#This is my first post the formatting may be wonky
boo-its-stress · 1 year
So I had a silly little idea about what if Danny was ghost king but he didn’t actually have to be in charge because he is baby. You don’t put a baby in charge you put an adult in charge until baby is ready. Vlad would be the most qualified. But he’s Vlad. So. It needs to be somebody else. Batman. I’m talking about Bruce Wayne. Death touched and not ready to rule the infinite realms in his stead. I’m full of big thoughts on this but instead of organizing them and sharing them I wrote a little Blurbo.
Bruce was on the bat computer writing incident reports on the night’s patrol. It was a quiet night and it looked like everyone might get at least 4 hours of sleep tonight. Well, quiet on the streets of Gotham. The cave was very much not quiet as Tim seemed to have had the stupendous idea to intentionally rile Damian up. Idle hands may be the devil’s playthings but apparently an Idle Tim was more likely to lose all sense of self preservation. He wasn’t too worried yet, he could hear Dick trying to keep the peace which had about 50/50 odds of working.
The sudden silence was the absolute worst thing he could be hearing right now. He spun around in that chair as fast as bathumanly possible and stood up. Prepared to deal with an attempted fratricide. But what he saw froze him in his tracks, though not quite as literally as everything else. Damian was frozen mid leap towards an equally frozen Tim who's laughing face was in the midst of shifting towards regret while Dick was reaching out to catch him. He was instantly on guard for whoever had done this, it would be an unlikely coincidence for him to be the only one (or even one of many) left unfrozen if this was a global event that had nothing to do with him. No this was likely a deliberate act but the question remained if the intent was hostile or not. Not that it really mattered because they froze his boys and he would not be relaxing until that was undone.
He felt a presence above him and threw a batarang even as he was turning to face them. And the batarang passed straight through a floating blue humanoid. A being who radiated an aura of power that was only somewhat ruined by the pendulum clock in their chest and a total lack of concern for the weaponry thrown their way. There was a beat of tense silence before they shifted into the form of a child and gave the impression of raising an eyebrow despite not having any above the unsettling wholly red eyes “Did I catch you at a bad time Bruce? I can come back.” And just like that his guard was up even further. An intruder in the batcave with this kind of power and he knew his name? That could not mean anything remotely good. He was mentally preparing alternative methods of attack should this turn to violence, as most forms of physical attack would be useless depending on what form of phasal shifting that just was.
“Oh there’s no need for any of that Bruce. I’m just here to congratulate you on your ascendancy to Kinghood.” That left him wrongfooted and before he could even muster up a response and begin with any proper Questioning, the being continued. “Well, King Regent at least. The rightful ghost king is still a child and you possess the familial relation necessary to stand in until they’re ready to ascend the throne. Should you choose to refuse this position you have 30 days to find a suitable replacement and contact the high council of the infinite realms with this information.” And just as suddenly as the… Ghost? Just as the possible ghost had appeared, they were gone.
All at once life returned to the world and there was an audible thump as one Robin collided with another. But it was Dick who screamed. For if one were to view things from his perspective, Bruce had teleported from across the room and he thought he was immune to the Batman jump scares now! With Dick and Tim briefly caught up in their own individual terrors it was Damian who noticed something was wrong. He shoved Tim aside with contempt, rising to his feet and dusting himself off as if he felt especially dirty after the physical contact he himself had initiated. “Father? What is it?”
Bruce let out the slightest huff of relief at seeing his boys in motion once more, most wouldn’t notice it at all, but the collection of current and former robins were not most people. They were all at attention, waiting to be told and willing to resort to trickery if he wasn’t in a sharing mood. “Something was in the bat cave.” All three stiffened, knowing this was serious. He returned to the computer to begin a profile on the (man? Ghost? clock?) and also to avoid looking his children in the eye. No need to give away how badly this had shaken him. “They were capable of freezing time selectively. And froze all of you while we spoke. Possibly everyone else. Oracle, is it still 1:27 outside the batcave?”
He could hear rapid fire typing before she replied. “Matches up with the time in Gotham and there’s no noticeable time delay between here and anywhere else on Earth. I’ll have to get back to you on if we fell out of alignment with other planets, but I can tell you there’s no gaps in the footage in the batcave either, it… it looks like you teleported.”
Well that was not comforting news in the slightest. Whoever this was, they were incredibly powerful. Possibly capable of stopping all of time with (hopefully) no consequences. Looks like he might actually have to take what was said seriously. For such a powerful entity would have little reason to lie about such a thing. But could he really? He might have had a few close calls with death but he was still living? His heart was still beating? How could a living man be the reigning king of ghosts? Even as a regent? And regent to who exactly? A child? Is that by human or ghost standards? Bruce seemingly didn’t qualify as a child but would Dick? The ghost had said familial relation which was incredibly vague and unhelpful. Did his adopted children count or was it only Damian? Could it possibly be some distant cousin? He didn’t know and unfortunately he had no leads to speak of. How was he even supposed to contact this High Council of the Infinite Realms? He got the sinking suspicion that was the point. That he wasn’t being given a choice in the matter.
His eldest broke him out of his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder, reading what he’d written before locking eyes with him. “And what exactly did he want to talk about B?”
He couldn’t help the slight downturn of his lips as he answered, “Apparently I’ve been named the Regent King of Ghosts.”
And with the widening of Dick’s eyes and a muffled curse from Tim as he missed a step and collided with a table he couldn’t help thinking he was right. The intruder hadn’t brought anything good.
When he later called Constantine asking if he knew how to contact The High Council of the Infinite Realms and the man promptly swore before hanging up? He was absolutely sure he had found himself tangled up in something that was bound to cause him at least one headache in the near future.
When he found the first green sticky note that appeared between one blink and the next he was ready to have words with whoever put him in this position. He sincerely hoped the King he was playing regent for wasn’t Jason.
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bimboyaoi · 3 months
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okay, this is my first time posting fics on Tumblr, so sorry if the formatting is a bit wonky 🩷 Hope you guys like it!
warning: suggestive content
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Summer heat
Billy still doesn't know why he let you into the team. You were too young, too inexperienced, too distracted, you were an airhead and a real-life Polly pocket, not bright enough to go on the missions.
But somehow, despite all of that, you were a genius when it came to computers. Codes, hacking your way to getting information, breaking firewalls. So it's not like you were a complete liability to the team.
You may not have been a liability, but by God, had you become a distraction. As the days got warmer, your outfits got shorter.
He knew you weren't doing it on purpose, rilling him up and having him hold back the urge to just press you against the nearest wall and put you in your place, that you were only trying to survive the hot NYC days just like everyone else in the team, but Jesus, it's not like anyone else in the team had thighs like yours.
Today especially, you looked divinely distracting, leaning against his desk as you babbled about computers and codes. And he wanted to pay attention, he did, but he was using all his remaining energy to focus on your face so he wouldn't look at how gorgeous your tits looked on that tank top.
His attention is brought back to you as you call out for him with a worried look.
"Boss? Are you good? You saw distant..." You say as you eye his face, searching for any signs of injuries.
He chuckles before waving you off, a bit ashamed he got caught. "Don't worry about it, Luv. Just tired."
And there it is. That expression you do every time he calls you a pet name or praises you. The way you look with your cheeks flushed and your lips parted like that drives him wild. He can't recall the amount of times he had stayed up at night, jacking off just at the thought of ruining you.
Unsurprisingly, you seemed oblivious to your effects on him. Anyone whose brain hadn't been fried by computers and energy drinks would have noticed it by now. But he was dealing with you. His tech genius polly pocket.
"I-I'll go back to my desk now... To finish gathering the information!" You say with a nervous laugh, refusing to look him in the eye.
He looked around the spacious office, that was empty except for you and him. Maybe it was finally time to be bold and strike.
"Actually..." He says with a smirk, softly grabbing your hand. "Why don't you help me with a little something?" Gently leading your hand to his upper thigh.
You look back at him with wide eyes, face even redder than before. He laughs as you stumble with words while trying to say something.
"What? Are these little slutty outfits just for show then? Don't tell me you haven't done this before, doll." He says, tone almost demeaning as he guides your hand higher to his crotch.
"No- I have... But-" You stammer and he chuckles again.
"But what? I've seen the way you look at me, luv. Honestly, we're doing each other a favor by doing this. Don't ya think so?" He says as he brings up one of his hands to softly caress your cheek.
You look up at him with big eyes, softly biting your lips as you nod and kneel in front of him.
He smirked and leaned back against his chair. "That's it. Now be a good girl and suck daddy's cock."
