#This didn't come out like how I wanted it
peachesofteal · 1 day
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warning: postpartum depression requested by multiple: mama's family
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"Where's my baby?!"
You can practically hear your teeth grinding together as you give your aunt a tight lipped smile. "He's due to get up any minute." She sighs, like it's an inconvenience, your mom hot on her heels.
"Hi honey," she says, glancing around your now pristine flat, "how are things?"
"Oh, fine." It's the same thing you've been saying this whole time. I'm fine. I'm good. Everything is great. "Went to the pediatrician the other day, Ry is perfect and healthy." You omit the rest of your news, the sudden reappearance of Simon, the stable, consistent presence in your life, the man who was supporting you in anyway he could.
Even though you absolutely do not want your mom or your aunt to meet him, let alone know about him-
you still kind of wish he was here.
He told you yesterday, regretfully, that he had meetings on base all day today, and you told him your mom and aunt were coming by, but probably wouldn't stay long. It was good, that he wouldn't be around.
Before he left for the night, he made you promise to call if you needed him. Text him to check in. You did as he asked, but didn't hear much. Not a surprise, since he said he wouldn't have a lot of time to respond, but still wanted updates.
"That's great honey." Her smile is genuine, and you know she means it. She does mean well, mostly. It's not her fault you're bad at asking for help, or that since you left home, you've become stubbornly independent. You even spent a few years "gallivanting across the globe" as your sister liked to say, shirking responsibility after uni.
Your family was used to you being a bit of a ghost.
"- don't you think?" Your aunt's voice brings you back to earth, and you nod robotically, unsure of what you're agreeing to. You're about to apologize for missing the conversation when the baby monitor on the kitchen counter lights up, Orion's fussy 'I just woke up mom, come get me' cry crackling from the speaker.
"That's for me." You joke half heartedly with a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. You know the battle with ensue as soon as you come back into the living room with the baby, and you dread it.
"Hi baby." You bend at the waist, scooping him out of his crib. "You're gettin' too heavy for mama, big boy. Don't know what I'm gonna do when you're older." The thought stops you in your tracks, the acknowledgement that he'll get older, that soon he'll be six months, and then a year, two. He'll learn to crawl, to walk, to speak. It's exciting, and anxiety inducing. What if you mess him up? What if you don't give him a good life? What if you're not a good mom, or he gets sick, or there's an accident, or an attack or-
No. You're not going to do this. You're not going to fall into these obsessive what ifs. It will only make you sick to your stomach.
You get him into a new nappy and clothes before slinking back into the living room, cowed with your head down. His head turns against your chest, seeking, and you know he's starting to realize he's hungry.
But the vultures don't care.
"Bring that boy over here, let me hold him." Your aunt croons, syrupy sick voice conjuring a roar of nausea.
"He's probably hungry." You start to warn them that this won't last long as you lower him into her arms, but you know it will fall on deaf ears. "So-"
"Just get a bottle from the fridge dear, I can feed him no problem." You fight the urge to to snap at her, unreasonable rage swelling inside your heart. No one feeds him except you, and Simon. Bottles are fine when you're asleep and can't nurse, or between feedings, but he doesn't eat as much from them. Of course, you've tried to tell them that, multiple times, but it never seems to stick. Your mom knows, but she never stands up to her older sister.
Like mother like daughter, you guess. You've never been a doormat per se, but you don't have a strongest backbone, and becoming a mom has changed you, a lot. You've become even more soft, more sensitive. It's... a problem.
"How are you feeling, honey?" You know she's asking mostly about your body, your stitches, your physical aches and pains, which were plenty considering what you went through when Ry was born, but your mom's voice is gentle, like she senses you frustration, and you give her a weak smile. It's nice she's expressing interest, but that's usually as far as it goes, unless you count the meals she's brought over that you barely picked it, not having enough energy to even feed yourself, or shower, or the suggestion that you give her the baby all the time so you could 'take a break' even though he screamed the moment he was separated from you. Not helpful. Nobody cared that you had scary thoughts, scary moments, scary days. Nobody offered to be here at night with you, when you were all alone with the baby after dark, terrified, crying in the bathroom with your face buried in a towel so you wouldn't wake him. No one was here when you were afraid you might hurt him, or yourself, and no one seemed to hear you when you shrugged over and over again, your lack of interest in everything explicitly clear.
You sucked at asking for help, so you didn't. And when you did, you never got it right, or got the right answers, so you stopped asking. Everything became fine. Good.
"Fine, good." She opens her mouth to say something, ask some question, probably about Ry, when your blood goes cold.
The sound of your front door opening rings out like a bang, your eyes widening in panic, and you nearly run to the kitchen.
Oh fuck. Oh no, no no no-
You turn in slow motion to see your baby's daddy, the man who has a key now, stepping through the doorway. As soon as you lay eyes on him, you split down the middle. You're horrified, because of what's about to happen with the two hens on the couch and-
your libido roars to life. Simon's not wearing his usual jeans or joggers and black hoodie, but a camouflage military uniform. One that he fills out, broad shoulders and broad chest fitted snug inside the material. You think you're staring. Or drooling. Or both.
His lips quirk up on one side with a secretive, almost seductive smile, and he peeks over your shoulder before turning his attention back to you. "Hey mama."
"H-hey. Uh. Hi." Your hands uselessly flit around, like you're trying to swat some invisible bugs away or something. "My mom is still here. And my aunt," you can't help yourself, you take him in from head to toe one more time, "you look... nice."
"Price makes me wear my BDU for on base meetings." He grunts, slightly exasperated. Who?
"Battle dress uniform. It's... the approved, standard uniform. I don't wear it... in the field." His lips press together, and your mind wanders, curious questions about 'the field' popping up like fireworks, but you push them away. Now is definitely not the right time. His thumb brushes your cheek, under your eye, and he frowns. "Everything alright?"
You step to the side, motioning to the living room, where your aunt and mother are whispering fiercely. You roll your shoulders, and take a deep breath. "Do you... want to, say hi?" The question is weak, your voice small. His brow furrows. He looks hesitant, and you don't blame him. They're a lot. It's a lot. He glances down at you again, head tilted in consideration. "Or you could just go. If you ran out that door... well I'd only wish I could come with you." You whisper, and he cracks a smile.
"No. 'm not runnin' from any part of you, sweetheart. C'mon. They can't be worse than..." he trails off, odd look in his eyes before it clears, "they can't be worse than a lot of things."
He follows you around the corner of the kitchen, crossing the threshold of the living room with two large strides.
Your mother gasps. Your aunt makes a sound that you can only describe as a goose being strangled, and Orion starts to cry. Perfect.
"Oh, oh shhh, shhhh." Your aunt tries to soothe him, but you know it won't work.
"Mom," you call over the noise, gesturing to the giant man standing next to your coffee table, and you, "Mom! This is Simon." She stares at you, confused, shocked even. You never told her your one night stand's name, just that you couldn't track him down, so she doesn't make the connection.
Still, she gapes at him. Clears her throat with a question.
"Is this... your boyfriend honey?" Your aunt's expression is not much different, and you freeze. Is he? Is that what this is? You half expect Simon to reject the term boyfriend flat out, but instead-
"Something like that." His hand settles between your shoulder blades, and you lean into it, relishing the comfort. Just the presence of him in the flat is enough to soothe you, lessen the tension you feel building in your chest. "Sounds like he's hungry, mama."
"Yeah, I think he's more than ready." You reach for Ry, eager to pick him up, but your aunt shifts her body, shying away, turning her shoulder to you. You're used to this, the keep away, the way they always try to convince you he'll calm down, to let them hold him for too long, to get him a bottle... but Simon is not.
He goes rigid at your side. You can feel the muscle in his arm turn to stone, and his eyes narrow, upper lip curling. Your mother's eyes go wide, but your aunt remains oblivious. "I can feed him, dear. Go get a bottle warmed up and-"
"No." Simon snaps, rough pitch of his voice dipping deeper into the manc accent, and she bristles. This bitch wouldn't be scared of the devil himself.
"Excuse me?" You watch the muscle in his jaw flex with fascination, wondering what he'll do next. You're brought back to when you met, when he stared down the guy who pushed you out of the way at the bar like he was going to murder him, before calling you over to settle next to his thigh. He put his hand on your waist, shielded you from everyone else for the rest of the night.
You were a goner before you ever had a chance to begin.
"Orion wants his mother. You can hand him over without a fuss, or I can throw you out of this flat. Your choice." His words are hard, cold steel, a sharp knife slicing away, exposing vulnerable parts and smashing them to pieces.
Your aunt has the gall to look scandalized, but when you glance at your mother, she has a different expression. It's warm. Approving. She mets your eyes with a small smile as you scoop Orion up, and then she stands.
"We'll get out of your hair, honey." She tugs you into a half hug before looking over. "Nice to meet you Simon." Your aunt is ranting and raving all the way to your front door, but once it's shut...
"Bloody hell." He mutters, and shakes his head. "I won't let anyone push you 'round like that, sweetheart. Family or not. Especially not in your own home, I-"
"Thank you." It's all you can say. "I um, kind of suck at sticking up for myself, sometimes. It means a lot, that you would do that. For me." He steps close, hand covering Orion's belly and chest, even though he's still crying.
"Kitten doesn't have any claws," he murmurs against your ear, and your eyebrows knit together. Uh... what? "Don't worry, you won't need 'em. Not now that you have me." There's something dangerous in his tone, something lethal and profound. It’s as fervid as his proclamation about his commitment to you, to Orion. Like dark water, bottomless and black, it draws you out deeper, sends shivers up your spine, but doesn't turn you away. It makes you curious, intrigued, desperate to peel back his layers, to dig into him until you know it all, inside and out.
Curiosity killed the cat, isn’t that what they say?
You weren't afraid of him that night, and you're not afraid now. You know Simon is not an ordinary man. You know you've bitten off a lot, by having his baby, rekindling this connection, giving him a key-
but you plan to chew.
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phantomrose96 · 2 days
Season 3 Elias is so goddamn fucking funny to me I forgot what a rollercoaster he was during my first listen.
Like the s2 finale has Jurgen Leitner giving Jon the whole "monsters are real speech" and Jon's like "I need a cigarette. NO ONE get brutal pipe murdered while I'm gone" and Jurgen fails step 1 because Elias walks in and grabs Jon's point-and-click-adventure pipe he'd been carrying around and Brutal Pipe Murders. Which, of course, Jon walks back in on and is prime suspect #1 due to literally every single feature trait and word he's said in the entirety of s2.
So naturally s3 starts with Jon on the lam and Officer Tonner like "I'm gonna arrest him for brutal pipe murder" and I'M like "Shit. I hate this. Elias is going to SO easily pin it on Jon and get away with it."
EXCEPT Elias walks in and is like "hello Ms. Officer no Jon Archivist did not kill that man, also I won't tell you anything else, also this is what you sound like" while reciting all her childhood trauma and all her illegal activity that will get HER sent to jail for brutal murder of the non-pipe variety and now I'm like "....huh." He's also like "Jon didn't do it but you can kill him if you want maybe :)" Elias your alibi????
And then we come BACK with Jon storming Elias's office with his two lesbian bodyguards as back up and he's like "I'm gonna use my powers to make you confess to pipe murder!" At which point Elias is like "It doesn't work on me. But I'm having fun so Martin go get everyone I need to tell you all how I committed pipe murder." and Martin does and Elias is like "Yes I pipe murdered. I also killed Gertrude. I love murder. You will not be compensated extra for this time. Get back to work." And they... DO... just go back to work. Because work is haunted. One of the lesbian police officers works here now, too. This just happened. "Also living dolls from Russia are about to Apocalypse the world, Jon go stop it," Elias says, while also saying "no I'm not gonna tell you how to stop it."
Okay???? Mr. Elias man??? And you're like "maybe he's a ruthless tactician? Maybe he's brutal but it's all in the interest of stopping the doll apocalypse??? He wants to save the earth???" Except THAT'S not even true it's actually more like he's trying to get the Russian dolls kicked out of line at Disney World so HE gets to meet Mickey Mouse first by which I mean, start his OWN Apocalypse, because if the dolls do it first well then what's the point of apocalypsing a planet that's become someone else's sloppy seconds.
Anyway Elias's master strategy here is to bring the human equivalent of a drowned cat to the gun fight and just sit back and watch Jon fall down every set of stairs he finds while Elias goes "This is good. This will work." His name isn't even fucking Elias.
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dadvans · 8 hours
my favorite line in the entire bucktommy saga is maddie's reading of "wait, it's the same tommy?" because at that point you know this girl has been THROUGH IT way too many times in a short period, like:
her soon-to-be husband comes home. he just fake called out sick from work to fly into a hurricane with his closest coworkers, her disaster-prone brother she mostly raised included, to save his boss and his wife. he tells her all about it, adrenaline still pumping the day after he comes back from the COAST OF MEXICO, and is like, no, it's fine! see, my old co-worker tommy works in air ops and I saved his life once, and we used to be super tight--[insert 10 minute off-topic backstory about how tommy used to be a jackass but now he's different here]--until he moved away, and funny enough, buck was the guy who filled in for him? anyways, tommy's the coolest, we could've died but we didn't! how was your shift at dispatch, honey
her brother she pretty much raised comes over and also brings up this tommy guy. yeah, he's so cool! do you think it would be weird if i called him up and asked for a tour of harbor? he just seemed like a neat guy, i want to be his friend, you think chim would put in a good word for me?
her brother she pretty much raised comes over AGAIN and is like, okay FUCK this tommy guy, he's so cool and knows everyone and his meat is huge!!! my best friend likes him more than me and they're doing things without me and i'm so sad about this in a really abstract way, can i please have a bagel
her soon-to-be husband comes home in the middle of this and is like, yeah he's cool and knows everyone and his meat is definitely huge. LOVE that guy!
her brother she pretty much raised shows up at her workplace and is like, remember how i was experiencing jealous thoughts and feelings because the coolest guy i've ever met with the biggest meat isn't paying attention to me and is new besties with my best friend? i may have caused bodily harm about this and yes i did involve your almost husband as a co-conspirator
approximately 2-to-3 business days pass where she experiences quiet. maybe too much quiet
her brother she pretty much raised comes over for a fourth time and is like, i lied to my best friend who i was just telling you i was angry at and s l i g h t l y injured because he kept hanging out with this other guy i was trying to hang out with and totally unrelated but i went on this date with someone and lied to my best friend about it and oh yeah it's the same guy but that is so besides the point it's not even worth mentioning
justice for maddie
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acotarxreader · 3 days
Stress Relief
Azriel X Reader
Synopsis: Working for the Night Court has become near impossible with Azriel determined to drive you out the door but can a camping trip arranged by Rhys smooth things over.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut, frenemies to lovers, lots of dialogue, if you see a typo no you didn't
A/N: Hehe this kinda long but I wanted to keep the chaos to one part. I'm finding writing since Other Worlds a bit stressy so I think posting this nonsense will help with that and we can return to out regularly scheduled programming. Let me know what you think!
Requests open! (I am working on your Cass request if you see this anon👀 )
“YN you need to fucking relax”
“I suggest that you keep quiet Azriel if you'd like to keep your head attached to your shoulders” Azriel rolled his eyes at you from the couch as you paced up and down, trusty list in hand. 
“I’m just saying you’ll give yourself a heart attack”
“Hey! Do you want me to add your name to this list!”
“Az would only want to be on it if it's your To Do list” A pillow flew from alongside Azriel right at Cassian as he howled. 
“I’ll relax once we get there”
“Why do you get so fucking neurotic when it comes to travelling?”
“Why are you so fucking anno-”
“Okay okay stop it you too! We promised Feyre no fighting on Rhy’s big camping trip, she’s already upset Elain won’t come, just don’t add to her stress” You and Azriel groaned like scolded children at Cassian’s words. You counted the bags again, checking off your list as you went. Azriel stood to grab his bag, coming chest to chest with you before pushing past.
“I’m flying ahead because I can’t be around her uptight ass anymore”
“Aw you look at my ass” you smiled sarcastically as Cassian laughed in the background. 
You all finally arrived deep within the woods of the Night Court, luggage crashing down around the group. You couldn’t stop thinking that you had forgotten everything, glancing from the list to the pile repeatedly, your friends happily unpacking. The night had already begun to creep in, Azriel and you delaying the group by fighting about which was the fastest route to take. You busied yourself fixing up some of the tents as Azriel dug through the pile of bags in search of his own. 
“YN, what’s the plan for us sleeping together?”
“Excuse me?” you deadpaned to Azriel. 
“Sor-Sorry I meant the plan for sleeping?” he quickly corrected himself, his shadows doing their best to cover his rosie cheeks. 
“Well, Feyre & Rhysand, Cassian & Nesta, Amren & Mor and then I guess you and Lucien and then I get my own tent” you beamed, shaking a sleeping bag from its case. 
“Funny how that worked out isn't it” he remarked and you rolled your eyes but the group agreed to the sleeping arrangements, with further prodding for Lucien to agree. 
You gathered around the fire, feasting on the fire-roasted food Cassian did his best not to cremate, trading life stories in pure unadulterated ease, everything Rhysand had wanted for this trip. You swaddled yourself deeply into your sleeping bag as the fire began to sink beneath its tinder. 
“Do you regret leaving Summer Court for us YNN?” 
