#There is like ZERO reading comprehension in those comments
salty-death-collector · 5 months
Everytime I find myself on Instagram reels, I find myself hating society more and more.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
A common anti talking point is that "problematic" content is fine as long as it's portrayed in a bad light, and I know this is mostly a way for them to say "porn bad", but, like... if we exclude stupidity, is this even a common issue at all?
I try to think of what they could otherwise mean, because I read a lot of things they'd hate, but even the cutesy stuff has dark undertones, or is clearly done with the reader meant to understand that at least one character involved is a freak. Even with porn, I'm not sure I've seen many that didn't lean into how taboo it is. The closest trend I can think of is age gap romances where the protagonist is 16 and going for someone in their 30s, but even those make sure you're extremely aware of the age difference the entire time since that's the appeal. Or an anime where the siblings are REALLY close and no one comments, but as a viewer I can still clearly pick up that these are codependent freaks.
Is this a me thing? Do I just not see these swarms of insidious positive portrayals and they're actually everywhere? I don't doubt there are bad writers that fumble their stories, and I'm less likely to read those long enough to find out, so is that what they're referring to? Or is it really always just porn is evil?
No, people being dumb as a box of rocks and not grasping that weird internet porn is not a how-to manual is not that common a problem.
However, being traumatized and having zero useful mental health support is.
A lot of anti talking points are coming from a place of toxic coping. mechanisms where someone thinks that if they can just control everything around them The Bad Thing can't happen again, to them or to anyone else.
Blaming the influence of bad fiction is a very common step for people who haven't had enough time or safety to accept that, no, actually, the person they trusted hurt them on purpose because they felt like it, not because Media Made Them Do It.
Or that maybe their dumb teen self handled some situations badly, but it's because teens often do that and/or because no decent adult was around to ask them why they seemed upset, not because it was fiction's job to teach them boundaries. It's a lot easier to blame the concrete experience of reading something that modeled bad behavior than the highly amorphous negative space where good offline role models who paid attention and gave a fuck should have been.
Some people are self-medicating with a rage high. A few are nasty ringleaders trying to power trip. Lots are just scared dumbasses who haven't grasped that it's okay to have dark fantasies.
A lot of it is just people with the hubris to say "Well, I have decent reading comprehension and can spot subtext, but what if all these other people can't?"
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carriesthewind · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about the notes on this rage-bait post about To Kill a Mockingbird.
Some of it is the sheer number of people falling for the bait and believing that the school district in question banned the novel:
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But there's also this...tone to so many of the notes that I find fascinating. And I think two sets of comments illustrate why:
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Every time I look at these tags I feel like there is something more to unpack. If I am being kind of flip, I can roll my eyes at someone "sigh[ing] at the lack of reading comprehension" while falling for outrage bait.
But more seriously, I feel like this comment is completely right about needing to be uncomfortable and leave sterile environments in order to grown and change...but that comment exists in the context of the writer being so deeply uncomfortable at the mere idea that an over 60 year old book will no longer be taught to some children that they completely fail to interrogate the underlying story. There's a failure to take the next step. It's possible the writer was uncomfortable when they first read the novel, but to quote a tag I didn't capture here, it's "one of [their] favorite books." The book doesn't make *them* uncomfortable at all. The writer is not willing to interrogate that the school district might have had good reasons for switching the book out of the curriculum. Instead, they assume that the reasons are because "people don't understand" the book - the writer "see[s] what they look for."
I love To Kill a Mockingbird. (Hell, I'm one of those white future-public defenders who read the book and saw the movie and watched Atticus with my soul in my throat and, while I was not directly inspired by him, he resonated with a deep part of me.) It would be an uphill debate to convince me to remove it from a teaching curriculum - but then again, I'm not in charge of any teaching curriculum and have zero relevant expertise. I've read now a number of different articles and reactions to this incident, and the reactions rarely have anything to do with the reality of what decisions were made and why. You have to jump through numerous links to find what appears to be the original parent complaint:
Yolanda Williams said she found out that students were saying the N-word and laughing in the classroom, and it was offensive. “Students were laughing out loud at the teacher’s response. That’s unacceptable to me,” she told the board. “Is there not a better way to teach about that era and the horrors of that era, other than having kids laughing in class when the N-word is said? It should not be required reading for all students. My child shouldn’t have to sit in that class like that.” “It’s not a conducive environment,” Yolanda Williams said. “It’s not just the book, but supplemental material that had the N-word.
