#This make me want to draw Voltron again
ikimaru · 7 months
you said the other day that you’re not really passionate about your voltron art anymore and i’ve kind of been grieving the idea of you ever finishing all of this and moving on so i wanted to make sure that i thank you for everything. i’m excited for you to follow your passions and do what makes you happy because your art brought happiness to me when i was in a dark place and you have stayed a constant light for me over the past few years. your art always makes me smile. so thank you for everything you have done for the community and also for the joy you have brought me. i don’t know how long you’ll still be making voltron art but i will relish everything you do for as long as it lasts.
there's still some months until the comic is done and after then I guess we'll see! but if I do more it's most likely just occasionally
and I'm always impressed when I hear it brings this kind of happiness to others, especially when it's something I wasn't even experiencing myself anymore at some point ;v; but I think if it makes someone else happy it's worth it anyway! 💛
but yes I think I'm gonna prioritize doing things that make me happy now, or like.. I'll try to figure that out haha enjoying drawing again was just the first step
thank you for the sweet message, I hope u enjoy the rest of the comic! (=
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Omg if you want can you write the fluff alphabet for Keith pls??? 💜
FUCK YEAH I LOVE ME SOME SOFT KEEF ❤️‍🔥 Thanks again for the rq anon 😘 Got the fluff template from @the-coldest-goodbye cuz I’m lazy 🙃
Keith- Fluff Alphabet 💌
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Okay, in public or in front of like literally anyone, he’s not super affectionate. He’s still nice to you and will occasionally reach for your hand in front of other voltron members. He just doesn’t like PDA very much. He doesn’t like the attention it draws to him. Behind closed doors tho…omg this boy is like so clingy. He just wants to hold you for the rest of his life, you’re so nice to hold. He likes to show affection physically rather than emotionally. He’s kinda dumb when it comes to this romance relationship stuff, he has a hard time explaining his feelings so he’d rather show you how much he loves you with hugs and kisses and cuddles and gentle touches.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You guys had to have clicked right away when you met. I’m sure Keith is difficult to befriend let alone date so he probably really enjoyed your company and support as a friend to keep you around. He probably felt really safe and at ease with you, like he could be his true authentic self around you. You guys really lean on each other. And because he feels so himself around you, you fall for the purest version of Keith, the real Keith. And he falls for your loyalty and kindness and faith in him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
KEEF LOVES CUDDLES WITH U OMG. Like I said, he’s emotionally constipated and has a hard time voicing his love for you so he shows it instead and due to your busy schedules, you only get alone time at night before bed and early in the morning if you’re both up before your alarm. So every night before you both doze off and every morning about an hour before your alarm goes off, he’s stuck to you like a koala on a tree branch. It’s the best couple hours of his entire day, everyday. He will cuddle you in any way he can. He’ll be the big spoon or the little spoon, he’ll hold you while you’re facing each other, if he’s in a good deep sleep he’ll lay his head on your chest or stomach with an arm slung over you as he snores. He just wants to be touching you. He needs the physical contact.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes and no. Keith definitely wants this war to be over and he wants to go home and have a normal life with you but he’s also never going to give up on helping his friends protect the universe. If he had to, he’d stay in space forever just to protect all of it. But he does occasionally daydream about you and him living together somewhere in the desert or the country maybe where there’s not a lot of people and it’s quiet. Keith is a mess in the kitchen, please keep him away from the stove. He can help you cut stuff up or make the salad but other than that, he’ll burn everything and anything you ask him to cook. Cleaning on the other hand, he can do that. Just imagine this…Keith wearing old scrappy clothes with his hair pulled back by a headband or bandana and he’s deep cleaning your whole apartment/house with those big yellow dish gloves on. Omg hes ur housewife. Sure he can be messy and disorganized at times too but he’ll roll up his sleeves and deep clean when it’s obvious it needs to be done. Just plz cook for him and he’ll clean for you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Keith had to break up with you, I seriously feel like he would still want to be your friend. As much as Keith blows up and loses his temper, the break up would be soft and slow and gently. He wouldn’t want to lose you completely so he’d ask you to be his friend still. So things didn’t work romantically…it’s fine, just don’t leave him behind. He still has love for you. He’ll always care about you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Keith ain’t the marriage type. He’s just one of those people who thinks marriage is stupid and pointless and too expensive and dramatic. He doesn’t need a big fancy ceremony or a piece of signed paper to prove his love for you. Screw it. He’s gonna call you his wife/husband/partner/spouse no matter what anyone else says. If you really want to get properly married tho, he’d agree and go along with it to make you happy. But he’d be in charge of the guest list…which will only have like 10 people on it bc he also doesn’t like crowds or big parties.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, he’s so gentle with you. He’s always worried he’s gonna hurt you or make you uncomfortable. He holds you so tenderly, he kisses you so lightly. Keith spends most days fighting off training bots, sparring with Shiro and often engaging in battle with an actual enemy. When it comes to you, he treats you like a one-of-a-kind piece of stained glass. You’re the one person he’s soft with. Emotionally…he’s stubborn and short tempered and easily overwhelmed. He’ll snap at you every now and then, he can’t help it. He’s never mad or annoyed with you, it just comes out in his voice and his gestures are harsh as he speaks to you. He tries very hard to be patient and understanding with you. He’s really trying. Give him a break plz.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Keith loves your hugs, it’s one of the most comforting things you can offer him. He likes to hug you a lot, he’ll just randomly hug you throughout your day. But when he’s upset or frustrated or feeling stressed and scared, he’ll hug you really tight and for a while. He’ll just hold you close, arms wrapped fully around your torso as he hides his face in your neck or shoulder. Hugs make him feel so much better, they remind him that he is real and has feelings and that someone cares about him.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I think Keith would wait a while to actually say it to your face. He would be really nervous and wouldn’t want to rush things or make you feel like you have to say it back. In the meantime, he often slips the phrase to you sneakily and without grabbing your attention first. He’ll mumble it to himself after you finish a good round of training with him and he’s glowing with pride at how amazing you are. He’ll whisper it softly when you fall asleep next to him. He’ll mouth the words as he hugs you tightly, imagining how the words would sound if you said them back to him right now. He just needs time…
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Keith gets extremely jealous but not all the time. He sees you talking to some cool alien or even joking around with Lance, he’s whatever about it. He trusts you so he’s not worried. Now if another galra tried to approach you, oh boy is there gonna be a fight. It’s just a galra thing, he feels that they are more of a threat bc he is also part galra. One time, another member of the blade was standing just a little too close to you and Keith didn’t know what he was saying to you but he just had a bad feeling about it. But he wasn’t trying to flirt with you at all, he was actually asking about Keith and how long you’ve know him, just small talk. Keith stomped over and straight up pushed you behind him, glaring at his teammate in front of him. You had to explain that it was all innocent chit chat and calm him down. Yeah, he’s dramatic asf when he wants to be. He’ll kill a bitch for you, no hesitation.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses with Keith are always soft and slow and lingering. He doesn’t move at a fast pace, even when making out. He takes his time and enjoys it and cherishes the moment. He’s also not sure exactly how to kiss so he goes slow and follows your lead. It’s not often that you two kiss, only in the privacy of your room when you both know you won’t be interrupted or occasionally you’ll share a lingering gentle kiss in the hangar in front of the team after a long and scary mission. Keith loves kissing your lips, he likes that he can feel you kiss him back. He’ll kiss your cheeks and forehead sometimes but he craves the feeling of your lips returning the gesture, ya know? He really likes when you kiss pretty much anywhere that’s not his face. Kiss that boy on the shoulder, neck, back, hands or arms and he’s a flustered mess. Not that he minds face kisses from you tho.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s so awkward omfg. He is kind of on the fence about kids. He likes them but he’s unsure how to act around them. He mostly just listens to kids ramble about stuff and he smiles and nods along and offers the occasional “oh really? Wow. That’s crazy.” He would like a kid of his own one day but not anytime soon. He needs time to learn and mature before he has his own kid.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pretty much every morning with Keith is spent the same way…he’ll wake up earlier than the alarm is set just to cuddle and love on you before you have to go about your busy day. This (and at night before you guys fall asleep) is the only time you two can really spend quality time together. Fighting in an intergalactic war leaves very little time for you two to hang out and bond. So he loves sleepy, early mornings with you where neither of you talk, you just hold each other and place soft kisses on each others face.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights go pretty much the same way as mornings. The first hour that you two are awake and the last hour or so before you two fall asleep is spent in silence while you just hold each other close and cherish the moment. You don’t get much time to be clingy and romantic so bed time is the best time. He’ll plop into bed with you and wrap you in his arms as you’re both dozing off.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Keith would take some time to fully open up to you. I’m sure he probably took a while to open up to Shiro too. He’s just a closed off, secretive kind of person. He doesn’t want his business on display for everyone to know. As friends, he probably told you about his home life and his dad but it wasn’t until you two had been dating for a while that he finally let down his walls and told you all of the things that weigh on him. He trusts you with his life now.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
