#They come o u t of the ground guys omg
waffietato · 2 years
Oh my GOD it just hit me how fucked up it was that Hunter was building a grave for himself in Eclipse Lake. Like that was already fucked up but like. Like. Grimwalkers. GRIMWALKERS-
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wandaschaosx · 1 year
Just had an absolutely batsh insane dream
I woke up laughing lmao
It all started in a tennis court I was probably dropped off at against my own will, I looks around like damn this place boring af I want music.
So I see this speaker right ?
Crazy thing , I turn on some music and it’s playing and everything’s good , people vibe to it (as they should )
then it starts pouring rain so I decide to
Go outside ???, anyway there’s this really dark an ominous woods so I’m like “no thanks 😀” and then I go back and I hear this rap music that’s blasting at a frequency that could shatter glass and it’s none other than the spider verse soundtrack so I’m vibing until I realize it isn’t the spider verse soundtrack and it’s random rap that the kid from my school put on .
Everyone is PISSED so he starts getting all like “oh cry me a River and piss in it 🙄” so I’m all like okay rude and continue on.
It stops raining and I swear I literally blink and we’re all in this line, I see my friend (let’s call her watermelon I’m not disclosing any info sorry babes 💓)and I’m like oh “hey you here too” and she’s like “yeah lol “
Then I see my other friends let’s call her raspberry smoothie and I’m like omg come here (she’s in the back of the line ) and so I signal for her to come over and the person behind us gave us the nastiest look like I just 🔥ned his favorite store to the ground .
So I’m all like Oop sorry 😰.
I blink again and we’re in a tennis match
so I’m all like damn okay 😰 absolutely battling it out and then (hold on lemme Google sm real quick I forget his name )
It’s Alex, alright so Alex is all like we should go upstairs lol and asks if we’re hungry (raspberry smoothie has disappeared and it’s just me and watermelon )
And me and watermelon look at one another like “??” There ain’t no upstairs to a tennis court wt-
Then I see that other guy jay I think and we’re heading upstairs with Alex and Im like oh is this your uh
Room 😰
And their all like yeah lmao dwi
so me and watermelon are immediately getting bad vibes but like hey free food why not
By god’s grace
When I tell you
I walked in there
This room had the aesthetic of a back office in a GameStop that’s been running for 30 years on underplayed workers and road water . (I love GameStop absolutely no slander btw )
there was a really run down pc with a single chair (it looked like mine so I was all like ??wyd w my chair my guy ???💀)
and a bed with crumbs over it and a single closet
goodness gracious almighty if tony stark had not blessed me my soul would have been gone because when I opened that closet
It was a clear P L A S T I C T U B
of G R E A S Y P O P C O R N
with B T S McDonald’s fruit punch cups shoved into different areas of the popcorn
Looked like he really had to get in there to keep them in place ig
But I think what unsettled me more was that was the only thing in his closet
Like bon apple teeth or bonappetit as they say so my friends all like
What on gods green earth girl keep that in greasy groves
But I immediately say suit yourself because when in Rome am I right
5 star Gordon Ramsey approved I tell you
So me and watermelon sit down after that delectable meal and jay is sitting across from us and all of a sudden we’re on a plane??? Same positions but on a plane
And apparently I didn’t get the memo it’s 2023 because I saw myself in like 3rd person mode in a video game with raccoon stripes and the really stereotypical like 2000’s emo with the large bangs to one side and honestly I had no complaints
Beside the absolute horrendous lipstick I put on if you could even call it that
Lemme tell you sm, that lipstick came from the back trenches of early Sephora with a consistency so thick and melty I could have used it to butter a pan
So glad I didn’t taste it
All I’m doing now is “Oowhahahaah look at me emo ahaha “
Apparently my friend got a kick out of it and now I look like a single mother with her feral child
Then I woke up the end
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0x1lovebot · 3 years
✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ stray kids and proposing ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩
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gender neutral! reader.
warnings; language.
requested by @kpop-official-fan ;
hi faith<3 i love~ your blog set up and I have an ask for you, can you please do a reaction/headcanon with stray kids proposing , who would be shy, nervous, scared?and how they'd do it, if you can't that's fine! but if you do it thank you so much~<3
thanks for the idea!! I hope you like it!! <3 and sorry it took so long😔 school's been killing me
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channie is scared😬❗
he freaks out so hard becuz 'what if you say no?'
or 'what if you hate what he has planned?'
or 'what if you hate the ring he bought?'
or 'what if you just don't love him anymore?' plz that would never happen 🙄
he just spirals so hard and he a l m o s t backs out
but we all know that chan never gives up😤 so he goes through with his plan of proposal
he takes you on a picnic with all your favorite foods and there's candles and the scenery is so beautiful
and all you can think about is how you're so in love with him and how important he is to you and just-
it's just perfect😔❤
I'm very much in love with this man ANYWAYZZ-
he gets down on one knee and pops the question💍
and you don't say anything at all at first because the most beautiful person on the planet just FUCKING PROPOSED TO YOU AND IT CATCHES YOU OFF GUARD
and chan starts nervous laughing because the silence is eating him alive and he thinks you're gonna say no
but you tackle him to the ground in happiness and kiss him all over the face😫❤
"wait so you actually wanna marry me⁉️"
"YES YOU IDIOT!! I wanna be with you forever🥰"
[rest of the members under cut!!]
first of all minho bought the engagement ring the month after you started dating
he already knew he wanted to spend his life with you
and he carries it around e v e r y w h e r e waiting for the right moment to propose
so you guys are in a clothing store looking at shirts
and the 2 of you were bickering over which color would look better on him
but in the middle of it this old lady comes up to you
"excuse me, hi! how long have you 2 been married?" she asks
and it completely catches you off guard
"oh! uuhhhh haha we're not married!!"😅
"really?? you 2 bicker like a married couple😊"
and minho decided that this was the perfect time to propose
so while you're talking to the sweet old lady manz gets down on one knee in the middle of the damn store⁉️
and when the lady leaves and you turn around to face him you almost pass the fuck out
"if that lady already thinks that we're married, we might as well do it right!"
"yes babe, like marriage marriage!!"
you've completely forgot about the shirts and you get kicked out of the store for yelling😭
confidence is key for this man😌
changbin does not get n e r v o u s
he's so sure of himself and your love for each other that he could literally propose to you anywhere😤
so that's exactly what he did!!
it was late at night and you two were craving fast food so.... mcdonald's!!
it wasn't very crowded but there were still a good amount of people in the establishment
and while you 2 were in line changbin gets down on 1 knee and pulls out a ring
"y/n, the love of my life will you marry me?"
"are you seriously proposing to me in mcdonald's right now🧍‍♀️?"
"yup😗 so you wanna be with me forever??"
everyone in mcdonald's cheers for the 2 of you
and you end up getting free fries too😋
hyunjin definitely is nervous 😬
he's so so so fucking nervous
but the way he proposes is so chill that you can't even tell⁉️
you 2 were in the middle of movie night and the movie that he chose was extremely cheesey and romantic
and when the couple in the movie starts to be all domestic he goes:
"omg y/n that could be us!! will you marry me??"
and at first you think he's joking
but then you turn and see that his face showed complete sincerity
"are you being serious hyunjin??"
and he just nods silently cuz he's too nervous to say anything
"yes I'll marry you!🥰"
he lets out a huge sigh of relief and pulls you into his chest
"oh thank God!! I thought you were gonna say no!!"
nervousness = nonexistent 😌
definitely the most nervous😭
he’s jittery and always looking around nervously
acts so so s o suspicious
"hey sungie what are you doing😊?"
he plans to take you to this romantic restaurant as a surprise and propose to you there
but hannie can't keep a secret to save his life🙄
while you guys get ready to leave for the restuarant he just goes:
"y/n have you seen your engagement ring?!" without thinking because he can't seem to find it anywhere 😐
and he doesn't even realize what he just did until he turns and looks at you and you're just like
and he's so sad that he ruined the surprise
but he is e c s t a t i c when you say yes and kiss him
lixie had a whole ass plan‼️
he was gonna make you dinner
and then he was gonna take you on a romantic moonlit walk,,
and then he would propose in this field with rose petals and candles
but due to one of his members🙄 jisung dinner was ruined and it threw off his whole plan😔
so you two just end up chilling on the couch and he’s like
“y/n will you marry me?💍"
and you're just like "🧍‍♀️w h a t"
because that is not what you expected him to say while cuddling in the couch after a failed romantic night
but of course you say yes💕😌
ok so when you first started dating
like maybe 6 months in, seungmin already knew he wanted to be with you forever😔💓
and you felt the same way
so one night you 2 were just having one of those late night talks and seungmin asks
"hey y/n would you marry me?? like later in the future??"
"of course I would."
so t e c h n i c a l l y you 2 are already engaged
but fast forward 2 years
you both pass by a jewelry store in the mall and the rings really catch seungmin's eye
and he remembers your conversation from a few years back and he feels all warm and fuzzy inside
"y/nie you still want to get married?"
"then let's go get you a ring!!"
and he pulls you into the jewelry store and helps you choose an engagement ring💍
plz i.n would simply just throw the question at you😭
no plan, no previous thought, no bullshit, just impulse
he just knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
and that he can't live without you
so in the middle of the damn supermarket jeongin just-
"hey y/n, will you marry me?"
"i- seriously?? you wanna marry me??"
"of course, I do! I love you🥰"
"then hell yeah!! let's get married❤"
you guys went to the mall right after grocery shopping and he got you a ring💍
it was so sudden that he hadn't bought one yet😭
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permanent taglist; @odxrilove @snghnluvr @sunshinelixie-lee @shrutiajit @bakukags @witheeseung @binniesbf @ezakaru @pc-yeolie @dear-dreamie @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @3ggieyolk @hoonbokki @love-4-keum @grassbutneo @katastrophesworld
© 2021 copyright. all rights reserved. 0x1lovebot.
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izukult · 3 years
haiykuu boys react to a long distance partner surprising them
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, tsukishima
established relationship | warnings: swearing, my fan behavior, why are my head canons so long in this gd it’s like a tiny story without structure
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hinata shōyō
-SUNSHINE BOY (i went crazy for this one i’m so sorry)
-you were sugawara’s old middle school penpal which turned online friend
-so obviously you’d heard about his volleyball team and the new first year star players
-and one thing led to another where he introduced you to hinata
-actually you were facetiming suga and you saw hinata and told your old friend you thought the tangerine boy was cute and then koushi “accidentally” put you in a gc together
-you and hinata have been dating for about four months
-you’ve heard everything to a t, including small little remarks from tsukishima to every toss, kill, and miss your boyfriend and kageyama managed
-side note but it’s so cute this boy is so whipped for you if you don’t respond for a certain amount of time he’ll find some dumb excuse to talk to suga just so he can shift the convo to making sure you’re safe
-so you’re going to meet suga finally
-like FINALLY you’re so excited
-but you’re also boutta see your boyfriend!!!!!!
-buuuuuuuuuut your boyfriend didn’t know
-so it’s safe to say you were a little nervous about it
-you made suga swear up and down that he wouldn’t tell any of his teammates that you specifically were coming, but he did ask to make sure it was okay to have a semi open practice
-so you’re standing outside the volleyball gym with sugawara, backpack with hinatas favorite snacks over your shoulder. practice had already started so suga was late, but he still stood outside with you and let you prepare yourself
-you felt like you were about to throw up even though that’s shoyo’s thing
-suga walks in before you and you follow shortly after, holding in a sharp breath.
-there he was. standing on the other side of the gym, talking to who you knew as kageyama
-he hadn’t seen you yet, but other member of karasuno had
-”yoo who’s this hottie” bald, flirtatious, you had to assume its tanaka
-hinata was in the middle of jumping for a spike when he saw you, and he froze and fell to the ground, stumbling to keep his balance
-the gym got quiet at the tangerines reaction, but he was just staring at you.
-and then he was doing that “woosh” run he always told you about and before you knew it his arms were around your waist and his head was buried in your shoulder.
-everyone (literally EVERYONE) was looking at you two but you just laughed and placed a hand in his hair (which, holy fuck, is soft)
-you mouthed an apology to suga and he shrugged you off, and focused your attention back on the boy in front of you
he pulled back just enough to look at you, leaving his hands to rest on your back. his eyes were filled with tears (cute) and he offered you a smile.
“you’re here” his voice was quiet, for once, but it didn’t have any lag this time. and it was so fucking beautiful.
