#This is a body neccesity matter
novalizinpeace · 1 month
This probably a gross ask but since we know that the gang ate the bodies of previous employees and can drink liquids. How does their digestive system work? Does it not produce waste products? (ie fecal matter)
Its certainly a gross and uncomfortable ask, but kinda neccesary to answer since we're talking about all the experiment process, so gonna do it.
But with a warning just in case.
Let make a point first: Play.Co wouldn't care less about the comfort or needs of the toys.
For them, the toys were just breathing tools that need occasional fedding (points in occasional), so the scientist were never instructed to make a comfortable organism, just a functional one.
And for them, a basically fursuit for child entretainment shouldn't have a butthole, just for the same reason they shouldn't have reproductive organs; is innapropiate.
in here the scientists had to put their foot down, not 'cause they care about the toys's wellbeing, 'cause they were okay with not giving them genitalia, but they wanted their experiments to be able to survive, and for that they needed a full digestive system, incluying a way out.
After the own Doctor had to put his words in the matter, the ejecutives accept it, but it had to be well hide and include in the indoctrination process a way to teach the toys to never talk about said part in them ('cause is bad to teach the children that all living things need to go potty, right?).
So, had you see those bags that had a zip hide behind a piece of extra cloth you need to put up to open the zip? That how it hide in the plush toys (like the gang and huggy or missy) while the plastic toys have a literal bin behind that only they can open when need it.
in any case, their waste isn't like ours, since their stomach acid is much more stronger that normal one (a side effect of the poppy flower, did you know that shit is toxic af?), so any food are extra disgested to the point that their waste is similar of crocadiles, you would think that in the floor is a piece of wall or a rock, but is not...
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deathbirby · 9 months
Yeah, i always thought it was kinda BS that Nemesis and co nearly won their war against the Nabateans; if their bones are durable enough that, when removed, they make for weapons significantly sharper and more durable than ones made with raw metal, then logically speaking even fodder Nabateans should be near-invulnerable and ridiculously strong by human standards, if their bodies can handle the weight and power of those bones without hurting themselves.
Which begs the question: how exactly did some human bandit leader and a bunch of mindless goons genocide the vast majority of the race? Even if Nemesis and his top lieutenants somehow got their hands on Relics before the war started to even the score for him, surely there wouldn't have been enough to supply his entire army with the things, at which point the army would just be irrelevant cannon fodder and Nemesis would have just been overwhelmed when a bunch of Nabateans swarmed him and started tearing him apart; i just can't imagine any sensible world in which the Nabatean's bones and, by neccesity, their bodies, are so ridiculously strong and durable they're considered the deadliest weapons humanity can get it's hands on, while also having a bunch of normal humans be able to fight and win a war against them.
Honestly, where did Nemesis get his first relics from in the first place? Did he just loot a child's corpse? But then how do Nabatean funerals look like for that to work?? How the fuck did he get into the Holy Tomb when we know it was being protected by the Nabateans???
The Red Canyon doesn't really make sense when you look at it. Sure, Nemesis with Sothis's blood and spine should level the playing field, but the game tells us that his crest and relic don't actually matter because Rhea easily clobbers him in the opening cutscene!
Nemesis would've stepped into Zanado, killed one Nabatean, and immediately be swarmed by a bunch of angry Nabatean-bees.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Adrien & Plagg Prompt Demon/ God of Destruction AU
Plagg was one of the strongest demons in his realm, he rarely interacts with mortals and if he does, it's to cause mischief for his sole entertainment. And to raid what the human's called a "cheese factory".
However, one night, he heard the cries of a little boy echo within the depths of his kingdom, all the other demons refused to take care of the matter, so Plagg took it upon himself to see what the commotion was.
It was in a spacious house he found himself in, in a child's room. The boy was young, with corn blond hair and bright green eyes. His room was large, filled with all sorts of toys he saw human children usually fight over, but the atmosphere was identical to the unsettling one of his own realm.
Shouts were heard from downstairs, two adults, fighting. Plagg frowned and looked down at the boy, who had clutched at his leg desperately, little body shivering in fear.
