#I’m tired of seeing all these relationship oriented posts
salty-death-collector · 5 months
Everytime I find myself on Instagram reels, I find myself hating society more and more.
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anucalor · 3 months
Mutuals pt.2 (Onyankopon x Black! Reader)
haii! im so sorry for taking literally forever to post this. i was so ready to get back into writing, but i started taking my classes full time (which i passed(^∇^)) but now i am getting ready for state and with three jobs... its a lot lol. but im ready to try to get back into it!
i also have Kofi if you ever wanted to support in other ways!
anywho, here ya go!
y/n is a little shy. when she moves back home, her friend mika tries to get her out the house. what better way than to meet mutuals?
(w.c. 2.6k)
warnings: none, language (if any)
It’s Thursday. 
Today shouldn’t hold so much weight, but it did. Besides being the beautiful day before a weekend, it’s the day before Ony and I go on our first date.  
I can’t help but think about it every now and then. Receiving his texts throughout the day doesn’t help either. I've realized he’s much more of a subtle flirt than I would have thought, constantly catching me off guard. I smile and shake my head before looking away from my Apple watch to continue charting. 
I check the time and see it’s a little after seven o’clock. After filling in a few people on my floor and making sure everything is logged in, I go to my locker and grab my belongings. I make my way to the elevator and ride down to the first floor. As soon as I step off of the elevator, I get a phone call. 
I bite my lip to prevent myself from smiling too much before answering. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” I smile a little wider, “how was work?” 
“It was good. Walking to my car, now.” 
We make casual talk as I continue towards my car. Once I’m inside with my doors locked, I start my engine and begin making my way home. After a few minutes, Ony finally brings up the day I’ve been too nervous to ask about. 
“Mmm... you ready for tomorrow, mama?” 
My heart skips. 
“I, uhh, I am.” I try to sound as relaxed as possible. I can only hope he doesn’t hear how hesitant I sound. 
“What’s wrong? You don’t sound so sure.” 
Of course, he heard... 
“I’m sure... I just have a lot on my mind,” I explain softly. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Ony offers. 
I smile, "Just excited for tomorrow, ‘s all.” I can almost hear his smile in his ‘mhm.’ 
I assume that’s a fine enough answer because Ony doesn’t push the topic, opting to change the subject.  
After about a 10-minute drive, I finally made it back home. I grab all of my belongings and make my way towards the door, making sure to lock my car. I unlock the door to my apartment and walk in, making sure to lock it, as well. 
“You inside yet, mama?” I hear Ony’s voice mumble through my phone. 
“Yeah, I’m inside.” I walk to the island in the kitchen and put my bag on the counter before looking over at my buzzing phone.  
Ony is FaceTiming me.  
I answer the call and gently lean my phone against a nearby object on my counter so that he can see me. The call finally connects and I see Ony leaning back in his chair, fingers moving around on his controller as he plays the game. The corners of my lips slightly raise at the sight of him before I look away for a moment to place one hand on the counter and use the other to remove my shoes. 
“You look pretty, (N/N),” I hear him say over the speaker. 
  I couldn’t help but chuckle as I pick up my phone, shoes, and purse and walk to my bedroom. 
“You say that every time we're on the phone,” I mention with a tired yet teasing tone, “but thank you.” 
He ignores my initial statement and smiles, eyes returning to his TV screen, “You’re welcome.” 
The night goes on as it normally would; I change and sit on the phone with Yanni for a little over an hour before deciding it is time for me to take a shower and go to bed. 
When I wake up the next morning, it takes me a moment to become fully oriented. When I do, I can’t help but think about how the night could go. Ony and I can realize that being friends is what’s best; we could not like one another, or we could continue in pursuit of a relationship. Of course, I’m hoping for the latter, but only time will tell.  
After talking to God about my worries, I feel a little better and finally decide to get up and get ready, leaving my phone on its charger. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I walk into my room and look through my wardrobe for a dress that’s fancy enough for a dinner date but not overly obnoxious. Wanting to remain on the safe side, I decide on a long black, long-sleeved dress with some heels. Feeling content with my decision, I decide to pick up my phone to check any notifications. 
The very first one is from Ony. 
Ony: Good morning pretty girl. Ima be a little busier today so I won’t be able to talk much. Make sure you’re ready by 6. I’ll see you soon 
I smile before responding to his text, feeling slight butterflies in my tummy. I make sure to let him know I appreciate him telling me he’d be busy and that I’ll see him tonight. Checking the time, I decide to go ahead and grab some breakfast, opting for some fruit, feeling too nervous to eat too much. 
I try to talk myself down, trying not to get worked up over some guy.  
‘It’s just another date with another guy... it’s just another date with another guy... but it’s not.’ 
There's something about Onyan that makes me hope that what we have goes further than ‘just another date.’ Although we’ve only really been able to speak over the phone since we met, he seems to be more genuine than any other person who has tried to pursue me. Mikasa’s words continue to play in my mind as well. Knowing from a reliable source that he doesn’t mess around for fun also puts me a little at ease.  
I just need to relax and trust that no matter what happens, everything’s gonna be okay. 
I sit in front of my vanity, applying any finishing touches I think I need. I stand and take in my appearance. A smile makes its way onto my lips as I reach to grab some perfume. I spray to my heart’s content before grabbing my purse and phone and walking to the living room. Again, I look in the large mirror at my reflection, feeling happy with how I look. Minutes pass before I hear a knock on my door. 
My heart drops to my stomach. I take a deep breath before walking to the door, unlocking and opening it. Once it’s open, I see Ony with a bouquet of light pink roses with white lilies. I give an endearing smile before hugging him. 
“Ony, these are beautiful. Thank you.” 
He carefully wraps his arms around me, a smile on his face as he responds, “You’re welcome, (N/N). I’m glad you like them.” 
I lean away before gently taking the bouquet from his grasp, my hand lightly brushing against his. I lead him inside for a moment while I carefully replace my older flowers with the newer ones. Once that’s done, I grab my purse. 
“You ready?” Ony glances up from his phone once he sees that I have my purse. 
I nod and watch as he smiles, taking in my outfit for the night.  
“You look beautiful, (Y/N).” He stands from the barstool he sat in while he waited and makes his way to me with his hand out.  
  I take my lower lip into my mouth to try to prevent me from smiling like an idiot, and it just barely works. My hand interlocks with his as I respond. “Thank you, and you look very handsome.”  
Which is true. Ony has on a solid black shirt with some loose black pants and white forces. He, of course, has his chain and studs on and a black and white bomber jacket. He bites his lip as he looks down at me for a moment.  
“Thank you, mama.”  I smile before looking at the ground. Ony let out a breathy chuckle at the way I couldn’t hold eye contact before leading us to his car. He leads me to the passenger’s side and opens the door for me. I give a soft thank you before sitting down and bringing my legs inside. When I get situated, he closes the door and makes his way to the driver's side before driving off.  
After 25 minutes, we make it to our restaurant. I know I haven’t been here before, so I don’t know what to expect. Ony parks and makes his way to my side to help me out. I place my hand in his while he leads us inside the restaurant. The host leads us to a secluded booth towards the back of the restaurant. We walk hand in hand until we reach the area, separating only to sit across from one another. Our host hands us our menus and tells us our waitress will be with us soon. 
I gently look through the menu, eyes slowly gazing over what all the restaurant has to offer. Ony, sitting across from me, can’t help but allow his eyes to gaze over me, only giving his menu half the attention since he already knows what he wants. He swiftly thinks of something to talk about and opens his mouth to speak. 
“Don’t hesitate to get anything you want, by the way. ” My eyes flicker up to his at the sound of his voice. I smile softly before briefly returning my eyes back to the menu. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.” 
Ony gently licks his lips before closing his menu completely and giving me his undivided attention. 
After that, conversation was nothing short of wonderful - Ony smoothly leading the us from one topic to another. I could feel my attraction for him grow the more he spoke to me in that soft, deep tone that I’ve grown used to. Due to me not being the best conversationalist, I was hesitant for this date, but it comes so naturally with him. As if he knows exactly what to say and when to say it. 
From childhood memories to stories about work to ranting about the group that we’ve grown to love so dearly. It felt as though we had known each other for years.
After ordering, it took us bit before our food was brought out to us. Even then we joke about how it got quiet when we started eating, knowing that the restaurant he picked was a good choice. We each took our time, slowly realizing that we didn’t want the night to end just yet. Even after Ony paid for our meal, we still stayed to talk for about another 30 minutes.  