👀 boy has a very short temper and gets very easily annoyed and over stimulated. He’s definitely snapped at you before and he will most likely snap at you again. He’s always quick to apologize and try to explain himself. He just loses it sometimes, there’s a lot going on and he has a hard time coping. He’ll bottle everything up and stay quiet until it all boils over and explodes out of him. He snaps at pretty much anyone and everyone, don’t take it personally. He’s even yelled at Shiro before. He’s working on it tho…he swears.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Both??? He’ll definitely forget things every now and then, sorry he’s got so many thoughts in his head at one time, sometimes the things you tell him go in one ear and out the other. BUT he does remember a lot about you too. He’ll never forget the gorgeous color of your eyes and your favorite food and your favorite color. He’ll remember many cute moments throughout your relationship but also if you mention that one time that one thing happened, he’ll be like “I did? Oh…okay if you say so.” He might forget an anniversary or your birthday too, don’t be mad. He’s really sorry…just remind him and he’ll make it up to you, pinky promise.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Keith’s favorite moment in your whole relationship is when you first kissed him. It wasn’t on the lips, you had kissed him on the cheek when he was frustrated with not being able to beat a certain level on the training simulator. He was just having a moment, shouting out in anger as he flopped down on the floor. As he tried to catch his breath, you approached him without saying a word and sat in front of him with a sweet smile. He watched you for a second before you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek then followed it with the words “Don’t give up. Keep trying…I believe in you, Keith.” He’s pretty sure that’s the moment he knew he really loved you and he also knew that you really loved him back. He felt so stupid and ugly in that moment of weakness and anger but you showed him unconditional love anyways. He’ll never forget that.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Keith is very protective of you, especially when you are out in the middle of battle with the team. He often insists that you and him stick together regardless of what Shiro or Allura have to say. He’ll protect you by keeping a close eye on you and having your back when you need him. You do pretty much the same for him. You watch out for each other always.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As far as dates, anniversaries and gifts, Keith’s terrible. He’s never been in a relationship before so he has no idea what to do. If you give him ideas and share what you are planning to do for him, he’ll take mental notes and learn from you and then he’ll try his best those things. With everyday tasks tho, Keith is the sweetest and most attentive partner ever. He asks you how you slept every morning, he’ll ask you if you’ve eaten yet today, if he hasn’t seen you around all day he’ll go searching for you just to check up on ya. He’ll bring you water in the training room if he’s not already there with you, he’ll kiss you every morning and every night, he’ll play with your hair and gently scratch your back when you’re stressed or upset, he’ll listen intently when you need to rant or when you’re excitedly explaining something you like to him. He’s a great bf, he’s so involved with you. Such a sweet pea ❤️‍🔥
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Keith loves to shut himself off from you, especially when you’re having a bad day yourself. He feels like a burden sometimes, like he’s damaged goods that you never asked for. He knows he can trust you and confide in you but he worries that he’ll only make you more overwhelmed and stressed if he tells you how he’s feeling. Most of his bad days are spent avoiding you in hopes of not burdening you with his moody attitude. You always end up finding him and convincing him to open up to you. Once he gets it all off his chest tho, he feels soooo relieved. He just doesn’t want you to ever feel like his feelings matter more than yours.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
NOT AT ALL. He doesn’t give a fuck, especially with you. I mean…you guys are already dating and he’s never been super into his appearance so ??? why would he start worrying about it now? He has other things to worry about. He’s clean and well kept so …what now?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yesssss, he’s a wreck when he’s away from you for too long. It’s one things to be away from you all day, but when missions are going on for days or weeks at a time with the blade of marmora, he gets so depressed and also so much more irritated. You’re the light of his life so when he can’t see you for several days in a row, he starts to unravel. You just bring him so much peace of mind, without you he doesn’t know how to cope with his emotions. He has no one else to talk to…💔
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
HE SLEEPS SO FUCKIN GOOD WITH YOU IN HIS BED NEXT TO HIM!!! You’ve walked in on him sleeping before and he’s pretty quiet, but whenever you sleep beside him, bro snores like a bear as he clings to you. Sometimes he wakes you with his loud ass snores and his aggressive snuggling but he’s having the best sleep of his entire life rn, you can’t bring yourself to wake him. One time, you gently nudged him awake and whispered “You’re snoring so loud. Turn on your side.” And he straight up went “Huh? Oh…okay.” then fell right back into his loud snoring a second later. Sorry but you kind of signed up for this.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
The only turn off for Keith is a liar. If he can’t trust his partner, he doesn’t even want to be with them. He wants you to be able to tell him anything and he wants to be able to trust you with everything. Just don’t ever lie to him and there’s nothing that can tear you two apart.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Not only does this mf snore loud as hell and suffocate you with his cuddles but he also drools sometimes. One time he drooled on your face and the grossed out scream that came from you startled him awake. He apologized profusely but you just had to tell the rest of the team about it the next morning. He’s never gonna live this down, it’s just too funny.
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anns-works · 1 month
tell me about Defended By An Assassin im curious
Defended By An Assassin is a voltron canon-divergent-but-still-compliant-enough au i wrote in ye olden days. My hyperfixation has ended and am also out of motivation to finish it fully but a i still have a rough outline of the au notes. (I think it also helped me discover my gender so its kinda special to me despite it all)
The au mainly sees that an Altean ship w/ both a Galra and Altean inside it crash landed on earth in (an unspecified timeframe i never got around to calculating it) and the humans find their remains along w/ the cargo of raw Quintessence they were carrying w/ them. The ship lands on Russia and they hire a shady doctor i have titled as The Doctor to study the remains.
The Doctor then proceeds to (in predictably shady fashion) run human experimentation w/ his findings to form a being w/ both Nix (Galra) and Kaos (Altaean) genes inside a human combined w/ the Quintessence. Eventually the test subjects shift to children once it becomes apparent that they are the most receptive to it. Test subjects are kidnapped from all over the globe. Usually orphans that people won't miss. And young enough to still have all their baby teeth. Enter: Keith Kogane from texas yeehaw.
(In this au his dad died WAY earlier and he was plucked freshly from the chared remains of his house)
Keith has a fascinating dna which shows that it's half Nix dna. This is a new discovery and The Doctor really really wants to talk to the guy who banged the alien but hes fucking dead. But the results are already there w/ a human-Nix child, so why not add in the Kaos genes in there as well?
The vat of unidentified pure liquid energy they found in the crash (aptly named Ichor) proved to be very useful in this regard and The Doctor created more children with these human-Nix-Kaos cocktail and named them all Titans to aptly keep up w/ the theme.
These Titans then in ususal test subjects loosing their identity way were fashioned new names based on the theme. Also the whole shady experimentations were also very unethical (to say the fucking least) so a lot of people who funded the research but were kept unaware of the reselts are Very Not Happy abt the children thing. And oh! Would u look at that? The exposure to Ichor has led the Titans to develop strange abilities that can be harnessed in specific situations. Sure would be a shame if someone were to say, use this to silence the opposition.
So The Doctor basically made magic alien-energy-human 10 y/os who he manipulated into doing his dirty work and continuing his research on them.
The kids manage to get rescued and the facility destroyed cuz the fight involved Eris blowing up the afformentioned vat of ichor. Then the kids proceed to fuck off and disappear into various corners of the world to never talk to eachother again and bury all their problems and try to reintegrate themeselves into society.
Enter again: Keith Kogane, after having spent a brief stint as #02789nXs, before being Eris, spending half her time as Raven to assassinate people then back to being Keith again. He is Not adjusting well to society and then gets adopted by Shiro. He's now in the Garrison and James (Hermes. He was a fast little shit and it kept w/ the theme) is there and it was truly a devil's sacrament moment.
Then Shiro goes missing in a space mission and he gets himself kicked out if the Garrision. There is also a giant blue lion in the middle of the desert did they mention that? Wait what- SHIRO?!?!!! Who the fuck are you people. Dont come into my house and just- fine make yourself at home. Welcome to my cave w/ drawings and this big ass- how the fuck did you do that what the fuck. Are we in space. Is that earth. Is that a wormhole. What the fuck.
And now hes working as a fucking Defender of the Universe in a mecha lion w/ a 10000 y/o princess and Coran who call themselves Alteans but they are. Just. They're fucking Kaos people. And the main people are they're up against are called Galra, except she knows for a FACT that those bitches are Nix and there us also the uncomfortable fact of being half of the species (along w/ other things) that are taking over the unuverse. Shes not telling that to Allura.
And the whole thing about Ichor Quintessence comes up and hes just really trying to not deal w/ the mortifying ideal if being known and neither half Altean-half Galra prince Lotor or the Blade of Marmora are helping with it.
Some other notes is have written down abt this au:
Keith is 100% trans but no one knows in which direction. The Kaos shapeshifting powers are not helping w/ the problem even in the slightest.
During the Titan days there was some kind of love triangle thing going in w/ Eris, Hermes and Apollo and no one could tell who was into who either so it was just a source of angst and pining for the three of them and embarrassment for everyone involved.
On the plus side, Apollo and Hermes made Keith realize he has a thing for boys w/ blue eyes but on the downside: Lance fucking Mcclain
Lotor and Keith have a very complicated relationship cuz they are just dealing w/ similar things and Keith wants to help him w/ his place as a Galra/Altean but at the same time hes not ready to deal w/ his own issues either.
The whole returning to earth to find it under invasion moment has most of the Titans out of hiding and helping w/ their powers to beat the galra. Apollo is there but his name is Solace and the James-Keith-Solace pining trainwreck is back baby.
Keith also has very complicated feelings abt his mom.
The fallout of when Keith explains his human-galra-altean heritage to everyone involved one broken nose, several instances of the phrase "What the quiznak", 3 broken tables, 5 messed up lab equipment and many moments of awkward standing around by team voltron + Kolivan as Allura screams at Keith.
