#They're not possessions and can't be passed onto another person??
b-rainlet · 2 years
People claiming Aemond 'stole' Vhagar from Rhaena....you know Dragons aren't inherited do you....
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Just like any self-respecting Utena fan, I've latched onto a (semi) minor detail that I just can't find a satisfactory explanation for!
(MASSIVE RGU (series and movie) spoilers ahead!)
As someone who has engaged with RGU supplementary material plenty, it often goes out of its way to point out how Miki's eyes are "like crystals" and similar things. You can see it in the game and in the light novels.
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The fan translation is accurate in this case.
So after staring at movie screenshots one too many times, I noticed that his eyes aren't blue there... they're green! And he's the only character whose eyes changed like this.
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What does this mean? My first thought was to connect it with the characters who most prominently have green eyes in the series - Anthy, Akio and Dios. The characters who have the most power despite also being the most trapped in the system, with Anthy in particular having the power in the movie and being the only one of the three who is alive - if some theories are to be believed, she was the one who created the world the movie takes place in in the first place. However, she's also the person most trapped in it too.
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However, their eyes are definitely not the same shade. More on that later.
An interesting part occurs in the movie during the Touga and Shiori scene - we cut to Miki and Kozue in the bath. It seems Miki has grown since the anime - he accepts that there's no going back to their childhood, and tells Kozue she's still precious to him. In response, Kozue threatens him with a razor and calls him a traitor.
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And yet, the next time we see them, Kozue has become a car, and he smiles after she passes by, not sparing her a single glance. What happened? Did she become a sacrifice? She isn't seen individually afterwards unlike Shiori or Wakaba, she becomes just another car in the locust crowd. Perhaps more unsettling is the reason he gives to Juri for being a duelist - "I always wish to obtain more power". Juri responds to him by calling it manly.
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That fucking smirk haunts me. Anyway.
Pursuit of power - doesn't this ring a bell? Perhaps like a certain student council president? Of course, in the movie, Touga is dead, so perhaps someone else took his place in the narrative... Miki. The unsettling implications of what happened to Kozue seem to add to this. Not quite as sinister as Touga's relationship with Nanami, and there's no reason to see it as similarly complex, but also I don't see what else it could be.
So even though Miki appears to be pursuing power at the cost of even his sister, potentially, he's unable to get there. His eyes are not the same shade as Anthy or Akio, not even close - they're much brighter. He appears to have shed some of his innocence - no longer wishing to go back to that garden - but he traded it to pursue more power. No wonder he isn't ready to leave Ohtori yet.
An English-speaking person may also be tempted to connect this to the common expression of "green-eyed envy", and yet I'm profoundly unsure if this is the case. He's never shown to be envious of the power possessed by anyone (unlike Touga, he can't look up to Akio, who is also very dead), even if he and Juri see the ghost of Dios inspecting the cars.
However, no matter how much he desires power, in the end, he's one of the people helping Utena and Anthy escape. He tells them how to go to the outside world. He promises the student council will join them eventually. Arguably the most good-natured interaction Anthy has with any of them.
His eyes appear to be showing how much he's changed since we saw him in the anime, and in some ways, perhaps not for the best. However, he's not fully trapped in the hell of Ohtori Academy yet - there is hope for him, even if he's strayed into such a dangerous path.
In the end, I think all of them deserve their revolution, even if the road getting there is bumpy.
...Or maybe they thought it would fit him more to have green eyes idk lol-
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stranger-rants · 1 year
I'm a little sensitive because I got into another car accident (I am okay. It wasn't bad, but considering I almost died in a much worse wreck, it did bring up some very unhappy feelings in me), but I absolutely hate the way this fandom talks about the car crash scene between Steve and Billy. They're completely insensitive and cruel about it, and I was much more sensitive about it then than I am now because that episode aired like a year after my own wreck.
But stick with me.
The scene itself was set up to make the "heroes" look cool and badass, but it doesn't actually feel heroic. At all. There's this season long failure to recognize and respect that there's a person trapped inside the possessed body the heroes are fighting, and as such they don't care what happens to that body. They would not have acted the way they did with Billy if it had been one of their friends that got flayed. So, that in itself makes everything feel less heroic. It actually makes me feel worse about these characters that I am "supposed" to love.
...but add onto that, people portray Steve slamming into Billy's car with a car that has no value to him as this "triumph over evil" scene. Worse, there are Anti posts with hundreds of notes either praising him or saying he should have finished the job. That doesn't vibe with the set up of the scene, and it treats Billy as the villain because it was his body in that car. The fandom also strives to portray Steve as someone who wouldn't hesitate to murder someone, as if he had the opportunity to really think about it before crashing into Billy. That's not the reality of it.
Billy would have never wanted to intentionally crash his car or seriously use it as a weapon. He may drive recklessly and he may have joked about hitting a few kids once, but that doesn't mean he wanted to hurt anyone especially while he was possessed. There's ample evidence that he didn't want to do any of it. He said The Mindflayer made him do bad things (kill people) which obviously traumatized him, and then there was ample evidence that he continued to fight against the possession.
The car was one of the few things Billy had that represented his freedom away from his abusive home, and that gets totalled in a scene that fans get downright gleeful about and for what? What does it really say about their favorite characters or even about Billy? Billy sat there in the car revving his engine with his lights on, crying. The Mindflayer took everything from him. This was just one more thing. What's so triumphant or heroic about any of it? As soon as the cars collided, The Mindflayer had full control again and Billy was marching towards his death.
Not only that, but the scene of Billy passed out in his car in flames just screams tragedy to me. I know how painful a car wreck can be physically and emotionally. I couldn't move on my own after my wreck without excruciating pain, so I know how much his body was screaming at him to stop even though The Mindflayer wouldn't let him. It's an extremely upsetting, tragic scene to me because I know he's feeling everything while having control over very little. That's what car accidents feel like. You don't have control, and it feels horrible.
I just can't comprehend why that scene in particular is the height of fun entertainment for so many when it's so painful to me, and maybe it's because I take it more personally but maybe it's also because Billy isn't treated like a person who deserved better than the horrific amount of torture and pain he went through.
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monstersdownthepath · 7 months
Monster Spotlight: Dandasuka
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CR 5
Lawful Evil Small Outsider
Bestiary 3, pg. 225
These motley fellows are among the least of the Rakshasa, the Earthbound Evils born when a mortal soul undertakes a profane and corrupting ritual to permanently bind their soul to the world, reincarnating each time they die rather than passing into the afterlife. The Dandasuka here (which I will be shortening to Danda from here on out) work as spies and assassins in service to more powerful Rakshasa, jobs that feel odd for creatures which prize jewelry, bright clothing, baubles, and jangly bits on their outfits often to the point that they look outright ridiculous and comical. This, however, is befitting of their general attitude which can be accurately summarized as "murder clown."
For the most part, Danda remain out of sight by virtue of spamming their Change Shape ability, which allows them to take on the form of any Medium or Small Humanoid creature as they will. Masquerading most often as children, halflings, and gnomes, Danda utilize good, old-fashioned skill checks rather than relying on magic in order to keep anyone from sussing out their identity or mission, making use of their +19 to Disguise and +15 to Bluff to trick and mislead onlookers, deflect blame, and impersonate whoever they need to in order to get close to their targets. Like all Rakshasa, Danda possess a constant Detect Thoughts on themselves that's empowered to always read surface thoughts without needing to concentrate on a target for 3 rounds, making their disguises and lies all the harder to crack as they learn what they have to say by reading the minds of everyone around them.
That being said, when normal words fail, Danda have the casting power of a 2nd level Sorcerer, which doesn't sound impressive, and in truth isn't particularly astonishing... but it does mean they have five spell slots full of Charm Person and/or Ventriloquism, which are incredibly flexible in the hands of a creature that's trying to get into places it's not invited. It's also got a handful of useful cantrips, such as Daze (which is useful for a creature that expects to be among commoners and low-level guards), Ghost Sound, and Mage Hand. Outside of its Sorcerer levels, a Danda can use Clairvoyance once a day, which is especially handy for narrowing down where its target is or isn't and gathering intel from a distance.
Once in battle, Danda transform from patient plotters to cackling, maniacal jesters, dancing and cavorting and making terrible, black-hearted jokes at the expense of their targets all the while. They're absolutely vicious little buggers, far more than you'd expect from such small creatures, and they revel in bloodshed to the point it's actually a downside for them. Offensively, they CAN wield weapons, but prefer their Claw-Claw-Bite for 1d4+1 and 1d6+1, respective, due to the enjoyment they get from flensing people with their bare hands and teeth. Those absolutely gigantic chompers of theirs tack 1d4 bleed damage onto the bite, bleeding their victims out in short order if they can't staunch the flow. If the Danda has some method of getting the drop on its foe--such as its 20ft climb speed, its +17 to Stealth, or if it's disguised as an ally--it can add +1d6 Sneak Attack damage to all of its attacks as well, and multiple Danda sent on the same mission can flank for one another to quickly tear apart most enemies in short order.
That bleed damage, however, is sometimes to the Danda's detriment. These horrid little beasties are plagued by a hunger for mortal flesh and blood that requires a level of willpower to ignore that they often do not have if they don't gorge themselves before a mission, which the book notes often leads to them suddenly stopping their attacks to lick blood off their claws or even the floor, or pause to consume a chunk of flesh cut off an enemy. Unlike the Gaki, who's hunger is so overwhelming they suffer a mechanical penalty when being offered food, the Danda have enough self control to reject anything offered by an enemy, so this quirk of their behavior tends to serve more as a DM emergency mercy button, having the untouchable little gremlin pause its attacks to bite down on a nearby corpse.
I say "untouchable" for one specific reason, and it's not their DR 5/Good or Piercing; it's their disproportionate 20 Spell Resistance, which is basically immunity against the magic of all but the luckiest of mages at the level one can expect to encounter one of these beings. A caster at levels 1 to 3 has such a low chance of piercing that SR that they're better off using crossbows and darts (since those actually bypass its DR), and even spells which ignore its SR will have to contend with +5/+9/+6 saves, and non-casters don't have any easier of a time thanks to 19 AC! Their bleed damage, climb speed, and Stealth checks also make them excellent hit-and-run baddies, using Spring Attack to initiate before scampering back off into the urban sprawl, hurling insults and cruel jokes back at the party all the while as they struggle to deal with the latest bout of damage.
