#These are just the three that had the most impact on me when I heard about them/read their rulebooks
harmonic-intervention · 22 hours
Since it is almost 911-day, and I am sure to be proven wrong about all of my headcanons (can't fucking wait!), I need to put some out there about my special guy. Don't even know if any of this makes sense, but here you go.
When Tommy opened his eyes, he stared at the burnt-out corpse of a helicopter.
Oh, he thought, I'm back here. His thoughts felt thick and slow, and he couldn't quite make sense of what he was seeing.
He had been here before.
He had crashed his chopper once before. He had done several emergency landings, but only actually fell out of sky one time, and that was in the army.
He couldn't fully remember. He couldn't remember what went wrong, and the theories that everyone else had were just that - theories. All he knew was that he lost control, he crashed, and was the only one to survive. Three were dead on impact, one died before recovery, one died as the medics were still working on him, and Tommy made it.
He hadn't been awake when they had gotten him, and he had only seen the photographs of the crushed chopper, so whenever he found himself back here, he stood outside of it, staring at the thing that clipped his wings for years to come.
After, he was discharged and sent home, and the thought of flying filled him with anxiety, so he didn't. He stayed on the ground, only able to stare up into the endless blue and yearn and fear. About so many things.
He blinked.
He turned around, no longer in the middle of nowhere staring at a broken chopper.
He was in the backyard of his aunt's house - his father's sister. The person who had spoken was Michael, one of his cousins, who, like the rest of the family, insisted on calling him Tom because Tommy is juvenile! Grow up!
"You know the rules, man," Michael continued, sounding almost apologetic.
Tommy remembered this day. His mother had just died a couple of months back and he was still getting used to the loveless house and the polite coolness of his father's family that his mother had done her best to shield him from.
His thoughts felt disjointed, and he couldn't quite remember what this was about. Someone said something that made Tommy feel awful, at the very least, and when he tried to speak out, Michael had stopped him.
You know the rules.
Like be seen, not heard, don't disagree with the adults, and, most importantly, don't be gay.
It was the moment that Tommy realized he needed to keep quiet about everything. Don't speak up, don't do anything but nod when faced with their opinions, be straight.
He blinked.
There was only one person who called him Thomas, and only one person who did it like this - slurred together into almost one syllable, always sounding angry.
He was back in the living room of his childhood home, seventeen, a backpack slung over his shoulder, his father sat on the couch with a bottle of whiskey.
He had trouble grasping his thoughts for a moment - hadn't he just been in the yard? Much younger? What was that about a helicopter?
He knew what would happen that day. He'd kissed Andrew Jenkins behind the old hunter's shack three weeks ago, and the rumors had finally reached his dad.
"What did I always tell you?" his father asked, or tried to.
He had said a lot. Never anything worth listening to.
"Didn't ya hear me, boy? What did I always tell you!?"
Tommy's father was not a man who liked being ignored. He yelled and roared, spittle and drops of whiskey flying from his mouth. Tommy stayed quiet.
"No fucking son of mine will be one of those queers, you understand me, boy!? So, when I ask you whether what I heard is true, you better say no!"
Tommy had to think of something about a forged signature, of running away, of a camp and drills and training and men just like his father, of a helicopter.
"Is what I heard today true, boy?"
"You're a sorry excuse for a man." Tommy was reasonably sure that was not what was supposed to come out of his mouth. He never said anything like this. He only ever wanted to.
His father, in a blur, suddenly stood in front of Tommy. His face morphed into Gerrard's for a moment, then back into the haggard, cross-eyed man Tommy had known in his youth.
He was close enough that Tommy could smell his alcohol-stained breath, something he had become too familiar with. When he was young, his father had seemed scary, intimidating to him. Now, he seemed weak, not able to keep himself upright.
All his life, he had wished he had taken a swing at his dad, just once. Fought back, just once.
Violence ran in the family, after all.
He had a hand fisted in the collar of his father's shirt. He didn't know how it got there.
His father smiled. He had never smiled. Sneered, yes. Frowned, a lot. Never smiled. It didn't suit him. "Do it, you coward. Be a man."
He hadn't said that in this context. Not to Tommy. He had said it to his brother-in-law after Tommy's mother had died and a fight between his father and the rest of the in-laws caused them to never contact Tommy again.
God, Tommy hated this man. He didn't hate many people, he didn't think. Vaguely, he thought that he would normally just wash his hands of them and never think of them. That sounded better.
But he would never completely remove this. He was his father's son, after all.
He blinked.
They had moved from the living room to the entrance. He wasn't seventeen. He was 40, holding onto his father's shirt collar, and in the open door of his childhood home behind him stood Evan.
He reached out a hand, and Tommy immediately dropped his father in favor of turning around and accepting Evan's grasp. His grip was strong, a bit tight, clutching at him almost in desperation.
"Tommy," he said again, but there was almost an echo there, far away and urgent. He seemed to be staring right through Tommy.
He gripped Tommy's shoulders with both of his hands. "Tommy, come on. You gotta be here."
"I- I am?" Tommy said, or he thought he did. His voice got lost in Evan's.
"Tommy, please."
He blinked.
Then again.
And again.
He smelled smoke. The side of his face felt tacky and the sun was painfully bright in his eyes. His head was pounding.
He tried to sit up, but everything in his head slid off a slope and he dropped back down, closing his eyes against the spinning tree tops.
He breathed against the nausea rising up in his stomach, but that just made him cough thanks to the smoke. God, his ribs hurt. He'd probably cracked a few.
His copter had gone down, he remembered suddenly.
He had told them that something wasn't quite right, but they had sent him up anyway. And then, he started having issues with the rotor controls.
He'd tried for an emergency landing, but when there was nothing but forest underneath him, there wasn't excactly room to safely land a chopper.
He remembered being conscious after hitting the ground. He remembered crawling out of there and throwing up as soon as he got his legs under him, before he stumbled away as the hunk of junk left of his copter burst into flames.
He had made as far as his legs could carry him until he collapsed to the ground.
His head hurt. Breathing hurt. He kind of just wanted to go to sleep.
He smiled a bit. Maybe he could go and find Evan in his dream again.
"Tommy!" Louder this time. Closer, it seemed. Urgent.
How long had Evan been shouting for him? He'd heard that same urgent undertone in his dream.
He could hear additional voices, now. He couldn't identify them. He could hear the sound of several heavy boots making their way through the undergrowth.
Good. He didn't think he could talk if he tried.
For a moment, the sounds stopped. Then picked up again, louder, and faster, and coming closer.
"Tommy!" A heavy body crashed to the ground next to him, and hands on his face gently, slowly helped him turn his head to look at Evan, kneeling next to him.
He slowly raised his hand. His shoulder hurt a bit, too, but not as bad as his head. Evan took his hand before he could try to figure out what to do with it.
"Can you talk? Where are you hurt?"
Everywhere? Tommy didn't think he had broken anything but his ribs - miracle of miracles - but he was pretty banged up. He'd probably be bruised all over. He was probably also concussed, now that he thought about it.
He opened his mouth. Closed it. Swallowed, and it felt like nails scraping against the inside of his throat. Kept looking at Evan, despite the presence of other people appearing at his side, other hands trying to figure out what was wrong with him.
"Ev-Evan," he croaked, and almost regretted it immediately, if it wasn't for the relieved smile it caused.
"Yeah, it's me, it's Evan. We've got you, now. You'll be okay."
Tommy nodded as best as he could, and Evan didn't leave his side for a moment when he was picked up.
He kept mumbling his name over and over whenever Tommy's eyes shut for too long, whenever it looked like Tommy was about to slip away. He kept holding his hand.
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scratching92 · 2 years
So, in light of everything with WOTC, I think I’m gonna spend this year exploring other games systems. I’ve already kinda been bouncing off of D&D for a bit, but I think now’s a good time to actually commit to either playing or running games in new systems like I’ve been wanting to do. And since I’m sure there are others who might want to hear about some other TTRPGs, I figured I’d share a short list here. In no particular order:
Genesys - a setting-agnostic RPG that makes use of Narrative Dice, which generate not only success and failure, but also positive and negative complications that lend themselves to interesting narrative consequences. An example I like to use is attempting to bluff your way into a mob’s headquarters, so you lie and pretend to be a member of the mob named Jerry. You roll a success with threat, so they successfully buy into you being Jerry, except as it so happens Jerry’s in shit with his superiors at the moment, so you get dragged off to be disciplined instead of having free reign to look around. If you’ve ever played the Star Wars RPGs by Fantasy Flight Games, the system is near-identical, save a few small things here and there.
I’ve run a game or two of the system before, but I’d really like to go back to it at some point and maybe run a short campaign for some friends.
Lancer - a space opera tactical mecha RPG. I’m actually running a game of this in about two weeks or so! The mechanics seem really neat, but one thing I was not expecting when I read the core rulebook was the lore. My god! The Lancer setting just has... so much, I don’t even know where to begin. Earth (or Cradle, as it’s known in the Lancer setting) is a socialist utopia trying to share its utopian project with the diaspora, which is fraught with dystopic corpro-states, myriad worlds in various states of technological development, hacker-cults, and a bizarre paracausal entity that stole one of Mars’ moons (and isn’t even the only one of their kind!). It’s absolutely wild. 
Fabula Ultima - an RPG inspired by classic JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. I only learned about this one a few days ago, admittedly, but I’m kind of already in love. It has a sort of job system in place where characters have access to 15 classes, which they can take levels in as they level-up and add skills from those classes. It’s also very collaborative with its narrative and worldbuilding, with both the GM and the players having a say in what the world is like prior to play. I’d like to play a few sessions of this when I can, because it looks fun.
These are the three main games I’m interested in playing this year, although I’m gonna be on the lookout for any others that might be interesting.
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luveline · 2 months
i just discovered bombshell reader but omfg she got hit in the face with a sledgehammer??? how does the healing process go for her? especially since she’s very focused on her looks. how would she cope?
thank you for requesting <3 fem
Your new scars are… an adjustment. 
The worst one is where the hammer hit you. Where your jaw shattered, and the impact of the hammerhead split your skin. You don’t remember the pain, just the nausea, and the blackness as your consciousness slipped away, and now you have a permanent reminder stretched from the corner of your mouth to your jaw. 
You turn your chin up in the mirror, looking. When you smile the scar puckers, rigid and starkly purple against your skin.  
You can hear Spencer in your kitchen. He’s singing. You haven’t heard him sing many times, despite all your days and nights spent together. Your smile is out of your hands, you don’t really think about it, and so for the first time in weeks you see your own happiness in the mirror. 
You didn’t have your jaw wired for as long as most people, just three weeks. At first you’d decided against it, and then you’d realised it wasn’t really an option. That entire time, Spencer stood by your side like he’d been glued there supporting every decision with vigour. And considering he hadn’t been your boyfriend for very long —your best friend, arguably, but not officially your partner— he’s done more than you ever expected of him. He’s been perfect. 
He continues to be everything you need. “Hey, Y/N! Are you eating breakfast today or not?” 
You give yourself a last look in the mirror, cringe at your scars, and check your newly repaired teeth. They look fine, Spencer swears that he can’t tell the difference. 
You can. 
You leave your room for the kitchen. There are twin plates of breakfast waiting and steaming hot on the kitchen table, with a glass of juice and a second of water waiting beside them. Spencer’s coffee sits half empty beside the cutlery. 
“I love breakfast. What are we having, Spencer Reid, egg and sausage muffins again?” 
He appears from your little pantry with a big smile. “No, it’s bacon and egg. But I can make something else.”
“That’s perfect, it’s perfect.” 
Spencer puts a package of rice crackers down on the table. “Let me get the hazelnut spread. Sit down.” 
“It’s fine, we can have them after. You need to eat before it goes cold, Spence.” You open your hand for him. “Please?”
Spencer takes your hand, but only for you to sit. He stays standing at your legs, looking down at you, all brown curls and eyes as his hand runs up your arm to your shoulder, where it stays. 
