#This is like Mr Benn all over again
gayness-and-mayhem · 2 years
Wait wait wait - there were only 4 episodes of the 2010 series of Just William?!
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side D
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
Propaganda for Shanks x Benn:
Daddies hot
A (somewhat) idiot captain, and a calm, cool and collected first mate! Oda literally stated that if Shanks was the sun, then Benn would be his moon. They balance each other out very nicely and I know that one will always take care of the other.
Classic captain/first mate ship. Beckman got all white hair at 50 for dealing with Shanks I know that. There's a part in film Red when Beckman calls Uta "our daughter" that activated my monkey brain.
Your honor they are married! The domestic fluff is all there. Benn loves his captain even though he is a handful and is always there to support him. Shanks has also followed in his parents footsteps and honoring the tradition of falling in love with your first mate. But I mean honestly can you blame him. Plus they raised a kid together!
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friendly-books · 7 months
Dresden files Fool's Moon live blog
Fool’s Moon 
Ugh male gaze already
You’ve never mentioned Kim Delaney in your fic so I don’t have high hopes in her survival especially when she’s looking into summoning or binding circle
Sometime apprentice? Eh? How does one become a sometime apprentice
Harry drives a Beetle but he’s so tall and a beetle is so small ha
I’m absolutely blaming you for my love of Marcone and how unreasonably happy I got at the mere mention of his name in chapter two I might have a problem 
“He was one of Johnny Marcone bodyguards” pg. 18 Geez Marcone’s men can’t catch a break. First Tommy Tomm, then “Gimpy” Lawrence, and now “Spike” 
Ahh!! What was that agent Benn thinking? Pulling out her gun?!? I know Harry and Murph were going to live but still. I’m horrified by this lack of gun control 
Murph and Harry are fighting:(
I like Harry being a detective 
Who’s Justin? Why did Harry burn him to death? I’m reserving my decision if Justin is good or bad because while Harry is a good guy Bob doesn't have a moral compass.
Who’s Elaine? What happened to her?
Alphas really that’s the name they chose?
Susan you’re back!
Harry’s talking to himself again 
“What could possibly go wrong?” pg. 102 Harry sweetie you didn’t just say that. I can’t believe what I just read. Harry, you should know better than to say that. Every time someone says that things will always go wrong you’re supposed to be genre savvy. 
How is Harry still alive? He went to a hideout of possible murder happy werewolves with minimal tools and or weapons and no backup?
Marcone has arrived yay! It only took 10 chapters 
“Ah Mr. Dresden” pg. 114 Why did I think of Verinari when Marcone said Ah Mr. Dresden? Maybe because Verinari says Ah Vimes 
I love chapter 10 it’s all Marcone and Harry
Why does a demon know Harry’s mom?
“What was left of Kim Delaney lay naked and sublime on the bloodstained floor a few feet from the circle” pg. 143 I didn’t want to be right :(
“Middle-aged, starkly handsome man” pg. 145 Bi Harry counter 3
Why does a demon know Harry’s mother?
“Good-looking detective” pg. 231 Bi Harry 4 counter 
Wait did Harry call Rudolph the person who kills Murph good-looking??? What did I just read?? WHAT?!? 
It’s cool that Harry fights a werewolf 
I’ve now met ID Harry weird that whole bit was weird 
The FBI was in on it?!? 
Marcone to the rescue! 
“A man in his mature prime, his hair immaculately graying at the temples, his custom-made suit displaying a body kept fit in spite of the advancing years” pg. 293 Bi Harry 5
Really Marcone, you're really trying to get Harry to sign a contract now? 
“Marcone looked good in his gray suit and perfect hair and his manicured hands, but he wasn’t” pg. 295 Bi Harry 6
I find it amusing that Marcone and Parker are fighting over Harry for different reasons but fighting over him nonetheless :)
“He won’t accept my offer. He’d rather die.” pg. 297 Marcone knows Harry
“Marcone’s mouth dropped open, and it was an intense pleasure to see the surprise on his face” pg. 297 I love that Harry can get a reaction out of Marcone 
Loving chapter 23 with all its Marconeness 
How old are the characters? Harry calls the alphas kids, Billy calls Harry Mr. Dresden, and Harry talks about Marcone’s gray hair. I’m picturing Harry and Marcone as a mesh of @drawsdenfiles and @kaphkas fanart.
We got a title drop 
Awww Susan got Harry his duster
Why is Marcone’s house so big? Why does he need a big house? 
“If he truly offered you a challenge, he’s here,” Marcone said, his tone completely confident, “I’m certain of it.” pg. 365 Marcone really knows Harry huh 
I like that Marcone’s never underestimated Harry 
“Please remember that I want Dresden, alive if possible.” pg. 375 Wow Marcone really wants to hire Harry. 
Nooo the FBI kidnapped Murph :(
What did Denton see in Harry’s soulgaze? 
Marcone to the rescue again or not, honestly Marcone you should listen to Harry more often
“I guess it could be worse” pg. 394 Why would you say that Murph? Why???
“Mr. Dresden, Marcone said crossly. I’ve asked you not to call me that.” pg. 398 You should let Harry call you John, Marcone 
I love Harry and Marcone’s banter
Marcone’s throwing knives bit was cool
Harry using the belt was interesting. Glad Susan calmed him down. 
“Dresden! The pit!” pg. 417 Nice of Marcone to warn Harry
Harry using his necklace is cool! 
No Murph trust Harry, why did you shoot him?
Yay Murph was shooting Denton 
“Of course,” Marcone said, with a note of disappointment in his voice “I’d just hoped you hadn’t realized it. Nonetheless, Harry-“ 
“Don’t call me Harry,” I said, and hung up on him” pg. 428 I love this entire bit. How come Harry gets to call Marcone John but when Marcone calls Harry by his first name he gets upset? You should just call each other by your first names 
I hope we see more of the Alphas 
Oh Harry’s making connections with the ongoing mystery yay! 
Final thoughts 
Loved all the Marcone we got. I like that we’re getting more on the ongoing mystery. I hope we see more of the Alphas. I liked the fights and Harry’s detective work. More Bi Harry the counter is going up! We’re up to 6. As with the previous book, I'm not a big fan of the male gaze but I think that’s more to do with the length and descriptions used. Harry (or Jim) will go on for a solid paragraph describing women using words I don’t think anyone would use while with Bi Harry it’s not as long and I can see people using words like good looking or handsome. I mostly glazed over the male gaze bits. I don’t know if my predisposition to Bi Harry and a Harry/Marcone shipper is making those parts stand out or if it’s because I’m actively looking for them to add to the counter. Speaking of Marcone I don’t recall if it’s said why Marcone wants Harry to work for him. Yeah having a wizard on staff is cool he can do magic but surely Marcone knows that there’s more magic people and some are more likely to work for him than Harry. So why does he specifically want Harry to work for him? He tried to get him to work for him three times in this book and once in the previous book. There’s trying to hire someone and then there’s whatever this is. I enjoyed this book. Good book for Harry/Marcone moments. Looking forward to the next book!
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tradetobest · 4 months
dee's january 2024 fic recs
ok so. i thought i'd do a fic rec list every month this year of just my favourite fics that got bookmarked in the month (not necessarily written in the past month) that had just passed... i was a bit busy for the past few days but FINALLY i got the chance to sit down so!!
(if you want to play fic roulette here's some blind links otherwise!! enjoy under the cut
1 2 3 4 5 6)
3:30 by sevenfists
pairing: sidney crosby/evgeni malkin rating: E words: 11k summary: Napping with Sid would be inconvenient, embarrassing, and more than a little gay, and maybe Zhenya was a little gay, but he didn’t need to advertise it.
i LOVE "oh this thing we do together has become a routine now we Have to do it before games" fics and you should too!! this one is So cute i love it....
waiting for confessions of love by catchingpapermoons
pairing: jamie drysdale/trevor zegras/mason mctavish rating: M words: 41k summary: “I’ll be so real with you, man,” Trevor says, pulling back. “I had no fucking idea you liked dudes.”
one thing about me is that i am an absolute sucker for miscommunication and will love it at all costs and this fic DELIVERS!!!! and so well!!
high into the blue by idday
pairing: jack eichel/connor mcdavid rating: T words: 10k summary: Lieutenant John Eichel of the United States Navy – Boston to his squadron and Jack to the people who matter – is reckless and cocky and too smug for his own damn good. But even Connor has to admit that the boy can goddamn fly. (Captain Connor McDavid, Royal Canadian Air Force, is by the book in the worst way, conservative and careful and liable to get himself killed out there. Jack shouldn’t be impressed by him. He really shouldn’t.)
when i tell you i SCREAMED when i got the notif for this fic and then immediately went and watched top gun.,.... if you know me you know anything idday puts out i literally eat up like mceichel is the only thing that will ever sustain me ever again and this was NO exception,,,, always a pleasure to be able to experience an idday fic is what i say
play your heart out by ribena
pairing: leon draisaitl/connor mcdavid rating: M words: 4k summary: Connor loses his heart. Leon finds it for the both of them.
oughh./.. ouhhh.... what even to say.... clutches my heart (lol)...... beautiful..... i literally screamed cried went through it..... please read like literally begs you
nobody wins afraid of losing by adelphenium
pairing: tyler bertuzzi/dylan larkin rating: E words: 12k summary: It’s been almost a year since the first trade. It’s been just a few weeks since they last saw each other, facing off on the ice here in Toronto. In all the months since the Boston run, Tyler’s done nothing but read Dylan’s texts from the notifications bar like a sad and filthy sack of shit, too weak not to feel a thrill whenever a Saw that goal, what a beauty berts or a Hope you’re sleeping ok came through. Or: Tyler and Dylan during the 2024 bye week.
"hey you bookmarked this one on december 31st" IM PUTTING IT IN JANUARY!!!!! PLEASE READ THIS FIC!!!!! not only did jamie adelphenium write it but its just. it has shaped the way i view tyler bertuzzi and sparked a love for mr hockey butt himself..... what a good fic yall please read
reserve your ardors by wrightsworth
pairing: jamie benn/tyler seguin rating: E words: 9k summary: Jamie was in over his head. He had been out of his depth for months if he was being honest, ever since he picked Seggy up from the airport that first time in the humid Dallas air and his Omega genes decided to make themselves known, and loudly.
it wouldnt be me without some good old bennguin and RAHH pining and omegaverse and unrequited-requited and miscommunication like what else could you want in a fic its so good
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stephenbland · 4 months
what are your top 5 hats? ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧
I have taken so long to answer this because i have been thinking rather carefully about all this, and have come to these as my favourites:
5. The Classic Top Hat
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Excellent size of hat.
I am a top hat, self hatred is bad for you.
Makes you feel like a victorian gentleman dying of tuberculosis
Very fashionable
Makes me have to think about ascot.
4. The Trilby
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Nowhere near as over the top as a fedora
Neat and tidy
Available in a variety of colours
Associated with ska
My dad's favourite hat
Unfairly given a negative association due to the actions of a few of it's kind
3. The Bowler Hat
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Designed for gamekeepers
More fashionable than a helmet
Reminds me of Mr. Benn
And the Mister men, for that matter
Very comfortable
Makes me think of a Gentleman's Gentleman
Again, a negative
Does not suit many heads.