After laughing at a joke he said, I turned my phone over on the table to check the time and sigh. 
“Ony, we should probably head out. It’s getting late.” 
He picks up his phone and gives a soft smile. 
“Yeah, you right... Alright, let’s go, pretty girl,” he directs softly before standing. 
 I scoot just a little before turning my legs to the outside of the booth where Ony was waiting with his hand outstretched. I gently place my hand in his and stand. 
“You got everything?” I turn to make sure I didn't drop anything before nodding.  
“Mhm, yeah. I’m good.” 
And with that, he leads us towards the exit. Once we get to his car, he opens the door for me before going to his side. I watch as he walks to his side, trying to hide the goofy grin that’s trying to make itself known.  
He finally sits down in the car before turning to look at me, narrowing his eyes slightly. 
“What?” he asks with a small grin. I shake my head before picking up my phone. 
“Nothing.” By the way I bit my lip to keep from smiling, I’m sure he knew it wasn’t ‘nothing,’ but he chose not to push. Opting for “whatever you say, (N/N.)” 
The drive to my house was mostly done so in peaceful silence. Other than the speakers and the occasional quip, we just enjoyed each other’s presence.  
After some time, Ony pulled into my apartment. He turned off his car and made his way to me. 
“Aww, such chivalry. Walking me to my door?” I quip once my hand is in his. 
He immediately smacks his lips before closing the door. “Mmcht, man gon’ on somewhere.” He couldn’t even finish the sentence without smiling, causing me to giggle. 
We make it to my door, and I turn to him with a sigh. 
“Thank you for agreeing to go out with me, (Y/N),” his voice low and clear.  
I lean my shoulder against the door and sleepily look him in his eyes. “Thank you for taking me out. I really had fun.” 
“Enough fun to want to do it again?” he asks, taking a step towards me. 
I look off to the side, hide my smile behind my hand before dropping it. “Yeah, Ony. Enough to want to do it again.” 
He looks down, a smile plastered on his face. 
Only a few moments passed before he looks back at me and takes another step forward. I tilt my head a little to the side before feeling him take my hand in his, standing directly in front of me. 
“I’m gonna be very honest, (Y/N) - I would really like to kiss you right now.” 
For some reason me being a little tired made me a little bold and I ask, “So why haven’t you?”  
A moment after those words left my mouth, Ony’s hand rests on my neck, his thumb, pointer, and ring finger gently grabbing my jaw to tilt my head upwards. He leans down and presses his soft lips onto mine. I don’t hesitate for a moment before meeting him halfway. Ony slides his other hand around my waist, pulling me in to completely close the space between us. My left hand slides to his wrist as he deepens the kiss.  
It felt too soon when he pulled away. I opened my eyes to see him looking intensely at me. I quickly shy away, opting to look at the ground, my hand gently rubbing the remnants of Ony from my lips as I try not to smile too hard. 
“Thank you again, Ony,” I mumble trying to keep my rapid heartbeat under control. 
Ony looked at me with an adorned look in his eyes.  
“You’re welcome, mama. Go get some rest, okay?”  
“You, too... Goodnight, Ony.”  
“Goodnight, (N/N).” 
It’s been three months since Ony and I have been dating, and it’s been amazing. He’s been amazing. He continues to show me just how caring and protective he is - genuine and fun. The way he never fails to make me smile (whether it be after a tough day at work, or I’m just feeling a little down) is something I didn’t realize I needed. 
‘I’m so glad I listened to Mika,’ is something I constantly think to myself. 
She was right when she told me that he would show me the type of person he is. 
And I couldn’t be happier. 
Ony and I are a little more comfortable with visiting each other's houses, opting to just stay in and relax most of the time. Each time we do, we learn so much about one another. From likes to dislikes to family and more. The more we spend time together, the more I can’t help but think about what it would be like to actually be in a committed relationship with him.  
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t try to shoo the thought away, but it’s so hard when Ony is... himself. Going above and beyond is not foreign to him. His emotional intelligence is evident through his desire for clear communication and his (surprising) amount of empathy.  
Gosh, he’s so wonderful. 
My thoughts are cut short by a soft *ping!*  I glance at my phone to see Ony’s name pop up. I bite back a smile before opening his message.
Yanni <3 : Be ready by 8. I got a surprise for you 
ah, please be nice. im still getting into the swing of things. i really hope you guys enjoyed this. please excuse any mistake!
i love you but Jesus loves you more. <3
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ninicaise · 1 year
I love your posts so much! I’m curious, what do u think would be Laurent and Damen’s thoughts on open relationships, do u think it’s something they would try?
interesting question. i've made it into a joke already in this post and also there are these fantastic tags from @/not-a-coral-snake and it's the best thing ever so true so funny so them.
it's quite evident laurent has no interest in being with anyone other than damen. furthermore we don't see damen being interested in anyone ever again after he has a night with laurent + it makes both of them very jealous when they see or think about the other with someone else. so at least in the universe they're in i doubt they'd be genuinely interested in that kind of relationship. know that if they ever tried it they'd be miserable, and in an easy happy peaceful world they wouldn't even think about it.
unfortunately these people do not live in an easy happy peaceful world. it's inevitable that they at least discuss the possibility. however the only way i could see them having an open relationship agreement is through some sort of misunderstanding of each other's needs.
there's the fact that at least akielos is a culture in which people and esp nobles are expected to have multiple lovers/a harem. laurent goes above and beyond and a bit too much when trying to compensate for something he did (trying to die for damen for example) and i think for a certain period of time he would be respectful of akielon culture to the point of being too much. forcing damen's own culture onto damen himself, kind of thing.
it's likely damen has had open relationships in the past (jokaste anyone). he knows how they work, he grew up knowing it to be a natural thing, he knows that as king he is expected to have a variety of lovers. and likely in any other circumstance he would. he just isn't interested unless laurent is involved. damen hates the idea tbh but he will give laurent what he wants bc he thinks well. maybe laurent wants to explore his sexuality a little more with more people who aren't damen after years of repressing it (he doesn't) and if he is insisting so much then he must have a good reason (objectively he doesn't).
plus, and i think this one is the most likely, laurent knows he's not exactly an easy lover. ppl overestimate the amount of both self-respect and self-confidence laurent has wayyy to often. laurent is canonically insecure about anything sex related and a future-oriented control freak, so he'd try to have control over any affair damen might have if at some point laurent stops being enough by ensuring he will be able to claim that he knew all along, that laurent was the one who allowed it, laurent was in control the whole time. kind of like with th i know who you are damianos thing. i've known all along. i know you'll get tired of how complicated i am eventually i know everything i am prepared for every possible outcome you can't catch me chaos of this world etc etc.
it's not that he can tolerate the idea of damen being w other ppl, it's just that he thinks he has to tolerate it bc 1) he doesn't deserve a say 2) the alternative (damen getting tired, feeling trapped and leaving altogether) is way worse 3) he thinks it will happen eventually anyway and this is the only way he can remain dignified. or so he thinks. lol. this mindset is of course unhealthy. so he should work on that.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I have not been able to stop thinking about this since episode 9 aired and I read an excellent insight into Pat’s character this morning by @wen-kexing-apologist so I wanted to talk about Jeng because he is the character that I relate to the most. Granted, I am not a high level manager in my parent’s successful company, BUT I’ve worked office jobs and I’ve been in management positions and overseeing people. Please keep in mind that I am approaching Jeng as a white queer person who was raised (all over) the United States so I can only truly add the perspective that gives me. Also I wrote this while bored at work so I was definitely not nearly as articulate as I like, and this might not be anyone else’s interpretation and I completely understand if you do not agree with me here. With that said, here we go:
I am probably the most cishet passing person in the world. There’s no particular reason for this other than it’s just the way I am and how I like to present. I don’t risk my safety by presenting queer, I just don’t. I live in a big city, my family is incredibly supportive, my friends are queer, a good number of my coworkers are queer, I am not closeted. But people see me and they assume that I am straight. For the purposes of this post I'm focusing on sexual orientation rather than gender what I’m focusing on because my relationship with gender right now is basically the shrug emoji. Despite being out as bi since I was 24 many years ago, I still find myself constantly coming out to people because if I say nothing, assumptions are made about me and those assumptions are based on a heteronormative worldview that society has cursed us all to and those assumptions about me are wrong. 
