#There's no greater love than His
Hi, I would like to post another poem of mine that I just finished (21st April 2023).
Precious Blood that set me free
I keep on thinking that I'm not good enough
That's why I'm once again running into Your arms
Your love and peace of mind is all I need, Savior
To survive in the midst of this huge storm
Your Words are what gives me comfort, God
You're the One I go to when I feel not good enough
When I feel left behind, You remind me that Jesus thought about me on the cross
Before dying to let my sins be washed by His precious Blood
He could have run away from His calling but no
Because His love for me is the greatest type of love
Even though He is the Lord, He came to our earth
To let bring closer to us the Kingdom of His Father
He taught the Truth coming from God Almighty
And revealed it to those who had an interest in it
He was loving and caring to everyone around Him
He healed them, ate with sinners for He came to those who trully needed more faith
Jesus gave them kindness and love greater that anyone could ever imagine
He is the One that brought us closer to God who's our Light
For He didn't want us to be published in afterlife
But be happy in the Heaven after we become more Christ-like
Who set us an example of how our lives should look like
In order to let us know what we should do to not be left behind
His love is still with us every single day
For Jesus Christ died but it wasn't the end — He rose from the grave —
Just like He told His deciples a few times before
He left an empty grave and showed Who He truly is
Even though not everyone believed it before His death, now there's no way to deny it
He is a Son of God, our Savior and precious Messiah
Who now leaves in the heart of each of us
Through His name, many healings and other miracles occur
For there is a power in His name that's way beyond way of thinking of ours
He continues to bless us, prays for us and through His Blood
There is left no trace of our sins for we are cleaned in It, for Jesus forgave us
On the cross when we people hurt precious and innocent Him
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Today, I would like to post another poem of mine that I just finished (21st April 2023).
Precious Blood that set me free
I keep on thinking that I'm not good enough
That's why I'm once again running into Your arms
Your love and peace of mind is all I need, Savior
To survive in the midst of this huge storm
Your Words are what gives me comfort, God
You're the One I go to when I feel not good enough
When I feel left behind, You remind me that Jesus thought about me on the cross
Before dying to let my sins be washed by His precious Blood
He could have run away from His calling but no
Because His love for me is the greatest type of love
Even though He is the Lord, He came to our earth
To let bring closer to us the Kingdom of His Father
He taught the Truth coming from God Almighty
And revealed it to those who had an interest in it
He was loving and caring to everyone around Him
He healed them, ate with sinners for He came to those who trully needed more faith
Jesus gave them kindness and love greater that anyone could ever imagine
He is the One that brought us closer to God who's our Light
For He didn't want us to be published in afterlife
But be happy in the Heaven after we become more Christ-like
Who set us an example of how our lives should look like
In order to let us know what we should do to not be left behind
His love is still with us every single day
For Jesus Christ died but it wasn't the end — He rose from the grave —
Just like He told His deciples a few times before
He left an empty grave and showed Who He truly is
Even though not everyone believed it before His death, now there's no way to deny it
He is a Son of God, our Savior and precious Messiah
Who now leaves in the heart of each of us
Through His name, many healings and other miracles occur
For there is a power in His name that's way beyond way of thinking of ours
He continues to bless us, prays for us and through His Blood
There is left no trace of our sins for we are cleaned in It, for Jesus forgave us
On the cross when we people hurt precious and innocent Him
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
just musing about how niko was one of edwin's biggest unconditional supporters and gentle guides in his self-discovery of his sexuality, and i think it's so interesting that we still never saw edwin confide in her overtly about his feelings for/attraction to charles, though he easily could have at any time.
before the cat king ever shapeshifts into monty or charles to tempt edwin to realization, niko's there to tell edwin that it's okay for two boys to like each other, to let him know it's okay if he noticed monty when they first met, or if he enjoyed the idea of monty liking him; and she plainly tells him that he's completely allowed to want explicit things with another boy.
they talk about edwin's feelings and desires multiple times - he admits to her he's never kissed anyone, and even that the idea of kissing has become appealing to him. she asks him, does he want to kiss monty? does he want to kiss the cat king? but she never asks him directly, does he want to kiss charles? charles is the elephant in the room of that conversation, so to speak; the only other boy they know, the one she knows edwin is actually closer with than anyone else.
but she doesn't ask edwin about charles.
i think it's actually one way niko shows her love and care for edwin, her perceptive understanding of his boundaries, and her respect for his comfort, that she never pushes him to open up to her about this most vulnerable and newly-developing aspect of his truth—that his feelings are for charles—who is already the most important person in his life, and thus so much more life-alteringly consequential to him. even though she hasn't known edwin a long time she seems to grasp that he needs both the push and the personal space to come to his deepest realizations, even as she opens the door for him to come to them.
