#Therapy For Cancer
mindblowingscience · 8 months
A phase II clinical trial for a skin cancer vaccine has delivered very promising results. Developed by Moderna, the vaccine is designed to work alongside another immunotherapy treatment called KEYTRUDA, which also helps the body fight cancer. KEYTRUDA is owned by Merck (also known as MSD), and the ongoing clinical trial is a collaboration between both pharmaceutical companies to treat patients who have had high-risk melanoma cut out of their skin.
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sokosmic · 8 months
Astro Observations #9
Transit Edition
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🛸 When Pluto transits the 7th House and conjuncts the Descendant, the native may enter a life changing relationship. It is very possible they will meet someone and the encounter feels very fated. The connection will take the native to depths they have yet to explore. It is not one that should be taken lightly. This will be a transformative experience that will expose many of the shadow traits of the native. This Pluto transit often brings a partner that will mirror the native. There is often a theme of manipulation in the connection. One (or both) may use intrusive tactics to control the other. This transit of Pluto to the 7th House is designed to strip away whatever is not working for you when it comes to relationships. If the native tends to be the type of person who welcomes growth and self-development, they should emerge a new person. One should be careful about entering contracts during this transit as there could be subversive intentions to get over on the native.
🛸 When Saturn and Mars are opposing in Transit, this indicates a period when the individual will have to put in more effort in the houses where those planets are. There will likely be an increase in motivation to address those areas, while also feeling restricted and lacking the overall physical energy to execute. This transit will require the native to look more closely at what motivates certain behaviors and to get structured and discipline in those areas.
🛸 Jupiter transit the 5th House / 5H Lord can indicate a time for pregnancy.
🛸 When Saturn or Neptune transits the 1st or 9th House.. the native may go to therapy. It is a time when the native may encounter challenges that require them to reevaluate their identity, goals, approach to life, overall worldview, and placement in the world (Saturn). With Neptune's influence, it may be period when the native feels an elusiveness clouding those areas just mentioned.
🛸 Transit Saturn square or conjunct Venus can indicate a period of financial limitations. You will be urged to tighten up any frivolous spending. It will be a transit that may have you evaluating what is of value to you. This is also a time where you will be required to reexamine your relationship(s). This is a period of endings and beginnings, so a breakup may happen. You may experience tension with a partner or loved one, or alternatively, this transit could potentially reinforce or solidify your commitment to a relationship.
🛸 Pluto conjunct descendant / transiting 7th House can bring a transformational relationship. Doesn't always last but is life changing.
🛸 Same with Saturn transit 7th House. Hard lessons. Can indicate a divorce/breakup or may reinforce a partnership for the long-term...just depends on other factors.
🛸Transit Uranus opposing Venus can indicate a breakup as well. Could also mean meeting someone exciting or different (ethnicity, cultural, etc.)
🛸When Moon or Mars transits 4th House / 6th House or the house where Cancer or Virgo is on cusp, one may suffer gut or stomach issues.
🛸When Uranus transits the 12th House, there is potential for you to experience a shake up in your consciousness and spirituality. May get frequent or unexpected downloads from Spirit/Source. Sudden realizations or epiphanies related to deeper, spiritual meanings.
🛸When transit Mars squares or opposes the Moon, the individual might experience impulsive reactions, emotional outbursts, or conflicts with others. It's a time when managing assertiveness and emotions requires careful attention.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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monst · 2 months
General Jason Todd hc’s
General Jason Hc's, Mildy angsty, Mostly random:
   The most likely to actually go to therapy. Stick with it and apply what he’s learned to his life. Not that it’d be easy for him but since I like the outlaws (More so Artemis and Bizarro) I think his decision to go would be aided by observing Lian and Roy. It could be small things too, watching how Roy lets Lian express her frustration and anger and he tells Jay in passing. “It’s frustrating for me too but you’re allowed to feel your feeling” He’d probably like that he’d be able to better gauge his tells, see what triggers him and adapt. (By either leaving or restructuring his thoughts) 
   Not sure if this is a hc but he’s ridiculously kind. He plays at being an asshole and if you believe him even better. It’s something he’ll have to unlearn but he doesn’t think he’s a good person. He does good but he’s not good type shit. (Which is baloney.) It mostly stems from his past actions Mostly the murders But he’ll catch himself speaking much harsher and wish it hadn’t come out that way. Or he’ll snap at someone if he feels like they’re closing in on him and making him uncomfortable Really doesn’t like feeling his feelings. He’ll think back on that and use that as an excuse to say he isn’t kind/good. It’s why he’s okay being the villain sometimes. Real Bruce like to punish yourself ya know
   Fruit jelly. He loves it. No particular reason for this I just think he’d like them. Specifically the ones you can slurp from a straw or the fun fruit shaped ones. 
  Is a struggle meal aficionado. Only have rice and eggs? He’s dressing it up and you best believe it’s going to taste great. Well if condiments are available... And cup noodles have never tasted so extravagant. 
