#There’s so much about it that makes me want to shake Manny by the shoulders and scream WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU WERE ALIVE
highrollerslounge · 8 months
I understand why a lot had to be cut while Grim Fandango was being developed, but whenever I revisit the puzzle document and read the part about Manny’s brother, I am ALWAYS struck with horrible longing for that puzzle to have been made
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astro-ellie · 1 year
thinking about being abby’s best friend and absolutely hating owen. you don’t think he deserves abby at all, he’s such a douche. he’s just not good enough for her, that’s it.
it’s totally not because you’ve been hopelessly in love with your best friend for the past five years. nope, it’s cause she could do so much better than that. owen is an idiot. he’s not her boyfriend yet, but they’re definitely past the talking-stage now. just a matter of time before they make it official.
when abby shows up at your front door for your weekly sleepover, snacks in hand and her bag hanging off her shoulders, you push your thoughts about owen to the back of your mind and focus on her instead. focus on abby, focus, focus, focus.
when you’re both laying on your bed, watching some old romcom on your computer, you don’t notice the way abby looks at you. you’re fully focused on the screen, but abby’s eyes never leave your face. it’s not until she reaches over the pause the movie you look up, and the look in her eyes is enough to have you blushing.
“hey…” abby nibbles on her lip before continuing; “is something wrong?” there’s a concern in her voice, and she looks genuinely worried. you stay silent for a few more seconds while your eyes dart around her face. you hope, hope she doesn’t notice the way your eyes linger on her lips.
“what do you mean?” you’re playing dumb now, you know she’s not really talking about tonight. you’ve been acting weird lately, avoiding your friend group and when you do actually spend time with them you don’t really talk too much anymore.
but how can you tell abby it’s cause her stupid boyfriend is there and you hate his guts? that something is wrong, and that is that she’s with him and not with someone like you.
“c’mon, something’s off. you can tell me, we’re friends right?” and abby bumps her shoulder into yours, and nibbles on on her lips again. just hearing the word friends is enough to make the feeling of disappointment spread in your chest. letting out a defeated; “yeah, we’re friends.”
abby just keeps on looking at you, waiting for an explanation why you’ve been weird. you can tell she’s not going to drop it so eventually you cave in. “just don’t do wanna get in the way, or like i don’t want to… third wheel? just don’t wanna…”
it’s a lousy excuse. really, how can you be the third wheel when manny’s always there? you’re like, the fourth wheel.
you feel a little bit embarrassed when looking at abby, but she just seems confused. “who you third wheeling?”
“uh, you and owen?” now you’re the one confused. who else could you possibly be talking about? are you missing something, or has abby been hit by a sudden wave on amnesia?
the embarrassment you felt earlier just grows stronger when abby starts laughing at you. it’s not a mean laughter, more like a surprised one. still stings though.
“me and owen aren’t- we’re not together or anything.” abby just leans her face closer to yours, and you can practically feel her breath on your own lips.
a bitter “yet” is all you let out and abby can’t help but smile at the pout on your face. she lets out a breathy laugh, bumping into your shoulder once again. “oh my god, me and owen are not going to get together. ever.”
“but i thought-“ and before you can finish your sentence, abby interrupts you. “i’m not even into owen like that. i like someone else” abby’s words has you speechless, feeling your cheeks heat up in frustration. so it’s not owen that you need to worry about, but someone else. great.
somehow it felt worse that it was someone else. because owen has always been a douche. it’s easier to compete against an asshole like him than someone who’s actually nice, and funny, and pretty. three boxes that this mysterious crush probably ticked off.
“what? who?” your hands are on her shoulders now, and you playfully shake her. abby just smiles mockingly at you before she presses the space bar on your computer, the movie you had forgotten about how playing again.
“hey! you gotta tell me, we’re like best friends, best friends tell each other everything” you wince after speaking, cause you don’t tell her everything. guilting abby into telling you about this crush when you haven’t told her about your crush feels low, but it’s too late now. your words are left hanging in the air, until abby suddenly starts speaking again.
“okay, okay. i actually thought she knew i liked her, been into her since forever.” she completely lost you the moment she said “she” instead of “he”. ever since you two first became friends all abby ever had eyes for were boys. and you had learnt to be fine with that, knowing that she would never look at you like she looked at those guys.
you didn’t know if it made you happy to hear this, if it felt good knowing you had more of a chance with her than you initially believed. it did feel a little bit like you were playing in the same league now that you knew she had eyes for women as well.
but you knew that there was no guarantee that she one day would reciprocate your feelings just because she liked women. it felt bittersweet, and lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice abby had stopped talking. slowly, she closed your laptop completely and moved it further away from you two.
when she moved in front of you and into a sitting position, you finally snapped out of it. sitting up as well, trying to play the way you zoned off. “sorry, you were saying?”
“i said, i thought she knew. that i liked her. but i’m not sure anymore” it almost felt as if she was teasing you, with her head leaning to the side and that small playful smile on her lips.
“really? why’s that?” clearing your throat, trying to make yourself sound casual and cool. abby leans forward a little bit, and whispers as if she’s telling you her biggest secret. “she keeps on inviting me to her apartment for weekly movie dates. but i’m starting to suspect that she thinks they’re friendly hangouts and not dates”
if there’s one thing abby anderson has always been good at, it’s making you speechless. tonight is no exception, and if honestly takes you a good minute to manage to get any words out.
“oh my god, abby! you’re totally fucking with me!” it does feel a little bit humiliating, but obviously abby doesn’t know you like her like that. so how would she be able to know about the hurt her joke left you with?
“no, i’m not!” all she does is laugh at you, grabbing onto your shoulders before letting out a soft; “it’s you. i like you”
and before you know it, abby presses her lips against yours. it’s a soft and quick kiss, innocent and pure, but it’s enough to make butterflies spread through your body.
”wait- why, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” it’s hard to get the sentence out, all you can focus on is the way abby’s staring at your lips.
“like i said, thought you knew. until you started getting so jealous over owen” and you open your mouth to deny the accusations before you realise there’s no point. also, abby likes you back. who cares if she knows you were jealous of owen? “even manny knew, said he could see it in my eyes and all. didn’t realise you’d be so oblivious-“
“abby, just shut up and kiss me again.” and abby grins at you one last time before leaning in, your lips so close they’re almost touching. she mumbles something against your mouth before pressing another kiss, this one much longer and less soft.
“yes, ma’am”
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 
Someone is knocking on his door when Eddie wakes up from his impromptu nap at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Although there’s nothing impromptu about his nap since he literally spent the whole day in bed feeling sorry for himself.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, past self who thought it’d be funny to write about his knight in shining armor when high as fuck.
He knows the knocks are either the kids, here to beg him not to cancel the campaign, or Steve, coming over to let him down easy. And he doesn’t want to deal with either one.
He’s just so embarrassed, and like, he knows Steve won’t laugh at him. He will a little, probably, but not meanly.
It’s just the ‘This is flattering Eddie, but I don’t feel the same’
It's the ‘I hope we can still be friends’
It’s the ‘I care about you but not that way’ of it all Eddie really fucking hates.
The knocking hasn’t stopped and it’s getting more insistent so Eddie sighs and gets up. Time to face the music, he supposes.
He opens the door so hard it bumps into the wall, revealing a slightly surprised Steve outside.
“Harrington,” he says and turns, walking back inside. He flinches once he’s turned at the thought his dramatics might have left a dent in their brand new government-hush-money-bought house.
How is he going to explain it to Wayne?
‘Sorry about the wall Wayne. I needed to do the equivalent of slamming the door shut but while opening it before I got rejected.’
Steve walks in behind him and closes the door softly, following him to the kitchen where Eddie is leaning against the cupboards with his arms crossed.
Steve leans against the counter right in front of him. The kitchen is nice but leaning on the smaller side, so there’s not much room between them. Eddie watches as Steve takes a neatly folded paper out of his pocket.
And his shoulders go all the way up to his ears when he sees it’s the character sheet. Steve delicately unfolds it and puts it beside him on the counter, straightening it with his hand, softly, caringly.
It makes Eddie nervous, “If you’re here to laugh at me, just get it over with already,” he tells him.
Steve looks at him, smiles kindly, and then his smile gets bigger and bigger until he’s chuckling, but still kind, “I’m sorry but,” he breathes, “Harry Stevenson? Really?”
Eddie snorts, unable to help himself. It's so dumb.
“Who would that make you? Manny Eddinson?” Steve says, outright laughing now.
Eddie starts laughing too, “Yeah, okay, okay. Laugh it up Harrington,” he says, completely red in the face and motioning with his hand in a ‘go on’ gesture.
Steve shakes his head, “No, no, it’s Stevenson to you,” he says, but then he sobers up, shaking his head again.
“Wait, sorry. I didn’t come here to laugh at you Eddie,” he tells him, standing up straight, making the distance between them seem shorter, “I came here to tell you something.”
Eddie sighs and looks at the floor, at Steve’s white snickers at his own bare feet.
“Let me guess,” he says, “You’re flattered, but–”
“I’m in love with you.”
He stares at Steve. Stares and stares, but Steve is just looking at him, biting his lip with a faint blush adorning his cheeks.
“Is this real?” Eddie asks him in a whisper.
And Steve points at the sheet, “Is this?” he asks him.
Eddie blushes even more and nods once.
Steve smiles bashfully and takes one step closer to him, “So, can I keep it?” he asks, and it takes a minute for Eddie to figure out he’s talking about the character sheet. It’s hard to think when Steve is standing so close.
“Can I keep you?” Eddie blurts out.
Steve’s whole face illuminates with the brightness of his smile, and he lets out a small noise, a happy little hum of a sound that Eddie knows he’ll dream about for the rest of his life.
Steve lifts his hand and moves Eddie’s hair away from his face. He grazes his cheek as he tucks a few strands behind his ear, smoothes them when he gets to his shoulders. He continues to trail his fingers down his arms, all the way to his hands and takes them, holds them.
“Is this real?” Eddie can’t help but ask again.
“It is if you want it to be,” Steve answers easily.
Eddie nods and closes the distance between them with a kiss.
And Steve chuckles because Eddie didn’t actually stop nodding before attempting to kiss him, so he has to chase his mouth up and down for their lips to properly touch.
They both end up giggling into each other's mouths, but then Eddie takes a deep breath through his nose and tries again.
He grabs Steve’s face with both hands and inclines it for a better angle, deepening the kiss, exploring the inside of his mouth with his tongue, and then sucking Steve’s own tongue into his mouth.
Steve moans and pushes Eddie into the cupboard and Eddie retaliates by pushing Steve back and crouching slightly to grab the back of his thighs and lifts him. Steve yelps and laughs into his mouth as Eddie places him on the counter and Steve opens his legs to let Eddie stand between them.
He hugs him, burying his face on his neck and Eddie circles his waist with both arms and presses himself flush against his chest.
Steve sighs and then moves back a little to look at Eddie. He moves his hair out of his face again, lifting his bangs, and kisses his forehead, and then his nose and his cheek once, twice, three times quickly, and Eddie laughs.
“I wanted to do that for so long,” Steve sighs, still holding Eddie’s face between his palms.
“You? Wanted? Really?” Eddie stammers, because his brain left the perimeter a long time ago.
Steve giggles and leans in, touches their foreheads together, and nods.
And Eddie kisses him again because he doesn't know how to say what he wants to say. He kisses him and he hopes it gets the message across. He kisses him and he lets his hands talk, his lips confess, his body speak.
He pours everything into it and when they pull apart to breathe, Steve whispers, 
“Take me to bed” And he knows Steve understood him.
The sun is gone when they get back to the kitchen, wearing each other's boxers, with Steve also wearing one of Eddie’s shirts, and fuck does it look good on him. He tells him as much as he kisses his cheek and hands him a glass of orange juice.
Steve is back to sitting on the counter, and Eddie groans when he sees he’s looking at the character sheet that’s still laying innocently beside him.
He steps between Steve’s legs and Steve immediately makes room for him, putting one arm around his shoulders and pushing the paper out of Eddie’s reach with the other.
“You really want to keep it?” Eddie asks against his neck and kisses a bruise he left there a couple of hours earlier.
“It’s so embarrassing! I was high and pining and a little horny…”
Steve laughs, and buries his hand in Eddie’s hair, scratching the back of his head, “Of course I want to keep it! It’s probably the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
“Well, that’s just sad,” Eddie snorts.
“Shut up,” Steve tells him and pulls at his hair, making him groan and then laugh.
He moves back an inch or two to kiss Steve’s cheek and catches him still staring at the paper, tracing where his name it’s written backward,
“You have no idea how happy this made me,” Steve whispers, and Eddie fucking melts at the way his voice sounds, oh so tender, “When Dustin showed it to me-” 
But something clicks when Steve says that. Dustin said he hadn’t looked at it, the little shit. 
“Oh, I’m going to fucking kill that gremlin.” 
Steve laughs, “Don’t be too mad at him,” he tells him, rubbing his hands up and down his back, “Yes, he did something shitty, but he just wanted to help.”
Eddie just grunts in response, his mind going through a hundred different scenarios of how to punish him.
“I was never going to confess to you Eddie,” Steve admits.
“But he knew I liked you and thought I needed some encouragement. That’s why he showed it to me.” 
“You told Dustin you liked me?” Eddie asks him, smiling.
But Steve snorts, “No. The little shit accidentally overheard me.”
That prompts an ugly laugh out of Eddie and then they are both laughing again and then kissing again and again and again until the moon is high in the sky and their eyelids are heavy.
They go back to Eddie’s bed, Steve on his back and him between his legs, head resting on his stomach.
“I quit Hellfire,” Eddie murmurs sleepily.
Steve hums, “Of course you didn’t. But I don’t think it’s a bad idea to wait until Dustin apologizes before you come back. Make him sweat a little.”
Eddie chuckles and moves to bite Steve’s tummy right above his belly button before kissing the spot and resting his cheek over it again, “God, I love you.”
Steve pinches his shoulder lightly for the bite, “Love you too,” he answers back and after a moment he asks,
“Should we tell them?”
“It’s up to you,” Eddie tells him, “They already know I’m gay.”
“Really?” Steve asks him, curious.
“I noticed Will was struggling with it, so I made one of my characters gay just to test the waters. I made it clear there was nothing wrong with him, or me. And when they had questions I answered them and-”
He gets interrupted by Steve pulling him by his face and kissing him soundly.
“That was so nice of you. So fucking brave,” Steve tells him between kisses.
“You make me feel brave,” he confesses.