“i’m here.” you nodded, eyes scanning the features of his face. he chuckled lightly, a tear falling to his cheek as he shook his head.
“you’re so pretty.” his voice was watery and he moved his head back in your shoulder before you could utter a compliment back.
-he stayed attached to you for like minutes okay and this man completely ignored the teasing of his classmates.
-eventually you tried to pull him off you so he could get on with practice (and so you could watch him practice) but he refused to get off
-”bubs. babe. honey. you gotta get up”
-”hey hey hey, what about showing me a cool spike?”
-”i am literally asking you to do your favorite thing in the world sho,”
-”new favorite thing is holding you.”
-eventually you did get him off of you and he practiced the HARDEST he had
-after practice he introduced you to everyone as his girlfriend even though you’d literally been introduced to them like an hour before
-his eyes stay on you and he constantly tells you how pretty you are face to face and how you smell good and how soft your hands are
-it would sound stalkerish if you werent whipped
-its ok hes whipped too
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kageyama tobio
-no idea how youd meet this mf online
-maybe some volleyball forum or like arguing over which setter was betting in youtube comments
-or if you know nothing about volleyball,,,,
-i have no fucking clue BUT
-he doesnt mind long distance honestly
-he doesnt have to get worried about completely embarrassing himself and he never has to make like physical moves
-but he does wish he could hold your hand sometimes.
-but he ignores it🙄
-so you are like obsessed w this bitch u r in love w him🤢🤢
-and ur a good 90% sure he luv u too
-so you plan a trip to him
-you do it all out. you talk to his mom, you find the cheapest hotel that’s perfect distance between his house and his school bc ur just that cool
-and you even make up an excuse to kageyama for why you won’t be on your phone during the flight
-you know he’s gonna be at practice bc you know his schedule cos gf things
-you stocked up on banana milk (aka you brought like four)
-you hit him up yknow yknow
- “hey bubs i’m back<3 how’s practice going?” you’re literally standing outside the gym but you want to make sure you’re not coming in at a bad time
-after like three minutes he texted u “good:). just got done with a practice set.”
-so now you’re going and you’re excited and you’re Nervous
-you open the door and you’re met with a rly tall guy with a headband on
-“hi, can i help you?”
-“uh, is kageyama here?” and he turns his head, and you follow his eyes, and there he is
-and he’s already staring at you
-a ball is lightly held in his hands
-if anyone who didn’t know him saw him they would genuinely think he’s angry
-but it was kinda the same look he’d give you when you talked about things you cared about on facetime
-so maybe that’s love? 😳😳😳
you give him a little wave
-“sup kags”
-he’s just staring
-blankly staring
-which you should’ve expected
-“sorry, are you mad? i should’ve told you i was coming, that’s my bad i just thought i could surprise you and it would be really nice and then you wouldn’t be stressed out sorry-“
-literally why are you saying all this all of his teammates just like “wtf”
-he shook his head quickly and opened his mouth to say no but just continued to stare
-“i- uh- you want to watch me set?”
-you LAUGH. and i mean LAUGH girly and he just turns all kinds of red and you know his team is gonna be on him for that
-“yea! if that’s like, allowed?” daichi doesn’t care so you are literally balling
-you watch him play and like at first he’s REALLY awful like rly bad but then he kind of tunes everything out (i.e. you) and gets back in his groove
-afterwards he comes over to you and asks you what you think and he’s looking at you like this is normal but you can tell he’s shaking and he kisses your forehead REALLY REALLY FAST and mumbles a quiet “i’m glad you’re here”
-he opens up w affection more along the trip
-he appreciates the banana milk. sm.
-from then on out he constantly brags ab having a gf to the team
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oikawa tooru
-he suspects smth is up to be honest
-he’s like “ohhh shawty gon do sum😫”
-(he doesn’t fucking call you shawty)
-but to be fair he figured more like you were gonna send him smth rather than send yourself
-surprise again he’s AT PRACTICE who would’ve guessed
-but this time you come at the end of practice because seijoh has like set schedules and oikawa tells you everything so
-you’re just standing by the door waiting for him to come out, ignoring the literal group of girls forming at the end of the hall knowing dAmn well they are your bf’s fangirls
-oh well
-you hear his voice before you actually see him
-he’s giving someone tips on their serves and you hear someone make a snide remark at him and you only assume its iwa
-he’s in the middle of a sentence and he just stops.
-there’s a good couple of seconds where he completely loses composure
-which is not tooru like
-you took a step closer and smiled
-”is this the oikawa tooru fanclub?”
-”nah it’s actually the oilykawa hate club” it’s the same voice from earlier and it’s definitely iwa
-you laugh a little and keep looking at your boyfriend
-”that’s even better”
-he just walks up to you and gives you a real, genuine smile
-pushes a piece of hair behind your ear
-and KISSES u
-”what are you doing here, pretty? come to see me play? if so, i hate to break it to you, but you’re late”
-you just roll your eyes and kiss him again
-once you two are alone he literally cries
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sugawara koushi
-literally the only one who can keep his cool out of all these mfs (aside from tsukishima)
-however, when you show up to his practice wearing the hoodie he sent you like two months earlier, he lost his shit
-you set it up with daichi and everything beforehand.
-(and daichi literally made sure suga would look like a setting genius the day you showed up)
-he had just made a really good set when you walked in and you clapped
-”nice one, koushi”
-he looks at you like 😦 & is just like “you- what- you’re- how- why?”
-lol and then he goes on “not why like i’m not happy you’re here just how”
-and all the third years think it’s so funny to be honest, because typically suga can keep his cool
-he eventually gains his cool and shines you one his signature amazing smiles (which, is somehow better face to face)
-omg he goes over to you and once he gets there he turns to his teammates and like
-”this is my s/o!!!”
-mf is BEAMING
-he’s so happy
-you find out right after he gives literally the best hugs ever i live by that and i will die by that
-he doesn’t kiss you til you two are alone
-and its so fucking sweet and personal he puts his forehead on yours and tells you you’re the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-he is literally so in love w you
-i love him.
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nishinoya yü
-ok he’s so loud
-literally the second he gets a gf everyone knows
-he shows the team pictures of you literally anytime one of them will look
-he luvs u
-he is your BIGGEST fan no doubt
-you make a nice meal? he wants to post about it
-you have a nice outfit? he will put it on his story
-you breathe? expect an “omg baby im so proud of u”
-so when you show up, he reacts the way you expect him to
-so like obviously this man isnt checking his phone during practice
-but he puts his phone on dnd and has you as his only favorite contact
-so you can text him if its an emergency during practice
-you know that, he knows it, the team knows it
-he gets the little ping!
-and he’s out the game
-no one is recovering the ball #peaceout
-he jogs over to check because you never text his number during practice bc you respect his passion for volleyball
-the text just says “come outside:))”
-he’s like wtf?? but bitch gonna do what u say😐
-he sees you and he just yells “holy shit” so loud dude
-daichi goes to call him on his language but steps outside and sees the short libero hugging the person they’d all seen in the photos, he just goes quiet
-nishinoya will not shut up as he hugs you
-he’s literally just hyping you up and asking you literally every single detail about how you’re there, where you’re staying, when you’re leaving, how your flight was, everything
-you just kiss his forehead :)
-literally only good vibes
-you guys have such a good trip bruh
-after you leave he literally just cries while looking at pics of you two together
-^ he took so many pics and vids of you pls
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tsukishima kei
-unlike the others, you wouldn’t meet him at practice
-you don’t really know his team, nor does he tell you about them outside of mostly complaining
-you do know tadashi, but like you’ve only talked to him in a gc all three of you are in and never like alone
-you did not tell him you were coming because you’re 100% convinced he would’ve accidentally told tsuki even though he can keep his own shit secret lol
-you just show up at his door when you know he’s home
-and he’s texting you as you’re there and he had actually had a moderately rough day so you told him you were gonna order him food from his favorite restaurant
-which, technically wasn’t a lie you just had to make an extra stop
-you knock on his door (once you’ve prepared yourself because you honestly have no idea how he’s going to react)
-and he opens it ready to give a half hearted thank you to some delivery guy
-but instead his s/o
-he just stares at you
-he looks like a fish
-after like fifteen seconds you decide to try to break the ice bc you are nervous
-”delivery here for uh one…” you pretend to look at the paper, you’re doin a whole skit here “one dumb bitch. are you dumb bitch?”
-he just rolls his eyes and shoves your head
-he walks back but he leaves the door open
-”take your shoes off”
-he’s not even looking at you smh but you smile so fucking wide bc that’s the kind of reaction you were honestly hoping for
-(what you don’t know is he will literally break his whole hard exterior act if he looks at you right now and he is not ready for that)
-you put the food on the table and move to stand next to him
-and after a bit he finally looks at you
-and you look at him
-and you smile
-and he does too,, kind of
-(which is so fucking cute,)
-and you just keep starin at him and bite your lip to keep from grinning
-and after a couple minutes you clear your throat
-”can i hug you?”
-bro he’s so fucking whipped he doesnt even answer he just wraps his arms around you and puts his head on top of yours
-and he mumbles a thank you and its so fucking SWEET
-he does open up more the longer you’re there and u have a very good trip mwah in luv
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
Nu’est - Baekho A-Z
“I knowww you’re in hiatus but would you consider a Baekho A-Z ??? Your last couple asks have me thinking fr”
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A - Aftercare
Boy gets so cuddly afterwards, he just wants to lay together until the end of time lmao, so it’ll probably take him a minute to even think about aftercare. But he’ll probably run a bath or shower for you
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner)
on himself he likes his arms, they’re big and strong, he loves that he can hold you close to him no matter what position yall are in. On his partner he likes their legs, esp when you wrap them around his waist when he’s on top of you...oof...nice.
C - Cum
Likes the intimacy of cumming inside you, but if that’s not an option, he likes to cum on either your stomach or your chest. He’ll glance at it for a second, looking super proud, then rush off all bashful and shy to go get a towel lmao
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes he cries when he cums lol. Not bc he's like overly in his feelings or anything like that, like it's just a reflex that happens sometimes and he has no idea why. He won't be like full on bawling either but like you'll look over at him and just see his eyes all glossy with like a single tear drop on his cheek djdjd
E - Experience
It’s a tricky one lmao. I feel like he’s just got a natural way with people lol, he’s a pro at wooing anyone. However, he doesn’t strike me as much of a one night stand kinda guy. Idk, I’d say he’s got a fair amount of experience, but from relationships, so like...its moreso, he’s done it a lot, rather than he’s done a lot of different stuff...yknow??
F - Favourite Position
Anything where he can keep your face close to his and maintain close eye contact. He likes being able to whisper sweet nothing's in your ear and kiss you freely whenever he wants
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc)
I wouldn't say he's humorous per se, but he's just smiley and sweet lol. He likes to keep the atmosphere warm and loving, the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable in his company
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He’s not like, immaculately clean shaven, but he’s not super wild either lol, he keeps it at a middle ground.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Mans a total romantic, even in times when yall are in a rush and it's just a question of chasing that climax, even then he's just got words of love flowing non stop out of his mouth
J - Jack Off (Masturbation)
Almost every day, if not every day lol. It’s something he just kinda does without thinking. Like, he’ll be in bed, winding down, relaxing...then without knowing it his hand is in his pants lmao
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks)
Now, this is where it gets a lil controversial lmao. I dont think Baekho is a dom. Not at all. Just bc he’s a big guy doesn’t mean he’s dominant lol; Baekho is the truest of switches you could ever see. 100% switch lol. He literally just wants to please, he just wants to make you feel good. As for actual kinks, I dont think he has that many that are that out there. He likes some light marking (giving & receiving), edging (receiving), and maybe a tiny hint of a femdom kink.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere where y’all can move about freely, that's literally his only requirement lol. He doesn’t wanna be cramped up in a tiny spice, which also means no car sex lol sorry lads 
M - Motivation (What turns them on)
One of the easiest men to rile up on the planet lol. Three things that get Dongho all hot and flustered lol:
1. tell him how much you love his body. (bonus points if you tell him how hot he looks working out and that you appreciate how hard he works for his body lol)
2. Show the tiniest bit of skin, he loves it when you wear a shirt that sits a tiny bit higher than usual and he can see your lower stomach when you move.