“I think I love the Night Court more than I ever could Summer” You smiled in reply to Cassian, your eyes flashing to Rhysand briefly before he launched into his favourite Tarquin story, Azriel noticing the fleeting glance seemingly tinged with an element of sadness. 
“You like it even though being an emissary to the Seasonal Courts clearly makes you want to pull your hair from your head?” Azriel whispered to you. 
“You and your antics are the only thing that causes me to do that, I seriously think you need a refresher training on diplomacy” you bit back to his sharp whisper. You had shared the job with Lucien but soon found yourself taking on the brunt of the work as Lucien was lost in Elain.
“You need to stop being so uptight seriously, I think you need to be fucked or something, anything to get you to relax” Your head whipped towards him, the group laughing at Rhysand's story, choosing to ignore the two of you, assuming it was an argument. You huffed out in disgust at Azriel, he watched your chest release the full capacity of air from your lungs before taking another deep breath. You shuffled slightly in the sheet, wrapping the sleeping bag tighter around yourself and facing back towards the fire. It was then Azriel realised he was fully staring at your chest. 
“I didn't…I didn't mean that I want to be the one to….fuck you…I meant …” 
“Just stop talking Az” you scoffed, choosing to listen to Rhysand instead as Azriel mentally cursed himself for losing his edge over you. The fire sank until it went out, the laughter from the group lighting the forest. 
“Okay, it's like 2am, time for bed kids especially if we’re going for the hike tomorrow” Rhysand stood, pulling a sleepy Feyre to her feet. The group said their good nights as you climbed into your canvas home. You stretched along the fabric floor and sank into sleep easily, tired from the day as you balled up in your opened-out sleeping bag. 
“Hey! YNN! Wake up!” 
“I swear to the Gods you better be a super polite Naga about to rip my head off otherwise you’ll wish you were” you breathed out without opening your eyes, the sound of your tent zip worse than a blaring alarm to your sleepy state. 
“It’s Az, I need to sleep in here, push over” he collapsed next to you without invitation, your hand sailing outwards to clock him flat into the chest with a thud. 
“Az, what the fuck? It's like 3am, get the fuck out we’re not braiding one another's hair!” you whisper-shouted at him while you sat up. 
“Lucien is snoring like he’s trying to deafen me and I don’t fancy interrupting Mor and Amrens beauty sleep and as for the mates, I don’t need to explain why I don’t want to go in there” you sighed at him as he gave you a look that said he wasn’t going anywhere. You sank back into the canvas, Azriel pulling the sleeping bag from you. 
“Az” you bit out. 
“I’m not going to freeze to death because you’re a blanket thief”
“You’re going to find yourself on the other side of the zip if you don’t go to sleep” you said, rolling into the slack of the sleeping bag, pulling it fully from Azriel. He almost grunted at the action, catching the end and whipping it from under you, sending you rolling into the wall of the tent. 
“Az!” you barked and he raised his hands up in surrender. You sank beneath the cover again, moving closer to Azriel to spread the sleeping bag more evenly. Azriels eyes fixed on the mesh vents on the tent roof, the sound of the night filling the tent.
“Do you ever think you’ll go back to the Summer Court?” Azriel broke the silence that filled the tent, you sighed before replying. 
“If you keep being a prick then maybe” you deflected the question successfully.
“I’m a prick because I care” You laughed at his joking tone, rolling to your side to face him more, hands tucked in under your cheek. 
“As much stress as you and Cass and your antics cause me, which is a lot might I add, I would find it very hard to leave you freaks” you half laughed, eyes still heavy. 
“We’d miss you” he admitted
“I mean who would keep your secrets from one another if not me” you teased. 
“What secrets?” you tapped the side of your nose lazily and Azriel nudged you slightly in annoyance at your grin. 
“Fine fine emmm.... Cass is the one who told all those females in the Rita's where to find you when you were home” you yawned into a light laugh. Azriel felt annoyance grow in him at this revelation, that had caused him months of being harassed by all sorts from every walk of life. 
“I swear I’m going t-”
“Just leave it Shadowsinger” you gave a small laugh, grabbing his hand as he went to leave the nest you’d both made, pulling him back down and forgetting to let go, you lost your fight to sleep then, entirely drifting back off. Azriel glanced at you sleeping peacefully next to him and found himself surprised at enjoying holding your hand beneath the sleeping bag. 
Azriel stayed awake for half an hour, staring up at the canvas above him, torn between the growing pain in his shoulder and not wanting to let go of your hand. The nerves felt like they were screaming as the muscles went dead in his arm, an idea coming to him. He quickly rolled towards you while releasing your hand and grabbing the other but he greatly misjudged the distance, sending his head straight into yours. You almost immediately dropped his hand to place it on the bump growing on your head, Azriel feeling regret for waking you but more so for letting you go. 
“You're such a freak Shadowsinger” You laughed half asleep before rolling in closer to him and draping your arm across his waist, pulling yourself closer to him softly, resting your head between the pillow and his chest. Azriel felt such an unfamiliar level of comfort at the movement but also a new level of confusion. 
You moved from next to him then, leaning on your elbow to prop yourself up and look at him as puzzled as he looked at you. 
“Sorry I-I don't know why I did that”
“Emm it’s okay YN…it was actually kinda comfortable…I’m ok-ay if you’re okay with it” he spoke the words with caution and you found a sigh of relief leave you that you didn’t know you had. You rolled away from Azriel to face the tent wall, his face slightly greying with nerves, had he been vulnerable to the wrong person? He braced for your rejection only for it not come, instead you shuffled slightly down and laid your back flat into his chest. Azriel cautiously moved his arm across your waist, only to have you catch hold of his hand and move it across faster, forgetting to release his hand again. 
Azriel nestled his chin on top of your head, pulling you in as close as he could as you both tangled your legs together. He felt so entirely comforted by how close you were to him…too close he thought suddenly. He shuffled in the bed a little to try to hide the part of him betraying any sense of secrecy he had about his changing feelings towards you. You just moved back to where you were, leaving him no place to hide. Azriel felt your whole body smirk against him as you traced little circles along the back of his hand with your thumb, he hated how you were winning. 
“You’re not hard for me to read Azriel” he definitely heard the smirk from you. He refused to let you win, he tried to push the embarrassment from his voice before speaking again-
“Well I hardly think that's surprising, I already told you what I think needs to happen for you to relax” he barely whispered, your body's turn to stiffen in the bed alongside him, he smiled with the point he won. 
Azriel slowly moved to hover his mouth above your neck, both so still in the movement that he could almost see the hairs on your neck stand on their end. He gave little thought to his next movement, now acting on his instinct as he met your neck almost painfully softly. He kissed you there until you found your neck flexing to allow him more access. A betraying soft moan of approval escaped you as Azriel smiled into the nips he gave you, gaining a further point advantage. 
You couldn’t let him hold the win for long as you began to push yourself into his growing length, a low growl escaping him before he reburied himself in your neck, more feverishly this time. Your hand wrapped tighter around his as you began to grind into him, encouraging him further. You rolled onto your back, Azriel now almost hovering over you and moved without thinking. He leaned down and met his lips with yours. Electric, you were electrifying one another. This night was going further than you both thought it would. Sex was one thing but kissing someone like that and feeling such overwhelming desire as a result was another thing. You both separated almost surprised at the waves of confusion mixed with yearning. 
“I-I didn’t mean to… I shouldn’t have…” Azriel didn’t know what he was saying, almost begging you with his eyes to say anything. 
“I-” you were cut off by the sound of Lucien's loud sneeze from across the fire pit causing you both to almost jump. It hit you both then what you were about to do, with all your friends mere metres away. 
“Night Azriel” was all you found yourself saying before rolling back to face the wall of the tent, not taking his arm with you. Azriel cursed in his head before lying back down on the canvas. He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, the thought of what could have been controlling his thoughts. He didn’t think you were asleep either but didn’t challenge you on it, what had you both done?
You rolled over to find the space next to you empty as the sun leaked in the thin canvas the next morning. You ran your hands down your face, cursing your actions from the night previous. You got dressed haphazardly, removing a mirror from your pack to braid your hair back, your eyes falling on deep maroon markings on the side of your neck. You traced them gently with your fingertips, a small smile escaping you at the memory. 
“YN! Get up! We’re leaving in 10” Cassian's voice accompanied him banging on the top of your tent, chasing your smile away. You ran your hands through the loose braid, separating it out again to cover the evidence of your lapse in judgment. 
You hauled yourself out through the soft door once you were dressed to find your friends all laughing at one of Cassian's stories, ready and waiting for you to set off. Your eyes landed on Azriel as he tilted his head back laughing before his eyes met yours, he almost instantly tore them from you and looked back to Cassian. 
The group set off bounding along the mountain in total ease, Nesta winding Rhysand up ahead of you and Cassian. 
“So YN…you gonna tell me why Az won’t look at you?” 
“How am I supposed to read that pain in the ass’s mind?” you replied almost too quickly to him as he raised an eyebrow, catching your hand and helping you up a steeper part of the path. You looked at the back of Azriel’s head ahead of you as he lead the group along the path to the waterfall. 
“Hmm likely story YN and tell me why I could have sworn I heard Az leave your tent this morning?” he couldn’t bury the teasing tone as you sighed. 
“Lucien was snoring so Azriel just stayed in my tent, no big deal” You could see the thoughts race through Cassian’s grinning face, you tilted your head slightly forward, ensuring the truth was still covered by your hair. 
“Interesting, I don’t know Lucien to be a snorer” He gave a small laugh as you raised your eyebrow, only getting a playful shake of the Illyrian's head in return. A sudden slap of mud met the side of Cassian's face. 
“That’s for Rita’s!“ Azriel shouted back the path, his hand having just released the ball of mud. 
“You told him YN!” Cassian’s head snapped to you as you howled with laughter.
“Must have slipped out?” you tried your best to lie, only to have the broad male throw you over his shoulder as you screamed in hysterics. He ran with you, the group all roaring laughing as they followed. You suddenly couldn’t feel Cassian under you as he flung you from his arms, landing with a splash into the large lake. 
“Cassian! I’m going to kill you!” you shrieked, the cold water bursting through you sending power coursing. You sent a tendril of water, playfully pulling Cassian from where he stood straight into the water alongside you, the group following suit in fits of laughter, leaving Azriel to watch from the rocks. Azriels eye caught the slight glimpse of his handiwork beneath your soaked hair, a pang of pride beating through him then replaced by panic. A shadow met the side of your face, draping your hair back to cover the markings. You looked towards Azriel and found yourself laughing at the action, he returned a smile. 
After a day of hiking and swimming and being a bunch of fools, you all came back to the campsite ready to feast on whatever you could scrounge up. 
“Okay everyone, it’s time to announce the reason behind this little trip” Rhysand announced to his family gathered around the roaring fire. 
“Well, as you know, YN has been with us now for some months now-”
“Unfortunately” you hit Azriel into the chest at his sarcasm.
“Anyways-” Rhysand threw a warning glance “-YN has helped to negotiate many our trade agreements and cleaned up many of our messes-” Cassian raised a glass to you at Rhysands words, the group laughing “-But anyway, I’m sorry to announce that I have failed as your High Lord in convincing her to stay with us” the group turned to face you in almost shock. 
“I know everyone I said-”
“-You said you wouldn’t leave” Azriel cut across you, semblances of pain dripping from his quick words. 
“I know Az but-”
“-No, you said you wouldn’t leave” his words turned to tones of anger, the group looking amongst themselves, feeling as though they were intruding. 
“Yes but Az, I’m needed at home, they’re still recovering from Amarantha and Tarquin needs m-”
“-But I- I mean we need you!” He stood from the log to look down at you, your sad eyes meeting his. Suddenly aware of the scene he was making he dissolved into shadow as you tried to call after him. 
“I better go-”
“No Cass, I'll go” you winnowed out of the clearing. 
Azriel crashed into his room in the House of Wind. Mixtures of emotions spinning in his head like the shadows around his heels. 
“Az” he whipped around to see you stood with your hands up chest level in surrender. 
“Here to pack your bags?” he chewed out. 
“Oh fuck off Azriel, don’t actually pretend you want me to stay” you matched his tone. 
“And why do you say that?” he snapped back.
“Because you’re the reason I’m leaving!” he took a small step back in shock at your sharp admission. He sat down on the edge of his bed, brow furrowing in thought. 
“What have I done to you?”
“What haven’t you done!? You go out of your way to make my job difficult, every motion I put forward you try to shoot down, you’re constantly following me watching every move I make waiting me to fuck up! Now you have what you want, I’m leaving!” you paced up and down in front of him, releasing the tension you held in your shoulders. 
“I don’t want you to leave” he sounded almost offended that you thought so. 
“You really think I want you to leave…especially after last night” he stood from the bed, stepping in front of you to stop your pacing.
“I thought that especially after last night you’d want me to leave” You half laughed.
“At least I guess I’ve given you something to remind you of me” he gave the smallest smile, his hand sweeping your hair off your shoulder to look at his busy work as you felt yourself blush.
“Don’t leave YN, who would I play with?”
“Cass maybe” you grinned, something seemingly darkening in his eyes. 
“I don’t want to fuck him” he breathed out.
“That’s not what Rhys told me” You laughed again before noticing his serious eyes. 
“Please don’t leave me YN”
“And what will I tell Tarquin?” you chuckled, unsure what to do with Azriels edgy tone. His hand found yours, hazel eyes fixated on you.
"Tell him you're preoccupied" "With what exactly" he moved closer to you with your words ever so slightly rattling out of you.
“Az if we kiss…this might become more than what either of us wants”
"What if its what we both want?" he was mere millimetres from you now, unable to fight against this magnetic force pulling you forward. Something bubbling between you both, the electricity coursing through the space between you both again as you kissed so sweetly. Your eyes snapped open to find his eyes meeting yours, gently pulling back from one another. Mate. Mate. Mate.
“YN- you’re my-”
“-Mate” you breathed while looking at him with such unadulterated love. Azriel burst into laughter with you following suit.
“Now you really can’t leave me”
“How convenient” you smiled, running your hands through your hair, Azriel tracing the bitemark's outline with his heated gaze.
“Care for some stress relief YN?” Azriels hands went straight for your hips, the feeling of the small calluses meeting your soft sides sent pulses down you both. He met your neck, the same place he had last night, cupping his hands beneath your lower legs and lifting you from the ground, your legs wrapped around his waist
“Why can't I keep away from you?” You breathed, the hairs on Azriel’s neck standing on their end.
“Why does that make me so happy?” Was all he could manage before reconnecting to your neck. Azriel carried you to the bed before throwing you down and closely following in pursuit. You knotted your fingers through his hair and forced down the moan trying to escape at the pleasure of having him nip you. You tugged his hair until he pulled from you to face you.
“I want all of you”
Azriel cautiously lowered his mouth to yours until they met again. Much like the first time electricity coursed through both of you but unlike the last time, neither pulled away, only growing hungrier.
You could feel him hardening against your thigh, no longer able to fight the little victory you were going to give him, you moaned gently. He smirked hard into the kiss before it became more feverish. Your hand ran across him beneath the fabric of his trousers, his turn to groan.
“You're wearing too many clothes” he rasped as you smirked and pulled your shirt from over your head, he gently caught your jaw as he kissed along it. 
“I want revenge for these” you smirked, wrapping your leg into his side to flip him so you straddled him on top. Your teeth grazed his neck with heat as he sat up in the bed with you on his lap. He pulled his shirt from over his head, his hands replacing on your hips to support you, his groaning encouraging you on.
“Enough teasing YN, I need you” he said darkly, flipping you onto your back and yanking your trousers free from your legs to discard them. Azriel kissed you sweetly before moving down the shape of your body, peppering kisses along the trail to your entrance. You felt your legs begin to tremble under his touch, begging for more as his fingers began to play with your clit, your hands tangling in his hair with a moan. 
“You’re so ready for me YN, its intoxicating” he began to kiss around you and slowly his fingers began to move in and out while he sucked your clit. You felt the tension build in your abdomen, the greatest realess you ever had just a few movements away until he stopped entirely. You looked down between your legs to meet his eyes as he moved to hover above you again, discarding his own trousers in the process. 
“You’re so beautiful YNN” Your hand met the side of his face softly before pulling him back down into a searing kiss. Your fingers began to drag up and down his bear back before tracing the spines of his wings as they began to splay in their relaxed state. 
“Is that okay Azriel?” you whispered watching his eyes close with the building pleasure. 
“Nothing has ever been more okay” he leaned his head towards your hand, taking the waves of pleasure in his stride before lowering back down to meet you sweetly. 
Azriel slowly then began to enter you, you both almost meeting your release at the feeling. He slowly began to drag in and out as the sensation grew with its addictive nature, he increased his speed, spurred on by your hitching breath. The pressure growing and growing and growing, your fingers digging into his shoulders as your back arched until the band snapped sending you into overdrive as every nerve in your body stood to attention and then exploded. You practically screamed his name sending him over the edge, returning the sentiment by moaning your name, collapsing next to you while riding out his high. 
“I had no idea how much I needed to hear you say my name like that YN” Azriel finally found some composure to rasp out, his arm wrapping around you, pulling you in. You tried not to cringe in embarrassment as you buried a laugh into his chest. 
“Don’t go shy on me now” he laughed, kissing the top of your head. You rolled onto your elbows to look into his eyes as they lit up for you. You hauled the duvet up around you, leaving a small corner for Azriel to tug at.
“Why must I be mated to a blanket thief?”