At one point Acxa just gets adopted into the Titans group. She's not even an honorary member they've 100 percent accepted her as one of them. Yes there was an initiation ceremony that involved a lot of stomping and chanting that called a lot of noise complaints. Yes Lotor was also in the corner as the actual honorary member wearing a hat that said "INTERN".
Thomas (Zeus) was literally the only one with the braincell in the Titan days and did not get paid enough to deal w/ all the bullshit. He has also been called many variations of mom/dad several times and has mainly accepted his fate.
The Titans also have these cool tattoo like patterns on their bodies that glow whenever they're using their powers.
Also Kosmo is the Titan's mascot and everyone (Keith) is willing to kill/die for it.
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
First time watching Voltron: Legendary Defender and documenting my thoughts
This is Season 4
S1-2 | S3 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 |
<this one is going to be shorter, as I have only recently finished this season, and the grief is still fresh (lol), so the thoughts are only just starting to simmer. strap your asses in>
Pre-Season 4 Thoughts
-> Keith joining the blades is going to be a huge plot device, I feel
-> PLEASE for the love of CHRIST let that poor little girl find her brother and father. If they are dead dreamworks better be ready to catch these hands
->I’ve heard people claim this is the “last good season”, but i stay strong 💪 and will watch till the end
->wouldn’t the paladin switch not make sense now? Cus shiro is back as the black paladin and it makes no sense for Lance to be red like it originally had? If anything, he should’ve gone back to blue, and Allura to red, because Allura is very accepting/encouraging of shiro’s role as leader. I guess they didn’t wanna do it all over again. But I digress 🤷‍♀️
->im gonna miss my Pookie (🤍❤️🤍)
->do they do this every two seasons?? Have an epic battle where they have a big preparation and say it’ll 100% end the war but it doesn’t and something crazy happens after they win and it sets up the next season??
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->^genuinely cried so hard during this scene. would’ve cried more if I wasn’t recovering from the initial shock.
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->^cried during this one too, but it was happy tears. I could actually just do a whole reaction post to this episode alone. (if you want me to js say so in the rbs/replies)
->the callback to s1! “color-coded of course, because what are we? animals?” AHHH! I’m going insane I love these siblings sooooo much
->okay I’ll stop gushing over them now
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->^only valid reaction to meeting Allura. Homegirl is beauty incarnate
->okay. ive calmed down. i am normal and can be trusted to simply watch a show.
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->^Get his ass, Zarkon. I needed his smug ass to be humbled so bad. Only time I will agree w Zarkon fr.
->i do NOT like Lotor. Can you guys tell already??
->bro I SWEAR shiro looks different. there’s just something about him. the hair gets a pass cus how good of a haircut can you give yourself in space, yk? but that nose scar is definitely a different shade #notmyrodrickshiro
->^Just. That entire episode. It’s getting a whole post actually I need to yap about it.
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->^her armor is colored in a way which makes it look both pink and red while making it look like a trick of the light in a way to symbolize that she is acting as keith yet while being a paladin herself and that being unknown in the public eye and showing how they have to cover that up, any suspicion being thrown as a trick of the light. Oh vld animators ily 🫶
->on another note tho why do they always draw lance and shiro to have 30 pounds of ass. what.
->loved when those lesbians decided to take down lotor. Queen shit 💋 we stan 🙇‍♀️🙏
->Lotor is so stupid and pathetic and annoyingly smug and sus and admiral-zhao-y and I hate him but he’s SOOO FREAKING HOT and I can’t hate him completely because he’s so attractive but that just makes me wanna hate him more. He’s a walking red flag but the flag is heart-shaped and honestly idk what to do w that.
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->^WHAT. stop. honestly that’s the real reason he was banned from the empire my ass would not want that fucking FREAK within a 30 light year radius of me either
-> while s3 was the klance season, s4 is apparently the allurance season, they have a lot of sweet moments. (granted all started by lance but still, you can almost see allura swooning)
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->^pookie. what are you doing… pookie.. no. stop. i don’t like where this is going…
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->^oh thank fuck for Lotor.
->^^wait what. why Lotor.
->^^^heartbreaking: worst person you know doesn’t something good for once.
->he definitely wants something out of this. I don’t trust him.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for some time now. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished this season on 06/30/24. I am on S5E3 as of today (07/06/24)
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rascalentertainments · 7 months
Account Update 🌟
I haven't been on this platform in years and slowly started making posts and reblogs again. Most of the accounts I did follow back then are either gone, or no longer active. So I'm listing EVERY THING I'm into, so I can follow people back with similar tastes and interests. Consider it a get to know me things whole I make updates. Reblog, share and comment as much as you want, I'd really like to make good use of this site again. Especially since I'm a YouTube Spoofer and part time writer, and always getting inspiration. Which also means my channel is going through revamping, so you'll see some activity on and off as things are scheduled ahead of time.
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Plus I'm working on creating my own animation studio with friends to bring my original ideas to life as movies and series in the future. I love to spread joy and fun to others to who aspire to animate as well! Warning: there's a a ton of things I love! 😅
Animation/Cartoons 🎨
Behind the Scenes and Animations tests
Animation Trivia
How to Draws
Animation History
Kid Cosmic
Ben 10 (Classic-Omniverse)
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
OK K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Codename: Kids Next Door
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Justice League/Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman Beyond
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Batman (2004)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Hazbin Hotel
Spectacular Spider-Man
Gravity Falls
Wander Over Yonder
Sponge bob Square pants
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
Scooby-Doo/Mystery Incorporated
Code Lyoko
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Transformers: Prime
G.I Joe Renegades
Wolverine and the X-Men
Danny Phantom
American Dragon: Jake Long
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Tales of Arcadia
Lego Monkie Kid
TMNT (2003)
Wild Kratts
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Xiaolin Showdown
El Tigre
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
Monster High
Static Shock
Hellboy: Animated
Tangled: The Series
Lilo & Stitch The Series
Darkwing Duck
DuckTales 2017
Wish Concept Version
Lego Monkie Kid
Buddy Thunderstruck
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Comic Books & Manga 🔥
Marvel & DC
My Hero Academia
Fullmetal Alchemist
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Jonah Hex
My Little Pony
MLP: Legends of Magic
Ouran High School Host Club
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Voltron Legendary Defender
Scott Pilgrim
Anime 🇯🇵
My Hero Academia
Sonic X
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ya Boy Kongming!
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Cowboy Bebop
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tiger & Bunny
Solo Leveling
Jujutsu Kaisen
White Cat Legend
Dr. Stone
High Card
Demon Slayerw
Trigun: Stampede
Delicious in Dungeon
Love is War!
Polar Bear's Cafe
Rascal the Raccoon
Movie Franchises 🎬
Kung Fu Panda
The Fast Saga
Star Wars
Scooby drop
Lego Movie
TV Series 📺
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Video Games 🎮
Sonic the Hedgehog
BROK The Investigator
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Party Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Series
That's mostly the just of me and what my channel is going to start having. If you have any questions about favorite foods, animals, book series, sports or anything about personal tastes, feel free to drop them I'm my asks box, and Ill get to them as soon as possible!
Hope you'll like what I have to offer! 🌟🌟🌟
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devilcat3d · 10 months
What's your favorite Commander for MTG
Also would you Fuck Elesh Norn?
first things first lets address the elephant in the room,,,, i would fuck the shit out of elesh norn. i feel like there has been lots of effort by wizards lately to make her almost seem like a motherly figure, and despite that taking the form of her wanting to compleat the entire multiverse and slowly assimilate all beings into her fucked up little world i bet she would absolutely be so good at soft domming me. like hiiiiiii elesh please compleat me and call me a good girl and praise me for following your will so well....
ehem erm um anyway
my favorite commander!!!!
this one is a little hard to pin down as i just have so many decks and i play a new one almost every time i play, but i would have to say its probably between a few. namely
ojer axonil, deepest might - this guy is like mono red burn turned up to 11. this card if allowed to stick fucking decimates life totals and let's you play all the shitty little throw 1 damage at each opponent cards and its a really fun strategy i highly reccomend it.
ukkima, stalking shadow - yep. just ukkima. this deck is not running the green partner so as to not dilute the deck. this is a dimir voltron deck where the deck has ukkima as its only creature and is packed to the brim with interaction, such as blink spells, counterspells, and bounce spells, which allow me to protect ukkima until i can win with commander damage. i only play this deck when i really want to win because it is a nightmare to play against and is one of my more controlly decks.
gandalf the white - i have written an entire post about this guy on my sideblog @devilkittydeckbuilding so i wont go too in depth here but its a mono white group hug deck that actually kills people out of nowhere pretty fast. the whole point is to get a wedding ring on each player and marry the whole table, which leads to decks getting milled out pretty fast lmao. i milled out my gf last time i played the deck because she had two wedding rings, i had a smothering tithe out and every card draw spell i played was making everyone draw cards which gave me more mana with the tithe which let me play more card draw spells and i just milled out one player and moonshaker calvalry'ed the other player. the deck is wild if you can stand giving your opponents a few cards >;3
i also just built a really cool niv-mizzet, supreme "control" deck and that's one im excited to play again!!!!
thanks for the ask!!!!