The other follows a similar path, but then he holds your face, and you feel your breath catch. 
Forward, for Spencer. 
Suddenly, he’s the confident one. 
“You were in there for a long time,” he says. 
“Just making sure I look alright.” 
“You do. You look more than alright.” His thumb presses into your cheek, forcing a hollow. 
You lean into it. 
“You’re beautiful. Nothing can change that.” 
You need the comfort, and you know you’ve had enough. He keeps telling you how pretty you are, and you are, but he must be getting sick of it. 
…But no. He’s not getting tired of it. 
“Love you,” you whisper. 
He’s only had a couple of those from you. Many more since your injury, not because you didn’t love him, but because it can be synonymous with so many things, like please, and thank you, and please stay. Lately, you’ve had to ask him for more than you’ve ever asked before. 
“I love you, too,” he says, with that pout that tells you his cheeks will be pink before he’s so much as sat down. 
He rubs your cheek. Over and over, little circles as your eyes close. You’re tired again. His hands smell like toast and butter. 
“It’s really not as bad as you think it is. Nobody at work will think anything less of you.” 
“Of course they will. I used to be perfect.” 
“Hey. That’s not fair, to you or anyone. A scar doesn’t have the power to– to make you less perfect,” —you peel your eyes open at his intensity— “you couldn’t be any less pretty. It’s not possible.” 
“I know it’s ugly, Spencer.” 
“You keep saying that, but it’s not.” He raises his second hand to your cheek, the one with the scar, careful though it stopped feeling tender to the touch weeks ago. The pad of his thumb follows the line. 
You raise your chin, pulling him down for a quick kiss. “Sorry,” you say against his lips. 
He smiles in turn. “It’s okay. I can keep telling you.” 
“Can you tell me again?” 
Spencer kisses you again. His way of kissing has been toned down now, and sometimes you miss feeling like he was gonna press you against a wall, but it was necessary. Even now you feel a phantom twinge as his nose smushes yours. 
“You’re beautiful,” he says, pulling back now, just one hand at your neck. “You are. You’re so pretty it gives me palpitations.” 
“That can’t be good.” 
“I think it’s really bad.” He laughs like an idiot. “I just don’t care. I’ve had you-provoked tachycardia for years. Nothing’s gonna change that now.” 
bombshell au
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milkloafy · 3 months
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: in which pro hero!shouto saves you from getting run over by a car and finds himself immediately enraptured by you.  ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: pro hero!shouto, fluff, gn!reader ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 1.3k ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: aka…pro hero!shouto is a pr nightmare and no u cannot convince me otherwise ! ahdjskc but frl this is so unserious but i miss the og anime loml so here we are :>
Shouto wasn’t exactly known for his talkative nature. 
It was quite the opposite, in fact, with news agencies and magazines often referring to him as the quiet one of the Big Three. Though, he supposed that was better than being known as the one with the family trauma. 
But people often mistook his silence for thoughtfulness, he realized. Or an intense observation of sorts. And while at times that was the case, most times, it was simply because he didn’t have anything to say. 
Shouto blinked as he realized the situation he was in. 
He had just stopped a villain from robbing a luxury clothing store for the third time this month, nothing too exciting, yet the journalists showed up each time for an interview with him after. 
“Sir, we are live,” the reporter reminded with a nervous laugh. “We asked if you had a message for any…”
She kept talking, but Shouto was unable to concentrate. Not because he had heard it millions of times before, but because he noticed a strange movement from the corner of his eyes. 
This was one of the times he was both silent and observant. 
Shouto spotted you crossing the street on your phone, staring at your screen and completely oblivious that a car was headed your way with little to no sign of stopping. 
Without thinking of how it would look to the public for him to ditch an interview mid-sentence, he ran over to you before he even processed his legs moving. Throwing his right arm out in front of him, he sent a wall of ice up to block the vehicle’s predicted path, reaching you just in time to sweep you off your feet and carry you away from the road as the ice began to shatter from the impact. 
The ice wall was thick enough that the car slowed before fully breaking through, but that didn’t stop Shouto from instinctively shielding you with his body in the event that ice shards propelled towards you. 
Once he heard the sound of a crash and alarms, he figured the vehicle was fully stopped and the authorities arrived to assess the situation themselves. Would he get scolded by his agency for putting up an ice wall and potentially damaging someone’s vehicle? It was likely so. But that was better than someone actually getting hit by a car instead. 
The world wanted heroes, but only when they fit into their ideal mold. And while rules and regulations helped keep order in the world, in moments like these when someone’s life was in danger, Shouto couldn’t be bothered to care.
Slowly, his body relaxed and he was able to finally take a look at you. At the person who, for some reason, was so focused on their phone they didn’t notice a car coming at them. 
Any criticisms that threatened to come out of his lips stayed there once he got a good look at your features. He found himself taken aback by how beautiful you looked, though he quickly cleared his throat and recovered from his blatant staring. 
“Be careful when you’re crossing the street,” said Shouto, walking over to a section of grass and away from the commotion that was happening on the road, with you still in his arms. “What was keeping you so occupied?” 
You looked up at him guiltily, your phone clutched between your hands. “I was trying to order my food…” 
He blinked. As a pro hero, he shouldn’t be one the judge victims. But he couldn’t help but raise his brow just a bit. 
“I was really hungry,” you said sheepishly, hiding your face in embarrassment. “But I can’t believe I was so focused on my order I didn’t realize the car wasn’t stopping!” You sighed to yourself before meeting Shouto’s eyes once more. “Thank you for saving me, Shouto. I’m sure you had much more pressing matters to attend to instead of saving some random person off the street.”
He shook his head. “That’s the most important part of the job. Saving people.” 
You smiled gratefully at him and he almost had to look away from your dazzling grin. “Well, thank you for saving this idiotic person right here.” You gestured towards yourself. “Still, I hope my order went through…”
A mixture between a snort and a laugh escaped his lips. You had almost gotten run over and your biggest concern was whether or not your dinner was on its way? 
“It’s didn’t!” you cried in exasperation as you peeked at your phone. “Well, I might as well get a convenience store meal at this point.” Sighing, you leaned your head against his chest for a brief moment of comfort. “By the way, you can set me down now. I think people are taking pictures of us.” 
“Oh,” said Shouto, “right.”
Carefully, he loosened his hold on you and set your feet carefully onto the floor. Before fully letting go of you, he made sure you were stable and steady. For some, it took a while for the events to process and the panic to settle in, and he wanted to ensure you were truly okay. 
You had a worried look on your face as you noticed the video cameras still focused on the two of you. 
“Will you get in trouble for this?” you whispered, leaning close to his ear. 
“For rescuing someone from a getting hit by a car and talking to them after?” He considered things for a moment. “Most likely. But it’s okay. The most important thing is you are safe, both physically and mentally.”
Giggling, you nodded, reaching up to pat him on top of his head. Shouto was startled by the sudden touch, but he didn’t pull away.
“Who knew Shouto was such a worrywart,” you teased. “I’m safe and unharmed, all thanks to you. In fact, to show my gratitude… Why don’t I treat you to some convenience store dinner? On me, of course!” 
Shouto was silent for a bit. There were plenty of things he should be thinking about right now. The headlines that would be made about Pro Hero Shouto saving someone and then going on a “date” with them right after. The damage it could do to his reputation. The overtime hours the agency would make his public relations team work.
Instead, his silence was used to think of what he exactly he wanted to get at the convenience store. 
“Okay,” Shouto said once he made up his mind. “I’ll take a curry bun.” 
You laughed and gestured for him to follow you to the nearest convenience store. “I like that, too. You have good taste.” 
He followed along beside you, pleased with himself when he heard your captivating laugh. 
“I think I want an egg sandwich tonight,” you stated, a thoughtful look on your face. “Or maybe some fried chicken. Or an egg sandwich and fried chicken? And a smoothie for a drink and dessert all in one item! But maybe I want a crepe instead…”
As you rambled on, Shouto suddenly understood how you were too engrossed with trying to order food on your phone that you didn’t realize a vehicle was approaching you earlier. And while that was dangerous, he found it slightly endearing. Just as long as you were away from any cars. 
Shouto was so focused on listening to you that he hardly paid attention to the look of shock on the reporters’ faces and the influx of calls he was receiving from his agency. 
Right now, he simply wanted to hear you talk more and eat a curry bun. 
The rest, he could deal with later. 
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wands-natsthing · 11 days
𝐈𝐟 𝐈’𝐦 𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
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Hii I haven’t written anything in months so hopefully this isn’t like bad 
Plsss like and comment if ya wanna I love reading them and it's so motivating
And feedback is more than welcomed. 
Warings: This is like previous high school student x teachers kinda sorta reader was 18 when that was happening tho no smut yet but will be implied in the future. Panic attacks, Axe’s body spray. That’s all i think but if you recognize anymore lemme know pls!! 
Word count: 1.5k 
Summary: You're in love with your high school English teacher Wanda but at graduation she’s like I love you too but we can’t so then five years pass and you see her at a cafe with another red headed woman.
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They say high school is a time of self-discovery, forming relationships that could last a lifetime, and navigating the endless possibilities of first experiences. For you, high school was wrapped up in the lunches you shared with Mrs.Wanda Maximoff, your 
12th-grade English teacher.
The unusual friendship started with a shared love for classic literature and a mutual understanding of feeling out of place. Mrs. Maximoff had a way of making Shakespeare's complicated content relatable and understandable by intertwining them with life lessons that resonated with you. 
She was different from other teachers. She was patient, helped you with your homework when you couldn't understand the difference between dependent and independent clauses, listened more than she spoke. When she did speak, her words were thoughtful and impactful, often leaving you to think long and hard after class had ended.
Your lunch sessions together started by accident, really. 
On a particularly busy day, when the crowded hallways were more overwhelming than usual, your anxiety was on the brink of turning into a full-blown panic attack. You found refuge in her classroom. Mrs. Maximoff was there, her eyes scanning over a copy of Donna Tartt's "The Secret History." She looked up, saw your distressed state, and, without a word, brought you into her embrace. 
The smell of her expensive perfume didn't burn your nose like the smell of Bath and Body Works, Axe cologne, and body odor in the hallways usually did. 
She calms you down using the softest voice you've ever heard. 
"You're doing so well, darling. Now tell me, what are three things you can smell?" 
"Your perfume,"  you answered. The strong feminine scent overwhelmed your senses in the best way possible. 
"Oh yeah, it does smell pretty good, doesn't it? You're doing so well for me, sweet girl." 
When you were finally calm, she shared her lunch with you. While eating, we talked about everything but schoolwork, music, movies, and favorite books and authors. It was the first time you truly felt seen and heard. 
These lunches became a part of your routine. Every day, you'd sit in her classroom during lunch hour, the chaos of the school melting away as we engage ourselves in conversation about anything and everything. 
There was a silent agreement to keep these lunches between us, our little secret.  
However, as weeks turned into months, your feelings toward Mrs. Maximoff began to change. It was initially subtle, a flutter of the heart when she smiled, a longing to be near her more than our lunches and class time allowed. 
When you realized these feelings you panicked. You knew that they were wrong but just couldn't help yourself. The tabooness of a student having romantic feelings for their teacher was probably the most exciting part about it. 
You fought with your conscience on a daily basis, constantly reminding yourself of the boundaries that should not be crossed, the rules that you both would be breaking, and how she could lose her job. But your heart didn't care. You wanted her, and you were determined to figure out if she wanted you as well. 
As spring transitioned into summer, your feelings continued to grow. Graduation was approaching, and you had made up your mind to express the feelings you had for Mrs. Maximoff on that day.
Graduation day was filled with excitement as students threw their graduation caps and rushed to their loved ones with their diplomas, but you were only interested in finding Mrs. Maximoff. You spotted her talking with someone's parents among the crowd of excited students. You began making your way toward her. The closer you got to her, the more your eyes met. She stopped talking to the parents and turned all her attention to you. Mrs. Maximoff reached out her hands to hold yours while whispering in your ear, 
"I'm so proud of you."  