“Why must I be mated to a pain in the ass?”
Whatcha think friends!
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neil-gaiman · 2 days
Hi precious Mr Gaiman!! :)
I was wondering about the creative process in writing. When you reach the point, like in Good Omens, where you already have a solid world and characters portrayed, does it happen that you really want something to happen but you realise maybe it is not the best decision for the story you wanna tell?
For example, I was thinking how amazing it would be if we got to see the moment where Crowley fell. However, in my own thought I wonder if maybe that is unnecessary and just out of my desire to watch that deep moment of Crowley's existence. And so I guess that's where my question comes from, out of that curiosity of whether it has happened to you.
Did you had different scenarios in mind that you would have loved to explore, but decided it was better not to?? Or rather you work your ass and build up the path so the story can reach those points although it didn't seem a good choice at first??
Thank you so much :)
The most important thing is always the story. Some scenes get written or even shot but don't make it into the final version, just as some scenes get imagined but don't fit in the final script.
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erwinsvow · 2 days
is rafe every toxic or mean to shy!reader?
i think so.. maybe in the beginning when he's not as trusting yet and still like opening up to the idea that he has a girl who is completely devoted to him and not playing him or sneaking around... walk w me for this idea its a little stupid but its the best i could think of
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you'd been trying your best to be a good girlfriend to rafe—you weren't used to him, the kind of boy he was and life he had. you were more sheltered, a little too trusting when someone was nice and too eager to please.
so he gets a little carried away the first time he gets a glimmer of suspicion. because really, you thought it was harmless, wanting to get to know more about your boyfriend. you thought his closest friends would have answers for you, since his sister never anything nice to say.
you didn't like that—it was beginning to bother you more and more. the rafe that was your boyfriend was nothing like the rafe that sarah always described, and you didn't like how you felt about that either. maybe there was a hidden part of rafe that you hadn't been exposed to yet.
not that you wanted to be exposed to it anyways. you much preferred rafe how he was with you—always gentle and nice, not even raising his voice since you didn't react so well to that. and you, being who you are, knew what you needed to do. keep being a perfect girlfriend for rafe so he would never have to yell at you or get mad.
maybe it's a little fucked up. you don't spend too much time thinking about it, maybe because you don't really care. until you're forced to care, that is.
asking topper and kelce for their numbers seemed innocent to you, seemed like nothing at all. you wanted to know what to get rafe—his birthday was coming up and two whole months of dating him. you figured this was the best way to get some answers without appearing too suspicious—rafe would notice immediately if you went and started having entire conversations with his two friends.
unfortunately you're too sweet for your own good—always have been, always will be. you had smiled shyly and politely thanked them for their numbers, but nervously held off on actually asking them for advice until just today. and the two of them, rafe's friends as they are, are still boys. stupid, immature ones—you knew that much from sarah at least.
rafe picks you up for your date at seven on the dot. normally he comes to the door to get you but this time he doesn't—it doesn't matter since you were waiting by the window anyways. he leans over to open the passenger seat door from the inside for you and you beam up at him.
if you were a little less elated—you might have realized rafe always gets out to open the door for you. he helps you up because his truck is so high and you're a little unsteady in the heels you wear for dates.
you've got it tucked in your little purse—a nice watch, in a little red box. it's vintage and pretty and perfect for rafe. you had put topper and kelce in a groupchat this morning and asked what they thought something nice for rafe would be, something he didn't already have in spades.
you just want to wait until after dinner to surprise him with it—but looking at your silent boyfriend drive to the restaurant, you wonder if you'll get the chance.
he doesn't have to say anything, you can tell something's wrong. your smiling greeting had been met with a quiet hey, with no nickname attached at the end. there was no compliment on your new dress or how pretty your hair looked. and worst of all, he hadn't even smiled in your direction since you got in the car.
you must have done something. rafe never took out his bad moods on you. you just don't know what you did.
rafe parks at the restaurant, and you look straight ahead at the sun setting in the clouds, and then down at your lap instead of at your boyfriend, waiting. waiting for him to say something, waiting to figure out what's gone wrong.
neither of you say anything for what feels like ages. rafe sighs—heavy and with a distinctness, like he's annoyed and angry and though he's not saying it, that it's at you.
"c'mon. we're gonna miss our reservation." you look back at him with parted lips and big eyes. if you were a little more confident, more sure of yourself and not so reliant on others for approval, you would shoot back a witty yet cutting remark. it even burns on your tongue-is that really what you care about right now?
but you're not that girl, never have been and never will be.
"rafe, i'm sorry," you finally say, said with such sincerity you don't think you've ever meant a sentence more. "whatever i did, i'm sorry. you're so upset.. and i don't want to ruin dinner-"
"you apologizin' because you know what you did was wrong? or because you want me to stop bein' mad? which one?"
you're a little dumbfounded—you don't think rafe's ever spoken to you like this the whole time you've know him. and you still don't know what you did.
"no, i.. i don't know what i did. i'm just sorry."
it's pathetic, almost. but you are—hopelessly, pathetically in love. so much so you'll apologize without a reason, that you'll do anything to make your boyfriend stop being upset.
"kid, i-i know we haven't been dating that long, but you can't just go around flirting with my friends. it's just not-"
you don't even hear the end of his sentence. flirting? with rafe's friends? you could barely bring yourself to flirt with rafe, much less his friends.
"when did i do that?" you ask, your made-up face twisted in confusion and concern. "rafe, i would never. ew. no offense to them, i guess. but-"
"so you didn't ask kelce and top for their numbers? both of them?"
"is that you think? that i was flirting?" your spine straightens in your seat, cheeks aflame. "is that what they said to you?" suddenly rafe's concerns mean very little—had you given kelce and topper such an impression?
this was bad. this was very bad. that was sarah's ex-boyfriend, and you certainly didn't want your best friend thinking you were flirting with him. or kelce—who you were trying to get set up with your other friend.
"they said you asked for their numbers. that shit's not fun to hear from your friends, kid. s'fucking embarrassing-"
your face feels hotter, if possible. your cheeks are wet with tears, eyes burning with more. it is embarrassing. you should have known that, should have thought it through. of course rafe's friends told him, you hadn't told them to keep it a secret. swallowing painfully, you try to look back at rafe again but it just makes you want to sob.
"i'm sorry rafe," you say, hating how it comes out in between hiccups with fresh tears. "i-i was just-"
"just what?" rafe's tone makes you want to cry even harder. you rummage through your little purse—stupidly realizing you hadn't even brought a wallet, just your lipgloss and rafe's gift. you take out the tiny box, handing it to rafe.
"i-i just wanted to ask them their opinion. what to get you f-for our two months," you hiccup again, watching rafe stare down at the box. "i'm sorry. i'm really sorry, i would never-"
"shit. kid, i-they didn't tell me any of that."
"i just asked today. and i-i didn't tell them to keep it a secret, so it's my fault and i'm really sorry."
you probably sound pathetic—you certainly feel that way. you wouldn't be surprised if rafe turned the car around and dropped you back home.
"hey. hey. look at me. m'sorry, kid. i didn't know any of that. and this is a really sweet gift, okay? i like it. i love it."
you keep blinking back at rafe, unable to do anything else. you still feel stupid. rafe leans over, wiping away some your tears with his hand. you rest your head against his hand when it does it.
"are you still mad?" you ask quietly, still unsure what the answer will be.
"no, baby, m'not bad. i'm sorry."
"okay. i'm sorry too." you stay silent still, unsure what to say. this is the first time you've ever been in a situation like this with rafe. "i think we missed our reservation."
"yeah kid. pizza and ice cream it is."
"no. you can't wear your new watch for pizza and ice cream."
"sure i can. m'never taking this off."
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erosicisim · 2 days
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Stuffing Cloud's little boycunt with a vibrator on missions, held in by a tight pair of panties, until he collapses with fatigue. He juggles this off as a terrible nights rest to the others when they express their concern, then later watching him struggle to keep his thighs closed when they carry the blonde to the closest inn.
Once you tell the crew that you'd take care of him for the rest of the night, he's passed into your arms and quickly concealed behind closed doors without suspicion. That's when you shed him of his uniform to find his legs shaking and completely drenched with his sticky arousal.
The elastic that's wrapped around one of his inner thighs struggles to keep the end of the device stuck to his body too, and your thoughts trail off about wanting to take him there and then when he wobbles to the bed with a disgruntled expression on his face.
'Poor little lamb.' You rasp, a smirk veiled behind your fingers as you watch him struggle.
When he collapses he does so face first, ass in the air, until he brings himself half-up on all fours, glancing underneath himself and reaching down to pull out the device. As he's unable to, he lets out this high pitch whine in pitiful waves, having an extremely hard time verbalizing what he wanted to do.
'God, you made a right mess didn't you? I was hopin you'd beg me to fuck you during our lunch break or somethin. does this toy feel better than daddy's cock?'
As you approach the dazed blonde sprawled on the bedsheets, you do so slowly, finally reaching out to run a gloved digit up his messy folds and ending at his swollen little dick. When you play with him a small amount, you watch both of his holes squirm in excitement, being very counterproductive for him considering his sweet spot was being abused right now by the sex toy.
Cloud is able to spread his ass in this position, and he looks back at you with fuck-me eyes. He's not sure how many times he's came without you being inside him, but he needs to feel how warm and thick your cock is; vibrator in or out, he needs you to fuck every last bit of embarrassment you placed upon him, out of him.
'N-Need you. I can't- hick- take it anymore.' You instantly notice the wiggle his hips do when you prop yourself behind him, pushing back into your erection. You hiss a little.
'Cuz, y-your- hick- c-cock, 's soo big. 'nd thick. 'nd hot. Better than t-this toy...'
'Thank you,' you say, eyebrows lifting a little, but otherwise seemly unaffected. The only problem was, you were hard, and you did want him as much as he says he needed you.
'You're, um, you're still hard, by the way.'
You exhale slowly through your nose, shifting a bit behind him.
'Beg for my cock then,' you muse. Tears fall from Clouds eyes because of the overstimulation in his cunt. The toy hasn't been turned off yet, and he was close to another release.
'Please. P-Please fuck me, daddy' he grinds up into you, smearing his wet cunt all over your pants and dirtying them. you watch him with careful eyes.
'Oh? i like that,' you say, wetting your lips. 'Do you think you deserve to be fucked by your daddy?'
'I do, I do need it. I need you to fill my tummy up, with your cock. Please. Fuck me, just- do whatever you want with me.'
You then push Cloud to the mattress, propping his ass up underneath by the stomach with your hands. You pull down your pants and watch his legs spread further for you, which comes as an invitation to settle between them. Slapping your cock head a few times against his asshole, it twitches in response. And before cloud could protest, you slide into the wrong hole without hesitation.
It catches the blonde off guard completely, that has his legs kicking and squirming behind you.
'W-Wait! wrong hole!! Ah-' Cloud cries out as his asshole stretches to accommodate your size, and you fit forcefully.
'It's gonna rip!' You let out a puff of laughter, 'don't be ridiculous. spread your ass more for me.'
His face smooshes against the bedding and he obliges you, frown and everything displayed on his countenance. When he spreads his cheeks further, you stuff more of yourself into him, and finally, bottoming out.
Cloud swore that one push alone knocked the air out of his lungs, and he cums with a cry, legs shaking, wailing incoherent apologies.
'Tsk Tsk, so soon? I'm disappointed in you Cloud. I thought this was painful. i guess not...'
You begin to thrust into him slowly, gathering more of his slick between your fingers before finding his tdick again. When pinching it, he collapses into the bed and you have to hold him upright by the hips.
'P-Please...' he's so fucked out at this point that his eyes are beginning to roll back into his skull, drool slipping past the corners of his lips, and he's not sure what he is begging for right now... Does he want you to continue fucking him? Or does he want this toy out of his cunt, thats forcing each orgasm out of him as you explore the cavities of his asshole?
Either way, he's not quite sure. but the pleasure he's feeling now, he desperately needed. When he constricts around you again, you climb on top of him to thrust deeper reaching your own orgasm. This time he has a dry one, quivering below you as you brutally fuck him through your own high.
'That's it, take it like a good boy, fuck.'
You slap his ass as you pull out of him, stuffing your cum back into him with a finger. He twitches on the bed, half-conscious.
'You did well today, Cloud. But i'm not finished with you yet.'
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dollfacefantasy · 2 days
hiiii Kenny! here to request re6 Leon taking you out to dinner while controlling the vibrator you’re wearing. him just calling you princess and good girl because you’re trying so hard to keep a straight face while he makes you come repeatedly. then maybe he fucks you in the bathroom because neither of you can wait until you get home? 🤭🤭🤭
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pairing: sugar daddy!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: leon figures your dinner date is a good a time as any to test out the new toy he bought you.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, vibrating panties, public sex, slight exhibitionism, daddy kink, age gap (20s, 36), mirror sex
word count: 3.8k
a/n: yippie thank you so much for the request! it was right up my alley. i changed it to be sugar daddy leon cause that's what i was feeling. i hope you and everyone else enjoy <33
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The points of your heels click against the hard ground as you traverse across the restaurant and find the seat waiting for you. It was in the back corner of the dining room. The same table as always. You pull out the chair and sit down, slinging your small handbag over the right corner.
"Hi, daddy. Sorry I'm late," you say with a grin.
The federal agent sitting across from you doesn't share your look of amusement. He puts the menu down and his hard eyes cast upon your face before drifting down your body. You knew he had a hard time being irritated with you when you got all dolled up for him. Your hair was styled just the way he liked it, your makeup applied with a precise hand, and your dress was the best part of all. It was his favorite color to see on you, shimmering in the dim lighting. It hinted at your figure while still leaving his mouth watering with the desire to rip it off.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that in public?" he mutters.
"Keeping it a secret won't make you feel less icky about liking it," you tease.
Leon chooses to ignore your remark and instead takes your hand. His thumb rubs up and down your fingers, feeling the soft skin. His gaze traces over every little line on your unblemished knuckles. Your hands were always clean, never littered with callouses, cuts, or bruises. Your nails were pretty too, pointy and painted. His money well-spent.
"Why were you late?" he asks and returns his eyes to you.
"Traffic," you offer and shrug, sipping the drink he'd ordered for you before you arrived.
"That's not what Devon told me," he says, "He said you took an extra fifteen minutes to get ready."
Your eyes reach the ceiling with how hard you roll them. Devon is the driver Leon has take you almost everywhere. 
"He's such a snitch," you mumble. You go to retract your hand from his grasp, but he doesn't let you.
"You're not in trouble, baby," he chuckles, "I just wanna know what you were doing."
You stare at him for a moment before sighing. "If you must know, I was putting on the present you sent me," you answer, "It just was a little confusing at first so it took me a minute."
"Confusing?" he asks, the confession bringing out that smile he hid most of the time.
"Yes, confusing. It didn't come with any directions," you say like it's obvious. You quiet down further to explain the next part. "I didn't know if the vibrator was already inside or not, but then it fell out and it took me a minute to slide it back in."
"Alright," he chuckles, "That makes sense. And that's all you had to say. No need to be so defensive."
You smile, and you're starting to relax into the rhythm of how your outings with him typically go. Putting your drink down, you scan over the menu to try and decide what you want. He lets go of your hand and gives you a minute to look over the options.
"What do you think you're gonna get?" you ask.
Upon receiving no response, you look up at him. You find his attention focused elsewhere as he's looking down, fidgeting with his phone.
"It's no fair that I can't go on my phone when I'm with you, but you can go on yours when you're with me," you huff.
He still doesn't say anything which irritates you further. Sure, he was older than you, but he wasn't at the age where texting takes up one's entire mental capacity and renders them silent.
"If you're texting some other girl, I can just give you some privacy because-" you start to tease. You're cut off when the device between your legs whirs to life. You bring your hand up to cover your mouth, trying to conceal your initial reaction.
Leon simply smirks at you. His thumb moves in slow circles on the screen of his phone, similar to how he'd move the digit if it was on your clit.
"So cagey tonight," he teases lowly as he watches you squirm and adjust to the thrumming sensation. "And you know, if I say it's fair, it's fair. All I ask for is your time and your affection. If I let you go on your phone, you couldn't give me your affection, and my time would be wasted."
Even from behind your hand, he can hear the little pants you're letting out. His thumb slows down further, dropping the vibrations to a lower level. He taps the screen quickly and slides it under the table to rest on his thigh. The stimulation was constant on that teasing setting, no longer requiring him to manually operate it.
"I know," you breathe, finally able to remove your hand from your mouth. You grip the edge of the table though. The toy may not have had you screaming, but the consistent buzzing against your most sensitive spot definitely had you a little off balance.
"Good girl," he says with a look that felt almost as good to you as the vibrator did.
There's a brief silence between the two of you. You're simply trying to hold in your soft whimpers while he watches on in amusement. Taking your lip between your teeth, you decide that a distraction would be the best way to avoid humiliating yourself.
"So... how was your last mission? Seems like you weren't gone as long as usual," you say.
"It was fine, honey. Don't worry your pretty little head about that stuff," he says.
His hand slides under the table, and his fingers flick a few more controls. The vibrations evolve to a stronger rumble, killing any further questions before they could even make the leap from thoughts to words. Your eyes screw shut for a moment. Your head's natural inclination is to tilt backwards, but you force it the other way, stretching your hand across your eyes.
"There you go, princess. That's my girl," he coos, "All you need to worry about is keeping yourself under control. You don't have to think about anything else."