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andraedevane · 7 months
✨ Intro Post ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Andra Edevane, but you can call me Andrevane or Andy if you want. My pronouns are she/her. I'm pansexual. I don't care if a person is female, male or non-binary. As long as they can make me feel loved, their gender it's a secondary thing. I'm an adult, that's all you need to know about my age. So please, minors, don't talk to me in DMs. You can send me asks and interact with my posts, but that's all. I'm also open to roleplay if you want to! But again, not minors. And feel free to send me ask/DMs me for anything!
【 About me 】
🌸My mutuals: @mustangdemon @shoon200218-blog @generalallxsanjishipper @destroya2005 @fancychaostraveller @zearay @rexnanorum @salsalada @inkfowl @arrhythmicdesires
🌸 Bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.
🌸 Writer (I finally have an AO3 aacount! :D. The username is the same as here btw)
🌸 Artist (I draw sometimes, but I don't know if it's good or bad)
🌸 Music: I like all type of music genders, except reggaeton and trap. My favourite music gender is definitely BSO music. And symphonic metal. Symphonic metal it's... so beautiful for me.
🌸 Hobbies: Write, draw, read, listen to music, watch TV shows and movies.
🌸 Favourite season: Winter.
🌸 Favourite singer/group: Hidden Citizens
🌸 Favourite songs: Breathe ❣ Fleurie | Umbrella ❣ J2 | This Is Our War ❣ Halocene | Silent Night ❣ Dreamcatcher | Zero Eclipse ❣ Hiroyuki Sawano | To Feel Alive ❣ Tiff Randol | La Vida es Una ❣ Karol G | Here To Stay ❣ Sofia Coll | Mystery of the Invisible ❣ Veridia | All About Us ❣ t.A.T.u | Invisible ❣ Zara Larsson
🌸 Fics I like: Mostly hurt/comfort, because why not? Is there something more beautiful than a person who comforts another person when they need a shoulder to cry on? Crack fics too, because we need to laugh more in this life and be more happy. Villain redemption, because I believe in the innate goodness in people and I think that's what would make a better world. So you can recommend me hurt/comfort, crack, or villain redemption fics if you want.
🌸Fics I don't like: Rape/Non-con fics because I don't feel comfortable with those kind of things. Fics with toxic relationships because what I want in a fic is a happy ending for all the characters, and if there's a toxic relationship that's definitely not a happy ending to me. And I don't like fics with gore neither. So fics with toxic relationships, rape/non-con, or/and gore are a no-no for me.
【 My fandoms 】
⚡Harry Potter 🌌 Star Trek | Star Wars 🦸 Marvel | DC 🐺 Teen Wolf | Shadowhunters 🏥 Stranger Things 🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🗡️ Trollhunters 👩 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🔥Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatar: Legend of Korra 🦉 The Owl House 🛸Voltron: Legendary Defender
【 Ships I like 】 【 My OTP's 】
⚡Drarry | Jeverus | Jegulus | Snack | Wolfstar 🌌 Spirk | Kalluzeb | Skybridger | Skysolo | Kylux | Obimaul | Thranakin 🦸 Stony | Cherik | Spideyflash | Coldflash | Sladiver | Olivarry 🐺 Sterek | Sciles | Thiam | Briam | Allydia | Malydia | Malira | Malec | Clace | Jimon | Saphael | Clizzy 🏥 Steddie | Harringrove | Ronance | Byler | Elmax 🐞 Lukadrien | Kagaminette | Gabenath | Eminath | Gabenathilie | Movie Adrinette (don't talk to me about show Adrinette) 🗡️ Jeves | Hammerhunter | Jlaireby | Stelija | Stricklake | Stricklakerot | Strickrot 👩 Catradora | Glimbow | Entrapdak | Scorfuma | Glitra 🔥 Kataraang | Zutara | Zutaraang | Zukaang | Zukka | Jetko | Azutara | Makorra | Korrasami | Makorrasami 🦉 Lumity | Huntlow | Raeda | Veesha | Gustholomule | Guster 🛸 Klance | Lotura | Romura | Lancelot | Keitor | Jaith | Krolivan | Adashurtis
Yes, I rarely ship the canon couples. Why? Don't ask me that, I don't know why. I just can't avoid shipping non-canon couples. Maybe it's because all of the canon ships seem like the same to me and I'm tired of that. Or maybe it's because non-canon ships are more interesting to me and they could have an interesting story. Anyways, If you ship canon couples it's okay, but that's not for me.
【 DNI 】
♦️ LGBT+ phobes. I don't care if you are Homophobic, Biphobic, Acephobic or whatever you are, if you can't respect people for their sexual orientation, don't talk to me.
♦️ Transphobes. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. And if someone isn't living a happy life because society asigned them a wrong gender, they have the right to be their true self. If you don't support or accept that, block me or don't talk to me.
♦️ Xenophobes. Hating someone for not being of your country is dumb and it's wrong. So if you are like that, again, don't talk to me.
♦️ Racists. We're all humans, no matter the race. And if you can't respect people for being of another race, don't interact, thanks.
♦️ Sexists. Whether you are a misogynist or a misandrist, if you can't accept that no matter the gender we are all worthy of living in this world, don't talk to me.
♦️ Ableists. Despise or hate persons just for having a disability (If that term upsets some of you tell me) is something horrible and you shouldn't do that. So if you are an ableist, don't interact.
♦️ Radfems/TERF. You can support an ideology, but only as long as you aren't radical. So radfems, don't interact. And if you are a feminist that excludes trans-woman, don't do it neither.
♦️ Fascists. If you are antidemocratic, ultranationalist, right-wing or right-wing extremist, stay away from my blog. I don't want those people talking to me.
♦️ If you support censorship.
♦️ Zionists.
♦️ Islamophobes. If you hate a person just for being muslim, don't interact. Like I said before, I'm a respectful person and I only want to talk to respectful people who support human rights.
♦️ Killers, rapists, pedophiles, MAPs. I don't have to say why I don't want those people intecting, right?
【 Moral of this intro post 】
If you can't be able to admit that we're all humans and we're all worthy of live, and live without being harrassed or abused for our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or another reason, block me.
If you are the opposite, if you are good and kind, if you are respectful, you support LGBT+, and you believe in the equality of all humans, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or other things, you are totally welcome!
I think that's all! So byeee!,
Andy 💐
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Haxus is in the Central Energy Chamber of the Castle of Lions and speaking with Sendak through the computer.
"Powering sub panels" Haxus says, typing on the controls.
"Sub panel energy transducer is go" 
 "Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge. Initializing main cluster reboot." Pidge is climbing on a ladder on the wall to hack into the Castle's computer system through an open panel using the armour's computer.
"Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up"
"The bridge is go" Sendak says.
"Powering up" Haxus powers up the engine; Pidge hacks it to overload the engine using her armour's computer.
"And up, and up, and up. I would not want to be touching a metal surface when this thing overloads" Alarms blare.
"Sir, something is wrong" Haxus says. The engine overloads and explodes in energy; Haxus is caught in the blast and wounded. Pidge grabs Rover as it hovers to avoid being electrocuted. Rover brings Pidge to Haxus "You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?"
"I'm not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron" Haxus laughs, drawing his sword.
"Let me tell you something, child. I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me but triumph or death" Haxus yells and battles Pidge. Pidge strikes Haxus with her grappling hook. He catches the rope and throws Pidge aside "Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." Haxus says, lifting his sword to strike Pidge. Haxus then hears a sound and looks at the controls to see Soul. With Haxus distracted, Pidge dives between Haxus' legs and throws him off-balance on the catwalk. Rover slams into Haxus to knock him over but Haxus grabs Rover to avoid falling.
"Rover!" Pidge shouts. Soul jumps onto rover and stomps on Haxus' fingers, trying to get him to let go, failing. Rover deactivates to let Haxus fall. Soul jumps into Pidge's arms "No!" Pidge rushes forward after Rover but is too late to grab the drone. Haxus and Rover fall to their end.
"No!" Haxus shouts. Pidge mourns Rover as Soul rubs her arm. Sendak interrupts through the computer.
"Haxus, report in" 
"Haxus is gone, and you're next!" Pidge shouts.
"You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine! You will turn yourself over to me immediately!" 
"Well, then, maybe your leader or friend can convince you" Sendak said. 
"What do you want?" Shiro asks, as he tries to protect Y/N. Trying to make due with his arms tied. He smirks "Nothing better than sibling love, they will do anything to keep each other safe" Y/N glares at Sendak "Your friend wanted to hear from you two, but maybe all I need is one" Sendak nods his head for a Sentry to grab Shiro.
"Leave her alone!" Shiro shouts, struggling.
 "Shiro? Y/N?" 
"Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to-" Sendak tortures Y/N using his prosthetic gauntlet. Y/N's bites her tongue, as to not scream.
"Looks like we have a fighter here. You'll do perfect in the gladiator fight" Sendak smirks. He continues to torture Y/N, turning up the power. Y/N couldn't hold it any longer and lets out her screams.
"Stop it! I'm the leader! Not her!" Shiro says, struggling.
"No!" Pidge shouts. Pidge closes her eyes, trying to drown out the sound of Y/N's screams.
"You can make it stop. Turn yourself in. Her suffering is in your hands"
Hunk and Coran stand with Shay and Ray in their home.
"Is your ship repaired that you may depart our presence?" Rax asks.
"Uh...Are you saying that you want us to leave?" Hunk said. 
"Yes" Rax says, arms crossed.
"Well, it's working, but we can't leave without the Crystal" Hunk turns to Coran "You come up with an ideas how to get it?" 
"Actually, yes." Coran says. Coran grins.