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If anyone wants me to continue it, plz let me know :3
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straycalamities · 5 months
so for some Reasons, the same reasons zombinoslayer is on indefinite hiatus, i have a question on like. Say there is a Truffula Flu-oriented plot, story. Y'know a narrative. Coming up, but the way it's being made is basically prose-based, how would you prefer to see that formatted onto a tumblr askblog/archive thing?
it does deal with two characters and two characters only (so far?)
rp-style is out of the question because of editing reblogs being killed
but...i have a few thoughts, but i'm not sure which one people would like to read and digest the most
for more clarity on what i mean with terms/styles: click under the readmore
when i say "prose-style" i mean it's written like a novel. it's 3rd-person limited and past tense.
The sun was baring down hard on Mikey's back as he trudged down the sidewalk. He drug his feet, pose hunched. Why did he have to run out of eggs on the hottest day of the year?
when i say "script-style" i mean that it's written how you would read the script for a show or a play. this is how i treated zombinoslayer's big scenes. it'd have progressive images for each action/dialogue, wherever i deemed an image needed/important
Mikey: [The sun is bright and harsh. He is walking down the sidewalk. He looks exhausted.] Why did I have to run out of eggs on the hottest day of the year?!
and when i say comic, well, that's obvious. i'd do my best to translate everything as well as i can into something that is heavily image and dialogue based that has comic frames and such.
pros and cons of all these being:
prose pros (lol): it keeps all of the character's inner feelings, struggles, and thoughts and even some motives out and easier to see, which with these scenes and with how these characters are, might be important or even very enlightening for people i also don't have to draw as much because i would only be illustrating significant parts and to make the posts look more appealing/interesting. thus updates would happen more frequently. easier to plug into a translator if english isn't your first language the images would be illustrations i'd actually put effort into since there would be so few of them
prose cons: it'll be a lot more reading overall less left to interpretation, i guess? less pretty pictures? it takes a lot more cerebral energy in some cases to take in prose and turn it around in your mind i just get that for some people, they don't like walls of text. like i, for one, have gotten very bad at reading so i get it
script pros: more pictures to look at then prose-style scenes move by more quickly and smoothly, everything focuses more on actions and interactions so maybe things are easier to digest than prose-style still translator-friendly updates still more frequent than comic-style, but less frequent than prose-style most likely full-color images. may or may not have a bg in every image (just think zombino-slayer style? but i might not render every time either like i did there because that was..phew..that took a lot out of me)
script cons: more images to draw for me the format might be wonky to some none of those inner thoughts/monologues, a lot of depth and inner feelings/struggles/references made in the characters heads are left out. it all focuses on the external with hints to the internal left to expression, body language, and dialogue and the reader's own bias/experience
comic pros: ALL THE PICTURES YOU COULD WANT! everything's images! if you're most comfy with reading comics or manga already, you'd dig this (obviously) the least reading and it's all together in one image (well multiple) very easy to soar through and take everything in since the focus is on images and dialogue Only (maybe narrative notes or thought boxes when really important) easiest to share i'd think? and easiest to get a feel for what's going on in a scene without having to study and/or think too hard about it
comic cons: oh my god all that drawing...updates would be slow as molasses tbqh.. unless i decided to do manga-style aka B&W or limited grayscale/monochrome. even then though again, everything internal would be left to the hints you'd get from the external i could give with imagery, panel-shape, dialogue, and such not translator-friendly (i know there's the google image translator, but i'd be handwriting the text (i just like how it looks best) and it's not always friendly to handwriting)
as far as specifics for each style, we'd work that out once one is picked
other notes: i do think i'm a pretty strong prose-writer, but i also think i'm a pretty strong comicsmith. so i don't think it's really up to what i'd, personally, be able to pull off best with the skills i own :3 (and i mean script-style is the most simple of the three. and i've already done it. it'd be almost identical to zombinoslayer. and it'd be most similar to Camp Entre's rp-style i think? even though Camp Entre was much more dialogue-based than anything else
i know i haven't uploaded too much of either, especially my writing, but trust...i'm pretty good at it. at least that's what people tell me.
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wondermacaroni · 5 months
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Happy 4/13!! Since I’ve been posting group doodles lately, it was obligatory that we draw something to celebrate. Mine is in green (except for the shading, lol). Some thoughts on my history with Homestuck and my reread of the comic with friends are under the cut.
I’ll say preemptively, forgive me if the paragraph spacing is wonky. I don’t post a lot of big text posts, if any at all, so I have no idea if this will show up in a bearable to read format or not. Anyways.
I first read Homestuck on an early morning in April, soon before that year’s 4/13 and a little ways out from my 14th birthday in late May. I hadn’t slept at all that night, and my normal internet circles had slowed to a crawl as the sun began to rise. Bored out of my mind and too energized to sleep, I decided it was finally time to check out that one webcomic that I had seen some people post cool art for.
To keep it simple, I had a pretty big scare in the family that same day I started reading. Everything ended up and has been just fine regarding that, but I think it cemented Homestuck in my mind as a way to process things somehow. Now that I’m about to graduate college, I’ve returned to needing to process things, and of course, my way to process it.
So, one night a month or two ago, I’m looking into some Homestuck browser game (shoutouts to Wigglersim) when my friend asks what it’s about. I get a little clammy, but I do mention the game, Homestuck and all. Imagine my surprise when they ask for a link to check it out as well.
I could hear the interest egging me on like the Green Goblin mask at that point.
Over the next few days, we went from the browser game, to the doll maker, to installing the collection, to almost-nightly streams of our read-along with the comic. It has been a BLAST so far. Sure, we probably could have blazed through on our own much faster. But having someone there to break things down and engage with, especially for a work like Homestuck, has made the whole ordeal even more enjoyable overall.
To be honest with you, I could never really get myself to reread Homestuck before then. I had the collection installed on my laptop but I could never get past some feeling of shame that came with opening it, or even looking at it for too long. Even when I had finally forced myself to get comfortable with Homestuck Posting or die trying, the thought of fully reengaging and not dwelling in the bliss of memories was a little too much.
Having a friend there, one who has been willing to engage despite it all, has made the reread much less daunting. Despite all of my warnings of the future like a frenzied oracle, I’ve been able to expose that long-hidden soft spot after all these years. It’s like unclenching your jaw, in a way.
The time we’ve spent taking it all in has REALLY spurred us to put something out lately as well. Every turn of the New Year, my friends and I boot up a group canvas and collaborate on one big slab of doodles. Lately though, I’ve been wanting to do that a lot more, and so have my friends. With the reread, I finally decided to rip off the bandage and do something I hadn’t really done as a teen first reading through Homestuck— I decided to make some fanart.
It felt like uncorking champagne. Though it was probably more akin to uncorking sparkling grape juice. Whatever. I hadn’t done it, I did it, and it felt GOOD to do it. You get it. If nothing else, waiting to draw that fanart for eight some odd years meant that I didn’t have any old drawings to painfully reflect on, for better or for worse.
I don’t like doing much other than lurking. However, with all of the drawings we had made, it’d be a shame not to share them beyond like ten people. My friend started posting some, to some really surprising amounts of engagement, at least for us. I followed in suit for support, and I’ve seen much of the same myself. It’s intimidating to be perceived, but it has been nice to shake hands with the community from the other side of my normal lurking perspective. Thank you meowrails fans for your support, maybe I’ll cook again soon, who knows?
We’ve now gotten to the point in the comic where this reread just becomes a read, and right before 4/13. I never finished the comic past the second Alterniabound flash, though I’ve picked up on little spoiler things here and there. I’m excited, I’m nervous, I can’t wait to see what horrible ick I’ll get next.
With streaming this to my friend, I have accidentally convinced more friends to look into Homestuck as well. The network slowly grows, and with it, another ticket is reserved for a group movie night of Con Air. I can’t wait to see how it goes.
Anyways, that’s all for my yapping. Have a happy 4/13, consider a reread with friends, and thank you for your interest in my lecture if you’re reading or skimming through this.
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mrch7th · 5 months
miss march 7th’s first post is doomed to wonky mobile post formatting but hellooo! here is my girl’s plotting post for the month of may. she is generally down for any of the sea of quanta prompts so if you’d like someone for it, she’s your gal, but here’s what i’m more specifically looking for:
march is gonna talk about quarrel clique. she’s been to the belobog fight club she’ll definitely be fine! …but someone maybe go stop the strange outlander from getting her shit kicked in. / req. teyvat muse! (save me pretty cat girl save me)
she has never mixed a drink in her life (that she knows of) but she’s got the spirit :thumbsup: / req. teyvat muse!
actually i’ve also decided that march would love to learn to play tcg she thinks the cards are all really cute / req. teyvat muse! (omg :flooshed: hiiii miss miko)
wubbaboo hunting isn’t exactly how march expected to be welcomed back to herta space station, but it’s not an astral express pitstop if there isn’t some kind of trouble to solve, she guesses. better go grab the wubbaboo before they make an even bigger mess to clean up. (ke qiqi my darling let's go to space!!)
