#This is fun!
mooreaux · 1 year
Ask game! 7,15,30
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Anything traditional lol. Love the look of oil and watercolor specifically but don't ask me to pick up a paintbrush
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
I am a couch potato or a recliner baby. Cuddled up with a blanket, my ipad, and occasionally a cat, is where I do my best creating
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I don't know if I feel that it's underrated but I do have a weird favorite that I ALWAYS look back at with such fondness despite its simplicity.
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It's this one of Johannes and Hektr. For some reason, it's like my favorite thing I've ever drawn.
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marbled-magician · 2 months
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I saw this gem art trending online, so I decided to snatch one up and try it myself!
@dusty-handyman is here playing his.. Nintendo switch I believe it’s called? He’s playing video games, not sure which one though.
What is the rest of the league doing? @little-sis-toga @spinner-the-gecko @duality-in-spandex @dabis-blueflame
- Mr. コンプレス
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frogwithgun · 1 month
Y'all know what time it is! That's right, coping time!!
Now I know no one asked but idgaf so heres some things I am 100% sure happened with married Gojo and Geto
Before they got married Gojo and Geto somehow managed to propose to each other at the same time
The actual day of the ceremony when Gojo saw Geto he had to take off his blindfold because he didn't believe what he was seeing
"Satoru? Are you ok?"
"A princess."
"I'm a man?!"
Gojo absolutely does not hesitate to show off Geto in any situation he can. It doesn't matter what it is
You mention a movie? "Is it good? I want to take my husband there."
Talk about a song? "My husband loves that album!"
Literally just breathe? "My husband!"
It's gotten to the point where people have had to ban him from talking about Geto. Which leads to much pouting
When Gojo gets home the first thing he does is find Geto for a kiss
Geto knows how bad Gojos sweet tooth is and has to force Gojo to stop eating sweets
Of course even they have bad days and when they fight it isn't pretty. But Gojo refuses to leave things on bad terms so he'll literally lay on top of Geto until he talks to him.
Geto once pranked Gojo by saying he got his hair cut and Gojo genuinely fell to his knees devastated
"It's just a hair cut!"
When he learned it was a prank he was so relived lol
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spoonofsketches · 1 month
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It’s basically 4am rn.
BUT, it’s ironically fun to draw Carrie. Specifically referencing some welcome home pieces.
Can you guess what they are referencing? :3
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edsbacktattoo · 2 months
I was tagged by @saltpepperbeard and @oatmilktruther (thank you both i love u forever) to share my favourite fics that i’ve written!
Without a doubt, my favourite is absolutely The Tolling Bells. It comes from a very special place, and made me so happy to write. It’s going to be very close to my heart for a long time.
Also!!! Side note: TTB is currently being released as a podfic by the wonderful @/fullofhope137 over on Twitter. You can listen to it here!
After that, it’s probably Ink and Ichor. I love how silly and romantic it is! I had so much fun writing it and didn’t anticipate how much everyone would enjoy reading it.
I also love Pass the Thread a bunch. One of my shortest, but so much fun to write. I wrote this as season 2 was airing, so I can remember the feeling really vividly.
And then my two biggest fics: One More Troubled Soul and Chasing Storms. Chasing Storms in particular is very special to me, because it was the first fanfic I ever published, and it was the fic that brought me some of my now dearest friends. It really means the world to me. 🥹💕
I will no pressure tag:
@tisziny @xoxoemynn @appleteeth @jellybeanium124 @batsarebetterthanpeople @bizarrelittlemew @chocolatepot @blakbonnet @piratecaptainscaptainpirates and anyone else who writes!!
Share your fics so I can read ‘em 😌 thank youuuu
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its-warm-in-here · 7 months
Teeth 2
Well, here we go again! this is still gross, but some people seem to enjoy it so I kept going! If you like it or have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!
Link to Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/its-warm-in-here/741702465482883072/teeth?source=share
Alastor x !DeerDemon! Reader
Warnings: imbalance of power, cannibalism, i guess this falls into vore??
A nervous voice rings like a bell, jerking you back to consciousness. “Where’d you say they were?”
