thichnhathanhgems · 9 months
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Everyone has the seed of suffering inside. Sometimes it slumbers in the depths of our consciousness and sometimes it manifests as a very noticeable energy. When suffering manifests, it’s difficult to feel joy or happiness. The practice of conscious breathing and mindful walking or mindful sitting can help us handle the suffering inside. Our suffering is not only our own suffering. It carries within it the suffering of our father, our mother, and the many ancestors who have transmitted it to us.
Our suffering also reflects the suffering of our people, our country, our society, and our world. When we understand the nature and roots of our suffering, then compassion and love can arise. We go home to ourselves and get in touch with the suffering inside. Practicing conscious breathing, we generate the energy of mindfulness and concentration. These are the energies with which we can recognize and embrace our suffering. If we don’t have the energy of mindfulness, the suffering may overwhelm us. But if we breathe in and out and allow our body to be relaxed, we can generate the energy of mindfulness and concentration, and with that energy we can embrace our suffering and hold it tenderly.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
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johndunwin · 1 year
The Wonder of the Present Moment: Unpacking Thich Nhat Hanh’s Mindfulness Meditation
Uncover the profound joy in Thich Nhat Hanh's mindfulness meditation, experiencing peace, interconnection, and the wonder of the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh, a revered Zen Buddhist monk, teaches the practice of mindful breathing, encouraging us to dwell in the present moment and recognize its innate wonder. His meditative phrase “Dwelling in the present moment, I know it is a wonderful moment,” encapsulates the essence of mindfulness and the joy of being present. Let’s explore the depth of this powerful phrase. Arriving at the…
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epicforwards · 8 months
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"The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them."
-- Paulo Coelho
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manifestisnow · 2 months
Everything is inside of us all . We all have part of God within us. We are holograms of God. So believe in what you want to manifest and make it happen in your mind. If you need help then try these affirmation videos while you sleep.
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luos-ytpme · 1 year
Một trích dẫn của thầy Thích Nhất Hạnh khiến bạn cảm thấy bình an khi nghĩ về cái chết:
“Khi ta nhìn lên bầu trời và không còn thấy đám mây mà ta yêu quý đâu nữa, ta nghĩ rằng đám mây đó đã chết, nhưng sự thật là đám mây đó vẫn đang tiếp tục tồn tại nhưng dưới hình tướng là mưa hay những hình tướng khác mà thôi. Sinh và diệt chỉ là những hiện tượng mà ta nhìn thấy trên bề mặt. Nếu ta nhìn thật sâu thì không có sinh cũng không có diệt, chỉ có sự tiếp nối không ngừng. Khi ta tiếp xúc được với bản chất không sinh không diệt thì ta không còn lo sợ cái chết.
Đám mây không sợ chết, vì chúng biết rằng nếu chúng không phải là một đám mây thì chúng có thể trở thành một cái gì khác cũng đẹp không kém, chẳng hạn như mưa hay tuyết.” (”Không diệt, không sinh, đừng sợ hãi”)
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shreemwellbeing · 1 year
Beautiful words by @thichnhathanh on healing our inner child 💜
#innerchild #thichnhathanh #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #fascia #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#embodiedhealing #tadworth #banstead #surreyuk
#vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
#selfawareness #selfworth #selflove #selfcompassion #selfhealing
#trauma #emotionaltrauma #healyourself
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lindasaccoccio-7 · 2 years
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Drawing based on an entry, #33 “A Leaf in a Whirlwind” By John Muir And a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh In a book, “Meditations of John Muir, Nature’s Temple” Compiled and edited by Chris Highland 2 December 2022 12”x9” #abstractart #contemporaryartist #drawing #color #pencil #music #movement #california #december #2022 #lsaccoccio7 #johnmuir #thichnhathanh https://www.instagram.com/p/Cltv8GkJ0_x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zenwavevibes · 6 days
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Voici une proposition de tweet pour partager cette image inspirante sur X (anciennement Twitter) :
"Au cœur des tempêtes, trouver la paix grâce à la méditation. Cette image de @InspirantWisdom illustre les mots de Thich Nhat Hanh : "La méditation n'est pas une évasion, mais une rencontre sereine avec la réalité."
Malgré l'océan agité et le ciel menaçant, le méditant reste imperturbable. Un rappel que la pleine conscience permet de traverser les vents contraires avec calme et discernement.
Comment la méditation vous aide-t-elle à affronter les défis avec sérénité ?"
#Méditation #SagesseInspirante #PleinePrésence #PaixIntérieure #WisdomQuote #ThichNhatHanh #DéveloppementPersonnel
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buddhistbooks · 22 days
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"Trở nên xinh đẹp có nghĩa là trở thành chính mình. Bạn không cần phải được người khác chấp nhận. Bạn cần phải chấp nhận bản thân. Khi bạn sinh ra là một bông hoa sen, hãy là một bông sen xinh đẹp, đừng cố trở thành một bông hoa mộc lan. Nếu bạn khao khát được chấp nhận, công nhận, và cố gắng thay đổi bản thân để phù hợp với những gì người khác muốn bạn trở thành, bạn sẽ phải chịu đựng cả đời. Hạnh phúc thực sự và sức mạnh thực sự nằm ở việc thấu hiểu bản thân, chấp nhận, và tự tin vào chính mình."
Thích Nhất Hạnh.
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quotenova · 1 month
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There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/thich-nhat-hanh/x2ddp7
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thichnhathanhgems · 2 years
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The life of a civilization is like the life of a human being: at the level of appearances, it also has its life span and will have to end one day. Already there have been many civilizations that have been destroyed, and ours is no different. We know that if we continue to live the way we do, destroying our forests, polluting our waters and skies, disaster cannot be avoided. There will be catastrophes, floods, and new diseases and many millions of people will die.
If we continue to live the way we are living, the end of our civilization will be certain. Only by waking up to this truth as a human species will we have the insight and energy we need to change our way of life.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
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johndunwin · 1 year
Breathing in Calm, Breathing out Ease: Insights from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Mindfulness Meditation
Explore Thich Nhat Hanh's mindful breathing meditation. Discover tranquility through focused attention on the breath, cultivating calm and embracing ease
In the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Zen Buddhist monk, one finds the essence of mindfulness elegantly captured in the meditative practice of mindful breathing. Thich Nhat Hanh invites us to acknowledge: “Breathing in, I feel calm. Breathing out, I feel ease.” It’s a simple yet profound instruction, guiding us towards a journey of inner tranquility and harmony. Following the Breath:…
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epicforwards · 10 months
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"If you're brave enough to say goodbye,life will reward you with a new hello."
-- Paulo Coelho
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mycthefirefly · 4 months
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"When you are washing the dishes, washing the dishes must be the most important thing in your life." --Thich Nhat Hanh
Everything is a practice in mindfulness.
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birthdayimagewish · 6 months
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Explore a delightful collection of Happy Birthday Images Wishes Denzel Washington dedicated to the legendary actor. Share in the joy and send your best wishes to Denzel on his birthday celebration.
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