerly and fingered her name. "Thank you, my dearest," when my lord changed to my dearest had always been a question to him but he did not need an answer to that. She'd been changed from my lady to Renu. "But it is incomplete."
Her hand, so much smaller than his, enclosed around his wrist as she pulled him to sit on their bed. "How is my name ever complete without yours beside it?"
That night, she told him why she hated red. Because it reminded her of everyone her father had executed, because she had been forced to watch those executions, because blood had never been a sight welcome.
That night, he apologized to her, hand in her scented hair. "I'm sorry, Renu," he said, all the formalities forgotten,"I'll sew our names into another cloth. With another stitch."
"No," she'd murmured, lips pressed to his shoulder,"I've started liking this red in your light."
The way he removed almost all of his red clothes from his closet, should have clued him.
3. The third and the biggest difference between the two of them was that while he had mellowed over the years, he became eccentric with her.
An excursion well onto the middle of Indraprasth should have been a good example for them. Anything that Karenumati picked up with a thoughtful look and later put down, Nakul kept a line of. Every shop they went to, every thing she called beautiful, he knew. A memory that never faded was extremely useful in his endeavours, for he intended for his wife to have everything she liked.
The gold cummerband that she'd gifted him last year on his birthday made an obvious click with his every step and he yet wore it everyday to see her laugh. He suspected she'd gifted him that mainly to let her be aware of his presence since he had developed a habit of surprising her.
He had been so engrossed in paying attention to his wife, who flitted from place to place like a butterfly, her green and blue saree marking her the queen of butterflies, that he did not pay attention to just where she'd been leading him. The sight that greeted him when the sun was about to tumble to his own abode was as beautiful as a nymph.
His wife, his young wife who he'd been worried would never understand him, took him to a field of tulips, none red. His favourite flowers danced along the breeze and the orange of the Sun looked nothing as beautiful as rows and rows of the flowers. And none of the flowers looked as beautiful as his wife.
Karenumati grinned at him,"A very happy birthday to you, my dearest."
"Thank you, my love."
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kellycataclysm · 5 months
you did an AMA meme thing HERE https://www.tumblr.com/kellycataclysm/749762678012133376/fanfic-writer-ask-meme?source=share i wanna know the answers to K and U!
ilysm <3
Questions from my bb! Love you boo. <3
K - Do you have any guilty pleasures in fic (Reading or Writing)?
YES definitely. I love to do call backs and have my characters use the same lines of dialogue. For example, I often have Harvey make a bad joke which Lyra will tell him is terrible. His standard reply is ‘What are you talking about? It was excellent.’ Honestly, I’m really not as funny as I think I am, but this amuses me endlessly. 
HOWEVER, my biggest guilty pleasure is how I keep making references to Harvey’s birthday in year one. I have referenced this in the long fic and three separate short fics. I love putting in little teasers about it. You know the birthday I mean. The line in the long fic is this: ‘Sweetheart… I remember you said I could have you any way I want to…’ He smirked, goosebumps prickling over my skin as he gently brushed my hair away from my neck. ‘I have an idea for my birthday if you’re interested. Champagne, strawberries and chocolate, things that will keep you tied up for just a little while…’
Maybe one day, I’ll write it.
With reading, my bookmarks are a wild and open place, so anyone who clicks on my AO3 can see the stories I go back to! I don’t know if it is a guilty pleasure, but I do love a monster/ supernatural fic! I am part way through a werewolf one written by my lovely friend @maylilithreign that I love and I have a demon one tucked away that I’d like to finish reading sometime. 
U - Is there a pairing you would like to write but haven’t yet?
This is a tricky one. I have written a Winter Star story about Gus and Marnie, a server gift for @runawayface, I’ve also written a Mr Qi one-shot (a little trade fic just for my beloved @henarikat) and I’ve been looking forward to writing another friend’s OC and Shane (I'm looking at you @cozylittlebridget.) As soon as I finish my long fic, that’s the first thing I am writing. 
