#This hashtags are top insane for me lol
chasingfictions · 2 years
Hi sorry i so desperately want to send this from my sideblog babygirlgiles bc I already went insane about your edit in the tags which gives some Hashtag Context, but I just saw your Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong edit and I’m losing my mind over it omg. Like please feel free to interpret this as free reign to like share any and all thoughts about it or how you made choices for it or anything, but I was also curious how you interpreted the line about mistaking these walls for skin? I’ve always read it as kind of constraining (if that makes sense?), walls being something hemming in the “you” being addressed, it just feels almost claustrophobic. But the way you did it complicates that a lot more I think and gives it so much more nuance!! I’m going insane thinking about it and could probably ramble for ages about all the different readings your edit opens up for me (especially bc the pairing of “the room with everyone in it” as the walls, and then the walls being in that final moment of Chosen) but instead I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to ramble about it lol
Sorry if this is deranged :) and if this is a truly “the curtains are just blue bc they’re blue” moment then whoops :)
hi hello i love this ask!!! also both ur urls fuck
ok But basically I think the way I was interpreting that line in my post -- and obviously there are many different ways to interpret it! -- is that for the speaker, they’re viewing their body as a kind of structure, as a hodge podge stitched together of various different elements. like going from “the most beautiful part of your body is wherever your mother’s shadow falls” to “here’s the house with childhood whittled down to a single red trip wire.” Or later the repetition of “the most beautiful part of your body” again directly abuts where the speaker describes a room. and that distance from the physical form exists again at the top of the poem, with the bit about how the spine won’t remember its wings. and that being linked to the father’s role in the speaker’s bodily makeup sort of by the transitive property makes it also about the house, because the speaker’s mother is linked to the house.
which I think is really true of buffy as a show— the idea of the self being made up of many different pieces. like I think you can read the whole show as a map of Buffy’s psyche — which is an idea I’m sure I got from somewhere else but I can’t quite remember where. most likely from @impalementation’s meta though . like in restless, with the core scoobies literally being represented as Buffy’s mind, heart, and spirit, which then becomes a metaphorical framework you can apply to the rest of the show. or how buffy keeps acquiring shadow selves in other characters — notably cordelia, faith, and spike. or how someone like dawn is literally stated by the narrative to be a part of buffy. “normal again” plays with this too — the idea that the scoobies and sunnydale can be read as a metaphorical map of Buffy’s psyche . they’re her insides. Which isn’t to say I take normal again to literally mean that buffy is imagining the whole show. rather that it’s just another sheet of vellum you can lay on top of the rest to deepen the reading
so the “here’s the room with everyone in it,” is like, buffy is the room with everyone in it. The show and the person. all those people in that room, in that shot from family, they’re pieces of her. tara and anya have less clear roles, but I do think that by being the partners of her spirit and heart, they become a part of that framework. and even, again, the episode, the line "we're family," ties us back into the mother and father of it all for this poem, right? and it’s not just that buffy has a fragmented self for no reason!!! i think it can be directly read in conjunction with her queerness, right? Like, being the slayer is so queercoded all over the place . BUT, in the context of this poem, I think the queerness at play here is largely in conjunction with parental reactions to queerness. Buffy comes out to her mom and her mom kicks her out of the house. Buffy is taken to a world where her friends are literally figments of her imagination, and in that world her mother and father still love her and are still alive. Buffy’s mom institutionalized her when she first heard buffy talk about being a slayer—and that’s a huge part of queer history and queer tragedy, is that same thing happening to our community when we’re found out. it’s also this post from @slayer-pride-parade — diversity win! Buffy’s metaphorical heart mind and spirit are all attracted to women! — and it’s also the fact that her shadow selves all can be read to represent that repressed attraction. which I’m not gonna go in depth here about bc my entire blog is about how her shadow selves are a representation of her queerness lmao. that’s basically my whole btvs meta tag.
SO, long story short, I feel like the “mistake these walls for skin” is about like, buffy being able to accept that she isn’t just a bunch of pieces stitched together all wrong, she isn’t just a self who needs to be fragmented apart into separate pieces because the whole of her is too dangerous, too queer, wants too much. and this happening at the final moment in chosen when a) she's just changed forever the status of what it is to be a slayer, both for herself and for future slayers. she's taken the loneliness out of it and replaced it with queer community. and b) she's just had this reconciliation moment with the latest in a long line of her shadow selves -- one of her last acts on the show is to tell spike, her shadow, i love you, and that shadow's last act is save the world. (which kind of takes us back to the joyce of it all. spike being there at that first coming out, spike being embroiled in motifs of home). but that's why i chose that moment to end on -- buffy is obviously a show about a thousand things but one of those is the journey to self acceptance, self understanding, self love, at the risk of sounding buzzwordy. which is why i love that the show goes past 5x22, which is why the show couldn't go past chosen. because this was the central narrative question we've been circling around from the beginning: how do we get buffy to a place where her body isn't just the terrifying haunted house she lives inside of, but where it’s her. and it is. it finally is.
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4dmyreality · 6 months
Chronicles of a Fandom Luminary: My Journey as a Renowned Fan Fiction Writer. (and an obsessed fan)
Journey into Fandom: I've been in a few fandoms throughout but I believe this was the first fandom that was probably the deepest I'd ever been. And when I say deep I mean deep. I most definitely won't be dropping any specific names but I'm sure you'll be able to pick up along the way some hints here and there about what I'm talking about.
I was on YouTube in 2016 or 2017 and had come across a few videos on YouTube, then couldn't get enough and was watching reactions of other groups reacting to other groups. I'm sure you get it by now. lol.
My memory from this time is a bit foggy about how I got into this fandom exactly but this is how I discovered them.
There were two within the group and I really loved their dynamic with one another; along with the other thousands of people. I loved how they interacted, talked, and were cool with one another. I was obsessed. I watched YouTube compilation videos that others had made of them and it garnered lots of views, I loved everything about their bond and was genuinely obsessed to an insane amount.
I realized I had too much love for them and an overwhelming affection for the two especially one of them. My entire being literally overflowed with love and obsession and I needed an outlet for all this. This is when I came across Wattpad.
Discovering Fanfiction
I had used Wattpad in the past to read normal/regular stories from authors--never actually using the app as an author myself, but mainly as a reader.
I saw that the fandom I was in had specific tags and names for my OTP. I saw that the tags/names would be paired with drawings, vdeos, etc. I then realized I could use those same names/hashtags to search for content on other platforms. So I searched on wp andd I was surprised but filled with happiness and excitement as I saw that my otp had so many stories written about them. I added these books to my library and read and read and read. I would read until 3AM just engulfing myself into their universe of love.
It wasn't long until I had a favourite dynamic of who was the top and who was the bottom; then only reading and enjoying that specific dynamic. I was mainly obsessed with one of them though and read every single thing related to him. him x the others, it didn't matter because it was him. Though my favourite otp above all the rest was him x the other guy.
I was very, very happy with the authors I followed and supported and all, as so many of them created so much amazing and good content. I had so many stories in my library saved and I had read all of them more than 20 times. (no joke). I had two absolute favourite authors and I was more than obsessed with their works as they only ever posted about the otp and did so beautifully. it was clear they were just as obsessed. One of them did eventually went mia for a while due to some things happening, and she came back a year later with an update to one of the stories and was more than active. the other favourite author went mia until their account eventually got deleted. She was my #1 writer and me and the other 15k+ followers were more than obsessed with everything she released.
It also wasn't long for me to start getting into writing the stories myself. I remember writing my first ever story of my otp and finishing it at 4AM on a school night. I was filled with joy and adrenaline because I was simply so happy to be writing things about them and obsessing over them.
I shared the story with my best friend and she helped me edit it, read it over for me, gave me suggestions etc. before finally publishing it. That story did extraordinarily well on the platform and it wasn't long before I started pumping out more work. Every work I shared and finished did better than the next. I had gained over 1.2k followers in a span of 2 months and it only continued to grow from there. Engagements were high, everyone was active, it was more than amazing.
I realized I loved writing my otp because I was in complete control of the story. I could write about absolutely anything and could feed the hunger within me that was so obsessed with them. I had so many ideas and fantasies that I was able to publish and it seemed there were just as many people waiting for it as those stories did extrodinarily well. I wasn't only obsessed with my otp but again with him and so many of my stories consisted of him x xyz in the group simply because I loved the dynamic he had with the others as well; and also watched content regarding any of his ships.
I had published so many stories until the point I stopped reading on wattpad and became a main author myself on that platform when it came to the otp. I was starving for some new content about my otp, something fresh, something clean and brand new that I had never seen before but it came to a point where wattpad simply did not have what I was looking for. The quality I wanted, I could not find on wattpad. I had eventually slowed down my writing and barely published new works; but updated chapters here and there times.
Twitter and AO3
I craved some new content really bad but didn't know where to look. I went to wattpad to try to fill parts of the cravings but it did not work anymore. I got bored of reading the same thing over and over but couldn't go a day without not indulging.