So yes, it’s up to Steve when he wants to tell The Party, because he knows, he’s sure, whatever comes their way, they can deal with if they’re together.
𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱
part 1: ❤️
part 2: 🧡  
part 3: 💛  
part 4: 💚    
part 5: 💙  
part 6: 💜
part 7: 💗
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
Two Worlds
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Summary: How does Manny handle finding Juice in his sisters house. Sons/Mayans AU. 18+ Flashbacks/Time Jumps.
This was requested by @hatersaremymotivators using the prompts number 2. I'm not the right man for you and number 7. Stay away from my sister.
Neither man spoke for a moment as they stared at each other. "Go ahead and finish putting your shirt on." drawled Manny his face giving Juice no hint as to what he was thinking. Juice yanked his black tshirt down quickly and stepped to the table where the Mayan was sitting. "You must be Manny. Lupe has told me a lot about you" stated Juice as he extended his hand out to shake. "Odd she's not said a word about you" replied Manny as he leaned back in the chair letting his words fall between them like grenades.
Juice nodded as he withdrew his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. Angel and the others had warned him about Manny. That he wouldn't approve of Lupe dating a Son. "Listen man. I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. Finding a random guy in your" started Juice trying to make light of the awarknedness. "I'mma cut you off. Facts are I never wanna see you in my sisters house, around my sister, say her name ever again after this moment" stated Manny as he leaned forward on his elbows his eyes never leaving Juices.
"Are you asking me to break up with your sister?" questioned Juice taken aback. "No I'm telling you. You two should never have been together in the first place. I get my sister being a bit naïve on the danger but you? Your a grown man who knows the darker side of the leather we wear. Sons and Mayans might have an alliance now but what about when that gets broken? Mayans and SONs will both want her dead." snapped Manny his voice tight and low with anger. Juice was shocked at the venom in Mannys voice and couldn't speak for a moment. "I would never let anyone hurt Lupe. Your sister" started to reassure Juice before Manny sighed and stood up. " Look, I've been told your a good dude and that you are treating Lupe like she deserves. I appreciate that but I want you to stay away from my sister. This will be our only talk on the matter." stated Manny as he made his way out of the kitchen. "I don't repeat myself either by the way" called Manny over his shoulder.
Four Months Prior
"The regal Guadalupe is gracing us mere peasants with her presence tonight boys" greeted Angel as he kicked EZ out of the chair for her. "Eres un niño"(you such a child) stated Lupe as she rolled her eyes at Angel. "I love when you call me names mami" purred Angel as he leaned in to her space. "¿No recuerdas qué pasó con el último hombre que entró en mi espacio personal? (Do you not remember what happened to the last man who got in my personal space?). replied Lupe as she patted his cheek as she smiled at him. "Sí. Lo enterré. (Yes. I buried him) answered Angel with a chuckle.
"You two are so weird" muttered Coco as he took a drag off his cigarette as Gilly nodded in agreement. "Says the man who pretended to be his daughters brother for most of her life and now wonders why she wont listen to him" snipped Lupe making Gilly and Angel laugh. "You know you could be nicer" replied Coco as he rolled his eyes. "I'm letting your kid live with me. How much nicer do you want me to be" replied Lupe with a raised brow. "I have a list" replied Coco with a smirk as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. "On that note I'm going to get another beer" replied Angel as he stood up while Coco and Lupe bickered away.
A couple hours later a guy with a mohawk and tribal tattoos on his head caught Lupes attention as he spoke to Bishop and a man named Chibs who was the President of the Sons. Lupe sipped her beer as she studied the well muscled man with a gorgeous smile. "I'll catch you guys later" stated Lupe as she stood up and made her way over to the bar where the men were now standing.
Juice had been casually scanning the crowd still not feeling quite at home in the Mayans clubhouse when a leggy brunette with curves he would love to travel stepped into his view. Juice felt his soul leave his body when there eyes met. He was so entranced in her aura that he didn't register she was speaking to him until he felt Chibs nudge him in the back.
"I'm sorry I didn't hear you" half fibbed Juice as he felt himself start to sweat as she cocked her head to the side. "I said, hi I'm Guadalupe but you can call me Lupe. " repeated the gorgeous woman in front of him as she let her eyes drift over him. He's even hotter up close Lupe thought to herself. "Juice" replied Juice as he stook out his hand to shake. The feel of her soft skin against his roughened made sparks fly as she laughed. "Something tells me your momma didn't carry you for months on end and endure birth to just name you Juice" joked Lupe as she smiled at him. Juice chuckled as he nodded. "Real name is Juan Carlos" he explained as he took a sip of his beer to calm his nerves. "Juan Carlos. I like the sound of that" purred Lupe as she put her hand on his forearm. "I like how you say it" replied Juice as he shot her a wink.
Next Morning Lupe's House
Lupe had just stepped into her kitchen, where Letty sat drinking coffee and eating breakfast ,when she heard her front door open and Angel call out. "To what do I owe this early morning visit?" inquired Lupe as she walked into the living room yawning. "Did you bed a Son last night after you ditched your friends?" inquired Angel with arms folded as he shot her s sly look. "Hmm, I dont' think I understand your question" replied Lupe as she put on her best poker face.
"I'd say you gave him that good shit cause he was up before me and made us both food before that old man with scars picked him up just so you know. So like keep that up cause he cooks better than you" inserted Letty as she joined Angel and Lupe in the living room. "Letty" grumbled Lupe as her face warmed and Angel dropped to the floor laughing. "What? You deserve to have your back" started Letty making Angel howl louder with laughter as Lupe cut her off. "Enough! Room now please" snapped Lupe as she closed her eyes. "That kid is great" stated Angel as he wiped tears from his eyes after a couple minutes. "If you must know. Yes and we are going out to dinner next weekend" sighed Lupe as she made her way back to the kitchen with Angel hot on her heels.
Present Day
The clubhouse door slamming open and an angry tirade of Spanish mixed in with English had every Mayan in silence. Lupes eyes were ablaze and her mascara streaked cheeks were a sight as she scanned the room for her brother . Manny sighed as he slid out of a chair and made his way to her. "I'm a grown ass woman!" snapped Lupe as she jabbed her finger into her brothers chest. "Hell yeah she is. Look at that grown woman body" shouted Angel as he tried to diffuse the situation. "How dare you tell Juice to break up with me. Have him telling me " I'm not the right man for you?" continued Lupe each jab getting harder as her temper flared. "He's not Lupe. Being in two worlds is " started Manny as he stepped back slightly as his chest ached. "Screw you" interrupted Lupe as she stepped back into his personal space.
Want more Juice? Click here
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elliesflwrgirl · 1 year
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cw, just plot! fight to fluff
summary: you and abby have been in a situationship ish type deal, and she hears you’ve been getting real close to a new soldier
this was a request but i lost the actual request so…sorry!!
if u enjoy this reblog and like pls!! i love u.
.·:*¨¨* ・❥・ ≈☆≈ ・❥・*¨¨*:·.
over the past few months you and abby had gotten a bit closer than friends…sleeping in the same beds, kissing occasionally, and as of two weeks ago, fucking.
abby wasn’t very good at communicating how she felt and neither were you. so you two danced around the subject of you guys. things weren’t awkward if anything things just felt right. you loved being around abby and she couldn’t wait to see you after patrol everyday.
when she came home tonight you had already passed out, staying up late at night was not a strong suit of yours. so she smiled as she saw you passed out on her dark blue bed sheets, she just thought you were the prettiest girl she’d ever seen. she decided to catch up with owen, hanging out over at his place.
“so how’s it going with you and your girlfriend?” he teases and abby rolls her eyes. “she’s not my girlfriend, dickhead.” she sighs and he nods his head, “but you wish she was, huh?” abby rolls her eyes again and owen nods.
“i’d make that abundantly clear because she’s been hanging out with some girl…new soldier, but they were pretty cozy.” he tilts his head as he looks at abby. “what?” she asks quickly and he shrugs his shoulders. “they didn’t kiss or anything but the tension could be cut with a knife!” he jokes and abby shakes her head.
“uh, i’ll be right back.” she takes a moment to herself in the bathroom. she tries to think this is a misunderstanding but then again, it didn’t have to be. you weren’t hers. she wasn’t yours. you guys were…friends. as much as she wished that wasn’t the case, that’s the truth. you guys are nothing but friends.
she cursed herself, you’re so fucking stupid abby she thought to herself. she marches out of the bathroom, “mind if i crash here?”
you woke up that morning to find abby’s usual spot empty. panic jolts through your body, you sit up quickly. throwing a jacket on and pulling your boots on before running to manny’s place. he hangs with abby a lot after patrol, he’d know if she was okay or not.
you bang on his door like a god damn mad man. “manny!” you shout and he opens the door in just underwear, “god damn what do you want?” he rubs his tired eyes. “abby didn’t come home last night? did something happen? is she okay?” you rush out and he shakes his head in confusion. “last i heard she crashed at owens…she was pissed about something,” and with that your panic subsides only slightly.
pissed about something? “well thanks,” you rush out before walking back to your apartment. your brain racked up reasons abby might be upset. did something on patrol? did someone say something to her? did you do something?
as you’re walking back home you see abby and owen, you run over to abby. wrapping your arms around her and she stiffens under you. you slowly pull away and look up at her, “abs…are you okay?”
owen coughs, “i’m gonna go get breakfast…” he slowly walks off. you furrow your brows, squeezing abby’s arms through her jacket. “i’m so glad you’re okay, i really thought…” you shake your head not even able to fathom what you thought happened.
“are you okay?” you ask again and she purses her lips, “i’m fine, i’ve gotta go eat.” she pushes past you and you stand still for a moment, in completely and utter shock, what just happened?
you grab her shoulder, “abs…cmon what’s wrong?” you ask again and she shakes her head. “nothing, i’m just fucking stupid. say hi to the new girl for me.” and with that she catches up with owen. “what? you’re not making any sense!” you shout to her but she ignores.
you scoff, crossing your arms and rushing back into your apartment. you felt like crying and you felt hopeless. why is she suddenly so upset with you? you start to get dressed, and as you head out you hope this is just some mood she’s in.
you head to the cafeteria, grabbing a breakfast burrito and finding abby, owen and manny. you sit down next to abby, just like you always do. she immediately stands up, tossing her tray in the trash and storming out of the cafeteria. you widen your eyes and look at owen, “what the fuck.” you gape at him and he shrugs his shoulders.
you stand up and follow after her. seeing her head outside, “abs!” she keeps walking. “abby!” you shout and she walks outside, you run catching up to her, “abigail!” you shout and she turns around. “what do you want?” she throws her arms at her side and you recoil, “i…did i do something?” you furrow your brows and she rolls her eyes.
“nope.” she starts heading out into the snow covered trees. you follow after her, “then why are you being such a dick?” you are a few steps behind her at this point, close enough to hear her scoff. “i’m not.” she huffs and you grab her arm, “well you’re clearly pissed off.” she rolls her eyes, “oh am i? i hadn’t noticed.”
“abby just tell me what is wrong so i can fix this! i can’t fucking function thinking you’re upset with me!” you shout passionately and she shakes her head. “nothings wrong! aren’t you supposed to be on patrol with the new girl right now?” she crosses her arms and suddenly it clicks. this new girl.
“are you jealous?” you scoff and she rolls her eyes, “why would i be jealous? you can fuck whoever you want.” she turns back around, trudging through the forest. “except im not fucking her! im not fucking anybody.” you cross your arms as you follow after her.
“well that’s really none of my business.” she mutters and you scoff, “are you serious? are you just gonna act like we didn’t fuck last week on patrol?” you feel anger building up inside of you and she stops in her tracks. “that…that was a mistake.” she mumbles before continuing to walk.
“you really feel that way?” you ask softly, praying and hoping that she doesn’t. she turns around, “yeah i do. so can you just fuck off and go do your job?” she shouts at you and you nod your head. tears brimming your eyes. “uhm, okay.” you turn around, not wanting to cry in front of her.
you walk a few feet away before you hear her voice, “fucking damnit.” a few steps behind you. “wait,” she grabs your shoulder, turning you to face her. your face red, tears sliding down your cheeks. abby’s face fills with empathy, “fuck, no, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry.” she wipes the tears off of your cheeks, pulling you into her chest. “i’m sorry, baby. i’m sorry, okay? i didn’t mean any of that. i just…” she shakes her head as she brushes your head softly.
you sniffle into her chest, “i didn’t mean it. i don’t regret it. it wasn’t a mistake, okay?” she pulls you away, cupping your cheeks in her hands, looking you in the eyes. “i just…i know we aren’t a couple so i felt embarrassed and stupid for thinking we would be exclusive and then i felt even more humiliated that i even cared it’s just all so fucked up.” she shakes her head as she brushes her thumb over your cheek.
“but you didn’t do anything, okay? this is all my fault…i should’ve talked to you.” she speaks softly and you nod your head. “why didn’t you just ask me?” you frown and she shrugs her shoulders, “it’s embarrassing,” she frowns and you shake your head, “no it’s not, you can tell me anything. i love you abby—“ you hault your words as you hear yourself.
your face reddens from embarrassment and you widen your eyes, staring at abby. she has a soft smirk on her lips and she raises her eyebrows slightly, “you love me?”
you shake your head, “no, no, no, i just blurted that out, i know it’s too quick to say that i mean we aren’t even together,” she presses her thumb against your lips, making you shut up. “it’s not too quick,” she explains and she smiles softly down at you. “i love you too.” she states and you grin against her thumb.
she pulls her her thumb away from your lips, trailing her hand down your neck, gently holding it. she leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips, tasting your salty tears from before. you wrap your arms around her big muscly shoulders, kissing her back.
she pulls back slightly with a grin, “this means you’re my girlfriend right?” she hums and you toss your head back laugh, “yes, idiot.” you roll your eyes playfully and she nods her head, “good, just making sure.” she whispers against your lips before kissing her girlfriend for the first time.
.·:*¨¨* ・❥・ ≈☆≈ ・❥・*¨¨*:·.
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lizzieisright · 9 months
Avengers!AU as I promised. It's rushed because the movie is fucking 2.5 hours long and I'm not rewriting the whole thing, because this is just for fun. I also didn't proofread it, sorry for mistakes/misspellings.
Cap!Abby x Black Widow!Reader if you squint really hard.
Also I gave the reader Natasha's last name (the proper one, not the weird one, sorry, it bothers me to this day).
So we start with Shield base getting attacked by Jinx (Loki) so she could take Tesseract and destroy the Earth because it's her sister's precious place. Sevika (Nick Fury) gets pissed off at the blue haired maniac of a girl and she loses Manny (Hawkeye) so she is furious.  