I think I would really like to write some platonic pairings. Definitely would like to write more Lyra and Emily and perhaps Harvey with someone... Maybe more interactions with Evelyn (who I wrote to be a little like Carrie Fisher) or maybe Maru...? I feel I could have some fun writing the dialogue with these. I’d also love to write some AU stuff and have Lyra meet some of my lovely friend’s OCs. That would be fun. Otherwise, it’s hard to think of a romantic pairing. Maybe if I ever stop writing my two dorks, an idea might come to me. 
Thank you for your questions bestie! ilysm! <3
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
I'm only asking about Arsenios for now 👀
General 03 When is their birthday? Do they celebrate it? Do they even remember it in the first place?
General 10 What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed?
Relationship & Personality 14 What is their biggest regret?
Demon 03 Do they have any special abilities? (fyi you could write a 50 page essay about his powers and I'd happily read it because his powers are just so cool <3)
Yesss I could talk about this guy all day every day and never grow tired of it. It makes me feel silly but I love him lol. Thank you for asking about him!
General 03 When is their birthday? Do they celebrate it? Do they even remember it in the first place?
His birthday is 3/4 which is also a musical time signature because I'm a dork like that. (Er well that's March 4th here in the US, I know dates are written differently in different countries lol.) Yes, my boy is a Pisces. He doesn't celebrate his birthday at all because he doesn't think it's important. He's the kind of demon who won't tell people when it is because he'll just be like who cares? He does remember it just because he doesn't forget stuff like that, but he's not keeping track of it, either. I don't think he knows his exact age anymore.
General 10 What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed?
Skeptical. Arsenios spent a lot of time in the human world previously and generally thinks the worlds are incompatible. He has no problem with humans. He thinks there are good and bad humans the same way there are good and bad demons. But he thinks the lifespan and power level situation makes things tricky. He's also highly suspicious of sorcerers and it seems to him that they're the only ones the Devildom would really be dealing with. Since it seems like regular humans don't even know the Devildom exists.
As for the Celestial Realm, he sees that as some mystical and magical place that's so removed from him in every sense he just can't imagine ever even talking to angels let alone befriending them.
I think his opinion does change after a while. He sees that it's slow going, but that progress is being made. And he's like hey whatever if this is what Diavolo wants to do, he's okay with that.
Relationship & Personality 14 What is their biggest regret?
If you asked him, he'd say he has no regrets because he likes to think he's learned something from everything that he's done. But what he says and how he feels are often two different things. And as his creator, I can tell you what it is lol. He was seriously injured and alone and while I don't think he would have died, the results would have been devastating for him. But someone found him and helped him. His regret is never finding his savior, never knowing who it was that helped him when he was at his lowest.
Demon 03 Do they have any special abilities?
Ahhh Melody you're too nice! I feel like I'm already writing massive paragraphs, but it'd be so easy to write 50 pages about it I think lol.
Anyway, yes, so Arrie's whole thing is obviously music. And his power kind of manifests in multiple different ways. The most prominent and probably most useful is his ability to use his songs to do magic. For example, he can use a song to influence someone. It's less mind control and more subliminal suggestion. This is something he can do quite easily and naturally. It's innate and he just does it by thinking about it deliberately. He can get people to do things, but it's a lot harder to make someone do things, especially if they don't want to do it. He's a lot better at more subtle things like a song that suggests someone's body needs to relax or that someone should consider falling asleep. However, he can also create entire spells with his songs if he wants to. He just doesn't normally bother to do this because it's a lot of work. It has to do with creating specific notes and using specific keys and chords. Kind of like instead of writing an incantation for a spell, he's writing a song for one. But it has to be very deliberate and most of the time he's like whatever there are already spells someone else created why would I make my own?
Another thing about his power is that he has this sort of ongoing song that's just part of his soul. It's not something most people can hear. If he's upset or hurt, though, it becomes loud and just sort of permeates whatever space he's in. Then people can hear it and it's always really harsh and almost painful to listen to.
He also has the ability to hear other people's natural songs. It isn't quite the same as his, which sounds more like someone playing an instrument of some kind. It's more like all the little sounds that make up a living being - heartbeat, footsteps, breathing, their voice, etc.
And just a lot of other little things like having perfect pitch and being able to play every instrument (though he still has to practice, it's just he picks it up quickly). Naturally good singing voice, that kind of thing.
