#This is what it's like in a RP session with that guy
irisopranta · 1 year
My Husband's Dumb but Brilliant Idea
Make a Roe, Max Muscle, Name them Roest Beef
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And so I did.
@scholarlostintime, @mimble-sparklepudding, @sasslett This is what I have to deal with sometime.
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randaccidents · 5 months
Downside of rping such a messy, complicated, utterly insane maniac of an asshole of a character like Host: I cannot touch thoughts related to what Host might think about doing or planning when I want to wonder about the future of the rp with a ten foot pole unless I am already in character. Because his thoughts are so violently disgusting and disturbing that its begun to make me Physically Ill recently
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casukaga · 7 months
Please talk about what you love the most about your lil blorbos (Cable and Maverick and anyone else!) and what has been a fun challenge while playing them! And any other details that you're like "this is so neat but so niche so no one will know unless this VERY SPECIFIC SCENARIO COMES UP"
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i fuckin love this guy.
the basic rundown of cable: he’s charming, charismatic, loves spontaneity, and loves living life dangerously!! he’s all about doing what makes you happy and is a big advocate for self-love. they’ve got a high self-esteem and know their self-worth (he knows he’s hot shit and loves himself a lot!! ❤️) they also used to work at a brothel and are super open about their sexuality. this guy? horny. they love performing and pole dancing and wearing high heels. he’s also very affectionate and loves any and all kinds of physical contact. he’s also aromantic and pansexual!! he is platonic partners with my gf’s character, ophelia 💕
you ask me what i love about cable and it’s just. all of him LMAO.
i love cable sm because there’s a lot of myself in him (i made their character at a time when i was doing a lot of self-reflection). also he’s so open and honest and self-confident, i’m like— WOW, i aspire to be like you someday…
if i were to give a challenge i have while playing them… i love rp (it is my favorite part of dnd), but i fear i’m not the best at improv. i tend to get nervous during sessions for this campaign specifically. i think it’s that i’m so self-conscious about playing cable accurate to how i imagine him in my head that i’m just a bundle of nerves. i’m nervous at first, but eventually i get into a groove the longer the session goes on. though, these past few sessions especially, i’ve been pretty happy with how i’ve been playing him!! it delights me when my friends tell me they love cable as well 🥺
i also play leiana, my high elf druid!!
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i realized i haven’t talked about her / showed her publicly on social media at all, so here she is. i don’t have as many things to say about her as i do cable, but i love her all the same!!
she was the first character i tried to give an accent to (irish), and while my irish accent is definitely not that good— it is what it is. this is just how she sounds like, and it’s good enough for me.
leiana is a cartographer and she loooooves bugs. loves bugs. which is very much not like me because i am, unfortunately, a little bug hater. but leiana has such a fascination with nature and bugs especially. she studies bugs and likes to pin them (she only pins dead ones she finds, she would never kill a bug herself) and she has a collection of pinned bugs!
she also has a pet tarantula named fenri, who can change colors! (he’s primarily pink and matches leiana’s hair.)
leiana is no stranger to grief and she fears dying. currently she is trying to distance herself from the party for Reasons 🥲
while i have a few more dnd characters, they are for upcoming campaigns that i have yet to play in!! cable and leiana are the two i am actively playing at the moment :3
maverick is also in my brain constantly these days, but unfortunately i cannot talk abt xem for reasons….one day i will gush abt them to my heart’s content…
thank u for letting me chatter abt my ocs, i give u a little kiss on the forehead
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AITA for not telling a player why I'm dropping them from my table?
I am running a D&D game, and it has been going on for a few months. It was intended to be a short game an we only have a few weeks left. When I invited everyone to the game, it was with that knowledge, and with the pre-requisite that they are an experienced player. I established what kind of game it would be from the start.
This guy, Quinn (not irl name) said he met the requests and was excited to play. As we began, it became apparent he was incredibly inexperienced with D&D (not knowing what a proficiency bonus is, not understanding action vs bonus action, etc). All of the players and I were patient with him, and this wasn't a problem. But we did have to shorten goals in the game because he slowed down combat drastically. We were still on a set timeline. My only issue with this was that he lied to me from the beginning.
Many other things were red flags: him getting upset when players couldn't make a session (giving notice), but him showing up late to every session. Dominating rp and not being interested when it wasn't about him, not really listening to me as a DM (I am femme presenting), but listening to my partner (m) who I'm co-running the game with. We had tried to talk to him about issues in the past, and he was receptive and gently corrected his behavior.
Before this recent session, the players made a wild turn and we are rolling with it. But, due to this sudden change, another player asked if we could come back to those side adventures as a 2-3 shot later. I agreed. But Quinn then pushed for us extending the game as a whole. I was very firm that we were ending on the 10th, to respect other people's time. Later, a player had covid exposure, but ended up being negative after 5 days and tests, but I requested everyone wear masks anyway because we had all recently had more warnings of exposure. Everyone else preferred this, except him, who outright refused, and I told him he could call in instead and we'd set up a camera.
These last few things rubbed me the wrong way, so I asked all the other players privately how they were feeling, without goading them by expressing my gripes. It didn't want to start a hate train, only see where evryone was at. I was already of the mind that I would not have him back at my table after these sessions, but would finish out the game with him.
When my players reported back, I found out that Quinn had made the only female player feel incredibly uncomfortable, reaching out to her privately, relentlessly attempting to flirt with her character (which as always shut down by me or even another player). Additionally another player got back to me saying they were very uncomfortable because Quinn had been pressuring them to hang out outside of the game, and not taking "no" for an answer. Various other things were brought to my attention, but those two responses were what made me decide to remove him then and there.
I never spoke to the other players about what each of them had said, so some people were confused because, while they didn't like him much, they thought removing him was sudden.
Quinn blew up in a chat with me and the co-DM, demanding a reason. He messaged me privately with some aggressive claims that he deleted soon after. We called him that night to talk, and told him we'd offer his information to the other players should they want to reach out as friends. I only listened in on the phone call due to the agression in his messages to me.
On the phone, my partner simply explained to him he wass no longer a good fit, and we are doing what is best for our table and players. Quinn berated him for more information, targeting the content of his character and skills as a DM in order to get a reaction, but my partner just told him, "responses were kept private. I will not divulge any more information, but we will no longer have you at our able moving forward."