You (Black Widow) are somewhere in Russia, in the middle of interrogation, when Maria Hill calls to inform you that your buddy is now a baddie and you kick everyone's asses and immediately get on a new mission. You head off to India to persuade Caitlyn Kiramann (Hulk) to help Shield find Jinx and rescue Manny, promising it's only about her physics knowledge and not about the green giant woman she can turn into. 
At the same time Sevika makes it to Captain Anderson, to persuade Abby to help Shield. Abby, still not really adjusted, still so mad, agrees. (Now can you imagine that scene when Steve is beating the punching bag and you can see his back and ass and biceps? Imagine it with Abby). 
Now Maria Hill has the most insufferable person to recruit: Ellie Williams. The Iron Woman is not someone who'd want to work with Shield, she is not a team player and prone to anger, so Maria just wants to bash her head on the elevator door while she gets to her floor on the Williams tower. Thank God for Dina (Pepper) who can make Williams do anything, because Ellie takes the documents and starts working on it. (She is a little excited: she'd get to work with Caitlyn Kiramann! But she also sees Captain Anderson and rolls her eyes: she heard too much about her)
During the flight to the helicarrier Maria gives Abby her new uniform and Abby politely thanks her while inside she screams in agony: didn't Shield watch the war chronicles? Did they see that this atrocity with a fucking skirt was her performance costume? (I have personal vendetta against Cap's costume in this movie)  
The first person Abby meets on the helicarrier is you. 
"Agent Romanova. Captain Anderson." Maria introduces you to each other and you nod politely.
The deep winter in your eyes makes Abby feel understood. She doesn't know you, doesn't trust you, but she feels like you two have something in common. (It's a trauma and a sense of humour). Her cheerful naive side died in arctic ice, and what was left now found a familiar soul in you. 
"You really revived American patriotism." You chuckle and Abby chuckles too. "I didn't think miracles would still happen in our time, but here you are."
Abby wouldn't call it a miracle, so she stays silent. And then a tall woman stumbles into her, so Abby steadies her by her shoulders. Abby saw this face before: she watched the reports about Hulk. But this woman looks delicate and nervous, and the stark difference makes Abby stop for a second. 
"Doctor Kiramann." You say politely, but Abby hears a small laugh in your voice. It's indistinguishable, but Abby spent enough time around people who didn't laugh to know how it sounds.
"Agent Romanova." Dr Kiramann says with apprehension, like you're scaring her, and it definitely amuses you. "Captain Anderson, nice to meet you."
Abby smiles and shakes her dainty hand - not like the one that crushed buildings.
"The word says you're going to find the cube." 
"Yes. Is it the only thing?" Dr Kiramann asks nervously.
"The only thing I care about." Abby shrugs. It doesn't matter to her if Caitlyn can destroy all of them in a fit of rage - they need to anger her first, and Abby can't think what they will need to do for it. After all, she'll be in a lab. 
"Ladies, we need to move." You tell them and lead them inside while helicarrier gets in the air.
Caitlyn helps locate the cube and you and Abby go to Germany to stop Jinx. You thank God for years of training because when you see Abby in her old uniform it's so hard to not laugh. She looks uncomfortable and you pretend this is perfectly normal and mundane while you pilot the jet. 
"Shield didn't do their homework." You note offhandedly and Abby chuckles. 
"I hope this uniform is stronger than it looks. I usually didn't wear my costume to the battlefield." 
"I'm sure Hill made it bulletproof." Abby knows you're making fun of her and somehow this is the most pleasant conversation she had since she woke up. "Okay, she is there and she is doing some crazy shit." You point at Jinx as you get closer. "Good luck Cap." 
Abby salutes you with two fingers and jumps out of the quinjet while you get your cannons aimed at blue-haired disaster.
Seeing Abby fight Jinx is very satisfying, even if this tank of a woman is wearing a skirt. Actually - it's even better. Captain Anderson is in amazing form for 90 years old.
Hearing AC/DC in your headphones - not as good, you have to admit. 
"Agent Romanova, did you miss me?" You hear Williams' smirk and chuckle. The same annoying cocky clowness as always. 
Well, watching Iron Woman blast Jinx is also very satisfying. 
"Make your move, Smurfette." Ellie says and you snort. 
"Miss Williams." Abby politely nods while they watch Jinx surrender.
"Captain." Ellie decides Anderson is not as annoying as the stories about her. 
Jinx annoys the shit out of you, but she also worries you: she gave up too easily. Captain Anderson looks as suspicious as you are, and three of you have a private moment in the pit. 
"Something is not right."
"You mean that the Fairy with Turquoise Hair let you win? I mean, for a grandma you're pretty fit, but she could have knocked you out." Ellie looks Captain Anderson over and you know she is hitting on Abby. Abby, on the other hand, doesn't know it and just rolls her eyes. 
Then you hear the thunder and you get tense, while Jinx starts giggling. 
"What, you enjoy lightning so much?" Ellie smirks, but Abby is assessing the situation.
"Oh-ho-ho, you're in for a treat, girls." Jinx starts laughing and gets up just in time for the hatch to open and a pink haired woman to come in, grab Jinx by her collar and jump back out. 
"Yeah, no. I'm sitting this one out. " You know Vi, and you don't plan on fucking with her. But those two can try. 
"Williams, where are you going? We need a plan to attack." Abby feels rusty and she doesn't like improvisation, she likes to know who she is against. 
"I have a plan. Attack."
"Cocky motherfucker." You murmur and watch Abby grab a parachute. "Where are you going? They're gods."
"I don't believe in them, ma'am." Abby says and jumps out. 
For some reason your hand finds the cross on your neck. 
(I'm sorry I'm not rewriting the Thor and Loki scene) Vi chews Jinx out for lying and pretending to be dead and Jinx invites her to go fuck herself just before Ellie knocks Vi off. Jinx laughs and sits down, curious how this will play out. 
The three of them beef it out, but only when Vi hits Abby's shield with her hammer everything ends. Abby is tired and wants to fucking strangle Williams, but she resorts to making peace with a goddess. 
"We find the cube and you can take your sister back." 
The escort Jinx to the helicarrier and when she passes the lab where Caitlyn is working she winks at her and makes kissy lips, creeping Caitlyn out. 
Sevika is finally in a good mood as she tells Jinx what will happen to her if she tries to escape. Jinx nods like an A-student, pissing Sevika off. 
 "Ooh." Jinx laughs. "It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is."
"Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something."
Jinx asks for cosmopolitan and a caramel macchiato.
"She is unhinged." Caitlyn says and moves away from the screen. 
"Have care how you speak. Jinx is beyond reason, but she is of Asgard, and she is my sister." Vi says and you look at her. Blissful idiot.
"She killed 80 people in two days." And took my fucking best friend, you think. 
"She is adopted."
"Why is she looking for Iridium?" Caitlyn asks Vi like this golden retriever of a goddess would know. Vi panics, but Ellie saves her. 
"It's a stabilising agent." Ellie looks at Vi in her muscled glory and you want to roll your eyes. "No hard feelings, warrior princess."
Why doesn't Vi hit Williams again is a mystery. 
Ellie and Caitlyn talk about physics and you want to ask for a raise, while Abby looks as confused as you feel. 
"It's good to meet you, Dr. Kiramann. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster." 
Can Ellie Williams meet a woman and not flirt with her? 
"Thanks." Caitlyn even blushes a little. 
Ellie doesn't trust Fury and she is one of the smartest people on Earth, so after she innocently banters with Caitlyn while they work, she bickers with Abby and then she brings up her suspicions.
"You think Sevika is hiding something?" Abby asks.
"She is the spy. Her secrets have secrets."
"You don't find it weird they didn't ask Ellie to work on Tesseract when Williams tower has been running on clean energy for over a year now?"
Abby thinks, but doesn't say anything. 
You are sent to interrogate Jinx, and she looks so happy to see you. 
"You should read this article on skin care, agent Romanova. Would be of use."
"If it's about hyaluronic acid I don't need it." You say and Jinx closes her magazine.
"Soooo. What made you visit me? Wanna braid each other's hair and talk about boys?" Jinx looks as you stumble for words. "Or about the boy."
"Once you win, what will happen to Alvarez?"
"How sweet." Jinx cooes. "Your world is going to be destroyed and you bargain for your little boyfriend. True love." Jinx wipes non-existent tears. "You know what, sweets? Your honeybun is my plaything now. So when I win, and when everything on this pathetic little planet is destroyed, I will make Alvarez skin you and he will be conscious the whole time, and when he is done with you, I will make him cut his hands off for killing his boo. How about this?" Jinx smiles.
You swallow, pale from the horror.
"You're a monster." You say, terrified.
"No-no-no, sweetheart." Jinx eyes are dramatically big. "You brought the monster." 
You chuckle. 
"Oh, so Dr Kiramann is your target. Thank you for your cooperation." You nod and leave, leaving Jinx pissed. 
After that everything goes to hell. Everyone gets pissed at each other, Caitlyn hates your fucking guts for lying, Abby and Ellie almost go out to fight each other when the explosion hits. 
You fall down with still pissed off Dr Kiramann and she is not happy to see you. Her other side is not happy too, judging by her heavy breathing. 
"We're okay. Caitlyn, you're okay." 
She growls at you, and you notice you're stuck under a metal bar. You're stuck under a heavy piece of metal with Caitlyn who is halfway into Hulk territory. 
"I swear I'll get you out of here, whatever it takes." You tell her, but her voice is not hers anymore. 
"Whatever it takes?!" She growls and you get your leg out just in time, because Hulk hates you and she is definitely going to kill you. 
You run with all you have, screaming into your earpiece. 
"Can someone help me out here before Dr Kiramann tears me to fucking shreds?"
"I could take her." You hear Vi answering.
"Great, hurry the fuck up!"
Vi manages to knock Hulk out and give you time to escape, so you hide and try to put yourself together. At the same time Ellie and Abby who hated each other's guts a second ago, work together to restart the engine and not fall into the fucking ocean.
Ellie looks at the engine, but can't figure out what's wrong.
"Joel, run diagnostics." Ellie says and looks at the print of the engine when her assistant shows it to her with all damage on display. It doesn't look good. "I'll get inside and restart it manually." Ellie tells Abby. 
"It will shred you." Abby tells her and rip her skirt off in annoyance, only leaving tights on. 
"That's why you need to reverse it so I could slip out."
"And how do I do that?" 
"Red lever on the wall." Ellie goes inside the engine and starts pushing the rotor arms.
Abby stays by red level. 
Sevika is super not happy: her ship is getting destroyed and right now it's fucking Alvarez who is definitely going to free Jinx. 
"Does anybody copy?"
You swallow the terror and answer. 
"I copy."
If Manny needs his butt kicked he will get it kicked. 
Vi runs to detainer just to get into typical Jinx fog. She stumbles around, trying to find Jinx, hearing her giggles everywhere, but she hears a click and the fog disappears. Vi is in the container, and Jinx and smirking at her across the room.
"You Asgardians are supposed to be invincible. Who do you think will win? You or the beast?" Jinx jumps on the control panel and presses the button. "Boop."
"JINX!" Vi growls as she falls down. 
"Bye-bye sister!" Jinx spits and runs away. 
Abby is under attack, and she fights for her fucking life while Ellie is already saying goodbye to hers as she is simultaneously screaming at cap to PULL THE FUCKING LEVER ANDERSON JUST FUCKING DO IT
"Working on it." Abby says as she kicks the last enemy into the air.
But then she is in the air and she barely holds to some kind of wire while Williams is still screaming at her. Her suit is getting so damaged Ellie wants to cry and Joel is being so annoying by telling her the exact percent of damage. 
"I know man, stop upsetting me." Ellie says when she hits the floor with her chest again. "Cap, come on!!!"
Abby wants to tell her to shut the fuck up as she climbs the wire, but she needs to be quick so she saves time to pull the lever. As she pulls it, there is another gunfire, but Ellie flies in and knocks the man out. 
Jinx pissed everyone off. Everyone who is still on a helicarrier wants to get her head. While Manny is recovering from mind control, restrained, Abby comes to you and you notice that the skirt is gone. 
"Do you think there are any pants I could use?" Captain Anderson asks sheepishly. You assess Abby's size and go to Manny's closet to take a pair of blue cargo pants. 
"Sorry, don't have anything with stripes." 
Abby rolls her eyes playfully and leaves to change. 
"(Y/n)?" You turn around and Manny's eyes are clear. 
"Do I need to punch you again?"
"What did I do?"
"Not important. It wasn't you."
"I still did it." Manny chuckles. 
"Do you want to join our revenge party?" You ask as you let Manny out. "Cap will come here in a minute to ask us to go and fight that bitch."
"Cap as in Captain Abigail Anderson, as in fucking Captain America?"
"You can fangirl later. Yes."
Right on cue Abby appears in her new pants, her ridiculous helmet under her arm.
"She is going to take Williams tower. Are you in?"
"Maybe if I put an arrow through her eye I'd be able to sleep at night." Manny says grimly and you nod to Abby.
"In a minute."
Ellie is so pissed. This blue-haired nature mistake dared to put her portal shit on her tower. On the tower she built for Dina, the best woman in her life, and Jinx wants to parade her alien army from her porch! 
"That device has a shield, don't shoot it, kid." Joel tells Ellie and she rolls her eyes but listens. 
She lands her suit and walks to the bar to find Jinx watching her TV. She is watching The Simpsons. 
"Hello Marge, I'm home." Ellie imitates Homer as she searches for her bracelets. Jinx looks up to her, annoyed at the comparison.
"Oh, iron girl. What, you want to beg me too?"
"Actually I came to threaten you."
"Really? With what? Terrible jokes? I already have an old man to do it, what do I have to fear?"
"The Avengers." It makes Ellie cringe. "It's our little team of heroes."
"Yeah, I've met them." Jinx snorts. 
"Well, we needed some team-building, and you provided it." Ellie put one of the bracelets on. "But let's see. We have your sister, a literal goddess; a living legend who actually lives up to the legend (to my surprise); the kindest woman with breath-taking anger management issues; and a couple of assassins whose body count goes into the hundreds. And you, you've managed to piss off every single one of them." Ellie puts the second bracelet on. 
"I have an army, dum-dum."
"We have Hulk."
Jinx huffs in disbelief and slowly makes her way to Ellie. 
"Well, iron girl, I think your team will be a little busy fighting you to stop me."
Jinx taps Ellie's chest and they both are confused as nothing happens.