"Thank you, Wanda," you uttered softly, the sound of her name sweet on your lips. 
When you look back at her face, you see her nose scrunch up the way it always does when she's blushing.With your heart beating out of your chest, you thought now would be as good a time as ever to proclaim your love to her. 
"Hey, Wanda, I need to tell you something," she can tell in your tone of voice that it's serious."
"Whatever it is, you can tell me," she reassures you with a concerned look in her eyes.
"This year has been amazing, the best year in school I've ever had, and I have you to thank for it. I think about that day when you saved me from the hallways all the time, and it was the best day of my life because I met you. As I got to know you, you became more than my 12th-grade English teacher, more than Mrs. Maximoff. I got to know Wanda, and it has been my biggest joy. I guess what I'm trying to say is. I love you, Wanda Maximoff." 
You finish your declaration with tears in your eyes, but Wanda's devastating look turns tears of joy and relief into tears of sadness.
"I love you too," she whispered back, her voice carrying a mixture of sorrow, excitement, and apprehension. "But you're about to start a new chapter of your life. College is not just about studying; it's also about experiencing new things, and I don't want to be the thing holding you back from doing that. I'm ten years older than you. I've had my fun, and now it's time for you to have yours, but please know that I enjoyed our time together just as much, if not more, than you did. Maybe if the circumstances were different, then we could have made this work, but we're just in different places in our lives right now."
Your heart sank. 
Though you knew she was right, you didn't want to hear that. The logical part of you agreed with her, but your heart didn't care. You longed to be with her.
"Okay, um, thank you. Bye," you mumbled tearfully while walking away. You could hear her call out for you, but you didn't have it in you to turn back. Embarrassed and  heartbroken, you left the graduation stadium, ready to experience all the "new things." She said you would hopefully find it. 
That was five years ago. 
Now, at your college graduation with a Master's in library science. All the memories from high school just came flooding back into your mind. You never stopped thinking about Wanda after that day. Every time you would sit by yourself in the campus cafe, you would often think about all the lunches the two of you shared together. 
You had received an offer to work in your high school's library after college, which made you ecstatic. You've always loved your high school's library. It's the best one you've ever visited. 
However, you're concerned about whether Wanda still works there. In the past five years, you haven't tried to look for or talk to her at all. 
You rented an apartment that would be closer to the school when it started in August. You decided to stop at the coffee shop where you would get your hot pumpkin spice latte, even in the summer months. You remembered when you would occasionally bring Wanda one as well. 
When you walked in you heard the familiar bell that would ring anytime someone walked in or out. After you order your drink you settle at a table near the window loving the view it offers. As you take in the scenery you hear a familiar laugh. That couldn't possibly be- You thought as you turned around. 
Your eyes met a sight that took your breath away. 
There was Wanda looking as gorgeous as ever just like she was five years ago. Her hair color hadn't changed; it was the auburn color of red you adored, even her laughter that was echoing throughout the cafe was the same. Across from her sat another redheaded woman, their fingers laced together, sharing a moment of what looked to be pure love and happiness. 
The sight filled you with mixed emotions. You were happy that she was happy, but you couldn't help but feel envy bubbling up inside you. That should be me. 
As you stood up to leave not even caring about how sweet the pumpkin spice flavor on your tongue would be. You hear her laughter subsided. Wanda's gaze wandered and locked with yours. For a brief moment, time stood still, and memories rushed back. 
A smile, warm and understanding, on her lips as she gave a small wave. You go to wave back, but you're paralyzed. Unable to move or breathe. The only thing that brings you back is the sound of your name being called. “Y/n…Pumpkin spice latte hot?" The barista called out. 
"Y- yes, that's me." You replied quickly, grabbing your coffee and practically running out of there. 
You couldn't believe you just saw her again and in the midst of self-patronizing for not waving back and standing there like a deer in headlights. You had one thought. 
Who is that woman? 
Lemme know what you think!! and if you want more
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toujoursrab · 2 months
Prompt: Eerie | Pairing: Jegulus (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Word Count: 529
When Regulus returned home from his shift at St. Mungo’s, he expected to be met with controlled chaos. Harry’s toys all over the sitting room floor, Peppa Pig playing loudly on the muggle TV and mixing in with the Hamilton soundtrack coming from the kitchen (because it was James’ night to cook and he couldn’t do it without music). Instead he was met with an eerie silence, walking through the house wondering if anyone was actually home. He didn’t even step on a Lego as he made his way into the sitting room. “Haz? Jamie?” The TV was off, the room was oddly clean. Even Harry’s fingerpaints from this morning were cleaned up and his artwork most likely hung up on their fridge.
The Healer turned on his heel, leaving the sitting room and making his way to the kitchen. Much like the previous room, the kitchen was entirely clean. James rarely cleaned up right after he cooked, so the kitchen was always a mess when the professional Quidditch player put it to use. Regulus was just about to leave the room and head for the bedrooms next, when a vase of flowers sitting there on the counter caught his eye. A dozen red roses, a classic, but also his favorite flower. A smile formed on his lips as he picked up the card in front of them addressed to Regulus. It was simple a ‘Happy Anniversary, love. Yours always, James’. He scrunched up his nose in confusion because it wasn’t their anniversary.
Before Regulus could think much of it, he heard a set of footsteps followed by a pair of arms wrapping around his middle. He leaned back into his husband’s warm embrace, setting the card he was holding down on the counter. “The flowers are beautiful, Jamie, but it’s not our anniversary for another three months.”
James kissed the side of Regulus’ neck, lips lingering as he spoke into the other’s smooth skin. “You agreed to go out with me exactly five years ago today. It’s an anniversary worth celebrating.”
“Wow, can’t believe I forgot especially when we celebrate it every year.” They didn’t, obviously. His tone was laced with a teasing sarcasm only Regulus could pull off. Regulus had no recollection of the day he finally agreed to go on a date with James, but he didn’t doubt the other knew the exact date. What Regulus did remember of that day, James had been so elated, when he left, he walked right into a light pole, the impact enough to break his glasses.
“Don’t worry about it.” James replied cheekily as Regulus tilted his head to press their lips together in a series of soft kisses. “You have me to remind you.”  When James finally released his hold on Regulus, he turned so they were facing each other. Regulus reached for James’s hands to hold. “Haz is with Lils for the weekend, I set up a romantic candlelit dinner in the garden. Will you join me, Mr. Potter?”
The corners of Regulus’ lips upturned into a bright smile. “I would love to, Mr. Potter.”  He leaned up and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss.
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suplicyy · 4 months
Hellooo!! This is the anon from the Kenma and Noya req lmao. I have another request :3
Feel free to decline this req but could you please write some hcs about how it would feel to cuddle with both Kenma AND Kuro at the same time..Like reader is either dating one of them, both or maybe its all just platonic and then they just cuddle and hhh mimimi
Cuddle Sandwich
Kenma x Gn!Reader x Kuroo
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— Summary: How you and your boyfriends like to cuddle.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader
— Poly!Relationship
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The three of you were childhood friends, and since today you are very close and even went to the same school! And when they joined the volleyball club, you signed up to be the club manager, as a way to stay close to them, since you had a little crush on the two of them.
But little did you know that they also hid a small crush on you, and on each other as well. And on the day of discovery, the three of you agreed to be in a relationship.
Few people know about your relationship, so you don't usually show much affection in public. But when you hug in public, many people think it's because the three of you are childhood friends.
But make no mistake, you are extremely affectionate when it's just the three of you.
Kenma is usually the main target of your hugs, because he is shyer, his reactions are always the cutest!
One time you and Kuroo got together to give Kenma a big surprise hug while he was playing a game, and it ended up that the three of you accidentally fell to the ground with the impact (and even then you continued lying on the ground because the position you were hugging him was too comfortable)
The three of you love to cuddle when it's cold, because that means you'd probably have a movie marathon night at your house! There are always several favorite snacks for everyone and several blankets and pillows to make it even more cozy.
And when you're watching the movie, you almost always make a sort of cuddle sandwich in your bed, with you and Kuroo hugging Kenma who is between you two. He always says that you and Kuroo are too clingy with him, but don't let that fool you, he really likes it and even sleeps because he is so comfortable in your arms.
But don't expect it to always be as calm and silent as in those moments, because from time to time hugging can also be quite chaotic.
Kuroo has a habit of fidgeting and changing positions while hugging one of you all the time, so in case you made your bed, I'm sorry but it's going to be all messed up the second he sits on it. While hugging you and Kenma, he also would babbling about some curiosity he saw on the Internet or talking about some gossip he heard in class.
And just as they love hugging you, you love hugging them too!
Kenma's favorite type of hug is when he's playing something on his console and you're cuddled up next to him, with your head resting on his shoulder.
Kuroo's favorite type of hug is when you give him surprise hugs. Silently approach him and give him a big hug from behind and this boy will immediately hug you back.
Kenma loves to hug you when you're lying down, so he can sleep while being comfortable next to you.
Kuroo likes to give you really tight hugs, which most of the time he does to provoke you on purpose. He would crush you and hold you so you wouldn't leave, and he would only let you leave if it was something urgent (only if meteors were falling on Earth).
You guys love to cuddle each other, the feeling of comfort it gives each of you when you are with each other is irreplaceable.
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A/N — Two posts in one day yayyy!! As I'm going to be less active this week I thought I'd post this one today too!
Also, this is my first time writing about a poly!relationship, so please tell me if I did something wrong or made someone uncomfortable😥
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rabesbabe · 3 months
Silver Soul
Jackie Taylor x Fem!Reader
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part one ➴ part two part three
Summary: You accidentally injure Jackie one day during practice and your relationship with her starts to bloom.
A/N: Jackie is such a cutie and she literally did no wrong the entire series (fight w me idc). But I’m hoping YJ tumblr is still alive idk? Enjoy this fic tho ! (Not proofread)
“Oh my god.”
Your mouth is agape as you watch the ball you kicked hit Jackie Taylor straight in the nose.
The whole team stood and watched in shock as the ball coming from the complete opposite end of the field smacks her straight in the face.
The best way to describe Jackie in your words was perfect. And you weren’t jealous of her or anything. You liked who you were and all but it was just true. Jackie had amazing grades, she was the captain of the soccer team and, from what you knew she came from a good family.
Even though you had been on the same team as her for two years now, you guys never really became anything more than acquaintances. You waved at her in the halls and she did the same but that was kind of it. You guys had different social circles and shared a few classes but never talked in them. She wasn’t anything to you really besides your teammate.
You ran as fast as you could to the other side of the field to help Jackie who was now clutching her nose and wincing in pain.
“Wait, Y/N!” You heard Natalie call out to you. And as you were running you looked back to see what Nat was calling after you about.
When suddenly you ran straight into Jackie and you both fell to the ground.
You grab your head and wince. Jesus did you have to be this clumsy?
Opening your eyes you see Taissa offering you her hand and laughing while Van does the same for Jackie.
As you stand up, you look at Jackie, her face was red from the impact and her eyes looked glossy. You felt like the worst person in the world.
“Shit, Jackie, I’m so sorry.” You say.
She winced again as she looks at you and tries her best to smile through the pain. “It’s totally fine. You didn’t mean to.”
Still feeling like satan himself you offer to take her to the nurse.
“Yeah that’d be great.” She says.
As you and Jackie make your way to the side of the field Nat catches up with you.
“Way to go Y/N,” She says, teasing you.
“Now, is not the time to be an asshole.” You say to her halfway joking.
You and Nat had been best friends since practically the first day of kindergarten. You had caught her outside throwing rocks at kids during recess, and since that was right up your alley, you joined her. Ever since then you guys have been inseparable. And constantly being menaces towards everyone together.
Nat waves you off and walks back to the field. You turn your attention to Jackie and stop her so that you can move her hands from her face. You Inspect her nose and it was most definitely bleeding but, it looked okay. You were shocked at how powerful you could kick.