The light above you is bright and blinding on one side. In the other eye, not so much. Every nerve blazes in agony. Your neck is bent at a bad angle, but you give your remaining good leg a kick. Pain. Acute and grinding rips through. Breathing is sharp and your ears ring. Still, you try to focus. Above, uncertain strangers bicker. “Just outside the fence. Its bizarre. There's not many cars around here and it's not like they could have dragged themselves halfway across the Pentagram in that state.” 
“Are you saying someone put them there?”
“Not tryin’ to be discouraging or nothin’, but they look a little ehhh...Roadkill-eysh.”
Hell, you certainly felt like it. 
“The innards are spilling!” another squeaks and giggles, then something pointy jabs into your gut.   
“Not helping, Niffty,” a lower female voice scolded and shooed away the tiny, stabbing demon off. “Still. They’re looking better off than most hell carrion I’ve seen. At least they could get themselves to us before any cannibals came sniffing.” 
You cough and the vision finally comes swimming back to your other eye. Demons of all sorts hover above, the blond one desperately tries to tend to the worst of your wounds but seems to be panicking more than anything while her partner tries to intervene. The air in your chest rattles with each breath as your ribs pop and crack back into place. You try to say something but the only sound you get is a sort of half weeze. Probably have a collapsed lung or something. Fuck that truck driver. Double damn him!  Regeneration never feels good, but at least it didn't take too terribly long, like some sinners you knew. Even if it was agonizing. Give it a day or so and you’d be right as rain, with or without the help of this Hotel Staff. 
That being said, you hoped they knew what they were doing. Healing a broken bone took some time and if they made it worse, that’d just slow you down even more. And you can’t have that. While the strangers fret above, your head lolled to the side. There, in the doorway another figure lingers. It's just a silhouette, you can tell they're tall, but the thing that catches your eye is that impossibly wide, yellow grin. That stands out against the shadows like its glowing. It's so familiar. And unsettling.
Several hands take hold of your limp shoulder and someone starts counting, “On three, okay? One. two. Three!” tears prick your good eye and you can’t stop the scream that rips from your chest but it quickly dies to a whimper. It's painful, debatably than before, but you can  feel your fingers again. Your eyes flutter as you teater on the edge of consciousness. Head falling to the side once more, you let the hotel staff continue tending to the big gash over your hip. 
You can’t hear it over the bickering of your saviors, but the figure in the hall’s mouth opens in what you can only assume is a chuckle by the way their chest flutters. If anything this face looked, for lack of a better word, pleased. With one final leer, that smile swept out of view. Something in you churns. 
“Charlie, I’m gonna need you to keep their leg still,” the only voice with any reason orders. Her partner hops-to in response and two little hands grip the injured leg. “Okay, um, sorry I don't know your name, but this is gonna hurt.” 
It does. Then everything goes black again. 
It happens again when you’re cleaning up after dinner. 
Creole food is great and all, but it uses everything in the kitchen, and it sticks bad on the pan. Niffty was busy with clearing the table and getting the exorbitant amount of dishes loaded into the wash. Besides, with her little arms, she’d end up head first in the big pot. So it fell to you to scrub the oversized dutch oven tonight. You’ve been working on this for a good ten minutes but the remaining fond caked onto the base was just was not giving up. Somehow, you’ve managed to slosh soapy water all up your sleeves and onto the front of your shirt. Cursing under your breath, you apply your best elbow grease to the base of the pot. 
There's the briefest touch at the top of your tail then a quick yank on the hair. You yelp, whirling around. “What the actual fuck-” 
“You know, if you leave it soak, that will be much easier to handle,” the radio demon muses. His gaze is fixed on the bit of hair he’d plucked, rolling it back and forth between his fingers. “And I'd avoid that steel wool. Can't have you ruining my best pot.” 
Scowling, you dry your hands on a soaked apron then put them on your hips. “Well, maybe if the chef took some responsibility to clean up his dishes, I wouldn’t be putting his cookware in danger.” 
The corners of his mouth quirk up and he tucks the tuft of fur into his breast pocket. “I’ve been wondering if you were still interested in continuing our arrangement.” 
Your throat goes dry and hair goes on end. That's a bit to the point. Its not like your last interaction had been dominating your mind or anything. And its not like you’d had some rather... vivid nightmares on the subject. Nothing at all like that. It stirs a mixture of emotions, pained but intrigued. If Alastor is asking after another ‘nibble,’ then he’s been thinking about this too. And that might entail another favor. “I’d be lying if it hadn’t crossed my mind.”
