#Thena pretends not to like him
softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Hi love!! How are you?
May i ask for another part of the human Thena/eternal Gil Au pretty please?, it's a very interesting concept. Thank you 🤍🩷
Thena froze. She completely froze. What the hell was that thing? It rose up out of the water like it was a demon, its skin and flesh crawling around on its wiry body. She squeaked, "G-Gil?"
The creature floated over to her, examining her curiously. It had a maw of teeth like she had never seen before. "Th...ee...na."
Why did it know her name? What kind of nightmare was this? She tried to run but her knees trembled as she scraped her boot back on the cobblestones. "G-Gil-"
The beast lurched closer, something like vines growing from its neck. "Gil...ga...mesh."
A new chill flooded through her. This thing--it couldn't possibly be the one Gil fought on the news, could it? Sure, they weren't going to parade around the corpse of a monster like that, but surely it would have been reported of something like this was still alive.
"Find," its breath puffed from its jaws like smoke, "Gilgamesh."
"Gil!" Thena got out before turning her face away from the beast. She didn't know why that was the only thing coming to mind, but she was prepared for his name to be her last breath.
"Don't move!"
Well, it wasn't Gil. But rather, Sersi leapt over the railing of the bridge above. She held out her hand--her completely empty, open palm. The thing took a swipe at her but she used her other hand to swipe back. As her finger left the stone cobbles below their feet, shards of glass left her fingertips.
The thing retreated, hissing at the glass in its eyes.
Now her legs worked. Thena followed Sersi down the canal, looking over her shoulder only once. "What is that thing?!"
"It's a long story!"
Maybe all Eternals were bad at communication. Thena followed up the ramp and back to the surface street, although she could barely hear over her heart in her ears. "Where's Gil?"
"He'll be here," Sersi breathed heavily, hands still held out. "He's on his way."
"Sersi," Thena pressed, moving closer to the woman who had her back to her (in an attempt to protect her). "Why did that thing know my name?"
"What?" the other woman fully turned around.
"It spoke, it knew my name, and Gil's," she scowled, more and more tired of being left in the dark.
"Thena," Sersi shook her head, "Deviants can't speak."
"This one can," she corrected, although it didn't last. Sersi took her hand, yanking her away again in a fell blown run. "What is it?"
"I don't know!" It was at least an honest answer. "Dane!"
Dane, undeniably human, was trying to direct the general populace away from the danger. He turned back to them, "Sersi, it's-!"
Thena stumbled as Sersi was picked up by that thing. Its body was already huge to begin with, but it was elevated up on its tentacle-like appendages. She picked herself up as Dane charged at it. "Wait!"
The beast opened its mouth. Just like its eyes, whatever comprised its insides had a sickly, ominous glow to it. It held Sersi by the neck, as if inhaling her air could rob her of her life.
"Let her go!"
Thena's ears popped as charging sound hit the air, followed by sheer impact. The thing went flying back into the water below. Gold particles floated in the air like dust. A second, lighter impact sounded, feet meeting concrete heavily. "Gil?"
"You okay?" he asked Sersi as they landed. She nodded, leaning on his shoulder as she rubbed her neck under her scarf.
"I'll be fine," Sersi assured him. If the powers weren't enough evidence, no human would be able to breathe, let alone speak after the way that thing had handled her. She gasped as Dane plowed into her, hugging her tight despite her brother's presence. She didn't mind it either, happily embracing him in return, "I'm okay, Dane."
Thena watched from a few paces away. Part of her imagined running to Gil the same way, but they hadn't actually spoken since their tense discussion at the museum two weeks ago. She had told him she needed time, and he had respected that, only checking on her well being after the attack, as he had asked to do.
Part of her was glad he had respected her boundary. The other part had been waiting for him to call or text all week.
Gil moved away from his sister and her boyfriend, happy not to watch their affections. He jogged over to her, his hands floating around but never actually landing. "Are you okay?"
She just nodded, her throat completely stiff and dry. That thing never emerged from the water, but she hardly thought that meant it was dead down there. "Gil, what-"
"I don't know," he answered immediately, also looking for the thing or any trace of it. But, not immediately seeing any signs, he focused on her again. And he did manage to bridge the gap and pull her into his arms. His hand rested on her hair, "I don't know, sweetheart."
She could just demand answer--real, proper answers. This was not only not the first time something like this had come up from his past life, but now it was involving her more directly. That thing had spoken her name like a walking nightmare.
Gil tightened his hold on her as she buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."
She could remember how she had screamed his name as if it were synonymous with 'help'. All she had thought in that moment was that surely he would come to save her. As if she were some cliched damsel in a work of fiction. It was laughable.
But Gil buried his nose in her hair, pressed his lips to her temple. "Are you hurt?"
She pulled away from him, shaking her head. "It said my name."
Gil wasn't nearly as shocked or appalled as Sersi had been. His face was grim. "It's the same one I fought before. It's different from the other ones we've faced in the past. It learns differently. They've never been able to speak before."
That had all kinds of horrific implications for the biology and evolution of such a creature. "It's the same one?"
He sighed heavily, guiding her away from the damage of everything as crowds started reemerging. He wrapped his arm around her. "It got away from me that time. But it stuck one of those vines in me--I think it got in my head."
That would explain its learning pattern with speech, and unfortunately, why it had known her name. It even seemed to have hunted her down out of recognition. She shivered.
"It's okay," Gil whispered to her, even pulling off his jacket and putting it around her shoulders, despite her having her own. "Nothing is going to happen to you, Thena."
As strong and inhuman as he was, it still sounded somewhat empty as a promise. She let him pull her off the main streets and aside, in front of an old, dimly lit laundromat.
She took him in, watching as he checked that no one was lingering or looking, able to catch them saying something incriminating. "Gil."
He knew what she was asking. He gave her his full attention, taking her hands in his. "Anything you wanna know--go for it."
There was a myriad of things. She looked down at their joined hands. "Why didn't you tell me it wasn't dead?"
"I wasn't sure either," he professed, and she believed it was honesty. "Even if I had my suspicions, I thought it was just scare you if you knew."
She frowned, "I may be human, but I'm not going to cower at the idea of some story."
Maybe that was putting on a brave face of sorts, though. Looking that thing in the eye had been the single worst experience of her life.
"I know," Gil conceded, though. He ran his thumb against the outer edge of hers. "I should give you more credit than that. But I honestly didn't know how to tell you--or anyone. Not even Sersi knew."
That was clear, at least. Sersi had looked completely aghast at the idea that the thing had spoken.
"I don't know if the rest of us know either," he leapt into the next leg of his honesty. "We don't exactly talk much."
She supposed she could understand that. Humans didn't necessarily excel at keeping in touch with their families either. "Perhaps you should try to talk, at least now that you've seen it again?"
He sighed heavily, but nodded.
She huffed more impatiently; she wasn't his mother, or some nagging girlfriend. She wouldn't be the sidelined love interest urging him to go do what he needed to while she waited indefinitely for him. "Gil, whatever that thing is-"
"It's a Deviant, the things we killed--we thought! The last one I fought was in the 17th century," he grumbled, although as soon as he gave her hands a squeeze he relaxed himself again. Did it take practice for him to learn not to squeeze too hard with humans, she wondered. "But that thing...I think maybe it has something to do with Ikaris."
She frowned, "Sersi's ex-husband?"
He glanced around, as if Sersi would catch him talking about it and give him hell for it (they really were siblings). "We haven't heard anything from him or Ajak, not even after the blip."
So, they were aware of the blip! And by the sounds of it, none of them had blipped. Now, she shad even more questions (she had blipped, mercifully, it sounded like).
She gulped. "What does that mean for you?"
He shook his head. He didn't know either. But he was still holding her hands. "I-I don't know. But, Thena-"
She leaned in, tilting her head up to kiss him. It wasn't their first kiss, by any means, but it felt just as significant.
When she leaned back, Gil had the most grave look she had ever seen on his face. "Tell me that wasn't a goodbye kiss."
She wasn't entirely sure, in the moment. But it was not, at the very least, a petty breakup kiss. She gave his hands a squeeze of her own before stepping back. "It's a 'I-trust-you'll-tell-me-more-when-you-know-more' kiss."
That made him brighten considerably, and she was frustratingly happy to see his smile return.
"Gil?" Sersi's voice floated over to them from around the corner. "I guess we need to talk."
He made a face, as if his sister needing him was more trivial than the impending doom they had just faced. He looked away from the corner and back at her with those big brown eyes of his. But she gave him a look. He rolled his eyes, "fine."
Sersi was waiting with Dane, also hand in hand with her human. "You know what we have to do."
"Unfortunately," he grumbled. Thena nudged him; her hand was also still clasped in his. "Let's get home first, try to catch our breath, okay?"
"Not a bad idea, I think," Dane spoke up surprisingly firmly. Gil had described him as someone rather nervous, but perhaps he had an underlying confidence to him when needed.
Thena smiled at the way he kept Sersi close to him. It didn't bother him in the least that his partner was immeasurably strong and fast in comparison, perhaps not even that she was immortal. Watching them walk ahead, they were just a couple whose date had been ruined.
Her last date with Gil had been dinner after work, talking about her day, asking him about the food and what he thought. He had mentioned her meeting his sister, and his sister's new boyfriend he wasn't totally sure about. It was unfortunate that these were the circumstances under which they were actually doing so.
"Hey," he whispered, leaning close to her as they walked a few paces behind. He averted his eyes as Sersi laid her head on Dane's shoulder. "You okay?"
"Yeah," she let out a breath. It looked inviting, although she wasn't sure if she and Gil were in that same place in their relationship. She wasn't sure what their relationship was anymore, entirely of her own doing.
Gil was the one to decide. He pulled his hand from hers, only so he could wrap his arm around her waist. She stumbled into him but he used the opportunity to press his lips to her forehead. "Whatever is about to come our way, I'm glad you're here with me, Thena."
She closed her eyes, relishing the small window of affection. She wasn't sure what was coming their way either. But she was here for it--she was probably a little too willing to face whatever was to come, all things considered. For someone who had told him she needed time, she had come very close to professing her love on what she had thought was her deathbed mere moments ago.
But she should probably decide if she was his girlfriend or not first. "I'm with you, Gil."
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rekino2114 · 8 days
Presenting your profile to the ace attorney girls
A/n:I got inspired by a post I saw and decided to make it with the girls mainly cause i LOVE writing stuff that fits with the gameplay of a game if that makes sense, please tell me you understood that
Let's pretend that you can show profiles in every game
Ngl putting the tags on this might have taken more time than writing the fic itself (I literally exceeded tumblr's tag limit)
Maya fey
Maya:Oh hey, it's y/n. Do you know what they're doing now? I'd like to go on a date with them
Phoenix:....we're in the middle of solving a case.
Maya:so? There's no wrong time to go on a date with your partner
Mia fey
Mia:y/n? What about them?
Phoenix:they're your partner aren't they?
Mia:Yes, that is true....although I'd like it if you could keep that private. I am your superior, after all
Phoenix:s-sorry boss
Lana skye
Lana:what is it?
Phoenix:nothing I just thought you'd have a stronger reaction to seeing a picture of your s/o
Lana:I don't like to mix my work and personal life, ask Ema if you're really interested
Phoenix:(how does she have an s/o at all with that attitude?)
Ema skye
Ema:That reminds me, if you see y/n, please don't tell them I was eating snackoos
Apollo:hm? Why?
Ema:they.....might have put me on a snack ban cause I spilled fingerprint dust on their clothes
Apollo:......why were you carrying fingerprint dust in your home in the first place?
Ema:......y-you don't need to know that
Franziska von karma
Phoenix:prosecutor von karma might I- ow what was the whipping for?
Von karma:that was for carrying a picture of y/n without their permission
Phoenix:I keep photos of everyone involved with- ow! Again?
Von karma:that was for presenting it to me
Phoenix:why are you mad at me for tha- WHAT ABOUT NOW?
Von karma:nothing, I just felt like it
Adrian andrews
Andrews:Oh,that reminded me. I should probably call y/n and see how they're doing
Phoenix: You must really love them
Andrews:Of course, after celeste's death, they were the only good person I had in my life. They really are so so important to me
Iris Hawthorne
Phoenix:they're your partner right?
Iris:yes....they-they're the only person involved with me that didn't get their life ruined by dahlia, I couldn't be happier about that
Trucy wright
Trucy:Please don't tell y/n about this, but I'm preparing a super cool magic show made just for them
Apollo:oh that sounds great.....I'm not participating in it am I?
Trucy:Of course polly, who else is gonna be my assistant?
Apollo:(and when did I agree?)
Vera misham
[She draws a heart on her notebook with a smile on her face]
Apollo:I think that's the most emotion I've seen out of her
Trucy: Yeah she probably loves her s/o a lot
Athena cykes
Widget:y/nnnnnn, I love them soooo much
Athena:*blushes* w-widget!....s-sorry boss
Phoenix:it's alright, I know how widget is, that just means you really love your s/o and that's great
Athena:Yeah you're right, I do really love them a lot
Juniper woods
Woods:*blushes* t-thena, don't go around showing me y/n's photo randomly
Athena:Sorry, Junie, but there's nothing wrong with that, right? After all, they are your partner that you love sooo much
Woods:*blushes* If you continue like this, you're gonna make me die of embarrassment
Kay faraday
Kay:there they are! The person who stole my heart
Kay:Get it, Mr Edgeworth? Cause I'm a thief
Edgeworth:yes I got it, I didn't laugh because it wasn't funny
Kay:come on!
Justine courtney
Edgeworth:judge Courtney, this is your romantic partner correct?
Courtney:Yes, they are, y/n is my fiance actually,John is very happy to have another parent figure other than me
Kay:Wow, it must be nice of him to have both of his parents
Courtney:.........shall I remind you that technically he has none of them
Kay:......o-oh yeah I forgot, sorry......eheh
Edgeworth:were you jealous of him?
Kay:........a-aren't you too?
Susato mikotoba
Susato:Is y/n in need of something?
Ryunosuke:oh no I just wanted to speak to you about them
Susato:oh alright then
Ryunosuke:you were really ready to go to them?
Susato:Of course, I'd do anything for them, I want to be the best girlfriend they could ever have, just like I want to be the best judicial assistant you could ever have
Gina lestrade
Ryunosuke:Hey Gina I wanted to-.....w-wait where's the picture?
Gina:you looking for this oddo?
Ryunosuke:....I thought you stopped with the pickpocketing
Gina:Sorry, but I'm gonna keep it, it's of my s/o, and we don't all have fancy cameras like Mr sholmes
Ryunosuke:Scotland yard doesn't?
Gina:Nah,we do, but the boss won't let us use it for "personal purposes." trust me I tried
Esmeralda tusspells
Tusspells:Oh, you have a picture of y/n perfect! Do you mind selling it to me?
Ryunosuke:Hm, why?
Tusspells:I want to make a wax statue of them to celebrate our anniversary but can't use them as a model since I want it to be a surprise, so a picture would be perfect
Ryunosuke:sorry but I need this for the case
Tusspells:Should I remind you what position your detective friend is in? I'm sure you need all the money you can get
Ryunosuke:.......that's fair
Maria gorey
Gorey:That's y/n.....why do you have a picture of them?
Ryunosuke:o-oh you know for case-
Gorey:You know it's been a while since I gave them a gift. Maybe they'd appreciate a real heart to show them my love
Ryunosuke:ok ok I'll throw the picture away (every time I'm near her i feel like she wants to kill me)
Espella cantabella
Espella:ah y/n, they're so sweet
Layton:they must be very important to you am I right?
Espella:yes they treat with so much love and kindness, they truly are the light of my life
Layton:ah young love is so beautiful
Darklaw/eve belduke
Darklaw:if you want to ask me about y/n then don't. Do you want to end up on trial for disrespecting the high inquisitor?
Phoenix:o-ok (with how scary she is y/n must feel very protected)
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
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i have this thing where i cant use wired headphones without wanting to rip out my eyes because if i feel the wire like brush against my arm or something its maybe the worst feeling ever? completely projecting onto polly with this one. anyways apollo would simply just not buy wireless headphones for himself either because a: he cant afford them or b: he wants so bad to be normal so he's just pretending it doesnt bother him. so thena gets them for him because thats the only way this guys ever gonna get heaphones he can use in peace.
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taran-chan · 2 years
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Read on AO3
the blues and then purple-pink skies Thena/Gilgamesh; Oneshot; AU
A sequel to "time, mystical time" It’s been a month since their first conversation on the bus, how are Thena and Gilgamesh doing?
Sprite looks at her watch then pokes her head inside Thena’s office.
“Doctor, there are a few more outpatients waiting.”
Thena looks up, narrowing her eyes at her for a moment, then says, “Liar.”