Now let’s look at Jeng. I’m not gonna mention Pat because I fully believe that Pat’s response to learning Jeng is attracted to men was entirely based on his own repressed feelings and not entirely an assumption that Jeng is straight. Jeng passes as straight. I’m sure that’s due to a combination of his position, his family, and just his overall personality. We know that Jeng is out to people. He talks to his friend about Pat, Jaab asks him about his feelings towards Pat, and when he brings Pat home, Jeng’s parents see Pat and make some assumptions about what occurred. So a significant number of people in Jeng’s life know that he is gay and it’s not only a significant number that know but the people closest to him know as well. The other people that are able to clock Jeng in this show are the other queer people. Chot and Jen just know. They see how he looks at and interacts with Pat and can see the humongous crush that Jeng is nursing. So Jeng is working under the assumption that around these people, he is out. He might present straight and he might keep that up for work purposes, but he believes himself to be out to at least the other queer people near him.
Then Pat says this:
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And Jeng breaks. And I get that. Jeng knows that Pat is gay, Jeng thought that Pat knew he was gay. Jeng thought they were on the same page. Other queer people in Jeng’s life have known he was gay without him needing to explicitly state that. Pat, the person Jeng has been flirting with and has confessed to (while he was so drunk he couldn’t understand Jeng you beloved idiot) had no clue. At least that’s how it appears to Jeng, who is now in the unfortunate position of needing to out himself. Let me tell you something, it is exhausting to have to constantly come out to people. Every new person that I meet, if I want them to know that I am queer, I need to explicitly tell them because if I don’t, they will never know. I’ve had people think that I’m just a really good ally before. There are times I wish I was so entirely and visibly queer that no one would ever doubt it, and I’m sure Jeng felt that in this moment with Pat. It just takes one look at his face during this scene to know that Jeng has been here before and he is tired and his heart is breaking.
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How many people do you think Jeng has had to make a choice between outing himself or letting them work with false assumptions regarding his sexuality? How many times has Jeng chosen to closet himself instead of being who he is? How many times has Jeng been interested in another man but had no chance because that person didn’t know or care to believe he is gay? Just needing to make the decision on whether or not to explicitly say, “Yes, I like men” or “I’m gay” is tiring in and of itself, but then the actual saying of the words? Depleting. Especially to someone who you thought already knew. It hurts when people think I’m just a really good ally. I can’t imagine the pain Jeng felt at Pat’s surprise because to Jeng, that surprise indicated that Pat saw him as a good ally (again, I do not think that’s what was going on with Pat but this is about Jeng and his interpretation) and not as someone with interest in him.
Then Jeng learns later on that Pat just doesn’t understand how someone like Jeng can like him. It doesn’t make sense to Pat. How many times has Jeng been made to feel like his sexuality, coming from him, doesn’t make sense? I’m sure his dad had some things to say about it. I’m sure part of the reason he left previously was due to that. So while Jeng is out, it is a constant coming out process and then an entire new process to get people to believe it. Jeng’s sadness is mostly about Pat rejecting him, but I’m sure at least a small part of it is also the tiny piece of him that was so sure that Pat at least knew he was gay.
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Jeng now believes that Pat has only ever seen him as his straight boss and that can’t change. Pat sees him as a coworker, not even a friend, not even a member of the queer community. Just a coworker and nothing more. The revelation that Jeng likes and is attracted to men, made Pat uncomfortable. Is it because Jeng doesn’t obviously present as gay? Is it because he isn’t as clockable as someone like Chot? Now Jeng has to think of not only all of his interactions with Pat, but also all of his interactions with the other queer people in his office. Does he have to come out to them too or do they already know like he thought they did? Jeng was so busy being the most smitten man in the universe, it didn’t occur to him that his giant, massive, all-consuming crush on Pat might not have been obvious. I’m guessing the straight people in his office have been working under the assumption that he is straight. Will he need to come out to them too? He has been handling this for who knows how long, but this time, this time it HURTS.
Jeng was so worried about crossing the boundaries by being Pat’s boss that he didn’t even think about how dating a man would impact his worker’s perception of him. I don’t think he ultimately cares about what they think of his personal life or his personality as long as they are able to function as a department. But when Pat asked if he liked men, Jeng had to start reevaluating everything. Not just his interactions with Pat, but his interactions with the world. No wonder he seemed so just completely and utterly tired this episode. When Jeng and Pat finally work through their little miscommunication issues (which makes so much sense and work so well with this show I can’t even begin to describe my actual love for it which is weird cause miscommunication is my least favorite trope), I don’t think Jeng will actually change anything about the way he presents himself to the world. He still has his family to think about, and he’s still, well, he’s still Jeng. But I think this gave him some things to think about himself that he probably already knew but didn’t think he would have to explain to another queer person. Especially not Pat. Pat is out at the office, but it wasn’t entirely his choice. Pat outed himself so he would stop getting put in awkward conversations about the women in the office. Jeng might have seen something similar to himself in Pat. Pat could potentially pass as straight, and in fact did at the very beginning. He let people think he was dating a woman. Pat was careful who he came out to at the office. Jeng probably thought that of all people, Pat would understand him the best. Not explicitly out, but not in the closet either. How heartbreaking for both of them that their experiences clashed in such a way. But once those two get on the same page? They are gonna be the cutest couple in the entire world and I am so excited to see Jeng, finally, finally, be able to express his love for Pat to Pat as much as he wants to.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
The Take On The Owl House I Hate the Most
Kind of because I see it WAY too easily. I probably wouldn’t actually make a blog about this because I could see it landing me in hot water but... Well, I keep talking TOH not liking the fact that it’s a kid’s show, that it’s a fantasy show, etc. like that. It doesn’t like comedy of kid’s shows, it doesn’t like the moralizing, Dana explicitly chose Disney because they would give her 22 minute time slots unlike other kid’s shows right now. It does create a show that feels different but also feels like it’s not wearing the skin it wants to be wearing.
That’s not the take though. That’s all stuff I happily agree with and have talked about in the past. No, this take is one I wish I agreed with less but that the show possibly supports and I REALLY wish it didn’t at ALL. The show wants to be a CW-esque, teenage/adult oriented, drama. And if it were... Luz would be wanting to fuck Eda.
Now normally I would hear someone pitch me this and go “Okay, you can go do your edgy AU. Have fun.” I’m not interested but fandom will do as fandom does. It only makes me cringe and recoil into myself because... How else do you explain the complete and total worship and obsession over Eda that Luz has? The first episode explicitly makes it clear that if Luz doesn’t want to do something, she won’t. In fact, the first THREE episodes, all reinforce that. Someone tells her to do something mundane and she goes off to have her own adventure. To have her own fantasy. Meanwhile, Eda is CONSTANTLY shitting on her and belittling that fantasy and that doesn’t really stop until post Once Upon a Swap. EIGHT EPISODES IN. And Luz and Eda have ONE more episode that has them together in a major way, Adventure in the Elements, after that for the entire season. That is the basis for Luz deciding to throw away her mom and not only go save Eda but destroy the portal. That’s not who Luz is, even in S1. She is too self interested in her own fantasy. It’s part of the problem with the Found Family as I’ve discussed before.
So this raises the reasonable question of, if Luz doesn’t find Eda’s normal work interesting, won’t listen to her, isn’t getting properly taught and barely has anything to do around the house, why does she stick around? Well... In episode four, we get this.
And that comment isn’t really new for the show. Eda’s attractiveness is just a blatant fact. She is made out not only to be attractive, but sexually attractive, MULTIPLE TIMES in at least the first season. Her looks get more attention, including by Luz, than AMITY, who is easily the next character who’s looks are even mentioned or glorified. In fact, her being on the market is a topic that crops up more than once in the series. Hell, it’s one of the first things we know about her, that people want to fuck her, as it’s in the fucking pilot. Warden Wrath finds her SO ALLURING as to drop his job to get a DATE with her.
And yes, Raine exists. Does Raine make sense with how Eda is portrayed in the first season, as someone who is happily on the market but also tired of how many assholes she meets on it? No. Admittedly, Eda’s relationship with... Relationships doesn’t make a lot of sense in general but she absolutely doesn’t feel like a character who is mourning the loss of their soulmate, which is absolutely how the show tries to portray it in S2.
She feels a lot more like she fucks around and finds out a lot of guys are assholes. There’s a reason why it was REALLY popular to ship Gruncle Stan and her when S1 was all that was out.
Worse yet, if you want to say Amity proves Luz isn’t into older women or the like, we get this chestnut from fucking First Day.
“And maybe meet a hot, yet vulnerable, upperclassmen.”