As assassins go, Danda aren't exactly the most subtle. Their jangling jewelry and gaudy appearance and tendency to stand atop an enemy's corpse and make a gaff about their death to a horrified audience doesn't exactly lend itself to killing quietly, but if you need to send a message, there's few creatures who'll do better. They're also cheap; a Danda's rapacious hunger for the flesh of humanoids means that they're comically easy to bribe compared to most supernatural assassins, and offerings of garish clothes and expensive jewelry can be easily supplemented with decadent meals crafted in whole or in part from other murder victims. Just make sure they're fresh; Danda aren't ghouls, after all, and one risks offending them if they're offered rotting or substandard meat.
You can read more about them here.
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franciskirkland · 4 months
Fluff fruk hcs?
hi anon my beloved <3 do you want me to write a novel? is that what u want?? bc these two idiots have been the root source of my brainrot since day 1. sorry this was so late btw i had to think on it... i have Much To Say so this obviously isn't extensive but here goes. apologies for wall of text but... what else would u expect xx
arthur finds it endearing how good françois is with kids, how he possesses a certain maternal warmth and parenting just comes naturally to him. françois constantly remarks on how lucky he is that he had/has the opportunity to raise two precious boys that look just like their daddy.
welcoming arthur home has always been an important ritual for françois. not only does he have dinner on the table and a drink in hand, without fail, he ensures to cultivate a relaxing environment. that might entail catering to the senses; dolling himself up so arthur has some eye candy, having a fire going, a candle burning, a record playing, having his slippers and comfy clothes ready, etc. ultimately making sure that arthur has nothing more to worry about after a long stressful day.
after all these years together, arthur maintains those little chivalrous gestures no matter how small they might seem - like greeting françois with a kiss on the hand, holding doors, pulling out chairs, lighting cigarettes. he passes this etiquette onto his sons as well. françois has hardly touched a doorknob in decades.
i do think they're on fairly equal footing when it comes to initiating and reciprocating affection i.e. hugs, kisses, hand-holding, hooking arms around one another as they walk, any sort of touch. obviously, françois is smooth. smoother than a marlboro ultra light 100. he was born to love and be loved, so it comes easier to him, regardless of what end of the exchange he's on. arthur to me isn't virginal or bashful, quite the opposite. he's confident, yet awkward, yet polite. it might take him a while to warm up to the idea of PDA, but as he settles into their relationship he eventually comes around to it, much to françois' surprise.
françois particularly enjoys being hugged from behind, with arthur's arms around his waist or his hands cupping his hipbones. he'll arch back into the embrance and start swaying subtly in a little dance. as their hips rock side to side, arthur leans forward to kiss his cheek, then françois turns his head to touch their lips together.
arthur especially likes smooches around his chin, jaw, and neck; feeling fran's stubble against those sensitive areas and when fran holds his face. he's a sucker for those close hugs where françois rests his head on his shoulder, leans into his front, and lifts his leg to wrap it around him. he often can't resist picking him up and cradling him just like that.
something that really makes arthur melt is when françois places a hand on his chest and looks towards him with a soft, doe-eyed gaze. a look of pure submission and admiration. in turn, he presses his lips to fran's forehead, rests his chin atop his head, interlaces both hands at the small of his back, and squeezes him tight. that might be fran's favorite spot to be touched, if he absolutely must pick.
françois ties his husband's ties for him and often picks out his clothes, unless arthur is being particularly stubborn and insists on dressing like a midcentury grandfather. in which case fran is like... ok, be that way, suit yourself >;3
without françois around, arthur would probably wash with dish soap. fran ensures that he uses proper self-care products. he even washes arthur's hair when they shower together. arthur trusts him wholeheartedly when it comes to the quality of things like food and personal care.
arthur went from skinny to sturdy in a short period of time after settling down, good food will do that to a man. just ask my husband ;^)
françois is always stopping by arthur's work, not just to embarrass him and/or bring him lunch, but with a little trick up his sleeve. he sprays a faint hint of his perfume/cologne on a tissue or handkerchief or something, and hides it in one of arthur's desk drawers so that his husband is forced to think about him all day. arthur thinks he's so smart, and he is, intellectually; but he's no match for françois' cheeky little lovegames - he's left helplessly distracted and captivated by the scent and it drives him mad.
speaking of driving - françois is a designated passenger princess, not to be trusted behind the wheel. though they both prefer walking or efficient public transport, arthur is a skilled driver and keeps a hand on fran's thigh whenever possible.
arthur is extremely protective and takes his job as a guard dog-patriarch very seriously. like, he has free reign to poke fun at his wife in the privacy of their own home, but if anyone ever dares to insult françois, he will [redacted] them with a rusty [redacted] and [redacted] their [redacted] down their [redacted].
arthur is clearly the more introverted of the two, but his chivalry trumps his distaste for socialization. for example, if the doorbell rings and they're not expecting company, arthur will answer, and he always always walks facing streetside, iykyk. if something goes thump in the night, it's 100% his responsibility to take care of it while fran stays huddled under the blankies. such a valiant knight for his lil coward cherished and noble queen.
as much as he claims it's obnoxious, arthur has quite a thing for françois' voice/accent. his laugh is one of his favourite qualities. if he's hearing it less, that's when he starts to worry, and he'll do everything he can to bring it back.
another thing arthur has an affinity for is gray, dreary, rainy days, bc much like myself he's morrissey-coded. françois certainly doesn't hate rain, but he doesn't understand preferring it to sunshine. anyway, he's actually come around to looking forward to 'miserable' days, because it means his husband will be in a snuggly mood; and they can hunker down all warm and cozy inside while the raindrops cascade down their windows.
i'm not sure if i've mentioned this before, but i do have this HC that at their wedding, françois wears a classic, elegant gown for the ceremony and may or may not change into a dapper lil custom suit for the reception. i mean, two outfits, two sets of photos = double the slayage. (on that note, i mainly see arthur going the traditional route with the black tux. or maybe he'd have a slightly more unique suit made, like to match their overall color theme. simple and classy either way. but i digress!!)
they are total cat people, and yes, they refer to themselves as mommy (maman) and daddy (papa) when speaking to the cats. shamelessly. and YES, they dress those poor creatures up for photo ops.
they slow dance to vintage records. every night. every. night. even if they're mad at each other. it's a ritual, and they take turns picking the music. edith piaf, charles trenet, early beatles, swing, jazz, even classical, etc. etc. their music tastes are pretty similar or at least compatible. (if we're not talking punk england, that is. and i haven't been so far.)
although many of their interests are vastly different, they find ways to support and even participate in one another's individual endeavors. arthur may not be allowed in the kitchen, but he knits trivets and potholders. he's also happy to financially support françois' hobbies. françois, doting little extrovert that he is, will spend time and energy tracking down rare/limited edition prints of history books and classic english literature just to impress his husband. he also lets arthur rant about his special interests when no one else will, and actually listens, absorbing the information rather than just placating him.
they are that couple who will sit for hours in a park or café over a cup of tea or coffee, holding hands across the table and never turning away from one another. it looks ~wholesome~ from a distance, but if you actually listen to their conversation, you'll soon realize that they're actually gossiping and complaining about everything under the sun. even tho fran is ultimately an optimist in my opinion; they're haters together and i think that's beautiful.
finally, when asked to describe each other in one simple word:
arthur would think about it for a moment, smile fondly, and say - 'darling. just... darling.' françois doesn't hesitate for a second. he'd bat his eyelashes and purr; 'gentleman. he is a gentleman.' upon hearing this, arthur can't help but smirk. 'but not a 'gentle man', right, love?' françois would chuckle and give a playful little scoff. 'not unless i ask very nicely.'
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basicallyblank · 2 months
Paris Olympics MD1; France vs Colombia group B
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Exciting game from Group B, France are a team that will be going for god this tournament; a team that have been regarded as one of the best in the world but have always had issues behind the scenes, a home tournament would be the perfect chance to get their hands on a medal. They like to play a flowing, attacking style of football, they can build up very quickly from the back and can utilise players speed to get them up the pitch.
Colombia are a team that had the spotlight shine on them in the Womens World Cup in 2023, they were underdogs and made it far in the tournament, losing to England in the quater finals 2-1. They like to incorperate a tiki taka style of play and rely on space down the flanks to create threats to the opponent.
The game started quite quick, France quickly pressed high, they played a highline that enabled them to get further up the pitch and quickly recieve the ball. Colombia did well in possession, they were playing a bit of a slower game, passing the ball around, getting their confidence in posession and testing the waters. Imidiately Karchaoui stands out for her defensive decisions, apart from a few misplaced long passes, she made good clearances and was very solid.
France open up the scoring in the 5th minute, the goal starts at the back with Renard, she quicky progresses up the field and flashes a long ball up the pitch, Caicedo headers it away but Katoto wrestles it into her path, great finish on a tight angle.
The game restarts, France now play with the confidence you'd expect, they're imposing their style of play into the game, quick passing, getting high up the pitch whilst being calm in possession and not rushing decisions. France are a very tight team, they know where each other are on the pitch.
Grace Geyoro is running the midfield, does great when under pressure from 2-3 Colombian players and dribbles her way out of danger, playing very free football, drifting onto the left wing and adding another depth to France's play as well.
By the 12th minute it's obvious Colombia have lost any footing in this game, shakey back line and panicked passing, loose in possession and weak decision making. The game plan has left their minds as all they can think about is France's pressing play, they know that if they stay the ball for too long it's a huge risk.
Mayra Ramirez had quite a few good chances this game, every other aspect of her play was perfect in this game, she just couldn't find the end product. She easily shrugs off Wendie Renard when they come up 1V1 and dribbles into the box with ease.
France have completely picked Colombia apart, they've imposed their game plan perfectly into the game and are dominating, their defensive line is strong and each player is sticking to the role. Colombia have struggled with the pressure France have applied, whenever a player gets the ball they'll have 2 French players already pressing for the ball back and they can't get out of the press.
Great goal from Dali, quick thinking with good intention, solid strike.