He held a small cat doll tightly in his grasp and Plagg's frown deepened.
He bent down to gather the boy in his arms and with a wave of his hand, he was back in his own realm, his chambers.
He set the boy down and conjured a small bed, along with human toys and neccesities Tikki had told him humans would need.
Plagg observed the boy, now calm, inspecting a toy curiously, a cat themed one.
A smile formed on the god's lips and he gazed back at his brethren, "This child shall be my successor, the next god of destruction." razor sharp teeth caught the light and his toxic green eyes twinkled in pride and mirth.
The child laughed and Plagg smirked, "The next Chat Noir."
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proofmyprofession · 4 years
It truly amazes me how well this text in the ‘Get well soon’ card is written. In my perspective, change starts with yourself. Along the way I have learned that: if everybody that sees something that is wrong or has to be cleared up thinks ”Someone else will do that” than no one will do anything. We can not wait until other people notice and take action, because YOU noticed it and as one and the same species of humanity on earth you (I) have to take responsibility for the things we notice and the change we desire.
For me it is really a matter of ”be the change you want to see in the world” be an example of what kind of humanity and world you desire and people will be inspired and hopefully do the same. I totally agree with the statements that it is most important to care, to take care, to feel, to listen, to put time, energy, compassion into the things and people you care about.
The text reminded me of waiting. Of being bored. Today my classmate that really has a hard time ”doing nothing” she can not do nothing, she is not a fan of going to meditate for an hour. While I think doing nothing is not a bad thing, I do think to wait or to be bored is not a neccesity. To wait is to do nothing while you expect the outcome of what you desire to land into your lap, it is always directed to a future vision. But if you KNOW that it will come to you in that future moment, why wait and boringly do nothing. It would help to fill in that time, and not passivly wait, to fill that time with something.
A lot of times I notices solutions, ideas and inspiration are coming to me at poinst where stillness and emptiness enters. Where I normally would fill in with cleaning the house, seeing friends, doing all sorts of things. Now I try to embrace nothingness a bit more and find comfort in simply existing, I guess this is the core of meditation, so be still, to be okay with just existing, breathing, being alive and not much more. Afterwards I feel refreshed, calm, my mind gets more clear and it is easier to do, to take action, because space was created to let in bigger things than how I would usually fill up the emptiness.
That is I think a message withing the text too, when we are sick in bed, and forced to just exist (-in agony and misery), we might come to some interesting ways of thinking, being, I have no idea how life would be if the only thing I can be is sick in bed. I did not experience much sickness in my life and would ofcourse not like to experience that and would never wish this upon anybody. It makes me feel a bit egocentric, because I do have had a lot of times that I wanted nothing else than to be sick, lay in bed under a blanket and bath in the misery that is my existence. – a bit dramatic but those feelings can be very real. But shouldn’t I be so greatful for having a healthy female body, money to spend, to be Dutch, to go to higher education, having loving parents and have all these priviliges that come with all the above? Probably yes, it is hard to see others having it worse, surpressed groups, people in horrible situations that could not even dream of having a life like mine. This is fucked up and I get a very overhelmingly sad feeling from this. I want this world to be one big compassionate planete, with peace, love, health and unity and I can not seem to understand how it has come to this and what to do against it really.
So maybe it is important to be still, to be, to accept where I am at, where others are at and just let it be for a moment.
How do we fix this mess? How can we create a brighter future? How can we change the world and make the change remain or evolve in more better efficient change? What do we need to teach our younger people that will face the future that we will send into their laps when our generation is old and wrinkly? This is not an overnight project, and for me education, teaching was the answer to change. But everytime I doubt it more. Educating, yes, teaching, not sure.
If we all cared more, about ourselves and with that our fellow humans, we could create a more compassionate and peacefull world to live in. It isn’t upto anyone to do that, I don’t think we have any right to expect things to just happen, to expect people to just magicly change and care, not if we ourselves sit still and wait. I need to care, I need to change, I need to be an example of what I’d like to see in the world, and learn a long the way how to get better at it for a more beautiful outcome.