“Yep, just bluffing with ya,” she grins, “Let’s go have dinner.”
They quickly change and go to the elevator, Sprite walks with a spring on her steps all the way. She doesn’t have night duty today, and because they’re both tired of cafeteria food so they decide to eat out. While they’re waiting for the elevator, she notices Thena typing away on her phone. With a knowing look, she harrumphs loudly.
“Sooooo… Aren’t you going to meet with your detective today?”
Thena’s reaction is better than she expected. She turns the screen away, pretending to check the ends of her hair and avoiding Sprite’s eyes.
“He has to work today.”
“But he will be here after work?” She blinks innocently, “And you’re texting to tell him your work is done so he can come anytime?”
“Shut up,” Thena makes a beeline inside the metal box as soon as it opens. Lucky for Sprite, there isn’t anyone else but them so she gets the chance to be cheeky with her mentor for a little longer.
“You two have gone on like, what, three dates? How are you still not going home with each other?”
“What?” She laughs.
“Those…are not dates. We simply went to eat together, the last time you were there too.”
“God, stop lying to yourself,” Sprite rolls her eyes, “If the waiter hadn’t brought our food out in time, you would have sucked on each other’s faces.”
“I’m still your mentor, you know,” Thena crosses her arms, “Watch your language.”
“Yeah, yeah, Doctor.”
They’re about to go out when Thena finds out she’s left her car keys behind, so Sprite waits in the lobby while she runs back to her office. The life of a first-year resident isn’t really a blast so recently she’s been investing in the love life of her mentor, the most feared and also the best doctor in neurosurgery at Eternal, with the Scotland Yard detective as intimidating as a bear, whom she heard that Thena met at a bus station or something about a month ago.
He doesn’t make a good first impression on her, really, standing like a threatening statue in front of the hospital to wait for Thena. However, he’s considerably less intimidating after the time he stopped by when Thena was doing surgery, bringing loads of food that he bought for her. He asked Sprite not to tell Thena that those are from him, probably out of embarrassment. Sprite agreed but since Gilgamesh - his name, made the mistake of calling her “Doogie Howser” because of her hair and her size, she doesn’t feel guilty at all when she deliberately dropped some of those sweets inside her snack stash.
Sprite looks up from her phone momentarily to see the ER doctor rushing a gurney through the front door. There’s a man with his head bandaged and wearing a neckbrace on it. The paramedic guy is filling the doctors in, “...50 years old. There was a drug bust. He was chasing a suspect when he got hit on his head with a brick.”
As they pass Sprite, she can see the face on the gurney clearly. His eyes are closed, one side of his face is bloody, swollen, but she still recognizes who he is. Her fingers are numb and stiff when she makes the call.
“Thena? You better come down here quickly.”
“On my count! One, two, three!” Ikaris commands and they lift the patient out of the gurney and onto the bed. He’s so big that they need another two ER doctors and two male nurses to help carry him. Ajak comes over to hang an I.V. bottle for him while Ikaris bends down and calls, “Detective. Detective! Do you know where you are?”
When he doesn’t get a response, he presses his knuckles down on Gilgamesh's sternum for a sternum rub and repeats, louder this time, “Detective Gilgamesh! Can you hear me? Detective Gilgamesh!”
He lets out a sigh of relief when the other man’s chest lightly rumbles and he exhales, “I heard you. I heard you,” he licks his dry lips before continuing, “I’m in Eternal hospital, right?”
“That’s right,” Ikaris says, starting to check his neck, “Is your neck hurt?”
“No, it’s fine.”
The doctor gets his flashlight to check Gilgamesh’s pupils, he’s about to order a CT scan when a ghostly figure dashes into the ER. The people who are standing around Gilgamesh's bed startle as Thena gracefully get into Ikaris’ place, slipping her hand into the detective’s hand on his side.
“Thena, what are you…” Ikaris begins his protest but stops halfway because Ajak puts her hand on his shoulder. She shakes her head.
“Can you hear me?” Thena asks with a gentle voice that no one there has heard her speak to another grown man, “Gil? Can you hear me?”
Ikaris sees the detective crack a very small smile, then opens his eyes for the first time.
“Thena,” he says simply, and that name makes his smile grow bigger.
“I’m here,” Thena replies, “Can you lift your left arm?”
Their eyes are glued to the patient’s arm, large and tough but a little shaky, slowly rising a few inches from the bed.
“Can you close your right hand?” Thena continues and Ikaris hears Ajak’s sad sigh at her breaking voice. She knows Thena has been seeing someone, of course she does. And even though she has never met him, she’s sure that he’s a good man through Sprite’s words, and she is also aware of Thena’s affection for him because she has noticed all the texting and smiling during meal times and breaks. And it’s only increased over the last month. The doctor thinks she’s subtle but she really isn’t.
Gilgamesh stretches out the hand that has been holding hers, then closes it with an utter gentle squeeze, in a way that Ikaris suspects he deliberately reduces the pressure so as not to hurt Thena’s slender hand, for his thumb right now is evenly rubbing on her knuckles. Thena closes her eyes, nodding to herself, her eyebrows knit together as if to stop her from crying. Their surroundings fall into stunned silence, hypnotized by that sight and snap awake when the patient speaks.
“Don’t make that face. I’ll be back on my feet in no time,” he smiles, “I’m in good hands.”
Thena bites her lower lip hard and nods again. She turns to Ikaris, all emotions nearly vanish from her face and she seems completely calm and together, “Let’s do a CT scan.”
“Yeah, okay,” Ikaris says mechanically. Ajak hints at everybody else to leave, giving Thena and Gilgamesh their deserved privacy. On their way to the CT Scan room, Ikaris voices his question.
“That man, is he her…?”
“Yeah, I think he is,” Ajak smiles. He has a feeling that what she’s thinking isn’t quite the same as what he’s thinking.
Kingo finds Thena on a bench outside the ICU, staring at her open hands on her lap and looks like she’s lost in her thoughts. He steps up and sits next to her, silently putting a can of milk coffee into her hands. He pops open his own can, takes a sip then asks.
“How is he?”
“He has a subdural hematoma on the right side,” Thena sighs, “but thankfully the bleeding isn’t too bad. His skull is fractured, however I don’t think he needs surgery at the moment.”
“Even so, let’s just keep him in there and monitor him for the next few days,” Kingo suggests, “In case the bleeding gets worse.”
“I know.”
“Is he sleeping?”
“Just now. I talked with him earlier. He’s a bit drowsy because of his head trauma and all of the chasing and fighting tonight.”
“Don’t worry too much,” he pats slightly on her back, painfully stiff because of tonight’s events, “He’ll be right as rain. We’ll keep a close eye on him, so close that I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t file a complaint when he checks out.”
She doesn’t reply, but her expression is more relaxed and she opens her coffee can. She takes a sip, reading what is written on the can and frowning, “What is this? No caffeine?”
“Duh? Are you planning to stay awake all night or what?” Kingo looks at her once, then shakes his head, “Go home, Thena. There are doctors on duty here. Look, I’ll drive you to your apartment and then I’ll be back here right away. I won’t let anything happen to him.”
She starts picking at the can lid, a sign which shows that she’s torn, half-convinced but still worries about the man who’s lying in the ICU with his head bandaged.
Kingo presses on, “Don’t you have surgery in the morning? If you don’t want to go home, at least go to your office to get some shut-eye. Sprite already left some food in there if you’re hungry.”
“I still want to make sure,” Thena says, her voice as faint as a whisper, “That he’ll open his eyes again.”
“Leave that to me. You need to sleep,” Kingo insists, getting up and nudging Thena with him, “I’ll take you to your office. Please, do it for the sake of this longtime friend.”
Finally, exhaustion wins. They go back to her office and Thena lies down on her couch while Kingo settles for the chair by her desk. He flips open the small reading lamp and lets Thena lie in the dark. He refuses to leave when he can still see her eyes wide open, examining the ceiling.
“Back then, at the ICU,” she suddenly says, her eyes never turning away from the dark space above, “Seeing him lying there, do you know what I was thinking?”
“If I had known this would happen to him, I would have told him how I feel sooner.”
Two days ago, Gilgamesh asked her to be his girlfriend through a call. Or at least that’s what she told Kingo, the truth is that it could be sooner. Thena said she needed some time to think, and Kingo didn’t know anything further than that, but now it looks like the guy hasn’t received any answers from her.
“That’s exactly why I told you to go ahead and date him.”
“If you’re here only to say ‘I told you so’, then fuck off,” Thena pushes herself up, and Kingo is close to panic when he finds tears fill her eyes, so much that his brain immediately starts thinking of something else to say, anything at all, just to get that look off her face. He only saw her cry a handful of times. The last time was many years ago, when she first witnessed her patient die after an operation. He didn’t see her cry even when she got cheated on, instead she made the son of a bitch cry like a baby, literally. It doesn’t take him long to put two and two together and realize Thena is head over heels for that sweet detective.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean any of that,” Kingo walks to the couch when she lies down again, turning her back to him. He sits down on the floor, pulling the thin blanket over her shoulders, “Let’s be patient for a few more days, then give him the best ‘get well soon’ gift ever, yes?”
Eventually, sleep grabs her at some point in the night and she jolts awake when her daily alarm rings at 6 am. Kingo left long ago and she’s alone in her office. She takes a shower then puts on a new scrub and her blouse to fend off the morning chilly before making her way back to the ICU. Gil is still fast asleep, though it seems he’s been moving around because one of his arms pokes out of the blanket, hanging off the bed. He’s snoring slightly as she steps in. She lifts his arm up and covers it again, yet it’s so warm she has a hard time letting it go. She smiles. Kingo was right, he’ll be alright. She’ll make sure of it, since she has something important to tell him.
After a second of hesitation, she shyly runs her hand through his soft hair, blushing when he stirs and unconsciously leans towards her touch. She’s been wanting to do so for some time, and if she’s honest with herself, maybe from the moment their eyes met on that bus.
She pauses her moves abruptly. Her heart beats wildly in her chest, she looks down and finds he’s staring right at her.
“Thena?” He repeats, smiling dreamily.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She forces herself to stay put despite her instinct to run away in embarrassment. But this is Gil and he’s nothing like she expected. In the best way.
“I’m so sleepy,” he breathes out, rubbing his eyes like a boy, “Like, very very sleepy. But it’s nice for you to drop by.”
“I wanted to check on you,” she bites her lips to hold her laugh. She didn’t think she’ll get to see Gil sleepy and goofy from painkillers this soon.
“Can you hold this for me?” He stretches his arm towards her.
“What do you have there?” She frowns, worrying that he might pull the I.V. string or wires from the monitor in his sleep. But he only drops his hand into hers, letting her hold the entire weight of it.
“I’m so happy, Jagiya,” he beams blissfully, but sighs right after, “I’ve missed you, you know? I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to see me again after I asked if I could be your boyfriend. But I’m so happy now because you’re here because I like you a lot, like, a lot, a lot, a lot.”
“You do?” Thena asks. She can’t help it. She doesn’t realize their fingers have weaved into each other until he pulls them up to look.
“More than you see,” he slurs.
“I don’t know, I think I just got a few ideas of it,” she tilts her head, moving some of her hair behind her ear. Gil sighs wistfully again when she does that.
“You’re so beautiful, Jagiya. So amazing and gorgeous and beautiful that I want to cry,” he pouts as if to demonstrate it, “I never want you to leave.”
“Don’t cry. I’m here, I’m right here,” she assures him, and fully intends to do so for at least half an hour until the others start coming in and she has to leave for her morning rounds. He keeps their clasped hands to his chest like it’s his most favourite thing on earth.
“I’m so sleepy, Jagiya,” he makes a huge yawn.
“Sleep, Gil,” Thena chuckles, “We’ll talk later. I promise.”
“Can you kiss me goodnight?” He asks, catching her off guard, and then does what she can only call the most persuasive puppy eyes she’s ever seen, even the cutest kids in Pediatrics can’t perfect it like him. As much as she wants to save their first kiss until he’s back to total health, she doesn’t think she can deny him. She doesn’t think she can deny him anything. So she looks around, making sure the hall outside is still empty, then bends down and touches her lips to his, only long enough so he can feel it.
“Now sleep.”
Gil closes his eyes obediently, murmuring, “I like you a lot, a lot, a lot, Jagiya,”
“I like you too. A lot,” she replies, but he’s drifted off.
He wakes in the early morning, snow is blinding the view outside the windows. His head mostly recovered and the incident four days ago feels like weeks away, even though he only left the ICU two days ago. His recovering speed is pretty fast, now he can walk around with his I.V. pole to buy himself drinks and does his own hygiene. Thena doesn’t waste any moment to move him into a VIP hospital room in Eternal. She states that he doesn’t need to worry about the fee, and just focuses on doing his best to recover. And he’d rather go back to the ICU than protest.
He starts having visitors. His colleagues and some of his friends stop by during the day and Sersi always shows up before and after work, bringing him food. But the person he’s longed to meet only walks in very early in the morning or very late in the evening, depending on her busy schedule. And since he’s barely awake at those hours, they haven’t exchanged more than a few sentences. She hasn’t given him an answer about whether or not she wants them to move forward either, but he can’t figure out the right time to ask. Has she forgotten? He doesn’t think so, however he thinks about telling her again, face to face this time. He’s prepared to accept her answer, whatever it’s gonna be. But his guts tell him that it won’t be so bad, if the last few days could be seen as some kind of proof. He doesn’t know if he dreamt it or not but once or twice, when he was about to fall asleep, he thinks she kissed him on the forehead, as light and soft as a feather’s touch.
Now, when he’s stable enough to really think about it, another image pops up in his head: him clutching at Thena’s hand and asking for a kiss, and then she kisses him. But that’s impossible, right? Simply impossible because he would never behave in such an inappropriate way. Begging for a kiss?? From her?? He lets out a groan.
He turns to his right so fast that he feels lucky he didn’t pull any of his neck muscles. Thena is sitting right there, on a chair next to his bed, in her full work attire with scrub and blouse. Her hair cascaded down over one of her shoulders, an open book on her lap, and she’s glorious despite the small frown caused by his groan.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, really, it’s just that my arm has fallen asleep,” he’s fast to deflate her worries. No matter how confused he is right now, he’s still glad to see her, “What time is it?”
She looks at the watch on her wrist, “6 am.”
“It’s early, why are you already here?”
“I have surgery at 8 so I came early to prepare,” she shrugs, “I have some spare time so I let myself in here because it’s quieter than down there. Is that alright?”
“More than alright. You’re welcome here anytime, Doc, even if I was snoring,” He places his hands on the mattress to sit up. Thena quickly closes her book, getting up to adjust his pillow and tuck back his blanket unnecessarily.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better and better every day. Nothing hurts anymore, and my alertness is back. I’m wide awake for the first time in the last few days,” he leans back, hooking his forefinger with her pinkie, “Thank you.”
“That’s my job,” she smiles sadly, “But you gave me quite a scare, nonetheless.”
“That’s one of the annoying bits in my line of work. But still, I’m sorry for scaring you, I’ll try to be more careful,” he switches his forefinger with his pinkie as well, “And I’m lucky that I have the best doctor in London looking out for me.”
That earns him a small laugh from her. She has an adorable laugh, even more so when he makes her laugh out loud or giggle. That gives Gil the courage to make up his mind and call out, “Thena?”
“Yes?” Her sharp green eyes shift to him and his stomach does a somersault.
“While I was in the ICU, did you ever stop by in the morning?”
“I did. Once.”
Gil feels his heartbeat increasing in record time when he continues, “Was I asleep or awake then? My memory is a little fuzzy, sorry.”
She rubs a lock of hair between her fingers and says, “You were asleep.”
“And I didn’t say anything to you?”
She shakes her head, “Why? You think you said something?”
“It’s weird, I could have sworn that…”
Gil runs a hand over his burning face, then sighs eventually, “I’ll tell you later then.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
He sees her press the back of her hand on her cheek, discreetly hiding a smile. He’s desperate to change the subject when she suddenly asks, “What’s Jagiya?”
For some reason, that word rings the alarms in his head. Gil clears his throat, no doubt that his face is as red as a tomato and most likely would start letting out steam if this keeps going.
“It’s a term of endearment, like honey, darling, or baby,” he squeaks.
“Oh,” she says simply, lowering her head and flipping open her book again.
“Wh…Where did you hear that?” He asks suspiciously.
“Ajak has been watching this K-drama series at lunch hours and yesterday I heard the term was spoken after the name of a character,” she explains naturally. He just stares at her while she gradually holds up her book until it blocks her face from his. She peers at him over the edge of the book.
“Nothing, nothing,” he says, turning away to look out of the window. As the memories rush back to him, his heart rate is so fast he feels a bit dizzy, and Thena is truly a terrible, terrible liar.