“It should be fine.” You say smiling a little at Jackie.
She nods not seeming to believe you.
The walk to the nurses office was filled with awkward silence. You had no idea what to say to her. You just kicked her in the face and then basically tackled her. You were shocked she didn’t hate your guts.
As you walk to the door you realize that since it’s after school the nurse isn’t gonna be inside the office.
“Uhm. I kinda forgot that she wasn’t gonna be here.” You say awkwardly to Jackie who somehow, was giving you her award winning smile even though her nose was literally bleeding onto her jersey.
“It’s fine I can just get ice when I get home.” She says, shuffling her feet.
“Or I could get us into the office without a key?” You say smirking.
She looks up at you, her hazel eyes glowing with disapproval. “There’s cameras? Don’t you think they’ll see us.”
“So what? Are they gonna give us detention for stealing an Ice pack?” You laugh, rolling your eyes.
The corner of her mouth turned upwards and she smiles a bit but still looks worried.
“Come on Jackie, live a little.” You look down at the lock and grab a hairpin.
In about 3 minutes you were into the office.
Jackie looks at you her mouth slightly open.
“Wow, you didn’t think I could do it did you?” You look at her with a fake offended face on.
“No I definitely didn’t. But, you did.” She says giggling.
Still feeling very responsible for her obvious pain you say, “Here sit on one of the beds I’ll grab the ice pack.”
Looking around the nurses office you find the freezer and grab some ice. You put it into a plastic bag and wrap a paper towel around it.
“Scooch.” You say and you sit next to her on the nurses bed.
You gently grab her chin and inspect her face noticing that the bleeding stopped.
“Wait.” You say getting an idea. You go into the bathroom get some tissue and wet it with cold water.
When you get back over to her you notice she’s already shifted back into where you were sitting.
You playfully roll your eyes at her. “Cmon, schooch again.”
You sit back down and grab her face again. This time you move closer your faces are only inches away from each other. You gently wipe the blood off her face. Her breathing starts to falter a little and you look her in the eyes. “God, the ball must’ve hit you hard, you can barely breathe from the pain.”
Her cheeks go a light shade of pink that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so close to her. “Uhm. Yeah it hit me pretty hard.” She says.
“Sorry again.” You say.
A little out of it from the throbbing coming from her face and her proximity to you at the moment, Jackie bursted out laughing. Very confused since nothing funny happened, you look at her.
“What?” You say starting to laugh a little yourself.
“Nothing,” She says trying to catch her breath. “You’re just like the clumsiest person i’ve ever met.”
“Asshole,” you laugh out.
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who kicked me.” she exclaims, attempting to stifle her laugh.
You narrow your eyes at her playfully and hand her the ice pack.
“Now you’re back to the beautiful normal Jackie,” You say. “All that blood was not doing you justice.” You joke.
She blushes at your words slightly and you notice but brush it off as her face just being red from earlier.
Getting up from the bed she looks down at her wrist, checking the time. “Practice is probably over now.”
“Yeah. We should go and get changed.”
After changing and showering you walk with Nat to your car. You guys stop there for a bit and chat.
“Is she coming over here?” You say furrowing your eyes and looking into the distance.
Across the parking lot was Jackie, smiling at you and Nat, in her perfect little outfit.
“You kick a girl in the face one time and now she’s obsessed.” Natalie says smirking while taking a drag from a cigarette.
You elbow Nat in the side at her sarcasm causing her to drop her cig. “Ouch?!” Clutching at her side she looks at you. When Jackie reaches your car she stops right in front of you and Natalie.
“Uh hey Jackie.” You say weerily.
“Hi.” She says, giving you that smile she gave everyone when she wanted something. You had seen it before a million times. And it worked every single time.
“Did you need something?” You ask.
“Yeah actually, I was wondering if you could drive me home?” She Bats her eyelashes at you innocently.
Nat gives you a confused look and you shoot one right back at her. Why was she suddenly talking to you?
You try to think of an excuse to say no. You had a routine after school. You got coffee at your favorite place and studied. Sometimes Nat came along if she wasn’t working. And then after school you’d watch movies or hangout with friends and smoke. Driving Jackie Taylor home was not apart of that routine.
“Doesn’t Shauna take you home? I thought you guys always like hungout after practice or something.”
“It’s totally fine! She’ll survive one day without us hanging out. Plus you owe me after today.” She smiles at you again.
Nat buts in. “Yeah you owe her Y/N, drive the nice girl home.” She says trying to annoy you.
You look over at Nat and give her a look that she immediately understands as “I’m literally going to kill you if you don’t leave right now.” Nat laughs and walks to her car. “I’ll call you later Y/N.” She yells to you before getting in.
You flip her off and yell back, “Please don’t!”
Jackie looks at you again and asks, “So are you gonna drive me or not?”
You just sigh and open the door for her.
She squeals and gets in.
“Oh, by the way I usually stop for coffee so I guess you have to come with me.” You say starting the car up.
“Fine by me.” She says.
You guys pull out of the parking lot and drive for a while in silence. You notice Jackie looking over at you every now and then and you try your best to ignore it.
“So, are you gonna play music?” She asks looking at you expectantly.
“If you want,” You shrug. “There’s a few cassettes in the glove compartment right there.”
She opens the glove compartment and gasps. “The Smashing Pumpkins!”
You look over at her doubtful. “You know them?”
“Duh.” She says rolling her eyes. You laugh and she puts the tape in.
1979 starts playing and she rolls her window down poking her head out.
Finally, you both make it to the coffee shop. You park and walk in.
Jackie looks around seeming to be impressed by the place. “This is really nice,” She says. “You come here everyday?”
You nod. “Yeah basically, I just come here to study for tests and things.”
You get to the register and tell the barista your order and so does Jackie. You go to pay for the coffee when Jackie grabs your hand. “Something wrong?” You say confused.
“My treat!” She says smiling. You step back and let her pay.
While Jackie waited for the coffee you grab a table. She sits down and hands you your coffee. “Thanks for paying by the way.” You say and smile a little at her.
“Anytime!” She says enthusiastically. She was constantly happy it was almost annoying.
You guys study for a while talking about random things. Jackie gets silent for a bit and you look up at her. She looked like she was super deep in thought about something.
“So are you like dating anyone?” She asks avoiding your gaze.
You look up confused as to why she wanted to know but you answered anyway. “Uh no not technically I guess.” You said. You weren’t really lying. You and this girl talked on and off but nothing ever really came of it besides a few kisses at parties every now and then. Your love life was practically nonexistent.
Jackie nodded. “What about you? Aren’t you seeing that dude. I can’t remember his name isn’t it like Jack?”
She chuckles. “Jeff. And no we broke up while ago.”
“Oh,” You say. “That sucks.”
She sips her coffee. “Yeah it’s whatever I don’t really like him anyways,” She looks down. “I don’t know if I ever did to be honest.”
Now you were curious. You look at her and notice she’s doodling on her hands. “What do you mean?” You inquire.
“Well, I don’t know.” She sighs. “It’s nothing.” Her hands start fidgeting with her pen and she breaks eye contact with you.
You were shocked by her mood shift. You’d never seen her look unsure of herself before. The only Jackie you’d ever known was the confident self-assured one.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure your feelings are valid. Relationships are complicated. And any guy is lucky to have you Jackie.” You smile at her trying to make her feel better.
She looks up at you and smiles. “You’re not so bad yourself Y/N. Any guy is lucky to date you too.”
You almost spit out your coffee at her words. “Guy?” You say laughing.
She looks at you confused until it clicks and she widens her eyes. “Oh! I- Sorry I didn’t know.”
Laughing you say, “I’m surprised you didn’t?”
“Does everyone else know?” She asks baffled.
“Basically. And Im not the only one on the team you know?” You explain taking a sip of your coffee.
“What?!” She says, “Who else?”
You rest your head in your hand as if trying to recall who else. “Well, Van, Taissa, Nats Bi, and so is Lottie.”
She looks at you, her mouth agape. “Am I really this blind?”
You giggle at her “I guess so.”
You both stayed in the coffee shop longer than you normally do. You and Jackie actually got a long very well and it came as a shock to you. You were still a little confused as to why she even was hanging around you but it was refreshing. And you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her naturally gorgeous hair, which seemed to always look like it was freshly blown out, the curve of her nose, her beautiful big eyes.
That night when you got home Jackie infiltrated your thoughts. You thought about her while eating dinner, while showering and, while you went to bed. You couldn’t get her off your mind and you already knew where this was going. You spent one day with her and now you had a crush on her. Was she really that intoxicating?
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postmortemnivis · 5 months
could be read as a part two of this post
“when i met you,” price started, “you were a mess of a man.”
simon grunted in response, his arms crossed over his chest almost as if he wanted to protect, shield himself from price’s words. each cut deeper than knives, aiming straight for the strong walls he’d built around his heart, the ones that only you had been able to tear down.
a mess of a man. he knew it, he didn’t need to hear about it too.
“at first, i honestly didn’t think you were going to ever become someone.” the older man admitted.
johnny’s laughter could be heard from the living room, where he and kyle were chatting about god knows what, probably the last poor girl johnny shagged in a bathroom stall at a pub the previous night.
“you didn’t?”
price shook his head. “as i said, a mess of a man, simon.”
a mess of a man. simon knew himself, he knew he was no saint, no good: he was a murdered, the angel of death that could be seen in the middle of the field, his dark glow foretelling the end of anyone who found himself in the middle of his bloody path. his hands were stained with the blood of many, the same hands he refused to touch you with; the only thing that kept him sane was knowing he wasn’t ghost, ghost’s crimes were shielded from simon by his black gloves and balaclava.
simon looked at price as his hand rested on his shoulder. he remembered what it felt to be neglected by his own father, and price knew it. price always seemed to know everything about his boys, he could see right through him. what simon needed was guidance, and price would’ve given it to him.
“nothing to be ashamed of,” he continued, “most of you boys are, you seek for something more. think of johnny, he enlisted when he was sixteen. you enlisted the day of your eighteenth birthday. we all know that if you’re a responsible man you don’t run to the army. we’re all crazy, messed up men.”
price also knew they were reckless, a suicidal loyalty bound to him. after all, their job attracted the beasts, the outcasts, the sadists, the worst of society.
simon rolled his eyes when price referred to them as boys. the man was less than ten years younger than simon, but he still felt the paternal pressure and instinct to protect the boys. his boys.
“wha’ made you change your mind?”
price motioned simon to move further into the kitchen, away from the people that were invited to his house.
your voice echoed as you walked out of the bathroom, letting johnny finally hold his little niece. gary was walking behind you with the brightest smile on his face. gaz made a comment about how the three weeks old baby looked just like you, with simon’s dark eyes and pale blonde hair. if only he knew you helped simon dye it every month and a half, him sat on the edge of the bathtub and you standing between his thighs, his hands firm on your waist as he—for once—looked up at you instead the other way round.
you agreed with a chuckle, looking around for simon.
“look a’ the lassie, she’s already an uncles gal!” johnny’s laughter filled the flat. from the corner of his eyes, simon could see the person he’d grown to call his brother hold his newborn daughter.
“her?” he looked at you, the softest and most subtle smile crawling on his scarred face. simon struggled to hold back his smirk.
price nodded. “i remember we all could tell that you met someone. you’d become less… rigid. you’d smile more, were more clement with the recruits.”
“she changed me.” simon shrugged, attempting to hide the smile that would try to crawl on his face anytime he’d think about you. even after years, between a marriage and now a child, his eyes would light up at your thought alone. that’s the impact, the effect you had on him.