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon twitter, but this was also the very first time I was introduced to stan twitter. My wp handle and twitter handle were the same. I updated my followers on wp that I now had a twitter account and told them I would be more active there. Quickly I found content regarding my otp and his numerous ships, and the dynamic I enjoyed. I followed accounts that also loved and were obsessed with him and his other ships as well. The community was huge.
I believe this was when I came across AO3. I'm not sure exactly how I found it but I was in love. AO3 was levels above wattpad. It was and still is in a leauge of it's own. The writing quality was absolutely beautiful, the mountains of stories and stories regarding my ships and especially my otp made my mouth water. I was amazed and in awe that such a platform existed and it was only now that I came across it. I believe my friend knew about it long before I did and helped me get use to the platform. I quickly created an AO3 account which had the same handle as my wp and twt.
It did not take long for me at all to start publishing. My first work and gained many kudos and love from so many, so many comments I received were written in paragraphs; it's as if they wrote an entire story in my comments. Quickly, my following on twitter grew exponentially. I loved writing so much and loved that there was a large community for all of this. I soon found other writers on twitter and fanartists and what not, and I read all their content and reposted it all too. It was amazing. I couldn't ask for anything better. Everyday there was something new for me to induldge in regarding my otp and any of his ships. I truly couldn't believe it. Even if it was in another language I would find a translation for it.
It was interesting to learn that there were people more obsessed than I was on an entirely different level.
I published more content and gained lots of exposure--even becoming twitter mutuals with one of my all time favourite writers of my otp. She was very well known for her works about the otp and I was so excited that she loved my stories just as much. I had moved from wp to twitter and AO3. I would receive so many dms of people saying they loved my works and how thankful they were about me and the content and ideas I would produce. People also dm'd me suggestions about what to write and a story line they would love to see and of course I took so many things into consideration and would publish them. My best friend even helped me work on some stories together, we brainstormed and wrote it together, it was very fun. She wasn't in the fandom or anything like that but liked helping me out fomr time to time or whenever I needed it.
Eventually, not only did I publish fics but started posting fanart as well. (I used to be an artist until it no longer interested me) I posted lots of otp art, and it gained lots of traction as well.
I even participated in kinktober (for fanfics) and wrote something every single day and published it. It did well of course. I never wanted to do it again as it was also draining.
Things could only go up from there. I was well known within the community, my works were being shared amongst others and were included in threads regarding reccomendations. Every single day there was new content regarding my otp and any of his ships, the fan art from fanartists was of insane and highest quality, writing from writers was of amazing and highest quality it was just an amazing sight. I was even surprised my favourite fanartist had a twitter as well since I only found her on tumblr, and of course her following was just as grand on both platforms. I would go through all the art she published everyday as it was just too good. She was and is still very popular.
I literally could not go a day without my otp. Every day I was indulging in anything and everything about them and was utterly obsessed. It legitamatly was one of the main things that brought me happiness (lol).
I also realized much later on that I only cared about my otp and his other ships. If it was any other ships that included someone in my main otp in their ship, I wouldn't even engage with it or bother to acknowledge it but it brought me annoyance. Yes, this literally would drop my mood down and make me upset. So, to lighten my mood again I would go back and simply engage with my otp content. I realized that majority of the community did not like that other communties otp as they would harass us as they solely wanted their otp to be the main one. It was out of some sort of jealousy since our otp announced many things together, worked together in duo projects, and always paired together in everything.
Curious cat
Moving forward, I had eventually created a curious cat as I had seen it was something a lot of content creators within stan twitter had. I would recieve hundreads of anonymous messages everyday and would respond to them. 98% of it was very, very posititve and had nice things to say about my writing and etc. the other 2% were low lifes, bottom of the barrel individuals who sent odd things about the otp and my writing because they wanted me to write about their otp. I made it clear that if they were that upset, they should go write it on their own. I would even get dt because some people were that upset.
Majority of the community was on my side when it came to any rude messages from anonymous', and would defend me.
It was fun but eventually I closed down my curious cat due to receiving too many messages on a daily bases and not being able to respond to them at once.
Closing Twitter
Twitter was very toxic in general. Even amongst the main group fandom it was just weird. I loved the community and everything having to do with our otp but twitter was just not the vibe for me. Despite having many devout followers, I didn't like being on the platform anymore; so I closed my account down and remained only on AO3. Of course people were very upset about my account closing as I had lots of content on my account that many would revisit daily, and it wasn't on AO3.
I still regined without a twitter account. I published and eveyrone was content and just glad that I was still active.
I am no longer obsessed. Though, I did publish something this October since I hadn't published something in a very long time and of course it's doing numbers.
I skipped quite a few things in this story since I don't consider them to be too relevent to this story. I have many more stories to tell regarding stan twitter and being a solo at one point but those are stories for another day.
I'm wondering if anyone knows the ship. I don't think I said anything specific at all; the information provided is so broad.
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ryoceann · 3 years
Hi. Itk here. Believe me, don't, doesn't matter. Thought I'd drop (after you summoned ha) by given the chaos and try to enlighten the ones who choose to believe me, as much as I'm capable of.
The first thing I wanna say is: stop trying to figure out their relationship. You most likely never will. Fans are stuck on both extremes, when the actuality of it is far more in the middle (perhaps even up or down and all around ha). It's complex and strange and not at all "normal" (as normal as they could be, anyways).
It's not as simple as "oh they're just a closeted couple who engage in bearding and have kids and behind closed doors they're just a regular, old married couple and a big, happy rainbow family".
Doesn't sound like itk info, believe me, I get that but observing the fandom I'd say it almost is because most fans simply hang on extreme simplistic ideas of what their relationship is.
Second thing I'd like to say and unfortunately seems like it's not at all obvious but: do not believe anything they share publicly. Not saying they're lying compulsively, but they are public figures and they have a lot at stake to just casually drop the actual truth of any given situation.
Just don't. The same salt you have regarding itks, have towards them. It'd do you some good...Believe me. Unless you are involved in the entertainment or political life, you cannot even begin to fathom what it's really like, the level of manipulation, falsehood and well, overall deviation of it. It's quite disturbing tbh. So just always take whatever's said and shown with a good amount of salt. With public people hardly anything is accidental or casual.
I think the most prominent question now is...Why? Why would they do something like that? Regardless if you have the ingenuity to believe the little scene they made or not...Still, the question lingers.
With my level of "in the knowness" I cannot for sure say the real reason, yet from the pieces I've collected so far, seems to be a multiple gain scheme. It was a high risk, they were well aware, and it paid out in the way they were expecting, minus small bumps here and there. But overall it seemed to have worked in their favor. How in the hell, one would ask?
Believe me, I used my best sneaky capabilities to find out exactly why but they were smart enough to keep this one locked tight, minus a few loose lips. And from those all I've heard was that "whatever the purpose was, it worked out".
As weird as it may sound to the innocent mind, it's actually not at all, given that even leaked nudes are not at all leaked or accidental, and those tend to (at least in the past) get immense amount of backlash. It's not the first time famous folks fake a fight, surely won't be the last.
A lot goes into public image, it's not black and white as "well but it looked bad on Jensen", "it looked bad on the prequel", etc. You'd be surprised as how little this truly matters given the level of manipulation they are able to pull on the public. And well, even with them...It happens all the time. Both made mistakes far worse than just "not telling my bestie about my new project" and fans would eventually let that go and put them back on the pedestal.
So just remember, always: not in the industry? then don't judge anything because you simply do not understand how it works.
Another piece of itk information I can give besides "this was planned and it worked" is: they are fine. From what I've heard they are not fighting over it or going through anything more dramatic than what they usually have been going through ever since they met haha.
So just sit back and chill out. Breathe, read fanfiction and remember that we will never truly get answers, because even what comes out of their mouths are most of the time carefully thought out and directed to have a specific meaning and effect (why do you think Jared mumbles and rambles so much?).
Another interesting piece of itk: you know how they always say they never fight? Even though that sounds insanely hard to believe even if they were just friends because who knows someone for that long and is constantly together and never fights? Unlikely, right? Yes, as obvious as that was. But unfortunately a lot of you seem to believe that, given the level of shock you had for this little twitter feud (as fake as it was). Yeah. They fight. A lot.
They fight as much as individuals in their situation would. Like I said, not at all what most people absentmindedly seem to think it is. They go through a lot. Way more than anyone who isn't in a similar situation would understand. It's messy, although they try their best to make it simpler in the ways they can.
On top of being in a very complex situation, they both have strong personalities and one of them is quite hard to "pin down". So altercations happen a lot, but they know how to deal, and they are exceptionally good at making sure that doesn't interfere in their work (oh well, at least not any work that doesn't benefit from intense emotional exchanges, anyways 😉...chemistry isn't something random, you know? haha).
I find it quite...interesting (to put it nicely) that a lot of hats easily believe they are a couple that lies constantly about almost every aspect of their lives, yet, they cannot believe they would fake a social media narrative. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It'd do you all good to be a little less tendentious and look at them as, you know...Humans? They are not what they seem to be, just as you guys also take in different versions of yourselves in different situations, they do too. And don't be so hopelessly naive to actually believe they see fans as "hashtag family". This is their work. And as grateful as they are for supporters, they certainly do not consider them family. To the point of never lying and trusting you with their life.