We didn't see much of Linda Caicedo until the last 20 minutes of the game, and when she arrived, you could notice the difference, she should've been more involved earlier, Colombia deserted their left wing in favour of going straight through midfield or down the right which isolated Caicedo. They really struggled to break through the final third, when they were able to win the battle in midfield, France adapted a more physical style of play in order to stop them.
Fantastic CB partnership between Renard and Mbock, both very calm and confident on the ball.
Colombia definitely came out more attacking then they finished the first half, as you would expect, we see bouts of them coming forward which show that they have the means to provide a good match up with France, but were dismantled way too early and lost sight.
The penalty was scored with confidence by Usme, reflecting Colombia's personality on the pitch in the second half, this gives them lots of momentum to carry with them, injects energy and belief into the team, as a 2 goal gap is smaller than 3 and is manageble. Leicy Santos was great in midfield, she definitely felt that momentum shift and was controlling the ball with ease and progressint the ball up the pitch.
In the lead up to Cololmbia's second goal we see them at their best, playing with fluidity and joy, injecting their style of play with quick passing. Substitute Pavi with the goal, shakes off Karchaoui who was too tight for her, another tight angle but slots it perfect. The comeback is in sight and they can feel it.
France have died down and the game has slipped through their fingers, players are making mistakes and Colombia are not letting up, playing with speed and effiency, they have the belief and that's the driving force. They aren't wasting time, shooting long balls up the pitch.
Renard was struggling against Ramirez, but when she comes up to the box she holds the ball for way too long, takes too long to shoot until the chance disapears, her finishing just wasn't there tonight.
We start to see Caicedo really come into the game around the 70th minute or so, and you can tell. She is so dangerous 1V1, her dribbling is world class, but just couldn't get her balls through all the French players in the box. She adds so much speed and skill to the attacking line it's a shame they couldn't involve her sooner.
Colombia enter a battle against the clock, they are brimming with confidence and are playing perfectly, each player knows where to pass and where their options are, quick passing up the pitch and wasting no time, playing with speed and precision. France have dropped off and are constantly defending their half.
The red card. This was the final blow to Colombia, they had just perfected their game and this killed them off. The foul was silly and studs were up, I don't think it had any intent at all but it would class as violent or foul play as it was dangerous, but I think it was re refereed. Massive blow for their whole tournament.
French substitutions added into the dying embers of the match, Le Sommer and Henry add experience needed to see out a game like this. Le Sommer immediately starts creating chances and providing opportunities. Since the red card Colombia didn't lie down, they kept playing as they were but just struggled with the player difference, as the extra time waded on they dropped off, decision making got worse and France started dominating again.
Overall, I think France did everything they needed to do, getting the goal 5 minutes in, announcing themselves and dominating the pitch, Colombia had to fight and claw their way back. They let France get into their head too much with the opening goal, playing chaotically and losing all sight of any game plan, their left wing could definitely have been utilised more, but had Ramirez finished her chances then they wouldn't have needed to. The red card is a HUGE blow for them, we'll have to see how they approach the rest of their games. Great start for the hosts, could this be when they finally get the gold ?
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mamamittens · 17 days
I'm making another shippy drawing, this time with Izou since I haven't given him proper 1:1 love with Nikia.
It's not a bad time to think about their particular dynamic, actually, since I am, once again, not falling asleep as I should when I really should already be passed TF out
It won't hurt to establish Nikia's with Thatch just as a reminder for myself honestly.
Thatch and Nikia are a bit dorky. Thatch acts suave, enjoys sweeping romantic gestures, and is very bold about his affections. You will know if he hates you and if he loves you to pieces.
Nikia is, predictably, very embarrassed but pleased about this. Quieter, she likes smaller moments. Bigger gestures are overwhelming for her. Not very good at being loud and proud, so to speak. So naturally most of their moments are small. Personal. Intimate gestures.
Passing kisses and touches. Small "I'm thinking of you" gifts. Thatch not one for trinkets finds himself with many, each one a gift from her because he's weak for the "I saw this and thought of you". He loves that. The thought of being thought of even when he's somewhere else. And he makes an effort to space out his very loud, public displays of affection to meet her in the middle. He can't always control himself. Partly because he's usually so busy, so what little free time he has he wants to make it memorable.
Now! Onto Izou and Nikia!
Izou is a lot more subdued. He's not secretive about his affections but he won't be singing on rooftops anytime soon. He will make his feelings known, however, regardless of what free time he has. Which is a little more than Thatch given he doesn't need to plan meals for a massive crew and overlook kitchen staff.
Okay, it's a little misleading to say he's subdued. Actually. It's really fucking loud and clear, he just doesn't use his voice for it. So he gets away with being a bold bastard a lot more, especially since a lot of it is pirate etiquette that goes over Nikia's head. Thatch, not so much, but he keeps his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him. And he doesn't argue with it either.
The silk foulard is a gift from Izou after all, and has a subtle pattern from Wano weaved in.
So she finds her wardrobe subtly tailored to suit her better, a side project of Izou's. And also pieces slipped in from Izou himself. A spare yukata trimmed to function as a loose jacket since she gets cold easily. Hair ribbons and chokers with silk in his colors or with Wano exclusive patterns.
She doesn't realize how damn possessive his actions are for someone not a tailor because he's not crass enough to just give her his actual yukuta to wear. Like Thatch will drape his foulard over her shoulders when she's cold and Izou nearly smacks him for it.
For those that know, it's like wearing a cowboys hat lol
So anyway, Izou sinks his claws into her wardrobe in whatever way he can and is the first to offer his services if she wants a makeover or hairstyling. If she wants to try hair jewelry, he gets it. Maybe with Thatch's help if he's being generous.
He enjoys showing how he can provide since Thatch has the literal food and dramatic displays handled.
Basically, in pirate speak, Nikia is SUPER spoken for. If they can't tell by who, they can definitely tell it's someone from Wano. And anyone who is bold enough to ignore that earns a bullet in their ass at minimum.
Izou enjoys his trinkets and adores when she secures him crafting materials for clothes. New thread and needles, silks and fabrics. The works. She may ask for assistance at first to get a good idea of what he prefers to work with, but once she has it down, he'll be pleasantly surprised often. Which is quite practical and sweet.
Her favorite thing is getting him jewelry with flowers. Roses if she's being overtly romantic. Delicate cherry blossoms or other such small flowers for cute variety. Even if he doesn't wear them anytime soon, they're displayed beautifully alongside his practical, daily pieces.
Once she learns how bold both of them have been while courting her, she's very flattered.
And they're very interested in how flattered and flustered she is about that.
Very much integrated into dirty talk anytime they give her a particularly bold gift. Notably, she still wears them.
And they very much like that.
And then they'll both use gifts she's given them just to fluster her with their newfound meaning.
It's like ongoing foreplay for them and everyone else thinks they're insufferable. Like, "just fuck already" but worse, because clearly fucking has not helped lessen the tension.
A pirate giving away treasure is a very intimate act, after all. And decorating someone in your colors or home patterns/fabrics equally bold. To keep doing so I'm new ways... Well, it's a lot. Let's put it that way.
Only way they could be more overt is if they just got married already and got matching tattoos.
They're very happy for them but... Yeah. It's kinda obnoxious lmao
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purefandomonium · 4 months
Just realized I never did get around to posting those headcanons for this version of Red, so I decided to do that.
Red in this iteration is more supernatural than sentient glitch.
He works using similar logic to another version I have of him, where he is linked to the cartridge and will never be very far from it. However, unlike the other version, it's not as simple as passing the game off to some other sucker. Red here is in full control of his fate, having figured out how to leave the game at will and even being capable of pulling players in and trapping them, although doing that takes a lot out of him so he doesn't do it often.
Once he's decided to torment a player, the only way they're getting rid of him is--well, they can't. The only options are die, die, or go insane and then die.
There's a 0.0000001% chance Red himself will get bored of the torment and leave without killing them, but that's basically never going to happen.
There is no way to harm him physically and it's impossible to damage the game as well.
The cart is in a perpetual state of just being playable and will remain that way regardless of what's done to it.
The Glitchy Red pokepasta exists in this universe, and Red is very aware of it. He does not enjoy hearing about it.
It's unknown if he's even the original Glitchy Red or some kind of replica. His whole deal makes zero sense. I mean, how does a game from the '90s, whose code is held together with duct tape, used gum and best wishes, suddenly develop a digital spirit? Perhaps some supernatural meddling was involved at some point... Red himself certainly won't tell.
Is an asshole with zero remorse for his actions.
Tormenting players is a game to him, and it's the only one he'll play. He likes to see how long they'll hold up against the psychological onslaught. It's usually not long.
Despite how much he enjoys his violent acts of revenge, he does get bored of it. Most players don't survive for very long and he doesn't even need to try for them to break. He's capable of so much more yet never gets a chance to use his full power. (That's why he's so pumped when Reader shows up. Finally, a real challenge.)
He's perpetually bitter and dare I say angsty from the suffering he's been through.
He's capable of feeling any emotion, but his primary state of being is angry and spiteful.
On the off chance he is feeling something different, it's likely only because there's no one messing with the game. If left to his own devices he's actually quite contemplative and serene, and tends to spend his time basking in the sunlight or enjoying nature.
Is basically a bitchy cat when calm.
It's impossible to befriend him if you're someone in possession of the cart. By default, that makes you an enemy regardless of your intentions or even if you had no idea about it. Ex: Someone gives you a box of old games and junk and you tuck it away in an attic without so much as looking through it. Doesn't matter that you didn't know he was there, you do now >:(
The only chance anyone has to befriend him is if they're someone in a similar predicament/a fellow entity. Escaped tortured experiment who knows nothing but misery? Welcome to the club.
Might also consider a being who likes to torment humans a potential friend too, if given the chance. He does like his torture.
He's actually very intelligent and crafty. He knows how to get his desired results without even needing to lift a finger. Whether it be forcing players to destroy their lives, tricking them into doing his bidding, or making them agree to a terrible deal and trapping their soul within the game to be used as a spare punching bag.
A couple of players have managed to beat him at his own game and he's still holding onto that grudge.
Intangibility--he can interact with the world/people, but they can't touch him.