(How much do we value, how do we weigh, one way of learning about the history of racism, against the pain of a black child? Whose comfort are we willing to sacrifice, and for what?)
The second comment I come back to is much shorter, but I feel like it's where everything fell in to place for me:
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Were the people made uncomfortable by the book white people? How many of them? I don't know for sure - although I know at least one of the parents, as quoted above, was black - and neither do any of the commenters.
Why do we read "people" and see "white people?" And in a way, I'm asking a rhetorical question - because of course we do, because the tweet is set up that day. And, even more so, of course we do - because the people the book is for are white people.
To go back to the previous comment, the one I can't stop unpacking: the writer quotes a famous line from the book, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
And yes, I love this quote.
To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee, a white woman.
The narrator of the book is Scout, a white child.
The hero of the book is Atticus, her white father.
The embodiment of the theme, the person whose skin Scout tries to step into, is Boo Radley, another white man.
Do you remember, the man who was murdered? Do you see him in that picture at the top of the post? How long does it take you to remember his name?
When do we step into his skin? When do we walk around with his perspective?
I love To Kill a Mockingbird. But if a school district wanted to teach a book to embody this quote, aren't there so many better ones?
Another commenter on the post appears to have actual lived experience with this book being removed from the teaching curriculum.
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hamliet · 2 months
kate i hooe you don't mind me asking for advice but how the heck do you get over comparison when it comes to analyzing and writing? i feel like i get stuck with this mindset that others analyses are far better and comprehensive compared to whatever i am writing which is true as im a big noob. i feel like i'm slower at picking up themes, intentions and connecting everything. i used to feel more inspired but now it becomes a point of dread for me
Learn from those whom you think are better than you! See it as an opportunity, not as a "shut up." There's always someone better than you, but you are learning as you go. You will get better and better, and trust me, everyone gets things wrongs at times.
Plus, literary analysis is in many ways a conversation. If you just want to comment "oh, I never thought about it like this" and expand a bit on a meta, or ask a question about a meta--that's actually a great way to begin!
The thing about literature is that there's always something new to pick up on--so it doesn't matter if you're slower. I have watched/read stories that are 20+ years old and went on meta sprees for them. People are always looking for it.
There are always more interpretations to be had. It's what's magical about well-written stories. They mean different things to different people, we all start with a unique perspective, and that means that you're the only one who can analyze from your point of view. So really, you're only competing with yourself because literary analysis is not a zero sum game--people always want more.
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thealogie · 2 months
Do you think activism doesn't exist in other countries? 💀
Of course racism exists in Europe and there's absolutely people who insist it doesn't, but pretending that Americans are so much more enlightened when it comes to racism is insane. I don't agree with that weird defensive ask claiming the riots in the UK aren't related to racism, but you doubling down on how there's zero people who understand what racism is anywhere but the US is peak american centrism.
Did you at all read what I said? Like at all? I literally said the U.S. is much more racist in many respects but there’s a specific brand of cultural non-defensiveness that SOME white people have learned here. It doesn’t even mean those people are not racist. I’m simply commenting on mannerisms/responses. It is of course anecdotal. I truly worry about the lack of reading comprehension.
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esta-elavaris · 4 months
omg i saw your insta story and went to the HWFG comments because i’m nosey and that person is so insane !!! why were they going off on a tangent about fire alarms for two chapters on a story set in middle earth 😭😭 ?? even if they weren’t being incredibly rude about it just like… what? reading comprehension zero
Yeaaaaah I mean listen, I welcome constructive criticism but every single one of those comments was condescending and snotty and also just?? Wildly hysterically odd in terms of being very off-base. But it gives the vibe of someone setting out to be an ass, intent on finding (or making) a problem so like.
They started off with a snide comment mocking the amnesia aspect like it’s a cop-out and not something that’s going to be an important plot thread so I can’t be arsed offering much benefit of the doubt after that.
I generally ignore wank in the comment section as a rule, and I’m just grateful at how rarely it crops up, but some folk deserve to be mocked a little 🤡🎪
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oddmawd · 5 months
Hello! I just wanted some clarification as to why earning some income off of fanfiction is this horrible unethical act.
