#Thg mockingjay pt 1
Peeta: I need advice.
Haymitch: with what?
Peeta: Love. How did you find out you were in love with Effie?
Haymitch: ...
Haymitch: I'm in love with Effie?
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He is so yummy 😋
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thisiswhatitfeltlike · 2 months
cough pls follow me on tiktok i swear im cool ! i make amazzzing edits ong (@folklor13an, as seen in the edit :3)
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agir1ukn0w · 3 months
sorry i can’t talk rn i’m rereading mockingjay for the first time since 2012 and i’m still bitter about effie not being in it and having to read f*cking plutarch and fulvia say her lines😤
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be HONEST honest. As someone who read through The Hunger Games trilogy, do you think Katniss loves Peeta?
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sparklestheunicorn · 4 months
Mans won't call them rebels bc he vaguely remembers three years of war, and then the years and years of it being used as a bad word
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snowangie · 4 months
snow on the beach.
a finnick odair x fem!oc series
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summary : in the heart of the capitol's glittering deception, Giselle Snow, granddaughter of president coriolanus snow, conceals her true emotions while working to undermine the hunger games. sent to district 4 after the 74th Games, she grapples with forbidden love for district 4's Finnick Odair. Snow on the beach is weird but fucking beautiful – Giselle is the snow, Finnick is the beach, an unexpected yet perfect harmony in the delicate ballet of their existence. As the quarter quell unfolds, panem becomes a battleground for love and rebellion, and Giselle faces a choice that will alter destinies and unravel the threads of her past.
warnings: swearing, smut, violence, mentions of death, mentions of torture, mentions of sex trafficking, weapons, trauma, mental illnesses
genre: angst, romance, forbidden love, violence, hurt/comfort
chapters: 1-flecks of lights , 2-life is emotionally abusive , 3-time cant stop me quite like u did
author’s note: i alrdy have six other chapters abt to be published real soon. the timeline will start from post thg and pre catching fire to the catching fire and the mockingjay pt 1 & 2 ! the story will get more interesting in the coming chapters i promise and i hope u enjoy reading :)
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chapter 1 : flecks of lights.
The grandiose chamber of President Snow's office in the heart of the Capitol was adorned with opulence that mirrored the power he held over Panem. Giselle Snow, granddaughter to the president, entered the room with a careful blend of poise and trepidation. The air was laden with an unspoken tension as she approached the imposing figure behind the intricately carved desk.
President Snow, seated in a high-backed chair, regarded her with a scrutinizing gaze. “My lovely... Giselle,” he said with an air of authority. “Sit.” His tone allowed no room for objection.
Giselle took a seat across from her grandfather, her posture straight and composed. “You summoned me, Grandfather,” she said, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of deference and curiosity.
He leaned back, fingers steepled. “The districts are proving to be more troublesome than anticipated, especially after that girl, Katniss Everdeen, became a symbol of rebellion. We need to ensure our control, and I have a task for you.”
Giselle inclined her head, a silent acknowledgment of her readiness to fulfill any duty bestowed upon her.
“You're to leave the Capitol,” President Snow continued, his gaze piercing. "Head to District 4. Keep an eye on the situation there. We need loyalty, not rebellion."
Understanding the gravity of the assignment, Giselle nodded. “Of course, Grandfather. I will ensure District 4 remains in line.”
His lips curled into a semblance of a smile, though his eyes remained cold. “You'll do more than that, Giselle. You'll show them who holds the power. Be a presence they can't ignore.”
Giselle's brow furrowed slightly. “I understand the need for authority, Grandfather, but isn't there a risk of inciting further unrest if I'm too forceful?”
President Snow's expression hardened. “You underestimate the importance of control, my dear. A firm hand is required to maintain order. You'll leave tomorrow. Ensure District 4 understands the price of disobedience.”
As Giselle left the president's office, the weight of her new assignment settled on her shoulders. Little did she know, this journey to District 4 would alter the course of her life in ways she never could have anticipated. The Capitol's gleaming façade hid secrets, and Giselle, bound by duty, embarked on a path that would challenge her allegiance and reshape her understanding of the world she was born into.