Limited mind control--he can hypnotize players and alter their dreams but can't turn them into full-on puppets unless they're really worn down. Even then, it's usually only limited to things like obsessively playing the game or forcing them to stay awake.
Can inflict a powerful sense of fear onto others without even needing to do anything. Think Patrick's "He's just standing there... menacingly!"
Energy drain--the thing that allowed him to break free of the game. Over the years he learned how to steal and harness players' lifeforce, using it to bring himself into the real world. It's also how he went from glitch in the matrix to full-on evil spirit.
Shapeshifting--mostly into glitches or Pokemon, but can do people too if he feels like it. He's used this ability before to imitate dead loved ones as part of his torment.
Despite his origins, he can't interact with technology. He lost any ability to do that when he became what he is now. He still causes electronics to glitch out when he's near/his temper flares but only in the way supernatural entities do. Move the devices away from him and they'll return to normal with no damage done.
Teleportation--Only outside of a certain distance of the cart, as he can't be too far from it. He can only teleport himself as well, and has to actually have the cart with him to teleport that too. If he's got it, then he can go anywhere he pleases.
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thatbrightblueshine · 10 months
it had been a while. christmas is long gone. around the time it had all happened, a time that passed on so quickly, yet so slowly. it was a strange time. a strange five months. snow fell, snow melted. flowers started to blossom, flowers withered. flesh bled. flesh healed.
fiction pope / trippier under cut. be warned.
another day, another day. so many of them. kieran sat on the rim of nick's tub. 6am. he hadn't slept, sleep had become tough. he'd spent so much time with him ever since last winter, so much time he regrets, so much time he's grateful he could share with him. they'd grown together even more, beyond casual hookups after games. rushed shower blowjobs turning into romance. kieran smiles - never knew they'd end up here. neither of them have said those words yet. they don't know if they'd mean it. they don't know what it is they have, too afraid to question it. it's like kieran has been snowed in, he can't leave. can't leave nick's place. can't leave his heart, a home he had to built for himself in times of isolation. well maintained and painted in colourful colours. a bright green on good days, matching the colours of the world outside, a dark grey on bad days, like the sky when it's about to break, raindrops landing on his face, at first it's few, then it pours.
"kieran?" nick's voice took him out of the well maintained little place in his head, the place he'd been trapped in ever since it happened. it hadn't been an easy 5 months. nick had become depressed. proper depressed. it's only 6 in the morning and kieran knew that today would not be one of the rare good days, it won't be bright green. looking out of the window, the world outside about to wake, but kieran is stuck. he's forced to be asleep when the world around him is awake. nick's depression wrapping its arms around him, so comforting. like a soft blanket, so warm. so easy to let yourself go down that path when the person you're so connected to cannot smile anymore. you lose the interest to smile, too. lose the appetite for living, feeling guilty for having good days whilst they have bad days.
kieran got up and walked into the bedroom, nick sitting in the bed. "you alright?" kieran sat beside him and put his hand onto his cheek. nick shook his head "don't know. i missed you." nick had become insufferable on some days, unable to leave kieran's side. stuck to him like glue, draining every last bit of self from kieran. he had become nick. what had begun as a little fling between teammates had turned into a connection that couldn't be broken anymore. like ivy growing on that one old house you see when walking down the street, covering it. this is how possessive nick's love was to kieran. nick looked at kieran and there it was again - the despair in his eyes, the events of february forced back into his brain. the same look in his eyes as when he'd found him, in the very state he was in. whispering his name with the very last bit of air left in his lungs.
can eyes change colour? on somedays kieran wondered. when they met for the first time nick's eyes were the colour of rain, the colour of the sea around midday when the sky was cloudy. now they're a dark shade of grey, like a thunderstorm in fall, one that indicates that the rain will continue to fall for days to come. nick takes kieran's hand in his, draws along the lines on his palm. he chuckles. "remember the first time your hands touched my body?" kieran remembered it all too well - electricity, being carried from nick's body to his. he nods "yeah. why?"
"i miss it. i miss those times." nick's injury is healed, but his soul remains shattered. all those months of uncertainty, all the setbacks, the complications. on some days nick didn't know if it wouldn't be better to give up, and not just on his career. but kieran was always there, even moving in with him. he had become kieran's everything. the air he breathed, the food he ate, the water he drank. it all tasted just like him. and he was there in that one night in february. he was the one on is knees cleaning it all up. scraping it off the ground, washing it off his body. the shock is still there, so is the fear. for what they have become. for the collective they are. nick smiles, kieran doesn't know what's real and what's fake anymore. the room dark, window screens shut so that the sun would not shine through, no chance of carrying in its warmth. nick's shoulder is still fragile, healed well enough to get back into light training. but he will not be back on the grass for at least another two months so the doctors said. what was initially supposed to be four months tops has now already been six months and counting. kieran doesn't mind it - doesn't mind the things he had to sacrifice, doesn't mind the the person he had become so long as he could protect nick. he knew this wasn't healthy. it's always this room - dark. nick hasn't really left it for a while now. so hasn't kieran. it reeks of them, the smell of what they have become. it looks like them - the darkness in their hearts shining through their chests making sure it's always night no matter how often the sun sets outside of their cave.
his hand finding its way into nick's boxers, the spark is long gone. it's become a routine. the pleasure kieran can give to nick is only temporary, but it's even less than that. their kisses don't feel the same anymore, the taste of nick's lips bitter. what once tasted like honey now tastes like salt, what once felt like velvet in his hands now feels like broken glass, so afraid it will cut even deeper into his skin, yet unable to stop touching it. the pain is addictive, the blood is warm. kieran knew that the door wasn't locked - he could leave at any time. but the waking world outside had become so strange now that he had been asleep for so long, asleep with him. under the blanket on so many days, so many nights. their bodies pressed up against one another, some nights woken up by nick's body shivering in pain, his voice had become so much weaker, so much quieter, some nights he wouldn't wake anymore when he was in pain, some nights the tears dripping onto kieran's skin would go unnoticed. had he become lost in this state? he can't focus, literally forgets he's got his cock in his hand right now, nick's eyes shut, in peace for once, no sight of pain written in his face, maybe he had just forgotten how to read it. kieran's palm is loosely wrapped around his cock, slow movements, the routine that should never have become a routine. his other hand stroking through his messy hair. he desperately needs a trim, but kieran always liked it a little longer on the sides so he doesn't complain. for all the times kieran had given him relief, for what started as a joke between teammates because he couldn't use his own arm to have a wank, has somehow become his life.
feeling trapped, unable to break this pattern. unable to speak his mind, too afraid it could send him back. back to february. back to the bathroom. he adores the look on his face nevertheless, adores his features in the dim light, adores the way he can feel his body shiver under his touch, the softness of his hair between his fingers, his grip tightening just as he likes it when he knows he's close. kieran would lie if he said it hadn't happened. would lie if he said he hadn't fallen deeply in love with this shattered person prepped up on the bed in front of him. the love he felt for him was deeper than anything he had ever felt before. falling for him was like setting foot into the ocean, walking ahead, only for it to get deeper and deeper until suddenly, you're about to drown. kieran had been stuck at this part of the ocean for months now, one more step and the air will be replaced with water, his sanity replaced with delusion. and he doesn't even know if crossing this line would be worth it - doesn't know if drowning is worth it, doesn't know if nick would come to save him. nick would be too proud to ever admit it, idiot that doesn't know what love is. doubts he can tell the difference between a fling and a romance, confuses fire with ice. a single little groan from his lips, sudden warmth spread in kieran's palm. his breath picking up, just temporary. it's as if it's the only time he knows he's alive anymore, a whisper only kieran can hear.
"i love you." so quite, barely audible. maybe kieran's mind plays tricks on him, maybe he just heard what he wanted to hear. kieran's eyes open wide "what did you just say?" nick opens his eyes, confused look on his face. "i said, that felt good."
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House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Prologue
House Isekai Masterlist Here
Sitri Eisner, Headmaster of Garreg Mach Monastery awakens to yet another day at the Officer's Academy. Tomorrow is the day a select few students will be chosen to accompany her throughout Fodlan to help the newfound Alliance of Leicester, Fhirdiad, and Adrestia. However, there are uncertainties among her staff of whether their students should be put in such danger, or if they're even ready for it... Word Count: 3.7k
Sitri yawned as she heard the Monastery' bell echo throughout Garreg Mach. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly turned to the window that was letting sunlight in. It was in the sunlight Sitri saw a familiar figure crossing her arms and a scowl staring straight into her.
(Sothis) "I swear, the sleeping problems must run throughout the entire family."
(Sitri) yawn "Good morning, Sothis."
(Sothis) "It's noon, not morning!"
Sitri didn't respond as she lazily got off the bed and sat herself in a chair in front of the mirror. She dug around her drawers trying to find a brush before hearing Sothis continue.
(Sothis) "I can't believe anyone could possibly sleep this much!"
Sitri squinted at Sothis via the mirror as the brush straightened her dark green hair.
(Sitri) "I don't think you're in any position to lecture me about sleeping in."
(Sothis) "I stopped doing that years ago while you have yet to-!"
After a few moments Sitri began to tune the noise out. She got into her uniform and checked the mirror. Her modified nun outfit didn't display any dirt as the capelet covered her left shoulder. The armored gauntlets were comfortably resting in her elbows and forearms. Nodding, Sitri's eyes traveled down to her waist, where a small blue dagger remained still on her belt.
Sitri’s attention finally tuned back to Sothis talking, who was still going off about her sleep schedule. Deciding this was too early in the afternoon to deal with, Sitri cut her off.
(Sitri) "Sothis. Enough. It's time we head out."
(Sothis) "Ugh, we are not done talking about this!"
Sitri chuckled, pushing open the door and her eyes taking a moment to adjust to how bright today was. She turned to her left to see a multitude of students hanging around the student dorms. Some of them waved to her, to which she politely waved back with a smile.
The students seemed to be enjoying their Sunday off, all spending their free time relaxing, studying, or training with friends. After all this time, the sight never failed to make Sitri relax. As she approached the faculty office, the sounds of chatter were drowned out by loud clanking footsteps.