He can hear your breaths getting sharper. To anyone else, you probably looked like you had a headache. Or maybe like you'd just heard some bad news. That would've been the case if he didn't have this little toy handy. Instead he gets to adore you from across the table, admire the beauty that seeps from every pore and orifice on your body.
To Leon, that was the beauty of your relationship. He cared for you deeply. He'd take a bullet for you without a second thought, stop his own pulse if that's what it took for yours to continue. But he still didn't call you his girlfriend. You were his baby, his darling, his princess, the only one he longed to be with, yet he didn't officially claim you.
It didn't bother you so much since he spoiled you rotten and treated you as if you were his in every way that mattered, but the state of limbo he held you in weighed on him. He craved more with you; letting you move in, buying you a ring instead of another set of lingerie, cumming deep inside of you rather than on your stomach. 
But with a girlfriend came obligation. He'd have to tell his girlfriend he'd been having nightmares since he came home from this last assignment. He'd have to let his girlfriend know he had an ache in his shoulder that wouldn't go away. He'd have to watch your face fill with worry while his heart sank with the guilt of roping you into his bullshit.
For now, this was better. Watching you ascend to paradise in the middle of this restaurant while everyone around you remained ignorant would suffice for the time being.
He'd been so wrapped up in his thoughts, he'd missed the signs that you were fast approaching the edge. Your chest was puffing more frequently while it looked like the table might snap under the pressure of your iron grip. Reaching over to you, he takes your hand back into his. Your fingers clasp around his own just as tightly as they had held the table. He swears he can feel the vibrations from between your thighs emanating through your blood and pulsing against your skin.
"Look at you, baby. Such a pretty girl," he whispers, "Think you can cum before the waiter gets here? Or are you gonna try to be stubborn and hold it?"
You're honestly unsure whether you can speak without it turning into a moan, but you force yourself to spit the words out.
"Gonna cum."
Shudders overtake you, and he can see the way you fight to maintain your posture. Your body wants to convulse and explode, to let everyone in this place know just how good you're feeling. Your hand is locked on his now. He doesn't think a crow bar could pry you off in this state.
"That's it, sweetheart. Just cum for daddy," he croons quietly, "Let it all out. Such a good girl staying so quiet. I'm so proud of you."
The words make your eyes roll back behind the lids. Your thighs squeeze against one another, only intensifying the power of the vibe. He's shifting in his seat too at this point. He'd been able to stave off his boner so far, but seeing you come undone in front of him was too far. There was no way to prevent his blood from flowing South and stiffening up his length.
"My baby, so precious," he says, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, "I know that felt so good for you, princess."
You lazily nod as you float back down to reality. Your breathing becomes deeper as the high of the orgasm fades into the blissful haze of the afterglow. He even gives you a tiny break and puts the vibrator back on the lower setting.
"Thank you, daddy," you whimper. It was a reflex at this point. Thanking Leon for letting you cum was like day turning to night. One naturally followed the other.
"Don't worry about it, sweet girl. This is what I bought those panties for," he says.
As your body begins to calm down, your hand covers your mouth and your eyes stay locked on the table. The waiter comes by only a minute or two later. You still don't look up because you know Leon will handle this for you.
And he does. He orders for himself and then for you too. As soon as the waiter's pen scrapes across his notepad for the final time and he heads away, you peer up at Leon through your lashes.
"You ok, baby?" he chuckles.
You nod which only amplifies the smug look on his face.
"Good. I think you're ready for some more then," he says.
"Don't-" you start to protest. But before the rest of your statement can come out, he's already boosted the buzz to the higher setting it was at minutes ago. The only difference is that this time the rhythm is pulsating. It's more random. It won't make you cum as fast, but it will get you squirming all the same.
"What was that?" he mocks.
"Shut up," you whimper.
Each wave of pulsating pleasure made you tighten up and press your thighs together which in turn pushed the device harder against your cunt. It was a vicious cycle that had your mind spinning, unable to break out.
"Shut up? That's not very nice, princess," he taunts, "I'm just making you feel good. Think you should be saying thank you instead."
"I can't stay quiet again," you whine. It comes out strained. He can hear the will you have to exert to not give in to the heavenly thrumming on your center.
"Yes you can," he reassures. He takes your jaw in his hand, pulling on your bottom lip with his thumb before rubbing your chin. "I know you can. You're my good girl. You always make daddy so proud."
Your eyes flutter and a shaky breath expels from your lungs.
"I- I wanna make you proud, but... it feels so good," you say, your voice trailing off into a quiet whine.
"Oh I know it does, baby," he coos, speaking as if you were made of glass, "But you can handle it. You can handle getting your cute little pussy played with in front of all these people."
"Stop... you're making it harder," you pout.
"You're making me harder, angel," he jokes before kissing your lips gently. He then lets your chin go, but his eyes stay locked with yours. "You're doing great. This is what a little doll like you is made for, hm? To be played with."
You grit your teeth, but you still can barely restrain the mewl rising in your throat. Your head hangs forward. You use everything you have to stop yourself from melting into a puddle in your seat. You're close to cumming for the second time, and both you and him know it.
His hand goes for his phone yet again, and with a few more taps, the vibe is no longer pulsing. It's strong and constant. You didn't know how it wasn't rattling the chair beneath you. Your hands claw at the wood of the table.
"Fuck Leon," you whisper. Your legs quiver violently, and you're just grateful at this point that you were sitting down.
"Who?" he teases, grinning as you cling to your last sliver of composure.
"Daddy, sorry, mmph-" you squeak as your hips roll against the toy.
"Good girl," he purrs, "C'mon, baby. You can do it. Let yourself cum again. Just stay quiet and cum again."
It's easy to give into release again. The difficult part is staying quiet. Your face contorts in all kinds of ways to try and rein in the lewd noises that wanted to erupt from your mouth. Turning your head, you look at the wall to conceal your expressions from everyone else in the room.
"Hiding that pretty face from me, sweetheart?" he teases, "That's ok. You're being such a good girl by keeping it down. No one's even looking over here, princess. You're doing perfect for me."
The praise is enough to carry you through the high and bring you down without a sound. A light sweat is breaking out on your forehead, and you're breathing a little harder. Other than that though, nothing seems amiss. As you feel the vibrations fading away, you look up at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Still with me, dollface?" he asks mockingly.
Your head bobs up and down in a nod, but it's clear your head is still up in the clouds for the time being.
You're so precious all blissed out like this. It drives him absolutely wild. The strain of his cock against his zipper is becoming noticeably uncomfortable now, and he's eager to get rid of the tension in his pants.
His eyes flit around the room, strategizing routes for the plan that was forming in his head. Quick as a viper, he grabs your arm and pulls you to your feet. He drags you around the corner to the restroom and ducks inside. You stumble behind him, blinking in surprise at his sudden movements.
Your lips are on his as soon as the door is shut and secured. He holds you close in a deep kiss, one arm around your waist, the other cradling your head. He doesn't waste time with niceties and swipes his tongue across your bottom lip for entrance. The two of you engage in a full make out as he walks you over to the sink and flips you around.
His lips attack your neck next. He plants hot, open-mouthed kisses down your throat to your exposed shoulder. You watch in the mirror the entire time, your eyes still hazy from your previous releases.
"Couldn't wait, pretty baby," he murmurs, "Need my dessert before dinner."
You sigh pleasurably and let your head fall back against his shoulder. His hands sweep up and down your sides, squeezing your waist and groping your hips. As much as he wants to savor you and experience every inch of your body, he knows he can do that later tonight. Right now, he had to be quick.
He shimmies up the fabric of your dress to bunch around your waist and pushes your upper half forward. You brace yourself on the smooth countertop as he crouches down to be level with your throbbing cunt.
Before indulging in the luxury that was your pussy, he teases the lacy outline of the panties and gently kisses up your inner thighs.
"Sweet, sweet baby. Gonna have to buy you a pair of these for every day of the week. Don't think I'll want you wearing anything else ever again," he mumbles.
Finally, he pulls them down and stands up again. His fingers slide through the slick that had gathered between your thighs. You were practically dripping from all the time you had with the vibrator pressed to your sex.
More kisses land on your shoulder and neck while he fumbles with the buttons on his pants and frees himself. Your hand returns to cover your mouth in preparation of him entering you. He lines up and nudges the tip against your entrance.
"You ready, baby?" he coos and rubs your back, "Think you got one more in you?"
"Mhm," you hum from beneath your palm. The sound quickly escalates into a needy whine as the thickness of his cock penetrates you.
It slides in with ease, going all the way to the hilt in a matter of seconds. Your eyes roll back at first but drop back into place to stare at yourself and him in the mirror. His hands migrate to your hips and hold you steady as he begins to pump himself in and out of you.
You're a little more relaxed about your noises now given that you're in the privacy of an isolated room, but you still make an effort to muffle them. He watches you, finding all your little reactions endearing. Leaning down, he nuzzles the side of your head while thrusting.
"It's so cute that you're trying to be quiet," he coos, "You think what we're doing is a secret, baby? You think people don't know what I'm doing to you in here? They saw how wobbly your legs were, they saw the look in your eyes."
You whine at the tease, knowing the two of you hadn't made the most discreet exit. Still, you shake your head defiantly. He laughs at the gesture.
"You're lucky all I have to do to get us out of it is flash my badge or some cash. Small price to pay to take care of my slutty little girl," he taunts.
Your body rocks back and forth with his momentum. You arch your back on top of the sleek marble, gripping the clean edge harder with your free hand. The sight before you in the mirror pulls you closer to the edge with every ragged breath or hushed grunt from him. You just press your own hand harder against your lips in a weak effort to contain yourself.
"You could be completely silent, darling. That's not gonna stop anyone from seeing you dripping down your legs when we go back to the table," he says, "And you know, by the time we head out to the car, I'm sure you'll have soaked through your dress too."
His fingers dig deeper into the plump of your hips. He's squeezing so hard that his knuckles have gone white. All he's focused on is holding you in place so he can keep rutting into your warm cunt without incident. His head tilts back, and he lets out a deep groan.
"You're being louder than me," you whimper.
He chuckles at your comment and responds with a smack to your ass. It echoes throughout the bathroom and makes your face boil at the idea that someone passing by could've heard. To make matters worse, the tantalizing sting draws an audible moan from you. You have to renew your hand's strength on your mouth to keep any others in.
"That's not for you to worry about, sweetheart," he chides, "You worry about yourself. Daddy'll handle everything else."
His hips continue smacking into your ass as he fucks into you. He kneads the flesh, letting his eyes flutter shut to lose himself in the feeling of you for a few moments. You're tight and soft. Warm and wet. Taking each inch of him like it's all you ever wanted to do. He could feel the beginning of the end simmering in his belly, and it only makes him thrust harder.
Your head drops forward, the allure of the mirror no longer enough to keep you upright. Your hand falls from your face with the movement and comes down to further support your weight against the counter. Drool drips from your lips along with the soft noises spilling out unrestrained now.
"Daddy..." you mumble, "Think I'm gonna cum again."
Leon grins at the words and ups his efforts to get you there faster.
"Think? If you don't know then maybe I'm not going hard enough," he teases breathily.
"I- no.... I know it. I just... I just wanna cum," you pout. Defense or reason was too difficult to conjure in this state of mind. You wanted what you wanted and that was the priority right now.
"Go ahead then, babydoll. Daddy's right behind you," he says with a quick pinch to your ass.
For the third time tonight, your eyes close, your body goes taut, and your cunt gushes with ecstasy. You squeeze around his cock and let out a long, euphoric whine. He truly is right behind you, and his pleasure heightens with each second of that high pitched noise. It's no time till the pulsing down below intensifies and he's pushing himself all the way into your wanting pussy. He lets himself cum inside you this time. The both of you deserve it.
Rope after rope spurts into you. It satisfies him deeper than expected, sating him in a way shooting onto your skin never did. He pants behind your ear. Nothing else matters but the feeling of you connected with him in this moment.
After he's had his fill, he slowly pulls out. He takes his time not to make too much of a mess. You stand up straight and stretch out your limbs. He watches you to make sure you don't lose your footing. Then he tucks himself back into his pants. You pull your panties up and fix your dress. The both of you turn to the other, doing a quick once over to make sure nothing was too obvious.
Before heading back out, he pulls you against him again and kisses your nose.
"My perfect girl. Let's go back out there and finish dinner. I'll even let you eat in peace since you were so good for me," he teases.
"Lucky me," you reply with a lazy smile.
He brushes his nose against yours before giving you a quick swat on the ass and following you back out there. Despite the both of you feeling satisfied, he knew the night was only just beginning.
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waldau · 2 days
how they take care of you — seventeen | 2,531 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
i didn't know i liked writing ot13 this much!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is stressed out/tired/scared/ill/sad? y'know, the usual spectrum of negative human emotions?
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gets so concerned when he hears a hitch in your voice when you greet him that he drops whatever he’s doing and rushes to you. doesn’t matter if he’s on a call or if he’s doing some important paperwork, he’s all yours now.
gives you a big, comforting hug that tries to shield you from everything but him. kisses your head to try and ground you.
doesn’t make you talk if you don’t want to, but he insists that you don’t keep it in for too long because it’s only going to hurt you in the end. lasts only for a while before asking if there's someone that needs some talking to for making you feel this sad.
tries to do anything in his power to see you smile, even if it's momentary. shows you a funny picture of his favourite child (mingyu) to cheer you up. asks if you feel okay enough to walk kkuma with him, because she needs some time with her other favourite person (you).
“you know i love you, right? that's never changing.”
is proud to be the person that becomes your comfort when something doesn’t go right, or when you’ve had a bad day.
immediately bottles up any jokes he’s about to make and wipes away your tears, stops only when you bat his hands away. even if he doesn’t want to let go of you, he respects your boundaries.
when you're feeling a bit better, he pulls you down into the sofa and cuddles with you, and is content whether you choose to tell him what’s on your mind, or if you want to be silent and fiddle with his shirt instead.
kisses your forehead and looks into your eyes when he promises you that it’s just one bad day, and that he’s always here for all the others. links pinkies with you because he knows how much it means to you, even if it may seem childish.
will resort to tickling you to make the last traces of your sadness vanish, and asks if there’s anything else he can do to make you smile.
comes to pick you up from work because he has a free day, and realizes something’s wrong the moment you greet him hello without even looking at his face for more than two seconds.
doesn’t make a big deal out of it, though. takes your stuff from you and greets you softly. opens the door for you and buckles your seat belt. asks you if it’s okay that he’s not taking you home first, because there’s some place else he wants to take you.
dismisses any concerns you have about not looking “good enough” to go out, because you look absolutely gorgeous at any time of the day, and he’d never lie about something like this to you. lets you choose whatever music you want as he weaves through the traffic on the streets, telling you about his day.
parks the car and gets out to hold your hand in his as he guides you over to the many stalls, asking you to pick whatever you want to eat. sits next to you on one of the benches overlooking the river, your legs swinging as you lean into his side and enjoy your meal. is glad he could take care of you like this because you needed it.
“trust me when i say whatever happened is not your fault, okay, sweetheart?”
is more confident in his actions than his words, because he can immediately notice the little changes in your behaviour: your tired smile, and the way you’re kind of curled in on yourself, as if trying to take up less space.
gives you a long hug with lots of cheek kisses and pulls you into the kitchen to show you what he’s working on: a dish that coincidentally happens to be your comfort food. it’s your favourite, especially when jun makes it in his own style.
this six foot man becomes small as he tries to do anything to make you smile. hates that you’re even feeling this way. throws random pickup lines at you to see which one gets you to crack and slap his arm and tell him to stop (he won’t, because he loves you too much).
offers to feed you dinner once it’s ready and makes random airplane noises that bring out a giggle from you. watches as you eat slowly and is glad when he sees your bowl is empty. doesn’t resist your offer of feeding him dinner once you’re done.
hides under the blankets with you and watches cat videos till your eyes shut from exhaustion and his arm hurts from holding up the phone from so long. cuddles with you and doesn’t let go even when you halfheartedly complain about how warm it is.
becomes so gentle that it pulls you out of your dullness a bit, makes you wonder where your usually hyperactive boyfriend is.
doesn’t baby you because he knows you don’t like it, but he makes sure you get everything you need. calls his mother to ask her the exact recipe for this soup she used to feed him when he used to get ill. stays by your side even when you have a raging fever and you’re worried he’s going to catch it if he kisses your cheek one more time.
doesn’t complain even once when you wake him up because of how uncomfortable you’re feeling. what else is he there for, if he can’t take care of the person he loves the most? wraps himself along with you in your blanket even if it’s hot enough that he can just melt.
is your hype man when you finally get better enough to start moving around the house by yourself. watches you with the biggest smile on his face that he will not tamp down when he sees you eating the soup he made, and almost cries with joy when you ask him for a second serving.
doesn’t blame you one bit when he catches the same bug a week later, because you’re there to take care of him through it, and because he loves you too much for it to be an issue.
gently pulls you into his chest the moment he sees your tear-streaked cheeks, and rests his head on yours. doesn’t ask you what’s wrong because he feels it’s more important to make you feel better.
doesn’t care that your tears are leaving behind a spot on his shirt, and shushes you for even pointing it out. in fact he wants you to do that so that you can run out of tears and he can take care of you properly.
gives you his hoodie to wear because it’s oversized on you, and he loves seeing you in it just as much as you love wearing it.
makes you wrap your arms around his waist from behind and cling onto him while he goes about the house finishing his share of chores. does yours without asking if he senses you’re too drained out to do them.
absolutely needs you by his side regardless of what he’s doing, whether it’s playing a game or brushing his teeth. offers to read you a book if you’re having trouble falling asleep. tells you he loves you in the lowest voice possible when he sees you finally asleep against his chest, breathing evened out.
might not very verbal, but when it comes to you, he knows exactly what to do to make things better.
knows you’re in his studio when the door shuts, but you don’t greet him. decides to finish some edits on the song he’s working on before he turns to you, only to find you lying on the sofa facing away from him.
genuinely sad to hear you had a bad day. he got through today only because of all the encouraging texts you sent him. decides the least he can do is return the favour.
wraps you in your favourite blanket that he always keeps at the studio for when you visit. holds your hand regardless of whether you want to talk or not. offers to order food to the studio so that he can make sure you’re not hungry.
very thankful that you came to him because you were feeling down, and he very much wants to call it a day and take you home so that he can cuddle with you and make your day just a bit better.
his mood almost always mirrors yours, so when he sees you so exhausted and down, his heart genuinely hurts.
not a confrontational person, but he’s willing to fight whatever made you sad, even if it was a table you stubbed your toe on. happy that it brings a smile to your face even if he didn’t actually fight anything.
have you seen his arms? wraps them around you till you push him off with a bit of a smile on your face. he then decides he wants to use them to bake something for you. you’re the better baker between the two of you and since he’s got loads of time today, he decides he wants to learn something that he can make the next time you’re away and he doesn’t have to feel that lonely.
is your own personal jukebox. belts out whatever song you want, and does a mini infinite aju nice in the comfort of your kitchen, making you jump while the oven works, till you’re tired and actually smiling.
