#This might be peak Julian
thetimecrystal · 1 year
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oh, baby, don't care no more i know this for sure, i'm walking out that door
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
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Honestly I cannot believe that I've been on tumblr for just over a year now and somehow there's already so many of you wonderful people here that are reading, enjoying, and supporting my silly little fics. When I jumped over here from AO3, I had not anticipated how much fun I was going to have getting to chat with all of y'all while also sharing my stories with those of you who aren't on AO3. I've definitely made some wonderful friends this past year because of tumblr and I just want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I always mean it when I say y'all are the reason I keep writing these stories 💖
I could certainly get sappier but instead I'll just invite y'all to join me for my first ever celebration! There's a few fun things below the cut that y'all can pop up with in my ask box starting today May 3 through Wednesday May 8! I tried to think of some interesting things that I could realistically make time to do with everything currently going on in my life, especially because I'm also still trying to stockpile rough drafts for many of my stories so that I can still have updates during my upcoming "writing hiatus" (that I'll explain more about later). My plan is to answer things as they come in and hopefully have them all finished shortly after the celebration ends. And once the celebration finally ends, I'm hoping to give y'all an update to a story or a one shot!
Hopefully this will be fun for everyone!
Let's Chat! - Feel free to send me an ask about anything at all! No, seriously. You want to tell me about your day? An upcoming vacation or exciting accomplishment of yours? Do it! Or maybe you want to ask me questions about one of my stories or my writing process? Hell, feel free to ask me about myself, chat about coffee, music, books, pets, whatever!
Discuss Headcanons with Me! - Have any headcanons about Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, or Michael Kinsella that you want to chat about or share with me? Send them in! Or are you interested in a headcanon I might have about one of them in a certain situation? Feel free to ask! We can chat about the boys!
Send Me Fake FFTD Installment Titles! - Create a title name for an installment for my Falling for the Devil series (ex. "The [insert title]") and I'll write a couple of sentences about what I could picture that installment being about! You win bonus points if you can actually stump me on coming up with a plot for your title. But also who knows, maybe some title suggestions could spark an idea for future updates...
Let's Play a Game! - We can play would you rather, have you ever, or fuck/marry/kiss (or kill). For the record, f/m/k can be with anyone from Daredevil, Punisher, Defenders, Kin, or even any of Charlie's characters that I'm familiar with (Matt, Michael, Owen, Henry, Tristan, or Adam) or those of Jon's that I'm familiar with (mainly Frank, Shane, or Julian). If you can think of another game feel free to play it with me!
Ask the Boys! - Do you enjoy my weird internal dialogues with fictional characters that probably make me sound crazy? Great! Feel free to send me an ask to either one or all of the fictional men that live in my head (Matt, Frank, and/or Mikey) and I'll relay whatever they respond with in something of a short internal dialogue!
Request a Sneak Peak! - Since I have been stockpiling quite a few WIPs and rough drafts for a couple of months now, I am open to y'all just requesting a sneak peak. If you do, I will share a snippet from a fic I choose at random from something that's either a fully finished rough draft or still a work in progress!
**You're more than welcome to participate multiple times, but all I ask is that you (1) send things in separate asks, (2) are not rude to me or anyone else, and (3) are 18+ to discuss anything spicy (this is an 18+ blog anyway so I'd hope everyone here already is).**
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brandogenius · 8 months
Omg your boygenius x young artist hc was so cute!! Just like think of how they’d tease you like a little sibling (maybe muna does too if you’d wanna write them in) like maybe your parents send you your senior yearbook since you might have not gotten it yet and they are just horrified you JUST graduated highschool and tease you about how young and cute you look in your photos😭 Imagine them just SCREAMING when you win a grammy like for best new artist and the way they’d go to WAR for you if the tabloids were going after you or your getting a lot of hate or like something happens. Think they went to your graduation and we’re just so proud! ok i’m ranting but your writing is so good and being 19 also maybe i’m projecting but you write them SO WELL!!
THANK YOU 😭😭😭🫶 i’m glad you like them!! i love it so much the dynamics between younger reader and the boys in a younger sibling way is my ultimate favourite!!
tiny bit of projecting in this one too mainly because i live for this trope / (if it’s even a trope) hc blurbs whatever you call it !
i’m trying my hardest to base it off an american school system but since i’m not american i apologise if it isn’t correct trying my best to be as actuate as possible !
i’m not too familiar with muna unfortunately! id love to write them in but feel like i wouldn’t do them justice! in the future 100%
‼️ RPF‼️
HC - boygenius & younger! artist
adding on from here :D
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- taking away with some stuff anon said the boys are absolutely HORRIFIED when they realise you graduated school last year. what do you mean you were class of 2023?
- “this is a whole ass child we’re talking to”
- i like to imagine they DID go to your graduation. you knew of the boys since your junior year of highschool. opening for them on their tour when they were in your state.
- so many photos taken. ones with you and the boys in your graduation outfit. it was such a sweet moment. your parents meeting the boys for the first time and they surprise you by going to a nice restaurant. you, your parents and the boys.
- booking the biggest table in the restaurant it’s chaos. laughter and chatter is made. phoebe demanding your parents to bring the yearbook when they drop you off for tour.
- i can imagine the boys forgetting you’re not legal, you’re only 19. the boys going to after party’s with your for music awards and freaking out. “SHIT YOU’RE A FUCKING CHILD” julien is grabbing the car keys to drag you back to the tour bus
- when you get your year book you wish the ground would swallow you up.
- the scene unfolds by the boys acting like a pack of wolves that haven’t eaten in months. all grabbing the book to try and peak into it. lucy being the tallest holds it over all of yours head having the perks of being the tallest
- phoebe turns into an ankle biter in that moment. desperate to laugh at your photos and gossip with you about the tea
- you and the boys spend the rest of the night surrounded by the small tour buss table going through all the photos.
- “that guy? he is a bitch don’t like him. used to be mean to me in class”
- the boys got personal beef with some teenagers they never even met before “it’s on sight for real”
- trips to the theme park. it’s so random but you really wanted to go so up they went one day with you like “road trip!”
- the day you win a grammy is the day they feel like they’ve achieved in life.
- at this point they feel like they raised you. i feel like you might be like 25 or something when you get the grammy “they grow up so fast sniff sniff”
- absolutely goes chaos. standing on chairs and cheering (like julian on sunday 😭)
- they’d go ankle biter mode when tabloids and news articles come for you. it is fake news and rumours yet they are prepared to defend you on their LIFE
- defending you, subtly indirecting / actually going as far as @ ting on main twitter. they don’t take no shit and will immediately be by your side!