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keegansakura · 2 months
A bit of context for the followers who don't interact with me on the constant: for a couple of years now I have been working with @umbraproductions112 on a project in a game known as Rec Room related to the Backrooms. If you're interested the game is an ongoing WIP and is known as The Backrooms: Silent Screams. This sort of.. series(?) takes place in the world of the game. It may not follow all of the same characters but you may recognize a few if you play the game and read this.
Unfortunately now I gotta bring up this lovely word..
DISCLAIMER: The Backrooms Silent Screams uses custom takes on entities and features entities that you will not find on any Backrooms related wiki, fandom or otherwise. This story will feature uncomfortable topics that will be mentioned in the trigger warnings section at the top of each bit. Please keep in mind that you the reader are responsible for the content you consume. If I do something stupid please call my ass out on it so it can be fixed-
Also. I suck at editing. So formatting may be a bit wonky! ..it'll get better over time- ..I think. Final words before I get into the actual opening into this: if you want to be added to the tags, leave a comment and I will try to remember to tag you in this.
So enough stalling. Enjoy and I apologize for any editing mistakes as currently I AM POSTING THESE FROM MY PHONE!
Rumors speak of a train of some sort that can be found through some abandoned tunnels at off hours of the night. Some claim that moths or other nightly creatures had led them to it, others just felt compelled to follow a mostly overgrown trail. Either way you find yourself here at the train which has come to a stop. It looked like something from an old film, the kind of train you'd expect a murder mystery to take place on, or at least that seems to be the point. As you stand there, you notice a strange goat-like creature boarding the train carrying a box of ..something. Being further curious, you follow their lead and board the train.
The interior of the train car in question was Victorian in design. It was quiet, except for the hum of the engine andsome quiet music in the background. There was talking from further in, most likely the next car over. There were shelves lined with books along with various canvases, paints, and other art supplies. A table with a half finished game of chess and some chairs sat near the window. Judging by the dust covering the board and chess pieces, it had been left untouched for quite some time. A couch sat across from the table, and a mess of blankets and cushions like someone had sat there recently to read. There was a small bar of sorts not far from the couch, on it sat three drinks that seemed to have been placed there recently. Whoever was there seemed to be expecting guests.
As you approach the door, you catch part of the conversation. Two people, one sounding a bit more rough than the other, yet still managing to sound polite.
“It's not much..” said the first voice. “But I figured you'd like to go over some of this. ..maybe even transcribe some of the audio recordings.. I know you've been itching for a new project of late.”
They sounded almost excited to be sharing this.
“You know me too well, Karma.” came the second voice, which was softer than the first and sounded amused. “It'll take me some time to get through this- oh? And there's artwork too.. interesting work- but I'll be more than happy to do so. Consider this an exception to how I handle wanderer tales.”
The sound of footsteps was approaching the door just as you reached it.
“Thanks! Just keep me posted if you find anything noteworthy!-” answered the first voice as they opened the door. You are met with the strange goat-like creature who got on initially. They had dappled gray what you assumed to be skin, with black hair with bright green tips and even brighter green eyes to match as they stared utterly confused by your presence. The shirt and jacket combination they were wearing was not in good shape, part of the sleeve had a piece torn and the shirt clearly had seen better days. The worn shirt revealed nasty scars across the creature's chest. The only thing of note about the jacket were two very worn red stripes on the sleeves, one of which had writing on it that read: “Outpost 36”. Not even the jeans were spared; it honestly looked like they got into a fight or two on the way to the train. Behind them though stood a slightly taller figure that looked like some sort of moth-like fae, dressed almost like some sort of magician with an umbrella hooked over one arm. “uh- hey Sakurai...you expecting anyone else?” said the goat looking confused. The moth nodded. “I could use the company as I look through these.” they said, smiling as they motioned you inside the next car. “Come on! Let's look at this together and see what stories we can uncover.”
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mnemosyne-xiv · 1 year
introductions are in order~
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Hello everyone! I may be just a little late to the party when it came to finally making a Tumblr for my precious OC Remia, but late is better than never ♡ I was on Twitter originally and tried my best to post a few vn's there, but the format was just too wonky to get the hang of. I'm abandoning the bluebird once and for all to return to my old blogging ways =w=
Plans for the Future
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Going forward I want to publish my visual novels here and even showcase some of my writing and mods! The vn's and writing will be a mixed bag of content featuring Remia and her journey with Zero as well as a whole series involving the Twelve where Menphina decides she wants to go explore Eorzea as a mortal would much to Nophica's dismay. If you decide to stick around for the chaos, I hope you enjoy all that is to come! ♡ I have a ton of ideas and can't wait to share them with you all! But, first things first...
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Remia has a decent chunk of lore so I want to work towards finishing that up first before I really go ham on posting vn after vn so please bare with the barren blog for a little longer ♡ I'll do my best to stay active and interact with everyone whether that's in dm's or simply reblogging posts every now and again while I work! I look forward to meeting everyone and hopefully making some friends along the way on this creative journey I'm about to embark upon ❤
And here are some recent shots I've taken that I'm stupidly proud of ♡
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dearsheroozle · 2 years
i finally subscribed to dropout after seeing your posts about dimension 20 and game changer! i was wondering if you had any recommendations for campaigns (or other shows) to watch first? i've only seen clips or gif sets of all of them
OMG anon this makes me so so so so so happy and I hope you know what can of worms you just opened because this is one of my hyperfixations.
This is probably going to be a bit long (ETA: it was), so I'm throwing a cut down. I apologize in advance for the length. I am going to operate on you knowing very little background, so I apologize if I say things you already know. Just tryna cover my bases!
Hmmm okay. As far as campaigns for dimension 20 goes, it'll depend on your taste and how you like to do things.
Fantasy High is their first season, and if you like to watch things in order, I'd start there. I'd caution that this is true early days, and the cast (including Brennan, sometimes) are not as familiar with 5e yet, so please note that rules will be kinda wonky sometimes. Personally, I found it charming to watch them grow as players! Anyways, here is a bulleted list, in no particular order, that may or may not be helpful:
Fantasy High, Fantasy High: Sophomore Year (also referred to as D20: Live), Pirates of Leviathan, and The Seven, are all part of the same universe, released in the order I put them in. You can watch Pirates and the Seven without watching FH (they're side quests, which means they bring in guest players who are not of the main cast, and the seasons typically are shorter in episode quantity), but you might miss some easter eggs and references. Set in a world based on if John Hughes 80s movies vibes were translated to dnd! Very Breakfast Club right out the gate. I love it very much, and The Seven made me laugh and cry the most out of any season I think, as far as range of emotion goes.
If you don't care if it's about dnd, and want something shorter, I'd recommend Misfits and Magic. This was part of the Summer of Aabria Event, also a side quest, and she GMed a modified game of Kids on Brooms (Brennan is a player in this one). Subverting tropes and ideas that stemmed from... well, you know, that wizard series. And it made me cry like a baby and I loved the dynamic between the players very much. It's only four episodes, with a holiday special as well. It's a good place to start if you wanna get used to D20's edited production format.
I have a soft spot for The Unsleeping City (and its second season), as it has some of my very favorite Intrepid Heroes (this is how the fandom refers to the main cast of d20) player characters. It's Brennan's love letter to New York City, and it's an urban fantasy with very heroic themes. This is a Great full season to start with in my opinion!
My personal favorite season is A Crown of Candy. Please don't start with this one. It will be devastating. Low magic fantasy akin to Game of Thrones, but with way less misogyny and way more anthropomorphic foods. I know how it sounds. Believe me. Don't start here. (You can do what you want, really, but I have to be able to say I warned you.)
A Starstruck Odyssey uses a modified version of Star Wars 5e, and they made probably the most busted overpowered characters I've ever seen them make. It's really fun, and if you love space, you'll love this! I also loved this because while I'm very familiar with regular 5e, SW5e is completely different. So watching them do things I've never even heard of was incredibly refreshing.
Aabria also DMed a side quest that mixed 5e with Good Society, and it's regency meets the FeyWild. RP-heavy, and shenanigans abound. Absolutely unhinged repression arcs that had me screaming into my hands. A Court of Fey and Flowers!
Escape from the Bloodkeep is their first side quest, and notable guest star in this season is Matthew Mercer himself. It's a Lord of the Rings parody where everyone plays... a villain? 👀 Somehow incredibly wholesome regardless. This is also a very good side quest to start with, if you want a taste of how Brennan DMs.
As far as other shows go, Game Changer IS excellent. I would also recommend the spin-off Make Some Noise. Other shows I love are:
Breaking News Network: It will make you laugh. Pretty much guaranteed. They have people read from a teleprompter and they do not know what it will say. They are not allowed to smile or laugh.