“it’ll be okay, i promise. i love you.”
hates that you had a nightmare but is thankful that he was sleeping right next to you when it happened.
the biggest cuddle bug you’ll ever see you in your life. when you wake him up with a shaky voice, he immediately blinks out of his sleep and holds you in his arms. he’ll hug you and keep hugging you till he can drain your sadness even just a little.
doesn’t matter how late it is; if you can’t go back to sleep, he’ll pull you to the kitchen and make his ramen just for you. makes you help him chop some ingredients and stir the broth so that you feel involved. keeps purposely bumping into you every time you cross paths and takes a kiss as payment.
finds some cheesy, slow music to dance to and gently pulls you all over the kitchen, twirling you and even bending you as the song ends. loves hearing your laugh when he pulls you back up.
“i hope you dream of me when you sleep again. i love you.”
words aren’t necessary when he can just take care of you the way you always deserve to be taken care of.
actually gets upset (a little) when you apologize for crying in front of him. who else will make you feel better when you’re down if not for him? makes you promise never to feel nervous to be emotional around him.
runs a bath for you and makes your favourite food. when you’re done with dinner and feeling a bit better, he takes you to bed and cuddles with you, wanting you to focus on his breathing so you can calm yourself. he whispers endearments into your ear. also makes sure you know how proud he is of you for getting through today.
would give you the entire world if he could, but when you tell him the only thing you want is him, he promises you he’s never going anywhere, no matter what happens.
“i’m so lucky to call myself yours, my love. always.”
he can never stand seeing his loved ones sad, so when he sees you, he needs to find a way to make your smile get back to your face.
sees your lips wobble when you say hello to him, and he eventually coaxes the issue out of you: your friends had ditched a get-together you’d been planning at the last minute, and they didn’t even have the decency to apologize for it. he feels extremely angry on your behalf and is ready to curse. doesn’t do it only because it won’t help you.
thinks about what he can do to make you happy. asks if he can take you out on a drive tonight so you can watch the stars with him. when you regretfully decline the offer, he asks if you want to create a blanket fort and watch movies or go to sleep.
it’s not long before he’s constructing a blanket fort for the first time in his life thanks to some youtube tutorials. he’s upset when it collapses right in the middle of constructing it, but he realizes he’d build it a hundred times more if it meant you’d laugh the way you just did.
sets up snacks and your favourite drinks after a while. keeps apologizing to you on behalf of your so-called friends till you tell him to stop. promises that he’s always going to be with you, and that you don’t have to be sad when you’re with him. falls asleep with you in his arms, and a smile on your face, snacks and movies forgotten.
feels bad the moment he sees you try to mask the sadness on your face with a smile.
better with actions than words, so he kisses your forehead and trails you around the house while you try to relax from the day you had. if you’re really sad, he lets you just rest your head against his collarbone and breathe till you feel better.
“you’ve got this, and you’ve got me, okay? i’m right here.”
has a bunch of handmade coupons for whenever you feel sad. each coupon has the same four options: eat, talk, watch a movie, sleep. does whatever you choose, whether it’s only one or all four.
another one who has no problem with prolonged eye contact. he looks at you till you understand that he loves you more than he can say and that he’s always there for you when you feel like this.
always used to being babied by his older brothers, so he feels happy to get a chance to take care of you. just doesn’t like the fact that you’re sad, because you deserve to be anything but.
very transparent with his affection for you. he whispers “i love you” into your hair when you ask him for a hug, shouts it across the living room when you come out to get some water, and holds your hand under the table during dinner even if it’s inconvenient.
if you’re really down, and don’t feel like talking, he bundles you into a blanket and puts you on the sofa and sits close to you, so that you have your space but he’s close enough if you need him.
sits with you while you work and watches intently even if he doesn’t understand much of what you’re doing. ready to go to the store and get you anything you’re craving, regardless of how late it is.
“i love looking after you, okay? don’t ever feel bad about telling me what’s troubling you.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
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allfearstofallto · 3 days
I like writing Yandere Scaramouche as someone with a lot of rules because I like to think about how he enforced said rules.
Getting you to call him "my lord" instead of any other name you'd referred to him by was his first course of action. Scaramouche was already a man wound tight like a string about to snap, he believed that he only had to tell you once to get something done. Anything after that would result in a punishment of some form.
But Scaramouche has a soft spot in his heart for you. He does want you around after all. So when he comes to you that first day, when your big eyes are looking around your bedroom scared and shaking, but somehow still managing to shoot a glare at him, he smirks. You're like a little dog, you could bite any second, but you'd look so cute while doing it. Therefore, he decides to train you like a dog.
"Outside of this bedroom, you will only refer to me as 'my lord.' Understood?" this was your one and only time being told, and despite the fact that you scoffed and begged to go home instead of listening to what he said, he knew you'd think on his words eventually.
The next day you were free to roam his manor. You were mostly looking for your escape, testing doors and windows to see if maybe there was a way out, but your arrival was planned for many months before, even if he had less time to prepare the house for you, there wouldn't be an escape.
With his arms crossed, he watched as you tried to open the door to the back garden, locked of course. Even if you did manage to get out, eight armed guards were placed all through out the area, with orders of capture not kill in regards to you. You'd be dragged back before you even had a taste of freedom. But he didn't tell you that.
"You didn't eat today," he stated plainly. Your first meal in his home and you didn't even take a single bite of it. Even he, who did not need food to survive, didn't enjoy watching such a lavish dish go to the trash.
"You must think I'm stupid, Scaramouche-" your little huff of rude words was stopped in its track by his fingers hitting your lips. Your attitude was another issue he'd need to work on, but he wanted to fix one problem at a time.
It didn't hurt, the way the back of his hand met your mouth. Didn't even sting a little. It just felt demeaning. Like you were an animal being scolded and not a person. He did this every time you opened your mouth to call him anything, but his preferred title, and when you spewed profanities at him, he tap your lips a bit harder.
With a huff, you finally decided to call him, "My lord" after many disrespectful taps against your lips spanning over many days. Annoyance finally made you to decide to allow him to win this one, much to your dismay and his pleasure. Your reward for doing as you were told was a gift of sweets and confections, a treat you weren't given because of his vocal distate for such things.
You are them with your arms crossed and your eyebrows knitted, glaring at him as he watched you eat. That little attitude of yours was going to be the next to go.
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— We just want the best for you
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pairings: lia walti x reader, caitlin foord x reader, katie mccabe x reader, leah williamson x reader
summary: reader has only ever wanted her mums' to work together and finally they both seem to be in agreement with one another.
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this ones' been drafted for a while, but i found it a bit hard to get it written the way that i wanted it too...
anyways, i hope this lives up to the expectations and stuff.
let me know what you think!
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"So, how long has this been going on for?" Lia questions, breaking the silence in the room between the three of you after the not so awkward hug with her ex-girlfriend.
"A while," You admit while biting your bottom lip as you move to sit on the sofa in the living room in Caitlins' home.
Caitlin furrows her eyebrow in concern as she follows you into the room, "Why didn't you tell us about it before, kiddo?" She wonders.
You think about your mums' question for a second or two. You honestly wish you could have told them both, but could you when all they seem to do is argue with eachother whenever they're in the same room for longer than 5 minutes?
"Well, I couldn't do that," You murmer, picking at the skin on your finger nails; A nervous habit you'd picked up when your stuck in a situation like the current one that you're facing.
"Y/N, wait, what are you talking about?" Lia catches up to you both in the unfamiliar living room, having not been here too often for her own benefit. "We're your parents, sweetheart. You know that you can come and talk to us any time at all!" She insists.
"Like its' so easy to do that?" You think to yourself, continuing to pick at the skin on your finger nails.
Caitlin nods in agreement, "Your Mamas' right, kiddo. We're here for you, depsite what has happened. You know this!" The Aussie tries to reassure you, placing her hand gently on your knee.
"I can't though, can I?" You can't help but scoff, "Cos' you two are always fighting and you didn't even realise what was going on! You just put it down to me acting out at school, but you didn't think there was anything going on to cause it!" You don't mean to shout, but you can't help the frustration in your voice about it all.
"We... We don't argue all the time kiddo," Caitlins' taken back by your words.
"Yes you do!" You exclaim in disbelief and shake your head. "That's all you do whenever you two are in the same room as each other-- All you do is argue!"
"Y/N, sweetheart," Lia tries to speak.
"It's true, Mama!" You throw your hands up in the air in protest, "You two seriously can't even get along, ever!" You exclaim, knowing that you speak nothing but the truth when it comes' to your two mums' not getting along.
You start to feel like its' a turning point when Lia and Caitlin look at one another with the same concerned look.
"You're right, kiddo. We're sorry," Caitlin states in realisation.
"We want to help you, sweetheart. We're going to deal with this," Lia chimes in.
"What? You're going to deal with your issues?" You sacrastically question, trying to fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Y/N," Lia gives you a pointed look in reference to your newfound attitude.
"What? I'm just speaking the truth and you know I'm right!" You huff in defiance, glancing between the two of them. "Whys' it always got to be so difficult for the two of you to just get along? I need you both!" You exclaim.
Your mums' seperation wasn't the easiest to deal with, you're not entirely sure what happened, but your not blind to see that Lia holds a certain resentment towards Caitlin now, along with Katie to an extent.
Sometimes you wish things could just be simple like they used to be.
"We're going to try for you kiddo," Caitlin declares, sharing a look with her ex before she smiles reassuringly at you. "Whatever you need, we're both here for you, kiddo." She adds.
"O... Okay then," You murmer in agreement.
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"So, what's the next step then?" Caitlin turns to Lia for her help with the situation.
"We'll go down to the school and talk to the prinicpal, talk to them and tell them whats' been going on," Lia finishes the explanation.
"Right, good," The Aussie women nods in agreement.
"Together," Lia states, pursing her lips together.
Caitlin can't help but scoff slightly, "Are you sure you don't want to take Leah with you instead? Cos' you didn't have much of a problem with that last time." She speaks out of spite, not too keen after what happened the last time you were in trouble at school.
The Swiss women exhales a sigh and shakes her head, "Caitlin, no, I'm not getting into this-- This is about our daughter and whats' best for her!" She insists.
"What would've been best was if I went down to the school instead," Caitlin mumbles, not willing to let it go that easy without a conversation about it.
"Oh, seriously? You're bringing this up again?" Lia looks at the women in disbelief.
"Yes,  I am!" Caitlin exclaims, not wanting to back down from argument. "Because its' still relevant!" The women states.
"No its' not," Lia shakes her head in disagreement.
"Yes it is--" Caitlin goes to object.
"You're doin' it again!" You shout aloud over the two of them. "Can you two seriously not argue for once? Seriously!" You can't help the intital anger that comes over you, the two of them agreed to try and push their differences aside to be there for you and less than 10 minutes later, they're once again arguing again.
"Y/N," Lia furrows her eyebrows, confused.
"Kiddo, we're just talking," Caitlin tries to explain.
"This... This is the reason I didn't want to tell you what's been going on! You two are so angry with each other that no matter what the situation is, you always just end up arguing!" You're too angry to care if anyone else can hear whats' going on right now. "You don't care about my feelings or my problems! You're both so selfish!"
"Y/N/N, thats' not true," Caitlin objects.
"It's not true, sweetheart. We do care about you, your the most important thing in the world to us both," Lia chimes in, trying to take a hold of your hand.
You instantly snatch your hand away and scoff at the two of them, "Wow. For once, you both actually agree about something," You murmer, going to stand up from the sofa. "The two of you really need to work out your issues in therapy or something!" With that, you storm off out of the room, making your way to go and find Ella, whos' no doubt still on a TikTok live in her bedroom.
"Y/N--" Lia tries to call you back in.
"Just let her go, Lia," Caitlin stops the Swiss women from going after you. "She needs the time to calm down. I think shes' gone to find Ella." She explains.
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The room is completely silent between Lia and Caitlin, so much that you would be able to hear a pin drop in the room but you'll take the positivity of that at least they're not arguing again.
"Shes'... Shes' right, Caitlin," Lia exhales a sigh and glances at the Aussie women for her acknowledgement. "All we do is argue in front of her and it needs to stop." She tells her ex-girlfriend.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Caitlin murmers in agreement with her ex.
"We need to find a way to work together and co-parent. We missed the signs of our daughter being bullied because we're at each others' throats all the time," Lia confesses, shaking her head as she feels awful how she missed it entirely.
Was she so caught up in bickering with her ex that she didn't even realise you were being bullied at school?
"I... I know, Y/N needs to come first," Caitlin insists, wanting to at least be on the page as her ex about her daughters' wellbeing, "Look, if we're gonna do this then we all need to be on the same page, alright?" She wonders.
"Meaning?" Lia questions, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Well I'm with Katie and your with Leah," The Aussie women cuts straight to the chase.
"We're just friends," Lia interjects.
Caitlin scoffs slightly, "Sure, keep telling yourself that. So friends, or whatever you want to call it, we all need to be there to help her out-- I'm guessing Leah's outside?" She asks, knowing full well the blondes' more than likely out in the car.
"Shes' outside in the car," Lia replies in agreement.
"Right, well, you might as well invite her inside then," Caitlin nods and clicks her tongue. "Katie will be home soon as well, so we'll all sit down, the 5 of us and talk." She declares.
"Together?" Lia asks, hesistant about the idea of that.
"Together. United as co-parents," Caitlin nods along in agreement.
Even as hesitant that Lia is about all 4 of them being in the same room with you, she knows that she needs to do what's best for you, "I'll go and get her from outside." She mumbles, standing up from the sofa to go and find the blonde outside.
Right on queue as the front door opens, signalling that Katie is home now.
"And that'll be Katie comin' into the house now," Caitlin gestures to the sound of the front door opening. "Katie, we're in the living room!" She calls to get her girlfriends attention.
"We're? I didn't realise we had company," Katies' playful voice jokes as she walks through the house and is taken back by Lias' appearance in the living room. "Oh hi Lia, I didn't know you'd be popping round. Guess that makes sense why I've just seen Leah outside as well, I did think it was a bit weird." She states, still confused.
"Hi Katie," Lia begrudingly greets the Irish women, knowing that she needs to suck up her dislike for the pair of them to focus on you right now. "I'll go and get her to come inside so we can talk." She stands up and makes her way out of the living room.
Katie sends her girlfriend a confused look, "What have I missed?" She wonders, still trying to figure out what is exactly going on that requires her to sit in a room with her girlfriend, her ex and her own partner, or whatever they are.
"Theres' a lot that we need to talk about... All of us," Caitlin admits, exhaling a sigh. 
"Oh," Katie is further puzzled by what is going on. "So, is the kid here as well? I'll go say hi!" She questions, trying to put the pieces together and take a wild guess that you would be here as well.
The Aussie women nods in agreement, "Shes' in the kitchen with your sister I think, she stormed off when Lia and I had a slight disagreement," She confesses. "We need to sit down with her and talk about things."
"Oh. This sounds serious?" Katie asks, concerned but still in her playful jokey manner.
"It is," Caitlin mutters, exhaling a sigh as she pinches the bridge of her nose.
"Cait, what's going on?" Katie furrows her eyebrows in cocnern.
"That's exactly what I want to know," Leahs' voice enters the conversation, joining the couple in the living room as she walks in with Lia following her asking her to join them inside to talk. "What is going on, and why are we here?" She wonders.
"The four of us need to talk," Lia insists, gesturing the blonde to take a seat beside her on the spacious sofa.
"We need to be on the page when it comes to Y/N," Caitlin chimes in.
"Same page about what?" Katie asks, confused.
"Y/N is being bullied," Lia admits quietly, bowing her head slightly.
Leahs' the first to react, "What? Seriously?" She questions, shocked.