The nightfall brought a quiet stillness to the Capitol, but within the luxurious walls of the Snow's residence, the atmosphere was anything but tranquil. Giselle stood by the window, her gaze fixed on the neon-lit skyline, a stark contrast to the darkened Districts she was about to enter. A single thought echoed in her mind - her departure for District 4.
She turned around from the window to a big mirror across her bedroom. In the mirror's gaze, Giselle Snow emerges, a vision painted in the hues of winter’s embrace—like the quiet elegance of snow, her every movement a subtle cascade of crystalline grace. Her porcelain skin, as pale as freshly fallen snow, conceals a myriad of emotions beneath a facade of composure. Blue eyes, reminiscent of the frigid depths, mirror the legacy she inherits from President Snow. Raven tendrils cascade like delicate snowflakes, framing a countenance that masks both strength and vulnerability. Giselle, standing at a gentle petite height, embodies the quiet power of a snow-covered landscape, where the surface serenity belies the tumultuous currents beneath.
As dawn painted the sky with hues of rose and gold, Giselle prepared for her journey. The Capitol, a city of excess and indulgence, presented a facade of perpetual celebration. Yet, beneath it, Giselle felt a sense of isolation. The grand parties, the extravagant fashion, the Capitol's obsession with appearances – all seemed distant, detached from the reality she was about to confront.
Descending the grand staircase of the Presidential office, Giselle observed Capitol citizens engaged in their daily routines. Perfectly coiffed and adorned in extravagant attire, they moved with an air of detached elegance. She exchanged polite nods and practiced smiles, concealing the underlying tension that accompanied her impending departure.
In the bustling streets, hovercrafts glided overhead, carrying with them the distant echoes of Capitol chatter. “Love really is a wonderful thing, isn’t it ? Look at the District 12 victors.” Giselle caught fragments of conversations discussing the recent Hunger Games, a macabre spectacle ingrained in Capitol culture. Her gaze lingered on the lavish advertisements depicting this year’s victors and their glory.
As she made her way to the Capitol's central hub, Giselle couldn't escape the feeling of being a pawn in a grand, calculated game. The Capitol, with its towering architecture and ostentatious displays of wealth, seemed like a gilded cage, and Giselle, despite her privileged status, yearned for something more.
Amid the swirl of Capitol life, Giselle pondered the stark contrast between her existence and the struggles faced by those in the Districts. The Capitol's obliviousness to the suffering of its subjects weighed heavily on her conscience. She questioned the morality of her grandfather's orders, grappling with the realization that her actions would directly impact lives beyond the opulence of the Capitol.
As her hovercraft lifted off, carrying her towards District 4, Giselle cast a final gaze upon the Capitol skyline. The dichotomy between the sparkling facade and the dark reality beneath became a poignant metaphor for the life she was leaving behind. Little did she know that her journey into the heart of Panem would unravel secrets, challenge loyalties, and ignite a spark of compassion that could alter the course of the Hunger Games.
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On a crisp morning, Giselle found herself in the heart of District 4, standing outside a weathered building that served as a makeshift shelter for the elderly. Inside, a sense of community prevailed, but the challenges of age and limited resources weighed heavily on the occupants. Giselle, armed with a basket of provisions, stepped forward to lend a helping hand.
“Good morning, Alice,” she greeted, her tone warm and genuine.
The elderly woman, initially wary of the Capitol emissary, now greeted Giselle with a genuine smile. “Good morning, dear. You've been a blessing to us.”
As Giselle distributed essentials and engaged in conversations with the elderly residents, she felt a profound connection forming. The Capitol's representative had become a familiar face, not as a symbol of oppression but as someone who genuinely cared.
Amidst the camaraderie, a flashback flickered in Giselle's mind – a scene from her arrival in District 4. The initial reception had been marked by hesitancy and fear. The residents had seen her as an extension of President Snow's authority, an unwelcome reminder of Capitol oppression. Their guarded glances and whispered conversations had painted her arrival with skepticism.