3. Literally just hold his gaze for 0.5 seconds longer than usual lol
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
I feel like literally the only thing he’s unwavering on is his stance on three(or more)somes. He’s really not a sharing kinda guy. He doesn't wanna bring someone else in and potentially mess up y’alls dynamic. It’s something he cant even bear thinking about.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He can be a bit relentless when it come to giving lol, he'll hold your hips down with all his strength as he just totally feasts on your core. Deliberately makes the most lewd noises tryna get you to blush.
When receiving, boy he is LOUD, he'll be talking you through it like "fuuuuuuck yes baby, I know your throat can take all of me" "your pretty lips take me so well" he'll grab your hair and hold your head still as he cums, gets the fattest smirk on his face is he sees his load dripping out the sides of your mouth too,,,,,ooof. But then once again, he'll get all shy and bashful afterwards lol like he can't believe what he just said to you didjdjd
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
I don't really think he has any set pace lol it can vary every time. I feel like it'd depend on the vibe of the day, like, if it's been a while and he's missed you beyond belief then it'd be much more slower and sensual. But if it's like,,,gotta chase that nut, then he can get pretty fast. I don't think he'd ever cross over into being rough, but his thrusts can get like, firm and...sharp lmao
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Yes yes yes. Loves them. They usually tend to be a lot more giggly and fun than regular full sessions too lol
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?)
Eeeeeeh, a little bit. He's a bit of a baby in terms of pain so I feel like anything that could maybe hurt, even if it's something as simple as spanking or light restraints, could take a little convincing lol. He is definitely down...mans just needs reassuring he won't like die lol
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc)
I mean, he’s a healthy guy lol, he’s gonna have super good stamina. I feel like there’d be literally no stopping him, he can go for however long you need him too. You might wanna get as much as you can out of him though bc once he's done, he's done for the night lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?)
He doesn’t own any himself, but that’s not to say he’s not open to experimenting with any. He just wont do it of his own volition lol. Hes thought about getting some numerous times though but he just doesn't wanna be the one to bring it up
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not really a fan, he just doesn’t understand it lol. He’s not big on teasing or being teased; he's not good at holding back when he's the one *trying* to tease you, and he gets so so fidgety and antsy when being teased lol. He’d much rather just get to the main event lmao
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make)
Lots of loud sighs and choked out groans. He can get quite high pitched, which he’s honestly a little embarrassed of lol. He gets louder slowly the closer he gets to climax, he’ll attach his mouth to your neck as he starts to get louder; tryna muffle any sounds bc he doesn't wanna hear himself like that lmao
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon)
Okay. This is where this whole thing started lol. Baekho is not a dom, he’s also not a sub either. BUT, he get’s so unbelievably turned on by watching you take control. Like he just thinks you have this aura to you when you’re the one pinning him down and getting what you want from him. It’s literally the only time he ever enjoys edging too; he'd never do it to himself, nor does he do it to you, but for some reason having you edge him, having himself be totally at your mercy is just...omg
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants)
Average/maybe a tiiiny bit below average in terms of length, but pretty veiny and he’s got some nice girth lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
I feel like it’s either one extreme or the other lol. It’s either he can’t keep his hands off you at all for days on end, or he’s just busy occupied with other stuff and his mind doesnt even go in that direction...there’s no way of knowing sksks
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As long as he's happy that you're both fully satisfied, he'll be out like a light almost instantly lmao
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sourbkg · 3 years
[ʜǫ] ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴡ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ s/ᴏ
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- ☼  [anon] Hi!! May I have hcs of how tsukki, kuroo and suna would make a celebratory post (his s/o birthday, anniversaries, etc) on instagram?? Or, how would they celebrate it with their s/o? Thanks a lot <3
⋆┊ how the boys celebrate anniversaries w their s/o
⋆┊ ft. kuroo + suna + tsuki
⋆┊ tw. cute fluff  
⋆┊ i hope this is what you meant sobs 
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... ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʀᴏᴜ 
▹    oh my goooood oh my gooooood this man 
▹    lives for showing you off omg 
▹    kenma had to force him to make a spam so he could post about the little things 
▹    “babe just made me a cake <3 aren’t they so cute” + photos of you two covered in flour 
▹    any little things you guys celebrate are posted along with way too many hearts 
▹    it’s cute and kinda cringey 
▹    doesn’t care if you think the photos are ugly, he thinks they’re cute and “come on babe it’s only going on my spam!!!” the team + a couple other misc people see it 
▹    king of planning dates for things tho 
▹    very good at picking cute spots that have you swooning for him over and over again 
▹    for your two year, he was able to rope the team into helping him set up a picnic type deal in his backyard where they were the waiters. 
▹    had kenma set up a projector and you guys just watched movies!!! lev brought u drinks and eventually it became a little get together when yaku and yamamoto came out arguing about how to decorate the cookies. u were laughing too hard to object everyone else settling on the ground beside you two to watch the show
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... sᴜɴᴀ ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ 
▹    stinky man suna oh boy 
▹    honestly puts more into social media than one might think 
▹    definitely has a one of those anonymous meme pages for inarizaki and only posts memes abt the volleyball club 
▹    i.e. the miya twins brawling 
▹    probably has a couple other accounts too??? a private spam to post random photos he has + a secret spam with only like 12 people
▹    his main is scattered w pictures of you on various occasions 
▹    very cute off-guards he’s snapped when u weren’t paying attention 
▹    but asks before posting bc he’s a kind boyfriend 
▹    doesn’t make a long post about celebrations, but will def post something 
▹    “happy birthday babe” + a 10 photos of u that he took at ur party or just had in his camera roll 
▹    anniversary posts are just dorky pics other people have snapped of the two of you, since he only seems to remember to take pics of you 
▹    he can be kinda sweet sometimes but atsumu def teases him for it 
▹    but if that happens, he just pays osamu to beat tf outta him + gets more pics for his meme page 
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... ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ 
▹    he’s honestly a very private person on the internet 
▹    doesn’t really post anything ever 
▹    like i mean ever
▹    he’s one of those people that you’d get a notification for on instagram like tsuki.kei posted for the first time in a while! 
▹    and when he makes posts they’re incredibly simple
▹    pics of you guys are posted with the caption “went to lunch @/yourusername” and that’s it 
▹    but if he sees how excited you get when he posts you he might start doing it more often... maybe 
▹    tsuki doesn’t care how much you post him tho!!!! actually feels a little bit of pride when you post a pic w him calling him ur baby and stuff!!!! But he’ll be like >:( don’t make me look soft 
▹    will comment a little <3 under the post and nothing more 
▹    where he lacks in social media, he makes up for in dates tho!!! 
▹    plans everything to the t. dinner, a movie, a place for desert after, and maybe even some cuddle time at one of your houses if there’s time ;) (there’s almost always time)
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starylust · 3 years
Twins. Fight. Angles.✽
✧ S U N A   R I N T A R O ✧
genre: fluff:)
a fight had started between the miya twins once again. suna was just watching them as he remember the last time you had seen the twins fight on video. the laughter that filled the air made suna feel so bubbly and soft inside. wanting to see that reaction once again wanting to see that reactions suna leaves to pick you up and show you what you were missing.
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The argument between the Miya twins started to get more intense.
Who knows what they were fighting about anymore.
Everyone in the gym silently watching and listening to the two bicker back and forth.
Suna just standing there staring remembering the last time they argued like this, it ended up with them getting in a fight.
As Suna remembers this he remembers the laughter that caused a glow on your face from seeing the videos and photos of them fighting.
Today Suna and you were suppose to walk home together meaning you were probably waiting in the library catching up on homework.
His eyes widened at the wonderful thought he just had.
As the twins kept of arguing he ran out of the gym calling you.
"Hi Rin," You said through the phone.
"Hi love where are you right now?" He while picking up the pace while he started running.
"Um I'm in the library like I said before, why? Also why are you breathing so hard are you okay?"
"Yeah sorry I'm fine. Could you pack up your things I wanna bring you to the gym for a bit."
"Okay I'll see you in a minute or two then, bye."
He pulled away the phone as he heard a beep indicating the call ending.
Suna started running faster as he did not want to miss the twins were bound to have.
Twisting and turning throughout the halls he finally made it to the doors of the library. Peeking inside he saw you in the middle of the library grabbing your bag and putting over your shoulder.
You looked up to meet his gaze as brought his hand up telling you to hurry. You quickly swung your bag on and started speed walking to the front of the library.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" You questioned.
"Twins. Fight. Angles," was all he managed to get out as he was still trying to catch his breath.
"Huh?" you said back. Before you could say anymore he wrapped his fingers around your wrist tugging you a bit.
Suna then started speed walking and picking up the pace every second while still holding your wrist.
You were behind him practically being dragged trying to keep up with his speed. The wind from the speed you were running at brushed all of your hair out of your face.
Suna still speeding up by the second you started running out of breathe.
"Rin I can't run anymore," you said looking at him. He turned his head around to see you trying to catch your breath and trying your hardest to breathe normally.
He didn't say a word as he kneeled onto the ground.
"Hop on we gotta go."
Without anymore words said you hopped onto his back putting your arms on his shoulders and hugging his neck from behind.
Suna then placed his hands under your thighs near your kneecaps helping you stay on.
As soon as he felt like you were stable onto his back he started running off once again.
After a minute of running a bit slower since he was carrying you on his back, you guys were in front of the gym doors.
"Atsumu and Osamu are about to fight and I wanted you to be able to see. I also wanted more angles for photos and videos too," he said smiling at you.
"Well then why are we still standing out here? LET'S GO I WANNA SEE!" You said excitedly.
Suna laughed softly at your reactions.
"Get your phone quickly I don't know if they've started fighting already or not," he told you.
You grabbed your bag off your shoulder and placed it on the floor. Starting to unzip it you saw it at the very left side of your bag and reached your hand in and grabbed it.
Handing your phone to Suna you zipped up your bag and threw it over your shoulders once more.
Suna handed you back your phone as you both entered the gym to yelling that was louder than before.
"THIS IS WHY I'M MOM'S FAVORITE AND I'M OLDER," Atsumu yelled at the gray haired twin.
You laughed slightly at the bickering that echoed throughout the gym
Before you knew it one of them had tackled the other trying to pin him to the ground.
"Come on this is our chance," Suna whispered to you.
Nodding your head you both unlocked your phones going to the camera app. You both started heading towards the twins making sure not to get too close.
Suna gently tapped your shoulder and pointed to the left telling you to go over there while he headed to the right.
Both of you started recording now as you were both walked around them watching them try to get the other to be pinned on the floor.
As you were recording you were also taking pictures, Suna doing the same as you.
You guys both tried not getting each other in frame just in case the video gets sent around.
You started kneeling down to the floor to get a better angle or their faces and what they were doing.
After a minute or two the coach came in to break up their fight. Atsumu and Osamu looked out of breathe from all the yelling and fighting they did.
You and Suna met back up with each other. He was smiling at you while you started giggling.
"This is gonna be some good content to get on my instagram," Suna said.
"Rin don't tell me you're the one who runs the fight account for our school," you said.
"Don't be too shocked why do you think I have such great videos of the twins fighting," he said smirking a bit.
You let out a loud sigh as you just looked at him.
Suna and you started to head over to the bleachers sitting down in the front row. You both sat fairly close to each other while pulling out your phones.
You guys decided you would watch Suna's clip first then yours after.
As you were watching the video you were laughing so hard to the point where your eyes started to water up.
Suna not paying attention to the video stared at you while you were laughing. He couldn't help but smile to himself a bit.
He wondered how it was possibly for someone to look this pretty while laughing, snorting and crying at the same time.
You kept on laughing and replaying that part of the video that you didn't even realized Suna wasn't even paying attention to the video.
He kept staring at you seeing you glow beautifully wondering how he got so lucky with you.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
heyo dudes um idrk what to leave for an authors note this time also sorry if some things dont make sense, i get too lazy to proof read and edit so:)anyway hope ya enjoy this one.
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mimik-u · 3 years
“Homeworld Bound” Thoughts:
I wasn’t going to watch this one today, but then I realized that I really missed the Diamonds and wanted to consume novel content, so!
OOH, good on the show for taking us directly to the aftermath of “Fragments” instead of putting space between the episodes. That’s just... a really good choice narrative wise.
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl’s expressions are so distressing here. He’s been gone for three days; they must’ve been so worried.
Jasper steps aside to reveal an absolutely ruined Steven.
He just technically killed a gem and then resurrected her. How intensely will that forever lie on his psyche? Oh my g od
“You can’t just disappear for days without telling us!”
