#Then today I got seated next to someone in a restaurant because we were both solo diners
crowley1990 · 4 months
I’ve now had two serendipitous really lovely chance encounters with a stranger the last two times I was in London where I ended up sitting next to someone and then having a great chat with them for like an hour and it was just so nice and really gave me a high and I think this is my sign to start going on dates
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taytriestohardd · 3 months
Can you do reader and kp are rival’s and they both like each other and when y’all play against each other her and reader flirt the whole Time.
No Snarky Remark?
Kelsey Plum x reader
Summary: Reader plays for the Indiana Fevers against the Las Vegas Aces and continues her flirtatious rivalry with Kelsey Plum.
Warnings: a few jokingly mean comments? Let me know if I missed anything
Readers POV:
Kelsey and I are two of the greatest basketball players in the WNBA. With that being said the media has had us against each other since my Fevers debut. We’ve had many games against each other, making sure we keep the media entertained with some playful banter.
Today, we have a game at 7pm against the Aces so all the Fevers have been shooting around for about an hour before we decided to get something to eat before the game. We all agreed on something simple and quick as we made our way to the restaurant.
As I pull out the seat between Caitlin and Aliyah, I hear someone next to me ask “So Y/N, how are you and Kelsey doing?” I look to where it came from to see Caitlin smirking as I sit down. “Um the same as always. I still think she’s annoying and over confident and I plan to show her that at the game tonight.” While yes, I do think Kelsey is absolutely gorgeous and a great ball player her ego plus her attitude do not mix well with such.
“Oh I see you just wanna show off for your girl tonight. I’ll make sure to pass you the ball a few extra times tonight.” I hear Caitlin say as I see a few of my teammates laugh and nod along as if they agree. I look at them confused before saying “Okay woah one, Kelsey is not my girl and I don’t think she ever will be, two you won’t have to pass me the ball because I’m gonna get way more rebounds than you.”
After a few more jokes were cracked and dinner was finished we all made our way back to the team bus to head towards the arena. Along the way me and Caitlin agreed that whoever got more rebounds in tonight’s game would get 20 bucks which I agreed to immediately, knowing I’d win that bet.
Once inside the gym me and Cait shot around with each other for a few minutes until the Aces arrived and she decided to go look at some film before the game. Leaving me to go stretch and fix my hair whilst making a mental note to slide my ankle braces on before entering the court.
Just as I slid my ankle brace and shoe back on a see a figure in front of me causing me to look up quickly. “You’re gonna need those braces for when I break your ankles tonight.” I see Kelsey standing there confidently as she crosses her arms across her chest. “Yea I hear you. What that sticking out of your shoe right there, is that an ankle brace?” I say slyly pointing to her foot.
She shoots her head down quickly as she goes to see if she was indeed wearing an ankle brace. “Made you look! Can’t remember if you put on ankle braces or not Plum? That’s not good might wanna stop by the memory doctor on the way to the E.R after I break your ankles.” I say patting her head as I stand up. Before she can get another word in Aliyah came and told me it was time to get on the court. As I’m walking away I turn around and ask with a smile “What no snarky remark? I must really have an effect on you then.” As I’m turning back around I see Kelsey’s flushed face as well as her teammate coming to tell her to get on the court.
After jump ball, which we surprisingly got, Caitlin carried the ball up the court before getting double teamed. I ran up closer to give her an easy pass and caught the ball before planting my feet and shooting from right behind the 3 point line. As I let go of the ball I see Kelsey run up to block me a second to late as I blow her kiss right before the ball goes in. I can see a small pink tint on her cheeks before she runs to get the ball.
As she runs the ball up the court, I widen my stance as to guard a little heavier. She dribbles for a second before passing inside the paint giving an easy lay up to her teammate A’ja. I see her smile out of the corner of my eye and decide to step up my game just a little.
With about 3 minutes left in the second quarter I dribble the ball up the court before stopping in front of her. “You’re a little to pretty to be getting beat like this Kelsey. You’re not going easy on me are you?” I say smirking. “Never.” I see her eyes lock on mine but Aliyah has already set me a screen so I run to the left and shoot a three making the score 16-23. She looks like she’s ready to fight me but I just turn around as I smile and get ready to guard her.
As she brings the ball up the court I see her look to the left and the right observing her teammates. “Hey L/N, miss me already? It’s okay I’ll make a shot for you.” She dribbles to the right but passes left before going back to her starting spot and dropping a three and winking at me.
I was subbed out for the first 6 minutes of the fourth quarter but when I went back in Kelsey was already out. I smirked and waved as I brought it up the court seeing Caitlin wide open in the right wing. Passing the ball quickly, the defense went back up on caitlin so she passed to Erica who shot an easy floater.
By the end of the game the score was 56-63 in favor of the Fevers. As I walked to the locker room me and Caitlin stopped to sign a few things and take a few pictures with fans. In the locker room, we all cheered and celebrated a little before the majority of the team decided hang out at a local bar to celebrate. I of course agreed and told them I’d be there around 9.
After everyone else left the locker room I was headed towards the door before I saw Kelsey as she knocked on the wall. “Hey what’s up Kelsey? Come to look at all the posts about me whoopin’ your ass out there tonight with me?”
“Yea yea I made all kinds of shots out there tonight and you know it” she says smiling. “Yea but mine made us win.” I say putting my bag down on the floor right next to me. She walks a little closer towards the back lockers as I turn around to stand in front of her. “But I will admit you made some good shots.” I say looking down at her.
“We’ll beat you guys at the next game.” She says looking up at me. I nod my head slowly “yea?” before my eyes slide down to her lips and back up again. “Yea of course.” She whispers. I lean forward just a little as I see her eyeing my lips. “You know I meant it, when I called you pretty.” I admit. “I’m sure you did. It’s hard to miss tha-“ she starts but I cut her off by leaning forward and kissing her gently. She freezes for a second before kissing me back eagerly. I put my hand on the side of her face pulling her closer as my other hand reaches her hip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.” I say as I pull away. “I’ve wanted you to do that for a while.” She says smiling. “Oh well allow me to do the honors.” I quickly lean in again shoving her into the lockers kissing her harder than before. We stayed like that for as long as possible before breaking away for air. “Glad you feel the same.” “You have no idea. Give me a second.” I say pulling out my phone before calling Caitlin. “Hey Cait, yea I’m not gonna make it to the bar tonight, sorry. Also, I want my 20 bucks.”
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lumi-nescentt · 11 months
Island Breeze And Lights Down Low
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Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: none unless you count Oscar being an adorable boyfriend
Words: 1.5k
Summary: Spending the break with your boyfriend and his friends is great but you're craving some alone time with him. Luckily he knows you well enough to understand that without you telling him.
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When Oscar had asked you to spend the summer break with him in Mallorca, you had immediately agreed. You had always wanted to go but never got the chance to and it seemed like the kind of place you wanted to visit with someone so Oscar's offer was perfect.
The first few days on the island had been pretty busy between visiting the cities, spending some time on a yacht with other drivers that were on the island and partying in clubs until the early hours of the morning.
It was a nice way to spend the break but you had hoped for some alone time with your boyfriend. You had thought about asking him but he seemed to be having so much fun. You didn't want to look like you were complaining so you just kept it to yourself, tagging along wherever the rest of the group wanted to go.
On your 6th day on the island, you woke up to Oscar caressing your cheek as he called your name softly. You opened your eyes and saw him crouching next to your side of the bed with a big smile on his face.
" Morning sunshine" Oscar smiled placing a kiss on your cheek
" Good morning baby, did I oversleep ?"
" Nope, I thought we could spend the day together, just the two of us for once because I did invite you here in the hopes that you'd fall even more in love with me." Oscar said, wiggling his eyebrows at you with a cheeky smile that showed his dimples
" Oh well, let's see what you have planned then." you smiled back at him
Following your boyfriend's suggestion, you went for a shower and put on a swimsuit under your summer dress. When you came back to the bedroom, you found the balcony door open.
In the time you spent in the bathroom, Oscar had ordered breakfast for you both and installed it on the balcony so you could enjoy your meal with a view.
Your boyfriend stood up as soon as he heard you coming, hugging you tightly and kissing you properly as you smiled through the kiss.
The breakfast was amazing, Oscar had ordered all of your favourite things and spent the whole meal making jokes. You had barely been awake for 2h and you could already tell that today would be your favourite day of the trip.
The rest of the morning and half of your afternoon was spent walking around to wherever you felt like stopping in a beautiful restaurant for lunch.
As nice as exploring with your boyfriend was, your legs were starting to feel a bit tired and the heat was finally getting to you. Before you could even ask Oscar if he planned on going back to your hotel soon, you were headed exactly where you wanted.
Instead of heading towards your room like you had expected to, Oscar guided you towards the pool area of the hotel. The Australian headed straight towards the sunbeds, sitting down on one and patting the other for you to seat in.
Wanting to cool down a little, you went into the pool for a quick dip quickly followed by Oscar. At first you were just staying close to the other but soon enough, the distance seemed too big.
Oscar swam towards you, seemingly thinking the same thing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, smiling as you wrapped your own around his neck. The two of you stayed there, enjoying the freshness of the water and the warmth of the sun against your skin.
You grew tired of the water and hopped out of the pool to go tan a little bit. You had asked Oscar if he wanted to come with you but the Australian had decided to stay in to swim a few laps.
You had noticed when Oscar came back on his sunbed because he kept tossing and turning, not finding a good enough position to stay in.
Feeling how he was starting to grow restless, you extended your hand towards him in the space between your two sunbeds. When Oscar finally noticed, you hooked your pinkies together and used your thumb to rub circles on the back of his hand. Oscar seemingly relaxed, settling in a position for a while.
You thought Oscar was going to stay like that for a while and almost dozed off but as you felt yourself starting to get drowsy, Oscar spoke
" y/n ?" you hummed, keeping your eyes closed. " I can't get comfortable, can we share a sunbed ?"
" Baby, it's really hot, are you sure you want to be this close now ?"
" Well yeah, you look a lot more comfortable than my side does" Oscar chuckled
" Okay then come here but if we get all sweaty and sticky you better not complain, Oscar" you grumbled, not able to hide your smile
" Thank you sunshine." your boyfriend smiled, making his way towards you
You tried to scoot away to give him half of the sunbed but he stopped you, making you open your arms instead. You watched, an amused smile on your face, as Oscar laid his head on your chest, intertwining your legs together so he was as close to you as possible.
Once he stopped moving, you tried to put your hands on his back but he grabbed your wrists and guided them towards his hair. You tried not to squirm as he laughed against your skin, tickling you with his lips.
Oscar loved when you played with his hair almost as much as you loved doing it so you complied happily. After a few minutes of having your hands buried in his soft hair, you felt his breath get even as he drifted to sleep.
You were starting to get a bit hot but Oscar looked so comfortable you didn't dare to move. He had planned this whole day for you so you didn't mind doing this for him. Especially when it involved cuddling with your boyfriend.
When you opened your eyes again, Oscar was looking at you with sleepy eyes and a small smile, watching you carefully. When he realised you had woken up, he slowly peeled himself off you, putting his weight on his elbows on each side of your body.
Giving you that sheepish grin you loved so much he kissed your cheek before standing up quickly, extending his hand so you could also stand up. You didn't think much of it until he slipped his arms under your legs and grinned at you like a boy about to do something he knew he shouldn't.
Before you could wrestle out of his arms, Oscar was heading towards the pool and jumping in the water with you in his arms. Now wide awake, you clung onto his shoulders for dear life, holding your eyes shut as Oscar laughed so hard he struggled to breathe.
" I hate you so much Oscar I swear, we were having a moment and you ruined it."
" I know you don't sunshine." he affirmed pressing a kiss on your head as he hooked your legs around his waist forcing you to face him " you love me too much to stay mad"
" You might be right but that doesn't mean I'll forget this. I'll get my revenge Piastri, trust me" you muttered with a devilish smirk
" Wow, last name, huh ? Can't wait for that revenge then."
" Stop smiling like that"
" Like what ? I'm smiling normally."
" Like you did something you're proud of, stop that you look cute and I'm supposed to stay mad." you tried to stay serious as Oscar's smile widened
" You’re cute when you try to be mad, sunshine. Now what do you say we go back to the room, order some food and watch whatever movie you want while cuddling as an apology."
" I'd say you're on the right track so hurry up and get me out of this pool." you said tightening your grip around his waist and his neck
" Your wish is my command, let's get some food for you."
" Now we're talking, hurry up then."
" Yeah yeah, I love you too sunshine." he laughed as you nestled your head in the crook of his neck
As you laid in the bed after a copious meal of your favourite things, you couldn't help but place a few kisses wherever you could reach on Oscar's face. Your boyfriend chuckled before capturing your lips in a soft and long kiss, both of you melting into it.
"Thank you for today, Oscar. It was perfect."
" I'm glad you liked it, I had a lot of fun too."
" I love you."
" I love you too. Now go to sleep if you want to go back to the pool before we have to meet the others tomorrow."
" Promise we'll cuddle on the sunbed like we did today ?" you mumbled as tiredness slowly got to you
" Whatever you want, sunshine." Oscar smiled, tightening his grip around your waist, pulling you closer
" You're my favourite person Oscar" you mumbled with your face pressed against his chest
" The feeling's mutual y/n" he smiled as he let himself fall asleep against you
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mochidoie · 9 months
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kim doyoung x reader wc - 8.7k genre - very slow burn, frenemy to lovers (light banter), coworkers!au, roomates!au warnings - a small kiss scene
You and Doyoung coexist in two specific ways: cohabitation and as coworkers. However, your friendship, if you can call it that, is far from besties and more on being cordial with one another. Nonetheless, in this dreary corporate world, he is the only one who just gets you and despite his coldness, he feels the same about you.
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Doyoung annoyingly types on his keyboard in the cubicle next to you, completely disrupting your concentration and general workflow. Groaning, you hope that it was enough to signify how irritated you were. However, instead of the obnoxious typing coming to a halt, it intensifies tenfold and catches the attention of everyone else who sits on this floor.
Embarrassment washes over your body as you forcibly stand up and peer over the short wall that divides both of your desks. “Knock it off.” You gently smack the back of Doyoung’s head and he winces forward, looking up at you immediately with a glare.
“I’m seriously going to report you to HR one day.” He whispers, his threat just barely sounds legitimate. Doyoung is the greatest at bluffing and empty threats. 
“Well today won’t be the day. You’re typing so loud that it could be a noise complaint.” Rolling your eyes, you drop back down into your seat. Smoothly swiveling your chair back to the intimidating project blown full screen on your monitor, you dread every minute of being here. Your day is full of reports, documentations, and boring project meetings. 
You’ll have small talk about the weather in the break room over some watered down coffee made by a machine and happy hours on random days of the week at the nearby upscale restaurant.
You’ll run into someone from another department on the elevators and feel awkward for several floors until one of you finally gets out. Hiding in the bathroom is the only escape from the depressing gray carpet and fluorescent indoor lighting. 
“You could make this a more enjoyable workplace if you didn’t sigh every three minutes.” Doyoung walks around to your cubicle, crossing his arms like the prick he always is.
“I’m sighing because you keep typing for all of the world to hear you.” You turn in your chair, facing him once again with your lips in a line. “Get out of my space.”
“I’m not in your space.” You watch as he slyly backs up from the wall, the tips of his shoes barely skimming the invisible line that crosses into your cubicle. “What is the bad mood for today?” Doyoung raises an eyebrow.
You despise when someone points out your attitude, it just feels completely unnecessary to bring up in conversation. However, you are normally less mean to him and Doyoung was a sensitive individual. “Rough start this morning, my bread got jammed in the toaster and flat tire on my way to work.”
“This is why I tell you to use the oven and to carpool with me. The carbon footprint we could minimize by just using one car is astronomical.” He shoves his hands into his pressed pants pockets, “I guess this is why I didn’t see your car in the lot this morning.”
“It’s in the shop. I’m out of a car for about two weeks because they found something wrong with the engine or something.” 
“Just your luck.”
You groan, “are you just going to nag and pity me, or are you going to offer me a ride home?” 
Doyoung puts his hands up in the air, as he often speaks with his hands. “You’re always welcome to ride with me. You just normally refuse.” 