2. The Humble Flat Cap
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Norther English (weyyy)
Suitable for mischievous ferret people
Wore one with ears for a play once and felt gorgeous
Make me feel like a norphan
Grandfatherly in a paradoxical way
Delightfully floppy
1. The Pork Pie Hat
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Pork pie
Excellent name
Very suitable for gentle people of all periods
Pork pie
Associated with comedy acts and musicians
Jazzy, for previous reason
One con though,
Not actually made of pork pie.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 13 August 1834
6 ¼
11 40
twenty minutes quietly with A- before getting up fine morning F68° at 6 ¼ am  - made tea for A- off in cabriolet to Firminy at 7 25 – good road  (only opened 5 years ago – the old road considerably to the right and [very] up and down) all the way except thro’ the village of Chamond or some such name – and there the street narrow and pavé terrible – the street to be widened and made good – a few houses already rebuilt and set back – left the town of Firminy (left) and drove down to the coal mine or rather coal quarry and there at 8 50 – the ingénieur not there –would not come till 11 – lives in the chateau – in ½ hour in the quarry – exactly like  a common stone quarry, only coal instead of stone – quarrying enormous masses - 100 workmen - the piqueurs earn 2/25 and the carries 1/75 per day - as much as a man carry of large pieces sells for 4 sols - 3 men killed 7 months ago by the falling down of a mass of rock - drove to the chateau - Mr Morillo (ingénieur or chef des mines de Firminy) at home – very civil – would return with me to the coal quarry – and had the horse put up at the chateau – above an hour shewing me all over the quarry and explained about the steam engine pump - 24 horse power - much power lost by being at such a distance from the works and communicating with the well by iron bars 100 yards length? but the ground so tender so full of old mines, and given to fall in, that they durst not sink the pit or well nearer - this pit 20 toises deep, but the pump only brought up the water to ½ way and then it runs off by an old gallery - the water I saw forming a little cascade from the top into the quarry and thence by an old gallery is turned there on purpose - the mine here often on fire - afraid of it now so has turned the water down - the numberless old galleries and wet and pyrites cause the fire - will be obliged to Noyer the mine, fill it with water once every 3 years - of course, prefers doing it in winter - this mine worked as now (au jour) only 3 years - was worked before underground in the common way - the different proprietors of the soil worked the coal and made nothing of it - the mine was given up - coal immediately under the row of houses that bounds the quarry to the east, but the proprietors not willing to take a reasonable price, so the coal company prefers having the coal - but when they have got it 4 or 5 yards from the houses, they have only had 12ft. of
soil to remove  they are now taking off about 20ft. deep of stuff, soil and shale, and a vein of grit stone about 10in. thick  - they throw the stuff back, and make into ground again what they do not want to quarry - this company gets 500,000 quintaux métriques (1 quintal metre= 100kilos) per annum that is, one-fourteenth of all the coal got per annum in the basin houlier (coal basin of St. Etienne and Rive de Gier) and one-sixth of all the coal got into the St. Etienne district - only 3 years qu’on a travaille à découvert (in open quarry) as at present - La couche du Breuil (i.e. coal, 40, 50, 60,70, to 80ft. thick - La benne  corve) pèse en gros morceaux 150 kilos environ - 10 to 12 bennes in cubic metre of coal - sells here for 1/30, 1/. and six sols le benne - sur 2040 bennes got last year on peut avoir gagné 60,000fr., but this was an extraordinary gain, in consequence of regretting in old galleries having no stuff to move etc and cannot be expected to occur again - may reckon the average price at ./75 per benne, here, at the pit’s mouth - the taxe paid to government twofold - taxe fine, 20/. per kilometres carré, and, take according to the étude de la concession, and which is proportioned to the benefice that is gained which various every year - 58 kilometres got last year paid altogether 2000/. - besides this there is the proprietor of the land (surface) to pay, and the law gives him one-sixth of the coal got i.e. one benne out of every six, but this is too much and the company pays by agreement only one-tenth, 1 benne out of ten - of what is got already there are 15 surface proprietors - and the company has paid one proprietor as much as 20,000fr. per annum - the members of the co. are concessionaires du government - all the mines in the kingdom belonging to government, and for which the concessioners pay the 2 above named taxes or charges - the land is here so divided - so many proprietors the mines could not be so well worked if government had not taken them into their own hands - this was done in 1814 under Louis 18 - the marquis d’Osmond had concession of all the mines in the basin de St. Etienne made to him before the 1st revolution - he emigrated and lost it - had it restored on the return of the Bourbons and sold it - it is Carillon Gaeury quais des Augustins no. 14 à Paris who is  libraire to the Ecole des mines at Paris - M. Morillo on our return from the quarry, very civilly introduced me to his mother (from about 25 lieues from Paris near Troyes)  and asked me to breakfast – breakfast à la fourchette at 11 ¼ - very good breakfast riz de veau à la chicorée (very good) large cold poulet or small dindon, épinards a sort of tart, and a gateau with almonds and green grapes and green gages, and vin du pays -  talked away – afterwards went with Monsieur to his bureau for a few minutes and wrote down from his dictation almost all the above renseignements –gave him my address at Shibden and in the rue St Victor à Paris and said I should be glad to see and do him any service – told him I had coal of my own and should perhaps return to St Etienne to learn measure underground etc – wished good morning to Madame who seemed to have thought me bien amiable and off from the chateau de Firminy at 12 ¼ - They had pumped me about my politics said I was no politician but owned myself naturally a Tory – Lord Grey and Mr Stanley retired in consequence of O’ Connell’s Irish church bill and Lord Melbourne prime minister – odd I should 1st learn this at Firminy! Home at 1 50 in 1 35 hour 10 minutes longer than we were in going – tired of the slow going and great heat – paid all - our hostess would have profited prettily by us if she could - Off from l’hotel de l’Europe chez ‘Teinturier de Lyon’ at 2 50 – nice road and country – Guyonnière merely a single house poste and hotel de Provence – at 4 33 pass handsome double wood-floored suspension bridge over the  broad bedded Loire – had just before seen in the distance left the good-looking town of St Lambert - at 4 50 turn (right) to Montbrison and leave good road to....... dusty but not so much so as yesterday - All the women (except les grandes) ride califourchon new road opened 2 years ago from St Etienne to Marseille (missing Lyon) going direct to Tain - 3 days journey from Paris to M- saving said my cocher 8 years in the 16th chasseurs till the revolution in 1830, servant to his colonel M. de la Tour du Pin ‘le roi des hommes’ - would have ‘verse la dernière goutte de son sang pour lui’ - who saying he has juré to serve one king and would not serve 2, tore off his épaulettes and broke his sword (at Dieppe) and left the service - the men all in tears on his bidding them farewell -  At 5 ¼ we near the mountains – at 5 35 St Priest and chateau on conical mountain top – have seen 2 or 3 good chateaus since St Etienne this afternoon - fine open country – good road – at 6 5 alight at l’hotel du Nord at Montbrison – this little demoiselle of the house wanted 3fr. per bed for our own 2 – would not give more than 2/. she herself asked 3/. a head for dinner and gave us a very meagre, bad one - no potage - dinner at 7 – sat talking – lastly riz au lait to make up for bad dinner - wrote all the above of today till 11 20 - A- in bed soon after 9 pm - very fine day F72° now at 11 20 pm.
went to see the pit at some distance behind the chateau where the steam engine brought up both coal and water from 40? toises deep - primitive mountains here - 60,000 inhabitants in the parish of St. Etienne
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@missbeckman my dear completed another spicy one for Mr. Beckman 😊 I hope you enjoy this my dear. I hope you take care and have a great rest of the day Happy Holiday! 🎄
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Benn Beckman x Fem Reader: Secrets Naughty warning: dirty talk, penetration
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“At a girl. keep it down, we don’t want to wake up the other crew members do we?” Benn’s words vibrating off the nape of your neck. Giving it a light suck the make bit of redness from where he sucked. These late night fuck sessions were becoming more of a ritual for you both for the past few weeks. Either he would come into your room or you would go his. We acted normally around the crew but behind closed doors late at night it was a different story.
“You keep pushing your dick deeper inside of me like that I won't be able to be quiet much longer.” Panting in your response. Both of you laying on your sides. Benn holding the back of your thigh. Both of you watch how his cock buried itself deep inside of you.
“You like watching yourself get fuck huh.” Benn's raspy voice stated to you.
Nodding in response to his question. “I love how you fuck me Benn.” Seeing as his dick when in and out your juices coating his cock.
“I’m glad to hear that _____.” he kissed his shoulder. “This is our little secret, don't forget that doll.”
“Of course..." closing your eyes for a moment savoring the sweet sensation. "First mate Benn I want you to make me cum all over you cock again.” biting your lower tilting your head towards him, you eyelids half lowered giving off a sultry look.
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@fireflykaizoku @undercoverweeeb @kristaline2dmensimp
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hiihi !! ive been loving all the stuuf yoube been wirting latley its so good :^D i ws wondering if i ciuld have some hcs ,or just a onrshot either or i dont mind, of reader geeting sick and mumza nd dadza take care of them ?? bc i lovr mr and mrs minecraft <33 liek like reader like "ahh im finr mr minecraft" and they have 102° fever Nd have a runny nose and mr minecatft is liek "mmm no i dont thnik so m8" nd yaeh !! they/them pronouns but i thnk uve benn doing that arleady - :^) anon
hiihi !! ive been loving all the stuuf yoube been wirting latley its so good :^D i ws wondering if i ciuld have some hcs ,or just a onrshot either or i dont mind, of reader geeting sick and mumza nd dadza take care of them ?? bc i lovr mr and mrs minecraft <33 liek like reader like "ahh im finr mr minecraft" and they have 102° fever Nd have a runny nose and mr minecatft is liek "mmm no i dont thnik so m8" nd yaeh !! they/them pronouns but i thnk uve benn doing that arleady - :^) anon
:^) anon my beloved;;;;; i love your brain. this could go two ways depending on whether you’re staying with phil or if you guys are online so i went with your staying with him. i also did a one shot but if you want hcs i hv no problem writing some :) i hope this is good!
cw: cursing
mumza and dadza take care of you:
  it had finally happened. while covid wasn't fully over just yet, many had gotten the vaccine and conventions were opening up again. which meant two things: meetups and twitchcon. finally, you could meet some of your supporters and see your friends.
  “mom, are we almost there?” your mom was driving you to the airbnb you’d be staying at with a few of the other dream smp members. at first, you assumed you’d all be staying in separate hotel rooms. but, this way, you could spend more time with friends, save money, and your mom wouldn’t have to be with you the whole time. there had already been many long conversations between philza and your mom to make sure you’d be safe staying with everyone.
  “yes, sweetie. almost there. we’re just two minutes closter than when you asked earlier.” ok, sue you, maybe you were a bit excited. but really, who could blame you? making in person friends had never been easiest, so the majority of your friendship were with people online. not being able to see or meet anyone for so long had been excruciatingly painful. 
  within ten minutes, you had finally arrived at the airbnb. quickly jumping out you ran to the door, obnoxiously ringing the doorbell. through the door, you heard an accented voice yell out, “i’m coming, i’m coming!”. at this point you were springing up and down on your tippy-toes, ready to spring out of your skin.
  the door opened and you were greeted by a very tired and annoyed looking wilbur, “hello?”.
`   “WILBURRRR!!!” you were screaming in his face (unintentionally), waking him up from his drowsiness. you launched yourself in his arms, not paying attention to your mother’s bewildered expression. you quickly let go of him and shoved past him, “i’m gonna go say hi to everyone!” distantly you heard wilbur begin to talk to your mother, explaining what you guys were doing.
  while running around you said hi to tommy, tubbo, ranboo, eret, fundy, niki, techno, phil and kristin. the others were either staying in another airbnb or in their own hotel rooms. after about thirty minutes, wilbur had finally stopped talking to your mom.
  “yes, ma’am. i can promise you they’ll be completely safe. you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” wilbur was calmly talking with your mother, looking more and more tired by the minute.
  “alright. thank you.” your mother called you over. “come give me a hug and say bye!” slowly dragging your limbs over, you let her hug you. behind you you could hear wilbur and phil laughing at you.