A steel golem that stood about three times the height of a normal man slowly walked past her, the stomping armor by a patrol of soldiers accompanying it. Sothis appeared behind Sitri, both of them staring at the golem as it slowly walked onto the bridge leading into the Cathedral.
(Sitri) "I still can't believe we're able to produce something like that in this day and age."
(Sothis) "Times are changing, I suppose."
Fodlan went from torches and horses to lights and metal carriages powered by fuel and magic in two short years. Many of the ideas of their newfound technology were heavily borrowed, however. Sitri seemed to recall Dimitri and Edelgard mentioning it was their offworld allies who had access to this advanced tech originally in their worlds, giving them the foundation of ideas to produce equivalents.
Chief among them being the Armiger Knight. It was a being made of metal, big enough for a person to get inside and take control of with a combination of magic and levers. It resembled a statue of a knight when standing still, the limbs and head being proportionate to pass as humanoid.
The three nations of Fodlan had a few regiments of them, but it was Garreg Mach that possessed the highest number of Armigers. Sitri had received training on how to pilot one, but she decided it'd be better to give hers to the student body for training purposes.
It was just one of many things she could never get used to seeing, no matter how many times it walked past her.
Beep beep!
Sitri's attention went to her belt as she pulled out a small flat crystal. Speaking of technology she hadn't gotten used to...It began glowing with blue energy as a voice spoke out of it.
(Mercedes's Voice) "Headmaster? Everyone is here at the Audience Chamber as you requested."
(Sitri) "I'm on my way."
The crystal dimmed as Sitri put it back in her pocket. They were called Communicator Crystals, last she recalled. She felt the name was a bit too long, but couldn't be bothered to think of a shorter name.
Deciding she had kept them waiting long enough, Sitri began to walk towards the faculty office, making sure to greet every student or soldier who bowed and said hello. Upon arriving at the entrance to the offices, she gave a nod to the two guards in front, who wore the colors of Fhirdiad and Leicester.
Sitri made her way up the stairs towards the Audience Chamber, passing by several Adrestian soldiers who gave her a salute as she walked by. Sitri saluted them back as they stepped to the side to let her pass. She opened the door to see her staff waiting for her.
Yuri gave a casual wave with one hand while Constance bowed. Mercedes smiled and gave a nod. Recette excitedly waved while Tear floated next to her shoulder, gracefully bowing.
(Mercedes) "Afternoon, Headmaster!"
(Yuri) "Little late, dont'cha think?"
(Tear) "Reminds me of a certain someone who's been sleeping in too much."
(Recette) "Hey, it's not like we were late or anything, Sitri was later than us!"
(Constance) "I am not sure that is something you should be banking on, Miss Lemongrass."
(Sitri) "Hah, sorry about that everyone."
Sothis simply sighed and floated over next to Tear. She could've chosen anywhere to float, but decided to hang around the few people that could actually see her. Mercedes, Yuri, and Constance, along with the rest of Fodlan, seemed to forget she ever existed alongside them.
Sitri walked to the front of the room and stood straight, nodding at everyone.
(Sitri) "Now, let us discuss our findings this week. Yuri, please start us off."
Kairos sat in front of his desk, slowly turning through the pages of a spellbook he had been studying for almost a week now. He could recite the movement needed to cast it entirely by memory, but he wanted to be safe rather than sorry.
There was no telling if the upcoming practical exam tomorrow was going to throw a curveball. Before he could focus any more attention to the repetitious task, he heard a knock at the door. He grunted in slight annoyance, adjusting his glasses before responding.
(Kairos) "The door is open."
The door gently swung open as he heard the clanking of armor walk into the room. Although many soldiers were heavily armored in the Monastery, there was only one person Kairos knew who'd wear one into the student dormitories..
(Stefan) "Still studying?"
(Kairos) "Hm."
(Stefan) "Come on, today's beautiful outside, you can't spend all day cooped up in here!"
(Kairos) "And have you already finished studying for the practical?"
(Stefan) "Er..."
Stefan laughed nervously, which told Kairos all he needed to know. Kairos spun around in his chair to face Stefan, giving an unamused look.
(Kairos) "Frankly, I'm more worried for your grades than mine. But, you do have a point. Some fresh air would be nice."
Stefan immediately perked up as he stepped to the side, arms gesturing out the door.
(Stefan) "Great! Let's grab something to bite real quick, I'm starving!"
Kairos chuckled and got up, the both of them walking towards the dining hall together. On the way, they saw an Armiger in the courtyard wobbling. Any student and guard steered clear of the field, letting it have the space to fall in case it did. A soldier bearing Adrestian colors and golden trims was the only one who stood close by, arms crossed and shaking his head.
(Soldier) "No, the lever on the top right, Mcgrath. If you don't turn that downwards, your Armiger will have its locking mechanism in place!"
(Stefan) "Oh man, that explains it. Elizabeth is in there."
(Kairos) "Psh, who cares about her? Just let her deal with it."
Kairos made a motion to keep moving, but Stefan couldn't help himself and walked towards the Armiger. The soldier immediately noted his presence.
(Soldier) "Ah, Stefan. I'd stand back if I were you. Mcgrath is struggling with this thing."
Elizabeth's voice rang out from the Armiger.
(Elizabeth's Voice) "M-My apologies, sir! I am used to horseback riding not...whatever this contraption is!"
(Stefan) "Elizabeth! Once you turn the locking mechanism off, use your magic to stabilize the Armiger, it'll make your balancing a lot easier!"
A brief moment of silence passed before the Armiger suddenly stood upright. No longer wobbling, it stood completely still.
(Elizabeth's voice) "I...I did it! Haha, YES!"
The soldier turned to Kairos and nodded.
(Soldier) "Appreciate the help, son. Alright Mcgrath, that's enough for today. You can dismount it."
The center of the Armiger swung open, Elizabeth slowly stepping outside and landing on the ground. Once she dusted off her pants, she bowed to the soldier.
(Elizabeth) "Thank you for the training as always, Engineer Adams!"
(Adams) "Thank your friend here, I only made sure you didn't fall flat on your ass. Now, as you were, I gotta take this thing back to the Cathedral."
Adams waved his hand nonchalantly and went into the cockpit and walked off with the Armiger. Elizabeth smiled at Stefan and did a proper bow, fit for a noble.
(Elizabeth) "Then I am in your debt once again, Stefan!"
Stefan bashfully rubbed the back of his neck as he averted his gaze.
(Stefan) "I-It's nothing, really. I just spent a lot of time training in the Armigers, so I know what the feeling is like when you first take control of it."
(Elizabeth) "Yes, I'm afraid I still haven't gotten used to them...Oh! I apologize for interrupting you during a day off!"
(Stefan) "Don't worry, I'm always glad to help. I was just about to grab lunch with Kairos."
Upon mentioning the name, Elizabeth's smile quickly disappeared, her gaze slowly going to her right as Kairos approached.
(Kairos) "You done, Stefan?"
(Elizabeth) "Ah. I imagine you had some smidge of satisfaction watching me bumble about, Kairos."
(Kairos) "When it involves you, I doubt I can feel anything remotely positive, Elizabeth."
(Stefan) "C-Come on you two...-"
Before Stefan could unsuccessfully attempt to calm them down, both Kairos and Elizabeth's ears were yanked downwards, catching them both off guard.
(Kairos) "OW! OW OW OW!"
(Elizabeth) "AGH?!"
When their eyes looked to the source, it was a small girl pulling both their ears.
(Small Girl) "No fighting. Professor's orders."
She let go of their ears, both of them startled by how surprisingly strong she was. Kairos straightened his glasses as he shook his head.
(Kairos) "Ugh, damn you can pinch hard..."
(Elizabeth) "Helena, dear, I thought I taught you better than to sneak up out of nowhere like that!"
Helena simply shrugged with a deadpan expression. She then turned to Stefan with the same face.
(Helena) "If these two are too busy ripping out each other's throats, I can eat lunch with you."
(Stefan) "Ha...Thanks, I think?"
(Kairos) "Nonsense, we were just going-."
(Stefan) "Elizabeth, would you like to join us?"
Kairos immediately spun around to Stefan, his eye twitching underneath his glasses.
(Elizabeth) "Well...it'd be remiss of me to not pay back your kindness, so very well."
(Stefan) "Just...play nicely you two."
(Kairos/Elizabeth) "I HAVEN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING!"
The four departed for the mess hall, Kairos and Elizabeth glaring at each other while Helena and Stefan shrugged. When they reached the entrance, they heard a voice call out to them.
(Red Haired Girl) "Oh hey guys, over here!"
Kairos and Helena waved hello and once everyone grabbed their food, they sat by Astrid who was sitting alone at the end of the table, 3 plates of food her only company.
Everyone else had one plate of food, and even then it was barely covered.
(Kairos) "Good goddess, Astrid. Think this is enough?"
(Astrid) munch munch "Whayameab?"
Helena, still having her blank expression, just shook her head.
(Helena) "No talking with your mouth full."
Taking the time to swallow her food, Astrid asked the question again.
(Astrid) gulp! "Ah! What do you mean? We go through a lot of energy throughout the day, you know!"
Stefan looked at his one plate then back to Astrid's.
(Stefan) "...She's got a point. I'm getting more."
He got up from his seat with a newfound fire in his eyes, making everyone but Astrid sigh.
(Astrid) "See, he gets it!"
(Elizabeth) "But what about dinner? You both will spoil your appetites!"
(Astrid) "Nonsense, we got a lot of training to do for the practical exams, we'll work up a big one too!"
(Kairos) "Ah, speaking of which, how are your studies going? I can basically see my spellbook whenever I close my eyes."
Helena completely froze before she could put the fork into her mouth.
(Helena) "...Exam?"
(Astrid) "Yeah, Tomorrow morning we'll be getting judged by our professors for our combat capabilities. You didn't know?"
Helena's shoulders seemed to relax after she processed Astrid's words.
(Helena) "Oh. Nothing to worry about then."
(Elizabeth) "You haven't studied at all, have you?"
(Kairos) "While I don't think anyone should skip out on their coursework, I think Helena will do just fine...The physical portion anyway."
Helena only grunted in response. Stefan sat back down next to Kairos and turned to her.
(Stefan) "Well we don't need to worry about the written portion for a while! Besides, it's the physical part that matters in a practical exam anyway."