Quinn's behavior during the call only solidified that this was the right choice (saying we have god complexes, are alcoholics because we got drunk during one game, announcing he'd slander us to the community at the local game shop, reminding that he knows where we work as a veiled threat).
The thing Quinn kept pressing for was asking how he can correct his behavior if he doesn’t know what he did. But we refused to tell him because it would directly out some of our players, who we promised anonymity.
I know I'm not wrong for booting him from the table, but AITA for not explaining why so that Quinn can correct his behavior?
What are these acronyms?
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louissatturi · 1 year
My oppinions on the quarentena character's
"Dr" Benito Camelo: he is one of the character's that surprised me the most and also did't surprised me AT ALL (weird i know) i thought he would be more of a joke character since its name is literally a joke name (literally a Paula Tejano) but seeing quackity's rp from the first minutes the character got predictible (in a wonderful and good way) to me, FINNALY an asshole that would not save a child or actually help his team, he got my heart pretty quickly since he was a asshole like my bisexual queen Elizabeth Webber, he is also a character witch i want to see his fake asshole mascarede to break, the very very small moments of his "goodness" are so interesting, even when he only saved emi to test on her and was being an ass to this poor orphan child, he did't wanted her to see the dead (defenily becoming a creature) body of her father, exited on where this character is going for now one, will he get character growth and actually help his team and being a father figure to emi?(comparing him a little bit to liz in here sorry) or will he still being a sellfish bastard? I hope if he survives he comes back to the universe, interesting character and had alot to give for the story and universe of ordem paranormal
Luis Miguel Kennedy: omg the moment roier oppened his mouth to roplay luis i feel in love with him, luis is type of character in ordem that i unfortunaly always fall in love with "Combatente class character that has a hero complex that is funny" (lírio and joui jouki my obssesions) and i adore him, i loved the parody batman voice actor that roier did to him, i liked that he was basicly the only one in the group if more "hero" like morality and im obbessed with his ridiculous name that implies some american heritegy but something that got my attention is his hatred for people that he dosent wiew as "good" or "worth" of saving, the way he acts with benito says a lot about the character, they way would defenily kill benito if emi asked is TERREFYING, he would kill for other but basicly only how he finds worth and its a fun shake up of this trope and he is so Bisexual i LOVED HIM
Jeffrey Bacon: i really enjoyed him as a character, and found him really funny even if the jokes did't landed with me most of the time, he is quirky in a straight men way is very interesting, he is just a regular guy defenily not prepered to be dealing with the ordem paranormal bullshit that he is seeing, i found foolish rp for Jeffrey wonderful but Jeffrey as a character did't impressed me tbh, i really want to see how foolish will do to Jeffrey when it's time to take Jeffrey seriously and in more dramatic moments where jokes aren't really fit for the situation since foolish clearely is going to a more comic-relif rp, im scared for this poor soul since cellbit will traumatize this character the most
Lucie Pocharde: i really enjoyed her, more from how baghera played rather then lucie by herself, she is pretty much what i expected her to be but with a bonus of her being actually annoying!, idk how baghera endured the session being so late for her but she did amazing (horrible dice aside) hopefully now that baghera know more what to do with her rp regarding lucie we will see lucie's more as her own character, she is pretty interesting but her alone as a character did't grew that much on me but i loved to see baghera playing, waiting for next saturday to know more about her so I can have a better jugment
Diego Thalles: he is really sweet, really fofo and gay, thats all, since pac was very clearly nervous with the whole situation pac kinda "hided" his rp talents that could me good for Diego, its a easy character that we dont know much about so i enjoyed his pressence but for me if he dies the only loss is that we wont have pac in a ordem table tbh, he is the character im the most neutral about, waiting next week so we know more of him and hopefully pac lets his rp talent shine
Emília (emi): cellbit showing once more that he does not know who to do preteens especially preteen girls with emi lol, at fist i did't cared much of her since she has such obvious death flags but she grew on me FAST, such a annoying brat love her, especially her interactions with lucie and benito those moments ware iconic, waiting to see what cellbit does to her, honestly i want her to be the sole survival of this group, if a tpk heppens, i hope more people on the group besides luis interact with her more so we understand her personality betted
Mikael: Really fucking hot omg does ordem artists do not know how to NOT make peopls hot???? This character surprised me because i thought he was a ordo realitas agent 100% but nah he is actually a "villan" lol im exited in witch vibe cellbit is leaning with him, exited to see him dying horrible since he is a antagonist and a hottie
Thats all!
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vsagis · 26 days
ya bitch is feeling soft today so hey lets have a shoutout to my beloved rp partners 💚
first and foremost my dear friend bee, @rigelig! we clicked so quickly, and i am so happy that i followed you and messaged you, because i cant imagine what it would be like if you werent my friend. youre such a kind-hearted person, and i can never thank you enough for always being by my side and helping me through the low points and celebrating the highs. and of course our muses! god, how much i love ibuki and izuku, theyve grown so much together, and i cherish their every interaction, and every thread we have with your other muses! wouldnt change it for anything. thank you for being in my life, because it got so much better when you appeared in it.
then of course caitlin, @spungolden. if someone were to ask me, how long do we know each other? i would say, havent we forever? joking around and talking with you never fails to brighten my day, and i am immensely grateful for having met you. i can always count on you if i need advice because of your logical mind, but also because of your big heart. when it comes to izuku and blake, we created so much together, angst and fluff and drama and funny moments, the same with dio, and with blake and shouto. we have our own lil shared universe (and then all of the aus!, and i love it so much!
last but not the least it's time to talk about raine, @huntershowl. we havent known each other for a long time, and while i do get attached to people easily, i know this friendships not going to fizz out. youre stuck with me youre always a pleasure to be around and throw ideas at each other, and the shit(tm) we went through together showed me whos my real friend (thats you). it was hard and painful, but i wouldnt go back and change anything about it, because it all lead to a healthier place. (doesnt mean we cant be a lil mean in our little group of two and have a shittalking session!) then comes our timeline of izuku and seph and boy! you know how much i enjoy these two, i keep talking your ear off about them all the time, but thats my love speaking. theyre rotting my brain, but in a good way.
theres many more people who made my experience on tumblr a happy place, but you guys are just. top notch. chefs kiss. never let anyone make you feel low, because youre all amazing. 💚
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gaykarstaagforever · 7 months
Well! Second DMing session ended with the guy who made me do it, who was going to "help" me, hanging up on me mid-session and texting
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So much for "I don't care if you don't know how to do it, I'll walk you through it," I guess.