His plan is to disguise themselves as a Galra Sentry with Hunk as the legs and Coran wearing a helmet as he sits on Hunk's shoulder, both of them wrapped in a blanket. They can barely keep upright.
"I can't believe I'm the legs again. I'm the one who took down the guard. I should get to be the head" Hunk complains.
"Shh! Legs don't talk" Hunk and Coran approach two Sentries guarding the Crystal while wearing their disguise "Oh, hello, gentlemen, shift's over. Boss needs you back at the guard shack"
"Verify identification code" A Sentry says.
"Right. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm going to have to pull rank. You guys are in big trouble, right? So, hand over those blasters and ID badges" The sentries take aim.
 "Verify identification code or be destroyed." The drone said. 
"Okay, okay. I've got it right...here!" Coran throws off the disguise. Hunk blasts the sentries with his Bayard cannon. Coran jumps off Hunk's shoulders and walks over to the Crystal, placing his hands on it; making it glow.
"What are you doing?" Hunk asks "We got to hurry!"  
"I'm not just going to pry this out of here like some Galra monster. The Balmera is a sacred being. You have to communicate with it. Let your life forces connect. This is the way it was done in our time"
"Whoa. You really know your Balmeras" Hunk says. The Balmera responds to Coran and exposes the Crystal entirely. The Crystal nearly falls over, but Coran catches it, injuring his spine in the process. He cracks his neck to look at a Hunk, his eyes wide open "........I think I'm broken" Hunk sighs; he hears the sound of laser blasters being armed and turns to see they are surrounded by Galra Sentries
"Augh...Okay, guys! All right, I hate to do this. Blasters and badges. Come on. Give them up" Coran falls over from pain. Hunk raises his arm in surrender, smiling sheepishly.
Pidge and Soul lurks near the entrance to the Bridge in the Castle of Lions and listens as Sendak speaks to Shiro, who has his head down. Lance lays near him, face up. Y/N lays on the other side, face down, severely injured.
"I'm impressed that you managed to escape. Perhaps it would be worth the trip to your planet to see if the rest of your kind have your spirit, as well as your sisters. Of course, they will all end up broken, just like you. Now that we have Voltron, every planet, every race, all share the same fate." Sendak says.
Hunk and Coran are locked in a cell on the Balmera.
"Quiznak! I can't believe they saw through our disguise..." Hunk and Coran hear footsteps "Someone's coming!" Shay appears carrying a Galra Sentry arm.
"Shay?" Hunk asks. Shay uses the Sentry arm on the cell scanner and unlocks the cell. The cell barrier disappears.
"Make haste to your pod. The Crystal is prepared for departure"
"How did you get the Crystal?" Coran asks.
"I was assigned to take it to the upper levels, but instead I took it down. Soon, they will discover my ruse. Time is short"
"Why are you helping us?" Hunk asks "You'll get in trouble"
"Because your words touched my heart. I wish for freedom for all Balmera. Perhaps your Voltron can make it so" Hunk looks determined. Hunk, Coran and Shay run for the flight pod. Rax meets them there with Sentries armed.
"No. Rax, why?"
"These two bring only trouble to our family. It was the only way to protect you" Hunk angrily readies his Bayard.
"No! The Balmera will save us"  Shay places her hand on the ground to contact the Balmera.
"Shay, no!" The Balmera responds to Shay and causes rocks to fall from the cave to crush the Sentries. Hunk, Coran, and Shay run for the flight pod. Some Sentries survive and capture Shay "Shay!"
"Go! Make haste!" Shay shouts.
"Let her go!"
"No, Hunk! We have to go!" Hunk hesitates, but more sentries and Galra fighter jets arrive. Hunk enters the Altean flight pod with Coran.
"I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!"
"If we can't shake these patrols, we might be back here sooner then we want!" Hunk and Coran leave in the flight pod pursued by Galra fighter jets.
The Altean Mice infiltrate the Generator Room of the Castle of Lions and take out the last Galra Sentry guarding it. They press buttons on the control panel to deactivate the particle barrier.
Outside, Keith and Allura watch the barrier disappear/
"It worked!" Keith says.
"They did it!" Keith and Allura head inside the Castle.
Sendak sees Pidge on the computer of the Castle Bridge. He turns to attack and pursue her out of the Bridge. As Sendak runs out of the Bridge, the real Pidhge, alongside Soul, rushes inside the Bridge to speak to Shiro and Y/N. Soul jumps of Pidge's shoulder and nuzzles Y/N's head.
"Shiro, Y/N wake up. It's me, Pidge-" Pidge is caught by Sendak's gauntlet.
"You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me?" Sendak says. Keith and Allura enter the Bridge. Keith summons his Bayard to fight "Stand back!" Sendak is suddenly struck behind by Lance's Bayard rifle. Lance passes out again. Shiro rushes at Sendak and is knocked aside. Keith battles Sendak. Sendak throws Keith and Pidge severs the energy chain to his gauntlet, rendering it useless "No!" Sendak is enrages and battles Pidge. Allura accesses the Bridge's computer. Keith attacks Sendak again and Sendak catches his Bayard's blade. Allura readies the computer. 
"Keith, duck!" He does so and a Scythe knocks Sendak into the centre of the Bridge and a barrier rises up, trapping him. Keith is pushed back. He looks up to see Y/N, breathing heavily. She puts her Bayard away and turns to face Keith, a tired look on her face "We did it" She suddenly collapses, only to be caught by Keith. She's unconscious again. He shows a small smile.
"Yeah, we did it" Pidge frees Shiro and Keith brings Y/N over to Shiro, He instantly holds her tight as Soul curls up onto her stomach.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Shiro mutters. Keith frowns before going over to Lance.
"Lance, are you okay?" Keith asks, pulling him upright. 
"We are a good team" Lance says. He smiles, Keith smiles in return. Lance looks over at Y/N and frowns "It's my fault she was in the blast. I didn't cover her" 
Hunk and Coran are fleeing from Galra fighter jets on the Balmera.
"We can't shake them!" Coran says "We're not going to make it!" Hunk remembers the booster fuel Pidge installed and motions to press the button "Uh, it may turn us into a giant fireball"
"Maybe, but it's out only chance" Coran hesitates but sees more Galra jets approaching.
"Fine. Fire in the hole!" Hunk presses the button and the flight pod blasts into the sky. Coran cheers.
"We did it!"
Lance and Y/N are sleeping inside a pod. Allura, Keith, Soul, Shiro, and Pidge stand by them in the Sleep Chamber. 
"After a day in here, they should be fully healed" Shiro approaches Pidge.
"Pidge, we can't thank you enough for all you did. I can't help but feel that you were meant to be a part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave" 
"Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members. They were like family. Now I understand what he was talking about" Shiro smiles at Pidge "I'm staying with you guys. Let's stop Zarkon for all of our families" Allura and Keith also smile at Pidge.
"Good to have you back on the team" Keith says. Soul makes a noise from Pidge's shoulder, nuzzling into her cheek. Pidge smiles fondly at her team.
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themattress · 1 year
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It just hit me - assuming things don’t change in the following season, what was done with Felix Fathom in Miraculous Ladybug’s 5th season is what many Lotor stans wanted to transpire with Lotor in Voltron: Legendary Defender. While not lacking in nuance, Felix and Lotor were both firmly established as arrogant, scheming, manipulative villains with a pronounced cruel streak. Now, Lotor carried on like this until all of a sudden he joined the heroes’ side. And while he consistently did the right thing from this point, we missed the crucial step of him ever truly repenting of his previous wrong-doings. In fact, he justified them, saying it was for the greater good in stopping his abusive father’s empire. The heroes just ended up rolling with it, and Lotor even got a girlfriend in Allura, and his stans were perfectly satisfied with this. “He’s a poor sad victim of abuse, so he was justified in all that villainy we saw him do! Let him have this redemption even if the first step to having a redemption at all is non-existent on his part!” Needless to say, they were shocked and remain furious when it was revealed that Lotor, having excused all his evil-doing and been given a free pass for it, was still in fact doing evil in secret and hadn’t redeemed himself at all. WOW! The guy who never grasped or acknowledged why what he did was wrong is still doing wrong because he still thinks what he’s doing is right!? Who’da thunk!? Besides everyone paying attention, that is!
Felix in Season 5 of Miraculous reached the culmination of his villainy when, as the supervillain Argos, he pulled a Thanos and began snapping humanity out of existence so that sentimonsters like him, Adrien and Kagami could live without risk of being controlled or destroyed. Cool motive, still mass murder. He only reverses it after Adrien and Kagami make it clear that it’s not what they want and that they will never forgive him unless he reverses it. Then, in the following episode, he shows no remorse for what he did or sincere desire to atone, but instead just tells Kagami he’s fallen in love with her and reveals his backstory of his father’s abuse of him and how that shaped his view on humanity. Accepting this as a justification rather than an explanation, Kagami deems Felix to have been “misjudged”, returns his affection, and gets him as Argos to be accepted as part of the Miraculous superhero team, which Marinette bafflingly accepts even though Felix’s treachery is the only reason Gabriel became the Monarch to begin with and caused her no end of mental and emotional anguish....to say nothing of the fact that, again, Felix is fresh off of committing momentary genocide on the human race. All of that just gets swept under the rug completely.