“Yeah, because it looks weird if we got into the same car together.” 
He shrugs, “people already know we live together. What’s the big deal about it?”
“It’ll look like we’re … you know… Together.” You keep your voice down to a whisper, afraid for any nosy ears listening into business they aren’t a part of. Doyoung nearly throws himself forward laughing at your shifty eyes and your sheepish statement.
“Seriously? I think people can tell we’re far from ever being together.” Ouch. Not that you had any romantic interest in this vile man, but it was a bigger blow to your ego if anything.
It’s also the way Doyoung says it. It’s pure mockery, a joke that you even though there was a slim chance at the consideration of you two being together. 
You shrug him off, ignoring how snobby he is being. “People make rumors. Someone who isn’t close to us can see me getting into your car and get the wrong idea.” Turning around, Doyoung takes the signal that he probably pissed you off more than he intended to.
He sighs and walks up behind your chair. Placing two hands on your shoulders, you slightly flinch at the sudden physical contact. Doyoung leans down to whisper gently into your ear, “let them think what they want.” It sends a shiver down your spine and you don’t have a snarky comment to say back to him.
The sound of his shuffling disappears as he returns back to his side and resumes his typing. You aren’t excited to tackle the task in front of you, if anything, you wish Doyoung annoyed you for a bit longer.
The suffocating dullness of the office wrings any ounce of creativity out of you. You’re like a wet towel that was left too long out in the sun and now you’re all dry and crunchy. 
A swoosh notification catches your eye, a new email from your manager in your inbox for you to worry about. Letting out another sigh of the day, you’re wondering what minuscule thing she needs now. The subject line already has you rolling your eyes and did you really want to open it? Not really. 
Hello Team,
I hope you’re all having a productive day so far. Our VPs have organized a company happy hour for all to attend. Please refer to the infographic attached to this email for information in regards to the Halloween happy hour event that is being held next week at the 127 Bar and Restaurant. 
RSVP through here by the EOD on Friday. Your attendance is highly encouraged as this will be a chance for everyone to network and chat with our VPs. Appropriate Halloween costumes are mandatory for attendance to be considered. Hope to see you all there. 
Best, Patricia A. Regional Manager 
“Costumes, are you fucking kidding me?” You hear Doyoung over your wall, followed by a ferocious clicking noise. 
“Don’t worry, Kim. You won’t need one, you’re already scary looking as is.” Jumping up, you place your elbows on the counter of his wall and peer over him. Doyoung rolls his eyes and stands to level the eye contact.
“You might want to get one, don’t want our VPs to get too scared seeing your face.” His eyebrow raises as he watches your face contour in disgust. He scoffs, closing his laptop and putting his monitor on sleep mode. He makes his way out to the hallway.
“Where are you going?” Your nosiness gets the best of you, not that you actually cared much about Doyoung’s whereabouts.
“On my way to ask our pretty receptionist what costume she’s going in.” He smirks, making a direct line toward the elevators. Slumping back into your chair, you hover your cursor over the RSVP link. Another damn happy hour. 
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Doyoung whistles his way out of the elevator as it dings on the lobby level of the office. Around the corner, he is met with the office receptionist with her hair neatly framing her face and red lips curving into a smile as she greets him. 
“Good afternoon Daisy, how are you today?” He rummages through the candy bowl full of mints and dental gum, despite never really caring for sweet cavity inducing treats.
Daisy leans forward on her desk with her sweet smile never leaving her pretty face. “I’m good, how are you?” She knows Doyoung as the man that would often stop by at random hours of the day for small talk and a mint. Not entirely knowing that he was mostly there to see her, she indulges in the light conversation with the nice man. 
“Happy that it’s Thursday, as usual.” Doyoung tears the mint wrapper with his teeth. His forearm is placed comfortably on the counter of the desk as he leans forward chatting with Daisy. 
“Friday is so close.” Daisy says excitedly, clapping her hands together in a cheery youthful manner. “Any weekend plans?”
“Probably going to see the new movie in theaters with a friend.” Truthfully, Doyoung never really has weekend plans set. He spends his weekends indoors and locked behind his door. A true mystery as to what he does behind it. “Not sure though, I’ll see how I’m feeling in the morning.”
“Yeah, I get that. I try to get out of my house during the weekend so that I’m still productive, even though all I want is to relax in bed.” She chuckles and instantly, Doyoung smiles at her relatability and honesty. Her energy is contagious, he always feels a burst whenever he speaks to her. 
“Hey, I mean to ask, do you have a costume in mind for the happy hour next week?” Doyoung suckles the spicy peppermint, rocking it back and forth between each cheek. Daisy ponders for a second and he finds an opportunity to make a very bad joke. “Anything to do with flowers perhaps? Because you’re Daisy.” He laughs at his own joke and she lightly gives in to such a corny question.
“That would be funny,” she laughs, “but I’m not sure if I can attend. I let Patricia know that I’ll be attending my boyfriend’s sister’s engagement party that night.” What a glass shattering moment as Doyoung was not aware that Daisy had a boyfriend. Then again, a woman like her wouldn’t be stuck being single and moping about her sad love life like his own cubicle roommate coworker, y/n.
“Darn, we’ll miss you there then.” Doyoung finds a way to exit the conversation, knowing his heart is already breaking thinking about Daisy spending her weekends out and about with another man. The fantasy of her is ruined.
“Aw, thank you Doyoung.” Daisy reaches underneath her desk and pulls out a familiar looking earbud case, “also, are you able to hand this back to y/n? They dropped this on their way in, but they were already rushing into an elevator before I could catch them. You two are dating, right?”
Doyoung’s lips part open in shock, hearing those words come from Daisy’s mouth entice a strange feeling. His initial reaction is to deny it, clearly, but she looks at him with such awe that he doesn't know what to say. “Where did you hear that?”
“Oh, I overheard a few people chatting about you two. I think people said you two moved in with each other after 5 months of dating.” Daisy innocently explains. “My boyfriend and I could never move in together, at least, not yet. I feel like we have to hit that two year mark before deciding to do so.” 
He chuckles awkwardly, unsure what he is more surprised about: Daisy’s boyfriend or the fact that there are actual rumors that he and y/n are dating. “We’re not dating, just roommates. We’re not even really close.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I really thought you two were dating. Please don’t tell them I said anything.” Daisy covers her mouth and Doyoung accepts the earbuds. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” He forces a smile, bidding a small see you later to Daisy before heading back upstairs to his boring job. The dating rumor invades every part of his thoughts as he tosses the case back and forth between his hands. He is going to murder whoever spread such a heinous lie.
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“Maybe we should stagger when we leave. I’ll go first and start my car, then you come down ten minutes later, walk around the lot and then get into my car.” Doyoung nibbles on his granola bar, leaning against the sink counter. Drying your tupperware, you stare at him in confusion.
“Why such an elaborate plan to just go home?” You question.
Doyoung shakes his head at you, as if you don’t think about the potential risks lying ahead. “Like you said, people start rumors so we should be careful.” 
Halting all your actions completely, you blink blankly at a nervous Doyoung. “You heard something, didn’t you?” 
“When did I–”
“Doyoung, I will rip that granola bar out of your hand. What was it?” 
He neatly places the wrapper back on, setting it down and crossing his arms. “There are rumors of us dating and that we moved in with each other after five months of dating, which in itself is already ridiculous. Obviously, I would wait longer than that to move in with my partner because you never really know if you’d last with that person and then, you’re stuck in an awkward living situation if you ever break up.” Doyoung huffs and puffs. 
Your facial expression doesn’t change, remaining completely unamused and blank as you listen to this man aimlessly derail from the main point. “Thanks for that.” Your tongue clicks and sarcasm laces your words. “I told you, didn’t I?”
“You have to be right all the time, don’t you?” He scoffs, annoyed and grows impatient with your lack of reaction. 
“Uh, with you? Most definitely.” You laugh, which Doyoung does not expect. “People are so bored here that they’ll make up the weirdest out of pocket thing about someone else. Us interacting is enough ammo for them to shoot some made up scenario.” 
“How are you so unphased by this?” 
You pack up your lunch boxes into your bag, “because I know none of it is true. I can barely stand you.” Pausing, you turn to face Doyoung fully. Your hand lightly pats his chest and he watches your every movement, the distance between the two of you closing in. “Like you said, let them think what they want.”
Now, it is Doyoung’s turn to remain speechless at the statement. He should really listen to his own advice.
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When you were desperate for a place to live, it did come to your surprise that Doyoung came to your rescue. You two are very distant friends from college, a more accurate title would be acquaintances. Being in the same few clubs made him a familiar figure, but never anyone you personally got close to or spoke much with.
However, there was no harm in networking post-grad. If anything, it became an advantage to come from a big club with so many people aligned in the same field to gain insight into different companies, internships, and  potential job offers. You landed your current adult job with the help of a few connections and chats at career fairs. 
Nonetheless, the offer to move into Doyoung’s apartment was conditional. He had been laid off of his previous work and had to find a new job as soon as he could. Doyoung was able to land the job at your current company through your referral and you were approved to be a co-signer on the lease of the apartment. It felt fated to be and everything fell into its place perfectly, if only you two were compatible. 
The thing with Doyoung is that he always gave off a vibe that he was stuck up and prude. You also had an impression he didn’t like you during college due to you sleeping with his friend, Jaehyun, and breaking his heart when you didn’t want a relationship with him. When you first moved in, you gave Doyoung a lot of leeway but he always treated you coldly. At some point, you had enough of it and decided that he should get a taste of his own attitude. 
Nevertheless, your friendship worked better this way. You’re not entirely sure of the psychology behind it, but Doyoung seemed to communicate with you easier when you were at each other’s throats. All those enemies to lovers tropes you would read growing up were finally making sense to you. 
You two did grow closer when living together, but definitely not to the point where you two were best friends. Doyoung still kept you at arm's reach and so did you. There are a lot of things about him that you didn’t know about, it was quite actually last month that you learned that Doyoung had an older brother. It was only because he had stopped by to drop off some food for him from his mom. 
Doyoung is not the type to warm up to someone quickly, resembling a locked cabinet and a key that is lost somewhere. He is just waiting for the right person to find it. Due to this, you two live very separately at home. Doyoung is quick to rush into his own room and you’re often the one to wander around the living space before finding your way back to yours. 
So on this random weekend, you’re wondering why there is a soft knock at your door. Kicking the blankets off of your body, you rush over to open your closed bedroom door to reveal a messy bed hair Doyoung in his bunny pajama pants. 
“Hey, good….” Doyoung checks the time on his phone to be sure, lifting one eyebrow at your sleepy expression. “Evening.” 
“What do you want?” You groan, ready to let the door hit him in the face. “I get enough of you at work.” You rub your eyes to rid any junk stuck on your lashes. 
“Since your car is in the shop, I was wondering if you needed a ride to run any errands or to grab food. You haven’t left your room the whole day, so you must be hungry.”  His eyes dart left and right, avoiding eye contact as best as he can. Doyoung looks so sheepish, like a deer caught in headlights.
You can’t help, but laugh. “Aw, are you caring for me right now?” 
His face contours into complete disgust. “Not really. I just don’t want to find your dead body in the apartment and potentially get sued for negligence.”
“Well, I’m not hungry.” In that moment, your body couldn’t have had better timing. Your stomach rumbles loudly and Doyoung just blinks at you until it passes. 
You both break out into laughter, “fine, what are you getting for dinner?”
“There’s a new place in town that I’ve been eyeing. A bit upscale, if you’re down.” Doyoung starts walking toward his room, eyebrow raised and waiting for your confirmation. 
“You’re paying.” You close the door before he could protest. You and Doyoung have shared a few meals together, but nothing consistent. It’s not awkwardness that stops the both of you, but that there really isn’t much to chat about over a plate of food. Besides work, you two don’t share any of the same interests or the same circle of friends. 
On top of that, Doyoung would never open up over a sirloin steak. He barely opens up with a bottle of wine. You’ve given up trying to interrogate him with endless questions about his personal life, he never really asks about yours anyways. 
Though, meals with Doyoung aren’t entirely dreadful. His refined palate and hefty paycheck allows for you a delicious culinary experience. You’d never admit it, but eating with him was much better than eating alone.
Dressing for the occasion, you step out in an entirely new and refreshed vibe. Doyoung nearly chokes at the sight of you, not used to seeing you all dolled up and well, nicely dressed. Unintentionally, the accents of your colors match and Doyoung takes note of it, not throwing much of a fit as he usually would. 
“Matching is not a bad thing.” Doyoung clears his throat, hands slipping into his pressed pants and obvious aversion to eye contact.
“Matching with you it might be.” You snicker, but loved your attire too much to change into something else for the night. Both of you head out for dinner and you catch a whiff of something vibrant as Doyoung follows into his car. 
“New cologne?” The strap of the seat belt rustles in the quiet vehicle. Doyoung doesn’t say anything, turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking space with ease.
There is a long moment of silence, at this point you’ve concluded that he probably completely ignored your question. However, after a few blocks, Doyoung follows up with his own inquiry, “you like it?” 
Raising a brow, you’re finding his behavior quite peculiar tonight. It’s a bit unsettling and rather confusing. “I prefer your usual clean scent. This citrus doesn’t match you.”
Without a word of protest, Doyoung grins to himself at your words. Though, you’re too busy scrolling on your phone and participating in the usual silent atmosphere of the car ride.
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“Have you thought of your Halloween costume for the happy hour?” Doyoung delicately cuts into his flank, twirling the piece of meat in the brown gravy that was neatly swirled on the plate.
You shrug, popping the broccolini into your mouth. There hasn’t been much thought about that email since it dropped in your inbox. If anything, you hadn’t even considered the fact that it was already October.  It felt like just yesterday you were on a rooftop bar in the warm summer sunset. 
“Any ideas?” You pat your hands on the cloth napkin on your lap, eyebrow raised toward Doyoung. Not that this man would give you any good ideas, you’re already settling on your last ditch effort costume you always went as during your college years.  
The restaurant is incredibly fancy, way more than you had been anticipating when he had mentioned it being a little upscale. It is moderately loud inside, but nothing above light chatter and the jazz music still audible over the voices. You two had been seated right away, the hostess having starry eyes the moment she saw Doyoung walk in. 
The waiters referred to you with proper titles and offered the wine of the night, placing it in its own separate small table. Anyone could have mistaken you and Doyoung for being a couple on a date, perhaps celebrating an anniversary or a nice date night. 
While at any other occasion you would make it incredibly obvious that isn’t the case, the food is too immaculate for you to care. The tenderness of your meat is melt worthy and the taste of garlic butter hits your palette lovingly. You were too busy indulging in the meal before Doyoung had spoken.
“Maybe something with a mask.” Doyoung responds after a rather long thoughtful silence. 
Your face deadpans, rolling your eyes at how silly it was to even ask him for a serious suggestion. “Ha! So funny.” Your sarcasm bites at his skin.
He flinches slightly at your tone, but places his fork and knife on the white table cloth. He wipes his lips with his napkin, “I’m not saying it to be mean. I meant it as a masquerade.” 
“Why would I wear a mask the whole night in front of our VPs?”
Doyoung shrugs in return, “isn’t the point of Halloween pretending to be someone you’re not? Or trying to hide behind a facade?” 
“That’s too philosophical. Halloween is about tricks, treats and pumpkins.” He laughs at your explanation, bringing the rim of his wine glass to his lips.
“That’s one way to view it.” He unbuttons his cufflinks and rolls his sleeves up to his elbows. Your eyes wander before your mind could remind you it's Doyoung you’re gawking at. “I might go with a mask, like a masked prince of some kind.” 
You laugh, “yeah, I’m sure Daisy will swoon over that.”
Doyoung doesn’t smile, instead he clears his throat uncomfortably. “She has a boyfriend and she’s not going.”
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that your work crush has been diminished.” You pout, quite insincerely and mockingly. Doyoung scoffs at your statement, rolling his eyes at how he’s willing to entertain this. 
“It was never going to work out anyways. She thought you and I were together.” The statement nearly causes you to choke on your wine. He raises an eyebrow at the slight break in your careless reactions. 