"Who is it? I'll fight them!" Katies' straight away shooting up on her feet, although shes' yet to figure out a plan of the next steps.
"For once, I'm with you on that one," Leah mumbles, standing up from the sofa.
"Sit down, the pair of you," Caitlin states, shaking her head. "Neither of you can go and fight a literal child!"
"The hell I can't!" Katie exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air. "Nobody picks on the kiddo and gets' away with it!" She declares, firmly.
"Whos' been bullying her? We... We have to something about it!" Leahs' protective instinct kicks in, wanting to shield you from any further hurt or suffering at all.
"We will, but fighting another child isn't what's best for Y/N," Lia tells the blonde, giving her a prompt look.
"Then what do we do?" Leah questions, worriedly.
"That's what we're trying to figure out," Caitlin chimes in.
Katie snorts and a slight smirk appears on her face, "I still think fighting them is a viable option." She jokes, half serious about the fact of it.
Leah frowns and bites her bottom lip, "Why didn't she tell anyone?" She asks, confused about it.
"Shes' been stuck between me and Caitlin arguing, so its' no wonder she kept it quiet," Lia admits, rubbing her temples before she exhales a sigh. "None of that is a good environment for Y/N to be around and it can't continue." She tells them all.
"So going forward, we put whatever problems or differences we have with eachother aside, for Y/N's sake-- She's what is important now, we can't bicker in front of her. We need to stand united if we want to help her!" Caitlin is remaining strong in what she says, she's not exactly on the best of terms with her ex but when it comes to her daughters' wellbeing, she doesn't play at all.
"That's fair enough," Katies' the first to agree.
Leah follows suit and nods in agreement, "I agree with you, Y/N is what matters." She states.
"All of us are an important person of Y/N's life, she needs us all to be there for her," Lia starts to explain as she looks around the room between the four of them. "Katie, you and Caitlin are together, you obviously make each other very happy and Y/N clearly loves to spend time with you all here." She tells the Irish women.
Katie faintly smiles, "I love the kid like shes' me own."
"And Leah, whatever you and Lia have going on," Caitlin pauses, glancing between her ex and the blonde. "Whether there's a label on it or not, your someone who Y/N looks up to, regardless." She tells her.
Leah smiles in agreement, "Shes' a good kid, I love her."
"That's why we need to get on with eachother, for Y/N's sake if nothing else, okay?" Lia stands her ex on her words, when it comes to her daughter, shes' willing to do what she has too, even if it means hanging out with her ex girlfriend and her new beau sometimes.
"Yeah," Katie and Leah both reply in sync.
"Right, and with that being said. Now we need to speak to kiddo," Caitlin says, motioning in the direction of where you are in the kitchen with Ella still. "I'll go and get her, I'll be back in a minute." Leaving the room, Lia is left with Katie and Leah, who are currently scowling at each other.
"I don't care what grudges the two of you have, we all need to remain civil with eachother for Y/N's sake, alright? We might not agree with somethings that are said, but whatever it is, we keep it away from Y/N, deal?" Lia firmly speaks, glancing between the two women.
"Deal," The blonde agrees.
"Yeah, yeah deal. Anything for the kiddo," Katie replies.
"Mum, I don't wanna talk about things-- Uh, what's going on?" Your protest is cut short, being forced out of the kitchen as you walk into the living room and your met with not just Lia, but Leah and Katie now as well.
"Here she is," Caitlin speaks aloud, walking back into the living room with you in tow.
"Hi kiddo," Katies' waving in your direction.
"Hi Katie," You politely smile and wave back at the Irish women before you furrow your eyebrows. "Uhhh, am I in trouble?" You ask, confused.
Leah can't help but laugh slightly, "What makes you think that, kid?" She questions.
"The four of you are in one room together, and that never happens," You comment, glancing round between all 4 older women. "Like ever." You mumble.
"Well shes' got a point there," Katie snickers in amusement.
"You're not in trouble, sweetheart. Why don't you come and sit down?" Lia offers, patting the empty space on the sofa between her and Leah.
Your hesistant to walk over and plonk yourself in between the two of them, "Are you sure I'm not in trouble?" You ask, worriedly.
Caitlin chuckles and shakes her head, "You're not in trouble, kiddo. We just want to talk to you about things." She explains.
"Oh. Talk about what?" You cock your head to the side in confusion.
"Listen sweetheart, you were right about what you said about your mum and I fighting all the time and we're not gonna do it anymore," Lia begins to tell you, making you listen intently.
"You mean you guys are gonna take my advice and go to therapy to sort out your issues?" You perk up, glancing between Lia and Caitlin.
"What?" Leah asks, confused.
"I love this kid," Katie laughs in amusement.
"We're not going to go to therapy, kiddo--" Caitlin starts to tell you.
"Why? Cos' you all definitely need it!" You further insist, throwing your hands up in the air.
"Y/N, we want to talk to you about the bullying instead," Lia takes the conversation in a serious direction. "We need to talk about it." She adds.
"Oh," You instantly clam up and go quiet, trying to stay reserved when talking about this subject.
"How longs' it been going on for?" Leah gently approaches the situation.
"A few months," You admit, biting you bottom lip. "It wasn't that bad at first, but gradually, it got worse, like more physical and that." You tell all of them in the room.
"I still think fighting them would be a better to resolve things," Katie pipes in.
"Katie, no..." Caitlin shakes her head in her girlfriends' direction.
You start to pick at the skin around your nails again, "I didn't want to tell anyone and be a bother, and well things haven't exactly been easy, I... I didn't know what to do." You admit, quietly.
Lias' heart clenches hearing your honest words, "We're going to sort this out, sweetheart." She states, firmly.
"Your mama and I are going to go down to the school, we'll get to the bottom of things and figure out what we can do," Caitlin adds in, making it well known to you that she's serious about this. "You're not a bother kiddo. You can always talk to us, no matter what's going on."
"This is the reason you've been acting out, isn't it?" Lia speaks up in realisation.
"I guess so, uh... I thought maybe if I acted out then I would get both of your attention and then you'd be in the same room together," You confess, biting your bottom lip as you try and not look in the direction of either Lia or Caitlin. "But all you seem to have done recently is fight with another so that backfired I guess." You mumble, ducking your head down in shame.
"Well that stops now. Right, Caitlin?" Lia turns to look at Caitlin.
Caitlin nods in agreement, "Agreed, we're your mums' and we're going to be here for you to figure this out together."
"I wish you could have told us sooner, kiddo," Katie speaks up as she frowns.
"I didn't know what to say," You mumble quietly.
"We love you Y/N and we don't want to see you struggle with anything," Leah chimes in, having the same thoughts that she just wants to protect the kid that's not even hers.
It's ony now that you suddenly realise how cold and distant you've been acting towards Leah for no apparent reason when all she wants to do is be there for you, "I'm sorry for the way I have been acting towards you Le," Your quick to apologise to her. "Your still my favourite stern blondie."
"I feel like that's a backhanded compliment there kid," Leah jokes with you, ruffling your hair as she has the advantage while sitting beside you.
"Be glad you got one, Le," You can't help but grin.
Something which all 4 women are happy to see you starting to return to your old-self, despite the challenges you've faced over the last few months.
"We love you, Y/N," Caitlin states, gently.
Lia wraps her free arm around her daughter, "Your our daughter, we just want to help you the best way that we can." She tells you, kindly.
"We want our happy little kid back, so we're gonna sort it out, alright?" Leah declares, firmly.
"And we'll hurt anyone who tries to hurt you," Katie finishes with a determined look on her face.
"No we won't Katie, we're responsible adults. We're not going to hurt other kids!" Caitlin promptly continues to tell her girlfreind.
"Speak for yourself, they don't call me McCard for no reason, you know?" Katie jokes with her girlfriend before she looks you dead in the eye. "Anyone hurts you kiddo and there'll be hell to pay."
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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Am I the asshole for calling my boyfriend out after a party after he very Frenchly insulted our cooking?
I (25M) am dating J (27M), and we live together. For the most part he's wonderful, super sweet, and perhaps the most French man living today. He's a walking stereotype, right down to the sexiness. He's Parisian (we live in the states) and has a huge obsession with wine and cheese, and I'll be honest, he can be pretty snobby. He was raised by some well to do old money family that disowned him when they found out he was gay and it shows. He has a few antiquated ideas of what America is like, especially when it comes to food. Anything that has roots he doesn't recognize gets criticized. It's a classism problem, we recognize that, and he is trying to work on it. He slips up sometimes.
We went to a housewarming party two nights ago. It was a potluck deal and I brought a beef chili I had been working on for like two days, it was my pride and joy, and J didn't even have anything bad to say to me about it.
Anyway, an hour or so into the party we went to get food. He had a few glasses of wine, so he wasn't quite thinking straight. It turns out somebody brought homemade Frito pie (and pretty fancy frito pie too, with jalapeños and sour cream and pico de gallo, it was amazing and delicious and I am still dreaming about it), I'm southwestern and it was a staple for me growing up so I tripped over myself trying to get at it. He noticed how eager I was and scoffed at me. I asked what was so funny, and he said it was baffling that I'd go for that first since it was "comically American, down to the fried chips riddled in it." I rolled my eyes and ignored him.
Turns out the friend who made it was standing a few feet away and overheard him. She told us that she worked super hard on making the chili and cooking the pie, and if he didn't like it, he didn't have to have any. I was so fucking mortified I felt like dying. I apologized on his behalf and we stayed for a bit longer, but I was so embarrassed and angry that we left about an hour after that. I couldn't make myself have a good time. As a bit of an apology I left our friend a container of the chili I made and said if she wanted to make a pie out of it I'd be honored, and she happily accepted.
This is where I may be TA. As soon as we got in the car I blew up at him. I told him that he disrespected my culture, my cooking, my taste, and worst of all, embarrassed me in front of a friend and insulted something that brought her joy. I said "if you see Americans as so lazy, stupid, fat, and disgusting, then why are you even living here? Why the fuck do you even wanna be with me? Am I just the only good one to you?" I was laying into him for about 5 minutes. It was the worst fight we'd ever been in, not that we get in many.
He got really quiet after that and just muttered out an "I'm sorry." We were silent the ride home and we went straight to bed when we got there. I even heard him sniffling when we were trying to fall asleep, which was heartbreaking and started to make me feel like I'd fucked up, too. He's been distant for the last few days and I feel like I need to apologize.
Do I? Was I TA? I just got so upset that I couldn't take it anymore. I really love him and I just keep worrying that any second he's gonna say he wants to break up, and I never want that to happen. Any advice is appreciated.
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vivwritesfics · 3 days
Were reader is a virgin and although she broke uo w her ex because she wanted to have sex, she has her first time wirh carlos or charles. Not with both. You decide
More hcs, sorry
Warnings: smut, p in v
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He was so damn pushy
She wasn't ready
She knew she wasn't ready
And she was gonna listen to her body
But he was pushing and pushing and pushing
And she wouldn't give in
It wasn't something she wanted to break up with him over
Until he revealed himself to be an asshole
And, ofc, best friend Charles was there
To let her crash at his
And get incredibly tipsy with him
And start talking shit about her ex with him
Ramblings of "I just want someone I can trust, you know?"
Like, imagine all the different ways that can be phrased
That was what she was doing
And then Charles
Who was also tipsy
Patted her knee and said "you can trust me"
That as how she ended up kissing him
Gripping his shirt and pulling him on top of her
It was sloppy and messy and they both tasted gross
But neither of them much cared
They worked each others clothes off, not much caring for them as they discarded them on the floor
As soon as they were both naked on the couch, Charles was kissing her boobs and she was reaching for his dick
But he stopped her
"Next time," he said like it was a promise
There was little foreplay
He didn't exactly finger her
He felt her
Felt how tight she was
Even through the alcohol impairing their judgement
He pushed forward
Pushed into her
So slowly
When she gasped, eyes squeezing shut, he stopped
And asked if she was okay
When she nodded (a little breathlessly), he kept going
Losing your virginity on a couch is an experience
It's wasn't the most comfortable
But that wasn't what she cared about
She cared about WHO was currently doing her
He was good
Incredibly good
The way he touched her body as he rolled his hips against her
Call her a Virgin but it had her coming in no time
Charles... didn't
He pulled out to finish himself off, spilling into his hand
Next time
Next time they'd be sober
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gffa · 2 days
Disney, hire me as your Attachment Advisor, I will shove so many George Lucas quotes at your producers and writers, I will shove so many context-laden clips from the movies and TCW at your creatives, I will make powerpoint essays about how it's more Buddhist-aligned, not Attachment Theory-aligned, I will cite literally every time attachment has ever been discussed by Lucas AND in the show itself and show you that it's always aligned with fear, possessive feelings, and selfishness, I will do this work for you for free, I can even literally just point you to my Jedi Citations collection, DISNEY, HIRE ME AS YOUR ATTACHMENT ADVISOR, I CAN HELP YOU.
Everything I saw in the show aligned perfectly with my view of what the Jedi mean by attachment from the movies (especially with Episode II). You fail to understand that George Lucas words outside of the movies mean shit. You cane have the largest collection of words that has come out of Lucas's ass and it still does not change the movies. Look at the poster for AOTC. A Jedi shall not know love. Obi-Wan speaks beautifully about the undercurrent of remorse he feels for not being able to have an attachment with Satine because he lives by the Jedi Code which forbids it.
You people are so delusional.
Hi! You are so right bestie it has been way too long since I've talked about my love for Mace Windu! You are so right to have brought this up and I will meet your challenge! He is the Force's strongest soldier because the absolute nonsense he has to put up with every day, as someone who deals with the rest of the Council being hilarious assholes, who deals with Kenobi and Skywalker's nonsense, who has Yoda as a friend, and yet he seems to genuinely like all of these people?? Even when they're bonkers?? My man is stronger than I could ever be.
Not to mention, he goes on a whole ass mission with Jar-Jar, has to watch him make out with his girlfriend, the queen of the planet who told falsehoods about your family, and you have nothing but patience and kind words to say about them, and you only roll your eyes a little at Jar-Jar's antics, something even Padme does and she's worked with him even longer than you have, and by the end, you're friends with him, you like him and would probably hang out with him again if the chance arose???? Mace Windu is on ANOTHER LEVEL from what I would have done in his position!
And he's a former theater nerd! "The Council's gain was the theater's loss." Jocasta Nu says about how he didn't have time for it anymore after he got so busy with the Council, like can you IMAGINE Mace Windu doing plays? I want to know sooooooo bad how Jedi plays are different from non-Force-sensitive people's plays, I want to know what kind of cool effects they create with the Force, I want to know if they use their psychic empath abilities to literally connect with their audience! I want to know DOES MACE WINDU HELP THE YOUNGLINGS STAGE CUTE LITTLE PLAYS IN THE CRECHE? BECAUSE I BET HE DOES.
Because that man is so good with kids! Remember that Star Wars Adventures comic where he was so gentle and sweet with the little Twi'lek girl? Reaching down to help her up, smiling openly at her, walking with her back to her village to make sure she was safe, talking with her to make sure she understood how important and valuable she was in the galaxy? Because I'm still not over that!
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His relationship with Anakin in canon is pretty great, too, like, yeah, Anakin should take a seat and stop borderline pitching a fit about getting a rank he didn't earn, and Mace still offered to believe him, despite that Anakin had accepted Palpatine's forcing the Council to put him on it. He still trusted Anakin to help him in that fight against Palpatine! Plus, oh, man, their banter on the Endurance when they're teaching the cadets? That was such good-natured teasing, that was exactly the kind of banter Anakin would have had with Obi-Wan, and by the end of that whole fiasco (do you ever think about when Anakin was in danger and Mace yelled, "Anakin!" and desperately yanked him to safety, because he was worried about him? because I think about that a lot), Mace complimented Artoo by saying he saw what Anakin saw in him, that he was complimenting Anakin at the same time? Or pretty much EVERY interaction between Mace and Yoda is absolute hilarity, the side-eye they give each other, the teasing Yoda does when Mace is on a mission with Jar-Jar, the way Mace holds his hand out in the comics for Yoda to springboard off of into the middle of a fight? ICONIC FRIENDSHIP, I WOULD TAKE A WHOLE NOVEL ABOUT IT, DISNEY.
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Or that time even AT THE END OF THE CLONE WARS, like they are just a MONTH out from Revenge of the Sith, if that, and Mace is STILL trying to get the droids to stand down, that he's destroyed thousands of them, none of them have listened, but he's still trying, offering them a better life away from the war, a purpose again, even if he knows it probably won't work, that man still believed in compassion for anyone and everyone. Like, baby Boba Fett TRIED TO KILL HIM and Mace STILL argued for leniency and rehabilitation, rather than jail, because he saw a young child who was hurting and he wanted better for him. He was direct with Boba, he didn't try to befriend him, Boba would never have accepted that, but he told him, you're going to have to get over your hatred for me, he says this for Boba's sake, not his own, because he knows what poison the desire for revenge is, look at the path it's already leading Boba down.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH THE ZILLO BEAST, he tried so hard to rescue that poor creature, he fought the Senate so hard, he was so gentle with the hand he carefully pressed to its face, even when the Zillo beast was dangerous, even when it had attacked them and could so easily kill more, he wanted leniency for it, he wanted to save it because he understood where it was coming from.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH PROSSET DIBS, that guy tried to murder him, was ranting about how he would dance on their graves or whatever, and Mace looks at him and says, we need to help him, it's our duty to help him find the light again. And his big punishment is literally just library duty, because when Mace can decide the outcome, that guy always goes for helping people, always goes for the option that would bring them back to the light.