Do fanarts and zines also apply under this copyright infringement and if so, why are those works allowed to make some profits but not fanfiction? To me it seems like a double standard, especially because I seriously doubt anyone making either fanart or fanfic are claiming that the characters and story are their own original works. Blatant plagiarism and profiting from it is one thing but receiving some income because someone really likes a fan work is another.
I understand that in extreme cases, authors can sue, like you mentioned Anne Rice but in most cases, the authors tend to be chill with fanworks? They know it encourages engagement and hell, some of those big scary publishing companies that you seem to be wary of actually scout fan artists and writers to bring on board for their next projects.
And it's not brought up often in these arguments but Anne Rice herself became lenient towards fanfics of her original work in the last couple years before her death, even apologizing for her behavior then.
So while I understand the concern for lawsuits, I just don't see how writers and artists are "late stage capitalist dicks" for earning an income off fanworks that are clearly stated and implied to be the original works of the author and not their own.
typically i'm a "never assume malice where ignorance can serve as an explanation" kinda person, but YEESH, it's hard not to perceive hostility in this one boys, here's why:
1) i never called writers and artists "late stage capitalist dicks," and putting that phrase in quotes to make it seem like i did tells me you're not here for productive communication...that intentional misquote showcases either a blatant attempt at weaponizing intellectual dishonesty OR a lack of reading comprehension on your part, one i doubt i can correct through anonymous tumblr asks
2) "why are fanzines allowed but fanfics are not?" presupposes what you think my position on the matter must be, but i haven't expressed my opinion on fanzines, let alone voiced a double standard in favor of them...this is (once again) a blatant attempt at putting words in my mouth and/or a complete misread, intentional or otherwise, of what i actually stated...and in fact i said in a comment that fanart ALSO exists in a legal gray area, so you didn't do your research very thoroughly if those are the words you're trying to put in my mouth (solid attempt tho, 6/10)
3) i ALSO didn't call anything unethical, as you claimed in your comically hyperbolic opening line...i called selling fanwork illegal. morality and legality are not the same thing, so whether your mistake regarding the differences between legality and morality is the product of ignorance or malice, the fact remains that it's yet another blatant misread of what i said, good job there buddy, you're batting a thousand
i could dig further into the bad-faith rhetoric oozing from that ask (the sheer hyperbole and melodrama of it + the litany of loaded questions are an immediate sign it wasn't sent in good faith), but i think i've made my point LMAOOOOOO...but to sum up, i have very little interest in engaging with you when you're talking in SUCH bad faith and with such an antagonistic tone...you're misrepresenting SO MUCH so blatantly and with such confidence, it gives me zero confidence in your desire to actually learn or explore these very interesting issues...you just wanna argue and twist my words, and i'm not gonna enable that bad behavior by giving you more to twist
but look bruh, i get it: you're feeling insecure and defensive over a comment about being careful about monetizing your fanwork, and you took a post about the concept of capitalism and its impact on the arts so personally you confused comments made about capitalism itself for comments about you as a person...but this hostility is NOT a commensurate reaction to what i said and i'm shocked you think otherwise, and if you want to have this conversation, we can...but only once you learn to argue respectfully
TL;DR: i doubt your ability to engage in good faith so i'm not going to respond earnestly, as it'll be a waste of my time...reread my posts after you've had time to release this defensive energy...engage with what i said, not with what you THINK i said...have a nice night and best of luck to you
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voids-ideas · 6 months
Hi, this is my main blog. Where I throw (reblog) almost anything I see
Below the "read more" you can find a lot of information that may or may not be important
Here I just want to say:
Hi again, please do not insult anyone in my posts or where I can see it, or in general, idk. Respect everyone, It's not that hard
One of the things I must warn you is that I am often on the phone and just give fast reblog, so many things are not usually tagged.
I think it's worth mentioning that I occasionally reblog things that are sexual content or +18 in general… in my defense, I'm over 18.