Now, as she moved among them with empathy and compassion, Giselle recalled the gradual shift in perception. The people of District 4 had witnessed her dedication to easing their burdens, and the once-fearful gazes had transformed into looks of gratitude.
In the flashback, a moment stood out – a conversation with an elderly fisherman named Mr. O'Brien. “We don't trust your kind,” he had grumbled at the outset.
Giselle had responded with a soft-spoken determination. “Give me a chance to prove that I'm not here to perpetuate the Capitol's cruelty.”
Back in the present, Mr. O'Brien, now seated in the shelter, smiled at Giselle as she handed him a blanket. The warmth in his eyes spoke of acceptance earned through actions, not mere words.
The contrast between Giselle's arrival and the present scene was palpable – a transformation of fear into trust, of skepticism into gratitude. As she continued her efforts to assist the elderly in District 4, Giselle found purpose in bridging the gap between the Capitol and its districts, one compassionate act at a time.
Upon her arrival in District 4 a month ago, Giselle was ushered into a modest gathering hall where the victors of the district had assembled. Their eyes, seasoned by hardship and the harsh realities of the Hunger Games, bore a mix of curiosity and wariness as she entered. Among them, Finnick Odair stood out, an enigmatic figure with an air of both charm and caution.
Finnick, a living embodiment of allure and strength, possesses a sculpted physique that seems chiseled by the ocean's waves. His sea-green eyes mirrors the depth of the waters he hails from, and his sun-kissed hair carries whispers of the sandy shores. The 65th Hunger Games victor reminded Giselle of the beach, its warmth and unpredictability. The sand yields beneath his every step, mirroring the enigmatic allure that draws others in. His presence drawing the tide of emotions in an unpredictable rhythm with his exuding charisma.
Giselle felt the weight of their collective gaze as she approached, her every step echoing in the hushed room. The victors, each carrying the visible and invisible scars of their past tribulations, eyed her with a mixture of skepticism and guarded interest.
Finnick, his sea-green eyes piercing, regarded her with a cool detachment. She sensed an unspoken challenge in his gaze, a silent invitation to prove herself beyond her Capitol lineage.
One of the older victors, Mags, stepped forward, her weathered face etched with both resilience and kindness. “Welcome to District 4,” she said, her voice, thick with an accent that can hardly be understood, but a comforting contrast to the tension in the room. “We've been through a lot, and we hope you understand our apprehension.”
Giselle nodded, acknowledging the validity of their wariness. “I'm here to understand, to learn, and to help in any way I can.”
Finnick, leaning against a pillar with an air of nonchalance, finally spoke, his words laced with skepticism. “You're here to help yeah? That's a first.”
Giselle met his gaze with a steady determination. “I didn't choose the circumstances of my birth, but I can choose how I navigate them. Let me prove that not everyone from the Capitol is your enemy.”
The other victors exchanged glances, the room filled with an uneasy silence. It was Annie Cresta, another victor with a haunted expression, who broke the tension. “We've heard promises before. Actions speak louder than words.”
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Over the following days, Giselle worked tirelessly to fulfill those promises. She attended to the needs of the district, engaged in conversations with the victors, and gradually earned their trust through her genuine efforts to understand their struggles.
The low hum of conversation and the rhythmic clinking of utensils created a subdued ambiance during the communal dinner in District 4. Giselle, a newcomer to this close-knit community of victors, moved through the room with a measured grace, keenly aware of the mixed reactions to her presence. Finnick, surrounded by fellow victors, couldn't help but watch her, his initial hostility giving way to a guarded curiosity.
Giselle, though aware of the scrutiny, maintained her composed facade. Her poise unfaltering. Finnick's eyes followed her every move, the dim lighting casting shadows on his usually sharp features. There was a weariness about him that matched the weight of their shared experiences. Mags, ever perceptive, nudged Finnick with a subtle smile, as if to say, “Give her a chance.”
As Giselle took a seat at the table, the tension lingered. The conversations around them continued, a mixture of stories from past victories and the haunting memories of the arena. Finnick's initial hostility began to wane, replaced by a flicker of curiosity. Giselle, sensing the shift, decided to break the ice.