(i did consider for a split-second that maybe she never realizes it's charles that edwin's in love with, but i vetoed that thought immediately because... edwin just seems too deeply unsubtle for that to ring true. monty can see he's been passed over for charles. the cat king knows it immediately and asks about their 'special friendship,' and not just because he can literally read edwin's desires. crystal is going through amnesia and an identity crisis, and she still clocks that edwin and charles are like a married couple. so it only makes sense that niko can see it as well.)
plus, niko's got excellent reading comprehension, by her own admission; and she and edwin bond over both being great, astute detectives—getting to the bottom of a case is a love they share. and so i just think it's neat that between niko and edwin, the conversation about charles seems to remain deliberately unspoken even when it could easily become overt.
instead she speaks to edwin about charles in metaphors. she starts their conversation about physical intimacy and romance specifically with drawing edwin's attention to the red and blue starfish. "isn't it romantic? they're in love." they proceed to talk about monty, and about the cat king, but i doubt either she or edwin could fail to notice the color symbolism there. and when edwin tries to get scientific about it, she reminds him, "luckily, love requires no logic." and finally she gives him the red sea glass, for courage. courage to help him come to terms with what—and whom—he really wants, whoever it could be.
and in the end... edwin tells niko, "i did actually tell the boy i like that i like him." this is directly after niko tells edwin she's sorry monty turned out to be an evil spy crow and she and edwin commiserate about how things with monty didn't work out for him. and obviously, it was never the cat king edwin really liked. so, just like that, through process of elimination, edwin can only be talking about charles. and even then, they never say his name. they never have to.
i just think there's something awfully soft about how edwin's feelings for charles are first so deeply ingrained and natural to him as to be something he had to be woken to rather than something that happened to him suddenly. then once he was awake to what he felt and wanted, there's something i find lovely about the deep bond niko has with him, that she understands and honors his need to speak around his feelings for charles while holding space for him to still share them with her in his way. something about how charles is so deeply loved that it is easily understood, that he is there in the conversation without his name ever needing to be spoken.
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antiqua-lugar · 9 months
aside from everything else about durgewyll I am loving how it highlights wyll and gortash as narrative foils. both their upbringings lead them to interact with demoniac entities, both can only become archdukes and join baldurian high society through uldred, both are swaying the dark urge from simply following bhaal (and arguably the dark urge sways them from simply pursuing an ideal and the dark urge can recognise both as their equal)
and by playing your card right in act 3 wyll just...gets everything gortash was trying to get? wyll really is a hero saving baldur's gate from the legion of the absolute. wyll influences gortash's favourite assassin into becoming someone they can defeat the netehrbrain together. they can even become archdukes together! ...or they can turn it down and then they can go to he hells to sneak around and have adventures (like gortash and durge used to) and save karlach's life (the same life that is at risk because gortash mindlessly threw it away).
like. it's a lot, wyll and durge can even murder raphael.
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raayllum · 19 days
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You've done this before. If you care so much about them, set them free. / Take my heart.
2x08 / 5x03 / 5x08 / 6x03 / 6x08
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Sorry if you've gone over this before but I was curious as to what you'd think it would take for Leo to finally break in front of his brothers?
We’ve actually seen Leo break his persona multiple times throughout the series! And pretty much each and every time has a common theme present: his family being in danger.
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Everything around the Isabeau confession is so well written.
Firstly, the set up. When you're playing the game, killing the King is just a vague goal. A natural one! But other than the vague desire to hit an end point, there isn't really a strong emotional reason compelling the player forward. But Isabeau!!! Telling you he will tell you something once you beat the King!!! That!!! That is a tangible goal to lean onto especially over time as you get more and more endeared to the whole party. Even if you're not aware of it being a love confession, getting to Isabeau to hear what he has to say is still a compelling reason get to the end.