"It never happened before."
"That's what he said." Ellie snorts, but then Jinx grabs her by her throat, her chipped nails digging into her skin. "Joel, any time now."
"I will destroy you." Jinx hisses and throws Ellie out of the window. 
"Joel for fuck's sake!" Ellie screams as she falls, but the suit catches her signals and Ellie manages to not die. Again. 
Ellie stabilises herself and looks up to see a bunch of aliens coming out of the portal. 
"Right. Army." 
Manny flies close enough for all you comms to connect and Ellie leads you to a new set of enemies. You shoot all of them before Jinx blasts the jet engine and Manny has to make an emergency landing. 
You exit the jet and the first thing you see is a giant flying slug. You look at Manny and both of your heads have the same thought, and the thought is what the fuck. 
Manny notices people trapped and you both cover for Abby so she could run and give orders to police. You and Manny free the civilians and go back to shooting the alien assholes. 
It's weird, but it also isn't: they are enemies who just look strange, and their weapons are not complicated. You steal one and figure out how to shoot in a second, and these things don't have the bullets to run out, so you roll with it. 
By the time Abby comes back, Vi comes to you too and fries the rest of the assholes. You sigh in relief and put the stick down, listening to what Abby has to say, but just as she opens her mouth you hear a bicycle horn. 
Caitlyn is half-naked, drives the bicycle with one hand while her other holds what looks like a towel or a sheet. 
"I apologise, I had to take public transport." Caitlyn says and everyone stares at her for just a second, mainly focusing on long long naked legs.
Is everyone on this team gay? 
Well no, Manny is still straight. 
"I'm in need of some clothes." Caitlyn blushes and everyone rushes to find something until Ellie sends one of her small bots to Caitlyn. 
"It will stretch, big girl." You hear over the comms.
Caitlyn gets covered by some kind of material and she smiles at you, apologetic. 
"I'm so sorry."
"We could use some of that right now, actually." You tell her and Caitlyn nods, while she puts her long hair into a bun. 
“Dr Kiramann, it’s time to get really angry.” Captain Anderson says, still so delicately polite. Captain America is a sweetheart, and you feel your dead heart flutter.
"I have just enough repressed anger." Caitlyn turns towards the giant slug that Ellie leads to her. Caitlyn’s skin turns green as she grows bigger and bigger, and she becomes 8ft tall, her noodle arms grow muscles that put to shame Abby and Vi combined. It’s not Caitlyn anymore, it’s Hulk, and she is terrifying.
Hulk swings her fist and smashes the slug in the nose, making it flip on itself. You hear Vi gasp just before Abby jumps next to you and puts the shield over your head as pieces of meat fly everywhere. She holds you with her other arm, protecting you.
"Thanks Cap." 
"Ma'am." Abby nods.
By that time Ellie joins you, and all six of you are finally in one place.
"Call in, Captain." Ellie says.
Watching captain Anderson work is magical. Her fighting skills are impeccable, sure, but her immediate assessment of the situation and planning is just… it's nice to have someone so talented to be your leader. You don't argue, you just listen and do what Abby tells you to do. Ellie takes Manny and flies away, Vi flies away as well to fry the bastards as Abby put it, Hulk is just straight up having fun beating aliens up, and it leaves you with Abby.
Fighting alongside Abby is effortless. She is strong and big while you're agile and fast and you work as a team, looking out for each other and the best ways to attack. And while you're a killer, you aim to eliminate the threat, Abby is a protector to the bone and you catch her shielding you a few times. It's strange, but sweet - you’re not used to teamwork, to someone watching your back except Manny. The fighting is exhausting, it’s not your usual gig - you’ll have to hit the gym and not be an embarrassment like this - and you don’t see the end to it.
"You know we can't keep this up. We need to close that thing." You shout as you put more bullets into aliens.
"It has a shield on it." Ellie reiterates in your comms.
"Well maybe it's not about guns, Williams." You sigh. “I need a ride.” You look up at flying monsters. “And I just found it. I could use a boost though.”
Abby looks at you as you gain distance so you could run up, and gets into the position, angling her shield for you.
"You sure about it?"
"It would be fun." You shrug and run at Abby, and she boosts you into the air the moment your boot touches her shield. You catch on one of the aliens and fly to the tower.
Hulk is fighting alongside Vi and she is not happy about their previous quarrel, but Vi is very honourable and takes it in her own hands to make up with the beast. 
"It's my honour to be in battle with you, fair Hulk." Vi says and Hulk grins at her.
"Hulk likes." The green woman roars and they destroy a new slug together. 
"Williams, they sent the nuke." Sevika says and Ellie stops for a second, her little bombs still flying from her shoulders. 
"Are you fucking kidding me." 
At the same time you’ve found a way to stop Tesseract and you hold Jinx's sceptre, penetrating the shield around the cube.
“I’ll close it.” You shout into the comms, not really expecting anyone to protest, but Ellie stops you.
“Not until I get rid of the nuke.”   
Ellie catches the nuke and flies into the portal.
“Dina will kill you.” Joel tells her as he makes a call, but she is not answering.
“Not if I kill myself first.”
The last thing Ellie sees is the alien ship blowing up.
You close the portal when Ellie flies out of it, and all of you are relieved - she made it. Until Vi notices she is not stopping, and she swings her hammer to fly and catch her, but Hulk is faster - she climbs the building, makes a powerful jump and catches Ellie. 
It takes a very loud roar to wake her up.
“Did anyone kiss me?” You hear over the comms and roll her eyes. Everything is back to normal.
Manhattan is ruined, Williams’ tower is left with an a on it, and you all sit at the small cafe eating shawarma. You’re not a stranger to it, but the rest of the team are not as pleased as you are. Caitlyn is wrapped in Vi’s cape because even Ellie’s materials can’t handle Hulk yet, Ellie didn’t get out of her suit for this, Vi has a wound on her side, Manny looks half-dead from exhaustion, you lost your guns and Abby’s face is so dirty you want to clean her up like a toddler.
“Let’s never do this again.”
“Save the world or eat shawarma?”
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elliewilliamslover · 1 year
The Archer
2. Early Morning at the Stadium
Here is the last chapter
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Five years later...
That was all that could be heard all morning in the range as Y/n reloads yet another arrow into her recurve bow glancing here and there at the WLF engraving on the inside. She draws the string back, focuses on the target that has the outline of a clicker drawn on it. She lets out a steady breath and lets go of the string, the arrow flies towards the target and hits the dead center on the head. Y/n smiles to herself and ready another arrow when a WLF soldier walks into the range.
"Miss L/n?" He asks. "Yes?" She asks in a flat tone, setting her bow down. Upon arriving at the WLF Stadium for the first time years ago along with Abby and the rest of the Salt Lake crew, she changed her last name to avoid any stares, questions or possible fights anyone would want to start with her because of her father's actions.
"Isaac wants You, Abby, and Manny to report to the FOB." He said and left. "Ah, shit." She said, all she wanted to do was to stay at the stadium today, maybe help around with some easy tasks. "Language Senorita." She heard in a thick accent. Y/n turned around to see Manny walking into the range with Abby not too far behind. "Hey guys, what's up?" She said with a soft smile on her face glancing at Abby for a couple seconds too long until Abby made eye contact with her making Y/n look away quickly. "Oh just the usual, you wanna participate in the challenge?" Manny said, fastening a pair of hearing protection on.
"Nah, you know I suck with a gun Manny. I'll pass on losing today." She said walking to pick up her bow, slinging it on her right shoulder. "Clear?" She said looking at the other people in the room shooting guns. They looked at her and nodded their heads. She walked down the range and pulled her arrows out of the clicker shaped target and put them in her quiver. Y/n walked back and everyone began shooting again. "See you guys at the trucks and let me know who loses." She said letting out a small chuckle. Once she exited the range she threw her ear protection into a box among other ear protection muffs.
"Hey Y/n!" She heard as she turned to head to the trucks. She looked at the equipment locker and saw Pat, a WLF soldier looking her way, motioning her over. "Yeah Pat whats up?" She said walking up to the counter that had bars on it. "Nothing much, heard your heading to the FOB with Manny and Abby, also heard Mel's going too." He said, setting his arms on the counter. "Really? Thought Mel would stay, considering she's almost at her due date. Anyways yeah, we're just about to head out, Abby and Manny are getting in some target practice." She said adjusting the bow on her shoulder. "Welp since you are leaving I can't let you go with just your bow so take a gun, you'll need it as a backup weapon." He said turning around and looking for a gun to give her. "Oh it's fine Pat, I don't need one." She said, shaking her head.
"I insist." Pat said, setting a .44 Pistol on the counter. Not just any .44 Pistol, a .44 Magnum Revolver. Y/n stared at it as he wrote down her name and the gun he assigned to her. "I can't take that pistol." She said, she couldn't remember the last time she shot a pistol that big. "Well who knows if you run out of arrows out there. Plus, I already wrote it down in pen so no take backs." He said basically shoving it across the counter to her. "Fine, I hate you." She said putting it in the thigh holster he gave her. "Who doesn't? Hey! May your survival be long." He said to her as she was leaving. "May your death be swift." Y/n said, turning around to face him, putting three fingers to her forehead and saluting with a small smile.
Finally getting to the trucks she see's Mel petting Alice. "Alice!" Y/n says running up to the German Shepherd. Alice runs up to her with her tail swinging left and right. "Awe, who's a good puppy? You're a good puppy!" She said, giving her ear scratches. "Hey." Mel said standing up. "Hey Mel." Y/n says petting Alice. "Where's Manny and Abby?" She said looking around for them. "Gun range, getting some practice in." Y/n said standing up. "Y'know, even though we've only known each other for five years, you've always had that country accent." Mel said, chuckling. "Yeah still got it, you can barely hear it anymore, but never lost it." She said laughing.
Manny walked up to them, Abby shortly following behind. Y/n looked Abby up and down, taking in her facial features like she always does and looked back at Manny to hear what all Manny had to say. Ever since that day in spring when Abby and Y/n met, she immediately had a slight crush on her but never bothered to do anything about it. Abby always had her eyes on Owen who basically became Y/n's older brother. Y/n was there to comfort Abby through her and Owens' breakup. She felt a tinge of happiness when Abby came and told her about it even when she shouldn't have felt it she did. It was wrong on so many levels.
"Y/n? Y/n!" She heard and looked up from the ground to see Manny snapping in her face. "What?" She said, "You ready chica?" He said and walked to the truck and got in. Y/n let out a small sign and mumbled four words as she got into the back of the truck,
"Am I ever ready?"
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
There’s gotta be one time when Apollo keeps walking funny and no one can understand why 👀 except Jake ofc
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I have to merge these two bc they came in right after one another and they just fit together too perfectly to not! <3
Obviously, Apollo has done something to warrant this. I’m going to say she was being exceptionally bratty for the morning, refused to get ready for an event and was subsequently late — Jake got in trouble for not sticking to her schedule or something like that. Then, after the event, she has already forgotten about why she was annoyed earlier and now just wants her man. But obviously, Jake’s not going to let her off that easily.
“Come on, Jake, I said I was sorry.” You tug fruitlessly to work your wrist out of his vice-like grip, lips quirking at the corners as he shoots a look back to you. Your grin grows as your heels clack along the wooden floors. “I was just playing around.”
Jake tugs you into the office wordlessly and shakes his head. He rounds on you, shoulders squared as his toned chest presses into your front. “Do you know much trouble you got me into today?”
You giggle and lift your leg to hook it around his hip, lifting your hands to loosen the neat Windsor knot around his neck. “So, let me help you relax.”
You’ve talked about this before — about pushing him too far and acting like butter wouldn’t melt afterwards. It isn’t going to fly today and you know that. Still, bent over his knees and his hand print reddened into your burningly warm skin, you feel like his punishment isn’t as effective as he had hoped it would be when you’re moaning into the palm of your hand after every hit.
Jake knows this too. Once he’s satisfied with how hot the bare skin of your ass feels against his palm, he flips you onto your back against the cool, white sheets. You heave contentedly, closing your eyes tightly shut. Now this, his warm tongue lapping at your swollen clit, you almost laugh at him — if he thinks that this is any kind of punishment at all, then he’s a fool.
He makes you cum the first time as he always does, shuddering against his stubbled jaw. Your fingers tug at his short, sand coloured locks and he groans into your soaked core. The second time is a little more uncomfortable, but still too pleasant for you to want him to stop.
As the aftershocks of that pass through your body and he’s still lapping hungrily at every drop of soaking excitement, your brows knit together and your legs are trembling to the point of true discomfort.
“Jake,” You pant out, pushing yourself up on your elbows and shaking your head. “Stop, stop.”
His teeth sink into the meat of your thigh and pull back tenderly, sucking a bruising kiss into the supple skin. Pushing himself up and loosening his tie, his green eyes are an almost mossy kind of dark.
“Mm — that’s not the word that we talked about,” His warm, wet mouth attaches itself to your throat. You whimper softly — the word is right at the front of your mind, you know exactly what it is, but you’ve got no intention of saying it. “Tell me what you did wrong, honey.”
“Picked a boring boyfriend.” You taunt him bravely, propped up on your elbows, still trying to catch your breath. Jake pops open the top button of his white shirt, lips quirking at the corners.
Eyes wolfish, he gives a slow shake of his head. “Oh, honey.”
The next morning, you’re in comfortable tennis shoes and leggings as you walk to the plane back home. Manny frowns a little as he watches you walk up ahead of him. He’s spent enough time with his eyes on you to notice that something’s not quite right. The slight limp in every second step.
“What’s up with her?”
Jake knows that you’re being stubborn, putting on a show for his sake. It would be every single movement if you weren’t being so obstinate.
“Maybe she twisted her ankle or something.” Jake shrugs calmly.
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panjakes · 2 years
GB Ch. 2 LHS
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Pairing: deer hybrid!Heeseung × POC fem!reader
Genre: fluff; crack; neighbors to lovers au; slow burn
Ch. Warnings: profanity, helpless Heeseung,helpless m, their besties are cupids offspring
Last chapter. next Chapter
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“I-I don’t know about that mannie. Me and jay aren’t really friends. I don’t know how I could get him to go on a date with you” Heeseung says shaking his head
“Come on!! I know you had art with him last year!”She says with a pout
“I did b-but we didn’t talk plus I heard through the grape vine that he likes someone else” Heeseung says shrugging
“Is it me?” She asks batting her eyelashes
“I doubt it” Heeseung says with a straight face
“Damn Heeseung…that hurts” she says with a groan
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings” Heeseung says
“It’s okay I’m messing with you hee, how about this you get me into the guitar club and I’ll get you and Yn to hang out” she says throwing her arm around the deer
“Guitar club? What’s in the guitar club?” He asks ears twitching in confusion
“Jay” she says smirking
“Can you even play guitar?”