There’s... A lot of problems with this line but it also would fit WAY better in, you know... A CW drama and not a kid’s show. Especially from your MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER. She CANONICALLY, because TOH doesn’t think about its jokes WHATSOEVER, has unhealthy, fucked up relationship fantasies. Especially with school. After all, if it was to make them better, she could have said angsty, hurt, troubled, etc. But it’s VULNERABLE. Vulnerabilities are explicitly to be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF.
*eye twitch*
Now, I do want to say that Eda did take her in and gave her a chance. Luz doesn’t do well with that chance, it’s less than one episode before she tells Eda to shove it for not thinking she’s not special enough, but you can maybe make a case there. She also gets with Amity. So if you wanted to, I dunno, prove that Luz was written in a way that made her seem more interested/cared about Amity more than Eda, especially since S1 does not earn that sort of interest, are there examples of that?
*dead eye stares the camera*
“Don’t you want to go save your girlfriend?” “I do but I’d rather be here and be prepared for if you guys need help.” This is from Clouds on the Horizon. Admittedly, her fear is warranted... But she literally would rather do NOTHING in order to support Eda, because she is explicitly not a part of this plan, than go help unstick her girlfriend. This is also the episode where Luz blatantly ignored Odalia threatening Lumity’s existence so that she can focus on saving the white boy there and get into a position that better, you know, helps. Eda. With the specific motivation that Eda is in trouble, despite the fact that she hasn’t made a plan for how they’re not all about to DIE! Like if Alador didn’t step in, Luz’s plan didn’t mean SHIT. At least Amity was actually dealing with the current problem while Luz was only focused on “Eda is in trouble. I need a way that gets me to Eda.” I personally vouch that the fact that it saved Hunter was tangential as Gus is MORE than powerful enough to make Hunter disappear and replace him with a clone and that’s an even less complex plan than what Luz made up on the fly.
Don’t like that? How about her desperate need for Eda’s approval, to be seen as a peer of hers, STILL, instead of being willing to talk to her, in Titan Where Art Thou? Or that Luz specifically needs to make sure Eda is okay in King’s Tide while her friends, who do not know the human realm or have connections there, are being forced through a portal? Including her girlfriend. How about the simple fact that Luz is WAY more honest with Eda than she literally ever is with Amity?
It’s all just REALLY awkward. But in the context of a CW show, it’s still not good writing, but it’s in line with those absurdities WAY more than with a kid’s shows absurdities. In fact... That’s kind of true in general for TOH. Having the twist that a relative ruined your life because you were better than them and they only became successful because of that choice? That’s in line. The comedy styling leaning more on either pure misery of a couple characters that the writers obviously hate and have there to make mean statements on? Yeah, that sounds right. The refusal to resolve plotlines, especially happily, when it could instead be milked for drama for the next three seasons? The fact that it obviously set itself up to go on for eternity? That sounds about right too. And I will admit I could be wrong. I don’t watch CW shows. Degrassi, Glee, Riverdale? They hold no interest for me because I don’t like mean spirited they often feel. But... with time, TOH absolutely feels more and more mean spirited. And even early on, that ridiculing of other media and fantasy and wanting to have fun all feels in line with that sort of spirit. Including the lack of interest in its fantasy elements.
Eda and Luz aren’t even the only ones that frankly make more sense like this. Lilith’s break with reality almost, and constant need for validation (including from Luz, including as a teacher which is uncomfortable in Escaping Expulsion in general, LET ALONE IN THIS CONTEXT) fits more in line with the sort of ‘insanity’ that those shows might give a character who’s life collapses. To add a chaotic element. Speaking of, that also fits the Bad boy of Hunter, who gets shipped with all the girls who are his age. Not in fandom BUT IN THE SHOW. All three of his introductions to Luz, Amity and Willow work as the start of a relationship arc, INCLUDING WITH THE LESBIAN. And... You know... Luz is Bi... And there are TERRIBLE plot lines you can do with that. *shudders and gags*
Meanwhile, characters like King, Gus, Willow, frankly Belos and his regime, and all the one off villains that other kid’s shows would embrace... Are kind of pushed to the side. Pushed to the side for characters who would feel entirely at home on something far more adult oriented. Something that was trying to be edgy and shocking and constantly have twists that prove how terrible these characters are. It even commonly sets it up. All of the reasons why Lumity WOULDN’T happen were part of why Lumity was so interesting between S1 and 2. But a lot of those plotlines admittedly felt more like this. Tackling racism, classism, Amity’s need to be the best, Luz’s flighty personality, etc. like that. Not helped of course by the fact that Hunter IS older than Luz and so IS a “hot yet vulnerable upper classman’ as he’s really only missing the BIG muscles of the dude Luz thought was “questing in all the right ways” back in episode TWO.
And if you’re wondering why this take has lingered with me... It’s because I keep asking why creative choices were made for The Owl House. Why are characters like this? Why is it a kid’s show when it obviously doesn’t like that it’s a kid’s show? Why is Luz so obsessed with Eda when they spend such little time together? Let alone POSITIVE time together?
And the idea that at one point it was meant to be an adult oriented cartoon, like Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel, but was just jammed into a kid’s show sized hole so it could be on broadcast television does help explain some of it. Do I think it’s actually true? NO! God no! Absolutely fucking not. Not for a second. Or bare minimum, I REALLY hope not. Also, I do want to point out that I don’t think the show would be GOOD like this, just that it leans weirdly on these sorts of tropes and writing styles and that it accidentally gives really awkward ways to interpret these characters, especially when what we’re told doesn’t match what we’re shown.
But ever since the concept was introduced to me, I could never quite get it out of my head. And I guess I just needed others to suffer with me. I’m sorry.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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hellvcifer · 5 months
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ღ I write for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss !! That being said, I have preferred characters to write for though I try my best to understand all characters. If you're not sure if I write for someone, then ask first or send the request in and I'll answer if I don't. I won’t write for certain characters – sometimes it’s due to personal reasons or I just don’t write them well.
# sidenote.
• I will only write Angel Dust platonically with female readers. • I will write Angel Dust romantically with gn!readers. • I will not write any romance with Valentino. • I will not write any romance with Niffty. • I write for charlie & vaggie, fizz & ozzie, and moxxie & millie as polyamorous relationships only (But! I can write platonic relationships for them individually).
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Disclaimer: While I enjoy Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss; I do not condone or support the actions of the creator vivziepop.
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naneun-no · 2 years
Forget touching grass, go kiss somebody.
Long rant ahead, you’ve been warned 😬
For a community that relies so much on reading peoples’ body language and tells, the majority of BTS shippers seem to have a concerning lack of understanding of how actual humans living a life work.
I swear. Y’all will sit and analyze the hell out of three seconds worth of slowed-down content, but ignore any and all context, extraneous factors (aka concerns that don’t have anything to do with romance and can make someone appear upset, closed off, or just plain tired) and everything that happens after those all-important three seconds.
Looking at you, anons who I’ve seen all pressed over the fact that in the We Photobook Sketch, Jimin was initiating most of the Jikook moments. Some of y’all are insecure jikookers, some are from another ship trying to have a gotcha moment, and some are probably just new to things, but… keep in mind:
1. Content isn’t always released in chronological order.
Yes, this photoshoot behind the scenes is the most recent content released, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most recent thing that happened. @kanmom51 had a great post about this whole photoshoot, and took a guess that it happened around Sep 2021. I think that’s probably right, based on haircuts/colors and piercings. Which would mean this “distance” between JK and JM that you all think you picked up on took place BEFORE: JK getting his attendance stamps in JM’s room all day every day in late 2021, the infamous and adorable “should I come see you?” birthday vlive, and the ass-grabbing, forehead-touching, finger heart-giving, bridal-carrying Jikookery Foolishness Fest that was PTD Las Vegas.
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And just because late 2021 and 2022 was a gold mine, and because I know y’all try to dismiss concert behavior as fake fanservice, it was also before: “I’ll keep holding Jiminie ✋😛🤚”, “happy birthday BRO,” the attentive giddy love sesh that was aerial yoga, and this flirty ass conversation:
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So… try to orient content on the timeline before making judgments based on it. It will save you a lot of anxiety.