And if you're Aware of how these things go for stories like these, you may also say, "Well shit, we're not gonna get a confession until the end of the game, are we?"
Second, the interruptions. The order of the interruptions are so quietly brilliant. I can't get over it. Bonnie interrupting first is such an excellent choice. You know Bonnie!!! Bonnie has been jumping into conversations all game so far. So interrupting Isabeau doesn't seem all that out of place. Then Mirabelle interrupts next time. And you go, okay. Thats two of three.... but surely Odile won't interrupt, right? By this point, the player has seen Odile tease Isabeau multiple times about him liking Siffrin, so surely she won't interrupt... right? Right??? But she does. And despite it being obvious that she would, the player is still left in tension if she would.
The way things are set up, there's a plausible deniability each time. You don't expect the first interruption, Bonnie naturally would interrupt so Mirabelle could be surprising, and Odile interrupting feels so outside of what she'd usually do that you don't expect it.
And yet!!!! Saying all this!!! This is very tropey!!! Very time loop tropey!!! Stopping people from messing things up so you can have your moment is quintessential time loop tropes and yet!!! It doesn't feel tropey due to good characterization and story structure.
(And if you do realize that all three are going to interrupt from the beginning, you get a wave of DREAD when you realize that you're going to be here. Again and again. That you have to beat the King again and again and again... and as you watch the confession fizzle, seeing the Head Housemaiden there, despite Siffrin's happy demeanor, you can't help but feel it all about to crash down before it even happens. In that moment you have a taste of what the game is about to put you through).
Third, the family quests. I have two points here. Firstly, "yelling at your screen like it's a telenovela" is the best summary of my feelings on the stargazing scene. Even if you KNOW Isabeau isn't going to confess until the end of the game bc that's how these things go, it won't happen until the end because that's how good writing works, You Still Want It To Happen. So Badly. You want Isabeau to confess to Siffrin!!! You want that tension to release!!! But you have to watch and see that perfect confession slip away every time and it hurts to watch, especially if you do the quests multiple times. Second point is the fact you can't continue the Isabeau confessions on a family run kills me. It's so good. Like you're never going to get everything in one go no matter what you do so you have to pick and choose. And!!! That plays into Siffrin feeling like he's manipulating Isabeau!!!
Of course Siffrin isn't actually manipulating Isabeau but when you're so aware of what you're doing and how events could have played out, it's difficult not to see a situation where you changed the outcome as manipulation. Which... of course leads us to Siffrin's feelings at the end of trying to stop the interruptions...
Fourth, Isabeau stopping himself when confessing. It hurts so good. Idk just. Denying the player that payoff. Denying Siffrin that moment of confession. Because really Siffrin didn't learn the lesson needed to actually get this moment of vulnerability between the two of them. It's such a genius choice that brings that awful dread and hopelessness. And in the end, I suppose all five of them stop the confession from happening because from that point onward, Siffrin interrupts the confession every time. Siffrin doing everything they can to get what they want only to accept that they're never going to get it. Never CAN get this because he doesn't deserve it.
Finally, bad touch. People have talked about bad touch enough, so I dont need to go too far with it. I will say I appreciate how much it doubles down on subverting the "romancing someone in a time loop" narrative. These loops while in some ways made Siffrin more perceptive, they're also PAINFUL. They mess with his head, lean towards making worse and worse decisions, and a large part of that is his role in his family's lives. Especially with Isabeau!!! So yeah. Of course the surprise kiss doesn't go well. Especially with the context that Isabeau doesn't think Siffrin wants to be touched let alone kissed? It ends in disaster just like most of the sidequests do.
In general, the ongoing Isabeau plot is very well implemented. The seeds for it are planted immediately, and it takes a lot of commitment to see all the parts of it. As a result, unless you try to do a ton of runs in act 3 immediately just to get the confession, it's a very slow burn part of the story, doing well to parallel Siffrin's mental state and the growing hopelessness in the loops. It grounds the story in a tangible goal from the beginning and in many ways, once you get to the end of it, get to bad touch, you're left bereft. Something... lost after you spent so much time being aware of Isabeau. That tangible feeling that you're slowly running out of things to do, of ways to spend these two days.
(And of course, then you have act 6 confession, and the pure relief, the joy in finally having the confession after it being set up from act 1. Siffrin doesn't need to reciprocate for it to have its impact. Something has CHANGED they have changed. And finally FINALLY after all this time, the moment can happen. And it's beautiful).