“that’s good, simon.” price spoke. “we’re all happy you’re doing better. we remember how you used to-”
“okay, got the message.” simon interrupted him. “loud an’ clear, john.”
his life before you seemed so distant and he almost couldn’t remember of a time where you weren’t by his side yet. like a far away dream, closer to a nightmare than a dream, but still something that didn’t look like the life he was living now. he didn’t need to remember a bit of it, what was the use? he had you now, everything before the day you met didn’t matter anymore, it didn’t exist anymore.
price sighed, looking to the ceiling as he tried to find something in his pocket. “coming outside for a smoke?”
simon shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. “nah, capt. quit a while ago.”
it’d been months since you’d showed him the pregnancy test that shook his whole world. he’d fallen to his knees in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by worried recruits, johnny immediately sprinting close enough to check whether his lieutenant was okay but far enough to give you two privacy.
“promise me ��m not dreamin’.” he murmured, pulling you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist, hiding his face in your chest.
you brushed his short blond hair back, biting your lip as you smiled. you could feel your eyes tingling, tears threatening to spill at any given minute. “you’re not, si. we’re gonna be parents.”
you chuckled, leaning down to kiss his head and felt your white work shirt getting wet by his tears. you looked around at the faces of the confused recruits, and you smiled, because you knew you were the only person who’d ever truly know how the scary lieutenant, the ghost, really was.
“we are.” he whispered before kissing your still flat stomach, getting back up and giving you a soft kiss on the forehead. “thank you.”
in the nine months he’d been taking care of you like a person on their deathbed—really not necessary, si, i can still do the dishes by myself—he’d stopped smoking, and treated himself to just one beer every first sunday of the month.
he had worked on himself, hard.
for you and for your daughter. he wanted to be a better person, a good man. he wanted to be nothing like his father, that having haunted and scared him for so long and being the main reason he always tried to postpone having children, what truly held him back,, but he tried to be a better man.
that was what distinguished him from his father, he tried to be better.
leaving the military was sure next, after fixing the downstairs bathroom faucet and oil the doorknob of the closet. he wondered how the boys would take it, but in the end he didn’t really care, he knew they’d understand.
“quit.” price repeated, eyebrows raised as he put his lighter back in pocket. he wasn’t a social smoker, but knew better than to smoke near a baby, even if he would’ve excused himself to the balcony.
simon smiled as he heard you scold johnny for throwing the little girl in the air. “what if you drop her?”
“ah wid never, lass.” he reassured you, laughing at the slap he got on his scruff.
“you’re a good man, simon.” prices hand found its way on simon’s shoulder again. “you went through a lot, but you’re still fighting for a good cause, you didn’t let it change you. that’s what makes you a good man.”
simon was about to deny, say he wasn’t, he was the worst man there was, but then you walked into the kitchen, all smiles.
“hey si.” you smiled. “baby’s hungry.”
simon immediately stretched out his arms to hold the baby, a bottle already in his hands as soon as those words left your plush lips, your lashes batting up at him.
you wrapped your arms around one of his strong biceps and smiled up at him and then at price.
“cute, isn’t she?”
“is indeed.” john nodded, smiling under his thick moustache.
before he decided to leave the kitchen to leave you three some privacy and join the boys in the living room, where johnny had apparently put on a rugby match—“scotland-wales, for fucks sake, lad!”—he shot simon one final knowing glance.
simon returned the look, your eyes too focused on the little girl in her charcoal grey onesies to notice.
“you okay, si?” you whispered, but your husband's eyes were unfocused, staring off into space as price’s words kept replaying in his head like a broken record.
he nodded, kissing your forehead almost instinctively. “yes, love.”
you smiled up at him and then at your daughter, simon’s mind travelling an hundred miles an hour, waiting to crash on itself and get brought back to reality. price’s words echoed in the background of his brain, quieter each second that passed.
a good man.
tagging who asked:
@mr-sol @v1x3n @m4dyy @softangelheart @redzluvvesage @nittoka
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If Geto and Gojo were so close, why didn't Geto try to convince Gojo to defect with him?
Because Geto knew that Gojo’s support would guarantee his success, but that success would come at the cost of hurting Gojo.
I believe that Geto cared more about protecting Gojo than he cared about building a better world.
Let me explain…
First, let’s talk about why it would’ve made sense for Geto to ask Gojo to join him:
(1) Gojo would’ve been Geto’s most important / most powerful ally
By the time of Geto’s defection, Gojo is already the strongest sorcerer in existence. He and Geto are two of only three special grade sorcerers. Having them both on the same side is essentially an automatic win.
(2) Gojo should’ve been (relatively) easy to persuade
Gojo had already told Geto that he didn't like having to save the weak and didn't care about the moral justifications for it…
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…Geto has also seen that Gojo doesn’t always value / protect human life. He was ready to massacre the Time Vessel Association without reason, but ultimately he didn't, because he deferred to Geto's judgement…
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…and, most importantly, they are best friends on a DEEP, unparalleled level. Geto is Gojo’s “one and only” best friend.
If Geto was truly dedicated to changing the world order, Gojo should’ve been the first and most important person that he tried to recruit to his insurgency / cult / mission.
Not only does Geto make zero effort to reach out to / recruit Gojo, he actively avoids him and pushes him away...
- - - - - Keep reading cut - - - - -
After he kills the 112 non-sorcerers, Geto runs into Shoko in Shinjuku. He happily approaches her and willingly answers her questions.
Look at his smiling face in their interactions:
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But, when Shoko calls Gojo, Geto leaves before Gojo shows up. Gojo tracks him down anyway and demands an explanation. Geto still doesn’t want to talk about it (“You already heard it.”)
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It's strange, right? Geto loves talking about his vision of a better world with everyone else.
Then, there is this confusing progression of dialog:
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Geto is hurt/annoyed that Gojo doesn’t believe in him, so he points out that Gojo’s argument against his plan is invalid. The plan is possible (“You could do it”), therefore (according to Gojo’s own logic) it’s not “pointless.”
In a way, Geto is admitting that he knows it would make the most sense for Gojo to join him.
But before Gojo can respond, Geto pivots to saying something extremely hurtful. He's questioning who Gojo is / would be if he wasn't the strongest. Is there really anything more to him? (See more detail in my post here).
Then, in the very next panel Geto turns and starts walking away.
In summary: (1) Geto avoids Gojo, (2) Geto only argues in favor of his plan when Gojo forces/baits him, (3) Upon invalidating Gojo’s opposition to his plan, Geto immediately puts emotional distance between them, (4) Geto then puts physical distance between them.
Why is Geto trying so hard to make sure that Gojo won’t follow him?
Is he just being prideful about doing this on his own? Is he so angry at Gojo's arrogance that he'd jeopardize the success of his life's mission over it?
These arguments aren't in line with Geto's characterization / known motivations (see the end of this post, if you're interested in more on that.)
Geto's main motivation is (a twisted form of) compassion. He wants to end the suffering of sorcerers.
He is a thoughtful, contemplative person, and would've thought about the ramifications of recruiting Gojo.
What are the ramifications?
If Gojo joins the cause, Geto’s plan would succeed, but Gojo would suffer for it.
Like anyone who joins Geto's cult, Gojo would become a pariah / fugitive from Jujutsu society. He’d kill people. He’d kill other sorcerers.
But because Gojo has the singular level of strength/ability to kill non-sorcerers en masse, he would commit the vast majority (or all) of the murder / destruction. The legal, social, and mental impacts would be most severe on Gojo.
(Also, at this point, I think Geto may still question whether he’s made the right choice. It’s difficult to go from a hardline stance on protecting non-sorcerers to wanting to gen0c1de them, within the span of a year, without any lingering ethical qualms. So he may be worried about moral costs to Gojo as well.)
Let’s remember that Geto (canonically) deeply loves Gojo. Gojo is his one and only best friend. Geto worries about Gojo when he overworks himself protecting Riko. Geto is shocked when Toji kills Riko in front of him, but he only flies into a rage when he thinks Toji has killed Gojo. (Again, see my post here for more on how much Geto loves Gojo).
So, it makes sense that Geto is ready to make sacrifices to create a better world, but it’s a cost he’s willing to put on his own head. Not Gojo's.
Ultimately, Geto cares more about Gojo than he cares about achieving the mission he has dedicated his life to.
The last thing Geto says to him is this:
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What he's really asking Gojo is: "Have you stopped loving me, now that I've committed myself to this dark path? Would you kill me to save them?"
If Gojo hates Geto enough that he’d kill him, then Geto never had a chance of recruiting Gojo in the first place.
Of course, Gojo can’t make himself hurt Geto. He still loves Geto too much.
Geto protected Gojo by pushing him away.
I'll also argue against two other possible explanations for Geto's behavior.
(1) Geto is jealous / prideful /wants to build his own legacy without Gojo stealing the spotlight
Geto has clear motivations for his goals and they’re not egotistical. He wants to end the suffering of sorcerers caused by non-sorcerers’ existence (e.g., Riko’s death, Mimiko & Nanako’s abuse).
Geto’s pride isn’t hurt when Gojo becomes the strongest. The only thing that bothers Geto is that they’re getting sent on separate missions.
After Gojo becomes stronger that him, Geto still has overt affection for Gojo (e.g., he asks Haibara to bring back sweets from his mission so he can share with Gojo).
Although Geto does believe in his superiority over non-sorcerers, he doesn't feel superior over other sorcerers and doesn't struggle with his 'inferiority' to Gojo.
Does Gojo’s lack of faith in Geto’s ability (calling his goal “impossible”), spur Geto to want to prove himself? Yes, probably. But Geto had already been avoiding Gojo before he said that. And I don’t believe that wanting to prove himself to Gojo would overshadow his stronger motivation to build a better world for sorcerers.
(2) He thinks Gojo actually is too moral to join him
After Geto kills the 112 non-sorcerers, Gojo is shocked and upset by what’s happened, but not once does he insult Geto or imply that Geto has done something unforgivable. In fact, he’s practically begging Geto to explain himself because he wants to be able to justify his actions. And, again, Gojo’s argument against Geto’s plan is NOT that “it’s wrong,” it’s that “it’s impossible.”
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black00olive · 2 months
Diavolo, Come Back To Sleep
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A/N: How I feel after referencing Hamilton in the title: 🤓 Anyway, I've been cranking out fics like no tomorrow recently what's up with me o.o
Pairing: Diavolo x reader, a sprinkle of everyone else x reader too but it could be read as onesided or just platonic
Wordcount: ~1,200
Summary: Diavolo wakes up early, it’s required of him as future king, but it’s hard to do so when you’re here with him.
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Sometimes— no, that’s not right, he shouldn’t try to lie to himself— Often Diavolo finds himself regretting his decision to have you live under the same roof as the brothers. He’s never enjoyed having these thoughts, seeing as his decision is what has led to so much progress towards his goal of bringing harmony between the three realms. The situation he currently finds himself in would never have been possible if it weren’t for you living in the House of Lamentation and subsequently having pacts with the brothers. Yet, despite these facts Diavolo finds himself grown used to the jealousy that had bloomed in his heart long ago.
The brothers probably see this sight very often, he’s heard from Lucifer how often his brothers tend to find their way to your room in the middle of the night (Lucifer is careful about how he phrases it, as if Diavolo’s internal lie detector would go off is he actually claimed he wasn’t like his brothers). How lucky, Diavolo thinks, bitter jealousy coursing his veins as he brushes away a stray strand of hair from your face. The light touch makes your nose scrunch up and your eyebrows furrow as you slowly shake your head as if to try and shake off whatever it was that touched you. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet, groggy chuckle and he feels his jealousy wash away as if it had been nothing but a bad dream. Even when not awake your antics seem to always calm him. The brothers might have had you like this before, but this morning you’re his and his alone.