At 7 pm, Phastos takes the elevator to the VIP floor. He has dinner plans with Thena and when he can’t find her in her office, he knows where to go in an instant. She’s been spending a lot of time up there recently, which means Phastos is defenseless in front of the ever-curious interns, who always ambush him during breaks or meal times to get information about the doctors in Eternal. Like any good doctor, he hopes that the detective recovers as soon as possible, and what harm does it make if his reasons are a bit personal?
He manages (begs) to keep Thena with him at lunch hours and not disappear upstairs, but she really needs to come back and scare those interns into their place before the vein in his head pops (Thena will give him a lecture if he uses that expression in front of her - a neurologist).
There’s a woman standing outside Gilgamesh’s room, who Phastos can tell is his younger sister on first look. A bag that probably contains his dinner is at her feet but she seems uninterested in entering the room, but more like peering through the ajar door. She looks up when he approaches and gives him a bashful smile, “Good evening, Doctor.”
“Evening,” Phastos smiles back, “You’re Gilgamesh’s sister, right? Why don’t you go inside?”
“Yes, I’m Sersi. I brought dinner for him but I think I should wait here for a while, I don’t want to disturb them.”
“I reckon that his doctor is in there as well?”
“She is,” Sersi nods, stepping aside so Phastos can move closer and look inside. His eyes almost fall out when he finds Thena on a chair by Gilgamesh’s bed, reading aloud from a novel, while her beloved patient lays back on his pillow, watching her read and dear lord, they’re even holding hands.
“I love your voice,” he comments.
“Quiet. This is my favourite part,” she scolds, but there isn’t any real annoyance in it. They look at each other, taking each other in for a long, long moment, and their eyes answer everything that Phastos and Sersi ever questioned about their relationship.
Then, Thena resumes her reading, still holding her book with one hand, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“I see your point,” Phastos grunts. So much for a dinner buddy.
“Maybe we should come back later,” Sersi suggests, “If you don’t need to see her right away.”
“I don’t, really, it’s nothing,” Phastos chuckles, “In fact, how about we head to our drink station downstairs and I’ll buy something for you? Then we could think of being the third and fourth wheel. I’m Phastos, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you. And I think that’s a good idea,” Sersi laughs. They pull the door shut and leave the room that is now fluttering with pink hearts.
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Whos juno pls tell me about juno
He's an oc sort of.
All three of them are, they're following a story I've been building in my head for a few years now. Juno and Aquilan are "siblings" in that their "dad" kidnapped both of them from their pits in hell and forced sentience on them.
The idea behind hell for this is that it's separated into the seven sins, and each tier there is a festering pool where the lowest tier of demons who lack true thought just dwell in their alignment. So for Juno, gluttony, he was just a faceless mass with the rest of his kind eating and being eaten in kind. That's where souls would be put for punishment, and how demons are born. they're just put there for torment, and eventually they'd lose their minds, and join in the hoard, and it would become their only reason for living. eventually every soul crawls out of the hoard and joins the upper ranks, and take on tasks, summons, from humans. Take their soul, if it has an affinity to their pit put it there, if not you can eat it, or keep it, or do whatever you want with it. Doesn't matter. You kept your side of the contract, it's yours to do with what you want.
So, Juno is gluttony. He got spat out and snatched up by a higher demon of greed, kept away from his pit, and forced to gain sentience. He, and Aquilan, had to take on their "fathers" summonses. They can more or less choose how they look. Juno always likes to choose something kind of bullish. Partway out of just liking how it looks, and partway because he likes cows. Particularly gluttonous creatures that just laze around eating, chewing their cud when they're not eating, their only point is to be food, make food, or eat food. You can see the pros of it.
He's siblings with Aquilan by word of their mutual father, but neither of them see each other as anything more than a pest. If they're summoned to the same time, they'll do everything to fuck each other up. Lonnie has had him on earth for about 500 years before, fucking up his every attempt to get back home.
Juno himself, for the main part, is a barkeep. He was summoned by the old guild master, who had nobody to take over for him and run the place. Juno just had to run it in his stead, and wasn't allowed to purposely let it go to ruin, and wasn't allowed to plot against it. It would have been a MAYBE forty year task if it were him on his own, but Aquilan was summoned by a giant called Joey who wanted companionship. Aquilan is lust, but grew up with greed, so she pretends to be a demon of greed most of the time, running a traveling merchants stand. She'd follow Juno's heroes around giving them any tools they need to win their battles. The price is their soul, but they'd never know it until their final moments.
With her and them, Aquilan manages to keep Juno in business for 500 years before he finally manages to get the tavern destroyed.
Aquilan is gone for a good 80 years by the time he comes home.
Thena was one of Juno's heroes, and had no intention of being one. She was just tricked into the position by Aquilan.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
@mrchicsaraleo Literally all the other Eternals basically kick Ikaris’ ass at some point so I imagine they’re all looking at Kingo like oh we always just made a big deal about how he’s soooooo powerful or whatever for the preservation of his tender fee-fees, but you were like, SERIOUS serious when you said it, huh. Yikes. You should really do something about that obsessive crush you’ve had on him for seven thousand years, its rotting your brain, bro.
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luvsellie · 3 years
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pairing druig x fem!reader
wc 4.1k
requested ? yes
note i got a LOT of requests so i decided to combine a few of them, hope you guys don’t mind :) i recommend playing don't blame me by taylor swift since i listened to that on repeat as i wrote this lmao and bold italics are flashbacks !!
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“so, we have to go find the others and put an end to the emergences,” sersi finished, watching your back still at the kitchen sink, dish in hand. in silence, you turned off the tap, placed the plate on the drying rack, and turned to face your long-time friend as you wiped your hands with a towel.
you looked at sersi, at sprite and ikaris and kingo and thena and gilgamesh, biting the inside of your cheek. there were seven of you in your house right now, which meant you still had to find phastos, makkari, and druig. you were somewhat thrilled about seeing the former two friends, but facing druig...the male you had spent an eternity pining over...you weren’t so fond of the idea.
“does ajak know you stole that?” druig’s familiar accent made you turn around, eyes narrowing at the dark-haired eternal just before he snatched the red artifact from your hands. he pretended to be interested in the antique book, flipping through the yellowed pages as he dodged your incoming hands.
you shook your head, trying to take back the novel with little success. “no. and she doesn’t need to know, so don’t even think about telling her.”
druig looked at you, tilting his head to the side as he said, “my beautiful, beautiful y/n, i’m hurt that you think i’m a snitch.”
“you’re more a flirt than a snitch,” you muttered, letting your hands fall slack by your sides. “now please give me the damn book, druig.”
“what do i get in return?” the male questioned, the smirk on his face growing. he held the book to his chest as he waited for your answer.
you jutted a hip out and placed a hand on your hip, raising an eyebrow as you remarked, “a clear conscious. now give me the book, or i’m gonna-”
“or you’re gonna what?” druig jeered, daring you to finish the intended threat.
“or i’m going to tell ajak that you interfered with a fight today at a bar,” you said, nodding in confirmation.
druig’s eyebrows rose, and he took a few steps closer to you, amused at your pathetic warning. “am i supposed to be scared of that? ajak already knows i deal with their quarrels, love. it’s nothing new.”
you took your bottom lip between your teeth as you searched your mind for something else to say, and you had failed to notice that druig had practically cornered you against the stone wall.
“how about this; if i give the book back, you have to walk with me, first thing in the morning for three weeks. we wouldn’t be going far, just to the markets and stalls, maybe even the gardens if you’re up for it,” druig said, letting the offer hang in the air.
“deal,” you said almost immediately, grabbing the book from his outstretched hands without a second thought.
“i’ll go,” you decided, finally giving in to helping your friends. they needed you and you knew it. hanging up the hand towel, you asked, “who are we tracking down next?”
“someone i think you’d be rather excited to see,” you heard kingo muse from your dining table, taking a sip of the tea you had prepared earlier.
groaning, you massaged the bridge of your nose, wondering why the universe wasn’t on your side today. “why can’t we go get phastos instead?”
“because we have to cross an ocean to get to him. druig, however, isn’t too far from here,” sersi said. ikaris nodded along with her.
you sighed deeply, crossing your arms over your chest. “well, then let’s get this reunion over with, i suppose.”
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“it’s so humid,” sprite complained beside you, fanning herself with a hand as she walked. “it’s sticky and hot and i don’t like it.”
“jesus fucking christ, i couldn’t agree more,” you grumbled, smacking your arm for the fifth time in ten minutes. “these bugs are killing me. who knew immortality didn’t come with free mosquito passes.”
“it’s not so bad,” kingo tried to suggest, but as the words came out he swatted at his face, wriggling in his spot as he tried to dodge a bug you couldn’t see.
you watched as karun video-taped his boss flinging himself around, yelling at the videographer to help get the bugs off. sprite and sersi’s giggles filled your ears as you smiled in amusement. ikaris, however, told everyone to get a move on, his expression that of stone.
the laughs died down afterward, and everyone returned to finding the supposed village where druig lived, which happened to be smack dab in the middle of the amazon forest. the journey to where you were right now had not been a pleasant one, and you didn’t know how much you would miss running water and air conditioning until you stepped out of kingo’s private jet.
as the seven, well, eight of you, including karun, traveled deeper into the forest, you suddenly got the feeling of being followed, your stomach dropping and ears perking for any noise that wasn’t mother nature or someone you were traveling with.
stopping in your tracks, thena halted a few feet ahead of you, looking at you over her shoulder. “what’s wrong?”
her question made other people stop where they were, their attention turning to you.
“it’s nothing, i’m being paranoid,” you insisted, realizing that your subconscious was probably just trying to avoid anything to do with druig.
“no, what’s wrong?” gilgamesh asked, taking a step in your direction, stealing a glance at thena as he did.
hesitating, you said, “i feel like we’re being followed.” as the others exchanged glances you rushed to assure them that it was most likely nothing but your mind and body playing tricks on you. “it’s fine, though. i guess i’m just nervous to confront druig after so long.”
“remind me again why i have to do this every day for three weeks?” you whined to druig, kicking at the rocks that littered the sandstone path. “it’s only the second day and it’s just as boring as it was yesterday. you could’ve asked for anything else and you chose this.” you waved your arms in the air for emphasis.
druig chuckled at your clear boredom. “you wanted that book back, remember? and besides, i could use a little company on my walks.”
“who would’ve thought the ‘great druig’ ever got lonely,” you scoffed, finding what he had just told you hard to believe.
“it’s true!” druig exclaimed, shooting you a quick smile as he spoke. “plus, it’s nice to have someone to talk to, even if they are complaining the entire time.” a pointed look came your way.
“fine, fine. i will try to enjoy this,” you said, looking around as the sun started to peek over the tall buildings, basking the city in the morning light.
the rest of the walk into the marketplace was filled with arm-brushes and small talk, mostly druig teasing you about anything and everything. you started to enjoy his presence (more than you already had) and noticed how much you smiled around him, your stomach doing flips every time he flashed you a grin or even just said your name, liking the way it rolled off his tongue.
“oh this is absolutely beautiful,” you sighed, hand reaching out to touch the silver pendant that was hanging from a vendor’s stall. the woman who ran the stall was busy helping someone else, trying to sell a woven bracelet made from horse hair to a gruff-looking man.
druig smiled at the way your eyes lit up. “then get it. silver looks beautiful on your skin tone.”
“ i don’t know,” you said, retracting your hand from the necklace. “ajak said to stop spending my money on things i’d just lose the next day.”
“well, if you’re not going to buy it, then will you go grab us something to eat? i missed breakfast this morning,” druig asked, watching as you nodded and walked off in the direction of the food stalls.
as soon as he couldn’t see you anymore, druig reached for the pendant, taking it from its display station. he turned to the seller, watching as she happily told the man she had been talking to earlier to come back soon, and approached him with a smile.
“hello, i apologize for the wait, sir,” the sales-woman compensated, taking the piece of jewelry from his hands. “will this be all?”
druig nodded, and he quickly paid for the pendant, not wanting you to come back while he was purchasing the silver relic. after he had finished, parting ways with the sweet vendor, he went off looking for you, the necklace laced through a loop attached to his suit.
he found your back turned to him, chatting with a vendor as they handed you two skewers of grilled maize with a kind face.
“thank you so much,” he heard you say before he braced a hand on each of your shoulders, pulling you back just enough for him to get his head over your left shoulder, startling you.
“there you are, my dear,” druig mused as the faltered smile on your face returned back to its original one. “i got you something.”
“i actually got you something too, per request,” you said, following your companion to an open space. “i hope you like maize because it was the only option they had.”
as you went to hand him one of the two skewers you had purchased, he held up a hand. “hold on, i want to give you yours first.”
“oh,” you said simply. “alright. but what do i do about the food in my hands?”
druig laughed at your question. “just hold it, darling. and close your eyes too.”
giving him a skeptical look, you hesitantly shut your lids. “this is making me nervous, druig, i don’t like it.”
“calm down,” he assured with a smile you couldn’t see, stepping behind you and unclasping the necklace before reaching his arms around the base of your neck. you jumped at the foreign feeling, groaning when druig laughed.
“what are you doing to me?” you questioned, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. druig stayed quiet, and let the pendant rest against your chest as he clasped it around your neck, grinning as you let out an, “oh.”
“you can open your eyes now,” he told you, watching as you turned to face him, looking down at the new piece of jewelry on your neck. his mouth started to turn downwards when you didn’t react immediately. “what’s wrong? do you not like it?”
“no, no, it’s not that,” you promised, looking back up at him. “it’s just that...no one’s ever done anything like this for me. druig, thank you, i love it.”
nodding, druig smiled again. “good, i’m glad you like it. now,” he reached out and took one of the skewers from you, “i can take that.”
“still be on guard, though,” ikaris warned, scanning the trees around you all before continuing any further. in silence, you all followed him, everyone’s eyes on the forest.
not much longer, sprite pointed out a roof up ahead, and soon, later, you all stepped into a small village. the one that belonged to druig, you weren’t exactly sure.
the eight of you all started to look around, karun filming while kingo narrated and pointed at the buildings. you, though, walked up to a pair of children playing with straw-made dolls, gaining their attention to ask a few questions.
when the little girl on the right looked up at you, a joyful smile splaying on her lips, the easing expression on your face dropped as you stared at familiar gold eyes.
he’s here, you realized instantly, your throat starting to close up. walking backward, you looked around you, at the same pair of eyes that everyone in the village shared. what threw you off, even more than you already were, was that they were all staring at the strangers in their home, or, more specifically, you.
“oh, fuck me,” you cursed under your breath, flinching when a set of pale-colored doors opened to your left, revealing the person you really had no intention of seeing again before this whole fiasco started.
walking out with a smug smile, druig locked eyes with you. “well look who finally decided to come visit.”
too dumbfounded to speak, you heard someone cough on your right when only stillness remained in the air. realizing it was sprite, you felt her nudge your shoulder, silently urging you to say something.
“we, uh, we need your help,” you managed to say, standing a little straighter. the awkwardness in the air felt absolutely suffocating.
“you’re gonna have to make me,” druig challenged, looking up at ikaris, daring the taller male to make a move on him.
beside phastos, you watched in horror at what was happening. with the screams and shouts and gunshots, you couldn’t tell if you were more scared of the genocide happening around you or the threats exchanged within your family.
you understood why druig wanted to end the wars and issues between the humans, but you also knew that they needed to sort it out on their own. after all, you were just sent here to protect them from the deviants, not assist them in their relationships with each other.
ikaris took a step back from druig with a scoff, looking back at ajak, hoping she would somehow handle the situation.
“i’m ending this,” you heard druig say to no one in particular, stepping up to the edge of the temple, eyes already burning a bright gold. you didn’t have to see the swords and other weapons drop to know that they did.
as druig started to descend down the steps, you called out to him, rushing to where he had once been. he looked back up at you, eyes no longer the blue you had come to adore over centuries together.
“don’t go,” you pleaded, not knowing what else to say to get him to stay. you knew you couldn’t follow him to wherever he was going, not wanting to interfere with human affairs. it felt wrong, no matter how much you hated to see it. you’d grown accustomed to ignoring the human problems, and you wondered why druig hadn’t.
he extended a hand. “come with me.”
tears started to stream down your cheeks as you shook your head, taking a step back. you couldn’t just abandon your family.
“come with me,” druig repeated, the words strained. he reached out his hand further, silently begging you to take it. when you only shook your head again, he let his arm fall back to his side. he opened his mouth to speak when you cut him off.
“don’t even think about trying to control me druig, or, i swear it, there will be nothing but hatred for you in my heart,” you practically seethed, stomping out the option entirely. you continued to stare at him, not sure whether you should be angry or sad and awaiting his next move.
he reached out once more, but only to touch the silver pendant hanging at your neck, his luminous eyes flickering from it to your face before he turned away and started to descend down the steps once more. you watched him with longing eyes, leaning against the stone pillar beside you.
a choked sob escaped your lips as you grasped the pendant, ripping it from your throat and tossing it on the blood-stained floor.