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
I just learned why Shad hates Irene in canon and knowing what I do now about everyone’s favorite the Matron, I can say with my whole heart,
What the hell, Irene
#I keep coming across audios of Hyria telling Irene’s story too#and I can see why the people of Ru’aun love Irene! I see the saint they do in the stories#but I can also see that by the time she got around to Shad she wasn’t that person anymore#she was alone because of her power until she came across Shad and I can see how that might develop into clinging onto him with such an#intensity that she sends him to other realms to foster whatever their relationship is and falling in love with him#Shad is the only person Irene has ever known that’s on the same level as her so it makes sense she wants#him as a lover as something more intimate than what they are#but Shad was tired of being feared and hated and so he falls for the one person who acts very positively towards him#all Shad wanted was to be loved. to have a family.#and he got it! he had the love of his life and a beautiful baby girl and even a close group of friends in the Divine Warriors#and when they need the relics to protect the realm he understands that they’re made with human souls and he accepts that#for the sake of the greater good#only for Irene to use their daughter to make HIS relic and not tell him he’s using the weaponized version of their daughter’s soul#he’s obviously furious when he finds out. he confronts Irene heartbroken that she would do such a thing. Why their daughter?#and then she turns the rest of the Divine Warriors (who all worship her) against him#No wonder Shad wants revenge! No wonder he’s after every last fragment of his relic he can get his hands on#that’s all that’s left of his baby#Or maybe I’m thinking way too hard about a block roleplay#mcd irene#mcd shad#divine warriors#dropofsunlightextras#mcd rewrite#mcd#aphmau minecraft diaries#minecraft diaries#aphblr
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un-pearable · 2 years
as true as the jokes about “everyone wants to rewrite ninjago” are i feel like smthn people forget when complaining about the inconsistencies of the show is that…. it wasn’t planned? it’s not like most other animated shows lately - it didn’t start with a deeply fleshed out world or a meticulously designed pitch bible with grandiose plans for a long-term story or character arcs. the ninja don’t originally get their powers from heredity because they weren’t hereditary powers yet. the magic system doesn’t make sense bc they literally just made it up as they went! they go back and forth on stuff like whether non-elementals can learn spinjitzu bc it’s a collaborative piece of media made by people with vastly different levels of control over the story, the animation, the sets, etc. that varied over the course of the series. it’s totally understandable and exciting to see so many people reworking the early stuff with the lore and logic later seasons introduced but i personally feel that… if you’re doing that. you need to understand why the show is like that instead of writing it off as being bad and shitty. it was working with what it had. it’s only what it is now because of that awkward troubleshooting phase, not in spite of it
#ninjago#text✨#you’re 100% allowed to criticize the show but i keep seeing people complain about the inconsistencies about like. their parents giving them#their powers especially. like yeah cool that wasn’t a thing yet? they have different origins than the non-core elementals#because in the real world that idea hadn’t even crossed their minds yet! the original story was a more traditional fantasy narrative of#normal people rising to the occasion and *gaining* powers through their own feats. the fact that they changed it later doesn’t mean#it was necessarily bad to begin with or that it’s something that should be mocked#idk just. there’s a lot of hostility in some circles about this stuff and it makes me kinda sad. enjoy the complexity of production and how#series adapt over time. it’s part of why the show is so interesting to me#that essay i wrote had a whole bit juxtaposing the attitudes about technology in rebooted and prime empire and how they reflect greater#cultural trends between 2013 and 2021. it’s SUPER interesting and yet a lot of people only talk about it to make fun of how ‘bad’ it was :(#this isnt to say i don’t enjoy some of the retcons. the changes to their meetings with wu in s8 are genuinely really interesting! i love the#changes to cole’s backstory. i think his mom makes him in the early seasons even better! i’m just saying.. be respectful? nobody *tries* to#make a bad show. ages and ages of time and dedication were put into what ends up on your screens. it’s all human love and creation.#as goofy as it is#okay sry got all anthropology there but hm. been thinking about this for a while. apologies for being the local annoying early seasons fan
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
still impressed namari decided to go down to the 5th floor (honestly they probs got no clue where he fell) w ppl she did not know to rescue toshiro for no pay when at the start she left the party bc she wasnt about to risk her life (even with money, i think) bc she was like u gotta survive no matter what. U must always remember ur fear. I think its bc she has a better support system (financially and like socially) but im also like damn. She liked toshiro more than she liked falin. Thats actually a little surprising.