  “bye mom…” she was holding onto you tightly, petting down your hair.
  “oh, sweetie, i love you so much. i’m so happy you found something you're passionate about and made so many lovely friends while doing so.” as much as you loved your mom, the small snickers behind you were getting quite embarrassing. you could hear that tommy had joined in on the laughing. 
  “... i love you too, mom. can you let go now?” you tried pulling back, but all she did was pull you closer.
  “oh, but i just don’t wanna let you go. i love you so much, you know that right?”
  “i know, mom. i love you too. but you’ve gotta get home and i have to unpack and get ready for meeting with fans tomorrow.” you finally got her to pull away, “i love you mom, okay? thank you for letting me do this.”
  “oh, i love you too, sweetie.” and with that, your mom left. after watching her pull out of the driveway and down the street, you whipped around.
  “not. a. single. word.” you stared dead in the boy’s eyes, seeing just how much wilbur was about to burst out laughing.
  “what? personally, i think it’s very sweet.” tommy was smiling, purposely pissing you off. “so sweet, how much your mom loves you.”
  “shut your fucking mouth, tommy.” you stared deadpan at him and began walking inside and over to the kitchen.
  “what? i didn’t say anything wrong! i was just simply commenting on your very, very sweet relationship with your mother.”
  kristin moved forward to talk to you, “for what it’s worth, i do thing you hae a very sweet relationship with your mom.”
  “thank you. you’re the only good one in this house, kristin minecraft.” with that she laughed, and you all continued on with your evening. after staying up late watching old youtube videos, you all went to bed. in the morning you would have your first day of three at twitchcon, meeting fans and other creators alike. 
  for around 10 hours, you stood in booths signing fanart, prints, notebooks, and the like. meeting so many different people was eye opening, just learning who supported you. at the end of the day everyone went to a restaurant to eat dinner after so long.
  “this food… is so… fucking good.”
  “agreed.” you and the rest of the so-called ‘bench trio’ were eating at what wilbur had deemed the ‘kiddy table’. after eating so much food you were all tired. the rest of your friends had already left, walking back to the airbnb. when it was finally time to leave the restaurant, it was pouring rain.
  after running home you had gone to sleep while the others had changed and taken showers. after sleeping for around ten hours, you had finally woken up. frankly, you felt like dogshit. you could barely breathe out of your stuffy nose and your head felt like it had been shoved full of wet cotton balls.
  instead of staying in bed, you got up and tried to get ready. on the way downstairs to get food and see who was making so much noise, you fell face first down the stairs. “owwwww…”
  hearing a ruckus, phil and kristin left the kitchen, where they were making pancakes. “holy shit! are you alright, mate?”
  pushing phil over, kristin walked over to you, “obviously they’re not okay phil! the poor kid is lying on the floor.”
  slowly getting up, you try to reassure both of them that you’re okay. “no, no, no, don’t worry. i am perfectly okay.” while you don’t know exactly how you sound, based on the expression on phil’s face, you don't think you sound very good.
  “uh, yeah, how about no. you sound like you’ve draken a whale bottle of vodka.” phil walked over to you and grabbed you by the arm, trying to hold you up.
  “i’m fineeee”
  “no, your fucking not. you’re burning up.” phil looked at you, angrily. “you need to go to bed.”
  “but i don’t wannaaaaa. i feel fineeee.” you felt like crying, for absolutely no reason. with that, you passed out on the floor.
  phil and kristin somehow managed to get you back up the stairs and into bed. once you were safely in your room, with no risk of cracking your skull open, phil took your temperature. “mate, your temperature is at nearly 102°. you’re lucky i don’t take you to a hospital.” he started at you, disapprovingly.
  “i’m sorryyyyy dadza. are you mad at me?” in your deluded state you pouted at him, like a child.
  “no, i’m not mad at you. just disappointed. you should’ve known not to do that. you’re old enough to know when you’re sick.” he stared at you with a disapproving look.
  “but that’s even worseeeeee” you felt like balling your eyes out. out of embarrassment, you tried to hide under your blanket. “can you tell mumza i’m sorry for worrying her?”
  above you, you heard phil laugh. “it’s not that big a deal, kid. i’m just upset. you could’ve seriously hurt yourself. i was worried.”
  “you were worried about me? awwwww, i love you too dadza.” you moved your head out of the blankets, smiling at him with dried tears and sweat on your face.
  “yeah, yeah. now shut up and go to bed.”
  kristin walked in, hearing what he said. “phil, don’t bully the kid. they already feel like shit.” out of the corner of your eye, you saw her look over to phil and smile at him.
  “i’m not doing anything, swear on my life!” he put his hands up in defense of himself, making you laugh.
  turning away from him, she directed her next question towards you. “how you feeling, kid? took quite a tumble there.” she smiled at you and ushed your hair out of your face.
  “i’m sorry for worrying youuuuuu. i love you, mumza. promise.”
  laughing, she leaned down to kiss you on the head. “love you too, kid. now, want me to sit with you and we can all watch some netflix or something?”
  you silently nodded and the two of them joined you on the bed, not caring very much if they got sick. after not even an hour, you all passed out.
  a few hours later, everyone returned back from the convention. let’s just say wilbur now had some very valuable blackmail.
hope you like it! this was so wholesome i- wfowcsjvri
i want parents like dadza and mumza now
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softrozene · 4 years
Hellooo! I hope you're okay. Can I get a scenario for Benn Beckmann, Crocodile and Smoker with a female reader who confesses her feelings, please ?
I’m doing amazing Lovely. I hope you’re doing wonderful too! <3 I am such a sucker for requests like these. They feed into my love for fluff and cuteness, so I hope you enjoy this! Because of the theme requested and the characters personalities I gave the reader more of a shy girl kind of personality!
Benn, Crocodile, Smoker x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff to the max
Words: 1818
Benn Beckmann-
Benn has a bad feeling the second he saw your cute form go up to the captain. He always gets an uneasy feeling when you talk to Shanks and yes, he is aware he is jealous, and he does not hide it very well, but this time felt different. Mostly because Shanks is giggling like a girl and your face looks beyond flustered.
Normally, he would go to your rescue but the second he sees Shanks look at him he had the urge to run away from his captain’s idiocy. He could not do so after you turn as well and give him a look that makes his heart ache. Whatever is going on he does not like it but seeing that look you gave him, makes him stay in place.
Benn is usually a quiet man and one who definitely does not wear his heart on his sleeve but the crew members who he’s been with from the start of the Red Hair Pirates can see through him. They know how smitten he is with you just as you are with him. It is almost painful that the two of you are not together and that is why while Benn is keeping an eye on you and Shanks from afar, Shanks is trying to convince you to confess to Benn.
The thought terrifies you. Your face heats up like a fire and you feel dizzy just thinking about it. Shanks is making fun of you and you want to hit him but of course, you do not dare. It is all in good faith that he is teasing you anyway.
The worry practically paints your being and Shanks gives in to give you his captain talk.
“Listen (Name), you are a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman. I can promise you that Benn will reciprocate your feelings. On the highly slim chance that he does not I will owe you a date night to lather you up with the romance you deserve,” Shanks promises.
The thought makes you want to gag immediately since you are not interested in your captain and Shanks laughs since you did not hide that. His words did reach you though and you turn around yet again to see Benn staring at you.
It is now or never.
As you walk up to Benn, he kicks himself for staring for so long. Even more, he wishes he knew what Shanks said to you to make your face so flustered.
“Benn?” Ah. The way you say his name makes him smile as he hums in response.
You go for it. “I like you. A lot. I know I may not be the most confident of women but-“
This is really happening. Benn can’t hear your words as the smile on his face grows. He glances back towards his captain who in return gives him a thumbs up. He cuts your now stuttering sentence off as he places a hand on your shoulder.
“I like you too, (Name). If you are sure you want to pursue a relationship with me then by all means I accept,” Benn says.
And that was how Benn accidentally killed a crewmember, his new partner, with Shanks as a witness when your body hit the ground and you went to cloud nine.
“Do you know why you are here?” Crocodile questions.
You look a bit nervous but overall, pretty composed. He is impressed since anyone else would have usually pissed their pants by now. You do not answer him and even though that agitates him he lets it pass since you are one of his most valuable assets.
“You have been distracted. It is affecting your work. Would you like to tell me why?” He asks leaning into his hand.
Despite the way he asked it with a certain gentleness to it, his hook starts to carve into the desk leaving the silent threat. Any other person would be terrified, and it looks like you are, but you are just nervous. Your heart is racing wildly as you try to distract yourself from feeling a bit too hot from the threat of his hook.
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation,” You start.
You want to tell him, but it may mean your death sentence. This man does not tolerate distractions. The only reason why he has not murdered you on the spot for your suddenly slow work is because your loyalty is as high, maybe even higher than Mr. 1’s loyalty. That is a great feat and one Crocodile appreciates even if he has no problems getting rid of his loyal followers.
He raises an eyebrow and you decide that saying your feelings for him would be worth it even if he decides to take your life.
“I like somebody… Romantically,” You begin.
Your eyes widen however when his hook crashes into the desk leaving a big and ugly scratch. The veins on his neck are prominent and for a moment you believe that he is jealous. It is a silly little thought but one that could bring you to tears with joy. It’s impossible though. You want to cry from embarrassment now. Crocodile is just angry that your romantic feelings got in the way of your work, you convince yourself this.
In reality, the second you admitted this, Crocodile saw red. You have feelings for someone? Nobody but he deserves your kind and loyal personality. You fit him perfectly and he would protect you no matter what. So, he is angry at whoever has your mind and heart right now.
He lost his composure for a second and he regrets it upon seeing your saddened face. Slight pride is in him for being able to get that reaction out of you though because that means you know your feelings for another are unacceptable.
Crocodile decides to go straight to the point. “Tell me who he is so I can destroy him. You are aware that feelings only cause distractions.”
The words sting and hard. He can see you flinch from this and your hesitation is strong. This is a first and he astounded that you out of everyone else may withhold this information. It almost makes him scoff. Of course, he should have known better. Even among the most loyal, they may betray him.
He is ready to crush all his feelings for you at this moment when you open your mouth and freeze. He allows you the moment to say the stupid name, but his eyes widen at what you do say.
“It is you. I like you romantically.”
He can sense your need to go run and hide and honestly? With what he does next he does not blame you. He laughs. Anyone would take this the wrong way which is why he is quick to compose himself and say, “This changes everything. Especially since I return your feelings. It would only make sense that we get involved with each other officially to avoid any more distractions, doesn’t it?”
He seems to have broken you as you stare at him awe that he really feels the same way. He accepts that as an answer.
“Prepare for a date tonight. Expect nothing but the best now that I can freely call you my woman.”
Today felt funny to Smoker for some odd reason. Usually, he is not this dense especially when his subordinates are involved which is why he is getting heavily annoyed that they are whispering amongst themselves while sending him glances.
He can’t recall what he did to warner these glances, but he suspects it has something to do with you as soon as he sees them glance your way. You, as always, are stuck in your head. It makes him stop as he thinks about you for a moment.
You are a strong and resilient woman. At first, he did not believe this with how much of an airhead you were but then he saw you in battle and honestly? He saw you more than a subordinate. He realized how compassionate you were for others. Seeing you in a different light alone made him angry but whenever you are around, he becomes fully aware of his body’s and emotion’s reactions to you. He becomes aware of how the subordinates treat you.
Getting a bit irritated with his feelings, he looks away from you and begins to glance over the ship. Though from the corner of his eye he can see Tashigi talking to you. He huffs more at the thought of you two being closer seeing as you both are the only females on this marine ship.
He looks away and grits his teeth as the irrational thoughts in his head begin to deepen.