“i’m sorry, you expect me to just drop everything and come help you put a celestial being to sleep?” druig scoffed, shaking his head at the absurdity of ikaris’ request.
sersi sighed, standing from her spot on a wooden bench. “look, i know it seems difficult, but it can be done.”
“oh, i’m aware it can be done, but you can’t just drop on a person that their entire existence is a lie and that they need to help protect a place they’ve been wanting to leave for so long,” druig said, eyebrows raised.
from your spot in the back, resting against the wall and propping a leg up on the bench, you watched intently as everything unfolded. after you had said the first words to him, you intended to say no more. you wanted to avoid directly speaking to druig for as long as you possibly could. you didn’t want him toying with your feelings again; you didn’t know if you could handle it a second time.
“and what about you?” the sudden question pointed your way snapped you back into reality, head whipping in the direction the voice had come from. you slouched back against the wall when you realized it was druig, trying your best to look disinterested.
“what about me?” you asked, feeling everyone’s eyes on you both. damn this whole situation, you thought as druig grew closer, his footsteps growing louder as he walked.
he looked you up and down, trying to decipher what had changed. obviously, you still looked similar, but there was also something else. possibly the way you held yourself, or even the tight-fitting pants and camisole you wore, exposing more skin than you ever would have the last time he saw you. he also noted the way your fingers played with the necklace that rested against your collarbone. it was a habit of yours when you grew nervous or unsure. and to say that he didn’t immediately recognize the pendant would have been a lie.
“you’re really okay going against a full-blown celestial?” druig asked, eyes locked with yours as he placed his hands in his pockets.
the question made you stand from your spot defensively, and as you stepped up to druig, the air in the room shifted. “yes, i would. and i had already told the others along the way here that you probably wouldn’t help us, that you couldn’t care less about the people on this planet unless they were under your control. it seems i may have been right; some people don’t change, even after a few decades holed up in some hideaway village, pretending to be in a utopia.”
the words spilled from your lips quicker than you would have liked, and, when you finished, the smirk on the eternal’s face was gone.
“you’re insufferable, druig,” you seethed, turning on your heel and making a beeline for the door, your face still twisted in anger.
ikaris stepped in front of the door, placing an open palm on your shoulder in an attempt to stop you. “we have things we need to discuss-”
“then discuss them without me,” you snapped, pushing his hand off and walking outside, back into the muggy air. as the door shut, the villagers nearest to the church stopped and watched you go into the forest, their yellow eyes glowing. you ignored them, walking further and further, cursing druig and all that he had put you through.
after you had decided you’d gone far enough, you sat down on a large tree root, threading your fingers through your hair in frustration. the sounds of the forest - the rustle of the trees, birds chirping, etc. - calmed you down as you focused solely on them, head swarming with thoughts of druig and arishem and the emergence.
the snap of a twig behind you made you jump to your feet, summoning your power as you fixed into a defensive stance. you scoffed when you were faced with druig. his change of attire didn’t go unnoticed by you. figuring he must’ve grown too hot in the long-sleeve he had on previously, he was sporting a light grey shirt with cut-off sleeves, strong arms on display.
“how did you find me?” you asked harshly, standing a little straighter in his presence.
“my love, i don’t think you mean it, but your thoughts are very loud,” he said as you turned your back to him and sat down again.
his footsteps grew closer and you shook your head at his words. “stop it. stop with the pet names and the sweet words, druig.” he sat down next to you, leaving a few inches between your thighs. “don’t talk to me like we’re a couple and you’re madly in love with me. we haven’t seen each other in centuries, druig, and the last time we did you left me heartbroken atop an aztec temple. so, stop it.”
the silence that followed afterward hung heavy in the air as druig let your words sink in. he could hear your thoughts; the violently bitter ones replaced by words of instant regret and worry.
“please,” you whispered, fiddling with your necklace yet again, finally looking over at druig. “don’t flirt with me if you don’t intend to actually do something with it.”
the wind rustled your hair as you stared at the forest floor once again, willing you to keep all the pent-up frustration at bay; the last thing you wanted was for druig to see you start crying. clasping your hands together you said, “aren’t you going to say anything? i know you didn’t just walk out here to sit by me and bite your tongue.”
“you’re right, i didn’t,” druig said, rotating himself so he had a better view of you. “i came out here to, essentially, tell you that i do love you, that i do want a relationship, and that, a couple of centuries ago, i was too scared to admit that to myself so i left, hoping the feelings would trample themselves out with time.
“but they didn’t,” he went on, his accent thick as he spoke. “as i spent my time alone, in solitude, away from the rest of the world, i realized how much i had come to love and cherish you. i had, unbeknownst to my consciousness, become dependant on you. i revolted at the idea, until today, when i could hear, feel, you enter my village, my space. i could sense the uncertainty in you when your eyes landed on me after so long...and when i saw you, i think i fell in love all over again.” a short pause. “in the end, i always knew my feelings were inevitable.”
you blinked at druig’s words, astounded at what he had said, at what he had just confessed to you. this side of him was new; his vulnerability made you cautious. “why didn’t you ever come looking for me if you felt this way?”
“because i was afraid you would turn me away,” druig answered honestly, the yearning clear in his eyes as he looked at you. “after what i did that night...i would understand if you told me to fuck off and never even look your way again-”
“no, that’s out of the question,” you interrupted, shaking your head at him. “druig, i still harbor feelings for you; hell, i don’t think they ever left, hence the reason i still wear this god-forsaken pendant. you can have me, druig. i will gladly call you mine, but if you break my heart again, there will be no third time.”
you took his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together as you talked to him truthfully.
druig’s eyes flashed from you to your locked hands. “and i am okay with that.” the tug of a smile on his lips. “i will try not to be too mean in our time together.”
you felt the same pull on the corners of your mouth at his attempt to ease things over. giving his hand a squeeze, you said, “good. because although i tend to like bad boys, they at least have to have a soft spot for me.”
“oh?” druig’s eyebrows rose. “you like them in all black and clad in a leather jacket?”
pretending to give some thought to it, you nodded. “yes! preferably with some muscle too. not too much or too little, though.”
druig scoffed, standing from his spot as he shook his head in fake disbelief. “alright i’m done with this conversation.”
as his hand started to slip from yours, you tugged him forward, using his body weight to pull yourself up. “wait! i’ll come back with you.”
adjusting your hand in druig’s, you stepped over the root you both had been sitting on previously, leading the mind-controlling male back to the village center. as you walked back the way you had come, the sudden stillness from earlier filled the air. the birds and bugs had gone silent, and the wind settled between the trees.
druig halted, forcing you to do the same, his eyes glowing as you summoned your own power for the second time that day. “what is it?”
“i don’t know, everything’s normal at the village, something must have-” a shrilling cry sliced through the air, cutting druig off as a crash echoed in the distance.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Confusing couples | Drukkari
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Pairing: Drukkari x reader
Requested by anon
I loved this idea!!!
Druig, Makkari, and yourself were as close as you could possibly be. Closer than the others even knew. It had long since become a game after you three realised the others had no idea you were together.
This game would go on for so long, it was so much fun.
It was Makkari's idea. She approached her you both with a mischievous grin.
Why don't we play with the others?
"Play with them? How?" You sign to Makkari, sharing a curious look with Druig.
Makkari explained her little idea. Druig and yourself nodded and decided to play. This would be fun.
You were sitting in the main room of the Domo, one of Makkari's books in your lap. You were quite fond of her collection. She let you use whatever you wanted, even sometimes purposely finding things just for you.
Druig and Makkari entered. He has his arm looped around her shoulder. Makkari was smiling at him as they walked.
Thena, how was leaning against the wall, turned to acknowledge their presence. Phastos, who had been trying to share his ideas, but was clearly being ignored by Thena, followed her gaze to see the couple. Druig nodded his head at the pair, as Makkari and himself took a seat, and smiled at you.
His smile didn't give anything away. Just a polite greeting, which you returned, but the look in his eye said so much more than his smile.
You turn your eyes back to your book and don't bother looking up to greet Kingo as he steps into the room. Even when he came over to look over your shoulder, you didn't meet his gaze.
"They seem awfully close, don't they?" He asks. You know who he is referring to.
"Yes, quite close."
Kingo has his eyes locked onto the couple across the room with a slightly furrowed brow.
"How long has that been a thing?"
You glance up to see Druig place a kiss to Makkari's cheek. You bite back your smile and look back down at the book, looking at the same page you had been staring at since Kingo came over.
"I don't know."
That conversation ended there.
A few days later, you're sitting outside with Makkari. Her head is in your lap. You're running you fingers along her braids as she looks up at you with a soft smile. Makkari plays mindlessly with a flower between her fingers.
Druig is watching from a distance. His expression gives nothing away, but he smiles to himself at the view. He could never love any two people more than be does with the both of you.
Ikaris comes to stand beside him, looking at the pair of you on the hill.
"They look cosy."
Druig doesn't spare him a glance.
They hear you laugh as Makkari reaches up and places the flower behind your head. She leans in a kisses your nose. You smile brightly at her and kiss her before she moves again.
"Oh, they're really cosy," Ikaris comments.
Druig turns to him. "Don't you have more important things to do? Like being cosy with Sersi."
Ikaris grins and walks away.
Druig turns his gaze back to the both of you and allows himself to smile outwardly. With no one else around, he heads up the hill to join you both. He wants a flower too.
Later that night, you're dining with the others. You're by Sprite. Sersi, Thena, Gilgamesh, and Kingo also present. The others have yet to arrive, but they're coming.
Druig enters the room and smiles as he approaches you. In his hand is the flowers he got after joining you on the hill. He stands behind your chair and you look up at him with a warm smile. He leans in and tucks the flowers in your hair, like Makkari had done, and then he kisses your forehead.
Kingo frowns as he watches Druig walk away from you, finding a seat.
Sprite is looking between the two of you works confused expression. Sersi seems to be in thought. Thena watches you quietly from where she sits. She hides a smile by taking a sip of her drink.
You eat on silence.
Later on, before you turn in for the night, Makkari comes over to you and kisses you goodnight.
Ajak, who is with Ikaris, pretends not to notice the pair of you.
You bid Makkari goodnight and go to bed.
Makkari is stopped by Druig before she leaves. They lean in close together and smile.
Ikaris furrows his brow.
"Yes, Ikaris?"
Ikaris watches the couple part ways and turn to their respective rooms. "Do you think there's something going on there?"
Ajak looks at him curiously.
"What do you mean, Ikaris?"
"Do you think Makkari is cheating on Y/N?" He asks.
"Makkari? Do you honestly think she would ever do something so dreadful?" Ajak asks him.
"I saw them together today. Druig did too, but just now... the way he was with Makkari"
"Then wouldn't he know?" She questions.
"Perhaps he and Makkari are just close..."
Ajak doesn't say anymore on the matter.
The next day, you're sat with Druig. He's whispering dirty things in your hear, making you smile and try to hide. He laughs everytime he gets a reaction out of you.
Phastos sits at the opposite side of the room with Gilgamesh.
"I swear he's with Makkari, but now he's with Y/N?" Phastos thinks aloud.
Gilgamesh looks at Phastos.
"With Makkari?"
"Yeah. A few days ago they were all affectionate with each other. Though, Y/N was in the room then..." Phastos says.
Gilgamesh nods in the other direction of where you sat with Druig.
"Makkari is over there."
Phastos turns to see the speedy woman lounging over her favourite chair with a puzzle in her hand. She was busy solving it.
"I'm confused," Phastos shakes his head.
It's Ikaris who gathers everyone else a few days later. It has become apparent that there was some confusion going on among the group.
You had been seen dancing quietly with Druig one night, but then making out with Makkari in the dark corners of the Domo by Sprite. Makkari and Druig has been seen holding hands and laughing together, but then either of them had been seen doing the same with you sometime later. You'd be seen leaving Druig's room, Makkari leaving yours a few nights after.
No one could keep up.
Except Thena and Ajak who had been watching with amusement.
"Are you saying... they're having an affair, with each other?" Kingo asks, looking between the others.
Thena and Ajak smile at one another.
"What else could it be?" Sprite says, still trying to rid the image of you and Makkari out of her head.
Sersi speaks up, "could it be, they're playing with us?"
"Playing?" Phastos asks her.
Sersi nods. "Could it be, they're together? All of them?" She smiles sweetly.
The group look at each other.
"Why didn't they say anything if so?" Kingo asks.
"Because what they have is special, and none of our business," Ajak tells them. Everyone looks at her. "They're just having fun with you all, but what they do is their business, not ours."
Sersi smiles at the thought of you all together. You're a close group, and it makes her feel warm to think you're all together.
They day no more about it.
It's Sersi who finds the three of you together. Druig sits between you and Makkari, an arm around either of you. His head rests against yours, while Makkari leans against his shoulder.
Sersi decides to approach you all. Neither of you move.
"I'm happy for the three of you," she says.
You look up at her.
"You are?"
She smiles.
"You've had everyone very confused these past few weeks, but I worked out that possibly, you have something we just didn't understand. It makes me very happy to think the three of you have a bind so special, you can love each other so fully."
She signs her little speech for Makkari, who looks likes the happiest woman in the world right now.
Druig smiles at Sersi.
"Thank you," he says.
Sersi nods and leaves you all be. You turn to your lovers, who smile back at you.
I suppose that's game over.
You shake your head.
"No. We can mess with them some more, but we should do something for Sersi, for making us feel so special."
Druig kisses your temple.
"I'm want to mess with Ikaris some more," he says.
Me too.
"Oh yeah, Ikaris is going to be beyond done with our Lovey Dovey attitude," you laugh.
You all cuddle together again, wondering how else you can mess with the others. You wouldn't want this to be any other way.
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ava-kedavra · 3 years
Wayward Devotion part seven: relate
Pairing: Ikaris x Reader
Summary: chicken alfredo is a superior food, the auras are off, and kombucha is a drink of choice.
Words: ~2600
Warning: none come to mind idk??
link to part six
You swear the compound has never been so full.
In the kitchen you have Bruce, Gilgamesh, Rhodey and Peter making food that smells absolutely incredible.
You’re pretty sure they’re talking about the science of fermentation given Peter and Bruce’s science background and Gilgamesh’s interest.
“I’m telling you,” You listen to Gilgamesh from afar, “kombucha is the way to go.”
“I’ve made it for thousands of years,” he adds on casusually.
“I’m pretty sure it’s alcoholic,” Peter speaks up, “and I’m not even an adult.”
“Can you even get drunk?” Rhodey asks, “with the spider metabolism and all?”
“It can definitely happen,” Bruce cuts in, “but it’d have to be a lot.”
“You should try my brew,” Gilgamesh suggests, “it’s a combination of mead, wine and beer.”
“He’s a kid,” Rhodey defends, “he shouldn’t be drinking that.”
“Well soon enough then,” he concedes, “Odin taught me how to brew it himself.”
“That’s so cool,” Peter whispers.
You smile at the interaction before turning your attention to the dining table.
At the head of the table there’s Thena, with Ajak, Wanda and Phastos next to her. You think they’re talking about medieval weaponry, with Phastos looking slightly scared. Phastos’ partner is next to him, and Jack is asleep on the couch in the common room.
You see Phastos’ partner turn to him, “how was Wakanda?”
You see Phastos’s eyes widen, “babe, it was amazing.”
His partner smiles, “I knew you’d like it.”
“Shuri gave me her contact information and everything! The facilities, they’re just- it’s stunning,” he gushes over the short trip you had.
His partner kisses his cheek, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
Sprite, Sersi and Kingo are all engrossed in a conversation, you think about some movie Kingo was apparently in. You learnt he was a movie star given the first question he asked was if you saw his movies.
You hadn’t.
Makkari and Druig are at the opposite end of the table deep in conversation, their thighs touching as they sign back and forth.
You’re leaning against the doorframe watching everyone interact, glass on wine in hand.
Ikaris comes up and nudges your shoulder, “hi.”
“Hi,” you don’t turn your head, but instead watch everyone around you.
“How are you feeling?” He asks softly.
You can see him nod in your peripheral, “of course.”
You turn to face him, “when's the last time you saw everyone?”
“Five hundred years ago,” he states.
“I’m sure this is a lot for you too,” you reach up and rub his shoulder.
“It is,” he admits, “but it’s nice that we’re together again.”
You smile, “I bet it is.”
“How about,” he leans and whispers in your ear, “we go take a walk?”
You take a sip of your wine, pretending to seriously contemplate it.
You shrug, “I guess we can do that.”
He flashes you a smile, “yeah?”