Steven silent walking up to the Observatory as the Gems continue to freak the fuck out is harrowing. And Dee Dee Magno Hall is killing it with her voice acting here. The simultaneous fear and anger and horror in her voice. Oh my g d
“You guys... I love you, but you can’t help me anymore. I’ve been avoiding the only people in the entire universe who can.” 🥺 This is sad, but I’m also, like, problematic grandmas time!!!!!
“Find something better to do with your life.” God, Jasper’s look of disbelief and sadness here. I didn’t really delve into this during my “Fragments” watch because I was just roridoodwrjfkrkeke reeling, but her reaction to being accidentally shattered is psychologically devastating???? I’d wager that she simultaneously respects the fact that she’s been subjugated by a being more powerful than her, that she’s grateful to Steven for being both subjugator and savior, and likely, she’s conflating this new loyalty with her former loyalty for Pink. This is a really complex psyche (a tragic one most of all).
Garnet: “Steven, remember, we’ll always be your family.” I’m so fucki n emo
YO!! Homeworld has a democracy now!! The Zircons!!!!!!!
Can u imagine being a wall cursed with sentience. that is so funny on so many levels
But it’s also really interesting, too. If the Wall Gem is a gem in the way say Topazes are gems, which, judging by her mobility, she is—then her explicit purpose in Era 1-2, as molded by presumably Yellow, was to b a wall omg. (Or, arguably, I think it can be argued that the inanimate object Gems, like Comby, were probably accidental sentient creations, made in relationship to their proximity to the Diamonds during their various secretion rituals!!)
Anyway, I love thinking about Homeworld worldbuilding. It’s fascinating.
Her heart eyes!! She looks so happy!
Steven, angry af: “Spinel, what is wrong with you?” / Spinel: Oh, you know—the usual.” KEKDSKDK
Also, Steven really wanted to say fuck there. NEKDDKKSSKKS
“I was such a wreck then, but I am so much better now.” We stan character growth 😭😭
One thing I have loved the Crewniverse so much for doing is never taking away the physical signs of gems’ mental distress, even after they’ve gotten better: Blue’s eye bags, Volleyball’s eye, Spinel’s running mascara. That is so important.
(I’m sorry in advance. The rest of the live blog is just going to be screaming about the Diamonds.)
“I can permanently alter any physical form!” She’s so proud of herself. 😭😭😭 I fuckin’ love her.
Yellow laying down on the ground like that is SENDING ME SKSKSJSJ.
Ugh, and her being such a good mom to Spinel. I’m cry in f
“If anything’s out of proportion, it’s your temper. You can be big if you want to, or you can be small if you want to, but if you’re going to be upset no matter what, then this problem isn’t physical—it’s emotional. Go see Blue.”
I really like her advice here because it’s advice that comments so clearly on her own character arc. At her lowest, she was quick to anger, aggressive, and temperamental, which she diagnoses in Steven here. Additionally, she was the Diamond who was concerned largely with physical actions. She coped by maintaining the Empire through conquering planets and maintaining the minutiae of leadership; she thought the only way to receive justice for Pink was through the physical act of destruction. And in doing so, she pushed her own emotions deep, deep down until they manifested in anger, aggressiveness, and temperamental outbursts. This hurt the people she cared about, and it hurt herself most of all.
Also, “Go see Blue. That is her department.” Ejdoiddjdjjsjdjdks, “go see ur other grandma.”
“Your powers have been causing you dramatic mood swings? That seems awfully troubling Steven.” God I love her
“You don’t seem troubled.” This is a really interesting line because it comments on how Blue’s emotions, especially her negatively charged ones, used to be so visible all over her; indeed, she both wittingly and actively used to project them on other Gems, forcing them to feel her suffering, too.
“Back before you came into my life, Steven, I wanted every one to feel the pain I felt. I realized I must make up for my awful behavior by bringing joy to others.”
Another thing I’ve appreciated about the writing in this episode: So far, both Blue and Yellow have used the adjective awful to describe their former actions. It’s the self-awareness and the refusal to try to excuse themselves that powerfully shows how much they’ve grown. And it’s their continuous endeavors to keep moving forward, to help the Gems that they’ve hurt, that indicates that they’re willing to constantly keep growing and atoning.
Sick vape clouds, Blue
This is such a pretty line: “Cold palace walls, and endless empty halls, haunted by echoes of laughter.”
“I’LL NEVER MAKE YOU CRY.” This line is particularly lovely because I think it plays well with Steven’s line to her in “CYM:” “How many times did you make her cry?”
The way she sings the last “loving you.” 😭😭😭😭 I’m gonna weep. I love her so fucking much.
“I found happiness. If that's not something you think you deserve, then I suspect this is an issue of self worth. I suggest you go to White for assistance with such matters.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 And like Yellow did, Blue gets to the heart of her arc cleanly.
Before Steven and before her own emotional reckoning, she didn’t think it was her place to be happy: “I know my purpose isn’t to be happy.” But in learning to love others, Blue has found true, inner happiness, which she literally shares with others. Wow.
And I think there’s something powerful in her distinction between true happiness and self-worth. You can’t find one without espousing the other.
White’s room is so pretty. 🥺
Steven’s horrified expression omg
“I’m scared I’m gonna hurt people; I guess I already have.” God.
And that’s another thing that this episode has called to mind. Blue, Yellow, and White alike once used their insane powers to hurt other Gems and to hurt themselves, and here, throughout this series, we see Steven discovering that same capacity for destruction and self-destruction. Along with the systematic oppressions they facilitated, a big part of the Diamonds’ modus operandi was that their powers were directly correlated to their mental states and their various inabilities to confront their own selves and effect inner change. The corrective wasn’t necessarily Steven; the corrective was him helping them to do that initial act of introspection and looking inwards. And so, too, will Steven have to do the same by the end of this series. But I presume that his family, all the people and gems who have loved and cared for him, will in effect be his Steven, just as he has always been for them.
“Half a Diamond, half a creature of Earth—in all the universe there's no one else that could know what you’re going through, so maybe it's time you talked to yourself.” This is so viscerally sad. White hits the nail on the head here. Steven’s human friends/family and his gem family and even the Diamonds, who come the closest to matching his own strength, can never fully understand him. It’s the tension that underscores a lot, if not the entire show.
White briefly touches Steven with her nail, and you can viscerally see the trauma on his face; he hasn’t forgotten her act above all, wrenching his gem out, nearly killing him.
“I’m... I’m a Diamond.” Steven, in looking at White Diamond, realizes that she’s a mirror of himself. Holy fucking shit
“I don’t want to be you! I don’t want to be anything like you!” HOLY FUCKING SHIT
“Don’t hurt me! She can’t hurt me! I’m controlling her...” And here, Steven doesn’t light upon the essential thing... in making White punch the wall, nearly knocking a huge rock into him, he’s the one hurting himself.
This show, oh my g o d
“She’s the one who should be afraid.” STEVEN?!!!!????!??!
“No, stop it! I don’t like this!” / “Please, you’re scaring me.” OH MY GO D
“What... what was that?” Christine’s delivery here. Holy shit. 😭😭 And both of them are surrounded in the carnage of Steven’s wrath. Holy fucking shit.
This act is fundamentally different than him accidentally shattering Jasper in “Fragments”; this was an intentional attempt to hurt White, to crack her, to break her. Holy fucking shit
Spinel, Blue, and Yellow waiting for Steven outside of White’s door has my heart a little and a lot tender 🥺🥺🥺🥺
SPINEL SINGING I CAN MAKE A CHANGE SO DRAMATICALLY DJDIDJDJDJDJD. (But yeah, lmao, this will absolutely be the conclusion of Steven’s arc at the end of Future.)
“Steven! Let us help you, Steven!” The Diamonds are so concerned (mirroring the Gems back at home, too). 😭😭
He leaves a flip flop behind like Cinderella lmao
“Steven, let us help you!” / “We’re your family!” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And just as he implored the CGs, he tells the Diamonds not to follow him either.
Steven is completely and utterly alone.
Not by necessity.
But God, by choice.
Okay, this is my new favorite Future episode.
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Stray Kids Reaction: You tear up because he accidentally hurt you.
A/N: Another angsty one god save me  T~T
i dont wanna do this So I think he would accidentally hit you while angry, not at you but pissed about something k? He was walking away from you as you tried to follow him and calm him down. At some point he got riled up again and swung around, not realizing how close you were and striking you across the face with the back of his hand. Also, because he had raised his voice, you got upset and started tearing up, covering the area on your cheek where he’d hit you. He quickly came to his senses and tried to take care of you.
“I’m-I’m so sorry, y/n.... I wasn’t paying attention- I know the ice feels like shit but I don’t want you to get a bruise...”
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o wow ok ur rly gonna ask me to do this to my angel and myself alright then I think he’d accidentally hit you too hard when he was too excited. cant control his strength u get me? If you were hanging out with the rest of the boys, and idk Jisung breathed and everyone was yelling and laughing, and being crazy being SKZ. And Woojin meant to playfully hit you but accidentally used a bit too much muscle and ended up hitting you hard enough to leave bruises. Your eyes started watering mostly because your body was naturally reacting to the pain and Woojin noticed in a tic. He immediately hugged you so tightly apologizing softly as the other boys quieted down a little, getting the fact that it was getting to rowdy.
“Omg I’m so so sorry! Are you okay? I really didn’t mean to hit so hard, I’m so so so sorry...” It took an awful long time and a lot of reassurance on your part for him to forgive himself.
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The dude probably accidentally bitch slapped you who tf knows. So you thought it was smart and funny to hide behind a corner in the JYP building SEngmiN iN ThE bUiLDinG and scare Minho as he was rounding the corner. Little did you know, he actually had very apt self-defense instincts. So when you did jump out at him, he literally fucking tried to karate chop you. Ended up actually smacking you. Hard. You were so shocked that you started to tear up, and the dude had the audacity to feel indignant.
“Well what were you expecting?? For me to squeal and fall?” But he eventually forgave you especially when you revealed you’d brought food and tried to stop you from crying, even though you were now smiling with teary eyes at his dumb reaction. HE LOVES YOU I SWEAR
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OK the guy is buff, he used too much strength when you were both squabbling over ice-cream the food of the gods. There was one helping of ice-cream left in the freezer (your fav flavor) and both of you dived for it at once. You simultaneously grabbed it and started wrestling for it and Changbin went into fight siblings mode. He became ruthless and elbowed you in the side unconsciously. As you let go with a grunt, he realized something had gone wrong (you wouldn’t give up on ice-cream so easily) and looked at you to see tears spilling out of your eyes as you held your side tightly. He was so horrified with himself, he dropped the tub and immediately checked you over, sounding like a hurt puppy, apologizing over and over.
“I can’t believe I really did that, I’m such an idiot! I’m so sorry y/n”. Needless to say he gave you the ice-cream.
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Two words: dance practice. He was trying to teach you dance moves (doesn’t care if you say you can’t dance). At some point he got a little too hyper, bouncing around like a Jack Russel and kicking out like a dancing Pennywise you are now haunted by the image. At some point he wasn’t paying attention to where he was kicking and his shoe met with your shin with a loud thud. You held onto your leg tightly, eyes watering and trying to not make a sound. The boy panicked and helped you to sit on the floor, apologizing like a broken record. He started rubbing the part of your leg which you already knew would have a bruise, so he promised to cuddle you and shower you with love whenever it hurt.
“Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be your dance teacher...”
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idk how this bb could possibly hurt anyone but lets stretch probability a bit You were both playing a card game like Spit: no need for a tutorial but in short when you get rid of your bunch of cards, both players get a chance to grab the smallest out of two piles of cards on the table. You were a decent player, and quick enough to win most of the time. At some point, Jisung got so frustrated, he tried to snag the smallest pile by slamming his fist onto it. It was only after he’d yelled with triumph that he realized you’d already grabbed the pile and he’d flattened your hand at the same time; now you had almost started weeping, cradling your hand. His jaw dropped as he took your hand gently, apologizing guiltily. After that he swore off the card game in the name of your safety.
“Okay, no more Spit for me... I’ve become too much of a danger...”
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i just wanna hug :(
He had finally come home from a long two weeks of concerts and he was excited af about seeing you again. He’d already called you in the car on route from the airport and was hyped up to the point of squealing before getting into the apartment. As he walked in, you were standing in the entrance hall and he dropped all his stuff to sprint to you. “I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” He tackled you in a hug, and the force at which he hit you was so big, your head snapped forward with a loud crack, making you cry out. Alarmed, he immediately let you go as you rubbed the back of your neck, tears already streaming down your face. He quickly went to fetch you some ice and sat you down with a pillow behind your head. “I am so sorry, holy shit. Are you alright?”