“Wow, it traveled all the way to our receptionist. That’s how you know the whole office practically knows about it.” However, he read it all wrong as you began to speak. Your nonchalant answers bring Doyoung no reassurance as he watches with a quizzical look as you eat your mashed potatoes. 
“Maybe you like the thought of us being together.” Doyoung snickers. He doesn’t mean it, but he did want to shake up the atmosphere to see how playful he can get with you. 
You kick his shin under the table and he lightly jumps, “calm down, prince. Don’t want the commoners to know how much of a narcissist you are.” Narrowing your eyes at him, you grumble. The mashed potato now tasted a bit sour from Doyoung’s jokes. 
“C’mon, seriously? Do you actually think that I’m a narcissist?” Doyoung places a hand on his chest, as if you could be referring to anyone else. He is so dramatic, you think to yourself as you see him tap away a fake tear.
So you decide to be truthful and slightly hurtful, simply because he asked for it. “Yes, I genuinely do at times.” Your powerful tone in your words shocked Doyoung a bit, his head shaking a bit from the actual truth.
“Oh,” He clears his throat awkwardly, halting his playful demeanor. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to come off that way.” This is the first time you’ve seen him completely vulnerable in his apology. It is a sharp difference compared to his usual snarky “my bad” or “oops”. 
The hurt on his face is evident, pursing his lips on the rim of his wine glass and the thoughts flooding his heavy head. A part of you feels guilty, wondering if a line had been drawn. 
“Unfortunately, you’re still a likable person as people say.” You clear your throat and shift nervously in your seat. Doyoung looks up through hood eyes at your compliment, but holds back the grin that itches to form on his lips. 
Something about his gaze almost makes you falter, “why did you choose such a fancy place for dinner?” 
“Because I genuinely wanted to see what this place was all about. I’ve been hearing Greg from Finance brag about how he’s eaten here for the past two weekends.” Doyoung lightly taps the table with his index finger, like a habit he couldn’t grow out of.
“You let Greg of all people talk you into a $200 bill?” You can’t hold the laugh back because of how ridiculously easy Doyoung can be swayed by someone else’s opinions. “And what do you think about dinner tonight?
Doyoung may have mistaken the implication in your question — if there even was one. He halts his rhythmic tapping, sitting up to straight out his wrinkled shirt and gazing upon you right in front of him. 
“Dinner was…” The bill lands on the edge of the table and Doyoung flips open the book with one flick. He breaks focus from you for a quick second to look at the final grand number on the thin piece of paper. You barely get a glimpse, as he places his card down and shuts it swiftly. 
His eyes back fully on you, “most definitely worth it.” The smile on Doyoung’s face isn’t menacing or mockery, you’re completely convinced that it’s a smile meant for you. And, you’re unsure how to interpret the butterflies that flutter at the pit of your stomach. 
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As if the day couldn’t get any worse, you walk into work with everyone in some bizarre work appropriate costume and staring at you as if you’re the odd one out. Your costume is in your bag, which Doyoung so graciously let you leave in the trunk of his car before coming in. However, you’re wondering if it's too late to dash back outside to grab it so you fit in with everyone else. 
“Good morning, y/n!” Daisy, a very chirpy and red painted smile, greets you routinely. Cute flower clips line her hair perfectly and the all green attire can only mean one thing: she is a flower. “What’s your costume?”
Laughing nervously, you’re finding a way out of this small talk. “It’s a surprise! You’ll see when we all leave for happy hour tonight.”
“I might be going before then, but please stop by if you have the time to get it on earlier.” She happily smiles, bidding you a small “have a good day!” before returning her focus back to her screen.
The elevator stops on your floor and it’s as if Jack Skellington came overnight and vomited Halloween all over the cubicles. There always has to be that one coworker who is obsessed with the holiday and they lovingly decorated the office before everyone came in. Including yours and Doyoung’s cubicle.
You’re awkwardly shuffling past your coworkers, saying small good mornings and getting weird looks. However, you’re trying very hard to not draw attention to being the only one not dressed up. A tiny baby pumpkin sits in front of your monitor and a neatly wrapped ghost cookie with your name written on a post it note awaits you. 
“Good morning!” Your coworker’s head pops from over the wall and incites a startled scream from you. Of course, she’s laughing giddily at successfully scaring the living out of you. 
“Hey Mariel, good morning. Did you make these?” There is no second guessing who else would be this enthusiastic about Halloween than Mariel is. She talked your ear off the day it hit October 1st about ghouls, goblins, and ghosts.
She even had a spooky countdown calendar of the days until the 31st. On top of that, she was the only one overly excited about the Halloween happy hour the moment the email hit everyone’s inbox.
“Of course. I do a baking side gig, I had to bring in a few spooky friendly treats for everyone in office!” She rests her chin on her palm and squints her eyes at you, “where’s your costume?”
Your palms immediately get sweaty. It’s like disappointing a kid on Christmas by telling them that Santa isn’t real or your mom buying you a nice and modest dress for graduation, but you accidentally stain it. The nervousness to answer creeps up your throat and before you can speak, a voice answers for you.
“Isn’t it classic of y/n to dress up as an office worker?” Doyoung stands up in his cubicle to interject himself in the conversation. 
Mariel nearly loses a lung from how hard she laughs at Doyoung’s corny attempt at a joke. “It’s actually classic of the both of you to not wear your costumes to work.” She adds, wiping the tears from her crinkled eyes. “What’s next? Matching costumes?” 
“Mariel, it’s a surprise.” Doyoung plays it off smoothly.
“Let me guess, Barbie and Ken?” She taps the counter, like a buzzer on a game show to lock in her answer. You’re already shaking your head and Mariel frowns.
Doyoung sighs loudly and dramatically, “I know, Mar. I’d be such a good Barbie, but y/n didn’t want to give that to me.” Oh god, he’s good.
You laugh along, stiffly. “Well, that was the end of our potential matching costumes. We went our separate ways and you’ll see mine later today.” It is enough to get Mariel off of your back about not dressing up at work. Hurrying to settle your things, Doyoung walks around to your side. 
“Did you see how beautiful Daisy looked?” He muses, daydreaming about the whimsical fantasy of the office receptionist. “Must be a lucky guy.”
“She looks like a true flower.” You’re mindlessly unloading your essentials from your work bag and only half listening to Doyoung ramble. “Damn it, I left my coffee in your car.” Throwing your hands up in frustration, you’re already running late for your first meeting of the day with your supervisor. 
Doyoung doesn’t wait a second to push you back into your seat, thinking you could make a quick sprint if he had handed you his keys. “I’ll get it for you. Patricia already asked about your whereabouts.” He smoothly reaches over your shoulder to grab your laptop, the usual scent of his clean cologne brushes your nostrils lightly as the distance between you closes briefly. 
Your heart is pounding in your ears at the proximity, looking up at Doyoung’s long exposed neckline with his collarbones barely peeking out from his linen shirt. Under this dreary fluorescent office lighting, Doyoung looks rather dreamy. 
Nonetheless, you shake off this sudden and weird daydream when he hands you your laptop and makes his merry way to get you your coffee. You’ve got to be losing your mind, the mundane suffocating atmosphere of an office space is causing you to seek any thrills. You’re being delusional. You could never have feelings for Doyoung, of all the people, never Doyoung.
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You come back from your meeting to your coffee neatly placed next to your monitor on a coaster and your bag with your costume in your chair. Silently, you grab your tote and rush off to the bathroom to change before anyone could notice your appearance and sudden disappearance. 
It wasn’t an extravagant costume and it was most definitely not the store bought ones from a pop-up Spirit shop. A black cat has been your go-to DIY last minute costume since college for those rendezvous frat parties or a drunk Halloween night out with your friends. Since it had to be work appropriate, a sexy black cat is out of the picture. 
Smoothing the strands of your hair to adjust the cat ear headband, you give yourself small whiskers with your black eyeliner. “Here’s to Halloween.” A small grumble to yourself, you’re out of the bathroom and briskly walking between cubicles in your slightly form fitting all black attire. 
Your head down and laying low, hoping that Mariel doesn’t notice your costume before you get to your own corner. Making it down the runway, Doyoung’s back is turned and completely working his life away. Somehow, your presence behind him causes a breakaway and he’s spinning around before you could hide back into your cubicle. 
“Thanks, Doyoung.” A small murmur escapes, but Doyoung hears you loud and clear. He doesn’t say anything, instead, his eyes rapidly take in your figure and change of attire. The cat ears on your head cause him to blush, something he didn’t know you could do to him so easily.
“A recurring costume, I’ll admit it’s better than my mask idea.” He gestures, awkwardly clearing his throat at the weird tension that rose from his obvious gawking. 
You’re puzzled, “I can’t recall a time you would’ve seen me like this.” It’s true, you two never spent a Halloween together since you had moved in with him and perhaps, those drunk college nights are too hazy for you to be too sure of yourself.
Doyoung chuckles to himself, peering down at his hands as he delightfully remembers the vivid memory of him catching a glimpse of you for the first time. “Halloween, third year. It was at the NCT yearly ‘Monster Mash’ party. I saw you briefly in the kitchen, looking through the empty bottles of liquor for a drink.”
Then it hits you! That was the night that you had arrived late to the party and almost ditched when there was no more booze left, but you encountered Jaehyun.
“That was so long ago! Wow,” your finger resting on your chin and looking back on the good ole times, “I can’t believe you remembered something like that.” Your voice grows smaller at the end of your sentence, full realization hitting you that Doyoung has known you before you had known him. He kept that memory to himself all these years.
Doyoung, also equally as shocked, feels caught in headlights. Nonetheless, something in his heart wants to open up to you and this feels like an open door opportunity. However, he isn’t sure if he is ready to ruin the dynamic the two of you share. What if he opens more than you’d take? One foot in the door, he can’t imagine this fleeting feeling would come again.
“I couldn’t get you out of my head that night.” He wholeheartedly admits and a heavy tug pulls at your heart. Your jaw drops slightly at his confession and your thoughts are running at godspeed. Doyoung’s heart is pounding in his ears. 
Before you could say anything, Mariel is walking back to her cubicle and is quick to address your costume. You’re half hearing her, mind still stuck on Doyoung’s words and wondering how differently your lives would have been if Doyoung had approached you that night instead of Jaehyun. What could have been? 
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Rustic wooden panels cover the walls of The 127 Bar and Restaurant, giving it that upscale cabin/lodge-feel. Cobwebs lined with plastic spiders and pumpkins with ghoul expressions litter the corners of the counters. Festive Halloween music is muffled by the loud ambiance of chatter. You’re already counting down the hour of when it's socially acceptable for you to leave. 
Coworkers dressed in costumes is a silly concept to you, mainly because you don’t associate anything fun with work and you definitely don’t want to see your coworkers in anything else besides their slacks and button ups. Doyoung, however, beats that exception as he walks in with a black velvet cape and fake blood dribble down his chin. His suit vest is surely something straight out of his own wardrobe and there is way too much hair gel slicked in his hair.
“A vampire fits you much better than a masked prince.” Whether it is meant as an insult or a compliment, Doyoung smiles at your comment. 
“A black cat and a vampire, can we be any more cheery?” Doyoung says sarcastically, earning a small laugh as you look upon your very dark attires for the night.
Shrugging, you lightly pat his shoulder to guide him toward the VPs. “We all can’t be Daisy. She takes the cake for having optimism in this cruel corporate world. Now, let’s go get our attendance points so we can leave earlier.”
“A black cat mind reader? That elevates your costume a bit.” Doyoung smirks, leading the way to a doomful 15 minute conversation with important people. 
Doyoung surprises you by how social he can get. You two normally attend the usual happy hours that your coworkers like to have after work, but that is mostly among a few that sit on your floor. This mixer included every department and Doyoung jumps conversation to the next with ease and speed, you could hardly keep up.
“Okay, social butterfly. I haven’t heard you talk so much since college club meetings.” Raising an eyebrow, you’re stopping Doyoung from approaching another coworker dressed as a skeleton. 
“I haven’t seen you this quiet in a while. What’s wrong? Cat’s got your tongue?” He blinks at you with a dull expression.
Suddenly, you’re feeling self-conscious at how he noticed your silence. “Corporate happy hours aren’t my thing. I don’t particularly have interests with any of these people.” 
Doyoung purses his lips, “yet you seem to talk endlessly with me and we have nothing in common.” 
Clearing your throat, you’re unsure of this strange feeling in your chest. You and Doyoung have commonality in background – school, clubs, mutuals, profession – but interests seem to be way far out of scope for the two of you. While the few dinners you two would share are rather silent, it doesn’t eat you alive the same way corporate social events do. Despite the forced close proximity, you don’t know if you and Doyoung would actually be friends with each other. 
“Right, but it’s different for us.” Trying to save the sinking ship seems harder to do as you rack your brain for an argument. 
Doyoung tilts his head slightly, “different? How is it different?” In that moment, there is a shift in his demeanor as he tucks his hands into his pants pockets and leans back slightly on his heels. A hooded stare, eyebrow raised, and a smug smirk waits to hear how your relationship with Kim Doyoung is so different compared to your other coworkers. 
Feeling small under his gaze, you’re wondering why a heat travels across your cheeks. The Halloween music and robust atmosphere are completely tuned out at this point. “We have common things to talk about besides work, like mutuals! I don’t know– you just get me. Lately, I feel like you’ve been opening up a bit more.”
Doyoung nearly beams hearing the last part of your ramble because he feels exactly the same. You just get him, despite always being at each other’s throats. He knows that this banter would not work with anyone else, it had to be you.
It’s like with each interaction, you get closer to the key in unlocking everything about him. Without your knowledge, he so badly wishes you to be the one to find it. 
“Hey you two!” Greg from Finance wraps his arms around Doyoung’s shoulders, appearing rather abruptly and startling the both of you. “How was your date at Bodega 127?” 
Your eyeballs nearly fall out of your socket at the word date being thrown carelessly when referring to you and Doyoung. Doyoung reacts quite nervously and is shocked as well at the odd choice of wording Greg decided to use. 
“I wouldn’t call it a date...” Doyoung chuckles, exchanging anxious glances with you. 
“Yeah, we’re not together.” You jump in with Doyoung at denying such a bold accusation. 
“Oh, come on! There’s no need to feel embarrassed. The whole office knows already, what’s the point in trying to hide it?” Greg continues to poke the bear. 
“I can see how it might come off that way, but Doyoung and I aren’t into each other like that.” Your eyes bounce between a skittish Doyoung and an overly-pushy Greg. “Right, Doyoung, you don’t like me that way?” You’re begging him with your stare, but for some reason, Doyoung hesitates long enough for you to notice.
“Uh yeah. We’re just coworkers.” He averts making eye contact with you and you’re thrown off your tracks at how off-putting he is being. You’re trying to hold back the confusion from showing on your face, but Greg takes the bait.
“Okay, I’ll stop berating you two about your relationship. But when Doyoung told me he brought you there, I will say I thought it was for a date night y’all were having. It’s that type of restaurant experience, y’know?” Greg lightly pats Doyoung on the back before walking off to chat with another group of coworkers. 
You’re standing still next to Doyoung and wondering why the fuck he hesitated when you asked him such an easy question. He doesn’t look your way, gaze remains glued to the floor.
“I think we should leave now.” He says, dashing toward Patricia to let her know of your exits. A sigh escapes your body, completely confused and lost at every feeling roaming in your chest.
The drive back home is completely silent. The elephant in the room becomes bigger at every stoplight. Most of the trip is you staring out the window, trying to process the last few scenes at the happy hour. Doyoung remains focused on the drive, so much that he forgets to put music on to distract from the stiffness in the air. 
When you two finally make it back up to the apartment, you’re the first to break the awkward silence. “Hey, uh– thanks for driving me around these past few days. The car shop told me that my car is ready tomorrow, so I won’t need to carpool with you anymore.”
He nods, despite the long sinking feeling of his heart reaching the bottom of his stomach. He has had so much fun with you lately being around him, he isn’t sure if he’s ready to go back to how things were — living so separately in the same place.
“Sorry about Greg.” Doyoung rubs the back of his neck, “I didn’t know he would say something like that.” He gently wipes off the dried fake blood on his chin.