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Even as a young Padawan, his greatest struggle was to temper his anger, which was sparked because PEOPLE WERE BEING HURT by the false prophet on Mathas, he was angry because he saw how many people were suffering and the people in charge just let it happen, his heart hangs heavy when he witnesses people in pain, because Mace Windu deeply, deeply cares about the people in the galaxy.
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He cared about civilians, he cared about clones, he cared about his fellow Jedi, he didn't have to be bouncy or super smiley to show that, either. It was in every action he took. He cared so much.
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cuubism · 1 day
Found this old fic concept in my notes, I doubt I'll ever get around to writing it or that I could do it justice if I did, but it still makes me laugh so I wrote it up as a little blurb. Perhaps it will make you laugh too.
Mega Popstar Dream and Hob, his extremely non-famous celebrity crush
So in this universe Dream is an extremely famous musician. He's like Taylor Swift level of famous, if you walk up to any random person on the street they would know who he is. Meanwhile Hob is an actor but really not very well known, he was in a few small projects and is in the core cast of one TV show that's well-regarded but not super popular.
It's Dream's FAVORITE TV SHOW and Hob is his FAVORITE ACTOR that he's ferally OBSESSED WITH. Everyone knows about this too, Dream is really obvious about it. In interviews people will ask him what he likes and he's like "this is my favorite TV show" "have you seen Hob Gadling in that show isn't he incredible", They'll ask him if he has a celebrity crush (as a joke) and he's like "YES HOB GADLING 😍" like it's become a meme in Dream's fandom how much he has a crush on this random actor.
They've never met though, probably Dream was afraid to -- 'never meet your heroes' and all -- and never let his team book any overlapping events. So he's never seen Hob in person, only watched his favorite TV show 65 times in a row and memorized every inch of his face. Like a stalker.
So then a Buzzfeed-esque YouTube channel is running a special edition of their usual challenge show, "People Meet Their Celebrity Crush", except this time it's "CELEBRITIES Meet Their Celebrity Crush." Dream's entire team conspires against him to book him on this. Dream doesn't know what it is until the very moment since the whole point is to surprise people with their crush. Needless to say, Hob was REALLY dubious when the channel reached out like "do you want to come on as Dream's celebrity crush" but what's he gonna do say NO? say NO when Dream is so pretty and cute? So yeah he goes.
Anyway during the moment in the video when they revealed his celebrity crush to him -- aka Hob just looking like a totally normal and random guy -- Dream literally tripped over a chair and fell on the floor and then fainted. Instant meme and it became the thumbnail of the video. When Dream woke up to find Hob crouched by him all concerned asking if he was okay he nearly had a panic attack, he was never more flustered and nervous in his whole life not even performing for crowds of millions.
Hob fell in love instantly. He doesn't even know much about Dream, he hasn't even listened to Dream's music other than what's just playing ubiquitously on the radio all the time but all it took was watching Dream fall over a chair and then look up at him with his huge starry eyes and he was like 'This one's mine forever idc. I gotta protect this nerd he won't survive in the wild.'
Anyway they did start dating after that and Dream never leaves the honeymoon phase for the rest of his whole life, he truly thinks Hob is the most handsome man and best actor in the entire world and will tell anyone so at any opportunity, he goes around saying things like "see if you believe really hard you too can marry your celebrity crush 🥰" with zero irony, he might have skipped the Grammys to go to the premiere of season 3 of Hob's show (Hob didn't ask him to do that) (Dream won the Grammy but had more fun staring at Hob's face for 2 hours than he would have had at the awards show). Meanwhile Hob never talks about Dream in public because Dream already has negative 500% privacy in his life, he's extremely protective of him, and he allegedly punched one of the paparazzi in the face when they tried to take stealth shots at their wedding which was supposed to be a private affair. ALLEGEDLY. No charges were filed.
Dream did post one photo of the wedding on insta for his adoring fandom in which he described Hob as his knight in shining armor and then denied any knowledge of any 'alleged' events when asked about it in the future. Because Hob was so much more private about their relationship than Dream, for a while Dream's fandom had been like HOB DOESN'T DESERVE DREAM but after the (alleged) story about Hob punching someone in the face came out they were all obsessed with him. So that solved that problem.
(Despite Hob's efforts a paparazzi photo did come out of them the morning after the wedding, Hob sitting on the terrace drinking coffee, Dream sitting on his lap wearing Hob's shirt and looking thoroughly ravished. Dream might have framed it.)
Then they lived happily ever after. Dream put Hob in every one of his music videos regardless of whether it made sense for the story. Hob got one of Dream's songs put in his favorite TV show which made Dream's whole entire year. The end :)
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satorusugurugurl · 11 hours
HOW WOULD SATORU/ SUGU / NANAMI/ CHOSO react ti reader being cheated on. My bf of 3 years just cheated on me w his dumbass coworker. And I want to die
Summary: JJK men react to finding out you were cheated on!
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Choso Kamo, FAB!Reader
Word Count: 6,285
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, confessions, consensual photos, oral sex (female receiving), bathtub sex, public sex, chair sex, hot damn
A/N: Hi Nonnie Im so sorry that happened to you, cheaters are the worst!! Ah, I love this trope. There's nothing like getting sweet revenge and having a sexy new boyfriend to go with it!
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Gojo Satoru:
When Gojo’s phone starts buzzing with your ringtone, he answers it instantly, turning his back to the first years, who are bickering over where they want to go for dinner, on his dime. He steps away, holding the ear up to his phone with a gentle smile.
“This is Gojo; how can I make your every dream come true?” The line is silent before he can hear a slight sniffle on the other line. All of the humor and playfulness leave his tone as he steps into an alleyway to keep things a bit more private. “Sweetheart, hey, what’s wrong? Who do I need to teleport to the middle of the ocean?
“M-My cheating scumbag of a boyfriend.” You manage to get out in between hiccups. Satpru grits his teeth. He never liked the asshole, never in the entirety of your one-year relationship. “I-I was going to shop for some supplies for Yaga, l-like yarn and shit. And his coworker sent me a video of them fucking..”
“Where are you?” He asked, hurrying back to the group of first years, tossing Megumi his card. “I’m coming to meet you right now.”
After sending Gojo your location, you hung up the phone just as he teleported right in front of you, scaring the ever-loving shit out of you. “Jesus Toru, you sca—” His arms are around you in an instant, holding you tight against his chest. The sudden affection leaves you speechless, but the warmth of his body and the sweet, musky smell of him comfort your broken heart. Smelling him, feeling his warmth, had tears flowing down your cheeks. You hugged him back, arms wrapping tightly tightly around his waist.
“I always hated that dick; he was a total scumbag, sweetie," Satoru whispered gently, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “You don’t deserve to be treated the way he treats you. You deserve someone who’ll give you the world.”
“If you find anyone like that, let me know.”
“Well, you're sort of hugging him right now.”
You blinked, eyes going wide as you pulled back, looking at the blindfolded man. "Wh-wait, what?” He chuckled, one hand remaining on your waist while the other reached up, rubbing at his undercut nervously.
“I'd treat you like royalty, sweetheart. God, I've liked you for years now."
"Years!? How long are we talking?!"
"Since we were third year.”
"Third year? Toru, why didn't you wait so long to tell me?!”
"Because you were already dating Jerks, you didn't seem interested whenever I flirted. Do I gave up and decided to stick to being your friend?”
Thinking back to the times he flirted, he had been so boisterous, and in your head, you thought he was joking with you. When it turns out he genuinely wanted to go out with you. If you hadn’t been so dense all these years, you would’ve realized that you would’ve said yes to going out with him in a heartbeat.
“Oh my god, all this time, I thought you were just joking around! I’m such an idiot.”
“Don’t say that; I probably should’ve been more straightforward.”
Satoru gently squeezed your hand before you interlaced your fingers together. He was feeling your hand in his hand, which made his heart sore. His eyes glanced down, confirming what he felt was real, before his cheeks flushed a deep red.
“Is it too late to acknowledge your flirting?”
“For you? Never.” He began leading you out to the street as you pulled out your phone, deleting the message from your exes mistress. “Say ~ what do ya’ think about dishing out some cold, brutal revenge?”
“I would say I like the way you think.”
“You still have that Polaroid camera?”
The smell of sex is thick in the air as Gojo fucks into you from behind. You're gripping the sheets as he holds the Polaroid camera above him, snap-shotting the perfect back shots he’s giving you. The camera spits out the photo, and he snatches it, shaking it violently before looking down at it. He smirked, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking it, lifting you from the pillows.
“Look at this, fuck, you’re so pretty. I know we’re doing this for sweet, beautiful revenge, but I don’t know if I wanna show the world these pictures.” Hearing him being so possessive over you has you groaning and pleasure. “I think I want to keep these pictures all to myself, maybe take a couple with me so I have jerk-off material on missions.”
“Fuuuuck Toru!” you rock your hips and back against his hard cock that’s twitching inside your wet pussy. “Yeah, that them, keep them; I don’t want anyone else seeing me but you!”
The tone of your voice, the submissive words that leave your pretty fucking mouth, has Gojo pulling your hair harder as he keeps your head held up as he fucks into you harder. “Yeah, baby, do you want me to keep these pretty little pictures? Pretty pictures of you that my cock twitch and I’m still fucking inside you.” He pulls you up so you’re back is pressed firmly against his chest, both of you on your knees as he rams his cock into your g-spot.
“Gah! Fuck~oooh fuck Satoru~!” You reach a hand back, gripping the back of his head, pulling him down to your mouth so you can kiss the life out of him. “Yes~ yes~ keep them all~!”
“Mhmmmpm!” White eyebrows knit together as he kisses you back as hard as he can, lips bruising against yours, making them swell even more. “Fuck~ fuck sweetheart, you are so fucking hot.” He turns the camera so it’s facing the both of you and snaps a picture as he kisses your neck, nipping and sucking on it, marking you up so everyone will know you are his and he is yours.
The bed is covered, and Polaroid pictures depict your sexual debauchery over the last two hours. From you sucking him off to his head buried between your thighs, making you come so hard you experienced an out-of-body experience. The proof of your sexual encounter has your cunt throbbing, hugging his cock so hard it has him whining.
“Oh my god, you're so tight! Fuck!” Gojo’s jerking his hips up into you, hitting every spot that was a weak point for you. He’s a whimpering fucked up, pissy drunk off of you.”Nnngh baby~ baby sweetheart!” Hot breath fans against the crook of your neck as he nips at your skin.
“Toru! Toru! Oh my god! Ooooh, my fucking god, I'm going to cum! Oh fuck!”
“Oh please~ please cum on my cock~! Please! Fuck I wanted this for so long! God fuck!”
Satoru’s peace quickened as he slammed the head of his cock over and over into your g-spot. You squirt all over the bed and the polaroids that covered the sheets. Watching you come for the first time in real life and not in his fantasies had Gojo stealing his hips as his thick cum filled you. He weakly thrust in and out of your heat, leaking out with each time he slid out of you. He only stopped once he felt his balls unclench, and you both collapsed forward onto the bed.
“Oh my fuck.” Polaroid pictures moved across the bed under your conjoined heavy breathing. “Fuuuuck, I've dreamt about doing that for so long.” His lips pressed against your back with dozens of kisses, leaving you a giggling mess underneath him.
“Yeah, baby~?”
“Let’s go again.”
You could feel his softening cock twitch within your walls. “Again?” Satoru’s tone is thick as honey, excitement clear as day.
“Yeah~ we have ten years to make up for.”
You and Gojo made up for last time and then some, and while your ex never received any of the Polaroids you both took, he did receive the biggest fuck you when Gojo teleported all of his belongings into the Atlantic ocean. Dating the strongest sorcerer of the modern age came with several perks, a big dick, and scary dog privileges. As you lie in bed with him, you were never more grateful for receiving such a video of your ex cheating because you gained the best boyfriend in the entire world because of it.
Geto Suguru:
“I cannot wait to eat these cold soba noodles! It’s so hot outside. They’re gonna taste so good.” You looked up at your best friend as you exited the elevator. “Aren’t you excited, Suguru?”
“You know what would make these noodles taste ten times better? If my asshole boyfriend wasn’t at home.”
Suguru shook his head before heaving as you searched for your keys inside your purse. “I honestly don’t know why you won’t dump the dickhead.”
“Ya’ know, I’ve been asking myself the same question.” your asshole of a boyfriend had been blowing you off for weeks now. He complained about everything you do, and you were getting sick of it. “I should just dump him and date you instead!” your chicks burned as you stopped at him, a teasing smile over your lips.
When you met his eyes, you weren’t met with the soft grin he gave you whenever the two of you joked around. Instead, it was an earnest look; his eyes narrowed as he nodded before grabbing your shoulder and turning you to face him. Your mouth was suddenly very dry as he kept your cheek with his thumb.
“You should.”
“W-wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, I would treat you so much better than this asshole.”
You blink before opening your mouth to respond when a moan sounds from the other side of the door. That did not belong to your boyfriend. Suguru’s eyes were wide, his head jerking towards the door as you saw red. Flinging it, you rushed in, finding your boyfriend balls deep inside his coworker on your couch.
“You son of a bitch! That’s it. We are done!” Suguru gently took the bag of food from you, putting it on the counter, allowing you to throw your purse at your scumbag boyfriend. “Get out of my apartment!”
“Your apartment?” Your now ex-boyfriend asked as he and the bitch got dressed hastily. “Don't you mean our apartment? I live here, too!”
“Haha! Not any fucking more! I can't stand your ass!” You shriek, looking for something to throw at him. “You scumbag! God, you're both such terrible, horrible, nasty people! You deserve each other!” Having had enough of the conversation, you turned to storm out, and your ex scoffed smugly.
“Yeah?! Well, at least I have someone.”
That was it; you were going to jail. You turned to commit several crimes, but just before you could, Suguru stopped you. His lips crashed against yours. His lips moved feverishly against yours as he backed you up against the wall, slamming his hands on either side of your head. The initial shock of the unexpected knee-buckling kiss wears off, and you're like melted butter. You throw your arms around your best friend's neck, pulling him closer.
The fluidity of your kisses and moans would have had anyone assuming that you had done this countless times when, in fact, it was your first kiss. A kiss that was fueled by yes of pent-up desire. Suguru put everything into that kiss, ensuring you knew how he felt. You had never been kissed so passionately in your life. It was an array of tongues, the lingering taste of brown sugar milk tea, and pure lust. It made you want more, and for once in your life, you would be selfish.
You broke the kiss first, freeing yourself to stare at Suguru’s tan, flushed face as he panted roughly against your lips. A breathless giggle full of excitement and relief rose in your chest as Suguru kissed you again before turning to sneer at your ex while you trailed kisses down his neck.
“Ahhh~ fuck would you look at that.” His eyes rolled back as you nipped at his skin. “Looks like she does have someone~” Suguru picked you up by your thighs, lifting you to his hips. “Now, I’m going to give you ten seconds to get out of here before I start ducking my girl.”
“Why the fuck would I care?”
“Because I’m going to make her scream so loud you’re going to know what a real orgasm sounds like.”
“Suguru!” You squeak as he carries you to the kitchen table, tossing the placemats to the ground before laying you on top.
“W-What?! fuck you, Man-Bun. I’ve made her cum before!”
“Mhmm~” Suguru kisses down your neck, making you gasp. “Sure you did—just like this chick right who just sounded like some B-grade actress and a bad softcore porno.” His hands trail down your body, squeezing you gently.
You were so lost in the pleasure that you barely noticed the girl stuttering as she dressed. Your ex asks if she faked it as they hardly exited the apartment. The sound of shocked, angry yelling you in that she had faked it like you had done almost every time you had sex with him.
Suguru nipped at your collarbone before pulling back and looking at the door. “They’re gone.” He gasped as you yanked him back on top of you, kissing him deeply. The groan that left him as he rocked his hips against yours had your legs trembling in anticipation as you worked at his belt.
“So make me scream so loud they can hear it down the street.”
When you ask Geto to make you scream, he makes you cry. He fucked you on the table, his fat, thick cock, sliding in and out of your tight little hole, making you cum so hard you soaked his pants. Before he bends you over the couch and fuck you again, this time even harder, making you scream even louder. Before he dragged you into your bedroom, where he fucked you against the door.
The benefit of being one of the strongest sorcerers was that Geto had stamina. And even when his dick was limp and needed a break, his tongue did all the work for him. For a man’s curse technique was swallowing curses, he knew how to eat pussy like a champ.
“Oooh, what the fuck!?” You screamed as Geto Slid his tongue inside of your cunt, curling it expertly against your g-spot. “Wh-Whoa~! Fuck! Fuuuuuck me!”
Your hands dug into the dark raven strands of his hair, pulling on it roughly. Suguru growled, hands grabbing your hips and bringing you closer to his mouth. His nose rubbed up and down over your clit as he fucked you with his long tongue. Your upper body convulsed, shaking up and down as the pleasure rippled through every nerve in your body. Geto Suguru eats you out like you were his last meal on death row, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
“Mmmm~,” he hummed, “mmmhm~!” his eyebrows knitted and concentrated as he felt your sweet, tangy slick coating his tongue. he loved the way you tasted and how you withered against the bed as he pleased to deal with his mouth. He got off on getting you off. Tasting your dripping pussy, enough to have his sore dick rising to attention, ready for the fourth round of your insane sexual escapade.