A message from the CEO, starring Brennan Lee Mulligan: You might find most of these on YouTube already, but basically Brennan plays multiple beleaguered CEOs trying to make publicity videos for their products. Satirical and hilarious.
Dirty Laundry: Guests come in and submit secrets to the production team, and the host will read a secret out loud, and they try to guess whose secret it was. I have learned some truly insane things about people.
Total Forgiveness: Two cast members come up with challenges for each other, on the premise that if they complete the challenge, the production company will give them money to go towards their college loans. It's incredibly funny, but also if you suffer from secondhand embarrassment easily, this may not be for you.
Um, Actually: This is another game show! Players are given prompts where part of the prompt is incorrect, and they have to buzz in with the correction. Jeopardy rules: they have to say Um, Actually first, or else no points. The most pedantic show (affectionate).
Jesus I am so sorry about the length, and probably the incoherent nature of this entire thing. I could give you a breakdown of every single season of d20 easily, in chronological order, but I feel like I'm already on the verge of overwhelming and scaring you away LMAO.
Thank you for indulging me as well. I love talking about Dimension 20 and Dropout is truly the best streaming service I'm paying for currently.
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the-corset-witch · 5 months
Obsidian.MD - 3 Vaults
As I've previously mentioned, I have split the melting pot of my Notion into 3-4 Vaults. These are my Book of Secrets, Dvalpersy, Gaming Vaults (Sims, Starbound).
Book of Secrets
This is the vault that I spend almost the most time in, besides the next one. I am currently having to tidy it up because the Notion Import was really messy. I am condensing the many pages that were built out of the Notion system of tables&databases creating pages upon pages into singular pages, or in some cases, just deleting them.
This is slowly creating a change in my Graph where it is becoming a bit more readable and easier to hover over the dots. It's also taking less stress off of the Local Graphs. Things I want to do include this:
Refine Notes Snippets from Past/2019-2023
Make Book pages uniform, scrape data from old posts to help compile clearer Book pages.
Expand Grimoire "leaves" so that branches can be built with connections to Books & other topics.
Templates! I want to go through all my journaling and look at the data I seem to most often focus on, and create Templates for each of these, and use Templater Plugin to automate the Note Placement based on Template Used.
But, I have managed to create and refine my Personal Timeline using the plugin April's Automatic Timelines. This plugin has made it very easy to create one massive giant timeline of all the major "plot points" of my life, and then to go in and also create smaller more nuanced timelines of relationships, patterns in jobs and such. It's easy to get lost in this plugin and in my own personal history. It was a bit wonky at first, but after fixing the Date Format, it worked fine!
This is where I may spend more time, to be honest, because this is my Writing Vault for the world I am building. There are far more plugins on this vault, it has its own custom 21-month Calendar with 723 Days, and April's Automatic Timelines also help keep all the events that add to the WorldBuilding Lore organized. I have some main folders, History & Lore, Population, World, and Writings.
I am currently emailing back and forth to figure out why the Longform plugin isn't formatting it's Index for me correctly, I really don't understand what's going on there, but all the other plugins I use seem to be working completely fine!
I use a lot of Canvases in this Vault, which is very neat, but some people chose to use Excalidraw. I've been thinking about it because aesthetically it looks rad as hell.
I have built a considerable amount of templates here that I will probably be borrowing from in order to help create templates for my BoS Vault.
Gaming Vaults
I used to use Notion to keep my Rules & Excel or Google to keep the data on my Sims, but I am attempting to do that in one app here with Obsidian. Granted, I haven't used it much for Sims. What I did end up using it for was Starbound.
It all started with creating my Captain's Page, and then each planet she visited began getting a page and small stories began to build, and soon it was almost like a strange wikipedia of her adventures. It has me wanting to completely scrub out my Starbound data and start fresh, because multiple characters/captains could each have a separate page and their adventures could almost never touch-- unless, by chance, they did find the same planet. And the Universe, that stays the same on your PC with Starbound, or so I read, so this actually has me quite fascinated with the capabilities.
The plugins on these tend to be really basic, and usually I lean on the ITS theme for these Vaults as well.
0 notes
marinedecoder · 8 months
Happy new year, folks, I am - as almost always - running behind with stuff I meant to post closer to xmas because I'm fighting a dissertation currently. With that said, here's the first of a couple of posts that'll be coming out via my queue.
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My partner went above and beyond for gifts over the festive period. I got the world's most useful kitchen organisation tool for my utensils, and two RH gifts! Sunny and Luna here - who I've been desperate for since their release - were my final gift from them. I'd never expressed I wanted them to the boo, so they were an amazing surprise.
I'm gonna try something a little different and shove the rest of my usual, rambling review under a cut. I might keep to this format later, I might not. This is basically a scrapbook for my dolly hobby for me, after all.
First things first!
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Straight out the box impressions? I adore these girls (but it is painfully obvious where most of the budget went, poor Luna got the short straw lol)
With Luna having said short straw, I'll start with her:
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She's stunning - her hair is a bit wonky out the box, but it's an easy fix. All her clothing pieces are very nicely made (as per usual for RH/SH), and I love the subtle sort of pinkish blush on her cheeks. I'm also super into her weirdly boxy shoes, they're sick as hell.
She's fully going to get the black mesh top Mila came with, and I think I've got black fishnet type tights she can have, too, for the meantime. Later down the line when I've got more energy I may try to make her the bodysuit she has in the show, we'll see.
I'm obsessed with both of their bags.
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Luna's little box bag being able to open and close is delightful to me, as someone who was very used to Solid Plastic Doll Bags when I was little. It's also a super handy way to keep track of the twins' accessories while they're in the hair salon. Sunny's delightful little bear bag has that typical fuzzy flocking feeling, and is just painfully cute.
On that note, moving on to Sunny!
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She is STUNNING. The little jibbitz on her crocs are adorable, and the "patch" on her shirt is such a sweet idea, her whole outfit is super cute.
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Her skirt is two layers, and amazingly to me the pockets are fully functional (also as per usual, but with the material used I wasn't sure they would be)
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Her hair is SO CRUNCHY though, oh my god. I'm not massively looking forward to trying to recreate that hairstyle without/with much less gel, haha! I'll get to it in time, though. That's all for these gals, more in the next post!
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vikith21 · 2 years
Okay I was just going to put this in the tags but I have so much to say tags arent enough; its too much for the tags.
So the previous post I just reblogged is about explaining why you hurt someone and like how
1. its not an excuse, the person may just genuinely want to apologize for having hurt you with the explanation to clarify intent and communicate well with you
2. the explanation can be comoforting; the person meant well but hurt you and is sorry
I want to point out whats briefly mentioned but is where people take issue: when people explain as an excuse, or essentially as a way of going "oh its not my fault" and "apologize" without taking responsibility for their part in hurt you, on purpose or not. Thats the bullshit. But genuine explanation for the sake of clarity and communication is fine; theres nothing wrong with explaining, but unfortunately a lot of people have gotten the "apology" explanation where really the person is making an excuse or going "its not my fault", so you have to be clear. You have to be upfront and direct about how you are 1. sorry and 2. explaining for clarity so you both understand the situation and again emphasize that youre sorry, youre just trying to communicate well, so you both understand..... and you have to understand if the other person doesnt want the explanation. Like I said too many people get the excuse bullshit not genuine communication, so they dont care about why. Im one of those people; I dont care about why because for me its not comforting; the fact that you hurt me and didnt mean to doesnt change anything, I just want you to not do it again. So for people like me I suggest patience and understanding we might not be able to communicate super well, and, if you really must give an explanation, ask first, get permission, and then keep it brief and emphasize youre sorry, even if it wasnt your fault. Be clear and concise and understanding and, hopefully, we'll communicate well back, deal with whatever is going on and/or what has made us respond negatively to explanations, and maybe it wont be so big a problem in the future. And of course to people like me, who dont want the explanation at all or generally have some issue with explanations ebcause theyve been used an excuse or such in the past: some people really are just trying to be clear to communicate well so everyone understands what went on, to say sorry and also, maybe, prevent what happened from happening again. Be patient with them and kind to yourself; communicate your past etc. whatever you feel comfortable doing/is relevent that youre comfortable sharing. Its hard and awkward and communication can suck, but some people really are trying to do it well by explaining what happened as they say theyre sorry. Its okay. Good luck all and sorry for the shit format, the post got wonky for some reason.
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steven-and-james · 3 years
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Save your fic, skip the indentation.
Indentation may be necessary in a high school essay but on Archive of Our Own, indentation can make the reading experience unpleasant, especially if your paragraphs tend to be shorter. 
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When it comes to line alignment, go left. 
While making your text justified may look best at first, it is hard on the eyes to read for longer stretches of time (especially when late at night—which is when most people tend to read fanfic!) So, for the sake of your reader, consider using left alignment.