Ahh well I still wrote a TON about it lol. But once I get started, it's hard to stop! I guess that's why his story ended up so crazy and long 😭
Anyway, thank you for asking, it is so fun to answer questions about him! 💕
MC & OC Ask Game
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
XXII for all 3 of them!
Thank you for the ask!! 😊🤗💗
Just a little heads-up: all of this happens in my (wish-fulfilling/WIP) AU where all of the LIs got their own arc and healing/redemption at some point and at their own pace.
XXII.) Will your MC and their LI ever get married? Who is at the wedding party?
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They will, when is another question! I can easily imagine these two dorks going around the world and living the life of a married couple for years (or a while xD ) before someone in their family asks:
"Are you two planning to get married or not?"
And the two just stay blank for a moment as they realize "...oh shit, it's true, we're not legally married!"
Out of my three OCs, it's probably the "biggest" wedding as in they have the larger group of guests: all of the other LIs are invited, both Niamh's and Asra's close family of course, and some more.
Asra's parents are there, of course. Nadia and her family too, all of them were invited since it seemed rude to only invite the sisters he and Niamh were the closest to, but in the end, they're the ones who came along (Namira, Nahara, Navra and Natiqa). Nadia's parents, Nafizah and Nazali couldn't make it but they insisted on sending presents and their congratulations. Portia is Niamh's maid of honour (and proud of it!), naturally Julian and Mazelinka were in too. Muriel and Réamann - who are probably married or planning to - came together with Khamgalai (yes she's alive, I won't change my mind).
The two ants of Niamh come too, bringing more family from Izumi's side mostly, but also some of Lucina's friends who saw Niamh growing up.
Niamh also wished Erwin and Lucio to be there for their wedding but hesitated a bit, not wanting to create unnecessary tension for some guests. However, at this point, Muriel and Lucio can be in the same room without dampering the atmosphere and there would be enough people to interact so the two don't have to sit next to each other, even less discuss. Everything turned out fine, fortunately!
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I can see these two getting married! For a while, they might question if it was essential; but after long discussions and thinking, the two decide to tie the knot.
Muriel also saw this as an opportunity to come back to his roots by having a traditional Kokhuri ceremony, to Khamgalai's joy. But he knew that some Vesuvian traditions are important for Réa too, so they decided to make the wedding in two equal parts.
To no one surprise, they had a small committee wedding:
The family: their "parents": Khamgalai for Muriel, Lucina and Izumi for Réamann. Niamh, Réa's twin sister, and Linh (one of Izumi's "cousins", close to both Réa and Muriel).
Close friends: Asra, Julian, Nadia and Portia. Natiqa received a personal invitation too and is very flattered.
Depending on when they decide to marry, Erwin might get an invitation, but the latter doesn't want Lucio to feel like he's the only one excluded (Lucio gets along well with Réamann after all) so he stays for the main ceremonies but not the after-party. If Muriel and Réamann's wedding happens after Niamh and Asra's, Lucio is allowed to come, but he only stays long enough to congratulate them and gives them a gift.
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Probably the first couple to get married. They planned it soon after the game's events and the moment Lucio gets pardoned, they pick the day for the wedding.
Lucio regretted that the late Count Spada is dead, for he would have loved to have him at the wedding, as his "adoptive" father. He doesn't have any family he wanted to invite, yet he could swear he spotted Morga at some point, looking from afar.
From Erwin's side, Lucina and Izumi, the twins (Niamh and Réa) but also some of Erwin's aunts and cousins (his adoptive family) were there to celebrate. Erwin got teased mercilessly by his aunts, to Lucio's (and other people's) great amusement.
As for their friends: Julian, Portia, Mazelinka, Valerius, Volta and Nazali. Some of their friends from the mercenary's days also made it to their wedding, also celebrating "their return among them".
Nadia came as Portia's plus one, not that she wasn't wanted, but the two were not sure if it was sensible to invite Lucio's ex-wife... the two ended up having a lot of fun teasing each other despite everything.
Asra came too but didn't stay as long as Niamh did (which they had agreed on). Muriel helped with Réamann's gift and wrote a polite note, but he stayed home.