“Hello, everyone,” she said, her voice carrying a mix of confidence and vulnerability. “I know I'm not what you expected, but I'm here to navigate this journey with you. Let's make the most of it, shall we?”
As the dinner continued, the atmosphere shifted subtly. Finnick’s hostility waned, replaced by a flicker of curiosity that mirrored Giselle’s guarded demeanor. The room, filled with the stories of past victories and lingering traumas, bore witness to a quiet turning point.
Their eyes met across the room, an electric charge passing between them, almost like some flecks of lights. It was as if the air crackled with unspoken tension, a silent understanding passing between them. In that fleeting connection, Finnick glimpsed something beyond the Capitol walls Giselle wore—a vulnerability, perhaps, or a shared acknowledgment of the fact that they were bound together by the challenges of the Games. The road to trust might be uncertain, but that initial exchange marked the beginning of a connection that held the promise of unexpected alliances in the days to come.
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The coastal air in District 4 carried a sense of tranquility, a stark contrast to the undercurrent of tension within the district. Giselle, engrossed in helping a group of children repair a makeshift shelter, looked up as the oppressive presence of a Peacemaker leader, Captain Rawlins, loomed over her.
Rawlins, his uniform adorned with Capitol insignias, exuded hostility as he approached. “Giselle Snow,” he sneered, emphasizing her last name with disdain. “I've been hearing reports about your... tenderness toward these people. You forget your purpose here.”
Giselle, undeterred, straightened but maintained her composure. “My purpose is to ensure order and cooperation, not to crush the spirit of those who have already endured so much.”
Rawlins, a symbol of Capitol authority, leaned in with a menacing glare. “Your grandfather didn't send you here to coddle them. They need to fear the Capitol, not embrace it.”
As the confrontation unfolded, Finnick, who had been observing from a distance, couldn't ignore the palpable tension. His piercing gaze remained fixed on Giselle, his expression unreadable.
Giselle met Rawlins' hostility with measured defiance. “I believe in understanding before control. Fear only begets rebellion.”
Rawlins, unrelenting, hissed, “You'll do well to remember your place, Snow. This is not the Capitol. This is District 4, and they are not your equals. Next time you might not just be getting a verbal reminder.”
The Peacemaker leader retreated with a parting glare, leaving Giselle surrounded by a heavy silence. The onlookers, District 4 residents and victors alike, exchanged uneasy glances, aware of the delicate balance between the Capitol's emissary and the authority they represented.
Finnick, having witnessed the confrontation, approached Giselle with a softened expression. His sea-green eyes, once filled with skepticism, now held a glimmer of understanding. “ I guess, even the President’s granddaughter isn’t free.”
Giselle, her resolve unbroken, met his gaze. “No, Finnick. I'm not here to perpetuate the Capitol's cruelty. I’m not just Snow’s granddaughter. What Snow is and what I am is two different things. I want to make a difference. A good one.”
In that moment, the unspoken connection between them deepened. Finnick, seeing beyond the Capitol's facade, recognized Giselle's genuine intentions. The hostility of Rawlins had not only exposed the oppressive nature of the Capitol but had also illuminated the stark contrast between Giselle's compassion and the brutality she represented. As the whispers of dissent lingered in the air, Giselle and Finnick share a subtle nod of mutual understanding.
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The day was overcast in District 4, the sky reflecting the somber mood that often lingered in the coastal district. Giselle, having spent the morning assisting in a community project, found herself near the docks where Finnick was overseeing a fishing expedition. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the boats provided a backdrop to their conversation.
Finnick, usually stoic, allowed a rare vulnerability to surface. “Victors are supposed to be living in luxury, but I feel like a prisoner. Funny how I thought I would be free from everything when I won the games.”
Giselle, leaning against a dock post, looked at him with understanding. “Luxury can be its own form of confinement. Expectations, demands... it's a different kind of Hunger Games.”
He sighed, the weight of his past victories evident in his eyes. “They think they own us because we won. They parade us like trophies.”
Giselle nodded, recognizing the shared burden of being a pawn in the Capitol's game. “I never asked for this life either. Born into a system that expects me to follow its rules.”