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Use quotation marks, it’s in the name. 
Even though it may be super obvious and easy to some, formatting dialogue into your fic can be tricky; let me save you some time. Indicate what is being spoken by bracketing it with quotation marks (these guys → “”) and refrain from using any other method, especially italics. 
Shut up, I’m thinking (not talking) 
So what do I use italics for? Glad you asked: Italics are typically used to demonstrate a character’s thoughts or emphasize a word or statement. Additionally, you may want to italicize a quote, song lyric, etc. Really, feel free to italicize anything you want, except, of course, dialogue.
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Meet your new soulmate, horizontal lines. 
No longer are the days of thirty identical emojis and “POV SWITCH” spelled out in bold in the middle of a fic. If you are cutting to a new scene or switching points of view, just insert a horizontal line and call it a day. 
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Quantity ≠ Quality
*Not applicable for fics under 1,500 words*
Having more chapters may seem more appealing on the surface, but having to press the next chapter button every minute can be a major deterrent for readers, especially those who use ao3 on their phone. Thus, if you have a 20k fic ready to go, think about splitting that baby into ten chapters instead of twenty. Remember, ao3 does not have a sort by chapter number option—only word count. 
Yeah, yeah, it’s summary time
Man, summaries can be confusing to navigate no matter if this is your first or fifth fic. Here are a couple things you should not do when writing your summary. 
Writing the word “summary” in the summary
Putting a really long author's note in the summary 
Saying “this is really bad” or “this is my first fic” and the like. (they can go in the end notes if you really want to tell your readers, but also, be confident!)
The same goes for “please give kudos and comment” and “please read” 
Having a “explainer” summary. 
An example of a explainer summary would be saying something like, “this is basically my take on what i think happened after [blank] because [blank] broke my heart and sucked. [blank] essentially is sad when [blank]  breaks up with [blank] so they gets revenge and starts a ~relationship~ with [blank]” 
Having a really long summary. At most a summary should be 8-10 sentences but I would aim for shorter. 
Putting a disclaimer in the summary. The great thing about ao3 is that you do not need to include a disclaimer for reasons that a far too complicated for me to sum up here, but if you would like to read up on it click the link: https://www.transformativeworks.org/faq/
Additionally, below are some examples of good and easy to read summaries. One is an actual summary while the other is a carefully chosen excerpt from the “fic”
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O Rich Text! My Rich Text!
The rich text option on ao3 is a life saver and I highly recommend you take advantage of it. Not only is much more user-friendly, but when copying and pasting your fic, the line spacing won’t come out all wonky like it does when you copy and paste into the html box. 
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On Tagging
Tagging on ao3 is one of those things that, like summaries, seems daunting at first but is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Now, I feel it would be best for me to explain tagging in another post as there’s a lot to cover and this post is already pretty long, so look out for that in the next couple of days.
And always remember the golden rule of fanfiction...
Write in Third Person, Damn It!
(unless it’s a stylistic choice, of course.)
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lavender-spice · 2 years
i can help, you know
steve harrington x fem!afab!reader smut
minors and ageless blogs please wander elsewhere
steve catches you off guard with an offer during your rant about sexual fulfillment (or a lack thereof, that is)
warnings: smut, p in v, oral and fingering (f receiving), choking, roughish sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, dom!steve, degradation, use of the word “cunt” in the literal sense
my first post on tumblr in a long long time !!
mobile user so sorry if the formatting is wonky, hope you enjoy!
wc 1.8k
“and he left! just like that.” you huffed.
you’re sitting on your bed across from steve, angrily retelling the horrors of your last hookup. the guy was a prick- not only did he chase his own high and leave, he had taken you on a terrible date beforehand too.
it’s been routine since senior year- you or steve have a hookup every now and then, and the next day or so you digress on it. was it great? terrible? you seem to get lucky with the short end of things. guys are duds- especially the ones that somehow find their way into your pants.
“you can’t seem to catch a break can you?” steve states, watching as your shoulders slump.
“i don’t get it. whenever we have these talks you’re always gushing about how great your sex was- and then i’m always here complaining because not a single man has made me come in the last five months! it’s ridiculous.” you curse, leaning back into your pillows. steve continues to look at you blankly, sitting criss-cross at the opposite end of the bed, hunched over and resting his chin on his hands. “steve?” you ask, raising an eyebrow at his thoughtful expression.
“well-“ he begins, sitting up. “i think that may be a bit of an exaggeration there, y/n. i don't gush over my one night stands- and when i do it’s for good reason. i don’t mean to toot my own horn…but the especially good ones i’m doing most of the work.” he ends with a smirk, and you scoff.
“i do the work in most of ‘em too! i rode that guy’s dick a couple weeks ago and i still didn’t cum- what if there’s just something wrong with me?” he rolls his eyes at you, pausing before he opens his mouth.
“i’ll tell you what. tell me to shut up or leave if i’m being insane, alright?” with furrowed eyebrows, you sit up and scoot closer to him. “how about i help you?” you think about his proposal for a second. “help me…get off?” he nods slowly, taking in your expression.
“hey if i’m being crazy tell me! i’m just tired of hearing about every time a guy has disappointed you with his dick for like, the last lifetime- i’m just saying that i could help you out.”
“you’re saying you can make me cum.” you simplify.
it doesn’t take you long to nod in agreement, and steve is just a little surprised. you aren’t. your response was quick with little hesitation for a reason. you trust steve with your life, if battles with otherworldly creatures weren’t enough to prove so- that being said you also trust him with this. he’s a good looking guy and your best friend, and from what you’ve heard, from the man himself too, he’s got some skill in the sheets too- so why not?
he sputters some “so, um, uh”’s for a second, not knowing where to start before you crash your lips into his, effectively shutting him up. you both melt into the kiss, relishing in the familiar- yet forgien feeling of one another.
you’re straddling his lap, and for a while you’re just rocking against one another, tongues fighting sloppily as you feel his cock harden beneath you.
he starts traveling lower, lips messily kissing down your neck. he tugs on the bottom of your shirt, breaking away so you can tug it over your head and throw it to the side. he pauses, breath hitching at the sight of your naked chest.
“you gonna fuck me or are you just gonna stare harrington?” you taunt, jumping when he delivers a smack to your ass.
“not gonna do shit if you keep running that mouth of yours.” he rasps, continuing to suck marks into your neck. you’re taken aback and incredibly turned on from his response- this isn’t your steve anymore. well, it is, obviously- but he’s not laughing and goofy, he’s got dark, lust filled eyes and a low voice that makes you impossibly wet. he’s touching you how you’ve only dreamed he would, your imagination only a fraction of how good he’s making you feel.
his shirt is off next, then your pants, until you’re both left in your underwear. he’s just kicked his jeans off, standing at the foot of the bed. he places a hand on your knee, turning to look at your face.
“are you completely sure you want this? we can stop if you want.” he double checks and suddenly, just for a second, he’s the steve you’ve always known.
“i’m sure, steve. i’m okay with it all, just please touch me.” you feel desperate and a little pathetic begging for him to touch you like this, but that all goes away when he’s then on his knees, prying your thighs apart and dragging a teasing finger over your clothed pussy. you jerk ever so slightly and he chuckles.
“those guys touch you at all, baby?” he teases, prompting you to roll your eyes. they do, you’ve had guys lapping at your cunt during a handful of hookups, the thing is none of them are steve harrington, who’s got you all hot and bothered from a little kissing and a single touch to your core.
he makes a show out of tugging your panties off, and when he’s finally done he lets out a low whistle. he leans back to take a good look at your cunt, and you can’t help but feel shy, instinctively closing your legs a little.
“nuh uh, keep those legs spread nice and wide for me baby. gotta see that pretty pussy before i fuck it up, don’t i?” his words make your face heat up as you place your hand over your mouth, lips resting on your nails.
he traces one finger around your cunt a few times before dragging it up your slit from the bottom, spreading your lips apart. he teases your hole, smirking at your reaction. he’s prodding without slipping a finger inside of you, which drives you mad.
“so wet from a little kissing- makes me think you’re thinking about something else. what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he’s dipping his head down when he’s done talking, latching his lips onto your clit as he slips two fingers into your heat.
“fuck- just-“ you cut yourself off, you feel embarrassed to say what he wants- as if he’s not mouthing at your cunt right now.
he stops almost as soon as he starts, looking up at you expectantly.
“well? what are you thinking about? ‘m not gonna keep going till you tell me baby.”
“god, steve please-“
“use your words.” you grow antsy, clenching around his stilled fingers as you tell him what just boosts his ego more.
“i was thinking about you fucking me-“ he goes back to sucking your clit when you begin to talk, making getting words out much more difficult. “you, we, fuck-“
“i was what? hmm?” he hums against you, eliciting a soft moan. his fingers piston in and out of you quickly, his sucking harsh on your clit.