2. Learn the difference between focus and coldness.
Not always, but in general, JK seems to (I’m gonna use an ADHD term because I have it and I strongly suspect he does too but obviously I don’t know for sure don’t come at me) hyperfocus on things, particularly when it’s something like a work photoshoot where there are likely a lot of staff around and there’s a job to get done. Yes, he can goof off at work with the best of them, but for stuff like this (which had a stricter, more professional vibe than say, filming a Run BTS ep), he’s almost always the more reserved one, while Jimin seems to have an easier time shifting between his silly, flirty side and his fierce professional model side. The man can turn it off and on like a light switch, while JK seems to have a harder time shifting his attention and coming in and out of “work mode” (also an ADHD thing, just saying). So yeah, we see JM making eyes at JK in between shots, we see him turning toward JK while JK keeps his gaze on the camera. To me, this does not read as JK being disinterested in JM. It reads as “I have a job to do and I need to stay in the zone or I’ll look dumb as hell in these photos and I’m too pretty for that.” Just my take 🤷‍♀️ Which brings me to…
3. Context is everything.
My spouse and I have been together for nearly 10 years. We still have moments where we are over-the-moon into each other, and we also have moments where work takes priority, where we aren’t as attentive as we should be, where one of us wants attention and the other is focusing on something else (not saying that’s necessarily what was going on during the photoshoot, but it’s possible and a much more reasonable conclusion than JK suddenly falling out of love and JM not noticing). If someone were to make a short video recording us on any given day, our interactions might vary. We might look super close; we might look a little distant. Because real humans in real relationships have normal fluctuations like that. If assorted, curated clips from a 7 minute video (think about that — that shoot probably lasted 4-5 hours at least, and they showed us 7 minutes) are your basis for deciding whether a couple is broken up or still together, you’re basing a whole lot on very little. Which is why I say…
Go Kiss Somebody
Like, not without their permission, but you know what I mean. Go experience falling in love, go connect with someone else and see how every little facial twitch you or they make is not evidence of the deterioration of your whole relationship. When shippers try to make a ship sink or sail based on the micro-expressions on someone’s face during a zoomed-in, slow-mo, three second clip, they reveal that most likely, they’ve only ever experienced romantic relationships in the context of novels, fanfic, tv shows and movies. In other words — stories. Because in a love story, every little detail truly IS about the romantic plot line, otherwise the editors would have cut that superfluous stuff out, because they’ve got a story to tell. But real relationships aren’t like that. Real relationships aren’t streamlined love stories with rising action and a climax and a resolution; they’re real people living meandering lives that happen to include immense love. And that’s the difference. Shit, that’s a whole other post…
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justalia · 1 year
Idk if this makes sense tho but I feel like I was in the state of “waiting” and “trying” all along, got myself extremely exhausted wondering where is it when I’ve been in the state of “manifesting” it instead of just being the person who has it. I got so mad at my 3D that I’m doing everything correct feeling the wish fulfilled too still I’m not seeing any changes. I constantly would run back to 3D seeing if my sp confessed or even texted and not seeing it there felt so miserable wondering why isn’t it happening for me, fell into the rabbit hole of comparing. I was so state oriented being crazily aware of what state I’m in rather than just being. How can I shift to “being”? It just seems impossible atp. I have the same circumstances as you in this case, we were in situationship and went no contact because he didn’t wanna commit and do long distance with me. I still feel so heartbroken about this and miss them so much at times. I want a relationship.. I want to feel loved by them. I’m just so tired of wanting it and waiting for it tho. I’ve literally tried everything I could, read edwards post and neville, tried applying but I feel so stuck and hopeless rn. Like I’m doing smth wrong.
okay let’s start from the basics (read the posts i have pinned if you want to know more).
1. define what you want: a relationship w sp. THAT’S YOUR END.
2. imagine yourself in a scene (if you can) or just imagine feeling how you would feel were you and your sp together NOW. (not when they confess/text, imagine how you would feel where you already in the relationship). THAT’S YOUR END.
3. that’s it. you selected the reality you want to experience NOW and you can continue experiencing it bc now you know you have it in imagination (you experienced it) continue being.
4. stop expecting change from the 3D as for what the 3D is showing you now is what was once in imagination. you can’t change a past state. everything happens inside of imagination so if you experienced it NOW how can you wait for something to happen? the reality you are now aware of (in imagination) ALREADY IS SO! there’s no movement nor change to be expected from the outside.
this being said the 3D will INEVITABLY shift according to your imagination BUT it DOES NOT MATTER!!! the 3D is only showing you what was already supposed to happen in order for you to get to the end YOU ARE ALREADY AWARE OF IN IMAGINATION.
the 3D can ONLY confirm imagination. SO if you start worrying about the opposite happening or notice lack or even notice yourself waiting for something remind yourself of what you are experiencing NOW in imagination: YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE OUTSIDE. YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE IMAGINATION AND BY DEFAULT THE OUTSIDE ADAPTS.
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heartless-aro · 2 years
Where did the word aromantic come from?
In the early 2000s, the aro community resided mostly in asexual spaces. As I discussed in a previous post, the first use of the word “aromantic” (as it is used by the aro community) was on April 26, 2002 on the Yahoo group Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA) by a user named maxnova100. This user said the following:
It’s quite disheartening to see friends of mine sacrifice what was once important to them (friends, pets, work, hobbies) for the sake of trasient “relationships.” Now, it’s understandable that people make such sacrifices for spouses and children, but those who throw aside things that once defined their lives to make time for a fling that they know won’t last more than a month, that to me is incomprehensible.
As such, I’d have to say that I’m not so much asexual (in that I have some sex drive, though probably much less than what’s “normal” for someone my age) as averse to having “romantic” relationships. They take up too much time and emotional energy (I’ve always felt emotionally drained and tired after what few “dates” I’ve been on) and subtract away from the things I really value in life. The concept of putting my hobbies, work, and avocational interests on the back burner for the sake of keeping a girlfriend entertained seems about as appealing to me as having a 100 pound ball and chain around my ankles.
Nor is this due to being a “loner,” as I enjoy the company of all types of people as friends and casual acquaintances. What would be an appropriate term for somebody who is not quite asexual but who dreads the concept of being in a “relationship?” Aromantic (LOL)?
The term aromantic didn’t really catch on for a while. In July of 2002 on AVEN, David Jay linked an article which drew distinctions between alloromantic and aromantic asexuals, who were referred to as “romantic asexuals” and “non-romantic asexuals,” respectively. The link to the article no longer works, so I cannot read the article itself. However, according to user AVENguy, “The distinction [between romantic asexual and non-romantic asexual] seems to be ‘those who wound up in relationships’ and ‘those who didn’t.’”
Following this, we begin to see the term “non-romantic asexual” used more often, sometimes as a self-descriptor, to describe those who are asexual and uninterested in romantic relationships. While this isn’t exactly the same as how the word aromantic is now used, we can consider this an early predecessor to the word aromantic.
Another predecessor to the term aromantic is seen in a 2003 orientation poll on AVEN, where users were asked to select whether they were “straight-asexual,” “gay-asexual,” “bi-asexual,” or “asexual-asexual.” According to many in the comments of the original poll, “asexual-asexual” referred to those who did not experience romantic or sexual attraction, i.e., those who we would now refer to as aromantic asexual. (16.84% of respondents, or 302 users, voted for this option.)
We see one of the earliest known uses of the word aromantic (other than the 2002 use on HHA) in 2004 in response to another AVEN poll. The poll asked whether users were non-romantic asexual (“I don’t do romance,” 55.63% or 84 respondents) or romantic asexual (“I voted in the ‘asexual romantics’ poll,” 44.37% or 67 respondents). While most commenters were describing themselves as either romantic asexual or non-romantic asexual, on October 11, 2004, one commenter by the name of pejoratist stated that they were “Very aromantic here.”
We see the word aromantic used again in 2005, in a comment on the 2003 orientation poll (the one which included “asexual-asexual” as an option). In reference to the term “asexual-asexual,” one user by the name of Live R Perfect replied “Surely aromantic asexual would be a better way of describing it?” Following this, we begin to see the word taking off. Over the next few years, more people comment on the orientation poll, describing themselves as aromantic asexual, and in a 2005 AVEN thread by MobiusX, we see several commenters during that same year describing themselves as aromantic.
According to AUREA, AVEN users began to use the word more frequently around 2008/2009, forming somewhat of an unofficial aromantic community within the existing asexual community. By 2010, we begin seeing specific forums and other online spaces meant for aromantics, outside of asexual spaces. This is when the aromantic community began to become its own entity, distinct from yet interconnected with the asexual community.
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
bird primary + snake secondary (bird model)
hi! apologies if this is all over the place, im going a little crazy. so, i am going absolutely crazy trying to figure out my primary and secondary. i used to think i was a snake bird (modeling badger snake), but then i started thinking about it and went “hm. maybe im actually a double snake?” and now im thinking i might be a lion snake or . something. i have absolutely no idea. i do know ive either exploded or burnt both primary and secondary at some point though.