“Sir? Sir!” You call out making him jump.
He immediately tries to fight off the blush trying to paint his cheeks as he realizes how close you are to him. You are trying to peer into his face to see if he is okay.
“Are you okay?” You ask genuinely concerned.
Smoker forces him to cough as he nods his head. “Yes. Fine. What is it you need, (Last Name)?”
“I, uh, it really is nothing. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and that I actually find you really attractive and I know it’s against the rules since you are my superior and all but when I look at you I see a handsome man that I can really build a future with and I haven’t felt this way about anyone else before and I just can’t help admire the way you look and behavior sometimes and-”
Many ands later, Smoker’s face has turned beet red and he can feel the need to vanish into the smoke but from sheer happiness. You, you confessed to him? Even more, you gave a whole speech with your confession and somehow you manage to look adorable as you try and retract your confession. You seemed to realize that you ended up rambling and now became a mess as you try and backtrack the conversation to the original question of if he was okay.
He finally as enough. He can’t help it, especially when he finds out that your feelings are mutual. He grabs your face with one hand, pinching your cheeks as he makes you pucker your lips and he pushes his on top with ease.
It made you shut up… Oh… It made you almost pass out. He can feel the heat off your face as your brain sizzles from malfunctioning.
“Go finish your duties (Name)… I’ll request a night off for the two of us for a proper date,” Smoker whispers as he returns to his serious face.
Even if he does get serious again, you can’t help but notice the slight pink on his cheeks still that is proof you accomplished something with your confession.
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hockeyshmockey · 4 years
Jamie Oleksiak *Day 2 of 12 days of Christmas*
Hehe day 2 with my baby big rig,, would love to hear everyones thoughts and feedback xoxo
Jamie had always loved spending time with you around the holidays. You were a born and bred Texan. Jamie liked to joke that you were the epitome of the South, with your sweet drawl and behavior, fiery temper and superb cooking skills. He had met you in his first stay in Dallas, had gotten caught watching you tell off some sleaze in a bar and when you turned to yell at him too, he had sweet talked you into friendship instead.
Now, the both of you had been friends through his time in Pittsburgh and his return to Dallas. He had always had the fattest crush on you. He had dated of course, but always found himself comparing those women to you. It didn't help that the whole Oleksiak family adored you. Penny and you talked daily, and he knew you caught up with his mom regularly too.
All he heard from his friends and family was why he hadn't made a move yet. You were a constant in his life, you knew everything about him. The deepest and darkest parts of his mind that only ate at him after a horrible game, or when he felt like he would never be good enough. You had seen those parts of him, and they didn't scare you. All in all, he was yours, but he could never get the confidence to actually make that a reality.
This year you were joining him at the Stars holiday party being held at the Pavelski's. You were friends with all of the significant others so no one blinked when Jamie entered their home with you on his arm in a Mrs. Claus outfit and a casserole dish in your free hand.
Jamie was none the wiser to the plan his teammates had cooked up. The boys and their better halves had decided enough was enough. So, with ample warning to everyone else, they absolutely covered the living room and kitchen of the Pavelski's in mistletoe. As you and Jamie made your rounds, neither of you noticed.
Everyone else was practically on the edge of their seats as you made it through dinner before getting caught. To no one's surprise, Tyler was the one to call attention to it. "Hey, look who got caught!" The brunette cackled as everyone turned towards the two of you. Jamie barely had to look up to see the sprig of green, and he cleared his throat before looking down and seeing you peering up at him with a soft smile on your face.
"That ok riggy?" You asked softly as you placed a soft hand on his forearm, nerves bubbling in your stomach at the thought of kissing the man you had been half in love with for years.
He hummed before leaning down and pausing a breath away from your lips, leaving you to lean on your tip toes to finally kiss him. The two of you kept it pretty PG considering all of the unresolved feelings, but you did smirk as his hand ghosted over your waist before you dropped back down. Neither of you acknowledging the kiss, Jamie pulling you over to an armchair and plopping down with you on the armrest.
The two of you carried on like normal for the rest of the night, ignoring all of the looks from your friends. You both couldn't help but blush when you heard some of them clapping after you both left the party together. The two of you kept casual conversation as Jamie drove you home. When he was about to turn onto your street, you turned in your seat to stare at him.
"Are we going to talk about it?" You asked softly, noticing his hands grabbing the steering wheel tighter.
"Do you want to?" He looked at you for a moment before looking back to the road.
"Well considering I have a borderline unhealthy crush on you I think we should," you tried to joke but you couldn't read his reaction as he pulled into your driveway.
"Fuck," he ran a hand down his face. "I don't think anyone has ever wanted to date someone more than I want to date you and call you mine."
"Jamie," you whispered as you leaned over the center console and pulled his face towards your own and connected your lips again. This time you allowed your mouth to open when the gentle press of his tongue came. "I am so down to call you my Big Rig."
You giggled as he groaned at the nickname but pulled you across the console to land in his lap and kissed you swiftly. And if the two of you made out in his car until his phone rang with a call from Jamie Benn drunkenly asking if you two had banged, that was no ones business but your own.
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tysonbaerrie · 4 years
you can see it with the lights out
Written for the Bennguin Quarantine Fest with the prompt “I can’t feel my legs” from this prompt list. 
It happens quicker than Jamie has time to process. 
They’re in OT, fighting desperately for the points they need. Jamie’s on the bench, but Tyler’s on a breakaway, one of the Bruins’ D-men close behind, and the home crowd is on their feet screaming as he draws closer to the goal. Jamie sees the stick, watches as they hook Tyler around the ankle and pull, sending him twisting and flying into the goal. He slams into the post head first, and the crowd falls silent as Tyler, the goal, and Rask slam into the boards. The goal collapses on top of Tyler, while Rask somehow manages to roll away. 
The crowd falls silent, Tyler doesn’t move, and Jamie launches himself off the bench as the trainer, Mick, races onto the ice. He’s stopped before he can get to Tyler by Guri and Miro. He watches as Pastrnak and one of the refs lift the goal off of Tyler, allowing Mick access. He doesn’t move Tyler, and he doesn’t seem to respond to any of Mick’s questions. When he calls for a stretcher, Jamie breaks through his teammates’ hold and skates over, dropping down onto a knee so he can hover over Tyler. 
“Ty?” He asks, and Mick shakes his head. 
“He’s unresponsive.” He tells him, and Jamie feels the floor drop out beneath him. He steps back enough to let the medics put a brace on Tyler’s neck and slide the backboard beneath him. When they lift him up, Tyler groans but doesn’t open his eyes. Jamie watches them cart him off the ice, doesn’t even realize he’s followed them down the tunnel and into the locker room until the rest of the team follows suit a few minutes later. Technically, according to the refs, Tyler’s puck went in before he crashed into the goal, so they won the game. Jamie could care less, stripping off his uniform and dumping it in the basket before taking the quickest shower of his life and changing into his street clothes. Bones and Jim are waiting when he exits the locker room, and he attempts to barrel past them when he’s stopped by Jim’s hand on his chest. 
“I have to go.” Jamie tells them through gritted teeth. 
“We need to talk.” Jim tells him. “If Seguin’s out…”
“We don’t know anything for sure yet.” Bones points out. 
“He had to be carried out unconscious on a stretcher!” Jim snaps. “We need to formulate a plan.”
“Right now, my plan is to go to the hospital and check on Tyler.”
“He’s being taken care of, Jamie.” Bones assures him. “Right now…”
“No, right now, I’m leaving and going to the hospital.”
“Jamie.” Jim interrupts him. “I know you take your captain duties very seriously…”
“This isn’t about the C!” 
“I know he’s also your friend…”
“He’s more than that!” The words escape Jamie’s mouth before he can stop them. He drags his hand through his damp hair, feels his breathing quicken as he realizes what he’s done. There’s no way to back out of this one, no way to explain it away. He swallows the lump growing in his throat and stares at the ground. “He’s-we’re together.”
He doesn’t dare look up until he hears Jim clear his throat. He’s surprised that neither look angry, really - more shocked than anything. 
“You’re telling me that you and Seguin are...in a relationship?” Jim finally asks, and Jamie nods.
“Yes.” He confirms. “For years.”
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“It wasn’t anybody’s business. Still isn’t.”
“You don’t think this is something we should have known?” 
“No, but now you know. And I have to go.” Jim nods and steps aside enough to let Jamie pass. Before he can go, however, he grabs Jamie’s bicep. “We’ll need to talk about this, but I want you to know that this organization will support you both, whatever you two decide to do.”
Jamie nods and practically jogs to the parking garage. 
The hospital’s emergency department is packed when he arrives, and he’s grateful to be recognized for once when the intake nurse’s eyes widen and she ushers him back to the patient area. Tyler is asleep when he steps in, Mick speaking quietly to a doctor in the corner. Both of them look up when he steps through the sliding door, Mick thanking the doctor before he leaves. 
“How is he?” Jamie asks. “He still hasn’t woken up?”
“He did, briefly, but they put him back under while they assessed him and to keep him still.”
“He has a concussion but that’s not the real problem. He has a crushed vertebrae. They’ll need to go in and repair his spine and they need to do it quickly.”
“Spinal surgery?” Jamie can barely process the words. 
“We’ll know more after that.” Mick replies. “We need to contact his people. Does he have a girlfriend?”
“No, uh, no he doesn’t.”
“Do you know who his emergency contact is?”
“Me.” Jamie replies simply. “I’ll call his mom and sisters.” It’s a dismissal and Mick knows it. 
“Okay, great. I’ll be outside but the nurses should be here soon to prep him for surgery.” Jamie waits until Mick slides the door shut before he collapses into the seat next to Tyler’s bed. They’ve been through injuries before, but Jamie feels a fear course through him like never before. He places his hand on top of Tyler’s, afraid to lift it so he can hold it the way he wants to. Tyler is still - so still- beneath him, and that’s what’s most disturbing to Jamie. Tyler is never still, even in sleep. This is unnatural and Jamie almost wants to recoil from him. 
“It’s going to be okay.” Jamie assures him, reaching up to push a stray curl off of his boyfriend’s face. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Sir?” A nurse asks gently as she steps into the room. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave while we prep him for surgery.”
“I can’t stay?”
“Are you family?” She asks, and Jamie’s gaze falls back to Tyler.
“Yeah.” He replies softly. “He’s my family.”
The surgery takes hours. Or perhaps minutes. Jamie loses track of time in the small waiting room they settle him into when they wheel Tyler off. Jackie texts him to tell him that she’ll be on the next flight out of Toronto, and Jamie promises to text her with updates. The only other person he responds to is Jordie, but after that he turns his phone off. Klinger arrives about half an hour after they take Tyler. He rests a hand on Jamie’s shoulder, and Jamie can only lean forward and rest his head in his hands. Rads walks in ten minutes later, taking the open seat on the other side of Jamie. 
“They say something?” He asks, and Jamie shakes his head. 
“They said the surgery could take a few hours. It’s his spine.”
“He be okay, Chubbs.” Rads assures him. “Seggy strong.”
Before Jamie can reply, Bish and Pavs enter the room, followed closely by Dobby and Jason. The massive hockey players fill the small room, but they’re silent for the most part. Rads and Dobby occasionally converse in muttered Russian, and Bish and Klinger disappear long enough to grab coffee for everyone. Jamie tries to turn down the offered cup, but Bish only shoves it into his hand and walks back to his seat. 
When the doctor comes out, Jamie flies out of his chair and is across the small room in three strides to meet him. The others all stand, and the surgeon looks appropriately intimidated by their presence.   
“Mr. Benn?” He asks, and Jamie nods. 
“Yes, how is Tyler?”