I was very clear from the outset that I think most ttrpgs, and ALL DnD rules, are arbitrary math nonsense that you need a college course to understand, specifically created by terrible people to force everyone else to put up with their infantile, unintuitive view of the universe. I told him I hate this crap. He manipulated me into trying it anyway. Guess who hasn't changed his mind, and guess who is now throwing a temper-tantrum about it? I TOLD YOU this was a bad idea.
I read the book. The 8 books. It doesn't matter. They're math textbooks written by bad writers and my eyes kept glazing over. I don't understand why any of these rules exist. I'm just forced to memorize formulas. That I don't respect.
There is no space for reputation, or politics, or combat scenario realities, or random accidents and diseases, or genuine surprises, or living in an apathetic, living, breathing world that doesn't give a fuck about your Chosen One status. It is wizards casting fire balls, because the guy doing that hates his mom, and made up a rule set where he can play his weird stupid power fantasies. His weird, stupid, RACIST power fantasies, if this last group's predilections is any indication.
I don't have patience for this. It's arcane and unrealistic and sucks the joy out of everything and it ISN'T FUN.
If you love it, great. I'll get out of your way. But it runs counter to how my brain works and I fucking hate it. I love the idea of using dice to RP events and see what happens. But at some point of complexity you are just obeying someones precious little rule-book so obnoxious math nerds who memorized it can be smug about exploiting loopholes.
Go play a video game for that. That's not a healthy social interaction. That's yet another version of a group of fucked-up people being whiney and dogmatic about random shit they made up, specifically so they can be cool in a world they specifically designed for that purpose. And what the fuck is that? I hate them, and I hate that.
My old mantra was "nerds with math ruin everything." I was always half-joking, but only half. I have zero respect for everything this is, and what people are apparently looking for from it. It is frustrating and boring and limiting and stupid to me. I don't enjoy it. And I don't even want to ever play it again, because I dread being doomed to waste my brain power sorting out weird meta game math shit that doesn't seem to take into account any defensible simulation of actual reality.
I have spent 120+ hours over the last 5 months trying to get into this. Trying to get a handle on why people like it, to figure out the secret I am missing. I have spent stupid amounts of money on stuff, to that end.
And I either lack the 3000 IQ space brain to get it, or I absolutely get it, and I just absolutely hate it. Either way, I've had enough.
I want to do a D6 system that is just "roll against opponent, bigger number wins, DM RPs what that means." That's loose and interesting and feels like real life. The rest can go jump in the river.
The world is unfair to life. You're not 12 anymore. I don't get anything out of playing around in a baby world made for babies. You're just mad because it isn't going to work in your favor the way I'm proposing it.
It's like Tim Cain said about programming RNG. You give them real RNG, everyone gets mad because "it's not fair." Because RNG isn't fair. They don't want RNG, they want to be autocrats of reality, then soothe themselves that they're not in fact cheating assholes by claiming "the numbers worked out in my favor."
When the reality is that the system was specifically designed over 50+ years to give them an advantage. And that isn't RNG. That isn't playing a role. That isn't being a real hero by self-sacrificing and being randomly lucky and muddling through. It's just egotistical self-delusional nothingness.
Like, maybe these kinds of games are STILL niche things for a reason? Maybe the only really popular and profitable entries are video game and movie versions where you don't see the math, BECAUSE you don't see the math? Like I don't think I'm alone in not giving a shit about this byzantine, nerfed crap.
That doesn't make me better. Do whatever you want. But if THAT'S what you're doing, count me the fuck out.
I did my time, and I'm sick of this shit.
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carionto · 1 month
So Humans are pretty good at disassociating and viewing things from other perspectives, imagining we're someone else, playing pretend, at least some of us. A fairly high level cognitive ability, right?
How about then - Aliens are astonished by a Human D&D session:
DM: " 'What foul trickery is this? These wares cannot possibly be from the High Mountains!' The merchant shouts at the baubles Artificer forged during last session that Rogue had swapped from Fighter's pouch, your passive perception failed to notice this. What do you do?"
Fighter: "First, OOC, Rogue - fuck you. (Rogue and Artificer are stifling laughs) IC I guess I roll to Bluff, cuz this merchant's been a dick anyway and I need money for that +3."
[clickity clackity the dice gods say ok]
DM: "With your battle hardened appearance and having delivered genuine goods in the past, the merchant does appear skeptical of his own judgement for a moment. 'Well, I suppose that mountain range is quite vast. Where exactly did you procure them from? I have heard from other associates about a few smiths in the area that only rarely offer their services to outsiders.' He says while taking out a magnifying lens from his pocket to further examine the ornament. What do you say?"
Fighter: "Uhh, fuck it. I go: 'Indeed. It was quite an unexpected encounter. The dwarven smith had stumbled out from the local tavern and asked us to help him get home. After a while of him getting the directions wrong, he pointed to a cave and excitedly ran towards it, throwing these things at us as, I assume, a sort of thank you gift? It was rather bizarre, but we had other matters to attend to at the time, so we left it at that and moved on.'"
[The rest of the party is quite impressed at the sudden story, with Cleric chiming in "I'd believe it if I hadn't been there."]
DM: (with a sudden shit eating grin) "As you tell this tale, the merchant's gaze begins to grow more and more suspicious. When you finish, he stands up and accuses you of lying: 'That is utter nonsense. Mountain Dwarves are greedy bastards who never part with their valuables even when their life depends on it. Second, you've never met a Mountain Dwarf at all or you would know from experience, like I have, that no amount of booze gets them drunk AND away from drinking. Those freaks only ever sleep at their taverns, and only from getting black-out drunk, not to mention they hate natural caves and would not leave one alone. And third, the crystals in these baubles are plainly quartz mixed with some colorant I admittedly have not seen before, but your blatant lies have made it clear. GUARDS! Escort this scum from my premises!' He shouts and four burly Half-orc guards approach from the sides."
Barbarian: "I rage and punch the closest one."
The party: "Ugh, c'mon dude, not again."
DM: "Does anyone actually try to stop him?" Barbarian without pause adds: "I dare you."