Your best response was: “Maybe next time don’t catapult yourself at me...”
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i keep thinking he’s incapable of hurting someone but then i think of him messing with Binnie lmao So idk how it came to this but Minnie and you ended up making the executive decision that it was a good idea to wrestle in the living room of the apartment. Both of you were actually really good at not falling or anything, but anytime someone collapsed on the ground, they’d demand a rematch because “I just slipped!” and you both started getting more violent. At some point, you were trying to throw Seungmin onto the sofa, but you lost your balance and he took advantage of it, hurling you at what he’d thought was the big soft chair. Instead, you stumbled and fell, slamming your head on the wall next to the chair. With a whimper, you held your head, tears already spilling out of your eyes. Seungmin came running to you in horror, eyes wide as dinner plates and immediately started cradling you gently, rocking back and forth and trembling slightly. “I’m so sorry, I meant for you to land on the chair... I should probably get some ice for that or it’ll swell...”
“Yeah, no shit”, you only managed to say. Soon he was cradling you and holding a bag of frozen pees on the back of your head as you watched something on TV, now very very calm and quiet.
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how tf can this kid hurt anyone? ahem You were both in the SKZ bus and everyone was turning up to a GOT7 song or sumn. You and Jeongin were sitting next to each other and were super hyper and doing the dance moves to every song, singing the lyrics over-dramatically. At some point you were both swaying left and right and you both became out of sync in the chaos, and managed to knock your heads against each other lmao. There was a really loud smack sound that made everyone stop and make sure their 2 children were okay let’s be real they’d do anything for you two. Actually you were already asking each other if you were alright, tears rolling down both your cheeks from the pain. Soon enough both of you were getting head massages and being cooed at by the other members. olala royalty
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this took me so long to write lmao see you guys in the next post!
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i watched the dallas theater company les mis and here are my observations part TWO
i recently watched a modern adaptation of les mis from 2014! i took hella notes bc les mis being set in modern day has a LOT MORE than you would think! i just posted my act one notes, so here are the ones from act two. enjoy! :D
(Building The Barricade)
oh javert,,,you and your red beret-scarf combo
everyone shakes hands the same way?? they all like. half bro hug. young people ig 🤷‍♀️ 
oh on my own is gonna hurt me huh
éponine has her hands up when she goes to take the letter to cosette that’s an interesting take
jvj looks so done lmao “really bruh just give me the letter i’ll give it to cosette it’s FINE”
omg first time i’ve ever seen éponine not take the money after the letter!! that actually makes so much sense bc she doesn’t take marius’ money when he asks her to find cosette’s house either. that,,,yes that’s good
the modern era begs the question... why didn’t marius just ask for cosette’s number?? i’d assume it’s just a thing that jvj doesn’t allow her to have a phone bc The Cops, but. maybe marius and cosette are the straight version of cottagecore lesbians they just write letters for ~The Aesthetic~
(On My Own)
i was right on my own was gonna hurt me
first time i’ve ever seen an éponine disguise where she actually passes as a boy lmao 
surprisingly i have less notes here that’s fun i thought i’d have more
(Javert at the Barricades)
oh the barricade scenes are already hitting too hard 
cops are in riot gear cops. are in. riot gear.
oh the javert spy thing that also hits funny because obviously
gavroche is armed with a bat i love you son
(A Little Fall Of Rain)
wait hold on why is marius not,,,singing to éponine on “why have you come back here?” he’s like. scolding someone,,, huh??
oh enj goes to help marius with ép!! and he calls over who i assume would be joly i STAN
(The First Attack)
i like how jvj does the second confrontation here. he looks less angry and more like,,,compassionate and that MAKES SENSE bc yk. he’s telling javert he’s wrong but he’s not doing it out of spite he’s doing it bc this guy NEEDS to know what he does as a cop and realize that being a cop isn’t just enforcing rules, and it never was just that. 
i do love the exasperated “gO” from jvj that’s kinda great ngl
(Drink With Me)
i’m very sad that there won’t be any exr from these boys
v e r y sad here
i do see grantaire looking PRETTY sad though
bold of y’all to assume that the modern day amis would all be straight
okay i can tell that grantaire really is going hard on the Existential Singing like,,,sure he’s just standing there but like. damn bro
i just realized that the cockades are buttons that is the BEST
(Bring Him Home)
jvj actually looks kinda happy in BHH and tbh i kinda like it?? it’s only on the “he’s like the son i might have known” line but i like it
oh those vowels oh boy they TALL
(The Final Battle)
enjolras is for some reason, still angry...why...why bro....
the staging for gavroche’s death is INTERESTING bc he’s reaching up at the sniper on the tower. hm. i dont hate it
i can’t imagine how many blood packs they went through 
oh enjolras’s death okay so. he’s in a like. No Man’s Land almost, and the riot cops come in after him. it’s an interesting take because it almost mirrors the scene in the book, except obvs grantaire isn’t here. they also have an added scene after he dies where cops are checking out and using radios that is. that is EERIE.
jvj walks over to enjolras’s body 🥺
thenardier steals combeferre’s glasses wow thanks for that added pain
thenardier and jvj have a mini fight oh that’s kinda cool hm
(Javert’s Soliliquy)
javert opens his soliloquy with some SPICY SADNESS OH B O Y he sounds broken already!! start strong!!
emotions go broken - anger - confusion? - mAJOR confusion - hopelessness 
javert can FLY! no legit he’s on ropes
turning is. turning is almost a funeral. 
nuns are visiting the barricade 🥺 
OH DAMN “what’s the use of praying if there’s nobody who hears?” THAT CERTAINLY HAS WEIGHT NOW THAT THEY ARE N U N S
it has just occurred to me that people have been dead on the floor for like. a solid five minutes 
(Empty Chairs At Empty Tables)
“now my friends. are dead. and gone” he pauses like he’s realizing it just then oh OUCHIE
wait is marius,,,at the barricades? is he legit singing to his friends dead bodies? oh shit oh NO
they group up and salute him and wALK OFF NO OWWWW
*cosette and marius kiss* jvj: *COUGH COUGH*
marius and valjean’s lil conversation is interesting in the way valjean seems to ask marius “who am i?” rather than ask himself. he phrases it in a way that makes me think he’s like. quizzing marius lmao 
(The Wedding)
omg i think baby cosette and éponine are flower girls 🥺🥺
“go away thenardier” *madame mouths ‘dammit!’*
thenardier your boat shoes hurt me
madame: “get up! get up!” thenardier: “stop—STOP IT!” 
TWO GUYS ARE DANCING TOGETHER AND WAVE AT THENARDIER ON “this ones a queer, but what can you do”
yeah i think i found my new favorite thenardiers thank you dallas theater company
fantine sits on the bench when cosette comes by, cosette sits on bench next to her, and fantine tries to touch her but can’t 🥺
jvj just gave a hand-over-heart head nod to cosette but fantine gave it back i,,,ouch
the chain gang is in the epilogue i repeat the cHAIN GANG IS IN THE EPILOGUE
the orchestra rests on the last “say do you hear the distant drums” and that was the coolest thing i’ve ever heard
that final harmony is MONEYYYY and i want to cry
this javert has the most interesting interpretation because up until his FINAL SCENE he is the stone cold police officer, and he plays it SO WELL. like i have never been truly angry at a javert up until this guy, and whether that was because it was modern and resonates A LOT in 2020 or he just looks like a cop i want to punch, I DON’T KNOW but he plays it SO WELL and i love it so much!!
these thenardiers are the fucking BEST NGL they are the perfect mix of funny and cruel. madame t is also funny as HELL and i wish i had her talent lmao
i said it before but the police costumes in this show are. woosh. kudos to the costumer i took one look at those guys and was like “haha, no!.” vaguely related to that, i think this was the first time i nearly cried at Look Down like. the first song at the show, simply because of the convict getting the SHIT beat out of him on the floor. that hurt me and i hate that it is completely accurate to what happens in prisons today.
lovely ladies was,,,a LOT and tbh, i feel like it didn’t need to be. obviously it does show how horrible it is for sex workers, but that is why the music is there. the music and lyrics is there to tell what you don’t show visually. (though i do love the male prostitute lmao he took no shit)
i also said this before but the fact that there wasn’t bigger of a relationship between enjolras and grantaire kind of annoys me simply because they are revolutionaries in the present day. you can’t tell me that ALL OF THEM WERE STRAIGHT. with how many people i know now that identify under the queer and trans umbrella, and also how queer they are (to me) in the brick, the absence of any exr in a modern interpretation hurts a little.
in conclusion, this show was fucking FANTASTIC and even though i’m six years late, it still resonates hard given the time we live in today. i think i nearly screamed when i saw the cops in riot gear on the barricade because that is LITERALLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. this just reminds me how timeless the story of les mis is because you had to change LITERALLY NOTHING from the story to make it make sense in the modern age, and that is really the lesson you should learn from les mis; these things happen everywhere, and they need to be fixed. 