“We’re used to it, right?” The airy, lightness in your tone puzzles Doyoung. “At least he was courageous enough to actually address it to our faces instead of contributing to the gossip in the office.” 
“He’s just a big idiot.” Doyoung unties his cape and tosses it over the couch. “I shouldn’t have told him we went together.”
It somewhat offended you, “what? You don’t want to be seen with me or something?” You toss your headband onto the dining room table, fixing your hair back to its normal state.
However, Doyoung perks up at the evident tone in your voice and the scorn in your expression. “It’s not that.” 
“You know, Doyoung, you have been really confusing lately.” There is a pause before you continue, wondering how you should word this without sounding so rash.
“First, you’re knocking on my door and asking me to dinner. Then, you’re getting me my coffee from the car. And, you hesitated back there when I said you didn’t like me and our conversations recently have been different, so open ended.” 
Doyoung leans against the couch, arms crossed and  intently listening to your speech. “Are you implying that I have feelings for you?”
He sounds so snarky that it causes your skin to crawl, frustration fuels your soul at how delusional he is making you seem. “I’m just stating the facts.” 
Doyoung scoffs, arms falling back to his sides. A minute passes, but it feels nearly like forever given the silence in the room and how his eyes are glued to the ground, full of contemplation. However, not just any careless amount of contemplation, but real and genuine assessment on how he has felt over the past two weeks with you.
He opens his mouth to speak, but falls short of formulating a coherent sentence and feels a bit choked up and confused by himself. Though, you’ve been standing there and waiting for him and the silence has made you incredibly uncomfortable. “It’s a reach. There’s no possible way for you to harbor any feelings for me. We made that really clear to each other.” 
You’re turning to hide back into your room, but Doyoung quickly stands at your door frame, alert and before you. “It’s not entirely a reach….” He mumbles, “I can’t say confidently that I have true and full romantic feelings toward you, but I have been seeing you in a romantic light.” 
“I don’t fully understand what you mean.” Your eyebrows knit together, finding that his speech sounds too much like a riddle. 
He takes a deep breath in, exhaling to calm the waking nerves in his throat. “I’m beginning to understand that some of what I feel towards you is romantic, like I don’t want to stop being around you or I want to go out of my way to do things that make your life easier.” He smirks coyly to himself, breaking the intense exchange of dialogue between the both of you briefly, “I’m an acts of service kind of guy.” 
“Look, I’m saying that yes, I think I’m starting to have feelings for you. It wasn’t until recently did I feel like we’ve really gotten to spend time together after you’ve moved in.” His shoulders drop, “and I don’t know, I just– like you said, you just get me.”
This moment between the both of you is so real. There are no gimmicks, no foul play, no teasing and banter. Doyoung means every word he is saying. While a part of you wants to joke around and say something snarky, the other part of you feels serious and rather shocked at this confession.
Never in your mind did the potential of Doyung catering feelings toward you exist. And now, even more than ever, you’re actually reflecting on your own thoughts toward him. Doyoung is the first person you want to go to in a crowded room, it’s like you’re searching for him without realizing it. He’s the one you want to rely on, knowing how capable and responsible he is. Doyoung, given the chance, can really brighten up the room. 
If there was anyone in this world he chose to open up to, you wanted it to be you. 
“Can I kiss you?” Doyoung almost stopped himself from saying it, but he had to know. Your eyes are beyond huge at his request, the sound of thumping in your chest growing in your ears.
“What?” You croak, taken aback by this random out-of-character question. Doyoung’s cheeks are as bright red as a tomato, but he doesn’t break his intense eye contact. 
“Kiss me, I want to know if my feelings are real.” He steps a bit closer with lips parted slightly, rosy cheeks, and dilated pupils. Your shaky hands slowly reach to cup his face and there the beating of your heart quickens, fast enough to where you think you could faint. 
“If we kiss and neither of us feel anything, we’ll pretend it never happened.” You’re trying to cushion any chance at rejection, so that it wouldn’t end in complete disappointment from either one of you. It’s to soften the blow. 
Nevertheless, Doyoung nods in your hot hands and brings your chin close with the pull of his finger. Your lips pucker and land gently on his, your eyes still wide open and you’re in utter shock that Kim Doyoung, the man you thought you’d never kiss, is now kissing you. 
It’s as if fuel added to a flame, the fire in your stomach grows violently at this connection. Doyoung swears he could feel a sudden spark in his tight chest, electricity running in veins.
He pulls away and the contact between you two breaks as quick as it connected. He simply blinks at you, with a cute doe-eyed expression and red cheeks. You’re blinking back, heart in your throat and a desire to kiss him again. 
“Are your feelings real?” You ask him a question you’re scared to know the answer to, worried that he didn’t feel that same fire as you did from that kiss and he’d ask to pretend it never happened.
“Real, absolutely real.” Doyoung confirms with a breathy speech. He can’t pinpoint how long these feelings have been locked away and how long he has ignored them. Nonetheless, that kiss proves so much to himself, one being that he is way more head over heels for you than he thought. 
And the next course of action he chooses may ruin your current dynamic completely, but he fully and utterly wants to commit to you. He doesn’t tell you, worried that it may scare you off when he only wishes to hold you close.
The two of you stare into each other’s eyes for a brief moment of silence with tensions high and hearts beating fast. Both are unaware of how to proceed without making things awkward or shifting too greatly from your banterful friendship. 
So, Doyoung eases in with a request so telling, but gentle enough for the two of you to agree upon. “Let me drive you to work from now on.” 
Your eyes glimmer with a shine, clearing your throat before you speak. “Is this about our carbon footprint or something else?”
He chuckles, “we’re saving the Earth while I also get to spend more time getting to know you, it sounds like a win - win situation to me.” 
“And the rumors?” 
Doyoung leans down to whisper gently into your ear, “let them think what they want.” The same shivers that ran through your body before had returned, but accompanied with butterflies dancing lovingly in your stomach.
Strange how two weeks ago, you thought that the possibility of romantically being with Doyoung was close to none and the best way to describe the two of you was that you just coexisted together. But, here you two are: standing in the middle of your shared living room with sparkling eyes for each other and a newfound excitement for a new relationship, more than just coexisting.
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stellaisinlove · 2 years
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Our Secret
Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: After filming a movie with your coworker, Henry. The two of you have press work to do. Traveling around the world and answering questions from interviewers each day. It can get tiring but it can also lead to a new beginning.
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: None
I have always been a fan of Henry Cavill. I admired him, not just for his good looks but for his remarkable talent in acting. So when I found out that I would be starring alongside him in an upcoming movie, I couldn't help but scream.
Our chemistry on set was undeniable, and our scenes together were electric.
When it came to press week, Henry and I found ourselves doing interviews with one another. Spending almost every day together. Neither of us getting annoyed with the other.
We got the usual questions and gave the usual answers.
"What was your favorite scene to film?"
"Tell people what they should most anticipate from this movie."
When it came to the interviewer asking me what I thought about Henry and what Henry thought about me. We gave a polite, generic answer before moving on to the next question.
During a particularly long press day, we took our seats in two director chairs with the poster of our movie behind us. We sat there making small talk before the Interviewer entered, being fashionably late.
Although it was just an interview, I still wanted to look my best. Wearing a dress that I found laying in my closet a couple of weeks ago before the press started. Although, I didn't think the dress was very special. Henry did, his eyes were on me like glue. He zoned out, staring at me not caring about what the unprofessional interviewer was asking.
As the interview went on, she asked me a question that I could suspect from a mile away. "What's the chemistry like on set for you two?"
I chuckled and shook my head, "It's easy to get distracted...I mean, have you seen Henry? It's hard not to have a crush on him." I laughed brushing it off. I knew more than half the girls watching this interview agreed with me.
Henry left his trance. Trying to put together what he just heard come out of my mouth. He blinked, nodding his head trying not to open his mouth and say something he shouldn't say in front of the camera.
"And you, Henry?" The interviewer asked.
Henry scoffed before giving a small smirk. His blue eyes trailed down my body. "Well...I, too, get distracted during scenes. The number of times I had to call 'line' because I was too busy admiring how she looked..." Henry smirked turning his head to look into my eyes. I looked right back at him.
Our eyes locked, and the interviewer's questions faded into the background. It was as if we were the only two people in the room. I felt my cheeks get warm as Henry's eyes trailed down to my lips, a soft smile stretched on my face. The tension between us was palpable.
"Well, that's all the questions I have. Thank you for coming." The camera switched off.
"Thank you!" Henry and I said in sync, jumping out of our seats and to the exit.
Out front was the black van with tinted windows, waiting to pick us up. Henry walked ahead of me. Opening the car door and letting me in first. I sat down with a sigh, laying back in my chair. Henry sitting beside me, buckling his seatbelt.
"Thank God today is over." I groaned before buckling my own.
Henry gave a soft laugh before looking out the window.
We were currently in London for press. Driving down the busy streets of traffic. Henry would occasionally point out places he'd been to when he was little. He suggested that when we had a day off he would show me the city. Saying he would take me to all the Michelin-star restaurants that I wanted to go to.
Once we were at the hotel we rushed to check into our rooms.. Both our managers gave us the best Suites the Hotel could offer and we were eager to see them. "You can leave your bags here, someone will bring them to you shortly." The concierge smiled.
Henry and I entered the elevator, clicking the button that said '20' on it. The elevator doors slid open and we stepped into the hallway, about to part ways but, I was stopped by Henry's voice.
"Y/N, Can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, his eyes searching mine.
I nodded, feeling my nerves jump as my eyes connected with his. "Of course, what's up?"
Henry took a deep breath, "I can't keep acting like there's nothing there, Y/N... I have feelings for you, and I can't keep pushing that down and ignoring it..."
My heart skipped a beat. We both knew damn well there was something there, but neither of us knew how or when to bring it up, and thank God he did it before me. I had the largest smile on my face, Henry waits for my response.
"I've felt the same way for...such a long time." I whisper.
Henry took my hand in his, I looked down and noticed how perfectly my hand fits in his, it was smaller than his but not by a lot. His hands were warm and smoother than I thought. " I don't want to waste any more time pretending... I want to be with you."
I smiled, feeling warmth in my chest, "I want to be with you too. But, what about our jobs?"
"That doesn't matter." He said moving his hand up to cup my cheek. "It can be our secret..."
I leaned my head into his touch with a relaxed smile. His hand warming up my even warmer face.
The two of us snapped back to reality to see a bellboy with our bags. He handed them to us before rushing back to the elevator acting as if he didn't see anything.
We looked at each other awkwardly not knowing what to do next.
"I should go to my room now..."
Henry cleared his throat and gave a nod. "Right," I could see the pink stretching on his face.
I made it to my room and threw my bag onto the ground. Slipping off my shoes, I fall onto my bed and lay there for a moment, trying to recall what had just happened. When I finally realize what this meant I squeal, covering my face as I can feel my body full of butterflies.
I sit up in my bed and look out the window at the most incredible view. Maybe I should get out for a little bit, and see the city. Before I could even get up there was a knock at my door. I slip my shoes back on and look through the peephole to see Henry standing there.
I open the door and he's looking down at me with another smile of his.
"How about that restaurant?" He asked.
I didn't hesitate. I nodded my head and held out my hand, he placed his in mine without a second thought.
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sofiareidings · 1 year
The Scenic Route
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This story was based off of this photo:
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Summary: You and your coworker finally admit your feelings for each other. But your first date doesn't really go as planned.
A/N: I'm not as obsessed with this stories as my others so I apologise if it isn't great. I really didn't have a lot of motivation today and my sister is back in the hospital aswell so we were really busy.
Song Suggestions: La Vie En Rose - Emily Watts
Word Count: 0.8k
The others on the team found it almost comical how oblivious the two of you had been. You both liked each other but didn’t know. Penelope and Emily had been telling you that he definitely liked you. When you didn’t listen Penelope went out of her way to show you the clues through a PowerPoint.
Derek and JJ had been doing the same thing to Spencer. When he finally believed them he spent two weeks planning how to ask you out. Exactly what he needed to do…and then it happened.
Everyone else had gone home from the office but you were finishing up on some paperwork. You were focused on your work and didn’t even notice that Spencer was still there. You kept an eye on him and after a while got the suspicion he didn’t have anything he was still doing but just waiting to talk to you. Everything that Penelope and Emily had been saying felt really likely now but you decided you wanted to see how this played out.
It had been twenty minutes since you finished working but you stayed there at your desk to see if he’d make the first move. You weren’t making it too obvious that you were done working, you had your computer turned on and you just scrolled through the internet mindlessly.
After another ten minutes you finally heard him speak up. “Y/N, are you busy or can we talk?” You smiled then nodded, of course you were free to talk. He got up and leaned onto the empty desk across from you. “So, I was wondering, if maybe you would want to uh…”
“Are you asking me out, Reid?” You cut him off because watching him trying to figure out how to ask you was like watching a puppy try to walk for the first time. He was a little shocked by what you said and you felt this excited feeling growing inside you realising that everyone was right. “Because if you are I would say yes Spence.”
Still a little bit in shock by your statement, this really did not go the way he had planned it to. He cleared his throat then tried to be less stunned while he talked. “You would? I mean, yes. I was hoping to ask you to dinner.” He smiled and stood up a little straighter. “I was thinking we could go out tomorrow? After work?”
“Yeah, I think I could make that work.” Shutting down your computer and starting to pack up. You broke out into a small laugh and finally picked up your jacket and keys. “Well, I should probably go home now. See you tomorrow.” Not sure how to say goodbye to someone you just admitted to liking, you started to reach out for a handshake then played it off as a wave.
Let’s just say that dinner the next day did not work.
You ended up having an emergency case and it just didn’t happen. Both of you should have expected it really.
The date got postponed for almost two weeks until it finally happened. The two of you decided on a small Chinese restaurant quite a bit away. Because of this, you also decided to take the train.
The restaurant was a cute little family owned business that was pretty much empty for the whole dinner. The both of you had a great time but even though you both knew how badly you wanted to just kiss each other neither of you had the guts to make a move. The waiter, a teen girl, was clearly trying to play cupid throughout dinner. There was this moment when it was time to get the bill and your hands touched, for maybe a second. You could feel the warmth of his hand and pulled away scared to make another move.
The train back was incredibly delayed and the train was packed. You found two seats right by the entrance to sit in but because of how full the train was you were practically shoulder to shoulder. Once the train started moving you felt Spencer move his arm away and you had a little bit of an internal panic for a second like maybe you did something wrong. That panic was shut down seconds later when you felt his hand laying behind you and hugging you close to him.
The arm around you was comforting and to tell him that without actually saying it you just leaned into him more. The train slowly started becoming less crowded but as each stop came you felt more and more tired.
The date might not have gone as you two had planned but the feeling this moment gave was better than what either of you could’ve expected.
Right before you started to fall asleep his hand disappeared for a second then came back and started running through your hair. You sunk deeper into his chest until you finally fell asleep, just comforted by him.