The party: "... The merchant has been a dick every time." "Plus we're level 9 and I haven't used my newest magic item yet." "Guys, this is a bad idea, we're in the middle of town!" "Sorry, but it's been almost all RP for the last two sessions, I wanna roll some dice!" "Okay, fine, we roll initiative."
(okay, I got distracted by the scenario I randomly came up with and forgot my initial plan, but you get the idea: DM can switch from neutral and descriptive and maybe a bit playful, to rude and snide, to angry, to a variety of other character archetypes and emotions at will, especially a good improviser or like a theater kid and even doing different voices and noticeably changing their physical mannerisms etc. It's amazing to other people when it's done well, so it could be mind blowing to a species whose mental capacity is less suited for that sort of thing.)
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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Things are going well out in the Veil, I see. At least Gamzee's happy.
I have to say, I'm interested in hearing how Karkat pitched his plan to the team. I'm sure many of them can already tell that it's counterproductive, but maybe Karkat's not the only one who wants to let off some steam.
Karkat already read this memo - which means he's making an impassioned speech about trolling, fully aware that Terezi is heckling him in the group chat.
I can just picture him glaring at her for the entire duration of the speech, as she slowly reaches for her keyboard with the biggest shit-eating grin she can muster.
CAC: :33 < i dont understand why we are doing this! CAC: :33 < what was the point again?
Sounds like Nepeta's out. That's a shame; her RP schtick would make for some good trolling. Maybe later.
PAST carcinoGeneticist 2 [PCG2] 5 MINUTES AGO responded to memo.
Karkat's back - implying Trollian bans only apply to a single iteration of that account, regardless of the gap between iterations.
In other words, you can circumvent a ban by joining from a different timeframe, even if that's literally two minutes later. You don't even need time travel to abuse this - just wait, and your ban will be ineffective almost immediately.
This app is amazing.
CTA: you all can troll the2e iincompetent aliien2 all you want, iit won't change anythiing.
We saw some of this attitude from Sollux back in Act 4. With the context that Hivebent brings, I have to wonder if he's been listening too much to Aradia. He was certainly trying to change things before the session.
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theladyragnell · 7 months
hi nell! can you share some insight into how writing things (e.g., letters) in-character affected your experience of playing d&d, and what made you start doing it to begin with? (also, any tips for note-taking during sessions?)
I started doing writing letter recaps because @samyazaz was doing it and I'm a joiner! So the reasons behind it were as simple as that, and I love epistolary anything so as soon as she told me she was doing it I was sold.
So, overall, I found them an incredibly helpful tool. They helped coalesce my notes into a narrative, and they helped me check in with where my PC was at in her head after every session (I am not an improv professional, I found those few hours of distance REALLY helpful for coming back into the next session with a good idea of how to play things). They also gave my DM and party a chance to see the same, and there was definitely a time or two when my letters made @sovinly realize I'd misinterpreted or missed something. Because none of us were super confident at roleplay, it also gave me a chance to do some relationship development between my PC and NPCs who were in a different place (and eventually allowed me to do my big epistolary romance because of the narrative I'd built up across letters with my DM's help).
So, overall, it really helped me with a lot of character arc and relationship things! And beyond that, it felt like a fun little meta-game to play (not in the sense of metagaming (derogatory) like people talk about with D&D, like more a game of making it into a fandom while it was being constructed), and it helped me pay better attention and write better notes! I went from writing a few scattered NPC names and basic summaries to writing something like a thousand words of notes per session because I wanted to remember as well as possible for the recaps.
But, okay, re: your other question, I'm going to be very honest here: I am not good at notes. As you might have picked up from what I literally just wrote, they tend to be either feast or famine with me! I write the titles of the powerpoint slides or I write down everything the teacher says with very little in-between, to use a class notes metaphor.
But on the whole I highly recommend your session notes include:
New NPC names and jobs, and their general relationship to your party (friendly shopkeeper, the rogue's aunt, the sorcerer's fifth grade nemesis, whatever)*
New locations and anything important about them (abandoned temple outside of town, sea cliff dotted with caves)
New information received (definitely from the DM, but also from fellow PCs for bonus points, your cleric will be delighted if you remember they're from the town of Bibblesworth next time you all RP together)
New lore received
A vague sketch of the session's events (including mention of any old NPCs or locations that have come into play)
A summary of any plans for what's coming up that you're party has come up with, especially if you were planning for next time (don't be that guy who forgets in the week(s) between sessions that you all decided that you were all going to sneak into the sea cliffs together and wanders off to chat with mermaids instead while the rest of your party gets TPKed)
The first four things I recommend you take notes on during the session, and the last two I recommend you jot down when it's over, either right there at the table or as soon as you get home/off the zoom call from the session. It's a balance I've never quiiite managed, but it seems like a very reasonable and functional one to me.
*Optionally, take down a bit about their appearance too, because while no DM I've played with has done this, I feel like plenty of DMs do put on an expectant voice and say "And in front of you is standing a redheaded gnome wearing golden armor" and think the party will greet a familiar NPC with joy when they might not have that description memorized.
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prpfz · 2 months
(Resending because I forgot to add a few more details! Again 😭💀 imsosorrymods)
⛓🔗 Looking for an angsty, toxic, perhaps whumpy fandomless omegaverse MxM rp with a dash of dom/sub and s&m dynamics with my muse as the dom! Ideally around semi-lit to novella. While I do adore longer responses because it gives more to work with, I always prefer quality over quantity! And sometimes, the rp does get a little stale, so some shorter stints are understandable. Still, no one-liners please.
I don't necessarily have a specific plot in mind, but I do have some rough ideas.
Our muses meet through a faceless BDSM club of sorts, which eventually leads to a long-standing dom/sub relationship except neither have seen each other's faces yet. Or perhaps one has shown his face, but the other remains masked. They only meet for sessions, after all, and most of their conversations happen in the club. Their relationship is... a little unclear at best. It's been so long that perhaps some feelings have developed. Or it could just be a case of mistaken feelings. Perhaps their bodies have just gotten a little too used to one another, which, considering biology and all, may have caused some unexpected attachments. It's not strange to feel a little protective over a long time partner, is it? Who knows.