As the conversation continued, they found solace in each other's shared experiences. Finnick spoke of the exploitation he endured, the Capitol's twisted expectations, and the toll it took on his sense of self. Giselle, in turn, shared her struggles with the oppressive nature of her lineage and the conflict she felt between duty and compassion.
Amidst the backdrop of creaking boats and the distant calls of seagulls, Giselle placed a reassuring hand on Finnick's arm. “You're not alone, Finnick. We're both prisoners of a system that values power over humanity.”
He looked at her, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his eyes.
She smiled at him, the connection between them deepening. “Maybe it's time we redefine what's expected. We can be more than the roles they assigned us.”
As the day unfolded, Giselle and Finnick found comfort in each other's presence. Their budding friendship serving as a source of emotional support in a world that sought to define them by their pasts. They became each other’s flecks of lights in their own darkness. In this shared vulnerability, they discover a connection that transcends the Capitol's expectations, laying the foundation for a bond that will evolve into something deeper.
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The evening was draped in hues of orange and purple as Giselle stood by the edge of the district, gazing out at the sea. Finnick joined her, and in the quiet solitude, the weight of their shared experiences hung in the air.
Finnick, usually guarded, allowed a moment of vulnerability. "I've never talked about this with anyone. The Hunger Games, the Capitol's demands... it changes you."
Giselle nodded, understanding the depth of his pain. "They exploit your victories, but they don't see the scars they leave behind. Victors are expected to be symbols, not people."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the water, Giselle found herself sharing her own struggles. "I grew up in the Capitol, surrounded by extravagance. But the more I saw, the more I realized how empty it all is."
Finnick looked at her, his sea-green eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and shared pain. "I thought you were just another Capitol puppet, but you're different. I can't figure you out."
Giselle chuckled, a bittersweet expression on her face. "Maybe that's because I'm trying to figure myself out too. I don't want to be a pawn in their game. I want to change things, even if it's just a little."
In the quiet admission of their vulnerabilities, a subtle shift occurred. Their friendship evolved into a connection forged in shared pain and a mutual desire for change.
As the waves rhythmically caressed the shore, Giselle sought solace in the quiet companionship of Finnick. With a gentle touch, she rested her head on his strong shoulders, finding comfort in the shared silence that echoed the unspoken complexities of their lives. "Beyond these roles, Finnick, we are survivors. And perhaps, in that truth, we will find something that transcends it all."
Finnick, usually guarded, allowed a hint of gratitude to soften his features. "Maybe you're right, Giselle. Maybe we can be more than the Capitol's expectations."
In that moment, against the backdrop of the fading sunlight and the persistent sound of the sea, Giselle and Finnick found solace in the shared understanding that they were not defined solely by the Capitol's cruel narrative. The breakdown of walls, the admission of vulnerabilities, became the foundation for a connection that held the promise of mutual growth and perhaps, even love.
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Days turned into weeks, and the connection between Giselle and Finnick deepened, unspoken emotions weaving through their shared moments. One evening, they found themselves on the same stretch of beach where they had first shared their vulnerabilities.
As they walked along the shoreline, the air thick with unspoken sentiments, Giselle broke the silence. "There's something about this place that feels different when you're here."
Finnick smiled, his gaze lingering on the horizon. "Maybe it's the freedom from the Capitol's expectations, even if just for a moment."
Giselle nodded, a subtle understanding passing between them. They had become each other's refuge in a world that demanded so much and gave so little.
Amidst the soft sounds of the waves, they sat on a weathered piece of driftwood, and Finnick's fingers traced absent patterns in the sand. “You know,” he began, his voice softer than usual, “I never expected to find... comfort in someone like you.”
Giselle looked at him, a mixture of curiosity and warmth in her eyes. “Comfort?”
Finnick hesitated, his sea-green eyes meeting hers. “Yeah. I mean, you get it. The struggle, the weight of it all. It's... comforting.”
She giggled, the sound carrying a tinge of vulnerability. “I never thought I'd find someone who understands this side of me. It's a relief, really.”