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1l0vefri3sx · 7 months
not to b a bunny defender or anything but like idk i just feel like BUNNY DIDNT DESERVE TO BE MURDERED?!!? like i get that the group felt threatened bc they thought he might tell but if u rlly think about it like realistically bunny wouldnt had told anyone apart from julian. no one else would believe him. and if someone did believe him (highly unlikely) bunny would probably b lumped in w the rest of the greek class and ppl would probably assume bunny was in on it or smth and he would be guilty by association if u get what i mean. i mean think abt it: a group of super isolated students, learning ancient, dead languages doing rituals during the 80s which may i remind u was the peak of the american 'satanic panic' era. bunny fs would have been rlly fkn hated if he told anyone about what he knew abt the bacchanal and i feel like he knew that and literally wouldnt risk telling anyone unless he thought henry or someone was actually going to kill him. also julian wtf he played such a big part in this. i feel like he essentially manipulated and isolated the greek class into having the bacchanal most likely knowing that there would be some pretty severe consequences. and bc he islotaed them from the rest of the estudents AND STAFF at hampden they wouldnt be able to tell anyone, or no body would believe them. omg i could acc go on abt this. still havent written my notes down tho so yh this was a (very unplanned and messy) rant so soz but i truly hope u get what i mean!!
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just2bubbly · 3 months
I liked your story, I don't want to read Cinder's angst like this, I need her remembering, and seeing her happy with her husband and children (and her Rampion Crew friends) gathered for a meal or something similar
Thank you !
hii, thank you sending in the ask! happy to know that you liked it :) wrote something that isn't necessarily happy Cinder but isn't sad Cinder either. hope you like it!! <3
If you are first time reading, better read after this, not mandatory but it will make more sense
Distant Memories
Ship: Kaider
Words: 2.1k
Genre: Angst
A/N: SOSN isn't canon in this fic, Future fic
Cinder's Perspective-
"Stars above, I'm so full," Thorne groaned, stretching his legs to pop the joints that had been sitting for a while now. 
"For once I agree, it was a lovely meal," Scarlet adds in praise.
Cinder and Julian murmur their thanks, both quite pleased with the work they had done. Julian grins at her and mouths a 'told you so' making Cinder roll her eyes. She had freaked over making dinner at such short notice for all of them, Julian had assured her on multiple accounts but it was unheard of. Cinder wasn't necessarily great in the kitchen, more times than not she broke dishes and glassware unknowingly. Her metal hand held the containers too tightly, resulting in cracks that made the container and food stored within discard-worthy.
"I'd get this cleaned. You spend time with them," Julian told her as he collected the used cutlery. 
"You don't have to. Let me help you, I'll spend time with them later. Besides all of them are staying for a while." She argued back, removing the leftovers in small containers. They might reheat it and consume it tomorrow. Julian always said that "leftovers taste the best" to which she begrudgingly agreed.
"Love, if the signs are right, Thorne would be out before we are done. So go, I have this covered," he said nudging her out of the kitchen. She goes on her toes and kisses him, giving in to his requests as she mumbles an 'I love you', a sense of happiness setting over as she joins the most reckless people she has come to love. 
"Would you guys like to do something?" She asked, they had some board games from Julian's childhood in the basement. It could be fun to play them with a large crowd, she thought. 
"Cinny, I'd love to join you, but I have eaten enough to sleep for days. You guys continue without me," Scarlet admits, Cinder chuckles softly, hugging Scarlet through her large belly. She shows Wolf and Scarlet to the guest room.
As she walks down, she thinks how not many would be eager to play a competitive game on the heavy meal they had had. She is surprised to see the crowd she returns to, Cress and Iko are glued to the screen watching some romcom. Jacin and Winter are nowhere to be seen, so she assumes they have decided to call it a night too. 
Thorne is sprawled on the couch from where he calls her, "I'd- well I wanted to talk about something." 
Cinder's interest peaks as she joins him on the couch, forcing him to sit to make room for her. 
"Go on," she tells him, Thorne glances at his wife and Iko sitting on the thick carpet and towards the kitchen before saying, "Maybe somewhere alone."
This alarms Cinder, she is on her feet in an instance suggesting if the backyard is good enough. Thorne nods as he follows her out through the back door. The chill of a November night stills them, the icy breeze blowing in their face.
"Do you want to go out in the cold?" 
"Not the worst I have faced," Thorne addresses, passing her as he walks barefoot on the lawn. The dew on the grass blades feels cool against her skin, the moisture sipping through.
"What's this about?" She asks, diving straight into the topic. She wasn't the one to beat around the bush, her nerves couldn't support the anticipation. She skimmed through the chats they had had in the recent week, trying to find something that Thorne might have dropped that reflected something being out of place.
"I don't even know if this concerns you—" Thorne says, Cinder cuts him off, "—Thorne put it in words, you are making me worried sick."
"I have got an invitation," he says at last shoving his hand into pockets. He stares into the night sky, the darkness against the twinkling lights of multi-storey buildings. The moon shining bright above, Cinder looks at it thinking of old times. Luna and her once-last lifetime there. 
"That's all?" She asks exasperated. Unable to fathom how a single invitation has got Thorne so troubled. He fails to answer her prior question so she continues," From who? Your Parents? But- you mentioned that you cut ties with-" 
"It was from Kai," he snaps, stopping her from bringing up his parents. 
Kai. Stars.
She is shocked over what to say, so she silently stares ahead at the city lights spread around her house. When the initial shock had calmed, she asked, "What does it say?" 
"He invited me and Cress, well, to the New Year's Dinner. He says 'It's for the old time's sake'." Thorne described, his voice dulling out on nostalgia.
Cinder isn't able to express her surprise in words. 'For old times sake' was such a cliche phrase but it was just like Kai to use it to make a point across. She shouldn't have expected any less, he was a born diplomat.
The last time they had spent New Year's together felt like ages ago, it was ages ago- when they were still dating. It was Cinder and Kai and everyone and not whatever else this has become. 
Cinder had last seen Kai at an event when she was required to be present as ex-Lunar Queen for the Intergalactic Peace Treaty modifications. Then, she had been like a stranger to him, she couldn't recall if they had exchanged formalities, if she had even been in the same room with him.
"And what did you reply?" She asked trying to keep the conversation going so her mind won't betray her. 
"I'm here to ask you that," he says, causing Cinder to spin around. 
"The New Year's in 4 days and you haven't replied yet?!" She almost yells, forcing herself to keep her tone in check. She doesn't need anyone to know she is talking about Kai in her backyard while her husband washes dishes.
"Cinder, things didn't end on the best of notes. For fucks sake, I'm sure he believes I'd decline the invite. He said 'I understand if you have plans made and can't make it'- It's like he knows I'd decline." Thorne points out, his frustration clearly showing. 