(Astrid) "Agreed. The whole writing part of them is pretty pointless."
(Elizabeth) "Hmph, says you! I will have you all attend my study sessions once the physical is over, you have grown far too lax!"
(Kairos) "Hey, what makes you think I can't teach Stefan or Astrid?"
(Elizabeth) "Your intelligence is not being called into question, Kairos. It's your willingness to let them skip out on sessions!"
(Astrid) "As if you don't do the same with Helena-"
(Elizabeth) "-That is NOT because I let her, it's because she keeps hiding!"
Finally, Helena cracked a small smile.
(Helena) "Yup."
(Elizabeth) sigh "I do wish you'd take this more seriously. This exam is not a matter of just grades, but Headmaster Eisner will be a close eye for the exceptional students!"
Stefan, Helena, and Astrid stiffened upon hearing the last part.
(Astrid) "W-Wait, really?!"
(Kairos) "If you had actually been paying attention in class, you'd have known that by now. Those chosen few will be taken into a special class personally led by her."
(Stefan) "Oh crap! We gotta get started soon!"
Stefan and Astrid began scarfing down their food, much to Elizabeth's dismay. Kairos just shook his head while Helena shrugged.
(Mercedes) "-...and that about sums up what I've seen out of the student body. There were a few who seemed promising, but we will not know until tomorrow."
Sitri put a finger to her chin as she took everyone's words into consideration.
(Constance) "Do you truly think the students are ready to travel Fodlan? I do not think even we are.."
(Yuri) "Arguably times are more dangerous now than they were back then, what with these Separatists, plus the remnants of Those Who Slither and the Church.”
(Recette) "It's not many that are going out right? We're just picking the best ones out of everyone."
(Mercedes) "Recette dear, we do not want to see even one of our students get hurt. Garreg Mach is safe, but everywhere else..."
(Tear) "Hm. From what I've read in the reports, the attacks in Adrestia and Leicester…."
Sothis looked over to Sitri, crossing her arms. 
(Sothis) “I get that we are concerned for the kids, but this IS an officer’s academy. Danger is inevitable.”
Sitri's eyes looked up and spoke inside her own head.
(Sitri) I would still rather not see any of the children under my leadership be put in harm's way.
Sitri turned her attention back to the conversation at hand.
(Mercedes) "...I do not think we'll have a choice of where we get to send our classes. Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude will ask us many tasks, Sitri's group the most dangerous ones, presumably."
(Recette) "Oh, maybe we can hire adventurers to help out? That's what we did in our world."
(Tear) "I do not think we can entrust them with the safety of our students, only our gold. And that can easily be betrayed as well."
(Sitri) "Hm. And Mercedes had a point, we're going to get called into some dangerous missions. It's not like the nations can spare any more soldiers for us than they already have-..."
Sitri's expression lit up, catching everyone's attention. Since Sothis could read her mind, her eyes were already wide.
(Constance) "Lady Sitri?"
(Sitri) "We're short on help and we need people we can trust to teach our students how to protect themselves, right?"
(Yuri) "And...you have someone in mind?”
Kazuma sat on the chair, tapping his fingers against the armrest, sighing loudly. No one was in the house. Megumin was off casting explosions with Yunyun, Darkness was off attending to her noble duties, surprisingly. And as for Aqua…Who the hell knows what she was up to right now?
(Kazuma) “So…god damn…BORED.”
He slumped back on the couch, grumbling to himself. Nothing sounded particularly entertaining or stimulating right now. Kazuma got off and began pacing back and forth trying to think of something. This was the fourth week in a row he had done nothing. At first he loved it. Then it hit him, there was no one at home to even talk to since they were off doing their own thing.
He had gotten exactly what he wanted, peace and quiet. Now, he had too much of it. There was no devil king to defeat, no quests to do, no one to even have lunch with.
(Kazuma) “Ugh...this SUCKS!”
He kicked the table leg in frustration, which only made his foot hurt and made him swear even more. Kazuma shook his head and went into the kitchen. He swung open the pantry, trying to find any bottles of wine-
They were gone. Why the hell were they go-
Aqua took all of it. Literally all of it. Even the ones he thought he hid. He made one last scream of pure unadulterated anger before he fell to the floor, ready to cry. There was literally nothing to do. Nothing at all.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
(Kazuma) “…The hell?”
He sat up, feeling a vibration in his pocket. Raising an eyebrow he reached into it and pulled out a small crest.
(Kazuma) “When was this in my-”
It was a tiny badge of House Isekai’s logo.
(Kazuma) “Man…That’s something I haven’t thought of in a while…Wait a second, we never had anything like this, why the hell is it in my pocket?”
Beep! Beep! Beep!
(Kazuma) “…How do I make it shut up?”
He tried poking it.
Beep! Beep! Be-
He tried poking it multiple times. Except harder.
Beep! Be-
(Kazuma) “…”
He put it on the table, took a deep breath, then slammed it with his fist.
(Kazuma) “Thank go-”
Kazuma was about to scream again before he heard a voice coming from it.
(Girl's voice) "H-Hello? Is this on? Am I speaking to Kazuma?"
(Kazuma) "...Yes, I'm Kazuma."
(Girl's voice) "Ah, it's been such a long time! It's so nice to hear your voice again!"
Kazuma's head racked for faces to connect the voice to. But after narrowing it down and judging by how cheerful and polite the voice was, it could only be-
(Kazuma) "Towa?!"
(Towa's Voice) "Oh good, you can hear me! You remember me right?"
He felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, someone to talk to that wasn't a complete idiot.
(Kazuma) "Of course I-...Wait, why did you call me?"
(Towa's Voice) "You're actually the last person I'm calling. So far, I've got Rean and Aigis to respond."
If she was calling everyone then does that mean...?
(Kazuma) "Is this a high school reunion? Cause if it is, I didn't really-"
(Towa's Voice) "W-What? No. I'm afraid it's not as pleasant as that. It's about Fodlan."
Kazuma's casual demeanor suddenly vanished. It had been nearly four years since he and his party left Fodlan. And if they were suddenly calling for him, then that means-
(Kazuma) "What's happening there?"
(Towa's Voice) "I'm not sure. The situation seems to be a bit murky. All we know is that Sitri called us for help. I've been trying to get everyone we can, but...It seems like we'll only have the three of us. We understand if you have your own duties to attend to in your world."
Part of him did NOT want to go back to Fodlan. It wasn't simple like this world, there wasn't any clear cut good or bad guys. And yet...
(Kazuma) "...I'm in."
(Towa's Voice) "R-Really?"
(Kazuma) "If our friends are in danger, say no more. Besides, it was always hard to say no to you, Towa."
(Towa's Voice) "Heh, I'll be sure to remember that Kazuma. Just call me back when you're ready!"
(Kazuma) "Got it."
Kazuma put the crest on the table as he looked around. Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin probably wouldn't be home for another couple days.
(Kazuma) "If that whole time passing bullshit is the same as last time..."
Years in Fodlan meant minutes in his world passed. That wasn't something he could risk. He rushed to his room and put on his adventuring gear, taking his tracksuit as well.
Making sure his sword was on his belt and the cape on his back was adjusted, he found a piece of paper and wrote a note before leaving.
Fodlan is in trouble. House Isekai is getting called. Get your asses in here ASAP.           - Kazuma
Leaving it on the table where the crest was, Kazuma sighed deeply. When he wanted something to do, this was NOT what he envisioned getting. He was glad at least some familiar faces would be there to greet him. Kazuma had no idea if he was actually ready for the upcoming fight, but there was one thing he knew. He couldn't run away, as much as he wanted to.
Not after so many friends died protecting that world. Unlike him, they don't get to resurrect and try again. So in the end, it looked like this was up to him, Rean, Towa, and Aigis, apparently.
Well, this isn't the worst combo Sitri could ask for.
(Kazuma) "Towa? This is Kazuma. Let's send in the cavalry."
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn
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[Part 1 Here]
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ndnp-art-ct3 · 6 months
Heaven and Hell
So, in the Area 990 universe, I don't really have it follow any pre-existing religion (that I know of)
I have something sort of like a heaven and a hell, but it's all very different to how many people believe it is.
(CW for death and after-death talk under the cut.)
There isn't really a "Heaven." When a living being dies, they go onto Mort's death train and go from that plane of existence to the next one, called the Afterplane. I don't have this place as fleshed out as I should, but I have a few vague disconnected ideas for it.
When you die, you sorta get frozen in time until Mort comes to you during a collection. He takes you into his train, along with everyone else who died since the last collection instance. The process taking everyone to the Afterplane takes a few months.
Angels, or guardian angels, are people who have died, but still want to check up on someone who's alive. It has to be someone they knew personally while they were alive, so like... Famous people don't have a gajillion guardian angels on them at once. You actually can be a guardian for multiple people, but you have to have had a close relationship with all of them to do so.
There are jobs you can take. These jobs are mainly various things helping Divina manage the Afterplane. You don't have take a job, but if you do, you get special privileges as a guardian angel. Essentially, you can do various things to help out whoever you're guarding.
Of course, there's lots of other things I gotta figure out, but those are a few ideas I have at the moment.
Hell is a lot more fleshed out, which like... Yeah, I have a shit ton of demon characters.
It's not where bad people get sent to be tortured, in fact nobody goes there after they die. Hell, it isn't a bad place at all. It's really just a place where demons come from.
Demons aren't inherently evil either. Some are bad, but they're really just people. People with lives, people who have businesses, people who both exit and enter Hell into the surface dimension, people you can be good friends with, who would stand by your side through thick and thin. You just gotta know 'em.
Demons come in all different sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, etc.
All demons are immortal. Well, they can pass if their body gets damaged enough. But when that happens, their consciousness sticks around and descends back into hell, where they become reconstructed. This usually takes a long time, so demons typically try not to die.
All demons have something called a Hellscape. This is essentially an area they can go to. All Hellscapes are stored in an infinite plane, so they can't run out of space. All demons basically have free housing just by being a demon.
Many demons have magic powers that they can use. It's not universal. Some demons are extremely powerful to the point of being reality benders (like Zlaxubuth the Powerful), while others have no magic demon powers at all (like Crimson Satcher). Most demons are in the middle, and they're usually specialized abilities, such as converting currency. (Many business-running demons have this.)