“S-Sugu! Ooooh fuck yeah~ fuck oh my god!” Tugging his hair made him groan as you rocked against his nose. “Yes, yes!”
Suguru pulled back, panting like a madman; he used both hands, slamming back down against the mattress. “Stop—how can I enjoy my meal when you’re bucking against my face like that.” the sound of protest forms in the back of your throat., but Suguru is back between your legs, lapping at your wet folds. “By a good girl.” but being good was so hard when you were right on the edge of cumming. You wanted to know you needed it; you needed to cum all over his tongue.
“Plllease Sugu~! Please, I wanna cum~”
“Yeah, wanna cum all over my tongue, baby?”
“Yes! Please, please, I need it~!”
That single word had him melting. “Then,” he gripped your thighs, desperately flipping you both so you were straddling his face, “take what you need.” His tongue slid out of his mouth, resting flat against his chin.
Suguru had dreamed about you sitting on his face several times. He’d had countless a wet, wet dream about the scenario. For you to finally straddle his face and start humping his tongue while you played with your tits, Was almost enough to send him over the edge. Watching you use him, it was so fucking hot. You rocked and rolled your hips, fucking your face against his mouth as you gripped the sheets, grounding yourself as you fucking cummed all over his face.
The raven-haired man underneath you sucked all of your juices, willingly letting it fill his mouth as he groaned and whined at your taste. The taste alone, cock twitching once, then twice before a spurt of white-hot cum splattered against your back coding alone, cock twitching once, then twice before a spurt of cum hit your back. Feeling him cum untouched just from eating you out was enough to extend your orgasm, leaving you a trembling sloppy mess above him.
“Oooh fuck.” His voice muttered against your twitching pussy before you pulled back, laying down on his chest. “You are utterly insatiable. Do you know that?”
“Me? Good sir, you’re the one that just literally sucked the soul out of my pussy.”
“I’ve wanted to do it for so long I got excited.” his hands gently rubbed down the sides of your body. “You know, I’m not even sorry that we walked in on your ex cheating on you today.”
“Strangely, I couldn’t agree more with you.”
Suguru pushed her back out of your face, smiling as you nipped and kissed at his pecks. “The second I get the feeling back in my legs, I’m getting those soba noodles for us to eat in bed.”
“That sounds like heaven.”
“Mhmm, if you're here with me, it is.”
Nanami Kento:
Nanami stood outside your favorite restaurant, searching the sidewalk for any side of you. He was planning on treating you to a warm meal and a bottle of wine as a thank-you for your help on a recent mission together. You were running late and starting to wonder if you got caught up at the school before he could pull out his phone to call you; he heard you.
“Leave me alone!” you shrieked, running towards Nanami; while you’re moronic imbecile of a boyfriend was close behind.
“It was an accident, I swear!”
Without thinking, your best friend since high school rushed forward, and the second he saw tears flowing down your cheeks, he pulled you behind him, allowing him to face the man he knew as your boyfriend. Your hands gripped his suit jacket as your boyfriend tried to get around Nanami, but he would not allow him the chance.
“She has asked for you to leave her alone. Stop harassing her.” Nanami’s tone was cold and stern.
“Babe, it was an accident, I swear to God!”
You scoffed, your head around Nanami. “An accident?! you call fucking your coworker an accident?!” Nanami felt a vein pulse in his forehead; how could someone hurt you like that? “You expect me to believe that you accidentally tripped and your dick accidentally slid inside of her?!” when you rationally put it like your boyfriend didn’t know what to say.
“Babe, please—”
“No, we’re done. I will leave your shit in front of my door. Get the fuck away from me, delete my number, and never reach out to me again.”
“You heard her. You should leave because you won’t like it if I get involved more than I already am.”
You watched your ex-boyfriend heading down the street, his head hung low. The instant he was out of sight, you pulled away from Nanami with a sigh. “Thank you, Kento.” a giant hand stroked some of your flyaways against your head.
“You're welcome. I know this question is foolish, but are you okay?”
“I'm fine—?” Now that you are away from your exes hustling, you can process your emotions. “I'm more angry than sad.”
“That's understandable and a very rational way to react.”
“It's been a long time. But—” A broken sigh left you, “him cheating on me was the final straw.”
Hearing you say your relationship was finished made Nanami happy. “Good, I never liked him. You deserve so much more than he was willing to give you..”
You smiled weekly, gripping at the sleeve of his jacket. “That's very sweet. Thank you, Kento. I’m sorry, but could we rain check on dinner? I need to go pack up his shit.” you released his jacket to head back towards your apartment. You weren’t able to step forward before Nanami grabbed your hand, preventing you from moving further.
“Let me help you take out the trash. We don’t need to go to a restaurant, but I can cook dinner.”
“Oh, you don't have to do that.”
“I know I don't, but I want to.”
Knowing Nanami, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, not when he knew how upset you were and that your heart had just been broken. You didn’t want to be alone. So that’s how you found yourself on the floor sipping wine as you ate the pasta Nanami had prepared. You both were having such a great time laughing and chatting with each other. No one would’ve guessed you had broken up with your boyfriend hours before.
Nanami Kento always made you happy. He was the best thing that happened to you in high school. You had a major crush on him, but he never seemed interested. That was a shame to you. Do anything to be with a genuinely great guy like him.
“Say, Ken,” You were leaning against his side. “If we’re both not married by the time we hit thirty. What do you say we just get married? We’re both good friends. I think it would be a good marriage part—”
“It’s so incredibly frustrating with how oblivious you are sometimes.”
His remark has you sitting up, turning to watch as he sips more wine. “I’m sorry, what?” the blonde snickers ran his hand through his hair.
“Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why I never liked your ex-boyfriends?” you’re too stunned to answer his question. “It’s because I like you, and I always have. It’s always been you.”
“Seeing you in tears tonight being cheated on has me feeling a little more blunt.” His honesty has you breathing heavily as he puts his wine glass on the coffee table before he cups your face with both hands. “I don't want to wait until we’re thirty to be together. I want you now and forever.”
“N-Not like a one-night stand? This wouldn’t be a one-time thing?”
“No, this would be the beginning of a hopefully very long life together.”
There was no hesitation or second thoughts as you grabbed Kento’s face, kissing him hungry deeply. Your best friend hummed, pulling you onto his lap as his hands arrested on both of your hips, making you slowly rock against him. The sweet wine smell of his musk and plum made your head spin as you rocked faster. The pent-up desire finally allows you the courage to take what you want.
The sweet smell of your favorite bubble bath mix filled the air as water slowly spilled over the edge of the tub as you rocked up and down on Nanami’s cock. His head was tilted back as honey, brown eyes roamed over every inch of your bare, wet skin. A glow danced over your beautiful skin in the low flicker of candlelight, making you look like a goddess.
Nanami grunted, hissing through his teeth as his hands groped and gently massaged your breasts, his mouth coming up, latching onto one of your nipples. Your back arched as you gently guessed, leaning against him harder, pressing your breasts into his face, encouraging him to keep sucking. With each time you lifted your hips off his cock he’d suck the bud, and with each time you slammed yourself back down on him, he nibbled around your areola.
Although you have never been intimate, you move with a particular flow. You were like ice skaters who had been skating for decades. You knew each movement and how the other liked it. And perhaps that was because you had known each other for so long. You knew each other like the back of your hands. But there was something more between you. Something that was a more profound feeling, almost like the two of you were made for each other.
“Ah~ fuck honey.” Kento’s hot breath tickled your wet breasts. “Can I help you? Please, I want to be a little selfish.”
“Y-Yes Kento~ I want more! I need all of you.”
Sliding his hands off your breasts, Nanami reached down, grabbing your hips, holding them gently as he began thrusting up into you, slowly, sensually. The way his hips rocked into you was gentle, full of passion at the same time. The intensity of his slow thrusts had you gripping onto his broad, muscular shoulders for support as he began sliding down in time with his pace.
“You feel so good~I can't get enough of you.”
“Then consider me all yours.” You breathe out against his kiss, swollen lips. “Take me, Kento~ make me yours one million times over again.”
So that’s exactly what he did. Nanami pressed his lips firmly against yours, sighting his tongue into your mouth. You were both a tangled mess of limbs and tongues as you both fucked each other toward the edge of orgasmic pleasure. He moaned into your mouth, pulling away, resting his forehead against yours as he stared into your eyes.
“Look at me.” his voice was gruff and so deep. “Look at me when you cum on my cock.”
Gripping onto the blonde strands of hair on his head, he stared into his eyes as your walls were convulsing around him. “Kento~ Ken ~ ooooh fuck I'm cumming~ cum with me~!” he didn’t need to say anything for you to know that’s exactly what he did. Warmth spread through your body as he filled you, and you came together.
The intensity of the orgasm had you both shaking and trembling as if you were stuck in the snow. His lips move against yours, secret your hips with a satisfied snarl. “I could get used to this. Coming home to you, enjoying a hot meal and bathing together.” his hands gently groped your ass, squeezing it.
“Mmm~ As long as you’re cooking, I think we have a deal.”
“Mhmm, that’s fair; I’ll cook.” His hips jerked up into you, his cock still fully erect. “And you’ll be the dessert.”
Choso Kamo:
Choso walked with Yuuji to his class, eager to see you. The two of you had become best friends over the last few months. Telling each other everything, going to dinner, taking walks, and training together, you were inseparable. The only downside to being friends with you was that Choso longed for more. He didn’t want to be your friend. He wanted to be your boyfriend. But he would never make a move because of your current boyfriend.
He was a sorcerer and a scumbag who didn’t treat you the way you deserved. Choso had been so confused about why you wouldn’t break up with him, but his younger brother told him some people accept that sort of treatment. They feel like they can’t do any better, which is asinine because. Choso would love to treat you like a princess but wouldn’t push you to leave the man you were dating.
“Good Mornin’ teach—” Yuuji announced as he and Choso entered your classroom. Brown eyes met yours, and Choso felt like his heart would stop.
You were gently sitting at your desk; Geto and Shoko rubbed your back as tears streamed down your cheeks. For a second, both Cho and his younger brother thought something horrible had happened. Maybe someone had died, or you were hurt.
“Itadori, Kamo—” Geto straightened, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. “Gojo was supposed to catch you, too. He’s taking over your class, Itadori.”
“Oh! Yeah, we didn’t see him on our way here.”
“Yo Yuuji, Choso, let's get to the field!” Speaking of the devil, Gojo shredded forward, towering over Megumi and Nobara, who followed behind. “Your talisman class was canceled because your sweet teacher got her heart broken.” Heartbroken?
Choso’s head snapped in your direction. He'd experienced heartbreak himself after the deaths of his younger brothers. Was your heartbreak so bad that Shoko needed to heal you?
“Are you going to be all right? I know how painful a broken heart is.”
“Satoru!” Geto chastised as Choso rushed forward, gently examining your face, waiting for you to ensure you were okay.
“Cho—I’m okay—I just—”
“Hey, it’s not my fault. She got cheated on by a Playboy sorcerer who was notorious for sleeping around.”
Cheated? Like in a video game, it was possible to break your heart by cheating like that? The questions reeled, and Choso’s mind evaporated as you stood up, hissing as you tossed one of your talismans at Gojo. The glowing blue paper hit the white-haired sorcerer’s infinity and violently shook before exploding into blue cursed energy.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know she was still here!” Gojo grinned, pointing at your flailing talisman paper. “You seriously thought this would get through my infinity? That’s hilarious.”
“Fuck you, Gojo! It’s not your right to go around telling people what happened!”
“Sorry! Sorry! I'll leave you to wallow in self-pity. Yuuji, let’s get going.” Choso watched as the strongest sorcerer of the modern age grabbed his younger brother by the back of his hoodie and dragged him down the hall.
For a moment, Choso tried to think of what to say or what questions he could ask without coming off as insensitive. But those thoughts came to a heart as Geto cleared his throat and motioned towards the door at Shoko. The two friends left, heading off in the direction Satoru turned, leaving you and Choso alone.
Your dark-haired companion shut the sliding door to your classroom before strutting towards you. You were wiping useless tears when he threw his arms around you, hugging you. The sudden affection caught you off guard, making you stumble back against the wall as Choso squeezed you tight. His warmth and the sweet smell of spices were much more comforting than your friend's backrubs. So, of course, more tears fell from your eyes, staining Choso’s robes.
Seeing you in such a distraught state, the marks on Choso’s face shifted into the shape of arrows. You could hear him gritting his teeth as he clenched his jaw tight. His hand slowly stroked your hair back, and you sniffled into his clothes as he rested his chin on your head.
This was exactly what you needed.
For someone to hold you tight and let you cry into their chest. You didn’t need to hear about how you had made a mistake; you knew that. You just wanted a hug and were so glad it was Choso. He was always so good to you; he was perfect.
Pulling back, you sniffed at Choso’s thumbs and brushed tears away. “What happened?” he spoke softly as if he thought his words would break you.
“I found out my ex was cheating on me with several different girls.” You sighed, resting your chin against his sternum and looking into his eyes. “I saw all the messages and pictures; one of the girls found my account and messaged me. When I confronted him about it, he didn’t even deny it.” Choso’s hand twitched. “I asked him why he would cheat, and he claimed I was bad at having sex.”
“That’s ridiculous! A terrible excuse for a terrible human!” Choso’s brash anger made you blush. “Even if a person was bad at it, which I doubt is possible, it’s no excuse for breaking your heart.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Cho—“
“I know I’ve been sealed, but that’s ridiculous! Even if someone was bad at it, I'm not saying that you are; there are so many more qualities to a person than just sex. How beautiful and smart you are, compassionate and open-minded you’ve been. Especially with me.”
He gently stepped forward, slamming his hands on either side of your desk. “You are so incredible. I would never hurt you like that!” He inched closer to the smell of dragon blood spice wafted off him, making you dizzy. “Can I please show you how much you mean to me?” He stood firm and tall, waiting for your answer.
“I-I—yes, you may.” The second those words
The second the word yes leaves your mouth, Choso slams his lips against yours. You gasp as he presses you against the wall, your back against the window. His hands grab your wrists, pinning them above your head as he kisses you harder, his eyes shut tight as he groans against your mouth. The kiss has your eyes rolling as you kiss his back, and your tongue flicks at his bottom lip.
Your friends eyes open wide as the feeling of your tongue against his lip. He hesitantly opens his mouth, allowing your tongue to enter. He shudders, eyes rolling back as he tastes your favorite drink on his tongue as you massage it against his own. He kisses the sight of everything as he tilts his head, deepening the kiss, trying to match your pace.
You both pull back for air, gasping into each other's slightly parted mouths, a string of saliva connecting your lips. There was something in the kiss, how Choso’s gently held your wrists, that made you feral. He was so cute and sweet. God, he made you feel like you were going insane. There was always an attraction for him, but since you were dating someone else, you never acted on those feelings. Now that you were single, you could finally give in to the carnal desire screaming at you to act.
“Cho,” you pant, pulling your wrists free, resting your hands on his chest, “I want you, no, I need you.”
“I need you too.”
You grab his hand, pulling him towards your office. “Promise you’ll be honest if I suck at sex?”
Choso’s hair clings to his forehead an hour later as he bites his lip. He’s sitting in your chair, and you're straddling him, burying your face in his neck, breathing heavily as you ride him. He’s a whimpering mess, his arms wrapped around you, pressing your breasts against his chest as you thrust his hips up.
“Haaaaah~ haaah haaah.” He breathes heavily, digging his nails into your neck with a gasp. “Y-You’re so good~ sooo good! So wet, so tight, sooo good!”
“C-Choso~ Choso~” you’re littering hickeys all over his pale flushed skin.
“Y-You—fuuuck fuck!” He hisses out, throwing his head against your shoulder as he bucks up into you faster, whining, crying softly at the immense pleasure of you clamping down on his cock as he hits your cervix. “Y-You’re so good at sex! Oh my god, I love this. Can we do this again?! Please, I wanna do this all the time!”
Pulling your face away, it suddenly became evident. “Choso, you’re a virgin?” He nodded, his eyes rolling back into his head, and he shuddered at the feeling of gushing around him. “O-Oooh~ fuck Cho~!” You slam down on him faster; being the first woman he’s been inside of had you feeling absolutely feral. You wanted to ruin him for all other women; you wanted him to be yours and only yours. “W-We haaah, we can d-do this all the time!” Your sweet friend gripped onto your bare back tighter, gasping and gritting his teeth as his balls tightened.
“H-Honey! Honey, please, going to cum~! Gonna cum!”
“Yes~ yes, fill me up, Choso~ give it all to me!”
He shudders and slams up into you, dragging you over the edge with his. Your walls flutter around him as he kisses you deeply as he fills you with his cum. It’s hot and thick, coating your walls as you both hold onto each shaking from the intensity of your orgasms. You hum happily, your lips grazing his skin as he gently shifts, grunting softly.
“You don’t suck at sex, you—you were like a goddess.” Pulling back, Choso cups some of your hair behind your ear. “I want to worship you.” His sweet, gentle voice has you leaning into the palm of his hand.
“You can, only on one condition.”
“Name your price, honey.”
You gently press your lips against his. “I get to worship you too.” Choso felt his smile widen as he kissed your lips over and over again.
“This is the best day of my life!” And you had to agree completely, because it was the best day of your life too.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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