Cinder does seem to forget that her breakup with Kai resulted in a lot of things ending on bitter notes. Especially for Kai.
She hates to look at it this way but it felt like she stole Kai's friends from him. Julian always said that Kai didn't put the effort to be friends with the crew afterwards and she shouldn't blame herself for that but Julian didn't know Kai like she did. Kai willingly stopped putting in the effort because he believed he wasn't entitled to their friendship- unlike Cinder.
She knew how he had sent gifts for Winter and Jacin on their wedding day, choosing to not attend the small ceremony for personal reasons. Iko who was still part of the Lunar administration often came across Kai, she never brought it up to Cinder but knew the friendship was civil for the two. He let all of them go along with Cinder, those years ago. 
"Are you willing to go?" She asks, her voice calmer this time, curls around in one of the outside chairs. Thorne joins hers, putting his legs on the hardwood of her coffee table. 
"Yes," he admits, now staring at her. Cinder already knew the answer yet something deep inside her hoped for a different one.
"Cinder," Thorne sighs, his hand pulling at his face before he continues, "All those years ago I chose you and I don't regret it. I love you but I loved Kai too. You got everyone out of the relationships but Kai didn't get anyone. It is foolish to think that one feels not guilty for not being there for a friend."
Cinder continues to remain silent, she knows after the revolution Thorne had spent a lot of his time at the Commonwealth. So much so that it was clear, he and Kai were better friends than them. The break-up took a lot from Kai- friendship with Thorne being one of them. Thorne's words had opened up some wounds she liked to keep unattended. The guilt encompassed her being like always when Kai was brought up in conversation. 
Realizing his misstep, Thorne pulls her chair towards him, "I'm not blaming you, Cinder but I want to give Kai a chance. I promise I won't bring you up with him or him anywhere near you. It's just- his invite reminded me of the 19-year-old lost boy without friends and it broke my heart. I want to be there for his happiness and sadness like I was for yours. Like he was for mine."
She understands where he is coming from. Thorne and Kai had clicked after the revolution, one might have taken them to be brothers. Kai had helped Cress and Thorne transition into a settled life from their nomadic ways. Thorne wasn't much help when Kai needed it.
"Ok," she nods in approval. Thorne seems to not hear it, so he makes her repeat it.
"I don't mind if you visit Kai for New Year's," she says louder. He whispers a thanks, Cinder isn't sure what for.
"Do you think the others are invited too?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her- if she would be having the same conversation with the others in the morning, the least would be to be prepared to talk about The Emperor who still unnerve her. 
"I don't think so, he seemed hesitant to ask me. Can't imagine him asking everyone else," he wondered. 
Cinder glances towards the door, Julian's working under the white light of the kitchen. Still doing dishes probably. She remembers her life as a mechanic a lifetime ago. Julian looks up through the window and catches her staring at him, he winks at her. She attempts to smile at him, but it's too dark for him to notice the smile lines not forming. 
"Do you think it will be awkward?" 
"Hell lot," Thorne laughs, "I don't know what to get him. Cress might know of something. It's been years since we last talked, it's going to be so weird." 
She recoils on the inside but meeting Kai is Thorne's problem and she won't ponder it. Pulling her knees to her chest to bring herself some warmth, she says, "Thank you for choosing me." 
"Cinder," he reprimands "It was my choice." Hearing his words, the conviction with which he says them, she smiles, sadness lingering. She curls in his side, head laid on his shoulder. They sit like that, lost in their own regrets and maybes. 
"Do you ever think about maybe?"
A chuckle blooms through her lips unknowingly, she had thought about it so much- how she hadn't tried enough, how Kai wasn't cooperating, how she should have been closer, given up the crown sooner. It took a while to come to the realisation that they were doomed from the beginning. They never really stood a chance. 
"Sometimes that's all I can think of," she admits softly in the dark, her words uttered more for herself than for Thorne.
Cinder had moved on from her relationship with Kai for some time now, she was married to Julian, someone she loved very dearly. More than Kai too. But Kai had seen something in her when no one wanted to look at Cinder.
When someone gives you that much attention and becomes a reason behind all your actions or habits, it's difficult to move past that without acknowledging how much they matter. Kai was that person to her.
Kai was no longer a lover but someone who would always be her well-wisher, no matter how harsh she might have been on him. It was just something he would always be, an admirable guy.
"It's strange how you guys were the ones that got everyone together only for you to not make it," he said, satire hitting every word. 
Cinders overlooks the comment, "You should get him fondo from the place near your house. The one where you proposed Cress. He used to love it back then, might as well like it now," she suggests instead. 
Thorne nods in acknowledgement and pats her head as he stands, "I'd take them along. Why don't we have some hot chocolate? It's getting cold out here- Julian bragged how he made the best ones! I'd like to taste them!" 
"Oh, he absolutely does. We might have marshmallows to top it," she says, and seeing how Thorne continued to stand still, yells, "C'mon, hurry up! Think Julian might not be too tired to make it."
Thorne laughs, "He had made it for you even if he was asleep." 
And as Thorne had mentioned, Julian does.
A/N: Hope I did your request justice, it wasn't very 'moving on' like because I tried replying for multiple requests with this!
tagging: @gingerale2017 @fangirlforever0704 @salt-warrior @slmkaider @impossiblesuitcase @cindersassasin @therealkaidertrash21
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in-flagrante · 8 months
Downton Abbey ‘makes shock return’ as secret revival series ‘begins filming’
Report claims that the hit period drama is returning for a seventh series, nine years after coming to a close
Louis Chilton
1 hour ago
Hit ITV period drama Downton Abbey is reportedly filming a new series, nearly a decade after coming to an end.
The series, which originally aired on ITV from 2010 to 2015, followed the lives of an aristocratic Yorkshire family in the years between 1912 and 1926.
A new report in the Daily Mail claims that a revival series began filming a few weeks ago, and is expected to arrive on screens “by the end of the year”.
The outlet quotes a source close to the production as saying: “Filming has been going on for a few weeks now, it is all very, very secret. There are people working on it who have never seen secrecy like it.
“Those working on the set have been made to sign non-disclosure agreements so that they don’t give the game away but there is a lot of excitement at the return of Downton.”
The Independent understands that the series has not been commissioned for ITV.
The original series featured an ensemble cast that included Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth McGovern, Joanne Froggatt, Dan Stevens and Maggie Smith.
It was reportedly Smith’s reluctance to continue that prompted Downton to come to an end after six series in 2015, though the thespian returned for two feature film sequels, 2019’s Downton Abbey and 2022’s Downton Abbey: A New Era.
Rumours of a series comeback started surfacing back in May 2023.