All demons can possess people. By phasing themselves into another person, they can do a demonic possession. Demons can possess other demons, but more powerful demons can stop less powerful demons from possessing them.
And uh... That's all I can think of for now.
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 10 months
The Consort - Chapter 18 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Oh? And who exactly will take you away from me, Finn?"
I want to say Brayden but my lips can't seem to find the strength to say his name aloud.
If being taken by Axel was a set-up, he's certainly not going to come after me.
I don't even think Leo or Fiona would find me here.
That pretty much leaves Kelly, a vampire who knows about as much of me as I know of Axel.
Axel must smell my change of emotion because he lets out a terrifying laugh.
I hang my head in defeat.
"I must say," Axel says.
"Brayden was foolish to stay away from you as long as he did. After centuries of being a gluttonous blood-hound, I never suspected him to pass up drinking from a Nirv."
My blood heats at the mention of Brayden's name.
The way Axel talks about him, though, makes it seem like the two know each other on a personal level.
Maybe they're even friends, if vampires believe in such a relationship.
Wouldn't that just be the acidic icing on this bitter cake?
I repeat Axel's words in my head, trying to figure out what he means about Brayden being a blood-hound.
Brayden never spoke to me about his earlier vampire days.
Now that I think about it, Brayden's really never said much to me.
He's a mystery, one which I unraveled all wrong.
Axel reaches for another cracker and presses it against my lips.
I take a bite and chew slowly, appreciating its buttery texture before it slides down the length of my throat.
His eyes never leave my face. He almost seems fascinated with me.
"Tell me," Axel presses.
"Did he ever try to feed from you?"
The various rejections from Brayden haunt my memories like a bad dream.
"No," I answer softly.
"He didn't."
Axel laughs again.
He reaches his hand up to me again and his cold finger traces a line down the length of my neck.
I shiver from his touch but he doesn't stop.
He continues to trace the path of my veins, his touch both soft and possessive.
"I hope one day he comes back and realizes his mistake," Axel whispers.
"Because on that day, I will happily let him see you."
I can't mask the surprise wiggling onto my features.
Axel wants Brayden to come after me?
"W-why?" I ask.
Axel cradles my face with his hands.
"Because, Finn. There is something about Nirv blood that we have managed to keep a secret from the entire human species as well as most of the vampire population as well."
My heart hammers in my chest waiting for him to explain.
His red eyes continue to brighten the longer he's with me.
I'm sure Axel is in no short supply of blood.
Even if everything Brayden told me was a lie, at least one bit of information was true, my blood is hard to resist.
I can see it every time Axel and I lock eyes.
He wants to feed from me.
And the second I regain my strength, he will.
"Nirv blood is very powerful, as I'm sure you are now well aware," Axel continues.
"It allows a vampire immunization against all other poison. What most humans and immortals don't realize is that once the blood of a Nirv has been tasted by his first vampire, it becomes deadly poisonous to all others."
"What does that mean?" I ask, suddenly worried.
Axel smirks and leans in.
He presses his lips against mine a single time.
When I don't respond to his kiss, he pulls away, undeterred.
"The first vampire to taste your blood will automatically claim it. It's not a choice," Axel explains smoothly.
"It's a special power of a Nirv's blood. It recognizes the vampire who owns it and any other vampire who tries to feed from you will die. Your blood becomes far more poisonous to us than ours ever could."
I stare back at Axel, wide-eyed.
If what he's saying is true, after he feeds from me, I will be his forever whether I like it or not.
Any vampire who tries to feed from me in the future, including Brayden, won't be able to make it out alive.
"Of course, no one will know your blood has been claimed," Axel says, and there's a victorious gleam in his eyes.
"Even after I feed from you, your blood will remain just as desirable and delicious as it is now. So unless they inspect you like I have done, they won't know a thing."
He releases his hold on my face.
Once again he trails a line down the path of my vein using the pads of his fingertips.
His touch makes me tense but the primal side of me aches for more.
I have felt so alone for so long.
To be wanted, even under such grotesque pretenses, is a need that's gone ignored for quite some time.
Shameful tears slip down my cheeks but this time Axel is too focused to wipe them away.
"But they won't have that luxury," he whispers.
"They won't be able to search every inch of you like I have, looking for teeth scars or needle marks. They won't have the time or the self-control. I'll put you in front of them and watch every last one of them sink their teeth deep into your veins before withering away to dust."
All my life I have been a pacifist.
I am calm by nature.
Some might even call me a push-over.
Now I am about to turn into the deadliest weapon of all.
A single sob escapes my lips.
As much as I want to be rid of Brayden forever, I secretly want him to be here to save me.
I want him to sink his teeth into me, claiming me before anyone else has the chance.
Even if he doesn't want me, I would be willing to be his forever.
Axel finally notices my tears and he leans forward, pressing a kiss to each and every one of them.
His hands move down my torso and slide around my lower back.
He leans into me, hugging me against him with such a possessive desire that it's hard to keep my thoughts together.
"Get your rest, Finn," he says against my ear.
"Because the sooner you are feeling better, the sooner we can have our first, blissful feeding together."
I cringe, hating the way my body reacts to his words and his touch.
He kisses me beside my jugular before pulling away.
He feeds me one more grape and then grabs the blindfold again.
Without saying another word, he slips it over my eyes.
He presses his lips against mine for a single, lingering moment.
A cold, foreboding chill dances up my spine and spreads to my shoulders.
And once again, all I see is darkness...
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notladylikes · 11 months
"there's something....wrong with her."
her father and step-mother are in the kitchen, and she's hiding in the hallway, careful steps to reach the threshold, never crossing, just listening.
etta picks at her cuticles, back pressed against the wall, trying to control her breathing. she musn't make a sound, musn't alert them to her presence.
father hates snooping, and she's liable to get a wretched punishment if she's found out.
you're the older sister. you're supposed to set an example for grace. you're supposed to behave.
etta thinks it's a load of horseshit.
they're talking about her, likely having found out that she's been sleepwalking and roaming the halls of the boarding school at night. how she enters the building is anyone's guess, she's woken up quite a few times, drawn to areas of the school that she wouldn't dare enter when she was awake. etta winces just thinking about it, a shiver drawn up her spine.
"blame her mother,"
her step-mother would say, her usual go-to when something happened involving etta.
"it's her mother's fault she's fucked in the head."
etta's mother had a psychotic breakdown, likely from years of abuse at the hands of her father, shortly after henrietta was born. it wasn't long after that henry married another woman and started up his rightful family, as they called it. a new wife, a new daughter, and a leftover in the form of a blonde haired blue eyed little girl.
they'd started her on pills when she started speaking with her mother's 'ghost' - or what they believed to be a hallucination. she despised her father, her step-mother even moreso. the pills managed to dull her senses, make it nearly impossible to communicate with the afterlife.
soon enough her only friend, the visage of her mother would fade from memory and henrietta was left to her own devices. the sleepwalking would cease and she'd just be 'normal' but still never good enough, in her parents eyes.
"she's been sleepwalking again."
henry mused, cigarette perched between his lips as he inhaled the fumes from the stick of tobacco. she could hear victoria scoff, like she expected nothing less from the 'damaged child'.
"something must be done." 
henrietta knew what that meant. the hospital. stark white walls and restraints holding her down. she'd experienced it a few times in her youth when she was really disobedient - while her parents claimed they were 'praying for her'.
"maybe she's possessed."
henrietta mocked her step-mother's voice, but the shift of movement in the kitchen caused her to clamp a hand over her mouth, careful not to breathe, not to make a sound. it soon passed, as victoria rested her arms against the counter, mere feet away from where henrietta lay in wait.
"i'll call the doctor in the morning."
her father says, and henrietta pushes off from her spot in hiding and scurries up the stairs. she must act fast - she's had this planned since the last incursion. they wouldn't put her through that again, not this time.
etta goes to the closet, digs through boxes and old toys until she procures a backpack, a little dusty, but filled to the brim with supplies for her escape. she'll leave at midnight, when they're all set to be asleep.
when the time comes, henrietta leaves a small note for her sister - the only thing person she regretted leaving behind. she was normal, she'd be safe. they wouldn't harm her.
like a regular cat burglar, she climbs out of the window and drops down to the damp grass below, holds tight to her bag, and starts running.
she runs til she can't breathe, til her lungs ache, til her muscles burn. but it's worth it, and she pushes herself just a little further. just a few more strides, just a few more feet.
henrietta finally collapses near the trunk of a tree, pulling the backpack onto her lap and using her jacket to cover up with from the incoming hint of rain that threatens to fall from the sky.
there is a smile on her face.
for now, she is free. 
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shiningsight · 2 years
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Lusia Pacuvius- just your average human, so it seems. Though with a flamboyant appearance and often wearing suggestive or revealing clothing, as well as having a personality that many would call "weird," few would ever guess the true divine identity of this mysterious person. Though their occupation varies across different worlds, they are often a wanderer who is a fan of philosophical thinking, and can be a bit of a nightmare to track down. Due to their ability to travel between universes and settle down in different roles, this is not a concrete list and will likely be updated with time.
Public Knowledge:
Their name has Latin origins.
They're "35" years old and a nonbinary woman. Their "birthday" is May 12th.
They're openly pansexual and biromantic.
They very quickly catch onto any language. Some would almost describe it as unnaturally quick, but if you asked her, she would simply call it experience.
They're not the easiest to track down and contact. Though they do have a phone, their phone number isn't something they give out left and right.
Lusia is able to sing and draw.
They can't cook for the life of them unless it's like chicken nuggets or something.
Their handwriting is also disastrous, though it's vaguely legible and therefore gets a pass.
They are multilingual and also know morse code.
Lusia is a part of multiple organizations across different worlds- these organizations usually center around sciences, animals, and/or adventuring.
Semi-public knowledge (knowledge that can be found with some digging or with one or two personal interactions):
Lusia tends to have a special talent for talking to animals and other non-human creatures.
Besides wearing suggestive or revealing clothing, they are quite fond of sexual activity.