“Nope! But jay can!” She says laughing causing Heeseung to join in. He shakes his head as he remembers the sight from this morning
“Forget it. Yn has a boyfriend” Heeseung says sadly
“Really? Since when?” Manie asks with a confused look
“I don’t know. I saw her get into his car this morning. He picked her up. He even smirked at me like he was teasing me” Heeseung says sadly
“Were they in a jeep?” Manie asks causing Heeseung to nod. She looks over at him before covering her mouth trying her best not to laugh at her friend
“What’s so funny?” He asks
Manie swallows her laugh before shake her head
“Heeseung…that’s not her boyfriend” she says
“It’s not?” Heeseung asks, antlers twitching with hope
“No. That’s her bestfriend. He use to pick her up from work from time to time” she says smiling
Heeseung smiles and sighs in relief
“So I have a chance?!” He asks
“You definitely have a chance” Manie says giggling at her friend who was obviously excited
“That’s a relief” he says
“Sooo…do we have a deal?”
Heeseung sighs before turning to her with a pointed finger
“If I do this are you sure you can get me and Yn to hang out?” Heeseung asks with his big doe eyes
“Awww your so cute Hee!! I’ll get you a date with her I promise” the girl says holding out her pinkie
Heeseung holds out his own locking his with hers
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“I’m telling you! Your like in love with him but your too prideful to admit it” Daniel says rolling his eyes
“What?! I did admit it! This morning!” Yn says with a raised brow
“Whatever, we need to get you two on a date” he says
“No we don’t! Let’s stop talking about it” Yn says
“Yes! We do and no! Let’s keep talking about it. You two are like totally helpless” Daniel says rolling his ehes
“I am not helpless” Yn says returning the eye roll
“You are. The both of you. You two are totally in love and ignore each other. You live next door to each other there is no reason you two are in love and aren’t talking” he says shaking his head
“It’s justWhat if he doesn’t want to go on a date with me?!” Yn asks in a panic making Daniel roll his eyes
“After what I saw this morning I know for a fact!! He’s in love with you just as much as your in love with him” Daniel saus with a smirk poking at her shoulder
“I wouldn’t say love we barely know each other” Yn says taking sip from her cup
“What if he doesn’t like me?!” Yn asks making the boy groan. He grabs both of her chubby cheeks in his hands
“If he doesn’t like you he’s a total dumbass. Your beautiful smart and funny. He’d be an idiot not to return your feelings”
Yn smiles at her bestfriend
“Thanks. I need to hear that’’
“Now…you said you’ve been neighbors for years, there has to be something you know about him” Daniel says
Yn looks up trying to think of what she could possibly know about the boy
“Uh his dad is human and he’s in the army” Yn says making him nod
“Cool! Something for you two to bond over! Your both military brats!” He says smiling
“I don’t want to bond over that.” Yn says rolling her eyes
“Okay well then what else?” Daniel asks
“Ouu! I know for a fact he likes the colors red and yellow” Yn says
“Okay that’s good, anything else?” Daniel asks
Yn’s face starts to get hot as she starts fidgeting
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asks
“W-we both like to put Lego sets together” Yn mumbles
“What?” Daniel asks leaning forward
“We like to put together Lego sets!” Yn says a little louder
Daniel puts a hand over his mouth before bursting into laughter causing Yn to smack his arm
“It’s not funny! Lego sets are cool!” Yn says
“Bro nobody has the patience for that! You actually sit there and put those things together?!” Daniel asks before laughing again
“Its not that bad” Yn says
“Well I’m glad you have SOMETHING in common. Maybe you can buy a Lego set and invite him over to help you put it together” Daniel says
“I don’t know im scared” Yn says making Daniel chuckle
“Do you want me to come? I’ll like chill in the kitchen cause I know your mom isn’t going to let him go in your room” Daniel says
“Yes! You can stop me from embarrassing myself!” Yn says smiling
“Trust…nothings more embarrassing than putting together Lego sets” he says before laughing again
Yn rolls her eyes grabbing her food and bag
“I’ll meet you in the car” she says leaving behind a cackling Daniel.
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It was now after school hours and Yn and Heeseung arrived home at the same time. Heeseung stood at the end of his driveway watching as Yn unlocked her front door.
She looked over at him causing him to freeze up just like he did this morning. She gives him a smile and a small wave before going into her house. Heeseung just stood there. Like he was stuck. He didn’t realize he was stuck until his mother came out onto the porch
“Hee?” She asks
“Huh?” He asks
“Come inside why are you just standing there” she asks motioning for him to come into the house
He sighs taking one last look at Yn’s house before going into his own.
“Mom…I need help” he says taking his shoes off at the door
“How can I be of service?” She asks
“You know Yn? The girl who lives next door?” He asks
“Oh yes! She’s such a sweetheart! She’s just the most beautiful girl I’ve ever meet! Have you seen those eyes and lips? Why don’t you talk to her?” She rants
Heeseung sighs before spilling the Beans
“Mom I-I like her. I want to ask her on a date bu-but I don’t know how to do that without freezing up. Everytime I see her I end up freaking and embarrassing myself.” Heeseung says
His mother smiles holding back a squill
“Aw my baby has a crush!!” She says pulling him into a hug
“Mom!! Stop I still need your help!��� He says
“Okay okay okay! Uh get to know her first. You have to know what she likes and how she is before asking her out on a date” she says
“Makes sense” he says nodding
“Get a Lego set and invite her over to put it together” she says making Heeseung shake his head quickly
“No! She’ll think I’m lame or something” he says
“Oh boy hush! No she won’t. Her mother told me she likes to put them together! That’s something you two have in common.” She says smiling
“Really?” Heeseung asks in excitement
“Really, but you have to talk to her first” she says
“What if she rejects me?” Heeseung ask, his antlers dropping in sadness
“You’ll never know unless you ask. Worst thing she can do is say no. Remember what I told you this morning?” She asks running a hand through his hair
“I’m me and you believe in me” Heeseung says smiling
“That’s right. Now just believe in yourself” she says leaning down to kiss his forehead before heading to the kitchen
“Dinner will be ready in an hour” she says
“Okay!” Heeseung says.
And with that Heeseung was up the stairs on his laptop looking to purchase a Lego set.
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Heeseung ended up buy a flower Lego set. He saw it was pretty popular on social media and he figured they’d last longer than actual flowers
“That’s so cute Hee! I want somebody to buy me flower legos” mannie says with a pout
“You think she’ll like them?” Heeseung asks looking at the box.
“Of course! You should buy a cute little vase to put them in too” Mannie says
“What if she doesn’t want a vase?” He asks making the girl smack her lips
“If she doesn’t have a vase then where is she going put them?” Mannie asks
“Sorry.Your right I’m just overthinking” Heeseung mumbles
It was a few days later which means it was Saturday. The day Heeseung planned to ask Yn to come over and put the Lego set he bought together.
“It’s okay. Just remember, don’t freeze up and believe in yourself. Yn’s a nice girl I’m pretty confident she’d say yes” mannie says with a smile
It gave Heeseung a tiny string of hope. He nods and they walk to the door. They both stand on his porch looking at Yn’s house.
It was only next door but to Heeseung it felt like it was on the next block over. He sighs taking tiny steps
“Big steps Hee! Big steps!” Mannie says walking away so Yn wouldn’t see her when she opened the door.
Once he reached the porch Heeseung sighs in nervousness. His hands were sweating and it was getting hard for him to hold the box. He reached up knocking on the door. He looks back at mannie who gave him a thumbs up.
Moments later the door opens revealing Yn
“Heeseung?” She says
“Uh yeah. I-I was, well I just bought this Lego set and I Uh I was wondering if you wa-wanted to come to my house and Uh put it together with me” Heeseung says mentally slapping himself for all his stuttering
Yn’s face had an unreadable look
“I-it’s fine if you don’t want to! I j-just know you like these things” he says
Yn looks down at the box before smiling at him
“Yeah. I’d love to. Come in while I change” she says opening the door for him. Heeseung turns looking for mannie
She shrugs and he nods before going into the house behind Yn.
“Yes! That’s my boy!” She says giggling to herself before walking home
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NB! Chapter 3 will be posted on @brownsugarbaybee blog! So follow her and the tag #HYBED HYBRID SERIES, to stay in the loop!
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kariachi · 11 months
Random fic, Alan on the topic of his brother Jason’s animals and the showing of such.
Jason was the most put-together looking person in the barn- his whites crisp and pristine, practically glowing he was so clean, and his hair absolutely perfect- and the knowledge their mom would’ve killed him the second there weren’t witnesses if he ruined any of that was all that kept Alan from giving him a hug and mussing his hair. He was certain it would’ve helped with the nerves that were making him fidget, biting back cinders, but this was a serious competition, as he couldn’t take that risk. Instead all his poor baby brother got was a firm pat on the shoulder.
“You’ve got this,” he said. Taking in a breath far too deep to be human, Jason gave a curt nod and pasted on a confident smile.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, then huffed out some of the air, teeth clicked shut around the cinders. “I’m gonna go check on the idiots, okay?”
“Alright.” Alan patted his shoulder again and gave him a gentle push forward. “I’ll be scoping out the competition for you.”
“Tell me if you see anything interesting?”
“Of course. Now go on, git, your birds need you.” He shooed him as he said it, responding to the raspberry blown his way with one of his own. Still, Jason’s shoulders relaxed just a fraction as he headed off to check on his turkeys. Waiting until he was out of earshot, Alan looked around for any potential audience before kneeling beside the pen they’d just be fussing over.
“Muffin, Cherry,” he said, tapping the floor in an attempt to get their attention. Muffin turned to him, walked up to the side of the pen and started begging for treats, but Cherry couldn’t have been less interested if she was trying. “I’m counting on you to bring in this win. Don’t fail me.”
This same thing had been said to his brother’s chickens, and to his prize guinea Pig. Jason had been showing animals for the last four years and placed exactly once so far, with one of the crested bantams that were actually the reason they had peafowl in the first place. The summer after the Highbreed Invasion the Tennysons had come out to the fair to lend their emotional support and Ben had been apparently unable to keep his mouth shut about the poor cresteds and how ‘funny’ they looked. Jason had taken this as a personal insult- likely not helped by Alan, Helen, Kevin, and Grandma Eva’s own responses- and after Kevin had let slip that Ben was scared of peacocks, and also just happened to find an unreasonable amount of money to give him for his birthday, and a few trades with other owners over the last two years…
They now had ten peafowl on the farm, alongside four guinea hens, three turkeys, and about a dozen crested polish bantams, all belonging to Jason. Plus he’d asked for a puppy for Christmas, though he hadn’t gotten it. Alan had not let it be missed that he had only ever wanted to show cattle, which you only needed one of. His mom had not been moved, and unfortunately three grandma’s didn’t trump her. But if he wasn’t going to compete anymore, having long gotten tired of showing goats and poultry, the least he could do was try to get some wins for his siblings.
In all honesty he didn’t have much hope for Muffin, the oaten peacock was only two and his train looked awful because of it, but Cherry was a perfectly fine pied peahen and he had his fingers crossed. Alan hadn’t even bothered to talk with Sarah’s harlequin rabbit, he was certain he was bombproof and near as he could tell from hearing other people talk seemed like a shoe-in for the Under-13 crowd. Chris was exhibiting eggs and vegetables, so there wasn’t much he could do there. Really all he had left was to talk to the turkeys, maybe bring Manny around as a subtle threat, and he would be out of valid options.
“Treats,” he said, as Muffin continued to beg, “are for ribbon holders. Remember that.” Shaking a finger at him, he straightened back up and gazed out over the other gamefowl. With any luck, they were all crap.
His brother put in a lot of work, and damnit he deserved a win.
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ssshhhiiiiii · 3 months
The Lives in Cameron County
Story 1 - Re-Animated Love
Chapter 1 - What are the Chances?
Shane walked down the streets of Harlingen, Texas, wanting nothing more than a drink right now. Ms. Lemmings brought her junkyard car into the mechanic's shop for the 8th time this month for a minor repair, and bitched and moaned about every little detail that he got right, claiming he screwed it up. After all, that's what this town knew him as. A screw-up. 35 years old, and he has nothing to show for it. He's nothing but some shitty boozer with a taste for his own misery, right?
He took a deep breath as he slid a hand through his greasy, unkempt, curly black hair. When he exhaled, his shoulders slumped. He truly felt pathetic in that moment, he just can't help but beat himself over and over again. "Just a few more blocks before I can get fucked up and forget about it all," he thought.
Once he made it to the bar, he popped in, and sat on his usual stool. "Hey, Manny, get me a round of shots. Whatever's cheapest right now," he called to the bartender, Manny. Manny had been Shane's only friend, if you could even call him that, for years now. No one else gave Shane the time of day, and no one else brought Manny as much money as Shane. He had been on the receiving end of countless drunk rambles from the resident alcoholic. He knew his whole history...which is exactly why he hesitated to bring Shane his drinks.
"Buddy...I think you might want to hold off on the drinks. There's a face here that might be all too familiar to you," Manny said, concern in his voice.
"When have I ever given a shit? Just give me the shots already-" Shane was cut off.
"It's Denis. From highschool."
Shane stopped in his tracks. He looked around, and immediately spotted a short, skinny man. That same crooked nose, that same pale complexion. The dusting of stubble on his face just as pathetic as it always was, not that Shane's attempt at a beard was much better. His blood boiled for a moment as he saw him. "That fucking pussy..." he thought. He stood up, ready to approach him, only to feel a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't do anything stupid. You're on thin ice with my boss, one more fight and I've gotta kick you out for good," Manny scolded him a bit, worrying Shane's aggressive nature was about to take over.
One deep breath later, and Shane looked to Manny, "I'm fine. I'll be fine." He started to walk over to Denis. He felt his hands shaking, his mind racing. He had to make sure he was calm enough. Before he realized it, he was standing behind him. "What are the chances of me seeing you here, huh?"
I have a bunch of OC's based in Harlingen, TX, so I thought I'd share some of their stories! Most of these aren't kink oriented, but have some kinky elements. I'll be posting picrews I made of the characters, as well as any art I've drawn of them if I find any (won't be much, but yeah).
I hope you enjoyed the start of this story! Shane is one of my favorite characters I've made, as his lore is very heavy, and deep.
