#Third World War
livastia-universe · 2 years
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I would like to make an announcement that it’s canon in Livastia that a lot of LAI and MAI are fans of the cartoons of and before our present day that feature sentient vehicles. Like c’mon look that them, they’re all such cute and sweet assumptions about what they were going to turn out like! The Magic School Bus holds a special place in my heart and it’s also one of the shows I blame for making me Like This, so I thought it was only fitting to turn the bus into a marketable plushie - also rare Pogo Foyer representation I haven’t drawn her in a while
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claudiosuenaga · 7 months
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Os altos poderes do Deep State se beneficiam duas vezes das guerras: primeiro, destruindo outros países e roubando os seus recursos sob diferentes pretextos. Segundo, trazendo milhões de refugiados para os países ocidentais e utilizando-os como mão-de-obra barata, para não dizer escrava. É aqui que reside precisamente a forte ligação entre o complexo industrial militar e o complexo industrial dos refugiados.
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melias-cimitiere · 2 years
Do you think nuclear disarment in all nations is possible? And if so how do you think we could achieve it? I feel like since these weapons of mass destruction were created it is just a net negative for humanity as a whole and leaves us all with a terrifying mass extinction and doom scenario hanging over our heads at the hands of psychopaths. I can't rest easy from it. It's insane that humans allowed this considering how so many world leaders right now are geriatric and highly unstable, only seeking power.
Yes, you are correct in that one cannot rest easy anymore. But whether they are unstable psychopaths, or elderly, or simply greedy and egotistical, wanting to create glory for themselves or to expand their empire - it all boils down to the same problem: if they have such power through nukes, and if they are willing to use them, the world is most likely doomed. I don't think many people can argue against that; to believe one can survive in a nuclear apocalypse like in Mad Max scenario is simply not something to be desired (or even possible). Let me elaborate; people think they can prepare for such a doomsday scenario - or that bullets or tin food will save them.
Ok, here are some basics:
1) ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) take approximately 25-40 minutes to cross the Atlantic, depending on where they launch. If they are launched from submarines or airplanes that are closer to the target, it could be even quicker. Assuming one gets warning through air-raid siren (or the news), there's nowhere to go (unless there is a nuclear shelter next to their house). Thousands will panic and trample one another on the streets, trying to get somewhere. Huge traffic jams will stop the traffic, block tunnels, causing chaos. All these people are doomed, if the nuke hits home.
2) if the nuke hits further away, and assuming it's smaller yield, kilotons instead of megatons, it can still cause chaos, EMP (the electromagnetic pulse will fry your electronics, no internet, no cellphone service etc) and the fireblast would engulf whole territory; the radioactive fallout will be in two stages: a) the immediate radiation emitted will kill, or cause skin burns and hair loss, including cancer; the rain (if it happens to rain) will be deadly to drink (people in Japan found out when they started to drink it, due to their thirst). Also, b) the fallout that will happen over several months, which will be part of the nuclear winter (if enough nukes are exploded globally). This scenario is very likely, as NORAD and other divisions are programmed to respond with deadly force, if attacked first; the same goes for the other side. In the nuclear exchange, even if many bombs or missiles fail to hit, getting exploded in the air, the world will become 80% uninhabitable.
 But let's suppose that it's a smaller scale war, and that more people survive after a limited nuclear exchange is done. Let's assume these people are still healthy, and able to go out. Go where? Petrol stations will empty in two days, and supermarkets will empty their shelves within a week, same as pharmacies. There will be nothing to buy; and no-one to go to work, to offer services. So looting will take place, and extreme violence. I believe that people are totally unprepared for anything like that, as neither them nor their parents have even lived through a conventional war, let alone such an armageddon. What will they do? 95% of those living in big cities will be doomed, in most scenarios, due to lack of services, starvation, thirst, and falling victim to extreme violence from other desperate people, that have now turned into raiders. The army or the police (if they are still functional) may try to contain some of it but the chances are they will be unable to stop the horror in the many millions of people that will be desperate and needing help; no electricity, no greengrocery, lack of petrol or medication... Even if people have stored ammo or tins, these can only provide for a small scenario - they can never truly have what is needed to survive. Many people will resort to suicide or will fall victim to ruthless others, or even cannibals.
 THE SOLUTION IS:  D O   N O T   H A V E   A   N U C L E A R   W A R.
 Nuclear disarmament is the only sane choice; but in an insane world, where people do not care enough for the world or even for themselves, I have ceased to believe that ALL the countries and their leaders are suddenly going to behave responsibly. It's naïve to think that; in fact, they seem all too eager to do their thing, and to hell with the consequences. So it falls to the people, to wake up and understand that their chances to change something are running out. They should apply pressure to their leaders to be listened to, and to take active involvement in such drastic measures; I know, many will think, "that's the politician's job, not mine". Yeah, but what do you do when your politician doesn't give a damn? It's YOUR world too, after all.
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lu2211 · 2 years
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rightnewshindi · 28 days
रूस की अमेरिका को चेतावनी, कहा, पश्चिम देशों की मिसाइलों से रूस पर हमला करने की इजाजत दी तो छिड़ जाएगा तीसरा विश्व युद्ध
Russia America News: यूक्रेन-रूस युद्ध के बीच रूसी विदेश मंत्री सर्गेई लावरोव ने अमेरिका को दो टूक चेतावनी दी है कि अगर पश्चिमी देश यूक्रेन को रूस के अंदर हमला करने के लिए लंबी दूरी की मिसाइलों का इस्तेमाल करने की इजाजत देते हैं तो मुसीबतों का पहाड़ टूट सकता है और दुनिया तीसरे विश्व युद्ध की ओर बढ़ सकती है। लावरोव ने मॉस्को में पत्रकारों से कहा कि अगर पश्चिमी देशों द्वारा आपूर्ति की गई मिसाइलों…
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zippocreed501 · 3 months
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Crisis #2
Cover art by Carlos Ezquerra
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dibelonious · 4 months
Trump in USA, Marine Le Pen in France, Bolsonaro in Brasil etc... Now i understand why the globalist NATO wants the third world war.