“Yeah.” You say before the two of you are sneaking out of the kitchen.
You walk aimlessly around the compound, somewhat giving Ikaris a tour.
You’ve walked through the living area and past the conference room used the most, and headed a floor up to the lab space.
The whole floor was sectioned off into four labs, one being Bruces, one yours, and the other two weren’t used a lot. At first Peter had used one of the spaces, but slowly integrated his things into your lab and Bruce’s, so he didn’t have to work alone.
You didn’t mind.
The other half of the floor were typical offices, for you, Bruce, Rhodey or anyone else to use.
You did have your own office, but it didn’t consist of more than a dying succulent on the desk you’ve sat in once.
There were also conference rooms connected to each office, but again you didn’t really use them.
When you walk past your lab you can sense Ikaris is confused, but doesn’t say anything as you keep walking.
You head to the elevator on the other side of the floor and make your way to the sky bridge that connected the medwing to the compound area.
You make your way to the middle of it and turn to the glass, admiring the view in front of you.
This side of the bridge faced the forest, and in the distance you could see the gun and archery range that was at the edge of the trees.
You look out for a while, enjoying the view in the silence.
Finally you break it, “thank you.”
Ikaris looks at you, a slight look of confusion on his face, “for what?”
“For knowing when to talk, and when to let me think,” you explain as you give him a small smile.
He nods, smiling in return.
“I just-” you start, but stop.
Ikaris doesn’t pressure you to talk, just lets you turn back to the view in front of you.
“Thank you,” you say softly again.
“Of course,” he says immediately.
You lean your head on his shoulder and he lets you.
You’re enjoying the silence some more when you hear someone come up behind you.
“Hi,” Wanda says softly, “dinner is ready.”
You turn to the witch and nod, moving to follow her.
You hesitate when Ikaris doesn’t move, but he shoots you a reassuring look, “give me a few minutes.”
“Okay,” you say softly before Wanda is linking your arm in hers and leading you to the kitchen.
“It’s hard for him too,” you tell her, “seeing everyone again.”
“I can tell,” she says, “his aura is foggy, uncertain.”
You turn to her in the elevator, “what is my aura like?”
She hesitates, “it’s cracked,” she finally says, “your mental layer is confused given everything.”
“Makes sense,” you try to joke, but Wanda just looks solemn.
“Wan,” you say, “what is it?”
“It’s just-” she hesitates and you take her hands in yours, trying to comfort her.
“It’s nothing,” she says after a moment, shaking you off, “it’s fine.”
You give her a skeptical look, “it doesn’t seem like nothing.”
“It’s okay,” she tries to assure you, but you don’t buy it.
“Tell me,” you take her hands again, running your fingers over her palms, “please.”
She takes a deep breath, “these people, eternals, have been through a lot. It’s hard not to pry,” she admits with a sigh, “it’s heavy.”
You nod as you continue to rub her hands, “I understand, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way.”
“It’s okay,” she whispers, but there’s no conviction in her voice.
She looks pained almost and you feel awful you didn’t notice her troubles sooner.
The elevator doors open, but you stay in the car, trying to soothe the girl.
You let her breathe for a bit before speaking up, “maybe you should go stay with Steven.”
She looks up at that, almost offended, “what?”
“Just until things are figured out,” you rush out, trying to explain, “I don’t want you to be in pain.”
“I’m always in pain,” she tries to joke, but you know she’s not.
“Wanda,” you take her in your arms and hug her tightly, “your mental health is more important than anything else.”
“What about you?” She speaks, voice filled with emotion.
You pull away to see tears in her eyes, “I’ll be okay,” you say, taking your thumb and wiping under her eyes.
“I swear,” you look her in the eyes, trying to convince her.
She looks guilty so you put your hands on her shoulder, “Wanda, go.”
“Who’s gonna look after you?” She whispers.
“I’ll take care of myself,” you tell her softly, “I will.”
“Do you promise to reach out if you need me?” She asks.
“Of course I will,” you say to the Sokovian, “you are the strongest Avenger after all.”
She smiles and you reach in to hug her again.
“We’ll be okay,” you say into her shoulder, “yeah?”
“Yeah,” she agrees before you pull back.
You send a quick text to Strange before portaling in front of the elevator.
He nods to you and looks to Wanda, “miss Maximoff.”
You give Wanda's hand a squeeze and smile before she’s walking through the portal.
You watch her walk into the sanctum and be greeted by Wong.
You turn to Strange, “thank you.”
He nods, “no problem,” he says before the portal in front of you is closing.
You let out a sigh and lean against the back of the elevator.
You look out into the hallway and see Ikaris pop his head into the elevator, “you’re hogging the elevator, you know that?”
“I apologize,” you say sarcastically, before pushing yourself off the wall and walking out of the elevator.
He looks into the elevator as it closes, “where’s Wanda?”
You explain to him that she had left, leaving out the exact reason so as not to make him feel guilty by it.
He doesn’t pry though thankfully as you make your way into the dining room.
Everyone is at the table now as you and Ikaris sit in two empty spots next to one another.
Dinner is chicken alfredo and garlic bread, and the site makes your mouth water. You didn’t realize how hungry you were, but quickly filled your plate as you listened to those around you.
Sersi, Bruce, Peter and Ajak are talking about what you think is bees.
Rhodey is talking to Kingo, Phastos and his partner, Gilgamesh and Sprite about his war stories, but the lot seems unimpressed. You give him a sympathetic smile before turning your attention to Ikaris.
He’s in conversation with Thena, but she’s looking at you curiously.
You don’t call her out because Druig speaks up to you, “so what’s it like being an Avenger?”
You shrug eating a bite of garlic bread, “oh you know, just like an office job. Very mundane.”
Makkari gives a smile at this signing ‘you haven’t changed’.
Druig starts to talk, but you cut him off replying to her, “I guess not?”
“You can sign?” Thena asks, ignoring Ikaris and you nod.
“You remember?” Druig says and you shake your head no.
“One of our teammates was deaf,” you explain, “Hawkeye.”
“Hawkeye,” Druig repeats, “I see.”
You feel uncomfortable under their gazes, but you feel Ikaris hand on your thigh under the table.
You look over at him and he gives you a smile, before scowling at Druig.
“Lay off Druig,” he says harshly, “or I’ll make you.”
“Is that a threat?” Druig doesn’t seem threatened, if anything he’s amused.
You look down at your plate, trying to focus on your food. You see Makkari in your peripheral signing Druig to tell him to calm down.
Ikaris drops it when you squeeze the hand on your thigh and gets back to his food.
“The food is really good guys,” you compliment as you take another bite.
“Thanks Y/N,” Gilgamesh smiles, “it’s good to have you back.”
“You were always willing to try his edible creations,” Thena muses over her glass of wine.
“They weren’t always edible,” Sprite whispers, but you hear her and laugh.
The rest of dinner went by smoothly and ended with the lot of you in the living room.
Sprite had created a fantastic illusion show for you all to watch, lounging on the couches in chairs together.
After the show most of you decided to turn in, so you had Peter and Ikaris help you out with setting the rooms up
“I swear they’re in here somewhere,” you mutter as you open another empty closet. You were trying to find extra blankets for the group.
“I think there’s some in the med bay?” Peter offers up from his spot on the ceiling, crawling as you walk through the hall.
“I don’t wanna walk all the way over there,” you groan, thinking of the eerie place.
“I can swing over there,” he suggests.
You nod, “good idea, thanks Pete.”
“No problem,” he says before he’s gone from the hallway.
“I could’ve gone,” Ikaris says, standing at the end of the hallway.
You shrug, “the kid can swing.”
“I can fly,” he counters.
You honestly didn’t think of it.
You shrug, “a little late now.”
“I guess so,” he agrees.
You make your way towards him as you think out loud.
“Thena, Gigameshl and Rhodey are at the range, Makkari and Druig are staying on the ship, so that’s how many rooms?”
“Phastos and his family will only need one,” Ikaris says, “one for Sersi, one for Sprite-”
“One for Ajak,” you continue for him, “Kingo, you and I think that’s it?”
“I think so,” he agrees.
“Okay,” you say, counting in your head, “so eight rooms?”
Ikaris nods, “yeah eight should do it.”
You send Peter a text to get plenty of blankets and some extra pillows. Even though the rooms were set up to hold guests, you wanted to make sure everyone was as comfortable as possible.
You and Ikaris make your way back into the living room to see Ajak and Sersi sitting on the couch in conversation.
“Where is everyone?” Ikaris asks the pair.
“Kingo and Sprite are in the screening room,” Sersi replies, “I hope that’s okay, Y/N.”
“More than,” you reply.
“Phastos and his family are in the lab with Bruce,” Sersi continues, “and I don’t know where the rest are.”
“Gil and Thena are with Rhodey,” Ikaris tells her and she nods.
“Did you need help setting rooms up?” Ajak asks gently.
You shake your head, “Ikaris was willing to help.”
“Was I?” He looks at you and you hit his shoulder.
“Yes, you were,” you give Ajak a smile, “thank you though.”
“Of course,” she smiles back.
“Make yourselves at home,” you tell the two, “if you need anything let me know.”
“Thank you for your hospitality,” Sersi says and you give her a smile.
“Of course,” you say, before you and Ikaris are off to Bruce’s lab.
You pop your head into the lab quickly to let Phastos know that their room will be ready soon and then head to range to tell Thena and Gil the same.
You and Ikaris are waiting for the elevator. When it opens you see a standing pile of blankets and pillows.
“Is there a Peter behind there?” You ask the bundle.
Peter sticks his head off to the side, “hi there.”
You grab a few blankets off the top, “hi.”
When you can see his face again you give him a smile.
“Thanks Pete,” you tell the boy and he smiles back.
Ikaris takes the blankets out of your hands and into his and you give him a confused look.
“You can let Thena and Gil know and I can help Peter out if you want,” Ikaris offers and you smile.
“Okay!” You tell him, “I’ll head back this way in a few minutes.”
You head down the elevator to make your way out to the garden, choosing to take the longer path to the range.
The moon was fully up in the sky and the night was windy, making you wish you’d brought a jacket out. You continue your walk to the edge of the garden, seeing the lights from the range easily from your position.
Your eyes adjust to the light in front of you, making it hard to see the darkness around you, but you pay it no mind as you continue to make your way towards the three out there.
You see something out of the corner of your eye, but before you could react it was tackling you to the ground, knocking you out cold.
oooo what's gonna happen? do you know because I sure don't
anyhow thanks for the patience babes and stay safe out there!
link to part eight
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poemsforparker · 3 years
Can you write a fluff Druig imagine where Kingo overhears a conversation and misunderstands a thinking Druig and the Etenal!reader are breaking up leading him and the Eternals to meddle while Druig and the reader are confused?
It Takes Two - Druig × Eternal!reader
my first requested one! yay! :) thank you soo much for your request, anon! ‹3 I enjoyed writing this sm! I pictured Kingo being just like Boyle from b99 and being CRASHED with what he thought he heard, I love the concept.
no warnings for this one just pure fluffy fluff ahh
word count: 1266
(not my gif)
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You were currently on your shared bedroom with Druig at the dome. Laying side by side and game consoles in hands. You were having a blast with the new game you just got. Although it did cause some minor arguments about who did the mission wrong or whatever. The both of you knew you didn't mean it when you argued over games.
You were playing "It Takes Two", resuming a lot the history, it is about a couple that was getting a divorce. Very ironical, to say the bare minimum, since the game and the consoles were your anniversary gift for him, for one of your hundreds (literally) of anniversaries.
You never hoped that Druig would become so found of such a human/modern thing. But he was. He loved games, specially the ones he could play with you. You both would spend hours playing and laughing together, those turned to be one of his favourite moments with you.
The moment at the game now was one of those phases you both had to cooperate to get by. It was turning out to be more stressful than fun. But you both were still smiling at each other every time one of you did a stupid thing that made you loose and have to start over. After you made him fail at one of his tasks he stared at you doing the same expression his character had at the game and said, playfully at you "And that is why we're getting a divorce".
What neither him, or you, could ever imagine, was that a very unaware Kingo was walking by the door of your room and overheard the hole thing. This can't be happening. He thought. Without y/n Druig is going to be unbearable again. He rolled his eyes just by the tough of it. I have to do something.
. . .
While you were literally all fun and games. The eternals were crushed at the living room thinking about how would they try to convince you to get back together.
Kingo and Sprite were pure despair. Makkari and Sersi were both feeling offended you didn't talk to them about it before you made your decision, while Ikaris would never admit he cared about the both of you as much as he did, and he did think Druig was more bearable with you so he wasn't exactly happy either. Gilgamesh, Thena and Ajak were being reasonable and saying they would support whatever decision you made. But also sad.
. . .
When Ajak came to call the both of you for dinner you could tell something was off, she has a frown on her face and you looked at eachother very confused. You nod at her and say you two are coming soon, just need a little bit more time alone, tho you didn't mention it was for a game. Poor ones. She thought. They're thinking about a way to tell us.
"They're coming" she said now sitting at the table with everyone else. "Don't act all crazy about it. Let them have their own time." Everyone at the table nodded at her statement, ready for the two of you to come and spill the news. Witch got them very confused when the two of you walked at the room holding hands and smiling.
They're good at pretending. Kingo thought. They're so good together. He let out a tear he was quick on wiping out. But not before you noticed it and ask him what was wrong. Y/n's so strong. He thinks. Going through all of this and still concerned about me. "I'm alright" he says giving you a very-clearly-fake kinda smile "Are you alright?" He asks squeezing his eyes giving you a creepy look.
"I am," you say laughing at his weirdness "thanks for asking, kings" with that said you took your place at your seat next to your lover and acted normal trough the whole thing. Obviously. But for your other fellow eternals it was starting to get weird. You two were saying nothing?
By the end of the meal, Kingo was getting tired of the both of you hiding it, constantly exchanging looks with Sprite every time you showed affection towards Druig and, in his head, faking it for them. When you were about to seat up with the help of the mind controller hands. Kingo got up suddenly before you and yelled, very offended "So you two were planning on telling us when?"
You look at your lover shooting him a very confused gaze and he gives you a shrug and a frown, showing he also had no idea what was the subject in question, witch is what you decided to say. "What are you talking about?"
"ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU!" he says pointing his finger at you intertwined hands with your partner. Okay, now you were confused.
"About us?? You do know we're together, Kingo. You were literally at our marriage. 'the hell are you talking about?"
"YES. AT. THE. MARRIAGE. I WAS THERE. AND YOU TWO WERE NOT GOING TO TELL US ABOUT YOUR DIVORCE?" he yells and you look your other friends looking for answers, but for your surprise, they were all agreeing with him.
You look at Druig and start laughing. "What kind of joke is this?" you say unable to control your laugh and almost out of breath.
"Us," Druig points at you and him repeatedly "getting a divorce" he even leans on you now to support himself, the laugh also getting the air out of him.
You stop once you see the two of you were the only ones who where laughing. Now with the two of you in silence, you hear Sersi's voice. "Wait, so you two are not getting divorced?"
"Of course not, why on earth would we do that?" You ask her "And if I was, witch I'm not, you really thought I would do this without talking to you first" you sign to Makkari while verbalising it to Sersi. They both shrug, embarrassed. "Unbelievable, the two of you, unbelievable"
"Why did you think we were getting divorced, anyways?" you hear now the lovely accent of your partner behind you say while he places his hands on your waist, as someone who's reassuring everyone in the room you're still his.
"Well, I heard you say it" Kingo reveals waiting for the both of you to be shocked. You just laugh again.
"Kingo, have you ever heard of privacy? We were playing a video game, that's all, man." Druig shoots him a disapproval glance. "And also," before Kingo answers to him, he's now turned towards Ikaris "was that a sad look on your face when you thought y/n and I were breaking up?" Ikaris blushed
"No, it was not"
"Sure thing sweetie," now it was Sersi's turn to speak as she cupped the face of her husband. "let's pretend you didn't just asked me at dinner 'what would be of our double dates now?'" she air quoted his words while the eternals now turned their attention to him to make fun out of it.
"That's adorable, Ikaris" you mock while hugging your husband and looking at your family gathered at the table laughing at Ikaris. It may not be true you two were parting, but heavens did it feel good to see how much every single one of those cared about the two of you that much. You look at Druig cupping his face with your small hands and smile at him. "I love you, handsome."
"Love you more, my beautiful"
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
Me again! Could I maybe request a follow up to the lawyer/Thena raising her sisters au? The first one was so good and I'd love to see what happens when Gil comes over to make the lasagna. Thank you :)
Gil looked up from chopping, just barely catching two heads ducking down behind the back of the couch again to resume pretending to watch tv. He chuckled, glancing briefly to his right, "it's okay, I don't mind."
Thena shook her head though, focusing back on cutting parsley with needlessly forceful chops. "They're only lingering so they can ask you invasive questions, despite me debriefing them earlier."