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lanternlightss · 1 year
hi hi! for the bingo ask game:
nameless bard, venti, percy, and/or annabeth
(ask game)
OOOOOO the sillies….. let’s see…..
under the cut, as the rambles got a tad bit long XD
nameless bard -
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….honestly not even half surprised there’s a bingo, this guy has lived in my head completely rent free for two years XD.
BUT. onto a bit of character dissection: truly and fully believe there is blood on his hands. sometimes he lays awake, feeling guilty, over whether or not a death was warranted or needed. sometimes he wonders how he could’ve made it more painful. it’s about the Duality. someone who would willingly raze down an entire city, but is also currently in the process of dancing with his little wisp friend.
however, on the other hand, he is just. he feels like a cringefail guy. the type of dude who would hit himself in the face trying to spin his weapon in a cool way. he would be the biggest dork <3. (also if you removed his cloak and unbraided him, he would look like a wet cat.) (so would venti—)
i just!!! think he would be going through it almost 24/7… not to bring up the old mond—cecilia connection/metaphor once more, but, if you put him in today’s mondstadt, he would struggle so much!!! constantly alert and looking for exits or the quickest way to take someone down, always on the watch for potential foes or friends, losing sleep over countless what-ifs and “is this real?”
(also adore anger being a big part of him. he is ultimately caring and kind, but there is so much rage towards decarabian, towards their situation……. also gently pushing the bard is a strategist agenda and he would have weekly meetings with timmy agenda. he rambles to venti about every species of bird there is. he has drawings.)
just a guy trying to see the birds fly ……
(the “he would’ve been a better character if handled differently”—so much of mondstadt is centered around him and old mond, yet there is!!! Almost Nothing!!!! On His Character!!!!!
honestly would’ve filled in the fanon is better slot but bard has so little canon. he has so much potential and i am and will forever be shaking the bars of my enclosure over that.
though him not having a name feels very fitting for a mondstadt character, especially one like him, being connected to venti and mondstadt’s history. it’s very <3 that people can chose names for him, based on different things.
on the other. please canon name….
also he and venti are autistic-adhd solidarity—)
percy -
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percy….. percy beloved <3
genuinely still getting used to his character, but he is just. he is truly one of the guys ever.
his unwavering loyalty? (to the point that it becomes his fatal flaw?) his unrelenting care and love for the people around him? his anger? his decision to be kind? everything about him???
i am holding him in my palms and gently cradling.
(his desire to keep everyone safe and unharmed is also (mwah) So Much potential there. he wants to keep holding up the sky for everyone. he is so willing to be a shield and i am SHAKING my fists at son of neptune and the river.)
honestly though this guy needs a nap and some therapy, gods above! he has been put through so much (especially after house of hades, all three of them should have a sit down and talk, because holy shit.) he is so tired. he is trying to make it through highschool and graduate. he is trying so desperately to be a Good Kid and everything keeps trying to convince him Not To Be.
genuinely percy should be given the option to go off the shits. he should have a rematch with ares. he should be able to fight hera. hell, he should be able to call zeus a dick to his face, because seriously????? (i am also gesturing wildly to all the times percy got a little bit of bloodlust during fights. he can be unhinged, as a treat.) if percy killed a god i would cheer so loudly and celebrate for weeks because He Deserves It at this point (however he probably won’t because that would harm his loved ones in the process but he very likely has thought of it before.) (beat their asses, young perseus.)
also percy is just. a little head empty sometimes. he is very smart!!! and he also immediately went “Man Those. Cabin. Looks Nice.” when annabeth hugged him XD. honestly adore a big part of his narrations (especially the “i want food :(“ ones. he just wants to live a relatively normal life shsbdndn. rick let him bake with his mom!!!)
(the if he was handled differently is entirely biased and i am shaking HoO specifically by the shoulders. there are so many He Would Not Fucking Say That moments. i just. am Not The Biggest fan of how he was written in HoO, it feels like rick forgot a few parts of his character.
pjo is an absolute <3. seeing percy getting progressively fed up with everything and his struggles, how he refuses to harm any of the opposing demigods….. though if people would tell him things that would be !! lovely. please stop shoving him into the deep end—
again, would’ve filled in the like fanon better slot, but there are many fics + posts calling him stupid or horrifically mischaracterizing him to look like an absolute asshole (he runs his mouth and insults people but good gods he is not?? going to be Like That??) though fanon does a very good job at developing percy’s relationships, i owe all the fics about percy and sally everything.)