I'm sure they love their fans, but come on, saying they would never lie because that's mean to fans is just beyond naive. They've been doing it all along and oh, another interesting info? They don't think they're doing anything wrong.
Yeah, sounds weird, you'd think they'd feel guilty. But again, unless you were media trained, you'd never get it.
From years now if there's one consistent info I've gotten was this: they don't feel obligated to tell you anything. They believe they are doing "what they are supposed to do, the right thing for everyone involved".
So. Yeah. And hell, they are right about not being obligated to say anything about anything, I guess.
Well, I hope that was helpful or at least entertaining. It's hard to share info without accidentally making it obvious who I am for the lurkers (sure you guys were well aware that they lurk around the fandom). But it's safe because as long as I don't provide evidence, I'm fine. Just walking a thin line between sharing and not sharing something too specific that would be easy fir them to know who has that info and although they can't do anything against itks, they can manage to cut us off somehow and I enjoy having access lol, so that'd be a bummer.
Anyways, take itks and J2 themselves with a ton of salt haha! You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!
itk anon everything you said was <333 and i agree with like almost all of it. very nice analysis and ask thank you ! i don't always believe everything j2 put out but the whole stunt being a false narrative just seems wrong so idk what to make of it. regardless i myself can sometimes get carried away in my star-struck love of j2. and i am a tinhat so well :) and now they look to be really good and taking a break from here was well worth it <3
''You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!'' i love u so much hope u have a great day !
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Storm, just slipping an ask in before you close them. BTS are called humble kings and it seems to me some of it is likely cultural: expressing gratitude to fans, we’ll try harder etc. But they also flex: lots of lyrics about how they’re superior to their haters, Jin not shutting up about how handsome he is lol, JM not shy either about naming his charms, RM’s we’re already in the textbook, Suga’s pick up line (“Do you know BTS?) etc. This could all be just (1) complex humans with humble and proud moments (2) running gags (3) part of an idol persona (4) stating facts (no lies detected!). What do you think are some good examples of BTS’ humility? Is this unusual in the k-pop environment? (How) do you personally make sense of the humble and the brag? Thx
I think there is a big difference between being humble and knowing your worth. Those things can coexist as well too. Being humble doesn't mean not acknowledging your hard work or skills necessarily. It just means essentially not acting like being so big, so famous, so full of talent, makes you better than anyone else. Idk if that makes sense, but that's how I see it
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Like for example, how they are constantly donating money to people, places, organizations who need it. And they NEVER do it for the recognition for it. It's done quietly. It's done specifically to give back to the world. It's not about them or what this act of kindness can do for them. It's being humble in the not expecting anything in return for their good fortune and doing things just because it's the right thing to do. Like the most recent example was when it came out that Jin used his prize money from the You Quiz show and donated all of it. That was almost a year ago at this point (March 2021) but we just found out like last week. It's not about press or looking good. It's just because they want to help others
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Another example would be all the insane records they have been breaking. Topping charts for extended periods of time. Smashing hit over and over. And when asked about these accomplishments, the first thing that they do is talk about how the only thing they want is to be able to return the love they have been given to army. By working harder, celebrating with us, wanting to be able to perform for us to give us a gift in return and be together. For example:
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We see how humble they are in just their interactions with people. They came from NOTHING and they never act like they are kings now that they have it all (even though they ARE kings now). Like for example, this delivery driver talking about how he wasn't even a BTS fan, but he delivered food to them as part of their job and how incredibly kind hearted, down to earth and caring people they are
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Or like how Jimin stopped in the middle of the workout to give ARMY a full bow after getting the news of being on the BB # 1 Hot 100 again. How grateful, touched and moved he was that he expressed his gratitude towards his fans like that. In a way that was so meaningful and humble. It's this attitude that gives them that "humble kings" title. It moved everyone, it even made the front page of their newspaper, the whole country noticed how special that thank you was for sure. Or how he adds the # our armys got an award hashtag everytime they win. They know the fans are the ones who support them and got them to where they are and they never forget to acknowledge and cherish that
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How everyone they meet, either other celebs or just regular people or ARMY talks about how kind they are, down to earth they are, special and sweet and considerate. And it the midst of how many celebrities view themselves are better than the "Normal folk" it is a great example of how they always stay humble. The way they treat their staff and backup dancers and their whole teams. It's always on equal footing and with care.
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So I think when you asked is it ..., it's a little bit of all 4. People are complex, every coin has 2 sides. You can be proud and loud, while still being kind and humble. You can acknowledge your efforts and still be down to earth and never forget your roots. You can be humble, while not letting people step over you or make your efforts or talent "less than" too.
Is this unusual? Yes and no. Yes in the fact that BTS are so geniune with it. And it's just who they are. And part of that I'm sure is also their started from the bottom and now we are here underdog story too. They weren't given anything easily. And instead of letting that go to their head, they let it make them better people. But it's not something only they have. Just the other week BangChan from Stray Kidz said that BTS paved the way in reference to all the doors they have been opening for kpop. It was an incredibly sweet and humble thing to say. He is a star in his own right. It's nice seeing how they appreciate and look up to other groups though too. That BTS is that group people look up to now 💜💜 it's also that "we will work hard" statements and slogan almost is fairly common. The letting your work speak for you. Not bragging too much, etc. That's all definitely very cultural in kpop.
If anyone had reasons to have a superiority complex, it would be them. And they don't. Not even close. Which is why we call them our humble kings. At least that's my opinion! Thanks for the ask!! Sorry it took me a while to get to it 💜💜💜
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gothamslittlejester · 5 years
Poly! Joker x Joker x Reader (SFW/SMUT)
Anonymous Requested: That ask about the spiderverse situation and the two jokers made me wonder what a polyamorous relationship with them would be like.
Ok the amount of requests and plain THIRST I’ve gotten for my new “jokerverse” thing in my inbox is insane, so I hope this satisfies all your horny needs, because I didn’t hold back lol. (Also, jokerverse is now officially a hashtag, big thanks to that anon who suggested it first time <3)
Also I tried to make it as clear as possible, but just as a reminder: “Arthur/Joker”- Phoenix!joker // ”J” - Ledger!joker
NSFW under the tab!
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It took a long, long time for these two to even want to be in the same room together, much less share the same person they both cared for so deeply
They’re both possessive, jealous and overprotective individuals, so getting them to agree to this is almost impossible
But in the rare, rare, case that you do, be prepared for the most chaotic romance of your life
The first order of business was their names. You couldn’t call them both Joker, that would be much too confusing for all parties involved
“We need some nicknames.” You told them in determination, sitting in Arthur’s lap as he squished you into him possessively
“I’m Joker.” He stated bluntly, his arms wrapping even tighter around your body.
The man in the purple suit let out a high pitch snicker and gave him a mockingly sympathetic coo.
“Sure, but I’m The Joker.”
“Same thing, doesn’t count.” Joker barked out, his eyes never left the man across from him, squinting in a daring way, challenging him to argue
The other clown just looked at him amused, like he was little puppy picking a fight with a Rottweiler. Then, his eyes settled on you, his red lips morphing into a wolfish grin
“Well, you can call me whatever you want, darling,” he mused, as his dark eyes bore directly into your soul. “Joker... J... Honeybuns... Daddy.”
Your cheeks reddened profusely at the last offer, unable to look away from him. Absolutely delighted at your reaction, J’s scarred smile stretched so wide he could make the Cheshire Cat run for his money. Joker just growled under his breath and continued pouting for the rest of the night
When the tension slowly started to die down, things became almost civil. Almost
They’re always trying to out-do the other in romantic gestures or jokes, and at the end of the day your getting twice the gifts, and twice the laughter. They may not agree on much, but your smile is definitely the most stunning thing in the whole of Gotham to them
They’ll both try and persuade you to wear their clothes around the house. Sometimes you’ll wear just their jackets and nothing else to tease the both of them, scampering away from their grabby hands everytime they get too close
Both of them make loud noises during sex, no matter what. They don’t care at all who hears; if it were up to J, he’d invite a whole camera crew and laugh-track audience. Fuck, Joker will bring out the video camera himself
Joker gets lost in his pleasure very quickly, not shy about how good your clenching hole feels around his cock. He’ll moan and groan and whimper, his eyes rolling back into his skull as his mouth hangs agape. He never hides how good you feel and likes to remind you so as much as he can
J on the other hand is much more aggressive in the sounds he makes- he’ll snarl and growl under his breath, hissing the dirtiest of things in your ears until you’re practically gasping in pure sin. Don’t you dare turn away from him. He wants your eyes trained on him every. Fucking. Second
Arthur’s kisses are passionately long and often slow, savoring your lips as if it’s a fine chocolate and he’s a man starved. You’re always left out of breath and wanting more- something Joker will never deny you
When J kisses you, you’re also left out of breath… but for a completely different reason. His kisses with you are so bruising and intense, you can’t even fathom the hunger and desire he craves from you. He bites at your lips until they draw blood, his tongue always exploring every inch of your desperate mouth, and his hands rest on the pulse in your throat, silently reminding you that he’s in charge
At the start of this chaotic relationship, it’s the both of them fighting each other to pleasure you, feel your body and get every second of your attention, but as time passes on, as well a lot of persuasion (verbal and physical), they get into a rhythm of their own
Your red-suited Joker is a switch at most. He likes to take control with you if that’s what you need from him, but J? he stands no such chance. He could fight for his life on that issue but could never succeed in topping your J. Besides… Although he would never, ever, admit it (and he’d kill anyone who suggested it) getting lathered in attention and pleasure by two people he tolerates is something he could only ever dream of
Call J “daddy” in the bedroom. Just do it. He’ll turn into a damn hell-beast, fucking you into the mattress so good you won’t remember what color the sky is
J... is into some hardcore shit. Spanking, hair-pulling, biting and bondage are just the beginning
Will wrap his gloves around your throat as he fucks into you relentlessly, loving how happy his little slut looks as he takes control of your body
Will use his tie to cover your eyes or tie your wrists to the bed frame, giggling in anticipation. Seeing his clothing draped on you unleashes something... animalistic in him. Arthur could watch the two of you play around for days on end, touching himself as his eyes trail from your bodies hungrily.