It was funny that she called it 'debriefing' them. But she had warned him that she didn't have much in the way of friends, so don't be concerned by the endless questions of being her boyfriend, or at least liking her, if not being accused of having a long standing affair with her. That, he had blushed at.
He shrugged though, laughing to himself as he caught the odd eye glancing his way again. "They're kids, I don't blame them for being curious. I did kind of come over uninvited."
"Trust me, it's never gone well when I've attempted to tackle our mother's recipes before," Thena muttered, looking at the hand written notes lovingly propped open on a book stand for their reference. She looked down and pointed with the knife, "like this?"
Gil smiled; the parsley looked like it had been murdered and sawed. He nodded, "looks great. Honestly, even finer--the smaller the better when it goes in the ricotta."
Thena accepted the instruction, resuming hacking at it.
Gil winced for the poor cutting board. "May I?"
Thena just watched as he reached over gently. He moved one hand to the back of the blade and adjusted the wrist of her other, demonstrating the rocking motion of a cleaner cut. "Oh."
"It'll be easier on your hand," he suggested lightly, leaving his ears and the cutting board's longevity aside.
Thena eyed him and the mirepoix he was stirring in the pot with sizzling meat already in it. She continued his work, slower and clumsier, but following his demonstration. "Thanks--this is what I was talking about."
He shrugged, though, adding the garlic and tomato paste to the loudly sizzling pot. "Hey, you wouldn't know this stuff unless it was taught to you. I just happened to be in the kitchen with my grandma a lot as a kid."
Thena stared down at her parsley, looking more and more fine by the moment. "Mother knew I was terrible in the kitchen. Father would remind me ceaselessly that a wife who couldn't cook was like a car with no wheels."
Gil frowned, "that's a pretty messed up thing to say. And to your own daughter?"
She gave him a half a smile and a raise of her sharp eyebrow, "you can tell why Mother's keepsakes are all over the house, while I didn't even keep the car that was in Father's name."
He gave her a little laugh at her joke, no matter how dark. "I guess I don't blame you for that. Moms hold the family together most of the time anyway, right?--taste."
Thena blinked at the speed with which he transitioned from one subject back to their dinner. But she accepted the bite of carrot, blowing before popping it into her mouth. "Hm, still crunchy, but it tastes good."
"Adding the tomato paste and frying it a little first helps get that tinny, acidic taste out, and sweetens it." He reached for the wine, adding a healthy glug or two before reaching for the canned tomatoes. He nodded his head, "want a glass?"
Her eyes darted to the living room.
She was a dutiful guardian, mother or not. Gil smiled, though, nudging the bottle, "one glass won't hurt, right? We're not going anywhere for the rest of the night, and they're fine."
Thena eyed the bottle before sighing, "there are some glasses on the top shelf next to the fridge, I think."
She thought, as in she wasn't sure. But Gil wiped his hands off on the towel he had thrown over his shoulder and moved to the fridge. There were indeed wine glasses still in there, upside down and everything. He pulled two out, admiring the light feel and crystalline shine of them.
"Hey," he whispered, pouring them each a modest glass of a mere few ounces each. He clinked them lightly too, although the quality of the glass still made them ting loudly. "To the first lasagne of many, right?"
That made her smile, and his own smile brightened. Whether it was lasagne or anything else from their mother's hand written recipes, he was happy to help with it. She picked up her glass and gave him a gentle smile over the rim of it. "To the inaugural lasagne."
Her lips looked even more full against the rim of a glass, and when she pulled away he realised for the first time that she wore just a little lip colour when they were in the office.
He averted his eyes from the faint pink on the rim of her glass, looking into his own swirl of red wine. Moving back to the pot he smelled the bubbling mixture. "Usually I'd say to let it simmer for a while, but about fifteen minutes should be fine so we can get things in the oven."
Thena nodded after another sip of her own. "Is the parsley cut enough?"
It was now practically a fine paste it was so chopped. The cutting board was stained green, which of course meant a lot of its flavour was stuck in the wood grain as opposed to still in the leaves. But he grinned, "looks great."
Thena rolled her eyes.
"Hey, really," he laughed, reaching around her for the bowl of ricotta to mix the greens into. "And you said you were terrible at this."
She sighed again, letting her eyes drift back to the couch and to the tv playing some kind of reality show. "Just ask them about the first time I tried baking cookies for them. I'm forbidden from contributing to bake sales. I think they nearly called the CDC on me."
Gil laughed from his belly at that. The heads on the couch turned to watch them again but he was busy looking at Thena, who was laughing faintly at her own joke. Or maybe she was laughing because he was. Either way, she had a cute laugh. "Come on, it couldn't be that bad."
She shook her head though, "poor Sersi had to take over for me to get even one pan of edible merchandise. I had to write a note excusing my poor performance."
Gil caught two pairs of eyes fully spying on them, getting caught be damned. But he slid against the edge of the counter to lean closer. "I mean, I would think they could give you a bit of a break, all things considered."
Thena's expression turned gloomy again, staring into her wine. "I think they do. But everything they send home for them to do feels herculean after a long week, or a big case, or soccer, or-"
The oven beeped loudly at them, announcing its preheating.
Thena gave him a light smile again as she retrieved the casserole dish they had selected. "Ready?"
"I'd say so," he replied gently. He picked up a ladle, first putting in some sauce on the bottom. "This helps to steam the noodles and prevent burning on the bottom layer."
"Hm," Thena mused as she watched him layer the first set of lasagne sheets in. "I thought it was a meaningless old tradition. I never imagined there was a reason for it."
Gil looked back at the recipe, "it's one of those things that you only know if you know. I'm sure your mom never thought of adding in stuff like this."
"No, I suppose not."
He gulped, wondering if he should have brought it up at all. But Thena's smile, although wistful, wasn't really sad. He pointed, "it's your time to shine."
She laughed faintly, scooping out the mixture of ricotta and her pulverised parsley. "I'm lucky I have your expertise."
He blushed. She could have asked him for anything, after he had found out what kind of day she'd had when she texted. He would have fished the moon out of the sky if she asked.
She flicked the spoon for the last glob before he layered on more sauce. "I may have to call on you again the next time we open the book."
He grinned down at the noodles as he laid them. Thena's hands were long but slim, her fingers so delicate and pretty. His sleeves were rolled up for cooking, as were hers. She looked half his size, standing next to him. "Any time, you name it."
"Careful Gil," she murmured, and it almost sounded like she was teasing him playfully. "If this turns out well, they'll be demanding you cook for them all the time."
He was pretty sure he would agree to that, whether by the girls' demand or their sister's. "The defense rests, your honour."
Thena rolled her eyes again at his corny lawyer joke, but she was still smiling at least.
"Okay," he breathed as he ladled on the last layer of sauce. "Get some cheese on this and I believe we'll have a beautiful lasagne in about an hour."
"About an hour?" she asked firmly as she sprinkled on the cheese mixture from the bag. "Don't underestimate my ability to ruin an hour's worth of hard work in the last ten minutes."
"Okay, okay," he chuckled. Thena was adamant in everything she did, from her casework in court, to her determination that she was a blackhole of culinary ability. "Set a timer for 40 minutes, then we'll check it, and I like to broil it for the last five or so, just to get that leopard spotting on the cheese."
"Yes, Chef," she purred (definitely teasing him).
He buried his nose in his wine glass again. He was just about empty, but Thena definitely didn't drink regularly with two teenagers at home, and he didn't come over to get buzzed anyway.
"Here," she said gently, reaching for the glass with the bottle already in hand. He had a polite decline on his tongue when she pulled his hand with hers, topping him up. "I owe you far more than dinner and some wine, but I guess it's a start."
"You don't owe me anything Thena," he frowned even as she poured herself a little more too. He leaned forward again, "really."
She just looked at him, and she was back to being completely unreadable. He dreaded to think what it was like to go up against her in court; not only was her beauty intimidating, but that stare was cold enough to chill his wine to the touch.
"Are you done flirting?!"
Gil tugged at his shirt collar, only to remember that he had already taken off his tie and undone the first two buttons so he wouldn't sweat in the food.
Thena glared at her sister, "I beg your pardon?"
The head of auburn hair ducked down like a startled dog, but didn't retreat entirely. "When's dinner gonna be ready?"
"In an hour," Thena snapped again, but it wasn't her sharp tone that had the girl trembling. If anything, her sharpness seemed familiar and comforting to her sisters.
"Can I have a diet coke?"
"Come on!" Sprite whined at her, "you're having a fun drink!"
Gil slid his eyes over to his colleague. The evidence was right there, even if he was the one at fault for it.
Thena let out a loud sigh, matching the dramatic energy of her sister(s). "Fine, you can each have one. But if it's gone before dinner, that's it, it's water for the rest of the night."
"Fine," Sprite moaned as she slid off the couch to retrieve them.
Thena glared at her.
"She means thank you," Sersi offered much more sweetly and docilely, even if it was just to appease their sister's glaring. She crept behind her younger sister, holding onto her shoulders the whole way to the fridge. Her eyes darted between them, "it, um, smells nice."
Gil smiled; they were nice kids. Thena had done a great job with them, clearly. "Thanks, I hope I got everything right."
"You can't do worse than her, dude, trust me," Sprite pointed blatantly at their guardian. "She's, like, find a bone in your cereal--bad."
"It was one time."
It wasn't a joke? Where did the bone come from?
"If dinner isn't for an hour," Sersi swayed on the spot, like a child shyly twirling her dress (although she was actually in yoga pants with a green flannel tied around her waist). "Would you like to watch an episode of Ghost Files?"
"Ghost show, huh?" Gil grinned, putting his hand on his hips. He looked over at Thena, who looked maybe even a little sheepish.
"It's our fav," Sprite added, excited at the prospect of sharing their favourite program. "They find evidence, and then Thee tells us if it would be accepted in court."
"None of it would be," she stated outright, "but they still ask me every episode."
She made it sound tedious, but she was smiling just like the other two as they started to move back to the living room. Gil followed, "sounds like a fun family thing."
"If you two sit up properly, there'll be room for Gil to sit," Thena suggested not-so-subtly.
But Sersi and Sprite threw themselves back onto the couch. One side was clearly claimed by each, Sersi's with a fluffy blanket for her legs and Sprite's with a crumpled up throw pillow and snacks on her respective end table.
They pointed. "Or you can sit on the loveseat."
"Yeah, why else have two couches?" Sprite snickered with a mouthful of roasted peanuts.
"Animals," Thena admonished her sisters, and yet took a graceful seat on the smaller sofa adjacent to the tv. She had sat closer, giving Gil the better seat for viewing. She pulled one of her legs up, leaving the other down and her pencil skirt stretching to accommodate her.
He sat down on the other cushion, clutching his wine glass and trying to focus on the show, rather than how he could now smell that Thena also wore a little perfume when she was in the office too.
#Thenamesh Family Law AU#I'm so glad you asked for more of this!!!!#thank you so much and I really liked writing it#okay so they settle in for this show#Thena relaxes a little more and he can see that they really do like their funny little ghost show#he's just happy to see them all having a good time#when the oven beeps he says no don't get up I'll check on it#but Thena is like oh no#Sersi and Sprite are immediately grinning ear to ear#they're giving her the thumbs up and winking and whispering#he's nice!#he's cute!!!#are you sure he's not your boyfriend?#and Thena hisses at them: STOP IT#not that it surprises her#just like it doesn't surprise her that they like Gil or that he's a natural with kids#and that he's a great cook#and that he looks completely at ease with his sleeves rolled up and still in his work clothes#because she couldn't even let him go home and get changed first#they left from work right to the store to get lasagne stuff#because she doesn't even know what she needs for it#so she gets home and they're both still in work clothes and she's like okay lasagne time#it comes out perfectly of course#and they have a wonderful time chatting over dinner and Sprite raves about it#and Thena gets up for water and to pretend she's not crying#Gil of course knows and gets up for seconds so he can comfort her and rub her back over the sink#Sprite and Sersi are just like oh my god they're so obvious#he even brought Thena's plate with him#the SECOND he's out of the house they're like WHENS GIL COMING BACK
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countlessimagines · 3 years
A Path of Loneliness [ Druig x Reader ] (PART ONE)
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A/N: I know I’m not the only one who fell for Druig… right? Anyways, enjoy this angsty imagine!!!
Summary: When Ajak tells the team to go their own ways, you expect Druig to come with you. However, he chooses a different path that leads him to isolation.
Everything with Druig seemed to be perfect. You were one of the fighters for the eternals, taking down the deviants one by one.
At the end of the day, you had Druig to stand next to and he was there to cheer you up or comfort you. You often were drained after using your abilities which made you able to control fire. Whether you made the fire appear through your fingers or a nearby fire was presented, it came as a sixth sense.
Druig would let you rest in his room as he played with your hair and held you close.
The other eternals pretended not to notice the small moments you shared, but it was obvious. Especially when things got worse.
Thena sat on the table, helpless as to what would happen to her and her memories.
You couldn’t bear to lose Thena, you saw her as a mother figure and didn’t want to have a relationship like that slip away from memory loss.
When Gilgamesh offered to take care of Thena, you were quick to extend your help as well. You glanced to Druig who seemed to be drifting elsewhere. His mind was focused on the people below.
This was the moment you could no longer remember. Because it was taken from you.
Your memories were wiped of Druig and the eternals. You were told only what you needed to know and lived on a farm with Gilgamesh and Thena.
Nobody visited you, as far as you knew. They kept many secrets from you and would not tell you of the past. You were okay with it, as long as you had the two of them.
Until it all changed.
A deviant appeared out of nowhere and Gilgamesh mostly had to take on the creature by himself.
You didn’t remember how to use your powers anymore as it was wiped from your brain.
Thena was no help as her eyes began to gloss over and you knew what was coming next.
Once Gilgamesh defeated the monster, he rushed over to you with a worried expression. You were trying to talk Thena out of turning but she had already made her spear appear.
She tried to swing at you multiple times and thankfully Gilgamesh aided you and talked her through it.
You were heartbroken as you stared at Thena who began to apologize, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come after you.”
You nodded, picking yourself up and going back to the house. Closing your bedroom door behind you, thoughts began to fill your mind and you couldn’t control it all at once. Flashes of a young man clouded your vision and you began to weep unknowingly.
Gilgamesh, worried that you may have gotten injured, rushed into your room and saw you on the ground crying.
“(Y/N)?” He asked softly, carefully squatting in front of you.
“Who is he? Why is he… why is he all I can think about?”
He instantly knew who you were referring to. There were moments where Druig would come back to you. Only in your thoughts and distant memories. No name, only his face and the feeling that you cared for him, and he felt the same way too.
Gilgamesh placed a hand on your shoulder, “I know this is confusing, but soon it will all make sense.”
A few days passed before they arrived with no warning whatsoever. They strolled onto your property like it was no big deal and that it hadn’t been centuries. Well, you couldn’t even remember them yourself.
You had locked yourself in your room, not wanting to come out. Many sketches lined the wall as you tried to remember every single detail of the man’s face, desperately trying to remember who he was and why he was so important to you.
Gilgamesh knocked on your door, hands balancing a plate of food and a drink.
“Come in,” you said faintly, dropping the pencil as he entered the room.
He nearly dropped the food as he stared around, mesmerized by the drawings. “You’re remembering him?”
A look of concern washed over you, “Remembering? Was something taken from me?”
He sighed, defeated by trying to keep the secrets all these years. He placed the food down, prepared to tell you everything that was taken from your memories.
“Well, I do think you should know that those people who are outside are your team… our team. It wasn’t only the three of us here, we used to be fighters for the eternals. Very strong and powerful…” Gilgamesh noticed you were very silent, listening intently to his tale of old times. “You were so excited to help out the humans and wanted to do whatever you could to aid them in survival, without overstepping our boundaries. Someone else in our team shared the same want to help the humans. You both hated how they ruined themselves and that there was nothing to be done. While you understood this, he did not. He chose to leave us and we’ve barely talked to him since.”
“What was his name?” You asked, eager to know who this man was that seemed important to you.
“Druig.” A voice spoke up from the doorway.
You glanced over and saw a tall man with dark hair and eyes that seemed to draw you in. He walked with confidence towards you, but his eyes danced around as he looked at the drawings on the wall. All of them were portraits of him.
“You?” A whisper escaped from your voice, and you were quick to stand up next to Druig.
“I know you do not remember me, they took the memories of us away.”
“Because she chose that.” Gilgamesh stood between the two of you. “You do not get to walk in here and try to sway her again. Not after what you did.”
Druig seemed offended by his words, and took a step backwards. “I did not mean what I did to her. It was an accident.”
“What are you talking about?” You said exasperated, desperate at this point to know the truth, you couldn’t wait any longer. Why did everything have to be taken? Why?