Warning for future chapters of this story:
Shane's backstory can get very dark and depressing, as well as that of some of his family. It involves a lot of homophobia, sexual assault, mental health issues, substance abuse, child abuse, and more. It gets pretty heavy, so consider this a content warning for future chapters
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theclixuebitch · 2 years
headcanon: in secrecy
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“Give or take two hours, okay?” Manny sighed, so done with this conversation by now. “Two fucking hours, are you fucking stupid?” was all he got in return. It was one thing, for the thousandth time, to ditch their plans to join Toby do some stupid shit, but… to firstly try to lie about it? Not cool at all. “I’m sorry. I forgot. I’ll make it up to you.” Jake raised a brow at him, feeling like he was just shot in the heart, honestly. “You’ll make it up to me; our anniversary?” he huffed, “and what exactly are you gonna do for two hours?” No, he knew better not to ask, knowing Manny would never tell… except he did, sometimes. Today, however, not much intel. “Something you’re better off not knowing,” Manny shrugged, smirking at him, which made Jake roll his eyes. “Never heard that one before…” his sarcasm seeped through, and neither had Layla. Those two were like locked in fucked-up relationships where their special someone always wandered off in secrecy. “Too bad I’ll have plans by the time you finally take a couple of minutes off your busy schedule to actually make it up to me,” he looked up at him, dead serious, leading the both of them to just meet gaze for nearly a minute, unsure of what to even say. “I don’t need one day to celebrate… us, okay? Why are you making this such a big deal?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Cause you mean a lot to me, you stupid shit,” Jake chortled back. “And you mean a lot to me, it’s just… I can’t, sorry.” Pretending to check his phone, he then gently pushed Jake’s arms off his leg before standing up from the bed. “I gotta go,” he murmured, grabbing both his jeans and shirt on his way out the bedroom. “If Jake asks, you know what to say,” he texted Toby while approaching his car outside.      Once reaching a secret location, thirty minutes later, Manny made himself comfortable inside the big mansion. Stacked with multiple famous faces, unknown faces and even familiar faces. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” an elder man greeted him, his hand wandering down his shoulder and arm – and though the man looked richer than rich, he wasn’t Manny’s type. No, he didn’t like them too old, and thanks to his witty charm, he got rid of him without any trouble. It took him some time to spot a well-known actor, a known womanizer in showbiz. Little did people know he preferred the exact opposite, so… Manuel did what he was good at; playing with his lips, handing him looks, taunting him like there was no tomorrow. Their lips were basically touching, meanwhile hands explored every inch of bare skin. The actor then grabbed his hand and led him upstairs, almost stumbling onto heated embraces between strangers on their way up. Yeah, this was way more intriguing than a stupid anniversary celebration. Or, was it maybe the fact he didn’t like it too well when things were getting too serious? Fuck it he cared. Right now, all he wanted was to rip this dude’s clothes off, though everything halted the second they entered one (of many) bedrooms. Naked, tall, and with wavy, damp hair hitting his shoulders, stood Mac. Mac Willis. Jake’s dad. Jake’s dad who couldn’t stand him. Who couldn’t stand his relationship with his son. Here. “Something wrong?” asked the actor, noticing Manny zoning out in utter disbelief. The question enough to make Mac turn his head, only to spot the two of them by the door. “N-no,” Manny managed to shake his head, trying not to mirror the older man’s astonished expression. Safe to say none of them wanted to know the other was there. And perhaps, ignorance was the only answer right now. “You like papa wolf over there?” he kept teasing, escorting Manny closer to the bed without getting any response. “You’re shy, huh?” Making him sit down on the bedside, he knelt down in front of him as his hands unbuckled his jeans. “I’m not shy,” Manny denied, instantly regretting it thanks to what followed, namely an inviting hand gesture from the actor towards Mac. It was all consensual, and even if it felt weird, Jake’s dad had always looked like a somewhat spiteful viking. Fucking hot, and a fucking nightmare at the same time. He could see the man hesitated, like… no shit, so did he. Still, they couldn’t risk their reputation… or their loved ones. To Mac, that would mean ruining his entire career and family. To Manny… well, Jake was way too special, not deserving this amount of hurt. So, they both did their part, and as much as he tried to seek out his highs with the actor, he couldn’t help but give into the dangerous territory that was his boyfriend’s masquerading dad.
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elliesirlgf · 2 years
The Devils Advocate. Pt.1
“I just had to let you know,Never meant to hurt you though.”
Synopsis: Ellie is on her quest for revenge,Y/N takes Abby’s place,Enemies to Lovers,Intense shit.
Pairing: Ellie Williams x Fem!reader (Eventually.)
A/N: I literally cannot finish a series if my life depended on it. Please bare with me </3. In the meantime,Here’s part one to a new series!! And don’t worry,Smut will come eventually. ;)
Warnings: Murder,Major character death,Language,Violence,Slow burn,Angst.
You did it. You finally killed the man who murdered your father. You spent years searching for him. You needed to avenge your father and make sure the old man paid for what he did. In the end,You got what you wanted. So,Why did it hurt so much? Was it because the auburn haired girl was screaming at you while she was pinned to the ground? Was it because you came to realize,Your father isn’t coming back? You never meant to hurt the poor girl,She just showed up at the wrong time.
Joel,Get up.
Joel,Fucking get up!
Her words echoed in your brain. Her screams when you took the last blow were horrid.
Please stop!
Please don’t do this…
Joel,please get up.
You woke up,Clenching your chest. You kept hearing her screams. Her pleads. Her promise to kill you had you paranoid and on edge all the time,You feared she’d find you and kill you. But…You brought this upon yourself.
“How’re you feeling,Y/n?” Manny asked you,Practically following you around the stadium. You shrugged,Not interested in whatever he had to say. You’d hardly been getting sleep,So that resulted in you being bitchy all the time. Manny stopped you,Putting his hand on your shoulder as you rolled your eyes. “You can talk to me.” You let out a groan,Smacking his hand off of you as you ran your hand through your hair. “Losing sleep.” You said. Manny nodded,Trying to reason with you. “Mel feels bad for what happened. She’s never tortured someone like that.” Manny said,Trying to make conversation. You scoffed,Shaking your head. “He had it coming.”
A few hours passed and you found yourself talking with Isaac. You crossed your arms,wondering what was so important. “I need you to find Owen, Bring him back to the FOB.” Isaac then went on to explain what happened with Danny,and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes,You couldn’t give two shits about shit that had nothing to do with you. But Isaac was your leader,And you didn’t have much of a choice. Isaac gave you a map of where Owen could potentially be. An aquarium. The aquarium was so fucking far. You let out a groan before grabbing the map and as you headed out the door,Isaac spoke up. “You leave tomorrow morning.”
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miracleonice87 · 3 years
1,000 Nights
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a/n: in honor of Sid’s 1,000th career game. congratulations, SPC. you’ve come a long way, baby. story set in a non-covid-riddled universe.
warnings: swearing, alcohol
word count: 3.5k+
“I’m sorry I won’t be there tonight,” you sighed into the phone with a frown, tossing a stack of media briefings on your desk. “I just… I feel awful.“
“Baby, please, don’t apologize,” Sidney said softly, but so sincerely, on the other end. “Trust me, I get it. I mean, look, I wasn’t there for the thousandth press release you wrote, eh?”
You chuckled lightly, appreciative of your boyfriend’s efforts to make you feel better about missing the one thousandth game of his NHL career — a milestone that would come only once.
“It’s not quite the same,” you mumbled. “I just hate to miss it. But Kelsey promised me she’d FaceTime me the whole time.”
You heard the smile in Sid’s voice at the mention of his teammate’s wife, one of your closest friends, as he replied, “That’s nice. Listen, I don’t want you feeling bad about this, okay? We’ll celebrate when you come down next weekend.”
You drummed your fingers on your desk, then spotted your boss, Brendan Shanahan, quietly knocking before wincing, realizing he had interrupted your phone call. You shook your head, signaling it was no big deal, and waved him in.
“You got yourself a deal, Crosby,” you said as Brendan sat down in the chair across from you, a grin on his face.
“Alright, baby,” Sidney spoke. “I’ll let you get back to it. I love you, sweetheart.”
A weak smile crossed your face at his words, but you were certain you felt your heart splitting within your chest, the sting of missing him more painful today than most days.
“I love you, too,” you replied softly. “Call me after the game. And, hey, Sid?”
“Yeah?” Sid prompted.
You paused, knowing tears would likely be streaming down your cheeks if not for your friend and colleague seated on the other side of your desk.
“Congratulations,” you said solemnly. “I’m so proud of you.”
Your chest swelled at Sidney’s appreciative hum in response.
“Thank you, my love,” he said. “I’ll call you tonight. Bye.”
You said your own goodbye and dropped your phone to the oak desk, tipping your head back, emotionally exhausted.
Brendan gave you a sad smile. “You okay?” he asked quietly.
You heaved a deep breath, leaning forward to rest your elbows on your desk while rubbing at your temples.
“I guess so,” you began unconvincingly. “Just basically feeling like the worst girlfriend in the world today.”
Brendan offered an understanding nod, pausing before sitting straighter in his chair, sniffing casually. You’d known him for years now, since you started as an entry-level social media team member with the Leafs following your graduation from Pitt, before working your way to communications director three summers ago. The two of you had formed a near-instant bond, and now, you could read him like the back of your hand.
Which is how you knew he was up to something.
You folded your arms in front of you and narrowed your eyes at him.
“What?” was your only question.
Brendan couldn’t keep the smirk from his lips as he cleared his throat and reached into his inside suit jacket pocket for a stack of papers, folded together in thirds. He placed the parcel in front of you and nodded toward it, signaling you to open it.
Your eyes never leaving his, you reached for the papers and pulled them toward you. Your gaze eventually dropped to the stack and swiftly fell to the Air Canada logo printed in the upper corner. The breath left your lungs in a flash.
“You didn’t,” you whispered, looking back toward Brendan, who was now smiling widely.
“I might’ve,” he admitted.
You attempted to restrain your emotions, but your eyes burned with tears as you looked more carefully at the papers, scanning them furiously for more information.
Toronto (YYZ) to Pittsburgh (PIT) - First Class
Saturday, February 20, 2021 - Departs 1:38 p.m. EST
You shook your head repeatedly, blinking back the wetness that now blurred your vision.
“Brendan, I can’t-“
“Don’t finish that sentence,” he warned, pointing sternly at you. “Consider this an executive order. I already told the Pens staff you’d be there, and they’re emailing you over a pass. Family comes first here — you know that. That man is your family. You need to be with him tonight to celebrate.”
Tears fell freely down your cheeks now, and you quickly stood from your chair to round the desk and wrap your arms around Brendan’s neck.
“Thank you,” you whispered simply.
Brendan patted your back affectionately before you stepped back, standing up straight as you dabbed at the fallen tears on your cheeks.
“You’re welcome,” Brendan replied as he stood. “We’ll handle things here tonight, and we’ll see you back here for tomorrow night’s game, eh?”
You nodded furiously, a stupidly big smile on your face as you returned to your desk.
“Absolutely,” you confirmed. “And don’t worry — I’ll finish what I have going now and I’ll brief the interns before I go.”
Brendan nodded once and sent a wink your way as he neared the doorway.
“Please give Sidney my best, and congratulate him on behalf of us all,” Brendan requested. “He’s one hell of a player and one hell of a man. I’m glad I have the opportunity to know him better because of you.”
Overcome by emotion once again, you opened your mouth to respond, but decided against trusting your voice. You closed your mouth and nodded at Brendan one last time before he patted the doorpost and left you to finish your tasks at hand.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you muttered upon realizing that traffic had stopped completely in the two blocks leading up Center Avenue to the arena.
You’d come through two airports in two countries, but the most vile threat to your seeing Sidney’s recognition ceremony was now two measly city blocks of Pittsburgh traffic.
Your Uber driver groaned. “Sorry, dear,” he said. “Looks like we’re gonna be backed up for a while.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” you assured, glancing at your phone to realize that it was already 6:42, giving you about ten minutes to get inside if you wanted to witness your the pregame festivities honoring your boyfriend.
You had only one option.
“You know what?” you began, unbuckling your seatbelt and reaching for your bag. “I’m just gonna run. Thank you so much for your time. I swear I’ll leave you a nice tip. ‘M sorry for leaving you stuck.”
You watched your driver’s eyes widen in the rearview mirror. “Miss, I don’t think that’s a good idea!” he tried to protest.
“Don’t worry,” you said. “I know my way. Again, thank you.”
With that, you jumped out of the car and set off toward the arena, walking briskly up the hill leading to the entrance. Your breath created small white puffs in the frigid air, and you pulled your coat around your waist more tightly, thankful that you had grabbed the woolen scarf hanging on the back of your office door at the last second before departing. You rushed up the sidewalk, burying the bottom half of your face within the warmth of the fabric, and retrieved your phone to pull up the pass that the Penguins’ front office had sent over earlier in the afternoon. You sighed in relief when you found it, and once more checked the time — 6:47.
You just might make it.
As you finally approached the arena doors, you made a beeline directly for the club level entrance, smiling when you saw a familiar face.
“Hi, Manny,” you said to your favorite arena attendant as he pushed the door open and welcomed you in from the cold.
“Well, look who it is!” Manny exclaimed, hugging you briefly. “I didn’t think you’d be here!”
“I didn’t either,” you panted, smiling. “But I made it.”
Manny patted your arm and looked toward his colleague.
“Joey, I’m gonna escort this young lady down to the tunnel so she can get a better view of tonight’s little event,” Manny said with a wink, pressing the button on the elevator in front of you.
“No, no, that’s okay,” you protested, shaking your head as he ushered you into the elevator. “Really, I can just go up to his suite and watch from there. I don’t need to go down to the tunnel.”
Manny laughed and shook his head, nodding to the elevator attendant. “I don’t think so, hun,” he chuckled. “Not on my watch. We’ll get you down there and give you an up-close view.”
You sighed, shrugging off your jacket and scarf and folding them over your arm.
“Thank you, Manny,” you said with a grateful smile. Manny nodded, just as the elevator doors opened to reveal the depths of the arena.
“Come on,” Manny motioned toward himself. “Give me your things, and you go.”
Acutely aware that the clock was really ticking now, you didn’t put up a fight and passed your belongings to Manny, who silently pointed toward the tunnel outside the home locker room, where you caught a glimpse the tail end of the line of Sidney’s teammates, with Geno bringing up the rear as the men made their way to their bench for the presentation.