In December, series creator Julian Fellowes didn’t brush off the possibility of a comeback, telling Radio Times: “I have said goodbye to Downton so many times, and I have written the last scene about six or seven times. Now I’ve got out of the habit of making permanent statements about whether it’s gone.
“It just gives me a lot of pleasure that so many people enjoyed it, so to feel that you created a show that cheers people up and they had a good time with it, I love that.”
The Independent has contacted production company Carnival Films and Fellowes for comment.
During its peak, Downton was one of the most popular series on UK TV, with its third series pulling in an average weekly audience of 11.5 million people.
In a two-star review of the latest film adaptation, The Independent’s critic Clarisse Loughrey wrote: “Downton Abbey: A New Era is whatever the opposite of a French Exit might look like. Rather than a party guest slipping out quietly, it’s the bumptious visitor making their final, sluggish turn around the room. Their pottering seems to extend for another hour or two – or another cocktail.
“The first film, released in 2019, was designed to pay a final farewell to Downton’s 47 TV episodes and five Christmas specials – an opportunity to tie up a few loose ends and resolve things with a hearty slap on its own back. A New Era manages to uncover even more threads, and makes neat little bows in the most languid way possible. It’s as much of a film as an encore to the encore can be.”
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lilyharvord · 4 months
Hi! Long time fan here. Since COVID era actually. 😅 I was looking back at your posts and I noticed that Project Nightshade was never published or snippeted.
I wondering if you’re going to publish it or if you’re willing to post what would have happened. No pressure, just wondering. Hope everything is going well. Also wondering how your novel went? Is it available to purchase?
Here's some snippets from Project Nightshade (: There not much but it's honest work. (:
The blood drained for Mare’s face, and for a moment, her legs almost gave out. If she was being called by Evangeline this early in the morning with a summons from the Premier, then it was serious. Serious enough that it could be Lakelands pushing the line like they feared they would do for the past week, or it could be Piedmont had decided they actually did want to question the State’s sovereignty and the States’ alliance with Montfort. Her heart pounded a little faster at the fact that this could be a military summons, and that was far more likely if she and Cal were both being summoned. She would take the Lakelands any day over Piedmont. With the slow teetering of their country into chaos thanks to Farley’s constant pressure with the Guard, they were running deep into their Treasury. They wouldn’t be able to afford a full scale assault like Piedmont that could drag on for another year or two, or three. 
Mare shuddered at the thought. Deep in her mind’s eye, she saw her daughter’s face aging in those years. She could almost feel the sickening sink of her stomach that would cut through her when she returned from that fight and saw her daughter waiting for her patiently on the tarmac, those years haunting her eyes.
If it were that, Evangeline would have lead with it though. Forcing a blanket of calm so she didn’t scare Coriane, Mare pursed her lips at her own quick swing toward fear. 
“Radis is on his way out the door. He is leaving office today, and Carmen is being sworn in this afternoon.” Mare grumbled, finally crouching down to help Coriane balance the glass while she drank. “He doesn’t give me orders anymore.” She strokes her daughters hair for extra measure, watching her throat bob as she drank deeply. It soothed any of few ruffled feathers she still had. She wasn’t going anywhere, Coriane was still young. She wasn’t missing her daughter’s life. It felt like a battle to admit that, almost a half lie. 
You and I are good liars. 
She shuddered at the memory of that voice. It had been a long time since Maven had whispered in her ear, but sometimes, she still heard him, felt his fingers brushing her hair off her cheek or clenching her fingers like she was a life line and could pull him back from the edge. It had been so long since she’d heard his voice though, so long since she had been stressed enough to let his ghost in through the gaps in her armor—
“We are not alone anymore.” He finally said, and the council chamber exploded in surprised and confused murmurs. Mare leaned forward to glance at Evangeline at the tail of Radis words. Her words from earlier floated through the haze: it’s impossible for such a thing. 
Julian stood, his skin pale as he flushed with either anger at being excluded from this development or some other emotion. “We have no evidence that there is anyone beyond our continent that survived the devastation. As far as we are concerned the sea swallowed whatever might be left.” 
Radis dipped his head in understanding, his eyes flashing in the light as he replied. “We were wrong. A radio transmission was intercepted this morning proving everything we once knew false.” 
In the resulting silence, Mare heard the faint rumble of far off thunder. A storm was about to hit Ascendant. She could feel the lightning taking shape in those clouds, felt the change in the air the same way she did when she climbed up Storm Peak for training. It was still miles away, but she clenched her hands into fists to avoid the sparks that wanted to take shape between her fingers. Cal’s hands tightened on her shoulders in response, and she knew the hairs on his arms were standing on end as she channeled that energy through her like a glorified lightning rod. 
Radis turned and nodded to a young man no one had noticed lurking in the shadows of the doorway. All eyes turned to him, and he straightened to his full, dimunitive height before stepping forward with a box. A recording device, Mare realized, her lips drawing into a tight frown. 
Holding it out to Radis, he dipped his head as the Premier pressed one thin, pale finger on the playback button. Static punched through the silence of the chamber, only to be followed by a faint buzzing and then a two tone beep. 
Cal leaned forward to hear better and the wave of heat he released washed over Mare like a hot breeze, and stirred Coriane awake. She blinked open sleepy eyes, and glanced around in confusion at her surroundings as the recording played and changed everything. 
Her heart pounded in her ears but she forced her voice to remain even as she said, “And what does that mean for you?” 
“The message asked for a Calore king. I’m not a king.” Cal shrugs, but his eyes were burning and Mare knew now what that meant. 
“He wants you to go.” 
“To keep things cordial.” The words were carefully chosen, and probably not what he actually wanted to say, or what Quinn had said. “He doesn’t want to piss off a country that we know nothing about by sending a delegate that they didn’t ask for.” 
“That’s not right.” Mare insisted as she pulled away from his grip, her annoyance manifesting in the bulb above their heads whining. Cal didn’t even react to it, years with her teaching him the nuances of her ability now and that if she wanted to shatter the bulb, she would. 
He sank back to sit on the cycle, his hands falling between his knees while he turned his attention to the rain outside. “What do you want me to do? Ignore a direct order?”
“Was it a direct order?” Mare grumbled as she craned her neck and tried to find Coriane. Her daughter had been strangely quiet for too long. She couldn’t see her, and that worried her until she saw a faint flash of amber eyes in the darkness. Expelling a sigh through her nose, Mare called to the shadows, “Don’t eavesdrop Coriane.” 
Her daughter’s mass of curls proceeded her as she sheepishly poked her head out from behind the shelves. “Are you going to fight?” 
“No love, we’re not.” Cal said with a faint smile as he held his hand out in a quiet invitation of her to stop lurking in the shadows. She scurried to him with a clean rag, and he took in gratefully before saying, “We were having a conversation.” 