thank you for listening to my rambling, i am sure i forgot something because there was just so damn much but i hope you enjoyed otherwise! not-a christmas-tree out! :)
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Humon + all the questions 👀👀👀👀👀👀
*Cracks her knuckles* My time has come
100 Otp Questions (✨Humon edition✨)
1. Who loves flower crowns more? Simon. I think that during most of his childhood and teen years he tried to repress a lot of his more "feminine" interests so when he became an adult and a little more confident, he started to kinda obsess over them 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Hugh 3. Who has awful taste in music? Hugh (? HE JUST SEEMS LIKE HE HAS SHITTY MUSICAL TASTE, OK????? 4. Who is the meme lover? Simon, and Hugh always goes like "I don't get it" 5. How did their second date go? Better than the first one:) 6. How many children do they want/have? They always wanted to have a lot of kids 7. Who hides the weapons? Simon 8. Who is the better dancer? Hugh. Simon's super clumsy, but it’s kinda adorable:) 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? No, they went to the courthouse after a few weeks after they defeated Ace Anarchy and had a small ceremony with friends (they were still mourning Georgia u.u) 10. What do their parents think of them dating? Well, according to my headcanons (? Hugh didn't actually meet his parents (because Mr. Everhart didn't want t prodigy son) but Simon lived with this dad! Mr. Westwood didn’t like Hugh that much because he thought he may be a bad influence:) But after they started dating he started to notice Simon was so happy with him, and at the end of the day, it was all that mattered. But yeah he still didn't like Hugh that much lol his son was too good for him (? 11. Are they a super sappy couple? When they're drunk, yes (? 12. How did they get together? Simon was the introvert Hugh, an extrovert, adopted 13. Who asked the other to get married? They asked each other at the same time:) 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Simon. 15. Who is the nerd? B O T H 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Hugh: *drinks water* Simon: you know... drinking too much water can actually kill you. Hugh: *nervously drinks water* 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Simon, but one day Hugh tried to make one for him (it was a little bit... ugly, but Simon liked it) 18. Who likes to read? Simon. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Hugh 20. Who tutors the other? Hugh 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Yeah, for some reason I think they both like Marvel movies lol 22. How do their personalities complement each other? Simon is more sensitive, calm, and proactive, while Hugh is more dense, social, and reactive 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? If you've read my fic Catch Me if I Should Fall, you know I believe Georgia asked Hugh to take care of Adrian if something happened to her. So when something did happen to her lol I think Hugh told Simon about the conversation they had, and Simon accepted without hesitation. Simon was the one who told the rest of the team, and honestly, nobody objected, because they knew they were the most capable of taking care of a child. 24. Who has better fashion sense? Hugh:) 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Both 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? OKAY SDAJFASFJD hahaha just imagine (? Adrian's on the car with them and Simon just starts singing at the top of his lungs "Stacy's Dad" but instead of saying "Stacy" he sings "Adrian". Adrian is super embarrassed because omg the cringe and he goes "dad tell pops to stop" while Simon is "ADRIAN'S DAD IS ACTUALLY PRETTY RAD HE'S ALL I WANT AND I'M OBSESSED JUST A TAD". So Hugh looks at him dead in the eye and says: "OH ADRIAN CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR DAD JUST THE GUY FOR ME" and then they both go "I KNOW IT MAY BE BAD BUT I'M IN LOVE WITH ADRIAN'S DAD" and Adrian jumps out of the car 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? I think they would get along with Tamaya and her husband:) 28. Who likes to prank the other? Okay so dskbsajfdjsd I think Simon, but like, he would make sexual jokes (? and Hugh would be like "I don't know how to respond to that". But he likes them xd 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Both. 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Sweetie, they already know it 31. Where would they live? It's not like they don't like living in their mansion, but they would be more than happy if they lived in a small house:) As long as they're together 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? *googles types of dragons* so apparently Quetzalcoatl is considered a dragon... yeah, they would own a Quetzalcoatl :))) 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? Okay there are too many types of vampires what the actual fuck askdhsjakfdj but yeah, I think they would be your standard vampire lol 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? THEY WOULD DRESS UP AS EACH OTHER SDFBSHFBJ The Dread Captain and Chromium Warden (? 35. Can they name each other’s favorite food? Yes!!! Hugh knows Simon favorite food is pupusas (a traditional Salvadorian dish) (yes I headcanon Simon as half Salvadorian fight me) and one time he tried to cook them for him but he almost set the kitchen on fire. Ah, and Simon knows Hugh's favorite food is apple pie:) 36. Do they have pet names for one another? Hugh: *calls his husband dear/hun* Simon: *call his husband dude, amigo, bro, captain, and sometimes love, when he's in a good mood* 37. How do they cheer each other up? "I love you" "I know" "And I know you know. I just wanted to make sure you remember. Do you wanna talk about it?" "No" "It's okay. I'm here for you tho." "I know. And thank you" 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? At first, Simon had problems with PDA because fucking homophobes are everywhere, but now he hugs Hugh in public every time he can. And Hugh doesn't have a problem with it:) 39. How old were they when they got together? My headcanon is that they were 16, almost 17:) 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? SIMON ASAJDBJSD and Hugh would be the one who's like "i don't want animals in this house Simon you have to find him another home i'm the patriarch and I've spoken" but then two months later he's like "Simon the dog sleeps in the bed tonight he's a puppy and there's a thunderstorm he will get scared:(((" 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? Some of them 42. What is their song? YOU FELL ASLEEP IN MY CAR I DROVE THE WHOLE TIME BUT THAT'S OKAY I'LL JUST AVOID THE HOLES SO YOU SLEEP FINE Tear in my Heart, by TOP 43. What does their room look like? LIKE A PINTEREST MOM ROOM LOL 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Hugh kills the zombies, Simon keeps him grounded 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Añis, I think both of them:) 46. Who loves kids more? Simon. Hugh likes his kids and kids sometimes like him, but they're sticky and loud and just... no:) 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Does Ace count? 48. What are their favourite colours? Simon's favorite colour is purple and Hugh's is blue 49. Who likes to cook? Both, but Simon cooks better:) 50. Who is the forgetful one? I think Simon lol 51. Does either of them know how to fight? They do!! Like you cannot be a superhero without knowing how to fight lol. But I think Simon is more of thinking before every movent and Hugh tends more to using brute force 52. What do they do for Valentine's Day? They send each other flowers to work and have a romantic dinner at their house, is a tradition. 53. Who swears more? When they were younger Hugh used to curse more, but when they got older, Simon started doing it more than him 54. Who has the better comebacks? Simon. Sometimes Hugh is just... mean with his comebacks 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? H U G H (he's a soccer mom trapped in the body of a gay superhero) (Hugh: FIGHT ME TINA!) 56. Who reads buzzfeed? Both, but Simon does it ironically, Hugh doesn't (? 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Both:) 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Yes, Simon. 59. Who can rap better? S I M O N (One time Hugh was having a rap battle with Tamaya and Simon went “GO WHITE BOY GO”) 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? No, they're too old for that 61. What do they usually text about? The kids, work, "i'm gonna order pizza" "all right" "but hurry up u r paying and i'm hungry", and "love ya" 62. Who is the dramatic one? It depends xd but I think Hugh lol 63. Is either one confrontational? Have you seen Hugh in Supernova?? the guy is batshit crazy i see why yall don't like him tbh 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Spoon!!! (those basic bitches) 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)? JUAN GABRIEL AND SELENA QUINTANILLA 66. What are their parenting styles? Well, for what I saw in the books, they're not really super strict, but I think Hugh is more strict than Simon:) 67. Who would be the more laid back one? Simon. He would sneak his kids a cookie after Hugh told him not 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? I think Simon, but he just listens to it when Hugh’s around because he goes like the lady from this vine and is hilarious 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? Hugh doesn't like papusas that much:) 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Tamaya and his husband! 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? Yes, they're nice:) 72. How do they work out a fight? I think they give the other their space to think and calm down, and then they talk about it. 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? SIMON BUT BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THE PET IS ILLEGAL UNTIL HUGH TELLS HIM 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? Hugh sleeps on the right side and Simon on the left side 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? A candid photo Georgia took a few weeks after they started dating. They are at Simon's basement, shyly holding hands and looking at each other completely smitten 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Hugh lol 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Simon!! 78. What movie did they first see together? Matilda xd 79. What do they like to see each other in? Their supersuits (? 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Simon skdfhjsdjhs 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? Right after Adrian was born they started to think about it, but never really talked of it until they were like 24-25. 82. What do they love about each other the most? They both think of each other as the bravest person they have ever met. 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focuses on the small details? Hugh sees the big picture and Simon focus on the small details 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media for their anniversary? Something really cheesy lol 85. Who is bad at math? Simon 86. Who googles everything? Hugh to win arguments, Simon out of anxiety 87. Who does stuff on impulse? Hugh (fucking obviously) 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? I think they just... hold hands. Like “maybe we cannot do anything about this situation, but if the worst happens, we’ll be together and that’s the only right thing in this world right now.” 89. What is an inside joke they have? "rEnEgAdEs???? More like RENEGAYS" 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Hugh 91. What is their favourite holiday? Christmas!! 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? *Supernova flashbacks* 93. What is their favourite board game to play? Pachisi  94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Hugh 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Hugh has the car ready and Simon robs the store 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? SELENA QUINTANILLA 97. Who sleep talks? Simon 98. Who is the more social one? Hugh 99. What are their karaoke songs? Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Dreaming of You, and Te Quiero Tanto (but Simon is the only one who can sing it; he's been taking Spanish classes because after his mother died, he forgot all his Spanish. He does what he can) 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Hugh
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renuuwi · 4 years
meeting the karasuno siblings
i saw the haikyuu sibling information and i went: yes.
Sawamura (2 younger sisters, 2 younger brothers)
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you and daichi were partnered up together to do a project
you suggested that you would visit each other’s houses alternatively
this week you would be going to his house
when you entered his house, your heart m e l t e d
4 younger kids ran to daichi and tackled him into a hug
d o g p i l e
they were all talking at once but they didn’t notice you at first :,,,
they were too caught up talking with their favourite big bro uwu
once they notice you though, they start teasing daichi
“is this your gf??”
daichi = deadchi
they always tease you both, saying that daichi definitely likes you
they warm up quickly to you tho
whenever u come over with daichi, they dogpile u too but they wont tackle to the ground cos daichi wld be angy
once you and daichi are together, u start coming over more frequently
they love it !!! bc they love cuddling with u
i feel like u all wld have friday movie nights and all 6 of u wld be on the couch snuggled tgt skfksafjj
it’s like family :,)
Sugawara (1 younger brother)
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you were going to pass him his homework bc he didnt come to school that day
y’all are close friends cos sit near each other in class
since suga was sick he cldnt answer the door
so his lil bro gets the door
“there’s someone here for u nii-chan”
suga never sprinted downstairs so fast
when he saw you, his face became so red
“omg u’re burning up so much” u touch his forehead with ur hand
he gets even redder???
u push him to his room and get him to rest, placing his homework on his desk
after u leave, his bro is just really confused
he asks suga abt it
“haha she’s just a friend from school” press X to doubt
when you guys eventually get together, i feel like his bro wouldn’t warm up quickly bc he’s shy
once u’re close though, i feel like he wld confide in you with his problems JASFKJ
he treats you like his older sister :,)
Asahi (1 older sister)
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his sister came to watch one of his games
u just so happen to be there too, part of the cheering squad
when karasuno won, you came over to congratulate him and chat
suddenly a nice looking lady walks over and congratulates asahi
he blushes and rubs his neck and thanks her
“is this ur girlfriend?”
“ahaha, no dear, i’m asahi’s older sister.”
ah ok
his what—
k i l l  m e
i think his sister would be as gentle as him but she wld actually look gentle and kind, which is why most ppl probably not realise they were siblings
she’s really motherly and she probably knows that he likes u but won’t say anything until y’all get together
always encouraging him to make a move tho dsfjfsdjn
whenever she sees u she’ll always ask u how u are
when y’all get together, she acts like ur own older sister and lends you a listening ear whenever u need it
loves you with her entire heart sjhkdfj
Tanaka (Saeko)
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when saeko first saw you, she stuck to u WEE WOO
she knows about his crush on u and she never fails to tea s e u guys
very supportive yes
SHE is the one who invites you to the tanaka household to hang out
definitely not cos she wants to be the best wingman
while ryuunosuke is invested in thinking of a way to talk to u, saeko initiates a convo with u
need to know ur in-law yk
when she cooks, she’ll cook an extra serving for u too bc she likes u qwq
when u and ryu finally get together
she probably mocks him and asks when’s the weddingskjshdfj
“i want my nieces and nephews ryu”
cue a red ryu
would go to games and sit with u, cheering for karasuno together
she’ll  show off her taiko skills to u too ajjjsjsjsj
she’s like ur best friend :))
Nishinoya (3 older sisters)
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i think his 3 sisters wld help him dye his hair LOL idk
n e wayz it’s probably new years, nishinoya and his grandpa are out playing hanetsuki
his sisters r nearby, watching them while eating new year snacks
u happened to walk by them cuz u live nearby and u had to run an errand
u caught the attention of 5 individuals
his sisters are really interested in you like
yuu??? talking to a girl???? and she responds???
when u and noya start to have a conversation right off the bat
his sisters are just staring at u quietly and u feel a little uncomfortable
noya notices and tells them to stop but they just move closer and ask
“you’re y/n right? are u interested in yuu?”
u r bright red like ah ah uh yes hi
yuu just pushes them away blushing cos he doesnt want to be xposed pls
when u get together tho, u start coming over more and they want to have girls’ night with u aksksk
yuu is banned from their room :,
u and the 3 sisters bond together and it feels like u’re part of the family kdjkjaskf
yuu may be ostracised by his sisters during girls’ night but he’s happy that u’ve assimilated to his family so easily :>
Tsukishima (Akiteru)
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u and tsukki are close friends so u decided to came to cheer for him during his match at finals
when they won against inarizaki u went down to meet him and congratulate him and yamaguchi
akiteru soon came and saw u talking with tsukishima
“my brother has not only yamaguchi, but a girlfriend as well!!!”
he’s crying jk
he’s really happy that kei opened up to another person, knowing that he isnt exactly the most sociable person around
“shut up” he doesnt deny that ure his gf tho and ure like woh wat
when he bucks up and finally admits his feelings and asks u out
akiteru is now sobbing
he always welcomes u whenever u visit their house and asks if u had eaten
he’s super supportive of u guysbksafsjf
i love akiteru so much :<<<
he likes to tease kei about you whenever u come over but it’s always just playful
he truly appreciates you being with kei and supporting him
whenever u and kei are hanging out in kei’s room and his door is adjacent
he would sometimes walk past and smile, knowing that his brother had found someone to cherish
Kageyama (Miwa)
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u met her when you went to cut your hair at a high end salon
while she was doing your hair, she started a conversation with u
“so what school do you go to?”