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todorroki · 3 months
HEY GIRLS........ I'M DEAD (love sea ep 2 thoughts)
do you think mame watched kp and nodded to herself like "yes... exactly..." while rubbing her hands together because that's the only reasoning i can come up with for what we got today. anyways nothing too coherent will be said this week sorry. my mind is still [metal bar crash] [car siren] [truck horn] [glass shattering]
let's just say when i started this ep i was sitting upright on the sofa and by the 8 minute mark i was sliding down my seat, and by the time they got to the SHOWER? clutching the armrest, practically parallel to the seat cushion, scandalized as though i haven't been filtering by E on ao3 for years now. MY EYES! no warning full on horny beam blast to the brain. and i was wondering how they were going to measure up to their nc scenes in LITA. me to my past self: u know nothing. fool.
first line in is rak wondering about sex with mut like LMAO talk about setting the tone. i love this episode because the direction said absolutely no nonsense we're gonna dial up the horny right away and they're so valid for that. the tension was Chef's Kiss. when rak just went ahead and sucked on mut's finger i screamed (silently). mut's expression here is ME
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tongrak's resistance is weaker than wet paper! what happened to don't go for him LMAO even the cockblocking seashell wound was forgotten by the time mut started sucking on his arm.
and MY GOD there was so much Tongue. OPEN YOUR MOUTH?????? HELLO??????? as someone who has greater-than-anakin levels of hatred for sand, i was not even CLOSE to thinking about the sand in this scene so hats off to fortpeat. drove the surrounding setting completely out of my mind. then the nc back in rak's room afterwards?? i was mentally screaming HEELLP! shooting terrified glances at the closed door by the tv hoping no one else in the house was awake because jesus peat was Moaning.. tongrak took ride dick bicycle SERIOUSLY! and fort's low "im expensive" and "woof" line delivery is PEEAK I SAY. SO GOOD. they've truly outdone themselves with this one. im practically speechless. and BEST BELIEVE IM REWINDING IT LIKE A MADMAN!!
this is Not the horny speaking btw, peat's face is so cute here. when his eyes go a little wide ↓
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nc aside, the motorcycle ride is so cute. rak clinging onto mut with both arms like OKAY!! I SEE! mhm mhm olivia wilde nod
tiny break from our main couple- we get vimook this week!! even a forehead kiss and the preview for next week asking mook out?? wow we're moving fast!! side note: are those chanya's real tattoos? because the small flower one on her arm is pretty. also enjoying palm just popping up constantly out of nowhere. he's simply a chill dude.
i liked that scene at the restaurant a lot. both the scenery And the food on the table looked great. i think that was the first time mutrak actually have a nice, proper conversation with each other. and they were very sweet! we get mut's backstory, and a bit of rak's thoughts on his job.
now i have No idea if anyone else has this error, but when i watched ep2 on the iq app on my tv, there was a line of subtitle here right before rak says because it's fun, though there was no actual dialogue:
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it was something along the lines of 'actually, it's an escape' which would match rak's line of thought in the book. but it doesn't show when i watch the episode on the iq website. not sure if they forgot to put the audio into the scene or what.
similarly, when mut texts kom in the scene afterwards, the iq site only has the punctuation while the tv app showed the texts' translation. same thing with some of tongrak's flashbacks at the end. i don't know if it's just on my end or anyone else has this problem! not surprised tho the eye kew site n tv app both operate terribly imo :-) why are the subs placed so high on the website :-) ui and ux nightmare :-)
my hatred for this corp aside, WE GET DIVING AGAIN THIS WEEK!!!!! i'm so excited to see the behind the scenes for this part. i love seeing the logistics of filming underwater. and because this one involves a panic almost-drowning scene, it must've been hell to film, especially if they had to do it more than once. really looking forward to it. the visuals so far in both episodes are killing it.
shoutout to fort in the wetsuit... he's so hot
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i really like how they're slowly dropping rak's trauma in bits and pieces in these 2 eps. (and i know we're supposed to focus on the trauma, but my brain went 'omg peat with his hair down so cute' during that scene with rak's sister sorry). compared to mut, who spells out his past with ease because he's made peace with it, rak outright avoids talking about his problems.
also, i LOVE mut's character when he's being serious. any time fort's tone drops to talk lowly or softly, i ASCEND. please give fort more serious roles!!! he deserves them!!
and we end with the title drop tongrak mahasamut!
the ending song changing from rak by himself in the first ep to mut sitting with him in this ep is a nice touch! it's the little details.
overall, pacing for this ep was good. i love it more than ep1, though idk if my opinion is influenced by the nc frying my brain. also, the boy next world poster!! just in time for their workshop starting this week whoop whoop
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as always, if you found this post and read til this point, thank you so much for your time! anyways, if you'll excuse me, i have to rewatch some uh parts of this episode again haha. my screenshot folder is um. quite filled. just like tongrak. alright im out.
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anti-romantico · 1 year
[work trip] the boyz sangyeon
warnings: slow-burn, use of the word "daddy" idk if I should apologize for this one lmao, oral (f receiving), protected sex (I earned a cookie for this), hint of a second round
words: 3571
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Working as an assistant wasn’t in your plans when you graduated, but as long as you could pay your bills with the salary without having to get another job, you were more than happy.
And it wasn’t like your boss was terrible or a creep. He was young, didn’t have kids, but always liked to spoil his friend’s, it was like his favorite hobby. 
You arrived at your desk 15 minutes before your usual time this morning. You didn’t know your driver was in such a rush, but you preferred to not ask and let him drive while you hold on for dear life.
— You’re early. — Your boss said, walking out of his office.
— My driver must have had something important to do after dropping me off. — You answered. — Good morning, Mr. Lee. — You bowed your head a little.
He softly smiled. — Good morning. Did you receive my email?
— Yes, you wanted to talk to me. — You confirmed.
And even though it wasn’t a question, Sangyeon nodded. — It was going to be later, but considering you still have 10 more minutes of freedom and that I’ll leave earlier. Come to my office, please.
You felt cold sweat all over your body. Did you mention he made you insanely nervous? And you knew the thoughts you sometimes had about him would be firing you in a second. 
You sat down on the chair in front of his desk and waited for him to talk. Sangyeon took off his blazer and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, and sat down on his own chair.
— Do you want water? — He suddenly asked. And you didn’t know if it was the nervousness, but you sensed a hint of mockery in his tone.
— No, thank you, Mr. Lee. — You said, looking away.
You heard him scoff. — Well, I wanted to talk to you because we received an invitation to an investors meeting in Gangmun. And although it will only be 3 meetings, it’s going to be a whole week. You can pack some swimsuits if you want. We are leaving on Friday.
And Friday arrived too fast for your liking. The organizers of this trip made sure his future investors traveled comfortably because your seats were first class and the hotel was 5 stars. 
Your room and Sanyeon’s were next to each other, and while you were unpacking, someone knocked on your door.
— Hi, I just got a call. Our first meeting is tomorrow morning, so that means you have the whole day free. — You nodded. — Oh. These were in my room, to let the hotel staff know you’re here as part of the trip. Pretty sure you’ll have courtesies. — Sangyeon grabbed your left arm and put on the white plastic bracelet. — And you have only one more replacement, so be careful. — He let it go.
— Thanks. So am I free to do anything today? — You asked, already making plans.
— I mean, yes, just don’t go to sleep late, the meeting is at 11am, right after breakfast. — You giggled, he was using the same tone he used with his friend’s kids.
— Right, thank you, Mr. Lee. — You smiled and waited for him to leave.
The next morning, you got up and took a bath. You were getting dressed when you released how hungry you were. You were almost ready when Sangyeon knocked on your door. 
— Slept well? — Was the first thing he asked when you opened your door.
— Yes, thank you, Mr. Lee. You too? — You asked, closing your door, making sure it was locked. 
— You can say that. I always have a difficult time sleeping the first night outside my home.
— That happened to me once, I just asked for more pillows. — You said. He called the elevator and nodded.
Breakfast was quiet. The restaurant was full of businessmen, and some even looked at both of you from time to time. None of them came accompanied by their assistant? You wanted to ask Sanyeon about it, but he was too immersed in his phone.
— Aren't you going to order, Mr. Lee? — You took him out of his thoughts.
— I only ordered a coffee, [Y/N], I'm not that hungry. — Sangyeon put away his phone and gave you his whole attention.
After his coffee and your fruit salad arrived, you casually talked about your plans for the next day. Not noticing everyone's eyes were on you two.
Not even in the meeting room you noticed the businessmen gossiping around, you just assumed they were talking about, well, business. 
The next day finally arrived, and room service was like your alarm to get off the bed. 
"Courtesy from the house" the bellman said. 
You sent Sangyeon a message to tell him you were having your breakfast in your room and that it would be ok for him to join, but he rejected the offer saying he was already having breakfast with some colleague at the restaurant. 
After finishing, you grabbed one of the bikinis you packed and got ready to enjoy the pool.
— Hi! — A voice called your attention when you were looking for your sunglasses.
A guy with black hair and tattoos was right in front of you. 
— Hi.
— I wasn't sure if you were the lady from the meeting room. I'm Kevin.
— [Y/N]. — You gazed over him, watching him sit down on the chair beside yours. — Are you an investor?
— I'm one of the organizers, actually. — You slightly panicked. — I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but you didn't seem to have a moment away from Mr. Lee.
— Yeah, he often forgets small but important details and I have to remind him.
— Oh, so you're his assistant? — Kevin sounded genuinely surprised.
— I am, is there a problem?
— No, I think it's smart of him to bring his assistant. Most of these men think they know everything and often humiliate themselves. 
— Tell me about it, in all the work trips I've been since I started to work for Mr. Lee, at least one man interrupts the head of the investors and ends up being kicked out of the meeting. 
— Oh I've seen it happen, it's really funny. Anyways, didn't mean to interrupt your free day, but let me take you for a drink or two. How about your next free day?
— The day after tomorrow? 
— Sure, I know those meetings can be exhausting, can't imagine how tired you end up. So, is it ok for you?
— Yeah, let me know the time.
You watched Kevin leave and finally got into the pool when he was out of your sight.
And he was right about the meetings. Businessmen always liked to show off their intelligence, thinking they knew more than the rest. Sangyeon would look at you from time to time, to make sure you weren't too tired.
— I can excuse you if you want to leave. — He whispered in your ear. You swallowed hard.
— And miss this? No way. — You whispered back, making him giggle. 
Your eyes then were caught by Kevin's, he was giving you a teasing look that left you feeling uneasy.
The next night, you dressed casually and went to the bar of the hotel. On your way to the elevator, you met Sangyeon and the colleague he had breakfast with the other day.
— Going somewhere special? — Sangyeon arched his brow when he saw how well dressed you were.
— Yeah, going to the bar, a friend invited me. — You didn't exactly want to tell him that one of the organizers invited you.
— That's great, have a good time, just don't forget…
— We have the last meeting tomorrow, I know. I won't come back late. — Sangyeon smiled and let you go. 
— How long have you been working with Mr. Lee. — Kevin asked, already three drinks in.
You sighed. — Two years, but I started in the archive until he realized I was acting like his assistant so he decided to hire me as such.
— Nice, starting from the bottom… — You laughed and nodded. — I'm going to say this before I get too drunk. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable.
— Why would you?
— Just me and my thoughts. They like to assume things. — You finished your drink and waited for him to talk. — I just thought you were either the wife or the affair. 
And fortunately you already swallowed your drink before he said those words because you would've choked. 
— Why would you think that?
—  I mean, he brought you. Investors usually come alone.
— What do you mean?
— We only sent one invitation. Not saying he has done it in the past, everyone does things differently, but in this case, we only invited him and he asked for permission to bring someone, all expenses on him, of course. 
You couldn't believe him. What if this wasn't the first time? 
After getting another drink and changing topics, you two decided it was time to go back and sleep. You were still talking in the elevator when it reached Kevin's floor. He said goodnight and left, leaving you with your thoughts. 
Once you got to your floor, you calmly walked to your door, but a voice in your head convinced you it was a good time for answers. 
You knocked Sangyeon's door and waited, getting no answer. You knocked again, impatiently.
— [Y/N], it’s late, what’s wrong? — Sangyeon finally opened his door.
— Why did you bring me?
— What?
— You’re paying for my room and my “courtesies”, you thought I wouldn’t know? 
Sangyeon moved to let you in his room. You walked in and waited beside him.
— What’s so wrong about it? — He said after closing his door.
— You lied to me! You told me I was also invited and that the organizers were paying for my food and such. I work for you, why would you do this?
— Ok, let’s get this straight. You don’t work for me, you work with me. Without you I would forget half of the stuff I have to do during the day, I needed you here.
— Are you sure about that? Was paying for such an expensive hotel room necessary?
— Yes. — You closed your mouth surprised.
— Wow, this is beyond unprofessional, Sangyeon. 
— I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, but ever since you started working in the company you haven’t had proper vacations.
— How about you hire someone else and I find somewhere else to work? — You asked. You tried to open the door, but Sangyeon had his whole weight on his arms, stopping you. 
— Are you seriously quitting right now? 
You didn’t turn around. — No, unlike you, I’m a professional. I’ll finish this trip, enjoy my last days here. You’ll have my resignation letter on your desk by Monday. 
He sighed and let you go. He couldn’t sleep that night.
The next morning, you sent him a message saying you'll have your breakfast in your room, so he could go to the restaurant without you. And Sangyeon thought you’d also miss the meeting, but you were waiting for him outside the meeting room.
— It’s not necessary, [Y/N], I'm pretty sure this meeting will be a recap of the other two. — Sangyeon said in a lower voice, not wanting the other businessmen to hear him.
You sighed. — Ms. Kim only invited the investors she was truly interested in working with. 
Sangyeon bit his lower lip fighting the urge to laugh. — I told you I needed you here. 
— Meeting is about to start, Mr. Lee. — You said, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach when you heard those words.
After the meeting, you waited for him to finish talk with Ms. Kim. You got distracted with the beautiful view the meeting room had. Sangyeon called your name after some minutes and you followed him, saying goodbye to Ms. Kim.
— Well, — Sangyeon and you stopped at your door. — Our flight is on Sunday.
— I know. See you then. — You opened your door and looked at him.
— I really hope you reconsider what you said last night. I promise this won’t happen again. 
— See you on Sunday, Mr. Lee. 
You were in the pool enjoying the warm water. The businessmen were already leaving. You noticed when Kevin was checking out. “I just thought you were either the wife or the affair” his words made echo in your head. God, who else thought that about you. He looked in your direction and waved goodbye. You smiled and waved back.
— May I? — Sangyeon’s voice made you turn around.
You shrugged and kept swimming, ignoring that he took off his shirt. After 5 minutes of complete silence, you sat on the edge of the pool and turned your head to talk to him.
— Was this the first time you did it? — You asked.
— What? Paying for a whole hotel room, first class flights, food and all-access bracelets for you? — He answered in a sarcastic tone. 
— And you still want me to work for you? — You turned your body this time.
— Of course. I know I should’ve told you, but would you have agreed to go all those times knowing I was paying for you? — You stayed silent. — Listen, if you decide to still work with me — Sanyeon made emphasis on the “with”. — I’ll still pay for you, you already do half of my job, just take it as a way to thank you. 
You got up and walked to the chair where your towel was. — Did you know some of those businessmen thought I was your wife or even your mistress? And I’m sure it’s not the first time people think that.
— I don’t know why people would think that, [Y/N], we don’t behave like a couple at all. Also, if it’s not true, why are you so worried? 
You stopped your tracks and turned around. — You don’t get it, do you? It has nothing to do with how we act, it’s you paying every single penny for me on these business trips that I shouldn't even be on. 
— Like I said, I’ll still pay for you if you decide to stay on the boat, and it’ll be the same with the next assistant. — Sangyeon got up and walked to you.
— Then I still stand by my decision to give you my resignation letter on Monday. — He was so close you could feel his breath. 
— We make such an amazing team, you have a good salary, I pay for your vacations. I don’t think you’ll be able to find another job like this one.
— Am I your assistant or your sugar baby, Sangyeon?
— I don't know, which one do you want to be?
— You're not implying that…
— It's your decision, pretty.
You didn't care how you looked, you were tired of fighting your inner you to look like a big girl for once. — Do you want me to be only your sugar baby? 
And Sangyeon loved the change of aura. — How about we have this very important conversation in my room. 
If walls could talk, you were sure Sangyeon's room would gasp before such a scene.
You were under him, hungrily kissing, both of your hands were held over your head with one hand of his while his free hand was exploring every inch of your naked skin, sending shivers from your spine to your cunt.
— Is here where you want me, pretty? — He asked in your ear, running his middle and index fingers over your clothed pussy. — Would you allow me to taste you?
— Please… I… 
Sangyeon let your arms go and got down on you, pulling down your bikini bottom. — Tell me if you want me to stop.
He started to lick, as if he was testing the waters. When you didn't show any type of discomfort, he continued by opening your folds with his fingers and finally giving your wet pussy a hard lick that made you moan really loud.
And he didn't give you a moment to breathe, he was sucking on your clit and toying with it with his tongue.
— Fuck… Daddy… please… — You sighed, pulling his hair.
— Are you close, pretty? — He said against your cunt.
You nodded and grabbed the pillows that were beside you before grabbing his face and pulling him to you. — Do you have condoms? 
Sangyeon kept fingering you. — I'm so glad they didn't go to waste this time. 