Coriane’s eyes sought Mare for confirmation, and she got it in the form of a terse nod. “We were talking. If mommy and daddy were fighting you would know.” She smiled faintly at the implication of her comment and crouched down to move Coriane’s wet hair out of her eyes. Cal’s hand found Mare’s shoulder and squeezed gently to get her attention.
She glanced up at him, and then followed his eyes to a figure that moved beyond the window. Mare yanked Coriane into her arms and stood so quickly, she staggered for a second. There was another door out of the garage, a failsafe Cal had built just in case. Neither of them liked to be in a place with only one entrance and exit anymore. 
The door into the garage opened slowly though, and a young solider stepped through. His eyes found them in the corner and he clicked his heels together before saluting smartly. “General Calore, Captain Barrow.” 
Cal rose slowly, wiping his hands with a frown while Mare set Coriane back on her feet. The girl clung to Mare’s leg in response and eyed the man warily like her parents. The soldiers nodded and moved aside as Radis stepped through the doorway, brushing water off his dark coat. He glanced around the space before raising a brow at the organized chaos on the shelves and the little table at the side.
“Apologizes, but I called ahead and no one answered.” 
Mare’s lips drew into a deep frown. If he’d done that, it had been while he was probably sitting outside their house, because the phone had not rung that morning. 
“What do you want Radis?” Cal’s voice was dangerous, a warning in and of itself as he edges around Mare and Coraine to set the rag down on the table. He slid something off the table then, and Mare realized belatedly that he had taken his bracelets off and left them there. 
The older man smirked at the atmosphere in the room, comfortable even in the presence of two people who very easily could remove him if they felt threatened. Tilting his head to the side, he said, “Premier Radis, General. I hold the title for another hour.” 
“That’s a second politically and you know it.” Mare replied coolly, setting a hand on Coriane’s head as she eyed the two soldiers standing outside the door with their rifles strapped across their shoulders and in their hands. They were the new models, the ones that Kilorn told her had a faster clip. As if we have any reason to make the bullets move out of that monstrosity faster, her friend had spit to remove the taste of those words before draining the last of his beer. She had agreed with him. “Did you need a small army to come talk to us?” 
“That answer depends on how you react to what I propose.” Radis stepped into the space before glancing down at Coriane as if he just noticed her. She edged further behind Mare, and glanced up at her with a creased brow that Mare smoother out with her thumb gently.
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alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale 7x19 - The Golden Age of Television (Spoilers)
Ok, I will admit the last couple of minutes got me choked up a bit. As much as I feel the series went downhill, I am going to miss it. Or some of it. And I'm glad that, contrary to some of the rumors, things didn't play out quite as I had heard.
The story starts with the removal of Featherhead and the hiring of Weatherbee. Also, the Councilor is leaving for Washington. And we see how the timeline is starting down the path towards light (or some such nonsense). Archie plans on riding the rails during the summer, working on his poetry. That is until he finds out Reggie won't be going to this all important Basketball camp as it will be during peak harvest season. Archie tells Reggie to go to the camp and that Archie will take Reggie's place on the farm. Good on you Archie, you might just be like Fred yet. Eh, probably not. But still good.
Pep comics is going to shut down, but not without putting out one last issue based on "The Comet," by W. E. B. Du Bois. Jughead writes the editorial. Judging by the amount of people reading the last comic, I'm guessing we're to believe it makes people think.
Meanwhile, Jughead gives Du Bois' contact information to Veronica, who gains the rights to make a film version. Clay will write and direct.
Cheryl takes back the Vixens. Evelyn's reaction is priceless.
Nobody mentions Midge. Well...
Hal will be sleeping in the basement. Betty's book is published and she gives a copy to Alice. Alice reads it...and yaddah, yaddah, yaddah....understands Betty now....more bullshit...Alice still has a chance to be happy. But not a stewardess because, well, 1950s.
So, Angel Tabita arrives and shows Jughead seasons 1-6 of Riverdale on an old color tv. This causes Jughead to get his memories back. Tabitha explains that they've done their job creating a better timeline (okay), but the timelines were too tangled to separate them. However, she was able to merge them into one timeline. But this means she can't take everyone back to 2023.
What she can do is give everyone their memories back. Long story short, everyone is given the option to view their past lives. Everyone agrees, except for Kevin because he finds there is no Clay before this timeline and Julian because he learns he's a doll. It's a yes it's a lot for everyone to take in.
So, they all meet up again and talk with Tabitha. The Bear is mentioned. Yay! Everyone asks if it would be possible for Tabitha to make it so they would only have the good memories, but not the bad. I mean, I can't blame them...but some of those memories will loose context.
Good news, apparently it is possible. All Tabitha has to do is hit a big ol' reset button (...Fuck you Riverdale) and show them only the good memories. And so we see everyone, including Kevin, Clay, and Julian watching them.
Tabitha sneaks out and Jughead follows. Jughead asks if Tabitha will stay. She says she can't because there's another Tabitha out there who's actually about to live the life this Tabitha should have had had she not come to Riverdale, but she and Jughead will never get together. Jughead, again, tries to get her to stay as they had a life together before....and, I'm sorry, I know the writers are trying to give Jabitha an epic goodbye...but in the pervious scene Jughead's arm was wrapped around Veronica...they're still dating...what does Jughead think will happen here? Anyway, in the end they have one final kiss goodbye and she disappears. Well, she exits off the stage, they don't have the money for special effects (as season six shows us).
We find out after that Jughead has opted out of not having his memories re-erased and having only the good memories put in. What Jughead mentions, and it seems like he didn't know this at the time, is that Betty also chose to keep all of her memories.
God, life at the Cooper's will be fun. "Hal, can you carve the Turkey?" "GOD MOM, DON'T GIVE HIM A KNIFE!"
Well, one more episode to go. I admit I'm a little curious on how this will end, though I don't have any high expectations for it. Oh, but one last thing before I end this...
Frank and Tom are sleeping with each other. Really. Trying getting that image out of your head.