“He came through the surgery as well as can be expected. There was significant damage to the T12 vertebra as well as some less severe compression of the L1. We were able to repair and stabilize the L1, but there was only so much that could be done for the T12.”
“So, what now?” Jamie asks, and he doesn’t miss the doctor’s hesitance. Bish comes up behind Jamie, offering silent support. 
“Now, we wait. We wait for him to wake up, then we wait for the swelling to go down and see how severe the damage is. It’ll be a long road, and I’m afraid that at this time I can’t give a better prognosis than that.”
“Can I see him?”
“He’s still in recovery, so it’ll be a few more hours. I suggest you go home and get some rest.”
“I’m fine.” Jamie snaps, and the doctor sighs. 
“Mr. Benn, I know you’re concerned about your friend...”
“Not just friend.” Rads interrupts him, coming up on the other side of Jamie. “He’s Boyfriend. Partner. He want to stay, he stay. We all stay. He our teammate, too.”
The surgeon seems to appraise all of them for a moment before nodding. 
“Okay. I’ll have a nurse come and get you when he’s out of recovery. Only one visitor at a time, though.”
“Thank you.” Jamie replies, running his hand over his face before staring at the ceiling. He can feel the panic rising, his breathing growing heavier. 
“I need...uh, I have to-”
“Tell us what you need, Chubbs.” Pavs tells him, pushing into his space enough to grab Jamie’s attention. “We’ve got you.”
“Uh, the dogs. Someone needs to go home and feed the dogs.”
“On it.” Jason tells him. “Keys?”
“Uh...Marshall gets a special kind. The instructions are in the kitchen pantry. I’ll call the dog sitter tomorrow to take over.” Jamie hands him the keys and Jason leaves with a quick clap on Jamie’s shoulder. 
Once Jason’s gone, the room falls silent again as they wait and wait and wait. Jamie wants to climb the walls, wants to scream and yell and punch someone until he can feel something other than the unbearable panic and sadness and heartbreak that was sure to overwhelm him at any moment. He wants to go home, wants to walk through the door and find Tyler waiting for him. Wants to wrap him up in his arms because that’s the only time in Jamie’s entire life that he feels safe. Wants to know that Tyler is safe and not possibly dying on an operating table. 
When the nurse finally comes, when he’s finally allowed back into the patient rooms, Jamie’s not prepared for seeing Tyler asleep on the hospital bed, machines surrounding him. He stirs when Jamie walks into the room, groaning and groggy. Jamie pulls a chair as close to the bed as he can, wrapping his hand around Tyler’s. 
“‘amie?” Tyler asks, and Jamie brings Tyler’s hand to rest against his cheek. 
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“There was an accident. You hurt your back.” Tyler groans again and nods. He seems to calm for a moment until his eyes flash open, yanking his hand away from Jamie as the machines around him begin to beep frantically. Jamie hits the button for the nurse before he stands to hover over Tyler.
“Ty?” Ty, babe, you have to calm down.”
“I can’t…” Tyler begins, shaking his head. “I can’t feel my legs.”
Jamie feels the breath leave his lungs in an instance, but he pushes that aside to cradle Tyler’s face in his hands. 
“There’s swelling from the surgery, Ty. You’ll be okay. Just breathe, okay?”
“Jamie, but I can’t-”
“Please step aside for a moment.” The nurse tells him, the doctor following closely behind and they get to work. 
The next few weeks are a blur of activity and yet Jamie remembers little of it. Tyler’s in the hospital for three days, then a rehab facility for a week, then Jamie finally gets to bring him home. He has their bed moved down to the office on the ground floor, and a wheelchair ramp is installed on the front steps. Jamie feels a churning in his gut every time he sees or thinks about anything to do with Tyler’s injury, though he is determined not to let it show in front of him. 
Tyler’s angry and bitter, Jamie can tell, at his lack of progress. He still hasn’t regained feeling in his legs. Despite the doctors telling them that Tyler should heal in time, there’s little progress and Jamie knows that Tyler is frustrated. Tyler’s hockey career is over, an unspoken truth between them. Over before its time, before they could reach their goals, lift the Cup together. It’s a truth that Jamie has trouble swallowing, but he pushes his own selfish feelings aside to support his boyfriend. 
Tyler stares at the ramp after Jamie gets him out of the car and settled into the chair. His face is hard and cold, so different from what Jamie’s used to. After a moment, Tyler turns his gaze to the ground and wheels the chair up the ramp to the front door. Jamie follows, unlocking the door and letting himself enjoy having Tyler back in their home again. Tyler heads straight for the living room, clearly searching for something. 
“Where are the dogs?”
“Your mom is picking them up from Bish’s house this afternoon. I thought you could use some time to settle in.”
“Get used to the new normal?” Jamie freezes at that, looking over at Tyler. 
“I know, I know. I just...what if I never get better? What if I never walk again?”
“You’ll get better. The doctors-”
“The doctors don’t know everything! They said I should’ve regained feeling in my legs by now at the very least, and I haven’t. We have to face reality. The truth is, I might be in this chair for the rest of my life.”
“Then we’ll deal with it, together.”
“Jamie…” Tyler’s voice is heartbreaking, and Jamie’s filled with a sudden panic and fear. “Jamie, I can’t ask you to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Stay with me!” Tyler snaps. “This isn’t what you signed up for?”
“What? What I signed up for?”
“Taking care of a cripple!”
Jamie can’t stop himself from slamming his hand against the kitchen counter. 
“You really think I would leave you because you’re hurt?” Jamie’s voice is laced with hurt and dangerously soft. “You really think that little of me?”
“No! My turn to talk. We’ve been together for five years, and you think I would just, what, walk away because things are hard? I love you, asshole.”
Jamie looks up to see tears brimming in Tyler’s eyes, and he stomps away to their new bedroom, digging through his sock drawer until he can find the small box he stashed away there. When he comes back to the living room, Tyler’s eyes snap to his. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispers harshly, and Jamie nods. 
“I know.”
“It’s just...so hard.” Jamie crosses over to the couch, taking a seat across from Tyler and grasping his wrist, dropping the box into his hand. 
“I know it’s hard. But, when I fell in love with you, I didn’t think it would never suck. That we wouldn’t have bad times. But I love you enough to know that there’s no one else I’d want to go through the bad times with.”
Jamie gestures down to the box, and a shaky breath escapes Tyler when he opens it and finds a simple silver band inside. 
“When did you buy this?”
“Two days after your accident.” Jamie answers. “When I thought that there was a chance that I could lose you...I don’t know, I couldn’t remember anymore why we were waiting.”
Tyler’s laugh is wet, but he’s smiling when he looks up at Tyler.
“So,” Jamie asks, and takes the box from Tyler’s hand. “Will you?”
Tyler’s lips on his is all the answer he needs. 
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rangers2076 · 4 years
Drop the list 👀👀👀👀👀
So the OG, my pretty boy, and my forever love is Brady Skjei. I’ll be forever bitter that the Rangers traded him. I’ll always love him and support him no matter what team he is playing for though. I started liking him when he started playing for the Rangers cause I saw him and was like he’s hot I love him. My family is full of Rangers fans and I’ve been a fan my whole life but never watched it consistently until October 2018, when the Rangers posted this video of dumb and dumber and I remember sending it to a good friend at the time and saying “I love Brady Skjei”. The rest is history
Chris kreider was the second hockey player I turned into an absolute simp for. I always remembered him and Lundqvist when I was younger and guys would be like “oh you like the Rangers? Who’s your favorite player?” The blood clot thing terrified me even though I didn’t watch the Rangers religiously and barely knew him when it happened. He was an egg at the time I fell in love with him, but this video sealed the deal for me
Kevin Hayes was next. This video showed his personality more than ever to me and I saw how funny he was and I’m a sucker for funny guys
Mitch Marner after my dad showed me this
I was never into the man, the myth, the legend: Jimmy Vesey until I read a fantastic story about him. Sadly the person who wrote it deactivated so I cannot give them props. Ever since then I’ve loved him and I’m still sad he got traded because now I never hear anything about him. He made a hell of a statement about blm on twitter and Instagram that everyone should checkout. He’s a good dude
I tried hard to resist Tyler Seguin, because I knew he was a slut, but I eventually caved. @psychospeak-blog’s story “Won’t Go Slowly” made me fall even harder for him. He’s now “my favorite hoe”, but idk how much longer I can call him that because he has grown up a lot lately and I gotta love him for it. Respect the dude a ton more now
I had a thing for Alexander Georgiev for a while, due to @numba99 and @beanbennett and because he was playing so good at the end of last season
I had a short appreciation for Jamie Benn during last year’s playoffs. I was rooting for the Stars because of Segs and I just loved how good of a player he was
Andre Burakovsky made his way into my heart last summer and he wormed back in even more in January. Not much explaining to do other than say how beautiful I think he is
Last summer during Worlds I had a thing for Jack Hughes (I’m only a year older than him, I wasn’t being too much of a cougar lol)
The Spittin Chiclets episode with Kirby Dach had me loving him for a little bit
This season I started to appreciate Brett Howden even more
The amazing @bandgirlsclub wrote an awesome story about Tyson Jost that made me start liking him. Also shoutout to @burkymakar for having a great Josty fic that I’m loving too!
Nolan Patrick, TK, and Carter Hart were my “hockey boys of the month” last month. I still think they’re all attractive but the fascination for them all died out kinda quickly
And I saved Mr. Vince Dunn for last. Once again I tried to resist him but @bandgirlsclub and @plasticfilth made me cave into him because of their writing and all of the good things they were starting to say about him. Not to mention all of tumblr is in love with him right now, and I couldn’t go on without seeing him. Followed him on Instagram last week, starting staying up until 2 to watch his streams, and began to thirst along with everyone else on tumblr
Sophie broke me down and I never thought I’d say it but I’m such a simp for Barzy rn it’s not even funny. Try to find a flaw in that man, you cannot. He had a daddy glow up over quarantine and now I’m very very interested so welcome to the list Mathew
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Choices - Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn - Part 16
Word Count: 1650
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Sorry this is short. I’ll make it a bit longer next time. Happy Reading!
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Jamie’s fingers were literally working their magic on you this early in the morning, but then the doorbell rang and you jumped out of bed to go see who was there. With nothing but your robe on, you yanked open the door without even looking to see who it was, guessing that it would probably Tyler at this time in the morning. However, you were completely wrong as you found two police officers at the front door. “Good morning officers, is there something I can help you with?”
 “We’re sorry to disturb you ma’am, but we came with some news about Mr. Benn’s accident. Is he here?”
 “He is. Please come in. Why don’t you have a seat in the living room and I’ll go get Jamie.” Your heart was beating a little fast with the police in Jamie’s home. What had they found out? Did they know Kathleen was responsible for it? Would this bring back Jamie’s memories? By the time you entered the bedroom, Jamie was out of bed with a pair of sweats on. “Who’s at the door babe?”
 “It’s the police; they came to talk about the accident.” You were in the closet, grabbing a pair of leggings and one of Jamie’s sweatshirts to throw on before going back out. As soon as you were ready, the two of you made your way out to the living room. When you walked back into the room, the officers got to their feet to greet Jamie.
 “Please have a seat. What can I help you, gentlemen, with?” Jamie asked, taking a seat on the couch as well.
 “Well Mr. Benn, we think you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve found the person that was involved in the accident with you.” At that moment you thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head. Finally, it was going to come out that Kathleen was the one to hit Jamie. There was a sense of relief that washed over you. It had been so hard not to say anything more to the police once Tyler had begged you not to, but now they had found out it was her without you saying another word. The officer’s voice cut through your thoughts. “We were able to track down the vehicle off of some video footage from a street camera down the road. It was registered to a Mr. Roger Miller.” Wait what had he just said? Roger Miller didn’t sound like Kathleen, but then maybe that was a relative of hers or something. “We spoke to Mr. Miller and he admitted to everything. He said he’d been texting and didn’t see your car, Mr. Benn. He panicked and just drove away from the scene. We’re charging him with leaving the scene of an accident.”