You giggled when you saw him rush to his backpack and take two metallic envelopes.
And you thought you were finally going to see his dick when he got back to the bed, but before you could say a word, he was back on your pussy, spreading your legs open to finish the job. You had to push him when he kept eating you out after you had your orgasm. 
— Do you remember how you just called me? — Sangyeon asked, taking out one of the condoms and rolling it down on his hard cock. 
— I don't think so. — You playfully said, sighing when you felt his tip against your entrance. 
— Make some memory because I want to hear it more often. 
The whole room was filled with moans, grunts and wet sounds. Your arms were back over your head while your tongues were fighting. You threw your head back with another loud moan when he brushed the spot.
— Right there, daddy. — You whined, hugging his hips with your legs. 
Sangyeon's hips took control and kept ramming against you, making the bed squeak.
Your juices were dripping to the bed, letting you know you were close. — Daddy… — You couldn't finish your sentence, you felt your whole body burning. Sangyeon kissed you and massaged your clit, receiving all your moans in his mouth. 
— Give it to me, pretty. Cum for me. — His grip on your wrists was deadly, there will be marks the next morning. 
You felt how you teared your throat with how loud you moaned while cumming. Sangyeon cummed right after with how tight your pussy was squeezing him.
After five minutes of cleaning yourselves, you went to the bathroom to pee while he was looking for something for you to wear.
— Do you know my room is next to yours, right? — You said, sitting down on his bed.
— Do you promise you'll come back? — He grabbed you by the chain and made you look up.
— Why wouldn't I come back? — Sangyeon gave you a sweet kiss and let you go, getting in the bathroom.
You went to your room to change clothes and pack all your things, leaving everything ready for the next morning. 
Once you were in your pajamas, you went to Sangyeon's room. He was already laying down waiting for you.
— Are you hungry? — He asked. He was now wearing sweatpants, but didn't bother to wear a shirt. And the slight tent under the pants gave you a hint that he also didn't have underwear on. 
— Kind of. — You crawled through the bed to him and straddled him.
— Do you want me to order something? — His hand shamelessly massaged your butt.
— I think we have a conversation pending, Mr. Lee. — You said before kissing his neck.
— Are you sure you want to have that conversation like this? Fuck… — You licked his neck all the way to his ear. — I don't want you to be my sugar baby, [Y/N]. — You stopped, but didn't move. — I want to start a romantic relationship with you. 
Your soul came back to your body, made you laugh. You hit him on his chest. — Is it too hard to ask me to be your girlfriend? 
Sangyeon pulled you to kiss you. — And about the job… 
— You already know my position on that. — You answered, intertwining your fingers with his.
— You said it yourself. You're a professional, but if you consider you can't separate our relationship at work, then I'll respect your decision.
— What about the rest of the workers?
— I'm the one signing the checks, pretty, if they want to doubt on the position you are in, then they can have a word with me.
The next morning, you turned off your alarm and stretched your body without opening your eyes. You giggled when you felt Sangyeon's lips on the skin of your back.
— Morning, pretty. — His raspy and deep voice made you clench around nothing.
You turned your body and kissed him. — Morning, handsome. 
— Call me cheesy, but it's my first night here sleeping the whole night. — Sangyeon kissed you again, pulling one of your legs over his waist.
You felt his morning wood and bit his lower lip, making him groan. — Do you have any plans for today? — You said over his lips.
— Enjoying this really comfortable bed with my girlfriend. — His hips buckled up, brushing his erection on your stomach. — And I was thinking of rescheduling our flight and staying a few more days.
Your hand traveled inside of his pajama pants and started massaging him. — That sounds lovely, but I don't think we have enough condoms for that.
— I can still order more. — His fingers pulled down your shorts and underwear before reaching for the condom that he left over the nightstand last night. 
You helped him with it and guided him to your entrance, feeling a pinch of pain for the lack of preparation. 
— How long do you want to stay? — Sangyeon asked over your lips, thrusting into you.
— How about you make me cum and then we can talk about anything you want? — Your finger dug in his back, leaving marks.
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justimajin · 10 months
Drabble #1
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Words: 2.2k (oof)
↠ Warnings: Fluff, so much fluff.
↳ This drabble takes place after the Epilogue of The Profit & Love Statement
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Time is ticking. 
His footsteps echo against the ground, fingertips fiddling and adjusting his black tie for the seventh time. He paces back and forth, rehearsed and continuous mumbles escaping his lips. 
The handles of time tick against his watch continue to tick, and it only seems to make his heart race even more. 
For he was a bundle of nerves, filled utterly with jitters. 
The reason for that is well, because– 
Today was the day he was going to propose to you. 
He had been waiting, anticipating, this day. It had been half a year since he had bought the diamond ring, in which you had spent countless days together, made so many memories and excelled in your respective careers. Sure there were the bad days too – the days where both of you struggled to make time for the other, the days you had gotten into small arguments about the simplest of things or the really tough days, when one was going through something and the other could only watch. 
But in the end, you had always managed to find each other again. Managed to compromise, to somehow meet each other halfway, and your future was so clear and prospective that he just knew. 
He knew this was the right time. 
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You glance down at your watch. 
A deep frown mars your features, forming a crease between your brows. There’s a sensation of warmth against your shoulder and you turn around, looking in surprise. 
The man before you softly smiles, “Why so glum, Y/N?” 
“Oh, I’m okay–” You quickly clarify, before a wistful sigh leaves your lips. “It’s just Jin, I don’t why he was insisting we come so early.” 
He hums, “Well, he must have a reason. It might just be a very important one.” 
“Knowing him, he’s probably got something planned.” You shake your head, and he chuckles nervously. 
You direct a smile in his direction, “Thanks for coming with me, Jimin.” 
“Of course.” He grins and you stand next to him, glancing around for your ride. 
Within the last couple of days, Jin had been acting quite…unusual. Despite his hectic schedule, he brought up the idea that you should all get together and have dinner at his restaurant. It was a little surprising at first – since typically he wasn’t the one initiating plans because of his restricted time, but it took an even stranger turn when he asked for you and the others to dress up formally. Which is why you’re standing by the curb with Jimin in a red dress and with your hair lightly styled. In contrast, the latter is adorned in a dress shirt and black slacks. 
You let out a sigh. You had tried questioning Jin about it, inquiring more about what to wear or why he was insisting your schedule stay free that day, but he had effortlessly dodged all of your questions. 
Essentially – you were unsure of what exactly you were walking into. 
You turn to Jimin, “He’s getting kind of late, isn’t he?” 
He’s already looking at his phone with a frown, “He is.” 
As if he knew you were talking about him, a car pulls up near the curb, catching both you and Jimin by surprise. The window rolls down and Taehyung sticks his head out with a wide grin. 
“Hop in, folks!” 
“You’re late.” You point out, but Taehyung waves you off. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get us there on time!” He proclaims as you and Jimin slip into the car. There’s a bouquet of flowers in the back seat, something that makes you frown. 
“What’s all this?” 
Taehyung and Jimin make eye contact with each other, to which Taehyung cheekily smiles. 
“It’s a surprise for later.” 
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[Jin's POV]
“Calm down, it’s all going to be fine!” 
Hoseok has his hands raised, a grin lining his lips. 
However, it isn’t much help for his dilemma. 
“How can I be fine when this is happening?!” Jin points to the piece of hair that curls up, sticking out in an unflattering way. 
From a distance away on the couch, someone stifles a laugh. 
“I don’t know, it kind of makes you look your age.” He sends a glare in Jungkook’s direction, who holds a cheeky grin. 
“Let me see.” A third voice insists and Jin watches as Yoongi attempts to flatten out the hair, only for it to poke back up. 
“We need some hair gel for this.” He concludes, but Jin sighs in exasperation. 
“I ran out!” He says in defeat, “I thought the least of my concerns today was going to be how my hair looked.” 
“I can call Namjoon and ask him to bring some.” Hoseok offers, but Jin shakes his head. 
“He’s stopping by to pick up the ring already.” He glances at Hoseok, “What about everything else? Do I look okay?” 
“Of course you do!” Hoseok brightly smiles, only to notice the piece of hair sticking out, “Uh, let’s see, we just have to do something this–” 
“I have an idea.” Yoongi emerges from the bathroom with a straightener and Hoseok nods. 
“That could work!” The cat-like man proceeds to fix Jin’s hair as he frantically looks around. 
“What about Taehyung? And Jimin? Where are they now?” 
“They should be both together–” Jungkook pitches in, walking closer to them. 
His expression morphs into surprise. “Hyung, he looks better already!” 
Yoongi hums, stepping away as Jin scowls. 
“Hey, the word you’re looking for is handsome.” Hoseok persists, “It’s giving that kdrama quality.” 
“You really got to stop watching so many of those.” Yoongi remarks, turning to Jin, “I think it looks okay now.” 
Jin glances at the mirror, sighing in relief at the adjusted strand. He quickly spins around on his heels, looking at Jungkook. 
“Any information about where Y/N is right now?” 
“Jimin just texted me.” He informs, staring at his phone. However, he grimaces. “Taehyung just picked them up…” 
“What?” Hoseok mutters, “They’re running past the set time!” 
“It’s fine.” Yoongi states, “I’m sure we can trust Taehyung to get them there on time.”
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[Y/N's POV]
“I think I’m lost.” 
“What do you mean you’re lost?” You question, eyes snapping from the back of the car.
“That looks familiar…” He points to a building on the far right, “I think I might be going in circles.” 
“Oh, no.” You whisper underneath your breath, but Jimin steps in. 
“The restaurant’s close to the office.” He brings up, looking down at his phone from the passenger seat, “I can give you directions.” 
“I’m not even sure if that’ll help.” Taehyung sighs, “It’s so dark out here!” 
“Hey, you’re doing amazing!” Jimin reassures, but you gnaw on your bottom lip. 
An anxious glance is thrown at your watch. 
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[Jin's POV]
He’s freaking out. 
Did the suit he was wearing look good on him? Of course. Was his hair on point? Finally, yes. Was he ready? 
He attempts to shake out all the jitters before pressing a hand against his chest to calm down his heartbeat. 
“I have the ring!” Namjoon exclaims with a wide grin, having arrived a couple of minutes ago. 
He presents it to him, “It’s been adjusted to Y/N’s size.” 
“Thank you.” 
“All good?” Namjoon wonders, and Jin sheepishly laughs. 
“I’m just nervous, we’ve been together for a while and this feels right, but I don’t know–” He halts his rambling, “What if I mess up?” 
Namjoon chuckles, “I’m pretty sure Y/N would still want to marry you.” 
Jin shakes his head, glancing down at the ground. “I messed up my proposal.” 
A deep voice draws him out his thoughts, “I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but I fumbled my words last minute.” Yoongi laughs, “I asked Hana if I could re-do the entire thing and she just hugged me while crying instead. Told me to put the damn ring on her finger already.” 
Jin can’t help but chuckle at that, the image of Yoongi shocked by her response before ultimately agreeing and slipping the ring onto her finger forming in his head. 
The man walks over, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s normal to be nervous, but if there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that you and Y/N were meant to be together.” 
Jin warmly smiles, genuinely for the first time in the evening. 
“Thanks, Yoongi.” 
He smiles back at him, “Don’t mention it.” 
“It’s time!” Hoseok enters the room, a bit frantic. “You need to go!” 
Jin sucks in a deep inhale, nodding confidently. He rises to his feet and stands by the door. 
“You’ll do great.” Yoongi reassures. 
“Y/N will love it, trust me.” Hoseok says with a grin. 
Jungkook strides up beside him, placing both hands on his shoulders. “Go get her, tiger.”
His serious yet reassuring tone makes Jin laugh, “Geez, thanks.”
Jin looks at the three of them, “Thank you for letting me marry your friend.” 
They all beam at him, and he turns to Namjoon, who hands him the ring box with a smile. 
“Good luck.” He says, and with one final glance back, Jin departs. 
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[Y/N's POV]
You are left all by yourself. 
The deep frown you had before had morphed into a scowl. Not only had you been late in reaching the restaurant after reassuring Jin you would be on time, you were left all by yourself. 
Jimin had proclaimed he needed to use the bathroom – oddly enough not the one in the restaurant and Taehyung had insisted on staying with his car, saying that it was making rather rambunctious noises even though it was completely silent the entire ride. 
You were also handed the flowers he had picked up, something that just has you frowning even more. 
Letting on a sigh after one glance at your watch, you had decided on entering by yourself. You were late, there were flowers in your hand and Jin was nowhere in sight. 
The door creaks open and your footsteps falter. 
You barely hear the sound of the door shutting behind, a soft gasp leaving your lips. 
The restaurant is completely empty – with all the tables and chairs lined up to the side. Along the ceiling and the walls are bright fairy lights, all woven through pink flowers that scattered around the restaurant. The floor is lined with rose petals, all that form into the centre in the shape of a heart. 
You are in utter awe, stuck within a trance at the front. 
“Sorry, we’re closed today.” 
You snap out of it, eyes flickering over to Jin walking out from one of the back doors. 
There’s a knowing smile on his lips, and he walks closer to you, taking your hand. “–But I might just make anexception for you.” 
“W-What is all this…?” You whisper, voice barely coming out. 
“Something a little special.” He walks backwards, guiding you into the heart. “And something that’s just between us.” 
You catch on, lips drawing up into a warm smile. 
He clears his throat. 
“Do you remember that work trip I took recently? The one where I was gone for a week.” 
His inquiry makes you chuckle, “Of course, I remember it.” 
“And do you also remember how much you cried when I came back? Do you remember how much you kept saying that you missed me and that I would have to promise to take you along for long trips?” 
You nod, “You promised you would, and then cooked for me so I would feel better.” 
“Wow, you have a really good memory.” He whispers cheekily, and you roll your eyes with a laugh. 
But then he gets down on one knee and you sharply inhale. 
A shining diamond ring is presented to you. “At the time, I really wished I could have proposed to you. It had been on my mind for months, but I wanted to make sure the time was right for both of us, and that it would be special.” 
You sniffle, nodding slowly. 
“–We were also in public together,” He adds on, “And I don’t think you really would have appreciated me making you cry even more at that point.” 
You laugh through the tears and he smiles. 
“Which is why I ask now–” He deeply inhales, all his nerves building up together. He had practised this so many times, and all yet somehow, all his confidence had still gone out the window. 
Your heart is pounding within your chest, and tears stream down your eyes. 
“Will you marry me?” 
You don’t miss another second, “Of course I will.” 
He immediately beams, sliding the ring onto your finger as you collectively laugh. His arms come around you and you grin, so much that your cheeks hurt. 
Suddenly, the sound of loud cheering startles you. Turning around in surprise, six familiar faces show up at the front entrance, all clapping in excitement and joy. 
You laugh, glancing at Jin astonished at the sight of them all being there. 
He grins, “I’m marrying their friend, so they wanted to make a special appearance.”
You tenderly smile, walking with him to greet them.
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by @precioussoulofmine
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A/N: I knew the moment I opened up requests that an engagement scene was coming up xD I tried my best to incorporate your request and what I had 'envisioned' the scene to be like. I also thought it would be super sad to end it at the part where Y/N walks in (because I knew what Jin would say to propose) so I decided to go with the full length version of it. I'm hoping it was to your satisfaction! I swear I overloaded this one with so much fluff :')
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
warnings: none
a/n: 1.0k words...horrendous from me
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"and we have one last member of our group, Seven or Sev as we like to call her. Best friend since we were in diapers. We used to live next to each other until her mother married Ezekiel Reyes, a Kook who founded a very successful tech startup. She moved to the Kook side of the island. Even though Seven was technically a Kook, she never claimed the title nor did the Kooks accept her, not like she cared. Currently, she's spending her time at a juvenile detention facility on the mainland for a second-degree aggravated assault charge from her former stepfather. She was the most reckless out of all of us but she's also the biggest teddy bear in the world. You would think she would be a good girl considering she's the daughter of the Sheriff of the island. But Sev did whatever she wanted despite her mother's or former stepfather's occupations which didn't sit well with the Kooks or Ezekiel because they knew they couldn't use it to scare her. But it makes life difficult for her mother."