I hope it doesn't happen, but I do occasionally enter debates. I apologize but it's a guilty pleasure. I know they serve no purpose, but I like to argue with people
I love any interaction that happens on any of my accounts, reblogs, messages, likes, asks, if you do any of those things I probably screamed with excitement when I saw it
In the case of asks and messages, there is the possibility that I am slow to respond, I tend to panic in social interactions
Also I recently remembered that I've always liked to give advice, I don't know if I'm too good at it, but if at some point you want to try asking an internet random stranger…. you have my permission to talk to me, as long as I feel comfortable giving advice on the subject, I will give you some advice or idk
Blogs (Why the fuck is there no yellow I wanted to make the damn flag)
Good omens obsession here, good omens obsession there: @im-the-j-in-anthony-j-crowley
Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel over here: @mrfancytalkcreepyvoice
If you don't know anything about aftg I really ask you to find out about the trigger warning first, but this is my aftg blog: @neiljostenmakesmyday
Blog where I sometimes share things about disability: @all-the-things-i
And this is my main blog. I define it as: Chaos
Things you may (or may not) see on this blog:
Good omens
Our flag means death
Interview with the vampire
Percy Jackson
House MD
She-ra and the princesses of power
All for the game
The hunger games
Heartbreak High
Prodigal son
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Star wars
The magnus archives
Doctor who
Dead boy detectives
The sandman
I don't remember all the tags I've used, but I remember some of them (I'll add the link to them as soon as I get my pc and remember to do it):
Jay attempts to draw possibly there are drawings here, warning: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW
Jay and... Jay what are you doing? You figure out what I was doing here, because I definitely didn't know.
Jay cries about some misfortune that happened to them in minecraft self-explanatory
Jay watches shows and pretends they have something relevant to say about them
Jay listens to podcasts and demonstrates zero comprehension of what they hears
Jay makes nonsense comments about books they read
For a relatively organized list of the things I have discussed there is this post
About me
I like cats. That's all.
Well, no. I'm in my 20s, recently diagnosed with adhd and autism (before that I had self diagnosis), I am in evaluation for chronic pain and other things, I identify as greysexual, greyromantic, agender (sometimes non-binary), bi, among other things.
I have trouble explaining things, and I define myself as a joke, in the way that my life is full of comical situations in which I am at the centre
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cosmicjoke · 5 days
I don’t like any of the “bad characters” in AOT. However, people can completely understand the themes of a story. As well as have “reading comprehension” which you love to say people lack while also simultaneously enjoying watching a morally bad character. That’s the beauty of fiction. I think yeah, maybe some people take it too far, but I think the whole point of stories like AOT is to show multiple sides and give you multiple points of view on humanity and how everyone thinks they are correct in their views/ideologies. Villians are often the most popular characters is fiction and there’s many reasons for that and people shouldn’t be judge for wanting to enjoy that in a fictional space. It doesn’t mean they carry those same ideologies in real life.
I definitely understand you getting angry because of the idiots in your ask box sending dumb messages but there’s a lot of people that follow you and sometimes you make comments grouping all people together just because they differ from opinion on you/ like certain characters/ view things a certain way (when you say things like “anyone who thinks this”)and that kind of sucks.
Again, nobody should be sending you hate…or arguing about Levi’s popularity those people are sad and in the wrong. And I have zero problems with you being annoyed/angry or what have you…But the way you respond is out there for everyone to see and can sometimes be taken to heart by people who really do like you and your analysis. Just food for thought.
Floch's still a POS, so, whatever.
The person asked my opinion on people who "simp" for Floch and hold him up as some sort of hero, and I gave it. If you don't like it, you're free to unfollow me. I never said anything about people who enjoy Floch's character for what he thematically represents within the story (something for which I just made a post which you didn't bother mentioning, so I assume you didn't read). Floch is of course a complex and integral character to the plot and overarching themes of AoT and there's nothing wrong with admiring his character for that complexity. My point is, he's not a hero, and anyone who thinks he is have completely missed the entire point of AoT, the role of his character within the story, and the story's themes and messages. Therefore, if you think Floch is a hero, if that's your genuine and unironic interpretation of his character, then it rightly calls into question your intelligence and media literacy and also makes me question your morality as a person (not you specifically, the people who praise him as some sort of martyr). I'm sick of the argument that people continually trot out that what you like in fiction doesn't reflect what you believe or condone in real life. Art is a reflection of and representation of reality, through human expression. If you continually go around arguing for exactly the opposite message that a work of art is attempting to convey, and in this case, arguing that Fascism and nationalism and genocide are a justifiable or understandable reaction to anything, then you've completely missed the entire point and are now twisting AoT's themes to push a hateful and, frankly, dangerous political agenda which can, despite what you claim, have very real world consequences. Art can be and IS highly influential, and it wouldn't be the first time in history that bad actors with nefarious goals have twisted a work of art to suit their agenda. In the case of AoT, it's people like that, who hold Floch up as a hero, who have also helped defame Isayama as a person and added fuel to the fire of people bad-mouthing a real life human being and spreading false rumors about his political views and what he was trying to convey with his art, causing very real-life harm to his being and also impacting other people's ability to enjoy the story as a whole.