In your most intense love making sessions, Joker’s not off the hook either- J will mercilessly rip Arthur’s tie from his neck too, and use it to tie him to the bedframe right by your side. After all, J is a multi-talented clown. A jack of all trades. He can deal with two needy whores at once no problem
To add to his chaotic needs, his favorite kink is bringing his beloved switchblade into the bedroom. Loves to gently trace the blade across your naked flesh, watching you shiver as the cold sensation creates a map of goosebumps across you skin. Would never cut into your skin without your permission, but he longs to one day mark you as his own, even if it’s just a few light scratches
Joker on the other hand is so used to pain that he quietly craves it in the bedroom, never experiencing it before. It was something he was too uncertain to ask about before, until the newest addition to your threesome. Likes to smear blood (whether it’s from one of you, himself, or some poor victim) across his smiling lips, then press his lips to the both of yours, until all three of you share the same gruesome, bloody grin
Arthur has always preferred deep and sensual foreplay, and will always push for long sessions in the bedroom. He craves you so much he could go down on you for hours; who needs air when he can just inhale your juices instead? Incredibly talented with his tongue, whether its towards a pussy or a cock, much to J’s surprise (and delight)
Oh, all the positions you could try together. Endless possibilities, endless combinations. J bought you three the Kama Sutra book once for some inspiration, and read it to you as a mock bedtime story. You were blushing and giggling the whole time, but Joker just smirked with a crooked grin, mentally noting everything down. Your face was completely red, and you couldn’t help but bite your lips in embarrassment and subtle excitement. Underneath his red and blue paint, Joker’s cheeks were also tinting pink, but it wasn’t with shyness- it was with want. He’d be dammed if he didn’t try every single one of these positions by the end of the week
The only thing pink about J was his growing hard-on as he watched in amusement as his two darling pets react to everything in front of him. You may not have noticed Joker’s reactions, but J picked up on every twitch and inhale that escaped his lips
It’s crazy, and messy, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. A good pack of cards has not one but two jokers, after all
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seblore · 3 years
everyday i wake up and you still havent posted your evermore rant </3
there u go boo 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
GDBDNSKDJHHDDNDS GIRL................ ok so i very cleverly avoided ranking folklore because every song REALLY HIT and the whole album was just SO.. SO.. yeah. i can however rank miss evermore. i dont want to compare the two album i do not get the point in that. both give off really different vibes. now what i will say is with folklore, AS AN ALBUM, it is just a master masterpiece. The songs flowed amazingly with each other and really held you close the entire first listen. at least thats what I felt like <3 with evermore however, the individual songs are OMG!!! THERE IS LITERALLY NO SONG I DONT LIKE FROM ANY OF THE TWO ALBUMS. but as an album on the first listen i did feel a bit disconnected from evermore which didnt happen to me with folklore. why i think that might’ve happened is BECAUSE taylor is just so brilliant m8.... the MASSIVE contrasting emotions between the songs was too much for my little brain to handle.
Ok so now that’s out of the way dhsjsk time for rankings :) i have no idea where im going to put each song im just going to make it up as we go <3 ill ALSO give you my fave lyrics from each if I remember it <333 (oh and also you’ll notice marjorie isnt here. im sorry but i never listened to it after the first listen because it hits a little too close to home and i dont want to unpack all of that now im sorry! it is a beautiful song)
14. Closure: she popped off <3 she really said dont treat me like a situation that needs to be handled 💃🤙💯 a beautiful song with beautiful lyrics HOWEVER its the first song i couldnt connect with thus it’s down here BUT I STILL WOULD LISTEN TO IT ON REPEAT THO... the last in my ranking but still fucks 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ thats taylor swift 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
13. long story short: i have never been in a relationship ever BUT GODDAMN ‘pushed from the precipice, clung to the nearest lips’ hdjsksksjjddjnBbdns jddd ubebs!:!?:?:$3&39383$hzjs WOAH.... and this bitch really summarized the full 2016 drama with long story short it was a bad time. HILARITY. yeah not much to say here tho this is just the ‘at least one mandatory song to shake your tits to on each ts album’ song of evermore <3 and always remember that if the shoe fits walk in it TILL YOUR HIGH HEELS BREAK WOOH ANDIFELLDOWNTHEPEDESTALRIGHTDOWNTHERA—
12: dorothea: making a lark of misery :D RENt free. i had to listen to ‘if youre tired of being known for who you know you know youll always know me’ 113 times to finally understand it tho 😐 some of us are stupid and illiterate have you ever thought about that miss swift???? anyways TINGTINGTINGINGINGING THE STARS IN YOUR EYES SHINED BRIGHTER IN TUPELO <33333 such an innocent feel good song I LOVE!!!!!
11. ivy: the goddamn here and the hush of mirrorball ARE THE REASON IM STILL ALIVE 😽 another lyrical masterclass <3 ‘id live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time’ IS2G!!!!!!!!!!! anyways what if you cheated on your husband with me and i cheated on my husband with you and my pain fit in the palm of your freezing hands 😳 JK JK 😅 unless...... 🤪😏 hdjsks yeah this song is magnificently cursed and i am in love with it 🧎‍♀️
10. tis the damn season: this song is august but the other side of the coin. august but four months later. AUGUST SLIPPED AWAY LIKE A BOTTLE OF WINE- THE HOLIDAYS LINGER LIKE A BAD PERFUMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... she sounds so pretty goshhh! ‘time flies messy as the mud on your truck tires NOW IM MISSING YOUR SMILE hear me out we could just ride around and the road not taken looks real good now’ is on repeat in my mind. and as always the bridge ::::::::::::::.............:::::::::::::: how does she do this everytime. ‘and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles im faking’ 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ after every ts song i listen my expectations about true love grows exponentially and my chances of finding true love falls exponentially simultaneously ADIEU.
9. willow: she really took the invisible string quartet and put it in huh..................... FUCKED IN THE HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDD. what can i say <3 its just such a pretty song <3 hashtag gorgeous hashtag i cant say anything to its face. WRECK MY PLANS!!!!!! WRECK IT BITCH!!! ‘wait for the signal and ill meet you after dark’ LOVE STORY WHIPLASH. also mate i cant even focus on the song she looks SO GOOD in the music video i—
8. happiness: !!!! what can i say.... one of the best songs of the album hands down. lyrical masterpiece AND musically rich. she really logged into tumblr dot com and typed out ‘THERE’LL BE HAPPINESS AFTER YOU’ AND ‘THERE WAS HAPPINESS BECAUSE OF YOU’ ARE IDEAS THAT CAN COEXIST and logged off...... h8 her and her insanity. the one word i have to describe this song is: picturesque. tis a picturesque song <3 oh and dfbhhffcbhDDVHHTRSDVJK when i heard ‘i hope she’ll be a beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you’ i audibly GASPED and then she says ‘no i didnt mean that sorry i cant see facts through all of my fury’................. i fell out of my chair. IT FELT LIKE AS IF SHE HEARD MY GASP AND TOLD ME SPECIFICALLY THAT NO SHE DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT... anyways yeah. ill write an article one day named THE SWIFT DECEPTION OF TAYLOR about how she keeps writing songs with deceptive titles and this will be the opening case 😈🤙 also the fact that this is one of my faves and i put it in number 8 says a lot......