“Excellent. I must say after a meal like that, I'm in the mood for a little... entremet.” 
That makes your head spin. This cant be like last time. Not with so many rules that hadn't been set, too many boundaries that could be tested. Not with him so smug. “Oh, o-of course.” He’d been respectful thus far, but that didn't mean he wouldn’t pull something nasty in the second encounter. “But I need some ground rules, Alastor,” you step back, bumping against the counter and he closes in. Cornered again. Your ears drop and he can't look more pleased. Heart hammering, you put on your best smile. “You get your palette cleanser but I pick where you bite. And you stop when I say.”
He hums and straightens himself to his full, towering height. “Sounds like a deal.” Green swirls around his extended hand and dread fills your belly. 
Quickly, you snap your hand up, pinky held aloft between you. “N-no deals. This is a promise. Alright?” 
Alastor’s eyes narrow as he contemplates your offer. This is a bad idea, right? Before you can consider the consequences, his pinky locks with yours. “Promise.” There's a rush of energy and a small burst of green. He lets go, rolling his shoulders as he tucks his hands into the small of his back, and leaving you dumb founded, staring at your empty hand. “Give that pot another scrub then meet me upstairs.” 
There's no answer when you knock. Briefly you think to wait in the hall, but the voices of Husk and Angel echo up the nearby stairwell. So you duck in, surprised to find the door unlocked. Once more, you are greeted by the outside air contrasted by the roaring warmth of the hearth. You linger near the door, as you haven’t been officially invited in. 
Swallowing, you stare up at the mounted antlers and taxidermied bones. In another afterlife, that could have been you. Peeled apart as some trophy for a cannibalistic freak. Thank whatever power that dedicated hell for making you more durable than his normal prey. Still, it did warp your relationship with the Radio Demon. He probably would never have even looked your way were it not for the strange coincidence that you were also a deer. But didn't that make you feel just a little special? Like you had something in common with one of the most powerful being this side of Pentagram City? And maybe you could utilize some of that power if you stay in his good graces...
Even if he only wanted you for meat. 
You shake your head and rip your gaze from the dead animals and to further into the room. For a moment, you consider taking the seat from last time or putting on some jazz, but there’s a gust of wind from the forest that makes you turn. Pentagram City might be a bustling, chaotic, absolutely insane metropolis, but it was hardly known for its great outdoors. 
Air moves through the trees, whistling a bit as it blows past the opening to Alastor’s room. Just beyond, there's a small table with a single chair and past that, the forest expands to a blue-green bayou. It's enticing. The grass sinks into the marshy ground beneath your hooves as you step into the impossible bit of nature contained in the Hotel. Cautiously, you step over to that little table and rest your palm against the tree. It certainly feels like a real cypress tree, the bark is rough and the tight pine needles are prickly in your hand. Above your head, lights like fireflies dance and illuminate the underside of the tree and the wet smell of moss fills your nose. You take a deep breath. Beyond the tree, the bayou stretches out with more cypress and cat tails. Much of the soft ground gives way to murky blue water, but you can see where a path would lead through the trees. In the distance some animal is shifting through the underbrush. This was much more pleasant than the foyer. Maybe you could convince Alastor about adding one of these to your room. 
That is, if he offered another favor for a favor. No need to push too fast. Push too hard. Besides, you had more pressing matters than asking after a backyard. 
“Well, you certainly know how to make yourself at home.” 
You jump nearly a foot in the air and whirl around. At the one seat, Alastor sips an after dinner espresso, eyes closed and legs crossed like he’d been there the whole time. Hell, maybe he had been here. Quickly, your smile returns along with a bout of anxiety. “It is lovely here. Can you blame me for getting swept up in the view?” Alastor opens his eyes just a bit to look you up and down. Then he rises, coming to your side. His hand rests on your shoulder and he turns you to face the cat tails. “Did you make it? Or is this some doorway to another place?” 
“A bit of both,” he says cryptically as you admire the slow moving current. “Have you thought about what treat you're giving me today, my deer?” His hand slides from your shoulder to the base of your neck, nails pricking at the nape. 
You scoff, and snap to face him out of his grasp. Alastor’s gaze that had been fixed on the back of your head locks onto your eyes instead. “Are you always this straight forward with your food or am I just lucky? Besides, there was no time limit on our little promise. Maybe I'd rather wait for tomorrow instead. Or even next week.” 
