tobiasdrake · 8 months
Spoiler tag on this Ask 'cause I have a follower playing through who hasn't gotten here yet:
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That would be a great explanation for Nekomaru's inexplicable Still Being Alivedness, but unfortunately, they already nuked it. It's noted that the body parts they take from Junko's corpse don't actually work.
We get very few confirmations on exactly what parts everyone salvaged from Junko's corpse, and DR3 went out of its way to avoid revisiting that plot point as much as possible. But Nagito has Junko's hand sewn onto his arm (complete with her fake nails so everyone knows whose hand it is) and talks about it. There, he mentions that he can't move it. It's just. There.
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Their surgeon (presumably Mikan?) did not do a very good job with these transplants. So instead of usable body parts, they have the grossest fashion accessories ever.
Probably for the best that Nekomaru not get a heart transplant from the same doctor and donor.
Though that would be hilarious if Nekomaru was, like, the one transplant from Junko's inexplicably-intact-despite-being-crushed-into-goop body that actually took. Her lasting impact in death was a gesture of hope for a man doomed to die.
A gesture of hope literally pried from her cold, dead fingers.
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Random Bullshit WENT
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Image by @thebibliomancer from this post
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
Ah I see you finishd dr2! Great! I want to talk to you about it! But you block your comments and only let people you follow message you and it feels to open to just repost in the open I leave a ask because I saw from scrolling you have thoughts and I can explain them! As a fellow Junko analizer and lore master I'd love to help anyway I can so please let me offer you this invitation
I'm sorry that commenting on posts feels more open! But I made that decision re: comments (only people I follow and who have followed me for a week) and messages for my own safety. (Because porn bots suck and I don't want to deal with that.)
And with messaging - the most fun I've had in the DR fandom so far (and usually in most fandoms this holds true) is having those sorts of discussions in the open so that other people are included. I've liked the yes and aspect of thinking about the games and the characters with @tobiasdrake and @thebibliomancer (and with @cobaltstarling! who hasn't played the games! but gets the vibes!) and would much rather lore discussions and analysis and commentary that way than in individual one-on-one messaging.
Which is to say, I would love to talk about the things! But would prefer it in the open.
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umbrasdoodles · 1 month
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More Umbra dream queue - I dreamt I was in a TTRPG that was at least very evocative of Code Lyoko, and my friend @thebibliomancer was the GM, and he made a meme of my character? Wacky stuff.  (PS it is thebibliomancer's birthday wish him a happy birthday)
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dynjay · 1 year
I was tagged by @lethotep!
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Nah, though I don't think my name is terribly uncommon
 2. When was the last time you cried?
When I was rewatching One Piece and got to Brook's backstory. Thriller Bark isn't my favorite arc by far, but god, his story and his song absolutely destroys me...
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 3. Do you have kids? 
Hahahahahaha no. I would not thrive as a parent and am not interested in becoming one. There's so much I want to do career-wise, hobby-wise, life-in-general-wise, that I have trouble imagining myself taking care of another pet right now, much less a wholeass human.
Respect to those who do have kids though; it does not sound easy (or cheap) to be a parent, holy cow
 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Mmmm not really? I think my humor can be a little dry sometimes though idk
 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their face, and then a feel for their personality by how they talk and stuff (especially if it's not in-person)
 6. What’s your eye colour? 
Only the color of my fav snack :)
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 7. Any special talents? 
It's not that special, but I know how to make tiny paper cranes! Sometimes I make them when on a special occasion, like someone's bday or something
 8. Where were you born? 
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 9. What are your hobbies? 
Well, I re-opened my Etsy again recently and have been drawing more here and there to work on my comic!
I've also started catching up on anime Demon Slayer and One Piece lately. May also be obsessed with the game Pizza Tower these days
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henheehoo funny little men :]
 10. Have you any pets? 
I used to have a cat, but she passed away last year Her name was Index and she was the sweetest cat I ever got to know :[ <3
 11. What sports do you play/have you played? 
I have very little experience for all sports across the board lol
 12. How tall are you? 
Not tall enough >:(
 13. Favorite subject in school? 
Just kidding, I liked math lol Would've liked it more if I was great at it, but alas
 14. Dream job? 
Money = Comfortable Benefits = Good Work = Satisfying Commute = Short Coworkers = Can genuinely become friends with Work-Life = Relaxed and balanced
If it checks all of these boxes, it really doesn't matter what it is; I'd probably be pretty darn happy with it
 WHO AM I TAGGING: @maidenthestargazer @felesrubrum @archdemoning @tedious-insanity @thebibliomancer
and anyone else who feels like doing this :)
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direhoneybadger · 5 years
Playing RPGs with friends and getting distracted by 87 million tangents or as I like to call it: 
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csarracenian · 7 years
If you're doing the expression meme thing: Su Suci in 5C?
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squeewentthefangirl · 7 years
On this day, November 28, 2017, I am not even a little ashamed to admit that I immediately took the Homestuck true sign quiz as soon as I knew it was a thing. Bury me with my grey face paint, wild theories, and my soon to be acquired Arsci gear.
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insertdisc5 · 7 years
What kind of work does an eye thief get up to? Eye thievery?
ive got a vague idea of them either granting your wishes if you give them your eye, or them violently stealing the eyes of bad people
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Putting this Ask under a spoiler banner since I have at least one person who wants to play V3 blind.
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XD The funny thing is, that might actually be correct. I don't remember where it's established but it's believed that Tsumugi's a survivor from the previous season DR52, who was then promoted to writer for DR53.
It's entirely possible that all their best writers got killed off.
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dundeelemonade · 7 years
So I just caught up on Wolf 359. Ha ha ha ow!
welcome to the crew, here’s your knife for stabbing people in the back.
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penguinkinggames · 7 years
Is there a deadline on the open call for contributors?
(With reference to this post here.)
Nope - it’s basically open until all of the slots fill up. We still have a couple left at the time of this posting.
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umbrasdoodles · 5 months
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In Final Fantasy XIV Vaespar was having a lot of trouble with some kobolds. @thebibliomancer provided this explanation for why. 
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aryashi · 7 years
Fic title: The World Is Not For Burning
Hmmm... that’s a good one. To me this sounds like a story about Locus slowly unlearning all the damage that Felix and his trauma had taught him, trying to get back to Sam and seeing value in life and human lives. It’s a very Anti-Felix title, in my mind. 
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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dynjay · 3 years
I'm thinking of commissioning a picture but its for a character I don't have a reference image of yet. Would it be good enough to have a written description and images illustrating the kinds of things I'm thinking of?
What’s up biblio!
Unfortunately, my commissions are closed at the moment because I just don’t think I could handle doing any right now 3:
I’ll def let you know when they’re open again though and we can talk more about it then c:
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wcdonaldsofficial · 2 years
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Deadpool Samurai (Trade Paperback, Vol. 1 Pg. 26)
Submitted by @thebibliomancer​
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