I think responsibility is a keyword here to take a moment for.
One thing I do not really understand is the message that ”this archive should not exist”. I mean, all the get well soon messages seem pretty passive, and there are names and maybe intimate information there but why should it not exist? I mean sometimes to care is to just give a nice messages to a person in need of care. We are not always able to give help, and a message is still a bit of care, a confirmation that they are in mind?
Written by Savanna van der Meij Course: Fine Art and Teacher Training
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josmichel1 · 4 years
all I want to do is drive. drive in my state's open lanes, often unfrequented. driving with a clear sky ahead of me, containing the moon and a beautiful gradient, remaining still as a pretty painting. I want to feel the wind in my face at seven pm. cars passing me are important, as they help me take in the liveliness of the experience. I want to drive alone, or with some quiet being beside me. silences never change but what they mean always does. silences contain sensations, like tension, comfort, or loneliness. silence is a neccesity in a world full of noise and some sound, but also in any other world, any other interaction.
I've never liked noise. my wheels better run quiet too. for the scene I'd love to wear a denim jacket because no other clothing item can make me feel better. denim is another dynamic wildcard. it solves too many problems. if we were to wear a uniform I'd demand for it to be all denim. fuck overalls though. maybe a cap on my head, if by then I haven't chosen a decent haircut for this long hair. thinking things better, I would definitely prefer to have somebody riding shotgun. guy or girl, doesn't matter because I would love them the same being there. I would love them differently in the hotel room or in the elevator. but as car mates, company is simple, more so when abstaining from conversation. I make a good lover, to any sort of human that I love. maybe not a healthy one, but that doesn't belong here. because we stop, we pull over. roads in here are of indistinguishable length, because there's nothing. we pull over to witness nothing. not to rest because there's nothing to rest about. not to engage in physical action. we pull over just to stop heading somewhere. we keep still for a moment, and then we exit our vehicle. by the time we do, gender starts mattering, and I start loving that person in a different manner. not as a warm company, but as something much more significant, because in here, we're both alone in the world. it's just us two. or maybe just me. the wind is unwavering, and it fully embraces me, or us. it fills everything like water fills a pool, it limits our movements, it is the transporter of our voices and our vibrations. we don't do anything because that was the plan all along. we try to ignore our presence, but we acknowledge each other's bodies because it's foolish not to. just our presences, they're not there for us. this is the moment I've been waiting for, because I can finally get out of my head, and that's worthy of being the ending of a good movie. it's cinematic enough.
we get back in the car after a few minutes. we head to wherever it is that we're heading, probably to a ranch, or to another state, or to a motel. that starts being important, just as our relationship. the best part of the story is that something is happening, but I, or we, can finally ignore whatever that is. even if it's just for a few minutes. something is always happening, but right now, right here, as I write this, that something is the closest to nothing it can possibly be.
I hate waking up, and for the same reason, I hate dreaming even more.
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advice-for-remy · 4 years
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Advice for Remy, Day 3. Take yourself into the great outdoors as often as possible. Our world is such an incredible and beautiful place, and you're fortunate enough to be growing up in an especially picturesque little corner of it. There's nothing better than getting outside and experiencing everything nature has to offer. Okay, so at some times during the year you'll no doubt see me activley ignoring this rule - but that's only because nature's bountiful harvest sometimes tends to include mosquitoes, thunderflies, wasps and all manner of other winged beasties. But insect-foes aside, and it sounds like a huge cliche, but being outside really is so good for the mind, the body and the soul. Today we took you to Twigmore Woods just 10 miles or so up the road from home, and a place we didn't even know existed until yesterday. Seeing as it's within shouting distance of the M180 it's the most amazingly tranquil and peaceful slice of wilderness you could wish for, and reminded us of being in Scotland. Just wandering around without seeing another living soul, listening to the birds and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees - it was magical. All too often in your later life you'll find yourself cooped up indoors by force of neccesity - in an office earning money, in a car driving to the office to earn money - and you'll realise it's been a while since you've actually been outdoors properly (and not just from the house to the car to the office to the car to the house again). Make sure you take the time to appreciate eveything around you - whether it be through long dog walks, treks up hills and mountains, walks along the seafront - whatever gets you breathing in the fresh air, exercising your body and clearing your mind. No matter what's going on in your life, I can guarantee that everything looks better when seen through naure-coloured glasses.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I was tagged by @tiny-teapot-stuck-in-a-burrow AND @aconitum-napellus !! Thank you both!!!!!! I added both your new question. Sorry if I write too much.....