So some Exploding or Burning, probably an Internal primary (Snake or Lion) with an I Move secondary (Bird or Snake.) Let’s see what we have. 
so, ive always thought i must be a snake primary because i’m very people-oriented (and i regard people with a certain type of possessiveness), but thats mostly because like… i have an intrinsic fear of being alone thanks to lgbt things (im aromantic - so the internalized arophobia and fear of dying alone is REAL big, esp considering my ex was just straight-up an arophobe) and mental illness issues (i have autism and ptsd that both mesh together to create my being incredibly anxious when around new people/situations - which doesnt lend itself well to interacting with others, so when i do latch onto someone, i latch on HARD). 
Just breathe. It’s okay. But yeah, that’s survival mode human stuff. We do have Burnt secondary language “not good at dealing with new people/situations” etch. And you *did* apologize to me first thing, which is my favorite litmus test for whether a secondary is burnt or not. 
i would not feel bad dropping each and every person in my life for literally zero reason other than i didnt like their vibes. in fact, i really wish i felt comfortable enough to do that! 
Cool. That’s kinda badass. Make me think Idealist primary... and probably Lion, who are classically the most comfortable being loners. 
im so tired all the time, and being the resident mom friend doesnt help that at all. 
ooooh we’ve got a burnt secondary, compensating Badger secondary model. (Or possibly just badger secondary.) 
ive honestly started getting a bit resentful of my friends bc i feel like theyre making me take care of them (though i know they arent).
That’s a common problem with Badger secondary people who aren’t *really* protective of their boundaries. 
so… i guess it would be helpful to explain my morals and motivations, huh?? to be blunt, i really dont know what they currently are. ive started pulling away from relying on other people. which is really healthy for me i think. i used to rely on my ex in particular to handle all of my morals (with them convincing me i was actually evil in the process - they were abusive) and im really glad that im healing enough to stop outsourcing at least that, but im still trying to build up… something to rely on. 
You’re the second SortMe post in a row that to use the specific phrase “outsourcing my morals,” but I don’t think I’m going to sort you the same way, and I’ll tell you why. 
Mainly what I am doing here is making what I consider to be statistically likely guesses. I’ve read a lot of these, and it’s enough to start seeing patterns. And I can tell you that “gaslighting ex” is MUCH more of Burnt Bird primary story, than a Burnt Lion primary story. Put that together with “I’m trying to build up... something to rely on”... and I’d be very surprised if you weren’t a Bird, friend.
i really dont ever feel quite secure. especially not enough to actually express myself as myself. hopping from relationship to relationship has been my stand-in for support up to now, but relationships are just … augh. i dont like them. ive always also felt a drive to protect and care for people (and animals! i wanted to do wildlife rehab growing up, and on the people side ive been interested in anthropology) in need
Sounds like a pretty good start to building a system. 
which sounds very badgery on paper, but honestly i cant relate to badgers really at all. something about it just doesnt really fit me, i guess? i cant relate to the community aspect of it. like yes, every person is a person, but also like. thats not whats important to me. i want to do good things, and be good, or at least better than i was before, and yes that involves taking care of those in need (to me at least), but its not… like how badgers are typically described. i dont even have anything against badgers, i really like them, but im just. not that.
You’re not a Badger. You like some of the values, but your life is not built out of communities, and you seem to like it that way.
i have also almost never forgiven anyone in my life. the few times i have ended up being mistakes, so never again. 
There was another Bird primary post that made the important distinction that there’s forgiving someone... and then there’s letting them back in to do the same thing again. 
on the snake side, i feel like i might have used to rank people according to how important they are to me, but i think that was more of a learned thing than anything else. i really admire snakes, and i want to be one, but i feel more like im just . not being genuine when i think of myself as one, even though thats what i get each time i take the official shc test (which i have recently taken the 2.0 one) and what ive considered myself to be for years now. its stopped fully fitting (unless im somehow gaslighting myself here) and i really dont know what to do about that. 
You also weren’t in a very healthy place recently, and it’s a lot harder to get a read on yourself when you’re not doing okay. (Not impossible, just... harder.) 
like, ill live, its really not that big of a deal, but i still have emotions and its still difficult. i dont like being wrong.
That’s also sounding pretty Bird to me. Both “I don’t like being wrong” and the “my emotions are difficult.” If you were a Lion, those emotions would be your compass, but Birds don’t work that way. 
on the how i do things side - i tend to react very aggressively when what/who i care about gets fucked over, and see no problem with being vicious or lying, acting, whatever i need to do to get my point across. i dont view it as bad. whatever works, works yknow? 
Okay, so you’re probably a Snake or a Bird secondary (which you knew.) And I do see where that Snake primary false positive is coming from. You have some Snake values in your system for sure, but you don’t sound like a Snake when you talk. 
i do like planning at least an outline before things, but im also perfectly content throwing it out the window. though i do enjoy collecting little bits of info i can use later! and learning! and using what i learn! but its very much a “oooohhh this is fun!!!” type thing. 
So that’s at least a fun Bird model (and it seems like every single neurodivergent person has a Bird model, so that’s not all that surprising.) 
i am not a hard worker. at all. i HATE doing things the badger sec way. it sucks and i hate it and i just want to get things done with immediately right now.
Hmm. Now that sounds very In-the-Moment, doesn’t it? I’m starting to lean Snake. 
one thing i very clearly remember from childhood is that once, in middle school, i hung out with a group of mostly boys and we were like. the loner weirdo kids. and one guy smacked me across the face for whatever reason and i immediately went “if you do that again, i will kick you directly in the crotch,” and then he went “i like you!” and we were. ig friends? from then on. Guys.. idk 
Guys are known to socialize like that sometimes. 
i didnt really have that much of an opinion on him that i can remember. i thought i was a bird for a while because of the aforementioned “oh learning fun!” thing and my reliance on at least a light plan, but then i thought about what i do under pressure. and i realized that i go fully improv, and that i feel better doing that than planning. 
Yeah, I bet it does. 
because planning also sucks and i dont really like it. ive tried using planners before and its…. so hard to keep up with….. now, my mom is a lion sec and i dont understand her AT ALL. like yeah, i can imitate her and also push through things directly, but my god is it uncomfy. id prefer to poke around and get a handle on things first, so i can have more of a finesse to what i do. 
Oh this is such classic Snake secondary stuff. Right down to the way that Snake Secondaries do not get Lions, and vice-versa. Also, I dunno, from all the examples given, I would not describe you as “not good at interacting with others.” 
i tend to favor seduction and assassination or rogue-ish routes in games, if that helps any. 
It does. (Snake.) 
sometimes my mom will be set on doing things a certain way and will be metaphorically banging her head on a wall, 
like a Lion 
and ill be in the corner desperately just like “mom please let me do this please let me hand you a different way to do this oh my god you are killing me here that isnt going to work”
Yeah, that seems like a pretty clear communication disconnect. 
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seascorchd · 2 years
.ೃ࿐ ( calum hood , cis man , he/him ) a little birdy told me TEDDY CORNISH just moved to sunset hills . have you met them yet ? they look somewhere around TWENTY-FOUR , if i had to guess ! pretty sure i heard them driving down the street playing IT WILL COME BACK by HOZIER , they sounded a little pitchy but they had the spirit ! must be their favorite or something . hey … it looks like they just moved into SUNSET VILLAGE . have you heard about what they do for a living ? someone told me they’re a MARINE BIOLOGY GRAD STUDENT , but who knows if that’s even true . guess we’re just gonna have to wait and see . nervous ? maybe you should be . sunset speaks just posted about them … apparently they’re RESIDENT ID 008? between you and me , i think that might spark some things in the community … but what do i know ! you guys might get along just fine ! ( finn , she/they , 24 , est . )
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HI there !! I’m finn (she/they). feel free to hit me up here or on discord
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  jude theodore cornish, Teddy
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty-four  , novemeber 1  ,  scorpio
hometown  : las vegas, nevada
gender  ,  pronouns :  cismale  , he / him
orientation  :  bisexual , biromantic
height : 6′1″
relationship status :  single
occupation  :  marine biology grad student
positive traits  :   kind , patient , funny , loyal .
negative traits  :    reluctant , busy , tired , spread thin .
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent
aesthetics  :   sunrise at the beach , homemade lunches , a fridge covered in kid’s art, music always playing, a winter bonfire.