“you were f-fucking me hard, making me c-cum” you stutter, feeling the tension building in your abdomen. your fantasy plays out in your head as you retell it, and that combined with the delicious curl of steve’s fingers tips you over the edge as your orgasam hits you like a bag of bricks. he pulls his fingers out of you, causing you to buck your hips up from sensitivity.
“i’m gonna make sure you cum again, gonna make sure you’re all fucked out by the time i’m done” he coos, standing up and sliding his boxers down. his cock springs up against his stomach and your eyes widen. you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but seeing it yourself was something else.
“gonna fuck you now baby, that okay?” you nod eagerly, and he wraps his hands around your thighs. your ass nearly hangs off the bed as you wait for him to fuck you stupid. he gives his cock a few pumps, before dragging it across your slit a couple times, spreading precum in your folds. he hisses when the top catches on your puffy clit, before he’s slowly sliding into your cunt, both moaning earnestly at the stretch.
“oh fuck steve..” you whimper. he’s leaving over top of you now, giving you the opportunity to press feathery kisses along his shoulders. he pauses when he’s fully sheathed inside you, letting you adjust.
when you give him the okay to move he’s setting a steady pace, angling up just enough to hit your gspot perfectly with each hard thrust. your moaning out his name, whimpering from his rough movements as he manhandles you.
he’s standing now, having grabbed one of your legs and slung it over his shoulder, allowing him to fuck intj you deeper.
“fuck..so good for me y/n. such a good girl yeah? gonna make you cum so hard..make you forget about all those guys who couldn’t treat you right.” he murmurs, punctuating each quick thrust of his cock.
“‘m gonna cum-“ you whine out,
“hold it for me baby- fuck. wanna cum with you- feel you tight around me.” you nod, and it only takes him three more thrusts before he’s rubbing your clit with rapid fingers, egging you to cum. “c’mon pretty girl make a mess on my cock-“
your second orgasm feels more brain shattering than the last, accompanied by a pornographic moan. steve finishes deep inside your cunt, slumping over you. you hold him close as you both come down from your highs, taking in one another.
after a while he’s pulling out of you, going to grab a cloth to clean you both up, but not before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. you can’t help but think it’s ever so slightly too intimate for the relationship you have, not that you mind.
soon, you’re both snuggled up in fresh sheets, showered and in new clothes. the tv is playing some random show you aren’t paying attention to, too absorbed in your own light conversation.
“told you i could make you cum.” he jokes. you shove him with a tired smile, rolling your eyes playfully.
“yeah yeah whatever. but seriously that sex was good, really good- thank you.”
“no need to thank me, i’ll always help you out.” he tucks a piece of hair behind you ear and presses another kiss to your forehead. again, oddly intimate, but you’ll deal with that in the morning. for now, you’re just going to snuggle even closer to steve and let yourself drift off to sleep.
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
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Prinzessin 👑
Zemo x Reader
Zemo is out of prison and gets to see his wife (you) for the first time in years. No mention of past trauma, just fluffy romantic smut. Still absolute filth though. Set during episode 3 of FATWS. Originally posted on AO3, the paragraph formatting on tumblr went a bit wonky lol, more wholesome than I’m used to writing tbh but Zemo just really wants an heir to inherit his title.
Warnings: 18+, slightly Dom Zemo, breeding kink, oral (f receiving), Zemo has a huge praise kink, fingering, multiple orgasms.
Word count: 3,050
Minors do not interact
When you had seen the call pop up on your phone you were hardly sure whether to answer it or not. You were never keen on answering calls from unknown number but you accepted the call and held the phone to your ear nonetheless.
“Prinzessin?” Your heart almost stopped. Only your husband ever called you that. He had been in prison for years now but you could recognise that voice anywhere. It had to be him.
“Helmut?” You questioned, hoping you were right. You could practically hear him smiling down the phone at the sound of his name on your lips. It had been far too long since he had last heard your voice. “Where are you? Are you out?” You asked, barely more than a hushed whisper, hoping against all reason that you were right.
“Yes Prinzessin, I am free. I am safe. I will send you coordinates, meet me there my love.” With that, your husband hung up the phone. You couldn’t help but notice how his accent was still thick after all the time spent in prison. In the back of your mind you had always a known this day was coming. Helmut Zemo was a brilliant man with a fantastic brain, it was only a matter of time before some other interested party found a way to free him from prison. You were just glad no harm had come to him in the process. Soon enough your phone pinged with a text message from the same number. Before you knew it, you had a bag packed and were on a plane to Madripoor. You were practically trembling with excitement as you walked into the safe house, careful you were not being followed. You stepped inside discreetly, careful not to draw any attention to yourself.
Once inside you were greeted by a beautiful welcome area. Your shoes clicked softly on the wooden floor beneath you. The room smelled of fresh coffee and dust, while it was obvious that this safe house didn’t see a lot of use, you could tell it had been recently occupied.
“My love?” You heard your husband call before he appeared, walking in from a room to your right. His warm smile when he saw you was infectious, just as loving and giddy as he had been all those years ago when you had first met. He wasted no time in crossing the space between you two, your bag dropped to the ground unceremoniously as your arms laced around his neck. His hands moved to your face by instinct, fingers cupping your jaw in a light but insistent way as he crashed his lips against yours. You could feel how his lips were still curled into a smile as they moved against your own. His left hand wandering to your hair, trying desperately to pull you closer, doing everything in his power to make up for all the lost time with this one moment. You couldn’t even guess how long you had stayed that way for before both of you separated, flushed and gasping for air. The need for the other’s touch being greater than the need to breathe. Even as your lips parted, he didn’t let you go entirely. He kept your face close to his, thumb stroking along your cheekbone, almost as if he was scared you would be gone again if he let you go. You had to admit, the Baron looked stunning in his dark, high-necked sweater but the fur lined coat interested you most. To anyone else he may have looked imposing but you knew your husband better than to believe he was capable of causing you any harm. He was absolutely devoted to you, as you have been to him. His lips were pink and swollen and looked absolutely perfect as he drank you in. He smelled of the same cologne he always had, something lavish and expensive. Smelling it again almost made your knees weak after such a passionate kiss.
“H-how did you-.” You began but weren’t given the chance to finish asking your question before your husband had crashed his lips against yours once more, the same passion returning tenfold as his tongue moved instantly against yours. You let out a tiny, breathy moan at his urgency which didn’t go unnoticed by your husband. He would have been more than happy to admit he was desperate to feel your body again. You had both spent so long being denied the pleasures of each other’s bodies that despite how much he longed to tell you all the details of his escape from prison, feeling you again was higher on his list of priorities. Despite himself, he pulled away slightly, only long enough to swoop you up in his arms and carry you to a lavish bedroom. Before you knew it, you were being dropped gently onto silk sheets, with one strong arm either side of your head as the Baron continued his assault on your mouth. He was needier than before, the years of neglect driving him almost mad now that he had you here with him in the flesh. Tiny gasps escaped from you as he bit your bottom lip between his teeth, his hands moving to make quick work of your jacket. Back when you two first met he would have been embarrassed by how much his lust was consuming him in this moment. He was always known for holding his cards very close to his chest, never wanting to give anything away but as his wife, you knew him better. He knew he had nothing to hide from you. You sucked at his neck, marking him as yours while he worked to rid you of your shirt and bra, tossing both on the floor unceremoniously. He pressed, nipping, open mouthed kisses down your chest before biting gently on your right nipple in the way he always knew you liked. Your moans of his name falling from your lips only encouraged him to continue, tongue driving you wild as he pressed it flat against your nipple after a particularly rough bite. While switching sides to give your left nipple the same attention, he used one hand to unbutton your trousers, slipping his hand under the fabric to play with you over your panties.
“Oh my love, you are a soaked little mess.” He practically groaned, feeling how slick you were without even having to move your panties out of the way. Truth be told, you had been like this since you took your seat on the plane to Madripoor but between the continued assault on your nipple and the gentle teasing the Baron was providing between your legs, you could hardly find the words to tell him. He looked up at you with a hunger you had never seen before. Of course, your wedding night had been passionate but this was something else. He was looking at you now like he was ready to entirely lose himself in you. You were an angel in his eyes, all that kept him sane in prison was the thought of making it back to you. And now here you were. He pulled your shoes off before pulling your trousers down your legs, letting them land on the carpeted floor in a heap. You probably should have felt exposed like this, in only a tiny pair of soaked through panties, with Helmut Zemo still fully clothed but you were too lost in your desire to notice.
“Helmut please, please touch me.” Your little needy cry came after he had spent too long tracing one finger over the length of your clothed pussy.