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi: Coke, though I really don’t drink colas much. When I do drink sodas I prefer a root beer or ginger ale/beer.
2. disney or dreamworks: Disney I guess, considering their entire body of work and owning Pixar. 
3. coffee or tea: I drink more coffee but prefer tea. Go figure! LOL
4. books or movies: No, don’t make me choose!!!! Technically I prefer books, but I get so little time to read anymore. Movies are much quicker to take in. Actually, both are art, just different kinds, and it depends what medium best suits the individual story.
5. windows or mac: windows, sort of.
6. dc or marvel: In comics-DC, not that I read many superhero ones anymore. And if you count my entire life, when I adored the mutants, Marvel. In movies- Marvel
7. x-box or playstation: neither, I don’t have the money for gaming
8. dragon age or mass effect: Dunno. Back when I used to visit my brother I got to play both a bit, but mostly I was stuck watching him play the, NOTHING is more boring than watching someone else play a game! LOL I can’t remember having a preference. 
9. night owl or early riser: Night owl!! Early mornings make me feel ill. Seriously!
10. cards or chess: I LOVED playing chess but I had no one to play with (parents had no time and my brother wouldn’t play things he lost! LOL) So, cards. At least you can build a house of cards or play solitaire with them!
11. chocolate or vanilla: for candy- chocolate, for milk shakes- vanilla, for ice cream- anything else
12. vans or converse: Neither. Since my feet and ankles are so messed up, I long ago gave up worrying about shoe fashion. If it is big enough for my giant feet and ankle brace, and it supports my bad ankles, I get it no matter how hideous. That’s harder than you think....
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I think this is a gaming thing I’m not qualified to answer.
14. fluff or angst: Both! Gotta keep a balanced fictional diet. Really, I just  want to put characters through the wringer AND have them happy, so mixing the two in one story is a thing I do. Not that any of you have read any of my stories! LOL
15. beach or forest: Both!!!!!! I grew up spending my weekends at the beach and a lot of the rest of the time in woods, so it’s too hard to choose. 
16. dogs or cats: BOTH! I wouldn’t want to offend half the non human part of my family by picking favorites!
17. clear skies or rain: Rain, with a special fondness for hurricanes (before the boat respinsiblities got so overwhelming). Besides, I burn too easily in the sun.
18. cooking or eating out: Take out from some really good place, so I don’t have to eat in public or do as many dishes. I REALLY hate washing dishes! Though cooking is nice when I have a nice recipe to work with...
19. spicy food or mild food: Mildly spicy. The sort of level where those that like spicy mock you for being a wimp and those that like mild (looking at you Mom) find your cooking too strong.
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: ACK! BOTH! Those are my favorite times of year, or at least they were until last year got so melencholy at Christmas.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold. I have lived both (thank you lack of heating and unreliable air conditioner). Cold you can just wear more, bundle up, and even get down right cozy for sleeping that way. But hot is miserable and keeps you from sleeping. Plus, I’m unfortunately someone that sweats easily, and society really, really hates that. 
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Immortality! Life is far, far too short to see and do even a fraction of the things I want. Heck, I won’t even live ling enough to read all the books I own! Plus you get the facinating chance to watch the world change, to get to see things playout, and gain the perspective to know that impermanence  of it all...well, except for you.
23. animation or live action: Animation. It allows so much freedom of apperance, so many individual styles, embracing the surreal, strange and dreamlike on a regular basis. 