 No. No. No. No. That’s all that kept running through your head. You knew it was Kathleen, not this Roger person. Why would he lie for her? Was this Tyler trying to cover up the accident for her? If he was so help you, god, you were never going to speak to him again. “I’m sorry,” you finally said. “You said it was a Roger Miller?” You had to be sure you were hearing this correctly.
 “Yes Ms. (Y/LN), it was a Mr. Roger Miller of Plano.”
 “Plano? What was he doing here?”
 “We’ve yet to determine his exact reasoning for him being here, but trust us we have everything well in hand.” The officer replied to your question. He pulled out a picture, then handed it over to Jamie. “Mr. Benn, does this look like the gentlemen that hit you?”
 Jamie studied the picture carefully, eyes solely focused on what was in front of him. You held your breath, hoping that seeing the photo wouldn’t force his amnesia to regress. “I’m sorry officers, I don’t remember the accident, so I don’t recognize this man. I wish I could be more help.”
 “It’s fine Mr. Benn. Though it would be better for the case if you did.” He took out a card and handed it over to Jamie. “If you remember anything, anything all, please call us right away.”
 “I will officer, thank you for everything.” They both stood up, then started to head to the door.
 “I’ll walk you out.” Following them to the front door, you had to ask one more time. “Are you sure you have to right person.”
 “We’re positive, the paint matched what was on Mr. Benn’s car.” You nodded, even though you fully didn’t accept that Kathleen wasn’t at fault. “Again, if you can think of anything to help us, please let us know.”
 “Yes of course. Thank you again.” Once they left, you headed back to Jamie. His head was in his hands, the heels of his palms pressing into his eyes. “Jame, babe, are you ok?”
 “I just don’t understand why I can’t remember? I’m just sitting here trying to wrack my brain, and the harder I try it seems like the more I forget things. Like I can barely remember our trip this summer.” Oh no, you were afraid this was going to happen. Well, the doctor had warned that it could. You couldn’t have Jamie start losing more of his memory.
 Kneeling down in front of him, you took his hands in yours so that he would look at you. “Stop, Jame. Please you know the doctor said not to try and force your memory to return. Come on, let’s talk about something else.” You wracked your brain trying to think of something to take his mind off of things. “Why don’t we watch a movie? Or we could play a board game or something? If you’re nice, I’ll let you win.”
 His dry laugh told you he wasn’t amused by your attempt to distract him. “I wish it were that easy to just shut my mind off but I can’t.”
 “What can I do to help?” Going up on your knees, you cupped his face in your hands. “I’ll do anything you want.”
 “Of course, Jame.” And you truly meant it for the last thing you wanted was for his amnesia to get worse.
 “Then how about we pick up where we left off this morning.” Oh, so he wanted sex; well it wasn’t like that was a hardship. You hummed your agreement and then shifted your hands to his waistband. “Wait, babe.” Jamie halted your progress before you could even get started. “Can you just grab the phone so I can call Tyler, so he doesn’t come over and interrupt us again.”
 That was the last thing you wanted to do. After the morning with the police you had questions and he was the only one that was going to be able to answer them. Then again, maybe it was for the best if he didn’t come over, for if he really was covering up for Kathleen you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep it together around Jamie. “Ok, I’ll go call him now.”
 “It’s ok, I’ll call him. I just need my phone.”
 You actually wanted a minute to figure out a time to talk to him, but you’d let Jamie take care of it, for now. Getting up off the floor, you headed to the bedroom to retrieve Jamie’s phone. You picked up yours by accident and saw a text from Tyler.
 I’ll be over after morning skate. Can’t wait to see you.
 You shot off a quick text telling him, that you needed to talk, but not today and that Jamie would be calling him. Heading back in the living room, you sat down beside Jamie and handed off his phone. You only heard what Jamie was saying and could only imagine the disappointment Tyler was feeling, though at the moment his displeasure was your last worry. “Yeah so the cops were here this morning, and it’s been really rough. Do you mind not coming over? I just want to rest.” There was a long pause and you were sure Tyler was making an impassioned plea to come help. “That’s a nice offer, but my head really hurts. I’ve been wracking my brain all morning trying to remember the accident.” Jamie winced in pain, grabbing his forehead.
 “Here, let me.” Jamie handed the phone over to you. “Tyler, I’m sorry, but I think it’s best if you just stayed at your place today.” You brushed your fingers over Jamie’s head in an effort to soothe him, and he seemed to relax a bit. Whispering that you’d be right back, you got up and headed into the bedroom. “Tyler listen to me. Jamie’s in a very delicate state today after the cops were here.”
 “But I just want to come over and be with you. I promise I won’t upset him in any way.”
 “It’s not about you today Tyler, can’t you see that. I don’t want Jamie having a setback, so for once in your life can you think about someone other than yourself.” It all came out a little harsher than you intended, but you needed him to put Jamie’s needs first for a change.
 “Are you mad at me or something? Everything was fine when I left yesterday.”
 “I can’t talk about this right now. Jamie’s waiting for me.” You looked out into the living room, through the crack in the door. His head was lying back against the cushions and his eyes were closed. He looked a bit more comfortable. Before Tyler could say anything more, you continued. “Besides Ty, I really don’t want to talk to you at the moment.”
 “Jesus, (Y/N), what the hell did I do?”
   It’s that time again.
 A) Tell Tyler what happened with cops.
B) Tell Tyler you will talk later, Jamie’s waiting
C) Tell Tyler to ask his friend Kathleen what’s going on and hang up.
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tradetobest · 2 months
dee's march 2024 fic recs!!
once again, i am late!! BUT ... its finals season so... also i guess i did less reading this month rip but,.... READ THESE
(FIC ROULETTE 1 2 3 4 5)
rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints by anonymous
pairing: jack eichel/connor mcdavid rating: E words: 32k summary: For all the draft hype and semi-annual questions about it, that’s all there ever was between him and Eichel. No friendship, no rivalry, just a one-minute maybe in a crowded hotel room on a team that was never as relevant as Connor wanted it to be. Even if Eichel had meant anything at all by it at the time, he’s surely forgotten about it by now. **** Jack Eichel is traded to the Pacific Division and Connor McDavid is being super normal about it
OUGHHHH..... id been subscribed to this fic SINCE august 2023 and WORTH THE FUCKING WAIT LET ME TELL U!!!! literally perfect mceichel. yes.... yes go over to his house with a flamingo..... yes "does he want me to show up..... idekk" and then the friend is like "yeah hes been fucking insane obsessed w you this whole time thank gawd yr here bro" OUGH..... theyre perfect to me
scar tissue by anonymous
pairing: tyler seguin/jamie benn rating: T words: 12k summary: Jamie still remembers when they were practically living out of each other’s pockets, the memory twinging like a muscle he hasn’t used in a long time but that his body hasn’t forgotten. It was probably inevitable that they’d see less of each other once Jamie formally requested that they no longer go into the field together but it still hits him sometimes. The tangible feeling of loss despite it having been his own decision in the end. Tyler didn’t speak to him for a month after he found out. 
SPIES!!! SPIES SPIES SPIES!!! you know i am ALWAYS down for a bennguin fic and OUGH this one was SO fun..... i LOVE "trying to protect you by letting you go" and then it SPIRALS. sooooo good. twirls hair.
Hello, You've Reached Mr. Handyman by crookedsilence
pairing: jack eichel/connor mcdavid rating: T words: 5k summary: His first thought is that this has to be a prank. Because, despite the distressed clothes and faded red toolbox, there is no way this guy is a legitimate handyman.
OUGH...... OUHHHH.... CONNOR MCDAVID YOU ARE SO .... TO ME..... cradles this fic's connor in my hands.... you do not know how to fix a cabinet...... idiots to lovers at its FINEST i love it so muhc
who can grow me by thekookster
pairing: brady tkachuck & matthew tkachuck rating: T words: 6k summary: But Brady had laughed like it was a joke, and then Brady’d said, no you’re not. C’mon, you’ve never been like that, and then Brady’d gotten upset and said but wouldn’t it be easier if— And then Brady hadn’t talked to him for five months. — After Matthew loses in the Stanley Cup Final, Brady takes him to a cabin for a weekend. They have a lot they’re not talking about.
READ THIS FIC. OHH MY GOD.... this one went DIRECTLY into my recs such a great exploration of family dynamics and like. If Coming Out Goes Badly. when i recced this to an irl they went "brady wouldnt say that" and i thought it was funny but this fic is so worth the He Wouldn't Fucking Say That.... OUGH...... WHO CAN GROW ME A NEW BROTHER................ what if i sobbed
See This Through by impertinence
pairing: sidney crosby/evgeni malkin rating: E words: 32k summary: Sidney's drunk when he orders a Russian bride. He doesn't expect anyone to show up - and he definitely doesn't expect that person to be an awkward-looking guy who barely speaks English.
MAIL ORDER BRIDE FIC......................... OUGHH...... op..... op you know exactly what i want in life fr.... please read this yall it slays
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crysj88 · 3 years
Ch.7 Drinkin’ Bone
Tony’s parties were always over the top but his birthday was in a whole other league. Two hours before the party Bennett found herself in his room helping Tony decide which suit to wear. “Why don’t I just go with an Ironman?” he asked. 
“If I let you wear an Ironman suit you will end up in trouble,” Bennett shot the idea down. “What about this one,” she pulled a grey pant suit and jacket.
“I don’t know,” Tony reached for a black pinstripe. “You really don’t think I can behave?”
“No and I think I can find plenty of people to back me up on that,” she pulled a maroon colored suit from the closet. They both looked at it, “why do you even have this?” He took it from her hand chunking it in a corner of the room to be properly disposed of later. 
“You know let’s not focus on me for a minute,” he pulled a garment bag from the back of the closet. He held it out to her, “a gift, something for you to wear tonight.” 
Bennett took it with a skeptical look. “Boss, I don’t wear dresses. I don’t care how much you spent on it.” 
“It’s not a dress. Besides if I bought you a dress as a gift I would be giving it to Rushman.” 
He unzipped the bag. Inside was a black fitted suit. Pulling it out Tony showed it to her. Tailored to Benn’s preferences. It was fitted but not too tight. It would be relaxed enough to feel comfortable. The jacket was made to remain open, a crimson shirt sat underneath. “There’s a vest the same color, and Pepper picked out a couple other shirts. Keep the jacket or go with the vest either way. It’s versatile. ” 
“Boss, this is… I mean, thanks,” she rubbed the expensive material between her fingers.
“I thought somebody might appreciate it,” he winked. 
“That’s not the goal tonight. I have to work. Keeping you in line is a full time job. I can’t afford distractions tonight,” she pulled the bag back over the suit, zipping it up. 
“Come on, Benn,” he pushed the bag back towards her. 
She took the bag shaking her head, “not tonight. Tonight I need to be focused so jeans and a nice button down.” 
“Come on. Just think about it. What have you got to lose?” He shrugged. 
Bennett sighed heavily. “I can’t.” She let out a weak smile, meeting Tony’s gaze. 
“Mr. Stark your guest will be here within the hour” Natalie entered the room, Bennett and Tony both wore uncharacteristically serious expressions. “… Sorry, did I interrupt something.” 
“No,” Bennett pulled up a mask of a smile, “I told him no Ironman tonight so make him stick to that. Boss, I am gonna go check on Happy. We need to go over protocol for tonight. Ain't got the chance to talk… haven't. I haven't had the chance to talk...to him." She turned and headed out the door. “Tony, no Ironman.” 