TLDR: Teddy is raising his three sisters, after his mother’s passing. He’s in his first year of grad school and is trying to relearn how to be a young adult and not a parent.
a  b  o  u  t (tw: parental death)
It really all started when Josephine, teddy’s mother, met Jude Cornish in law school. He came from a long line of entertainment lawyers and had what she claimed were “good genes”. Marriage and children came from it with very little love
After Teddy’s birth, his father moved to California due to his inability to handle the pressure of being a father. It took four years before Jude would come back to Vegas, with the two attempting to fix the marriage for their image.
Three more kids and ten years later, it was clear that Jude and Josephine were never going to be the right fit for each other, ending in a messy divorce. He kept partial custody but never visited.
When Teddy was 18, his mother got into a fatal car accident, leaving him and his three sisters. Jude was given full custody of the girls, but Teddy took him to court as he felt he was unfit to have the kids in his life. With the help of his friends (who had Extremely Rich Parents), he was able to get together a legal team that eventually won Teddy full rights.
While this was great, he was then left with a twelve year old, a nine year old, and a six year old. He took two years off from college to be around for his sisters as much as he could before he went on to attempt a pre-law program.
He found himself very stressed and spread thin, leading him to make reckless and poor decisions. It took a lot of help, but eventually he realized that he did not love law and wished to go forward with his passion of Marine Biology. Moving away from the expectations of his mother helped him get back to the right path.
With his sisters permission, the four of them moved to California to allow Teddy to go through grad school. He’s stressed and overworked but grateful all the same.
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kscriba · 2 years
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"Did you knock them out of the water?"
"Yep. One big cannonball and they were blown away." Harriet pulls on her seatbelt and picks up the phone Ty hands her. "What's this?"
"A video for you to watch. Harper wants to talk to you privately, too, but she figured her words would have more credence if she did this first."
The video is four minutes long, the thumbnail showing Harper and Masami in a seated embrace. The title is, "The Truth."
The video starts out with Harper, alone at her desk. 
"Hi, everyone. I know with a title like this, everyone's going to click on it and think it's a joke. It's not. I have something I need to share with all of you. I've been lying to everyone. 
"Ty and I are not a real couple. We spend time together, and go to events together, but we're not in love. We never have been. We got together as a strategic tactic. For Ty, he was tired of the reputation as a playboy. For me, I was attracted to his status. And this past year, this worked out for both of us. My follower count skyrocketed, I was being invited to events I never even dreamed up. As for Ty? He and his family stopped getting harassed on the streets. He was able to finish his degree without being accosted by women in the hallways. That's all he ever wanted—peace, and privacy.
"But things changed. Ty fell in love with someone. Someone I care about. Someone I've hurt through my actions. Someone I want to say I'm sorry to. And that's not all.
"You see, another reason I started this fake relationship, even though I didn't know this at the time, is because… There's someone I'm in love with. And I worried about the reactions of my long-time fans and followers. People started making suggestions, writing long blog posts explaining how the two of us were involved. And I panicked. I wasn't ready for the world to know about something I hadn't even figured out yet.
"For the longest time, I've been in love with Masami. But it wasn't until after I was in a relationship with Ty that she developed feelings for me. At that point, things were already working out so well for me. So I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.
"But that ends now. If you followed me because you were interested in my relationship with Ty… I'm sorry. I understand if I get mass-unfollowed. But my life isn't as perfect as I make it out to be. Even with the 24/7 streaming, there are things I hide. But I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to make the people I love do that anymore.
"I want to be selfish and ask for two more things. The first is that you respect Ty's privacy. It's all he's ever wanted. If he decides to make a public statement on this, that's his choice. But I'm making this statement with his consent.
"Finally, please don't badger me about my orientation, or call me your lesbian or bi queen or icon or anything like that. All I know is that Masami is the only person I've ever been attracted to or want to be with. I don't want to think about labels, or having to be a good representation of a certain community."
"But feel free to call me your lesbian queen!" Masami laughs, poking her head in the frame. "Sorry, I got all emotional watching that. I love you—!" The video cuts off as Masami tackles Harper with a hug, their smiles squished together.
Harriet stares at the screen until the phone turns off. "It was more of an explanation than an apology, but it's a start. You wrote most of it, didn't you?"
"Some of it," Ty says, eyes on the road.
"Mhm? You wrote the line—let's see, what was it? Oh, right, the girl Ty fell in love with."
"Actually, it was Ty fell in love with someone. No mention of a girl. Could be a man for all you know."
"Are you going to tell me you love me, or do I just have to hear it secondhand from Harper?"
"Oh, you mean the way I heard that you love me?" He pulls into a parking spot and nods towards the restaurant. "Let's go. You can tell me all about how much you love me later."
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Hey!!! For the 2022 fic asks: 🤩 😮 😍 (no need to do all of them!)
Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉
Hello! It's several weeks later don't mind me I know the answers don’t really require explanations, but I put them in anyway so answers under the cut to keep space lksadjf
🤩 What's your favourite fic you posted?
So I'm gonna choose two, since I have different relationships with each fandom I write for:
DSMP: Seaside Gladiolus I’m having so much fun with the style of this, and it has a more fantasy vibe that I don’t usually write, so it’s quite different from my other fics. It also means a lot to me, because it’s probably the realest I’ve ever gotten with a fic. I’ve put a lot of my own thoughts and experiences into it, and seeing other people relate to or just enjoy reading it feels like it’s worth it, y’know? I can’t wait for what comes in the next chapters!!
Death Note: Frostbitten This fic is super fun to write because it’s a lot lighter than my usual stuff, more humour-oriented and not as serious subject matter. It’s also allowed me to go back to something I had negative associations with (figure skating) and remember what I love about it! I’ve actually started skating again just because of writing it slkfjsdlkfj
😮 What surprised you this year? Was it reception to a certain fic? A direction change in one of your stories? 
The engagement on Springsteen honestly took me by surprise, ngl. Like, I wrote it for people who have had the same sorts of experiences growing up, but I guess I hadn’t expected it to go as far as it did? And reading some of the comments and stuff from people who could relate really meant so much to me, and it made me feel less alone.
😍  What's one of your favorite lines or exchanges you wrote this year?
I know it says one, but I have a couple dlkfjsdfl
“Morning, sunshine,” he teased. “Fuck off,” Mello replied cheerfully. (Safe From The World)
Matt didn’t think he was ever going to get tired of seeing Mello like this. He was leaning out the window of Matt’s car, laughing into the wind as it ruffled his hair and whipped it back. The sun setting over the ocean bathed him in golden light, and if Matt were a religious man, he’d swear he was looking at an angel. (Safe From The World)
“What can a mortal do to take the pain from a god? Dream, this isn’t your burden to bear.” (Seaside Gladiolus)
Thank you for the asks! Sorry for the long-winded answers ^^’
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hircyon · 2 years
1,4,11,23,25,38,43 :>
1. Your first OC ever?
Strictly speaking, a blue and purple (and I mean CRAYOLA blue and purple) German Shepherd furry named Karma, that I made when I was 10 or something.
I really don't remember my first fandom OC. I'm not sure when I got "into" fandom. My most complete memory was Harry Potter, but that wasn't the first time I’d been obsessed with a media. Maybe the first time I was seeing and creating content within the context of fandom (as opposed to me @ 11 spamming a Redwall RP board with character submissions because I didn’t know what RP was, I just liked to make little guys).
I sure did make the Mary Sue-est of Sues to ship with Sirius. I don't remember her name at all but I do remember that she was genuine royalty but didn't know it until late in her "story," so she had like 6 names, because that's what I thought being regal was like. I think one of her middle names was "Tundra Aurora" I'm not shitting you. She was also an incomplete shapeshifter due to a tragic accident in her youth where she was struck with an errant spell (the one that uhhhh turns you into an animal. I'm NOT doing HP research in this day and age) and that somehow meant she could turn into any creature at will. Because of reasons. I really went off the shits.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I almost never talk about Neira, Ayo's mom. She's traditionalist, for a Phindian, which means she tends to see people more as extensions of their value to other people and communities rather than individuals. That's what she thinks is most important. She's results-oriented and practical, a skilled negotiator. By the time she had Ayo (who was a surprise late pregnancy), she already had 6 kids and was tired of parenting. Not to say she didn’t put in the effort...but she was tired. Neira made a strong effort to lead Ayo in the right direction, but she let him be passed around with the families of her older children and cousins quite often, rather than keeping him strictly in her home.