24. paragon or renegade: depends on what this is refering to. I have seen it used in a game somewhere, so in that case I don’t have an opinion. As a general term, renegade. 
25. baths or showers: Shower, though not based on preference so much as neccesity. When I was tiny they cut a notch out of the bathtub here so my grandmother could step into it, but the patch Pop put in after she died has broken loose. So, more than a couple inches of water you flood the floor!
26. team cap or team iron man: Cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi: BOTH! Sometimes the line between the two is very thin anyway.
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: Not really. I find them interesting but never memorize them. I horrified my teachers when I refused the quote book for my graduation speech. I like what others say, but I prefer to speak for myself. Now if you wanted me to recite Jabberwocky or favorite dialog I have memorized..... 
29. youtube or netflix: youtube I have a poor internet connection and no money, so netflix is out.
30. harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter, though since I haven’t read any Percy Jackson or seen the movie, maybe I should abstain.
31. when you feel accomplished: When I get to the end of the day and I have something completed, like a bit of sculpting, but this is usually immediately followed by absolute dissatisfaction  with the results and questioning whether I should have done something else instead! 
32. star wars or star trek: Aww, now you are talking about my childhood. I suppose it depends on what section of these universes. Both have areas I hate (see everthing about the SW prequels or that smug lot in the Next Gen and my desire to take a lead pipe to Kirk) and aspects I have just skipped. The orginal Star Wars trilogy has a special place in my heart, but don’t tell my beloved Spock! 
33. paperback books or hardback books: Hardback, which might be one of the reasons my floor first collapsed under one of my bookcases! LOL
34. fantastic beasts or cursed child: No opinion. I haven’t seen the first or read the second. 
35. evans, pratt, hemsworth, or pine: Um, Chris Evans as in the guy playing Captain America. Maybe? I mean, it depends on what part they are playing since I don’t know anything about the actors as people.
36. tangled, frozen, or moana: I don’t know. I liked Tangled, I was generally underwhelmed by Frozen but loved the redefinition of true love to not be romantic, but I haven’t had a chance to see Moana yet. 
37. opera or ballet:  depends on my mood, but generally ballet. Maybe. At least then the language barrier doesn’t get in the way of comprehension. 
38. perfume or incense: Perfume. My fragile lungs hate smoke, even nice smelling stuff. 
39. Voldemort or Sauron: Sauron He feels more like a force of nature, rather than someone that keeps having his evil plans messed with by a bunch of a kids. 
New question: Would you rather time travel to the past or future?
I cannot possibly tag 39 people!!! 
Most of you will not want to do this, so don’t. It REALLY is ok!
I’ll tag some of you, but please do NOT feel you have to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
@omegadalek  @theramblingrogue @whitexblackrose @orcface @takethekeyandlockherup @kimikokat @awesome-beatles-fan @antonnightwatch @arsenalofmerit @aigooylgaifyllina @jamisings @kleurenblind @pupsik11 @runningbarefootthroughtheforest  @camerawakened @woodsong @nakila-rimmer-bear @aeqvat-omnes-cinis @imagetornwing @invisibleme59 @javiroa226 @dendroica @lzbarnabas @eleonoraalva
Anyone that wants to do it just pretend I tagged you!
(I am going to lie awake worrying I offended some of you by tagging. ) 
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sylphica-blog1 · 6 years
In this age of time, age of so many words, scentences, opinions (everybody has an opinion), silence through movement has become a neccesity. It is the moment where all levels and colurs of the ego, the concious self, finally shut’s the fuck up. A space where the unconcious self get’s the stage. Where concious moving body parts become the only expression of the unconcious song. Not thinking, just being and doing. Being and breathing and moving and letting go. This is why i move. Sometimes i forgett to move, or some other reasons, and emidietly fell different. Like something is stuck inside me, screaming and fighting to get out. Some people use other techniques, as drawing, singing, crafting, extreme sports... No matter what you use as a technique, if  you get to the silence, if it works, keep doing it. Let your unconcious breathe, say what it has to say.