As the conversation flowed, the air seemed charged with an energy neither of them could fully comprehend. It was a dance of words, subtle glances, and shared silences, all painting a picture of something more profound than mere friendship.
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In the days that followed, their connection grew more pronounced. Each shared glance and lingering touch weaving a tapestry of connection between Finnick Odair and Giselle Snow. In the quiet embrace of District 4's soft evening glow, their growing bond took center stage.
Under the subtle luminescence of district lights, Finnick's thoughtful eyes met Giselle's, and he spoke words that hung in the air like an unspoken promise. "You're changing me, Giselle Snow. And I'm not sure if I want it to stop."
Giselle, bathed in the gentle radiance of the night, met his gaze with a mixture of vulnerability and resolve. Her lips curved into a soft smile, a response that carried the weight of unspoken understanding.
"Maybe change is what we both need," she whispered, her words a delicate echo in the quiet night. The soft sounds of their shared laughter lingered, a melody that spoke of the intricacies of their evolving connection. In that moment, beneath the district lights, Finnick and Giselle found solace in the uncharted territories of change and the magnetic pull drawing them closer. The lines between friendship and something more blurred, evolving into a connection that surpassed the constraints of their predetermined roles.
One evening, Giselle and Finnick found themselves on the outskirts of District 4, away from the prying eyes of the Capitol and the curious gazes of the district's residents. The moon cast a gentle glow upon the landscape as they stood on a secluded stretch of beach.
The air was filled with a tangible tension, an unspoken understanding that their connection was evolving into something more profound. Giselle, looking out at the vast expanse of the sea, couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing at the edge of a precipice.
Finnick, usually composed, seemed to be wrestling with his own thoughts. As he looked at Giselle, a shared silence unfolded between them. In that unexpected moment of intimacy, their eyes met, and a connection deeper than words was forged.
Without a word, Finnick reached out, his fingers gently brushing against Giselle's hand. It was a subtle touch, a gesture laden with unspoken sentiments. In that brief contact, the weight of their shared experiences, struggles, and unexplored emotions seemed to converge.
Giselle, her heart echoing the rhythm of the waves, looked at him with a mixture of vulnerability and understanding. The touch lingered for a moment longer than necessary, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that was growing between them.
As they continued their quiet stroll along the shoreline, a shared secret hung in the air. Finnick, breaking the silence, spoke softly. "There's something about the sea at night. It makes everything feel... honest."
Giselle nodded, the moonlight casting a glow on her features. "Maybe that's why we find ourselves here, away from the facades and expectations."
In the midst of the tumultuous waters of Panem, Giselle and Finnick discovered that unexpected moments of intimacy held a transformative power. Whether it was a shared glance, a fleeting touch, or the exchange of unspoken truths, these moments deepened their connection, creating a bridge between two souls navigating the complexities of their world.
As they continued to walk along the beach, the sea whispering its secrets to the night, Giselle and Finnick found solace in the unexpected intimacies that wove their connection into a tapestry of shared moments and unexplored emotions. Neither both of them fully realized the depth of their emotions, but the unspoken understanding between them spoke volumes, paving the way for a love that was quietly blooming amidst the complexities of their world.
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doylldonmagar · 1 year
Watching THG: The Mockingjay pt. 1
Finnick breaks my heart.
Why are the buildings in D12 still smoldering?? It was bombed when Kat ended the games, and then she's asleep for days and has time to get more or less settled at D13, enough that they know they have to cart her back to bed most nights, so why is the district still smoldering??
If someone could remind me what the deal is with the white roses, that'd be great. I know they're Snow's signature, but the powdery stuff??
I don't think prim realizes this, but if you can't sleep that does not mean you want your little sister to sleep in your bed. Also I'm not a fan of her Aged By The War Wisdom TM.
I also hate the nickname Little Duck.
It's fascinating to see the capitol's side as they plan to bomb the injured. The fact that they would sink so low as to kill the dying. Like, that's not gonna win the war, it just makes a statement.