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tswwwit · 1 year
just reread whump au for the nth time now, and it suddenly occurred to me what in god's name would've happened if dipper just straight up kicked the bucket right after saying, "i love you."
i can't imagine bill's reaction would've been a good one. i'm getting chills just trying to picture it, honestly.
in fact, just the image of dipper dying in general, and seeing the aftermath of that from bill's pov, has my whole body breaking out into goosebumps.
also, let's just assume that bill hasn't yet figured out the whole reincarnation thing in this scenario aha
(i just really like angst okay? lmao)
Oh man, Bill? Oh Bill. Bill.
He would be very, very upset.
Also this is a good opportunity for the ol' classic:
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#answers#There's probably a short time where he's too stunned to have a response#Which is *very* rare for Bill; he's old as hell - literally! - and seen and done pretty much everything#This of course can't last long. Bill is a being of *action*. And rage.#Bill is not taking this lying down#He's not taking this AT ALL what BULLSHIT is THIS#He didn't even get a DECADE with this mortal and what he's just GONE??? BULLSHIT#NO CHANCE NOT HAPPENING NOPE NOPE NO FUCK THAT#If the multiverse thought Bill during their 'break' was bad this is going to be orders of magnitude worse#He's experienced something he never thought he'd ever feel and never *ever* thought would be felt for him in turn#It was strange and disgustingly domestic. Grossly wibbly soft and chokingly *Sweet* with this lovely rivalry ganache#Something he won't - can't - continue on throughout the ages without. Not after he knows what it's *like*#Nothing's gonna match *that* again. Barely a decade damn it and it just. Just went. *poof*.#And FUCK THAT#The soul has to be somewhere. Lots of people can build a body. There's solutions#And if anyone or anyTHING stands in his way he's going to get rid of it without even stopping to monologue or gloat#Bill's got a mission and no psychopomp or demon or god is going to stand in his way of reclaiming what's his#Even if he has to go on a full-on quest for it. Tearing a path through the multiverse#He is GOING to get him BACK#Dipper's Last Words are going to have a greater effect than he could have imagined#Because with those ringing in Bill's brain he's not going to ever *stop*#Narratively speaking it'd be the most Character Development for Bill to exhaust his violent means#And have to bargain with someone#(Probably the Axolotl)#The biggest challenge Bill has ever or will ever face: Going up to someone. Hat in hand. And saying *please*
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arsenicflame · 1 year
i want to see izzy suffer SO badly, i want to see him hurt, put that man through hell
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my-fancy-hat · 2 months
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#and laios swearing he will come back and share a meal with him at a restaurant together stfu😭#i had this lowkey spoiled but only mentioned in memes#fr this was so INTENSE kabru didn't let go of laios' arm any moment he was so scared of losing him???#his tsundere ass got so embarrased when laios exposed him he had to punch him lmao#while laios didn't understand how someone could go so far for his friendship like every friendship he has had have ended in rejection+#(except marcille chillchuck and senshi but they'r more like family at this point)(love when kabru called laios' party his family as whole)#so kabru coming so openly in saying he would love to learn more about him and be by his side hits all the right spots#kabru is finally invited to the family mealss so cute#the classic “i promise i will come back” -> “you'd better keep your promise. i will wait” OKAY HI WHAT R WE DOING#i better see them eating and sharing meals together and hanging out together and laughing and#dungeon meshi#reading#giving a second though it's understandable u could at first say wow kabru so down bad for laios he did all of that for one man#but in a simplified way we could say the same for laios and marcille as well. they have endured a lot for falin#but it's smth greater than that. it's the seek of knowledge too. laios for monsters biology. marcille for magic and kabru for people+#(el chisme i mean. humanism. kabru would def be an anthropologist or politician)#in the dungeon they found smth they could never have achieved in the surface#strong desires
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alchemicaladarna · 7 months
The ghostie streams are a testament to qBad's decision to return to earth, rather than continuing to move forward and go back Home.
As ghosts, we've been able to observe and guide the children to the best of our ability, but the past week has also provided an opportunity to truly understand and connect with them even though we remain unseen.