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regret-breathing · 5 months
brb thought too hard about the galactic milieu and now im dropping shit in the groupchat like ‘if julian may was still alive do you think shed think im cool 🥺’ ‘do you think julian may died knowing she touched my soul’ ‘julian may was the mervyn peake of the 1980s’ ‘what would fiction look like if the galactic milieu had ever sold enough to warrant a second printing’ ‘if i found a copy of the diamond mask to complete my collection i might actually cry’ ‘who would i even be without felice landry and sister amerie roccaro’ ‘marc remillard call me’ ‘abaddon did many things wrong but you DO HAVE TO HAND IT TO HIM’ ‘was it tboy swag when aiken lugonn the nonborn did all those atrocities’ ‘brian is the worst but yk what i too would go insane if i fumbled a bad bitch like mercedes lamballe’ ‘claude majewski call me i could use a single father figure i could respect’ ‘YEA THE BOOKS ARE A LITTLE RACIST BUT THAT DOESNT STOP YALL FROM DICKRIDING JRR TOLKEIN EVEN THO LOTR ISNT EVEN GOOD’
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vesperpharsalius · 9 months
i got your reference! that’s why i said in gs cassius taking back the ring was just the engagement. i love that two lines because when i read the ending of gs i was traumatized by all that was happening, like darrow was there, stuck paralyzed on the ground by the venom, fitchner’s head on one side, nero and lorn killed by the jackal that has just shown his true face on the other, victra dying and roque having his judas moment. he did not know what had happened to sevro and mustang. peak dramatic moment. then cassius touched his hand and he was like “oh is he holding my hand??? <3” like BITCH BE SO FOR REAL this is not the moment to be gay (wrong it’s always the moment to be gay).
but also omg you saying that was cassius’s ring in Ig please like what if the rings were slightly different because maybe at the institute one was slightly scratched and so darrow realised that and virginia knew that too because she is observant. they looked at each other and the pin of remaining internalised homophobia in darrow made him say “maybe he lost the other one…” they both know it’s not true.
please you’re feeding my delusions too much I need chapter 9 of your fanfic 😭
Lol, that scene cracks me up, too. It’s such an unbelievably tense moment and I remember the first time I read it, I had to do a double–take, because—honestly, Darrow, these are your thoughts? Maybe apologize for destroying his entire House before you try for first–base.
(I am aware that Darrow thought Cassius was going to shake his hand, rather than hold it, but I think it says something spicy about Darrow that not only is he unfailingly tender where Cassius is concerned, he also invariably expects Cassius to return his affection—even after he admitted to killing Julian and did not apologize for it, he honestly believed that Cassius might forgive him. Like, dude, even Cassius isn’t that gay.)
But you’ve got me thinking of the end of MS now, when Darrow had just assassinated Octavia, overpowered the Jackal, and saved Cassius from the Joy Knight—y’know, he’s on the verge of either resounding success or crushing failure, trapped in the Dragonmaw, about to face Aja, the most terrifying razormaster in the system, with no armor and one hand. Despite all this, what is his stream of consciousness?
He grins, more alive in battle than anywhere else. I feel a pang, knowing this is always how it should have been. Missing the days where we rode together in the highlands pretending we were lords of the earth. I grin back at him, wounded, bleeding, but almost whole for the first time I can remember.
And Mustang has to literally tell them to focus and stop being gay. And you know what? They don’t. Good for them.
IIRC, they received new rings after they graduated from the Institute, ones that are iron rather than gold, but it’s totally possible that Darrow’s and Cassius’ could be perceptibly different. I like to think Darrow and Mustang would both, independently, realize the ring was actually Cassius’, but never say anything. Darrow, because he’s a goddamn fool, wouldn’t understand the significance of it (Maybe Cassius was just confused? Sent the wrong one accidentally? Lost mine? I mean, what reason could he possibly have to send me his?). But Mustang would, because she knows that Cassius is in love with Darrow (because it’s painfully obvious and, honestly, he probably confessed, while they were dating) and it would make her smile. And she would tell Victra, too, in confidence, who would find the entire thing hilarious.
Anyways, I can see it. Ch. 9 is coming soon! Stay tuned. Tysm for reading.
Bonus points for the fact that, after the Iron Rain in GS, when Mustang is telling him everything that happened while he was unconscious, who is Darrow worried about? Guess.
“Oh, goryhell, you’re so tender sometimes. Do you regret cutting off his arm, too?”
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artsofmetamoor · 1 year
Welcome ❤️
This is mostly my art blog for Chronicles Of Metamoor, a collaborative project I do with the awesome writer @katerinaaqu. It's a collection of stories, drawings, comics and more, exploring the fantasy world of Metamoor and its characters (based on the W.I.T.C.H. series, but our version strays from the original, diving deeper into the medieval and high fantasy aspect of it).
Here you might also find fanart and more for a number of other fandoms.
||⚠️+18⚠️|| While this blog is for the most part SFW, I explore mature or dark topics as part of our narratives. Mature content will be tagged as "chronicles of metamoor mature". All characters depicted as couples in mature content posts are adults.
(I will be updating this list as I post more stuff)
Click HERE to see just my art.
Art/Posts by Characters:
Caleb Dilla* Ballard* Cornelia- Most of what I draw includes these 4! CalebxDilla and CorneliaxBallard ❤️
Kai* Jaoral* Akule*
Diego* Drake Aldarn Vathek
Danra* Yanangule*
Elyon Dante* Phobos Cybele*
Assara* Luma* Gallaria*
*our original characters.
Art/Posts by lore:
Tribes of metamoor- (our original concept) race of galhot people that lives in hunting\gathering communities and villages. Their domains stretch across the wild forests and jungles of the realm of Metamoor.
Escanors and Meridianites- Inhabitants of the city of Meridian, including the Escanor royal family.
Other Metamoor Inhabitants- All others that inhabit the world of Metamoor, different kingdoms or other comunities of people, like the Naga empire, the Shifters e.t.c.
Fauna, Flora and Environments- Ecosystems, biodiversity and geography of the planet of Metamoor.
The Rebellion- The times of the great revolution against Prince Phobos Escanor, leaded previously by Julian and then by his successor Caleb.
AU Art/Posts:
Avatar AU
Mafia AU
Mermaid AU
Mythology AU
Centaur AU
Genderbend AU
Avatar AU
Different Timelines - basically a bunch of "what if" different scenarios for the main story (like characters making different choices that lead to different situations e.t.c )
Written work by @katerinaaqu:
What is Past is prologue
The First Perfume
A Beautuful Illness
Avatar AU
Uneasy Lies The Head -Mature warning, mentions of depression, mental disorders and suicide.
The Peak of Madness -Mature warning, mentions of depression, mental disorders and suicide.
Ballard and Cornelia
The Portrait
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tokidokifish · 1 year
garashir for ship asks!!!