~ john booker routledge ~
A LOUD ALARM SOUNDED for a moment before the automatic doors opened in front of seventeen year old Seven Peterkin. The blue-eyed girl exited the brick building to see her mother Susan leaning against her patrol car. Sev walked up to her mother and they both stood in silence before a smile appeared on her face. Susan grabbed her daughter and gave her a big tight hug. A hug Seven definitely needed and missed.
Susan pulled away to get a good look at her daughter. Her hair was grown out into a little curly afro that suited her really well. Seven always had her hair either buzz cut short or faded with little hair on top. She never liked her hair long because neither her or her mother knew how to maintain it properly. While she looking over Seven, she noticed a faded but still noticeable bruise under her right eye.
"What happened to you eye?" Susan questioned.
"Oh I was playing in the yard last week. Things got a little too rough in the football game, took a knee to the eye while tackling someone" Seven answered.
Susan hummed in response, not really believing her daughter's story but decided to accept it for right now.
"You hungry?" Susan asked.
"Absolutely. I've been eating mushy mystery food for the past year" Seven said as her stomach, on cue, growled.
Susan chuckled and got in the car. Seven followed suit and got in the passenger seat. The mother and daughter duo made their way to The Wreck, Seven's favorite restaurant next to McDonald's. The duo caught up on lost time, it was like Seven never left the detention facility. Susan and Seven were super close. The two were dependent on each other.
They went through hard times together from Seven's biological father abandoning them a month before she was even born, when Susan married Ezekiel and moved them to the Kook side of the island against their wishes, to when Ezekiel started abusing Susan emotionally and physically, to Seven almost beating Ezekiel to death with a wrench, and her getting charged and sent to juvie. The duo has been through a lot together but they always stuck together no matter what.
After a long ferry ride back to the mainland followed by the drive to the Wreck, Seven's stomach was growling every chance it got. As they pulled up, Susan got a text on her phone, an important message.
"Listen, I gotta get back to work. Get something for today and tomorrow" Susan said and handed her daughter a $50 bill.
Seven nodded and exited the vehicle. The duo bid goodbyes and stay safe to each other before going their respective ways. A ding rang as Seven entered the slightly busy restaurant. She started to walk towards the cash register but a voice stopped her.
The brown skinned girl turned around at the call of her name. In front of her was Mike Carrera, father of her best friend Kiara and the owner of The Wreck. Behind close doors Mike had a strong dislike for Seven, more than the other pogues. The reason being was that Ezekiel and Mike grew up together, they were best friends just like how Seven and the other pogues are. I'm sure anyone with a pulse can guess whose side Mike was on when Seven nearly beat Ezekiel to death. He even advocated for Seven to be charged with attempted murder. That would of definitely landed her in big girl jail.
"Mr. Carrera...how are you?" Seven awkwardly smiled at him. Despite everything, the teenager was going to be respectful of her best friend's father because had it been anyone else...well her niceness would've faded quickly.
"What are you doing here?" Mike questioned.
Seven sighed, "I just wanted to order some food for my mother and I...sir."
Mike let out a chuckle and got closer to Seven. To him, Seven was like gum on the bottom on his shoe. Annoying and a nuisance to everyone around her. He despised that Kiara hung out with her.
"Don't think for a second, you're going anywhere near my daughter, not after what you did. You and the other pogues but especially you are a cancer to my daughter's life and I'll be damned if I sit here and watch you drag her down with you. I'm telling you one time and one time only. Stay-" Mike was suddenly interrupted by a loud shriek. The two turned towards the door to see Kiara and the boys who were stood there with shocked faces.
"Oh my god! Seven!" Kiara shrieked and ran to Seven. Kiara jumped into Seven's arms while the boys tackled her into a group hug. After a moment they all pulled away from the hug.
"Dude when did you get out? Why didn't you tell us?" JJ questioned happily.
Seven chuckled, "I got out a few hours ago and I was going to surprise you guys but that's not happening. So...surprise."
The four pogues took their time to look over Seven just like her mother did.
"Your hair is longer"
"Your voice got deeper and you don't have braces anymore"
"You as tall as me now"
"Were you working out in there? You got muscles now?"
These were the questions and statements they spitted rapidly at Seven. She couldn't help but laugh at them.
"Guys! While I appreciate all the compliments, I am starving. I need some food in me" Seven stated.
"Oh don't worry I got you. Sit down and I'll get you guys some food" Kiara spoke and walked to the back of the kitchen. The boys sat down at a table while Seven stayed at the register. Mike opened his mouth to object but Seven placed the $50 bill on the counter. Even though she really wanted to, she didn't say another word to the adult male before sitting down with the boys.
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attollogame · 2 years
OC Kiss Week 5—Soothing
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Vasilisa—Soothing(1.3k; NSFW continued on Patreon later today)
Murderers blocking date nights, par usual
“It isn’t him.”
You don’t need to look over at Vasilisa to know that her expression drops at those words. The informant carelessly drops the picture back down onto the table and grimaces. At least he has the heart to look sympathetic about it all, despite just telling Vasilisa that the lead she’s been working with is nothing short of bullshit. “I wish I could tell you otherwise, but yeah. He was at High Tower when you said this happened, and this is by Lacheln. His powers aren’t teleportation—as you know..” 
“Fuck,” Vasilisa breathes, picking up the picture and pocketing it again. Recently, you’ve been swept up in accompanying her to hunt down a hematokinetic gone rogue who’s been making a name for themselves with a series of rather grim killings the past few months. You know that murder is a pretty awful thing, but you didn’t realize that murder via superpowers could be so much worse. 
Not that you’ve been privy to all of the gory details, of course. You’ve been tagging along as an unofficial ‘analyst’, according to Vasilisa, because your perspective as an outsider might be useful. You’ve even got a little card on a lanyard to boot. 
“I could ask around the Under City and see if anyone has heard anything else about this person?” The informant shoves his hands into his pockets before casting a glance over his shoulder. He’s been talking to you both longer than usual, and it seems like this is starting to make him antsy. 
Vasilisa nods before pulling out her phone. “That’s fine. I’ll have the department send you over your pay for the information you’ve given so far, and if you dig up anything in the Under City that we can use, then just give me a call.” 
At this, the informant turns and begins walking back around the corner of the restaurant alley you’ve all decided to meet in. The smell of cooking oil and fries is making your stomach ache, and you glance wistfully at the restaurant's doors before looking back to Vasilisa. “What now?” 
“What now, indeed,” she mumbles, pocketing her phone again before gesturing for you to follow. The two of you both leave the alley after enough time has passed to ensure that the informant is far out of sight, lest someone be watching the exchange. She doesn’t give you a direct answer the entire time you’re walking, instead letting a weighted silence hang over you both as she retains a troubled look. 
It’s when you finally get back into the car that you decide enough is enough. 
“Lis,” you begin, and she sucks in a breath before leaning back against her seat. “I know this is shitty,”
“That doesn’t even begin to cover this. I have to go back and reevaluate everything that I have to figure out who it could possibly be next. It was a juvenile mistake to pin so much hope onto one person.” She rubs her face with her hands before dropping them to her lap and staring woefully through the windshield ahead. “Fuck me.” 
You chew the inside of your cheek a bit before reaching out and brushing a few stray hairs away from her cheek. You can tell by the flush on her neck just how frustrated she’s feeling about going back to base one, but this also isn’t necessarily the first time she’s needed to do so. “You’ve hit roadblocks like this before, yeah? And you’ve worked through them. I mean, just look at The Atlas Killer. You’re making more progress on that than anyone else who’s worked on the case for a decade.”
“That’s because there was already pre-existing material on him.” She shifts in her seat to face you with a skeptical look. “The people who worked on it before it was shunted onto me already almost had a full profile of him.” 
“But you were the one that finished that profile, no? And the one he’s currently contacting, which means you have him on an edge, no?” You nod your head with each comment as Vasilisa bites her lip. “This is just a small hiccup. Go back, look at the database to see who’s a hematokinetic or whatever, and start from there.” 
You actually have no idea how any of the investigations in Attollo work, but you feel like what you said was pretty close to being on the money. Vasilisa looks back towards the windshield with a frown, and in response, you reach out to cup her cheek, gently urging her to look back your way. “Lis.”
“Yes?” She grumbles, leaning into your touch with her brow still furrowed. You can’t help but admire her passion about the work—a passion that extends into other aspects of her life as well, if you have anything to say about it. You lean in and capture her lips in a light kiss, more one of reassurance than anything else. Then you withdraw enough to rest your forehead against hers as you sigh. 
“I’d say call it a night, but I already have a feeling you’re heading back to get started on this right away, yeah?” 
Vasilisa hums as she leans in to steal another kiss from you. You taste the faint flavor of coffee on her lips—likely from Ruthie's, which she’s been pounding back like shots for the entire day—before she shifts and presses her forehead against your shoulder. 
“Will you hate me if I say yes?” Although it comes out mildly muffled by your coat, you do catch hints of the apologetic tone she’s using. The two of you haven’t really had enough time to be alone together, with her constantly running around trying to clean everyone else’s messes up, and you trying to stabilize yourself in this city—a feat in itself, truly. Despite your understanding of the circumstances, there is a lingering ache of want in you that’s hard to ignore when you’re this close to each other, alone, with heightened emotions already present. 
Still, you let out a chuckle at her comment, causing her to pull back and look at you with a frown. “Why would I hate you for doing your job? Some guy’s out there killing people, and we have no idea why. I can’t be mad at you for trying to put an end to that.” 
Vasilisa taps her fingers on her thigh as she continues to stare at you, before her eyes narrow slightly as she seems to lock on to some idea. “Are you doing anything tonight?” 
Tonight? “How late tonight are we talking?” 
“Past ten. Maybe closer to ten thirty.” She replies, leaning back again to start up the car. You appreciate the blast of warmth—and 80’s pop music, a staple of Attollo—that accompanies this gesture as curiosity encroaches on your thoughts. 
“Mm, not really, no. Why?” 
“Do you still have the spare key to my place?” 
Oh. Oh. You do like where this suggestion is going, and you can’t help but let a sly smile curl itself on your lips as you look at her. “Ms. Solovieva, what exactly are you suggesting here?” 
Vasilisa snorts as she pulls out of the parking spot and back onto the road, likely to drop you off before heading back to work. “Nothing at all. I’m simply saying that I will be leaving work around ten, which means I’ll be back at home. At ten thirty. With the rest of the night free. And a really great need to de-stress somehow.” 
She gives you a side eye, which you return with one of your own as an unspoken understanding passes between you both. De-stressing, yes. You are very very skilled at helping her do that, indeed. You chuckle again at the coy way this arrangement was made before leaning back in your seat and looking to the road ahead. 
“I’ll pick up stuff for breakfast, then.”
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faerii-shin · 1 year
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"When it's Time" Part 3, Finale
Tooru Oikawa x Fem! Y/N
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
summary : Time, it goes and runs out. However, his love for you never does and never ever will. Because his heart, is all yours.
warnings : none
genre : self doubt, lost of confidence, sfw and ofc fluff as well
word count: 1,006 words 5,530 characters
a/n : f/n - friend's name { Also ur siblings with Iwaizumi } After a month, finally! Here's "When it's Time" Part 3 🤍
A week has passed and you were cured of your fever. Within that one week, you had to stay home from school. However and nevertheless, Iwaizumi and Oikawa took care of you once their practice was over in the afternoon. Oikawa would sleep with you whenever you felt like dozing off and Iwaizumi, as the older brother he was, prepped warm, delicious food to your liking. Now that you're back attending classes, you caught up immediately with the lessons. Which got you back on track right away. "Y/N-san!" A voice called out to you. "Oikawa! Hajime!" You replied back in the same tone. You walked up to them smiling. Standing in front of them you asked, "You guys need something? I just finished my last class for today, but I'm guessing you both still have practice." "We do, but it's actually our break right now. We were just passing by." Iwaizumi replied. "Also, next time bring an umbrella with you Y/N-chan. I wouldn't want to see you sick again." Oikawa said in a worried yet glad tone. "Or maybe you should get sick again, not a fever though, so I can take of you once more." He adds, winking slightly at you." "Don't you dare flirt with my sister, idiot." Iwaizumi said hitting him lightly on the shoulder. *chuckles with a hint of pink spread across your face* "Thank you for taking care of me, really. I appreciate your concern as well." As you look at Oikawa, you were wondering if he was stating true feelings or just playing with your heart since it looked like he has changed his whole personality towards you. "Boys, back to the court now!" You hear their coach calling them, which somewhat breaks the moment. "Oh, we have to go. See you later, Y/N." They say, heading to the volleyball court. You wave at them before heading out, yet when you turned around, you saw your best friend shocked as ever. "How long have you been standing there, F/N?" You say to her with curiosity. "T-that you don't need to know, but that was Oikawa...!" She tells you highly surprised. "Yes? And what about it?" You ask F/N. "I-i thought you hated him? I guess I was wrong." She answers you with a grin. The blush on your face started to turn tinted, into a bright pink. *laughs* "Y/N, you've fallen hard. I hope he catches you though." F/N says, teasing you a bit more. "Oh shut up!" You told her. "Anyways, what do you think about coming over to my house today?" You friend asks you. "Oh, sure! I'll just tell Hajime. One moment." You respond, taking your phone out as you proceed to message your brother. "Alright, finished. Let's go!" You say, rushing out with excitement dragging her along. After the small hangout, you texted your brother to come pick you up. Minutes later, someone arrived and came up to you. "Hi Y/N-chan!" Oikawa says as he reaches out his hand motioning for you to give him your school bag. "Oh, hi Oikawa. Where's Hajime?" You ask him in confusion wondering why he isn't with him. "We went to your house and he decided that he wanted to take a shower. So he told me to pick you up." He replied. While you were walking home with him, you noticed your favorite restaurant ahead. *stomach growls* "Looks like you're hungry, little cutie." Oikawa says with a smirk. *sighs* "I wasn't able to eat, so I guess I am. Can we eat there?" You ask him pointing at the restaurant near you. A bit of hesitation, but he agreed. Anything for you and you alone.
Later on, he pays for the food and brings it outside where you both are seated. As you enjoy the food, you were starting to feel a bit cold and tried to brush it off. Oikawa noticed that. "Don't just brush it off like it's nothing, Y/N." He says, as he slowly takes off his jacket and places it on you. "I wouldn't want my little cutie to catch cold. Mmm?" You got a bit flustered and did your best to stutter out a reply. "W-what about you?" You ask him.. "Don't worry about me, you're more important and that's what matters." He tells you, patting your head. "Plus, Iwa-chan wouldn't be happy if you got sick a second time and if we were caught together." "Enjoy, while it lasts." Was his last words before going back to his seat to continue eating. After you eat, he takes your hand and you leave the restaurant.
You both walk home admiring the setting sun before you. The scene ends, however, when you hear you brother's voice. "Y/N, what took you so long!?" "And as for you, step away from my sister this instant." Iwaizumi says, nearly closing the door on his face. "Wait Haji! Let me talk to him. Please?" You tell him, holding the door tightly. "Fine! You better be quick because I am watching you two." You take Oikawa outside and once there, slowly look at the ground. But, he put his hand on your chin and brought your face up to meet his eyes. He then went down to your level and gave you a kiss. Soon pulling away so that you both can catch your breath. "Thank you for today, Y/N-chan. I have one more request for you." "Will you be my girlfriend?" He says, eagerly waiting for a response. "You know what Tooru. No isn't even an option here." You tell him, marking this to be one of the happiest moments in your life. "Finally. Finally." "I can't believe it." He exclaims. How long have you been waiting for this then?" You said, letting out a light chuckle. "Not sure, it just feels like an eternity." He replied, with a smile made across his face; And his eyes sparkling as he looked at you. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Tooru." "Always and forever, now that it's time."
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The End. Thank you so much for being patient in waiting for this story to come to a close !