Gale comes into her room saying he's got good news, and you know Kat is hoping for Peeta to come back, but Gale's like We can go hunting now 👍👍
Gale makin moves is so icky. Make him stop. Not him being lowkey manipulative with his "I knew you'd do that, cause I'm in pain. But don't worry it'll pass." Shut up
Love Peeta
Aww Finnick
How is Kat's hair so clean??
Why is her hair always in her mouth?
Maybe this is just my memory, but in the books, finnick's propo is for information purposes, in the movies its to jam signals and break Annie, Johanna, and Peeta out.
The way Coin manipulates everything in her speech.
If I were watching as the movies came out, I would freak out at the end.
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starrrbakerrr · 3 months
In your opinion, please rate thg movie series with 1-5 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 3=neutral, 5 = I love it.)
1.The Hunger Games :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
2.Cathing Fire :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
3.Mockingjay part 1 :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
4.Mockingjay part 2 :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
Thank you 😊
I have many drafts of unanswered asks and I’m finally getting around to answering! Thanks @curiousnonny :)
1. THG = 2.5
I don’t hate it and it’s not terrible, some of it is really good actually like how they did Rue’s death. I think my biggest qualm is how poorly they set up Everlark and somewhat mischaracterized Peeta. I remember watching it in theatres and being very disappointed. Having read the book first, it just wasn’t how the world and characters looked in my mind so it was a hard adjustment and I still feel disconnected from the movies. I distinctly remember questioning why they made the cornucopia silver and futuristic when in the book it is described as golden and looks the standard Thanksgiving cornucopia lol (side note: I know the book cornucopia seems unrealistic or out of place in high tech Panem, but I just think it being unrealistic is kinda cool because it’s a remnant of North American culture)
2. Catching Fire = 4
It’s my favorite, and I think a lot of that stems from Catching Fire being my favorite book of the series. They did change some things and it wasn’t perfect. I don’t like how they played up the triangle more than it was. Most of the changes were reasonable however and Everlark’s chemistry was amazing. The beach scene is the best moment of all movies. The entire Quell was great and the standout.
3. Mockingjay Pt. 1 = 3
4. Mockingjay Pt. 2 = 3
I actually never saw the Mockingjay movies until they were on Netflix last year and I can barely remember anything 😭. But I ultimately think they’re better than the first movie. Good, solid 3.
Overall with the Trilogy movies, I think they are really good acting wise and effects/production, but they aren’t the best adaptations of the overall story. I also love the books so much I’ll always be picky about the movies.
Gonna add in TBOSAS –
I’m gonna give it a 4.25 even though I like Catching Fire more. I think it’s casted really well from lead roles to minor roles. I was disappointed in some changes, like lessening the roles of Coriolanus’s classmates (particularly Clemensia and Lyssie). I don’t like how they killed everyone with the snakes lmao. Especially Reaper, though I loved that they had him speak to really get the point across to audiences that didn’t read the book and for that reason I thought it was unnecessary to make him have some sacrificial death. Ngl they dragged out the actual games a bit more than needed when the before and after the games is more interesting to me.
I wish they delved more into Sejanus individually and his relationship with Coriolanus. I love Sejanus so much 🥺. Overall though I think the changes made sense to make the story more digestible and clear to movie audiences. I feel less attached the book so I’m more lenient towards the movie adaptation. I could care less about Snowbaird, but I think TBOSAS is the most thought-provoking book of the series. I think they their best to get the point across. Though I really do hate that because of the movies people have given Snow excuses for his actions and try to justify the very toxic relationship he has with Lucy.
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Johanna, grabbing Finnick by his collar: SAY THAT YOUR SORRY!
Finnick: IM SORRY
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Rereading The Hunger Games rn and I can't get over how poorly done the first movies were when it came to Peeta.
We had a male lead who was gentle, emotional, kind, funny, and soft. The movies took these "feminine" traits and water them down to being a weakness instead of someone who has been through hell and back and tried to never let the Captial change him.
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thisiswhatitfeltlike · 2 months
When did u first see the first hunger games? -Elvis 🎀
i think i watched it with my cousins a few years back (i js dont remember it 😭), but the i recently rewatched it in november while waiting for tbosas to release in theaters, just to refresh my memory!!