7. evermore: i havent recovered from ‘motion capture. put me in a bad light’. i mean come on the whole goddamn song is a lyrical masterpiece. ‘writing letters addressed to the fire’. IS SHE OK!????????????? i think tf not. beautiful song beautiful arrangement. iver sounded really good too. and lol lol rofl WOOFWOOFbarkbark ‘HEY DECEMBER GUESS IM FEELING UNMOORED’ unmoored definition from google dot com: no longer attached. she doesn’t go back to december anymore. about2 faint oml. long story short: i did not survive. THIS PAIN WOULD BE FOR EVERMORE........ what i felt with this song is that she took the quarantine sadness we all felt at least once this year and made it into a masterpiece of a song. couldve been easily the top song on any album except this. no i will not elaborate <3
6. no body no crime: i cannot believe. she teased us with a musical number. this woman teased us with. a musical number. I THINK SHE IS WRITING A MUSICAL BUT I JUST CANT PROVE IT! when she wins that tony 16 years later call me prophetic xoxo. anyways yeah she literally wrote this to flex her storytelling abilities. send tweet 🐥
5. cowboy like me: YEEEHAWWW I’LL BE HONEST WITH YOU I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FULL SONG SOUNDS LIKE I JUST HAVE THE BRIDGE ON REPEAT!!!! OMFG!!! the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up. AAAA!! ??? STFU. IM NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE LYRICS MATE THE WAY ITS SUNG!!!!!!! GUT WRENCHING! the best bridge she has ever written musically. i cant stop listening to it. REALLYYY DID BELIEEEVE I WAS THE ONEEE. STORIESSS ABOUT WHEEEN YOU PASSSEDDD THROUGHH TOWN. y e l l. and then she hits me with ‘now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon.’ L ???? M !!!!! A $$$$$ O “”””” i had to pause it and sit there for 10 minutes to take in what i had just heard. case closed critical hit sustained yeedhawd.
4. tolerate it: i cried. the only reason it’s not 1 is because it hurt me too much. WHAT THE FUCK YOU MF YOU ASSUME IM FINE BUT WYD IF I BREAK FREE AND LEAVE US IN THE RUINS???? TOOK THIS DAGGER IN ME AND REMOV— m8 this physically hurts me everytime. if its all in my head TELL ME RN. aghhh aRghhhhhhh. pain. and lol she broke down sleep to its bare essentials ‘breathing with your eyes closed’.
3. ??? coney island: i know it’s a bit of a controversial top three but WHO CARES 🕴this is solely here for ‘AND IM SITTING ON A BENCH IN CONEY ISLAND wondering where did my BABYy GO’ im shaking. my bed is shaking. my body is shaking. my pupils are shaking. THE WAY SHE SINGS IT OH MY GOODNESS ME i have to lie down gimme a sec. ‘and if this is the long haul howd we get here so soon 😟’ SCREAM. and when i was hearing it for the first time and she said ‘sorry for not making you my centerfold’ i was like yeah and?? so what?? and then she hits me with ‘over and over’...... so she didnt make him/her/them her centerfold over and over !!!!!!! she is sorry she didnt do it over and over!!!!!! mannn.... the chorus.. i shall not speak. i am held at gunpoint i CANNOT SPEAK. the bridge tho dhdnsksksjsb I CAN SPEAK AND I SHALL SPEAK. BITCH WENT OFFFFFFFF. <3 this is the apology she deserved from her exes which she never got so she wrote it herself. podium. grey skies. birthday cake. ACCIDENT. im laughingggggggggggg <///3 and yeah so overall it is a really yummy song with yummy vocals and yummy arrangement 9/10 would recommend. also!! life lessons kids life lessons. disappointments? SIMPLY CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PRETEND YOU DO NOT SEE IT YAAAAAAAAAS
2. gold rush: ETHEREAL!!!!!! The last time i felt like this™️ whilst listening to a song was with mirrorball <3 the production of this song omg omg omg LOVE 💃 but what propelled it to number two status was the ‘i dont like slow motion double vision in ROSE BLUSH/ i dont like that falling feels like flying till the BONE CRUSH’ imagine how fucked in the head a person needs to be to rhyme rose blush with bone crush. yeah i have nothing more to say really this song is extremely gorgeous and ‘eyes like sinking ships on water so inviting i almost jumped in’ / ‘walk past quick brush’ ?:!:!&:8483 F A V E <33333 and the transition transmission transfusion from ‘... gray old tea cuz itll never be ᵍˡᵉᵃᵃᵃᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʷⁱⁿᵏˡⁱⁿᵍᵍᵍᵍ’ MADAME
1. champagne problems: are we surprised? ARE WE REALLY SURPRISED? when listening to new albums i normally listen to it at one go in order. i stick to that rule. HOWEVER after many years of my solid album listening self made rule tm i finally broke and immediately replayed this mf song after listening to it once. ‘you had a speech, youre speechless/ love slipped beyond your reaches’???? stfu???? VILE. PUNISHABLE. DEROGATORY. and welp the entire bridge ...... .... ........... what can i say. And the parallels to miss all too well??? WHAT WAS THE REASON???? your SISTER splashed out on the bottle- left my scarf there at your SISTER’s house 😐 she’ll patch up your tapestry that i SHRED- maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you TORE it all up 😐 your MOM’s ring in your pocket- your MOTHER’s telling stories bout you on the tee ball team 😐 November flush and your FLANNEL cure- PLAID shirt days and nights when you made me your own 😐 wHAT A SHAME SHE IS FUCKED IN THE HEAD IS2G........... and also why would she not rhyme POCKET with LOCKET?????? why with wallet???????????? slant rhyme why????????????? AND THE NOTE THIS MF SONG ENDS ON..... FUCKED IN THE HEAD
THATS IT. i really sat here and did this for the past 2 hours huh...... hhdjsms anyways LONG STORY SHORT: I HATE ONE INSANE WOMAN AND HER NAME IS TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT. GODSPEEED 🏃‍♀️
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mividadelicioso · 4 years
El Ano de Treinta
First post here...in a long time anyways. If I were being honest, my last Tumblr of decades ago turned into this soft porn type feed. It’s easier to get to that place then you think lol. First it starts with beautiful things as something to choose for your feed, or clothes, and at some muddled point down the line, there are half naked peeps (amongst other things) just popping up on your feed. In any case, that’s not why I ghosted. I ghosted, because like many things, but especially my writing, I just lost the juice of any kind to use my words via ink or typing, (rather). 
So you may be wondering to yourself, or...more realistically, not be giving a shit at all, as to why I am back in this wordy black hole. Well, really, a conglomeration of things that I’ll slowly vomit out onto this virtual paper, but to nutshell it, I’m losing my mind during this quarantine...losing my fucking sanity, as I would assume, everyone else is. However, for me, it’s more than just this quarantine situation (which, by the way, is incredibly insane to think about, but I digress atm), somehow, someway, (of course in my life), all these events just happen to coincide in a very important year of my life, hence the name. I basically spoiler-ed this post for you (you’re welcome for those of you that have no patience to wait until the end). 
I never thought that the ripe old? young? age of 30 would be a big deal to me; I mean, sure, everyone makes lofty goals for that age, that I would almost dare to say, 90% of the population never accomplish, but it just never worried me that the inevitable would come. It WOULD come, like every birthday, and then it would pass, like every birthday, without cause or concern. So what happened? (You might be asking yourself, OR you MIGHT not be caring at all. I mean, who really cares about a strangers’ musings? AMIRITE?). I don’t know, dude...or dudette. The truth is, this quarantine has forced me to sit in my apartment, shut off from distraction, and has forced an OVERTHINKER and an OVERANALYZER to overthink and overanalyze. It has, shall we say, created the perfect storm for this. Of course, the usual shit bothers me about this birthday; like, I had put together a meager list of goals a long time ago, if you could call them such, and as is the purpose of a list of goals, none were accomplished. Typical? Yes. Normal? Yes. A reason to have mental moments (I will always refer to breakdowns of any kind, as ‘mental moments’)? No. And yet, here I am, friends of Tumblr, have now had a mental moment over this  seemingly significant double digit. You’re probably wondering what that list was; yes, I thought about this myself, because truth be told, this last hasn’t actually been present in my mind at all, recently (PROBABLY why nothing has really been accomplished). 
**LIST OF GOALS: 30th Birthday**
-Go to Ireland (always been a dream of mine to visit)
-Be far along in my career (this is about as fucking unspecific as it gets lol)
-Be financially stable (i.e. have savings and shit)
-Pay something towards student loan, bc them government fuckers will find you
TADA! This was my list, ladies and gents. SHOCKING, I know. The length of it...just straight obnoxious. And TBH, none have been accomplished. TECHNICALLY, the second point does not count, because I switched jobs about 4 months ago...made moves as they say. Now, were those moves, MONEY moves? No...(had to make a rap song reference, don’t hate). Please, judge, and then judge away some more. I mean, listen, I have a 401K collecting moneys SOMEWHERE, and I can always still go to Ireland later this year. The irony of THAT particular point is, that I’m on furlough with my job, and the flights have never been fucking cheaper...but I am at a point, where I am FORCED to not spend frivolously. Although I am blessed with a boyfriend, who will be mentioned in a later post, that handles most of the major finances. Not because I’ve asked, (believe me, I have fought him on this...independence and such), but he thinks it’s his duty as the dude, I guess. But still, can’t be spending money that I may need down the line, should this godawful virus continue to ravage the U.S. (STAY HOME PEOPLES. FUCKING MAKE A BLOG...like me). 