She's strong-willed and emotionally withdrawn. She carries the trauma most adults her age do from the Syndicat's rule. Ayo never comes to see eye to eye with her, especially concerning his career as a pilot, which she sees as a selfish and frivolous pursuit. Neira openly regrets not sending him to a boarding school for part of his education, and sees his inability to serve his community and family as her own failing, as much as his.
I answered 11 in a previous ask. This post is going to get long, so
23. Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
I think Ayo has changed the most in his iterations. He used to be kind of bland. Still a pilot, still ran away from home to pursue being a pilot, but without any of the trauma or sensation-seeking coping mechanisms. Without any of the nuance or depth. He was just Astrid’s rock, originally. The responsible one in their relationship. It’s funny that the roles have fully reversed. He loved her deeply and put up with her emotional instability and flighty, violent behavior. I was very lonely and hardcore projecting when I created him; it showed.
I think he’s better now. He has purpose as a character outside of some vague sense of eternal love. He has an internal compass and goals that direct his behavior, reasoning that comes from within, not only because of his relationships. All of that has changed about him, and fairly recently (the last couple of years).
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Uuuhhh in fandom I take pains to NOT make characters too like me because I’m boring and I’ve got Mary Sue trauma. But. It would be Ponnik, now that I think about it.
He’s a little overweight, totally average height, totally average everything. Smart, sure, but not a genius like Moralo or Osi. He’s really into hologaming, but usually keeps it casual because he’s got a family and a wife to support. He’s the emotional rock, the stable one, the constant. A homebody. A little boring to people who like to go out a lot, honestly. Has a similar sense of humor to me (maybe less meme-y than I am). He’s also got a fluid sort of he/they thing going on that’s pretty similar the blasé way I treat my own gender. Dad culture’s just got a certain appeal.
 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
You want technical perfection and physical power, that would be Astrid. But there’s no soul in her dancing, the way there’s no soul in any art she creates. If you want passion, that’s Ayo. But he can only dance at the club. Would be hopeless at something more structured like ballroom dancing.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Jesus Christ my standard OFC is the same character every single time I hop fandoms for any reason. I like stone-faced, icy girls with long hair, emotional constipation, and high cheekbones. They’re usually thematically tied to wolves or dogs, even if it’s a universe where I can’t blatantly make a furry (I’ll usually make a furry).
Outside my One True Girl, most of my characters are bi, in part because I gotta rep, and because it’s just easy to write a lived experience. They tend to have complex relationships with their families. Hard to find a character of mine that had a perfectly decent childhood (there are some). They tend to have some manner of mental illness or neurodivergency, even if it’s well-treated and doesn’t negatively impact their lives.
I tend to roll up traits I find funny or interesting like katamari around the concept of a character until it feels fully fleshed out.
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alien-ally · 2 years
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Koisenu Futari
Finished watching koisenu futari. The moment I saw it on tumblr I knew I had to watch it and to no one's surprise it has been life-changing. Representation wise and story wise it just kept getting better all the way. I had a smile on my face throughout, while different emotions flickered in my eyes.
Within 4 hours, they tackled so many of the jabs aro/ace and loveless people get, it got sort of overwhelming. And the fact that they did it without being insensitive towards any of the downplayed identities. Without using the ‘we can still feel xxx love' or 'we can still form xxx relationships’ to validate aspecs. Cause no matter where you lie on the ace/aro/apl spectrums, you shouldn't have to be redeemed. The variety of interpersonal relationships portrayed was just chef’s kiss. The entire scene of Sakuko in the aspec club. How one pair of people only called each other when they needed help and still referred to each other as family. Seeing that made me incredibly happy, as an aplatonic that desires some form of a comradeship. Reminded me once again that it’s okay to work out something out of the norm, as long as it’s comfortable for me and those involved.
Personally, as someone with zero allies in real life, I've depended solely on myself for reassurance. So it gets exhausting. Terribly so. Figuring out that you greatly differ from the majority at a young age and battling the perpetual estrangement that follows. Realizing that apart from my family and a few friends no one might ever get to see certain sides of me. Only to get heart broken by my parents who may never truly understand me. For all the times I felt hopeless, every night I spend scrolling through tumblr and aven forums unable to fall asleep. All the instances I thought of coming out to my brother and parents, except dint because I was waiting to reach an age at which my words would hold more credibility. Dealing with the incessant triggers strewn around carelessly. For every single time I felt compelled to justify my experiences and orientations, my right to know myself, when my touch-aversion and lovelessness felt like a disability. The sheer horror and befuddlement that crept up to me while watching the news, finding out about the monstrosities that happened to young girls , children and women. None of it comes from trauma, but without me knowing, at some point, being this way became my trauma. All of it has been portrayed awesomely by this show. It reminded me that although it may seem that way for now, I'm not alone and will eventually find more people like me.
I enjoyed all the characters in the story cause despite their initial bad responses towards their beliefs getting challenged, they were willing to learn. Willing to accept even if they dint necessarily understand. Some even eager to learn more (spoiler: Kazu). But most importantly watching this made of realize just how many tropes could come up if we experimented with aroace characters. We only get crumbs of representation but just IMAGINE the countless plotlines and relationship dynamics we could come up with for aspec characters!!! Including the fake dating trope, lovers to realizing you're aspec to becoming allies trope and so much more. There is so much waiting to be explored. I'm tired of watching people marvelling about love. Now can we please explore lovelessness? I tell you IT'S JUST AS EXTENSIVE as the mighty love itself.
This is probably my hundredth time editing this post. I just can’t finish expressing what I feel about this. Each time feels as though I’m missing out on something. The ending was the most best and perfect ending to ever exist. In the end, home is just somewhere you can return to, someone you can split chores with, someone that motivates you to try out intense recipes (cause when you get to share the food you make is when you reach true content of a successful recipe), someone to help you with your vegetable garden and house maintenance. Someone you can go shopping with. It’s literally anything you want it to be. A family (subject to change) is what you want it to be.
The many times the words aromantic and asexual was shown on screen was simply immaculate. Each and every word uttered by Takahashi deserves a separate frame. From his dream of building a vegetable kingdom to his eccentric udon making tactics. Plus yes, his love for crabs. Can't miss out on that. Sakuko's amiability, love for long coats and Kazu's neverending absorptivity topped off by Maya's affection for pandas.
I give this show an absolute 10/10. Someone is saying we should replace 'sending love' with 'sending cabbages' among aroaces omg that sounds amazing.😭 Underrated vegetable cabbage supremacists please gather around immediately
Okay I'm finishing off, as for my last words: Yeah. People who can't fall in love exist. I'm one of them. But that's not the point. The point is
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
To your anon that just sent that message that Nain is 20, the larger issue here is that they (JK solo’s) used something she said when she was STILL a minor to justify JK being interested in her/women. Using the words of a minor is not only problematic but disturbing. And also, why is it only when he interacts with women that we see it as proof of his sexual orientation?.
If people just removed their homophobic glasses for just a second they could see things differently. Like did you know he took Yugyeom on a date?. He went to the JYP dorms, went inside and waited for him and then they both went on a bowling date. But if it had been a woman then people would have automatically confirmed they were dating. Why? Can’t men and women not be friends? Are we still living in archaic times where it’s beyond our comprehension that we can have platonic relationships with the opposite gender?.
Also, can we please stop generalizing queer people on how they present. Just because Jk presents a certain way doesn’t mean that he couldn’t possibly be gay. Rapper Jeon Jungkook once rapped Namjoon’s verse in ddaeng and I think you all should listen to it/read the lyrics “Who do you think you are to approve me, Frogs that living up to their name, to die in a well, I will sincerely pray”. A frog in a well is a story about a frog who thought that their small well was the entire world AKA, you’re narrow minded, and you’ll never grow, never learn, and never see anything past your ignorance because of how small minded you are. Yeah maybe that was harsh, but I’m tired of the homophobia and generalization 😠.
Um PLEASE PAY ATTENTION KIDS @arabellafella IS TALKING and making a lot of sense soooo.... I KEEP TRYING TO POST THIS AND TUMBLR KEEPS SUCKING. It is super annoying and I am so sorry because seriously I'm half scared that in about an hour FOUR OF THIS POST will show up. All with variations on "Arabella is AMAZING" and "y'all pay attention or you will get a devastating chancla to the cabeza this person has good aim okay" and seriously.
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gif courtesy arabella of the flying chancleta JUST READ IT. Hey, @arabellafella - Jungkook loves you for this post. As do I.
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