  Has a pink compact mirror courtesy of one Stephanie Brown. Why? I think he tried reading “House of Leaves” as a child but didn’t finish it. Picked it back up later on and one night Stephanie wanted to crash at his safehouse and caught him holding the book up towards the bathroom mirror. She got tired of his footsteps going back and forth from his reading spot to the bathroom, then got annoyed when he holed up in the bathroom to read. She chucked the thing at him and he’s kept it. 
  Whereas Dick loses all his socks and sometimes doesn’t even wear them Jason always has to have them on. He doesn’t like when his feet get cold. Reminds him of when he was slumming it, so he likes his toes warm. That and barefoot in Gotham? That’s crazy! Wears them with slides too. Ignore canon and all the times his dogs have been out, this is a hc
 Loves arcades. Shooting games are his jam and he’s got the highest score the Jurassic park arcade game. He’s also nasty at Skee ball. Anything that requires precision and aim. Which is pretty self explanatory..
   Has a kindle Bruce gifted him. He lies and says that he doesn’t use it and prefers the weight of actual books thank you very much! All his favorites are downloaded... But he still claims he pawned the thing, no one believes him because it's always in his pack when he goes on long missions
  Most often than naught he’s more bark than bite. Not that he wont follow through but most of his taunts are bluffs. Bluff that he could pull off but bluffs none the less. Especially in regards to his family. But he has punted Damian off a roof before. He did not look over the side to make sure the kid was okay. 
    He has a secret tattoo. It’s relatively small but It’s faded and distorted by all his scars. He can’t tell what it used to be. He thinks he got it while traveling during his league training but hell if he knows. 
  Loves his body. Although I hc that he’s got knee pain, right leg to be specific. Landing on all that mass almost religiously, carrying heavy equipment and basically all his work as a vigilante isn’t exactly doing his joints any favors but He likes his body. Likes that he can use his strength to help others, likes that he can still do flippy robin shit and crack skulls with a single punch if he pleases. It makes him feel safe.. Cause had he maybe been a bit bigger…
 Is prone to overthinking like the rest of his family. But he tends to spiral easier, it’s why he’s always cleaning out his guns more than necessary. The dismantling/reassembling process settles his thoughts. It allows him to focus on the movement of his fingers and after a time his mind focuses on the next piece that needs to be moved.
   Is more of a car guy than a bike guy. Honestly this is how he and Bruce sometimes bond. Usually when Bruce has done or said something dickish and wants to make amends he picks up a couple nasty burgers and heads over to a garage Jason owns under a pseudonym. He’ll get underneath the body of an old Mercedes they’re working on and wait for Jason to tell him to leave or hand him something. He usually doesn’t leave but only because sometimes Jason takes the opportunity to yell out his grievances. 
    Is pretty dense when it comes to people liking him. Whether romantically or platonically. 
The food network channel is his baby. He loves watching cooking competitions and has a list of dishes he'd like to replicate. Speaking of cooking, he doesn't do it often with how busy he is but he tries his best to fit it in. He's always a bit hesitant to have people try his food tho.
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Since I’ve never seen any kind of positivity post for this:
Shout out to people who get IV infusions weekly, biweekly, monthly, multiple times a year.
Shout out to people whose hands/arms/elbows/feet/legs are covered in scars and scar tissue. Shout out to people whose scar tissue hurts or locks up joints. Shout out to people who are covered in bruises after getting an IV.
Shout out to people whose veins roll or disappear, people who need multiple sticks or digging to get a vein. Shout out to people whose veins blow when getting IVs or during infusions. Shout out to people who feel like their veins have no more to give.
Shout out to people who cry or need someone to hold onto when getting an IV. Shout out to people who have anxiety or panic attacks when getting or thinking about IVs/infusions.
Shout out to people who will continue to need IV infusions into the foreseeable future. Shout out to people who will continue to need IV infusions for the rest of their lives. Shout out to the people who leave their IV in for several days, and thus need to cover it and continue with school, jobs, chores, etc, and sleep with it in.
Shout out to the kids and teens who need IV infusions.
Shout out to people who feel self-conscious about their IV scars. Shout out to people who worry about someone noticing them and treating them differently (though no one should be shamed for their scars, no matter how they got them).
Shout out to people who are traumatized from IVs/infusions. Shout out to people who have terrible memories associated with IVs/infusions.
Shout out to people who go to the hospital for infusions. Shout out to people who get infusions at home. Shout out to people who lose hours of their days while getting infusions.
You are no less worthy of love and positivity because you need IV infusions.
Anyone can reblog (and please do!), but only people who need (or have needed) regular/intermittent IV infusions should add on.
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
caesar keel over yet?
ik you sent this a couple weeks ago, but i thought it was funnier if i answered it today
Diagnosis: Aggressive HER2+ ductal carcinoma, weakly estrogen positive, metastasized, technically incurable Name of Tumor: Caesar Classification: little bitch
108 IV lines / blood tests / self-administered injections
19 Eggs harvested
9 Embryos frozen
8 Supplementary medications
5 Ultrasounds
4 Computed Tomography (CT) scans
3 Mammograms
3 Chemo regime changes
2 Core biopsies
1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) scan
1 Bone Scintigraphy
1 Multigated Aquisition (MUGA) scan
1 Echocardiogram
1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
1 round of genetic testing
1 "this is the biggest tumour I have seen in my recent years as an oncologist"
1 reclassification from Stage 2 to Stage 4
1 "this is one of the best responses to chemotherapy I have ever seen"
(and GOD KNOWS how many litres of Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab, and Trastuzumab pumping through my veins...)