In any case, coming face to face with an un-checkmarked list is quite possibly one of the most depressing things ever. So on top of me going out of my mind, and worrying about the health of my friends and family and significant other, I am also confronting the daunting age of 30, as well as, an unrealized list of goals.
Boohoo, boohoo, right? I resonate with your unsympathetic sentiments as well, but isn’t one of the benefits of blogging on the internet, that you can throw yourself as many endless pity parties as you want and no one can say a goddamn thing. That was definitely a rhetorical question, said in the most un-grammatically correct way ever. God, I love the internet. 
I will continue to rant about this further later on, but for now, I will say, that the only resolution I have come up with for this ‘mental moment’ I had about my list of un-accomplishments, is to create...and dare I say it...A VISION BOARD. Yes. 
God. I. Said. It. A FUCKING vision board, people. I’m about to get DIY up in this bitch...cause...not like I have anything else to do, right? 
Ending this post with some photos of tonights’ dinner. My spin on fried rice w/ asparagus, carrots, and corn as the veg component and some general tso’s chicken I baked in the oven. Despite the potential health hazards food can pose, when consumed in large proportions, I do believe in food therapy, people. BELIEVEEEEE IT.  Hashtag it folks, FOODTHERAPY...unless someone created that hash already, in which I can further add that to my list of failings for my grand ano de TREINTA. 
-Foodie OUT-
P.S. Don’t go all Sherlock Holmes and stock a hoe through my food photos. KTHX. 
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Stream of Consciousness Lover Album Reaction
I wrote out my first thoughts while listening to the album and put them in one big post. I hope you find them as funny as I do lmao
1. I Forget That You Existed
LOL so that’s what the drake Easter egg was about!
Who is this about????
This track is somehow savage and adorable at the same time
2. Cruel Summer
This is giving me Katy perry vibes
The devils roll their dice line is from this?? Didn’t expect that
This is maybe the catchiest song I’ve ever heard
Why is this not a single??????
This also kind of gives me Jonas brothers vibes, why???
Again.....what is this about???
OooOOoooOooWhoooooAAAAhh i loveeee this
OOOH no you know what this gives me GETAWAY CAR vibes
Wait...do we think that at the beginning joe wanted to keep their relationship private and Taylor agreed but then changed her mind? WAIT NO.....is this about her having to keep her love for joe secret at first the summer they met because she was with someone else/it was too soon??
3. Lover
Ok SUPER WEIRD transition into lover but OK
As much as I love albums with a clear narrative like rep I also like being all over the place so this is fine
I wonder what inspired her to use the term lover? Does she not know that normal people don’t speak like that?
WAIT IS THE REASON LOVER COMES AFTER CRUEL SUMMER because of the 3 summers line?? Like look how we started...now were here
Does the album begin with i forgot you existed because its like ok this Kanye situation happened...but now were gonna forget about that and talk about the realer real story of the past couple years of my life rather than seeing it through the lens of that story like on rep
4. The Man
Honestly though i actually thought this one would be more savage, i thi
Never mind this is as savage as i wanted
I should know better than to judge a Taylor song before the bridge
Again why isn’t this a single.....it better be
5. The Archer
The emotional whiplash this album is giving me is insane.
It’s like RED but with synths
Is the archer placed here because part of her lack of self confidence comes from the things the media says about her (because she’s a woman not a man?) INTERESTING THOUGHT
Don’t have much else to say about this, we already know
Wow the cake i bought for tonight is somehow way too sweet
6. I Think He Knows
Definitely didn’t think i think he knows was about being horny af
But this is so catchy
Why is everything so catchy?? Literally every song should be a single
BOY I UNDERSTAND the confidence!! After the archer!! I love that he makes her feel that way1!!
This gives me teenage dream vibes and i fucking love that song
7. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
Ok time for the one with the weird title
I love how she keeps comparing her current feelings to how she felt as a teenager!! How its the same and different....very good.
More dice!
Is she imagining what it would be like if she was in this relationship in high school? Because I DO THAT ALL THE TIIIIME GIRL SAME
I really like this one. I didn’t expect I would.
This should be a single.
8. Paper Rings
She’s singing so fast on these songs!!!! I CANT KEEP UPP
This is so retro and i loooooooooooooooooooooove it
Ok baby boy that’s kinda weird but you know what..
Ok its still weird but maybe it will grow on me
This should be a single.
9. Cornelia Street
The storytelling!
Wait......is this about before they ran away together in CIWYW?? Like she thought he didn’t really want her so she was gonna run away alone...but then he was like no i really do lets go
I totally thought that this was the one with the staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town line was from
She ended it with the line she started with (i think)? Ike she used to!
Kinda feel like people hyped this one up too much but i do like it
10. Death by a Thousand Cuts
The piano!!!!
Like a thousand notes a thousand cuts
Look through the windows of this love - like the heart on her eye! I get it I GET IT lmaoooo
If this song was on red it would have the saddest production but on this album its a bop
11. London Boy
I don’t know if this song is supposed to be as hilarious as i think it is but i really do think its hilarious
What does like a Tennessee Stella McCartney even mean????
I kinda feel like this song is too specific to her life to be relatable so maybe that’s why i feel that way about it?
12. Soon You’ll Get Better
Ok great... so we went from that to the sad one
I have to prepare
I didn’t tell you i was scared....
Cause you have to...
The fact that this is the country song...
I cant
That was the only song so far i had to actually stop typing for. God....I’m so sad for her and her family.
13. False God
I can barely take this song in because of what just came before.
But i really like it. And i really like the theme of religion on this album
14. You Need to Calm Down
This album is literally all over the place, i keep trying to assign a narrative to it and its not working out so I’m just gonna give up
Sometimes albums are just collections of songs and not a coherent, linear story and that is ok! Even if its not what i prefer
It certainly didn’t bother me on her first few albums.
The one thing i take away from this is like...no wonder she’s so determined to be so overly positive, i think for her its that or break down crying in the face of what’s happening in her family
15. Afterglow
I really love this song!!! Hashtag relatable
Man..you can really tell even just from my typing that my heart isn’t in this anymore after that song
I think I’m just sad for me too, because i know that i will go through that too sooner rather than later and I already have friends dealing with losing a parent.
16. ME!
My only thought on this is god bless brendon Urie for injecting so much additional joy and energy into this song and making Taylor happy, i just get the vibe that she really needed that
We’ll see if its on my physical cd copies when they arrive...if not then maybe it was always planned to be a line only in the single version
17. It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Ok I don’t really like this song that much but i really like the messages she’s trying to send like...real love feels like hanging out with a childhood bestie, so comfortable
18. Daylight
Also something about the chorus reminds me of the chorus of starlight
My feelings are everywhere. Some songs disappointed me but some blew me away - soon you’ll get better is basically the new Never Grow Up for me which is saying a lot. Everything is catchy a hell though even the songs I didn’t like as much. Ultimately i would have liked more songs about varying subject matter esp. self love but as it is, it is still somehow so all over the place. It really just shows how many emotions and phases can be contained within one relationship (i mean I’m assuming every song about a relationship is about joe). I really think that the song about her mom maybe should have been placed somewhere else...I don’t know where I would have put it but that shit is HEAVY. I am so honored that she and her family would share that with us though. I have a million question about how Andrea is doing and if my theory on why tour hasn’t been announced is correct...maybe she will explain more in the interviews/secret session audio we’re getting in the next couple days. I think my favorite song is Lover but that may change. I don’t think any song on here tops my current all time favorite Taylor song though which is CIWYW. That’s a little disappointing but not every song or album has to be my fave! And this album will probably grow on me esp as i hear Taylor’s explanations of it. Rep did. I really did nooott feel good about most of rep at first, it took a few days.
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coloremoving · 6 years
Ok honestly I’m so freaking confused by all the drama with Perth and Saint. Do you mind explaining it all from start to finish because I am so lost?
Oh wow erm.. from start to finish? Well, there’s a lot going on LOL I don’t really want to dwell so much on this topic cause it’s kinda upsetting and also it seems to calm down. I get information from twitter and also from opald. You can go through her tags under #perth tanapon or #lbc cast And i believe this ask have been sitting in my inbox for quite some time haha so by now you should probably know what’s going on but I’ll just give some points regarding it.