“Anything for you, my Prinzessin.” He whispered softly, watching your face as he slipped just one finger under the thin material and into your soaked pussy. He studied your face as it contorted in pleasure, your little gasps encouraging him as his finger curled just right. His pace was slow but it still felt magical “God my love, you are so tight.” He mused, watching from between your legs as you lay spread on the sheets in front of him. Without warning, he pushed your panties aside and added a second finger and at the same time, pressed his tongue firmly against your clit. The sensations were nearly overwhelming as you involuntarily bucked your hips against his hands and mouth, trying desperately to get more. He had you right on the edge and you knew he had only just started. You could tell by his confident smirk that he knew it as his fingers flexed inside you. “Such a good little kitten for me, you have no idea how much I’ve missed tasting this sweet little pussy.” He praised, finishing his sentence with a broad stroke of his tongue, from where his fingers were driving in and out of you, up to your clit. “You’re so good for me. Look at how you’re practically riding my hand, hmm? So needy and wet. Can’t get enough can you?” He teased with his thick accent, knowing it would only heighten your pleasure. Your legs were shaking with need and he didn’t have the heart to make you wait any longer. He leaned down and sucked gently on your clit. The hand that wasn’t driving into your pussy reached up and tugged your nipples and you knew you were done for.
“Oh my god, Helmut, fuck!” You squealed, feeling your orgasm hit you like a train. Clenching tight around his fingers, your thighs also tightened around his head, keeping him in place as you took the chance to ride out your orgasm on his tongue. Your husband didn’t stop his assault on your body until he sensed he was giving you too much. Your body was tense with over sensitivity when he pulled his fingers out of you, sucking them clean while you watched.
“So delicious my love, you did so well for me.” He sighed softly, leaning over to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue and if anything it made you want him more. His hand tangled in your hair as you moved to push his coat down his arms. He removed his sweater, leaving him in just his dark trousers. His skin was undeniably pale from spending so long deprived of sunlight, or perhaps the dark material of the trousers just made the contrast even more noticeable. Either way, you couldn’t give it much thought at that point, working instead to undo his belt and push the trousers down his toned legs. His boxers were undeniably tented and you took great pleasure in ridding him of them, letting his hard cock spring free. His tip was dark and already slick with precum, his eyelids heavy as you gave him a firm stroke, remembering exactly how responsive he is as a deep moan caught in his throat. As much as you wanted to draw this out, neither of you had the resolve for that. It had been far too long. You gave him a couple more strokes before climbing on top of him, straddling him. The head of his cock between your wet lips felt heavenly, teasing as you rutted back and forth on top of him, not allowing him to enter you just yet. His little gasps were encouragement enough as he groaned praises against your mouth. “You feel so good on me Prinzessin. Need you my love. That pretty little pussy is already dripping onto my cock. Can you feel how wet you are for me?” His praise never seemed to stop as he grasped your waist, letting you slick his cock thoroughly. After a few moments you reached down and grasped him, positioning him at your entrance before slowly sliding down on his length. The stretch had both of you gasping, your bare chest pressed against your husband’s as you gave yourself a moment to adjust to his size. “That’s it my love, taking me so well, just like I knew you would.” He encouraged as you slowly started to bounce up and down on his member. Your little needy moans getting louder as you became accustomed to his size. God, you just felt so full. Anchoring your hands on his shoulders, you bounced on his cock as the praise continued. “Yes my love, I can tell you’re enjoying this, you missed feeling me fill you up. You don’t need to tell me, this pretty little cunt is giving it away. Squeezing me so tight.” If Helmut Zemo had one thing, it was a filthy mouth. Your body ached from the position, your legs growing tired but his head was hitting so nicely inside you it would have killed you to move.
“W-want you to fill me Helmut.” You moaned out, turning quickly into a panting mess.
“Really my Prinzessin, is that what you want? Want me to cum in this sweet little pussy? How about I do just that? Fill you up with my cum? You would look so beautiful carrying my heir for me. Is that what you would like? Do you want me to make sure your little belly is full of my seed?” He mused filthily against your ear, beginning to thrust from underneath you. His words and the intensity of his thrusts had you practically falling apart, orgasm building in you before you even had a chance to warn him. Before you knew it, your pussy was clenching around him and you were babbling nonsense about wanting to give him his heir. Prison really must have given him plenty of time to think. Your fingernails had left deep scratches down his arms but he did not seem to care as you came down from your second high. “You know cumming without my permission is against the rules, my love. But I’ll let you off just this once.” He smiled softly, placing loving kisses against your neck as you fell boneless against his firm chest. He let you take as long as you wanted like that, neglecting his own pleasure to ensure you knew this moment was borne out of love. As much as he longed to be giving you another orgasm, he needed to ensure you knew how much he deeply cared for you. After a few minutes of you regaining your strength, he urged you to lie back on the bed, one hand coming to cradle your face, the other pushing his cock back inside you. You certainly had no objections to this new position, given that your legs felt weak from riding him with such intensity. He kissed you lovingly as he established a decent pace, letting your moans and whimpers help him gauge when he needed to speed up as your pleasure built up once more. His lips only left yours to suck bruises on your neck and his praise continued against your ear. “You’re taking me so well my love, you feel amazing. God I have missed you, missed being buried deep inside you like this. Gonna cum in this little pussy, I will make sure you and my baby never want for anything.” He was practically trembling with the need to fill you, his own release building quickly.
“We will need nothing now that we have you Helmut.” Your promises broken by soft moans as he thrust into you. Carefully, you lifted one leg over his shoulder, allowing him to thrust deeper into you than you could even have imagined was possible. His eyes fluttered shut as he increased his pace once more, chasing a high that was long overdue.
“Touch yourself Prinzessin, cum one more time for me.” He moaned, knowing that he was close. You did as he asked, fingers moving skilfully against your own bundle of nerves as he watched your face contort in pleasure. Within minutes, you were just as close as he was, ready to fall over the edge with him. “Cum for me my love.” He encouraged, watching as your fingers sped up, pussy twitching deliciously around his throbbing cock. Once he felt your orgasm start, he knew he was done for. He fucked you through your high before giving one particularly hard thrust as he filled you with his seed. The force of his orgasm had him trembling above you, barely even able to hold himself up. You reached a hand up to cup his face, stroking your thumb lovingly over his cheekbone as he came down from his explosive high. The sound of your heavy breathing mixing with his was all that could be heard as he slowly pulled out of you and rolled onto the silk sheets beside you. You wasted no time curling up beside him as he wrapped his arms around you, feeling absolutely boneless from three orgasms. He loved these moments, the ones with his loving wife pressed against him, knowing she was safe and satisfied, knowing that everything he cared about in the world was right there in that room with him. After a brief moment tracing little shapes over his bare chest with your fingertips, you spoke. “Did you mean it Helmut? About giving you an heir?” You asked softly, noticing a slight flush creep over his cheeks.
“I did, my love. I have always longed for a child, a little one to inherit my title when I am gone.” He admitted, pressing a hand lovingly to your lower belly. His face made clear that he was being sincere. The love he had for you was almost radiating from him and you had to admit, it had been lonely while he was in prison. You knew, no matter what happened that both of you would be taken care of. You placed your hand on top of his on your belly and kissed him gently, the fingers of your other hand carding softly through his hair. The silence was not uncomfortable, just heavy as he awaited your response.
“Then I guess there’s no time to waste!” You smiled, his laugh at your eagerness was light and carefree, warming your heart that he felt so relaxed with you. Neither of you made any effort to move.
“Do not worry, my Prinzessin,” he breathed softly, thumb stroking lovingly over your lower belly, “we have all the time in the world now.”
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serabellymrph · 3 years
xKIT PART 3: EDITABLE REBLOGS (now known as Trim Trail Items)
So, for this example, I'm going to be using a few friends' posts that I've seen go wonky (their text and images will be blurred, it's simply for example purposes) to show you some little errors that don't happen in comparison to the new version of xKit.
Now, I'm someone who is newer to xKit, but I've used both versions.
*There is no preferences section, which is why it's not included.
Part 1 || Part 2
EDITABLE REBLOGS (because that's what us roleplayers really want, let's be honest.)
First of all--take a breath. Cutting posts is easier, but it's located in a different spot.
Step 1 is to enable the beta editor on Tumblr.
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If this is what your editor looks like, then you are currently still on the legacy editor. You absolutely need to switch to the Beta Editor. If you're not sure how to do that:
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Looking in the upper right hand corner of your browser, you will see the toggle for your beta editor. Make sure you don't have a post in there. It will absolutely wipe whatever content you have in there. Save it to something else and you should be able to paste it back in, though you may have to contend with fixing a little formatting.
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Most keyboard shortcuts still work in this editor, and for the most part, it appears the same as the legacy editor. You have your title, your blog dropdown, your option to add cuts/readmore, music, links, all of that. Some options, like changing to indented, bulleted lists, numbered lists, or bigger text are found when you select a block of text. This is the same way that it functions on the mobile editor.