At that moment, Geno happened to look to his right, spotting you immediately.
“You’re here!” he exclaimed, still walking behind his team. He threw his hands atop his head and laughed in disbelief. “Oh, my god, Sid will be so happy you’re here!”
You smiled at Geno’s excitement, nodding as he pumped his fist once before disappearing from sight.
As you reached the locker room doors, you took a deep breath, knowing that only one player was still behind them.
Sidney stepped out of the room, and you noted that his shoulders sagged slightly, his eyes downcast as he sighed softly, turning in the direction of the ice before pausing as the PA announcer started his introduction, rattling off Sid’s lengthy list of accomplishments.
You took that as your cue.
“Hi,” you uttered quietly.
His head whipping toward you, Sidney’s eyes found yours after the briefest of moments, wide and gleaming. He breathed your name; you only grinned.
In a heartbeat, he was in front of you, gathering your face in his hands as he kissed you feverishly.
When he eventually broke the kiss, he hurriedly whispered, “What are you doing here?”
You smiled, resting your hands on his shoulder pads. “Same thing everyone else is doing,” you answered. “Celebrating you.”
Sidney giggled incredulously. “God, I can’t believe you’re-“
“And now, please welcome to the ice, your captain-“
You shoved at Sidney’s chest with a gasp, pushing him toward the ice where the announcer’s voice echoed and the crowd roared.
“Go!” you shouted.
Sidney immediately reached for your hand, pulling you along as he passed the spot where you had planned to stand and watch, hidden from view.
“You’re coming with me,” Sidney said firmly even as you shook your head. He firmly nodded his own.
“Yes. My family’s out there already. Stand by them,” he instructed, eyes glimmering with joy.
Your ears began to ring — not just because of the crowd noise, but because of the intensity of it all. Parading you in front of the entire Penguins organization and 18,000 of his fans was not something Sidney took lightly, and you knew that. You’d been in attendance for milestone games before, sitting in the stands with his family, or with Mario in the suite. And, of course, you were aware that you’d been spotted in public by Sid’s side before — at dinner dates on Mount Washington and at bars on the North Shore — but this incredibly public gesture was something entirely new in your relationship with him. It was overwhelming, but somehow still felt right. And if Sid felt ready, then so did you. You’d do anything to make him smile the way he had when he first saw you tonight in the tunnel — especially on a night that was so sentimental, one that you’d look back on together for a lifetime.
And even if you had been hesitant, it didn’t much matter, because without a second to resist, you were walking out onto the unrolled carpet while Sidney skated alongside you, parallel to your path, as fans applauded. Troy, Trina, and Taylor were visibly stunned as they watched Sidney enter with you at his side. The crowd cheered Sidney louder and louder with each passing moment, and he waved and nodded in acknowledgement, while you reached the end of the carpet and were embraced by each of Sidney’s family members.
“When did you get here?!” Taylor asked through clenched teeth as she tried to remain composed, despite the signature Crosby laughter bubbling from her lips.
“Literally minutes ago,” you answered in the same manner as Trina murmured your name tearfully, shaking her head in astonishment.
Troy smiled warmly down at you, squeezing your shoulder.
“This is gonna mean the world to him,” Troy spoke softly.
You nodded in acknowledgement, incredibly thankful to be able to share in Sidney’s special moment next to the people who raised him.
When the crowd’s volume eventually faded enough for the PA announcer to begin the recognition, you still barely heard the words echoing from the loudspeakers. Instead, you focused on the man standing next to you — the one you’d loved since the day you met; the one who left you in awe each day, not because of his unmatched talent on the ice but because of the resolute goodness of his soul; the one who would, in time, surely be the person you decided to step away from your career for, to settle down beside, and to start a family with. Before him, you were sure that you would never slow down for long enough to get married and have children; after him, you thought about doing so every single day, and you were surprisingly thrilled by that very thought which used to send you into a panic.
This man meant so much to so many — this night was proof of that — but he meant the most to you, and you knew without a doubt that he would be the one with whom you built your forever.
But, for now, on this night, he continued his own building, that of his hockey legacy — a fairy-tale story that started in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, and continued more than a thousand miles away in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a thousand chapters so far and much still to be written.
“A little birdie told me you might be here this evening,” a distinct French-Canadian accented voice said softly as his fingers curled around your shoulders.
You snickered, finishing your sip of merlot, and turned to face Mario’s towering figure. You leaned into his chest and were immediately wrapped into a warm hug.
“Was that little birdie named Shanny by any chance?” you asked with a grin. Mario simply shrugged coyly, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“In all seriousness, sweetheart, I was so glad when I heard you were coming,” Mario said, his voice even and serious. “He wants to share it all with you, especially the big stuff, like this. I can’t imagine how happy he was when he saw you.”
You smiled, cognizant of the common sentiments coming from the two most influential men in Sidney’s life. You knew how much you meant to your boyfriend, but hearing that Sid let both Troy and Mario know the same brought a warmth deep within your chest. 
“It was pretty incredible. I’m just so pleased that it worked out,” you said fondly. “I want to share it all with him, too.”
Mario nodded, squeezing your bicep softly.
“Come on,” he encouraged with a smirk, nodding toward the bar at the back of the suite. “Let’s get another drink and celebrate.”
“What a night,” Sidney murmured warmly into the dim master suite, lighted only by a few candles on the end tables that you’d lit upon returning home, signaling that it was time for your and Sid’s own private celebration in the comfort of his home.
You hummed in acknowledgment, circling your fingertips on his bare chest.
“I’m so glad you were there,” he added, placing a kiss in your hair.
You smiled up at him and reached to peck his lips.
“Me too,” you said. “This day couldn’t have been more perfect.”
An ornery smile tugged at the corner’s of Sidney’s plump lips.
“You don’t think so?” he began, making you furrow your brow in question. Seeing your confusion, he added, “I can think of one thing that would make this day even better.”
Leaving you lying in his bed watching him, propped up on your elbows, Sidney pulled on his sweats at the foot of the bed and crossed the room to his chest of drawers, reaching into the top one, his fingers moving all the way toward the back of it.
And there, even in the darkness, you knew exactly what he’d retrieved.
You sat straight up, pulling the red velvet-shaded sheets around your bare form. Tears already formed in your eyes, and you covered your mouth in utter amazement as Sidney walked toward you with a look of determination and knelt at the side of the bed.
“Sidney,” you whispered, splaying your hand across your chest.
“I was gonna wait until you were here next weekend to do this, but I honestly can’t wait anymore,” Sid began, his serious expression giving way to a joyful one. “This day has been all about me, and don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful to be where I am in my career,” he continued. “But the whole day, knowing you weren’t going to be there, I just felt... empty inside. It felt like a waste. I was just plastering on a smile and saying all the right things, but in my heart, it just felt meaningless if you couldn’t be a part of it. That’s how every day feels when I can’t be beside you.”
You were sobbing unabashedly now, your hand resting on Sidney’s neck as you listened to him.
“And I know you love your work, and I would never dream of asking you to give that up. But someday, in the not-so-distant future, my days of playing hockey are going to come to an end. And the second that happens, I can promise you this — I’m going to come to wherever you are, just to be near you,” he spoke, his voice quivering just slightly as his emotions became evident. “Because someday, whether it’s ten years from now or five years or a month or tomorrow, I wanna marry you, baby. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. So...”
Sidney cleared his throat and lifted the box he held so that you could see it, flipping open the top to reveal the loveliest marquis-cut halo diamond ring you had ever seen. Your breath caught in your throat, and before Sidney could ask the question, you let out a firm “yes!”
Sidney threw his head back in laughter — your favorite song.
“How do you know what I was gonna ask?” he teased, leaning closer to you with one brow quirked.
“Sorry,” you muttered halfheartedly. “Okay, okay. Ask me.”
Sidney beamed. “Sweetheart, will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you confirmed the second he finished the sentence, grabbing his face with both hands and kissing him urgently. Both of you smiled into the kiss and continued your embrace for several moments, parting only to stare at each other and giggle incredulously.
“I love you,” you whispered. “And trust me, it won’t be ten years or five years from now. I’ll be ready very, very soon. I promise,” you assured.
Sidney’s smile grew even wider, and you knew he was somewhat taken aback by your assertion.
“Really?” he asked, smoothing his hand over your hair. You nodded.
“Give me a season or two,” you replied. “I know I can always go back to it. But this... us... nothing is more important to me, Sid. I want to spend all of my days with you, too.”
With that, Sidney grasped your jaw and kissed you with a fervor that told of not only his passion for you but the relief he felt in hearing your statement.
“I love you,” he panted when he finally pulled his lips from yours. “Can I put the ring on you now?”
With a laugh, you joked, “Well, I suppose so.”
Sidney shook his head in amusement and pulled the ring from the box, sliding it onto your left hand. You wiggled your fingers and admired the perfect fit of the ring, not to mention its exceptional beauty.
“Wow,” you whispered, looking back to Sidney. You held the back of your hand up to him and teased, “A bunch of 1,000 game gifts and a fiancée all in one night. Not bad for you, eh?”
Sidney reached for your hand and left a long kiss on your knuckles.
“Not bad at all,” he answered earnestly.
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waveypedia · 3 years
The Family We Make
Companion piece to Leaving the Nest (can be read in any order)
After Bradford is defeated, it takes hours for the adrenaline of the day to wear off.
Fenton calls his mother, who brings half of Duckburg’s police force over much sooner than should be humanly possible. Any questioning stares are met with amused shrugs and Gyro’s passionate declaration to never get between Officer M.A.M.A. Cabrera and her son. Spoken from experience, of course. Officer Cabrera’s officers and the superheroes present arrest FOWL’s goons. (Pepper gives May and June goodbye hugs.) 
The villains are gone, of course, having split with the help of Magica’s sorcery and a harmless raven on her shoulder. They’d left with winks and playful smiles tossed over their shoulders. Almost friendly, but not quite. Familiar. The promises of future tussles and battles left unsaid in the desert air. No one says anything outright, but the villains’ smooth departure puts a smile on everyone’s faces. It’s the promise of a next time. Of countless adventures to come. Bradford, for all his meticulous and careful planning, lost.
Goldie steals Manny away to ride into the nearest town and comes back with a cooler of snacks. Uncle Scrooge - Dad (Dad!) - and Granny level their fiercest glares at her and pointedly ask if she paid for them. Goldie giggles behind her hand and avoids the question, dropping a packaged ice cream cone in Dewey’s hands. He lights up, and Dad melts just like the ice cream under the hot desert sun.
Webby, sitting blissfully between Dad and Granny, has a perfect view of their conversation with Goldie. She keeps shooting Webby weird looks, like she isn’t quite sure what to make of her. Honestly, Webby doesn’t really blame her. Webby has always been Granny’s granddaughter through and through, and she inherited Granny’s disdain for Goldie and protectiveness of Dad. 
Webby leans against Dad, and he puts an arm around her. Steady and protective, although she can feel his heart fluttering in his chest. He’s exhausted too - he went through perhaps the most today, at least physically. They’re both too tired to speak, at least right now, but they’re content enough to be in each others’ presence. 
Dewey leads the other kids to the ice cream, and they wave her over. Gosalyn passes a cone to her, and Huey hands her a napkin. She sits sandwiched between Boyd and June, eating ice cream on the ramp of the plane. Violet is holding Lena’s cone because Lena is busy weaving friendship bracelets for May and June.
Webby glances back to where Dad and Granny have set up camp. Members of their family are filtering through, offering assistance and comfort. Donald’s leading a team to fix the plane, and Ludwig is bringing a group through FOWL’s headquarters like a tour guide, to pick up any evidence and missing mysteries. Gyro is off to the side, painstakingly fixing Boyd’s body and the Gizmosuit, with Della hovering over his shoulder and making snarky remarks he pretends to be bothered by.
Soon they’ll be in the air, and she still hasn’t talked to Dad. Really talked to him.
Fear starts to pool in Webby’s gut. He seemed to take it well enough, but that was in the middle of the fight. What if he doesn’t want to be her father? What if this changes her relationship with her other family members?
Webby squeezes her cone so hard it cracks and melted ice cream spills onto her hand.
Why should a piece of parchment, magic or not, decide her family, when she’s spent years cultivating and choosing the perfect family of her own? For better or for worse?
A familiar hand waves in front of her face, green sleeves flapping in the slight breeze, and Webby jumps, startled. Her family, no longer contentedly eating their ice cream, are all staring at her with varying degrees of worry.
“Hey, Webs?” Louie blinks at her and shoves his hands back in the pocket. “You were kinda spacing out there.”
Webby shakes herself back into the present and grins sheepishly at him. “Sorry. What’s up?”
Louie jerks a thumb inside the plane. “Mom just came by. We’re about ready to start heading back. Reinforcements just got here, and they’re going to take everyone else home.”
Webby blinks and casts a quick glance around the desert, cultivated by years of spy training and adventuring. Della is indeed a few paces away, talking to Launchpad, next to the broken plane wing looking as good as new. On the other side of the plane, Amunet and D’jinn are talking to Goldie and Storkules as they enter Gladstone’s blimp. The desert is clearing out, and those who haven’t already left are busy packing up any supplies. 
Dad and Granny amble over with the rest of the adults into the plane. Dad stops in front of them, placing his cane on the ground with a clink and folding his hands over it. He’s smiling, tired but fond. His eyes rest on Webby for a moment longer than everyone else before moving on. 
“All ready, kids?” Dad asks, his beak quirking up in a familiar cocky smirk, and something fond settles in Webby’s gut.
“Ready,” she replies firmly with the rest of them, smiling, and enters the plane, ignoring her growing nervousness. She’s with her family now. She’s safe.
When they’re all safe and settled in the belly of the Sunchaser once again,  after Launchpad’s little snafu with the emergency hatch release, Webby seeks Dad out.
He’s sitting in the seat closest to the cockpit, talking with Aunt Daisy. Webby’s full to bursting with nervous energy, but, as she knows, it’s all for naught. His face lights up when he sees Webby coming. Aunt Daisy, as savvy and clever as she is, gives Webby a fond, knowing smile and slips away with a pat on Dad’s knee and a ruffle of Webby’s hair.
Hesitantly, Webby jumps into Aunt Daisy’s chair and maneuvers herself to face Dad. She busies herself for a few moments by fidgeting with her friendship bracelet.
Dad rearranges himself to face Webby, too. “What can I do for you, lass?” he asks, but she can tell from his tone he already knows where this conversation is going.
“So. Um.” Webby tugs at the hem of her skirt, bunching it up in her fists and hurriedly smoothing it out again. “Dad.”