What made you ship it?
i don't know. listen - you may think i'm being oblique. but the fact is i heard about garashir LONG before i ever got into ds9, we're talking YEARS back; i can't even remember who i knew that shipped it, because it was just that long ago. i even tried reading a fanfic, though i can't remember what it was or even where it was, because this might have predated ao3. like even before i got into the show, something about that pairing Appealed To Me. and then, of course, i DID watch the show and Whoo Boy. i mean have you SEEN them interact. i think, honestly, what sealed the deal for me - what got be truly invested - was - well, for one thing, i tend to automatically rebel against relationships that the canon WANTS to happen; even if it's a relationship i end up liking it takes me a while to come around to it bc i'm so burned out on the vibe of "he was a guy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?" that so many het romances get slapped with. i'm always looking for the characters that have the most chemistry (in my opinion) and goddamn call those bitches a science department because they have maybe the most chemistry of any two characters in that show. they challenge each other in the best way! and they just LIKE each other. what a novelty! i've got my fondness for the whole slap-slap-kiss trope, but god do shows and movies rely on it way too much these days, gag. so to have these two characters which, yeah, snip at each other sometimes, but very genuinely enjoy each other's company?? sublime. love it.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
well, i think i got into it a bit with the "they just like each other", but i think i especially like that garak liked julian right from the start. like oh, yeah, garak obviously had ulterior motives for approaching julian at first, but after that he just - continued to seek out his company! i've stated it a lot in my fics but just the fact that garak alone never seemed to find julian irritating when like everyone else on the station did, even if they came around to it - like i'm not one of those people that's like "the character you see yourself most in + the character you're most attracted to is your favorite pairing" bc i think it's bullshit, but as someone who is Very Annoying and is used to driving people away, oh god the idea of being just simply ACCEPTED by someone is like. a fuckin. drug. it's honestly probably the biggest reason i have trouble shipping julian with anyone else, even though i do enjoy his relationship with miles and i especially like writing him and kira becoming close in the later seasons. and, again, the fact that garak and julian do challenge each other, and they reflect one another in such interesting ways - and, of course, they are sooooooo normal about one another even in the context of a show that WASN'T writing them as romantically involved. 's good. 's a good ship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
certainly it's not unpopular amongst the garashir girlies - but obviously i consider the idea that their relationship is at all "unhealthy" complete bullshit. like i made a whole post about it. genuinely i cannot even understand the mindset - other than, of course, because garak is a "bad man" (also something i disagree with, but whatever) he cannot have healthy relationships. he's "evil", so all of his relationships must be toxic. just lol. lmao, even. i think my most unpopular opinion is that i find it VERY hard to picture them hooking up early in the series and then having a relationship on the side. like it's not a deal-breaker in terms of fics, but just not my cup of tea, yanno? i think there's attraction and affection from the get, but i think PEAK garashir happens after ips/bil, and especially after dbip, when i feel like they'd've truly come to understand one another (as much as they need to, obviously; i think a big part of the garashir relationship is the idea that garak will always have secrets and julian is fine with that (is that why people think it's toxic?)). oh also i think people who shrink the age difference are cowards. they're both grown-ass adults! let them have their 20+ age gap! it's a charm point!
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thegeminisage · 5 months
Civil Defense might be my all time favorite Star Trek episode, not that it's the best in any particular area, but the combination of sci-fi shenanigans, some minor social commentary, compelling characters, and fun ship moments (Julian smiling about "you, garak" plsssss) is just PEAK trek to me. Plus "attention bajoran workers" lives in my head rent free
it was soooo good like it was FUNNY but also horrific it was the metaphorical empty field full of land mines like you never get to forget there was a war but also some of the warlords are cringefail losers who can't even impress this tiny bajoran woman because she is so full of rage. unexpected and fun entrances but gul dukat and garak. gul dukat casually ordering tea and the lasers pausing and then resuming. garak telling him he ain't shit and kira is never gonna fuck him. KIRA HAS A GUN AND SHE IS NOT AFRAID TO USE IT. big spock with the sniper rifle energy. garak altering julian's pants (i hope it was the inseam). SO good.
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barnbridges · 1 year
I just read your analysis on Kathy Corcoran and the significance of her name; do you have any thoughts on other characters names? I love your posts akdbkshdjsj!! :]
Thank youuuu
I mean, my masterpost and piece de la resistance on the issue is here. But other than that:
I do believe it to be quite a strange and funny mess that Henry is very obviously inspired by Merricat Blackwood and that's the name of Marion's child. Tiberius, whom Henry is also based on, was the stepson of Augustus, through his wife Livia. Who might or might not have been the first woman to have been adressed as Matrona, who might or might not have been the love of Augustus' life. I have no fucking idea what Donna meant or meant not to imply in this, but it's absolutely a mess in my brain like why 🚬😵‍💫 Girl that child already has 3 names if she's Henry reincarnate too I'd fucking drown her if I were Marion (read my drabble, it's mandatory).
Charles and dr. Roland also strangely correlate. There is this very basic French classic called Chanson de Roland, that tells of the life of its titular character, a military leader under Charles the Great. Why this random song would be important, is that because of it, in the game of euchre (which is referenced in the book, as something Charles taught Richard), the king of heart is called Charles while his corresponding valet is called Roland. Vaguely on the same line, but Augustus is sometimes represented as the king of diamonds, which is the side of the card table that Charles presses against when he and Richard enter peak homoeroticism.
It's often referenced by the community that in Bret Ellis' Rules of Attraction, Paul and Lauren (two students at Ellis' Camden) talk about the classics students who killed a farmer in the woods and do not come to parties. Well, I have read RoA and here's a couple others:
Brigid Mcauly is offhandledly mentioned as a frigid student that hooked up with a possibly homosexual professor;
Lauren has a friend named Judy who is loud and majors in theater, her last name is not mentioned.
"Party Pig" is a title given in TSH to a guy called Jud McKenna that Richard gets hard over at that party where he picks up Mona, but in RoA that is what Lauren recalls people name Sean Bateman, another main character in RoA who appears in other works as well. Wink.
The "Swedish girl who wears nets and boots" is a friend of Marion's that Charles mentions, but is also someone Sean hooks up with in RoA as "that Swedish girl from Connecticut". This is very much probably the same person, for our Marion is herself from Connecticut. She's also a friend of Lauren, I think, which would have hilarious implications on the two novels.
I also think Bunny is specifically a fifth and not a sixth or seventh or forth child for the author to make a joke on Quentin Compson, whose name means fifth, who also has a niece that keeps his name going (sadly).
I wonder why Julian's last name is Morrow and what it means, I have my hypothesis in the post I've linked, but I genuinely want to pick at Donna's brain and see what's the deal with him.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - Day 1 - BBC Ghosts
Title: ThemThere Whumptober 2022 [AO3: Part 1]
Prompt: "This wasn't supposed to happen."
Characters: Julian Fawcett
A/N: Welcome to Whumptober 2022! Every day this month, I will be posting a little ThemThere themed ficlet. I hope you enjoy them! My ask box is open for prompts in general (especially for Whump Wednesday and Fluff Friday).
Day 1 - "This wasn't supposed to happen."
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He might be able to play it off in front of the others but deep down, Julian had not believed for one second that he’d actually be able to push the woman out of the window. He could barely move a teacup, for Heaven’s sake – nothing should have happened when he’d touched her back. And yet it had. For the first time since his death his powers had peaked – fatally, irreversibly, deadly.