A staticky chuckle rattles from his chest and his hand comes to trace the line of your jaw instead. Your heart skips a beat. “Oh, I highly doubt that. Not when you’re so eager to please.”  He gives your cheek a sharp pinch. 
“Of course,” you fire back and lace your fingers behind your back. “I like pleasing everyone.” You strut past him, ears straight forward and tail aloft then take a seat on the little metal table. Confidently, you cross your legs at the ankle and lower your gaze at him. This can’t be too easy, or Alastor would lose interest in the game. “You’re not so special Mr. Radio Demon.” 
His head tilts and static blares in a sort of question. “A bit bold of you deer. Putting on a show for me, hmm?” 
You bite your lip and taste iron. “Please, who would ever need to put on a show for you?” Alastor’s face tightens, trying to discern your lie or maybe he’s just insulted. Either way, even if you’re new to this performance thing, it was having some sort of effect on the demon. “So, I was thinking-” you point to your arm- “here-” you point to your thigh- “Or here.” 
Alastor’s eyes light up. “Oh-ho, multiple choice!” He gives your arm a pat. “Let's start here.” Suddenly, something strong wraps around your waist and you're lurched from the table to a chair that appears from thin air. The momentum almost makes it topple to the marsh. You lurch forward, grabbing the table and landing hard on the glass. Before you can right yourself, that strange force grips around your wrist, trapping it against the table.  
Then the jazz kicks on. 
And there's a knife. 
It's a quick flick of the silver blade and a ribbon of flesh is sliced away from your inner arm. “Ah-!” the scream dies in your throat as he pops the bit of you into his mouth. Can't interrupt his morsel, where were your manners? With teeth grit and fist balled you bite out, “-ah, little warning next time?” Alastor side eyes you, appreciating the bite with hums of enjoyment instead of an answer. The cut is painful, but clean. As if he'd sliced a filet off your forearm. You take in a sharp breath. There isn't much blood and the wound is quick to start patching up, but it's definitely deeper than the last time. Around your wrist, a shadow keeps your arm locked in place. It feels like it might give if you pulled hard enough but you keep your arm still the best you can. 
“Tasty,” he remarks and your stomach flutters as he lines the blade up for another go. There's more warning but not enough and you bite down on the inside of your cheek. He pauses a moment watching you wince, smirking at your reaction. This time, he slices your flesh into a few pieces using a knife and fork. Taking his time. 
Savoring this.  
With each bite, you stare intently, a tight lipped smile fixed in place. Each bit of you slipping down Alastor's throat made your abdomen tighten with something between nausea and excitation. While this was different from the last time, like an after dinner snack instead of a quick exchange, you can't help but feel a twinge of resentment. Last time had been close. Intimate. You want to feel his teeth again. 
“It's rude to stare, deer,” red eyes meet your own before turning down and taking another cut, this time off your bicep.  
Intimidated, your gaze snaps to the blade, watching his knife cut a good inch into your arm then glide down along the bone. He must notice your struggling to keep still, as another black tentacle loops around the hollow of your elbow. This is the most he's taken. Red. Dripping. It hurts, more than the others but you can't tear away as Alastor flays the skin from his prize. Had you not known better, the muscle of your arm might have been appetizing. Like a cut of flank steak in need of a good seer. 
And Al finishes it in one bite.
“Enough,” it sounds more confident than you feel. His fingers click and the hold of your arm lets up. You scramble back, running your fingers up and down the new skin. It smooths and prickles at your touch. Luckily you’re not prone to scarring. “That was a bit much for a palette cleanser, don't you think?” you snap. Chills still run up your arm and where he cut tingles like a limb that had fallen asleep.
He dabs his mouth on a handkerchief embroidered with a big ‘A.’ It comes back with a blot of red. “And you handled it surprisingly well,” Alastor muses with a note of pride. “Not many are quite so calm under my knife.” 
“Yeah, and not many patch quite this quick,” you fire back, goosebumps dot the flesh, the new nerves flaring in the cool air, but you drop your arms to your sides and approach the little table once more. Anyone else would be bleeding all over his nice grass. “Does our agreement still stand? Favor for a favor?” 