“Dad,” he repeats, his voice full of wonder and amazement. A small smile tugs at his grin, threatening to burst and split his face.
“Can we talk?” Webby asks nervously. Her voice breaks a little on the word talk, and Dad noticeably winces.
“Of course,” he replies, awkward and stilted. “Go ahead.”
“Well…” Webby stares down at her skirt, then back up at Dad with glassy eyes. “Do you love me?”
Dad jerks, shocked. It’s clear that of all her questions, he certainly wasn’t expecting that one.
“Like a daughter,” Webby clarifies. “Do you love me like a daughter?”
Dad’s face changes, softens. It’s unreadable, but not unkind. 
“Of course,” he replies softly.
Webby flinches and glances to the side, at the wall of the plane. Anywhere but Dad’s face. She tries to hide her discomfort, but it’s clear he notices.
“Do you… not want me to?” he tries.
Webby shakes her head. “Of course I do,” she replies softly.
“Then why…” he trails off. He has a million clauses he could finish the sentence with, but they all hang heavy in the air between them, unsaid.
Webby can’t look at him. “I… I don’t want you to only love me because I’m your daughter,” she replies. Her voice breaks on the word daughter. “I want you to love me because I’m me.”
“Webbigail Vanderquack.” Dad stares at her incredulously. “I paid full price for your birthday party. And it was only a front! How can you think I don’t love you?!”
A shocked giggle bursts out of Webby. After a moment, Dad joins her in his own giggling fit.
“I know you love me,” Webby replies quietly after their giggles have died down. Dad’s smile sags, and his expression turns serious and forlorn. “But it’s not the same. I- I know I’ve always been Granny’s granddaughter. It’s a little different. I love you, but I hate that we’re family because a missing mystery said so, and not because we love each other.”
Dad’s expression softens. “Oh, lassie.” He opens his arms, and Webby crawls into his embrace without a second thought.
Dad smooths her hair and tucks his chin onto her head. “Did you know,” he says, his voice muffled by the embrace, “that technically, May and June are my daughters too?”
Webby’s eyes burn. “Hmm?”
“Aye,” Dad continues. “If you were made from my DNA, and May and June were made from yours, then they’re a part of me too. Maybe they’re more like my granddaughters, but the point stands.”
Webby buries her face further into Dad’s coat and doesn’t respond. She’s not sure how too.
“Point being, May and June are my family, and I will treat them as such. I’m sure they’re marvelous young girls, and lovely sisters for you, my dear.”
Dad shifts his embrace so he can see her face. He holds her gaze with a steady and serious look.
“But they’re not my daughters. You, Webby darlin’, are. Do you know why?”
Webby shakes her head.
Dad hugs her tighter. “Because you always have been,” he replies, his voice thick, and oh. “Maybe not with that exact label, but, as Lena would say, labels are weird. You’re my family. You’re one of my kids. I know you, and I love you, Webby darlin’.”
“I… I know I didn’t make the effort to get to know you when you were young,” Dad continues. “I will be the first to admit I regret that. I’ve made a lot of mistakes when it comes to family. But I’ve had the honor of watching you grow these past years, and of being your family. And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.”
Webby nods. She knows they’re both thinking of earlier that day, when Scrooge’s declaration was put to the test, and won, but only narrowly. He doesn’t make that statement lightly.
Dad shifts, and his embrace loosens. His expression turns troubled and almost… nervous? It scares Webby by osmosis, but a part of her that she hasn’t processed yet thinks it’s comforting that he’s just as scared as she is. It’s new territory for both of them, but they’ll conquer it together.
“Webby, lass,” Dad begins, hesitantly. “Do you… not want me to be your father?”
Webby hums thoughtfully. Out of all the questions that had arisen in the wake of the Papyrus’ reveal, she hadn’t directly considered this one. It had been at the back of her mind, waiting, lingering.
Despite the lack of deliberation time, Webby knows the answer. She’s always known it, from the moment Bradford had confirmed her ancestry.
“Yes,” she says confidently, so firmly that it startles Dad. “It’s like you said. You’re my family, and that didn’t change.”
Dad’s face softens, and his shoulders slump with relief, and his grin threatens to split his face. Webby grins back, a mirror of his own.
“But,” she continues. “I… I like calling you Uncle Scrooge, too. It feels right to call myself your daughter, but it also feels right to call myself your niece. Does… is that okay? Does that make sense?”
“Of course,” Dad replies, shifting his arms. “I think I know how you feel. You are my daughter, and my niece. You’re one of my kids, and that will never change.”
He smiles wryly. “I do like having this special connection to you, though, lass. I have many heirs, but you’re the heir of Clan McDuck. That’s not something to take lightly. I’m proud of you.”
“I’ve never had a father,” she says after a minute. “Granny told me about a father, and a mother, too, but I never really knew them. But I’ve always had you.”
“Aye, Blaise,” Dad replies. “Your so-called ‘mother’ was your grandmother’s niece, if I remember correctly. Arianna. She and Blaise were sweet, if a bit airheaded, from what your grandmother’s told me. They were in a car crash shortly before you were bo- before your grandmother brought you home.”
Webby hums. “I didn’t know they were real.”
“Aye, they were very real,” Dad confirms. “As I’m sure Louie or Goldie will tell you, the best lies are closest to the truth. I’m sure they would love you, dear.”
“I don’t know them,” Webby counters softly. She tilts her head back to look Dad in the eyes. “I never will. But I know you.”
He beams at her. “Exactly, lassie.”
Webby shifts back into his embrace, and they sit together for a minute, the plane’s rumblings shaking them both slightly. 
“Does this mean Goldie is my mom now?” Webby asks suddenly, her beak quirking into a grin.
Dad startles and squawks. “Ack, no! I know Louie calls her Aunt Goldie, for all the blasted- but now. Er, I suppose, that’s up to you, lassie,” he finishes somewhat awkwardly.
Webby smiles contentedly and leans her cheek against the fabric of his coat. “That’s okay,” she replies. “It’s my family and I get to choose the members.”
Dad grins proudly, and they lapse back into silence for another few minutes. The adrenaline, both from the harrowing events of the day and the nerve-wracking yet highly anticipated conversation with dad, slips out of her veins, and the heaviness of sleep tugs at Webby’s eyes.
Dad eventually breaks the drowsy, comfortable silence. “I’m proud to call you my daughter.” he murmurs into her hair, and Webby beams. “I’m proud you’re my family, not because that blasted Papyrus says so, but because you chose me. That means more to me than all the money in my Money Bin.”
Webby snuggles deeper into his embrace, her eyelids drifting closed. “Likewise, Dad. I love you.”
He smooths her hair down. The last thing she hears before she falls asleep, blissful and safe, is: “I love you too, Webby darlin’.”
god i. finale came out today and anyone who’s talked to me can verify that i’ve been in constant Duck Mode all day. head full only ducks. i’ve been struggling with motivation lately (as always lmao) but it struck today in the form of my absolute favorite dynamic in the entire show.
if you were in my circles back in 2018, around when confidential casefiles aired, you might remember that i talked a lot about webby and scrooge. i remember requesting them in almost every writing prompt request i was offered. i don’t talk about them much nowaways, and i’m not sure why, because i still love them. regardless of how you feel about the twist in the finale, the pure, unconditional love that webby and scrooge show each other makes me so, so happy. I almost added a section with beakley, because she's an important part of webby's family as well and they need to have a conversation, but webby and scrooge needed their moment. i'll write it later.
this is a bit of trying to make sense of how the theme of found and chosen family fits in with webby’s new biological relation to scrooge and a bit closure. scrooge isn’t the best at having these important conversations, but webby’s pretty good at sticking up for herself when need be.
arianna and blaise are actually based on my OC versions of webby’s parents i made a long, long time ago! arianna was a shush-turned-fowl agent, and blaise was a fowl technician. my plan for them was that they were working for fowl (which was, at the time, based on darkwing duck’s fowl) and eventually, they both cut ties and became freelance villains in st. canard and duckburg. the duck family would fight them, they’d recognize webby and beakley, and the truth would come out. the arianna and blaise mentioned here aren’t my old versions of them, but i wanted to pay tribute to that little picture webby had on her board of her parents. i figured they had to be someone, especially since the woman looked a lot like beakley. my headcanon is that they really were a librarian and an artist, and that beakley raised webby in their images as a tribute to the family she’d lost. also, it didn’t come up in the fic, but blaise is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns!
when watching and rewatching the finale and watching gifs of it, something that struck me was how awestruck and euphoric scrooge acted when he found out. i think most of us focused on webby’s reaction, and beakley’s, but man, scrooge gets so quietly emotional and it means everything to me. this is basically a love letter to that quiet joy, scrooge and webby’s relationship, webby’s beautiful relationship with family, the finale, and ducktales as a whole. i love this goddamn show, and i’m going to miss it so much. see you, space cowboy.
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift Part 1 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: Frankie has taken the job as the overnight cook at Lou’s Diner, where you work as the overnight waitress. Attraction slowly grows between you, despite both your best efforts. (18+ series)
Warnings: None for this part
Tags: Slowburn, diner romance, age gap (7 years)
Word count: 1.1k
Part 2
It was a slow night at Lou's Diner. But then again, Tuesday’s were usually pretty slow. There was only one customer, a night construction worker who had been coming in for the past three weeks for a bacon and egg sandwich. You watched at the clock ticked past 3:34AM, contemplating if it would be a good idea to have another cup of coffee. Your shift finished at 5:30, when the day crew came and the breakfast rush was just getting started. Can’t hurt, you reasoned with yourself, grabbing your favourite mug. The employees of the diner had their own mugs separate from the customers - most of them were old and had stains that couldn’t be washed out. 
“Hey, Manny, wanna coffee?” you called into the kitchen to the night cook. Manny was your only co-worker after 9, when everyone else left for the night. But it was his last night, and you hadn’t met his replacement yet. 
“You know how I like it, lover!” he called back. The nickname had become his favourite for you after a rumour swirled saying you and him were fucking in the chiller. Manny put that right to rest after introducing everyone to his husband. 
You made up a mug for each of you, adding five spoons of sugar for his. You had asked him once why he didn’t just have a soda if he wanted that much sugar, and Manny had told you that soda made him gassy in an unsatisfying way. You decided not to prod any further.
“Have you met the new guy?” Manny asked through the window as you set the steaming cup down upon it. You shook your head.
“Have you?”
“Yeah, I had to show him some night procedures last week. He’s not too bad, a quick learner. Easy on the eyes. Not as good as me, so don’t get any ideas about replacing me as number one diner cook in your heart.” Manny winked.
“Number one diner cook and now number one history teacher.” You grinned at him, swelling with pride that his hard work had paid off and now he was going off to his dream job. Many nights working together, quizzing him on various aspects of whatever he was studying. “What’s the newbie’s name?”
“Francisco,” Manny said, “but he said to call him Frankie.”
You nodded, filing the information for later. You didn’t think too much about Manny’s other comment - easy on the eyes. Honestly, with Manny that could mean anything. 
You spent the rest of your shift the way you usually did, cleaning and dealing with friendly old men who sometimes felt a little too friendly. You mostly let it slide, they tipped better when you flirted back, but sometimes the men felt a little too slimy.
The first rays of grey pre-dawn light started to peek through the windows and the breakfast rush began. You didn’t think of much beyond making it through the next half hour, and making sure you didn’t fuck any orders up. 
Your saving grace was Marissa tapping you gently on your shoulder.
“Time to head out, kiddo,” the older woman said. Marissa was your second favourite person at the diner, and you felt it had a lot to do with the fact she was the person to end your shift. That, and she reminded you of your grandmother. You didn’t waste a second, giving Marissa a quick kiss on her cheek and taking your nametag off. 
Manny was waiting for you outside in the back alley, cigarette in one hand and car keys in the other. 
“Come on, lover, let’s get you home.” He linked his arm through yours and you walked to his car together. He had affectionately dubbed it Carrie, after Carrie Fisher and Carrie the movie. 
You spent the car ride imagining movies Michael Cera could have been in to exponentially improve the quality of the movie.
“Okay,” Manny said, “instead of Timmy Chateu in Call Me By Your Name.”
You snorted at the image and at Manny’s ever ridiculous names for celebrities. “Perfect! Oh, replace Brad Pitt in Fight Club!”
“Michael Cera could do Tyler Durden, but Bradley could never do Scott Pilgrim.” Manny nodded seriously as he spoke. “God, I should be a casting director.”
All too soon, he was pulling up outside your apartment complex and against your will tears were pricking at your eyes.
“Jesus, are you crying?” Manny leant over to get a better look at you. “I’m not dying!”
“I’m gonna miss you,” a sob caught in your throat.
“We’re seeing each other on Sunday! Get a hold of yourself!” 
“It’s not gonna be the same!”
“Of course it’s not, but you’ve got to calm down. Take a deep breath with me, okay? In and out, just like that. Now look at me, we’re seeing each other on Sunday, and this new guy can’t be too bad otherwise Lou wouldn’t have hired him.”
You nodded, drying your tears on the sleeve of your shirt. “You’re right, you’re right. Okay, I love you, I’ll see you Sunday.”
Manny gave your hand one last squeeze and you decided it was finally time to go to bed.
Frankie didn’t know what drew him to the diner job. Since his army days, he had jumped from job to job, never staying more than a couple years. He liked working with his hands, never wanted too much responsibility, and wanted something that would leave him tired enough that we wouldn’t dream when he went to sleep.
The owner of the diner had asked if he’d had any experience as a cook, and when Frankie said that he was left in charge of the barbeque at all functions he went to, Lou shrugged and said “good enough.”
After shaking his hand, Lou had told him there were only three rules he cared about. Number one was do not harass the female staff, sexually or otherwise. Simple enough to follow, Frankie figured, for any decent human. The second rule was not to steal from the registers. Staff got food and coffee for free, within reason. And the third, was to try to avoid fighting with customers, but Lou would understand if it was necessary. 
There wasn’t a uniform, so Frankie wore what he would’ve on any other night - jeans and a flannel over a plain tee, and of course his cap.
Frankie arrived ten minutes before his shift started, looking at the clock on the dash of his truck. He was a little nervous, but that always came with the first day of a new job. The nerves mainly related to whether or not the person he was supposed to work with would be at the very least, nice. He was only thirty-three, but already he felt too old to be part of any workplace pettiness. 
Finally, the clock ticked to five minutes before his shift started. The sun was low in the sky and the truck had become chilly with the impending night. Straightening his cap, Frankie stepped into the warmth of the diner.
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