To add to this, Lusia has infertility. Though they've never outright said this, it can be deduced by the fact that they have had regular unprotected sex and have not gotten pregnant.
They have experience with healing.
Observing them from afar is one thing, but only if you talked to them would you realize how deep their knowledge of pretty much any physical science goes. They know things that even full-fledged professionals don't know or don't fully have a grip on.
Private Knowledge (things that are typically kept to Lusia and their close friends):
Lusia is an immortal deity- and if not in Pokeverse, a deity from another world.
Lusia has both a dragon form and a centaur form, with the centaur form being both the peak of their power and the peak of their emotions.
Their original name is Palkia, which is also the name that they tend to go by in non-human forms, unless given another name by the locals of a world.
Lusia only has one parent and generally avoids talking about them.
They are in possession of light magic and power over space. The former is the reason that they have a lot of experience with healing.
They sometimes have night terrors about what Arceus did to Giratina or about Arceus finding them outside of the Pokemon universe.
Lusia is TERRIFIED of the concept of time, inevitability, and immortality. They know it's necessary as an incarnate of infinity and the growth that leads to infinity, but that doesn't stop them from being terrified of it.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Most people are surprised to hear that, between your two Lords, your fondness lies mostly with Scaramouche.
Part of it is purely economic. Childe takes your rejection as a challenge, a battle yet to be won with gifts and compliments and gentleness, whereas Scaramouche's more domineering, more demanding, more likely to take any hint of bias that doesn't lean decisively in his direction as a sign of disobedience, a sign that you'd already forgotten the feeling of his hands around your throat and his riding crop against your back. The choice is obvious, even if your answer isn't necessarily true.
For all intents and purposes, Scaramouche is your favorite. Not that you'd ever chose either of them, if you had any other option.
There are other reasons, too, no more sentimental, but... other reasons, still. For as little as you'd care to give it to him, you know what Scaramouche wants from you. A shoulder to rest his head in, a hand to hold in his own, a mouth and a pair of lips to coo sweet nothings and comforting mantras as he pretends that he has no choice but to be as cruel as he is, that violence is what he's owed after such a long life of being given so little. He has his mood swings, sure, his moments of brutality, but no matter how long the storm might last, lightening rarely strikes the same place twice. You're no stranger to his aimless wrath, but it does little to keep you up at night.
Childe's desires are more nebulous, less predictable. He calls you a lover, rambles on about vows and rings and a retirement spent in a quaint cabin nestled deep in the Snezhnayian mountains, and as far as you can tell, he genuinely does think he's telling the truth when he says that he'd rather gauge his own eyes out than ever do anything to really, actually harm you. He says he doesn't want to hurt you, but he doesn't seem to think anything of burying his teeth in the side of your neck, of forcing you onto your knees in front of him, of sending you out into the snow, barefoot and bleeding, just so he can smile and laugh and hunt you down as you do your damnedest to put that much more distance between you and him. He doesn't have a temper, and he's never been the type to hide his anger, but that's just how Childe is, that's just what it's like to be around him. Even on the clearest days, when the wind is at its calmest and land is in sight, you're still treading water, still trying to head above the waves.
At least with Scaramouche, you know the danger will eventually pass. Childe is a riptide, in comparison, constantly trying to drag you into his depths.
They do clash, sometimes, when they've both been called back to the homeland and they find themselves with enough time to argue and bicker, to drag you from one lap to another, to pull and tug and claw until you're rendered little more than a toy to be torn apart by two selfish children who can't seem to learn to share. Scaramouche's always been jealous, too insecure to ever let his possessions stray from his side, and the future Childe claims to be striving towards doesn't seem to include another Harbinger, another rival for your affection. They yell, more often than not, scream, fight, and when you aren't careful, when you forget that you're less of a companion to be loved and listened to and more of a well-groomed pet to be collared and competed over, you might fight, too, argue that they're both unbearable to be around, that you could never love either of them. You might. And they might hear you, too.
They might think to remind you that, when when lightening and the sea decided to clash, the only person who ever truly gets hurt is the poor soul trapped between them.
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mguvmii · 2 years
Akane(boy), Yamabuki (Lemon), Teru and Kou when their S/O ex flirts with them :O
hi anon! Omg I can't believe I got a request to include Lemon! He's such an underrated character I love him so much 😭 he's a total mood too I kin him. Hope you enjoy! Lots of love from Beth ♡!
characters ; Akane (boy) , Lemon , Teru , Kou , gn!reader
note; unless you send in a specific gender, I write gender neutral readers
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- he knew you had a terrible ex and hated them. Didn't even try to hide it. He promised to protect you if they ever showed up again. You didn't give him a name.
- surprise! The next day , his s/o's ex showed up! Turns out your ex was also a student in a grade above you. The only reason he knew it was your ex was because of your expression.
- he glared at them, hoping to scare them off. It didn't work. Your ex isn't worthy of being in your presence.
- when your ex approached you and had the audacity to FLIRT with you in front of him? Oh he was so mad.
- he immediately embraced you. He pulled you far away from your ex and got upset with him.
- " Don't think you have another chance with them, they're MY s/o now not yours. You didn't treat them right what makes you think you deserve them now?"
- after he was done yelling at the guy , he dragged you off somewhere as far as the school would let him. Protectiveness 100% you're his love.
- you found the way he stood against your ex cute. To see how much he cares made you happy.
- long story short, he pretty much issued a restraining order on your ex 💀 not actually but he made sure your ex didn't see OR approach you at all.
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- at first glance , you didn't think he'd care. I mean, he's almost always on his phone posting on social media about his daily life.
- don't let that fool you! Lemon actually DOES care! He cares a bit too much that it can be kind of overwhelming so he tends to pass things off nonchalantly.
- it happened after school. You both were in the gardening club tending to some flowers together. It was a special time where Lemon WASN'T on his phone. You two were talking, sharing smiles and laughs. He held onto your hand it was nice.
- until this person approached you and smiled a little too friendly. Of course , Lemon knew you knew this person. It wasn't until your ex said "Y/n I'm sorry about treating you horrible" that he realized this was your ex.
- yes he rolled his eyes at the other. He found your ex's words insincere and it made him upset.
- Lemon didn't immediately get super angry though. If anything , he squeezed your hand and tugged your person to his side to ground himself.
- your ex knew Lemon was your boyfriend. It was clear. What made him even more upset was how your ex was flirting with you in front of him.
- compliments , sweet nothings you name it. Of course , you were uncomfortable and upset yourself.
- bring out protective boyfriend. Lemon HATED seeing you like this so he pushed you behind him.
- he had a nonchalant attitude when telling off your ex, yet his words were scary.
- "You've already had your chance and blew it. You deserve as much attention as the dirt. Get out of here before I hurt you."
- Lemon will threaten your ex with slandering him all over the internet. This mf definitely found dirt on him and threatened to post it telling the whole world. Your ex was scared off.
- you're really grateful Lemon helped you :( he loves you so much. The boy will ask if you're okay and hug you tight.
- his threatening kept your ex away for sure. Lemon still ended up slandering them on the internet that night 💀
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- I feel like he'd have a similar approach as Lemon , except he gets a bit more protective and just a tad possessive. (Not in a yandere way 😰)
- you two were organizing papers in the classroom for student council while eating some half decent cookies Teru tried making the night before TT
- someone knocked on the door and your ex showed up. Teru knew what they looked like because you told him in great detail.
- your ex asked you to talk in the hallway for a moment or two.
- "No. They're not going with you."
- Teru was super quick to shut them down 💀 you reassured him though that it was okay and you'll be back.
- Teru wouldn't let you go but eventually he caved and allowed you to leave.
- doesn't mean he didn't eavesdrop. The boy immediately stood next to the door and listened in on your conversation.
- your ex ended up apologizing, saying they were dumb to let you go , they would like a second chance bla bla bla
- your ex will tell you he regrets it , throwing in compliments. They'll flirt without shame in hopes you'll take them back.
- you said no 🙄 you already had a beautiful amazing boyfriend. Your ex hated that. Your ex made the fatal mistake of saying he wasn't good for you (fucking hypocrite.)
- Teru will be there quicker than you can blink, shielding you behind his body. Oh boy he has that scary glare on 😰
- "Unlike you I don't have a poor sense of judgement. Its not nice saying something when you're the same. It makes you a pathetic hypocrite."
- his icy tone man is enough to scare anyone away.
- he'll threaten them, even casually mentioning that he comes from a long line of powerful people. He'll also throw in how amazing you are and you deserve to be happy after the bs you went through with your ex.
- eventually your ex leaves without putting up a fight. You wrapped your arms around Teru's waist in a back hug. You loved him. Definitely chose the right one.
- Teru will make sure you're okay first and then gently lead you inside the classroom to continue.
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• He's the sweetest boy fr.
• you didn't mention your ex simply because they weren't worth mentioning. You had Kou now and you loved him.
• You found a note in your locker asking to meet them at the rooftop. Of course that's where Kou, Nene, Hanako and you eat lunch so you went.
• turns out it was your ex asking you to meet💀
• I head canon that when Kou finds out this is your ex, he'll be a bit insecure and doubt himself. Its just how he is.
• he will glare at them, hovering by your side as your ex spouted bs about wanting you back. Kou was sulking the entire time.
• he believed that you'll always love your ex, especially if they were your first. Hell no 💀 someone tell Kou your ex is trash.
• your ex knew Kou was your boyfriend, yet they decided to flirt with you shamelessly in wooing you over.
• Kou was shocked. He couldn't believe this person was flirting with HIS s/o. Nah protectiveness x10
• "You shouldn't flirt with someone who's already taken! Besides you don't deserve them there's a reason you're their EX. S/o is mine so hands off!"
• he'll use the 'im more powerful than you' card and flex on how he's much better. He'll also try and threaten them but it doesn't work. He's just too wholesome.
• Eventually he drove your ex off. You were grinning the whole time.
• he was so precious you felt like you didn't deserve him.
• give this boy reassurance. He's a little insecure and scared your ex somehow made your heart flutter again. Tell him your ex means nothing you have no feelings. You love Kou so much he's precious:(
• kiss him on the cheek for him to grow bright red! A kiss on the lips to make him malfunction.
• you were so grateful Kou was there to confront your ex and drive them off.
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