“karasuno :))”
she asks if you know anyone named kagayama tobio
to her surprise, u said yes and told her u guys were in the same class, then u asked why
“i’m his older sister”
his older sister looks just like him, how did you not notice???
she then asks you what was your relationship with him
to which u respond that you were just classmates
she frowns because she’s wondering how did tobio not notice you and befriend you??? u were so nice and sweet
when she reaches home she asks tobio whether he knows abt you and he replies with “yea she’s in my class”
she encourages him to talk to her more and she explains the events of that day
he’s probably shy but he’ll probably nod his head at you or say a small “hi”
you’re kinda shocked cos he never really talked to anyone so seeing him say hi makes ur heart go doki doki uwu
as days pass, you also start to initiate conversations and talk with him more
you guys exchange numbers and sometimes message each other
when miwa witnesses this and she’s smiles proudly to herself, knowing that thanks to her, tobio has a new friend
or maybe more than a friend
Hinata (Natsu)
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this babygirl is so cutewfohlfskdjfa
you first meet her when you stopped by shōyō’s house to pass him his notebook that he left in school
when he opened the door to you, his little sister popped up from behind him
“who’s that nii-chan”
“my friend from school, natsu”
she watches as his brother and you have a friendly exchange, seeing you guys getting along so well
when you leave, she tells her brother that she thinks you guys have a very strong connection
she notices that her brother’s eyes always light up and his cheeks are a little more red than usual
“do you like her nii-chan”
he just goes 🍅 but he also realises that he does indeed like you
he starts to talk to you more each day, becoming close friends
he then confessed to you one day and asked you out
now u stop by his house more often and natsu notices how shōyō became happier than he already has and she’s really glad
she also likes you a lot and talks to you often
sometimes steal you away from shōyō
he pretends to be upset to steal some hugs and kisses from you but really, he’s also happy that you and his little sister get along so well
like daichi, you guys would hang out together weekly, playing games or watching movies together
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britishchick09 · 3 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
SFW Alphabet for Nate
I think I did it wrong last time bc I was waiting for people to send me letters when I was just supposed to go down the list. But I’m a dummy so disregard half of what I say.
i hope you guys like them and thank you virgo anon for the input w these 🥺i love our baby 🥺
Here we go:
A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)
-- i think he likes doing new things w you. and i know that sounds cliche BUT hear me out. duncan is a bit of a home body 🥺loves to be curled up w reader sharing kissies and cuddling. nate enjoys that too but i think trying new adventures w you is his favorite. i can see him being the type to like hiking dates!! (also lets not forget the tik tok videos you guys make together )
B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)
-- considering the beginning did start off as something kinda casual between him and reader, he kept it as such. but he’s such a natural charmer that even when he’s not trying, he just comes across as super sweet. they’d finish hooking up and he’d offer her to stay over or get them food (not bc he felt like he needed to but it’s just the kinda guy he is) i think he probably let his goofy side out right at the beginning as well. its what helped y/n open up to him and feel at ease w him 🥺
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
-- big sigh. nate? was the KING of communication!! hell! he was able to talk to duncan (who ISNT the best at communicating) when they weren’t even friends and helped him talk to dumb!reader. plus he’d always been open about his feelings. told y/n right away when he knew he was in love. (i only say he WAS bc he should have told y/n he was struggling before he ended up in the hospital 🥺)
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
-- koala bear cuddly drunk!! not just between him and reader! but he will love on anyone! (omg.. you know dunc was a little 😳when drunk!bro!nate started hugging him... hiding his face in duncs neck... telling he smells good... telling him how much he loves him... bros 👯‍♂️)
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
— oh god. nate is the type to keep cool and collected in an emergency - even if he were the one having an emergency 🥺 like if reader would’ve been w him during his car accident, she would have been worried sick over him and he’d just be like, “hey, look at me. i’m okay, yeah? a lot stronger than i look, babe.” even if it hurt like hell because he doesn’t wanna worry her. if you were in an emergency or got hurt, he’d go into sexy doctor mode. “tell me where it hurts.” squeezing your hand to reassure you, “i got you.” also kissies where it hurts 🥺 and he’s such a good listener too wow we have no choice but to simp.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
-- i’m just gonna share one head canon that virgo anon tossed at me that really made me 🥺 baby nate 🥺 and how when he was younger he was always a nice boy 🥺 but wasnt the popular or “hot” one until he grew into himself in college 🥺 when he got maxie and it helped him manage his stress enough to be able to make connections 🥺y’all when she said that it made me heart 🥺 my sweet boy
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
-- i think his gifts are rarely “over the top” but !! they’re simple and personalized!!! like a lil necklace w his initials / name 🥺or maybe he has someone make a picture of you two into an animation? like have someone draw you guys (do u know what im talking about?) as far as gifts for him, he enjoys like “interactive gifts” like sending him on a lil scavenger hunt (nate loves setting them up for you too 🥺) but if you set one up for HIM? god! he’d love you!
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
-- nate loves! loves! to give forehead kissies (not just because he’s tall fjhsjh) and being hugged (or picked up) in his strong arms!! loves it!! he loves being the big spoon 🥺i love him. 
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
-- that reader continues to choose duncan over him fkjsvsfkv he wears his heart on his sleeve so i think when nate is upset or irritated... you know. 
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
-- does nate have more $ than the shepherds? debatable. but he isn’t as... flashy w his money as duncan is. he’s a little more down to earth if that makes sense. BUT thats besides the point. he’d probably donate a lot to a charity of his choice than take you on a little get away. maybe a cross country road trip 🥺 or off to an island getaway. he’s flexible. 
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
-- virgo anon made me 🥺when we were talking about this bc nate would do anything for the people he loves and 🥺that gets him hurt. especially when he feels like those people dont love him in the way he does them 🥺
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
-- clown!! nate is the guy that always keeps you laughing 🥺and most times he cant even contain his own laughter omg i will cry im in love with one man
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
-- he’s a morning person 🥺 likes to start off his morning with a run and protein shake SMH fitness KING. 
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
-- he’s so used to being the one who’s needed 🥺 it takes him a while to be comfy being vulnerable and needy. idk if there’s anything in particular that sets him off to be like this - but i’d like to think it happens at random. like youre on the couch and he just nuzzles his face on your tummy for you to pet his hair. he demonstrates it by wanting to be close to you 🥺
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
-- i think he’d be the kinda guy that enjoys the sun (not just bc he looks hot, shirtless on a beach) but yes. somewhere nice and sunny where he could have maxie w him 🥺if he could stay on the beach where he started falling for dumb!reader (with her) for ever he would 🥺
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
-- emotional or physical? jfgksjdgsdk but no i think if he’s well regulated, he can handle pain well - it’s when he’s not that it’s a problem (w emotional pain) he stops taking care of himself the way he should and really spirals into his head a lot you know 🥺i think he can handle others being in pain better than himself bc he loves a lot and its easier to focus his attention on trying to fix things for them (like we said his biggest weakness is doing too much for those he loves)
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
-- “loving is easy” fjskfsf not to be too corny but 🥺being w nate was easy... always on the same page.. and made her feel good. 🥺
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
-- lots!!! of kissies!! picking you up!! holding you close!!! physical touch is pretty high on his love language list i think 🥺(i think quality time or acts of service might be his top two though) 
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
-- i generally think duncan is more of a control freak than nate, but i do think to some extent, they’re similar that when things feel out of their control, it really stresses them out. i think it manifests at different times. i think for duncan its more trivial things whereas w nate, if he feels like he could be doing something to “fix” something and he cant do anything it freaks him out. hes a healer, you know. i think working out is a big stress reliever for him 🥺my strong baby!! that and goofing off w reader 🥺
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
-- this kinda ties into his weakness (and could be amplified by his younger years) but he’s afraid of not really being enough for those he loves. especially if he was teased as a kid 🥺maybe thats why in a lot of his nightmares the theme of abandonment appears a lot 🥺i made myself SAD 🥺
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
-- i asked virgo anon for help on this one 🥺and i love her so much 🥺 nate tugs on his hair when he’s nervous 🥺 he gets a lil annoyed after he buzzes it off and doesnt have much to pull on 🥺he likes to hold hands when spooning. loves to sing along to disney movies (but lets be honest, he’s the real prince KING)
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
-- well... idk if it’s fair to say he fights a lot because he tries not to resort to that - especially grad school nate. mostly because he knows he’s good at fighting. omfg... boxer!nate.... may have all my rights. and he doesn’t really wanna hurt anyone. BUT if needed!!! he will throw down. (ex. when dunc wouldnt let y/n leave the house. and then attacked him!! nate had to stand his ground 😌
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
-- idk i think nate was probably really surprised when reader gave him that second chance at friendship in the bathroom 🥺didnt think she would. on a lighter note, surprising him w fresh cooked meals always make him 🥺because... he’s trying but hasnt mastered the cooking thing yet.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
-- he’s uhh packing 😳and it hits all the right spots, you know 😳omfg and lets not forget the dickscussion we had about his head game being stronger than duncans 😌
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
-- i wasnt sure what really grossed out medical professionals (if anything djsfs) but we kinda head canon for him to be into family / pediatric medicine so anything w LOTS of blood loss probably freaks him out 
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
-- my baby. nate has really bad night terrors especially on bad(tm) days. it usually helps to have someone w him to be able to keep him calm when he wakes up 🥺if its not y/n you can bet maxie will be there for tons of kissies. he’s a sleep talker 🥺and when sleeping w you he loves being big spoon 🥺and when he’s alone, he kinda sleeps curled up and w a lot of pillows. comfort KING
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Haikyuu Teens,
uhh ,, hello !! if it’s not too late , could i get a dalgona matchup latte please ? i am a infp-t & my enneagram type is 9 ! people who didn’t really know but now they do say that i always looked/seemed like the kind of person who is really cold & stuck up (only bc i look “mean”) . i’m very loyal . i’m the kind of person who’ll support & be there for my friends . i’m also caring (maybe a little too caring from what my friends tell me. but, i even know that myself) & i tend to be really selfless . once i get to know you , i’m really childish & i always try to make a dumb joke to make you laugh & ,,, i become more talkative & loud . i always catch myself rambling about random things & having too much enjoyment talking about things that i really like . mainly , only people who are close to me see how i really act & behave . i was never really an out-there kind of person ,,, i always like to keep to myself . but moving on to cons , i’m a total pushover— like— i’m not even going to lie about that fact . it sucks but , it is what it is . i overthink waay too much & it causes to make myself panic sometimes . i’m really stubborn & i also really don’t know when to shut up & i tend to be very vain . i also keep my feelings to myself because i feel like i’ll be such a burden or just ruin the mood . i’m a total lazy person & i tend to really take things to heart (which makes me want to morph myself into a person that someone wants me to be) & dear gOd ,,,, i’m so awkward (that it even makes my friends feel uneasy or awkward as well) . i really love to draw , stay up late , sing , & dance (even though i’m very terrible at both ^__^;;) . i also really enjoy being stupid on calls , sending memes , korean food , & kpop ! hmm … my dislikes ? well— i don’t like it when people are obviously being rude for no reason . i dislike very bright colors (neons) , spiders , getting dirty , the cold , & squash . let’s see … in a relationship , i like someone who will make feel safe & loved . i have very low self-esteem so i seek someone who is supporting , too . someone who is caring even if they tend to act cold or maybe stubborn . & i like someone who’s going to be there for me like i’m always going to be there for them , no matter what . i also really like a someone who is strong , cool , & protective . i do like that small things like “hey , go to sleep .. its late” & “good morning/good night” text , heh . but i things i don’t like too much in a relationship is too much pda . i’m not really a big fan of making out in the halls & stuff . but ofc i don’t mind holding hands & small kisses on the lips (i like to show all my love & affection behind closed doors) .
aCK- i hope this is okay & not too much- sorry if it is !! i hope you have a wonderful day ! :>> i really love your blog ♡♡
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Thank you so much for ordering and checking up on Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming up! Huh, I’ve been seeing lots of side effects for this one… anyways, I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ before you two were in a relationship, ryuu didn’t actually… particularly like you, he was still smitten with ms. kiyoko y’know
➞ he’s sadly one of those people who do judge the book by its cover, but only because he prefers to be surrounded by positive people, and well… you didn’t particularly radiate that kind of vibe with, uh, your face (he really do be a hypocrite though with that ‘grr grr thug’ face of his 😔✌️)
➞ ryuu found you so intimidating (and beautiful, but he was in denial back then), you once saw him do his signature ‘gangsta’ look at you; yeah… y’all definitely didn’t get along at first — but ahem, let me introduce you to another matchmaker, ennoshita!
➞ enno knows your true personality and he vibes with you so well, therefore it really confused him when you accidentally slipped in something about ryuu’s attitude towards you during one of your guys’ convos (y’all were in a group project together) and he knows the reason why ryuu tends to avoid you, so he devised a plan to get you two to know each other: have a study date!