Tony watched her leave with a wide smile. "Ain't" he chuckled.
Back in her room Bennett looked the suit over again. Maybe Nat would like it. Tony would give her the night off if she asked. Could it really hurt?
One night to ignore responsibility. One party, trying to earn a few smiles from Natalie. She could give herself one night.  The woman didn’t know she knew anything. 
The light from her computer screen caught her attention. Then again what did Bennett really know. 
 She ran her hand through her hair before hanging the garment bag in the back of her closet. She slipped on a pair of white stitched jeans and one of the new button downs Pepper had bought her. Leather jacket over her arm she headed back down stairs.
 Bennett trailed Tony through the party. He shook hands and smiled. Some of the more attractive guests earned a hug. Scanning the crowd Bennett picked out familiar faces. She could name every male in attendance and about 75% of the females. Everyone had to go through the multiple security checkpoints to get in so they should be safe. Tony had said to relax. That wasn’t going to happen. 
“Ah, Ms. Rushman, you look lovely as ever,” Tony gave a too bright smile as the redhead approached. 
“Mr. Stark, happy birthday,” she held a hand out to him which he promptly ignored pulling her into a hug. The hug seemed to last too long. Bennett shifted uncomfortably. Across the room Ms. Potts seemed to have noticed the length of Tony’s hug as well. Natalie finally pulled away handing Tony a small wrapped gift and one last smile. Another guest immediately took her place. 
Natalie stepped past Tony stopping next to Bennett. “I thought for sure Tony would give you tonight off.” She stood beside the blonde leaving Bennett a full view of the room. 
“Wouldn’t take it if he did. My time off will be in the morning when he is hungover,” she shot the other woman a smile. Bennett had always hated that smile. One side was higher than the other, creating a dimple in one cheek. Lopsided. Emily had always found it irritating and tried her hardest to change it. Tony called it charming. Bennett thought it looked ridiculous. 
“Well, Benn, I feel safer already knowing you are watching my back,” she gave the bodyguard's hand a light squeeze and leaned closer so she could clearly be heard. “Try to have a little fun, Benn.”
“I will try and fit it in.” Bennett turned to look at her fully. She felt vastly underdressed. “You look amazing tonight by the way.” A light blush dusted her cheeks and Benn felt the smile coming back. “Enjoy the party, Nat.”
She gave her hand another squeeze before disappearing into the crowd. 
“She likes knowing you are watching her back,” Tony bumped the girl's shoulder. “See kid she is totally into you.”
“No she isn’t Boss,” she spotted Natalie across the room a swarm of guys already around her. “She has way better options than me.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, make a move. Get her a drink or purposely make conversation. Ask her to dance, it’s a party, perfect excuse.”
 “I have a job to do tonight,” she returned her gaze to scanning the room. 
“She would have liked the suit,” he said under his breath, shaking another guest’s hand. 
“Stark,” she scolded, trying to invoke some of the intimidation that Pepper used when they were in trouble.  
“At least take time to “watch her back”, it’s not a bad view,” he chuckled at the blush rising to her cheeks and then led them deeper into the throng of party goers.
The first hour passed without incident. Tony drank and mingled. Dancing with every partner except Pepper. 
“Lancaster,” the girl turned at the sound of her name, seeing one of the extra security guards she had hired for the night. “There is a woman at the security gate, no invitation.”
She cut him off, “no invitation, she doesn’t get in.”
“She sent me to get you, says you will let her in,” the man continued. 
“Fine.” BOBbi connect me to Happy. 
Connected she was still getting used to the voice echoing around her head. 
“Happy, keep an eye on Tony there is a problem at the front gate.” If it is Emily I swear on all that is holy she will rue the day.
Would you like me to add “murder Emily” to your “to do” list. 
I never said murder, BOBbi. They arrived at the ground floor of the condo and stepped out the front door to the first checkpoint. 
She would know that voice anywhere. “Nora?” She rushed to the first checkpoint. She  pulled her sister through security. She wrapped her in a hug. 
Elanora Lancaster only stood five foot tall and didn’t weigh 125 soaking wet so her little sister towered over her. Her hair a deep brown and eyes icy blue. They didn’t look much alike. Nora took after her birth mother and Bennett took after her own. Neither of them carried many of their father’s features. Other than Bennett’s smile and Nora’s pale complexion. “What are you doing here?” Bennett beamed at her sister.
Nora engulfed her sister in another hug, “I wanted to surprise you in New York but when I got there the secretary said you were all here so… I came here.”
Bennett laughed softly. “I am so glad to see you. Come on.” She led Nora first to her room to drop off her bags and then to the party. 
“Nora,” Tony called seeing the women walk in, “what a pleasant surprise. It’s been ages.” He kissed her cheek.
“Mr. Stark, I trust you have been taking care of little Benn.” She hugged him returning the kiss. How they got along so great, Bennett didn’t know. They had only met twice before. 
“Please, call me Tony. And of course I have been taking care of baby Benn,” he ruffled the younger Lancaster’s hair. “Are you staying with us for a while?” 
He offered Elanora his arm and she accepted as he led her towards the bar. “For a few days I hope, if that is alright with you, Tony.” Bennett followed, catching Happy’s eye to let him know she was back.
Elanora and Bennett caught up off and on through the night. The more she drank the more talkative she became. It wasn’t just a social call. Apparently the phone calls she had made home didn’t convince her family that she was ok. So they had sent Nora to check up on her.
Two hours after her arrival Nora was dead on her feet. She was exhausted and jet lagged. Probably hadn’t eaten recently. She activated BOBbi again to talk to Happy. “Hap, can you take her to my room so she can sleep and have someone bring her something to eat.”
“Will do, kid.” She watched as he led her sister through the crowd and out toward the private living quarters. 
Tony was a step beyond drunk. He stumbled towards Benn. “So with Nora sleeping in your room you won’t mind if I flirt with Rushman tonight, right?” No she did not want him around Natalie. “Thanks, kid,” he cut her off before she could answer, patting her shoulder. He seemed to sober slightly as he made his way toward the woman. 
Bennett followed him across the room. “Tony” she grabbed his shoulder and spun him back around. 
“I am not going to do anything with her,” he said his hands up in a gesture of surrender, “just flirt a bit. I’ll follow the “Bro Code.” No harm, no foul.” Tony shrugged off her hand, pushing through the crowd toward Natalie.
They talked and danced. Tony leaning far too close to Natalie. You don’t have to be practically biting someone’s ear for them to hear you. No matter how loud a party was. She watched them, apparently focusing on Tony and Natalie more than she thought. She jumped feeling a hand touch her shoulder. She grabbed the hand and pinned the arm attached to it behind the person’s back. 
“Hey, hey, Benn. Chill,” recognizing the voice she released Rhodey from the hold. 
“Sorry Rhodes,” she took a deep breath.
“Bit jumpy,” he straightened his blazer. “What’s got you so tense?”
“Nothing. I am totally relaxed,” she brushed the bangs that were falling across her forehead back. The gel apparently wasn’t holding. 
“Relaxed, ha. Right, sure. Look kid. I know watching Tony can be tough. Take a break. I got him for a few.” Rhodey smiled giving her a reassuring pat. 
She did as he suggested heading to the balcony. The warm smell of the salty sea air floated on the wind. She inhaled deeply the cooler air calming after so many bodies. She examined the sky. One thing she could always count on, no matter where in the world she went. She looked up, finding the constellations one by one. “Hey kid,” someone bumped her shoulder. The blonde playfully rolled her eyes turning her gaze toward Natalie. The other woman chuckled softly, “sorry, Benn, you get caught up in the stars and it's hard to bring you back to earth.” She shot a teasing smile. "It's enough to make a girl jealous."
"So I have been told. Emily is starting a support group for it I think." She focused on the skies again, leaning against the railing of the balcony. Bennett was hyper aware of her proximity to Rushman. She could practically feel every movement. And that was amplifying her anxiety. "I try to take them in whenever I can. You can't see them very well from Stark tower." The relaxation that Rhodey prescribed was gone. Bennett could feel her heart pounding and the blood rushing through her veins. 
It is amazing the constant chemical adjustments your body makes as your environment changes. Some things are too strong or happen too quick for your body to transition smoothly so you feel the reaction more. Natalie Rushman was one of those things in Bennett’s environment. 
"That's understandable," her voice drew Bennett in. "They remind you of home. We tend to hold on to reminders of things we love."
"What's something you hold on to?" 
"Uhh", Natalie leaned back from the railing an almost nervous or embarrassed smile on her lips. "Never had a lot to hold on to. But there is one spot that I love to watch the sunset from, by this little pond. There’s a tree with a tire swing off to the left. It's one of the few places that really feel like home."
"That's a little more specific than my stars. Harder to find," she took in the woman’s profile. 
"It doesn't always have to be something you can physically see to remind you," she was lost in her thoughts for a moment. 
A comfortable silence settled between them. She really didn't want to break it. After grappling with this problem for the last three days she needed an answer. "Is there any part of Nat that was real?" her voice came out weak, she cringed at the sound. 
Natalie’s head snapped toward Benn, "what?"
Faking the confidence she lacked Bennett met her gaze. "Natalie Aleece Rushman doesn't exist, at least the one I know. What I could find says that that name and persona only came into use about four months before you walked into the gym that day." Natalie’s expression was unreadable. "I know how to use more than Google to search." The blonde tried to smile. “So who are you?”. 
"I'm not here to hurt Tony if that's what you are worried about," her face was stoic. 
"You've had plenty of opportunities to do so if that was your plan you would have done it by now. For some reason I doubt you are here for corporate espionage. So why are you here?" She made no response. Her face was a blank slate. Bennett matched her stare as long as she could. The minutes felt like hours, she bit back the tears stinging behind her eyes. "Please Nat," she gave a quiet chuckle shaking her head. Nat probably wasn't even her name. She turned to head back to the party. She had left Rhodey in charge of Tony for long enough. 
"Benn...Bennett," the blonde turned around at her voice, "I never meant…"
There was a loud crash from inside the house.  "I already took the suit from Tony once tonight," she grumbled heading back toward the party seeing the guest throw a champagne  bottle for Tony to shoot like skeet. 
"Bennett," she looked at Natalie one more time. "My name is Natasha. A lot of what Natalie told you is real. Give me a chance to explain. Please." The last word sounded foriegn on her lips. 
Bennett watched Natalie’s eyes, stepping closer. Hesitantly she reached out for her hand. Natalie raised one eyebrow in question. Bennett always knew her own body but on occasion she could read others if she had contact. 
When Natalie placed her hand in Bennett’s, she could feel the callouses on the woman’s fingers and strength in her hand not common to legal and secretarial work. More than that she felt the connection to Natalie, her pulse was as natural to read as her own. Bennett locked eyes with Natalie. "Tell me one more time."
She looked even more confused. "Bennett, I know I lied…"
The blonde cut her off, "you want me to trust you, tell me your name."
She let out an exasperated sigh, "Natasha."
Bennett nodded, dropping her hand. It wasn't conclusive, but she believed that much at least. Her name was Natasha, everything else might still be a lie. 
Bennett jumped as Rhodey's voice rang out telling everyone to get out. She rushed back to the party. Inside she saw not only Tony in his Ironman suit but Rhodey in one as well. BOBbi I need voice comms to Happy. 
Of course, Kid.
"Hap, get everyone as far away as possible. About to be a nasty round of Wrestlemania up here." 
Bennett started to escort the last remaining guest out as Tony and Rhodey started trading punches. Pepper’s face as Happy had pulled her away was heartbreaking. She had obviously tried to disarm the situation but Tony seemed to be on a self-destruct mode recently.  “Happy, what about Nora?” She yelled through Bobbi’s comms . 