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pandaminnium · 2 years
We had our first date today 5 years ago. February 26, 2018. We found out we lived in the same area after matching on tinder a couple weeks ago, and decided to meet up nearby for dinner. We decided on a Vietnamese restaurant called Em Viet Noodles. It was on a Monday night right after I got off work around 6pm. I had got there first. Walked a little too fast. Texted you I was here first and you said you were walking over. Waited outside the restaurant looking left and right to see where you would come from. A bit nervous because this is first date in a while, first time meeting you. You seemed very nice based on the conversations we had. When I saw a guy who looked like the guy in the tinder profile walk toward me, I quickly looked back down on my phone and pretended to not see you until you got closer. When you were close enough, I looked up, reciprocated the smile you gave me. We hugged and said “hi, nice to meet you” to each other. I was a bit jittery, didn’t expect to hug so soon. You were so friendly. Stepped into the restaurant and we got seated in the middle of the floor. Both our first times here at this restaurant. We got our noodles and ate it over conversation of getting to know each other. I thought the noodles were mediocre. Nothing like regular viet noodles I had before. I focused on you instead.
You were just like your pictures. You were cute. Very broad and muscular upper body. But you had a clear voice. Not so much on the husky, manly side. But it was almost musical to listen to you speak. You had such long lashes that were curled up. I was confused about that. Were they curled on purpose? Are they natural? Can they be natural like that? And then I focused on your voice and tone again. Almost sassy when you spoke at times. Are you gay? But I washed that thought immediately. I can’t remember the chatter we had. But I remember we took turns talking about our past job experiences and a bit of our history. You told me how I remind you of your old self. I can hear how you had believed in me. You gave me tips on dating since I was pretty new at it. You said how to always go on dates that has an outcome favorable to you. Go on dates to a place or restaurant you wanted to go to. So even if the date sucked, at least you got something out of it. You have an example of how if the date is going south, just say you have something else planned an hour later. For sure way to get out of a sticky situation fast. I was amazed with your tips.
After we finished the food, I used the restroom. Checked myself in the mirror made sure I still looked presentable to you. Came back out and we called for bill. As I reach for my wallet you waved your hand at me and said first time was on you. I felt a bit bad and still offered to go half but you insisted. I thanked you
Before leaving the restaurant, there was a witty sticker on the wall near the exit. “Send Noods”. I snapped a picture. As we walked out, we were walking at a slow pace. Not sure where this was going I thought maybe this is the end of the date? But as we were walking and talking, you said if I wanted to see your dog Miso who we talked about prior and I was low key obsessed about. Without even giving it a thought, I automatically responded yes. And then we were on our way to your place. I started to panic a bit. Did I really just say yes to going to a guy’s place just like that?? At 8pm?? With someone I only just met?? I just took a breath and went along. Let’s see where this goes. The streets were dimly lit. Or maybe my eyesight sucks. I turned to you and asked if this was a good date or a bad one. And you smiled back and said “if it were bad, I wouldn’t be inviting you over.” That made me smile also and feel excited to see what happens next.
We walked to 18th Ave and Cropsey Ave and we walked into this corner house property. You lived in the basement floor of that house. Your entrance was from the back of the house. As soon as we stepped in, you call for Miso but she didn’t come out to greet us. You flick on all your lights and head to your room to find Miso. I take off my shoes slowly and lagged behind you. I observed your house a bit. Linear path. Living room first. Spacious with hardly any furniture. Then kitchen was small. Then your bedroom. Looks like you tidied up. Bed was made. Big Tv.
Then, 1 year old Shiba Inu, Miso. She saw me and went straight under the couch. She’s afraid of strangers. You tried to get her out. You put her dog treats in my hand so I can lure her out. It half worked. She ate the treats but dove for cover immediately. You called her out and put her on your bed where you sat down and told me to come sit also. But I refused, as I didn’t want to sit on your bed in my outside clothes. I kneeled on the floor and leaned over your bed and we played with Miso. Why did I thought I caught you taking a peep at my butt. It was fine tho, I had worn my best jeans. We make more small, non memorable chatter.
You mentioned how we should watch a movie and turn on your PS4 and start browsing. You ask what I want to watch and I said anything is fine. You asked me about horror films. I froze for a few seconds. I didn’t want to admit I was terrified of horror films but I had to. But you said I should try it. You decided on It. Asked if I wanted to sit on the bed to watch the movie more comfier. But I still didn’t want to dirty your bed sheets. So you laid down, patted the sofa next to your bed and told me to sit. You put one of your pillows behind me and asked if I was comfy. I nod. You gave me another pillow to hold onto as we started the movie. During the movie, I was intrigued. Still jumped at the scary scenes and hid my eyes a bit. You put your hand on my back and I leaned in slightly into you when I got scared. You held me when I got scared. I felt like you wanted to make a move on me but you were being so polite and just kept your hand on my back the entire time.
After the movie finished, I was a bit spooked. Kept peering into your hallway and thinking about the film. I think I may have used your bathroom. You offered to drive me home since it was midnight now. I was a bit surprised. I thought oh wow you have a car, nice. I said it’s not too far so I can walk but you insisted since it was dark. I asked how late you normally stay up. And you said you can stay up late but normally sleep at 10-11pm. I apologized for staying so late but you said how it’s fine because you wanted to watch the movie with me. I said bye to Miso and we left. Took me out back and we got into your blue Honda civic. I gave you my address and it was so close. It was but a short 5 min ride home. When we got back to my place, we exchanged byes and how it was really fun. We hugged. I don’t remember if we kissed each other on the cheeks goodbye. I think we did. I remember getting home and just really thinking how nice this date was. One of my best dates to this very day. I’ll never forget it.
It’s strange how I still remember two many details about our first date. It makes me happy still thinking about it. It really was one of my most memorable dates I ever had. I remember how we wouldn’t see each other for almost a month after that. We talked for a couple weeks but communication was choppy after that. But every year when my Snapchat gives me a reminder of that “Send Noods” photo I took, I can’t help but smile and think of that date. I do miss you still. But I am healing and doing a lot better now. It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. I’m still bitter about you at times. But I can handle things better. And I’ll continue to do better.
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yourimagines · 1 year
Party part 3
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* English is not my first language, I apologise for that
* gif is not mine
* 18+ content
“But you guys didn’t do anything?” Asked my best friend while we were shopping. “No, we just hang out and I fell asleep on his shoulder.” “That’s it?” I nodded at her. “Yep that’s it.” She shook her head. “You are so boring. You know me and Derek did to much that night.” We both started to laugh. “I don’t wanna know what you guys did.” We both walked to a small restaurant. “Wanna eat here?” I asked her. “Yeah sure.” We both walked to some seats who were empty and sat down. “So you and Derek, are you guys together?” She shook her head. “Nahh he’s too nosy.” A waiter came up and we both ordered some food and drinks. “To nosy?” She giggled “yes but he is good in.. you know doing his thing.” And she made some sexual hand movements. “Iew I don’t wanna think about that Y/BBF/N!“ “You acted like you don’t fancy about your man.” I felt my face was getting red. “I don’t think about him like that.” “Sure… you are all giggly when you are texting him.” I threw my hands against my face. “See you are even hiding behind your hands now.” I pushed her slightly against her shoulder. “Stop it, you make me fell embarrassed.” She duked her head down. “Oh shoot I think I see Nate.” She whispered “What!?” I whispered back. “He’s coming to our seats.” She sat up and smiled. “Hey guys.” Nick and Nate stood next to our table. “Can we sit here with you guys?” I nodded. “Yeah sure.” And I looked at my hands. I saw in the corner of my eyes that Nate was sitting next to me while Nick took place next to Y/BBF/N. “So did you already placed a order?” Nick asked. “Yes we did and you?” “Yeah we did that already in side.” I felt so nervous around him now. Thanks a lot Y/BBF/N. Nate was looking at me. “So… I didn’t know you went shopping today, if I knew we could’ve meet up earlier today.” He said to me. “Yeah would’ve been nice.” The atmosphere was tight and awkward. But before someone could make it worse the waiter came to our table with our food.
Nate POV
She was quiet and didn’t looked at me at all. Maybe she isn’t interested in me at all. Why do I even care about this? I grabbed my phone and I texted her.
Me: Did I do something wrong?
Y/N: No
I looked at her while she looked down at her phone. “I think Nick and I need to go.” “Already?” Said her best friend. “Yes” I said back while standing up from my seat. Nick looked at me and raised this eyebrows up. “Yeah sorry, we have plans for to day.” Nick stood up and picked up our trash. “We see you guys later, bye.” Nick said and we walked away from them.
We didn’t talked about it till we got at his place later that da. “So… you and Y/N, I thought you guys were talking and stuff.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Clearly not.” I said annoyed at him. “Look I don’t know why she was so distant but don’t give up that early.” “She was clearly not interested in me.” “Nate brother listen to me. She was totally interested in you at the party, you guys text each other every day and night. Don’t throw this away because she didn’t talk to you today. Just text her man.” I let out a sign. “I don’t know man.” He threw up his hands in the air. “I’m just trying to help.” And he walked away from me. I was looking down at my phone. Should I text her? I picked up my phone and went to our text messages. I started to type ‘hey, I’m sorry about to day, I hope I didn’t upset you if I did I’m sorry.’ Before I even had the chance to send my text I got a text from her.
Me: did I do something wrong?
Y/N: No
Y/N: hey, I’m sorry to bother you but can you pick me up at the mall. Y/BBF/N left me alone, again.
Me: sure stay there I’ll pick you up.
I quickly got my car keys and yelled I was going. Nick yelled something back but I was already getting in my car. I texted her that I was leaving and drove off to the mall.
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thepropertylovers · 2 years
Our 7th Wedding Anniversary
On Monday, as we do every October 17th, we quietly celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.
We have a tradition every year where we walk to our favorite little Italian restaurant downtown for a nice dinner and a glass of wine, and of course, always save room for dessert. This year we remembered we actually had a gift certificate to our favorite restaurant (!) which made it even better. It would be like someone is actually taking us out for dinner on our anniversary!
We dropped the kids off at PJ’s mom’s house and showered and got dressed, and planned to start walking downtown. As we were leaving, we looked in the spot where the gift certificate has been for over a year, only to find that it wasn’t there at all. PJ had cleaned off our office desk the weekend before and apparently moved it somewhere he couldn’t remember, so afters rummaging around the house for 15 minutes trying to find it, we declared defeat and gave up. We didn’t have a babysitter all night long!
PJ then suggested, since we don’t have any obligation to go anywhere anymore, that we go to our other favorite Italian restaurant just 15 miles down the road in the next town. Ding ding ding!! Yes! I told him, that sounds perfect. It’s a little more upscale with a slightly bigger menu, and it just sounded better all around, so we made the drive and settled in at our table.
I tried something new, while PJ got his tried and true favorite. We split an appetizer and I ordered a glass of chardonnay while he got a glass of Prosecco. It was so nice to just sit and relax for an hour, PJ looking so handsome in the seat across from me. We talked about what we hope the next seven years look like and our hopes and dreams for the future. We both agreed that the farm plays a big role in our future as a family. How nice it is to be on the same page on most things (still trying to convince him for us to tile the entire kitchen, but that’s a discussion for another day).
After dinner, we walked next door to a donut shop. At first I said “just to look” but PJ made the point that “it’s only our anniversary once a year”. So we each picked out to donuts and ate them in the square, feeling a slight chill as the wind blew to remind us that fall is in full force in East Tennessee. After donuts, we drove through one of our favorite neighborhoods and looked at all the new, gorgeous homes that remind us of Alys Beach in Florida. And then we headed back home to pick up the kids and get everyone in bed for the night.
It was a lovely evening spent with the love of my life, celebrating our life together as men, as husbands, and as fathers. It’s hard to believe we’ve been together for 12 years, because it’s sometimes hard to even remember my life before PJ, before I came out, but at the same time it feels like no time at all has passed since I was 19 and he was 24. I am forever grateful for this man and how much he’s shaped my life and the person I am today. I can’t imagine raising kids and sharing a name with anyone else.
What a wonderful adventure it is loving him.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdon1E3t/?k=1 I saw this tik tok and imagine this with like Steve/Joe like his daughter is in "love" with someone from the cast or like the group and everyone think it's cute because like she is so little and idk I thought it would be cute
‘in love’ - J.K
you guys are melting me heart <3. this is the cutest thing ever. also, this is so bad so i’m sorry 💀
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Esme, your daughter, was obsessed with Joseph Quinn. she would blush whenever he would make eye contact with her, she would squeal if he spoke to her and everyone in the Stranger Things cast thought it was the cutest thing. you walked to the Stranger Things set to meet everyone before you go out for a meal together and saw Joe and Joseph standing together. "who's that?" you whispered to Esme who was looking around for her dad.
you pointed to where Joe was and she squealed out, making them both turn around to look at her. Joe said 'goodbye' to Joseph, who walked off to find the rest of the cast, and Joe ran to you, Esme's arms went straight to the famous 'grabby hands' she did whenever she saw Joe and he immediately picked her up and started smothering her with kisses. "hi my baby, how are you" he said, pulling away and stroking the stray hairs off out of her face.
"hi love" he said, turning away from Esme to kiss you. you kissed him back and started asking about his day and then Esme started squealing loudly. “who’s she screaming at?” Joe questioned, you looked around and saw Joseph standing where he was before, now with Gaten, not even acknowledging Esme was there, but because she spotted him, the squeals had already started.
“it’s Joseph” you said, a huge smile plastered on your face. “oh i see, right missy, should we go to the restaurant now?” he said, asking Esme like she was able to answer, he was faced with incoherent babbled coming from her as her answer. “Joseph, everyone’s starting to go now, you got a lift?” Joe said, turning to him as he spoke. “i’ll meet you there mate, Natalia, Charlie and a few others have already left” he shouted back, you were trying to keep Esme occupied so their conversation didn’t get interrupted.
“alright, shall i save you a seat?” Joe asked, passing Esme to you so you could go strap her in the car which you did. after a few minutes of waiting for Joe to come to the car, you started driving to the restaurant where everyone was meeting. “what did my girls do today then?” he asked as he looked at Esme through the mirror on her car seat. she started babbling, acting like she was explaining to Joe what she did all day and when she would stop for breath Joe would always say a small ‘really?’ or ‘wow you really did that?’ acting like he could understand what she was saying in her own, beautiful language.
you finally arrived at the restaurant and walked in, seeing there were quite a few empty seats, meaning not many people were here. you sat next to the high chair which was at the end of the table and put Esme in it, making sure she seemed somewhat comfortable. Joe sat next to you instead of sitting on the opposite side of Esme. you gave Esme your phone, keeping her occupied whilst you waited for everyone to arrive.
“hey missy” you heard someone say, you looking up from your conversation with Joe to see Joseph, walking towards the seat next to Esme. as soon as she saw him again, she turned away from him, squealing loudly. you all started laughing and watched as she kept looking back at Joseph, but turning away squealing each time. “how’s she been y/n? i feel like i haven’t seen her in ages” Joseph said, making conversation with you which you were grateful for as Joe started talking to Charlie.
“yeah she’s been okay, few little words here and there but nothing to exciting, she’s only 9 months old so i’m not worried” you said, looking at her as she blushed brightly and laughed when Joseph started tickling her sides. “she’s so cute, my brother had a baby a few months ago and that baby doesn’t do anything. just sleeps and cries” he said, making you laugh. “well, seeing as they’re only a few months old, i’m not surprised” you said, laughing quietly still.
Joseph started having a conversation with Maya, who was next to him, and you started talking to Joe. during that time, Esme had turned back around to face Joseph. Joe noticed this and so did Maya and they both pointed to Esme. you and Joseph turned around at basically the same time and when Joseph noticed Esme staring at him, he lent in and gave her a quick, harmless, kiss on the cheek. this made her freak out. she screamed and giggled loudly, making you, Maya, Joseph and Joe all laugh out loud. most of the peoples heads turned at the table to look at Esme, who was turning back to Joseph. he kept giving her kisses on the cheek, making her squeal in excitement.
“i think someone’s got a little crush on you” you said teasingly, as you tickled Esme’s side, making her giggle. “more like in love with you” Maya said, making everyone laugh. “she definitely has a crush on you Joseph, she doesn’t do that with anyone else” Joe said, watching as she looked at Joseph, trying not to make it obvious that she was. “oh well, it’s only an innocent crush and she’s not even a year old.” Joseph said, staring at Esme. she was definitely ‘in love’ with Joseph and you all thought it was the cutest thing.
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