We can safely call it. At my last clinic, my oncologist told me he was happy with that my last few scans had remained stable, and that I wouldn't require any surgery or radiation therapy.
Folks. I did it.
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cannibalgh0st · 2 months
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I went through both chemotherapy and radiation therapy at the age of 5. The cancer and tumor I had could have killed me without the use of medical science. I also had about 11 years of remission, and everything is cleared.
I understand that taking care of yourself naturally is important, but without medical science and skilled doctors, i would have died. I'm not saying don't do natural remedies, but don't doubt medical science either.
But again, there's gonna be people who are gonna tell me I'm going to die because of my treatments.
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pollyna · 2 years
au in which Ice and Mav send flowers to Bradley every time he gets a promotion or a merit because they know he won't read cards, but Carole taught him most of the meaning of the flowers and, even if he isn't going to keep it, he'll know how proud of him they are.
(Bradley doesn't keep them. Not all of them because Nat is allergic to some, he's mostly still fucking angry with them, but he always puts one of each type between the pages of books he takes with him. He writes dates in pencil and the meaning of the flower.)
((The day it's finally home, twenty years almost too late, a suicide mission and almost parentless for real this time around, for two days straight nobody sees Bradley. When he comes back from wherever he went, there's a plastic wrap around his bicep and the outline of a tattoo under that. I just want to remember that you never left, even when I did he signs, sitting on the right side of his dad's hospital bed, I chose my favourite of all the ones you sent me. It takes hours, but Bradley talks and talks about flowers and his books that are full of them, back home, and that when Tom and Pete are going to feel better, he's going to show them everything. Mav almost ends up crying, and Ice's hug lasts so long that the hours of the visit are done and then some.
Falling asleep that night felt a little easier than it had in years.))
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raggednorth · 7 months
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I spent a lot of time at the oncologist's office yesterday. I had labs, then waiting, then visited my oncologist, then more waiting, then my immunotherapy infusion, during which I had to sit and wait until it was finished. So, I worked more on my epp quilt!
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cinemaocd · 6 months
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soooo i am not handling getting my period and the news my mom has xx amount of months to live at the same time very well
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shurisneakers · 6 months
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
You like Nagito because you think he’s an edgy depressed bad boy,
I like Nagito because he’s a deeply traumatized and disturbed cancer patient with low self esteem who wants his life to mean something.
We are not the same.
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"Unknown Pathology," watercolor and mixed media, 2024. By MG (American, b. 1994).
Edit for commentary. CW for discussion of cancer.
I found out about a month ago that I have colon cancer. It has been a VERY long month. This unwanted passenger has been killing me from the inside for too long.
Tomorrow I am having surgery to remove it.
For the last few weeks, making art has served as a means of processing my feelings surrounding this whole experience. Lingering in the background in every painting is the uncertainty that has been with me for too long. We can't stage the cancer until the mass is removed and biopsied, so I am in a bit of limbo now where doctors are optimistic based on scans, but can't give me a clear answer until everything is over. This painting expresses both the obfuscation and melding of the cancer with my body, and the ambiguity of the time between diagnosis and treatment.
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777astrology · 12 days
Lying to the Therapist
To Protect Self
To Protect Someone
To Protect Doctor
Mental Disorder
Lying Casually/Manipulating
Honest Abe:
12. Capricorn/Saturn (1.5/5)
11. Aries/Mars (2/5)
10. Taurus/Ceres (2/5)
Little Liar:
9. Aquarius/Uranus (2.5/5)
8. Scorpio/Pluto (2.5/5)
7. Leo/Sun (3/5)
Fat Liar:
6. Sagittarius/Jupiter (3/5)
5. Gemini/Mercury (3.5/5)
4. Pisces/Neptune (4/5)
Lying Devil:
3. Cancer/Moon (4/5)
2. Libra/Venus (4.5/5)
1. Virgo/Chiron (4.5/5)
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hollowboobtheory · 6 months
I hope this isn’t an invasive question. If it is please just ignore it. I also can’t remember if you’ve mentioned this before.
Do you have to do physical therapy for your mouth? Or do you just eventually get closer to your starting point for talking/eating/ect on your own?
idk. they had a speech pathologist check me out at the hospital to make sure i'd be able to feed myself before they took out my feeding tube
i'm talking okay now, the main problem is i just have this insane lisp. eating is harder than talking and i'm not expecting it to get any easier once i get going with radiation therapy and my mouth is all irradiated and my spit glands die. I did eat some (solid) enchilada today! just had to remember to take really small bites. which is great because my lasagna experiment, while funny, failed horribly. simply blending up normal foods does not work. but i am gonna have to avoid anything too spicy/sour/salty once the radiation sets in.
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