“Questioning my integrity as an overlord?” he jabs with a hint of sarcasm, and takes a long, loud sip from his expresso, making you wait as he finishes the drink. “You are a bit of a spit fire today. What is it you’re after, my deerest?” Your tongue suddenly feels thick and dry in your mouth. It had been so perfect in your brain, just ask him to fix your problem. A simple intimidation from the Radio Demon and you’d be off the hook and out from under that Shylock’s thumb. Then these freaky visits would be over. Huh. Or even ask about having a portal to this realm in your own room. Heaven knows how much you missed the fresh air. Just say something. Alastor regards you with glee as your brain desperately tries to concoct exactly how to answer him. “Now, now, don’t think about it too hard on it, you’ll have steam coming off your ears any moment.” 
You blink twice at his smug grin, when the request hits you. Just the thing to make the sinner squirm and keep him guessing without giving away too much of yourself. Just the thing to stay in the game. “No, I know what I want.” 
“Hmmm?” He thinks he’s winning. 
“Flesh,” the words feel repellent on your tongue, but you smirk through it, “I want to try it. Yours, to be specific.” 
The music stops with an abrupt scratch of the record.
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lavenderhaze · 12 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
thanks for the tag @brandileigh2003 !!! 1. we are beautiful, we are doomed (p.2 in series) 2. the sea is a good place (p.1 in series) 3. beautiful boy (wip) 4. house of memories (one shot) 5. feel what it's like to be new (stand alone)
I tag: @shoopsthereitis @ecstarry @pretentiouswreckingball @kaaaaaaarf @mokkkki @thesleepiesthufflepuff and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Rank your top 5 npcs you're looking forward to new art of! (Jawbone doesn't count, since we already got his)
ooh man what a q!
i have loved all of the art so far so I’m very excited for it. but here are 5 in no particular order
Gilear (easy)
Sandra Lynn (obsessed with her fr fr)
Lydia Barkrock (iirc we have no art of her and i would simply like to see it)
Ayda!!! (didn’t mean to put her this low so i strongly stand by the no particular order comment)
Aelwyn (last art of her was so tortured I want her to get a happy and content and safe glow up)
it was so hard to limit to 5 this was so fun
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the-anxious-acrobat · 1 month
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better
tagged by @theriseandfallofshittyurls (love you)
last song I listened to: born to die by lana del rey! ♥️
currently obsessed with: so much, especially six of crows, the night circus, a series of unfortunate events, skulduggery pleasant, circuses, circus and performing industry, dance, ballet, jazz, lyrical, acrobatics, the performing arts, dance fashion, drama, theatre, cooking and baking and trying out different recipes, writing, stories, art, lakes, ghibli films, ghosts, lots of random and different movies and books, magicians, kaz brekker and inej ghafa my beloved, animals, mythical creatures, fairytales, singing, flying, birds, the sky, escaping reality, music (especially rock, indie rock, folk, dream-pop, and dance-pop), fairy lore, faraway places, space, alien and extra terrestrial life, the universe, halloween, flexibility tricks and getting my middle splits, and heaps more lol!
@pastelpearls @thesolarsailor04 and @kittimu might like to participate in this! but open tags ♥️
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blmpff · 8 months
tin foil hat time
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this blorbo is wearing a bracelet, even though we can see clearly what it looks like
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and Non is wearing one in the flashbacks too, same hand
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is he one of the people hiding the mask?
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clive-barker · 2 months
tagged by the wonderful @fridays13th! tagging @frostytherobot, @thebeatles, @sheryllee, @babygojira, @waltongoggins, @devilsskettle, and you!
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cuz-reasons · 11 months
So, I may have made a couple of parent ocs for the twins. I've never, like, done anything like this before since ocs never really interested me, but seeing all of the different takes other people have had for their parents and my own enjoyment of repetitivly "small town-ifying" them made me wanna try it out.
Now I'm left with parent ocs that I love.
They're names are Mel and Nico and there's a bunch of more info about them under the cut if you're interested! Also, feel free to ask about them!
Short for Mellisa, but only her family (and sometimes Nico) calls her that
The twins get most of their looks from her (grey eyes, tall, bit of a toothpick), although she's kinda built so the toothpick genes aren't that visible in her
Worked as a car/other vehicle mechanic, retired now but still pops into the shop a couple times a week to help out but mostly for fun now
Drives a motorcycle, didn't let the boys on it when they were small so only really uses it if it's just her/only with Nico
Was never really that interested in battling, has an old Scolipede from when she was young and took in a Scrafty that was abandoned at the shop as a Scraggy a couple years after the boys moved out.