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angelsh0143 · 5 months
Coriolanus Snow Brainrot pt.1
(because apparently, he is my new favourite character). So. Yesterday night I was scrolling through my Tik Tok fyp, peacefully enjoying TBOTSATS edits when I came across a video about how similar Gale and Coriolanus are and my brain just esploded like BOOM. I've spent basically all day thinking about this parallel when a thought hit me; what if Coriolanus Snow was from the 12th District. So here are some thoughts. First of all I have to say that when I thought about this I kinda put Coriolanus in Gale's place to try to understand if they really are that similar so think of it as if I grabbed coriolanus and dragged him in Gale's time leaving a hole in his timeline. This has to be said because obviously coriolanus is an active agent in the creator of the structure of thg's world. So let's try to understand what world this is. First of all, do the Hunger Games still exsist? My answer is no. As we see in TBOTSATS coriolanus had a great part in the making of the games as we know them and that before him they were rapidly losing their popularity. coriolanus' classmates didn't seem to have ideas on how to renew the games and I don't think someone could have seamlessly replaced him; coriolanus was arguably smarter than most of them, generally a much more horrible person and more motivated and; in his perspective the districts didn't simply brought war into his home but they took away his family and, most importantly, the power and wealth he was "owed".
Not mention that the public wasn't enthusiastic about them (at least til coriolanus decided to interview the tributes ); until that moment the hunger games had been boring, ugly to look at and not lucrative. There is no reason why The Capitol, that was still trying to rebuild itself, should have devolved precious resources to what they thought of as a waste. Yeah sure, Viola Davis wanted them to continue but I don't think it would have been enough since even the supposed creator of the games wanted to put a stop to them. So no hunger games; we'll go back to this later. Now, the lack of hunger games don't particularly influence the institutional structure of Panem dictatorship; districts are still divided and isolated, some more privileged that other and obviously 12th is still the worst district. (maybe, just maybe life is a little bit better than in the books because I do think that coriolanus worsened 12 living conditions after TBOTSATS events but it's really insignificant).
Now, how does coriolanus feel about 12th? For all his flaws and faults, Gale was a pillar in the Seam; he was protective of its people, provided for them and generally cared for them. coriolanus is definitely different. (no surprises here). My best guess is that he would think he is inherently superior to everyone around him and would profoundly hate the district; he'd feel like he doesn't belong to 12th, because he is destined for something greater and better. He also probably identifies with the Capitol citizens or the first two districts, seeing them as worthy of his respect. Now, coriolanus deepest desire and motivation is power and it doesn't stems from the shame of seeing his family glory's fall and his determination to restore it nor from the need to escape poverty and protect himself. Craving power is the core element of coriolanus personality whether he is in the Capitol or anywhere else. But the word power is not enough to describe what coriolanus wants; he needs absolute control. He wants lucy gray in cage, the mockingjays (a symbol of panem loss of control) gone. But there is no way to get that type of power in district twelve and coriolanus knows this. He would become a peacekeeper because it's the only way he has to escape the district and clibe the ranks. Not to mention that if coriolanus was born in district twelve he would enjoy immensely the new power that being a peacekeeper gives him over the people of the distrcit.
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SOOOOOOOO I decided to reread the entire Hunger Games trilogy as an adult and then write about it. Thanks to everyone who commented on my question about Katniss loving Peeta. I agree with most of the points. I do think she does just not in the way we’re used to. Wrote about all of that and more. Check it out!
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lubixings · 1 year
im rewatching mockingjay pt 1 and i finally remember why i had such a strong dislike for the thg movies...it wasn’t necessarily the movies themselves (although i do have certain issues with them) but it was bc white ppl were like omg the capitols actions are so horrible :( how could anyone ever do this :( but like refused to think about how this actually happens irl to brown and black ppl 
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fairlyang · 3 months
I was trying to find the song that played in the back of mockingjay pt 1&2 but I can’t fucking find it 😭😭 it plays after the hanging tree is sung but IDK WHAT ITS CALLED- it might not even just be the thg series😀
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