It started off with a rumour that Saint is being sold into marriage to a man 
Then one of Perth’s manager, Big, posted this in his igstory Translation: Even if you put it in a basket and wash it over and over (Thai proverb) It won’t be clean. I thought that I’d see it in a drama, didn’t think I’d see it in the real world. It’s funny right? - *The Thai proverb ‘put in the basket and washed’ means trying to clean up lust. Like someone who did something sexual and is now claiming that they didn’t do it and they’re so clean. (Thanks opald) So Big pretty much called Saint a slut which is bullshit (I believe some Thai fans think that the rumour appear cause of Perth’s management idk)
And there’s the events. I noticed at first that whenever there’s an event with the LBC casts, it’s always the 5 - 7 of them and none of them are Saint. I thought it was because Saint is busy with his individual schedule. But apparently NOT. Saint’s manager, P’Keng decided to spill the ‘tea’ that Perth’s managers purposely picked events that won’t have Saint in it. One of the event from Kazz Magazine (the one where the boys went to Chiang Mai? and played with the elephants) was suppose to be a PerthSaint event. However, Perth’s manager told Kazz that they want their boys (Plan, Mark, Gun & Title) to replace Saint and lower the price from 5000 baht to 2000+? If I’m not wrong (to pay the boys) So Thai fans was really pissed about it
Then there’s the interviews with Perth’s managers from daradaily which cause a lot of rages. I remember one of it is that they say they’re not series managers but actor managers so it’s not their job to promote Love By Chance which again, is bullshit cause they��re using the LBC name to get the boys to attend events. This really upsets a lot of people including Khun New, the director of LBC cause he worked so hard with the boys and now that they’re popular, they pretty much throw him away. Hence, there was a lot of hate towards the managers and the boys. I do feel bad for Perth cause he’s in the middle of these and I believe he can’t do anything about it. I may be biased cause I really like Perth more than Saint but Saint experienced way worse stuff like that rumour and not being able to attend some events cause Perth’s managers doesn’t want him to which is really upsetting. Hence, I admit that my love for Perth did decrease because of all these but now I love them equally
One of Perth’s manager, Gin actually said some stuff on his twitter (I can’t remember) but basically he was lying and said that it was Saint side that was in the wrong. But oh well, majority of the fans already hated them Then later on Big decided to post an apology on his twitter - he said (I’ll just summarise it), “If I have hurt Saint, then I would like to apologise.” Err, it’s not “IF” but you DID hurt his feelings especially with that post of yours in your igstory ugh. Then he said he have discussed with P’Keng to allow PerthSaint events (hell yeah) Yeah, he did apologise but I still won’t forgive him. He probably apologise cause he can’t handle the hate pressure from fans (hate ≠ no more money) But Gin and Pupae (another Perth’s manager) until now did not apologise ugh
Another bullshit thing happened and it was during the airing of LBC Episode 14 Director’s Cut event with mostly all the LBC casts. They have two timings and in both timings, fans did some special video for the casts. But in the second timing, the special video that is done by one of Perth’s biggest fansite (I believe it was Perth’s Place? Correct me if I’m wrong) doesn’t have Saint in it, AT ALL. So after that video and during the casts talks, the fans had a fight with the fansite master lol Do you know what the master said? That she couldn’t find a photo of all the cast with Saint, which again is BULLSHIT cause P’Chen (another Saint’ manager) revealed a screenshot of a conversation the fansite master and him which shows that P’Chen actually sent a file of Saint photos. With all the hate, she decided to close Perth’s Place lol
There’s more but I’ll just end of here. Saint experience so much for a 20-year-old boy, it’s INSANE. I don’t how he still able to smile and also forgave the managers because I was in his shoes, I’ll probably start a riot lol With all these dramas, no wonder Khun New and P’Nan (one of the investors) decided to not do SS2. Obviously I’m sad about it cause we didn’t get to see more AePete but I’ll patiently wait and hope that Season 2 would happen maybe a year or later
(P.S I’m both PinSon and SonPin shipper cause I can’t pick side. Yeah, call me a coward I DON”T CARE)
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mrsmilfzilla · 5 years
i need to rant about a community for twitch: streamerssquad
so last few days i been off streaming due to health problems and life lol. but i been looking around spending time in streams and other communities, and nothing compares to StreamerSquad. I don’t mean that in a negative way per say, but what intelligence they show me its a twat of a community. Last few months a few Instagram followers came out to me about their experience in their discord. They were being banned for a misunderstanding on a Christmas picture challenge and posted under the same chatroom not knowing it was supposed to be somewhere else due to loss of communication. Innocent people misunderstood due to the communities leaders being terrible at explaining what the community wanted. Not only that but ban people who stood up to the ones they said were spamming in the wrong chatroom. How insane is that?! but thats not all. Their tweets are so terrible i get a charlie horse of cringe, from racism, judgement, and standing up for sex offenders. I am shook this even has half the popularity like these people.
update: they banned me on all social medias but like anyone growing up on the internet i used my 8th grade acc xD
i don’t mean to talk only shit about this community but they are so bad at pretending to be the right side of the wrong its youtube expose worthy. I will do everything to put my actual opinions over being triggered you banned my friend called your admin a Nazi for autistic-ly screeching about miscommunication on a Christmas challenge in the wrong chat. 
Now lets move past their miscommunication skills, as humans we all strive to become better people and they try to keep this facade of being pure beings. BUT what most people don’t do is go through your tweets over the months, and through how you speak whiten few weeks and your actions towards others you cannot handle criticism. the person or people who run their twitter sure have a different view on what is repeated to us as consumers. you cannot say you accept everyone’s opinions and then brag about your block list. Its so hilarious you see yourself as a leader, but what i know about boosting on twitch is if you create a community for small streamers to collide only people who really get that boost everyone is looking for is the creators/staff. From what i can see, throughout however long you tried to create this community. I haven’t learned one thing on being a better person then doing what you tweet me to not do, and do the exact opposite. What i can see from your representation; 10k followers on twitter, 6k on insta, and 1k on discord it seems you’re worth something, but your posts interaction says completely opposite. on average a recent instagram post will only get 117 likes including over 8 hashtags, as their tweets get barely over 25 people interacting even though its their biggest marketing by follower rank. it’s funny how their discord is exactly 1k at the end of this year(2018.) because they have over 10k on twitter and have their discord pinned to the top. Seems like your community is a mess, thats why i don’t join communities like this at all and just go out my way to look at the bottom the the twitch list for friends.
None the less i am going to post their most hilarious tweets below
Please don’t forget to reblog this to let others know how these leaders are doing nothing but speaking through their asshole not their heart.
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borahaejenn · 2 years
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hehe MY ARMS ARE OPEN FOR A HUG\(@^0^@)/
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 This time ARMY said it early lol I saw the hashtag!!!! I am defeated by Jin and ARMY each time😹😹😹 I love it!!! But, HAPPPY 29/30th BIRTHDAY YOOOONGIIII!!! Yes, you are still very much young. 💜 Thank you for being with us all for 29 years my love! 🙌🙌🙌 That is a lot of years and you worked hard. I am very happy that your shoulder is doing better and that your health is good as well. Above all else, your health is very important. 😊I know this is said a lot but I think it is still nice to say because it is a blessing to be even in good health during these times and I don’t take it for granted one bit.  
  I have been editing so much and I am so caffeine wired right now that even my hands are shaking lol so if I go really random today, don’t mind me.😆😆😆😆I AM EXCITED FOR THIS WEEEEEEEK AND TODAY!!!! I got so many gifts hehe as usual. But I had to take most of these within a span of only a few days from this past week and it was insane!!! I finished the last set of gifts just today with Kumamon and I got some fun moments on the blog.😆 I hope everyone can have fun and enjoy. 😁 BUCKLE UP YOOOOONGI!!!!
  The first gift 🎁 is of course the weverse interview and we went for like a super dark and mysterious feel to it and it is all inspired by the essence of the Batman movie posters so I can shout out Warner Bros for this time. I was trying to see who created the posters exactly but I couldn’t get exact names of the exact designers who did the posters lol so, shout out to them! I remembered when you said that you liked Batman in the past lol and I took notes and I blended Agust D with Suga in here and each poster was also crafted with details that took time to think about and all the words that I added through the posters are from past tracks and verses from your mixtapes and Bangtan tracks.  So, IT IS SO INSANE WHEN YOU SEE THEM AND I WAS SO LIT!!!! Your words look so cool in the different fonts and it really adds this energy I can’t explain but it’s so artistic to me in a different sense but I really felt like bringing your words to light here. 😉 I found some cool handwriting like fonts and it adds like a personal touch.  And yes I did order my own satgat from gmarket lol it actually feels so nice.😊 It is very stylish as well. I will use it well during the summer.   But, just know that these photos were crafted with you in mind. 😎Oh and there is this tattoo that will come up and it is not real lol I wish it was because the Tiger looks so awesome and now I want a tattoo like it but for now it is not real.😹😹😹😹 I didn’t mention this in the interview but the red lights came about as well because of your concept with SHADOW even on the playlist covers I have like these stickers on my body that say “SHADOW LIKE ME” and I really had that in mind as well. The red is very heavy yet strong and highly saturated and I thought of the idea of how heavy so many things can be to us all. The lyrics in INTERLUDE:SHADOW speak of the heaviness of a figurative crown and it was very relatable to me. That crown is one that we all create for ourselves because of what is expected of us or at least what we think is expected of us on a daily. I felt the red in that thought and feeling and it was very strong with me and that is how the lights came about. While the red can be symbolized as something of anger and rage, I feel like it is a color that express the shadow we all built in us. It is hidden but very much there at the top of our heads and it is overly overpowering at times. I wish to say thank you for bringing up that feeling so well and so strongly. It has always moved me but I got to express it more here and I think it is also one of those feelings you can express so well because it is you who is doing it.  It is just flawless and I love it very much. 🙏 I hope you can enjoy the photos with everyone too.