“Sorry a little busy, Kid. Can’t get back upstairs,” Happy’s voice came back through the com. 
“Crap!” There were still a few people huddled under overturned pieces of furniture and behind the bar. She had a choice to make, take care of the last of the civilians or go get her sister? She let out a roar of frustration and took a step towards the closest person. Could they not think for themselves?
“Where is she?” Natalie came out of nowhere. She was beside Bennett, or Natasha was. 
The blonde shot her a harsh glare. “Who?”
“Your sister. Elanora, Tony introduced us earlier. I heard Happy can’t help. Let me.” She looked into Bennett’s eyes pleading with her. Let her make this one tiny step to fixing this mess.  
“My room. Down one floor, take a right, third door on the left,” she gave her the directions. “Get her out and get yourself safe.” Natasha left with a nod. Bennett went back to clearing the room. 
One of the men was pinned under a bookcase, most were just too scared or shocked to move. She helped move them to the stairs and down toward Happy and safety. She was tempted to leave the couple making out in the closet but her conscience got the better of her. The room was finally clean so time to try and disarm Tony. 
Even though she had the cuffs and necklace, she didn’t think they would help much. Not much shield wise unless he upgraded them since Monaco. Tony and Rhodey threw each other around the room, knocking over furniture and crashing through walls. They each shot at the other blasting each other across the room. Tony hit the wall beside her, shattering glass and sheetrock all over the both of them. “Boss! Stop!” Tony ignored her. 
Bennett ran after him and jumped on his back. He knocked her off and onto the closest couch. He pointed one finger at her as if to tell her to stay down.  
She got back up and went to run between the two, only to be pushed back by Rhodey this time. She stumbled back, hitting her head on the bar. When she got back up a small trickle of blood was sliding down her temple. She went to try and stop them again only to be stopped by a hand grabbing her arm. Nat was at her side again pulling her back from the fight. She tried to pull her arm from the other woman’s grip but she held tight. A shot hit the wall inches above Nat’s head. Instinctively Bennett pulled her closer protecting Nat with her own body. Natasha wasn’t safe so Bennett knew they had to move. 
They got down the stairs and out of the house when they heard the charge of a blaster. Not just one, two. She pulled Nat away from the house as quickly as possible. A light built as the sound intensified. The ground began to shake under thier feet. Bennett grabbed Natasha and pulled her close trying to shield her from whatever was coming. There was a shockwave. Glass and brick debris flew everywhere. They were knocked to the ground.  
As the dust settled Bennett picked herself up off the ground. She saw one Ironman suit fly off in one direction and one in the other seconds later. She helped Natasha up, checking her face for cuts and scrapes. Her dress hadn’t provided much protection from the drive when she hit the ground. Bennett slipped out of her jacket, knocking any loose glass off the leather and draped it over her shoulders wincing in sympathy. “You okay?” 
She nodded. “You?” Nat reached up brushing blonde hair from Bennett’s temple, trying to get a look at the cut there. The blood had mostly dried. Bennett knew the cut had healed by now, so she had to brush Nat’s concern off. 
“I’m fine,” she pulled Natasha’s hand back down. Letting out a long breath she tried to smile, “I guess I need to go find Tony.” She headed towards the garage.
“Benn, here,” Nat shrugged off the jacket. 
“Hang on to it,” this time she did smile, “I’ll get it back later.” She took a few steps forward, invading Nat’s space as she reached into the pocket  of her jacket grabbing the keys. She felt her own pulse jump and heard Natasha’s breathing hitch slightly. Her smile grew as she stepped back toward the garage.  
“Benn, I really am sorry,” Natasha apologized.
“I never believed you were really just a notary,” she tossed the keys up and caught them, shooting her a wink. Bennett cranked her bike and slipped on her helmet. By the time she wheeled the bike out of the garage Natasha was nowhere to be found. Nothing left to do now but to find Tony. 
BOBbi I need you to help me track Tony. The line was silent for a few seconds.
Sorry, kid. I am afraid Mr. Stark has blocked me. I might be able to with the help of Master JARVIS. 
 Go for it. 
 “Good evening Ms. Bennett. Tracking may take a while. It appears that BOBbi is right. Mr. Stark does not want to be found,” Jarvis replied. “I suggest you start heading in a north eastern direction. While BOBbi and I start trying to track him.” JARVIS projected a GPS navigation system as a heads-up display on the visor of her helmet. 
“Thanks, J,” she pulled out of the drive and headed toward the highway. 
Phylax Masterlist
We are getting close to the end of Ironman 2 from here the story will follow a mix of MCU story line, comic events, and my own ideas. If you have any suggestions on comic events or villains or your own events or villains send them to me. I have a few plot points still open.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 13 August 1834
6 ¼
11 40
Twenty minutes quietly with A- before getting up. Fine morning F68° at 6 ¼ am  - Made tea for A-. Off in cabriolet to Firminy at 7 25 – good road  (only opened 5 years ago – the old road considerably to the right and [very] up and down) all the way except thro’ the village of Chamond or some such name – and there the street narrow and pavé terrible – the street to be widened and made good – a few houses already rebuilt and set back – left the town of Firminy (left) and drove down to the coal mine or rather coal quarry and there at 8 50 – the ingénieur not there –would not come till 11 – lives in the chateau – in ½ hour in the quarry – exactly like  a common stone quarry, only coal instead of stone – quarrying enormous masses - 100 workmen - the piqueurs earn 2/25 and the carries 1/75 per day - as much as a man carry of large pieces sells for 4 sols - 3 men killed 7 months ago by the falling down of a mass of rock - drove to the chateau - Mr Morillo (ingénieur or chef des mines de Firminy) at home – very civil – would return with me to the coal quarry – and had the horse put up at the chateau – above an hour shewing me all over the quarry and explained about the steam engine pump - 24 horse power - much power lost by being at such a distance from the works and communicating with the well by iron bars 100 yards length? but the ground so tender so full of old mines, and given to fall in, that they durst not sink the pit or well nearer - this pit 20 toises deep, but the pump only brought up the water to ½ way and then it runs off by an old gallery - the water I saw forming a little cascade from the top into the quarry and thence by an old gallery is turned there on purpose - the mine here often on fire - afraid of it now so has turned the water down - the numberless old galleries and wet and pyrites cause the fire - will be obliged to noyer the mine, fill it with water once every 3 years - of course, prefers doing it in winter - this mine worked as now (au jour) only 3 years - was worked before underground in the common way - the different proprietors of the soil worked the coal and made nothing of it - the mine was given up - coal immediately under the row of houses that bounds the quarry to the east, but the proprietors not willing to take a reasonable price, so the coal company prefers having the coal - but when they have got it 4 or 5 yards from the houses, they have only had 12 ft. of
soil to remove they are now taking off about 20 ft. deep of stuff, soil and shale, and a vein of grit stone about 10 in. thick - they throw the stuff back, and make into ground again what they do not want to quarry - this company gets 500,000 quintaux métriques (1 quintal metre= 100kilos) per annum that is, one-fourteenth of all the coal got per annum in the basin houlier (coal basin of St. Etienne and Rive de Gier) and one-sixth of all the coal got into the St. Etienne district - only 3 years qu’on a travaille à découvert (in open quarry) as at present - La conche du Breuil (i.e. coal, 40, 50, 60,70, to 80 ft. thick - La benne  (corve) pèse en gros morceaux 150 kilos environ - 10 to 12 bennes  in cubic metre of coal - sells here for 1/30, 1/. and six sols le benne - sur 2040 bennes got last year on peut avoir gagné 60,000 fr., but this was an extraordinary gain, in consequence of regretting in old galleries having no stuff to move etc and cannot be expected to occur again - may reckon the average price at ./75 per benne, here, at the pit’s mouth - the taxe paid to government twofold - taxe fine, 20/. per kilometres carré, and, take according to the étude de la concession, and which is proportioned to the benefice that is gained which various every year - 58 kilometres got last year paid altogether 2000/. - besides this there is the proprietor of the land (surface) to pay, and the law gives him one-sixth of the coal got i.e. one benne out of every six, but this is too much and the company pays by agreement only one-tenth, 1 benne out of ten - of what is got already there are 15 surface proprietors - and the company has paid one proprietor as much as 20,000 fr. per annum - the members of the c° are concessionaires du government - all the mines in the kingdom belonging to government, and for which the concessioners pay the 2 above named taxes or charges - the land is here so divided - so many proprietors the mines could not be so well worked if government had not taken them into their own hands - this was done in 1814 under Louis 18 - the marquis d’Osmond had concession of all the mines in the basin de St- Etienne made to him before the 1st revolution - he emigrated and lost it - had it restored on the return of the Bourbons and sold it - it is Carillon Gaeury Q. des Augustins n°14 à Paris who is  libraire to the Ecole des mines at Paris - M. Morillo on our return from the quarry, very civilly introduced me to his mother (from about 25 lieues from Paris near Troyes)  and asked me to breakfast – breakfast à la fourchette at 11 ¼ - very good breakfast riz de veau à la chicorée (very good) large cold poulet or small dindon, épinards a sort of tart, and a gateau with almonds and green grapes and green gages, and vin du pays -  talked away – afterwards went with Monsieur to his bureau for a few minutes and wrote down from his dictation almost all the above renseignements –gave him my address at Shibden and in the Rue St Victor à Paris and said I should be glad to see and do him any service – told him I had coal of my own and should perhaps return to St Etienne to learn measure underground etc – wished good morning to Madame who seemed to have thought me bien amiable and off from the chateau de Firminy at 12 ¼ - They had pumped me about my politics said I was no politician but owned myself naturally a Tory – Lord Grey and Mr Stanley retired in consequence of O’ Connell’s Irish church bill and Lord Melbourne prime minister – odd I should 1st learn this at Firminy! Home at 1 50 in 1 35 hour 10 minutes longer than we were in going – tired of the slow going and great heat – paid all - our hostess would have profited prettily by us if she could - Off from l’hotel de l��Europe chez ‘Teinturier de Lyon’ at 2 50 – nice road and country – Guyonnière merely a single house poste and hotel de Provence – at 4 33 pass handsome double wood-floored suspension bridge over the  broad bedded Loire – had just before seen in the distance left the good-looking town of St Lambert - At 4 50 turn (right) to Montbrison and leave good road to....... dusty but not so much so as yesterday - All the women (except les grandes) ride califourchon new road opened 2 years ago from St Etienne to Marseille (missing Lyon) going direct to Tain - 3 days journey from Paris to M- saving said my cocher 8 years in the 16th chasseurs till the revolution in 1830, servant to his colonel M. de la Tour du Pin ‘le roi des hommes’ - would have ‘verse la dernière goutte de son sang pour lui’ - who saying he has juré to serve one king and would not serve 2, tore off his épaulettes and broke his sword (at Dieppe) and left the service - the men all in tears on his bidding them farewell -  At 5 ¼ we near the mountains – at 5 35 St Priest and chateau on conical mountain top – have seen 2 or 3 good chateaus since St Etienne this afternoon - Fine open country – good road – at 6 5 alight at l’hotel du Nord at Montbrison – this little demoiselle of the house wanted 3fr. per bed for our own 2 – would not give more than 2/. she herself asked 3/. a head for dinner and gave us a very meagre, bad one - no potage - dinner at 7 – sat talking – lastly riz au lait to make up for bad dinner - wrote all the above of today till 11 20 - A- in bed soon after 9 pm - very fine day F72° now at 11 20 pm.
Went to see the pit at some distance behind the chateau where the steam engine brought up both coal and water from 40?toises deep - primitive mountains here - 60,000 inhabitants in the parish of St. Etienne
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