It’s so bizarre that the same show that draws such a firm stance on “being a poor sad victim of abuse doesn’t automatically entitle you to a redemption, it has to be properly earned” in regards to Chloe totally walks it back with Felix. Then again, it is Thomas Astruc we’re talking about, so I guess it’s not so bizarre after all. Makes me appreciate Lotor all the more, though!
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kiisaes · 2 years
Do you think you'll ever draw Klance again?
ah .. so u know of my past klancer ways ...
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that ship won't leave me the FUCK alone. not in the "i still ship it despite everything" way, in the "why are u still showing up on my twitter timeline" way
it's been years. i tried my diddly darndest to rebrand myself far, far away from them and vld as a whole. it was deadass the first show that forced me to up my media literacy game because i realized that i couldn't keep thinking shows like VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER were actually acceptable stories. klance is obviously part of that show so i didn't want to waste more of my energy on it. unfortunately, klance (and vld) content is still on this blog because i'm too lazy to get rid of it, so i've learned to live with my tragic past. it's disappointing and horrendously embarrassing, but it made who i am today. every time my lemon boy keith drawing makes its rounds again i bite the inside of my cheeks and scream, and then proceed to do nothing about it
that being said, if i ever do draw klance again, it'll be because of the unrelenting and unmerciful force of trashy-media-nostalgia. i'm surprised i haven't drawn a serious klance piece in years — i thought i'd cave much sooner tbh. but maybe this is a good thing. it means i'm healing
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ikimaru · 2 years
Hello there 😊
Just wanted to say I rewatched voltron legendary defender and saw your fan art again. You are like royalty to me when it comes to art (I mean look how many people like your art!) and I absolutely adore your art style!! I absolutely love your Klance comics! Keiths hair looks so fluffy whenever you draw it 🥰🥺
And in case you haven't heard it recently: You are so amazing!
smh ur too kind!! thank you so much lol yes I love drawing fluffy hair
damm... making me feel cool
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Voltron in "The Little Mermaid" Part 2!
Alright so I wanted to get 2/3 of it out in July cause ya know Julance, so it may be a little rushed but im having fun so thats nice. And this one comes with burnt out art! (By that I mean I gave up half way cause drawing is hard but its still cute.) Once again, thank you to @paracosm299 for being the backbone to this fanfic. And I hope everyone else likes it too! If I ever find a laptop that doesnt hate me and tumblr I'll link the three together. Until then, hopefully my tags might work for ya'll...
Also, if ya'll havent listened to the music from all three versions (cartoon, live action, broadway) youre missing out and they are referenced in this part. So minor spoilers for the Live Action! ("Shes in love" OBC is a bop I do so recommend it)
Lance sprawls across one of the many rocks, chest heaving as he tries to slow his heart rate. His eyes roam what he can see of his collection, that familiar ache hitting him hard.
He just didn't understand. 
Here, in the waters he's always known, he should feel a sense of home. And yet at every corner, he simply feels trapped, unable to even breathe without the threat of punishment for doing it 'wrong'. Instead of love and encouragement, he is crushed under rules, expectations, and this pressure to do something, but with no idea what that something is. He has a vague recollection of a woman, with deep brown eyes- the only real feature he can recall- saying so earnestly, it was almost prayer-like, that he was their future. 
He still couldn't fathom what she meant. Lance, the future? Should he somehow outlive the Emperor, Lance would be taken down immediately, by those vying for the Triton. Sendak may drill his lessons and expectations into him daily, but Lance doubted very much he'd ever actually hold any power. The only future Lance can see, is either forever a decoration to the Emperor, or a trophy given to another. The very thought makes him shudder, but it's a reality he's long since acknowledged. 
Lance was no future. Lance was not free to be a future. Lance was simply... a dressed up prisoner. 
For every gadget, gizmo, whosit, whatsit, and thingamabob Lance found, for every glimpse of wonder, a longing grew. He wanted more than this, he wanted...
To be where the people are. To see them dance, to walk around on those... those... feet! To run along streets, to stay all day under the sun's warm rays, wandering free... was it so much to wish to be up there with them? He hasn't much to give, but he wonders idly, if he were offered a chance, would he give what was asked in return readily? To live out of these waters, for even just a day to spend warm on the sandy beaches. 
Coran has since crawled from his own little crevice, watching him with worried eyes,
"I bet you up there, they understand, that they don't reprimand your every move, that they see you for who you are. Im... I'm sick of swimming with an anchor strapped to my fin. I want to stand, free... is that so much to ask Coran?" 
"No child, to be free is not something that you should have to pay for." And the emotion in the man's voice has tears of his own burning in Lance's eyes. 
"I want to know everything, ask them my questions and get some real answers. Like, whats a fire and why does it, what's that word?? Burn! When will I be allowed to do something for me?" Lance swims through his treasures, towards the small hole at the top, reaching towards the surface he's forbidden from breaching, "I'd love to explore that world up above... out of the sea, I just... I wish I could be a part of a different world... I know that makes me terrible, but... I'm so tired..."
Lance stares at the barest glimpse of the moon before it's covered, casting a shadow that's dispersed by bursts of colored light. 
"What in the Seas?" 
"Wait, Lance my boy, it's not safe up there, not tonight!" 
But Lance ignores the octopus, for probably the first time, making his way towards the surface before he can stop himself, breaching it fully for the first time. Loud popping sounds assault his ears, and debris splashes around him, before him a little ways, is a large ship with joyous music playing. Lance looks around, maybe for a sign to turn back, but finds none, something almost seems to be... pulling him, calling him, towards the Ship. He navigates past the debris, until he comes to the side of the ship where smaller ones hang. It takes him a moment to pull himself up and into it, arms straining as he tries to remain quiet. 
There's a small gap that allows him to see the occupants, and a smile graces his face as he watches them dance. They throw each other around and slam their feet, and play instruments and drink. And just when Lance thinks it can't get any better, they start to sing. 
It wasn't as melodic as the songs of his people, or as hypnotic or power filled as the royal siren songs. And yet, Lance couldn't look away. To think that just as his people feared and hated humans, Humans too, feared his people. They were so different, but at the same time, not so different at all. 
One of the humans, seemingly younger than the rest, was on the edge of their celebration. The bright- and loud- lights in the air illuminated his face, eyes shining just so, like where water and sky meet. He's pulled aside by a taller man, who has a scar over his nose and a tuft of white hair laying on his forehead. They come close enough for their voices to drift to Lance's position, and he ducks away from the opening until only his eye is seen. 
"Keith, you know we have to go back." The taller one says, sounding apologetic. 
"Shiro it's my birthday, please let me have this one day not to think about that place." The shorter one- Keith- responds. 
"You know Kolivan will be coming over to lecture you soon. The late King-" 
"Wanted me to be trapped inside the castle for the rest of my life, isolated on our island home, never to do anything new because he had some crazy notion that that would keep us safe." He sighs, leaning heavily on the railing and staring off into the distance, the furry creature lays at his feet, staring at Lance curiously. He buries a hand in his fur with a smile. "I feel like the ocean is calling to me Shiro, I'm not afraid of it, I want to explore." 
Lance feels a sort of resonation, like he's looking in the mirror once again instead of at a human. Someone who sees a future, and is ready to make it himself...
A crack of lightning lights up the sky, violent and sudden as the ocean rises up and crashes against the ship. 
"Storms coming in fast! On your toes!" 
Lance jumps into the waves before he can hear more, he needed to leave, there was no telling if this was Posiedon or Sendak-
Lance's eyes flash back to the ship, to Keith holding the fluffy creature and throwing him as the ship is alight and collapsing. Lance curses in his head, diving below again to help, guiding him to the calls of the people in the little ships. When he comes up again, he sees no sign of Keith and a panic he can't describe grips his heart. 
He dives again, dodging wreckage as the ship sinks, swimming through the harsh currents in search for a splotch of red. His distress rises with each moment, movements quick and jerky, until finally, finally, he sees it. Unmoving except for his slow descent, arms raised like even in unconsciousness he's reaching for something. As Lance draws closer he sees the cut along his jaw, the ripped clothing, smaller injuries, and he's sure bruising will form. 
Hooking his arms under Keith's own Lance drags him to the surface. It's an effort to keep the human's head above the waves as the storm rages on, but Lance wont let him drown, not while he can do something about it. He heads inland, praying to any God that will listen, that the human survives. 
Even if it means his own demise when he returns to Atlantica. 
The sand is dry and coarse, but warm under the morning sun's rays, as he tugs the waterlogged human far enough from the lapping waves. His hand shakes as it hovers over the still form, the cut on his cheek still leaks blood, his pale skin taking on a sickly pallor, before he can really think twice, his voice rises from somewhere deep. A careful melody fills the air around them, a glow encompassing his own form as he finally places his hand to Keiths chest. 
It takes longer than he'd like for color to return to his cheeks, one now marred with a scabbing scar. A groan leaves his lips and Lance's relief is palpable, despite the exhaustion that settles into his very bones. He wants nothing more than to lay here, but he knows better. Shouts reach his ears, and with a reluctance he cant place, he returns to the sea, hiding behind a rock a ways off. 
He watches as a group of humans surround Keith, who seems at least semi-coherent now, watches as they make off towards their own settlements. 
"I don't know what this feeling is. I don't even know how I know, but... something changed. I've found the world I want to be a part of..." 
Lance watches until they've vanished from view, a pull stronger than ever before, calling him towards a human with inky hair and deep eyes, to a future he'd never thought of. 
If he lived past sunset that is. 