  The second gift ✨🎁is always the playlist. I was so confused with it at first because I was not sure if I should make one because you revealed in a current interview that you tend to stay away from music when you are not working on it and I kind of wanted to go with your wishes and not put music here but then the other half of me was like: “JENN DO IT STILL. AT LEAST IT WILL BE THERE.” And so, I went for it and I got to thinking. This playlist shoot was insane because I went back to talking to little Jenn and teenage Jenn and we decided to go with a late 80s to 90s to early 2000s vibe. With Shooky, we did our best to remake in our own way seven different albums from those years and they range from alternative to rock to hip hop albums and I CAN’T WAIT TO SHARE!!! For the last set I was inspired by CD photobooks that had the artists handwriting on their photos and I did it with the lyrics to Interlude: Shadow. 🌝I saw a lot of album phonebooks like that from my past albums and I tried. 🤣These are the bands and artists the album inspo is from: Nas, Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, Fugees, Gang Starr, Third Eye Blind, and Elastica. I have photos of the albums on top of the ones I remade with Shooky and we had a freaking blast! They all have “FOR MIN YOONGI” in different formats and I thought it cute. I wanted to share with you artists and bands I use to listen too and I have made a personal list of tracks I was into back then and they are older and some are acoustic and some tracks are from this time. You are going back in time with me for a bit.😁 But, if you don’t want to listen to the tracks you don’t have to lol but they will still be here for when you are in a time where you want to listen to music.☺️ I feel like I am going back to young Jenn here the Jenn would dance randomly in her room and put the radio up and just go at it with her hair!!! I was so into singing when I was angry and going through it ahhhh!!!😆😆😆😆 But there is some older tracks from Green Day, Nirvana like I love LOVE BUZZ!!! I love yelling “CAN YOU FEEEEEEEL MY LOVE BUZZZZZZZZ!!!”, and ahhhh Pearl Jam is it!!!! I heard them so much and I got to go back to their past albums and I was like “DAMN!!!! I MISSED YOUUUU!!!” 😭😭😭 Their music is awesome and I missed their sound and I was just like moving to it as I was taking photos in my mini studio.  Yoongi I missed the FUGEES AS WELLLLLL!!! Like damn!!!!! They just had such sick production and flows and dang it is timeless! I enjoy it even more now!!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌The music back then really hit differently. 😭😭😭😭 I also got some MOS DEF!!!! OUTKAST!!!!AND GANG STARRRRRRR!!! I love them!!!! It is just flow and bars after bars!!!🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟 For The Smashing Pumpkins I loved VANILLA because of how acoustic it was and yet soft and I thought of it to be very warm.☺️ It felt so endearing to me and I wanted to add it for you. I also really love both tracks from Third Eye Blind I listened to them so much as well and NEVER LET YOU GO was one of those songs that took me back to my youth and ahhhh I WANT YOU is so sweet I loved these lyrics: “People always take a step away from what is true/ That’s why I like you around/ I want you.” I felt it reflected a bit on you because you are someone who in my eyes never stepped away from the truth. You always speak it and you always live it and I love that about you a lot. ☺️ You will see an Avril Lavigne track here because she was a big part of my music journey and I spoke about it so many times and she was like the first artist that I got my first album with and I listened to her current album and it took me back to the past and it is so LIT!!!! The track I added took me back to the love songs I would sing alone in my room from her past albums and I love it!! Another song that I thought really sweet is THE KING by Sarah Kinsley. It is so feel good but so freaking cute!!!!😭 These lyrics got me soft: “I want to be the king of your heart/ let’s fall apart and start again/ You’ll see the end of me….I want to be the king of your heart/ I’m the king/ I’m your king” I love it!!! I wanted to end the playlist with a track from an artist named sxd. It  has a lo-fi vibe and it reminded me of you and it is called DAFFODILS, the flower of your birth. It is just so warm and peaceful like you. 😊hehe I hope ARMY and Bangtan can enjoy if they choose to listen too. Happy listening. 🎧
  The last gift is the painting. Lol The one that I went on the hill to paint. I got the inspiration from a past selca you posted in the past and it was just one of you smiling. I tried my best to make it artistic as possible and I just really love it when you smile.  I was at first not sure with what theme I wanted to go with and then I realized that I was thinking too hard and I just thought of doing something simple. I thought of your smile above all else and I think it is a very delicate and pretty part of you. I loved the image in my head and so I bring to you, SMILING YOONGI. 😊✨ I went all over this green hill just spreading my joy for finally completing this lovely view of you. 🤣🎨 I love how in your interview you said: “I think people are happier the busier I am” because I think you can also say this: “I think people are happier when I smile” hehe because it is true. 😭😭😭😭😭 I think ARMY smiles even more when you do it and I wish to say that I hope you can have many more moments where you can keep smiling, genuinely.🙏    
  The outtakes are all over but I will leave the link to everything at the letter that I will post at the end after this one. 😆😆😆😆 I will go for now and I will come back next week. I think I will be posting a lot and I wish to give you some time to take it all in.🤣🤣🤣🤣 But, please do have fun and enjoy your day with Bangtan and ARMY, Min Yoongi!!!!! I wish to also say thank you to your parents for giving us a very wonderful human being on this very day.💕 I think it is cool that you get to have ARMY as a gift! It is awesome when things line up so well like this. 🙌🙌 I hope everyone has a fun time and that everyone is careful and please look after each other. I wish to give you this figurative cake. 🤣🤣🤣 ✨✨✨✨✨🎂✨✨✨✨✨✨ I know concert preparation is going underway and I will do my best to send some energy from afar! Please have a 🥳HAPPY MIN YOONGI, LIL MEOW MEOW, SUGA, AGUST D, YOONGS, AND GOLDEN GATITIO DAY!!! 🥳GATITO means little cat🐱 in Spanish.😭😭😭😭 I love u and I still miss everyone. Haha Have some delicious food Yoongi!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish this week to go well.✨✨✨ I will come back!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
With MUCHO AMOR (insert daffodil emoji lol I wish they had one),
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dumpsterfireblog · 7 years
#nowplaying e TOP 4 for 8/7
I can’t say there’s a definitive top 10 songs i really loved to be deemed worthy for this list. So instead, here are my top 4. Threw a French song into the mix OH SHITTTT. 
park won - all of my life
Hi, hello, do not MIND me as i QUIETLY SOB in the corner because this song hits every fucking feel in my system. Every now and then, I’ll go on a random korean music binge and start clicking around promising videos on YouTube, and park won’s nostalgic, heartwrenching ballad was a lucky winner. Jesus H. Christ, the music video is a necessary addendum when listening to the song: the plain raw romance, emotion and turmoil between the protagonists. It tells a story between falling deep into love, but then realizing that an inner void cannot be filled and the eventual heartbreak ensues:
“All of my life, when I was struggling You are all of my life, you filled me up I tried filling myself up with other things all of my life you are all of my life But I couldn’t be filled” 
행주, Young B, Hash Swan, Killagramz – Yozm gang (요즘것들) (Feat. ZICO, DEAN)
I think my brain/existence malfunctioned when I first listened to this. Zico and Dean are known for their creative, trendy beats and well FUCK they made a banger. This song is insanely good, on the production and lyrical front. I FUCKING LOOOOOOVE KILLAGRAMZ’ VERSE:
요즘 나 좀 hashtag 섹시 택시 처럼 타 비 행기 펌핑 댄싱 역기 땡김 청기 백기 이 버르장 머리 없는 새끼 SNS SOS so hot
SOMEONE CALL THE FUCKING FIRE DEPARTMENT BECAUSE SHIT IS SO LIT OH MY GOD. And then Codean throw in that fucking beat drop out of nowhere and UGH. Also, Dean’s panty-dropping honey voice in the chorus? This song is so complete 
Nucksal, Hanhae, Rhino, Jo Woo Chan - 1 out of N (feat. Dynamic Duo) 
Jo Woo Fucking Chan. I have nothing else to say. If you would like to indulge, go to 4:58 of this video. Literally what are his parents feeding him. This kid is a straight up monster destined for greatness LET IT BE KNOWN JO WOO CHAN HAS BEEN RELEASED. Also I’m loving the collective parenting the crew is doing for him. 
Also side note: I can’t tell if I’m into Hanhae because he has this weird uncle vibe about him but his voice/style is heart eyes emoji.
indila - dernière danse
I also get caught up in french music moods sometimes, and WOW am i glad i found Indila. She has such a strong yet haunting style and this song packs a punch. The song title translates into “last dance” and she is basically singing her sorrows and despair over a former love. But at the climax of the song, she realizes her worth as a strong, feminine figure WHICH IS SO FUCKING DOPE and is like ‘LOL I’M BETTER THAN THIS” (wikipedia helped with this translation by the way). I love this song and the lyrics are even better. It shows a transformation which I love. 
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