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nickflit · 6 years
I was inspired to write this back and bicep’s workout off of “Johnny Two Plates,” Blog where he has some good workouts, along with an often very humorous delivery.
I’ve never been one to neglect my biceps (this isn’t completely bragging, keep reading).
It’s always the first thing most people notice when looking at an athlete, or talking about how strong someone is, and I was not different, plus it’s also usually noticeably engaged during a sports specific movement; think Bo Jackson carrying a football, or Kirby Puckett swinging a baseball bat; or Bo Jackson breaking a baseball bat.
This bicep favoritism goes back to when first starting to lift weights, after purchasing my first weight set in about 4th grade from Kmart off mowing Oma’s lawn, in the early 90’s, (which you can see pictured below off to the left in the handstand picture,) all the way up until when I first started personal training professionally in 2011, (the social anxiety and disdainful view of training sales, kept me away for about five years after attaining the training diploma from the N.P.T.I.)
As you can see, I was a leg day skipper in my youth as well.
This focus on the biceps for many years wasn’t ideal unfortunately, as the tricpes were being neglected in comparison; which wasn’t smart because there are more muscle heads on your triceps (three, hence the word tri, than biceps, which have two, hence the word bi).
It wasn’t until muscle mentor Nick H. (the first personal training manager at the gym I started at,) gently reminded of working the triceps equally (chest/triceps workout coming in the future, stay tuned).  I forgot what he said, I think it was, “biceps are for the bros, triceps are for the girls.”
Before then I must have assumed that by working my biceps twice as hard, my triceps would get bigger by osmosis. Nick H. by the way is seen in the video below for a partner workout that we did together our first year training together, (he’s the one with the larger muscles).  Though I did the filming and editing, it should be added that a lot of the exercises were the other Nick’s creation (he’s really creative when it comes to freshening up the workouts).
Gradually I started working the triceps equally, then slightly more so even, which is good because balance is important for everything, especially when having a good resistance training program.
Enough about the triceps though, the focus today is on the biceps, and my go to bicep workout, which also combines the back, which is commonly done as both back and biceps involve pulling movements, so they work synergistically.
Some work back and biceps together as they are both exercises that are pulling (usually the way I’ve done biceps) some devote a day just to focus on arms, which I’ve done only recently in the past few years.  I find that both work equally well, though the arms get the biggest in the moment you’re lifting and a few minutes after when doing bi’s and tri’s together on the same day (wish the “pump” would stay longer, but as long as the strength is there, who cares).
I don’t think one way’s any better than the other, it’s all about the exercises you choose and the intensity you put into them.
One advantage of working the biceps and back together though is that you can potentially spend one less day working out, but have similar gains, thus potentially maximizing workout time if time’s a concern.
Speaking of maximizing workout time, if that’s something you’re interested in, definitely check out the post I wrote a few weeks ago; “5 Best Exercises to Maximize Workout Time.”
To keep it simple, as I’m prone to blathering on these posts, I’ll give an example of my typical back/biceps workout. I’ve switched it up over time, and still do (as variety is the spice of workout life,) but this is the one I usually go back to for the maximum pump!
It’s always best, (no matter the workout) to work your bigger muscles first, then your smallest, as the bigger muscles require more energy and are also typically more challenging, thus the back is focused on first for this workout, even though the biceps are involved in, even if to a small degree in any back exercise, though they’re not demanded of as much as they are when focusing on just the biceps.
Here’s the workout protocol:
Everything here for rest between each set is 90-120 seconds, and each set is fully completed before moving onto the next one, unless otherwise noted.
Rep’s are listed for each exercise, but typically fall between 6 and 12 for muscular failure. Muscular failure being defined as the inability to lift another rep without losing proper form.
The workout is simple but effective, it’s all about proper form and intensity, and consistency over time for maximal muscle and strength gain.
I consider proper form to be a number of things, but the most important being; perfect form, full range of motion, not using momentum to lift or lower yourself or the weight, always “fighting gravity,” on the negative portion of any exercise (should take at least 2 seconds to lower the weight, ideally 3-4 seconds if not more). The slower you go when strength training, the safer an exercise is, and the more focus that is put on the muscle the vast majority of the time.