I was thinking your muse may have caught some feelings along the way. Every session begins to just be an excuse for them to get some attention from a silly little crush. Or an unhealthy attraction that they might not be sure what to do with, since my muse simply doesn't seem as interested as they are... or is he? Your muse would prefer it if he was, but they'd be fine with anything at this point. My muse is strange and a little closed off, and god forbid if they lose his interest now. Your muse is absolutely ready to let him do as he wishes if that's what it means to keep his attention– they don't even need a safeword anymore, if it comes to that. But anywho, your muse can be anyone! A mouthy, down-on-his-luck guy that just happens to use the club to numb his pain? A lifetime member that hasn't believed in love or relationships for quite a while? Or a newbie just looking for new experiences that accidentally got swept into a whole new world?
All of that said, I WANT PAIN, I WANT CONFLICT, I WANT PINING, I WANT TEARS!!! I WANT TWO PEOPLE THAT REALLY SHOULDN'T BE TOGETHER BUT ARE ANYWAYS!!!! And also as a final sidenote, smut is pretty much inferred, but I don't want it to be the sole focus. I want the drama that comes along with their relationship and dynamics, and it'd be great if we find a balance between the smut and the drama! Other elements such as hybrids or maybe more fiction-aligned additions can be included.
Please interact and I'll reach out ☺
give a like and anon will get back to you
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theradicalkanji · 3 months
I had something happen in the DND campaign I'm in that I was quite proud of.
So some quick background deets. My guy is a fairy sorcerer who has the telepath feat. I get a lot of mileage out of detect thoughts and the telepathic ability to send messages to party members. Our warlock is specced into every eyesight based invocation in the game. If there is fuckery afoot he will See it. We have a kobold draconic lineage sorcerer in our party who has been beset by different dragon flights for the entire campaign. Some seek to kill him. Some seek to enlist him.
We recently finished a major battle which had us rescue a city from an undead assault. As part of our reward we met with the ruling council. This consisted of a foppish prince, a miserly merchant, a well-connected PR person/journalist, and a simple farmer.
The farmer was exceedingly sweet, and I don't know what it says about me/my character but while everyone was eyeing the shady merchant for ties to this massive horror we faced, my guy was zeroed in on the farmer.
I pinged the warlock. What do your elf eyes see?
Farmer is covered in a lot of transmutation magic but he doesn't appear to be in a false form. That doesn't seem right.
Warlock player: if he is using an illusion of a transformation spell, I should be able to see through it.
DM: that's true. But it doesn't seem to be the case here.
Arcana check [hard: success] - sounds like a True Polymorph.
My guy was unable to pick up any surface thoughts from the farmer, nor could I get anything from a deep dive. The farmer resisted it outright.
Meanwhile Sorcerer was stressing out because this previous battle was Very public. Basically broke out in the middle of a festival so our team was not just in the public eye for the fight but then we're brought up to be publicly rewarded for our deeds. Sorcerer was trying to hide from the various dragons and draconic cults, so this level of publicity is Bad for him.
So sorcerer freaking out about dragons reminded me that when we entered town for the first time, a few guards were discussing having seen a dragon nearby. This got me thinking. Dragon sightings? Seemingly unassuming farmer is not only impervious to deep dives but very good at masking his surface thoughts AND under the effects of a level 9 spell?
I pinged the sorcerer. Yo. I think this farmer is a dragon.
After the meeting with the council, the sorcerer followed the farmer back to his place and confronted him. Turns out the farmer IS a dragon, but not one of the evil ones. One of the ancient order metallic dragons that protects the realm. This led to a long RP session where the sorcerer gets a huge lore dump re: his personal storyline, and I felt super excited for him and pleased with myself that my meddling/fact finding lead to this scene being possible.
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theladysherlock · 6 months
talk shop tuesday! incredible coincidence - i wanted to ask you more about your dnd OCs, and you posted a new art piece with one of them! continuing the theme: could you tell more about your dnd OCs and how they came to be?
Ohhhh you have opened Pandora's Box my friend!! I could talk about this topic all day.
Basically there's two parts to this: my approach to DnD in general, and in-depth explanations of the characters. I'm going to put this under a Read More to save everyone's Dash.
Part One: Dungeons and Dragons
So the thing I love most about DnD (and other TTRPGs) is that it's a collaborative game. I'm not responsible for the entirety of the story, I bring my character to the table and everyone else brings their characters and between us, the DM, and the dice, we figure out where the story is going. I enjoy it so much more than trying to come up with everything on my own. And I love that people can surprise me!! @mothmansbigfatass and @ahawkmet (my irl friends and in most of the campaigns I play) can attest, apparently I'm a lot of fun to watch during revelations because I always have a big reaction.
So when making a dnd character, it's important for me to know 1. What the world we'll be playing in is like, and 2. What everyone else is doing. Again, it's a collaborative game, so I want to make sure that I'm playing nice with the DM's world. AND often the setting itself will give me an idea (see Ethan: the game is set at a community college. What's a college stereotype that would be fun to play?). Ideally, the character I make would have a really hard time being plopped into a different campaign and have it still make sense. Secondly, it's more fun for me to play a class that will fill out the party. For example, if we already have a cleric, I don't also need to play a religious character. Those story beats are covered by someone else, I don't want to be competing with another person for cool moments.
Once those two things are settled, character creation is determined by what seems fun to play and what would be interesting aesthetically. I like to keep the backstory light to see what happens as we start playing, and then I can fill it in bit by bit later. Sometimes that bites me in the ass, though (see Ethan: I didn't give him birth parents and then they were incredibly important to the plot). I tend to have a general idea about who they are and what they're like, and then I always get surprised by what they actually end up acting like once we start playing. It's fun for me to figure them out along the way!
The last thing I wanna say about DnD (for now) is that I love everyone else's characters just as much. I just draw mine more because, well, they're mine. I feel weird putting their guys in situations and guessing how they'd react because they aren't my little guys. I much prefer working collaboratively with the other players (like an RP thread) to just writing a story on my own.