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For the ask game!
giving u options cause i can’t choose lol
🥀🌸🌵 for Rex, Echo, or Nevaeh! <333
Hiii girly! Thanks for the ask! Bc ur special u get all the answers :))
🥀: darkest headcanon/theory
Rex: most of my like,,, "Rex's dark stuff" is just general clone headcanons because Rex is sort of Nevaeh's "way in" into the clones. so all my Rex angst is pertaining to my character studies of the clones individuality, humanity, rights, and autonomy. and I vent abt that all the time. But here an angsty thought abt Rex's autonomy: I talked about Anakin not always respecting it, but still, we see Rex gain individuality and humanity and, even though Anakin tends to violate it, Rex does also gain a sense of autonomy. Meaning that his body is his and not someone else's and he knows it. And then order 66 happens :')). and all the autonomy he did gained over the last three years is ripped away in abt 5 seconds :'))
Echo: He was largely awake and conscious for the Techno Unions experimentation and modification on his body
Nevaeh: [saturn u did it, u found a way to make me spoil her back story. I will dm you, if u rlly wanna know]
🌸: favourite headcanon
Rex: he is an amazing CO and suuper confident and sure of himself when in captain mode, but put him in any for of social situation ever and he turns into the biggest fcking dork idiot, just stuttering his way through every sentence bc how the fck do normal people even talk? wth man how???
Echo: pre-Citadel everybody thought that he was the responsible one and Fives was the troublemaker. The reality is that Echo was never dragged along on Fives' schemes, he participated willingly and happily and came up with a good 45% of the pranks pulled on the Captain
Nevaeh: She will not hesitate to deck someone actually. Like she is a very restrained and respectful warrior, and a kind person, though she is straightforward and outspoken too, she's never openly offensive. But ooh, you offended someone she cared about? you put your hands on a family member? you try pulling any sort of shit on someone she loves?? you get roundhouse kicked in the face and then punched in the stomach. She will not hesitate to hold you down until you apologise either. Oh you wanna report it to her CO's? Who do you think taught her this sort of behaviour? (Terrans are actually so much more feral than u think girly)
🌵: fact about them in one of my aus
Rex: this story will mainly be helping Rex finding, and understanding, his humanity and the many facets it can have. its going to be complicated and at times even painful, but in the end he's gonna be better for it.
Echo: now, this story is gonna be a fix-it au, but I still think that Echo's story is IMMENSELY powerful and I don't want to take away from that. At the same time, I also don't want him to suffer as much, so without giving away too much,,, he'll still blow up, but the aftermath will be different
Nevaeh: Not necessarily a fact, but I just loved building her culture and lore. I even started developing a language for them and it's honestly been such a fun time?? so here a couple key points on 'Vae's culture :)
There are 6 Tribes of Terra
1. Tikaani Tribe (Wolf)
2. Maahes Tribe (Lion)
3. Namiri Tribe (Panther)
4. Kada Tribe (Crocodile)
5. Nahash Tribe (Serpent)
6. Catus Tribe (Gorilla)
Nevaeh is Tikaani. Tikaani originated on the Terrans original planet, and is therefore considered higher status than the others. The other 5 Tribes live on different planet's that have been colonised by the Terrans (any native species to these planets has been fully eliminated (bc we don't do Mary sue over here (yes, I agree that colonialism is terrible and no, I do not support it)))
Warriors get a lot of respect on Terra, since they offer their lives to protect their people (which is why the clones' treatment has most Terrans like '???')
The next Tribe leader is one of the current Tribe Leaders children, but it's not about age or gender. The next leader is elected by the members of the Council of Six (Tribe Leaders), which is why most children of Tribe Leaders grow up in competition with their siblings.