All the eggs- these kids that love and deserve to be loved- are more than just experiments or incentives for the islanders to stay on the island. They have depth and personalities. They grieve, cry, and become angry. They laugh, and despite everything they've suffered through, they're just kids yet they learn to make the most of their life.
QBad has never had a reason to turn down the chance to return to heaven before, but now his happiness has been cut in half because being a parent made him happy. Throughout his time on Quesadilla, qBad has not only been a father for Dapper and Pomme, but for all the eggs that were featured in the ghostie povs (plus Leo) he's been a second parent, a beloved tio and the kindest caretaker for these kids at one point or another. Even though he can't spend as much time with some eggs, he's always been a pillar they could rely on, and the one constant they have in this roller coaster called life. If he is damned to be a demon and suffer as a mortal being once more just to make sure the kids he's grown to love aren't alone, then so be it. They are mortal, but if there is a chance that he gets to spend even a fraction of his lifetime with them, then his decision would've been worth it.
qBad's happiness was cut in half because Home was his happiness all those millennia ago; but now, there is no paradise the Gates of Heaven can offer that is truly greater than the love a father harbors for his children.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
Dess, your Kirby birthdays post reminds me. We need an official Marxolor day 🫡
A Marxolor day! Anon, I love you! So, in my eyes, we have two choices...
One is to celebrate it on Super Kirby Clash's release, [September 5th] "...Or as I like to call it 'Lovingly Dedicated Day!'"  because that was when NoA had Magolor admit to being in love with Marx!!
(Of course, "lovingly dedicated" was actually a translation error ^^)
The other option I've seen with pairings is their in-between birthday! And there are 220 days between March 21st and October 27th...
110 days after Marx's B-Day and before Magolor's is [July 9th] a day unoccupied by any other Kirby birthday! (Sitting between Blowout Blast and Airride.) This one feels a little more safe to use as the "Official Marxolor Day" as it's not based on an error.
But heck, I'll happily celebrate both! (Too bad they're both so far away. Gotta prepare something nice!!)
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
I’ve gone on and on about how Leo wants to be who Splinter finds is the ideal person (which just so happens to be Splinter’s ideal version of himself) but I have yet to really touch upon how Donnie is the one who most directly parallels Splinter himself to an honestly shocking degree, Raph’s taking from Splinter’s teachings and parenting has resulted in an unhealthy mixup in the different dynamics of a family versus a team, and Mikey is the one who is simultaneously the most focused on family and the most intrinsically himself which both leads to his better grasp of mystics and honestly what just might be the healthiest dynamic with Splinter.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#it’s late so I’m just speaking from the top of my head haha#anyway yeah#the Donnie Splinter parallels are crazyyy tho#I always see ppl say Leo is just like splinter but no Leo WANTS to be like splinter but he’s more a Karai#meanwhile Donnie exhibits many of Splinter’s traits and behaviors#basically Leo has taken on many perceived Lou Jitsu attributes#including his stance his most flaunted skills and his overall demeanor#while honestly being more of a quiet and determined soul at his core that is most like Karai - with the same hope and love for family#we see the more Karai aspects of Leo throughout the series but most blatantly with Future Leo’s portrayal and how Casey Jr talks about him#Donnie though - rather than Lou Jitsu he has many Hamato Yoshi attributes#it’s funny too because Donnie ALSO parallels Draxum in many ways#(you know who else does albeit to a much lighter extent? Mikey)#make no mistake I super wanna get into Raph having a hard time separating team and family and just sorta jumbling them together#but that mindset can be unhealthy!#SHOULD I GET INTO HOW RAPH ALSO PARALLELS HAMATO SHO IN SOME WAYS AS WELL AS ATSUKO#not to mention his direct parallels to OROKU SAKI HIMSELF#and Mikey - I actuallly have a touched briefly upon how his individuality and sense of self has led to his greater control of mystics#but I do think it’s interesting that he has arguably a more healthy relationship with splinter than the others as well?#idk it’s late#and I may be talking about nonsense BUT#I gotta stop here bc I’m very sleepy but I’ll probably be back in these tags rambling more later lol#would just like to add that splinter loves them all very much he is just a flawed and depressed man with a lot of untapped trauma#which unfortunately ends up affecting his boys to different degrees
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