As he stares at your peaceful, sleeping face he finds himself wondering what you're dreaming about— if you’re dreaming about anything at all. In any case, Diavolo can’t help himself from speculating on what it could even be that you would dream about. Maybe you’re dreaming about going on some great adventure in the jungle or desert or sea. Perhaps you’re dreaming of something more fantastical like being a superhero and saving the world— Ah, however, you did once say that your likes tended to lean more towards the villains most of the time, so perhaps you’re dreaming of something more sinister— more demon-like? Diavolo finds himself smiling at the thought, wouldn’t that be something? Either way, he thinks as he feels the slow, steady rise and fall of your chest against his body and your breath fanning ever so gently on his shoulder, whatever it is your dreaming of he wishes to make it come true. There is very little he wouldn’t do to see your beautiful and bright smile grace your face. When he had first realised that he had been a little terrified over the sheer power you held over him, but now he can’t help but feel some pride over it. Of course you— and only you— are the one that holds such power, it makes sense. In his hearts, it seems right.
Barbatos quietly enters his chambers and it forces Diavolo out of his thoughts. How unfortunate, he thinks as Barbatos pulls open the blinds in his room (though it doesn’t have much impact considering the perpetual night the Devildom is stuck in) and reminds him that it is time he starts to prepare himself for the day. He lets out a half-hearted protest but he knows that he truly doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter. This is just one part of his never-ending responsibilities as crown prince and future king. Barbatos gives him a sympathetic smile as his eyes quickly flick to your sleeping form, understanding evident in his eyes. It’s a curse that you are so charming that you have even his butler wrapped around your finger.
Closing the door as he leaves Barbatos is showing that he trusts Diavolo to be able to get up himself even with you in his arms. Usually, if he refused to get up when Barbatos told him to, Barbatos would simply force him up. However, in this case that would rouse you and right now you look so sound, neither of them have the hearts to do that.
Diavolo sighs as he gently lets his hold of you go. He stops all movements when your face scrunches up and you start to mumble something incoherent. Once you stop, Diavolo continues to slowly get out of bed; he really needs to get up now and he really wants you to continue sleeping, and it’s proving quite difficult to achieve both things simultaneously. Eventually Diavolo finally manages to get out of bed (though it had taken about 10 minutes longer than average) and he starts to get ready. He grabs the shirt Barbatos had laid out for him and starts to get dressed. It’s moments like these seeds of resentment start to bury themselves in his heart, right now he’d like nothing more than to lie back down with you until you decide it’s time to get up. However, duty calls and his duties are the most important of all.
“Dia?” You mumble as you rub your eyes and Diavolo instantly turns to you. He feels his hearts melt at the sight that greets him, you clearly still halfway asleep and slowly blinking at him with bleary eyes. “It’s so early, why are you getting up?”
Chuckling he walks back over to the bed and sits on the edge of his bed. “I have to get ready for the day,” he presses a chaste kiss on your forehead, “you should sleep some more.” He had only managed to get halfway dressed before you had woken up, so he stands up and goes to finish getting dressed. Feeling a small tug on the back of his shirt he stops and turns back to you, a mistake he quickly realises as he stares at you. A small frown, bordering on a pout, finds itself on your face and Diavolo doubts if you’re fully conscious currently.
“C’mon, you can stay with me a little longer can’t you?” You ask and Diavolo finds it getting increasingly difficult to deny you. He shakes his head and gently removes your hand from his undershirt before he walks over to where Barbatos had left his clothes. Quiet rustling of duvets and comforters and light steps over his floor is all he hears before you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. “Diavolo, come back to sleep,” you start and he wonders if you purposefully know what you’re doing, “c'mon,” you plead and he lets go of the clothes he’s holding in his hands. You’re too powerful for your own good, Diavolo thinks as he turns to face you. He sighs before giving you a small smile. “Alright,” he whispers as if Barbatos will hear him if he says it too loudly. He’ll deal with Barbatos’ lectures later.
Right now, he just needs to sleep with you a little longer.
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dollfacedsl1ut · 1 year
Mean gym rats
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▸ compendium : nayeon is your personal gym trainer although her trainings were pointless to you she continued working with you even if that means calling her friend for back up when you get too out of hand
▸ dynamic : g!p mean dom! Nayeon x !fem reader x g!p! mean dom zyu
▸ content : semi public sex, oral (reader receivin), overstimulation, hair pulling, squirting, three some, cum play, cum eating, breeding, brief exhibition, humiliation, impact (spanking omg), asphyxiophilia, dacryphilia, objectification, biting, reader is sassy asf, nayeon calls jihyo as back up, zyu is a pervert at first, dubcon ish
▸ word count : nearing 2k
a/n : the is the longest thing ive ever wrote so fair, not proof read sorry for typos omg enjoy feel free to request more!!
Nayeon is blue, Reader is Pink and Jihyo is purple!
“Oh hell no I’m not doing all that” looking at your workout goal paper nayeon wrote for you, “well you have 2 days to finish the workout y/n time to get to work” you groaned grabbing your gym bag walking into the women’s locker room.
You stared at yourself in the mirror before applying chalk to your hand then your gloves so you wouldn’t get blisters, nayeon stood by the treadmill waiting for you, “y/n hurry up come on” nayeon clapped her hands in a gesture for you to move quicker, you rolled your eyes before standing on the treadmill she turned it on a low mode as your walked to the speed, after a while it started to speed up causing you to begin jogging, the treadmills timer beeped after 45 minutes indicating you were finished nayeon began writing down the time and amount of miles you ran.
“Good girl y/n see it wasn’t so bad” nayeon tried to cheer you up “now it’s time for bench press” your eyes widen “no thank you” you smiled shaking her hand “don’t start today you were doing good” nayeon placed her clipboard on the treadmill before looking at you disapprovingly, bench presses weren’t your thing you always hated them after you tried it once a few years and it fell on your arm you had to wear a cast for a year because of it after that day you vowed to never bench press again
“Y/n I’m not gonna fight you today just do it” she sighed loudly your stubborn antics started to piss her off “since you really wanna see someone bench press how about you do it” rolling your eyes you walked to a nearby bench before pulling out your phone, nayeon just glared at you an idea popped to her head as she walks into the locker room dialing a friends number.
Around 20 minutes pass as you heard the gyms door open nayeon greeted the person in a cheerful voice you continued scrolling on your phone with your head phones synced to bluetooth you seen a pair of shoes stand in front of you you glances up seeing a tanned woman with her hair pulled into a pony “what?” You took off your headphones “ah- so you’re the notorious y/n who gives my friend a hard time” you laughed aloud “that bitch called backup on me” jihyo eyes widen as a smirk appears on her face “you should watch your mouth it gets you nowhere talking down to people” you flicked your eyes up looking at the woman again “look lady I don’t know why you’re here and I don’t care can you leave me alone” you placed your headphones back on your head putting your attention back to your phone.
The woman yanked her headphones off before gripping your hair pulling you onto the ground “what the fuck-“ the woman stood tall over your body “before I start this lesson my name is jihyo and nayeon called me here she told me all about you and I’m not gonna put up with your attitude y/n” nayeon appeared from around the corner smiling at your body on the ground “you see y/n I tried to be nice to you now jihyo is gonna help you respect people who want to help you” she gives you a smile jihyo leaned down near your face “did you know most women who have such nasty attitudes aren’t sexually happy” her fingers grazed her collarbones “don’t you want us to fix that” your brain was already fuzzy by jihyos presence you didn’t know what was gonna happen if you said no so you just nodded.
A pat was rewarded on your head jihyo pulled you up as you watched nayeon walk to the bench, she pushed you down on nayeons lap as you felt her tear at your leggings “wha-“ you squirmed as you felt a sharp slap land on your bottom “stop moving” another slap was landed on your ass jihyo chuckled as you felt nayeon wrap her hands around your wrist “y/n you have to get get spanked for your disrespectful behavior” you wanted to say a smart remark but just stayed silent unaware of what else they had planned for you “you felt harsh slaps on your ass repeatedly.
After jihyo finished spanking you nayeons grip loosened on your wrists you sat up as your ass was bruised and red “am I finished now” your voice grew softer jihyo and nayeon laughed like you said something stupid “it’s not finished we haven’t even started y/n that was a warmup” nayeon sat you in your lap putting your body on one of her knees using her arms to wrap around your upper half jihyo bent down eye level with you spreading your thighs apart she glanced at nayeon smiling soon after you felt nayeons hands move from around your waist to the hole they tore in your leggings ripping them open more your soaked panties were kept on by jihyo “look at her nayeon a pathetic bitch getting turned on by being hit” jihyo laughed at you before slapping your clit, your thighs threatening the close “keep them open y/n.” Nayeons raspy voice right beside your eye she left harsh slaps on your inner thighs purposely avoiding your cunt jihyo yanked you up pulling your legging down around your ankles nayeon stood up from the bench “bend over put your hands on the floor” you obliged feeling jihyo rut your bulge over your ass you whimpered at the feeling a sharp slap was placed on your ass causing you to topple over landing on your hands and knees jihyo walked in front of your as nayeon stayed behind they both kneeled down groping your body, jihyo yanked your head up cupping your cheeks “your next lesson is easy” you sighed in relief “you’ll be taking both of our cocks like a good girl then we’re gonna breed your little pussy over and over until we forgive you” before you could protest a sharp slap was planted on your ass “it’s easy y/n it’s not like you have a choice it’s us against you and from the stat chart you’re pretty weak princess” “okay I’ll take you both at once” they both smiled pulling you up on your feet “we have to prep you first” you glanced nayeon “why?” She giggled placing you on the cycling station seat “our cocks are way too big for your pussy y/n I assume you’re tight from the way you act unless you think you’re a big girl and can take it” jihyos eyes glistened “do you wanna take us without preo y/n?” You nodded confidentially they both gave each other looks before pulling their pants off jihyo picked you up wrapping your legs around her waist she slid her thick cock into your drilling cunt after jihyo bottomed out nayeon stood behind you “has you ever been fucked in your ass baby?” You scampered thinking they would take turns over maybe one would duck your mouth and the other would fuck your pussy not this way “no” nayeon let out a airy chuckles before spitting on her cock using the small amount of wetness as lube once jihyo slid out of your cube nayeon thrusted her cock inside your ass you screamed clawing at jihyos back tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Why are you crying you wanted this you said you could handle it” nayeon cooed as she moaned in your ear “you should’ve told me you felt this good ive would’ve fucked you sooner” her moans filled your ear as you wet yourself nearing release you clenched around them both your high pitched moans echoed in the gym as you came around jihyo a white ring forming around her thick cock “you look so much pretty gushing over my cock y/n” jihyo purred speeding up your pace as she released ropes of cum inside your cunt her cock was still hard as she kept moving in and out of your swollen cunt nayeon dumped her loaded in your ass as she moans softly pulling out, she backed away as jihyo laid you on the bench before putting your thighs on your shoulders and placing her hands on your shoulders her feet planted on each side of the neck as she bullied her cock into you reaching a deeper point overstimulation washed over you body as your eyes rolled to the back of your head nayeon watched as she began stroking her cock groping your tits through your shirt your nipples perked at the sensation jihyos pace never slowing down your thighs shook whilst nayeon kept fisting her cock imaging it was your ass around her clenching and pulsating.