I've been traveling all day, but this was sooo fun girly!!! thanks for the ask :))
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giftedfangs · 2 years
Arson I love you so much, who knew rping gay space rocks and minecraft out of all things would lead me to meet the best woman I could have ever asked for. You've been with me for three amazing but hard years and I hope that you will be with me for a lot more years. No matter what comes we will get through it together, because if I managed to get with somebody as amazing as you then I can do anything.
You are amazing even if your mean brain sometimes tells you otherwise. You are also a nerd
How would you describe the MUN of this blog?
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hun I hope you know that I'll always be here, as long as you'll have me by your side I'll spend as many years as I can being with you, talking with you, and just loving you.
I can't believe it's already been 3 years almost 4!! I know we can get through anything and I'm determined to make us our own comfy place to do what we want, be happy, and just ya know be ourselves. You've someone I've been able to be with so long, every day we message one another. You've been the biggest consistent comfort in my life and i would move the earth and the son for you.
i can hardly believe I've met someone as wonderful as you. I love you so much, with all my heart, and I will beat up anything that dares to try and ruin your day.
also you're a dork <3
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pretty-emo-dad · 2 years
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I posted 511 times in 2022
101 posts created (20%)
410 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 440 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 287 posts
#mike wheeler - 198 posts
#byler - 144 posts
#will byers - 90 posts
#lucas sinclair - 58 posts
#el hopper - 53 posts
#max mayfield - 48 posts
#eleven hopper - 47 posts
#jane hopper - 43 posts
#dustin henderson - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#spurred on by my heart aching and wanting to cry inside everytime one of my friends say “i think i left my beanie at [other persons] house’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thinking about everyone in the party just stealing Lucas’ clothes and everyone has their favorites. Like with Erica of course it’s just their laundry getting mixed or the first jacket she sees before getting the mail but she loves taking the expensive sunglasses he never wears out places with her bc it makes him mad. And then Max mixes up the matching stuff they bought all the time but also steals shirts she likes. Dustin wears Lucas’ bandannas and his hat from season one actually used to be Lucas’. Will hates the cold ever since the MF so Lucas will just give him hoodies and flannels that aren’t his style, Will loves the jacket with the fuzzy collar. El is a chronic shirt stealer with both Lucas and Will, and her favorite is the shirt she wore before the piggyback. Mike claims to hate sports (and he does) but has taken Lucas’ windbreaker hostage and wears his letterman every chance he gets
128 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
What I say: I’m fine
What I mean: Mike wheeler has been established as a caring,supportive, and protective friend from very early on in the story. The only time he ever has outburst of anger/moodiness are in times when he’s under emotional distress. The entirety of season 3 Mike is acting out towards Will. Its established that Mike often takes his anger out on other people (“what is wrong with you” to El in season 1, punching hopper in season 2) Most of these times he’s angry at himself for his own shortcomings, he’s projecting. The big Mike Wheeler argument of season three isn’t him breaking up with his girlfriend, it’s him and will’s fight, where he says “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”. Why would Mike, a caring devoted friend, someone who’s seen Will be bullied and been bullied himself, say that to his closest friend. In this context the argument doesn’t make any sense, unless mike is projecting his internalized homophobia onto Will. In this essay I will-
203 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Dustin being all “it’s so funny that you all have types” and everyone immediately being like “NO I DONT???”