Had a sister (idk her name yet) that she was close to, but she died when the boys were around 12 or so
Bisexual and will make it your problem
Didn't really care if the boys swore when they were kids, swore in front of them
Short for Nicandro, only parents call him that
Much shorter than his wife and sons, is lovingly made fun of for this
Emmet, and occasionally Ingo, like to tease him for being old
Boys get their grey hair from him
Paldean, moved to Unova when he was around 10
Has a few siblings, no one is really close with each other. Not due to anything bad, just from drifting apart and not really contacting each other anymore.
Has a Wugtrio he had since he was a kid and an Orthworm he caught during a trip back to Paldea in his early 20s
Also not much of a battler, prefers to fish
Man, he loves fishing
"Hmm, my son is upset? I'll take him fishing."
Not the best with words, would rather give people things or take them places to show he cares
"I love my tall wife." Kinda guy
Also bisexual, but no one expects it and thinks it's funny to surprise people with it
Would rather the boys didn't swear as kids
Uh, that's the sort of basics I got for them so far. I'm trying to flesh them out more with some of the prompts for that November prompt list I'm following. I'll mention when a fic is about them or features them!
Again, feel free to ask any questions you have!
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
Okay but, Oh my fucking god your Lovesick Papyrus is just amazing. Like, even without copying anyone his OG design is already so freaking cool.
Also, how would they feel if Y/N (I am Y/N in this case wjdjwbf) was like "You’re way cooler than any Papyrus or Sans!" After they show themselves to Y/N? Like, Y/N genuinely falls in love with them!🤡💗
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OH MY GOODNESS!!! MY HEART!! That's so kind! 💙💙💙 Thank you!
LS Papyrus would undoubtedly fall even more head over heels for you. Hearing his darling fawn over him after his first, honest appearance would get him all sorts of flustered, excited, and hungry for more of your attention. His possessiveness of you skyrockets.
'Y/N loves me... Loves ME! They said so, and Y/N wouldn't lie about that!'
Your words translate to: "You're mine, and I wanna be yours", in his head. This means he DEMANDS to be involved in all of your affairs.
At first it's pleasant. He listens to what you have to say about your day, only calls during work when you're free, buys you cute outfits and things that you like... but as time passes and his affection for you grows, things get a little... difficult. He starts listening IN to your whole day, not even needing you to explain it anymore. He can recount it better than you. He starts calling insistently while you're at work, not letting you turn off the ringer until you answer him.
Every phone call you make... he's jumping in and speaking for you. Sometimes he'll answer the phone or your texts himself, not allowing you to know who's trying to reach out you
When you try to step away from him, he finds ways of forcing you under his control.
He starts by draining your bank account and putting himself in charge of your finances. You'll have to speak to him if want to use any of your own money. Along with that, the things he starts buying you are more... spicy. Since you don't want to wear the lingerie he got you, he guesses you're not THAT desperate for food, or for money to pay your bills. He can wait till you're ready to take him seriously. He is, after all, very patient.
He makes sure to make you beg when you come to him next, however. There's nothing he enjoys more than seeing you on your knees, with tears in your eyes begging him to feed you, clothe you, take care of you... it's so easy to make you bend.
If you still fight him him though, he won't hesitate to target your family. He'll tell you his intentions: that he'll drain their accounts, ruin their social lives, He'll even go so far as to hire people to go after them. He has no qualms playing dirty, as long as he gets to keep you where he wants you, which is right by his side.
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dragonpyre · 4 months
14, 15, and 21 for the artist ask game! :D
14. whats your favorite thing about drawing?
I like making my imagination come to life and inflicting it on others. I also love the compliments from ppl
15. least favorite thing about drawing?
The drawing part. do you know how fucking HARD it is? how much you have to think. fucking awful. also coloring
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
Probably like ashy dust. idk why. it's just the vibes
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sketchhead-thoughts · 7 months
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shou-jpeg · 1 year
9 and 3
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Date night at home.
KimChay people, let’s play a game! Send me 2 numbers between 1 and 10. 2 of ?
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