Nayeon kept groping your tits as she yanked your top down pinching your sensitive nipples causing breathy whimpers to mix in with your moans
Nayeon felt her release coming before dumping her load over your breast some getting on your plush lips
Jihyo kept bullying her dick inside your swollen cunt her thumb rubbing circles on your clit triggering your orgasm you blacked out squirting over her torso she sped up her pace biting down on your shoulder her cock kept hitting your swollen cervix painfully dumping her load in your cunt she groaned in your ear “such a good fucking pussy” pulling out her cum poured out nayeon peered at the mess between your thighs bending down she licked a stripe down your clit “so sweet” she moaned slurping the juices that continued to squirt out your cunt jihyo stood in front of your face her cock resting between her thighs “open y/n” your swollen lips parted as jihyo held a hand over your throat forcing her cock in your throat nearly crushing your throat her quick and short thrusts in your mouth nayeon continued slurping your clit as you came on your face she stood up after cleaning your cunt again her cock prodding at your other enterance she slammed her cock inside your Anal walls she brutally fucked you as jihyo slapped your sticky tits as she felt her release approaching she fisted her cock thick white ropes of cum coated your belly
Nayeon watched jihyo cum on your belly it made cock throb more fueling her to grip your hips tightly bully her cock inside your at s inhuman speed she stared at your sopping cunt sliding her finger between your folds stroking softly. Jihyo sat on the other side of the bench stroking her cock at the scene before her your tits bouncing as nayeon brutally fucked you
Nayeon chuckled hearing your breathy moans her orgasm rushed pass her as she dumped her load in your ass she pulled out as jihyo continued fisting her cock she stood up stroking herself faster as she came on your clit
Nayeon and jihyo cleaned themselves up leaving you on the bench unable to move they came back before wiping you down jihyo gave you a fresh pair of clothes “have you learned your lesson y/n” you nodded slowly sitting up with shaky thighs and a sore throat “we disciplined her well she looks so innocent now” they laughed before bringing you to the car sitting you in the back seat “are you hungry” they asked in unison
© psychoz4nymph.tumblr please do not copy, steal or translate my work without permission
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 8
though most of us think we've learned everything about our own chart, yea we’ve seen it countless times, yet we're always learning new things because we go through experiences that activate and awaken certain parts we either forgot about or overlooked. I shared many of my personal experiences in this post of things I realized later or thought were insignificant.
🎻 People with capricorn placements tend to be remembered fondly after their death. The type of artists that listening to their music takes you to a different era and makes you feel nostalgic to a time period you never existed in. They also can easily bring old trends, styles or music genres back to life. Signs that are also remembered after death are aquarius and pisces. I always notice it with those last three signs or degrees of these signs.
🎻 It is said that the moon matures at 24°, so I got a degree observation with that. If you have it at 24° or close to it, 23° or 22°, you may feel like you've experienced the full spectrum of emotions and matured so much in your early 20s. In your childhood and teenage years, you may remember dealing with emotions immaturely, possibly acting out with the negative traits of the moon sign. At 24, you feel more aware and in control of your emotions, like you ended a cycle. Your emotional intelligence becomes evident. The emotional world of these natives is almost entirely internal. They do best when they can deal with their emotions in solitude. They're seen as detached no matter how open they get. They keep people guessing what they're feeling and they tend to have a wise aura.
🎻 With moon at degrees from 25° to 29°, natives may feel like they need to share their emotions with either someone close or the world in general, or even through a hobby they have. They may want to be vocal and expressive about how they feel. They tend to be relatable and make others feel heard through just expressing themselves and being open. They may also experience some heartbreaks, making them stronger, braver and and more willing to share how they feel. 
🎻 Moon at degrees from 0° to 21° tend to resonate very much with the sign of their moon degree. They might even be mistaken as having their moon in the the sign of that degree. They're seen as energetic and youthful. They often go through trials and errors in testing their emotional depth. They may have been adventurous growing up, experimenting with things and testing where they feel safest and most secure. They may cling into things, and can be codependent on others. They learn how to develop a sense of detachment as they reach their 20s.
^ if you have your moon at 0° to 21°, which I'm least familiar with cuz I don't meet many ppl with these degrees, please do tell me how it resonates with you and your experience with your moon.
🎻 I noticed that most iconic artists have significant uranus or neptune aspects in their chart, conjunction and oppositions with personal planets in particular. I associate these two planets with artistic abilities and talents. Both give visionary minds and expand the imagination. They are outer and generational planets, so whatever art these ppl create is impactful and undeniably timeless. 
🎻 Your first love or just the person you first felt really intimately connected to may have placements or degrees of the sign of your 8th house. I have an 8th house in capricorn and my first love had a cap sun and stellium and an aqua stellium. 
🎻 In my experience the 8th house is more important in relationships than the 7th. To me the 7th is about connections in general. Even though I have sag in the 7th and pluto right there, I obvs anticipated a significant relationship with a sag or something but it never happened lol. I end up having a casual and lighthearted connection with them, the traits they embody compliments my rising and it's an easy going connection that stays in the friend zone. Not with cap men, even if I want to be friends with them, there's tension that either drifts us apart fearing the friendship or it instantly develops to an intense relationship. It's because my 8th house is in capricorn, and my pluto and mars are both at 10°. So check the degrees too.
🎻 For the longest time I resonated with being way more plutonian than saturnian, because I don't have any capricorn placements or significant saturn aspects, but so many obvious plutonian aspects. But once saturn hit the highest point in my chart, conjuncting my mc, I realized how much this planet affected my life all along and I was oblivious. For instance, I have so many capricorn degrees and sun in the 10th. I was overlooking that I have capricorn in the 8th and 9th, which means saturn rules both houses, and it rules the 10th too since it's in aquarius plus at 22°. I also have a stellium in the 11th with saturn right at the cusp there, so it even influences the the house that is most active in my chart. Can't wait for saturn 11th transit 💀
🎻 Speaking of that, if you have sun in the 10th house, you probably try hard not to look or sound arrogant because people tend to think you're confident even if you're not. Whenever you speak people listen and others may hate on you for thinking you're better than them and you don't even know them lol. It's so hard to make friends with this but I don't hate it, because it gives me the strategic ways to be persuasive and get my way with authority figures. May apply to leo in the 10th or people with cap/leo mix (I bet y'all were called arrogant at least once lol).
🎻 As someone that is very influenced by pluto (square sun, trine venus, semi-sextile mars, conjunct chiron, opposite ascendant, quintile mc), I painfully understand how plutonians feel like their struggles are never rewarded, at least not the reward they anticipated. Yknow with saturn you go through hardship you learn this and that and you get tangible fucking results that you can fucking see. With pluto what is it again? your inner strength and eventual realization of "ta-daaa you went through it, you thought you couldn’t.. that's the reward". Plutonians out there waiting to be truly happy, truly loved, truly effing rich 💀 and get a damn break. 
🎻 Another aspect I overlooked was mars opposite saturn, just because I have it at 10°, but I experienced every single thing related to this aspect. I feel like I learned so much about it the hard way and I wanted to do a post sharing what I learned with people that got mars-saturn harsh aspects. If you have it, your flow of energy may be a little off, not knowing when to STOP doing a task and when to start again. Being stubborn with your work wanting it to be done instantly and perfectly like your body is some type of machine taking orders, but saturn will put obstacles in your way until you learn patience and contentment. Can be harder to deal with if mars is in a fixed or cardinal sign.
🎻 With mars-saturn harsh aspects, you may feel the urge to act on your martian qualities but if you disregard what saturn is there for, you'll find yourself back at square one. It's about listening to your body and not ignoring your physical and mental exhaustions. Taking short breaks and organizing your time instead of giving up all together in rage. You're not running out of time if you do so, in fact pushing through too hard is what's a waste of time. It's not a wise use of energy because your work won't be as efficient and your perfectionist ass will redo it. If there's an absence of a healthy work-life balance, these natives can internalize a tremendous amount of anger that can be detrimental to their health. 
🎻 I always laugh at capricorns saying that capricorn is a cursed sign because it's so true but also absolutely untrue at the same time. 💀 These natives need to understand certain life patterns, qualities and duties that once figured out unlocks so much success and tangible results that are long lasting. Cap placements especially sun and stelliums give me the sense that they inherited some of their ancestors qualities, if you believe in that, but they go through some hardships with the patterns that come with these qualities. They have a choice to cut the patterns that don't serve them, whether in behaviors or ways of thinking and utilise what they already have with persistence and strategy. 
🎻 Well it's march already, who's excited for a little pluto break? It's finally leaving capricorn and entering aquarius on the 23rd and I can't wait tbh. It's like a more intense uranus in aquarius transit, yes we will see a new sense of freedom, some drastic changes, and some said authentic people popping up, new sources of income, new values that aren't necessarily money related, systems that aren't as controlling, maybe new communities or apps on the internet that are annoyingly trendy. But with pluto we will see the shadow side of all of that, so buckle up and get ready lol. It's a gradual change tho I don't expect much to happen this year, but we can always be shocked. Also side thought, if your kids are gonna have pluto in aquarius they may be even brattier and harder to control than pluto sag gen. 
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dira333 · 5 months
One day after the other - Shoji Mezo x Reader
Not me needing a sick day to get back into writing. As usual I find myself writing for someone I didn't plan on writing for.
Tagging: @fuzztacular and @ur-local-simp because they love Shoji
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The bed dips under his weight and a pair of warm, muscular feet press against yours.
“You need to get up in a minute,” Mezo mumbles just seconds before his arms envelop you and pull you into his chest. He’s warm, safe, and smells like the apple-and-cinnamon shower gel Aoyama convinced you to buy on your last shopping trip.
“Don’t wanna,” you argue, words slurred from sleep. 
He doesn’t argue against it, instead nuzzles his face into your hair. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, slow and steady, slow and steady.
Your alarm goes off, but you're quick to snooze it, to shuffle even closer into Mezo’s hug.
It takes you three tries to get out of bed and by the time you rush out of the door - not after demanding one last kiss for the road - you’ve got nothing in your stomach but the mouthful of toothpaste you swallowed on accident when you checked the time.
You buy a pack of fruit juices at the vending machine down the street, send a cheeky snap to Mezo - he’s always on your back about having more fruit and veggies in your diet - and rush the last few steps to the train station, arriving out of breath as always.
It’s only when you get out of the train that you feel the first cramp.
For a moment you curse the fact that you don’t have any pads with you until you realize that you had your period just last week. 
Probably the cold orange juice on an empty stomach you tell yourself, pour yourself a cup of tea instead of the coffee you’re desperately craving.
But two hours later you’re drenched in cold sweat and the smell of freshly brewed coffee has you running to the bathroom.
“Oh dear,” Yasuda-san from Accounting blinks back at from when you emerge, pale and shaky. She must have heard every awful sound you just made.
“Sorry about that,” you tell her. 
“Do you want to go home?” She asks and you nod. Yeah, you want to go home. 
But there’s nothing she can do about it, so you smile at her, rinse your mouth, and stalk out of there, down the hallway and back to your desk. 
If you keep breathing slowly it might go away.
But thirty minutes later you feel yet another cramp and the document in front of you has lost all sense. 
You get up, grab your bag, and walk down the hallway to your supervisor.
You can’t remember the last time you needed to take a sick day, not since Mezo took over cooking. 
Was it that one time you fell down the stairs - because you were in a rush to meet him at the door- and broke your toe? Or that one time you insisted on dancing with him in the rain and promptly got the flu?
“Oh dear,” Cold dark eyes blink back at you, “I already heard. I know pregnancies are difficult, but-”
“I’m not pregnant!” You argue, but she clicks her tongue impatiently.
“I know you don’t have to tell me yet, but we can be honest here.”
“I’m not pregnant. I have a stomach bug, most likely. I’d like to go home.”
“Very well,” she pointedly taps her fingernails against the mountain of paperwork on her desk. “But you know the company’s rules. I need written proof of sickness from your doctor.”
“That will be no problem. I’ve already made an appointment,” you lie.
Lunchtime is over by the time you wobble out of the train.
There was a nice lady at the doctor who let you skip ahead when you emptied your stomach in the trashcan next to her, but the multiple train rides have left an impact on you.
You open the door of your apartment and slip inside, fighting back another wave of nausea as you take the time to put your shoes and jacket away properly - if you’re not doing it, Mezo will just do it himself later and he’s had more than enough work this week already. 
He’s still in bed like you expected him to, muscle shirt riding up to expose a soft stomach you want to cuddle against like a cat.
You slip into the spot he’s left for you. His right eye opens.
“Got a sick-day,” you tell him, unable to keep the miserable out of your voice. You know you’re whining, but you’ve had an awful day. Well, except for the morning, waking up next to him was great.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asks, voice gravely from sleep. 
You shake your head. 
Mezo nods and pulls you close, presses a kiss against the top of your head. 
“Sleep then,” his arms are warm and safe around you, “Everything will be better when you wake up.”