1st Set: Pull Up’s (3 sets supinated grip, maximum reps each set)
I’m all about super slow (at least on the negative portion of the movement,) full range of motion Pull Up’s. NO Crossfit “Pull Up’s” or movements are allowed in this workout.
Every time I see a cross fit Pull Up, I do a prayer for the elbows, and other joints of the person doing them.  In my opinion, Crossfit is terrible for the most part.
Here are the statistics on the chances of sustaining a major injury when practicing Crossfit, and they’re not pretty.  Even if you don’t think the stats are 100% true, even if they were half accurate that would still be a huge risk over conventional strength training.
Crossfit involves fast short term gains, in exchange of potentially short and long term.  Crossfit Pull Ups are especially awful and offensive to good form.
There is a reason the military, particularly the Marines, makes it’s soldiers do “deadhang” Pull Up’s or doesn’t count them. They’ve been doing more Pull Up’s, and (for a much longer period of time than anyone,) and there is a good reason why.  Also the world record books do not give credence to momentum based Pull Up’s.
Seated Row’s (5 sets, neutral grip 10, 8, 8, 6, 5)
Possibly my favorite back exercise, outside of Pull Up’s for building that V shape in the back.
Barbell Row’s (5 sets, supinated grip 10,8,6,5,4)
(45 degrees or parallel to the ground are the options here-I have no preference, and do both. A straight back is of prime importance whichever form is chosen. If you cannot do these with a perfectly straight back or feel back discomfort, you Inverted Rows instead).
Straight Barbell Curls (5 sets, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4)
Note: I don’t mind the curvy curl bars, but I prefer the flat bar. Very important note. You see people do this all the time, but DO NOT arch your back in an attempt to get more reps, that is a huge no-no. If you can’t lift the bar without maintaining perfect posture, your biceps are getting assisted (in a bad way).
Trust me on this, I’ve done it before, and once threw my back out for a few days on the last set of a workout doing that). Luckily it was a Friday, but walking around hunched over for an entire whole weekend, and the following day in a ton of pain, until I had a weird spasm that sent me writhing to the floor on the fourth day, lasting about 30 seconds isn’t enjoyable.  One of the most painful things I’ve experience in fact.  Oddly, after that spasm I felt 100% better, and didn’t have a recurring issue again, (nor did I “cheat” the curl again-lesson learned).
Resistance Band Finisher (2 sets 30 reps, 25 reps (60 seconds rest in between).
This is an exercise acquired from J.C. Santana, Instructor for the USA weightlifting team, and Level 1 track and field coach).
It’s a great bicep workout finisher, and really pumps your arms up, (if proper form and intensity is there). In fact all of these vanity pictures in this post were taken right after the band finisher.
Note; Though deadlifts are rightfully called the King of all exercises for inducing maximal strength, not only in the back but all over the body, they are a medium to high risk exercise, and should never be done unless you have the flexibility, and absolutely perfectly straight back form, which is a neccesity for reducing injury.
Even if you have perfect form doing them, I would still consider them to be at least a medium risk exercise, and can cause issues, and should definitely be avoided if you have any back issues, and possibly avoided even if you don’t.  It’s up to you, for me the back’s just not worth risking for the strength increase that follows, but everyone’s unique, regarding the risk they take when working out and their back mobility and health.
My goal when working out is maximum strength with minimal risk taking, and I do what appears to some to be some crazy things when it comes to risking the body outside of workouts, including climbing high trees and rock surfaces without safety apparatuses, and ski jumping large distances, all without health insurance, but I’ve worked up to that level of controlled crazy, and it’s not risky to me, though to the spectator it may appear so:
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With that in mind sometimes I’ll do deadlifts, but mostly avoid them.
If you do this workout, definitely let me know how worked out for you!
Also, here are some post back and bicep vanity picture from my own workouts:
        Back and Bicep’s Workout I was inspired to write this back and bicep's workout off of "Johnny Two Plates…
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