And Dustin is just like “….Lucas, you like brooding people that have a special soft side, max and mike are mean as fuck but you still love them, and will is a quiet brooder but broody nonetheless”
“Eleven Hopper I love you so much but me and max are the biggest dorks around you, you like girls who’s brains go dumb at the sight of you. And I know Mike was your beard but him and max are literally the same person different font”
“Speaking of mike- El being your beard HAD to be projection because there’s no fucking way you found the nicest person in the party that WASNT Lucas or Will on accident. You did that shit subconsciously and you need to know it. Also will and Lucas are buff as shit”
“Will you like guys who are nice to and would die for you, but you can also bicker with like an old married couple. I think you knew this already tho, love u”
“Max ur literally dating Lucas and El, who cant be too close without me actually tearing up because they are so Nice. They’re also super protective and you act like you don’t like it but you do. I know this cuz we’re besties”
And everyone is just like stunned into silence
301 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Wait actually I’m thinking about how if Will and mike are stuck in the upside down in s5 the lighting will be mainly blue for them… and this season the lighting was mainly yellow. Yellow means wills pov and blue means mikes are u picking up what I am putting down
355 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Elmike breaking up bc they’re both gay only to be in love v the opposite gender versions of each other is so
462 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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I posted 2,573 times in 2022
That's 1,126 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (1%)
2,546 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 441 of my posts in 2022
#jjk - 44 posts
#naruto - 35 posts
#the grishaverse - 35 posts
#desi - 30 posts
#dc - 27 posts
#dream smp - 26 posts
#fma(b) - 23 posts
#mcyt - 21 posts
#mlb - 17 posts
#this - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#they were rivals bc of several factors: naruto not knowing how to be sasuke’s friend and being jealous of him which caused him to childishly
My Top Posts in 2022:
Naruto AU where Uchiha Sasuke is not The Cool DudeTM  who swears a lot, but the biggest nerd you have ever seen.
The dork grew up in a giant extended family who were very traditional and probably got scolded for saying darn.
Idiot (affectionate) was later on hell bent on getting revenge. So I need you tell me he sometimes didn't stay awake at when his poshy rich kid persona resurfaced out of the trauma and he had a little whatamidoingwhydididothatwhatwouldeveryonethinkofme- moment.
Heck, the only reason he was seen as the cool kid in school, was cuz it was school. we all cringe looking back at it.
I'm just saying, Sasuke probably spent all his time in Konoha either talking like an old man or a rich kid with a poshy ascent.
31 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
We don’t talk about this scene enough
Aleksander, approaching Alina with her guards having just received the news of the stag and seen the tracker, already planning to celebrate taking over the other nations using the fold and testing one final time to see if the tracker is who he claims he is and if he is any threat to his other plans with Alina: *Offers flowers* For you.
Kaz and Inej, disguised as Alina’s guards, having just gotten rid of Arken who was going to betray them, having nearly died many times, knowing dang well that Jesper is sleeping with the stable boy as he was suppossed to be their get-away driver and were just about to kidnap Alina: *Side-eyes with an ‘Is This Guy Serious’ look*
Alina, blissfully ignorant of all the attempts to kill and/or kidnap her that are currently taking place, that one of her friends have been murdered, her childhood friend that she thought had given up on her is on the palace after nearly dying so many times just to talk to her, all the people around her want to use her but for different reasons and the the fact that her entire life is going to get thrown into a roller coaster in a few hours: *Taking the flowers* Thank you.
47 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
yall, sometimes i forget how much funny the darkling can be. like we don’t give him enough credit for it.
like i know he is the big bad guy who did a lot of horrible stuff but every time he makes an appearance i get all giddy to see what dramatic shit this bastard is going to do now.
like that one scene in Siege And Storm: where he personally took Alina to her cabin and through the prison and one time she tripped and he “put his hand on the small of her back to steady her and didn’t let go”. for what? just to make Mal jealous? “You’ll know when I make her scream.” (sir????????????)
and then Rule Of Wolves comes out and i actually got to read his POV and ooooh boy, i was not dissapointed.
Aleksander, watching his army of fateful Starless gather and prepare to follow his orders and march to the northern front of the war: Never in my centuries long life have i ever regretted being sober more than I do now at this moment.
and in the final fight with the fjerdans where he arrives with his cult to get favor and popularity for Zoya and in Nikolai’s POV he was like,
Aleksander: ;)
Nikolai: Did that bastard just fvking WINK-
like, hes funny man
58 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Sakura, abt Sasuke: How do you think we can trust him?! May I remind you thet he tried to kill us before!
Sai: He did try to kill me.
Naruto: He also tried to kill me on several occasions.
Naruto: There was this one time when we were genin and her turned himself into a frog 'cuz he knew I love frogs. And I was like "Ooo a frog!". And I picked it up to admire it.
Naruto: Then he turned back into himself and was like "Blearg! It's me!" and then he stabbed me.
Naruto: We were twelve at that time.
75 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Her love language is violence, and I am a masochist.
- BR!Wilbur to Techno abt Sally
106 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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