FUN FACT: Ever resize your window and have your entire post disappear because it switched editors? This is because the "mobile" version of Tumblr uses the Beta Editor as its DEFAULT EDITOR. When you resize your browser window down, it detects the resolution of your browser, and will automatically switch to a more mobile-friendly (or reduced screen size) view for you. If you're using the beta editor, you can resize all you like, and you won't lose your posts!
Now, let's see what the Editable Reblogs actually look like now.
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The posts above are all from DASH VIEW (or blog view, in this specific case -- as I was viewing one of my dud blogs. I was going to rename this blog, but I don't play to play this character, so I'll leave the blog up for people to actually view and see how it works. Panicking because you forgot to cut your draft? Don't-- you can cut right from the dash, too. Look for the little scissors!
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This portion is actually from drafts. What it effectively done is just "removes old trail items" -- meaning that it removes everything BUT the last item. See that cute little scissors icon? THAT'S IT. THAT'S YOUR EDITABLE REBLOG. THAT'S HOW YOU CUT. You click that cute little scissors icon, and bam. THAT. IS. IT.
No backspacing.
No fucking up when you delete too much. (been there, done that.)
No fucked up formatting for your friends who use icons looking weird among the indents.
It preserves it. It preserves the new formatting. It does not accidentally post your drafts when you go to save the draft. THEY STAY.
*one small issue I have noticed is that you need to cut BEFORE you post. It was giving me issues before, but it's possible that the issue has been fixed. It did not appear to cause an issue in these drafts but be forewarned about it. Just hit cut before you edit the draft! Remember - draft, cut, write. DRAFT, CUT, WRITE. DCR. DRAFT CUT WRITE.
Let's remember for a second what the old cut reblogs look like... and what funky things happened to them.
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Now, let's look at something in the new post editor. Here's what a post with some images looks like that's saved in my drafts:
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Here's what it looks like after we've cut it. Note that the new xKit version does not, in any way, alter the actual FORMATTING of the original post. This is what the legacy editor does; it changes the formatting of the post, which is why you get all kinds of weird issues like images making your first paragraph indented and no matter how many times you mess with it, it just doesn't work. You don't have to remove images from your partners' posts so the formatting works, because there's nothing being changed with the formatting in the first place.
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Sometimes, you may run into the issue where, in attempting to cut, it will tell you that legacy posts cannot be cut/altered from your drafts. There's two workarounds to this.
Workaround #1: REPOST IT! This one is the simplest. Take your last reply, copy it into a new post, and start again from there. The same way you might when moving asks to a new post if someone didn't already make a new post from it.
Workaround #2: Edit from the mobile app. Note that I specified the mobile app; this is the only way I've found that works for me. I went into my original post (meaning the VERY FIRST POST OF THE REBLOG CHAIN -- so the very first post you posted to start that thread), edited it from the mobile app (iphone, ipad, android phone or tablet, whatever fits your fancy) and just changed something small--bold a word, italicize a word, change a punctuation, something that made the post fundamentally different.
This pseudo-forced it into the new post format, and from there, I was able to cut. Posts made in-between that were edited with old xKit won't matter--they'll just stay as they were, and you don't have to touch them. Only the first post of the thread matters in this case.
Please note, if you're still using the old xKit for editable reblogs, but your partner is using the new one, they will not be able to cut your posts. The old xKit outright changes the reblog structure and puts their old reply as part of your new reply, while removing EVERY old trail item including their old one (and it appears as nothing more than indented text in your response). As a result, there's nothing to actually cut for the new xKit, so your partners won't be able to cut. You need to be aware of this if you've decided not to make the transition. Don't go bitching to your mutuals for not cutting their posts when they are using the new version and you're still on the old one. Either run both if you're still going to use an old, glitchy addon, or switch entirely. Otherwise, deal with it.
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kido-teiraa · 2 years
縷々たるは祈望 (Rurutaru wa Kibou) (Continuing Ceaselessly is to Hope) [EN/JP/Romaji]
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my first blackstar translation! the electric synths absolutely made this song more catchier... also its more fun to play this in audiosurf than blst _(:””D its the truth
Format is a bit wonky because I posted this from mobile, sowwy
Kanji from Luz and Romaji from Bashiek from the blst discord
Until I bleed out Until I bleed out
「唯一無二のこの愛で `Yuiitsu muni no kono ai de This love is peerless and unmatched 今宵かけぬけたら さあきみのもとへ koyoi kakenuketara sā kimi no moto e I will run past tonight, now, to where you are I don't forget 誓いを約束を I don' t forget chikai o yakusoku o I don't forget, Swear upon this promise 病めるときでも凛として咲く yameru toki demo rinto shite saku Even in a painful time, bloom with dignity その花の名を sono hana no na wo The name of that flower is
月のいない夜はさみしさでできてる tsuki no inai yoru wa samishisa de dekiteru A moonless night causing loneliness, よどむ Lies 踊る Curse きみ想う篠笛 yodomu Lies odoru Curse Kimi omou shinobue Stagnating Lies, dancing Curse, a Shinobue flute for your thoughts, 要領よく生きられない。 yōryō yoku ikirarenai. The outlines can't live on.
ぼくの性 (さが) いつわりなき優しさを Boku no saga itsuwari naki yasashi-sa o My destiny, the kindness without lies that くれたきみに kureta kimi ni you have given Make it last, Make it last, Make it last forever ねぇ make it last, make it last, make it last forever nee make it last, make it last, make it last forever okay 世界うらやむ永遠をあげたい sekai urayamu towa o agetai The world would envy at the eternity I offer
「唯一無二のこの愛で `Yuiitsu muni no kono ai de This love is peerless and unmatched 今宵かけぬけたら さあきみのもとへ koyoi kakenuketara sā kimi no moto e I will run past tonight, now, to where you are I don't forget 誓いを約束を I don' t forget chikai o yakusoku o I don't forget, Swear upon this promise 病めるときでも凛として咲く yameru toki demo rinto shite saku Even in a painful time, bloom with dignity その花の名を sono hana no na wo The name of that flower is
縷々たるは祈望 信じてほしい Rurutaru wa kibō shinjite hoshī Trust in this prayer that ceaselessly continues, Until I bleed out 純白の未来 (ひと) Until I bleed out junpaku no mirai Until I bleed out, a future (person) of pure-white
ここは乱世まともな人間から降りるFeeld koko wa ranse matomona hito kara oriru Feeld This wild place, fell onto the Feeld from sane people どんな懺悔よめどダレもカレも化けのBeast don'na zange yomedo dare mo kare mo bake no Beast No matter the repentance in the dark, anyone or even him turns into a Beast No more Lies No more Lies きみの正義でありたい No more lies, no more lies kimi no seigi de aritai No more lies, no more lies, your have your justice
混沌でも上等荒涼な夜でみていて konton demo jōtō kōryōna yorude mite ite Even in disorder, we view this excellently dreary night
(Long way away)歪んだ (Lost along the way)片影 (Long way away) yuganda (Lost along the way) Katakake (Long way away) Warping (Lost along the way) glimpse
まだ泣けないどんな悲劇だとしても mada nakenai don'na higekida to shite mo Yet don't cry, no matter how tragic it may be
Make it last, Make it last, Make it last forever
もし世界がぼくら引き裂いても moshi sekai ga bokura hikisaite mo Even if we will tear this world apart.
唯一無二のこの愛で今宵かけぬけたら yuiitsu muni no kono ai de koyoi kakenuketara This love is peerless and unmatched, I will run past tonight, さあきみのもとへ sā kimi no moto e now, to where you are
I don't forget 誓いを約束を I don' t forget chikai o yakusoku o I don't forget, Swear upon this promise
病めるときでも凛として咲く その花の名を yameru toki demo rinto shite saku sono hana no na o Even in a painful time, bloom with dignity, the name of that flower is 縷々たるは祈望に汚されないで Rurutaru wa kibō ni yogosarenai de Please do not taint this prayer that ceaselessly continues,
Until I bleed out 純白の未来 Until I bleed out junpaku no mirai Until I bleed out, pure-white future
花は舞う一遂に舞う 永遠を舞う hana wa mau ichi tsuini mau towa o mau Flowers dance, one at last dances, eternity dances
(No more Lies No more Lies)
「あいしてる」より深い物語ささげたい `aishiteru' yori fukai monogatari sasagetai I want to dedicate a story more deeper than "I love you" ましろの花をそえて mashiro no hana wo soete Decorated with a flower of lily-white
t/n: a lot of the words are written entirely in hiragana, so it is meant to be a little vague, so i tried to interpret it as much as i could
if you read this far, thank you!
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