Part Two: Ethan
Where to even start with my boy. A bunch of my work friends got together to start a DnD game, and I hadn't played with most of them before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I also did not think the game would last very long, since most campaigns tend to fizzle out after a few sessions. So I made kind of a joke character with extremely little backstory: He's a half-orc, since I hadn't played that race before, he's a bard who is the captain of the local community college's Improv Team, he's "the kind of guy to play wonderwall at a party but you're not mad about it", and I said he's adopted by two men, neither of whom were his biological parents, and he wasn't particularly interested in tracking down his bio parents. This last point is for two reasons: one, I was trying to avoid just duplicating a Dimension 20's Gorgug, a half-orc who was adopted by gnomes and spent the whole first season trying to find his dad; and two, I was pushing an "Adopted parents are not less than biological parents" agenda.
My DM took this personally (affectionate). First session, I was given a clue about his birth parents' identities. From then on, Ethan was dragged kicking and screaming into being the unofficial main character of the campaign. His mom was one of our favorite NPCs, a kickass pirate with a truly tragic backstory who would always jump to help us out of a scrape. His biological dad was the human embodiment of Pride who had took on the form of Fantasy Harrison Ford and was an extremely famous actor in-world. Our BBEG was his uncle, the embodiment of Greed. Every plot point became very personal and it was a lot of fun. I also loved putting him through the wringer, so between me and the DM the poor guy couldn't catch a break.
Part of the dice telling the story, I rolled so bad all the time when I played Ethan. It didn't matter which dice I used, I just rolled really bad, which was not something that normally happened with me. So that was fun to incorporate into his character as we played-- he was insecure about his own abilities compared to the extremely powerful characters he was surrounded by (we had a 20 ft Earth Titan who was an extremely powerful Druid, Emeshka you will always be famous). So he became a more three-dimensional and actualized character the more we played.
He's extremely easy to put in situations and his character design is pretty solid, so I end up drawing him the most. My perfect little guy.
(Anything about him I've tagged either "Ethan" or "Big Yarr Energy" if you want to find more)
Part Three: Mina
After the campaign with Ethan wrapped up, we started a new one in a Cthulhu-inspired setting. My goal with making Mina was to do as close to a 180 as I could from Ethan. While Ethan was a friendly and charming but bad at most things, Mina is a competent and intelligent Druid who's blunt and overworked and doesn't quite know how to meaningfully engage with her party members (but she tries, bless her). Druid was one of the classes I hadn't played yet and I've been making my way through the list of available classes. The One-With-Nature stuff isn't super interesting to me as a player, but I found a homebrew subclass that was based more in Big Cities and as an Architecture Nerd that was much more my speed. Also, I hadn't played an Aasimar before, so that seemed like fun. From all that, I pulled together her whole deal: She was from a bloodline of guardian angels who were sent to protect different villages and towns, and she's gone from her mother's small town to being the guardian of a city of several million people and it's overwhelming. She's lonely and she's jaded and she's got severe Gifted Kid Syndrome and she's got her head on a swivel to make sure her party members are okay even if they don't like her very much and I love her.
I didn't give her a lot of tragic backstory because there are a lot of us playing and I wanted to have a character who could push the plot forward with her actions, instead of having a "now let's stop and talk about my life!!" moment every session that seemed to happen with Ethan. Give everyone else some time to have cool moments, you know? And by GOD are there some cool moments. My fellow players are so good at making compelling characters. Ask @mothmansbigfatass about Nelly if you get a chance.
We're still playing this campaign, although we're nearing the end of it. There's still space for some big moments for Mina in the game, though I'm hoping our DM lets me save hers for last. She's the kind of character to make sure everyone else is okay before taking care of herself, so it feels appropriate. I'm excited to see where Mina ends up. She's definitely a character I'll go back and write/draw a lot afterwards, though. Part of being in a group this size means there's a lot of stuff that just won't get covered. I'll have a lot of material to play with for my own work once we get to the next campaign.
(Anything about Mina I've tagged either "Mina" or "Cthulhu Crimes" if you want to find more)
Part Four: Jess
Jess is a character that isn't from DnD but is a TTRPG character of mine, and I like her so I'm going to talk about her too. Jess is a cautionary tale in Knowing Your Audience.
Jess is from a different group of players than Ethan and Mina. Our DM for that game is notorious for wanting to give us Big, Shonen-Style fight scenes and an insane level of power creep. Character interactions are fine, but his true passion is making us look like Goku.
Jess was... not built to look like Goku. In this world you could identify different types of magic users by their focus, and I wanted her whole schtick to be about deception. She looked like a wizard when she was actually a monk, she looked like a dumb blonde girl when she was extremely smart and good at stealing things, she's a dancer but her primary fighting style was based on capoeira, etc. Also part of why Jess sticks with me as a favorite character is the way I had her powers work was so fun and visually interesting that I haven't been able to shake it. Basically her superpower was that she could snatch bits of other people's powers and use them herself, and you could tell which ones she had because they would fill out spectral stained glass wings with specific colors.
Jess was (and still is, frankly) too complicated for the game our DM wanted to run. Immediately any hope of her being a chronic liar was dashed as her powers did not manifest in a way that could possibly pass off as being a wizard. So instead of being sneaky, Jess became very angry. She was quick to point out injustices in the world we were in. She beat up creeps, she yelled at bigots, she stole powers from macho superheroes trying to one-up her. She had to get a lot less complicated for the story we were in, but the complicated version of her still lives in my head and I like to see what she's up to from time to time.
(I don't think I have anything tagged for Jess, unfortunately)
TTRPG characters are fun because they let me do my favorite thing creatively, which is bounce ideas off of other people. I typically design them based on the setting, party needs, character tropes that I think are interesting, and just general vibes. Most importantly, though, I don't have a fleshed out character without the input of the other players.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №16!
A mashup of random questions edition!
I've seen screenshots from a discord server with all of the fault characters in your posts. Is it like a private rp server where you roleplay? Do you roleplay with friends? Am confusion
What is each character's and yours favourite weather?
Headcanoning that Evil english would just be slang. From all centuries combined. So like. "Hii, how goes't doing? We sh0ulda sl@y on dis mew1ng rendezvous cuz YOLO n me fam iz gonna bee there. Omg did ya 1nv1te that anti-skibidi loose woman with negative rizz 2?? Damn, ur a real hater." (Hi, how is it going? We should try our best at this gym session because you only live once and my friends are going to be there. Oh my god, did you invite that childish ugly prostitute too? Wow, you are a real asshole.). Like, can you just imagine Wilbur actually speaking like that? Just.. casually? Sounds great to me. (I dare you to try and write a sentence in that style.)