He’d never been a good person. Julian was as much aware of that as he was of the grass being green and the sky being blue. It had been common knowledge when he was alive and it was still common knowledge now that he was dead. But that didn’t mean he had ever wanted to be like George Button and kill someone just to make his own life – or death, as it happened to be – a little easier.
Had he actually killed the woman, though? She had been alive when the ambulance arrived, hadn’t she? Perhaps the doctors would be able to fix her in the hospital and she’d be right as rain in a couple of days, able to go on about her life as if nothing had happened at all.
Something had happened, though, something terrible that no amount of denial or clever thinking would ever be able to change or undo. Deep down, Julian knew the brief but utter terror he’d felt when the woman lost her balance and disappeared from his grasp would stay with him forever – locked away in the deepest, darkest part of his mind, perhaps, but nevertheless still there. It was something he would have to live with for the rest of his afterlife, however long that would turn out to be.
A ghost forever haunted by his own actions – the irony of it all wasn’t lost on him.
God, Julian desperately hoped the woman would live.
She did – but even after she returned to the house and they all learned that she could see them the guilt didn’t lessen. It did the opposite: with every day Julian lived with her under the same roof, got to know her, began to cherish her presence in his otherwise dull existence, the guilt grew. Julian knew he had to tell her what he’d done – what he feared he’d done – but the moment never seemed right and the longer he waited, the harder it became to come clean about his actions.
So he smiled and laughed and joked as he always did, and tried his best to ignore the thought that refused to be banished: This wasn’t supposed to happen.
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Little Things
Hiya kids... Uncle Alto here. I might have "borrowed" Rabbit's account after she failed to log out while getting lunch. So... while she's still off getting our beef stroganoff, let me tell you a little more about Site Command's unofficial favorite intern.
First off, Rabbit is the first to just jump in to try and help. Very good in a person, but... somehow it never really seems to occur to her to not help out.
She's scarily observant. She knows who's not doing well with hardly any interaction. Hell, sometimes she manages to predict who's about to breach before I do, and resolved the issue before it gets out of hand. Dr. Glass swears 914 gave her clairvoyance.
She may be sweet in person and on the phone, but in the COD lobby, don't mess with her. She's lethal with a RAAL in game.
She always smells great, like my favorite branch of Federal losers... ATF. Alcohol (whiskey), tobacco absolute, and firearms (hint of gunpowder). Gotta find out what perfume she wears, I dig it.
She can cook. Kinda wish I declared war on soup before now that she's bringing lunch in.
She's good at artsy stuff. It's cool to see some of the things she makes. Dr. Light loves the bracelet Rabbit made her for her birthday. She keeps threatening to make me a lei to go with my Polynesian shirts... Rabbit, if you're wondering, red is my color according to 173.
She's the first intern I've seen to make Dr. Iceberg afraid of her. Julian isn't scared of shit, really... but on the rare chance Rabbit blows her stack, he runs and hides in his office. Thankfully, Rabbit is usually chill.
She's adorable when she blushes. Which happens whenever she's complimented. Dr. Gears told her she made great coffee (she does, fyi) and she turned the cutest shade of pink.
She wears these cute little green dresses, which normally no female who had to fight would pick. Nothing too risqué, maybe the skirts are a bit shorter or with a slit on the sides. Yet, she's never had issues with fights, not even in heels. Abel's even impressed she can flip kick in 4 inch chunky heel ankle boots. And they hurt. I got one to the chest last Friday during the Soup Incident, and I'm still bruised a week later. Cute, but kicks like a ballet-trained mule.
She hasn't been back to West Virginia in years, but still has the accent. It comes out stronger if she's tired or getting sick of crap. The trigger warning for her getting really angry? "Bless your heart" or some variant, followed by brutal honesty. Rabbit angry is still polite, but maliciously so. And, so long as she's not mad at me, I'm here for it. While others raise their voices in anger, she tends to get icily quiet. I've only heard her yell once, and it was at Abel. He was so shocked he dropped his sword. Yeah... Yelling Rabbit is Peak Scary Rabbit. Rarely happens, though.
She loves dark chocolate. I think it tastes like dirt, but she enjoys it.
She's very practical for someone claiming to be a witch. Not militant witch, nor airy-fairy, but very grounded. Like, before saging the office for evil spirits, check the carbon monoxide detectors first stuff. But will holy water the hells out of a fool if needed. Fun fact, even for non-demons, a super soaker full of holy water will at least slow someone down a bit, if not just confuse them.
She's not flirting, she's just nice. Catches people off guard, but some guys just take it the wrong way.
When she's had enough of my crap, she'll tease me relentlessly. Favorite insult of hers towards me? "Bless your heart, Dr. Clef, but, you ain't evil. You're just a surf hobo with access to shotguns. Tone it down."
For a Dungeons and Dragons game, she once created the most evil minions I've seen in game. Forget what she called them, but they were basically what would happen if a casowary horde caught the G-Virus in Resident Evil, but with a hive mind. Meaning... see one, get killed by many while the rest beeline to you and your crew's asses. Rather face an entire factory of Nemesis and Mr X than see those demented nightmares ever again. I took the first chance to lay low after my poor rogue barely survived... which led to a one night subplot, "Phineas The Unseen Attempts to Evade the Overly Serious Sisters of Sigyn and Dodge the Bills". Fun times, but I got out of it.
She's actually funny. She can be mean, but it's with an intent of improvement. Some of her jokes are a bit odd, especially the dad jokes. An example; Dr Gears- "I'm serious-" Rabbit- "Hi, Serious, I'm Rabbit." I did see ol COGswell crack the tiniest hint of a grin while shaking his head.
She's seen the weirdest shit in creation, yet hasn't stopped marveling at little things. The first snowfall is still magic to her. She likes the sounds of thunderstorms, stuff like that. It's honestly one of the things that surprised me most.
She keeps a secret stash of candy for surprise incentives for junior researchers. Those that do good work will often find proposals returned with a candy bar enclosed. Really clever and well drafted ones get the better options.
I've only known her personally over a year or so, but... it's easier to tell her some of the terrible stuff happening than even Glass. She never really judges, just listens and tries to come up with solutions. Plus, sometimes she brings in goodies.
Her laugh. I swear by 343, if anyone really gets her laughing it's more infectious than a zombie virus. There was a three way Joke-Off in the site cafeteria between myself, Bright, and Agent Maine, by the end of round two none of us could tell any more jokes we were all laughing so hard. Her laugh is loud, but like a good pitch.
I may have a tiny crush on my intern. This... may be trouble. But then, I am a Clef, it's only natural I find trouble, heh.
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