AoT frames Floch as a bad guy for a reason. Yes, the story is meant to show us multiple views and promote understanding of how certain conclusions and reactions are arrived at when certain conditions are met. You're not telling me anything I don't already understand. That doesn't mean the story intends for the reader to sympathize with or come away from seeing the paths certain characters take with the idea of mimicking them or cheering them on. Characters like Floch and Eren and Zeke and many others are meant to act as a warning against straying down a similar path. When you see people completely miss or ignore that warning and instead run around saying how Floch or Eren or Zeke were "justified" in their actions, or claiming that they were somehow correct in their world view and ideological beliefs, then those people are, in my not at all humble opinion, asking to be raked over the coals.
Also, for real, how many times are you people going to accuse me of the same shit? You always complain that I don't like anyone who "disagrees" with me, and "attack them unfairly" while conveniently ignoring all the many, MANY times I've disagreed with various and numerous people on here over various and numerous topics, and have always kept it cordial and polite. I only get angry at people when they say intentionally inflammatory shit to me, obviously trying to bait me into a fight, or make accusations against me, either directly or implied, kind of like you're doing. It seems to me it's you people that send me this same, whiny complaint time and time again that have just decided you have a particular axe to grind with me because you don't like that I can sometimes be forceful with my opinions and it makes you feel threatened, for some bizarre reason. That's just the way I speak, and again, if you don't like it, and if it really upsets you that much, then unfollow me, because I'm not going to censor myself or soften my language just because it might rub some people the wrong way or hurt your feelings.
I think you people really need to learn to grow a tougher skin and understand that not everyone in the world is going to speak or express themselves in a manner you find palatable, and the world isn't going to conform itself to what you need it to be to feel comfortable.
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Oh yes, Ironwood is the greatest victim of all. Nevermind the people he screws over or all those poor folks he left to die, won't somebody PLEASE think of poor widdle woobie Ironwood?
Anon did someone say no to you? Is that why you’re throwing a temper tantrum? Because you sound like one of those creeps who refuses to take no for an answer and that’s why you’re so pissy that I a woman dare to empathize and be sympathetic towards a character who also dealt with painful betrayals because he dared to say no.
Trying to pretend that only wealthy people live in Atlas and only poor people live in Mantel is absolutely ridiculous especially with Klein standing right fucking their. And even if this somehow was true. James’s initial hesitation in evacuating Mantel to Atlas was, reasonably, that it put Atlas in a dangerous situation because it would leave Atlas with Zero protection. Even so he does evacuate people to Atlas and only stopped when, once again, he reasonably realized staying posed a great risk of Salem not only killing everyone but also risked Salem getting ahold of two of the four world ending relics she wants to use to end the world. This situations is a morally gray no win scenario where every choice has a high chance of people dying. Or did you conveniently forget all the soldiers that died because RWBY threw them into the line of fire with zero care for their lives or well being as they sat around drinking tea.
Also anon you have zero reading comprehension because no where did I even imply that James is the “greatest” (wtf do you even mean by that) victim. He is a victim but I never implied he was the only one or suffered the most. He handles betrayals with grace and strength but again that does not imply to any normal person I think he’s suffered the most. Good grief anon take more then two seconds to read the thing if you’re going to insist on commenting on it.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I still remember how one time someone asked you to respect other people's headcanons, and immediately you went on a rant. I don't think that anon meant to... convince you to like that ship or to change your headcanons. They were saying exactly as it is. So I can understand why some are starting to see you as an arrogant fighter when answering asks. Will you blow up on this simple ask? Will you make fun of some anon for "having no reading compression" because they didn't go full into crazy details? It feels like that unless some ask fully agrees with you, there's a chance of you coming off as a jerk in some way.