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 - Compilation Part 4
Compilation of strategy tactics games released on consoles in 1993, this is part 4 of 4 and features Shining Force II, Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game, Super Godzilla and The Mahjong Tōhaiden as well as Honourable Mentions for Tenka Tairan, Arslan Senki, Battleship, CD Battle: Hikari no Yūshatachi, Dark Wizard, Eiyū Sangokushi, Jangō World Cup, Kisō Louga, Mahjong on the Beach, Mega Schwarzchild, Pirates! Gold, Sexy Idol Mahjong, Super Real Mahjong PIV, Sword Master, Tadaima Yūsha Boshūchū and Third World War. 
0. Intro 00:00 
1. Shining Force II 00:15 
2. Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game 11:09 
3. Super Godzilla 21:24 
4. The Mahjong Tōhaiden 30:35
5. Honourable Mentions 39:01 
6 Outro 44:21 
For Other Compilation videos check out this playlist 
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tlverlag · 5 months
Ein kurzer Augenblick, der deine ganze Welt verändert.
Kinder der Bombe: Chenoa
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globalpulsenews · 8 months
Russia's parliamentary leader issues warning about a third world war
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jeintalu · 8 months
Slovak Prime Minister Fico said that he will block Ukraine’s membership in NATO, since this would mean the beginning of the Third World War.
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The most brilliant song I've ever heard! It starts off like a mournful folksy Joe Cocker number then suddenly turns into a fast punk number! Proto punk since this album came out before in 1970!
Stardom Road Part I Lyrics
Well I kicked on my mule
To parade me
Everyone else
Left and betrayed me
They said you ain't got the looks
And you ain't got the size
And you sure ain't no fairy
With sweet poofy eyes
And you won't, no you won't
No you won't get that load
Up stardom road
Well there's managers and producers
And all the queens you need
There's hangers-on and juicers
And they're all spaced out on speed
And when all the public see
And when all the people stare
They'll say look at him riding his mule upstage
He ain't going nowhere
He ain't got no...
Well, he ain't got no highway fare
Well I kicked upon my mule
And he obeyed me
Everyone else
Snuffed and belayed me
Said you ain't got the voice
And you ain't got the chords
Living in Basewater
On floorboards
And you won't, no you won't
No you won't
Take that load
Up stardom road
Stardom Road Part II Lyrics
You ain't got no highway code
You ain't got no highway code
You ain't got no highway code
Up stardom road
Info on the band here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World_War_(band)
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
Cláudio Suenaga na Live com André de Pierre falando sobre os OVNIs ABATIDOS pelos EUA e Canadá, a Agenda do GRANDE ENGANO e a Guerra contra a China e R��ssia
Especialistas se questionam sobre a origem e intenção desses objetos não identificados, possível avanço tecnológico e avaliam se os objetos abatidos pelos Estados Unidos representam um novo patamar na tecnologia aeroespacial, enquanto o mistério em torno de sua origem e intenção continua intrigando cientistas e autoridades.
Inscreva-se no Canal de André de Pierre: https://www.youtube.com/AndredePierre
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Adquira aqui meu último livro “As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?” https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
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pwrn51 · 11 months
We delve into the Israel-Hamas conflict
  In today’s episode of “Lest We Forget – Historical Show,” we delve into the Israel-Hamas conflict. Lisa Skinner provides the latest updates on the situation, including the ongoing closure of the Egyptian border, the unfortunate discovery of two hostages found deceased, and President Biden’s address on October 19th. Additionally, Lisa sheds light on the concerning rise in anti-Semitism. Lillian…
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backofthebookshelf · 10 months
I know I'm a week late but I do think people are misunderstanding the point of the Anthony Bourdain quote about Kissinger
The point was never "Anthony Bourdain has good politics and is an unproblematic fave," the point is that even someone with mainstream liberalish politics who goes to Cambodia for a food tour - a, let's be honest, very bougie type of trip to be part of your job - and has a basic understanding of history and a bare minimum of human decency can come away from that bougie food tour wanting to murder Henry Kissinger with their bare hands. The point is that Henry Kissinger fucked up this country so bad the only reason he wasn't lynched decades ago is because it's on the opposite side of the world and the people who were in proximity to him never really saw what it was. The point is that if we could see firsthand what our First World politics do to the Third World we would understand that monsters walk among us and it's a cultural failing that we let them die at home at 100 years old surrounded by their friends and family.
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
गाजा युद्ध को रोकने के सभी प्रयास हुए विफल, क्या होकर रहेगा तीसरा विश्व युद्ध; जानें अमेरिका क्यों हो रहा बैचैन
Third World War Fear: गाजा में चल रही जंग को 10 महीने से ज्यादा हो गए हैं और इजरायल-हमास के बीच महायुद्ध ने अकेले गाजा शहर में 40 हजार जिंदगियां लील ली हैं। हजारों मासूमों का कत्ल होने के बाद भी यहां हर दिन धमाके और लाशों के ढेर मिल रहे हैं। गाजा में युद्धविराम रोकने के कई प्रयास भी किए गए लेकिन, वो सभी नाकाम रहे। इजरायल और हमास इसके लिए एक-दूसरे पर दोष मढ़ते हैं। अब अमेरिका ने हाल ही में यह…
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