So you do.
The bed dips under his weight. 
You blink, surprised to find yourself sleeping on your stomach, alone.
“I made dinner,” Mezo tells you from your side and you turn to see him sitting on the edge, a tray filled with dishes in his arms. 
“You didn’t have to,” you tell him as he slips under the blanket with you, presses his legs against yours.
“I know. I wanted to. I made congee and chicken noodle soup and tea. Your mom’s recipe.”
“You’re the best!” You tell him, press a kiss on his cheek.
“You make me want to be.”
It’s over dinner that you fill him in. He shakes his head at your supervisor's antics, one of his warm hands rubbing soft circles onto your upset belly. 
In turn, he tells you about work. The new sidekicks at the agency or the kids that are going to be interning next week.
Much too early he has to slip out of bed again, prepare for another night of patrols and paperwork.
“About your stomach bug,” Mezo’s half-dressed, chuckling at the way you ogle his body, “Could it be that you’re pregnant?”
“I just had my period last week.”
“Yeah, but I’ve heard that it happens sometimes, you know? Didn’t one of your secretaries think she wasn’t pregnant because she got the period and it was something else?”
You stop. He’s right. As always.
“Yeah, but… that’s her. This is me.”
He nods calmly but you can tell he’s not done with the topic.
“Do you want me to be pregnant?” You ask.
“I wouldn’t mind either way,” he says simply, but you can tell there’s more to the topic he’s letting on.
“I’ll buy a pregnancy test tomorrow, okay?” You promise. Something like relief washes over his face.
“I could get it for you,” he offers but you shake your head.
“No way. The media is only waiting for a headline like that. Tentacole seen purchasing pregnancy test. Hero-offspring on the way… Wait, what are Baby Octopus called?”
He laughs, picks you up from bed like you weigh nothing to him, and kisses you. 
There’s much in that kiss that he’s not saying.
Insecurity, doubt, trust, love.
You’re smiling when he pulls back, still holding you close. Your hands are cradling his face, thumbs tracing scars that will never completely fade.
“One day after the other,” you promise.
“One day after the other,” he repeats. 
Today hasn’t been the best day. Today hasn’t been the worst day either.
But with him by your side even okay days turn magical somehow. 
You don’t doubt that also applies to the rest of your life.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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taeraemisu · 1 year
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i found you ; gunwook zb1
synopsis ; gunwook and reader were lovers in their past life but a certain accident kills the two, separating them. gunwook, who remembers all his past lives, made it his personal mission to find reader over and over again, even if it meant living multiple lifetimes without them
genre ; based on see you in my 19th life ! (was listening to one of their ost while writing this) reincarnation, soulmates if you think, angst, i-love-you-in-every-universe, deaths
pairings ; gunwook x reader, mentions of junhyeon
word count ; 1.5k words
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“look at what i got!”
gunwook looks up and sees you wearing a new semi-formal outfit. the both of you were in his house, just wanting to spend the day together. gunwook shows you his signature smile and ruffled your hair. maybe there are good things to look forward to in life. “i think you look great, what’s the occasion?”
“no occasion, i just wanted to look good.”
gunwook smiles again and pokes your cheek. he does not hesitate to show you how much he adores you. he had lived so many different lives that he never bothered to find love, but yet you, were different. knowing most of his lives were short-lived, he never hesitated to tell you how much you mean to him. this time though, he is praying for a life where he could grow old with you. “you always look good,” he says, admiring you once more.
you blushed slightly and hit his shoulder playfully. “you and your way of words-“
he grins and gives you a hug, cutting your words off. “let’s go out today. we can’t let that good outfit go to waste, can we?” he holds your hand and picks up a few of his belongings, before leaving the house and heading to the car. he opens the car door and lets you go in first. “after you, my lady,” gunwook says in a british accent. you laughed at his words and get in, gunwook closing the door after you before getting into the driver’s seat.
you both drive off, you admiring how gunwook looks while driving. how could you get so lucky? you were not that affectionate of a person but gunwook knew that he means to you as much as you mean to him. “hey gunwook have i ever told you-“
the screeching of the tires rang throughout your ears, causing the both of you to flung forward and back, your foreheads bleeding upon impact. glass shards flew everywhere, cutting your skin before you passed out momentarily.
no, no, no! gunwook panicked when he regained consciousness, barely able to open his eyes. the both of you were now on the ground, the car flipped over. he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and crawled his way towards you, unbuckling yours and trying to drag you out of the car with as little energy he have left. “yn! wake up! please!” he pleads, tears pouring out of his eyes. he pokes your cheek softly, hoping you wake up. he feels his energy start to drain away and he knew he did not have that much time left.
“yn, you can’t hear me but-“ his voice cracks and he lays down beside you, losing his energy. “i will find you, please, remember me.” gunwook was crying by now, you weren’t responding to him. “i will remember you so promise me you will, please?”
sirens were ringing in his ear and he wanted to see you do any sort of sign that you heard what he said. why was life so unfair? why did his current life end so early when he was finally happy?
“yn, i-“
and it all went black.
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first life without you . .
gunwook groans. he was reborn as the son of a conglomerate family. although his current life is luckier than most, he could not enjoy it.
you weren’t here.
he did not know where to start. how could he find you? what are the chances you will remember him? or your past life? he was currently 23 years old, twenty-three years without you.
“i arranged a blind date for you,” his father enters the room, giving gunwook the details. he sighs but doesn’t protest. going on blind dates was the fastest way to find you.
he went on the date, but he did not like it. she was someone who was arrogant and believed she should get her way, which was so different from you that it disgusted gunwook. he left halfway through the date, not wanting to deal with her further.
how much longer could he live without you?
third life without you . .
gunwook was reborn as the son of a nice couple that owns a family restaurant. gunwook took full advantage of the fact, serving and helping out as much as he can. with more customers, the higher the chance he could find you.
he has now lived forty-eight years without you, his previous two lives being short, but it wasn’t worth living if it meant you weren’t around.
“this is for table 2.” his mother handed him a tray with stir-fried noodles with mayonnaise all over it and tempura on the side. gunwook looked at the dish. it was your favourite food. he remembers the first time he has seen you eating this particular combo and how unappealing it looked, but you were adamant on how good it was. gunwook had once took a bite and realised it was actually delicious but because he did not want to admit you were right, he would make the dish behind your back.
the memory brought a smile to his face and he quickly went to serve the dish, a little hopeful but to his dismay, it was someone that he immediately knew wasn’t you.
“enjoy your food,” he says, a little disappointed before turning away.
sixth life without you . .
gunwook has now lived a hundred and fifteen years without you. in this life however, he was blessed with the ability to sing and dance. in fact, his name was the one he was given when he first met you. he was park gunwook again.
“you should audition to be an idol!” his friend, kum junhyeon, would constantly tell him but gunwook would always shake his head, disagreeing. he does not want to bring any attention to himself, when he still could not find you.
“you being an idol or famous could help you find that person you have been wanting to find-“
gunwook did not have to listen further. he immediately recorded and posted a video of him singing to a song and it went viral almost immediately. he has been scouted by companies to train under them but he declined them all, hoping to stay independent. junhyeon, however, has taken the role of his manager, helping gunwook edit videos and secure any deals.
a year or so have past by since then and gunwook made a small name for himself. he performs at small cafes and restaurants and holds small fanmeetings every now and then. only to find you, of course, but yet, he was making very little progress.
“the fansign starts in a few minutes,” junhyeon mentions, preparing gunwook before he gets on stage. “maybe the person you like is here?”
gunwook sighs. he does not want to give up but his chances are getting slimmer and slimmer. “i don’t know man, what if they aren’t here?”
junhyeon gives his friend a sad smile. “even if they aren’t maybe …” his eyes goes all over the place, finding a way to cheer his friend up. “i am sure they are cheering for you from afar!”
gunwook returns a smile before heading onto stage, greeting fans and soon, the autograph session begins. an hour or so passed, the autograph session ending but with no sign of you. he has lived over a hundred years without you, how much longer must he live till he finds you again?
“no luck?” junhyeon asked, patting him on the back. gunwook shakes his head, disappointed but not surprised. junhyeon drops him off at home, assuring him that there is a right time for everything. he drives off, leaving gunwook standing in front of his apartment block.
disappointed and sad, gunwook heads to the nearby convenience store. he did not have the urge to cook anything. he goes in and bought a few items for himself, planning to have his late-night snack in the store itself. he opens a bag of chips and pops a few into his mouth when-
“i didn’t go to the fansign.”
gunwook, intrigued, turned to look at the person who was sitting a few chairs away from him, talking onto the phone. for a moment, he thought it was about him but he wasn’t that famous so he dismissed the thought away, not wanting to stare.
“i wanted to okay! but my boss needed me to work and i just … didn’t go. it’s probably better that way, i would have panicked and not talk at all as soon as i see the park gunwook.”
gunwook’s ears perked up and looked right back again. the way the person said his name felt all too familiar.
“there will be another chance in the future-“ the person turned to looked at gunwook and that’s when everything clicked.
it was you.
“i have to go, bye.” you hung up the phone and stared at gunwook, embarrassed that you were just fangirling over him when he was right beside you. but an unknown feeling came over you as you look at him. then, everything clicked.
“i found you.”
“it’s you.”
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© taeraemisu do not copy my works !
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chasing-posts · 23 days
Allison should have had a villain and redemption arc in the last season.
Now first of all let me say I do like Allison and think she's cool...but I also believe she had some negative character traits that were explored since season one and were really divulged in season 3, and could have/ should have been resolved by the forth season.
For one she did kill Harlan for stopping her child from existing, even though it was an accident and he was basically Victor's foster son. This showed the only children she tends to care for is her own.
Second, we never fully got an answer to one of her most famous Rumors, "I heard a rumor that you loved me." This one has always been speculated to be directed at either her husband, daughter or Luthor. And with how she sexually assaulted Luthor in season 3 before he got married and how he could never get over her, I think it was him.
Third, can we address that she assaulted Luthor?
Forth, she made a pack with Reginald and as such got to redesign the universe so Clair was back, and Ray was alive and possibly her father, which means she erased her last husband from existence and rearranged time and space to get what she wanted in her perfect life.
And all of this is bad stuff, add to the fact that Sloan is missing when Ben is here, and it does not paint a nice picture. In fact I always thought that the reason Sloan was missing, was because Allison could not handle Luthor moving past her, and being happy with another woman. Even if she didn't want him anymore. As such, she erased Sloan to keep her back up, even after getting married (twice) and having sexual/ romantic relationships of her own. She STILL could not handle not having a hold on Luthor.
So if I could change things, I would say let her have EVERYTHING she always wanted at the start of the season. Her daughter, the love of her life, her powers and even her carreer... and absolutely none of it bringing her joy due to the cost she had to pay to make it happen, and how BADLY it screwed over her siblings, especially Victor and Luthor, to make it happen.
Have her repent by actions. Actually have it so the siblings are a little slow to let her back into the group and only do so to protect their own (like when Victor got kidnapped and all 6 were needed to save him.). Have Luthor confront her about their AWEFUL relationship and most inportantly, what she knows about Sloan. What she did to her when she rebooted the universe, and why she's gone when cranky Ben is still here.
Finally, change the rest of her story make her face consequences for her actions. Maybe have both Ray AND Claire leave her after she went too far with her Rumors again only do it ON SCREEN so it's actually impactful and have her be all alone. Maybe have her reconnect with Klaus to help him get off the drugs the first time after her family leaves her (because honestly, I like their relationship a lot this season and her helping him stay on track was good) and that being her foot in the door with the rest of them through Klaus, before she rejoins them all against Reginald/ the Cleanse/ whatever is the true big boss this season. Finally, before she makes things as right with her siblings, try and help THEM get their powers back while she still has hers.
Because while I don't think Allison is a bad person, i think she has done bad things. And I think actually addressing it all instead of sweeping EVERYTHING under the rug like they did in season four, would be great.
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