“He harmed you.” Gilgamesh said with a disgusted look. His arm glowed with golden, and you knew he was going to either hurt Druig or destroy something in your room.
Druig stepped back even further, “(Y/N), when the group was told to separate… I didn’t chose to go with you. I… left you.”
You were confused, “you left me?”
Gilgamesh spoke with venom in his tongue, “Tell her the whole truth, scum bag.”
“You tried to stop me, and I got furious with you. I felt that you were not by my side, that you were betraying me. You approached me so quickly and I lashed out and pushed you away… it was a mistake. I tried to help but everyone wouldn’t let me touch you again.”
You looked at him, shocked at the words he said. “So you pushed me? That’s not as horrid as I thought.”
Gilgamesh was quick to respond, “No, he didn’t push you. He controlled you! He attempted to make you follow him. Druig promised you to never do that, because if he ever did, you swore to never love him again. That’s exactly what happened.”
Druig lowered his head in shame. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
You looked at the drawings, genuinely taking them in and trying your best to remember the moments you lost with him. Why take away the good parts?
“And my memory?” You asked him, staring straight at him, awaiting the reasoning as to why you lived in confusion for hundreds of years.
“After what happened, you asked us to remove the memories. You kept saying how you didn’t want to remember the good, because it always led to the bad memories.”
You stood there, taking in the words the two men in front of you said. Nothing made sense to you anymore. Druig meant something to you, you knew that. But why would he control you?
It wasn’t long before you grabbed a jacket and left your room to get some air. You were bombarded with a chorus of hello’s from the rest of your supposed team. Where was this team when you were confused for centuries?
You said nothing in response as anger began to build more and more. Everything you knew that made you yourself had been taken. All because of Druig, because of the love you held for him.
You stopped in your steps outside the house. Love.
It was weird for you to think about loving him, but a part of you knew you held those feelings for him. Spending the last week drawing portraits of him, you knew there was something there buried deep inside of you. At the time, you did not know it until you saw him walk in the door.
You continued your walk towards… well, you didn’t know where you were heading towards. All you wanted was to get away from everything and everyone for the time being. It was too much for you to handle, and the thoughts consuming you crushed you even more.
After a long time, you stopped and fell to your knees. Tears flooded in your eyes, and you began to sob violently. All these hundreds of years, you came to the realization that your life was good with Thena and Gilgamesh. Now the world of comfort and peace was disrupted by Druig and the rest of the team.
It hurt to know that because of a single person, you chose to forget yourself and the entire team. Why? Why did you do that?
Soon the pain became too much and you wanted it to all go away. You screamed at the top of your lungs, and felt a heat scorch through your body.
Flames engulfed you as your suppressed powers ignited and created a circle of fire around you as it bursted out.
You screamed until there was nothing left to feel anymore. Your throat became raw and your eyes were bloodshot. Your hands were still ignited red when you closed them to let the fire die out. The flames around you sizzled out of existence until only a faint smell of smoke remained.
Your body felt weak, drained from all the screaming and wanting to collapse then and there. Slowly, you laid on the dirt ground and your eyes closed shut out of exhaustion.
“(Y/N)!” Druig’s voice called distantly, and sounds of him running towards you was all you could hear. However, you could no longer hold onto reality as you slipped into darkness.
When you dreamt, it was not simply bliss nonsense. Your mind filled with memories of Druig and the love you held for each other.
“My beautiful (Y/N), it seems that you have stolen my heart,” Druig said with a teasing smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you, in return, wrapped yours around his neck.
“Ah, what a shame… too bad you’re not getting it back!” You giggled, messing with the hairs on his head. “You did steal mine so I would say we are even.”
Druig let out a hearty laugh but turned serious in a matter of seconds. “We cannot let the others know of our love.”
You were confused by his statement. “And why is that, my love?”
He sighed and diverted his eyes from you. With a simple gesture, you picked up his chin to make him look at you.
“There are still threats and it’s more important to focus on that.”
You began to unravel from his embrace, “But Sersi and Ikaris were married. What is stopping us from doing the same?”
“We are different from them. We know that humanity will eventually destroy each other. And I don’t want something to happen where we are apart… I can’t lose you.”
Your look spoke volumes. “Druig, listen to me. I will not let anything in this world stop our love from growing. The only thing that could come in between us is ourselves,” you stepped closer to him and held his face delicately in your hands, “Promise me this one thing. We will never use our powers on one another.”
Druig nodded, kissing one of your hands softly, “I promise, my beautiful (Y/N). We will be together for eternity.”
You were awoken up by shouts and questions lingering in the air. Your body bumped against someone’s chest as they carried you somewhere.
“What happened?” Gilgamesh’s voice boomed over the others. He grabbed you and rushed you to your room. Everyone followed anxiously, wondering what was wrong with their beloved team mate.
“I don’t know. When I found her she was falling to the ground. It smelt like smoke and I found ashes in a circle around her body.” Druig was quick to follow behind the man.
“Did you hurt her again?” Ikaris said with an angry glance towards him.
“No, I swear. I didn’t do anything.”
Thena started getting in between Druig and Gilgamesh placing you down gently on your bed.
“You do not get to go near her. How is it that she has spent centuries not using her powers and once you turn up she knows how to do them again so easily?” Thena said with venom dripping from her words. “Leave.”
“I need to know she’s okay,” Druig said, glancing at your limp body. You had fallen into deep sleep again.
“Then you should’ve chose to stay with her. You chose the path of loneliness.” Thena pushed him forcefully out of the room and closed the door behind herself.
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peterbarnes · 3 years
Hey! Saw you are taking requests and was thinking about "How long have you had this planned?" "Since the moment I fell in love with you." & "You owe me." "I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your boy/girlfriend to get your parents off you're back." with Druig and eternal!reader? (Maybe mortal friends instead of parents)
A/N: okay this might be my favorite blurb I've written so far. I LOVE IT
Druig's eyes flickered back and forth between you and the knife he was sharpening. Your eyes, however, were trained on the clench of his muscles that were on full display.
Thank God for the heat of the Amazon. White tank top all the way.
Slowly, though, you noticed his anxious eyes. Like he wanted to say something but was unsure how to approach it.
"You need to get something off your chest?" You chuckled, sending him a friendly smile from where you were reading on his bed.
He raised his eyebrows before dropping the knife onto his desk and making his way over to you. He dropped down on the bed and licked his lips subconsciously.
"So, uh," he started, obviously uncomfortable. "My family's coming, I can sense it. Their minds are very loud- obnoxiously so. They'll be here in a few hours."
"That's great!" You told him. "I'd love to meet them when they arrive... Why are you nervous?"
Your eyes softened at his obvious discomfort.
"I have to ask you a favor," he started, slowly, cautiously. "Ikaris and Sersi have this centuries-long love affair, Phastos has a husband, Thena and Gilgamesh...well, I don't know if they're together, but they sure as hell act like it. I- will you pretend to be my partner? Just while they're here."
Your eyebrows furrowed, perplexed.
"Wait, why?" You asked him. "You don't need to be dating someone."
"You don't understand, darling, they're relentless. It's a win for both of us- I get them off my back, you get to have a devilishly handsome man on your arm."
He smirked at you, tilting his head in such a way that left you nearly breathless.
"What's really in it for me?" You managed to let out, still flustered by the attractiveness he exuded.
"You owe me."
His voice lightened to a teasing tone as he leaned toward you.
He has to know what he's doing to me.
"Yeah, I owe you 20 dollars, not a day of pretending to date you to get your family off of your back," you shot back with an equally teasing smile.
"Please, darling?" He begged, taking your hand in his and interlacing your fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. "I promise I will be an astonishing fake boyfriend."
Your breath hitched at the contact and, before you even realized what you were doing, you nodded almost too eagerly. Druig smirked at your response.
You were having lunch outside, surrounded by the evergreen of the Amazon forest. The table stretched what seemed like forever, with Druig's massive family seated all around it.
Druig sat next to you, your hands locked on top of the wooden table for his family to see.
"So," Ajak started, shooting you the most motherly smile you've ever seen. "How long have you been dating?"
"Uh," you stuttered, panicking internally.
I cannot believe we forgot some sort of backstory.
"They traveled to the forest about a year ago. I remember it like it was yesterday- their light blue pants and flowy white shirt. I remember how my heart stopped as they came into my sight for the first time. How their voice sounded like silk when they first spoke to me. I've been far gone ever since."
Even Thena's tough exterior melted at his sweet words. You couldn't help but turn to him in awe.
How does he remember what I wore?
It was so specific and detailed for a lie he'd come up with on the spot. A flicker of something flared in your chest, but you couldn't tell what it was. Embarrassment? Fear? Love? Druig didn't look back at you, but you felt the soft squeeze of his hand as he rubbed his thumb over the skin of your palm.
"I'll go get some more drinks," you announced, slipping your hand out of Druig's and heading back into your cabin. As soon as you closed the door behind you, you leaned your head against the wood and breathed out.
It wasn't until you collected yourself that you noticed the room was lit with candles. Floating candles.
"That's odd," you mumbled to yourself.
"I had Phastos make them," a voice behind you said.
You whipped around to see Druig standing there, leaning on the doorway. You'd never seen a man look so good in a leather jacket.
"What? Why?" You asked, trying to make sense of the scene around you.
He stepped toward you, taking your hands in his once again. He never broke eye contact with you, his brown eyes staring into the depth of yours.
And just like that, you understood.
"How long have you had this planned?" You asked him, voice fragile and laced with disbelief. You might have even had tears in your eyes, you weren't sure.
"Since the moment I fell in love with you."
Now there were definitely tears in your eyes.
"Druig..." you started before your voice cracked.
"It's okay," he told you, hands only leaving yours to wipe your tears. "Let me do this...I love you, my beautiful, beautiful [Y/N]. Everything I said out there was true, I just didn't know how to say the words until now. I wanted my family to meet you, I wanted them to see the person I couldn't stop raving to them about whenever I sent the occasional letter. And I wanted, most importantly, to work up the courage to confess my feelings to you. Which is not something I've ever been particularly good at, ask anyone outside. But I want to be good for you. I want to be it for you like you are for me. I know you're only supposed to be in the Amazon for a finite amount of time but stay. Stay with me, my darling. Let me love you."
You stayed silent for a few moments, letting his words fully wash over you.
He loves me.
He loves me.
He loves me.
"I love you," you whispered frantically. "I love you. I do. I really do."
Druig's unsure expression at your silence now beamed. He pressed his forehead into yours and you tilted just enough to touch the tip of your noses together. For a man with such rough hands, the skin of his nose was soft, smooth, and oh so kissable.
"Stay with me," he whispered back.
"Forever. I'll stay with you forever."
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rystarkov · 3 years
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Jealousy, Jealousy
Hi there! I never make posts and I’ve never written anything before, but I have the strongest urge to write Druig fanfic! So, here you go! This story will be about a girl named Evie who is also an Eternal, with her powers focusing on energy manipulation and also being telekinetic. She is closest with Druig and Thena, but Druig is like her platonic other half. She has been in love with him since the day they met, but he’s only ever had eyes for another. Enjoy!
Ever since the day we arrived, I have loved the planet Earth. The beings on this planet are different than the rest of them and as each day passes, I feel my love and admiration for the human race growing. I’ve seen them fight, kill, and be horrible to one another, but i’ve also seen them love like no other. The way they protect and care for both their young and their old always leaves me in shambles, which Druig never fails to make fun of me for. He says I shouldn’t get attached, yet I always see him breaking up fights whenever he gets the chance.
My name is Evie and I am thousands of years old, yet I still have the impulsive tendencies and looks of a twenty year old. According to Ajak, all of us have been helping planets grow, thrive, and flourish while protecting them from Deviants. I wouldn’t know, as all I can remember is the day that I met Druig.
I remember Ajak’s calm and inviting voice saying,
“It is time. Welcome to Earth.”
I could not remember who I was before this, or what my purpose on this journey could have been, but I could never forget the beautiful yet smug man that stood to my right. I remember looking over and making brief eye contact with him before quickly looking away, as my cheeks began to involuntarily blush.
I did not know who he was or even who I was, yet his allure still drew me in.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I heard Sersi say, unknowingly beginning a love story with Ikaris that would span lifetimes. I briefly forgot about the gorgeous being to my right and ran over to the window, gazing out at the planet before me.
“She sure is.” I turned around, hoping it was the beautiful man that was complimenting me, yet I found that his words had actually been directed towards another, and that they were staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.
Since that day, I have known no peace and I fear I never will. All I know is that I will always come second in Druig’s eyes, no matter how badly or how much I am completely and utterly in love with him.
“You’re staring again.”
I blink and look away, grateful yet annoyed at Thena’s accurate observation, and quickly shift my body in an attempt to pretend to be watching Sersi dancing with the locals.
“I was not! I was zoning out. There’s a difference, Thena.”
Thena rolls her eyes and scoffs, “You know, I’m surprised he doesn’t know already. He can read your mind, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“He can’t read mine, Theen. I remember he tried once when he couldn’t figure out why I was crying that one day, but I blocked him.”
I watch with an unamused look all night, as everyone has the time of their lives and I’m ready to go to sleep. The night passes by and Ajak has rounded us all up again as we head back to the ship to turn in for the evening. I bid everyone goodnight and they don’t blink twice, knowing that we all have had a long day and that I simply must be tired.
I gasp as I shoot up in my bed, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead as I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I had another nightmare, and I groan in frustration over the impeccable timing of it all. I look over at the clock and read, “2:43 AM.”
I get up to grab a glass of water as I quickly realize i’m not sleeping again anytime soon, heading out of my room only to come across Druig and Makkari having a late night conversation in Phastos’s lab.
“Evie! What are you doing up? Is everything okay?”
Makkari signed to me, the usual concerned look in her eyes. Everybody on board knows about my chronic night terrors, yet nobody (not even Ajak) could do anything to silence them.
Druig looked at me with annoyance in his eyes, as I had unintentionally killed whatever mood he had been attempting to set between him and the speedster.
You couldn’t have waited to get a glass of water? You knew I was in here.
I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my water from the fridge, of course I knew. But I would never tell him that.
I’m sorry Dru, I forgot! I’ll be quick, don’t worry! I hope the date is going well, I mean it.
I turned around as I finished my thought, and Druig gave me a soft smile. I knew he wasn’t actually annoyed with me, but the sting of him on a date with somebody who wasn’t me didn’t hurt any less.
“Sorry to bother you both, I’m going to head back to my room. See you in the morning!” I signed to both Makkari and Druig, with Makkari giving me the sweetest smile and the cutest goodnight in sign language.
Druig, however, gave me a pointed look, which I knew meant that we will talk about everything in the morning.
As I walked away, I couldn’t get my mind to quiet down. My mind was racing with anxiety from my nightmare, worries about my disheveled appearance in front of Druig and Makkari, and how I had finally come to the conclusion that I was in love with my best friend.
I practically ran to my room and threw open the door, most likely alerting the others of my distress but in that moment I didn’t care. I was angry, hurt, upset, and experiencing a pain I had never felt before: heartbreak.
Why not me? Why couldn’t he have found me beautiful, charming, adorable, and all of the things he sees in Makkari? We come to each other for everything, yet I will always be “just a friend.”
I want him to hold me while I sleep, I want him to give me forehead kisses and remind me of my beauty everyday, I want him to hold my hand and see me as the light of his life like he is to me. I want to be loved, but instead I’m all alone.
I begin to heave and suddenly my cheeks are soaked with the tears I never let fall until this very moment. I will never forget the way he looked at me when I interrupted the date, and then how he looked at Makkari right after as if she was the Sun and he was planet Earth, happily tied together in harmony.
The objects in my room begin to shake and I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t believe it’s me, as my power is quite simple. I can read minds, nothing more and nothing less. Makkari can run faster than the speed of light, and she looks effortlessly beautiful while doing it. Thena can create any weapon she pleases and win every single battle with ease, Gilgamesh can destroy an enemy with one single punch, Ikaris can shoot energy beams out of his eyes and fly around the entire globe without a second thought, Sersi can connect well with others and transform anything into whatever she wants, Ajak can heal with the slightest touch, Sprite can create allusions with the flick of a wrist, and Kingo can create orbs of energy that will leave an enemy either dead or close to it.
What can I do? Read minds. That’s literally it. When it comes to missions, I mainly stay on the ship. I am good at reading the minds of both humans and Deviants, as I can sense their presence, but Druig can do the same but better. I have no purpose, I am just dead weight to the people I consider my family.
I fall to the ground as the room begins to feel smaller and tighter, with the tears becoming more and more difficult to wipe away as there are too many. There’s wind in the room yet I am not commanding it. I feel a scream begin to bubble up in my throat as the realization of being both unloved and useless hits me like a punch.