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Allura practically falls on his head, Coran wrapped around his arm only a second behind. 
"Lonce! Where have you been!?" Allura is scanning his face, claws hovering, "Coran told me about the… thing… and then there was a storm and you were gone! We've been worried sick!" 
"Im sorry, I just-"
"Don't even think about lying to me Lonce!" 
Lance swears shes on the verge of tears, and he lets out a reluctant sigh,
"I…" he rubs his free hand over the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact, "Rescued a human…" he mumbles.
"You did WHAT!?" 
"No one saw me!" Lance is quick to defend, admittedly a little petulant. 
"Shhhh!!! Sendak can not know about this!" Allura looks around in a panic, her voice hushed.
"Know about what?" A new voice asks from behind, nearly scaring Lance right out of his scales. 
Flipping around Lance sees someone he hadn't in several years,
"Rachel?? What are you doing here? I thought you all weren't allowed at the gatherings anymore!" They clasp arms, exchanging smiles.
"Well, he wants info on our territory then someone has to come." Her grin turns sly, and Lance thinks there's more to what she says, but then again, it always seems like there's more when it comes to them. "So what's this I hear we aren't telling?" 
"Nothing. Seriously guys, I'm already gonna get a lecture from Se- my father, I really don't need this right now." 
He sees a bunch of Mers heading towards the reefs, decides that's a good way to delay the inevitable, and follows. Though of course he has company cause they dont give up that easily. And to continue his declining luck, four more mers to add to his growing entourage. 
"Wow, look how big you've gotten!!" Lisa exclaims, looking close to pinching his cheeks like a Grandma- though Lance only knew this through observation of their pod.
"Lance has a secret!" Rachel blabs, leaning over his shoulder with far more excitement than necessary. 
He groans, pushing her away as he joins the other mers in cleaning up the reef, a twinge of guilt in his gut despite the cause of the storm being from someone else's power. 
"Oh, what, does Grumpy blob have a crush or something?" Marco teases, elbowing Luis beside him. 
Lance grumbles as he fumbles with the debris hes moving, internally cursing himself at the gasps around him. 
"So! You're acting fishy because you're up to your gills in love!" Rachel swoons backwards into Marcos waiting arms. 
"Oh Dios Mios." Lance would love for a cavern to open up, right now, beneath him, please. 
The only Mers who don't treat him like Sendak's property and he wants to throttle them. 
"I see it now!" Luis exclaims, never one to miss out on a tease, the traitor, "he's dizzy, dreamy, head up in the foam! His eyes have got a gleam in them, like there's no one home." 
"Someone get this boy a coastal shelf to mope on!" Lisa instigates, laughter in her eyes. 
"He's moody as a snapper! As sure as a dogfish bites, someone’s made him lose his head!" Marcos' grin is as lopsided as he is, floating above Lance's head, he shoves him away, wondering if he should just retreat. 
"Seriously guys flip off, it's not gonna happen." Lance heaves a larger piece off the side as gently as he can, frowning at the coral beneath, it would take a lot of song and time for these poor things to come back. 
"Come on tell us who the deep-sea hunk is!" Rachel leers at him, eyebrows dancing, behind her Lance glimpses Coran and Allura, one has a look of concern, the other… well Lance can't quite identify Alluras look. 
"There's no deep sea hunk." Lance turns away, seriously debating finding that shark again.
There's a long pause, but Lances hope of them giving up is crushed when Veronicas panicked voice breaks the silence,
"Oh no. Please, please no. Lance please tell me you didn't go and," She cuts herself off, looking around frantically before coming in closer with a low hiss of, "seduce a human?" 
Lance gives an indignant squawk,
"I did not, seduce, anyone!" 
"But there is a human??? Lance, what are you thinking? Liking human stuff is one thing, but this- Lance what are you thinking??" With hands on his shoulders to hold him still, Veronica levels him with a desperate look. 
"Ronis right Lance, the human world is no place for us." Luis, like everyone else, has taken on a serious face. 
And those expectations are back. Those heavy looks, so much weight pressing into his chest, and yet no clue what it is they want from him. What it is they think he needs to do. 'Youre the future, Lance.' 
"I don't know what it is you think is up there Lance, but just take a look around you! Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there." Lisa takes on a lighter tone. 
Lance knows what's coming, knows because he's been told before, has tried to convince himself, but something always comes to remind him why he wants to escape. 
"I mean seriously, what more are you lookin for? Up there they work all day-'' Lance pointedly looks at the debris he's clearing and Marco is quick to continue, "they're slaving away under the sun's hot rays. While we get to float around down here all the time, nice and cool."
Lance wonders what they do in their territory, for all of Lance's collection, it's taken him years of little moments of free time to gather stuff, and honestly half of it was Coran and Romelle gifting him stuff. 
"And you know what they do to fish on land, they're either in a bowl or," Rachel runs a finger along her throat with a harsh click sound, "on the plate. Just imagine what they'd do to us!" 
"Not to mention, they can't possibly beat our rhythm." Luis sports a confident smile, but Lance remembers the song he'd heard on that ship. 
As if on cue however, the reef comes alive with song. Healing waves of energy that quickly distracts the mers before him, and Lance takes his chance and bolts with them none the wiser. 
He heads towards his grotto, needing some peace and quiet before his inevitable summons. He liked the McClain pod, they'd been around as long as he can remember, but they always left him feeling like he was missing something. Not that they weren't missing some major parts to his story too, but Lance didn't want them to know either. 
He enters his grotto with a tired sigh, running on no sleep and brain still too busy and anxious for it to come anytime soon. He takes in his collection, hoping for some comfort or peace of any kind. Anything to stave off what's to come-
"So you've finally returned."
Lance flips around fast enough to make his head spin, there looming in the shadows of the entrance, Triton now glowing with power,
"My. son." 
Keith stalks through the halls of the palace, determined to find a ship, or a carriage, something so he can search himself. To find the boy who saved him, the one whose song rings in his head, the one who risked their own life to get him home alive. 
"You aren't supposed to be out of bed yet." 
He turns to see his mother, standing tall and regal, like the Queen she is, in the doorway to the dining hall. She eyes him, the bandage on his head, the scaring mark on his jaw, the unsteady walk of a sailor on land- and a waterlogged man who should probably be resting, maybe.
"I don't need rest, I'm fine." Keith wants to leave it at that, but of course,
"Join me for breakfast." She turns without his answer, not that he could turn her down. 
They sit, eating quietly, but Keith is tense. He knows she wants to say more, but she takes her time, figuring out exactly what she wants to get across. After so many years away, only to return after news of her husband's passing, the two knew very little of interacting with each other. It was Kolivan and Shiro that kept them from having a bigger rift than they did. 
"I don't want you going out there again. You need to be here, preparing for the throne." 
Keith takes a breath, before he'll say something he'll regret,
"The boy who saved my life is out there. I'm going to find him-"
Keith stands, chair falling behind him,
"I don't want to be king. I never have. I belong on the water-"
She slams her hands on the table, silencing filling the room,
"You are grounded. There will be no sailing, you will stay here and heal." 
He stares at her, the woman who never cared to stay, who left his father to raise him. The woman who knew next to nothing of him, who wanted to trap him to this existence of walls and nothingness. He turns and storms out of the room, heading for the cliffs, anything to get away.  
All he'd ever wanted, as a boy born on a ship but raised on an isolated island, was the open sea and sky, freedom that seemed so far from his reach. He was only able to grasp some semblance of happiness sailing on excursions to learn and trade, his brother- in all that mattered- right beside him. 
And now, his soul tugs again, towards something- not quite new- but foreign in a way he'd never thought of. He's haunted, thinking only of a blurry memory of someone leaning over him, more of a feeling really, and a song he sings. A song  that takes him, to places beyond his wildest dreams, to uncharted waters miles beyond the seas he knows. 
Keith had been sure he was darkness bound, destined to drown at sea and never return home. Then, miraculously, he’s saved, pulled above the stormy seas and all the way to land, before being left alone, to stand on the shoreline while his mind remains lost at sea. He wishes only for him to be found again, so he can stop wondering about who he is, where he’ll be next, and to hear his song from the source rather than this echoing in his head. Someone somehow stronger than the undertow, yet able to glow silhouetted by the rising sun, to return him to land in only a night's time. 
He won’t be able to get over this mystery, something- someone- so intriguing, there was no way he’d give up before it was solved. Somewhere, beyond where man can see, with eyes that outshine the horizon line, where they can face the unknown side by side. Whether on the shoreline where he was left, or where no compass or map can guide him, Keith would find this mystery boy, no one would stop him. It’d be easier, he’s sure, for this boy to find him once again, right where he was left, but good things aren’t always easy are they?
Throw whatever you have at me, wild uncharted waters, he’d face it all.
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dnightshade0 · 6 months
Voltron: werewolf whisperer
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This is set in an AU were Lance is a werewolf and the team finds out. They get used to Lance in his wolf form. They enjoy having him run around being a cute silly wolf. But something still nags at hunk.
Hunk and lance are sitting on the couch in the lounge room chilling.
Hunk: you know it sucks that you can’t talk in your wolf form. How are we gonna be able to communicate on the battlefield if your fighting in wolf form and can’t talk to us?
Lance hums in thought.
Lance: I don’t know man. It’s not like there’s an altean universal translator that can translate werewolf.
Hunk jumps up.
Hunk: that’s it! A translator! We can make a translator that we can put around your neck and it can translate everything your saying while your in wolf form!