Tone: deeply frustrated, but calm
So this IS about the adult Ghost discourse. Well that's because I wasn't replying with the intent to rant, I was explaining my take on it (and was admittedly probably very bitter about it because the misunderstandings were deeply frustrating me)- which I already explained to you earlier was something I just do by default. Can't remember which exact post it was either, but I believe it was also condescending as hell because I do respect other's headcanons most of the time, but this came after I had already stated that I was without any context for adult ghost prior to the incident with the exception of pornography, which negtively tinted my views on it pretty hard. So I had to add that context in there, because it deeply skewed how I engaged with the concept, and also I'm pretty sure that I stated it was personal preference already and that I didn't want to engage with it, but people were still saying that. Remember that food metaphor I made earlier? That's where I think the misunderstanding is coming from- I clearly stated my opinions on it because to me, it's as simple as not liking pie, but because I forgot that other people don't have that same view of fanon, it came off like a moral judgement. In which case I have to state again: it's not that deep for me.
As for losing my temper, yeah I did during the heat of that ask bombardment. But I mean, you gotta understand that this was one event where I responded ineloquently, with zero context for what I was talking about, and got a whole slew of comments by people who jumped the gun to conclusions about what I thought that I didn't say at all. That's deeply frustrating! And I'm really fucking bad about regulating my emotions bc of the afformentioned autism, so that frustration carried over into my posts, probably doubly so because I just write plainly without tone tags. Then when more asks that missed the point of what I was saying rolled in, I got even MORE frustrated. Because it was clear that my point wasn't being made, and it made me more and more upset- hence the 'no reading comprehension' gripes, bc I thought I was speaking clearly but people were responding with things I didn't say. Like, even now, I'm not angry- I'm frustrated and upset because I thought I was getting better at this whole social thing, but clearly not. Also, for context, the people who replied 'no reading comprehension' are those who either picked up on what I was saying, or are those I went to for help because I didn't know where I was going wrong.
Though I have to ask, anon- why not block me? You clearly seem to have some sort of problem with me, or at least with reading me properly, and I genuinely don't want you to continue to get raised hackles because of my social ineptitude fucking things over. I'm not some kind of social bitch who uses status to push people around, and the thought that I might inadvertently be doing that has honestly made me want to delete my blog and start over (though I probably won't bc I hate change). I'm not a professional. This is something I do in my free time with the few friends I have because it's a special interest, and no more. There's really no obligation for you to tolerate me if you don't like me, or can't read my tone- just block me. It'll get me off your feed and prevent you from having to deal with me, because while I'll try to get better with my tone, I don't think I can change my brain chemistry to be any better at knowing what people want from me or how to respond in a way that doesn't seem inflamatory. Because I genuinely don't know what to do.
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bsd-fan · 1 year
Okay so, I was aware that there is this crazy Dazai account harrasing people (specifically chuuya stans and soukoku shippers) but I fortunately never saw their posts, just some comments shared by authors here and there. Until now. I just saw their twitter and omg, please, nobody is giving me back the braincells I lost just for reading that stuff. I genuinely have to wonder how on earth can someone be /that/ dumb and still have zero self awareness of it, must be good. Even leaving aside their very worrisome problem at differentiating reality from fiction, I’m angrier about the fact that for someone who spends their life thinking about one character, at the end they don’t understand that said character at all. All of their takes are so genuinely bad that I’m in awe. How can you consume media that literally revolves around literature when it seems you have the reading comprehension of a wall? Embarrassing behavior fr
Like I really try to see different people perspectives but c’mon this is ridiculous. And I’m only talking about their takes about Dazai, Im not even gonna talk about their opinions of chuuya because those are a fucking crime, there’s not even correlation between the things they are saying most of the time.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hey! Hello.❣️ -sorry for my english-
I saw this your post about that horrible person and I simply had to comment... It is not your fault that others have zero reading comprehension, besides that they do not pay attention to the warnings that you put at the beginning of each chapter that you so kindly share with us . If they don't like your work I don't know what the hell they're doing here bothering you, tumblr is too big for them to find something to their liking instead of bothering you.
Personally I love your work, it's too good!✨💜 and I feel very happy to have discovered your blog and to be able to interact with you, even if it is a little. Don't let those bad comments get to you. Those horrible people are not worth your attention.
Take care of yourself, have a beautiful week!💐💐
Thanks for your support 🥺❤️
You are always welcome💖
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
So after much mental debating I decided to just delete the rude comment I received. That person clearly knew they were in the wrong but really wanted to be a passive aggressive (not so passive I guess) jerk anyway. And I doubt telling them the polite version of 'you're a prejudiced twit who has zero comprehension of complicated relationships and should really do a better job of following fandom etiquette with regards to don't like, don't read' would do any good.