Suddenly, I am thrown back against the wall and I let out the most guttural scream I have ever made in my entire existence. I continue screaming as the room fills with a bright blue hue and the side walls of my room are blasted out. I have no idea what is happening or who is doing that, all I know is I need to let my frustration out.
I feel an overwhelming surge of power engulf me and it feels warm, comforting, and familiar, as if this power or ability has been waiting for me to finally embrace whatever I have unknowingly been keeping down.
“Evie! Evie, are you alright? What is going on in there?” I hear Ajak yell throw my door, but I don’t care. I feel good for once, I feel like myself again.
I’m tired of being the girl that is always put last, that is never considered as beautiful or strong or desired. I am tired of Druig not loving me back and having to face that pain over and over again every time I step outside my bedroom walls.
I now know that sitting by and letting the world walk all over me is not the journey that was intended for me.
While my love does not love me, my chaos and my heartbreak do not ruin me. In fact, it was my chaos that made me beautiful.
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request: can i request a one shot of druig using his powers on you to fall in love with him? but the powers not working and he’s not aware but reader pretends?
gif is not mine. credit to owner. 
warnings: none. doesn't really spoil the film. 
The Domo was unusually quiet. 
Normally, it was filled with noises from the other Eternals or sounds of Phastos’ inventions, but it was peaceful.
It was nice to have a little time to yourself.
You didn’t know that how much longer it was going to be that way so you decided to catch up on some reading. At the moment, there weren’t any pressing matters to attend to so the other Eternals were out doing who knows what. 
While you were in the middle of your book, you heard footsteps. 
Looks like your little peace was over. 
“What are you doing in here all alone?” 
You didn’t have to look up from the page to figure out who that was. The voice was very distinct. You could probably recognize it in your sleep. 
“I’m reading, Druig. It’s very educational. You should try it sometime.” 
Druig chuckled, moving over to the chair you were sitting on. He lifted your book to see what the title was. “Everyone is out doing some exploring. I came to see if you were okay.” 
You finally looked up from your book because what he said surprised you, “You wanted to check if I was okay?” 
“Yeah, is that strange?” He questioned. 
“A little. I didn’t know if you cared about me like that.” You mumbled. The relationship that you had with Druig was….different? There were times that you thought that Druig could’ve seen you in a different light than he did the others. You did. 
Then there were times where he was so closed off. You hated those times so much. They didn’t stop you from feeling the way that you did about him. 
“Of course I do.” He said it so softly that he wasn’t sure if you heard him. 
You did and it sent your heart sputtering. 
Gosh. The effect that this blue-eyed vision had on you was off the charts. 
“What were you up to? Did you see any women in the town to give your time to?” You joked trying to change the subject. 
“If I did would you be jealous?” 
“Do you want me to be jealous?” 
The little tit for tat game that you both played would’ve driven anyone else crazy. You both tried to see if the other would reveal how they felt without actually confessing yourself. 
Druig seemed like he was done playing games. He moved in front of your chair, placing his hands on the arm of it, blocking you in. 
“What are you-“ 
His eyes went gold and you instantly knew what he was trying to do. 
Little did he know, that shit wasn’t going to work on you. 
“I want you to fall madly in love with me.” Druig said softly. 
Being an Eternal, you were blessed with an ability of being a shield. Force fields in battle helped save the others countless times. As the centuries went on, you perfected your powers and now it was effortless. You didn’t have to try so hard anymore and it’s a skill that you got over time. 
You always wanted to learn more about the powers that you had. You learned recently with the help of Ajak and Thena that you could shield your mind from attacks. It wasn’t visible as your force shields were. It was also something that you were keeping somewhat a secret so that meant Druig didn’t know. 
This could be a little fun. 
You acted as if his mind control was working on you. Your eyes dazed over and you swayed a little in your seat, “I’m madly in love with you.” You even got your voice to sound breathy. 
Druig smirked a little, “Now, kiss me.” 
You leaned closer to him, breathing in his scent, “Now I’ll kiss you.” 
Druig’s eyes went back to their clear blue. He leaned down and just before his lips grazed yours, you began to laugh. 
Druig took a step back completely surprised. 
“Did you think that you could use your tricks on me?” 
“They work on everyone.” He said stubbornly. 
“I hate to break it to you, but I’m not everyone.” You stood from your seat and set your book down, “Is that how you wanted our first kiss to be?” 
“You think about what our first kiss would be like?” Druig answered your question with his own yet again. 
“You want me to fall madly in love with you?” 
Druig looked away, “Who wouldn’t want you to love them?” 
You took a step closer to him, “I’m tired of all of the questions, aren’t you?” 
“It’s easier to ask than to actually answer any of them. I’m a little scared of what you might say.” 
“Big, bad Druig is scared of me.” You giggled. 
Druig reached over and touched your cheek softly, “Of course I am. You’re the only person that I’m scared to lose.” 
You leaned into his touch, “You know you didn’t have to try and use mind control to make me fall for you. I already have.” 
Druig smiled and it made you do so as well. His smile was practically contagious. It warmed your heart every time you saw it. 
“When did you know?” Druig asked. He was standing so close now that it was intoxicating you. 
“Would it be too cheesy if I said from the moment I saw you?” 
Druig shook his head, “No, because that would be my answer as well.” 
“Will you put me out of my misery and kiss me already?” 
Druig didn’t need to be told twice. 
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jasonscaramel · 3 years
Choice and Chance - Ikaris x Reader
request: enemies to lovers with ikaris. eternal!reader that refuses to follow his orders. I took a lot of liberties with this one, so apologies if it doesn't match what you saw in your head, anon. word count is 2.4k.
synopsis/warnings: eternal, gender neutral!reader (no y/n, no pronouns if I remember correctly), mentions of stabbing. there’s a lot of angst in this but it ends happily. Druig is a good bro, Ikaris is a bit of a dick.
if I forgot to mention something above, let me know. if you read this and don’t like/reply/reblog your fav will never kiss you.
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It wasn’t that you were trying to piss Ikaris off; it came naturally. He loves dishing out orders, but there’s technically no rule saying you must follow his orders. You were gifted in battle strategy, as well as battle itself. Just because a few of your fellow Eternals touted Ikaris as the strongest among you didn’t mean you had to agree. He refuses to listen to any other opinion when it comes to planning attack, and you’ve just about had it. He’s a fighter, not a thinker, and he should act like it.
“If you would just listen to me, you wouldn’t get hurt!” Ikaris is fuming, face red as he stares you down from the other end of the Domo. Ajak is above you, healing the minor wound you sustained. Of course he’d use a flesh wound against you, you should have expected that. No matter that if you had followed his orders, there’d be about 100 human bodies to bury.
“If you would get that stick out of your ass, maybe I’d consider it!” You move to stand, crossing the distance of the room to get in his face. “You aren’t the end all be all, Ikaris. I don’t know when everyone decided you were the best one to lead us, but they were wrong. You only care about being right. That’s no way to head into battle.” Your face is inches from his, burning from the proximity and your own anger. You’re sure it’s radiating off you at this point. The corner of his mouth twitches, fists clenching by his sides. You wish he’d hit you; you’ve been looking for an excuse to throw him halfway across the Earth for centuries now.
“And who is fit to lead us, huh? You?” He chuckles briefly, but it lacks any real amusement. He’s as angry as you are, maybe more. It’s nice to see that you weren’t the only one this worked up. “You have no idea what it takes to lead,” he begins, voice going low as he leans in closer, his nose practically touching yours. “Don’t pretend it’s something you could ever be capable of doing.” Venom drips from his tongue as he finishes speaking, and your vision turns red. Behind him is some sword Thena obtained a few thousand years ago, and you think if you get the angle right you can impale Ikaris straight on it. You lift your hand, willing your power to bring the sword toward you.
“Alright.” A voice behind you catches both Ikaris and your attention, and as you’re distracted, the sword clatters to the ground behind Ikaris. “That’s enough, you two.” Druig gives you a pointed look, thankful he came in when he did. Ikaris turns around to see what fell.
“Were you going to stab me?” He almost sounds a bit hurt, and it makes you laugh. The first laugh of the day that was genuine. You hear Druig walk closer to you, reaching for your arm to pull you away from Ikaris and, most likely, out of the Domo.
“Ajak’s in the next room, it’s not like I would’ve killed you. Just wanted to make a statement.” You wink at him before Druig can tug you away.
“Do you have a death wish?” He asks you as you walk the forest path behind the Domo. Druig had cleared this path months ago, and most of you used it to clear your head.
“Nah,” Druig looks at you incredulously. He definitely doesn’t believe you. “I just want Ikaris off his high horse. Somebody’s got to knock him down a peg. I volunteer.”
“And you were going to do that by…”
“I guess impaling him on a sword wasn’t the best idea, but it was the first thing that came to mind.” Druig shakes his head, snickering at you. More like with you. Druig understands your disdain for Ikaris. You say you hate him, but Druig doesn’t think that’s the truth. You and Ikaris hadn’t always been this way. Something happened to make your relationship turn homicidal in nature. He’s pretty sure he’s pinpointed the event that changed it, but he can’t be sure. Not unless you tell him, and he has a feeling that’s never going to happen. Your vulnerability and Ikaris would never be shared in the same sentence.
You reached a dead end in the pocket of the forest, and wordlessly agreed to head back. The others were more than likely trying to have a quick debrief, but the two of you were delaying it. As much as you hated Ikaris, you didn’t want to put everyone else out.
“There’s something about him that gets you all worked up,” he points out. And you feel like no one ever listens to you, because you’ve been saying this for months.
“So now we’re acknowledging the stick up his ass!”
“We always have. Ikaris can be a prick,” he starts, bumping your shoulder. The Domo is back in view, and you think you can see Ikaris standing outside. Probably waiting to yell again. “But I have a feeling it’s something else entirely.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. You don’t know what Druig is trying to insinuate, but you don’t like it. “What are you talking about?” Exasperation is clear in your voice; you’re exhausted. The battle, fighting with Ikaris, it was all exhausting. You have no patience to be playing mind games with Druig.
“I was just thinking, the other night. You two weren’t always at each other’s throats.” You nod; he’s right. When you first got to Earth, you and Ikaris were inseparable. Something changed that, though, and you were never really strong enough to admit it to yourself. Let alone Druig. “Not until he and Sersi slept together.”
The revelation hit you like a freight train.
He was right, of course, and he knew it by your reaction. It was just so unexpected. You had been doing what you thought was courting Ikaris for nearly two hundred years. Bringing him shiny, priceless artifacts you found. Cooking him extravagant meals and desserts, giving massages after rough battles. You didn’t do that for anyone else, and you thought that was obvious. But when you overheard Sersi telling Makkari about the previous night she had, your whole word crumbled around you. You had devoted so much of your time, your soul, yourself to Ikaris, it shattered you. That was him choosing Sersi over you, right? Even after everything you did for him, for the both of you, he still chose Sersi. That wasn’t something easy to get over, not after over hundreds of years of pining.
“So, I’m right?” You were so consumed in your thoughts, you forgot where you were. Druig stands a few yards in front of you, like he thought you were walking with him until he realized you were lost in your own head.
“It was a long time ago. I try not to think about it.” You blink a few times, getting rid of the moisture that’s collected in your eyes. You move to catch up with Druig; you’d like this conversation to be over. You’re so close to the Domo you can practically feel Ikaris’ stare. Druig stops you, cutting you off by standing in front of you and grabbing your face to get you to look in his eyes.
“You can’t run from it. You’re only making it harder on yourself.” You roll your eyes, trying to pull your face from his grasp, but he doesn’t let up, turning you back toward him. “I’m serious. It’s not good for you.” With a sigh, you nod. He’s right, all this anger isn’t good. If you could actually get over him, it’d probably make your life a whole lot easier.
“Are you two done?” You hear Ikaris a lot closer than you remember him being, and you look to see him walking in your direction. Druig drops his hands, moving to stand closer to you, a sign of his protectiveness. Ikaris stops a few feet in front of you, stance awkward and unsure. “I’d like to speak with you for a moment.” He looks at you, and as an afterthought, “If that’s alright.”
When Druig looks over to you for confirmation, you nod. “Sure.” You watch as Druig makes his way back into the Domo, wanting to look anywhere but at Ikaris. You were tired of seeing how his stupid blue and gold suit made his eyes pop; how the gray strand in his hair made you want to run your hands through it. You were tired of feeling this way about him.
Ikaris clears his throat before he speaks. “I’m… sorry. For yelling at you, and what I said. It was untrue, and uncalled for.” The confusion on your face wasn’t from the apology—Ajak had mothered the both of you into apologizing plenty of times—it was from the way he sounded like he meant it. Like he, Ikaris, was genuinely sorry.
You finally get the courage to look in his eyes, to check for the truth. You find no sign of deception. You sigh, “I guess I’m sorry, too, for trying to stab you. It was a bit childish of me.”
“You guess?” The laugh that escapes his mouth is genuine, and as happy as the sound makes you, you’re too stunned to enjoy it with a smile of your own. You think it’s been at least two hundred years since you’ve heard him genuinely laugh in your presence. He sobers up once he realizes you aren’t laughing along with him. “Hey,” his hand goes to cup your face, getting you to look at him. It’s the most gentle touch you think you’ve ever felt, and you have to hold back the urge to sob. “I meant it—I’m sorry. You got hurt and I… I didn’t know how to handle it.”
Your eyes close to keep the tears inside. “Please don’t,” you breathe, trying to keep yourself together; you don’t think you’ll last long.
You can’t see it, but Ikaris’ confusion is clear on his face. “Don’t what?” His hand holds your face just the slightest bit tighter, stroking your cheekbone with the pad of his thumb.
“Don’t be nice to me. It’s so much easier when you’re yelling.” You ignore the fact that the next time his finger swipes along your cheek, it collects a tear.
“What? What’s easier?” More tears fall, and he wipes them away from your skin. With a shaky breath, you open your eyes, doing everything you can to keep eye contact.
“Pretending I’m not hopelessly in love with you.” You shake his hand away, wiping tears from your face as you walk toward the Domo. Now that you’ve admitted it, maybe it’ll be easier to move on from; not that you want to be anywhere near Ikaris while you do it. Hopefully he’ll leave you alone after this.
You realize that won’t be the case when his hand wraps around your arm, turning you around and pulling you into his chest. He’s reaching for your face again, but the fragility is replaced with passion. Before you know it, his lips are on yours. Melting, fusing together, your bodies get as close as they can manage. You’re desperate; you don’t know what came over him, but if this is the only kiss you’re ever going to get from him, you’re definitely going to make it count. When he pulls away, you’re prepared for some sort of rejection—not what comes out of his mouth next.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that.” He breathes, a touch of a smile gracing his lips.
“Didn’t think you cared to,” you mumbled, trying with little effort to remove your head from his grasp. He didn’t move; you didn’t push it.
“Why? We—I thought we were happy?” He did? When? When you devoted every waking moment to him, and he barely reciprocated? When he went off and slept with Sersi? You raise your hands to move his away from you. The more you think, the angrier you get.
“I thought we were too. And then you chose Sersi, so I backed off. What was I supposed to do, keep throwing myself at you after you’d already made your choice? I was already made out to be a fool enough, I didn’t need to add to the embarrassment.”
“I didn’t choose Sersi. You stopped speaking to me if you recall.”
“Because you slept with her! That seemed like a decision to me, Ikaris. Seemed like a very big decision.” Your voice trails off. Sex may be commonplace for humans, but with no need to reproduce, it was never something Eternals really participated in. You figured you’d have to have a pretty deep connection with someone to even consider doing something like that.
He falls silent. Figures. “I—that’s my fault. I thought we were still… I thought you were with Druig, too. I didn’t think we were exclusive.”
Your eyes grew round, moving to shove him away from you. He doesn’t try to step any closer. “Druig is my friend. He was the one who picked up the pieces that you left.”
“Clearly, I was very wrong. And I regret it; I’m sorry.” When he sees you deflate, he moves back into your personal space. “I love you. It’s always been you. I’m an idiot for doing what I did, and for letting this go on so long.” There’s a pause, and he raises his hand slowly. You take it, and his fingers wrap around yours immediately. “I want to choose you. If you’ll let me.” His voice is barely above a whisper, and you’re not sure you even heard him properly.
So you figure a kiss would be enough to clear it up.
And when your lips meet, the metaphorical fireworks turn literal as Sprite helps you create a special, magical moment. The hand in yours moves to your neck, his other traveling to your hip. His grip is firm, like you’ll blow away if he doesn’t hold on tight. You don’t think you could come up with a complaint if you tried.
“I know this doesn’t mean what I did was erased,” he starts, and you almost want to smack him for ruining the moment. “but I will try every day to correct the mistake I made.”
And with the way he kisses you, you believe it.
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