Lance opens his mouth to say something but hunk jumps off the couch and runs off. He runs right past shiro as he walks in the lounge room.
Shiro: woah! Where’s the fire?!
hunk: excuse me, I gotta go make a translator!
He turns to look at Lance.
Shiro: what’s he gonna do?
Lance: he’s gonna go make a translator for me so I can talk while in wolf form.
Shiro: oh…. Wait what?
(A while later)
Hunk comes back with his finished creation and stands in front of lance.
Hunk: it’s done! My werewolf translator is finished! Quick! Transform into a wolf so we can test it!
Lance: ok ok I’m going lol.
So Lance transforms into a wolf and sits there while hunk fixes the device around his neck.
Hunk: alright then we put on the device, we turn it on and there! Ok Lance, tell us what you’re thinking!
Lance barks.
Lance: I want hamburgers!
Hunk: …what?
Lance: hamburgers! hamburgers! hamburgers!
Hunk: ok lance, I want you to nod or shake your head for me. Were you thinking about hamburgers just now?
Lance shakes his head.
Hunk: no? ok then, back to the drawing board!
(A while later)
Hunk tries again, putting the translator device around Lance’s neck.
Hunk: ok lance, speak!
Lance gives hunk a deadpanned look that says ‘really? speak?’
Hunk realizes what he said.
Hunk: sorry… ok um, go ahead and say something.
Lance barks.
Lance: braaaaaains!…
Hunk: …uh…
Lance: I want to eat your brains!
This goes on a few more times. And each time the translator says something else ridiculous.
Hunk: ok how about now?
Lance: te amo mi amigo.
Hunk: ok what the heck?! It’s speaking Spanish now?! HOW?!
Hunk walks off with the device trying to figure out what’s wrong with it. Meanwhile pidge who had walked in halfway through these test runs, looks over at lance who had just transformed back into a human and is now snickering and giggling.
Pidge: what do you find so funny?
Lance: oh nothing hehehe.
Pidge: ………. That translator does work doesn’t it? You’ve just been messing with him this whole time.
Lance: yep lol
Pidge: he’s gonna kill you when he figures it out.
Lance: but in the meantime it‘ll be entertaining for us lol.
Pidge: what are you gonna say next?
Lance: I don’t know.
Pidge: can I make a request?
Lance: shoot.
Pidge: say “give me your soul. I hunger for teddy bear!”
Lance: lol will do.
Got this inspiration while reading some werewolf lance fanfics. I got to thinking that team voltron would have some really good funny moments with Lance as a wolf. Then thought of how inconvenient it was that Lance couldn’t talk as a wolf, then I remembered Steve cash’s video on getting his dog to talk through a voice box. After that, it all fell into place. Lol
Here’s a link to Steve cash’s video were he makes his dog talk. God rest his soul! We miss you Steve!
Talking kitty cat 22 dogs can’t talk
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pepplemint · 1 year
Yanno I did get a lot of shit by the voltron fandom back in the day for not liking sheith as a romantic ship. And I did say some things that I regret no doubt but I also thought about it today as I was mucking up shit for an hour. I never initiated talk about ships I don't like, but I did respond to asks about it. I get that it was an infected topic because the anti/proship wars were at an all-time high, maybe I should have just deleted the asks, but I always did like rambling about storytelling-
Either way, the reason I thought about it now after all that time is I always put all my responses under a cut, tagged it ship hate and never with the ship name. And I realized in modern day terminology, isn't that the definition of Dead Dove: Don't Eat? The thing that today is kinda the proship symbol for you know what you were getting into, so why are you mad? I did it right, right? If they had actually played by their own rules, I didn't do anything wrong? They did the exact same thing they blame others for doing?
Well it won't solve anything now anyways, I was just thinking about it. The whole conflict is something that changed the way I interact with fandom and shipping especially. I don't really feel comfortable contributing in an artistic way because I don't want to get that kind of attention on me again, or worse, have my actions somehow represent others just because I draw their ship. At the same time I really do miss it because to me it was about interacting with others while making them happy. People like shipping.
And it's interesting now when I notice how many people have me blocked. I still have no interest in taking a side, because both labels were - and I suspect are - used by people the same way, to feel victimized and morally superior. It's just kinda a label that makes me kinda wary of interacting with someone in general.
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thecommandertable · 10 months
Lost Caverns of Ixalan Artisan Set Review: Part 2
Find Part 1 here! Part 2 covers multicolor and artifact cards.
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Akawalli takes the classic black-green self-mill strategy we see with commanders like Kagha and Uurg and adds a voltron twist. Expect to see Akwalli in creature-heavy decks with cards that can buff it equal to the number of creatures in the graveyard. Giving it menace once you're at Descend 8 makes it unblockable, so Criminal Past and Moodmark Painter are must-includes.
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Bartolomé is a very powerful Magic card. They don't often give us free sacrifice outlets anymore. For white-black decks that want sac outlets, I expect this to be played alongside Viscera Seer, Fanatical Devotion, and Carrion Feeder.
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Caparocti Sunborn looks like a sweet value card either in the 99 or in the command zone. It's large enough to attack someone and survive (usually) in the mid game; as the game goes longer you'll want to augment him with some sort of equipment (which you can tap to pay for his ability) so that you can continue attacking. I'll be adding Caparocti to my Commander Liara Portyr deck.
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There have been a bevy of pirate creatures that make treasure tokens or care about artifacts: Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator; Dargo, the Shipwrecker; Fathom Fleet Swordjack, etc., and there are some pirates that carry +1/+1 counters very well, provided you can get up to 10 permanents, which isn't hard with all the treasure: Slippery Scoundrel, Storm Fleet Sprinter, and Storm Fleet Swashbuckler.
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As I said in Part 1, I find this card a little underwhelming as a commander. It's an excellent card in limited, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't support a dinosaur deck in the way you'd want a commander to. From a purely mechanical perspective, I'd prefer to have something like Ruby or Tuya leading my red-green dino deck. Itzquinth is pretty cute, though.
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This card's very good. This card is I'm-thinking-about-putting-it-into-my-cEDH-deck good. It's part Grand Abolisher, part Toski. It'll find a place in nearly any green-white Artisan deck, but especially Hamza. It protects your board as you Overrun or cast a big Hunter's Insight! It draws you cards! *chef's kiss*
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Alas, not every color pair received a legendary creature for its signpost uncommon. This card is very slow, and making it work is going to be a tall order, but gosh darn it, I'm going to try. I really want to build a golem assembly line.
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At first blush Nicanzil looks sweet, but if you go look at all the common/uncommon creatures that explore, it gets a lot less exciting; they're all french vanilla beaters like Merfolk Branchwalker. The other explore payoffs, Wildgrowth Walker, and the new Twists and Turns, don't seem strong enough to make up for it.
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Uchenbak looks pretty unwieldy. A 5-mana 6/4 vigilance menace commander makes for a serviceable (not good, but serviceable) beater, and you could try to lean into that with a quasi-voltron build with stuff like Strider Harness (getting to seven power is a big deal with voltron commanders). Getting eight permanent cards into your graveyard is no easy feat, however, and in return for doing so you get to recast your commander for only one mana cheaper than it would be from the commander tax.
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I don't think Zoyowa is that great either. It having deathtouch is nice, but its second ability requires you to descend, which again, seems like a thing that's difficult to do every turn. Furthermore, giving your opponent the choice between discarding a card, sacrificing a permanent, or taking 3 damage means that they get to choose the least impactful thing- they'll hold onto their extra lands to discard, they'll sacrifice their treasure tokens, they'll take 3 when they have a high life total, etc. If Zoyowa is a card that you're excited about, I implore you to try Loyal Subordinate if you haven't already.
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Some people have been comparing this to Solemn Simulacrum and frankly that comparison isn't flattering. If Solemn were downshifted (which I believe it should be) I would put it into some of my non-green Artisan decks, but not all of them. This card is significantly worse. Consider it this way: what percentage of Solemn's total value is constituted by that card draw? I'd argue that it's somewhere between 35-40%. How much of that is recouped by the extra point of power? Maybe... 5%, if we're being generous. (In 20-life formats, and particularly Limited, the difference between a 2/2 and a 3/2 is a lot bigger than in 40-life formats)
That said, Scampering Surveyor might find a home in some blink deck like Oji that really likes having a creature with that etb ability, or a Cave deck- at least, once we have a 5-color commander and probably another set's worth of Cave support.
And that's all the cards I'm gonna talk about! Looking over them, the selection here feels a lot thinner than it was for Wilds of Eldraine. I'm not sure if that's because there are fewer interesting cards in the set for Artisan, or if it's because my bar for including them in the set review has risen. Time will tell.
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dyceveilz · 1 year
Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Dyce, and I'm an American amateur or hobbyist artist. I like to do illustrations.
I fell out of love with many things in my life. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was passionate about something until I remembered a fandom I was into 4 or 5 years ago. It was Voltron Legendary Defender. I decided maybe I wanted to come back and revisit it. I have a project I want to work on once I get my computer set up. However I'm still trying to catch up.
If you guys have any head cannons, favorite post, or theories -- please send them my way. I would like some inspiration of what the fandom really wanted from the show and what they thought the show was going to be. I forget most of the inside jokes the fandom has and the things that did not make it onto camera.
I hope you guys send me some wonderful things and I hope I can relive the love that I had for this.
I also hope I can fall in love with drawing again.
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