Or maybe it would. Who knows.
The thing is... I'm not obligated to educate someone who decided to show their ignorance in my fic's comment section. And I think remembering that helped me feel a lot better and made what I really wanted to do regarding the comment pretty clear.
And one last thing... now I'm gonna write at least two more Westhallen fics for Flufftober. So keep an eye out for those in a few days. :D
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pashterlengkap · 2 months
Elon Musk’s trans daughter epically slams her dad for not knowing her at all
Vivian Jenna Wilson, the trans daughter of billionaire Elon Musk, refuted his claim that she’s “dead” in a series of posts on Threads, criticizing statements he made in a recent interview with Canadian right-wing provocateur Jordan Peterson, where he called her “dead” because she transitioned. “Last time I checked I am, indeed, not dead… I look pretty good for a dead b*tch,” she said. in response to Elon’s comment from earlier this week that she’s dead from the “woke mind virus.” Related I read everything Elon Musk posted for a week. Send help. If your media diet looked like his, you’d be red-pilled too. “Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were ‘tricked’ into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself. Like it’s honestly camp-” Stay connected to your community Connect with the issues and events that impact your community at home and beyond by subscribing to our newsletter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today She specifically responded to a post of his from X, where he claimed that she was gay, that she picked out clothes for him and said “fabulous,” and that she loved musicals and theater. “This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said ‘eh- good enough’ in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.” Wilson then stated that her experience with musicals began with her brother blaring the Hamilton soundtrack during 8th grade, which turned her off from the genre entirely. She also says she never picked out jackets for him or used the word “fabulous” as she was too young. “This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.” Wilson then concluded by pointing out how she’s legally recognized as a woman in California, saying she doesn’t “concern [herself] with the opinions of those who are below [her].”  “Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some f**king grass” http://dlvr.it/TB7jZ9
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dankusner · 2 months
YO, ELON: Schulz (1922-2000) was so woke.
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Elon Musk says his son is "dead" thanks to the woke mind virus after he was put on puberty blockers, says he vowed to "destroy the woke mind virus after that."
"I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys… This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on."
"There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide…"
"My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus."
"I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that… and we are making some progress." 7/22/24 4:16 PM
Elon Musk's trans daughter Vivian Wilson slams his anti-LGBTQ+ comments as 'ketamine-fueled haze'
"I look pretty good for a dead bitch," Wilson, a transgender woman, said of her biological father's claims that gender-affirming care "killed" her.
Vivian Jenna Wilson transgender daughter elon musk
Vivian Wilson is fact-checking own father after billionaire Elon Musk made bigoted comments about her gender.
The billionaire recently attacked gender-affirming care in an interview with conspiracy theorist Jordan Peterson for conservative platform the Daily Wire, claiming that the life-saving treatment "killed" his daughter while repeatedly misgendering her.
Musk said that when his daughter wanted to begin transitioning, he “was essentially tricked into signing documents" before he "had really any understanding of what was going on."
He said that doctors told him his daughter "might commit suicide" if she was prevented from receiving care.
"I lost my son. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason," Musk said.
"The reason it’s called ‘deadnaming’ is because, your son is dead. So my son is dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”
Wilson has since responded to Musk's assertions on Threads, the rival to his platform Twitter/X, saying that her biological father's claims are so blatantly false that she's "just started to find it funny at this point." "
"Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were “tricked” into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself," she wrote. "Like it’s honestly camp-"
"I look pretty good for a dead bitch," she added.
Wilson then debunked some of Musk's other assertions about her, among them several homophobic stereotypes about her youth, including that she was a fan of musical theatre (she wasn't) and picking out clothes for Musk to wear (she didn't).
Musk also claimed that Wilson was "born slightly autistic."
"This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this.
He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness," Wilson wrote.
"Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says a lot about how he views queer people and children in general."
Wilson, 20, is one of six children (five living) Musk had with his first wife, model Justine Wilson.
She filed a petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court in April, 2022 to legally change her name and gender, citing the reason as "Gender identity and the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form."
Wilson then shot back at her father's claims that she is "not a girl," telling Musk to "go touch some fucking grass."
"As for if I’m not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me," she wrote.
"Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him."
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