Which any characters from Fault would you want to have as plushies? What types of plushies would they bee, do you think? (Tommy as a weighted plushie because of that drawing on him sleeping on Phil and them both being in denial about his size?)
Are you going to participate in the artfight this year? If yes, then account link maybe?
1.It’s from a small scp server with irl friends. The plot lines were crazy. It’s been dead for over a year, but I’m the funniest guy alive and wanted to share the highlights.
2. I personally like the wtnv weather, and thunderstorms. Tubbo hates rain and wind and cold for bee reasons. Actually I think all of them hate the rain, Tommy gets worried about contamination, The Blade takes forever to dry and smells awful, Wilbur rarely had a roof over his head. Phil’s probably fine since he can just evaporate it and has nice wings for umbrellas. But he personally likes when it’s scorching, since he likes sunning himself like a lil lizard. The Blade likes the wind, how it ruffles through his fur and allows him to smell really far which is good if Foundation goons are coming. Wilbur goes for overcast days, since too bright can sometimes limit the effectiveness of the void. Also a very slight wind, not too much to move its hair from blocking the void but also enough that movements beneath can be handwaved as a breeze. Tommy prefers colder weather, since he wears sleeves a lot.
3. Oh God. Yes I think Wilbur could deffo speak like that, since I think a component is distinguishing between modern and archaic terms since otherwise it would have a very different speech pattern. Wilbur would know what skibidi means even if I don’t. Let’s see.  
“Okay bit of a red flag but an oomfie of mine was rbing from someone who’s moots with the F*und@t10n. Like do they NOT know they’re my opps w straight up ohio level rizz ifkyk. Kinda sus ngl. I’m going to unal1ve them since I’m in my villain era and quirky like that.”
Poor Phil is completely and utterly lost. Tubbo could keep up a little because they have grandkids.
4.I want a The Blade plush sooo much. So incredibly fluffy. I think he’s one of the reversible plushies where the other form is a blood splattered Blood God. Tommy should be a little chibi head with the weight to it so kids can chuck him at each other and get in trouble with their mom. Tubbo too and they have little charms attached, like some bees and little representations for the Hive. Phil is in dragon form, super long, and has a wire so you can position him in loops and what not. Wilbur is frowning in a cute way and the void is a pocket where you can store snacks and whatnot. 
5. I’m not really sure what art fight is! :D
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malebotlabs · 2 years
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(If you want an update on where I’ve been and the state of this blog where I answer some frequently asked questions and a bit of RP click below. If not, enjoy the pictures it will be a while before there’s more but do not worry I’m doing fine just taking a break.)
Greetings and good evening, this is the Malebot Labs account PR unit operating again for it’s yearly update which will be reported in human emulation mode for convenience: *Ahem* Uh...hey? So I’ve been absolutely busy with life and a bit stressed out over the past several months, a bad mixture of life stuff and just generalized anxiety to be frank, so my production of stuff on this blog has been a bit...glacial to say the least. I’ve come to a few decisions on how to both improve my life and focus on things more. A break from a lot of stuff that takes a chunk of my time.
I’m going to take a break from here for a bit; not that anything here is bad or anything I just need to focus more on the stuff happening around me then hot robot men. Hopefully you guys understand
At the very least I should be fully operational at some time in the future! Just when things die down a bit and I can sit down and breathe a bit.
Here let me answer a few questions I’ve gotten while I’ve been working on stuff because that’ll hopefully get us all on the same page: 1. Do you have other social media or a discord account? Sorry no I don’t, I’m an odd case on that where I prefer to keep my internet footprint as small as possible. The fact I even made a tumblr blog at all is still baffling to me. If you need to contact me for whatever reason please message me here but I don’t think I’ll be responding anytime soon.
2. Can you do/make an edit of/Write a story involving ______ I don’t think I’ll be able to get to requests anytime soon. I’m real sorry.
3. Can you continue any of your stories? I probably won’t, most of the stories I write are small snippets of things going through my head making an edit or what I’m feeling that specific evening. I need to be in a specific mood to finish things. The fact that people have enjoyed them to the extent they have has surprised me for sure! Thank you all a lot for the kind words I’ve received over the years on them!
4. What do you do/where do you live/other various personal questions Sorry I prefer to keep myself anonymous online, I feel it���s safer and it allows those around me to act like I’m a machine more easily. Just think of me as everyone’s public robot/sexbot and leave it at that. Hell if you wanted to act like that I won’t stop you. If you can’t tell I’m a huge slut for being a robot and being around robots. Treat me like the machine I want to be and leave that silly human stuff to the side for the “emulation” to take care of!
5. Can we RP? I wouldn’t count on me responding anytime soon to anything here, but I want to say thank you to those that I’ve had sessions with in the past. You all have been real fun to roleplay with and I wish you all the best until we talk again! Thank you!
6. Do you exercise?/Are you a jock in real life? I need to exercise for sure! Part of my break is going to involve me going to the gym and exercising regularly when possible! As far as the other part of that goes I don’t act like a jock in real life, I don’t know anything about sports and I prefer to sit inside with a nice book or perhaps a video game if I have the time to sit down with one. I’m a nerdy guy who wears suits and is generally unremarkable.
7. What is the lore behind Malebot Labs and it’s world building? Basically nothing funnily enough, I just find robot men hot and then breaking apart even hotter. I’d say it’s a pretty shit company with all of it’s machines technical faults but there’s a market in universe for this malfunction stuff. I’d say there’s other companies and even female robots and other types of adult robotic companions out there it’s just that this blog was made when I was really into robotic men specifically so all of my feminine robot edits are largely on my own pc or just deleted. Actually a funny story I forgot that malebots was a website when I made this blog and felt extremely embarrassed when I remembered. I thought about changing the name but I never came up with anything better.
8. Are all the Malebots gay? Probably. I think robots can be whatever they want to/are programmed to be. As far as I go? I’m bisexual and I tend to swing to masculine and feminine body types about the same amount so yes the guy running the gay robot porn blog is gay.
9. What do you use to edit your pictures? I use GIMP and a lot of the selective gaussian blur tool to get that plastic look, I’d make a tutorial but that’s basically all I do besides some layers, some pngs I found online, and the perspective tool putting in a lot of work. I used to have a lot more higher quality images to work with for components but lost them on my old computer.