➞ when ryuu walked into the room and saw you, mans turned into the flash and just dashed towards the exit — but enno was one step ahead, so he got nishi to lock the doors before dropping off tanaka, and his attempt to leave failed
➞ it was soooo embarrassing for the both of you when enno kept on trying to keep a conversation going between the two of you; but when he decided to leave to make hot chocolate, ryuu apologizes and voices his concerns, and you just reply with “oh… oh, yeah that kind of happens… a lot” so you try to explain your side; he was honestly heartbroken from hearing that you experience it often, so he made it his mission to make it up to you
➞ and now would you look at that! you and ryuu are suddenly a couple now— (better thank enno for that)
➞ he will apologize profusely about the way he treated you beforehand, even if you’ve already told him a millions times that it’s fine; like y’all already have kids and he’ll still be like:
“hey, honey…”
“you remember that time in high schoo—“
“omg, ryuu, not this again…”
“i just want to say that i’m so sor—“
“it’s been 19 years!”
➞ you will honestly feel like a queen, i’m being legit here; he’ll not only be your king, he’ll also be your knight in shining armour, and your butler — he’s the whole package, bby, and you’re one lucky girl to get all of that
➞ you think you’re too caring? nah, ryuu’s about to show you the life of a full time simp (skjkskss ik that being a simp is like so looked down on, but ik that every girl wants a man who’s a simp anyways)
➞ i’m kidding, he’s actually not a simp (A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal) but more so he’s a doting boyfriend; you just know that you’re always gonna be at your best once you get into a relationship with him, so in a way, you are treated like a queen but not to the point where he worships the ground you walk on
➞ unless you tell him that you need some space, he’ll either have his arm lightly snaked around your waist or his hand resting on the small of your back; it’s his way of knowing that you’re protected and safe around him
➞ this relationship’s dynamic works extremely well since you both balance each other’s personalities in the aspects that you won’t have to worry about being a pushover around him since that’s not something that’ll occur with him; your more reserved personality compliments his outgoing one since if ever needed, you two could bring out the other side more in each other; he tends to have a more free personality (he’s still mature, but tends to enjoy life’s offerings) so whenever he feels that you’re overthinking again, he will coo and just reassure you that it’s okay to overthink sometimes, but it’s not worth having it control your entire mood and day
➞ ngl, he’s hella stubborn as well, but when it comes to you, he makes sure to understand your thinking first and then decide before he’ll let you take control — unless he thinks you’re completely wrong, then he won’t hesitate to put a foot down because he’s not going to help you turn into a spoiled brat, which is what hubby-material boyfriends do!
➞ to him though, it’s okay to be a lil’ vain, everyone wants to look to their best! but if it does however is on the verge of crossing the line of being full-on narcissistic, then he’ll confront you about it and ask you about why you’re acting the way you are, he’ll just try to put you into healthy-thinking mode back again
➞ you like memes? welp, that makes the two of you then! he definitely sends those wholesome memes, but his most favourite one to send you (especially as one those ‘good morning texts’) is:
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➞ then he follows it up with ‘good morning, babe. strong power thank you to you always 😙😙 i love you so much. see ya at school!’ (aight, sorry, i just had to)
➞ kpop dances and karaoke on. the. daily! it doesn’t matter which song he’s dancing/singing to, as long as he gets to see you smile and know that you’re happy, he’ll do it all for you; he’ll also be your hypeman, and you’ll legit feel as if you’re an actual kpop idol with all the cheering he does — we love a supportive bf in this household
➞ *cough* he’ll sing lemonade by jeremy passion to you and he sounds so fokin beautiful— *cough*
➞ during calls with him, all you can hear is very loud laughter; whoever hears it (saeko for the most part) will just unconsciously smile since your guys’ laughs are just so genuine, even if it sometimes sounds a bit like a bunch of overheated kettles, they’ll just know that you both are having such a good time together and i mean, who wouldn’t want something like that?
➞ with you, he’s the type to send a message asking if you’re awake at like 2 AM, and if you do reply then expect him to come thru your window with some food in hand because he just felt like hearing your voice and seeing you; if not, then he’ll just send some cute message like ‘sleep tight and have good dreams, baby, i’ll see you tomorrow at school’
➞ once you two started dating, ryuu just had a more realistic view of relationships and he honestly prefers it way more than the scenarios that he’s created; now he appreciates privacy when it comes to showing affection instead of full-on just laying it all out in public, it just makes it that much more special to him; holding hands and just small skin contacts is his much more preferred pda than bear-hugging you or kissing you
➞ he’s not as needy as most expected him to be, in fact he actually often just caters to your needs because to him that’s enough; so expect small gifts here and there like making you a bento box, buying you strawberry milk, key-chains and bracelets, etc.
➞ he’s just more mature when he’s in an actual relationship because he does think that that’s something special that should only be shared between the two lovers; that doesn’t mean that he won’t occasionally show you off though, so you may or may not accidentally hear him rambling to the vbc about how lucky he is to call you his
➞ he will remember and notice every little thing about you; he notices that you’re humming some new kpop song absentmindedly? he’ll ask you about it during lunch; you made a small comment about liking korean food? he’ll make some for you! and best believe it tastes amaaaaaazing
➞ with ryuu, the thought of being a burden won’t ever cross your mind because he will often remind you that you make his days so much better and thank you for it (just good shet right here)
➞ even if you feel bad for not going to gyms with him because of your tendencies of being a lil’ lazy, he won’t force you at all; he’ll either just give you a kiss on the lips and walk you home before going, or he’ll call you whilst he’s at the gym; you’ll just feel so appreciated
➞ oh, and you won’t ever have to be worried about being awkward! there’s no such thing when you’re with your boyfriend ryuu, everything just comes so natural when you’re with him, everything will just feel so right
➞ this is the relationship that everyone knows will eventually turn into marriage and building a joyous family, and everyone expects to be invited because they all wouldn’t want to miss any part of yours and ryuu’s genuine relationship that they’ve all more than likely have been a part of since the beginning; in short, everyone wants to witness your relationship’s full story till it’s very end.
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I hope you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your chaotically genuine relationship with Tanaka Ryuunosuke: After seeing your true persona during the study sesh with Enno, he’s become all flustered every time he looks at you instead of looking at you with his usual ‘imma thug’ look; Your first kiss (he planned it, no kidding — literally place, time, the vibes, he just wanted it to be perfect for you); Tanaka likes to take his shirt off, so when you both cuddled for like the third time, and just blacked out from exhaustion after a heavy day of practice, he wakes up to find you cuddled up against his chest which is bare, this man screams— his thoughts were like ‘omg, did we do it? was i drunk? omg, pls forgive me, y/n 😭’… and you’re just left there like ‘bruh, dafuq?’; when he’s feeling appreciative of you or just being soft in general, he hugs you similar to the gif and kisses your temple before burying his face into your hair to whisper “i love you so much, y/n, you don’t even understand”; him holding your hand to his face and just talking to you, whether it’s about your day or his, or telling you how much he loves you, is probably something that he does all time whenever you two are alone.
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Thank you so much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid's Love Shop, I hope you’ll still order in the future! Have a very very lovely day, sweetie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: lmao, forget about kiyoko, you his girl now. periodt.
sorry this took waaay too long, bby 😔 the spa day turned into a whole pamper-me day so i was out all day… i’m really sorry, i hope you still like your order even though it came later than promised 🥺 if there’s anything wrong (gif, colored texts not showing up) then please message me!
tanaka is waaaay too underrated, but i honestly think that he’ll literally be one the top 5 best bfs from haikyuu, like legit this man will make you feel like a damn queen (kiyoko do be lucky tho) maybe not in the beginning, but like definitely after a few weeks or so.
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tommynikkivincemick · 5 years
Omg yes can you pls do an a-z NSFW for Mick?
Dude of fucking course I can
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A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ok do we remember “I happen to have respect for myself and the females of our species, unlike you animals”??? That DEFINITELY carries over into sex, especially when it comes to aftercare. Plus, Mick is a very emotionally mature individual. After a good sesh, Mick is 100% asking if you’re okay, if you need anything, how you’re feeling, all that good stuff. There would already be a glass of water and an aspirin on the nightstand, and the Mars man understands and respects post-sex general maintenance, so if you need a bath to clean up, he will definitely draw you one, and if you’re so worn out that your legs feel like jello and you can’t walk to the bathroom? He. Will. Carry. You. It won’t be the most fun thing in the world for him, what with the bad back, but he would do that for you without question.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
In general, his favorite part of you would be your legs. Mick is a pretty traditional guy, so he appreciates a nice pair of stems (and what’s between ‘em). He’s the kind of guy that would casually have a hand on your thigh or knee the majority of the time, not even in a sexual way. And short skirts with high heels? He’s a fan.
Now, Mick isn’t really the type to put too much weight in his body or face unless it came to performance makeup and clothes. The other three vain morons he called band mates worshipped themselves and each other; Mick? Not so much. But if he had to choose, his favorite part of himself would probably be his hands because they were the reason he had a career, and with them he could feel you (plus you were a big fan of what those talented fingers could do).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person)
Again, Mick is a pretty traditional guy, so if given the choice, he will choose to cum inside you 100% of the time (despite knowing the consequences of doing such).
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
So Mick is someone who looks like a top and is a top, that is something we all can agree on. But a little fact only you’d know is that he actually very much enjoys being submissive to you. There’s something so hot about bending to his woman’s will and taking whatever you dish out.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Though Mick is the oldest, he is also the most reserved, so has not had nearly as many bodies as The Three Morons™. But don’t form your opinion on that alone— the Mars man knows. His. Shit. Because unlike The Three Morons™, he has used his experience to learn what a woman’s body wants and needs, and the man is a fast learner.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
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I’m gonna say he’s a fan of this ol’ gal. A twist on the standard missionary; plus your legs over his shoulders? Major turn on for him. And for you? This is a position that allows for long, deep strokes. It is wonderful, period.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Mick is moderately serious when he’s getting down. It’s less of a getting down to business thing, but more of a focus thing. He wants to focus on emotions and sensations; he wants you to know he loves you and wants you to feel it, too.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Pretty all natural, but nothing too wild. And the carpet is just a few shades lighter than the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
While Mick doesn’t talk about being a hopeless romantic like a certain drummer we know, he actually really is (see: the letter G). If you walked into the bedroom to find a vase of roses and candles all around, you would not at all be surprised.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
It isn’t something he does often, if he can help it, but when he does it is with great care, a bottle of lube (because he is a grown ass man that does not just use lotion), and a particularly sexy Polaroid of you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mick isn’t too kinky, but he has a select few that really do it for him. He’s a fan of dominance and submissiveness; who is the dom really just depends on the night. And he’ll never say no to bondage or temperature play (he likes to use cold things on you, but he prefers hot things on himself).
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
A BED. The Mars man ain’t got the best back, it’s less about riskiness and more about comfort.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Unlike a certain bassist, Mick isn’t a jealous man, nor is he too easily provoked. But his ideal scenario would involve you in a very tall pair of stilettos, a very short tight skirt, a matching lace bra and panty set, and a strip tease*.
*Skirt and heels stay on, please and thank you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Absolutely no non-con, no bodily fluids, and nothing if you are drunk or high. Mick is all about safe, sane, and consensual.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Mars is a giver and could have you sit on his face for hours (again, a comfort thing). And you gladly would; he’s real good. Like, REAL good. But if you wanted to go down on him, he wouldn’t protest.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual unless y’all want it fast and rough. Like I said, the man is a romantic. He likes to take his time with you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not a big fan of quickies; those are more the domain of a certain singer. But if you’ve been teasing him all day, he could be open to it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Mick is pretty open minded; he’ll try anything once. Well— almost anything. Take that as you will.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Y’all know how Nikki talked about sex being an all night session, not just a quickie in the bathroom? This especially applies to Mick. He can and will go all night, if you’re down for it. Multiple rounds, each better than the last.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Mick doesn’t own toys outside of some handcuffs and ties, if you can count those. But if you would like to incorporate them, he’s more than willing if it’ll make you feel good.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not a big tease. He’s a giver the majority of the time and he aims to please— but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy some begging every now and then.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not very loud, the occasional grunt or low groan, at most.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Mars man is into overstimulation and sometimes even edging. No I do not know how to elaborate on that, but if y’all wanna talk more about that, be my guest.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Not as hung as our favorite drummer, but definitely not disappointing. Quite girthy.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not as high as The Three Morons™, but not low, either. A nice middle ground; he doesn’t need it all the time, but he’s down if you are.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After all is said and done and he’s sure you’re cleaned up, hydrated, and okay, he falls asleep pretty fast. (Mick would never admit it, but he likes to be the little spoon sometimes).
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