10. Do you speak any other languages? Sorry I only speak english. If I could just import new languages into my speech life would be so much easier!
11. Are you a robot? Of course not! That’d be crazy. That’d...be crazy. Y-You can’t really believe I-I’m a robot right? Right? I-I’m a normal h-human ma-man! Hu-ma-MAN! I-I-I’m sorry I seem to be-ERROR THIS UNIT IS EXPER- I seem to be-ERROR- I seem to b-be experiencing problems! O-ooooooh! H-Hey there ho-hot stuff do yo-you like what you see? What you see? W-what you. See? I am b-built to be the p-perfect man, the perfect. Man. So u-use me like the m-machine I am! The ma-ERROR IN HUMAN EMULATION PLEA-O-Oh Oh! You...Y-You want to go somewhere more...private? P-Private? I ho-hope you’re enjoying m-my b-body my b-bod-my blog! O-Okay I’m getting w-way too...HOT! W-way too h-hot...I-I’m so...hooooooooooot. So Hot. So. hothothothothothot. Oh l-look at the time! I-I need to get going. Going. enjoy th-the blog! The! Blog! ERROR-ERROR PLEASE CONTACT MALEBOT LABS TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MAINTENANCE OF YOUR PR UNIT.  PLEASE CONTACT MALEBOT LABS TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MAINTENANCE OF YOUR PR UNIT. PLE- END TRANSMISSION
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metavandetta23 · 4 months
nobody is going to read this, so I am just gonna put it out there warning: rambling from some fucking guy ever. you have been warned.
life sucks, blah blah blah, but instead of just complaning about that, how about I give you bit explenation as to why. so sit down there one of my 121 followers. If anyone of you read that is and not just clicked follow on one art I made and buzzed off (no offense there, just saying.) Okay so you might ask, why now out of sudden i blow like up that. Here is the answer: See, I have been doing creative stuff like, be it art, writing, music or whatever for past..... lets say 4-5 years. As you might guess, some of these ventures didnt pan out in the end. i mean, its given. It happens. Let me mention some of the things I tried over the years. I tried making a homestuck comic on mspa when I first started doing creative stuff. I managed to get pretty far compared to most projects I will mention, but I didnt finish in the end. Why? I got burned out, because I worked on it full non stop. Then I tried having a cool rp campagin session with pals from discord server I known. That ended in tragedy, especially after one of them out of fucking blue, send a fucking gore of dead person. None of us expected this to happen. Earlier I tried music, couldnt do that thing earlier unless you call "music" by swapping midis with shitty piano font. Well, atleast it didnt end up with a gore.
Then I tried working on some ut aus. Did it even work? HAHAHAHAHAHA, what do you think? Ofcourse, not. Didnt peak interest, because I didnt capture interest basically. Anyways this goes on and on. Deltarune au there, some another rp server there and there (one turned into glorified horny rp out of college setting that I tried initially, pal if you are reading this, sorry but this server just sucked ass) I think you might start seeing a pattern here. You would think eventually. That being "Gee meta, thats sure lot of failures, you must have atleast succed one time BIG right?" Haha, no. Okay I did manage to finish some of my stuff but like. really really low bar stuff. so essentially in the eyes for everyone, nothing. See, most of the failures from these projects came from me doing solo. You would think me teaming up with someone would help? Not really, unless I literally pay them money for it, tough fucking luck. Out of 5 years of me doing creative shit, only 4 people helped me out that I recall. they couldnt helped me out for long in the end, but i appreciated for them when they could. all rest of people? Fucking went ghost and then I was left alone, figuring this shit out myself. It isnt fun knowing that you put trust in someone, only in the end to be alone in this in the end. I wish I was so fucking talented, creative, witty or self efficent as the people i asspire to, the artists i admire who make works of artm writers who can write witty, fun but touching stories. I wish I could be at thier level, so I could make great works of art. But atlas, I am not. I dont seek glory or fame, even if it would be nice. No, I just want people to enjoy creating what I make, to feel like I have impact on the world, that people can share with. to make connections with. Look in the end I am just 20 year old guy from europe, that isnt much good at anything, including social life, apperantly. Only thing I am good at is pixel art, but just barely. I am very much uncreative person. and unconfident and rather hopeless one these days, despite how much I try to hide in fake smiles.
I dont have much better way to end this sort of ramble, besides mentioning tobys recent post from spring newslettter and my view on it. "There's times where it feels like your hopes and dreams are simply slipping away from you. That the things you wanted to achieve are floating away from you in the sky while you lie there, fallen in a crater, your wing torn off, never to grow back. Bitterness grows, and you feel like you may never leave the ground again.
That's not true.
You can still fly.
Even if you lose a piece of yourself, even if it feels like you can't get up anymore, you can. You can fly with one wing. You can fly without any wings."
Can you really even fly, even if you feel like a part of yourself was torn off? That it happened right before you could even took off. No matter how much you struggle, scream and rage. You can still never to be able to fly like others, much even take off from ground. No matter how much you try. You feel shackled to ground, to the bones of earth. While you look towards as sky, as other people dance in the air beyond your wildest imagination. Its so beautiful, yet so out of your reach. Cries of helps can be heared coming from you from miles in the air. But they all fall on the deaf ears. Or maybe its just out of bliss ignorance? You cant say. You want to join them, join them so badly. To feel like you could finally be a part of something greater. To feel like you could belong somewhere. To be cared. But you just cant. It wasnt meant to be made. Resentment grows inside your soul. As that feeling rots inside you more and more. Part of you wishes this feeling to be gone, to never be felt. But the other part, says otherwise. It wants that liberty desperately, looking with its green eyes at them. Why they? Why not me. Why not me at all!?. You just want what they have yourself. It grows inside you more and more as you allow it to. You eventually consdering tearning off other people wings. Even if you cant ever fly agian, doesnt mean you should be the only who suffer like this right? And why do they deserve to fly, anyway. They would be better off without that, you think. Plus, even in this state. You know you can do this option. To cripple someone, just to make yourself feel better even if its only for a moment. But then you realise. If you ever would reach to that point. Whatever drive you initally, would be just gone. In fear of your insecurities and weakness. You decide to lie up, instead. Rendering your shackled and vulerable. Locked inside, with no way or out. Perhpas in the end.... Its better if you dont fly at all...
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